Thyroid adenoma surgery. What is toxic thyroid adenoma, its signs, life prognosis Nutrition for thyroid adenoma


Benign thyroid adenoma develops from glandular cells and can reach different sizes.

The danger of the disease is that if the tumor is not treated, it can transform into cancer.

It is incorrect to call any nodule in the thyroid gland an adenoma, since the diagnosis of thyroid adenoma is made only in relation to tumors from specific cells after examining a biopsy specimen under a microscope.

Neoplasms from thyroid tissue are classified into the following types:

  • follicular - a tumor in the form of a round node covered with a capsule;
  • papillary - looks like a cyst;
  • tumor of Hürthle cells (B cells). This type of adenoma is considered dangerous; for a long time it pretends to be another disease; after the atypical adenoma of the thyroid gland grows more than 3 cm, it is possible to diagnose it and begin treatment;
  • toxic - a tumor whose symptoms are clearly visible. Characterized by the release of large amounts of hormones.

There are other types of thyroid adenoma, but they are less common than those listed above. One type of tumor can be distinguished from another by examining a biopsy specimen under a microscope.

Doctors identify some factors that can provoke the growth of thyroid adenoma:

  • excessive activity of the pituitary gland leads to an excess of hormones that provoke tumor growth;
  • failure of the autonomic nervous system;
  • genetic inheritance;
  • work in hazardous industries, unfavorable environment;
  • imbalance of hormones in the body.

Symptoms of thyroid adenoma

For quite a long time, a thyroid adenoma may not show symptoms if its growth is not associated with excessive production of hormones. Typically, an adenoma is discovered randomly during a general examination of the body.

At the onset of the disease, the following symptoms may occur:

  • weight loss;
  • intolerance to hot climates;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • heavy sweating;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • increased fatigue, inability to exercise.

If the size of the thyroid adenoma is large enough, the patient complains of the following manifestations:

  • pain and discomfort in the throat;
  • change in voice, difficulty swallowing;
  • cough and difficulty breathing;
  • thinning of skin, nails and hair;
  • swelling of the body;
  • strong thirst;
  • deformation of the neck due to a protruding tumor.

Diagnosis of suspected thyroid tumor

The tumor is determined in the same way in women and men. First, the endocrinologist conducts an examination and asks the patient about complaints. During the examination, the doctor feels the neck, trying to determine the presence of thyroid problems by external signs. To clarify the characteristics of the organ, an ultrasound is performed, during which the doctor identifies a nodule in the thyroid gland, its size and shape.

Radioisotope scanning is based on the ability of the thyroid gland to absorb iodine. Radioactive iodine, which is safe for humans, is injected into the patient’s body and then the doctor observes how much of the substance is absorbed by the thyroid gland.

If there is excessive absorption, there may be a problem. The technique requires preliminary preparation.

A puncture biopsy is an instrumental diagnosis that allows one to determine the type of tumor cells. The accuracy of the method is 80%. When examining a tumor, the doctor carefully removes material from it with a syringe under ultrasound control to send it to the laboratory for examination. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

CT is rarely used to diagnose thyroid adenoma because the thyroid gland is sensitive to radiation, even if it is minimal, as with computed tomography.

The indication for a CT scan is the atypical location of the thyroid gland (lower than usual, behind the sternum), as well as the low information content of the ultrasound.

Doctors consider MRI, compared to CT, to be a safer and more informative method for diagnosing the thyroid gland, since radiation will not affect the organ. Indications for MRI will be the same as for computed tomography.

In addition to instrumental diagnostic methods, the patient must undergo blood donation from a vein for the following tests:

  • thyroid hormone levels. The result indicates the functional activity of the thyroid gland and allows us to identify thyrotoxic adenoma. Before the analysis, you need to stop taking medications containing hormones, iodine, and vitamins 2 weeks;
  • level of thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland. A reduced level of the hormone in the blood indicates a thyrotoxic node in the thyroid gland. With other types of tumors, the hormone level does not change. Preparation for analysis is the same as in the previous version;
  • biochemistry. The results of biochemical indicators may indicate metabolic disorders in the body due to increased activity of the thyroid gland. Blood is donated before meals in the morning.

How is thyroid treated?

