Abdominoplasty is not immediately after. Who did Abdominoplasty - abdominal correction. Higher, stronger, faster

It is aimed at removing fat folds and sagging skin on the abdomen and is considered one of the most difficult plastic surgeries in terms of rehabilitation. The duration of full recovery depends on many factors, and only your attending physician can tell you when you will be able to sleep on your stomach after abdominoplasty.

How is rehabilitation after abdominoplasty?

You will have to spend several days after the operation in the hospital under the supervision of a surgeon. According to modern data, early activation promotes rapid healing and reduces the risk of thromboembolism. On the first day in the evening, it’s good to start getting up slowly, you can only sleep and lie on your back. On the second day the swelling increases, but you will have to walk with all your might. On days 3-4, you can try lying on your side with your legs bent. Stitches are usually removed after 10-14 days. Be prepared for the fact that in the next few months your lifestyle will be subordinated to only one goal - the proper healing of tissues and sutures.

After 7-10 days, patients begin to straighten up and, as a rule, walk well after 2 weeks. At this time, you can start lying on your stomach, as you feel, if it is comfortable and there is no feeling of tension. Moreover, in the case of fluid accumulation (seroma), in this position the tissues grow even faster, and the cavity for fluid accumulation closes faster.

If all recommendations are carefully followed, complete tissue healing occurs within 3-4 months. Throughout this period, you should regularly come to the doctor for follow-up examinations. He will see how the tissues are healing and will let you know when you can sleep on your stomach afterwards without fear of the stitches coming apart or rough keloid scars forming.

Rehabilitation after a surgical tummy tuck takes a long time and is associated with a lot of difficulties. It is necessary to monitor tissue healing, care for the scar, strictly adhere to a rest regime, and try not to be nervous about the inevitable side effects.

Swelling after abdominoplasty last for at least 1-2 months and subside very slowly. In one of the monographs dedicated to this operation, its author is Professor V.V. The snorer especially notes that stagnation of fluid in the abdominal wall area can persist for up to six months or more.

Why does this happen and how to survive this difficult period? What can be done to speed up resorption? What alarming symptoms should you pay special attention to and how not to confuse a harmless “side” with a dangerous complication? The site goes into detail:

Why swelling is inevitable...

  • Abdominoplasty, even if it is performed using the most gentle techniques, is an extensive operation during which large amounts of tissue are peeled off and moved. For our body, this is always a severe trauma and it certainly causes inflammation - a special protective-adaptive reaction aimed at restoring the integrity of tissues. Substances are released that increase the permeability of blood and lymphatic capillaries, as a result of which some of the fluid from them escapes into the soft tissues. This mechanism allows the delivery of immunoglobulins and other biomaterials to problem areas of the body, which are necessary to destroy damaged cells and start regeneration processes. Thus, swelling is not only inevitable, but also a necessary part of recovery after abdominal surgery.
  • The second significant factor is the presence of an incision on the anterior abdominal wall. Blood and other liquid substances actively flow to the areas above the suture, but problems arise with the outflow: the forming scar tissue interferes. Circulation will be more or less difficult until the scar has fully matured (which is 8-12 months), but all external manifestations of this problem should disappear after 6-12 weeks, when new vessels form in the scar tissue.

Normally, swelling is active increase in the first 3-4 days after surgery, then begin to go away slowly. Significant improvement is usually noticeable after 1-2 months, and complete resorption can take up to six months. Sometimes it lasts even longer - for example, in patients with thick skin and a large amount of fatty tissue, and also if other corrections in the same area were carried out simultaneously with abdominoplasty, in particular liposuction of the sides (surgeons like to combine these two operations, since together they can achieve graceful thin waist).

