Adenoids in children, folk remedies for treating adenoids. Recipe effective recipes for treating adenoids

Treatment of adenoids with folk remedies is the main method for the sluggish nature of the disease. Exacerbations in the form of adenoiditis are treated with medications and physiotherapy.

Chronic development of adenoids, when they grow slowly, is more advisable to treat with traditional methods, since the benefits of drugs are balanced by their harm, in the form of side effects.

The pharyngeal tonsil begins to grow in children after the age of five, dividing into lobules, which are called adenoids. The disease lasts up to 15 years, after which the adenoids shrink and their size returns to the physiological norm. It is located in the area of ​​transition of the nasal passages into the pharynx itself.

In the depths of the pharynx, only the tonsils are visible, and the adenoids can only be seen by a doctor using a nasal speculum. The growth of adenoids narrows the nasal passages and the child often breathes with his mouth open.

Methods and principles of using folk remedies for adenoids

Medicines are intended for adenoids to stabilize their growth or reduce their size. When the disease continues for years, then instead of taking medications, it is better to replace them with so-called folk remedies that have similar effects. Decoctions and infusions have a gentler effect on the child’s organs and systems, since the concentration of active substances in them is noticeably lower.

Folk remedies for adenoids are used in the form of:

  • herbal decoctions;
  • medicinal infusions;
  • alcohol and vodka tinctures;
  • extracts (extracts);
  • nasal drops;
  • inhalations (see ).

How to treat adenoids with folk remedies is not a problem when all the components are at hand. The decoctions are taken orally, gargled with them, and dropped into the nose. Infusions are used in the same way, but tinctures, since they are alcohol-based, are used in special cases and according to special recipes. Extracts, as concentrates of herbal medicines, are used to prepare solutions.

Some herbal preparations and beekeeping products are used to prepare drops if the adenoids have grown and treatment with folk remedies was recommended by the doctor. Inhalations with decoctions of herbs known for their medicinal properties, with the addition of natural essential oils, are used in case of exacerbations of the disease.

The main principle that guides traditional healers is a consistent and long-term effect on the adenoids, as well as strengthening the protective abilities of the child’s body.

Traditional recipes for adenoids: advantages and disadvantages

At first, when parents discover adenoids in a child, they consult a doctor. The treatment he will suggest consists of medications and physical therapy. Adenoids, like an enlarged pharyngeal tonsil, are part of the immune system; this phenomenon is quite common, it is due to age-related characteristics of the development of immune functions.

Treatment of adenoids is a lengthy process, so it is better to use proven folk recipes, they are gentler. Their price is low, but their benefits are undeniable.

Instillation into the nasal passages

It is known how to treat adenoids with folk remedies, you just have to follow the rules. Before instillation into the nose, the passages must be rinsed. This is done by bending forward, alternately rinsing both nostrils with saline solution to wash out mucus from the nasal passages. The video clearly shows how to wash.

All drops are used two or three times a day, 2 drops in each nasal passage:

