Activation of the soft palate and pharyngeal muscles. Activation of the soft palate and pharyngeal muscles How mouth breathing affects the manifestations of snoring

“Elimination of speech disorders in congenital cleft palate”, St. Petersburg. 2000

Scanned! (abbreviated)


To stimulate, increase the extensibility and plasticity of the tissues of the soft palate while simultaneously activating the posterior wall of the pharynx, as well as to achieve sufficient contact of the soft palate with the superior pharyngeal constrictor, the following exercises are recommended;

1) Imitation of the sensation when swallowing an “inflated balloon”, “show your throat to the doctor”;

2) exhale a hot stream;

3) voluntary coughing (tongue at the lower teeth) with active exhalation and pronunciation of vowel sounds I, E, A, O, U, Y;

4) yawning with the pronunciation of vowels I, E, Ya, E, A, O, U, Y;

5) gargling with the head thrown back;

6) voluntary movement of the soft palate in the plane up and down according to the task and its tension with the mouth wide open (control of movement in front of the mirror);

7) inhale with yawning through the mouth - exhale through the mouth (the soft palate is tense);

8) humming melodies in a high register;

9) inhale through the nose and mouth at the same time - exhale through the mouth - exhale frequently, jerkily (with a tense palate); swallowing water, saliva in small portions (realize and remember sensations);

10) imitation of gagging by pressing on the diaphragm with a slight cough;

11) pronouncing the combinations “mm mm mm mm” in a single impulse, stimulating the muscles of the posterior and lateral walls of the pharynx;

12) “sucking in” air through closed lips with tension in the velopharyngeal region and abdominal muscles.

The indicated exercises, except for 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, must be monitored

In front of a mirror and with the help of a kinesthetic sensation of tension in both the soft palate and the back wall of the pharynx (while keeping the tip of the tongue at the lower incisors).

It has been established that the greatest tension in the muscles of the soft palate when swallowing saliva is always greater than when pronouncing the sounds of the alphabet.

So, Prof., IS. Rubinov notes that in preparation for swallowing, the soft palate begins to rise, and by the time the bolus of food passes through the pharyngeal space, it is in a horizontal position. The swallowing technique is used only so that children become more aware of the expression “tense, raise the soft palate” and, after repeated training in the first lessons, they consciously begin to control the movement of the soft palate, and most importantly, feel its movement. Additionally, with control with the back of the hand, the child practices pronouncing isolated vowels and their combinations, first on a hard and then on a soft voice (I, E, Ya, E, A, O, II, EE, YaYa; EE, EA, 30, AE, AA, AO), gradually increasing their number. To correctly perform the task, the articulators are given a certain position: the corners of the mouth are moved to the sides, the lower jaw with the tongue lying flat is slightly advanced. This position of the articulators contributes to a more open pronunciation of vowel sounds, including the back row phonemes O, U.

In addition to the indicated active exercises of the velopharyngeal muscles, massage of the soft palate is systematically carried out. To do this, the thumb of the leading hand performs superficial stroking (30 s), intermittent and energetic stroking (30 s), while the finger moves jerkily and rhythmically towards the back wall of the pharynx; then spiral rubbing (1 min), then intense rubbing and kneading at a slow pace. All these movements are carried out back along the line of the postoperative suture to the back wall of the pharynx. In this case, as soon as the finger touches the soft palate, a gag reflex is triggered, as a result of which the pharyngeal ring sharply narrows. Gradually, the tongue begins to take a flat position at the bottom of the mouth, and the gag reflex fades. Massage should be performed several times a day (from 5 to 8 times) for 2 minutes for 6-8 months. Additionally, when performing a massage, the sounds E A O are pronounced for a long time. It is recommended to carry out massage in group classes and outside of them - independently at home. Physiotherapeutic procedures include electrical stimulation of the soft palate (10-15 procedures), and less commonly, electric massage. By activating the soft palate, children create conditions for the development of intense oral exhalation and speech breathing.


Considerable time is devoted to the formation of correct breathing in the training system. Children are explained that in speech production, for the respiratory apparatus to function properly, you need to have trained respiratory muscles and that the proposed breathing exercises will help increase the vital capacity of the lungs, the mobility of the abdominal and pectoral muscles, the diaphragm, and will develop the intensity and duration of oral exhalation.

First, it is more advisable to practice diaphragmatic breathing, which is the deepest, strongest, controlled at the moment of prolonged exhalation of air through the mouth and slows down the breathing rate. The latter, in turn, reduces the speed of exhaled air, thereby indirectly reducing the leakage of exhalation through the nose, promoting relaxation and flattening of the back of the tongue. Establishing and practicing diaphragmatic breathing is carried out first in a horizontal position or in a half-sitting position, and then in a standing position. When you inhale, the upper wall of the abdomen and lower parts of the chest rise slightly, and when you whistle as you exhale, they smoothly retract. Then there is a pause, as a result of which the student rests and relaxes the palatine and pharyngeal muscles. After some time, the exercise is repeated. The movement of the abdominal wall and lower chest is easily controlled by the flexor carpi radialis region to prevent the shoulders from rising. In the same way, not only long, but also jerky breathing is practiced (the latter helps to more clearly feel the movement of the diaphragm and the abdominal wall). It is known that the diaphragm, larynx and all resonators are equipped with a unified control system, which makes it possible to stimulate various organs of the speech apparatus through gymnastics.

During the breathing exercise, the soft palate is kept raised. Children learn a rational way to expend the air stream by maintaining uniform activity of the expiratory muscles (uniform pressure on the diaphragm). Therefore, when moving from game material to speech, the first measures include weakening the flow of air from the lungs and practicing a calm, light and directed oral exhalation against the background of a consciously induced yawn and a feeling of support on the lower parts of the sternum. This coordination of movements is learned gradually and requires repeated repetition and consolidation. Speech is a voiced exhalation. Here it is appropriate for children to figuratively imagine the respiratory and phonation organs, like an inverted tree, where the foliage is the lungs and the trunk is the trachea, play with the emphasis in the word organ and learn about the participation of the bronchotracheal region in resonating. To maintain the necessary aerodynamic conditions, a dosed cascade of directed exhalation through the mouth is created with the lower costal type of breathing. Training increases the activity and tone of the diaphragm and the coordination of phonation and articulation (tightly closing the space behind the palate, which eliminates the leakage of sound energy into the nasal cavities). At the same time, vowels are pronounced fully and energetically.

Oral exhalation, voiced by vowels, is the thread on which, like beads, light and relaxed consonant sounds of various types are strung. This cascading and continuity of the sound air flow should not be disturbed (felt by hand). Exercises lengthen the air flow through the mouth, which allows children to effectively move on to pronouncing a series of syllables, words and short phrases, since the motor realization of sounds occurs with less amplitude, economy of movements and relaxation due to the prolongation of vowels - assistant sounds, their transition processes and shortening duration of consonants. The focus of the exhalation, the “bulge,” is sometimes created by the additional pipe by holding an open cam in front. Nasal sounds are excluded from speech samples.

Some authors recommend inflating balloons, rubber toys, and tubes to correct speech breathing. You should refrain from these exercises in the first stages of work, since when inflating balloons and chambers, an increase in pressure in the oral cavity leads to a significant leakage of exhalation through the nose and weakening of attention at the moment of tension of the soft palate.

For targeted and economical use of oral exhalation, we suggest the following exercises:

1) blowing away small objects (strips of paper, cotton wool, feathers, etc.) and round objects (pencils, pens) from the table or palm;

2) playing the harmonica, children's pipes, horns and other wind instruments with a hole;

3) support with an air stream (as you exhale) for small vibration movements of the lips (coachman’s “tprrr”); blowing soap bubbles;

4) maintaining a stream of exhaled air with the help of a glass tube of continuous bubbling of the liquid (first short-term, fractional, then long-term);

5) warming hands, as in severe frost;

6) puffing out the cheeks followed by a smooth and uniform exhalation;

7) whistling with compressed nostrils, then without compressing them, then with half-closed lips;

8) extinguishing a fire (candle) with a stream of exhaled air;

9) holding a celluloid or cork ball (flying bun) in the air, maintaining small lumps of cotton wool in the air by blowing, moving plastic ducks, geese, fish, ships in a basin, trough or in a bath of water;

10) blowing on a sheet of paper opposite the wall so that it is pressed against it and does not fall;

11) holding air in the mouth - puff out your cheeks and quickly release the air; purse your lips tightly, then release the air by changing the position of your lips and slowly lowering your jaw (i, y, a, o);

12) taking air into the mouth and releasing it alternately through the mouth and through the nose;

13) blowing sounds with compressed and unclenched nostrils (p, f, t, k).

During these exercises, you need to ensure that the exhalation is oral, long, while simultaneously stretching the soft palate upward. The exercises are carried out several times, with breaks, which are again filled with exercises to activate the palatine and pharyngeal muscles.