...And how to get rid of them

Unfortunately, there is no quick and effective way to deal with swelling after tummy tuck. You will have to be patient and strictly follow all the recommendations of your surgeon - many of them are aimed specifically at preventing excessive stagnation of fluid in the body. Let's take a closer look at what to expect and what to do at each stage of the rehabilitation period:

  • The first hours and days after surgery

Drains are inserted into the sutured incision on the abdomen. These are special tubes that, during the first 3-7 days, remove excess fluid from the tissues and prevent it from stagnating. It is mandatory for the patient - with their help, firstly, the suture and displaced tissues are fixed, and secondly, blood and lymph flow is stimulated, which helps reduce swelling. You will have to wear underwear for at least 1-2 months, at first - 24 hours a day, removing them only during water procedures, then - only during the day.

You should lie in a special position - with a straight chest and legs slightly raised relative to the body. This normalizes blood flow, disturbed due to the stitch in the abdomen, and also avoids deep vein thrombosis. Once every 1-2 hours you should get up, walk around a little and return to a horizontal position again. But sitting is strictly contraindicated: in this position, blood rushes to the pelvis, which contributes to the increase in swelling.

An important component of successful rehabilitation is a proper diet. In order not to provoke fluid retention, after tummy tuck you should avoid foods with a high salt content (canned food, marinades, smoked meats), reduce the amount of flour, fried and fatty foods, and also try to limit alcohol consumption as much as possible. These principles should be followed at least until the end of the recovery period.

  • First weeks

If there are no complications, the patient’s sutures are removed on the 10th day after abdominoplasty. Immediately after this, with the permission of the doctor, you can begin to use ointments that improve local blood circulation: heparin, Lyoton, Traumeel, Troxevasin, etc. If at the same time you plan to use external agents to heal the scar, it is important to schedule their application, since absorbable ointments should not be mixed with anti-scar ointments.

By the beginning of the 3-4th week, again, with the permission of the doctor, you can begin a course of physical therapy. In the fight against edema, procedures are used that improve microcirculation and promote lymphatic drainage - pressotherapy, microcurrent therapy, LPG massage, UHF therapy, electrophoresis or phonophoresis with drugs such as heparin or trypsin. True, one should not expect any wow effect from them: many surgeons are quite skeptical about the effectiveness of these procedures after abdominoplasty. However, they won’t do any harm either.

  • First months

For those who want to quickly disperse swelling, in the 6th week you can begin the next stage of rehabilitation - physical therapy. Properly selected exercises can restore normal blood circulation and accelerate the outflow of stagnant fluid from tissues. However, it should be remembered that excessive load can only aggravate the situation, therefore, firstly, fitness and all traditional sports remain prohibited, and secondly, exercise therapy classes should be carried out only under the supervision of an instructor.

For the rest, you need to rely on the advice of your surgeon. After each follow-up examination, he will adjust the recommendations and gradually lift all postoperative restrictions. If the recovery period is uncomplicated, by the end of the second month it will be possible to evaluate the result obtained.

If not only the abdomen swells

Situations when, in addition to the operated area, other areas of the body “swell” happen quite rarely. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Swelling of the labia and the entire intimate area after abdominoplasty is considered normal. The fact is that in these areas there is a lot of loose subcutaneous tissue, which contributes to the rapid accumulation and retention of fluid. You just have to be patient and wait for the rehabilitation to complete.
  • Congestion in the forearms and along the entire length of the arms is usually due to the fact that in the first few days the patient is given a large number of droppers (painkillers, antibiotics, hemoglobin, etc.) Because of this, thrombophlebitis begins - inflammation and swelling of the venous walls. As a rule, it is not dangerous to health and goes away on its own after the injections are stopped.
  • Swelling in the legs indicates weakness of blood vessels in this area, incl. about the presence of varicose veins or a tendency to it. If, in the absence of other complications, fluid does not leave the lower extremities 1-2 weeks after surgery, it makes sense to consult a phlebologist.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor as quickly as possible?

