Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption. Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption. Structure of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption

2. This Decree comes into force from the date of signing.

on the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption Chapter 1. General provisions

Footnote. Title of Chapter 1 as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 2019 No. 828

1. The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) is a state body directly subordinate and accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, exercising leadership in the field of public service, assessment and state control over the quality of public services, as well as within provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leadership and intersectoral coordination for the prevention, detection, suppression, disclosure and investigation of corruption offenses.

2. The agency has a department, as well as territorial bodies in regions, cities of republican significance, and the capital.

3. The Agency carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President and Government, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as these Regulations.

4. The Agency is a legal entity in the organizational and legal form of a state institution, has seals and stamps with its name in the state language, forms of the established form, as well as, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accounts with the treasury authorities.

5. The agency enters into civil legal relations on its own behalf.

6. The Agency has the right to act as a party to civil law relations on behalf of the state if it is authorized to do so in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

7. The Agency, on issues of its competence, in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, makes decisions, formalized by orders of the Chairman of the Agency and other acts provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8. The structure and total staffing of the Agency are approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan upon the proposal of the Chairman of the Agency.

9. Legal address of the Agency: 010000, Astana city, Abay Avenue, 33 a.

10. The full name of the Agency is the state institution "Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption."

11. These Regulations are the founding document of the Agency.

12. The Agency’s activities are financed from the republican budget.

13. The Agency is prohibited from entering into contractual relations with business entities for the purpose of fulfilling the duties that are the functions of the Agency.

If the Agency is granted by legislative acts the right to carry out income-generating activities, then the income received from such activities is directed to the state budget.

Chapter 2. Mission, main tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the Agency

Footnote. The title of Chapter 2 is as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 2019 No. 828 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

14. Mission of the Agency: implementation of a unified state policy in the areas of public service, anti-corruption, assessment and state control over the quality of public services.

15. Tasks:

1) development and implementation of state policy in the areas of public service, anti-corruption, assessment and state control over the quality of public services;

2) coordination of the activities of government bodies and organizations in matters of compliance with legislation on public service, preventing corruption, minimizing the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of corruption offenses, as well as legislation on public services;

3) formation of an anti-corruption culture and a corruption prevention system.

16. Functions of the central office:

1) development and implementation of strategies and programs in the areas of public service and anti-corruption;

2) ensuring the implementation of state policy in the provision of public services within its competence;

3) development of a list of authorized persons assessing the activities of political civil servants;

4) approval of the methodology for calculating the cost of retraining and advanced training of civil servants;

5) development and adoption of regulatory legal acts in the areas of public service and anti-corruption, assessment and state control over the quality of public services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) consulting government officials and citizens on issues within the competence of the Agency;

7) carrying out in state bodies an assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of state bodies for personnel management and the quality of provision of public services, with the exception of public services provided in electronic form;

8) coordination of research, educational, publishing activities in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) preparation of draft international agreements on issues of civil service and anti-corruption, interaction with relevant bodies of foreign states on issues of public service, anti-corruption and provision of public services, participation, within the limits of their powers, in the activities of international organizations;

10) on behalf of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, development of draft regulatory legal acts in the areas of public service and anti-corruption, assessment and state control over the quality of public services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

11) interaction with other government bodies in the areas of public service, anti-corruption, provision of public services;

12) development of proposals to improve the remuneration system, social and legal protection of civil servants;

13) monitoring the state of personnel of political and administrative civil servants, as well as political and administrative civil service positions, including general coordination on the formation of a unified automated database (information system) for civil service personnel;

14) coordination of the activities of state bodies on the issues of training, retraining and advanced training of administrative civil servants, including abroad;

15) coordination of the formation and placement of state orders for training, retraining and advanced training of administrative civil servants;

16) monitoring the passage of civil service by persons who have completed training programs for training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants on the basis of a state order;

17) determination of procedures, programs, as well as organization of testing of administrative civil servants, candidates for administrative public positions and citizens entering law enforcement service in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

18) determining the procedure for holding competitions for administrative public positions;

19) approval of a general competition for occupying a vacant and (or) temporarily vacant administrative public position of Corps “B”, which is not a lower level, in the central government body or its department, as well as in the territorial division of the central government body or its department, or the executive body financed from the local budget, and determining the approval procedure;

20) determining the procedure for assessing the personal qualities of citizens who have previously undergone testing procedures and have results not lower than the values ​​​​established by the authorized body;

21) conducting an assessment of the personal qualities of citizens and issuing an appropriate conclusion based on its results;

22) development and submission for approval to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of acts defining the status and powers of executive secretaries and heads of staff of ministries and central government bodies;

23) formation of a personnel reserve for the administrative civil service of Corps “A”;

23-1) approval of the occupation of administrative civil servants of Corps “B” without holding a competition by administrative civil servants of Corps “A” who meet the established qualification requirements;