The following exercises are suggested. First practice a short, fairly energetic exhalation with control over the movement of the lower parts of the chest and abdominal wall; then - a long and uniform exhalation that does not weaken towards the end and, finally, an exhalation collected on the lips like a whistle.

Despite the presence of air in the lungs, in the future they develop the ability to add breath, that is, to replenish its supply, quickly, and pronounce syllables, words and phrases using the “warming the hands” technique. While performing breathing exercises, the student controls the exhalation by placing a small mirror on the nasal passages: when the exhalation leaks through the nose, the mirror or shiny object fogs up. Various tasks are used to differentiate exhalation: inhale and exhale through the nose, inhale through the nose - exhale through the mouth, inhale through the mouth - exhale through the nose, inhale through the mouth and exhale through the mouth. In this case, kinesthetic sensations of relaxation and tension of the soft palate are developed, and oral and nasal exhalations are differentiated. The above exercises and correction of the back of the tongue with relaxation of the lower jaw and slight abduction of the corners of the mouth to the sides create conditions for the formation of non-nasalized sounds and oral resonance.

Exercise 1. Pronouncing combinations and words in one exhalation, emphasizing the endings:

or or, ay..., Iey..., Ilya..., oil..., quince..., aley..., willow..., oh..., Yula

..., Yuri..., bark..., howl..., ideas..., food..., waffles..., pour..., glue..., linen...,

Paradise..., edge..., bathe...(exhale fully at the endings!).

Uexercise 2 Pronouncing phrases with control over endings:

Iya, drink some quince water! Ilya, water the lily with water! Julia in a warm sweatshirt. Valery, glue the photo! Quince and alder are trees. You and I are at the willow, and Iya is at the quince. Lilya and Vilya were cherished. There is a purple lily near the alley. They felled spruce to the left, and felled pine needles to the right. Julius was playing with his top. I'm at war. I sculpt Yuri. Vitaly sawed with a saw. Bark, husky, in the taiga! The birds flew away to warmer lands. Lelya, here's a warm blanket. A sparrow jumps near the white doves.

And to those parts. Would I take it? What would I take? Food, drink

I would collect there.

There was an evil old woman in a fairy tale. She was called Baba Yaga.

Your Ilya is such a lazy person, just give him some rest!

EXERCISE 3. To collect the exhalation on the mouth type lips:

The wolf howls; uh-uh. Yuli Yula! Olya gives Vova iodine. Here is the entrance and exit. I praise halva. Tolya has a warm coat. Here is the yard, I can barely walk. Who is from whom is in him. Olya groaned: oh-oh. Fedot yes that one. Inhale and exhale. Warmth melts ice. Knock-knock-knock-knock! Oink-oink-oink-oink! Poto was playing lotto. The Christmas tree has pins and needles. Got a bunch of beans. I fight with fractions. Buy a pile of spades. Duck! Duck! U-cha-cha! Who stole your child? Enough freedom!

EXERCISE 4. To distribute and lengthen exhalation. With the intonation of counting, groups of words are pronounced together, as well as counting units with an increase in their number ; "Quiet! Frail! Plump! Dashing!"

Having spoken any chain of words several times, you can later add one word at a time, for example, "Quiet! Frail! Plump! Dashing! Perfume!": countdown: "Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Go! etc.

The exercise achieves clarity and completeness of pronunciation of speech material, uniformity and smoothness of exhalation without taking in air. Each increase in the chain by one word is worked out within a week. You can move on to increasing the number of words and numbers only when, for example, the last words “One! Go! sounded full, freely, with sufficient oral exhalation and holding the soft palate in a raised state.

You ate and ate trout from the spruce tree,

They were barely finished at the spruce.

Uh, spirit in body


After mastering these units, you should move on to larger segments of speech, for example:

"Pop the jackdaw, pop the scare, pop the parrot,

In the bushes I saw a parrot, a parrot,

And that parrot says:

You confuse the jackdaws, pop, scare, scare, scare.”

A fisherman catches fish.

Oh, the catch floated into the river.

Practicing a poetic text is also accompanied by dividing it into pauses, first after pronouncing one line, then two, then a verse on one exhale:

Among the white doves

Here a sparrow flies,

Respond, don’t be shy.

Fly out, sparrow!

Rational use of oral exhalation promotes brightness, clarity and intelligibility of speech, development of melody and euphony of the voice, protecting it from overwork.


Articulatory gymnastics is carried out differentially for different organs of the anterior section of the extension tube. Each positional movement of the articulators is worked out clearly, effortlessly, with mirror control and in compliance with a certain rhythm.

Exercises for the lower jaw.

1. Mouth half open - wide open - closed, utterance; la-la-la, Ala-Ala-Ala.

2. Movement of the lower jaw forward with the mouth half open, pronouncing; ditches were dug, you howled.

3. Voluntary movement of the lower jaw to the right - to the left.

4. Imitation of chewing, during which vigorous contraction of the muscles of the larynx, pharynx, soft palate, tongue and lips occurs.

5. Moving the lower jaw forward with the lower teeth “scratching” the upper lip and lowering the lower lip and moving it back while simultaneously “scratching” the lower lip with the upper teeth.

You should clearly demonstrate the relaxation of the lower jaw and masticatory muscles by placing your palms in the area of ​​the joint of the lower jaw at the moment of its lowering. In the future, one should achieve a somewhat exaggerated protrusion of the lower jaw when pronouncing vowels; I, E, Y. Moving the jaw down and slightly forward leads to a wider open and intelligible pronunciation of sounds with a predominance of oral resonance. It is known that in speech the oral cavity and the pharyngeal cavity are inversely related to each other: the wider the oral cavity at the time of speech, the narrower the pharynx.

Lip exercises.

To practice the necessary freedom and activity of lip movement, the following exercises are recommended.

1. Causing lip vibration (coachman’s “pprrrr”).

2. Lowering and raising (alternately and simultaneously) the upper and lower lips, saying: Vavila has a pitchfork, the pine needles are withered, the fairy is in Ufa, Fili has a flute, fifty-fifty, Fik is at Fok’s,

3. Pulling the lips forward in a “tube” and folding them in a “circle” with the jaws unclenched and clenched. Completion of the task is commented on - I imitate an elephant: I pull my lips with my proboscis. And they look like a tube. We can blow it: Doo-doo-doo, Doo-doo-doo!

4. Pulling your lips to the sides, saying: Iya and Eva, Iya and you at the quince.

The task is commented on: Frogs really like to pull their lips straight towards their ears. They smile, laugh, and their eyes are like saucers(according to Plotnikova).

5. Relaxation and lightly patting the upper lip on the lower lip, saying : the priest has a pop, they sawed with a saw, the pills fell into the dust, the attempt was torture; lip smacking.

6. Hold a wooden spatula with your lips and wrap them around the tubes.

7. Pronouncing the combination “ Mmm mmm mmm"with retraction and tight pressing of lips to teeth.

8. Imitation of rinsing teeth with sharp pressure on the lips, followed by their relaxation and exhalation.

9. Pulling out the lips with a wide funnel and then creating a gap while whistling.

10. Suction of air with closed teeth - with lips extended forward.

11. Sucking movement of the lips left and right.

12. Movement of elongated lips left and right.

13. Simulates the release of smoke from the mouth.

14. “Spraying laundry with water” through closed lips.

15. Active movement of the lips with the pronunciation: “ Oh and groaned around, Oh and groaned, Oh and groaned here, here and around».

16. Lowering and raising the lower jaw with tightly compressed lips,

17. Movement of tightly compressed lips left and right with an attempt to move them sharply up and down.

Upper lip massage.

Massage the scarred upper lip with the terminal phalanges of the II and III fingers of both hands from the base of the nose down to the edge of the upper lip, as well as to the side with a slight stretching of the scar itself; carry out stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration for 2 minutes.

The sequence of actions when stretching the corners of the mouth:

1) use the knuckles of your index fingers to press on the corners of your mouth;

2) after pressing, move them 3 times in the opposite direction.

The sequence of actions for horizontal stretching of the upper lip:

1) place the first finger on the lip from above, the second - under the upper lip;

2) I use my finger to roll the upper lip strongly, II - act in the opposite direction;

3) perform these movements in the opposite direction;

4) make the same movements with the fingers moved at a distance of 1 cm 2-3 times;

5) continue to perform these movements in a circle of the upper and lower lips, including the corners of the mouth, then change fingers.

The sequence of actions for stretching the upper lip (“Cupid’s bow”):

1) bent II finger under the upper lip, and I on the upper lip;

2) wrap the lip onto the first finger;

4) repeat this movement to the sides, to the center, around the upper lip 3 times (according to D. Beckman).

