Achatina proper maintenance and care. How to care for snails at home. Types of land snails

Proper care of Achatina snails at home is an important topic for lovers of exotic pets. These African beauties are considered the largest of the mollusks, have a shell up to 25 cm in size, a heart, kidney, lung, brain and have conditioned reflexes. They are unpretentious, but some conditions must be met when caring for them.

Achatina - content

African Achatina snails are land snails; care and maintenance at home do not require much trouble. Many aquarists consider them ideal domesticated pets. Achatina do not smell, do not bite, do not cause allergies, do not require communication or walking, even on vacation or a business trip you don’t have to worry about them - the snail can easily live alone for a week or two.

What is needed to keep Achatina snails?

For the unassuming Achatina, when kept at home, you will need a transparent container. Suitable vessel:

  • made of plastic;
  • made of plexiglass;
  • old glass aquarium.

In order for the mollusk to feel comfortable, the volume of the container must be at least 10 liters; if a family of snails lives in it, this means more. To allow fresh air to enter, the terrarium must be equipped with top covers with small holes through which the inhabitant cannot escape. Caring for Achatina snails at home - how to fill the container:

  1. The bottom is covered with a layer of substrate 10 cm high; flower compost or clean peat will do. You can add sand, hazelnut shells or walnut cores to it. The substrate is needed so that the snail can burrow into the ground - they love to do this and lay eggs there. The compost needs to be moistened a little from a spray bottle every day.
  2. Additionally, you can put large stones, driftwood, coconut halves in the aquarium - the snails will hide in them. Green vegetation (ferns, ivy) will decorate the living area and become useful food for the inhabitants.
  3. A plastic feeder with low edges and a drinking bowl made of a plastic lid are placed in the vessel.

Temperature for keeping Achatina snails

When cared for and kept at home, African Achatina will feel comfortable at a temperature of 20-30°C and a humidity of 80-95%. Such conditions are close to their natural environment. The activity of the mollusk depends on sunlight, humidity and ambient temperature. They go for walks mainly at night or during rainy periods. If gastropods climb up the walls, it means there is high humidity in their house; if they hide in the ground, it means it’s very dry. The container should not be placed in direct sunlight or near heating devices.

When caring for unpretentious domestic Achatina snails, in addition to maintaining optimal temperature and humidity, they require cleaning the aquarium, balanced feeding, and care during the period of breeding mollusks. Close attention should be paid to your pet's shell - it is its protection from diseases and external damage. When caring for Achatina snails at home, you can give them water treatments:

  1. Place a bath of cool water in the terrarium; there should not be much liquid in it in depth.
  2. Occasionally give your pets a warm shower, holding them in your hand over the sink for about 3 minutes.

Caring for Achatina snails at home - cleaning the terrarium:

  1. The container is cleaned 2-3 times every 3 months.
  2. Cleaning includes washing it completely and replacing the substrate.
  3. If the walls of the aquarium are covered with mucus (it is left by crawling gastropods) or an unpleasant odor is heard from it, an unscheduled cleaning needs to be done.

Caring for Achatina in winter

The giant Achatina snail requires special attention when caring for and maintaining it in winter. During the cold season, at low temperatures and insufficient humidity in the terrarium, the mollusk can go into suspended animation - hibernation, while covering its shell with a protective film. Many breeders do not recommend allowing Achatina to hibernate for more than 2 months, otherwise the individuals may die.

For young animals, suspended animation is generally harmful - they are going through a period of active growth and need to constantly eat well. To wake up your pet, it is recommended to hold it under running warm water or simply sprinkle it. After a few minutes, he himself will break the protective film and appear in the light. To prevent the snail from hibernating, the home must have the recommended temperature and humidity.

Achatina – sink care

Large Achatina snails need special shell care; you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. For good growth and development, the mollusk must receive a sufficient amount of calcium. Otherwise, your pet may begin to have problems with the shell - it will begin to peel off, become fragile, and the snail itself will never reach the gigantic size for which it is so famous. The inhabitant also needs calcium if she is pregnant or her shell is damaged. Chalk, powdered eggshells, or sepia, a mineral stone for birds, are used as feeding.

  2. Another common problem is chips and cracks in the sink. Sometimes a mollusk crawling along the upper edge of the house falls down, which can lead to injury to the shell. In this case, it is necessary to treat the damaged area with an antiseptic and place the pet in a separate vessel so that it does not rub against its relatives (Achatina loves to do this).

Achatina eggs - care

When caring for Achatina snails at home, you need to know that these mollusks are hermaphrodites. Each individual has both female and male reproductive organs and, upon reaching the age of 6-7 months, they can reproduce. To produce offspring, a pair of adult individuals are placed in a separate vessel for a week. Achatina are hyperfertile; they bury eggs in the ground approximately 2 weeks after mating. At one time, a clutch can contain 50-400 eggs. Their size is 4-5 mm, their shape resembles that of a chicken.

Many breeders care for the Achatina clutch in a separate container. They transfer them with a plastic spoon into a separate transparent vessel and sprinkle them with a 1-2 cm layer of soil so that the eternally digging adults do not harm the offspring. The substrate and the walls of the vessel must be irrigated daily, and the container must be covered with a lid. Egg development occurs at a temperature of 25-27°C and a humidity of 70%; it is important not to allow changes in the values ​​of these indicators.

Newborn Achatina snails - care

African newborn Achatina snails, whose clutches were cared for in comfortable temperature conditions, are born a month after fertilization. The shell of eggs becomes thin, all the calcium from it is used to form the shell of the baby. During the birth process, the mollusk separates and tries to get out of the ground. In this case, it is advisable to dig up the soil around the masonry to help the newborns get out. The first few days the snails eat the remains of their shell.

Little Achatina - care

Basic principles of caring for small Achatina:

  1. A temporary home for newborn snails can be an 8-10 liter food container; they do not need a spacious home.
  2. The lid of the container must have holes to allow air to enter.
  3. For the first few months, it is best to place a thermometer and hygrometer in the container. The optimal temperature for keeping small Achatina is 25-27°C, humidity is 65-70%.
  4. An incandescent lamp will help maintain the desired temperature, and a spray bottle will help maintain humidity.
  5. For small Achatina, cabbage and lettuce foliage serves as soil. If they live in a terrarium with a substrate, then preference should be given to flower soil and coconut shavings. Moss, sand, sawdust and stones are prohibited.
  6. It is better to place the container with babies on a shelf or bookshelf, rather than on a window.

What can you feed Achatina snails?

When caring for African Achatina snails at home, it is important to feed them correctly and in a timely manner so that the mollusk grows healthy and does not get sick. Their diet should consist of plant foods, mineral supplements and animal protein. Achatina - proper nutrition and care:

  1. Basic diet: lettuce, dandelion, plantain leaves; various greens; shoots of vegetables and grains.
  2. Vegetables: cucumbers, spinach, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, peas.
  3. Fruits and berries: apples, pears, watermelons, melons, bananas, apricots, plums, strawberries, raspberries, cherries.
  4. Proteins: pureed meat products, fish food, meat and bone meal, boiled egg.
  5. Mineral feeding: feed chalk, eggshells, small shrimp, special mixtures for reptiles, sepia.

There are a number of foods that should not be given to snails. Salt poses a mortal danger to them. We must ensure that it does not enter their diet in pure form or in large quantities. It is prohibited to give gastropods spices, sweet, smoked, spicy or sour foods, or fried foods. You should also avoid pasta, raw potatoes and citrus fruits; the latter do not have a very good effect on your pet’s shell.

What to feed Achatina in winter?

In the cold season, the diet of shellfish should not be meager. Winter food consists of: oatmeal, wheat bran, bread soaked in milk. The menu is supplemented with bananas, beets, and carrots. Most snail breeders grow green grass on windowsills, which they sell in veterinary stores for cats. Many people do not know whether Achatina can be fed canned food. The answer is no, salt is bad for your pet’s health. It is better to replace pickled vegetables with frozen ones from the supermarket, defrosting them before feeding;

What to feed small Achatina snails?

  1. The first few days after birth, a few lettuce leaves generously sprinkled with eggshells or chalk are enough for them.
  2. After a week, chopped greens, grated vegetables, calcium and grain mixtures, ground in a coffee grinder, should be added to the baby’s diet.
  3. They need minerals to grow and form a beautiful and strong shell. Vegetable protein will help the formation of a healthy shellfish faster.
  4. From the second week of life, you can add animal protein to the menu.
  5. Starting from one month of age, grated fruits and vegetables are replaced with cubes.

How many times should I feed Achatina?