The following symptoms require special attention: they often indicate the development of complications, incl. dangerous to health and life. If they occur, you should immediately contact your surgeon or any other available specialist for prompt treatment:

  • If the volume of the abdomen grows, the tissues become hard and tense to the touch, and when pressed, there is a feeling that liquid is overflowing under them - probably. It must be drained, otherwise suppuration is possible.
  • Redness and increasing pain in the problem area, as well as an increase in temperature and an accelerated heartbeat indicate the presence of infectious inflammation. Most often this happens towards the end of the first postoperative week. To eliminate the problem, a course of antibiotics is prescribed - orally or through an IV.
  • In cases where the swelling is generalized and extends far beyond the abdomen and thighs, the functioning of the kidneys and heart should be immediately checked. This condition carries the greatest potential danger and the sooner its cause is identified and treatment is started, the greater the chances of eliminating it without consequences for health.

Plastic correction of the abdominal area is resorted to as a last resort when nothing else helps, or when there is no opportunity to vigorously engage in sports.

Today, abdominal abdominoplasty is almost the most popular procedure in aesthetic surgery, along with Botox injections and liposuction, since these procedures provide the most effective result of appearance correction. Photos before and after methods provide an excellent opportunity to verify this.

The specific type of tummy tuck is chosen by the doctor depending on the nature and volume of fat deposits, the patient’s age, the individual characteristics of the body and some other factors that affect the complexity of the operation. Surgery lasts on average from 2 to 5 hours. At this time, the patient is under general anesthesia and gas endotracheal anesthesia is used.

With fat tissue aspiration

This is a classic method of surgery, including correction of deformities of the anterior abdominal wall and liposuction - removal of fat depots. The technique allows you to create a thin waist; excess skin from all parts of the abdomen and most of the fatty tissue are removed.

Abdominoplasty with aspiration is performed in patients with high abdominal ptosis (3-4 degrees of deformation), with an apron-type skin fold. If correction is necessary, the surgeon touches the areas on the sides of the body. Classic intervention is prescribed to get rid of diastasis (separation of the rectus abdominis muscles) and hernial formations.

The operation is carried out in several stages:

Mini abdominoplasty

A common type of surgery takes about 2.5 hours. Experts recommend it to patients without excessive amounts of fat deposits, if there are imperfections in the waist and abdomen, for example, severe diastasis after pregnancy, stretch marks, stretched sagging skin. The abdomen is pulled up in the lower sector using this method; navel transfer is not required.

The features of mini abdominoplasty include the following technique:

Average abdominoplasty

The main goal is the excision of sagging abdominal tissue (“getting rid of the apron” - this is how the name of this type of operation (apronectomy) is translated. At its core, this operation is a cross between classic adominoplasty and miniabdominoplasty. This operation is prescribed for patients with obvious excess skin in the lower abdomen, for whom a mini-surgery will not be enough.

The middle abdominoplasty process includes:

  • general anesthesia lasting 2.5 hours;
  • short scar on the skin;
  • elimination of a small amount of adipose tissue.

Full abdominoplasty with or without umbilical ring surgery

This type of operation (abdominotorsorrhaphy) affects, in addition to the abdominal tissues, the lateral surfaces, the back and buttocks. The before and after results can be compared using photographs. Surgical intervention ensures the transfer of the navel to the correct position (in the middle part of the abdomen relative to the pubis and sternal urinary process).

It is done for patients with a large mass of fatty deposits, stretched skin and stretch marks on the back and sides, and a pronounced umbilical hernia.

The following defects of the umbilical ring are distinguished:

  • the navel protrudes and protrudes strongly;
  • the umbilical fossa is too deep and is prone to inflammation due to the accumulation of sebaceous gland secretions;
  • the navel is too wide, stretched longitudinally or transversely;
  • navel sagging;
  • lateral displacement or very low/high position;
  • scars from previous operations.

Details of the operation with umbilical ring plastic surgery:

  • Excess skin is excised.
  • The navel is transposed either to its usual place or to a new one with the formation of a new hole in the skin.

Vertical abdominoplasty

It is recommended by surgeons for patients with a vertical scar running along the midline or pubic area - from previous operations. Oblique scars are often found on the right in the iliac abdomen (after removal of appendicitis) or on the right under the ribs (after cholecystectomy).