If, after diagnostic procedures, a thyroid adenoma is detected, the doctor prescribes treatment taking into account its type, age and condition of the patient, and concomitant diseases.

Adenoma can be treated surgically and medicinally, supplementing therapy with folk remedies. Medicines can be prescribed separately or as preparation for surgery, when it is necessary to normalize the amount of hormones produced by the gland.


Carbimazole is a drug that blocks the incorporation of iodine into thyroid hormones, thus preventing their excessive formation. Contraindications are allergic reactions to the active substance and serious liver damage.

Thiamazole - like the previous medicine, prevents iodine from joining thyroid hormones, inhibiting their synthesis. Thiamazole increases the rate of iodine excretion from the gland. Contraindications: stagnation of bile, allergy to the active substance, low level of leukocytes in the blood.

Propicil is prescribed when elevated levels of thyroid hormones are detected, like the two previous medications. Propicyl acts similarly to the above drugs - it reduces the iodine content in the thyroid gland and interferes with the process of hormone formation.

Contraindications: low level of leukocytes, liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis), allergy to the components of the drug.

Surgical treatment of adenoma

When a diagnosis of thyroid adenoma is established, surgery is the main type of treatment. There are several options for surgical intervention; the choice of a specific technique depends on the degree of damage to the organ and the presence of signs of cell degeneration into malignant ones.

Doctors perform enucleation of the node - an operation to remove the adenoma along with the capsule. Healthy thyroid tissue is not affected. Surgery is indicated if the tumor does not show signs of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm, and also if the remaining thyroid tissue is normal.

During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision, removes the formation with a capsule and sends the material for biopsy.

If the tumor shows signs of degeneration into a malignant one, or when most of the thyroid tissue is affected, doctors perform one of the operations:

  • hemithyroidectomy is an operation during which half of the thyroid gland is removed. After performing anesthesia, the doctor makes an incision to access the gland and ligates the vessels that supply half of the organ with blood. The operated half is separated from the parathyroid glands and the laryngeal nerve, and it is removed along with the isthmus. After surgery, complications may occur in the form of bleeding, dysfunction of the larynx and thyroid gland;
  • subtotal resection is an operation during which the surgeon removes most of the gland, leaving only small parts of the left and right lobes weighing up to 6 g. In the postoperative period, thyroid function is greatly reduced, so the patient is prescribed hormones;
  • thyroidectomy is an operation during which the entire gland is removed. This type of intervention is rarely performed, mainly when there are clear signs of tumor malignancy. After surgery, the body does not produce hormones, and the patient must take hormone replacement therapy for life. During the operation, complications are possible, such as dysfunction of the larynx, speech damage, and failure of calcium metabolism.

Alternative Thyroid Treatments

Having learned from a doctor what a thyroid adenoma is, many patients panic and imagine themselves on their deathbed.

A properly chosen treatment by a doctor allows you to get rid of the disease without complications. In some situations, the above treatment methods are not suitable due to contraindications. This often applies to older people.

In this case, they may be shown the following procedures:

  • taking radioactive iodine preparations. Like regular iodine, radioactive iodine accumulates in the thyroid gland. It promotes its irradiation from the inside, suppresses the formation of hormones and destroys adenoma cells;
  • injection of ethyl alcohol into the adenoma node through a needle. Ethanol burns tumor cells, causing them to die.

Separately, treatment with folk remedies should be highlighted, especially when herbal remedies are prescribed before surgery to suppress thyroid function. For example, watercress, Icelandic cetraria, and gorse contain an analogue of thyroid hormones.

Plants have the same effect on the body as thyroid hormones, causing the body to reduce the production of hormones. There are other plants that suppress the production of thyroid hormones: comfrey, red-rooted sparrow, common blackroot, blueberry and common oxwort. The above plants should be taken as prescribed by the attending physician in the dosage indicated by him. However, it should be remembered that self-treatment with herbs does not help, only as an additional therapy to the main method.

Prevention of thyroid diseases, disease prognosis

More often, doctors are able to give recommendations to patients only before surgery, since the rest of the time people ignore the need for regular preventive examinations with a doctor.