The sequence of actions when stretching the lower surface of the upper lip:

1) slip the smallest toothbrush between the upper lip and gum, with the bristles facing the lip;

2) pull the brush back and forth, trying to stretch the lip, and hold it from above with resistance from the lip muscles;

3) move the brush 0.5 cm and repeat step 2 around the upper and lower lips.

Exercises for the tongue.

Example exercises for the language could be the following.

1. Stroking, patting, vibration (for 10 s) of the tongue with a wooden spatula, which is placed on the front of the back of the tongue.

2. Holding the advanced tongue at the edge of the front teeth with not only the root, but also the back of the tongue lowered, lightly biting the front of the tongue.

3. Sticking your tongue forward with a “scapula” and pulling it back by the teeth, pronouncing the combination “ no", transformation of a "blade" into a "sting".

4. Raising and lowering the tip of the tongue to the upper and lower teeth with the mouth wide open, as well as touching the right and left corners of the mouth, various points of the lips, palate, the front and back of each tooth,

5. Laying the wide front part of the tongue (in the form of a cup) with tightly holding the lateral edges of the tongue at the upper lateral teeth and simulating the combination ie, and then blowing onto the front part of the tongue and causing vibration, comment on the task : Place your tongue with a spatula and count it - one, two, three, four, five. The tongue needs to be relaxed. Place your tongue wide and lift the edges. It turned out to be a bowl, rounded. We'll put it in our mouth and press the sides to our teeth.(according to Plotnikova).

6. Sliding the tongue deep into the hard palate in the shape of a hook, first silently, and then pronouncing the sounds o, s.

7. Clicking the tongue with suction of the back of the tongue to the palate with the mouth closed and wide open; holding a wide tongue in the mouth for a long time with a lollipop lying on its back.

8. Development of mobility of the anterior part of the back of the tongue (imitation of a silent t-t-t at the upper lip, at the upper teeth) and the root of the tongue (on the hard palate - in this case, the tip of the tongue rests on the bottom of the mouth). Next, pronounce the phrases: Duck| Ducky | Duck-cha-cha | There's a child here. Cocoa drank cocoa. A pile of caps.

9. “Scratching” with the relaxed front part of the tongue against the upper teeth.

10. Circular licking of the lips with the tip of the tongue, licking “jam” from the upper lip with a wide tongue. Licking plates, the convex side of a tablespoon with the wide surface of the tongue.

11. Compression of the lateral edges of the tongue spread out wide by the chewing surfaces of the teeth with control of this position.

12. Relaxing the chin area and floor of the mouth with the tongue spread out.

13. Try repeating the following sounds one by one: la-la, t-k-t-k, p-t-k.

14. Relaxation of the neck muscles with reflex relaxation of the tongue muscles (oral resonance increases): the head is dropped forward, to the right, to the left; The head rolling is commented on with the text:

Oh, Mishka’s neck is weak

Use a thread to sew it on

It won't fall off then

Teddy bear head...

15. Movement of the tongue from side to side inside and outside the mouth. Of the proposed methods, the main place is given to the formation of the skill of relaxation, flattening and moving the tongue forward (sound I with the tongue sticking out), as a result of which the volume of the root and back of the tongue decreases, oral exhalation increases and becomes more active. In each individual case, the specialist must decide for himself whether certain exercises are necessary.

Such additional compensations of the anterior articulation, such as protrusion of the lower jaw, a more open design of labialization and a lower position of the back of the tongue, holding it against the front teeth, along with the activation of the soft palate and pharyngeal muscles, help to successfully and in a shorter time simultaneously overcome sharp nasal sounds and impaired sound pronunciation. The best conditions are also created for the education of articulatory patterns of sounds in order to increase the intelligibility of high vowels I, U, O and to prevent grimaces and contraction of the nostrils from participating in the process of speech formation.

Usually, trying not to let air through the nose during speech, the child begins to reflexively narrow his nostrils, tense his frontal muscles, tighten his cheek muscles, and frown his eyebrows. These reflexively expressed compensatory mechanisms are firmly established, and to eliminate them, it is necessary to form short, relaxed consonant sounds in front of the mirror, and subsequently to have constant control over the facial muscles.

In case of complex, unfavorable postoperative data, with pronounced nasal emission of exhalation, the accepted traditional methods of therapy are not always effective, while the use of front vowels I, E as speech correction in training material and more open pronunciation increase control over the timbre of the voice and help overcome nasalization.


It is more convenient and easier to carry out coordinated work of all organs of the articulatory apparatus on vowel sounds. When pronouncing vowels, the greatest possible protrusion of the lower jaw, a free position of the tongue reaching the front teeth, and increased oral exhalation are achieved. In addition, it has been experimentally clarified that vowel sounds provide better intelligibility compared to consonant sounds (on average by 25%). From the moment of working on the front vowels I and E, kinesthetic sensations are cultivated, giving a feeling of “contrast” in the position of the back of the tongue in the forward-backward position and the direction of exhalation. These vowel sounds allow you to focus the exhaled stream in the anterior part of the articulatory system and direct the tongue towards the lower incisors. The clarity of the kinesthetic sense in the oral cavity when moving the tongue forward and a tangible exhalation (with a finger at the lower lip) help the child to navigate correctly, especially since at first it is impossible to rely on auditory perception and auditory differentiation of normal and nasal speech. Based on kinesthesia and visual control, which signal the position of the speech organs, children become familiar with the sensations of moving the tongue forward, the degree of tension of the lips and cheeks, and oral exhalation.

The condition of the palate and pharynx is also taken into account. When pronouncing the vowel A, the walls of the pharynx and soft palate passively participate in this act and usually do not tense. Correct pronunciation of the sound. And, on the contrary, it requires tension of all muscle groups of the pharynx and soft palate. With repeated repetition of the sound I, the necessary kinesthetic connections are strengthened. In front of the mirror, the leader of the lesson shows with one articulation (without pronunciation) the pattern of vowels. Then the imitation of these sounds is accompanied by a wave of warm exhalation (it is controlled with the back of the hand or a “microphone” finger at the center of the lower lip). Next, we suggest whispering aspirated pronunciation of all vowels using the “warming hands” technique on a soft attack while holding the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors. Despite the apparent simplicity of the articulatory structure and the high intelligibility of the sound A, one should begin to overcome the nasalization of the front vowels; non-upper rise of uncurved E and upper lift of uncurved I, having a high air flow speed. Children “bring” the sound of these vowels to the front parts of the oral cavity and it seems to “fly off” from the tip of the tongue. They exercise double control of both the warm air stream with their fingers at the level of the lower lip and the position of the soft palate during the rapid opening of the mouth as a resonator. Manipulating the lips and lower jaw helps to increase the shape and size of the mouth opening more quickly. The student feels the movement of air flow along the back and front of the tongue, directed towards the lower lip and lowered lower jaw. At the same time, practicing the coordination of exhalation and the unusual holding of the soft palate in the upper position will require a lot of patience. Later, systematic monitoring will increase the time of tension of the soft palate. At the same time, it is necessary to exercise visual control over the rest of the facial muscles and inhibition of unnecessary accompanying movements.

After the formed sounds I, E, Ya, Yu, all other vowel sounds are practiced - A, E, O, U, Y. It should be taken into account that the vowel Y is a heterogeneous sound, the final part of which turns into the sound I. In the Russian language, the same phoneme can have many shades and variants. This provision expands and deepens the possibilities of correctional training, given that the same acoustic effect can be achieved by different articulations. In practice, we observe cases when different articulatory configurations give the same acoustic effect. In phonetics, this fact is called compensatory forms of articulation. That is why the optimal organization of the oropharyngeal cavities (their configuration and volume) during the training course leads to maximum acoustic output of the vocal apparatus and normalization of speech color. In order to acquire the skill of more open pronunciation and make it habitual, you should always begin phonation of isolated vowels with the transition to combinations and combinations of them, to chains of syllables and words. Next, they practice the pronunciation of phrases and texts with the same conditions of a more open (front row) pattern of sounds.

To control the purity of pronunciation, the so-called nasal listener. The work of the soft palate (its functional suitability) is controlled by the method of listening to sound phenomena in the nose.

Method listening to the nasal cavity is based on the fact that if exhalation and sound waves enter the nose, they are felt through a rubber tube, one end of which is inserted into the speaker’s ear, and the other into his nostril. If the soft palate is not raised and does not block the entrance to the nasopharynx, then noises such as humming or buzzing are heard in the tube.

These noises accompanying speech produce unpleasant sensations and pressure in the speaker’s ear (during normal pronunciation, a pronounced sound in the tube is obtained only at the moment of pronouncing the nasal sounds M and N). Using a nasal listening tube, all speech material is pronounced: vowels, their combinations, as well as all words and short sentences with words that do not contain the nasal sounds M and N.