The vertical method is used if a significant excess of tissue is observed on the patient’s sides and above the umbilical region (suitable for obese people). The method works well with severe separation of the abdominal muscles (stage 3 diastasis). Method of execution: a vertical incision is made, in addition a horizontal approach is performed, characteristic of classic abdominoplasty.

Advantages of the method:

  • a large layer of tissue is cut off in the middle zone of the abdomen;
  • the surgeon can separate the edges of the skin with adipose tissue in the vicinity of the stitched parts of the aponeurosis of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • a noticeable reduction in the patient’s waist and body size, because a wide duplication of the aponeurosis is created along the anterior abdominal wall (excess skin in the epigastrium area is removed).

Lateral abdominoplasty

Involves making incisions along the sides of the abdomen. It combines the technique of classical and vertical techniques, also called “tense-lateral” abdominoplasty, because. skin tension is done at an angle of 90 degrees to the patient’s vertical axis.

The displaced tissues end up in the lateral parts of the abdomen. The method shows good results for waist shaping.

A small detachment of the skin flap during surgery gives the least complications during the healing stage. A small strand of tissue on both sides of the scar will allow the formation of a thin, invisible trace of the intervention.

Abdominoplasty with waist contouring

It is performed for patients who want to return the curve to the lateral areas of the abdomen or to shape the waistline, if at the time of surgical intervention there is a large volume of the abdomen and bulging of the anterior abdominal wall. To achieve good results and satisfy the patient’s wishes, the surgeon removes one or two pairs of lower ribs.

In this type of operation, excess skin is excised in the lower abdomen, while the formed suture is located below the umbilical area and, after healing, is safely hidden under the underwear, without revealing the surgical intervention.

Endoscopic abdominoplasty

This is a method through which a tummy tuck is performed in a gentle, atraumatic way, sometimes accompanied by liposuction. The operation is indicated for defects of the anterior abdominal wall and mild obesity, i.e. mainly young patients with elastic skin (most often, endoscopic intervention is performed on women after childbirth to regain their slimness).

The method is less traumatic due to small punctures and not an incision, as with other types of abdominoplasty. Through punctures, the muscles are stitched together with endoscopic equipment, and the skin remains intact. Puncture marks become invisible after a short period of time.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Abdominoplasty shows in the before and after photos that people undergo surgery not only to give an aesthetic appearance to the body, but also for significant reasons.


  • The presence of excess fatty tissue along the anterior abdominal wall and in the lateral parts of the abdomen. Excess is understood as that mass of adipose tissue that cannot be effectively removed by liposuction, exercise and diet.
    Abdominoplasty is an effective way to eliminate stretched skin and excess fat deposits in the abdomen and waist. The result of the operation is shown in the before and after photos.

  • If a large area of ​​the skin of the abdomen is covered with stretch marks (scar atrophy).
  • If the patient does not have a pronounced waist as a feature of the figure’s constitution or as a side effect of increased pumping of the oblique muscles. Presence of rough scars, hernias.

  • When the aponeurotic region of the anterior abdominal wall diverges as a result of stretching factors (fullness, pregnancy or genetic weakness of the connective tissue structure). The muscles diverge along the white line of the abdomen (the so-called diastasis is formed); in some cases, in addition to diastasis, hernias of the abdomen and navel are observed.

In addition, the operation is indicated if it is necessary to perform plastic surgery of the peri-umbilical area and restore the navel.

This part of the abdomen is often subject to unpleasant defects due to the following reasons:

There are a number of contraindications for abdominoplasty, which you need to inform your doctor about in order to decide on further actions.

Surgery cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • in acute infectious diseases or during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • for blood diseases and problems with blood clotting factors;
  • at any stage of pregnancy, during lactation and planning pregnancy less than 1 year after abdominoplasty;
  • with a tendency to form a keloid or hypertrophic scar at the incision site;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • for severe diseases of internal organs;
  • with chronic heart or pulmonary failure;
  • if there is a possibility of a crisis of arterial hypertension;
  • for disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • in conditions of fresh postoperative scars;
  • for allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of local anesthesia;
  • in case of unstable state of the patient’s psycho-emotional sphere or mental disorders;
  • under the age of 18;
  • with significant obesity of the patient.

