Algorithm for completing task 7 of the Unified State Exam. Algorithms for completing exam tasks in the Russian language

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

C) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

1) M. Gorky wrote about A.S. Pushkin, that how he “decorated folk songs and fairy tales with the brilliance of his talent!”

2) Creating a website seems difficult to many.

3) In the estate, which before the revolution belonged first to Ivan Turgenev, and then to the ancient Botkin family, a meeting of the descendants of the former owners of the house took place.

4) The Egyptian Bridge in St. Petersburg is famous not only for the sphinxes installed on it, but also for the mystical story that happened in 1905.

5) By giving orders to Western aircraft manufacturing companies, industry leaders are causing serious damage to the Russian economy.

6) The school administration, primarily the director and head teacher, paid special attention to improving the professional skills of teachers.

7) Mozart, who worked in various fields of musical art, paid special attention to opera.

8) And now meteorologists in their weather predictions rely on some folk signs that give a fairly accurate forecast.

9) The meaning that people attach to various concepts changes as people and society change.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Explanation (see also Rule below).

A) a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase in sentence 8. This error is caused by the fact that the participle is not consistent with the word to which it obeys, either in gender, or in number, or case.

Let's give the correct spelling: And now meteorologists in their weather predictions rely on some folk signs (which ones), which give a fairly accurate forecast.

Rule 7.1.1



A participial phrase is a participle with dependent words. For example, in the sentence Graduates who successfully pass the exam become applicants

word graduates- the main word,

those who passed - participle,

those who passed (how?) successfully and passed (what?) the exam are participle-dependent words.

Thus, the participle phrase in this sentence is successfully passed the exam. If you change the order of words and write the same sentence differently, placing the turn to main word ( Successfully passed the exam graduates become applicants), only the punctuation will change, but the phrase remains unchanged.

Very important: before starting work with task 7 to find errors in a sentence with a participle, we advise you to solve and study task 16, which tests the ability to put commas with correctly constructed participial and participial phrases.

The goal of the task is to find one such sentence in which grammatical norms are violated when using the participial phrase. Of course, the search must begin with finding the sacrament. Remember that the participle you are looking for must be in its full form: the short form never forms a participial phrase, but is a predicate.

To successfully complete this task you need to know:

  • rules for agreeing the participle and the main (or qualified) word;
  • rules for the location of the participial phrase in relation to the main word;
  • time and type of participles (present, past; perfect, imperfect);
  • participle voice (active or passive)

Please note that that in a sentence with a participial phrase, not one, but two or even three errors can be made.

Note for teachers: keep in mind that the authors of various manuals have different points of view on classification, as well as on the types of errors that can be classified as a certain type. The classification adopted at RESHU is based on the classification of I.P. Tsybulko.

We classify all types of possible grammatical errors when using participial phrases.

7.1.1 Violation of agreement between the participle and the word being defined

The rule according to which single participles (as well as those included in the participle phrase) are consistent with the main (= defined) word, requires the participle to be placed in the same gender, number and case as the main word:

About children (which ones?) returning from a trip; for an exhibition (WHAT?) being prepared at the museum.

Therefore, we simply find a sentence in which there is a full participle, and its ending does not correspond to (or) gender, (or) case, (or) number of the main word.

Type 1, the lightest

I had the opportunity to communicate with guests, those present at the opening of the exhibition.

What is the reason for the error? The participle is not consistent with the word to which it must obey, that is, the ending must be different. We pose a question from a noun and change the ending of the participle, that is, we agree on the words.

I had a chance to chat with guests(what MIMI?), present at the opening of the exhibition.

In these examples, the noun and its participle are next to each other, the error is easy to see. But this doesn't always happen.

Type 2, more difficult

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

I want to find the words to the song heard recently.

These sentences contain two nouns: author, book; words, songs. Which of them has a participle phrase attached to it? We think about the meaning. What was published, the author or his book? What do you want to find, words or a song?

Here is the corrected version:

I want to find the words of the song (Which one?), HEARD recently.

Type 3, even more difficult

The endings of participles sometimes fulfill a very important meaning-distinguishing mission.. Let's think about the meaning!

Let's compare two sentences:

The sound of the sea (what kind?), which woke me up, was very strong. What woke you up? It turns out that the sea. The sea cannot wake you up.

The noise (what?) of the sea that woke me up was very strong. What woke you up? It turns out that noise. And the noise can wake you up. This is the right option.

I heard the heavy steps (what?) of a bear, chasing me. Footsteps cannot pursue.

I heard the heavy steps of a bear (WHAT?), chasing me. The bear may chase. This is the right option.

Children of employees (which ones?), having any diseases, receive discounted vouchers to the sanatorium. The participle “having” refers to the word “employees.” It turns out that employees will be sick, and the children of sick employees will receive vouchers. This is the wrong option.

Children (what?) of employees, having any diseases, receive discounted vouchers to the sanatorium. The participle “having” refers to the word “children,” and we understand that it is the children who have illnesses and they need vouchers.

Type 4, variant

Often there are sentences in which there are phrases of two words, the first of which is part of the whole indicated by the second, for example: each of their participants, one of all, any of those named, some of them, some of the gifts.. A participial phrase can be attached to each of the nouns, depending on the meaning: in such phrases, the participle (participial phrase) can be agreed with any word. It would be an error if the participle “freezes” and has no connection with any of the words.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Each participant who received the maximum number of points was given the right to perform one more number.

The participle can be agreed with both the word “to each” and the word “participants”.

Each (which one?) of the participants, who received the maximum number of points, was given the right to perform one more number

Each of the participants (which ones?), who received the maximum number of points, was given the right to perform one more number.

Please note that an error would be a discrepancy between NEITHER the first word and NOR the second:

Incorrect: Each of the participants who received... or Each of the participants who received... This cannot be done.

In explanations of RESHU, the variant of agreement with the ending IM is more often used.

Similarly true: Part of the books (which ones?), received as a gift, will go as a gift.

Or Part (what) of books, received as a gift, will go as a gift.

Incorrect: Some of the books received as a gift will be given as a gift.

NOTE: This type of error when checking essays is considered a coordination error.

7.1.2 Participial phrase and place of the main word

In correctly constructed sentences with participial phrases the main (or qualifying word) cannot stand inside a participial phrase. His place is either before or after him. Remember that this depends on the placement of punctuation marks!!!

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

It is necessary to carefully check the sent documents for examination.

We walked along the strewn alley fallen leaves.

Presenter street the city was free.

Created novel by a young author caused lively debate.

Please note: With this construction of the sentence, it is completely unclear whether to put a comma.

Here is the corrected version:

Must be checked carefully documents, sent for examination. Or: Need to check carefully sent for examination documents.

We walked along alley, strewn with fallen leaves. Or: We walked along strewn with fallen leaves alley.

Street, leading to the city, was free. Or: Leading into the city street was free.

7.1.3. Participle phrases including irregular forms of participles

In accordance with the norms for the formation of participles, the modern Russian literary language does not use forms of participles in –shchy, formed from perfective verbs with the meaning of the future tense: there are no words pleasing, helping, reading, able. According to the editors of I DECIDE, such erroneous forms should be presented in task 6, but, since in the manuals of I.P. Tsybulko there are similar examples, we consider it important to note this type too.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Until I found person, who can help me.

A valuable prize awaits participant, who finds the answer to this question.

These sentences need to be corrected because future participles are not formed from perfect verbs. There is no future tense for participles..

Here is the corrected version:

We replace the non-existent participle with a verb in the conditional mood.

Until I found a person who can help me.

A valuable prize awaits the person who finds the answer to this question.

7.1.4. Participle phrases including irregular forms of voice of participles

This type of error was present in the Unified State Exam assignments of previous years (before 2015). In the books of I.P. Tsybulko 2015-2017 there are no such tasks. This type is the most difficult to recognize, and the error is due to the fact that the participle is used in the wrong voice, in other words, the active is used instead of the passive.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Documents, heading for examination,

Contest, organized by the organizers

Foam, pouring into the bath, has a pleasant aroma.

Here is the corrected version:

Documents, sent for examination, needs to be checked carefully.

Contest, conducted by the organizers, the participants really liked it.

The foam that we pour into the bath has a pleasant aroma.

B) the error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members in sentence 4 is that with homogeneous members an attempt was made to use a double conjunction, while ALSO was mistakenly added to the part NOT SO MUCH. The parts of double conjunctions are constant: NOT SO MUCH, HOW MUCH.

Let's give the correct spelling: The Egyptian Bridge in St. Petersburg is known not so much for the sphinxes installed on it, but for the mystical story that happened in 1905.

Rule 7.6.2



Homogeneous are members of a sentence that perform the same syntactic function, are united by the same relationship to the same member of the sentence, and are connected by a coordinative connection. Both main and secondary members can be homogeneous: subjects, predicates, additions, definitions, circumstances. For example, the definitions “new, super-powerful computer” in relation to the word “computer” will be homogeneous; circumstances were “depicted colorfully, but unclearly” in relation to “depicted.”


7.6.1 Homogeneous predicates have the same dependent object.

Rule: With a normal, correct structure of a sentence, from each of two homogeneous predicates (first and second), ONE GENERAL question is posed to the general complement, For example:

Guys are interested in (what?) and do (what?) sports; Heroes of the story remember (about what?) and share impressions (about what?) about the years of youth.