The recommendations are simple and clear: nutrition and sleep should be adequate so that the body receives in full what it needs. The sun's rays and solarium should not be abused. Stressful situations should be avoided whenever possible, and it is better to learn not to react to them. From time to time you need to take a preventive course of herbal medicines as prescribed by your doctor.

With timely treatment and properly prescribed treatment, the prognosis is favorable, most patients recover. Those who have had their entire thyroid gland removed are prescribed hormonal medications for life. After treatment of adenoma, it is necessary to be examined annually by an endocrinologist to monitor the level of hormones in the blood. Those who have had problems with the thyroid gland are advised to give up bad habits once and for all, eat nutritiously and not overuse tanning.

An active lifestyle will promote overall health. It is necessary to include physical sports activities in your daily routine, minimize stressful situations in the family and at work, and engage in your favorite hobby.

It is regularly recommended to go to the sea, where you can relax and replenish your body with healing substances from sea salt. In regions poor in iodine, iodized salt is sold in stores. You need to use it daily.

As for nutrition, you should regularly consume cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurts and other fermented milk products. A couple of times a week there should be fish and seaweed on the table. It will be useful to drink green tea, eat dried fruits and nuts, citrus fruits and honey.

If possible, you need to remove or reduce the consumption of sugar, margarine, alcoholic beverages, chips and sauces, and fast food.

Thyroid adenoma

The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system that produces hormones.

The main ones are thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

Hormones provide acceleration:

  • metabolism;
  • energy production;
  • decomposition of various substances;
  • destruction or formation of red blood cells.

In addition, they take an active part in regulating the excitability of the nervous system and heart rate, increasing blood glucose levels.

Against the background of disturbances in the activity of this organ - adenoma of the thyroid gland.

Ensures proper functioning of the brain located inside the brain. It releases necessary hormones that enhance.

This entire well-established system operates on the basis of feedback. As soon as the level of hormones in the blood decreases, the pituitary gland actively begins to secrete them.

When their proportion increases, the activity of the pituitary gland is suppressed.

What does the term thyroid adenoma mean?

The disease is a benign neoplasm that occurs in the structure of an organ.

Such a voluminous process (thyroid adenoma) often has a rounded outline and a pronounced fibrous capsule that separates the tumor tissue from healthy tissue.

Thyroid adenoma can be diagnosed in any age group. However, representatives of the fair sex predominantly suffer from this disease.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of thyroid adenoma in women are more pronounced, which brings greater discomfort to the patient.

Thyroid adenoma can reach a large size, causing compression of nearby neck tissues.

Sometimes a thyroid adenoma can develop into a thyroid adenoma, the treatment of which is very difficult.

That is why it is important to understand what it is - a thyroid adenoma and get treatment on time.

Classification of thyroid adenoma

Pathology is classified into several types:

  1. in women and, which is a round-shaped tumor covered with a capsule;
  2. formation from Hurthle cells, consisting of B cells of this gland;
  3. papillary growth resembling the appearance of a cavity -;
  4. , the causes of which are very diverse and are accompanied by strong manifestations;
  5. other varieties.

Provoking factors

The main causes of this disease have not yet been sufficiently studied. Thyroid adenoma is caused by a complex of negative factors.

Let us list those that cause a similar pathology, including eosinophilic thyroid adenoma:

  1. increased activity of the pituitary gland, when the formation appears after the excessive influence of hormones on the glandular tissue;
  2. disruption of the activity of the autonomic system of nerve endings regulating the activity of internal organs;
  3. harm from production activities;
  4. unfavorable environment;
  5. a person’s predisposition to pathology, inherited;
  6. regular negative effects of toxins on the body;
  7. hormonal imbalance.

Thyroid adenoma

Clinical picture

Symptoms of thyroid adenoma are very diverse. At first, the patient may experience:

  • increased irritability;
  • fatigue, increased sweating;
  • tremor;
  • insomnia;
  • tearfulness;
  • poor tolerance to cold and heat;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • hoarseness when speaking;
  • neck deformity;
  • pressure in the neck;
  • dyspnea,
  • painful sensations.

In the future, when adenomatous diseases progress, the activity of the digestive tract may fail, and changes in blood pressure will appear.

Thyroid adenoma, which was not treated in a timely manner, can cause cardiac complaints in older patients - palpitations. Patients may also feel drowsiness and weakness.