In the latter case, he is recommended to lose weight as much as possible through diet and physical activity before surgery. In some situations, liposuction is performed before abdominoplasty. As healing proceeds, preparations for abdominoplasty proceed.

Excess weight threatens to increase the postoperative period and problems with sutures.

Also, recommendations for weight loss before surgery are given to patients whose plans included losing weight after surgery (this can harm the results of abdominoplasty, as the skin will begin to sag, looseness and laxity will appear).

Traces for memory: scars and cicatrices

Traces from abdominal abdominoplasty, shown in the before and after photos, become less noticeable after a while thanks to the professional work of surgeons. The use of high-quality suture material and a special technique for suturing surgical incisions helps to obtain a thin strip at the site of the scar.

The condition of the suture is carefully monitored in the first weeks after surgery. Skin sutures must be removed after 2 weeks; intradermal sutures made with self-absorbing sutures or adhesive sutures should not be touched, only processed.

If the abdominoplasty was very serious, before and after photos show the difference, and the scars are visible, you can resort to modern cosmetology. To eliminate scars and scars, laser resurfacing and radiolifting procedures or retouching with medical tattooing for an aesthetic appearance are used.

Rehabilitation period and possible complications

Abdominoplasty entails a long recovery period. The first 1 – 1.5 months are particularly difficult; in general, rehabilitation takes 6 months.

After the operation, the patient must be under medical supervision for at least 3 days, of which:

  • The first day the patient lies in the ward. Nothing from food is allowed immediately, and after restoration of intestinal functions, you can take light food. Drinking water is allowed.
  • On the second day, the patient begins to carefully get out of bed, light food and drink are allowed.
  • On the third day after examination by the surgeon and depending on the condition of the operated patient, the issue of discharge is decided.

General health after abdominoplasty is marked by pain and tension in the midsection of the torso. Discomfort can last up to 3 weeks - some patients even need help getting up from a horizontal position.

  • The need to wear compression garments for at least 1 - 2 months after surgery. Fixation with linen helps healing and prevents the seams from coming apart.
  • Proper nutritious nutrition. The postoperative period is not the time for dieting.
  • Daily regime without overload (ban on fitness, visiting the bathhouse, sauna).
  • Minimum water procedures so that the seam does not come into contact with water. Regular showering is allowed a week after surgery, but the seam must be protected from soap and detergents.
  • Treat the seam with antiseptic solutions three times a day.

The postoperative period does not always go smoothly. If any complications arise, the patient must see his doctor.

Individual reactions of the body are possible in the form of such local complications:

If the muscles were stitched unevenly, asymmetry of the anterior abdominal wall occurs. To remove it, the patient will have to undergo another plastic surgery or use alternative methods (filling with their own fat or filling with fillers based on hyaluronic acid).

When can you have sex after surgery?

Return to intimate life is allowed no earlier than a few weeks after surgery. Restrictions are introduced due to swelling, discomfort, and the risk of suture divergence. During sex, a rush of blood occurs in the pelvic area, which is undesirable during the recovery period.

The exact timing of the return of sexual life depends on the well-being of the operated patient; on average, it is resolved 1 month after surgery.

Is it possible to give birth after abdominoplasty?

But if the patient decides to become pregnant after a tummy tuck - and this operation affected only the skin and fatty tissue without damaging the muscle fibers - then the anterior abdominal wall can withstand the load for 9 months. The method of delivery has nothing to do with the presence of abdominoplasty and lies entirely in the field of obstetrics.

Paying for beauty: how much does it cost and how long does the result last?

The level of costs for surgery, hospital stay, anesthesia, tests and related services can be determined based on the type of operation. First you need to consult a surgeon. On average, the price starts at 140 thousand rubles. You can find out approximate prices on the websites of clinics that practice abdominoplasty, and see before and after photos there.