Along with the method described above "warming hands" and with the nasal listener they use a technique conventionally called "pulsation of sound"- maintaining a vowel (vibrato). The term “vibrato” is used by vocal teachers and is characterized by pulsating, periodically following each other impulses with the sound breaking up into separate sound sections (segments), similar to the pulsation of sound. The frequency of sound pulsation is within 5-7 vibrations per 1 s, for example, such as the repeated pronunciation of one vowel (in this case I) of the word “inquisition”: IIIIII. This combination of vowels should be pronounced monotonously at least 3 times in a row, practically as long as you can exhale. This artificial “vibrato” (for children - “Indian cry”) is accompanied by periodically trembling movements of the fingers of the hand applied to the larynx.

This technique stimulates oral exhalation, speech breathing in general, raising and lowering pitch, leveling and masking nasalization (nasal pronunciation), significantly increasing the intensity, brightness and purity of sound, but at the same time categorically preventing overstrain of the vocal apparatus and forced phonation.

To differentiate pure and nasal sound, it is advisable to periodically compress the nostrils, which leads to increased nasality (with your fingers you feel the vibration of the wings and back of the nose - instead of vowels - a hum in the nose).

Each teacher of children must demonstrate increased rhinophony with a relaxed soft palate and clear oral sound (A-I test) with a raised soft palate when the nose is compressed, attracting tactile sensation and gradually the child’s auditory attention to the difference in sound. This negative practice, when consciously emphasizing the unwanted hypernasalization of sounds and words, allows you to effectively combat bad habits and attitudes.

Pronunciation of vowels and their combinations is carried out with a hard and soft attack in a quiet voice with a change in stress in the position, the lower jaw lowered and slightly moved forward, with the lips relaxed to the point of a half-smile and the tip of the tongue held at the lower incisors (including the back vowels O and U).


Pronouncing vowels and their combinations using alternately the techniques of “warming the hands,” falsetto and recitative singing, and “pulsing the sound.”


In the process of evolution, human sonorous speech is formed for hearing and under the direct control of hearing, therefore speech and hearing are closely related functions. During the period of speech correction, two moments are distinguished in relation to hearing; a child’s listening to someone else’s speech and voice, i.e., imitation of an adult’s speech patterns, and listening to his own speech and voice.

Encouraging the child to compare his distorted pronunciation with the correct sound of the presenter’s speech speeds up the acquisition of normal pronunciation. Systematic hearing training, especially phonemic hearing, leads to the development of self-control of speech.

At the same time, we should not forget that the acquisition of correct speech and the laying of its standards must be carried out from a very early age (3-10 months of life). When communicating with a child and focusing his attention on the face of the speaker, it is necessary to activate the first pre-speech vocalizations: hooting, humming and babbling. In practice, this process is realized by listening to the impeccably correct speech of adults, around whom it is useful for him to be constantly. The indicated age does not mean that you should not talk to the child correctly earlier. Auditory perception is the very first stage in the acquisition of speech skills. At this time, adults should adhere to certain canons: speak as often as possible, not loudly, but clearly, distinctly and slowly, with repeated repetition of what was said. In this case, from an early age, the skill of listening is stimulated and developed, and the sound patterns of words are memorized. In the future, sound correction is also always carried out in a low voice. This way of working stimulates the development of useful articulations in children, not only those with palate defects. Check it out for yourself, dear reader! While pronouncing words and feeling a warm exhalation (the “warming hands” technique), a noticeable sign will be tension in the lateral arches of the pharynx and soft palate (and in children with a cleft palate, its fragments), as well as the posterior wall of the pharynx and lowering of the root of the tongue. Such conditions make it possible to better assimilate the intonation and melodic qualities of speech. It is easier for a child to navigate the speech environment and imitate when stimulating signals do not cause fatigue and inhibition of the nervous system and speech centers. In developing correct pronunciation skills, the ability to imagine and evaluate the sound of one’s own speech is of great importance. This is quite difficult to do: the child does not hear himself, or rather, he hears differently than those around him. It seems quite right to him. That is why, for self-control, the use of a “nose listener” should be alternated with another technique. This auxiliary tool is called “listen to yourself” (according to P. A. Neumann).

Self-listening is organized as follows.

1. The hands are given the position that is usually obtained when collecting water for washing - a handful, while the first finger fits tightly to the palm.

2. Without changing the half-bent position given to the hands, one of them (for example, the left one) is applied to the left ear behind it, and the upper part of the ear is slightly pulled down and significantly bent towards the cheek. At the same time, the elbow is brought closer to the chest.

3. The other hand (right), also in an unchanged semi-bent position, is placed with the palmar surface of the wrist on the corner of the mouth corresponding to this hand (right) and covers the mouth without placing it on the lips, with the exception of the first finger placed on the upper lip.

The indicated position of the hands forms a mouthpiece connecting the opening of the mouth with the auricle - a sound duct. With this position of the hands, the sound of a quiet own voice is heard amplified, and obvious timbre errors or any features of the voice are distinguishable and clear. When using this aid when listening to your speech, you should not abuse the power of your voice: do not speak loudly, and especially not shout. For training, they take all the speech material (syllables, words, sentences) without the nasal sounds M and N. Quite soon, the student, using the auxiliary technique “listen to yourself,” identifies and overcomes the nasal connotation of speech, learns pronunciation fluency, as well as relaxed and brief articulation of consonants sounds. The most important feedback connections are gradually formed on the basis of hearing and muscle feeling.


When moving from vowels to consonants, it is advisable to start working with sonorant sounds L L", R, R"Semivowels (sonorants) are close in sound to vowels and are the most intelligible among consonants. This group also includes the middle language sound I, which comes closest to vowels in the final position.

When pronouncing sonorous sounds, it turned out to be easier to control the position of the soft palate, tongue, and lower jaw. The child, mastering the articulatory structure of sonorous sounds, tactilely feels the movement of the oral air stream and practices pure sound. Then the isolated sound is included in a closed syllable, in an intervocalic position, an open syllable, and then in combinations of consonants. Gradually increase the speed of pronunciation, change the emphasis in combinations and words. When forming the sound P, single-impact is allowed.

Removing nasalization begins with the clear pronunciation of closed syllables. In a closed syllable, both sounds are clearly heard, their less unity is noted, each of them emphasizes each other. That is why they are most distinguishable in this position, since they acquire their inherent sound structure. Visual control is reliably carried out and auditory control is developed. Gradually, normal pronunciation, accurate perception of speech sounds, and the ability to hear correct and incorrect sounds of each element of speech are formed. The latter circumstance is extremely important when the patient works independently. Having received certain healthy speech attitudes in the classroom, the student subsequently exercises visual, kinesthetic and auditory control at home.

Exercises in working on vowels and sonorant sounds are compiled according to the principle from simple to complex: syllables, words, phrases, as well as maintaining consistency in the formation of a new sound, taking into account what was previously learned. Pronouncing vowel sounds and words with a positional initial vowel on a soft attack, singing in a recitative various phonetic material with cascading breathing and use of technique "pulsation of sound" provide “pushing” of the entire sound forward, which leads to correct articulation and overcoming nasalization of speech. At the same time, the vowels become firmly "assistant sounds".

A sustained and, as it were, elongated vowel carries out an influx of energy and “pulls” into the anterior parts of the oral cavity all the sound of combinations of syllables, words and phrases; neutralizes nasality, decorates and makes the sound of speech in general more aesthetic.

Sometimes, as a result of deeply ingrained habits, the arched back of the tongue and its root do not lend themselves to the necessary articulatory installation for a long time. Therefore, in addition to the active and passive patterns of the tongue and other articulators, the use of visual attention, it is advisable to resort to the kinesthetic, tactile, skin sense, to palpation of the chin area, adjacent areas of the neck (submandibular, sublingual), as well as the “sound pulsation” technique to achieve complete relaxation muscles of the tongue, lower jaw and other organs of the speech apparatus.



1) syllables with sonorant (i, l, r,) sounds on a soft voice beginning, techniques “warming hands”, “listen to yourself”, “pulsating sound”:

yay yay yay yey

il er yal yol yul

ir er yar yur yur

hey yay yy

il-il el-el yal-yal yl-yl el-el ol-ol

er-er ar-ar ur-ur yr-yr

yuyu hey eye yaya yee

Yulya ele yala or barely

2) inflections, syllables and words with sonorants in the final position:

lyr lil liy

lar lal lai Lara-lar-Daria

lur lui lul

ry ry ry ry ry

lay ray lel ler

loy lol lor

lyr lyl lyr




ly-ly-ly ry-ry-ry

le-le-lie re-re-rie

la-la-lya ra-rya-rya

lo-le-lie ro-re-rie

lu-lu-lyu ru-ryu-ryu



Ilya has battle and pain,



Snout - reef Khor-Khor


fatigue, laughter, fear, crying, blow, dog barking, goat bleating, pig grunting, horse and donkey cries, mosquito squeaking, etc.) together with the child for two exhalations in the created situation or showing the corresponding picture (for all language pronunciations - at the lower incisors):

And I: and and and, and you: and and and.