24) development and approval of standard qualification requirements for categories of administrative government positions;

25) coordination of qualification requirements for administrative public positions of Corps “B”, developed by state bodies, appointments to administrative public positions of Corps “B” in terms of the candidate’s compliance with the qualification requirements, dismissals of administrative civil servants who have not completed the probationary period;

26) determining the procedure and conditions for passing the probationary period and the procedure for assigning mentors;

27) determination of the internship procedure for administrative civil servants;

28) coordination of the activities of government bodies in organizing internships for administrative civil servants;

29) approval of the list of law enforcement positions filled on a competitive basis, the conditions and procedure for holding competitions and internships in law enforcement agencies, as well as qualification requirements for categories of law enforcement positions;

30) determining the procedure for developing and approving the job description of an administrative civil servant;

31) approval of standard regulations on the personnel management service (personnel service);

32) development and approval of standard forms of documents for personnel records management of the administrative public service;

33) determination of the procedure for concluding, extending and terminating an employment contract with administrative civil servants of Corps “A”;

34) development and submission for approval to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of a register of positions of political and administrative civil servants;

35) approval of the methodology for assessing the activities of administrative civil servants of Corps “A”, as well as the standard methodology for assessing the activities of administrative civil servants of Corps “B”;

36) consideration of complaints from individuals and legal entities against actions (inaction) and decisions of government bodies or officials on issues of violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public service, as well as compliance with official ethics;

37) implementation of state control over compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public service by state bodies, as well as service ethics by civil servants;

38) consideration of disciplinary cases against civil servants in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

39) coordination of the work of disciplinary commissions of state bodies to consider disciplinary cases of administrative civil servants;

40) coordination and methodological support for the activities of the ethics commissioner;

41) coordination and implementation of methodological guidance of the activities of personnel management services (HR services);

42) making proposals to officials and government bodies to cancel their decisions taken in violation of legislation in the field of public service and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

43) submission to state bodies, within their competence, of submissions mandatory for consideration on the elimination of violations identified as a result of an audit on civil service issues;

44) annual formation of the National Report on the state of the civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan and its submission in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

45) development of a procedure for seconding civil servants to government bodies, foreign institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other organizations;

46) development of a procedure for calculating the length of service of civil servants, giving the right to establish an official salary;

47) development of a procedure for career planning for administrative civil servants of Corps “A”;

48) identifying the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of corruption offenses in the activities of government bodies, organizations and entities of the quasi-public sector;

49) interaction with civil society institutions and government bodies, aimed at minimizing the level of corruption in the perception of society;

50) submitting for consideration to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan recommendations on minimizing and eliminating the causes and conditions for the emergence of corruption in the activities of government bodies, organizations and entities of the quasi-public sector;

51) carrying out external analysis of corruption risks;

52) monitoring the implementation by government bodies, organizations, entities of the quasi-public sector of recommendations to eliminate violations of the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of corruption offenses, made based on the results of an external analysis of corruption risks;

53) participation in the improvement and implementation of educational programs in the field of anti-corruption and raising public awareness of the risks of corruption;

54) annual formation of the National Report on Anti-Corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan and its submission in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

55) formation and submission to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of summary information on the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of planned activities for the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy;

56) determination of a standard procedure for conducting internal analysis of corruption risks;

57) study and dissemination of positive experience in anti-corruption;

58) assistance and provision of methodological assistance to anti-corruption entities in the implementation of educational programs on anti-corruption education and upbringing, information and outreach activities, execution of the state social order aimed at creating an anti-corruption culture;

59) determining the procedure for conducting anti-corruption monitoring;

60) drawing up protocols and considering cases of administrative offenses in the manner established by the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offences;

61) requesting information on the results of internal control over the quality of public services;

62) implementation of state control over the quality of provision of public services;

63) formation and implementation of the state social order for conducting public monitoring of the quality of public services;

64) development of proposals to improve the quality of public services;

65) providing information, advisory, methodological support to individuals and non-profit organizations to conduct public monitoring of the quality of public services;

66) development and approval of rules of state control over the quality of public services;

67) development and approval of a methodology for assessing the quality of provision of public services in agreement with the authorized body in the field of informatization;

68) implementation of other functions assigned by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Footnote. Clause 16 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 12, 2017№ 498 .