If an African Achatina lives in the house, it must be fed and cared for correctly. It is better to feed snails in the evening, because these mollusks are nocturnal creatures and in the evening they become active. For adults, one feeding per day is enough; it is allowed to give them food every other day. Young animals need to have 24/7 access to food. Food should not be placed on the ground so that it does not mix with the substrate and spoil or become moldy. For food you need to use a bowl or, in extreme cases, a lettuce leaf.

The Achatina snail is a gigantic snail found naturally in areas of the Republic of Kenya, Tanzania and some areas of Asia.

Body structure:

  • Pharynx.
  • Salivary gland.
  • Intestines.
  • Liver.
  • Anal hole.
  • Heart.
  • Bud.
  • Nerve nodes.
  • Oviduct.
  • Flagellum.
  • Protein gland.
  • Sexual opening.

They are funny, do not require special attention from the owner, and keeping them at home consists only of proper nutrition and selection of suitable food.

The snail has a large brown shell. But its color changes depending on nutrition. These mollusks move quickly. In 1 minute, the snail covers a distance of 1 centimeter.

Content rules:

  1. Ideally snails placed in a square or rectangular terrarium. But if you don’t have one, then use an aquarium or container.

    The terrarium is selected based on the number of “inhabitants”. For one land snail you will need a terrarium of at least 10 liters.

    The terrarium must be covered with a lid. This is done so that the land snail does not crawl out of it.

  2. The lighting is dimmed. If you turn on a bright light, the resident of the terrarium will go blind.
  3. The soil is made from a soft substrate: hazelnut shells, fallen leaves, forest cover moss, sphagnum moss.

    Soil, neutralized peat, and coconut substrate are also suitable. The minimum soil layer is 10 centimeters. The snail lays eggs (eggs) in the soil.

  4. Do not use sand or sawdust to line the bottom. They damage the shell.

  5. Presence aeration (oxygen saturation).
  6. Temperature varies from 27 to 28 degrees Celsius.

Care rules:

  1. Daily spray the soil in the terrarium.
  2. Priming changes 2 times a week.
  3. Once a week The walls and bottom of the pet’s habitat are cleaned with a brush.
  4. Once a month Achatina needs to be bathed. The pet enjoys bathing.

    To do this, take the snail in your hand and hold it under running warm water, then carefully clean the shell from dirt with a brush.

The terrarium is decorated with fresh and artificial flowers. Remember that living flowers are quickly eaten by pets, so it is better to use decorative ones.

Place a container of water to maintain a normal level of humidity inside the container. Achatina loves to swim in containers with water. There must be a house.

The terrarium must not be placed in a place with direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects shellfish.

What to feed Achatina snails?

Achatina are not picky creatures. You don’t even have to feed them for 2-3 weeks, but in this case the snail will go into suspended animation (a state in which life processes slow down).

What do Achatina eat:

  • Apples.
  • Pears.
  • Apricots.
  • Grape.
  • Melon.
  • Bananas.
  • Watermelon.
  • Papaya.
  • Avocado.
  • Pineapples.
  • Cherries.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Carrot.
  • Corn.
  • Dill.
  • Parsley.
  • Spinach.
  • Celery.
  • Dandelion leaves.
  • Bread.
  • Milk.
  • Hercules.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Chopped nuts.

To improve the color of the shell, Achatina is fed with carrots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, tomatoes, nettle and plantain leaves.

Reproduction: how to care for eggs?

Snails are hermaphrodites. They reach sexual maturity only after 7 months. Reproduction begins with mating dances. Achatina circle around each other.

Reproduction process:

  1. Contact with copulatory organs.
  2. The incubation period is from 7 to 14 days.
  3. Laying from 100 to 400 eggs in the ground.
  4. After 21 days, small snails hatch. The length of their body is from 3 to 5 centimeters.

Use in cosmetology: benefit or harm?

Today, mollusks are actively used in cosmetology. Scientists have discovered that Achatina mucus contains a lot of allantoin, elastin, collagen, peptides, glycolic acid and arathan sulfate.

Table: benefits

Snail mucus is usually not harmful. Their use in cosmetology is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity or allergic tendencies.

Massage procedures are very popular in cosmetology. The snail is washed and placed on the person’s face for a certain time.

Massage helps:

  1. Narrow pores.
  2. Get rid of expression wrinkles.
  3. Get rid of bags under the eyes.
  4. Prevent skin peeling.
  5. Increase the elasticity of facial skin.


Over 60 species of Achatina live on the African continent. At home, it is customary to keep only a few species.


  1. Fulika.
  2. Reticulata.
  3. Immaculata.
  4. Albopicta.
  5. Iradelie.
  6. Brown.
  7. Tiger.
  8. Zanzibarika.
  9. Standard.
  10. Panther.
  11. White albino.

Children are interested in calling Achatina names and caring for them. In reality, snails are much more beautiful and larger than in the photo. They have a more pronounced color and a longer body.

Achatina snails are popular not only in real life, but also in computer life. Today there is one game ARK: Survival Evolved, where these mollusks are the main characters.

Characteristics of Achatina

The average shell length of adult snails, as a rule, does not exceed 50-100 mm, but some specimens are larger, exceeding 20 cm. The snail shell is conical in shape, most often characteristically twisted counterclockwise.

Mature Achatina are characterized by a shell having about seven to nine turns. The basic color of the shell directly depends on the characteristics of the environment, as well as the diet, but most often it has reddish-brown stripes and yellowish shades.

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Before purchasing, you need to find out the specifics of caring for a snail and inquire about the mollusk’s diet, its maintenance and care, and also take into account the main nuances:

  • It is not recommended to purchase domestic Achatina from your own hands, so it is advisable to visit a pet store and observe the behavior, eating habits and general health of the snail;
  • it is important to inspect the terrarium and its equipment, taking into account the volume of the home and its lighting, the presence of a ventilation hole and other accessories;
  • African Achatina must have a good pedigree, recorded in special registration documentation.

It should be remembered that private individuals who are unprofessionally engaged in the breeding of land gastropods do not cull and try to sell snails in large quantities, and also sell clutches and do not have competence in matters of care or maintenance. Quite often, such people are not able to provide complete information about their shellfish and do not care at all about the health of the animal.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the mollusk. The snail's shell should not have cracks, and a good sign is its uniformity. It is best to purchase Achatina when it is over two months old.

Breeders or keepers raise snails competently and are fully competent in the matter of their maintenance. Professionals are not looking for profit from selling snails, so they are able, if necessary, to provide comprehensive information about the origin and pedigree of the mollusk. Breeders perform timely culling, but never use the eggs for breeding.

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Terrarium construction, filling

Any glass or plastic container that has a lid with special small ventilation holes can be used as a home for the mollusk. As practice shows, preference should be given to a horizontal type terrarium, and the volume of such a container for one adult individual cannot be less than ten liters.

Particular attention is paid to heating the terrarium for raising a tropical pet. The heat-loving creature must be provided with a comfortable and stable temperature regime of 26-28 o C, regardless of the season. It is preferable to use special external devices in the form of safe-to-use thermal cords or thermal mats to heat the snail’s home. It is important to prevent not only the animal from freezing, but also its overheating, so it is advisable to place a thermometer in the terrarium.

It will also be interesting:

  • African snail Achatina
  • What to feed Achatina snails
  • Grape snail (Helix romatia)

The lighting of the terrarium is of no small importance, but additional lighting at night is not necessary. The mollusk should not be exposed to sunlight, so the terrarium should absolutely not be installed on the windowsill of a south-facing window.

As filling for the home, you need to choose the right type of soil, for which it is advisable to use a coconut substrate that retains moisture well. The thickness of the soil is selected according to the size of the pet. Before filling, the briquette is filled with boiling water, after which it is cooled, washed and dried. As a completely worthy filling option, you can also use pure high-moor peat with a pH level in the range of 5-7.

Important! It is necessary to place a terrarium with a giant snail in a place where there is no negative impact on the animal from drafts or direct sunlight, as well as excess heat from heating devices.

Additional accessories for the snail include high-quality drinking bowls and feeders made from environmentally friendly and soft materials, as well as a swimming pool and a small house. Food grade plastics have proven themselves very well. Do not use sharp or dangerous, too hard objects in the terrarium that could cause damage to the body or shell of a domestic mollusk. Experienced owners of such pets recommend planting salad crops or special cat grass in the Achatina house. Twigs, picturesque driftwood or traditional tree bark will become a real decoration for the landscape.