It is difficult to decide on an operation; you are afraid of anesthesia, post-operative recovery, and the considerable cost of the procedure. However, the results of abdominoplasty will last for years to come; this is a reasonable investment in maintaining slimness.

Video about abdominoplasty. Photos before and after surgery

Abdominoplasty. Photos before and after surgery:

How is abdominoplasty surgery performed:

The desire to have a perfect body, ideal forms is common to every person. Modern plastic surgery offers its patients more and more methods for correcting body lines and proportions that have lost their attractiveness and are not restored through physical exercise. is a modern revolutionary method of effective body correction, in which tissue trauma occurs to a minimum extent.

The peculiarities of the rehabilitation period should be taken into account by patients, since the effectiveness of the effect and the duration of maintaining the result largely depend on compliance with all the doctor’s recommendations.

Possible complications and consequences

With a large number of positive characteristics after its implementation, there is a certain risk of a number of side effects. Their manifestation depends on the body’s ability to quickly self-heal, the absence of a hereditary tendency to, if the rehabilitation period is carried out correctly. Complications that arise in patients after this type of surgical correction of a certain area of ​​the body can be:

  • the appearance of extensive bruises, which most often occur in places where the skin is cut and sutures are applied in these places;
  • , which, if the recovery period is successfully completed, goes away on its own, but in some cases persists for a long time;
  • in the field of surgical intervention;
  • divergence of cosmetic sutures that were placed at the skin incision sites during the operation;
  • the appearance of rough scars and scars - they most often occur at the site of cosmetic sutures;
  • the appearance of signs of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • tissue necrosis - most often this unpleasant manifestation is observed in the navel area and can be triggered by the presence of such a bad habit as smoking.

The large amount of work during the operation in question also increases the risk of developing side effects. When carrying out abdominoplasty operations in parallel and removing excess fat deposits (), some smoothness of the skin may appear, and this is often noted with a lack of practical experience of the plastic surgeon. This side effect is also observed when the subcutaneous fat is unevenly distributed. Sometimes surgical sutures become inflamed, which is noted when they are not sufficiently treated with disinfectants. For severe pain, the doctor usually prescribes Ketonal.

This video will tell you what unforeseen consequences may occur after abdominoplasty:


Retention of excess fluid in the tissues can be caused by a violation of the kidneys, or with a hereditary tendency to react with congestion in case of mechanical damage to the skin. Edema most often resolves on its own, but if it persists for a long time, especially in places of incisions and sutures, there is a high probability of developing inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous fat.

To eliminate edema, your doctor may recommend the use of decongestants that have a diuretic effect. However, due to the active removal from the body of such important microelements as potassium, magnesium and sodium during their long-term use, in parallel with their intake, you should include in your diet foods rich in these substances, or take ready-made mineral complexes. and Essaven, help with bruises and swelling.

Seam divergence

If physical activity is too early or tissue healing is poor, the cosmetic suture may come apart. This is fraught with the penetration of infections into the body, the appearance of inflammatory processes, which aggravates the weakening of the body after the intervention and requires an immediate response from the doctor. When surgical sutures diverge, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, the duration and frequency of which is prescribed by the doctor.

The use of hormonal drugs with or (such as) in combination with will help reduce the time for complete healing of the suture. Also good in this case.

Hematomas and seromas

Often, any surgical intervention is accompanied by the appearance of bruises and hematomas, which, with proper care of the skin and damaged areas, resolve on their own. However, in some cases, for example, with increased skin sensitivity, they persist for a long time.

In case of numerous bruises, hematomas and seromas, the doctor may recommend the use of absorbable ointments and gels, which promote faster blood circulation and eliminate these unpleasant manifestations.

Necrosis of the navel

With such a bad habit as smoking, tissue necrosis may occur, and the navel area is considered the most vulnerable place. Even with minor changes in the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe the use of special medications. Their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and reducing skin infections.

You can see your belly a week after abdominoplasty in the video below:

Rehabilitation period and recovery after abdominoplasty

The rehabilitation recovery period after the implementation of the considered surgical operation to correct the body has a number of specific features. The tissue healing process after completion of any type of abdominoplasty is quite short. This is explained by the lack of impact on internal organs: surgical manipulations are carried out exclusively in the layers of the upper epidermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue. For this reason, the healing process of damaged tissue is not long.