17. Functions of the department:

1) identification, suppression, disclosure and investigation of corruption criminal offenses;

2) monitoring the sale of property confiscated in criminal cases of corruption crimes and acquired with funds obtained by criminal means, as a rule, with the subsequent publication of information about its circulation to the state;

3) participation in the preparation of the annual National Report on Anti-Corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) participation in the formation of summary information on the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of planned measures for the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy;

5) conducting an analysis of the practice of operational search and investigative activities, pre-trial investigations into corruption crimes;

6) making submissions to government bodies, organizations or persons performing managerial functions in them to take measures to eliminate circumstances or other violations of the law in the manner established by the criminal procedural legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

7) escorting detainees and persons in custody;

8) collection (acquisition), permanent storage and use of archival documents in a special state archive;

9) implementation of other functions assigned by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

18. Rights and obligations of the Agency:

1) make proposals to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of improving the civil service and combating corruption, as well as assessment and state control over the quality of public services;

2) request and receive from government bodies, organizations, officials the necessary information and materials in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) conduct inspections on issues of civil service, state control over the quality of public services, and, in agreement with government bodies, involve their employees in inspections;

4) submit to government bodies, within their competence, mandatory submissions for consideration on the elimination of violations identified as a result of an audit on civil service issues in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) in case of detection of a violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on civil service, on public services, take measures in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) develop regulatory legal acts on issues related to the activities of the Agency, its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations;

7) make proposals for audits, tax and other inspections, audits and performance assessments from authorized bodies and officials in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) create and use information systems that ensure the solution of tasks assigned to the Agency and its territorial bodies;

9) interact with other government bodies and organizations in the main areas of the Agency’s activities;

10) exercise other powers provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 3. Organization of the Agency’s activities

Footnote. The title of Chapter 3 is as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 2019 No. 828 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

19. The management of the Agency is carried out by the chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption (hereinafter referred to as the chairman), who is personally responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Agency and the implementation of its functions.

20. The Chairman is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

21. The Chairman of the Agency has two deputies, who are appointed and dismissed upon his recommendation by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

22. Powers of the chairman:

1) organizes and manages the work of the Agency, exercises control over the activities of territorial bodies and subordinate organizations of the Agency;

2) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, carries out management and coordination of the activities of the department;

3) determines the powers of his deputies and the head of the apparatus;

4) in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, appoints and dismisses employees of the Agency, heads of territorial bodies of the Agency, their deputies, as well as heads of subordinate organizations;

5) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approves the procedure for resolving personnel issues of the department and its territorial bodies;

6) determines the procedure for interaction of the department with other government bodies;

7) in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, imposes disciplinary sanctions and applies incentive measures to workers (employees) of the Agency and its departments, the issues of labor relations of which fall within its competence;

8) submits to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan submissions on awarding workers (employees) of the Agency and its departments, their territorial bodies and subordinate organizations with state awards and conferring honorary titles of the Republic of Kazakhstan on them;

9) coordinates the establishment of qualification classes;

10) signs legal and regulatory legal acts of the Agency, gives instructions and instructions to subordinate employees, takes other organizational and administrative measures for the implementation of government functions within the competence of the Agency;

11) in agreement with the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approves the Regulations on the department and its territorial bodies;

12) approves regulations on the territorial bodies of the Agency;

13) approves the structure of the territorial bodies of the Agency, department and its territorial bodies within the limit of the total staffing number approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

14) represents the Agency in relations with government bodies and other organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

15) forms consultative and advisory bodies under the Agency;

16) exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The execution of the powers of the first head of the Agency during his absence is carried out by the person replacing him in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

23. The Agency’s apparatus is headed by the head of the apparatus, appointed and dismissed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

24. The department carries out operational investigative activities, pre-trial proceedings and proceedings in cases of administrative offenses related to the provision of its criminal procedural activities, and bears full responsibility for the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to it.

25. The Agency has ethics councils in regions, cities of republican significance, and the capital, which are collegial bodies, the Regulations of which are approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Footnote. Clause 25 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08/04/2018№ 723 .

Chapter 4. Property of the Agency

Footnote. The title of Chapter 4 is as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 2019 No. 828 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

26. The Agency may have the right of operational management of separate property in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Agency’s property is formed from property transferred by the state, as well as property (including cash income) acquired as a result of its own activities and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

27. The property assigned to the Agency is republican property.

28. The Agency does not have the right to independently alienate or otherwise dispose of the property assigned to it and property acquired from funds issued to it under the financing plan, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 5. Reorganization and abolition of the Agency

Footnote. The title of Chapter 5 is as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 2019 No. 828 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

29. Reorganization and abolition of the Agency are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

List of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Agency

No. 828 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

1) Joint Stock Company "National Center for Personnel Management of the Civil Service";

2) Republican state government enterprise "Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

List of territorial bodies of the Agency

Footnote. Title as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 2019 No. 828 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

1) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Akmola Region";

2) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Aktobe Region";

3) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Almaty Region";

4) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Atyrau Region";

5) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the East Kazakhstan Region";

6) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Zhambyl Region";

7) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the West Kazakhstan Region";

8) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Karaganda Region";

9) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Kostanay Region";

10) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Kyzylorda Region";

11) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Mangistau Region";

12) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Pavlodar Region";

13) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the North Kazakhstan Region";

14) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Turkestan Region";

15) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the City of Astana";

16) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the City of Almaty";

17) Republican state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the City of Shymkent".