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Proper diet of the Achatina snail

The basis of the Achatina diet is represented by lettuce leaves, various greens, shoots of cereal crops and vegetables, as well as tops. The diet of shellfish should also include the following products:

  • cucumber and pumpkin pulp;
  • spinach;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • cobs of young corn;
  • peas;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • apple and pear pulp;
  • watermelon and melon;
  • bananas;
  • apricots;
  • avocado;
  • mango;
  • pineapples;
  • cherries;
  • plum;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberries

Adult gastropods can be a little capricious when it comes to nutrition, so they often give preference to certain foods while completely neglecting others. In any case, soft fruits and vegetables are cut into slices, and hard ones are grated or crushed in a kitchen blender until pureed. Any food given to the snail should be brought to room temperature.

It is forbidden to give your pet food from the common table, spices and fried foods, sweet and sour, as well as smoked and spicy foods. Natural acids contained in citrus fruits, including lemons, tangerines and oranges, are dangerous for snails. It is very important to provide the gastropod with a special mineral supplement containing a sufficient amount of calcium.

This is interesting! Clean water is especially important for the gastropod, which Achatina not only drinks, but also very actively uses for water procedures. Water must be replaced daily.

It is advisable to feed adult domestic snails in the evening, once a day. Small and young animals should be provided with round-the-clock and unhindered access to food and water. Food is given in a special bowl or on a tray, which may well be a cabbage or lettuce leaf. Uneaten food is removed from the terrarium.

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Achatina care

Such exotic pets do not require special care. Cleaning the terrarium must be done as it becomes dirty, and general cleaning is carried out at least a couple of times a month. Hygienic washing of the walls of the terrarium and the inside of the lid is carried out daily.

It is strictly forbidden to use traditional chemical cleaning powders and other products for cleaning, so experienced owners of pet snails advise using hot water and a soft rag or an ordinary dish sponge for this purpose.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that any devices used in cleaning the terrarium must be stored separately.

Gastropods love to take regular water treatments. Of course, for such exotic pets, for hygienic purposes, it is quite enough to install a shallow pool inside the terrarium, but it is very advisable to periodically give the snail a warm shower, holding the animal in your hand over a regular sink. The stream of water directed at the snail should not be too strong and must be warm. The total duration of this procedure is no more than three minutes.

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Health, disease and prevention

The main causes of snail diseases are most often presented:

  • improper maintenance, including hypothermia or overheating of the animal, the use of a terrarium that is too small, the use of dry or marshy soil;
  • low-calorie diet with insufficient protein and calcium;
  • rare cleaning of the terrarium, accumulation of rotting food debris and excrement;
  • improper ventilation and poor-quality soil;
  • disturbances in the neighborhood of different species and subspecies of domestic snails.

The main signs of the disease in a pet are lethargy, complete or partial refusal of food, blockage of the entrance to the shell, excessive or thick mucous discharge, as well as pronounced delamination of the shell. Of particular danger is the loss of a gastropod from its shell, which can be caused by genetic predispositions or prolonged exposure to carcinogens, the influence of bacteria, infections and fungi. The result of this pathology, as a rule, is the rapid death of the snail. In order to prevent such diseases, it is recommended to competently approach the process of choosing basic feed and additives of animal origin.

Important! Particular importance is attached to compliance with preventive measures, including monitoring the cleanliness of the terrarium, maintaining a proper diet and proper care for the domestic mollusk.

Careless handling of domestic shellfish can cause household damage and damage to the integrity of the shell. Damage that is not too large is most often corrected with epoxy glue, after which the animal must be provided with a diet enriched with calcium.

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Reproduction at home

Achatina belongs to the category of hermaphrodite animals, therefore they have both male and female reproductive organs for reproduction. The total duration of the incubation period ranges from 28 to 56 days, which depends on the species characteristics of gastropods, as well as the conditions of their home keeping. It should be noted that Achatina are extremely prolific, so many owners, in order to curb uncontrolled reproduction, simply wash off the excess egg laying that appears.

To obtain healthy offspring, you need to remember that during the incubation period, all cleaning activities are carried out with extreme care, and increased attention should be paid to monitoring and stabilizing air humidity levels inside the terrarium. After birth, all newborn snails are separated from the adults.

Instead of a substrate in your home, it is best to use lettuce leaves. The smallest Achatina are fed liquid porridge with the addition of grated carrots, which helps strengthen their shell and also very well activates growth processes. Among other things, it is necessary to remember that until the age of one and a half years, domestic gastropods should not be allowed to breed.

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Achatina - giant African land snails

Achatina's natural habitat is in East Africa, but representatives of this species can also be found in many European countries. African Achatina have gained popularity as terrarium pets and are also bred for food. In many warm climates, including Spain, they are serious pests of crops.

They live in places where it is warm enough, damp and there is constant access to food. They feel ideal in tropical climates.

African snails can live at home; it is not at all difficult for them to create an optimal local climate in a terrarium.

The size depends on the species - Achatina is the largest snail in the world, its shell grows up to 200 mm, and its weight can be 400-500 grams. At home, slugs also reach large sizes - adult individuals can have a carapace length from 70 to 170 mm and a width from 30 to 80 mm.

Caring for Achatina at home

These mollusks prefer warm, humid areas, especially areas around bodies of water. Terrarium
must maintain a temperature of 20-30°C and air humidity of about 80-95% (specific parameters depend on the subspecies). For more demanding species, a device for additional heating is required, for example, heating elements placed on the outside of the terrarium.

The activity of the mollusk depends on the ambient temperature, sunlight and humidity. During the cold season they are active around the clock. During the hot season, they are active mainly at night or during rain.

They can become inactive for many reasons: insufficient humidity, low temperature and disease. This Achatina is closed in the shell using a lid made of limestone.

The average lifespan of an animal is from 3 to 5 years, but there are individuals that live for 9 years.


How to care for snails at home? You should take their nutrition very seriously so that they receive all the elements necessary for their life. This phytophage feeds on various plant species. Achatina feels the taste of food and its diet should be varied.

What do snails eat at home?

They use fragments of various plants, as well as special additives:

  • beans;
  • pumpkin;
  • vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery and parsley, zucchini and zucchini;
  • fruits and berries: apples, pears, plums, bananas, blackberries, raspberries, grapes and strawberries;
  • watermelon, melon;
  • you can give her an additional boiled egg;
  • soaked food for dogs and cats (such additives are used once a week, not more often);
  • the dry mixture should consist of oatmeal, dry granulated food for rodents, dry food in the form of fish flakes, dry skim milk, wheat bran;
  • sometimes they eat baby cookies and baby rice porridge.

All feed must be fresh - free from rot and mold, and must be thoroughly washed. Given the fact that fruits and vegetables are often sprayed with anti-snail agents when grown, it is best to peel them before serving them to your pet.

To make cleaning the terrarium easier, it is better to put food in a bowl. Some people also give their pets a cup of water.

Achatina must be looked after carefully.

They need a continuous supply of calcium; special preparations can be purchased at pet stores. You can give the so-called calcium phosphate, food chalk - everything we feed our pets with, sprinkle with this powder.

A lack of minerals causes snails to exhibit a characteristic behavior that involves scraping and eating the top layer of shells from other animals. Subsequently, such a damaged and weakened part may burst, and as a result, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate through the cracks or internal organs may protrude. Adults that lay eggs have an even greater demand for minerals.

What foods are not advisable to give?

You should not give Achatina parts of plants such as:

  • lettuce, spinach;
  • onions and garlic;
  • radish;
  • chicory;
  • cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli - due to the oxalates they contain, which, by binding calcium, can disrupt the functioning of the body, which leads to slow growth and cracking of the shell;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, kiwi, grapefruit).

How to properly keep snails at home - setting up a terrarium

The terrarium should allow the slug to move freely and burrow into the substrate. Its height should not exceed 40 cm, since young land animals can crawl along the top of the terrarium and sometimes fall.

The terrarium lid must be well secured due to the fact that, thanks to the surprisingly strong muscle force, it can be moved by the snails. You should not use any elements made of copper in the terrarium, since this metal reacts with mucus.

The most important element of the terrarium is the substrate - acidic peat, which can be purchased at pet stores. It must be sterilized in the oven the day before placing the animal mat. The height of the substrate layer should correspond to the height of the shells of the largest snails, because it serves them for burrowing. On average, it is about 10-15 cm. The base should be constantly moist, but not flooded; for this purpose, it is sprayed with water, preferably boiled, once a day.

To increase the walking area, you can place decorative plant roots in the terrarium. You can also add a small tradescantia to improve the appearance of your home. However, don't be surprised if the plant is eaten soon. As a decoration and a very dietary ingredient in the diet, you can buy potted grass in stores.