Skin color with thyrotoxic thyroid adenoma can also change. Moreover, the skin of such patients is constantly moist and the limbs are hot.

Changes in the eyes may appear - shine, exophthalmos, dry mucous membranes. That is why it is important to know what thyroid adenoma means and what the consequences of this pathology are.

The purpose of such manipulation is to confirm or exclude the malignant nature of the formation.

Unfortunately, this research technique does not provide a 100% chance of establishing the type of adenoma.

Laboratory tests include:

  • blood biochemistry for impaired glucose levels, hypolipidemia.


In order to understand how dangerous the disease is and how it should be treated correctly, you should know exactly what a thyroid adenoma is.

Often, with a diagnosis such as thyroid adenoma,. Unfortunately, treatment of thyroid adenoma without surgery rarely gives a positive result.

However, with proper and timely treatment of thyroid adenoma, the life prognosis is very favorable.

Surgical intervention for pathology is considered if:

  • drug therapy is not effective;
  • when reviews from specialists are unfavorable;
  • when nearby tissues are compressed by a tumor;
  • when the diagnosis is combined with thyrotoxicosis;
  • if necessary, aesthetically correct part of the neck due to .

Sometimes an effective treatment for such a pathology is considered to be an adenomatous node with injections of ethyl alcohol.

Such manipulation leads to the death of cells forming and destruction of thyroid adenoma.


To prevent thyroid adenoma, it is recommended:

  • constantly maintain physical activity through yoga, visiting the pool, and performing aerobics exercises;
  • ensure the absence of stressful situations;
  • periodically relax on the sea coast;
  • maintain a balanced diet.

The last point is extremely important, so all people should definitely reconsider their diet. Preference should be given to the following dishes:

  • fermented milk products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • eat seaweed and other seafood several times a week;
  • eat citrus fruits, herbs, nuts, seeds, dried fruits;
  • drink rosehip decoction and green tea with honey.

It is advisable to avoid excessive consumption:

  • sweets;
  • Sahara;
  • food from fast food establishments;
  • margarine;
  • preservatives;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup, sauces;
  • chips;
  • crackers.

To increase your resistance to stressful situations, you need to reconsider your sleep and rest patterns. You need to get enough sleep so that your body can fully rest.

Hiking and active sports will help you achieve your goal. All this will help prevent pathologies such as thyroid adenoma.

Thyroid adenoma most often occurs in older women, while men are less susceptible to this pathology. This is an endocrine disease in which it develops from the glandular tissue of the organ. Adenoma requires long-term treatment and constant monitoring by specialists.

ICD-10 code - D34

What is a thyroid adenoma

An adenoma is a benign neoplasm in the thyroid gland, but it can be dangerous if treatment is not taken in time. The tumor grows slowly, which makes diagnosis difficult. Reaching a large size, it begins to compress the organs that are nearby. This is a serious endocrine disease that requires immediate treatment.

Poor functioning of the thyroid gland affects the condition of the entire body and can lead to various problems, including.


Scientists have not yet figured out the reasons why thyroid adenoma occurs. A tumor appears if there is a restructuring of the body, which is characterized by an increase in the level of thyroid hormones. For example, a woman's menopause can often be the cause.

In addition, the following factors are identified that influence the occurrence of pathology:

  • Excessive activity of the pituitary gland. Against this background, the thyroid gland begins to actively work, so thyroid tissue multiplies quickly. Cell growth begins, which leads to neoplasm.
  • Long-term stress that affects the nervous system and thyroid function.
  • Negative environmental impacts: poor environmental conditions, nutrition.
  • Heredity.
  • Various neck injuries that can cause damage to the thyroid gland.

Sometimes a neoplasm of an organ can develop into. It actively produces thyroid hormones, which increases their quantity.


Symptoms of the disease develop equally in women, men and adolescents. Initial signs may not be noticeable. They are attributed to bad mood, fatigue, period, menopause, stress and depression.

However, if the disease is not immediately recognized, it will begin to pose a threat to life.

There are several main symptoms of thyroid adenoma:

  • excessive irritability and nervousness;
  • constant feeling of extreme fatigue;
  • tachycardia;
  • shortness of breath;
  • increased sweating;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • insomnia or severe drowsiness;
  • intolerance to heat and stuffiness.