And I: aa, and you: aa a.

And I: uh uh, and you: uh uh

And I: o o o o, and you: o o o o

And I: oh oh oh, and you: oh oh oh.

And I: hey hey hey, and you: hey hey hey.

And I: ia ia ia, and you: ea ia ia.

And I: oh oh oh, and you: oh oh oh.

And I: ai ai ai, and you: ai ai ai.

And I: io io io, and you: io io io.

And I: eh eh eh, and you: eh eh eh.

And I: ooh ooh, and you: ooh ooh.

And I: ah ah ah, and you: ah ah ah.

And I: oh-ho-ho, and you: oh-ho-ho.

And I: hee hee, and you: hee hee.

And I'm here, and you are here.

And I: ah-ha-ha, and you: ah-ha-ha.

And I: yay yay, and you: yay yay.

And I: aw aw, and you: aw aw.

And I: fu fu, and you: fu fu.

And I: wow wow, and you: wow wow.

And I: pee pee, and you pee pee.

And I: tick-tock, and you: tick-tock.

And I: bang-bang, and you: bang-bang.

And I: bang bang, and you: bang bang.

Then in the exercises replace YOU with YOU.


Pronouncing phrases with an emphasis on the endings of words:

Ira and Ella ate fish soup. Alla has a veil. Yula was playing around. Swarm in a hive. Famously! Have you watered the lily? Scarlet halo. Ah-ah, echo-echo. Was Lilia taken away? Purple halo. By the alley of lilies. Valya was led into the alley. Ulya was slowly sculpted. Lelya was cherished. At the willow tree you and I. Lel in the cradle. Orlov in Orel. Oh yes the field, in the field Fields! Oh yes Fields fly into the field!

They gave Alik a bagel.

Alla Alika scolded

Alik gave a bagel to Alla,

And Alla ate the bagel.

The sequence of correction for noisy consonants is different.

After sonorant sounds, it is more advisable to start working on noisy fricatives (frictional) sounds, and then stops. When working on noisy consonants, it is recommended to adhere to the following conditions: do not pronounce the sound exaggeratedly, but direct the air to the places where the organs of articulation or stops come together without visible effort, easily and briefly. Vowels and sonorants, on the contrary, should be pronounced with emphasis. Excessively tense pronunciation of noisy consonants during their formation can lead to jerky speech. The principle of the least muscular effort is justified here, the result of which is the simplification of the articulatory work of the speech organs. But distortion of pronunciation is not allowed. To prevent the jerkiness of sounds or their “hyper-correction,” conditions are necessary under which the previous sound directly smoothly transitions into another without any jumps, delays, chanting or loud pronunciation. A positive effect is achieved by delivering excess air to the anterior part of the oral resonator (warm exhalation is controlled with a finger at the lower lip) and subsequently training words with open syllables, since they have clear transition areas - segments that characterize both sounds at once. In this case, the articulation of each subsequent sound in a word begins already during the articulation of the previous one. However, a certain mismatch of articulatory movements arises due to the fact that during the articulation of an adjacent sound, not all of them can be carried out, but only those that are compatible with the articulation of this one. At the same time, as a result of the significant inertia of the articulatory apparatus, certain characteristics characteristic of the preceding sound are superimposed on the sound that follows. This is why the process of reshaping and staging sound and speech in general is extremely complex and requires a variety of didactic verbal material, great patience and perseverance.

To develop fluency, smoothness and naturalness of speech, you should move on to exercises in detailed live speech as soon as possible. At the same time, the shorter the consonants are pronounced and the longer the vowels, the faster the skill of coarticulation, unity and rhythm of speech is realized. In spontaneous speech, changes in intonation occur due to verbal and logical stress. This must be taken into account, especially when correcting rhinophony, developing the skill of dividing sentences into syntagms. The role of pausing is great for short-term rest and relaxation of articulators (lips, tongue, soft palate), education of auditory attention and rhythm of speech. A pause is maintained not only at the end of a syntagm, but also at first - after a small (2-3 words) group of words or after one polysyllabic word. Changing pauses and pronunciations helps develop a productive rhythm and a moderate pace of speech. During the pause, students have the opportunity to correct their pronunciation by comparing the perceived speech of others and their own. To automate new skills, phrases are made from specially selected words with learned sounds. These tasks are offered for independent work.

Parents receive instructions for the correct conduct of independent studies. In the home environment, constant contact between the child and an adult and a normal conversational environment are ensured. In communication, the necessary conditions are created for polishing new speech skills in everyday life and the cognitive needs of children are satisfied. Active conversational practice is introduced into any situation: play and everyday situations, and then into educational situations. When correcting the speaker's mistakes, one should not allow unpleasant comments. Children should always be praised when they perform correctly and stop activities before they get tired. Fatigue and overstrain lead to passivity and destroy inquisitiveness.

You should make sure that the transition to new material becomes a well-deserved reward for the child. Each lesson begins with a repetition of what was previously learned, ensuring the success of the transition to working on new material. Together with the child, they create an educational and play album with pictures based on the sound being formed. These pictures must be labeled in block letters in a contrasting black color. The perception of the picture along with the signature also serves to prevent possible future violations of writing and literacy. The training material includes only the sounds being practiced or those that have already been mastered. More voluminous material is written down in a notebook. In the future, before school, it will once again be necessary to repeat speech patterns in an album and notebook at an accelerated rate of pronunciation using the proposed techniques and methods.

Working on the F sound

After practicing sonorant sounds, it is advisable to begin correcting fricative noisy consonants, in particular, the sound F. It has been established that when it is pronounced, the greatest strength and direction of the exhaled stream of air is noted towards the lips. It is simple and visible in its way of life. The F sound is included in a closed syllable, intervocalic position and in an open syllable (the tongue lies with any vowel Lu-du-lu, Julius, give me the saw. Ul-ul-ul, the wind howled and blew. Iya and Ella ate fish soup. The lilies have faded. The scarlet apple fell. Alya ate halva. Julia is in the hall. Lyalya Alova was offended. Alley to the left. In the village I sculpt for war. Olya and Ulya are at the willow tree, and I am at the quince tree. Hey, Aquarius, lei, lei. The spruces fell to the left. I'm dressing Alya. Valya ate the quince sluggishly. Lelya is strong-willed.


Pronouncing words with the intonation of enumeration:

Lyra Iya Ulya idea believe her his yacht Aida chest role iodine rudder Olya Lyalya blanket Adele April snout Alya Lelya linen silt echo ocher ear sketch Oleg opal nuts wallpaper olives support frame go away scrap morning hit saw fell purple cherished barked catching left with a watering can flaccid pour in challoy lath at the pianos laurel loose any white hero sometimes lava right dashing ordered wheatgrass were poured leveled caught.



Pronouncing phrases and combinations of words with the activation of oral exhalation using the “warming hands” technique and with a nasal listener:

Ella was weeding in the field.

It was warm in Yalta in April.

The alley has poplars and linden trees.

Leva and Olya are quitters.

Olya sang an aria.

Julia was playing around naked.

Alla sculpted swans.

Leah ate the olives listlessly.

A woodpecker was hammering a linden tree.

Leva has a watering can.

Valya has a villa

Yuri Yuryev left for Yuryev.

Eve alder branches

Olya at the alder tree

In April drops

Alya u Alya

oohed and ahhhed

Oh! and oh! - fell.

Julia at the piano.

The hives have been strengthened.

Pavel dressed Alla and Polya

Pour water into the watering can!

Lions caught a lion.

The roar of the surf in Yalta.

Swim along

Have you eaten pancakes?

I twist the willow lashes.

Loaf, loaf, choose someone!

Lily had a doll. Her name was Lyalya. Lyalya had blue curls. Lilya cut a dress for the doll. Lilya dressed Lyalya in a dress. Lilya loved Lyalya. And this is her brother. This is Tolya. Tolya loved ships and yachts. Ships and yachts floated in the water.


ifi fi fi-fi-fi f-fi-fie ef ef efe efe fe fe f fe fe-fe-fye

af yaf afa yafya fa fa-fa-fa fa-fya-fya of ef ofo efyo fo sro-fo-fo fo-fyo-fyo uf uf ufu yufyu fu fu-fu-fu fu-fyu-fyu yf - yfy - fy f-f-f-

Ophelia drying oil Ufa Africa sirloin Fedotya Fedor violet fay Foka ether wick fal Flora Ethiopians extravaganza Falya effects Philip caliphs elves Fik Foka figure Filya Falaley fenced. Filaret headlights Fadey torches scam fefela veil orthoepia alphabet fairy foyer fakirs fefer trout facts February phobia bassoons Theophilus photo factors fleet fruity Fedotov weather vane snort purple Fedorov wing sweatshirt lift folklore flask veil felt lift flute ophitic fig harp flotilla wick Fidel Dorofey photographed philologists filtered philology filtered .