An error occurs if each of the predicates asks a DIFFERENT question to the COMMON object.

Example 1: I love (who? what?) and admire (who? what) my father.

The predicates “I love” and “I admire” have one dependent word “father”, which is in the instrumental case. It turned out that the addition “father” correctly obeyed only the second predicate, since the verb “love” requires an accusative from the addition (I love who? What? father), therefore, this sentence is constructed incorrectly. To correctly express a thought, you need to change the sentence so that each predicate has a separate, case-appropriate addition, for example, like this: I love and admire my father.

Example 2: The hero of the story believed (in what? what?) and strived (for what?) for his dream. Each of the verbs requires its own form of addition, it is impossible to find a common word, so we change the sentence again so that each predicate has a separate addition, appropriate in case, for example, like this: The hero of the story believed in his dream and strived for it.

Note for teachers: This type of error refers to control errors. In written work, such an error is usually made by students due to inattention: the first predicate is simply overlooked, and the error (when pointed out) is easily corrected. A much more serious problem arises where the student does not realize that a particular case question cannot be raised from a given verb in principle.

7.6.2 Homogeneous members are connected by double unions not only..., but also...; if not... then... and others


Rule 1. In such proposals, you need to pay attention to the fact that that parts of a double union must connect homogeneous members of the same series, For example: We were inspired not so much colorful places in this quiet city, How many the sincerity of its inhabitants. Let's make a proposal diagram: not so much ABOUT , How many ABOUT . First part of the double conjunction: not so much, is located before the first och, subject to “places” (we do not take the word “colorful” into account), the second part How many stands before the second subject “soulfulness”.

Now let’s “break” the sentence. Us not so much inspired by the colorful places of this quiet city, How many the sincerity of its inhabitants. The first part of the conjunction now refers to the predicate, and the second to the subject. This is where this type of error lies.

Let's look at some more examples:

Example 1: It can be argued that the mood was the main thing not only for the creator of the poem, but also for his readers. That's right: each part comes before the OP, in this example before the additions. Compare with an incorrectly constructed sentence: It can be argued that the mood was not only the main thing for the creator of the poem, but also for his readers. The parts of a conjunction are connected not by homogeneous members, but by a predicate and an object.

Rule 2. It is also necessary to remember that the parts of the double conjunction are permanent and cannot be replaced with other words. So, the proposal would be wrong Merchants Stroganovs not only cooked salt and also , since the union not only...but also No. The conjunction “not only” has a second part “but also”, not “also”. The correct version of this sentence would be: Merchants Stroganovs not only cooked salt but also mined iron and copper in their lands

This is how you can do it: (options for the second part are given in brackets).

1) not only... but also (and and; but even; and also; and besides); not only not... but (but rather, rather; on the contrary, on the contrary); and not only; 2) not that... but (a; just; even, not even); not even... not that; not even... not even that; not even... much less;

3) not only that... also; not only that... also; not only that; moreover, more than that; worse than that; or even...

7.6.3 In sentences with homogeneous members there is a generalizing word.

It must be taken into account that everything homogeneous members must be in the same case as the generalizing word.

The following sentence is grammatically correct: I forgot about everyone: about worries and sorrows, about sleepless nights, about sadness and melancholy. . The word [about] “everything” is generalizing and is in the prepositional case. All och stand in the same case.

Failure to comply with this rule is a gross violation of the syntactic norm: gifts:crossbows, sables and decorations.

In this sentence, the generalizing word “gifts” is in the genitive case, and all homogeneous members (“crossbows, sable and decorations”) are in the nominative case. Therefore, this sentence is constructed incorrectly. Correct option: Soon the nobleman began inspecting the brought gifts: crossbows, sables and jewelry.

7.6.5 Using various syntactic elements of a sentence as homogeneous members


There is a strict grammatical norm that prescribes which elements can and cannot be combined into homogeneous members.

Let us list the cases in which this rule is violated.

If in a sentence they are combined into homogeneous

- form of noun and infinitive form of verb: I love chess and swimming, I like embroidery and needlework, I’m afraid of the dark and being alone and similar;

- different forms of the nominal part of the predicate: my sister was sad and worried, she was younger and kinder and similar;

- participial phrase and subordinate clause: The main characters of the story are people who are not afraid of difficulties and who are always true to their word; I don’t like people who change their attitude and don’t hide it. and similar;

Participle and participial phrase: Loving their work and striving to do it well, the builders achieved excellent results and similar;

then this is - grammatical error. Note that such violations occur very often in written work, therefore, like the entire task 7, this part is of great practical importance.

The following types of errors were encountered in assignments before 2015.

7.6.4 With homogeneous members, different prepositions can be used.

In one row of OPs, when listing, it is possible to use prepositions, for example: V theater, and on exhibition VDNKh, and onRed Square. As you can see, this sentence uses prepositions V And on, and that's true. It would be a mistake to use the same preposition for all words in this series: During my three stays in Moscow I visited and V theater, and the VDNKh exhibition, and Red Square. You cannot be “in VDNKh” and “in Red Square.” So the rule goes like this: You cannot use a general preposition to all members of a series if the meaning of this preposition does not fit at least one of the OPs.

Example with error: Crowds of people were everywhere: on the streets, squares, squares. Before the word “squares” it is necessary to add the preposition “in,” since this word is not used with the preposition “on.” Correct option: Crowds of people were everywhere: in the streets, squares, and parks.

7.6.6 Combination of species and generic concepts in one row

For example, in the sentence: The bag contained oranges, juice, bananas, fruits a logical error has been made. “Oranges” and “bananas” are specific concepts in relation to the word “fruit” (that is, general), therefore, they cannot stand with it in the same row of homogeneous members. Correct option: The bag contained juice and fruit: bananas, oranges.

Another example with an error: Adults, children, and schoolchildren came to meet the famous artist. The words “children” and “schoolchildren” cannot be made homogeneous.

7.6.7 Use of logically incompatible concepts in the same series of homogeneous terms

For example, in the sentence Mourners walked with bags and sad faces a mistake is felt: “faces” and “bags” cannot be homogeneous.

Such a deliberate violation can act as a stylistic device: Only Masha, heating and winter did not sleep(K. G. Paustovsky). When the frost and mother allowed him to stick his nose out of the house, Nikita went to wander around the yard alone(A.N. Tolstoy). Only if this is acceptable for a work of art of the level of Tolstoy or Chekhov (they are not on an exam, they can joke, play with words!), then such humor will not be assessed either in written work or in task 7.

C) the incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech in sentence 1 is that direct speech is mixed with indirect speech. For the direct line, the conjunctions “how, what” and the pronoun “he” are not needed; for indirect - extra “how”

Since we do not know whether this quote is accurate, we will use only indirect speech as the correct spelling, leaving the statement itself in quotation marks.

Let's give the correct spelling: M. Gorky wrote about A.S. Pushkin that __ he “decorated folk songs and fairy tales with the brilliance of his talent!”

Rule 7.9.1


This task tests students' ability to correctly construct sentences with quotations and indirect speech: out of 9 sentences on the right, you need to find one that contains an error.

The rules set out below will deal with quotation and indirect speech, these are very close, but not identical units.

In everyday life, especially often in oral speech, we often use the transmission of someone’s words on our own behalf, the so-called indirect speech.

Sentences with indirect speech are complex sentences consisting of two parts (the words of the author and indirect speech), which are connected by conjunctions what, as if to, or pronouns and adverbs who, what, which, how, where, when, why etc., or a particle whether.

For example: They told me it was my brother. She demanded that I look into her eyes and asked if I remembered minnows, our little quarrels, picnics. We talked about how the birds I caught lived.

Sentences with indirect speech serve to convey someone else's speech on behalf of the speaker, and not the one who actually said it. Unlike sentences with direct speech, they convey only the content of someone else's speech, but cannot convey all the features of its form and intonation.

Let's try to restore the sentences: from indirect speech we will translate into sentences with direct speech:

They told me it was my brother. - They told me: “It was your brother.”

She demanded that I look into her eyes and asked if I remembered minnows, our little quarrels, picnics. - She said: “Look me in the eyes!” And then she demanded: “Do you remember the minnows, our meetings, our quarrels, picnics? Do you remember?

A friend asked: “How do the birds you caught live?”

As can be seen from the examples, the sentences coincide only in meaning, but the verbs, pronouns, and conjunctions change. Let us consider in detail the rules for translating direct speech into indirect speech: this is very important both for writing an essay and for completing task 7.

7.9.1 Basic rule:

When replacing sentences with direct speech with sentences with indirect speech, special attention should be paid to the correct use of personal and possessive pronouns, as well as verbs associated with them, since in indirect speech we convey other people’s words on our own behalf.

Sentence with direct speechCorrectly formed indirect speechIncorrectly formed indirect speech
The father said: " I I'll be back late."Father said that He true yeah It's late.My father said that I would be back late.
We asked: “A You where did you come from?We asked where He arrived.We asked “where did you come from?”
I admitted: " Yours Mikhail took the books.”I admitted that their Mikhail took the books.I admitted that “Mikhail took your books.”
The children shouted: " We not guilty!The children shouted that They not guilty.The children shouted that “it’s not our fault.”
Please note that that quotation marks can help to detect an error, but you cannot rely solely on them, since quotation marks appear both in the application and in sentences with quotes without errors, and not in all tasks.