List of territorial bodies of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency

Footnote. Title as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 2019 No. 828 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

1) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in Akmola Region";

2) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Aktobe Region";

3) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Almaty Region";

4) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Atyrau Region";

5) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the East Kazakhstan Region";

6) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Zhambyl Region";

7) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the West Kazakhstan Region";

8) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Karaganda Region";

9) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Kostanay Region";

10) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Kyzylorda Region";

11) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Mangistau Region";

12) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Pavlodar Region";

13) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the North Kazakhstan Region";

14) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Turkestan Region";

15) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the city of Astana";

16) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the City of Almaty";

17) Republican state institution "Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the city of Shymkent."

Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption


National Anti-Corruption Bureau (Anti-Corruption Service)

Civil Service Department

Department of Control in the Sphere of Civil Service

Anti-Corruption Policy Department

Department of Public Services

Department of Strategic Developments and International Programs

Public Relations Department

Administrative Department

Legal Department

Office for the Protection of State Secrets and Information Security

HR service

Internal Audit Service

Chairman's Secretariat

METHODS OF PROVIDING SERVICES from 723 public services through service providers 180 Sales, on an alternative basis - 461, 461 through a web portal 31 through the State Corporation 51

METHODS OF PROVIDING 723 PUBLIC SERVICES by government agencies 461 services are provided alternatively, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 14, 1,461 services 461 are provided 461 services 461 services are provided 461 are provided alternatively 180 services are provided alternatively 461 services are provided in 55, 11 alternatively provided - 16.4 MF services 461 service 461 o, MO - provided 461 service o, ME -461 service 180 33, 7 alternative service 51 alternative service provided 461 service o, ADGSPC provided through provided - 5, alternative 461 service provider, - 70, 30 o, MZ provided - 39, MES is provided o, MJ -58, 180 services 461 services through 15 o, 2 alternatives are provided 24 - 34, service providers are provided, alternative 461 services are provided alternatively to ME alternative services - 33, 3 alternatives, MLSPP is provided through 180100, State Corporation alternative service 461 o, MF -MNE 1219, 12 o, 138, Ministry of Agriculture - o, 20 - turns out o, MOAP -services o, 55, - o, MIR - Ministry of Internal Affairs - 39, 24 MKS 22, alternative 14 180 3, 2 service providers, o, KNB - 10, 7 yu, ME - 33, 3 alternatively 180 services 68 through o, MDRGO alternative 8, 6 98 services 180 through MO - 16, 5 o, NB - 44, 37 alternatively service provider, through o, MIC - 11, 10 through the service provider, MJ -58, 8 31 51 service 180 service provider, services about, VS - 4, 4 GP 1, 1 180 service provider, MFA - 14, 13 through services 180 through 39, 14 through MZ - web 180 through services 180 services through 51 services of the State Corporation ADGSPC - 5, 2 51 services of the service provider, through the portal, ME through 180 service providers, 51 services through 55, 28 - 70, 37 MF - MON through the service provider, service 51 service providers, 33, 20 service 51 service through a service provider, - 34, 51 180 through 51 service providers, State Corporation 9 through - 39, 10 service providers, through services 51 services. MTSZNGoskorporatsi 31 services 51 State corporations services. Ministry of Internal Affairs yu, 100, -58, 26 - 22, 6 service 51 31 service 19, through the Ministry of Agriculture - MU 1851 yu, MO - 16, 7 service provider, through the MNE service provider, 31 through 31 service MKS State Corporation through MIR - 138, State Corporation through service provider, 25 31 via service via the web 6 State Corporation, via the web. MZ - 39, web. MOAP - 3, 1 via the web. State Corporation ADHSPK - 5, yu, State Service Provider Corporation, 3 via web, Ministry of Agriculture - 100, MDRGO-KNB - 10, 8, 2 portal, MZMFMNE - - 138, - yu, MLSZN - State Corporation 44, 7 34, portal, State Corporation portal , MIR NB yu, MNE yu, MIRyu, 1 - 19, MES Ministry of Internal Affairs - 39, 5 1 39, service via web portal 14 4 portal, 70, yu, 5 51 yu, MIK - 11, MKS State Corporation - service via 1 22, 2 yu, 1 55, 4 MON -14 2 19, 31 138, 70, 1 1 180 services through the service provider 461 services are provided alternatively

BY TYPE OF SERVICE 31 services provided entirely through the e-government web portal Row 1, ME, 20 Row 1, MF, 4 Row 1, MZ, 4 Row 1, MIR, 1 Row 1, MON, 1 Row MNE, 51 service provided entirely through the State Corporation d 1, MIR, 1, Ministry of Agriculture, Row 14 14 Row 1, Moscow Region, 7 Row 1, Ministry of Internal Affairs, 5 MLSZN, 5 Row 1, Row MNE, 1 MIC