Pronouncing the sound F in combinations of words and phrases using the same techniques:

And I’m at Fali’s, and you are at Fali’s. And I am in Ufa, and you are in Ufa. And I'm in the foyer, and you're in the foyer. And I fence, and you fenced. And I snort, and you snorted. And I'm in the elevator, and you're in the elevator. Filya snorts; f-f-f. Filya barks: af-af-af. Faya is resting: ooh-ooh-oof. The sparrows flew out: pew-pew-pew. Ef-ef-ef - here is an elf. If-if - here's the elevator. Phobia effect. Faya is on the air. Falaleev's sweatshirt fits perfectly.

Filya is the first photographer. Trout fishing at the reef. Filya had them, they loved Filya. Fedora has porcelain elves. Photos of Africa: Here comes Africa. Ethiopians in Africa. Filya and Falya ate waffles to their heart's content. Flavius ​​on the air. Trout fillet. Fedotov flew to Ufa. The foyer has walnut wallpaper. Purple and lilac flags. Fedul puffed his lips. Fedot Fedotov in a sweatshirt. Fi has a flute. The daring Fedor loves the fleet. Felt beret from Philip, Photo by Philip. Orthoepy rule. Rafael is on the air. Correct the spelling. In February, in February the winds blow in the yard. Fedya has a torch. Filya snorts. Fedul played football and scored a goal. Fed-Fedya-felt Fed-fairy foyer.


Pronouncing the F sound in words and phrases with nasal consonants without a nasal listener:

Athens Fenya Fima Foma eagle owl fauna final surname U Feni lif, U Fai fen, U Foma has a new form. Here is dandy Foma. Epifan grandfathers wears a caftan. The pharaonic favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade. Fofan, fofan - dug into the ground.

Voiced consonants differ from dull sounds in less force. Acoustically, this is expressed in a weakening of noise components and an increase in the harmony of the format structure of sounds, especially in the intervocalic position (ivi, eve, ava, yvy, ovo, uvu). In the intervocalic positional position of a consonant, sonantization is observed: such consonants, when isolated from words, are perceived as sonants or even as semivowels.

Work on sound V.


Repeated pronunciation of sound combinations, words and sentences using the techniques of “warming hands”, “pulsing sound” and with a nasal listener : ivi-ivi-ivi vi vi vi vi-you-vi-vy eve eve eve-eve ve ve ve ve ve-vs-vs ava yavya ava-ava va vya va va va-vya-vya OBO evyo ovo-ovo in vo in in in in in in-in-in uvu yuvu uvu-uvu


Ivi Avia Viya Iva Aurora Vava Iowo Ivoi Avoire Leva Wowolya Ivolga Ovali Eva Raised Vova Vova love fir -elnoe Europe Right Caught Vika Eva, Avar's fishing was ovivay Avdotya the author assured ovevay Aurora revealed led away believed fanned Avdiy turnout assure overture take possession of air war saw point-blank viola Victoria video vaudeville lions pitchforks Vitiya volleyball two villa twisted will pour out whirlwind Valeria water species vortex Vera warrior pour out vivarium Valya influenced wobbling vi wat Vavila whirlpool knock out the curls val howl vey Varvara roundup alto velvet water-dropper overlock calamus great forever two laurel Vitaly Sparrow straighten with faith up to the right for the first time buffalo laurel to the left vocal crib praise Waterloo enter pour in Lviv choir fishing

And I am at the willow, and you are at the willow. And I am at the quince, and you are at the quince.

And I praise, and you praised. And I faded, and you faded.

And I am strong-willed, and you are strong-willed. And I maneuvered, and you maneuvered.

And I pour it out, and you poured it out. And I go to the right, and you go to the right.


Pronouncing the sound B in phrases and texts using the same techniques:

The willow has withered. Eva has quince. Spruce needles. Vavila maneuvers deftly. Vova led the ox. Battle of Waterloo. Leva was praised. Ditches were dug and dug. Water was poured to the left at the entrance. Repeat the rules. Vaudeville on Tuesday. I praise halva. Linden alley. At the top the needles are withered. The truth is right. Alla Lvova has a brother named Lev. Crooked trees fell sluggishly. Olive tree. Linden decoction. Oval view. Vavila has a pitchfork. Here is Valery's cavalry. Vikul shod Vlad, and Vikul also shod Vlad. The wind turned into a tail and a mane.

In the courtyard of the widow Varvara

Two thieves stole firewood

The widow was surprised

I put the wood in the barn

The wolf catches, and the wolf is caught. Ilya catches quails. Wind, wind, wind swirls dust along the road. Willow, willow, willow, willow has bloomed. The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system. Boil water and there will be water.


Making a sound IN in words and phrases with nasal consonants without a nasal listener:

phenomenon screws wine in June novella in January tear avalanche war obvious free influx sofa downpour bondage on time vanilla mallow lazy fur fired Varvarin with a fan accusation in the ninth

Vidov saw the video. The waves came like a wave. Vanya and Vilya on the boulevard. Filat is never to blame. Vanya in the bath. There are three withered needles near the hole, I’ll stand on the needles and get the needles. They leveled it, leveled it, but didn’t level it out. The interviewer interviewed the interventionist. Where there is water, there is willow; Where there is willow, there is water. Lie, but don’t lie. He will come out of the water dry. From the village of Pomelova, from the village of Venikova. A sorcerer performed magic in a stable with the wise men. An owl is about an owl, and everyone is about themselves. Every Filatka has his own tricks. The giant sees the giant.

Working on the T sound.

When pronouncing the sound T, there is tension in the back of the tongue, the front part of it forms a closure with the upper teeth or alveoli. Mouth exhalation should be extremely light (“breathe”). The soft palate is raised high.


Repeated pronunciation of sound combinations, words and sentences using the techniques of “warming hands”, “pulsing sound” and with a nasal listener:

it it it ti ti ti ti-ti tit view watt

Et et te te te te te te tet poured lot

at ata ta ta ta»tya=tya tat comfort alt

from that that that that that that ice grip

ut uh-huh tu-tu-tu-tu-tu here yat out

yt yty you you you you-ty-ty you bast shoe it

bark these Italy volt athlete screams drive whip solder trample erudite gun carriage retract see lapel Yakut dig Ottawa flock move away thaw ducklings joy scrap Tit shooting range casting dress Tibet title wick slow moving aunt heat notebook grated whip with agility third third army three Tata container fuel bast shoes Aelita waist thaler tariff camp torba Tolya roofing here tulle that those tuff grass trawl five mercury trill third shabby troll nickel trophy squad morning brothers believe fly pour lost wanted melted answered Lithuania Latvia Photius

And I'm here, and you're here. And I am with my aunt, and you are with my aunt... And I am an athlete, and you are an athlete. And I’m at Tai’s, and you are at Tai’s. And I flew, and you fly. And I'm melting, and you're melting.


Pronouncing the sound T in phrases and texts using the same techniques:

Te-te-te - buttercups in a bouquet. Tata has ducklings. Aunt has calves. Titus has a sheepskin coat. The children swam by the raft. Vitya in the elevator. Warm dress and coat. Tolya sculpts ducklings and calves. Tata, give the notebook to Vitaly. Warmth melts ice. Tata only has these shoes. Warm iron. A child molds experience from babble, and drinks babble from experience. Five honey mushrooms, five ducklings. The child has drinking and lotto. Children in a photo studio. Rafts float - slabs of fir trees. Vitya flies to Apatity. The snail is coming, someday it will be."The flakes are flying. They praise you for your deeds. Stomp from that aunt to this one. A stream flowed under the current of water. Crash-crash, clink-crash, a rooster walks around the yard. These shoes were given to the aunt. It blows quietly warm wind. Grouse near the tree. Here Tupolev’s squad is boiling.

Tolya Titov binds notebooks. Children walk along the ladder. A winged bird was flying. Hey, come and buy some dresses. The cake melts in your mouth.


Contrasting the sound T on the basis of hardness and softness:

it-it at-yat pat-five out-mercury labor-mercury dat-give yt-yt ut-ut this athlete-whip grab-grab shoe-shod swamps-weed a blanket-lash life-be a joke-horror you- you're the parterre-fun-receptionist hunting-brothers you-Tit-Tibet-the third Ted-fun-the third rear-Tibet-the third shute-pay-dresses that-the-the-hunt-although-casting that-that-that-that- aunt-existence there-bye-there-here-tulle-mercury title-tulle-mercury this-Vitya-beating that-grated-casting Ohta-though-drinking title-agility


Pronouncing the sound T in words without a nasal listener:

Tikhvin tunnel tundra Tatar phone coach summer time tomato tina.