7.9.2 There are a number of additional rules,

associated with the peculiarity of translating direct speech into indirect speech, their compliance is also checked in task 7.
a) If direct speech is a declarative sentence,

What. Example: The secretary replied: “I complied with the request.” – The secretary replied that he complied with the request. The pronoun has been changed!

b) If direct speech is an interrogative sentence,

then when replacing it with a subordinate clause, the role of subordinating conjunctions is played by interrogative pronouns, adverbs, particles, which stood in direct question. There is no question mark after an indirect question. Example: “What did you manage to accomplish?” - the teacher asked the students. – The teacher asked the students what they had accomplished so far. The pronoun has been changed!

c) When in direct speech - an interrogative sentence there are no interrogative pronouns, adverbs, particles,

when replacing it with an indirect one, the particle is used for communication whether. Example: “Are you correcting the text?” - the secretary asked impatiently. – The secretary asked impatiently if we were correcting the text. The pronoun has been changed!

d) If direct speech is an exclamatory sentence with a call to action,
then it is replaced by an explanatory subordinate clause with the conjunction to. Example: The father shouted to his son: “Come back!” - The father shouted to his son to come back. Pronoun added!
e) Particles and words that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence

(addresses, interjections, introductory words, complex sentences) and contained in direct speech are omitted when replacing it with indirect speech. Example: “Ivan Petrovich, draw up an estimate for the next quarter,” the director asked the chief accountant. – The director asked the chief accountant to draw up an estimate for the next quarter.

7.9.3. Special rules for citing.

When writing essays, there is often a need to quote either the desired fragment of the source text, or to quote a statement from memory, organically including the quotation in a sentence. There are three ways to introduce a quote into your speech:

1) using direct speech, observing all punctuation marks, for example: Pushkin said: “All ages are submissive to love” or “All ages are submissive to love,” said Pushkin. This is the easiest way, but it is not always convenient. Such sentences will be found as true!

2) using subordinate clause, that is, using conjunctions, for example: Pushkin said that “all ages are submissive to love”. Please note the changed punctuation. This method no different from the transmission of indirect speech.

3) a quote can be included in your text using introductory words, for example: As Pushkin said, “all ages are submissive to love”.

Note that in nothing can be changed from the quote: what is enclosed in quotation marks is conveyed absolutely accurately, without any distortion. If you need to include only part of a quotation in your text, special characters are used (ellipses, various types of brackets), but this is not relevant to this task, since there are no punctuation errors in task 7.

Let's look at some features of citation.

a) How to avoid a mistake if there is a quote with a pronoun?

On the one hand, quotes cannot be changed, on the other hand, the pronoun cannot be left. If you just paste a quote, there will be errors: Napoleon once remarked that " I I can lose this battle, but I can’t lose a minute.”. Or like this: In his memoirs, Korolenko wrote that he always “ I I saw undoubted intelligence in Chekhov’s face.”

In both sentences you need:

firstly, replace the pronoun “I” with “HE” and exclude the pronoun from the quote:

secondly, change the verbs by associating them with new pronouns and also exclude them from the quote, so we know that nothing can be changed.

With such changes, the quotes will certainly “suffer”, and if we can keep the second sentence as follows: Korolenko wrote that He always “saw undoubted intelligence in Chekhov’s face”, then Napoleon’s statement cannot be preserved. Therefore, we safely remove the quotation marks and replace the quote with indirect speech: Napoleon once remarked that he can lose this battle, but not Maybe lose a minute.

b) Particularly noteworthy are cases of erroneous combination of two ways of introducing a quotation in a sentence,

which causes a grammatical error. As we already know, a quotation can be introduced either as a subordinate clause or using introductory words. This is what happens when two methods are combined:

Wrong: According to Maupassant, What“love is strong as death, but fragile as glass”.

Right: According to Maupassant, “love is strong as death, but fragile as glass.”

Wrong: As P.I. Tchaikovsky stated, What“inspiration is born only from work and during work”.

Right: As P.I. Tchaikovsky argued, “inspiration is born only from work and during work.”

Thus, we formulate the rule: When using introductory words, the conjunction is not used.

c) In students’ works there are also cases when a quotation is introduced using introductory words,
but direct speech is framed as a separate sentence. This is not only a violation of punctuation, it is a violation of the rules for constructing a sentence with a quotation.

Wrong: According to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “Only the heart is vigilant: you cannot see the most important things with your eyes.”

Right: According to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “only the heart is vigilant: you cannot see the most important things with your eyes.”

Wrong: According to L. N. Tolstoy: “Art is the highest manifestation of power in man”.

Right: According to L.N. Tolstoy, “art is the highest manifestation of power in man.”

D) the violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate in sentence 6 is that the predicate “gave” is in the plural, although the subject “administration” is singular. The subject has qualifying members (in italics), but they do not affect the number of the predicate.

Here is the correct spelling: School Administration, first of all the director and head teacher, paid special attention to improving the professional skills of teachers.

Rule 7.3.6

7.3. Agreement of the predicate with the subject


The subject is the main member of the sentence, which agrees with its predicate according to the laws of grammar.

The subject and predicate usually have the same grammatical forms of number, gender, person, for example: The clouds are rushing, the clouds are swirling; The invisible moon illuminates the flying snow; The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy.

In such cases, we can talk about agreement of the predicate with the subject. However, the correspondence of the grammatical forms of the main members of the sentence is not necessary; incomplete correspondence of the grammatical forms of the main members is possible: My whole life has been a guarantee of a faithful date with you- correspondence of number forms, but different gender forms; Your destiny is endless troubles- mismatch of number forms.

The grammatical connection of the main members of a sentence is considered coordination. This grammatical connection is broader and freer than agreement. It can contain different words; their morphological properties do not necessarily have to correspond to each other.

When coordinating the main members of a sentence, the problem of choosing the number forms of the predicate arises when the gender/number of the subject is difficult to determine. This “Help” section is devoted to consideration of these issues.

7.3.1. In a complex sentence, pronouns act as subjects

If a sentence (and not necessarily a sentence!) uses a pronoun as the subject, then you need to know a number of rules that prescribe how to correctly coordinate the predicate with it.

A) If the subject is expressed by the pronouns WHO, WHAT, NO ONE, NOTHING, SOMEONE, SOMEONE, WHOEVER, then the predicate is put in the singular form: For example: [Those ( who neglect the opinions of others) risk being left alone].

EXAMPLE 1 (Whoever comes), [everyone will know].

EXAMPLE 2 [Nobody knew (that the class was postponed).]

EXAMPLE 1 (Whoever comes, [everyone will know].

EXAMPLE 2 [Nobody knew (that the class was postponed).]

B) If the subject is expressed by a plural pronoun TE, ALL, the predicate is put in the plural form. If the subject is expressed by singular pronouns TOT, TA, TO, the predicate is put in the singular form. For example: [ THOSE (who graduated from school with honors) have a greater chance of entering a university on a free basis].

This proposal is built on the following model:

[Those (who+ predicate), ...predicate...]. And this is the most common model in which it is proposed to find an error. Let's analyze the structure of a complex sentence: in the main sentence, the pronoun “those” is the subject, plural. h; “have” - predicate, plural This corresponds to rule B.

Now pay attention to the subordinate clause: “who” is the subject, “finished” is the predicate in the singular. This corresponds to rule A.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 1 [Everyone (who purchased tickets at the box office) must independently check in for the flight].

EXAMPLE 2. [Those (who have seen the northern lights at least once) will no longer be able to forget this extraordinary phenomenon].

EXAMPLE 3. [Those (who are planning a vacation for the summer) buy tickets in the spring].

Here are the corrected options:

EXAMPLE 1 [Everyone (who purchased tickets at the box office) must independently check in for the flight].

EXAMPLE 2. [Those (who have seen the northern lights at least once) will no longer be able to forget this extraordinary phenomenon].

In examples 1 and 2 the error is easy to see: it is enough to throw out the subordinate clause. In the following example, the error often goes undetected.

EXAMPLE 3. [Those ( who is planning a vacation for the summer), buy tickets in the spring].

C) If the subject is expressed by the phrase ONE OF..., EACH OF..., NONE OF... then the predicate is put in singular form. If the subject is expressed by the phrase MANY OF..., SOME OF..., ALL OF... then the predicate is put in the plural form. For example: [None of those (who took the prize) wanted to go to the republican competition].

Consider sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 4 [Many of those (who visited Mikhailovsky Park) were amazed at the size of the ancient estate trees].

EXAMPLE 5 [Each of us (who has been in a similar situation) certainly thought about ways out of it].

EXAMPLE 6 [Each of the parties (who presented their project) defended its advantages over other projects].

Here are the corrected options:

EXAMPLE 4 [Many of those (who visited Mikhailovsky Park) were amazed at the size of the ancient estate trees].

EXAMPLE 5 [Each of us (who has been in a similar situation) certainly thought about ways out of it].

EXAMPLE 6 [Each side, (who presented her project), defended its advantages over other projects].

D) If the sentence contains the phrase WHO, HOW NOT..., the predicate is put in the singular masculine form. For example: Who, if not parents, SHOULD teach children the ability to communicate?

This phrase can be considered as clarifying, see other examples in paragraph 7.3.3, part B.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 7 Who, if not us, should worry about the cleanliness of our cities?