If treatment is not started in time, the symptoms will worsen. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, sometimes there is an increase in body temperature, and jumps in blood pressure are noted.

Over time, the condition of the heart and vascular system worsens.

Later signs of the disease include coughing, difficulty swallowing and breathing, discomfort in the thyroid gland, and changes in voice.

Why does cough occur with thyroid disease?


When you first contact an endocrinologist, it is important to distinguish a benign thyroid formation from a malignant one. To do this, the doctor must take into account the following indicators:

  • tumor consistency;
  • tumor growth rate;
  • condition of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • condition of the vocal cords;
  • painful when swallowed;
  • pressure of the neoplasm on the respiratory tract and esophagus.

Under normal conditions, the size of the right lobe of the thyroid gland may be larger. Damage to the left lobe is rare. Sometimes both lobes of the gland can be affected.

After this, it is necessary to conduct various examinations in laboratory conditions. It is necessary to determine whether there is, which is a sign of toxic thyroid adenoma.

Despite the severity of the disease, it is curable.

The presence and quantity are then examined. How sharply does it increase? On this basis, we can make a conclusion about the malignancy of the thyroid tumor.

In addition, testing is carried out using large doses of thyroid hormone. If the tumor in the thyroid gland decreases, then the tumor is not malignant.

Conservative treatment of the thyroid gland is indicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • elderly people;
  • seriously ill.

There is not much difference in the treatment of children and adults. It is only necessary to observe the appropriate dosage of drugs.

Inactive adenoma requires drug treatment and medical supervision. In this case, therapy is based on drugs that suppress thyroid-stimulating hormone. It's called suppressive.

The most effective is suppressive treatment using levothyroxine. However, it may not always help the tumor disappear completely.

For toxic adenoma, medications or surgery are necessary.

Treatment of a thyroid nodule with radioactive iodine involves the fact that the substance accumulates in diseased adenoma cells and begins to actively act, destroying them. If the course of therapy goes well, the patient completes treatment and is limited to annual visits to the endocrinologist. In between these appointments, he must carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations, otherwise a quick relapse is possible.

After treatment of thyroid adenoma, the patient needs lifelong therapy with hormonal drugs. At the same time, you need to monitor your lifestyle. It is recommended to avoid stressful situations, increase immunity, prevent viral and infectious diseases, and not be in direct sunlight. All these factors can aggravate the patient's condition.

Do not forget that there is a risk of a benign tumor turning into a malignant one. And although this happens extremely rarely, it should not be taken lightly. Therefore, all patients with should be constantly monitored by an endocrinologist.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used only at the initial stage or as additional therapy in the main treatment of thyroid diseases.
The following simple recipes are the most effective.

Feijoa. This is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent for adenoma. For treatment, freshly squeezed juice from the fruit is taken. You need to drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day. The required course is 7 days.

Feijoa is an excellent anti-inflammatory remedy for adenoma.

Fresh strawberries. This is an excellent antithyroid remedy created by nature itself. Berries can be consumed as often as possible and in unlimited quantities, provided that the patient does not have an allergic reaction.

Oak bark tincture is an excellent folk remedy that is effective for various diseases of the thyroid gland. For treatment, it is recommended to soak several layers of bandage in the tincture and carefully wrap the throat overnight. The course of treatment should be approximately 21 days.

Buckwheat with walnuts. Contains many useful substances and strengthens the immune system. 1 cup of cereal should be ground using a chopper or coffee grinder. Walnuts can also be crushed using these methods or finely chopped with a knife. Then these ingredients need to be mixed with 1 glass of buckwheat honey and put in a dark place for a week. You can eat it 1 tsp. Once a day with tea or warm water.

Oak bark tincture is an excellent folk remedy that is effective for various diseases of the thyroid gland.

Various help with thyroid adenoma. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with them either, since an excess of the substance leads to even bigger problems.


Surgical treatment involves removal of the thyroid tumor. If the tumor is small in size, its growth is not too fast, and severe symptoms are not observed, the doctor may perform a resection of the adenoma.

If the tumor is large and malignant elements are present, then the only way is to remove it and most of the thyroid gland.