Contrasting the sounds D and T: Dina-Tina house-that oak-stupid discord-space give-Altai business-body harms-flies fruits-rafts will come-weaves. We saw Fedya and Petya. It’s like a mistake, a blunder, and even a ship. Dressed Tula in bast shoes.

In the process of working with children, training the voice to overcome the nasal tone should be given no less attention than working on the formation of correct breathing and sound pronunciation. The exercises should emphasize purity, strength, modulation, middle register, chesty central sound, but taking into account children's vocal characteristics, and the supply of an even stream of air forward to the lower lip. If the sound “goes” correctly, then the lips and tip of the tongue feel a slight vibration. While pronouncing combinations of sounds and words, monitor lower costal (diaphragmatic) breathing and directed exhalation through the mouth, extremely activate the soft palate and constantly listen to yourself. This work is labor-intensive, extremely individual, requiring supervision by a mentor, the use of a computer, a high-quality tape recorder and various self-listening techniques. Working on speech breathing and sound pronunciation is the beginning of working on your voice. It should be borne in mind that during rehabilitation training it is necessary to practice not the voice as such, but the process of phonation in conditions of speech production, since the purity, expressiveness and stability of the voice during speech depend on many factors, including the aerodynamic support of voice and sound production [, 1984]. Here we mean maintaining the necessary difference in subglottic pressure, optimal mouth opening and clear diction, creating the necessary air pressure in the oral cavity, etc.

Correct vocal delivery is facilitated by the so-called “basic position”. It consists of several actions performed alternately: relieving tension in the shoulders, neck, occipital muscles (imagine your head and neck as a “flower on a stem”), slightly moving the corners of the mouth to the sides and forward, with the lower jaw and back of the tongue relaxed, well raised soft palate (“yawning”), as well as slight expansion of the lower chest. Under the layers of habits, an individual, natural voice is slowly found, emerging freely and easily. To achieve this goal, a sound is produced that imitates the “howl of the wind”: vvv vvv vvv, with a transition from a short sound to a longer one, then to the connection of the front closed vowels I, E, since with rhinophony the voice is dull and with additional noise.

With irritation of the paranasal sinuses and zones, other facial muscles, the tone of the vocal folds and the functions of the intralarynx muscles significantly increases. Therefore, exercises in pronouncing L combinations and words are accompanied first by stroking, then by tapping with the fingertips of both hands:

1) frontal sinuses - from the middle of the forehead to the temples with pronunciation AND AND AND; from the middle of the forehead to the ears with pronunciation AND AND AND;

2) maxillary sinuses - from the back of the nose to the auricles with pronunciation li li, vi vi vi; from the middle of the upper lip - to the earlobes with pronunciation wee wee wee; from the corners of the mouth to the zygomatic arches with pronunciation iwi iwi iwi;

5) under the lower lip - to the zygomatic arches with pronunciation zi zi zi. Further, the main stages of working on the voice include the following tasks.

5. Ensuring noise immunity, brightness and flightability of the voice.

6. Training the skill of strengthening and weakening your voice.

Setting up, training stability and ease of phonation.


Tuning the voice and strengthening phonation is carried out in the form of short throws: vvv vvv vvv; then - lengthening the sound in-in-in; l-l-l; inclusion of combinations in phonation; vi vi vi, ve ve ve, li li, le le le; Viv Viv Viv, Viv Vev Vev, lil drank lil. lel lel leya. vil vil vil. liv liv liv. lion lion lion (the sound of final consonants is prolonged); li li lil, le le lll, la la lalll, lul lul lll, l l l l l l, l l l l l, l l l l l, l l l l l l l. , . Vova Vova Vova, will, will, will.

Coordinating active exhalation through the mouth with the voice, speech breathing with the movements and mobility of the larynx when pronouncing a sound AND the larynx occupies a high position, and when sounding U- low. This task is practiced first mentally, then in a whisper and then out loud,


Alternately pronouncing sounds first AND And U three pairs on exhalation ten times, then - combinations of vowels with control of exhalation with fingers at the lips: ee ia ie; iyu iy ie; ia io iu; ue ue ue; woah woah woah(sounds seem to fall from the lips).


Pronouncing phrases with focusing the sound on the lips. The friend has gone far away. You will read this tale quietly. Someone with an umbrella wanted to enter the house. Opposite the school is a new house. I say good morning to everyone. There is a chicken and there is a rooster. There is a fly, but where is the fly?

The motley rooster pecked at the smooth bean, smooth bean. Bob jumped and hit him right in the forehead, right in the forehead. The rooster got angry - ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, And he buried the offender deep, deep...

The soft sound attack is being practiced after pronouncing vowels with a firm attack (for contrast), in which the vocal folds, closing tightly, seem to resist the lining pressure : Alla, Ella, agate, avia, scarlet, Aleut, pharmacy, April.


Pronouncing words with a soft, less dense closure and with free vibration of the vocal folds, i.e. with a soft initiation of the voice and a focused sound on the lips: hive hive hive;

ear ear ear; morning morning morning; prowess prowess prowess; coziness coziness coziness;

Iya Iya Iya; Ira Ira Ira; willow willow willow; or or or; tin tin tin; gadfly gadfly gadfly; experience experience experience; opera opera opera.

The sound is somewhat elongated, rich in overtones. In this case, the soft palate must be held higher and more energetically pushed towards the back wall of the pharynx.


At the Hive, Julia blows a whistle and the bees fly like a bullet.

“Having dropped the urn with water, the maiden broke it on the cliff.”

Remove one fist. The clever hoopoe fished with a broom; A crocodile chalked the street with a fishing rod. The mustachioed duck caught a mouse. Snatch and hedgehog at the blackberry. Near the hole, three needles are withered. The hunter is ready to hunt. Frost lay on the branches of the spruce tree, and the needles turned white overnight. And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player. “Eh,” gasped the echo. It was like that. Ena-ben two logs. Father in aviation. Do one thing and know another. Your Titus has both pito and bito, Fire is trouble and water is trouble, and even worse than trouble is both without fire and without water. This morning, this joy... A hare is looking out from behind a willow tree.

Expansion of the voice range is carried out in two directions: lowering and raising. In previous tasks, we achieved stability, softness and purity of the voice, speech sounded mainly in the middle register. In this exercise, a task is added to develop the flexibility and modulation of the voice, the expressiveness of the voice in general, as well as to practice the free “lows” and light “highs” of the sound, avoiding overexertion traumatic to the voice. The ability to speak in a low voice requires a good upper register and vice versa.


Lowering and raising your voice. First a low tone sounds: wwwool wwwool wwwool, to control, hold one hand on the sternum and feel the vibration with the palm, with the fingers of the other - the intensity of the oral exhalation. Then you need to move the sound “up”: vvvill vvvill vvvill, finally, you should combine both sounds into a middle one: vvvall vvvall vvvall, vvvall vvvall vvvall.


Lowering and raising the voice using other consonants (D, Zh, 3, R) in combination with the sounds I and I, with a gradual increase in their number in one exhalation, as well as with the inclusion of stop consonants B, D, G, stimulating the soft palate and vocal folds: lions lions lions, howl howl howl, fork fork fork, for the first time for the first time, two two two, quince quince quince, water divers water divers, vaudeville vaudeville vaudeville, willow willow willow, ovevay ovevay ovevay, pour out pour out, quince quince quince, vivarium vivarium vivarium, quince blows quince blows quince blows, Vavila maneuvers, at the villa vaudeville, shoes shoes shoes, wallpaper wallpaper wallpaper, trunks trunks trunks, buoy buoy buoy, boa boa boa, mace mace mace, more more more, bob bob bobyl, baobabs baobabs baobabs, mullet mullet mullet, at Bella at Bella at Bella, sparrows sparrows sparrows, brave brave gallant, any any any, at Elba at Elba at Elba, a bean dish, got a bob of beans, Lyuba loves beans, Bella announces, I'm going, I'm going, go, go, go, ideals ideals, poisons poisons poisons, boa constrictors boa constrictors, daring daring daring, rook rook rook, duel duel duel, give back the rook, there is water in the tub, awakened ideas, at the hollow of the woodpecker, needles needles needles, please please please, corners corners corners, oriole oriole oriole, goals goals goals, jump jump jump, another other other, scare scare scare, dear dear dear, a jackdaw runs on the pebbles, hit a flask with a weight, there is a snag by the road, a bulldog runs away along the road .

While pronouncing the above combinations of words, you should steadily maintain a high tone, then low and then medium; Listen carefully to yourself and maintain a moderate, calm pace of speech.