Row 1, MON, 37 180 services provided only through the service provider Row 1, MIR, 25 Row 1, MSKh, 18 1, MZ, Row 1, MFA, Row 14 13 1, MF, MIA, Row 1, 12 Row 1, 1, 10 MTSZN, 9 8 Row MU, NB, 7 Row 1, 1, Row Row 1, 1, MKS, 6 Row 1, MO, 5 MNE, 5 1, 1, KNB, 3 ADGSPC, 2 ME, 3 MDRGO , 2 MOAP, Row 1, MIR, 98,461 services provided on an alternative basis Row 1, Ministry of Agriculture, 68 Row 1, NB, Row 1, MON, 37 Row 1, MU, MVD, 1, 30 Row 1, MLSZN, Row 1, MZ, 1, MNE, 24 24 20 Row 1, MKS, 1, MF, Row Row 1, MIC, Row 1, 1, 1, Row Row 15 14 12 11 Row Row 1, 10 KNB, ME, 7 Row 1, 1, Row 1 7 MDRGO, 6 4 4 MO, GP, MOAP, 2 MFA, 1 1 ADGSPC, 2 BC,

TOTAL SERVICES PROVIDED for the 1st half of 2017 through the State Corporation 21.1 million in electronic form 41.2 million in paper form 24.9 million

DYNAMICS OF CHANGES IN THE SHARE OF PUBLIC SERVICES BY FORMS OF THEIR PROVISION + 1, 9 times 1st half of 2016, in electronic form, 21. 2 1st half of 2017, in electronic form, 41. 2 + 1, 9 times 1st half of 2016, in paper in form, 12. 8 1st half of 2016 million 1st half of 2017, in paper form, 24. 9 1st half of 2017, through the State Corporation, 21. 1 1 + 2, 3 times half of 2016, through the State Corporation, 8 9 1st half of 2017

On January 31, an extended meeting of the board of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, chaired by Alik Shpekbaev, was held in Astana.
The key issues on the agenda identified public policy in the areas of civil service, ensuring the quality of public services and anti-corruption.
The meeting of the board was attended by deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of central government bodies, international and public organizations, and consultative and advisory bodies of the Agency.
Opening the meeting, Alik Shpekbaev emphasized the special importance of the further practical implementation of the first direction of institutional reforms and the Message of the Head of State “New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution.”
Currently, a new civil service model is operating in the country. The selected civil service model has a positive multiplier effect. The principle of meritocracy operates in the civil service, which ensures fairness and the reality of a social elevator for those who honestly and openly would like to make a career in the civil service.
In 2017, based on the results of competitions, more than half of civil servants took higher positions.
A comprehensive certification of 67 thousand civil servants of Corps “B” was carried out, during which the Unified Competency Framework was applied for the first time.
The testing of the Unified Competency Framework made it possible to select and promote personnel taking into account the assessment of personal competencies and based on the decisions of commissions in which independent experts and observers take part.
A new system of remuneration for civil servants has been developed using a factor-point scale for evaluating positions. According to the new model, official salaries are determined based on the level of competencies, the complexity of the tasks being solved and the degree of responsibility for achieving the result. For the first time, effective civil servants will receive annual bonuses based on their performance.
As part of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program, the Agency is implementing the "Ozgeristerdi ozinen basta" project, aimed at modernizing government bodies, including law enforcement and judicial, their subordinate organizations and the quasi-public sector. The goal of the project is to move away from traditional bureaucratic processes and labor organization to modern and more effective approaches.
The number of positions in building "A" has been reduced by almost half. Positions that do not have managerial and administrative functions are excluded from the corps.
Standards for training and advanced training for civil servants have been unified on the basis of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its branches.
For the first time, the Agency monitored the quality of public services provided jointly with representatives of civil society. The joint work has demonstrated high results: services have been improved in most public service centers, state revenue institutions, natural monopolies and other organizations.
The measures taken are aimed, first of all, at eradicating everyday corruption.
At the initiative of the Agency, work is being carried out in all regions of the country to train Kazakhstanis in the skills of receiving government services in electronic form, which covered more than 1.8 million citizens.
Systematic and comprehensive work is being carried out to prevent corruption.
Recommendations were sent to government bodies to eliminate the causes and conditions of corruption, amendments were made to 9 laws and 42 by-laws.
2017 was marked by an active increase in interaction with the non-governmental sector: the Civil Alliance, public and ethnocultural organizations, and religious associations.
“A lot has been done, but in a rapidly changing world we have to do even more. It is very important to build work in a new format that will allow us to adapt to changes as quickly as possible,” noted Alik Shpekbaev.
The Agency, its territorial divisions, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and subordinate organizations have been instructed to implement a set of necessary measures.
Firstly, as part of the formation of a professional state apparatus:
- to test a new system of remuneration for civil servants using a factor-point scale for evaluating positions;
- to form an effective mechanism for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of civil servants. Implement a set of measures to increase the level of social protection of civil servants;
- implement the “Digital Agency” project, within the framework of which, based on modern IT technologies, a transition to innovative forms and methods of work will be carried out. An experiment on the formation of electronic criminal cases will begin through the Anti-Corruption Service.
Secondly, in the field of quality control of public services, the following is entrusted:
- automate the provision of public services and transfer them to a non-alternative electronic form;
- integrate information systems of government agencies to move from the provision of individual government services to complex ones based on the “one application” principle;
- create a system for determining the level of population satisfaction with the quality of public services;
- carry out work to amend regulatory legal acts aimed at increasing the role of citizens and public organizations in monitoring the quality of public services;
- open a Center for the Provision of Public Services at the Agency.
Thirdly, in the field of anti-corruption the following was entrusted:
- to increase the effectiveness of the recommendations made by the Agency and eradicate the formal bureaucratic approach to their implementation, create a constantly updated public register of corruption risks with appropriate explanations from the authorized body;
- launch the project “Astana – Adaldyk Alany”, designed to become a basic model of work to eradicate everyday corruption. The project is aimed at ensuring the openness of government agencies and strengthening the personal responsibility of managers, developing civil control, and creating comfortable conditions for the provision of government services;
- prepare and implement the project “Map of Public Control” to more effectively unite the efforts of the state and society in the field of combating corruption;
- implement comprehensive measures aimed at strictly observing the rights of citizens at the pre-trial stage and reducing the level of repressiveness in the work of the Anti-Corruption Service.