  1. Liquid honey is added to fresh beet juice; if it has crystallized, it is heated. The resulting drops are applied to the nose in the morning, lunchtime and evening. Beetroot juice is intended to reduce the size of the pharyngeal tonsil.
  2. They use one of the types of essential oils, eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, thuja (see), cypress, or peach oil or clove oil. You can mix them or instill one of them; the dosage for oils is one drop. This treatment must be used daily for a month.
  3. Prepare a decoction from a mixture of eucalyptus and birch leaves. It is infused for an hour or two and used as regular nasal drops.
  4. Juice is obtained from an aloe leaf, diluted a little with boiled water, the dosage is the same as for other drops, for a month or two.
  5. St. John's wort, coltsfoot, a succession in equal proportions are brewed for two hours. One drop of any of the above types of essential oil is added to the strained broth. The course of treatment is two months, two drops are instilled into the nose, 3 times a day.
  6. Boiled goat milk is filtered, 5 ml of celandine infusion is added to it (per glass of milk). Celandine is instilled into the nose with caution, as it is still aggressive for the mucous membranes. Milk with celandine is stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
  7. An infusion of celandine is prepared and its own decoction, but the decoction needs to be left for two days. Before instillation, the infusion of celandine is diluted by half with water. Treatment is carried out for a month.
  8. Drops of celandine juice are made by diluting 1:50 with boiled water and used after rinsing the nose.
  9. A decoction of St. John's wort and mint helps to reduce the size of adenoids when the decoction is instilled into the nose for a month, 5 drops each. Repeat after a week.
  10. The use of sea buckthorn oil promotes the resorption of adenoids and reduces the formation of mucus in the nasal cavity. People try to drip sea buckthorn oil into the nose at night.
  11. The effect of sea buckthorn oil is enhanced by garlic juice, which is added to the oil when adenoiditis occurs.
  12. Instead of instillation, you can moisten cotton turundas with celandine juice diluted with water, which are placed in the nose and left for 15 minutes.
  13. An infusion of cloves is prepared from a decoction of several flower buds of this spice, infusing the decoction for a day. Drops are used in the morning and at night for two weeks.
  14. Instead of eucalyptus oil, a decoction of its leaves is used for instillation, according to the same scheme. If you are preparing an infusion, it is easier to make it in a thermos.
  15. Fresh aloe juice is almost ready-made drops to facilitate nasal breathing; they are used in the morning, lunch and evening.

Nasal rinsing for adenoids

Nasal lavage is the second, and perhaps the first most important method of treating adenoids in children and adolescents. During this procedure, the nasal cavity is cleared of secretions, and if a medicinal decoction is used for rinsing, inflammation is reduced and it becomes easier to breathe through the nose.

The instructions for rinsing the nose are simple: you need to lean forward, turn your head slightly and rinse the left and right halves of the nose alternately. The child does the procedure for rinsing the nose with his own hands, using a syringe or syringe (see).

Recipes for nasal rinsing:

  1. You can rinse your nose with simple rock salt, but it is better to do it with sea salt, dissolving 10 g of salt per liter of clean water.
  2. For rinsing the nose, decoctions of herbs such as calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile, horsetail, and celandine have proven themselves, which are used as a mixture, brewed in equal proportions. For one liter of decoction you need 20 g of a mixture of herbs. These herbs are also brewed, each separately. Rinse your nose with one glass of decoction per procedure.
  3. Aloe juice, diluted with water, is used to rinse the nasal passages to improve breathing through the nose.
  4. A decoction of their herbs, horsetail and chamomile, is infused to form an infusion, and the nose is rinsed for a week.
  5. From beekeeping products, an aqueous infusion of propolis is used to rinse the nose for adenoids, which is prepared from 10 g of propolis and a liter of water.
  6. In addition to instilling a decoction of celandine into the nose, diluted with water, it is effective when rinsing the nose with it for three weeks.

Other folk methods

In addition to drops and rinsing the nose, folk methods include inhalation and taking medicinal decoctions and infusions orally for a general strengthening effect. Treatment with folk remedies reduces adenoids, and this is the main task.

Steam breathing procedures for adenoids expand the nasal passages, making it easier for the child to breathe:

  1. Steam inhalations with a decoction of eucalyptus leaves Use in the evening so that difficulties with nasal breathing do not appear during sleep. For steam inhalation, a warm decoction is poured into a ceramic container so that it cools more slowly, the child is covered with a towel and allowed to breathe for ten minutes. Eucalyptus essential oils heal the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.
  2. Echinacea and horsetail help with adenoids if you drink their decoction, infused for an hour. They drink a decoction with honey as an anti-inflammatory agent that reduces swelling in the nasopharynx. This medicine is taken half a glass three times throughout the day.

Folk remedies for adenoids help if they are used comprehensively. To strengthen weakened immunity, it has long been common among people to consume foods such as onions, garlic, honey and propolis.

Decoctions and infusions are prepared from a combination of these remedies, and rosehip decoction is widely known as a vitamin drink. Treatment of adenoids with folk remedies is a lengthy process, so you should not count on quick results.