Principles and rules

To speed up the recovery of damaged tissue, you should regularly disinfect the suture area and monitor the healing process of the skin. The following recommendations from doctors for the recovery period will help to achieve healing faster:

  • a significant reduction in physical activity, which is important especially in the area where surgery was performed;
  • limiting visits to the solarium, swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna - here exposure to humidity and high temperatures occurs, which negatively affects the healing of sutures;
  • regular treatment of suture sites with disinfectant solutions prescribed by a doctor.

The tips provided will help shorten the duration of the rehabilitation period and prevent the likelihood of developing side effects.

Compression garments

Wearing special underwear that has a supportive effect will allow skin lesions to heal faster with minimal risk of scarring. Compression underwear copes with this task perfectly: eliminating unnecessary stress on the seams, it provides the necessary rest to the skin and eliminates the risk of stagnant processes in the subcutaneous tissue.


The rehabilitation period must be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor. For the first time after the operation, it is necessary to completely abandon any physical activity; it is preferable to remain in bed for at least the first two days after the operation.

A sagging belly, somewhat reminiscent of an apron, bothers many women. For some, the problem arose after childbirth, for others - after sudden weight loss. The article will talk about abdominoplasty surgery, which helps to cope with the problem of a sagging belly.

Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery aimed at improving the condition of the abdominal muscles (restoring the muscle frame) and removing excess fat and skin. Abdominoplasty is a complex operation performed under general anesthesia. This is not an easy cosmetic procedure. This is a surgical intervention, after which the patient goes through a long rehabilitation process.

As with any operation, there are indications for abdominoplasty:

  • dermal fat;
  • prolapse of the anterior abdominal wall and lateral sections;
  • unaesthetic, rough postoperative scars from previous operations;
  • large excess skin;
  • the presence of “old” stretch marks;
  • separation of the abdominal muscles (diastasis);
  • deformation in the abdominal area.

It should be noted that all these indications work provided that it is impossible to influence them without surgical intervention. In other words, if the patient can tighten the muscles himself in the gym or reduce the skin with a massage or massage, the operation should not be performed. The doctor will try to dissuade you from surgery and advise you to take other measures to improve the appearance of your abdomen.

Types of abdominoplasty

There are full, mini and endoscopic abdominoplasty.

Full abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. The patient undergoes a preliminary examination, takes the necessary tests, and prepares.

The duration of the operation is from two to six hours. With a full abdominoplasty, the navel is transferred, the skin flap is completely detached to the costal arches, excess skin and fat are removed, and muscles are sutured. Then the doctor stitches and inserts drains. The patient is wearing compression stockings. He will walk in it from a month to three.

In this type of surgery, an incision is made along the bikini line (from hip to hip). Sometimes a deeper incision is made (on the sides). This is the case if the stomach hangs not only in front, but also from the sides. The location of the incision and the expected length are discussed with the surgeon before surgery. Another small scar will remain around the navel.

As a rule, the sutures fade during the first year after surgery.

Mini abdominoplasty is also performed under general anesthesia. The operation time is significantly reduced compared to a full abdominoplasty.

The incision for this operation is also located in the bikini area, but it is much shorter.

The rehabilitation period is much faster and easier. In this type of operation, the navel remains in its place and a small flap of skin is removed.

Endoscopic abdominoplasty is performed through small punctures (incisions). It is performed by tightening the abdominal muscles without removing excess fat or skin. After it, the scars are almost invisible.

Abdominoplasty: photo and markings

Before the operation, the surgeon will take several photographs (full face, profile and third of a turn). He will also make careful markings on the body. This is one of the important parts in preparing for surgery. The more correctly and carefully the markings are applied, the better the result of the operation will be.