The terrarium cannot be placed in direct sunlight. You will not need additional lighting; only diffused daylight will be enough. If, for aesthetic reasons, you decide to add light, then it should be a low-energy fluorescent lamp, separated from the rest of the terrarium, so that the Achatina cannot get on its surface. An alternative would be lighting located outside the terrarium.

One or two pet snails?

These animals have sexual dimorphism, that is, there is no difference between the sexes. This means that each individual is both a boy and a girl. If you get two Achatina, sooner or later they will both lay eggs. The number of eggs depends on the species - from tens to hundreds of eggs from one individual. The incubation period and breeding of young animals does not cause difficulties, but you must decide how you will then support such a number of pets.

Additional facts about Achatina:

  • Achatina should not be released into the wild; they need care. They are not resistant to diseases carried by snails in our climatic conditions. If they are free, they will not be able to survive the winter.
  • Their mucus contains allantoin, a bacteriostatic substance on the basis of which drugs are produced for those suffering from asthma and tuberculosis.
  • Mucus also contains collagen, elastin and glycolic acid, which provide tissue regeneration and accelerate wound healing.
  • These are edible shellfish.
  • The easiest species to cultivate is Achatina Fulica. They do well at home at room temperature, eat little and grow very quickly.
  • In some countries, the cultivation of Achatina is prohibited because they cause huge losses in crop production.
  • During World War II in the tropics, Achatina were a rapidly renewing food source for soldiers.
  • This pet may bite or rather scratch. However, its bite is almost invisible.
  • In the USA and other countries where the climate is optimal for the reproduction of mollusks of this genus in nature, their cultivation is illegal.
  • An animal grows throughout its life, but grows faster when young and if it has access to plenty of food.
  • The average movement speed is 1 mm/s.

If you decide to get an unusual pet, go for it! Perhaps snail breeding will become your favorite hobby for many years.

African exotica

“Lovely”, “touching”, “tender” - such epithets are often given to Achatina, amazing creatures native to the African continent. These giant snails are becoming increasingly popular among lovers of unusual pets.

Being an agricultural pest, Achatina damages some plant crops, among which it prefers sugar cane. Fortunately, this snail does not survive in the climatic conditions of Russia. Here it is kept in terrariums of exotic lovers. Propagates easily, and is often distributed free of charge, since everyone who starts it soon has a problem - what to do with the young replenishment.

Keeping Achatina snails at home

The Achatina snail kept at home also can grow up to 20 cm, like her wild brothers. An adult animal has a conical shell of 7...9 turns, the color of which depends on inherited traits and on the menu of the mollusk. Most often, the surface of the shell is covered with brown stripes of different shades. Found among these snails and albinos.

At the bottom of the terrarium it is necessary to pour a layer of soil 5...10 cm thick, which can be used as coconut substrate, which is now sold in many pet stores. You can also add a layer of peat, which is often found in flower shops, but you need to consult with the seller so that it does not contain any fertilizers. Priming needs a little moisturizing: This will ensure optimal humidity in the terrarium. In addition, the presence of soil will also prevent Achatina from breaking when it falls from the walls or “ceiling” of the terrarium.

Brief description

Giant African snail, or Achatina- this is a new hobby for fans of shellfish, large snails are tens of times larger than ordinary ones (you can compare them in the photo), which can be grown at home.
These snails belong to the Achatinidae family, which includes several genera and more than 60 species of these mollusks.

Achatina snails have an elongated and pointed crown of the shell, which distinguishes them from their counterparts of other subspecies. They are highly fertile; one clutch can contain up to 500 eggs, similar to tiny chicken eggs.
Achatina is considered the largest land snail, has a yellow-brown shell, and a zigzag pattern on the shell. The mollusk has a soft body, black or gray in color with small white tubercles.

Benefits of keeping Achatina

The Achatina snail, according to mollusk breeders, is an ideal pet. Let's look at the main advantages of snails as pets:

  1. These creatures are easy to care for and do not create noise.
  2. They're not intrusive, and you don't have to ask people you know to babysit when you're away.
  3. Achatina can live without you for two weeks.
  4. They reproduce successfully in captivity.
  5. With good care, snails can live up to 10 years.

Choosing and arranging housing

Will serve as a home for a snail container-terrarium made from plastic or plexiglass. You can also use a regular glass fish aquarium. For a medium-sized snail to feel comfortable, you need a terrarium with a volume of at least 3 liters. Therefore, if you are planning to start a family of Achatina, take a larger container.

The aquarium or terrarium must be equipped with special lids that have small holes. This is done so that Achatina does not escape, and at the same time there is access to air.


The bottom of the terrarium in which the snail will live must be lined with a layer of substrate. For these purposes, you need to take flower compost without adding fertilizers or pure peat (but it can create a very acidic environment).

The soil is necessary so that your snail can burrow into it during the day. It is necessary to ensure that the substrate is constantly moist, and wet it with water from a spray bottle at least twice a day. If the substrate is very dry, the snail will smear it with its mucus and get dirty, and the glass of the terrarium will also get dirty.

It is not recommended to use clay and fatty loams as a substrate; there is no need to add pieces of wood and bark to the soil. It is allowed to sprinkle a little loose sand or hazelnut shells, or the core of a walnut. Walnut shells are more convenient than regular soil; they do not get dirty, so you will need to clean the container less often.
However, in such a substrate flies can appear, which are harmless to the pet, but will fly throughout the house.


A terrarium with this mollusk does not require any additional lighting fixtures. The light intensity does not in any way affect the life activity of mollusks. For them, the regular alternation of day and night is more important, since their main activity occurs at night, while during the day they like to hide in a layer of soil away from prying eyes and rest. Lighting of the terrarium is needed more by the owner than by the mollusk.


Since this species of snail is a tropical animal, it is accustomed to living at high temperatures. The air in your terrarium will need to be warmed up to 20-28 °C. At this temperature, Achatina feels normal and is active.
But you should not try to heat the terrarium from direct sunlight or room heaters, as this will not end well - the mollusk may suffer from the temperature contrast in the room.


Snails prefer a humid environment, so the air humidity level should be at least 70%, but not more than 90%. When the air temperature is sufficient, the moisture in the substrate evaporates and additionally humidifies the air; this must be taken into account. To increase humidity, use a regular household spray bottle. Humidity will be sufficient if you regularly spray the terrarium with water. You can also keep a container of water in the terrarium.

Additional accessories

In order to entertain Achatina, they use decorations for the terrarium. These can be pieces of wood, moss, non-sharp fragments of clay pots, which will serve as a shelter for the pet and as a decoration for the landscape. You need to make sure that all these decorations are clean and safe.

Sometimes Achatina owners plant living plants in terrariums. They look beautiful and unusual in the snail's house. However, when watering plants, you need to make sure that the substrate is not over-moistened. If you are going to plant plants in a container, give preference to those with small fibers. Try not to plant ferns and ivy; although these plants look beautiful, they will be quickly eaten by Achatina.

Care and feeding

The larger the Achatina, the less often it can be fed, for example, once every few days. Small snails need to be fed once a day. These clams are vegetarians, for this reason they need to be provided with as much green plant food as possible. They should be fed only with approved foods, combining them with foods that your particular Achatina loves.


Let's look at what to feed Achatina snails at home.

The following foods can be included in their diet:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • apples;
  • spinach;
  • corn;
  • lettuce and tree leaves (not bitter);
  • berries;
  • mango;
  • banana pulp.

A snail can love something, but refuse something completely. If you need to fill your diet with carbohydrates, add oatmeal, dry unleavened cookies, durum wheat bread, and bran to your food.

What not to feed

  • sharp;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • smoked;
  • fried;
  • pasta;
  • potato eyes;
  • citrus fruits.


Achatina not only eats, but also drinks water, so always keep a container of clean water in a container. This container should not be very large, since Achatina can fall into it and drown. When your pet grows up, you can put a small pool in the terrarium, as snails love water, which they need to secrete mucus.

Nutritional supplements

For rapid growth and development of mollusks, they need a source of calcium carbonate and vitamins. You can put a piece of chalk in the terrarium and sprinkle some eggshells. The chalk in the terrarium should be natural, since factory-made, chemically produced chalk will be ignored by the mollusk. You can purchase vitamin and mineral mixtures at pet stores; complexes made for reptiles are suitable.