Although a child with adenoids needs to be more in the fresh air, exercise and physical education should not overexert him, because high stress can cause shortness of breath. The advisability of using traditional methods in the treatment of adenoids lies in the fact that they cause less harm to the child’s health and are more natural.

Many people, and especially parents and grandparents of small children, are very worried: where do such scourges as adenoids come from in our time? But even medieval doctors already knew about this disease! It’s just that in the old days, people knew how to cope with adenoiditis using simple natural remedies, so the disease was not considered as insidious as it is now.


In all languages ​​you can hear such disdainful common people’s statements: “Why are you tearing your throat?”, “insatiable throat”, “tinned throat” or “take you by the throat”... It seems that it’s not very decent to say that. Meanwhile, “throat” is an ordinary word, a medical term used by doctors. To understand how to help yourself and your loved ones with diseases of the pharynx, let’s first get to know its anatomical structure a little.

So, the pharynx is located between the oral cavity and the esophagus. This is the beginning of the digestive “tube” and at the same time part of the respiratory trachea. It connects the nasal cavity with the larynx.

Thus, the pharynx resembles a funnel, widened at the top and somewhat narrowed at the bottom. It begins at the level of the VI cervical vertebra and, tapering, passes into the esophagus. Its length in an adult is on average 12-14 cm. In our body it performs several different functions and, depending on them, is divided into 3 sections: the nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.And at the entrances to the departments of the pharynx, the “border outpost warriors” - the tonsils - stand guard. We have several of them: tubal (at the openings of the auditory-Eustachian tubes), lingual (on the back surface of the tongue), palatal (between the palatine arches) and pharyngeal (in the vault of the pharynx).

Formations similar to almond grains (palatine tonsils) are called tonsils, and growths of pharyngeal tonsils are called adenoids.

Many parents know from their own experience and have repeatedly encountered such a problem as adenoids in children. Exacerbation of adenoid disease often occurs in cold and damp seasons, when there is a risk of infectious diseases and acute respiratory viral infections.

Adenoids are a small tonsil located in the nasopharynx. Being not large in size, the adenoid does not interfere with breathing in any way and does not block the nasal passages.

Unlike tonsils, which are located in the throat and are easily accessible for routine examination, adenoids are more difficult to see, even if you open your mouth very wide. Thus, only a doctor can examine the adenoids with special instruments.

The adenoids themselves are an important organ for both adults and children. As you know, children are more susceptible to infectious and viral diseases.

In this case, the adenoids act as a barrier and take the entire blow upon themselves. Absorbing all microbes like a sponge, adenoids prevent infection from penetrating further into the body. That is why inflammation of the adenoids in children is quite common.

Possible reasons

When a child gets sick, the adenoids become inflamed and increase in size. This disease is called adenoiditis. In addition to direct infectious infection, a number of other reasons can also contribute to inflammation of the adenoids:

  • immune system disorders;
  • chronic tonsillitis.

When the process of growth of adenoids occurs, they themselves become a focus for inflammation of infection, fungi and viruses. Thus, inflammation leads to the fact that the air during breathing is not humidified at all and does not go through the purification stage in the nose. In modern medicine, there are three types of adenoids and children:

  • 1st degree- children can breathe freely during the day, but during sleep the size of the adenoids increases from the horizontal position of the patient, and it becomes much more difficult for him to breathe.
  • 2nd degree- Children snore during sleep. And during the day, due to the difficulty of breathing through the nose, they are forced to breathe through the mouth.
  • 3rd degree- inflamed adenoids and the adjacent muscle tissue completely prevent the penetration of air. Children are forced to breathe through their mouths almost all day.

The process itself, when a child’s breathing occurs through the mouth, leads to frequent infections with infectious diseases, for example, laryngitis, bronchitis, or.

Characteristic symptoms

If you observe at least one of several symptoms in your child, you need to sound the alarm and go for a special examination to a doctor:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • restless sleep and snoring during sleep;
  • pain in the ear area;
  • inflammation of the throat cavity;
  • nasal congestion;
  • increased size of lymph nodes;
  • pain and difficulty swallowing.