By pressing on various points, we are able to control the flow of energy inside our body, which gives a powerful healing effect.

As you know, acupressure is widely used in the East. By pressing on various points, we are able to control the flow of energy inside our body, which gives a powerful healing effect. There are several special points that heal the nasopharynx. Three of them are located on the upper palate; to activate them, special positions of the tongue are used, which include certain closures of energy channels (mudra).

5 points that give a powerful healing effect

Air point (vayu-nabhi-mudra).

Touch your tongue above the upper teeth (approximately at the level of the middle of the upper lip) and hold it in this position. Mudra helps to concentrate, enhances energy circulation, eliminates congestion in the nasopharynx, helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, and heals the liver. Improves the functioning of the body's most important systems: the immune and central nervous systems. Helps overcome laziness, inertia, depression.

Point of fire (agni-nabhi-mudra).

Touch your tongue to the roof of your upper palate. This mudra has a warming effect, improves vision, helps harmonize digestion, strengthen the immune system, and improve memory. It cleanses and rejuvenates all tissues of the body.

Water point (jala ​​nabhi mudra or apas nabhi mudra).

Between the hard and soft palate (the very beginning of the soft palate). Improves digestion, condition of the throat and teeth, enhances internal energy. It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, injuries, metabolic disorders, hypertension, and diabetes. There are also other points that are used to tone the throat and nasopharynx, to control the internal state of the body.

Ether point (khechari mudra or akasha mudra).

Stretch the tip of your tongue even further back and up, towards the throat, as if trying to close your throat with your tongue. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, breathe through your nose. Finally, relax your throat and tongue. This mudra heals the throat and nasopharynx, relieves stress and internal tension, develops clarity and positive thinking, and destroys destructive programs in the subconscious. Develops intuition, promotes detoxification of the body, regulates cellular metabolism, helps overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.

Earth point (prithivi mudra).

Press the tip of your tongue firmly against the base of your lower teeth from the inside. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and then relax. Breathe through your nose. This mudra heals the nasopharynx, calms well, and gives a feeling of internal support and “grounding.” Supports osteoporosis, arthritis, diseases of the skin, teeth, hair, nails and joints, develops strength and endurance. Helps overcome apathy and despondency, improves mood.published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Like many other sounds, snoring occurs as a result of vibrations caused by particles in the air. For example, when speaking, strong vibration occurs in the ligaments, which form the voice. The same thing occurs during sleep, when the air flow causes the palate and throat tissues to vibrate, which causes snoring. Therefore, if the palate is soft, then snoring will not be avoided.

Who is most susceptible to snoring and what causes it?

Almost everyone can snore. According to statistics, approximately 30% of women and 45% of men snore on a regular basis. It is generally accepted that a person who snores is overweight and has a thick neck, but this is not always the case. Sometimes a petite woman can snore much more than her large husband. The main reason for this phenomenon is the soft palate, which causes air vibration.

As you know, when we breathe, air flows directly through the nose or mouth directly into the lungs to fill them with oxygen. In a sitting and calm state, no breathing sounds are heard. But when performing any work, air begins to move from the mouth or nose into the lungs much faster, which causes increased vibration of the tissues in the mouth or nose.

During sleep, the roof of the mouth and throat muscles relax, causing the back of the throat to become much smaller or even completely blocked.

This results in the same amount of air passing through the small opening in the throat as always, but the air that does not have time to pass through in time causes the soft palate and the muscles surrounding the opening to vibrate. This is what causes snoring, and the constriction in some people may be in the nose, while in others it may be in the throat. It is worth noting that when a person breathes through the mouth, or has nasal congestion, snoring is much more severe.

How does mouth breathing affect snoring?

As mentioned above, in a calm and “healthy” state, a person inhales air through the nose. However, this cannot always be done, which may be influenced by the following reasons:

  • Deviation of the nasal septum;
  • Allergy;
  • Enlarged adenoids;
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Rhinitis.

All this leads to the fact that a person begins to breathe through his mouth. At night, such breathing causes increased vibration of the tissues of the nasopharynx, which is most pronounced if the patient has a soft palate, which completes part of the bony palate.

The soft palate separates the oropharynx from the nasopharynx and also prevents food from entering the respiratory tract. In appearance, the soft palate is a small leaf hanging freely next to the throat cavity.

When breathing through the nose, the palate moves forward, opening the nasal cavity slightly to allow air to flow freely into the lungs. When swallowing, the palate, on the contrary, moves back, blocking the nasal cavity, thereby directing food into the esophagus. At the same time, the role of the palate is significant - it prevents food from entering the nasal cavity. Thanks to these properties that the soft palate has, it becomes clear that it is of great importance when breathing and eating.

The end of the soft palate is presented in the form of a small tongue, called the uvula, which participates in its work.

Thanks to this uvula, people who speak some languages, such as Farsi and Hebrew, are able to pronounce glottal fricatives. For those people who snore heavily at night, the uvula and soft palate may be swollen in the morning. As a result, the person complains of severe nausea, which lasts until the swelling completely subsides.

Surgical method for treating snoring

If the cause of snoring is weakened muscles and loss of tone of the soft palate, the doctor recommends surgical treatment. This can be done in different ways: with a scalpel and cryotherapy. However, each of these methods boasts both pros and cons.

Surgery with a scalpel is the most ancient method of surgical intervention on the body, in which the uvula is trimmed and certain tissues of the palate are removed. Thanks to this operation, it is possible to eliminate sagging muscles and snoring will leave the body in a short time. However, when performing this method, it is quite difficult to achieve high-quality antiseptics, since the oral cavity contains a large number of pathogenic bacteria.

Laser surgery is painless, the postoperative suture heals in just a few days, and the patient does not require hospitalization. However, it is worth considering that it is impossible to treat snoring with a laser, as this will be ineffective if...

During cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen is used, so postoperative deep scars remain in the patient’s mouth for a long time, however, with proper and timely care, the soft palate is tightened more, which leads to a better and more effective result. During this operation, the specialist does not remove the uvula, and bleeding does not begin, which leads to no risk of blood poisoning.

However, you should not resort to a surgical method if the soft palate and uvula are involved in the reproduction of laryngeal sounds, since surgery can greatly change them.

In this case, it is better to look for alternative methods of treating snoring, otherwise the patient will lose the ability to reproduce fricative laryngeal sounds, which are produced using the tongue, as in the Farsi and Hebrew languages.

Prevention and treatment of snoring using gymnastic exercises

Training the muscles and soft tissues, as well as the jaw, will help cure severe snoring at home. The following exercises will help reduce night vibration and normalize muscle tone:

  • You need to open your mouth slightly and perform 10-15 jaw movements clockwise and counterclockwise. This should be done slowly, constantly tensing the muscles.
  • It is necessary to push the tongue as far down and forward as possible so that you can feel a strong tension and a slight heaviness. You need to hold your tongue in this position for 1-2 seconds, pronouncing the sound “I” loudly. This exercise should be performed 2 sets a day 15-20 times. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to strengthen the muscles and tissues of the tongue and palate.
  • You need to place a pencil between your teeth and hold it in your mouth for 3 minutes, while constantly straining your muscles. It is recommended to perform the exercise before going to bed so that they remain in good shape for several more hours.
  • You can strengthen the muscles of the larynx with the following exercise - you need to press hard on the upper palate inside the mouth until you feel slightly tired.
  • If you forcefully pronounce, or better yet sing, the sounds “I” and “Y” 20-30 times, you will be able to strengthen the muscles of the walls of the pharynx and uvula.
  • An ordinary whistle will help train the laryngeal and palatine muscles. When walking on the street, you need to try to breathe whistlingly. In this case, the shoulders should be straightened, the head should be raised high, and the steps should be taken of the same length. Exhaling while whistling your favorite melody should be calculated for 6-7 steps. It is enough to whistle for 25 minutes 4-7 days a week to gradually get rid of snoring.

Regular exercise for a month will reduce snoring and achieve a lasting effect.

Strengthening the muscles of the soft palate

  • During the exercise, you need to close your mouth and breathe through your nose. The tongue must be pulled forcefully towards the throat and the exercise must be repeated 10-15 times in 2-3 approaches.
  • In the morning and evening, you need to gargle with a solution of sea salt, for which you need to dissolve a teaspoon of the product in a glass of boiled water. The procedure must be completed with a “gurgle”. To do this, you need to throw your head back and, pushing the air out of yourself, make the water gurgle, like in a fountain. This exercise should be done for 2-3 minutes, spitting out the water.
  • The Strelnikovs’ breathing exercises deserve special attention, as they are a natural method of healing the whole body. However, it is worth remembering that before treating snoring using this method, you need to consult a specialist to find out about contraindications and possible consequences.

Regular breathing exercises help get rid of spasms, cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol deposits, cure snoring, as well as other related diseases.