Cleaning the terrarium

The procedure for cleaning the terrarium, depending on its filler, is carried out several times every three months. Cleaning the container consists of completely washing it (but do not use chemicals; use baking soda instead of powder) and replacing the substrate. Carry out unscheduled cleaning of the container if its walls are covered with mucus or an unpleasant odor emanates from it.

The snails themselves don’t mind taking a swim either. This should be done with warm boiled water, carefully, under a gentle stream and without completely immersing the animal in the water.
Thus, caring for Achatina snails at home does not require much effort.

Diseases: prevention and treatment

Snails are very tenacious, but in any case you need to know how to help them. If a piece of your pet's shell breaks off, this is not a reason to panic. Lubricate the edges of the broken part of the sink with an antiseptic, make sure that the pet is in a clean and comfortable place. The regeneration processes in your pet’s body should begin on their own, so the mollusk will survive if the infection does not enter the body. New fabrics will heal the chipped sink over time.

Another problem with these animals is that Achatina likes to scratch its shell with its radula, which can cause a hole to wear through it. In order to wean your pet from this activity, lubricate the sink with something that tastes unpleasant, but is safe.

How long do they live at home?

Is it possible to pick it up?

For the safety of the shellfish it is better don't pick him up especially for the vulnerable parts of his body. But if you really want to take your pet in your arms, before doing this, wet his leg with water, then insert your finger under it, and carefully hold the heavy shell with your other hand.

African giant snails are an ideal pet for busy or lazy people who may forget about yt for a while. They are quite unpretentious in care and maintenance. You can leave them unattended for a couple of weeks without worrying about them. And if you keep them well, Achatina will be your pet for many years.

Description and varieties of Achatina

Giant snails have a soft, gray or black body with small white tubercles, their shell is generally yellow-brown with black stripes, and the pattern on it is zigzag. When the mollusks mature, their shell gains 7 or 8 turns and acquires a greenish tint. Achatina differs from their fellows by the crown of the shell, which has an elongated and pointed shape. The length of the mollusks can be about 30 cm.

There are more than 60 species of these king snails in nature, but there is a variety that is completely different from the others, it is called albino. These gastropods grow slowly, do not meet the standard due to their small size, and their shell and body are white.

The most common decorative types of Achatina:

Title and photo Description
The most popular type for home keeping, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in care and nutrition. The length of the snails is about 20, the color of the shell can be red and brown
Lemon (Iradel) This variety is small in size, the largest individuals are no more than 7 cm in length. The shell has an unusual lemon color
Achatina vulgaris (tiger)
This species of calm and friendly gastropod can reach a length of 22 cm in captivity. The carapace is yellow and orange with dark stripes.
Achatina immaculata
These are voracious and active mollusks; adult specimens reach a length of about 18 cm. The shell can have a variety of colors (walnut, beige, black)

Achatina does not emit an unpleasant odor, does not bite and does not cause allergic reactions. They do not require walking and can live without care for about 2 weeks. Huge mollusks can bring benefits to their owners. Achatin is used for cosmetic care of the face and body. When snails crawl on the skin, they secrete mucus, which has regenerative and antioxidant properties.

Preparation for reproduction

In the Achatina snail, reproduction occurs only if the aquarium or terrarium meets certain requirements. Despite the fact that Achatina are hermaphrodites, they need a partner in order to mate. To reproduce, a pair of Achatina must be moved to a separate container.

In order to breed healthy and full-fledged offspring, you need to create the following living conditions for mollusks:

  • the size of the aquarium must be at least 15 liters;
  • no temperature changes, it should stay around 27–28 degrees;
  • It is recommended to cover the bottom of the aquarium with 100 mm thick damp coconut soil;
  • for pregnant Achatina, as well as after laying eggs, add calcium to food;
  • The terrarium must be kept clean.

The following is used as a supplement containing calcium:

  • chalk stone;
  • mineral stone;
  • sepia;
  • small shell rock.

Gender of the snail

The question of determining the sex of an individual is of interest to every breeder; as stated earlier, they have no sexual differences; it is impossible to determine the sex and divide snails into male and female. Achatina cannot reproduce alone, without a partner; a companion is needed for mating. The eldest large individual becomes the female. This is due to the fact that pregnancy requires a lot of physical strength, therefore, the strongest representatives are selected in order to ensure healthy offspring.

Stimulating reproduction

Stimulating a mollusk to reproduce consists primarily of organizing all the necessary conditions related to preparation for mating. The terrarium should be thoroughly washed and cleaned; if the soil is dry and its thickness does not reach 10 cm, then it should be replaced. The soil must be clean. Artificial ponds should be temporarily removed from the terrarium. It is also important to make sure that only healthy Achatina mates.

Which Achatina snails cannot be mated?

It is prohibited to pair:

  • mollusks from the same clutch;
  • snails that grow quickly.

Mating of individuals from the same clutch can cause various mutations and deviations in the development of future offspring.

If it is noticed that the mollusk and the shell are actively growing and increasing in size, then mating should be postponed. This process can occur up to the age of 1 year.

Reproduction of Achatina

Reproduction of Achatina snails is possible only with the onset of puberty. An individual is considered an adult from the moment it reaches the age of 6 months; Achatina is ready for mating after the appearance of a small tubercle on the neck, which is the reproductive organ of snails.

Immediately after the mating process, the time of pregnancy officially begins; during this period, the gastropod lays eggs. Pregnancy is different for every female. On average, Achatina snail eggs hatch in 1–2 months. It is possible to see the hatching eggs of Achatina if you look into the spiracle of Achatina.

There are recorded cases when a snail's pregnancy ends in childbirth, as a result of which Achatina gives birth to viable small mollusks.

The mollusk buries its future offspring in the ground; often for these purposes, Achatina prepares a hole in advance where they lay their eggs. Achatina snails are capable of breeding all year round, in separate places in small groups or together.

Pregnancy has a negative impact on the female; she should be fed well, adding various supplements.

What do Achatina snail eggs look like?

After Achatina has laid eggs, aquarists can observe their appearance and further development. The clutch of Achatina is similar in appearance to fish eggs, which is why it received its second name, since the snail lays eggs in groups. Initially, caviar is a dense and elastic mucus, but soft to the touch. During the incubation process, snail eggs become harder and a shell appears at the time of hatching. The egg shell of the clutch has green and brown shades.

There are cases of false eggs being laid when they do not have a shell and are transparent in color. The shape of the caviar is always round. The size of Achatina eggs varies from 5 to 7 mm, sometimes smaller. Achatina hatch at home in a short period of time, from 17 to 24 hours, so all the offspring can hatch in one day. The number of eggs can reach 300 pieces, but, as a rule, no more than 100 snails hatch. The number of Achatina offspring laid differs from the cubs born. Newborn snails require high-quality care, just like a pregnant gastropod.

Extra eggs

A gastropod is capable of laying more eggs than the breeder requires, so that Achatina does not give birth to unnecessary mollusks, certain measures must be taken. It is important to freeze excess eggs in the refrigerator to stop vital processes in them, otherwise even in the trash can you can find hatched Achatina.

How to care for Achatina eggs

Small Achatina require minimal care from the breeder. But it is necessary to regularly care for the egg laying and monitor environmental indicators.

If the snail laid eggs in a hole without covering it with soil, then you need to carefully sprinkle the eggs yourself.

It is important to ensure that the soil is moist; if necessary, add a small amount of water, but there should be no liquid under the masonry. The most favorable temperature for egg maturation will be 28 degrees, just as before, sudden changes should not be allowed.

It is forbidden to touch the masonry with your hands. An exception may be a situation when a snail has deposited it in the territory of the terrarium, then it is necessary to carefully transfer the future offspring into one hole using some object. The temperature of a person's hands can cause harm.

A newborn mollusk grows very slowly and during this time the parents care for their offspring. The baby's shell is delicate and should be handled with care.

What to feed small Achatina snails

Immediately after birth, the mollusks stay inside the substrate for several days, only then they crawl out to the surface, doing this gradually. At first, babies eat eggshells from their own eggs, as well as false eggs. Further, it is recommended to feed small mollusks in the same way as an adult. Feeding should be frequent and regular, and access to food should be constant.


Breeding Achatina snails requires certain knowledge so as not to harm the offspring. When breeding and growing Achatina, it is enough to follow the specified rules, then new snails will be born healthy and will delight you for a long time!

The Achatina snail belongs to the mollusk family Archachatinidae, which includes representatives of several genera. Achatina are similar to their relatives Archachatina, but they have a more pointed crown of the shell. Achatina is a giant prolific, it can produce 100-600 eggs at a time, which have a round shape and a white shell.