An ENT specialist treats inflamed adenoids. Treatment is prescribed depending on the degree of the disease. Adenoids of 1st and 2nd degrees are treated conservatively, through the use of decongestant and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The nose can be washed with antiseptic solutions. In special cases, suction of mucus from the nasopharynx or laser therapy may be prescribed.

In most cases, when the adenoids are not yet in a critical condition, the doctor prescribes rinsing the nose with salt solutions using drugs that can have a drying effect.

In modern practice, a visit to the salt room and cave is an excellent way to treat inflammation of the adenoids.

How to treat at home?

Let's start with the fact that adenoids in children can go away on their own, without the necessary treatment. However, if you see that the inflammatory process causes discomfort to the child and interferes with normal breathing and sleep, try several methods of alternative treatment for adenoids. The use of natural ingredients in the treatment of adenoids, as practice has shown, has quite successful and positive experience.

So, if the disease is not an advanced form of inflammation, you can try to cure adenoids yourself at home.

  • honey and lemon juice— add a couple of drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm boiled water, mix well and let it brew for a while. This drink significantly reduces the symptoms associated with inflammation of the adenoids.
  • green tea— green tea brewed in the right conditions and well infused can be used to rinse the mouth 1-2 times a day.
  • garlic- chop 2-3 cloves of garlic on a fine grater, add a tablespoon of honey to the resulting pulp. Give the child a tablespoon of the prepared mixture once a day before bedtime.
  • carrots and cucumber— peel one medium carrot and cucumber, grate on a fine grater. Add grated beets to the mixture. Give this paste to the child twice a day after meals, one tablespoon at a time.

If the inflammation of the adenoids is more advanced, you can resort to more effective methods of treatment with folk remedies:

  • herbal mixture of coltsfoot, St. John's wort and string;
  • a collection of rose hips (find out articles on how to brew rose hips to preserve all the vitamins), calendula and viburnum;
  • tincture of eucalyptus and chamomile.

All tinctures and decoctions from herbal sets are intended for rinsing the mouth. It is better to carry out all procedures before bedtime. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult with a qualified ENT specialist, and only after that begin independent treatment.

You should not risk your child’s health and self-medicate, which, in addition to being beneficial, can also cause harm. Therefore, when treating adenoids in children, strictly follow the doctor’s advice and rely on your experience or recommendations from loved ones.

Watch a video about the treatment of adenoids in children using folk remedies:

Adenoids in a child cause parents a lot of trouble and anxiety. The main question is whether surgery is necessary or whether conservative treatment can be done. Is it necessary to give the child a lot of pharmaceutical medicines or can adenoids be cured at home using alternative medicine, parents ask. This is the question we will try to answer.

Symptoms and signs

Adenoids are an enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which is also called the palatine tonsil. This disease causes disturbances in nasal breathing, up to the complete inability to breathe through the nose. Often, adenoids become the cause of pathological hearing loss in a child.

The nasopharyngeal tonsil consists of lymphoid tissue, the main purpose of which is to participate in immune processes. In other words, it should be a kind of “barrier” to viruses and other unpleasant “guests” that most often enter the body through the nasopharynx.

Children suffer from viral infections more often than adults, since their immunity is not fully formed and is immature. It is clear that adenoids, which are at the forefront of the body’s natural defense, “get it” more than other participants in the immune process. This explains the widespread prevalence of the disease among children, especially between the ages of 3 and 7 years.

Inflammation causes the proliferation of lymphoid tissue, the tonsil thickens. By how much it is modified, doctors determine the degree of the disease.

  • First degree. The tonsil is enlarged, the growth is insignificant, does not exceed half of the lumen. Nasal breathing is slightly impaired.
  • Second degree. The nasopharyngeal tonsil has grown so large that it closes two or three lumens. Nasal breathing is significantly impaired.
  • Third degree. The pharyngeal tonsil is inflamed and enlarged, there is no nasal breathing, since it closes the lumen almost entirely.

Acute adenitis is accompanied by fever, sometimes mucous or purulent discharge from the nose appears, but attentive parents will never miss the first and main symptom - the child’s nose is not breathing. The chronic form of the disease is accompanied by a chronic dry cough, non-productive (without sputum production), worsening at night. In all cases, the child’s voice changes, he begins to “nasal.” In most cases, the child’s facial expression changes, an “adenoid mask” appears, which is characterized by a slightly open mouth, relaxation of the facial muscles, and drooling.