Abdominoplasty: rehabilitation

After the operation is completed, the patient is usually transferred to the ward. It is placed on a bed with the head base raised. A cushion is placed under the knees. Such conditions are created for the least tension of the skin in the seam area. A course of antibiotics and painkillers may be prescribed (as prescribed by a doctor). Drains are located in the pubic area. They will be removed on the second or third day. If there is discharge, it can be left for a longer period. Drainage tubes are placed to avoid the risk of developing seromas (fluid accumulation in the surgical wound).

The very next day the patient will be asked to get up and start moving. At first you need to walk in a half-bent position.

Prescribed by a doctor. In the first days it will be necessary to eat soft food (porridge, mashed potatoes, pureed vegetables). Drinking should also be gentle.

The next day, the first dressing is usually carried out with treatment of the seam. That's when you can see your new body. At other times, compression garments cannot be removed.

You need to wear underwear as much as the attending physician deems necessary.

After discharge, you will need to come for examinations and dressings as prescribed by the doctor.

There may be a slight fever and weakness for several days after the operation.

During the first months, physical activity is prohibited: sporting events, weight lifting, running, dancing, etc.

Full recovery after surgery lasts up to one year. For about another six months, swelling in the abdomen and waist may periodically occur.

You cannot visit the sauna, solarium, or swimming pool.

After abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty: swelling

Swelling after abdominoplasty is normal. A complex operation was performed, so the body reacts with swelling, bruising, and pain. Swelling can occur at different times of the day. But in the morning, as a rule, the swelling is minimal and increases in the evening. It is imperative to wear post-operative underwear both day and night. It helps fight swelling. Swelling may persist for up to six months. Try to adjust the menu: exclude salty, spicy, canned food, carbonated drinks. This will minimize the occurrence of swelling.

Lingerie after abdominoplasty

The patient is put on a special compression garment (bandage) right on the operating table. The model and size of the required bandage in each case is helped by the operating surgeon. When choosing and purchasing linen, it is better not to save money. You will need to walk in it for a long time. Lingerie makes your physical condition easier after surgery. It supports the operated area in the required position and creates a tightening. This is necessary for good growth of skin and muscles, to reduce swelling and minimize risks after surgery.

Suture after abdominoplasty

After surgery, a fairly long seam remains in the bikini. First, it will need to be treated daily and the bandages changed. Then the doctor will prescribe special ointments to improve the appearance of the seam. After a few months, the seam will become bright red. Then it will gradually begin to fade. With proper care of the seam and the absence of inflammation, the seam will soon become almost invisible. There are procedures for polishing postoperative sutures. If the scar is unsightly, you can always excise and correct it with the application of a new, more accurate suture.

Belly after abdominoplasty

The abdomen after the operation looks flat and toned. The overhang goes away. It becomes the correct anatomical shape. At first there is no sensitivity in the area of ​​the seam and slightly above it. Then everything is restored.

Abdominoplasty: cost of surgery

The cost of abdominoplasty depends on many factors:

  • volume of surgical intervention;
  • complexity of the operation;
  • clinic level;
  • qualifications of the doctor and staff.

The cost, as a rule, includes the price of the operation itself, anesthesia, stay in the clinic after the operation, sometimes preoperative examination and compression garments.

The final price is announced by the surgeon during the examination.

Abdominoplasty: reviews

Irina (30 years old): “The apron belly appeared after the first birth. The second birth did not improve the situation. I have been dreaming about surgery for a long time. I decided and did it. I didn’t regret it for a minute. All complexes disappeared, life changed. Rehabilitation is difficult, but after a month and a half everything is forgotten.”

Anna (43 years old): “The belly does not adorn any woman. She performed the operation despite her husband’s protests. I just feel younger, I wear any clothes. I feel great in a swimsuit. The operation is not easy, but the result is worth it.”

Victoria (33 years old): “After having twins, my stomach did not regain its previous shape. Stretch marks, a lot of excess skin, fat. Just terrible. No classes helped. Only the surgeon who performed the operation saved me. The main thing is to prepare and follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The result is amazing!”

Abdominoplasty: before and after photos

Abdominoplasty: video