EXAMPLE 8 Who, if not your mother, taught you an example of endurance and love of life?

Here are the corrected options:

EXAMPLE 7 Who, if not us, should worry about the cleanliness of our cities?

EXAMPLE 8 Who, if not your mother, taught you an example of endurance and love of life?

7.3.2 Coordination of predicate with subject, expressed word or combination of words with the meaning of quantity

When coordinating the main members of a sentence, the problem of choosing the forms of the number of the predicate arises when the subject indicates many objects, but appears in the singular.

A) The subject is a collective noun and words close to them in meaning.

Collective nouns denote a collection of homogeneous objects or living beings as an indivisible whole: FOLIAGE, OAK, ASPEN, CHILDREN, STUDENTS, TEACHING, PROFESSORY, PEASANTRY. They have only the singular form, are not combined with cardinal numbers and with words denoting units of measure, but can be combined with the words a lot/little or how much: A LITTLE RELATIVES, A LITTLE LEAVES, A LOT OF MOVIES.

Close to them in terms of the meaning of collectiveness are the words PEOPLE, PACK, ARMY, GROUP, CROWD; THOUSAND, MILLION, HUNDRED; THREE, PAIR; DARKNESS, ABYSS, MANY AND OTHERS

The subject expressed by a collective noun requires the predicate to be placed only in the singular form:

For example: The children frolicked in the courtyard of the house; young people often take the initiative.

The subject expressed by a noun like GROUP, CROWD also requires putting the predicate only in the singular form:

For example: A group of festival participants shared their impressions; three horses rushed under the windows

Consider sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 1. Over the past three years, the management of the Central and regional markets have repeatedly filed complaints with higher organizations.

EXAMPLE 3. A couple of lovers were sitting on a bench.

Here are the corrected options: 

EXAMPLE 1. Over the past three years, the management of the Central and regional markets has repeatedly filed complaints with higher organizations.

EXAMPLE 3. A couple of lovers were sitting on a bench.

B) The subject is a collective noun with a quantitative meaning

The nouns MOST, MINORITY, PLURAL, SERIES, PART, despite the grammatical form of the singular, denote not one object, but many, and therefore the predicate can take not only the singular form, but also the plural. For example: On this pond... countless ducks were bred and kept; Many hands are knocking on all the windows from the street, and someone is banging on the door. Which form should you prefer?

A subject containing the collective nouns MOST, MINORITY, PLURAL, SERIES, PART requires putting the predicate only in the singular form if:

A) there are no dependent words from a collective noun

Some went on vacation, and some stayed; many fled Axis, a minority remained

b) a collective noun has a singular dependent word

With a subject containing the words MAJORITY, MINORITY, PLURAL, SERIES, PART, you can put the predicate in both the plural and plural form, if the noun has a dependent word in the plural:

Most students passed the test; a number of participants demonstrated excellent knowledge.

Some of the books were purchased for the library; a number of objects were delivered ahead of schedule

The plural of the predicate in such constructions usually indicates the activity of the characters.

Let's consider cases in which the use of a plural predicate is permitted and permissible.

The predicate is put
in the singular, ifin the plural, if
The activity of animate persons is not emphasized:

Some of the conference participants didn't accept participation in discussion

Activity is emphasized. The subject is animate.

Most writers decidedly rejected editor fixes. Most students are good answered in class.

Activity is not emphasized; the passive participle indicates that the object itself does not perform the action.

A number of employeesattracted to responsibility.

Activity is emphasized in the presence of a participial or participial phrase.
The activity is not emphasized, the subject is inanimate

Most items lay in disarray

A number of workshops manufactures parts for our workshop.

Activity is also indicated by a number of homogeneous members:

Majority editors, proofreaders, authors, reviewers studied these documents.

Most editors received order, got acquainted with its content and done necessary conclusions. A series of homogeneous predicates.

Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that the singular form of the predicate is more consistent with the tradition of book and written styles and the use of the plural form of the predicate must be clearly justified. An error in the Unified State Examination tasks would be the unreasonable placement of the predicate in the plural.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 4 Most of the tasks were not completed correctly enough.

EXAMPLE 5 A number of events will be held in Yelets, Voronezh, and Orel.

EXAMPLE 6 Many poems by this author have been published in the “Children's Library” series

Here are the corrected options: 

EXAMPLE 4 Most of the tasks were not completed correctly. The predicate in the form of the passive participle indicates the passivity of the actor.

EXAMPLE 5 A number of events will be held in Yelets, Voronezh, and Orel. Events cannot act on their own, so the predicate must be used in the singular.

EXAMPLE 6 Many poems by this author were published in the “Children’s Library” series. The predicate in the form of the passive participle indicates the passivity of the actor.

C) The subject is a combination of a numeral and a noun

With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination, the same problem arises: in what number is it better to use the predicate. In Chekhov we find: Some three soldiers stood nearby at the very descent and were silent; He had two sons. L. Tolstoy preferred the following forms: Three men and a woman were sitting in the sleigh; Two feelings fought in his soul - good and evil.

Note: Such cases do not occur in Unified State Examination tasks, since there is a high possibility of misclassification of the type of error - such cases can be attributed to an error in the use of a numeral. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to general comments and note the most serious mistakes made in written works.

When a subject contains a numeral or a word with the meaning of quantity, you can put the predicate in both the plural and singular form:

Five years have passed; ten graduates chose our institute

The use of different forms depends on the meaning that the predicate brings to the sentence, activity and generality of action are emphasized many times. number.

The predicate is usually put in the singular if

The subject is a numeral ending in "one":

Twenty-one students of our institute are members of the city volleyball team, But Twenty-two (three, four, five...) students of our institute are members of the city's national volleyball team

If the message records a particular fact, result, or when the message is given an impersonal character:

Twenty-two suits sold; About three or four students will be transferred to another class.

The predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of being, presence, existence, position in space:

Three kingdoms stood before her. The room had two windows with wide window sills. Three windows of the room faced north

Wrong: Three kingdoms stood. The room had two windows with wide window sills. Three windows of the room faced north

A single number, creating an idea of ​​a single whole, is used to designate a measure of weight, space, time:

To paint the roof you will need thirty-four kilograms of drying oil. Twenty-five kilometers remained until the end of the journey. A hundred years have passed. However, it seems that eleven o'clock has already struck. Five months have elapsed since then

Wrong: Thirty-four kilograms of drying oil will be required to paint the roof; Twenty-five kilometers remained until the end of the journey. A hundred years have passed. However, it seems that eleven o'clock has already struck. Five months have passed since then.

When the subject is expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is the numeral gender, the predicate is usually placed in the singular, and in the past tense - in the neuter gender, For example: half an hour will pass, half a year has flown by, half the city has taken part in the demonstration.

Wrong: half the class took part in the competition, half an hour will pass

7.3.3 Coordination between subject and predicate separated from each other

Between the subject and the predicate there may be secondary isolated members of the sentence, clarifying members, and subordinate clauses. In these cases, the general rule must be strictly observed: the predicate and subject must be consistent.

Let's consider special cases.

A) Coordination of the subject and the compound nominal predicate in a sentence built according to the “noun” model. – this is a noun.”

Note to teacher: this type of error in the SPP is noted in his manual “How to get 100 Unified State Exam points” (2015) by I.P. Tsybulko, while in the “Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing” by D. Rosenthal, such an error is called a shift in construction in a complex sentence.

The nominal part of the predicate in a sentence constructed according to the noun+noun model must be in the nominative case.

For example: [The first thing (what you should learn) is to highlight the stem of the sentence].

The grammatical basis of the main clause consists of a subject first and predicate allocation. Both words are in the nominative case.

And this is what it looks like misspelled sentence: [The first thing (what you should learn) is to highlight the basis of the sentence]. Under the influence of the subordinate clause, the predicate received the genitive case, which is an error.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 1 [The main thing (that needs to be paid attention to) is the ideological side of the work]

EXAMPLE 2 [The last thing (that should be addressed) is the composition of the book]

EXAMPLE 3 [The most important thing (to strive for) is to make your dreams come true]

Here are the corrected options:

EXAMPLE 1 The main thing (what needs to be paid attention to) is the ideological side of the work]

EXAMPLE 2 [The last thing (that should be addressed) is the composition of the book]

EXAMPLE 3 [The most important thing (to strive for) is the fulfillment of dreams]

B). Coordination of the predicate with the subject, in which there are clarifying members.

In order to clarify the subject, sometimes clarifying (explanatory phrases), connecting members of the sentence, and separate additions are used. Yes, in a sentence Competition jury, including representatives of a cosmetic company selected from the audience, could not determine the winner, the highlighted turnover is connecting(in other manuals it is called clarifying).

The presence in a sentence of any member that specifies the meaning of the subject does not affect the number of the predicate. Such phrases are attached with the words: EVEN, ESPECIALLY, INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE; EXCEPT, IN ADDITION, INCLUDING and the like. For example: Editorial board of the magazine, including editors of the Internet portal, advocates for reorganization.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 4. The entire team, including dancers and jugglers, supported participation in the competition.

EXAMPLE 5. The whole family, and especially the younger children, were looking forward to the arrival of their grandfather.

EXAMPLE 6. The school administration, including members of the parent committee, advocated holding an extended parent meeting.

Here are the corrected options:

The error is easy to see if you drop the subordinate clause.

EXAMPLE 4 The entire team, including dancers and jugglers, supported participation in the competition.