After surgery, some patients are discharged within 2-5 days. Patients are prescribed hormonal therapy. Most often an appointment is necessary. When used correctly, the medicine does not cause side effects.

After 1-2 months, a person can return to a normal lifestyle.

Diet for adenoma

If you have thyroid adenoma, you should completely reconsider your lifestyle and diet. It is recommended to consume more fermented milk products, kelp, and fish. You should also eat nuts, dried fruits, and citrus fruits. Greens in any form are useful. Vegetables should be present in the diet all year round. For drinks, it is recommended to drink pure water and green tea with honey.

You should limit or completely eliminate sugar, sweets, any alcoholic drinks, canned food, fast food, chips, crackers and semi-finished products.


Most specialists prefer to monitor the thyroid tumor for as long as possible in order to perform surgery as a last resort, since it can lead to numerous complications. In this case we are not talking about advanced cases.

The prognosis for life with adenoma is favorable. It depends on how early treatment began. After therapy, patients quickly return to their usual rhythm. However, it is important to constantly monitor your condition, take tests, including blood from a vein for hormones, and undergo regular examinations by an endocrinologist. Otherwise, a relapse is possible.

Do benign thyroid nodules need to be removed?

An excellent preventive measure would be an annual visit to the sea. Sea air saturates a person with iodine and strengthens the immune system. Active recreation in the fresh air will only benefit you, but it is important to remember that you cannot stay in direct sunlight for a long time.

Treatment of thyroid adenoma in foreign clinics is quite effective and allows the patient to fully recover.

It is carried out in a comprehensive manner with an impact on the adenoma and normalization of the body’s hormonal levels.

In most cases, thyroid adenoma results in a single tumor, which does not recur after treatment.

Leading clinics abroad

Follicular adenoma of the thyroid gland

The main treatment method for follicular adenoma of the thyroid gland remains surgery. During the operation, the tumor is removed, which is immediately sent for histological examination. The fact is that follicular adenoma is problematic in differential diagnosis.

The main treatment for follicular adenoma is surgery.

It is very similar to a malignant tumor, adenocarcinoma, and it is possible to distinguish them only by examining the cells that make up the tumor. Thus, the type of tumor is accurately diagnosed; there is no need to perform a second operation if malignancy is detected.

Leading specialists from clinics abroad

Treatment of toxic adenoma

Treatment of toxic thyroid adenoma is possible using surgery and the use of radioactive iodine. Both of these methods make it possible to achieve the main goal of treatment - elimination of thyrotoxicosis caused by the autonomous functioning of a toxic adenoma. During surgery, the affected lobe of the thyroid gland may be removed.

After surgery, hypothyroidism often develops, that is, the remaining lobe does not provide the body with the required amount of thyroid hormones. This condition can be easily corrected. In most cases, after treatment, the remaining thyroid tissue begins to work more actively and hypothyroidism stops.

Toxic adenoma, if left untreated, can develop into a malignant form. With timely treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

Specializing clinics

Most often, patients turn to clinics in Germany and Israel for help with thyroid diseases.

German clinics:

  • Endocrinology Clinic Berlin,
  • Klinka Stuttgart (there is a department of pediatric endocrinology),
  • Martha and Maria Clinic, Munich,
  • University Hospital in Heidelberg.

Israeli clinics:

  • The Institute of Endocrinology at Meir Medical Center is one of the leading institutions in this field.
  • Rambam Medical Center in Haifa is the largest institution in northern Israel.
  • Top Ichilov is known for its most accurate diagnostics and the latest treatment methods.
  • The Endocrinology Department of the Assuta Top Medical Center conducts active scientific activities and is developing new treatment methods.

More and more patients are choosing medical institutions in China for treatment, as this country uses traditional Chinese medicine methods in addition to standard treatment.

A full range of modern and traditional procedures for thyroid adenoma can be performed at the State Military Hospital in Dalian.

Prolonged course of the disease causes:

  • calcification and ossification of adenoma;
  • development of nodular toxic goiter;
  • hemorrhages in the adenoma tissue;
  • malignant tumor degeneration;
  • hematoma infection.

Treatment methods

Today, doctors have several methods of treating thyroid adenoma in their arsenal.

The decision to choose a method is made after a thorough diagnosis.