The pharyngeal tonsil performs a barrier function in absolutely all children, but not every child becomes inflamed. Doctors say that children have a certain predisposition to adenitis. Most often, ENT doctors make this diagnosis for children who have a hereditary predisposition to allergies (mom or dad are chronic allergy sufferers). Adenoids often plague children with reduced immunity, especially those living in environmentally unfavorable areas, who often suffer from ARVI and influenza. Often this disease is a consequence of improper treatment of rhinitis, tracheitis, sore throat and other ENT diseases

Very rarely, the disease is congenital in nature, when the growth of the tonsil occurs in the womb. According to medical statistics, the likelihood of such a pathology increases in pregnant women who smoke and in mothers who, while carrying a baby, continue to work in hazardous industries or use medications uncontrollably.

The adenoids themselves are treated differently. Most doctors tend to recommend adenotomy, which is the name of surgery to remove the growth. But not always, but only when the child is given grade 2-3 if the tonsil has closed more than two-thirds of the lumen.

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the difficulties that arise with children’s adenoids and how to treat them in this case in the next video.

If the baby has chronic adenoids, they are treated mainly conservatively with the use of rinsing the nose and throat, and instilling medications - glucocorticoids. In this case, the child is recommended a special diet, special climate conditions, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

What is the danger

With an almost constantly stuffy nose due to adenoids, the child breathes through his mouth. At first glance, this is not scary. In fact, when breathing through the baby's mouth, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs dry out. This causes frequent morbidity and inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Difficulties with normal breathing also lead to the fact that the child’s body chronically does not receive oxygen, which is so important for it, oxygen starvation of the brain occurs, and this is a very dangerous condition for children.

Sometimes the growths can close the Eustachian tube, which connects the pharynx to the ear. As a result, otitis media develops, and mucus stagnation significantly reduces the child’s hearing. “Adenoid mask” is a change in the facial skeleton, it is unsafe. If the cause of its appearance (adenoids) is not eliminated in time, the child will develop an incorrect bite and at an early age there will be a high predisposition to caries.

Very often, adenoids are the main cause of tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis. And coughing attacks during adenitis can trigger the mechanism of bronchial asthma in the child’s body.

Can folk remedies help?

Folk remedies for the treatment of enlarged pharyngeal tonsils are considered an effective way to cope with the disease, but only in cases where the extent of the disease does not require mandatory surgical intervention. Although easy-to-prepare and non-toxic folk recipes can also help during the recovery stage after an adenotomy performed by a surgeon.

If you are thinking about treating adenoids in a child using traditional medicine, the first thing to do is consult with your doctor. If the doctor does not object, you can proceed.

Options for treating adenoids using aromatherapy can be seen in the following video.

In any treatment of this disease, both with medication and at home without medication, it is important to follow the principles of such therapy and the procedure:

  • Relieving inflammation, swelling, eliminating mucus from the nasal passages.
  • Restoring nasal breathing.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (if they are permitted in a particular case by a doctor).
  • Creation of a favorable microclimate.
  • Breathing exercises.

Rinse your nose

You can prepare the product for these purposes using one of the following recipes:

    Salt. Every housewife can find regular table salt. To make a nasal rinse, you need to take a teaspoon of salt and a glass of boiled water, previously cooled to room temperature. Mix the salt thoroughly and rinse both nasal passages every 2-3 hours.

  • Chamomile. Herbal collection of this useful plant can be bought at any pharmacy. To prepare the rinse you will need 1 teaspoon of plant material and 100 ml. water. Everything is boiled in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour, and then infused under the lid until completely cooled. Before rinsing, the decoction must be carefully strained to avoid the smallest particles of plant fragments getting into the nasal cavity.

  • Calendula. Dried flowers and crushed calendula leaves in the amount of a teaspoon should be brewed with boiling water (1 cup). Pour the infusion into a thermos and leave there for about an hour. Then cool, strain through several layers of gauze and rinse the nasal passages with this product. The product can also be used as a gargle.