Abstracts of the speech of the Agency Chairman at the board meeting following the results of 2017

Please pay attention to the rip tester!
Bugingi Alka mаzhіlіsіn zhumys memlekettik apparatus kizmetin yimdastyruga magazyttalgan tasildemelerdi ozgertu, zhane masmunyn tupkіliktі zhandandyruga degen kazhettilik ayqyndalgan zhagdaida otude. Elbasy ozinin biylgy Zholdauynda, elimizge zhan sapala lady kazhettigin erekshe atap otti. Kun tәrtіbіn tүbegayli өzgertetіn trendter belgіlenіp, zhmystyn үyrenshіktі adіsterіmen tаsilderіn shugyl tүrde өzgertuge үуйт алдик. Digital technology dauirinde ulken ozgeristerdіn shet zhagasynda kalmau ushіn, bіz bіrіzdі zholdan bass tartyp, zhanashyl ​​kozkarast ustamdardy uran etyp, It's just like that. Osynday zhagdayda, ozgeristerdіn aldyngy shebinde turatyn Agenttik ushіn zhauapkershiliktіn zhugi arta tuzude. Uzdik alemdik tazhiribege tolygymen seikes keletin memlekettik kyzmettin zhana modelin kalyptastyrudy ayaktau kazhet. Búl – memleket bassysyn esepti, take care of the organ of the big tabylatyn Agenttik kyzmetinin bassy bagyty. Agymdagy zhyly memlekettik kyzmet organdaryn kurylganyna 20 zhyl tolady. Agent Memlekettik qyzmetterdі korsetudіn sapasyn artyruga, ogan kokam okilderinіn baqylau zhasau zhumysynyn karkynyn artyrady. Memlekettik organdarmen korsetіletin qyzmetter azamattar ushіn ašyk zhane kalayly boluy tiіs. Elimizdin tandyry berymizzdi tolgandyratyny sozsiz. Sondyktan zhemkorlykka degen tozbeushilik arbir kazakstandyktyn azamattyk ustanymyna ainaluy tis. You will need to use a barlyk for the tartyls on the bottom.

Kurmetti arriptester!
2017 zhyl kop bagytty kamtygan betburystarga toly boldy.
Bіz damygan memleketterde koldanylatyn qizmettin tasildemeleri men tetikterin kalyptastyrdyk.
Was degenimized without using a brush.
Wasps rette odang argy on ozgeristerge kedergi keltiretin maselelerdin bar ekendigin de zhasyrmaymyz.
Onyn keibireuleri objectivti sipatta.
Biz olardy zhoyuga kush salamyz.
Baska maselelerdin sheshimin eskirgen zhane ozektiligi zhogalgan tusinikterden shapshan arylsak kan tabamyz.
Bul zheke kasietterge de katysty.
Bizdin basty artykshylygymyz, nakty lady strategymyzdyn boluy.
For the most part, you can use the minimum indicator bar.
En bastysy - Elbasymyz aldymyzga koygan zhogary maksattarga ayagymyzdy now basyp, dajektilikpen zhete bіlu.
Halyktyn igilіgі ushіn atkaryp otyrgan қizmetterіңізгізгілік ілімін.
Nazarlarynizga Rakhmet!