African Achatina are one of the largest land mollusks on the planet. They have large shells with a yellow-brown tint and a dark pattern. The body is brown or dark, soft and tuberous. The largest specimen weighed up to 600 grams and had a shell length of almost 40 cm.

The most common domestic Achatina is Achatina fulica. These African land molluscs are found in many tropical countries and cause damage to fruit-bearing plants. Achatina are characterized by a variegated shell pattern, the color of which depends on the diet. The color of the soft part of the body is similar to Archachatina, but the fulica has more pronounced tubercles. Achatina fulica is more common in pet stores because they are easy to keep and eat a lot of things.

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What do you need to keep a snail?

The best “house” where Achatina snails will receive care is a glass aquarium or aquaterrarium. For one adult snail, choose the tank that is as free as possible. To keep several pets at once, you will need a container of 20 liters 3. The terrarium should have a lid with holes for air circulation. The holes should not be wide so that the animal does not escape.

Keeping a large snail at home is impossible without a soil substrate. Achatina likes to sleep during the day, burying itself in a layer of soil. There is an opinion that flower soil containing peat will be useful. But land with a high peat content creates life in an acidic environment, which is harmful to animals. The ground covering must be moistened once a day with water from a spray bottle, otherwise the snails themselves will begin to secrete a large amount of mucus.

As a result, the mollusks will become smeared in dirt and contaminate the glass. There is no need to use clay or fatty loams as a substrate, as well as pieces of rotten wooden bark. The optimal solution is to pour loose sand onto the bottom of the aquarium instead of soil with peat. Sometimes it is replaced with hazelnut and walnut shells. But the delicate skin of mollusks can be injured. A good option for bedding is coconut substrate.

Domestic snails must be kept in clean conditions. The soil should be cleaned once a week, and completely replaced with cleaning of the terrarium - once every 3-12 months. But the more often you take care of your pet’s home, the better. The waste products, despite the absence of odor, will still begin to emit rot, and the walls of the tank will be covered with the mucus of crawling snails.

In conditions of full lighting, snails feel comfortable. But they do not require artificial light sources. Alternating day-night mode is sufficient. Domestic mollusks are active at night and sleep during the day. If you consider it necessary to install lighting to better see animals, then the lighting fixtures should be external.

Watch a video that shows how to keep Achatina snails.

At home, the temperature should be constant. It is necessary that the air temperature is comfortable for tropical African snails. A temperature from 22 to 28 o C will be most optimal. It is not recommended to install the aquaterrarium near a room radiator, in places exposed to direct sunlight, so as not to create a temperature difference.

As for accessories, you can put moss and samples of clay ceramics in a container with soil. You can plant plants in the ground, then ones that would prevent the substrate from becoming waterlogged. It is better to choose species that are covered with small fibers. Snails tend to eat plants, so you will have to replant them from time to time. The best option is fern or ivy.

Feeding. Reproduction of Achatina snails

Feeding should occur once a day for young snails, and once every few days for mature ones. African snails eat plant foods. They love lettuce, dandelion, grapes, cucumbers, and apples. They also eat spinach, corn, zucchini, mango, avocado, bananas, and melon at home. However, the snail can eat some of the listed products, and refuse some altogether. You should not often give oranges or grapes, watermelon with seeds. Some pets eat carrots and cabbage. Healthy carbohydrate foods for shellfish would be oatmeal flakes and bran.

During the first years of life, snails grow quickly. To keep their shell strong, food supplements are necessary. Calcium carbonate is beneficial for strengthening and growing the shell. Crushed eggshells or a piece of chalk should be present in the aquarium. Vitamin and mineral complexes for shellfish can be purchased in stores.

Do snails need water? Despite the constant moisture of the soil, a separate container with water should be in the aquarium. While the snail is small, the container should not be deep so that the pet does not drown. Water is useful for normalizing mucus production. Some snails allow you to pull yourself together and bathe them in a bath of warm water. They love water and are not afraid of it.

In captivity, Achatina easily reproduces from the age of 6 months. Some copies come to play later. Incubation lasts 1-2 months. If the soil thickness is low, they will refuse to reproduce. For laying, you need soil 7 cm deep, where the snail could lay eggs. Don't be surprised if your pet produces offspring throughout the year. From the age of one year, sperm are formed in the mollusk, and later - eggs. The African snail is a hermaphrodite, although two snails can also interbreed. If you have several pets, it is better to place them in different aquariums.

Look how Achatina reproduces.

It happens that a snail brings a “surprise”: more than 100 eggs, which have practically nowhere to put. A compromise and humane solution is to give the fry away for free. There have been cases of getting rid of masonry when the owner took it to nature or to the street in winter. But the opposite reaction can occur - in nature, Achatina are pests. In some countries, it is prohibited by law to keep them at home, much less breed them.

Snail diseases

If you have several snails, you may periodically notice how they scratch each other's shells, causing pits to form. This bad habit can be overcome if you lubricate the sink with a non-harmful, but “tasteless” product. In this case, consult your veterinarian so as not to risk it.

There are owners who often prefer to pick up snails by digging up the soil during the day. Firstly, at this time of day, pets prefer to sleep rather than get stressed. Secondly, you can damage the snail. The snail is active in the evening, and then it will happily go into your hands. It is not recommended to pick up the snail by the last spiral of the shell, the damaged part of the body. To correctly take a mollusk, you should moisten its leg with water, place your finger under it, and hold the shell with your other hand.

Keeping a giant Achatina at home is a great opportunity to please yourself. These animals are unpretentious and are not afraid of human hands. If you are going on a trip, they can be left alone for a few days. During a long trip of the owner, the snails can hibernate, hiding in the shell and clogging it. During this time they will live off the body's resources, but after waking up they will be very hungry. They wake up after a “shower” with warm water. Anabiosis (hibernation) also occurs when the snail is too cold or there is too much moisture in the aquarium, simulating the rainy season.

Achatina (lat. Achatina) are land gastropods from the subclass Pulmonary snails. This highly invasive species has become widespread in countries characterized by tropical climatic conditions, where it is one of the dangerous pests of many agricultural plants.

Characteristics of Achatina

The average shell length of adult snails, as a rule, does not exceed 50-100 mm, but some specimens are larger, exceeding 20 cm. The snail shell is conical in shape, most often characteristically twisted counterclockwise.

Mature Achatina are characterized by a shell having about seven to nine turns. The basic color of the shell directly depends on the characteristics of the environment, as well as the diet, but most often it has reddish-brown stripes and yellowish shades.

Before purchasing, you need to find out the specifics of caring for a snail and inquire about the mollusk’s diet, its maintenance and care, and also take into account the main nuances:

  • It is not recommended to purchase domestic Achatina from your own hands, so it is advisable to visit a pet store and observe the behavior, eating habits and general health of the snail;
  • it is important to inspect the terrarium and its equipment, taking into account the volume of the home and its lighting, the presence of a ventilation hole and other accessories;
  • African Achatina must have a good pedigree, recorded in special registration documentation.

It should be remembered that private individuals who are unprofessionally engaged in the breeding of land gastropods do not cull and try to sell snails in large quantities, and also sell clutches and do not have competence in matters of care or maintenance. Quite often, such people are not able to provide complete information about their shellfish and do not care at all about the health of the animal.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the mollusk. The snail's shell should not have cracks, and a good sign is its uniformity. It is best to purchase Achatina when it is over two months old.

Breeders or keepers raise snails competently and are fully competent in the matter of their maintenance. Professionals are not looking for profit from selling snails, so they are able, if necessary, to provide comprehensive information about the origin and pedigree of the mollusk. Breeders perform timely culling, but never use the eggs for breeding.

Terrarium construction, filling

Any glass or plastic container that has a lid with special small ventilation holes can be used as a home for the mollusk. As practice shows, preference should be given to a horizontal type terrarium, and the volume of such a container for one adult individual cannot be less than ten liters.

Particular attention is paid to heating the terrarium for raising a tropical pet. The heat-loving creature must be provided with a comfortable and stable temperature regime of 26-28 o C, regardless of the season. It is preferable to use special external devices in the form of safe-to-use thermal cords or thermal mats to heat the snail’s home. It is important to prevent not only the animal from freezing, but also its overheating, so it is advisable to place a thermometer in the terrarium.

The lighting of the terrarium is of no small importance, but additional lighting at night is not necessary. The mollusk should not be exposed to sunlight, so the terrarium should absolutely not be installed on the windowsill of a south-facing window.