Relieving swelling and inflammation

Natural remedies that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect will help with this:

  • Aloe. The cut leaf of a houseplant needs to be kept in the refrigerator for several hours, after which cuts are made on it and the juice is squeezed out using gauze. To bury it in the child's nose, you need 3-5 drops in each nasal passage. For small children, aloe juice can be diluted with boiled water or saline in half. Before each instillation, fresh juice is prepared.

  • Eucalyptus essential oil. This is a renowned means of combating adenoids. Essential oils in their pure form cannot, of course, be dripped into the nose. To prepare the drops you will need one more base oil. You can take Vaseline. For a teaspoon of “base” you will need about 3 drops of the essential component. The resulting mixture should be instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day. After the procedure, the child should lie down with his head thrown back so that the drops can envelop the tonsil as best as possible.
  • Propolis. This powerful anti-inflammatory agent can be used by children after 5 years of age and provided that they are not allergic in general and to bee products in particular. When preparing an ointment that is effective against adenoids, you will need a teaspoon of propolis (not tincture), and 10 of the same tablespoons of butter. Place everything in a glass or ceramic bowl, place in a water bath, wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Stir and cool. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator and applied to the nasal mucosa twice a day using cotton wool or a cotton swab.

  • Carnation. This spice not only improves the taste of culinary delights, but also helps cope with adenoids. Place ten buds in half a glass of boiling water and leave covered for an hour. Then be sure to strain the product, cool and drip it into your nose up to 4 times a day. Cloves perfectly relieve inflammation and reduce swelling of the enlarged pharyngeal tonsil.

Strengthening the immune system

For these purposes, you can use time-tested recipes for herbal and berry teas. Tea made from black currant leaves and berries works very well for adenoids. It not only strengthens the immune system in general, but also prevents further growth of the palatine tonsil.

Echinacea effectively stimulates the child’s immune system. This plant is contraindicated for children under one year of age. You can use a pharmacy tincture, or you can prepare it yourself. For 100 gr. chopped herbs will need about a glass of hot water. The product is kept in a steam bath for fifteen minutes, and then cooled and filtered. The child is given 50-60 ml to drink several times a day.

You can add a teaspoon of aloe juice to tea or compote chad, we talked about it above. Another powerful natural immunostimulant is honey. It can also be given in pure form or added to drinks if the child does not have allergies and is already 3 years old.

Ginger, rose hips, cranberry juice and garlic, which can be introduced into the child’s diet, will help boost a child’s immunity. In addition, make it a rule to walk with your child more often and for longer, send him to a sports section so that he moves as much as possible.


As for inhalations and warming compresses on the nasal cavity, you should be extremely careful. Not all children diagnosed with adenoids are allowed such procedures. Only with the permission of a doctor can you do inhalations with saline solution, fir and eucalyptus oil, infusion of pine buds, calcined salt and mineral water. Warming compresses with honey and mustard cakes are applied to the nose. Breathing hot steam with adenoids is strictly prohibited.


Children with enlarged tonsils need sea air. It is optimal if they are often taken to the sea. But even if this is not possible, parents can create the “right” microclimate at home that is conducive to recovery. Firstly, the air temperature in the room where the baby lives should be no lower than 18 and no higher than 20 degrees. Secondly, you need to pay attention to air humidity. This is a very important parameter for children with respiratory diseases.

It is also useful to acquire a home quartz lamp.

Breathing exercises

Usually, children are prescribed gymnastics using the Strelnikova method. There are quite a few different exercises in the system, aimed at a variety of pathologies.

You can watch how to do breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method correctly in the following video.

The danger of self-medication

Without consulting a doctor, treating adenoids can lead to a worsening of the child’s condition. After all, at home it is impossible to carry out the entire range of diagnostic actions, which in this case are mandatory.

It happens that parents refuse surgery and prefer to treat a child with third-degree adenoids using traditional medicine. Of course, refusing surgical intervention is the legal right of mothers and fathers, but they also bear responsibility for the consequences of such treatment, and first of all to their own child.