Main results of the Agency’s activities in the field of public service achieved in 2017

Goal: formation of a professional government apparatus
For the first time, a Unified Competency Framework has been developed and tested, allowing for the selection and promotion of personnel taking into account the assessment of personal competencies (professional and other qualities of the candidate) and on the basis of decisions of commissions in which independent experts and observers participate. Previously, this work was carried out only based on the results of testing for knowledge of laws and interviews at closed meetings of departmental commissions.
For the first time, a new system of remuneration for civil servants has been developed using a factor-point scale for evaluating positions. The salaries are determined based on the level of competencies, the complexity of the tasks being solved and the degree of responsibility for achieving the result. Bonuses are awarded based on specific contributions to achieving the overall goals of the organization. In the civil service, Kazakhstan is abandoning the equalizing approach to wages and creating a more effective mechanism for material motivation of workers.
The consistent implementation of the principle of meritocracy has made it possible to increase the attractiveness of the civil service and stop the high turnover of personnel. The number of people wishing to change their field of activity has decreased by half compared to 2015. Moreover, during the first year of work, only 1.3% of newcomers leave the civil service. In OECD countries, this figure varies from 2.7% in the USA to 24.5% in Estonia. In 2017, based on the results of competitions, more than half of civil servants were promoted to higher positions. The number of non-competitive appointments has been reduced by 18 times. For the first time, work has begun to introduce the principle of meritocracy in the selection of personnel in law enforcement agencies, the most closed government structures to society.
For the first time in the civil service, the introduction of modern human resource management technologies has begun. Since 2017, monitoring and analysis of HR processes occurring in government agencies has been carried out using the integrated information system "E-Kyzmet", put into commercial operation in December 2016.
For the first time, an OECD Report has been prepared and published, which contains a comparative analysis of human resource management in the public service in Kazakhstan and the member countries of this organization. The authors of the Report note significant progress in creating a professional civil service and conclude that “in Kazakhstan, government bodies managing the civil service use approaches common to OECD countries.” This is a great achievement for our country.

What remains to be done in the field of public service:
In line with the implementation of the Rukhani Zhangyru program, measures will be taken to ensure a high level of competitiveness of civil servants. The agency is the coordinator of the “Ozgeristerdi Ozinen Basta” subprogram, within the framework of which large-scale work will be launched to improve the level of professional competence and transform the thinking of civil servants, called upon to be the main agents of change.
A new system of remuneration for civil servants will be tested using a factor-point scale for evaluating positions. The pilot project involves the Agency, the Ministry of Justice, and the akimats of Astana and Mangistau region.
The task has been set to form an effective mechanism for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of civil servants. Any facts of violation of the requirements for the selection, promotion and evaluation of civil servants will be immediately suppressed, and the officials responsible for this will be brought to the strictest responsibility, up to and including dismissal. A set of measures is provided to increase the level of social protection of civil servants. The transition from working with documents to working with people will become a key principle of transformation of the personnel apparatus of government agencies.
The implementation of the “Digital Agency” project will begin, within the framework of which, based on modern IT technologies, a transition to innovative forms and methods of work will be carried out, including using the potential of the integrated information system “E-Kyzmet”. Through the Anti-Corruption Service, an experiment will begin on the formation of electronic criminal cases, which will increase the efficiency of control at all stages of pre-trial proceedings and will lead to a reduction in investigation time.

Main results of the Agency’s activities in the field of quality control of public services

Goal: ensuring high quality of public services
The efficiency of quality control of public services has increased, including through the involvement of citizens and public organizations in this work within the framework of the Mystery Shopping project. During the year, more than 900 inspections were carried out, during which 370 thousand violations of administrative regulations and standards for the provision of public services and other requirements established by law were revealed. The largest number of violations were committed in the areas of labor and social protection of the population (39%), as well as agriculture (32, 5%). 587 officials were brought to disciplinary liability, more than 200 administrative cases were initiated. As a result, the quality of service has improved in most public service centers, natural monopolies and other institutions providing public services.
Another priority area of ​​work for the Agency and its territorial departments was the identification of hidden government services. The official register contains a list of 746 public services, the provision of which is regulated by relevant regulations and standards. However, many functions of government agencies that have signs of public services are not included in the register, which creates high corruption risks and infringes on the rights of citizens. In total, more than 300 hidden government services have been identified, 54 of which are included in the register, and appropriate work is being carried out on the rest.
At the initiative of the Agency, work was carried out in all regions of the country to train Kazakhstanis in the skills of receiving government services in electronic form, which covered more than 1.8 million citizens. Together with other measures, this led, compared to 2014, to a twofold reduction in the number of services received in paper form through contact with officials of government agencies. If previously the share of the latter was 60%, then in 2017 this figure dropped to 28%.