As filling for the home, you need to choose the right type of soil, for which it is advisable to use a coconut substrate that retains moisture well. The thickness of the soil is selected according to the size of the pet. Before filling, the briquette is filled with boiling water, after which it is cooled, washed and dried. As a completely worthy filling option, you can also use pure high-moor peat with a pH level in the range of 5-7.

Important! It is necessary to place a terrarium with a giant snail in a place where there is no negative impact on the animal from drafts or direct sunlight, as well as excess heat from heating devices.

Additional accessories for the snail include high-quality drinking bowls and feeders made from environmentally friendly and soft materials, as well as a swimming pool and a small house. Food grade plastics have proven themselves very well. Do not use sharp or dangerous, too hard objects in the terrarium that could cause damage to the body or shell of a domestic mollusk. Experienced owners of such pets recommend planting salad crops or special cat grass in the Achatina house. Twigs, picturesque driftwood or traditional tree bark will become a real decoration for the landscape.

Proper diet of the Achatina snail

The basis of the Achatina diet is represented by lettuce leaves, various greens, shoots of cereal crops and vegetables, as well as tops. The diet of shellfish should also include the following products:

  • cucumber and pumpkin pulp;
  • spinach;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • cobs of young corn;
  • peas;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • apple and pear pulp;
  • watermelon and melon;
  • bananas;
  • apricots;
  • avocado;
  • mango;
  • pineapples;
  • cherries;
  • plum;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberries

Adult gastropods can be a little capricious when it comes to nutrition, so they often give preference to certain foods while completely neglecting others. In any case, soft fruits and vegetables are cut into slices, and hard ones are grated or crushed in a kitchen blender until pureed. Any food given to the snail should be brought to room temperature.

It is forbidden to give your pet food from the common table, spices and fried foods, sweet and sour, as well as smoked and spicy foods. Natural acids contained in citrus fruits, including lemons, tangerines and oranges, are dangerous for snails. It is very important to provide the gastropod with a special mineral supplement containing a sufficient amount of calcium.

This is interesting! Clean water is especially important for the gastropod, which Achatina not only drinks, but also very actively uses for water procedures. Water must be replaced daily.

It is advisable to feed adult domestic snails in the evening, once a day. Small and young animals should be provided with round-the-clock and unhindered access to food and water. Food is given in a special bowl or on a tray, which may well be a cabbage or lettuce leaf. Uneaten food is removed from the terrarium.

Achatina care

Such exotic pets do not require special care. Cleaning the terrarium must be done as it becomes dirty, and general cleaning is carried out at least a couple of times a month. Hygienic washing of the walls of the terrarium and the inside of the lid is carried out daily.

It is strictly forbidden to use traditional chemical cleaning powders and other products for cleaning, so experienced owners of pet snails advise using hot water and a soft rag or an ordinary dish sponge for this purpose.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that any devices used in cleaning the terrarium must be stored separately.

Gastropods love to take regular water treatments. Of course, for such exotic pets, for hygienic purposes, it is quite enough to install a shallow pool inside the terrarium, but it is very advisable to periodically give the snail a warm shower, holding the animal in your hand over a regular sink. The stream of water directed at the snail should not be too strong and must be warm. The total duration of this procedure is no more than three minutes.

Land snails are unusual and very cute creatures that make friendly and unpretentious pets. The life of gastropods is interesting to observe; they do not require large material costs for maintenance, do not require special nutrition and are content with minimal care, so many fauna lovers get themselves fancy mollusks and are happy to take care of them at home.

The life of gastropods is interesting to observe; they do not require large material costs for maintenance and do not require special nutrition.

Types of gastropods and their advantages

The most popular pets suitable for indoor keeping are land animals. They come from East Africa, so they love warm and humid climates. The leisurely creatures are quite large in size - adult individuals can reach up to 27 cm in length. In Russia and European countries they are kept as pets.

Breeds of land mollusks

There are several varieties of Achatina. They all feel good around people and live well in captivity. Land mollusks vary in size, color and temperament. Among them the following breeds are known:

In the wild, the African Achatina is usually gigantic in size and spotted in brown tones. At home, its parameters are much more modest, and the color contains calmer shades.

Some residents of our country prefer to have grape snails. They are very bright, colorful and not too large. The height of their shell is 4.5-5 cm, and the body length does not exceed 4 cm. Caring for and maintaining land snails does not pose any problems, since grape mollusks are undemanding, calm and tolerate human society well.

The benefits of exotic pets

Gastropods living at home are not considered rare today. Many owners of unusual creatures claim that they recognize their owner, are inquisitive and good-natured, but unlike other animals they do not need constant attention, so they are ideal for busy people. Land snails have the following advantages:

  • do not make all sorts of sounds;
  • take up minimal space in the room;
  • have a neutral odor;
  • do not need walks;
  • eat available foods;
  • do not leave behind dirt on clothes and furniture;
  • can remain alone for a long time or travel with the owner;
  • will never bite a person;
  • do not cause allergic reactions;
  • live long and are practically not susceptible to disease;
  • are satisfied with simple care.

Although mollusks are undemanding creatures, they need a suitable house to live in, as well as nutritious and regular food. In this case, exotic pets will always be cheerful, healthy, open to communication and will often be able to surprise you with interesting moments in their lives.

Home improvement and care

At home, gastropods live well in small terrariums. Snails require a warm and moist environment, therefore, a glass aquarium or a plastic container will suit them as a home, where it is easiest to maintain these parameters. You need to choose a spacious home, its size should correspond to the number of pets. It is advisable to keep 2 or 3 Achatina, as they feel better in the company of their relatives. The container must be transparent, since land mollusks need light.

It is necessary to drill ventilation holes in the house and install a reliable lid that will retain moisture well in the interior space and will not allow pets to escape. It is recommended to hang a thermal mat on the back wall outside, and attach a thermometer on top to know that the snails are not cold and comfortable. It should not be forgotten that Achatina is most comfortable at a temperature of +22-25 °C.

It is better to use coconut substrate or flower soil without fertilizers as bedding. Mollusks love to burrow into it, so the thickness of the earthen covering should be about 4-5 cm. Do not put sawdust or sharp pebbles on the bottom, because the pets can be seriously injured. The substrate should always be a little wet, so it must be sprayed with water every day.

It is better to use coconut substrate or flower soil without fertilizers as bedding.

It is advisable to plant moss, lettuce or grass in the terrarium, put wooden branches, build a pond from a shallow bowl - the snails will really like it. You can also use plastic plants as decoration - it will be easier to put them in order. All material for arrangement must be purchased at a pet store, since soil or plantings taken from a park or garden may contain dangerous microbes that will cause diseases in Achatina.

Snails in a terrarium do not need to be looked after very often. The leisurely creatures are usually nocturnal, and during the day they prefer to bury themselves in the sand or sit motionless on the wall of a container. But Achatina still needs attention: you must remember to feed your pets and regularly clean their house. The basic rules for caring for pet snails are as follows:

Unusual creatures must be handled very carefully, since various injuries are very dangerous to their health. If you find cracks in the shell, you can try to seal it with medical glue or take the snail to the veterinarian. It is important to remember that if the shell breaks badly, the pet will die.

Proper feeding

Land snails need to be fed once a day. There should also be water for drinking in the house. Shellfish are very fond of vegetables, herbs and fruits. It is important to provide them with a nutritious diet, otherwise they will become accustomed to one type of food and refuse other foods. Such nutrition negatively affects the development of pets. To avoid this, It is important to give them a variety of foods:

  • fresh vegetables: cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, boiled potatoes, tomatoes, celery, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • sweet fruits: grapes, pears, melon, bananas, watermelon, plums, apples;
  • oat flakes;
  • peanut;
  • beans;
  • soft bread;
  • mushrooms;
  • field grass, dandelion leaves, fruit trees and clover;
  • milk and fermented milk products (with a small amount of fat);
  • boiled eggs;
  • compound feed;
  • bone meal.

With great pleasure, Achatina eat foods rich in proteins, for example, fish or meat puree, cottage cheese and even fish food. Greens, fruits and vegetables should always be washed to remove dirt and chemicals from their surface. Uneaten food remains should always be removed from the terrarium.

It is strictly forbidden to feed gastropods with spicy, salty, sweet, fried and smoked food. It should be remembered that salt is very harmful and dangerous to their health and life. Raw potatoes, pasta and citrus fruits should not be offered to shellfish.

The diet of snails is varied, consisting of vegetables and fruits

Snail breeding

Regular care is the key to the health and well-being of African snails. If you keep several adult animals, feed them well, treat them kindly and ensure silence, then soon your pets will have children.