EXAMPLE 5 The whole family, and especially the younger children, was looking forward to the arrival of their grandfather.

EXAMPLE 6 The school administration, including members of the parent committee, advocated holding an extended parent meeting.

7.3.4 Coordination of the predicate with the subject, the gender or number of which is difficult to determine.

To correctly connect the subject with the predicate, it is very important to know the gender of the noun.

A) Certain categories or groups of nouns have difficulty determining gender or number.

The gender and number of indeclinable nouns, abbreviations, conventional words and a number of other words are determined by special rules. To correctly match such words with the predicate, you need to know their morphological features.

Ignorance of these rules causes errors: Sochi became the capital of the Olympics; cocoa has cooled down; the shampoo is out; the university has announced enrollment of students, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported

Need to: Sochi became the capital of the Olympics; the cocoa has cooled down; Shampoo has run out, the university has announced enrollment of students, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported

Nouns whose gender/number is difficult to determine are discussed in the section. After studying the material provided, you will be able to successfully complete not only task 6, but also 7.

Consider sentences with errors

EXAMPLE 1. The parcel was sent at the beginning of the week.

In the sentence, the word “parcel” is the subject, feminine. The predicate “was sent” is in the masculine. This is a mistake. Correcting: The parcel was sent at the beginning of the week

EXAMPLE 2. The tulle harmonized perfectly with the color of the upholstered furniture.

In the sentence, the word “tulle” is the subject, masculine. The predicate “approached” is in the feminine. This is a mistake. Correcting: The tulle harmonized perfectly with the color of the upholstered furniture.

EXAMPLE 3. The UN gathered for its next meeting.

In the sentence, the word “UN” is the feminine subject (organization). The predicate “gathered” is on average. This is a mistake. Correcting: The UN has gathered for its next meeting.

EXAMPLE 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced participation in the meeting

In the sentence, the word “MFA” is the subject, it does not change. When decrypted we get “Ministry

Foreign Affairs". At the same time, we remember that this word refers to the masculine gender. The predicate “reported” is on average. This is a mistake. Correcting: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its participation in the meeting.

EXAMPLE 5. Moskovsky Komsomolets published a ranking of the best universities in the country.

In the sentence, the phrase “Moskovsky Komsomolets” is the subject; it is a conventional Russian name, a masculine word, like the word “Komsomolets”. The predicate “printed” is in the feminine. This is a mistake. Correction: Moskovsky Komsomolets published a ranking of the best universities in the country.

EXAMPLE 6. Tbilisi attracts tourists .

In the sentence, the word “Tbilisi” is the subject; it is an unchangeable conditional name. It is a masculine word, like the word "city". The predicate “attract” is in the plural. This is a mistake. Correcting: Tbilisi attracts tourists. 

B) Coordination of the predicate with the subject with the meaning of profession

When a masculine noun denotes a profession, position, title, etc., the predicate is put in the masculine gender, regardless of the gender of the person in question. For example: the teacher made a report, the director called an employee to his office

WITH proposals would be a mistake, in which the teacher made a report, the director called an employee to her .

Please note: in the presence of a person’s own name, especially a surname, in which the indicated words act as applications, the predicate is consistent with the proper name: Teacher Sergeeva gave a lecture. More details about this point below, 7.3.5

7.3.5 With the subject there is an application

Application is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case: city ​​(which?) Sochi, bird (what?) hummingbird, website (which?) “I will solve the Unified State Examination”

As a general rule, the predicate agrees with the subject, and the presence of an application to the latter in the form of a different kind or number does not affect the agreement

For example: The plant, this grandiose colossus, seemed to also be a ship of unheard-of dimensions The proposal would be wrong The plant, this grandiose colossus, seemed to also be a ship of unheard of sizes .

If there is an application with the subject, then, first of all, it is necessary to find out which of the words is the subject and which is the application, and after that put the predicate in one gender or another.

Table 1. The application and subjects are written separately. When combining a generic name and a species name or a species name and an individual name, the subject is considered to be a word denoting a broader concept, and the predicate agrees with it. Here are some examples:

Application is a common noun:

the rose flower smelled amazing; the oak tree has grown; Kharcho soup is cooked

Application - proper noun

the Dnieper River overflowed; newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" came out ; Barbos the dog barked

Exception: last names of people. In pairs, engineer Svetlova reported, Doctor of Sciences Zvantseva came out, head teacher Marina Sergeevna noted proper names are the subject.

Table 2. Subject is compound noun, forms terms, in which one part functions like an application. In these cases, the leading (defined) word is the word that expresses a broader concept or specifically designates an object.

The predicate agrees with the first word, both words change

the chair-bed stood in the corner; The laboratory plant fulfilled the order; the invoice was issued on time; the studio theater trained many actors; The table-poster attracted attention; the romance song became very popular

The predicate agrees with the second word, the first word does not change:

cafe-dining room is open(dining room is a broader concept); vending machine is open(in this combination the bearer of a specific meaning is the snack bar part); the raincoat lay(a tent in the form of a raincoat, not a raincoat in the form of a tent); "Roman-newspaper" was published in large circulation(newspaper is a broader name).

EXAMPLE 1 Ice cream cake cut into equal parts .

The compound noun “ice cream cake” is based on the main, more general word “cake”, masculine, therefore: Ice cream cake cut into equal parts

EXAMPLE 2 The story “Children of the Dungeon” was written by V.G. Korolenko. .

The conventional name is an application, so the predicate must be coordinated with the word “story”: The story “Children of the Dungeon” was written by V.G. Korolenko.

EXAMPLE 3 A tiny dog, just a puppy, suddenly barked loudly. .

The subject is the word “dog”, it is feminine, therefore: A tiny dog, just a puppy, suddenly barked loudly.

EXAMPLE 4 Yesterday the young teacher Petrova gave her first lecture. .

The subject is the surname “Petrova”, it is feminine, therefore: Yesterday the young teacher Petrova gave her first lecture.

A) The sentence has homogeneous subjects and one predicate

If the predicate refers to several subjects not connected by conjunctions or connected through a connecting conjunction, then the following forms of coordination are applied:

The predicate, which comes after homogeneous subjects, is usually placed in the plural:

Industry and agriculture in Russia are steadily developing.

The predicate preceding homogeneous subjects usually agrees with the nearest of them:

There was stomping and screaming in the village

If there are disjunctive or adversative conjunctions between subjects, then the predicate is put in the singular.

The fear or momentary fright experienced after just a minute seems funny, strange, and incomprehensible. Not you, but fate is to blame.

Let's look at sentences with errors:

EXAMPLE 1 Passion for sports and a strict daily routine did their job. .

There are two subjects, the predicate comes after a number of homogeneous members, and therefore must be in the plural: Passion for sports and a strict daily routine did the trick.

EXAMPLE 2 Not reason, but fear suddenly took possession of me. .

Two subjects, with the conjunction a, the predicate must therefore be singular: It was not reason, but fear that suddenly took possession of me.

EXAMPLE 3 The usual noise and loud voices were heard in the distance. .

There are two subjects, the predicate stands before a series of homogeneous members, and therefore must be in the singular: In the distance the usual noise and loud voices were heard.

B) The combination in the subject of a noun in the nominative case with a noun in the instrumental case (with the preposition c) like “brother and sister”

Placing the predicate in the plural or singular depends on what meaning is given to the phrase: joint action or separate.

When the subject combines a noun in the nominative case with a noun in the instrumental case (with the preposition c) like “brother and sister,” the predicate is put:

plural, if both named objects (persons) act as equal action producers(both are subjects);

Pasha and Petya waited a long time for their mother to return and were very worried.

singular, if the second object (person) accompanies the main producer of the action ( is a complement):

The mother and child went to the outpatient clinic. Nikolai and his younger sister arrived later than everyone else.

Only in the singular in the presence of the words TOGETHER, TOGETHER:

The father and mother went out of town.

Only in the singular with a subject expressed by the pronoun I, YOU

I'll come with a friend; you and your mom had a fight

Let's look at sentences with errors:

EXAMPLE 1 My brother and his friends went to the beach. .

With the word “together” the predicate cannot be in the plural: My brother and his friends went to the beach.

EXAMPLE 2 Ruslan and I will come to class today. .

With the subject I (+someone else), the predicate cannot be in the plural: Ruslan and I will come to class today. Or: Ruslan and I will come to class today.

EXAMPLE 3 You and your sister will live in this room. .

With the subject you (+ someone else), the predicate cannot be in the plural: You and your sister will live in this room.Or: You and your sister will live in this room.

E) the error in constructing a sentence with an adverbial phrase in sentence 2 lies in the fact that the adverbial participle “creating” is mistakenly assigned to the predicate “seems complex.” It turned out that “this” both “seems complex” and it also “creates”. And this is meaningless, because it is man who creates, not “this.” According to grammatical norms, a gerund cannot be attached to a predicate expressed by a reflexive verb with the particle -sya (it seems).

The sentence can be rearranged like this: The process of creating a website seems complicated to many.

Rule 7.8.1 TYPE3



A participial phrase is a participle with dependent words.

A gerund always denotes an additional action that occurs in parallel with the main one, for example: the man walked (main action), waving his arms(additional, what while doing); the cat fell asleep (main action), tucking its paws (additional action, what did you do?)