At first, treatment is undertaken with medications, which is aimed at normalizing the levels of thyroid hormones.

In many cases, a quick and noticeable effect in the treatment of thyroid adenoma can be achieved using homeopathic methods. The advantages of homeopathy are that it involves comprehensive treatment of the patient’s body. Chinese doctors have excelled in this area of ​​endocrinology.

Surgery to remove a thyroid adenoma is prescribed when there is no other way to help the patient. In foreign clinics, preference is always given to less traumatic options for performing operations. If it is possible to preserve the organ itself, then everything possible is done for this. The operations are performed endoscopically, so there is no scar left, but only a small puncture mark.

One of the best endocrine surgery clinics in the world is the Martha and Maria Clinic in Munich. More than 10,000 thyroid surgeries are performed here annually. It is also worth mentioning the Israeli clinic Top Ichilov, where robotic removal of thyroid adenoma is used.

When treating functioning thyroid nodules up to 4 cm in size, you can do without surgery. One of the treatment methods is the use of laser. Under control, a light guide is inserted into the tissue, through which a laser beam is delivered. The laser causes heating of the tissue and death of the node. Complications from such treatment are potentially possible, but they are extremely rare in practice.

In many countries, radioactive iodine is used to treat the thyroid gland. In most cases, this is an alternative to surgery to remove the thyroid gland. Successful treatment with radioactive iodine is carried out at the Helios clinics in Berlin and Top Ichilov in Israel. The Helios group of clinics is one of the most reputable medical institutions in Europe, and the Israeli Top Ichilov is famous for its use of advanced technologies.

Neoplasms of the thyroid gland have recently taken first place among all oncological diseases. They are divided into benign (adenomas) and malignant (carcinomas or cancers). Benign tumors are much more common and account for 95% of all thyroid tumors. The pathology affects more often women over 40 years of age, among them the incidence is 5 times higher than among men.

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    Adenoma in the classification of thyroid formations

    The main classification of thyroid tumors is the division of tumors according to histological structure. Depending on this, the World Health Organization in 1989 identified the following types:

    In addition, secondary or metastatic and mixed tumors are distinguished.

    Adenoma can develop into a malignant form. For all malignant neoplasms, including the thyroid gland, the TNM classification has been developed.

    T (tumor, tumor) - spread of a neoplasm in the thyroid gland:

    • T0 - no tumor detected;
    • T1 - a formation up to 2 cm in size, which does not extend beyond the thyroid gland, i.e. does not grow beyond the capsule;
    • T2 - neoplasm from 2 to 4 cm within the organ;
    • T3 - more than 4 cm, does not grow through the capsule or less than 4 cm, but extends beyond the organ;
    • T4 - has two development substages;
    • T4a - a formation of any size that extends through the capsule and grows into the soft tissues, larynx, trachea, recurrent nerve and esophagus;
    • T4b - grows into the prevertebral fascia, retrosternal blood vessels and carotid artery.

    N (nodus, node) - metastatic lesion of regional lymphatic vessels:

    • NX - there is no way to assess the presence of metastases in the cervical lymph nodes;
    • N0 - no metastases detected;
    • N1 - there are metastases to the peritracheal, prelaryngeal, retrosternal and lateral cervical lymph nodes.

    M (metastasis, metastases) - metastasis:

    • MX - it is not possible to detect metastasis;
    • M0 - no metastases found;
    • M1 - metastases to organs and tissues were detected.

    Reasons for the development of adenoma

    Thyroid adenoma

    There are no reliably proven causes of thyroid adenoma, but there are a number of factors that contribute to the development of this disease. Among them are the following:

    • insufficient iodine intake from food;
    • living in areas where iodine deficiency is endemic;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • various neck injuries;
    • exposure to toxic substances on the body (industrial hazards, heavy metal poisoning, ionizing treatment).

    In the thyroid gland, one adenoma usually forms in the right or left lobe. Its growth takes a long time and continues for many years. There are two main types of nodes:

    • active (toxic);
    • inactive.

    In the second type, the levels of the hormones T3, T4 and TSH remain normal. Such adenomas turn toxic in 10% of cases.