What remains to be done in the area of ​​quality control of public services:
The main efforts will be aimed at expanding the scale and accelerating the process of automating the provision of public services and transferring them into a non-alternative electronic form. In this regard, the Agency intends to ensure that by the end of this year. all civil servants received government services only in electronic form.
Particular attention will be paid to the integration of information systems of government agencies for the transition from the provision of individual government services to complex ones based on the “one application” principle.
Based on digital technologies, a system will be created to determine the level of population satisfaction with the quality of public services. For this purpose, in particular, it is planned to use a special mobile application that allows real-time assessment of the quality of public services provided.
The scope of the Mystery Shopping project will be expanded, changes will be made to regulatory legal acts aimed at increasing the role of citizens and public organizations in monitoring the quality of public services.
A Center for the Provision of Public Services will be opened at the Agency.

Main results of the Agency's activities in the field of anti-corruption
Work on preventing corruption has come to the fore, primarily by identifying and eliminating corruption risks in the activities of government agencies and quasi-public sector entities. At the same time, for the first time, the emphasis is on joining forces with public organizations. Thus, together with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken”, an analysis of corruption risks was carried out in 16 areas that are especially significant for business development. The Nur Otan Party assisted in organizing work to identify and analyze corruption risks in educational institutions, healthcare, social protection and sphere of housing relations. With the participation of trade union organizations, such work was carried out in the oil and gas and mining and metallurgical industries. As a result, more than 3 thousand recommendations were prepared and submitted to the relevant institutions and organizations to eliminate the identified corruption risks. Analysis of the content of corruption risks indicates that they are mostly associated with imperfect procedures, discretionary powers and the presence of conflicts of interest. Based on the results of the investigation of criminal cases, the Anti-Corruption Service carried out an analysis of corruption risks in 12 areas, which became the basis for amending 9 laws and 42 by-laws.
In 2017, measures were taken to strengthen interaction with the non-governmental sector. Thus, with the participation of the Civil Alliance, a Congress of Civil Initiatives was held, which will become one of the mechanisms for improving anti-corruption policy. The first steps have been taken aimed at using the potential of ethnocultural organizations and religious associations in creating an atmosphere of non-acceptance of corruption. Together with public organizations, the implementation of the project “10 steps to eliminate corruption on the roads” has begun. With the support of the Federation of Trade Unions, mobile groups began working in all regions to consider citizens' appeals and explain state anti-corruption policies. They visited more than 6.5 thousand work collectives.
In the work of the Anti-Corruption Service, the emphasis is shifted towards identifying and suppressing corruption crimes that are systemic in nature. In 2017, 108 such facts were established, and 320 people were brought to criminal responsibility. A total of 1,835 corruption offenses were registered, which is 18% less than in 2016. The bulk of them are crimes related to bribery - 40% (988), facts of theft - 33% (808) and abuse of power - 11% (261). Most of the identified corruption crimes were committed by employees of akimats (718), employees of internal affairs bodies (323) and employees of the quasi-public sector (239). Corruption risks continue to remain high in the areas of education (201), agriculture (183), construction (158) and healthcare (101). The total damage from corruption offenses was established in the amount of 15.8 billion tenge, of which 14 billion or 88% were compensated. About 400 corruption crimes committed during the implementation of various government programs were identified, damage was established in the amount of 5.3 billion tenge, of which 87% (4.6 billion tenge) were compensated.

What's new in the field of anti-corruption:
In order to increase the effectiveness of the recommendations made by the Agency and eradicate the formal bureaucratic approach to their implementation, a constantly updated public register of corruption risks will be created with appropriate explanations from the authorized body. This will help increase the level of public control over the work to eliminate the causes and conditions of corruption.
Since February of this year. The implementation of the project “Astana – Adaldyk Alany” will begin, designed to become the basic model of work to eradicate administrative (everyday) corruption. It contains a set of measures to create a general rejection of corruption, ensure the openness of government agencies and strengthen the personal responsibility of managers, develop civil control, and create comfortable conditions for the provision of public services. After testing, this model will be implemented in all regions.
To more effectively unite the efforts of the state and society in the field of combating corruption, the “Map of Public Control” project will be prepared and implemented. It is aimed at creating an effective corruption prevention infrastructure, primarily at the level of regional cities and rural districts. Particular attention will be paid to strengthening interaction with citizens using social networks and instant messengers.
In accordance with the Law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts on the Modernization of the Procedural Fundamentals of Law Enforcement Activity,” adopted in December 2017 as a legislative initiative of the Head of State, a set of measures will be implemented aimed at strictly observing the rights of citizens at the pre-trial stage and reducing the level of repressiveness in the work of the Anti-Corruption Service.

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