Participles answer the question: What are you doing? (imperfect form) and what did you do? (perfect form). Along with this question, you can also ask questions How? how? for what purpose? and the like. A gerund always denotes a sign of an action, that is, it describes how the main action occurs.

We classify all types of possible grammatical errors when using participles.

7.8.1 Participial phrase in a sentence with a subject

The general rule for using participial phrases is as follows: The gerund and the predicate must denote the actions of the same person, that is, the subject. This person performs two actions: one main, the second additional. The gerund should be easily replaced by the second verb: sat down, laid out the textbooks - sat down and laid them out; looked, smiling - looked and smiled.

TYPE 1. Participle and verbal predicate, expressed by a verb without a postfix -sya

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Slipping on the ice, the guy who happened to be nearby picked me up.

Passing under the house, an icicle almost fell on me.

In each of the sentences there were two characters: in the first, someone slipped and someone caught him; in the second: someone was passing and someone almost fell. But due to an error in the construction, it turns out that the guy caught it after slipping; The icicle almost fell off as it passed.

With this construction, the participle is mistakenly attributed to one character, and the predicate to another, which violates the basic rule. To avoid mistakes, you need to ensure that the gerund and predicate refer to the same person.

When I slipped on the ice, the guy next to me caught me.

When I walked under the house, an icicle almost fell on me.

TYPE 2. The gerund refers to the predicate in the form of a short passive participle

Having written the poem “Death of a Poet”, Lermontov's fate was determined.

Analyzing the poetic text, I was absolutely correct in determining its size.

As in type 1, the gerund and predicate refer to different persons. Due to an error in construction, it turns out that fate was determined by writing; size is determined having analyzed. The predicate is a short passive participle.

If the predicate is expressed by a short participle, it means that the subject itself does not perform the action, something is done to it. With this form of the predicate gerund there cannot be.

Here are the options for the corrected proposals:

When Lermontov wrote the poem “The Death of a Poet,” his fate was determined.

When I analyzed poetic text, I determined its size absolutely correctly.

TYPE 3. The participial phrase is attached to the predicate-reflexive verb in the passive meaning, which has a postfix Xia

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors.

Usually, creating your own work, it expresses Xia the author's attitude to life and people.

Having received an education, students guide Xia senior master for practice.

As in type 2, the subject in such a sentence does not actually perform the action itself: attitude expresses Xia(by someone); displays Xia(by someone); guide Xia(by someone). But ah if there is no action, then there cannot be an additional, additional, expressed by a gerund. We replace the participial phrase with a subordinate clause.

Here are the options for the corrected proposals:

Usually, when a work is created, it expresses the author’s attitude towards life and people. Or: Creating a work, the author always expresses his attitude towards life and people.

When students complete their education, they are sent to practice by a senior master.

7.8.2. Participial phrase in a sentence without a subject

It often happens that the subject performing both actions may not be formally expressed, that is, there is no subject in the sentence. In this case we are talking about one-part sentences. It is these types that cause the greatest difficulty in finding errors.

TYPE 4. Participial phrase in an impersonal sentence (except type 7)

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Sending a rather important telegram, I didn't have enough money.

He was sad.

There is no subject, the actor is expressed by a pronoun to me(this is the dative case). The use of participles in impersonal sentences is unacceptable. You can: either make a subordinate clause from an adverbial clause, or make an ordinary clause from an impersonal one, with a subject.

The exception is sentences with an infinitive verb, see type 7.

Here are the options for the corrected proposals:

When I sent a rather important telegram, I did not have enough money.

Refusing to conduct an experiment, he felt sad.

TYPE 5. Participial turnover in an indefinite-personal sentence

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors.

Having received a good education, Griboyedov was sent as secretary of the diplomatic mission to Persia.

Without finishing the report, the head of the department was asked to go on a business trip.

There cannot be an adverbial phrase with a subject if it is not defined. This situation occurs in vaguely personal sentences with a verb in the past tense plural form.

Who directed? who received it? who suggested? who didn't finish the report? Not clear. We replace the phrase with a subordinate clause or rearrange it so that it is clear who received the education and who completed the report.

Here are the options for the corrected proposals:

When Griboyedov received a good education, he was sent as secretary of the diplomatic mission to Persia.

Without finishing the report, the head of the department received an offer to go on a business trip.

7.8.3. Participial phrase in a sentence without a subject. Permitted techniques.

Due to the fact that the tasks may also contain correct sentences with participles, we consider it important to place a table with such examples and rules that are not found in the erroneous ones. Everything in this table is allowed.

TYPE 6. The participial phrase refers to the verb in the imperative mood

When crossing the street, pay close attention to traffic.

Having received a task for an adverbial phrase, check whether it contains a request, order or advice.

There is no subject in sentences. But It is allowed to use participial phrases in sentences where a verb is used in the imperative mood: follow, go, write, search, and so on. It turns out that both the phrase and the predicate refer to the same person, to whom we advise to do something. It's easy to substitute a pronoun You: you follow, moving; you check after receiving.

TYPE 7. Participial phrase refers to the infinitive

Consider proposals without errors.

Walking through the autumn forest, it’s pleasant to inhale the intoxicating aroma of fallen leaves.

When submitting your work, you should check it carefully.

Despite the fact that there is no subject (impersonal sentence) It is permissible to use an adverbial phrase if it refers to the infinitive: while walking, inhale; reading, sitting; dreaming, dozing; dozing, dreaming.

Not all manuals allow this rule: in some of them, the infinitive is necessarily required, it is possible, it is necessary, it follows, and others (the so-called modal words). In any case, sentences like: when rewriting, you should mark; having started, one must finish; having received, it is necessary to do, will be ERROR FREE.

TYPE 8. Participial turnover in a definite-personal or generalized-personal sentence

Let's look at the sentences without errors.

Gathering at the family table in my parents' house, we always remember grandma’s pies and tea with viburnum and mint.

Planning your upcoming vacation, carefully calculate the family budget.

There is no subject, but a sentence definitely personal, easy to substitute a pronoun We. You can turn it around! It refers to the implied person: we remember as we gather; we calculate by planning.

Answers in order according to letters:

8 4 1 6 2

Answer: 84162

In task No. 7 of the Unified State Exam in Russian, students need to distribute sentences in accordance with the types of errors made in them. The difficulty is that there are more sentences than error options, and it is impossible to simply guess the correct answer, so you need to have a good understanding of the rules for constructing sentences. For correctly completing the seventh task, you can get as many as five primary points, so it is undesirable to make mistakes in it.

Theory for task No. 7 of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Let's look at the errors that are proposed to be found in the exam task.

  • violation in the construction of sentences with a participial phrase

You should never include the word being defined inside a participial phrase: “tourists who came to the city,” or “tourists who came to the city,” but not “tourists who came to the city.” Also, the participle must always be consistent with the word it defines in gender, case and number: not “rooms furnished with furniture” but “rooms (which?) furnished with furniture.”

You need to pay attention to the cases: “one of the letters written by me” - in this case the participle agrees with the word “one”, but “having read a number of letters written by her” - the question for the participle is asked from the word “letters”.

  • incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

Actions expressed by a predicate verb and a gerund must refer to one common subject: “when leaving home, I always turn off the light” - an incorrect option, since in this case the gerund refers to the word “light,” which is impossible. Correct: “When I leave home, I always turn off the lights.”

  • error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

You cannot use the conjunction “and” to connect words that are different parts of speech, or place it between the participial phrase and the word “which.” “Not far from the house we saw and met new neighbors” - incorrect; the correct option is “not far from the house we saw new neighbors and got to know them.” Also incorrect is “The book is not only intended for children, but also for their parents,” and correct is “The book is intended not only for children, but also for their parents.”

Another example: “The boy who sat at the table and who drew beautifully” is incorrect, but “the boy who sat at the table and drew beautifully” is true.

  • errors in sentence construction with inconsistent application

In such sentences you need to look at the word being defined. For example: “The book Crime and Punishment raises many philosophical problems” is incorrect; the sentence will be written correctly if the word “book” is removed or the appendix is ​​coordinated with it: “many philosophical problems are raised in the book Crime and Punishment.”

If there is a qualifying word, the application must be in the nominative case: in the newspaper “Gorodskoy Vestnik” (not “Gorodskoy Vestnik”), in the encyclopedia “Underwater World” (not “Underwater World”), in the program “Own Game” (not “Own Game” ").

  • incorrect use of the case form of a noun
PretextNoun caseExample
Thanks toDativeHe acted according to the rules - wrong
According toHe acted according to the rules - correctly
Contrary to
In defiance
By (meaning “after”)PrepositionalUpon arrival home, she called her grandmother - wrong
When she arrived home she called her grandmother - that's right

Words such as “on arrival”, “on completion”, “on completion”, “on expiration”, “on arrival”, “on arrival” need to be remembered.

You also need to remember the phrases:

  1. point to something
  2. Pay for something
  3. Confess something
  4. Pay attention to something
  5. Marvel at something
  6. Blame for something
  7. remind something
  8. Feedback about something
  • disruption of the connection between the subject and predicate

You need to remember that with the subject “those” you need to use the predicate verb in the plural, and with the subject “who” - in the singular. “Those who came to the exhibition left rave reviews about it,” not “Those who came to the exhibition left rave reviews about it.” “Everyone who saw the professor greeted him,” not “Everyone who saw the professor greeted him.”

  • incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

You cannot confuse direct speech with indirect speech, and also use the word “I” to translate direct speech into indirect speech. For example, “the author writes that I appeal to all caring people” is incorrect; “the author writes that he addresses all caring people” - correct.

  • violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms

It is necessary to ensure that all verbs related to the same subject are consistent in tense and aspect. For example, “I.S. Turgenev subjects Bazarov to the most difficult test - the “test of love” - and thereby revealed the true essence of his hero.” is an erroneous option, and “I.S. Turgenev subjects Bazarov to the most difficult test - the “test of love” - and thereby reveals the true essence of his hero.” - loyal.

  • error in constructing a complex sentence

Such mistakes often involve the incorrect use of conjunctions. “Reading classical literature, you notice how differently the “city of Petrov” is depicted in the works of A.S. Pushkina, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky" - in this sentence the conjunction "what" is superfluous. “When the battle was already over, but isolated shots were still heard here and there.” - extra conjunction “but”.

Algorithm for completing the task

  1. We exclude sentences that do not contain grammatical errors.
  2. We read the sentences with errors one by one and determine what kind of grammatical error was made.
  3. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 7 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

The seventh task of the demo version 2018

Establish a correspondence between the grammatical sentences and the sentences in which they are present: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

1) The new aesthetics that emerged in the work of Russian avant-garde artists radically changed the previous “Greco-Roman” ideas of the artistic value of art.

B) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

2) People who read Russian fairy tales and epics in childhood were breathtaking from heroic deeds.

C) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

3) Having higher reliability, portable receivers consume much less energy.

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

4) When, after graduating from school, my friend entered the factory, he acquired the qualifications of a turner in a short time.

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

5) According to I.N. Kramskoy, despite the fact that many landscape painters depict trees, water and even air in their paintings, there is a soul only in the painting “The Rooks” by A.K. Savrasova.

6) Most of the young scientist’s works are devoted to problems of theoretical physics.

7) The inner strength and courage of a person are glorified in the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin".

8) Subsequently, he could not even explain to himself what made him rush across the horses.

9) Using the letter “ъ” at the end of words, in the 19th century it was only a tribute to tradition.

Execution algorithm:
  1. We carefully read the list of grammatical errors that you will have to work with.
  2. We carefully read the sentences in which we need to find sentences with a certain grammatical error.
  3. To begin with, you can identify those sentences that are composed without errors. These are sentences 1, 3, 6 and 7.
  4. sentence 2 we see a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase; Right - People who read Russian fairy tales and epics in childhood were breathtaking of heroic deeds. IN sentence 4– violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms; Right : After graduating from school, my friend entered the factory, where in a short time he acquired the qualifications of a turner. IN fifth sentence violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application; Right - According to I.N. Kramskoy, despite the fact that many landscape painters depict trees, water and even air in their paintings, the soul is only in the painting "Rooks" A.K. Savrasova.In sentence 8 - incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition; need to - Subsequently, he could not even explain to himself what made him rush across the horses. Proposition 9- incorrect construction of sentences with participles; Right - By using the letter “ъ” at the end of words in the 19th century, people only paid tribute to tradition.
  5. Write down the correct answer:

First version of the task

A) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate1) Marco Polo (1254-1324) - Venetian merchant and traveler, who, through his trade affairs, reached China and spent seventeen years there at the court of Kublai Khan.
B) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech2) It was difficult for him when solving the problem.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application3) Pergolas, arches and trellises visually divide the site into parts, isolating individual zones.
D) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases4) Sophia cream is used several times a year to prevent swelling of the legs.
5) Andrei said that it would be better if we left me alone.
6) Those who spare no effort usually achieve a lot.
7) The longest escalator in the world is installed at the Admiralteyskaya station of the St. Petersburg metro.
8) Before discussing a project, everyone looks around and looks for future supporters and opponents.
9) The summer flood of 2013, which covered vast areas of the Russian Far East and northeast China, became one of the most widespread natural disasters of the last decade.
Execution algorithm:
  1. We carefully read the list of grammatical errors that you will have to work with.
  2. We carefully read the sentences in which we need to find sentences with a certain grammatical error.
  3. To begin with, you can identify those sentences that are composed without errors. These are sentences 1, 3, 7 and 9.
  4. We read the sentences with errors one by one and determine what kind of grammatical error was made. IN sentence 2 we see the incorrectly used participial phrase “solving a problem”; V sentence 4– incorrectly approved application (should be “Sofia cream”). IN sixth sentence an error was made in the connection between the subject and the predicate; Right - those who spare no effort usually achieve a lot, or - those who spare no effort usually achieve a lot. The phrase " Andrey said"indicates indirect speech that is incorrectly constructed in sentence 5; need to - Andrei said that it would be better if we left him alone. Left sentence 8 and an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members.
  5. Write down the correct answer:
6 5 4 2 8

Second version of the task

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase1) When learning a foreign language, reading books, watching films and communicating with native speakers helps.
B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate2) Dickens said that from childhood he felt that the world was worthy not only of contempt, but that it was worth living in.
C) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition3) We continue to publish archival materials about Moscow architects who lived in the 18th century.
D) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases4) Loved ones need to be loved and cared for.
D) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members5) There is a village, a river and a forest drawn there.
6) At the end of the negotiations, the participants came out to the journalists.
7) After the New Year holidays, my mother and I went to visit my grandmother, who lived in the Moscow region.
8) Russia’s entry into the top ten countries most interesting for the corporation, due to high sales volumes, allows the local representative office to attract additional investments
9) Thanks to the launch of specialized X-ray observatories into orbit around the Earth, about a thousand X-ray systems are already known in our and nearby galaxies.
Execution algorithm:
  1. We carefully read the list of grammatical errors that you will have to work with.
  2. We carefully read the sentences in which we need to find sentences with a certain grammatical error.
  3. To begin with, you can identify those sentences that are composed without errors. These are options 2, 7, 8 and 9.
  4. IN first sentence we see the incorrect use of the participial phrase; It turns out that reading books learns foreign languages. Correct option: helps when learning foreign languages… IN third sentence it turns out that the publications, and not the architects, lived in the eighteenth century - an error was made in the participial phrase. Right: .. publication of archival materials about Moscow architects who lived… IN fifth sentence the connection between subject and predicate is broken. IN sixth sentence the case form of a noun with a preposition is used incorrectly; the correct option is “ upon completion", and in fourth an error was made in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members.
  5. Write down the correct answer:
1 5 6 3 4

Third version of the task

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application1) The match took place in the large sports arena of the Luzhniki stadium.
B) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase2) Thanks to vaccinations, none of the guys got sick.
C) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech3) The sick kid, standing at the window, said sadly, and the cars are walking.
D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition4) When learning a foreign language, reading books, watching films and communicating with native speakers helps.
D) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members5) A habit is a deeply rooted form of behavior that operates independently of our consciousness
6) What seems like an idyllic clearing or a quiet oak grove is, in fact, a never-ending processing industry, and what we call pests and pathogens, beetles, fungi and pathogens, play a huge role in it.
7) The old linden trees in the alley in front of the main entrance to the manor’s house are tall and spreading.
8) We were driving around Spain by car, returning from Burgos to Madrid.
9) Most animals living in the wild are busy solving the eternal problem - their own survival and procreation.
Execution algorithm:
  1. We carefully read the list of grammatical errors that you will have to work with.
  2. We carefully read the sentences in which we need to find sentences with a certain grammatical error.
  3. To begin with, you can identify those sentences that are composed without errors. Correctly constructed sentences: 5, 6, 8 and 9.
  4. IN first sentence an inconsistent application is visible; Right - in the large sports arena of the Luzhniki stadium or just "at the large sports arena "Luzhniki". Second sentence– an example of incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition; Right - thanks to vaccinations. Third– error in indirect speech, fourth– in constructing sentences with participial phrases. In the seventh in the sentence there was an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members; correct option - The old linden trees in the alley in front of the main entrance to the manor house are tall and spreading (or “tall and spreading”).
  5. Write down the correct answer:
1 4 3 2 7

To perform tasks 7 it is necessary to know typical cases of violation of syntactic norms. Material for expanding speech experience is systematized by topic.

Faulty designs

1. Management

1) Verbs with different controls as homogeneous members of a sentence:

Words with different controls can be used as homogeneous members if each of them has its own dependent words used in the desired case. For example:

She waited for him and called him all evening.

She was waiting for (who?) his(V.p.) and called (who?) to him(D.p.) all evening.

Pronouns often help to construct such sentences correctly:

Children rarely listen to and follow the advice of adults.

Children rarely listen (to what?) to advice (D.p. with the preposition To) adults and follow (what?) them(D.p.).

People were exhausted, but they believed in victory and hoped for it.

People were exhausted, but they believed (in what?) in victory (V.p. with the pretext V) and hoped (for what?) at her(D.p. with preposition on).