For those who doubt it, I can cite some interesting statistics that were compiled by ENT doctors at one of the Moscow children’s clinics: more than half of the established diagnoses of “third degree adenoids” are in children who had previously been treated for a long time and to no avail with folk remedies and with the help of homeopathy at home. Almost 70% of them ended up having to undergo surgery anyway, because the disease was extremely advanced at the time of treatment.

What not to do

  • If a child is diagnosed with adenoids, he should eat properly. You should not feed your child salty foods, pickled and canned foods, sour berries and fruits, as the acid greatly irritates the inflamed pharyngeal tonsil and contributes to the progression of the disease.
  • The child should not be overcooled or drink drinks that are too cold or too hot.
  • Parents should not try to treat the affected and enlarged tonsil on their own using antiseptics. All the advice that you can cauterize it and stop its growth with the help of iodine is disastrous for the child.
  • If adenitis worsens, you should not take your child to the bathhouse, sauna or pool.

  • Try to follow the therapeutic procedure: before instilling drops into the nose, be sure to rinse the passages. If there are dry crusts, they should be removed. After the first day of treatment, immunostimulating agents must be administered. Then physiotherapy, if the doctor allows it. You can move on to breathing exercises only when nasal breathing has been restored.
  • It is better to carry out inhalations using special devices - an inhaler or a nebulizer. If a child inhales the hot vapors of a healing decoction from a saucepan, covering his head with a towel, he may suffer a burn to the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi. With this diagnosis, hot vapors are contraindicated, and otherwise you will not be able to inhale medicinal compounds without a device. Do not use inhalations or warm compresses if your child has a fever.

Adenoids are part of the body. They need to be given no less attention than other organs. Didn’t ask yourself the question: How to treat adenoids? If yes, then read our article further.

What are adenoids and why are they needed?

Adenoids are the lymph nodes located in the back of the throat behind the nasopharynx. Using the lymph nodes, which form part of the lymphatic system, the immune system fights infection. Other lymph nodes are located in places such as the abdomen, armpits, groin, neck, and chest. An infection such as an airborne infection enters the body through the nose, is then filtered by hairs, and then many of them are attacked by white blood cells and antibodies in the adenoids.

As you get older, your adenoids and tonsils become smaller. They also have the ability to swell again with infections. With swollen adenoids it is difficult to breathe through the nose. This reduces the flow of air through the nose.

Common symptoms of infected adenoids in a baby:

  • It’s hard to breathe through your nose, so you breathe through your mouth;
  • snores or snores heavily during sleep;
  • speaks with a stuffy nose sound;
  • some consonants are not pronounced clearly;
  • nose secretes green or yellow mucus;
  • pain and dryness in the throat.

Preventing adenoid enlargement

Give your child a salt water gargle. Contrast rinsing with hot and cold water will also be helpful.

Fried foods and fast foods are high in protein and low in protein.

Babies whose mother and father smoke have the highest likelihood and predisposition to enlarged adenoids.

It is very good if your baby eats a lot of fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Fresh fruit juice is a rich source of vitamins. And it increases the body's resistance to infections and illnesses.

The baby needs to drink a lot of water.

Lime or lemon juice, honey and warm water mixed together can help clear your airways. Add 1:4 lemon juice to warm water, as well as two teaspoons of ginger juice and a couple of teaspoons of honey.

Garlic is a good companion in the treatment of adenoids. Grind the cloves and garlic to a paste. Then squeeze out the juice from this paste and add honey to your own taste. Let the baby drink the juice slowly so that the adenoids can be “lubricated”. With this procedure, inflammation is relieved and swelling is eliminated.

You need to gargle several times a day with a special infusion of myrrh and echinacea.

You can also make herbal tea from burdock leaves, bay leaves and red clover root. This mixture must be brewed three times a day.

Consume a lot of vitamin C in the form of citrus fruits or ascorbic acid. It supports immunity.

You need to see a doctor if traditional methods do not help. It may be necessary to remove the adenoids if they bother you too often.

Therefore, we wish your baby and your family health.