Mollusks become sexually mature at the age of 6 months to one and a half years. Each snail has male and female reproductive organs, but they still need a partner for fertilization. After one mating, Achatina can bear offspring 4-6 times a year.

The snail buries a clutch of eggs in the ground, so you need to check the substrate once a week for the presence of translucent balls. If there is no desire to raise future babies, then the eggs can be removed from the soil. Having decided to leave the masonry, it is necessary to more carefully monitor the humidity of the substrate and maintain a temperature of about +28 °C.

When the little clams hatch, they can be seen on the surface of the earth. They require virtually no care, but it is better to feed them solid food and place lettuce leaves instead of soil. When the snails get stronger and grow a little, they can look for a good owner.

When the little clams hatch, they can be seen on the surface of the earth.

A healthy Achatina interacts with people with interest, has a clean, moist body and a strong, brightly colored shell. So that she always remains like this, Snail owners need to consider the following:

  1. The terrarium should be placed away from sunlight and drafts.
  2. You should not leave your pet outside the house unattended, as you may not be able to find it later.
  3. Shellfish love cucumbers very much, but they do not have much nutritional value.
  4. It is not recommended to feed snails peaches, as this causes their mucus to become too liquid.
  5. It is very important that Achatina does not come into contact with pesticides, household chemicals, and does not eat salt and sugar.

By following simple rules of care, you can raise a beautiful and cheerful pet. He will always feel the kind attitude of the owner and will definitely repay him in kind.

Those people who want to have a problem-free pet at home get Achatina snails. They are creatures that are friendly, but do not require care. The main thing that should be provided for them is conditions of high humidity and a diet that should consist of minerals and nutrients.

If all this is present, then the snails will grow well and reproduce well, laying clutches of eggs. These pets really enjoy the company of their relatives, so if you decide to keep snails at home, then you should buy not one, but several individuals.

Brief characteristics of Achatina snails

These creatures, which reproduce by eggs, live in Africa in tropical and subtropical climates. Scientists have so far identified 60 varieties of these mollusks. Domestic species include the fulica and reticulata snails. Achatina snails have a rather soft body, and the shell has a pointed shape. In some mollusks it can reach 30 cm in length. Representatives of this species may have the following colors:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • swamp;
  • brown with a predominance of dark stripes.

In addition to the listed colors, albino snails are also found in nature, a characteristic feature of which is their white color. However, their size is smaller than that of snails with other colors. What color the shell of the mollusks will be depends largely on the diet that the owner provides to the pets. Adults have a shell with a greenish tint.

The peculiarity of these creatures is that they have visual organs on their horns. The Achatina snail does not see further than 1 cm. However, even from a distance of 1.5 m, she can smell her favorite cabbage or salad.

Weight for each individual is 0.3-0.45 kg. These creatures are quite funny and are particularly observant. They remember their owner quite quickly and in the future can distinguish him from other people. Usually people buy Achatina snails for their home from breeders. They are less often purchased in pet stores. One of the characteristics of these mollusks is that they lay a lot of eggs. Due to their high fertility, owners quite often give these mollusks away for free.

Snail at home: how to keep it?

In nature, the main habitat of these creatures is: Asian countries, Tanzania and Kenya. In these countries, the temperature regime is at a comfortable level for shellfish. At the same time, the local flora acts as an excellent base for feeding these snails.

If you have an Achatina snail at home, then you need to create comfortable conditions for it so that it develops well. To do this, you will have to fulfill the following conditions:

  • you should purchase a terrarium;
  • fill it with high-quality substrate;
  • give the snails suitable food;
  • observe all hygiene rules.

In some cases, Achatina snails can even be released for a walk around your own home. However, before you allow your pet to do this, you need to carefully examine the area where he will be walking. There should be no obstacles or dirt in the walking area. Other points that can harm the skin of the mollusk should also be absent.


For Achatina, the hot tropics are their homeland, so when caring for them, it is necessary to provide the pets with a suitable temperature in the terrarium. It should constantly be in the range from 20 to 28 C . To achieve the desired temperature, you should not place the terrarium directly next to a radiator or heater. This can lead to overdrying of the substrate. You also need to pay attention to ensure that the individuals are not exposed to sunlight, as this can lead to a temperature contrast that is undesirable for these creatures.

If we talk about the winter period, then to maintain the desired temperature in the terrarium, you should use special heating lamps, which are used to care for reptiles.

Light is not particularly important for these mollusks, so there is no need to extend daylight hours for them. However, you should definitely remove light sources outside the terrarium to prevent your pets from crawling on the lamps.

Humidity level

These creatures are in nature They live in equatorial jungles, so the humid environment along with the temperature must be suitable. In order to ensure this, it is necessary to spray the walls of the terrarium several times a day, and also moisten the litter using water from a spray bottle. For the normal existence of mollusks, the humidity in the terrarium should be at the level of 75-85%. In some cases, such as if you are keeping an albopictu snail, the humidity level should not fall below 90%. What humidity will be most suitable for your pet largely depends on what type of snail lives in your home.

In an effort to provide the humidity necessary for pets, it is necessary not to overdo it with spraying moisture, since in this case there is a high risk of turning the animals’ habitat into a swamp. In order to understand Whether the existing humidity level is suitable for shellfish, it is necessary to pay attention to their behavior. If Achatina begins to climb higher on the walls of the terrarium and is constantly on them, then this is a signal to the owner that the environment in the terrarium is very humid. If they burrow into the ground or hide under lids, this indicates that the humidity level is very low and should be increased.

For mollusks of this species there is no need to create any special structure. You just need to use an aquarium without water or take a container made of transparent plastic. If you plan to place 4 individuals in your terrarium, then you need to prepare an aquarium with a capacity of 20 liters or a special box for them. Since snails have the ability to crawl on absolutely any surface, you must remember to cover their home with a lid. Should be done in advance holes to ensure that pets have good air circulation in the terrarium.

To make their stay in a new home comfortable, it is necessary to lay soil at the bottom, in which they can burrow if necessary. The ideal bedding for Achatina snails is a coconut or orchid substrate. If you have adult specimens in your terrarium, then you can sprinkle the substrate in a layer of 5 cm. For young mollusks, 2-3 cm will be enough. The combination of coarse loose sand with non-acidic soil is the best bedding option for snails.

If you want In order for the terrarium in which the snails are kept to look attractive to your guests, it is necessary to apply it inside the plants. The choice should be made in favor of fern or ivy. You can also use:

  • non-rotting wood pieces;
  • terracotta shards.

In this case, your pets’ habitat will acquire sophistication and look original. In addition, such a design of the terrarium will be useful for the creatures themselves, since the air in the terrarium will be saturated with oxygen, and their diet will be more varied.

Keeping Achatina snails at home: feeding

At this point you should pay attention special attention. There is no need to worry about food for shellfish, since these creatures are absolutely not picky about it. It should be noted that there are three main products that are the most favorite for these mollusks: apples, fresh cucumbers and lettuce.

However, you should not give them only these products. In order for their life to be long and happy, it is necessary to constantly add variety to the menu and give additional carrots, as well as include cabbage leaves in the menu. Snails don't particularly like potatoes. The only exception is boiled vegetables. In the summer, you can give your pets a variety of fruits and berries. These mollusks also do not disdain vegetables. Among other products, Achatinam I like the following:

  • tomatoes;
  • legumes;
  • zucchini;
  • melons;
  • champignons;
  • boiled eggs.

It should be noted that not all foods can be included in the diet of these snails. Shellfish should not be given fried, sweet or spicy foods. Its use will cause the individuals to quickly wither and eventually die.


Achatina snails reproduce by laying eggs. You should know that domesticated individuals reproduce quite well. It should be noted that they are hermaphrodites. This means that they can produce offspring even without a different-sex partner. If you do not want your snail family to be replenished with new individuals, then the eggs that the snails have laid should be washed off. They are chicken eggs in miniature. If you are interested to the reproduction of mollusks, it is necessary to carefully clean the terrarium so as not to inadvertently wash off the eggs. And then there can be no question of increasing the colony of your pets.

In the first days of life, small creatures that are born should be given grated carrots, as well as porridges that contain calcium. In this case, they will grow healthy and their shell will be strong.


When there is a desire to have a pet at home, some people choose a cat, others choose a parrot. And some people buy Achatina snails. These pets, living in an apartment with their owner, do not create noise . They do not require expensive feed, therefore, everyone is capable of keeping Achatina at home. Caring for them involves maintaining optimal temperature and humidity conditions in the terrarium, as well as regular feeding. If all this is provided, then the mollusks will live happily ever after, delighting their owner.