    Active nodes can manifest manifestations of thyrotoxicity even if they are small in size. The changed cells in the tumor area begin to intensively produce thyroid-stimulating hormones, their concentration in the blood increases and signs of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland appear. The thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland decreases according to the feedback principle, and the surrounding healthy tissue of the gland begins to atrophy. Such nodes are called “hot” or toxic.

    Since any type of adenoma can potentially develop into a malignant form of the disease, in many situations surgical treatment with removal of the node is indicated.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Uneven neck enlargement due to thyroid adenoma

    Manifestations of the disease largely depend on what type of node is present in the patient.

    Inactive formations do not have any manifestations for many years and are discovered by chance during a doctor’s examination. On palpation, a dense or elastic knot is felt, it is mobile and not fused with the surrounding tissues, painless. When the formation reaches a large size, the following symptoms appear:

    • feeling of pressure in the neck;
    • swallowing disorders;
    • dyspnea;
    • heterogeneous enlargement of the neck.

    Toxic adenoma is characterized by the following symptom complex:

    • increased heart rate;
    • increased sweating;
    • weight loss with good appetite;
    • hair loss;
    • irritability and emotional instability;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • angina attacks;
    • in the initial stages there is a surge of strength and energy, later fatigue and weakness develop;
    • in the later stages - left ventricular heart failure;
    • causeless increase in body temperature;
    • exophthalmos.

    Exophthalmos with toxic thyroid adenoma

    If the nodular formation is not treated, it will further thicken and tissue degeneration and loss of cell differentiation will occur with the development of a malignant tumor. Women with toxic adenomas may experience menstrual irregularities, and the disease can lead to infertility.


    Nodule in the thyroid gland on ultrasound examination

    The main diagnostically significant method for studying thyroid adenoma is ultrasound. It can be used to determine the presence of a formation, its size and density. But using ultrasound, it is difficult to say whether a tumor is benign or malignant. Therefore, to clarify the nature of the tumor, a fine-needle biopsy is performed, which provides information about the histological structure of the tumor and allows one to determine further treatment tactics.

    To detect thyroid cancer in the early stages or its recurrence, blood is taken to determine tumor markers. Thyroglobulin is a specific protein that increases in the blood during malignant formations in the gland. The hormone calcitonin increases in medullary cancer.

    The “gold standard” for diagnosing tumors of any location is computed tomography or MRI. These methods make it possible to determine the size of the tumor, the presence of damage to regional lymph nodes and metastases in distant organs.

    Using the scintigraphy method, you can determine the activity of formations in the thyroid gland. A special isotope is introduced, which has an affinity for toxic adenomas, it accumulates in them, and visually it looks like foci of intense luminescence, which is why such nodes are called “hot”. With inactive formations, the glow is weak, and the nodes are designated as “cold”.


    The basis of treatment is surgical removal of the adenoma. If the operation is not performed on time, the formation may become malignant. Conservative therapy is used only for colloid adenoma in pregnant women; after childbirth, dynamic observation is continued and, depending on the results of treatment, surgical intervention is recommended.

    The operation can only be performed if the level of hormones in the blood is normal, so a course of thyroid static therapy is prescribed before it to eliminate hyperthyroidism. When the required concentration of T3 and T4 is achieved, the node is enucleated with urgent histological examination. If the benign nature of the formation is revealed, then the operation is completed; in the case of a malignant variant, the surgical intervention is expanded to thyroidectomy, subtotal resection or hemithyroidectomy.

    Elderly patients or patients with contraindications to surgery are treated with radioactive iodine, which destroys thyroid adenoma tissue.

    Use of folk remedies

    Therapy using folk remedies for thyroid adenoma is used only as an auxiliary treatment and after consultation with an endocrinologist.

    To maintain normal thyroid function, medicinal plants containing:

    • analogues of thyroid hormones – Icelandic cetraria, medicinal watercress;
    • substances that have an effect on the pituitary gland and reduce the production of TSH - common bruise, comfrey, common black root.

    It is impossible to achieve a complete cure for adenoma with their help. It is necessary to undergo a course of therapy and surgery to remove the nodes, only then can we talk about a complete recovery.

    Due to the high prevalence of the disease among women over 40 years of age, this category of people is recommended to undergo annual medical examinations and ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland to detect the disease in the early stages.