2) Different controls for verbs and nouns:

be interested in art(t.p.) — interest in art(D.p.)
love literature(v.p.) — love of literature(D.p.)
hate clutter(v.p.) — hatred of disorder(D.p.)
respect colleagues(v.p.) — respect for colleagues(D.p.)
trust a friend(D.p.) — trust in friends(D.p.)
sympathize with the weak(D.p.) — sympathy for the weak(D.p. with a preposition)

3) Different controls for words with similar meanings:

worry about something(P.p.) — worry about something(v.p.)
pay for something(v.p.) - z pay for something(V.p. with preposition for)
pay for travel(V.p. with preposition for) — pay for travel(v.p.)
pay attention to something(D.p.) — pay attention to something(V.p. with preposition on)
inform someone(D.p.) — inform someone(v.p.)
to blame for something(P.p. with preposition V) — condemn for something(V.p. with preposition for)
review of something(P.p. with preposition O) — review of something(V.p. with preposition on)
belief in something(V.p. with preposition in (in)) — confidence in something(V.p. with the preposition c)
characteristic of something(D.p.) — characteristic of something(R.p. with a preposition For)

4) Different controls for verbs with and without negation:

notice the reaction(v.p.) — not notice the reaction(R.p.)
He noticed(What?) the audience's reaction to his words. - Out of excitement, he didn’t notice(what?) the audience's reactions to his words.

5) Use of names of works of literature and art.

In “War and Peace,” actor V. Tikhonov played the role of Prince Andrei.
In the film “War and Peace,” actor V. Tikhonov played the role of Prince Andrei.

After words - generic designations, for example, fairy tale, novel, story, story, picture, film and others similar, naming the genre of a work of literature or art, the proper name is placed in the nominative case. If such words are absent in the sentence, then the names of works of literature and art are used in those cases that are necessary for the context of the sentence.

In the fairy tale "Turnip" or: In "Turnip"
In the movie "War and Peace" or: In "War and Peace"
In the ballet "The Nutcracker" or: In "The Nutcracker"


Many verbs require a specific noun case after them.

Verbs require the genitive case:

Achieve, achieve, desire, crave, want, expect, do, fear, beware, fear, avoid, lose, be afraid, be ashamed, shun, cost, seek, ask, demand etc. (who? what?)

Verbs with negation: don't see, don't notice, don't hear etc. (who? what?)

Verbs require the dative case:

Give, believe, trust, threaten, indulge, learn, rejoice, smile, speak, answer, threaten, threaten, object, bow, nod, wave, signal, call, write, speak, tell, announce, answer, explain, report, to please, to seem, to disturb, to harm, to take revenge, to change, to harm, to avenge, to annoy, to disgust, to give, to buy, to bring, to send, to show, to help, to promise, to dream, etc.(to whom? what?)

All transitive verbs require the accusative case:

Give, donate, sell, buy, send, show, promise, build, sew, clean, wash, erase, take, put, put, hang, see, look, hear, listen, feel, experience, notice, love, hate, despise, respect, appreciate, remember, understand, study, decide, teach, tell, explain, inform, speak, thank, congratulate, remember, meet, scold, wait, etc.(who? what?)

Verbs require the instrumental case:

rule, lead, manage, command, manage, rule, manage, get carried away, be interested in, engage in, admire, admire, admire, enjoy, be proud, admire, admire, be captivated, treasure, own, use, have, possess, take possession of, boast, be proud of, boast, swear, trade, sacrifice, risk, be, become, become, appear, appear, remain, be considered, have a reputation, be called, etc.(by whom? with what?)

Many verbs are characterized by double control:

give, convey, hand over, give out, sell, return, donate, hand over, provide, entrust, give up, leave something to someone
say, explain, announce, inspire, tell, declare, answer, promise, recommend something to someone
Promise, guarantee something to someone
teach someone something
count, imagine, recognize, imagine, name, depict, scold, declare someone to be someone

Standard options

to want, desire, crave, ask, deserve a reward - rewards(V.p. and R.p), but: deserve a reward(v.p.)
Ask for advice, permission - advice, permission(R.p. and V.p.)
Wait for the train, call - train, call(R.p. and V.p.), but wait for grandma, sister(v.p.)
Give, take, get, receive, send, buy, put, pour, sprinkle, drink, sip, taste water, sugar - water, sugar(V.p. and R.p.)


Miss (what? who?) work, home, mother, husband. But with pronouns: miss (who?) us, you. This use of pronouns in the prepositional case has long been considered the only correct one.

For example, in the reference book by D. E. Rosenthal “Management in the Russian Language” it is indicated that with nouns and pronouns of the 3rd person it is correct: miss someone or something, For example: miss my son, miss him. But with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person plural. numbers are correct: miss someone, For example: missed us, miss you.

But recently, both options have been accepted as acceptable. It is believed that with I'm heaping(and also I'm sad, I'm sad etc.) for you- old norm; for you- new. Today these options compete, which is reflected in reference books. Thus, “Russian Grammar” (M., 1980) forms miss you And miss you considered as variable.

2. Constructions with prepositions

1 ) prepositional control:

thanks, according to, despite, in defiance, like+ D.p. noun, for example: contrary to instructions, rules, opinions of loved ones, according to the order...

by (meaning “after something”) + P.p. noun, for example: upon arrival, upon return, upon completion of the experiment...

to the extent, by virtue of, during, in continuation, in conclusion, for the reason of, upon completion, like, by means of+ R.p. noun,
For example: to continue the conversation, within a week.. .

2)use of prepositions in non-prepositional constructions:

The article sparked my thoughts.

Wrong: to thoughts

Incorrect: to the manufacturer

3) prepositions with homogeneous members of the sentence:

I need to go to the station, the post office and the store.
Classes take place in the stadium, park and hall.

If different prepositions are required with different nouns, they must be used. Omitting prepositions in such cases is unacceptable.

4) prepositions in, on - with, from:

In Kamergersky Lane, store in Kamergersky

on the street, shop on Tverskaya

From Rostov, from the theater, from the store, from the park, from exile, from the circus, from the club, from the conservatory, from the restaurant, from school, from class, from the airport, from the port, from the institute, from the university, from the library, from the hospital

from the south, from the square, from the boulevard, from the post office, from the market, from a lecture, from a performance, from a concert, from a station, from a train station

3. Using the full form of adjectives instead of the short form

1) short forms of adjectives act as predicates:

Sister sick for a week already.

Incorrect: My sister has been sick for a week.

This photo road us.

Wrong: This photo is dear to us.

2) full and short forms are not used as homogeneous members of a sentence:

Sister she was beautiful And sad.

Wrong: The sister was beautiful and sad.

4. Sentences whose subordinate part begins with the conjunctive word who

Relative pronoun Who as a conjunctive word it is used only with singular verbs, for example:

Anyone has an excellent chance to enter the most prestigious universities.
Whoever is not late will participate in the competition.

The subject and predicate in the main part must be in either singular or plural form. The predicate cannot be used in the singular if the subject is plural, and vice versa. For example:

Those, Who will write the Unified State Examination with 85 points and above, will be able to enroll to the most prestigious universities.
All, Who will write the Unified State Examination with 85 points and above, will be able to enroll to the most prestigious universities.

5. Violations in sentences with participial phrases

Having climbed the mountain, tourists saw the sea.

This means that
1) tourists have risen (several action producers),
2) tourists saw.

1) there are actors: tourists,
2) they performed the following actions: got up and saw
3) the main action is expressed by a verb, the additional action is expressed by a gerund.

Such two-part simple sentences are the most typical examples of the use of participial phrases in speech.
Are there sentences constructed differently? There are. Let's look at them below.

In preparation for the Unified State Exam, I complete practice tasks.

Definitely a personal proposal. There is a character: this is evidenced by the form of the verb. There is no subject, but it can be restored. Here it can be the personal pronoun of the 1st person singular. I.
Consequently, the use of participial phrases is possible in definite personal sentences with a predicate, an expressed verb in the 1st or 2nd person singular forms. or plural It is important that such proposals relate to a situation in which there is an actor or actors and the actions they perform: main and additional.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, complete practice tasks.

Definitely a personal proposal. There is a character: the imperative sentence is addressed to him. The predicate in a definite personal sentence is expressed by a verb in the form of the imperative singular. Propositions of this kind correspond to a situation in which there is an actor and the actions he performs: main and additional.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, you need to complete practice tasks.

There is no subject, the predicate is expressed by a verb in the indefinite form of the verb (=in the infinitive form). In such sentences the following words are required: necessary, possible, must, follows (should, should), has to (had to, had to, would have to), succeeded, cannot, impossible, should not, does not have to, failed. In such sentences, personal pronouns in the form D.p. are frequent: me, us, you, you, him, her, them, which will designate the character. This is one of the types of impersonal sentences.


Participial phrases are not possible in impersonal sentences, except for the sentences with infinitives described above.

In Russian you cannot say: Having climbed the mountain, it became completely dark.
Right: When he (I, she, we, they, etc.) climbed the mountain, it became completely dark.

Participles are not possible in passive constructions.
In Russian you cannot say: Having climbed the mountain, they wrote a poem.
Right: Climbing the mountain, he wrote a poem.

Participles are not possible in sentences with personal pronouns in D.p., unless they include an infinitive.
In Russian you cannot say: It was difficult for us while preparing for the Unified State Exam.
Right:When we were preparing for the Unified State Exam, it was difficult for us.

Participles are not possible in sentences with personal pronouns in V.p., unless they include an infinitive.

In Russian you cannot say: While taking the Unified State Exam, he was shaking with excitement.
Right: When he took the Unified State Exam, he was shaking with excitement.

6. Violations in sentences with participial phrases

1) agreement of the participle with the word being defined:

Herbs, (what?) used to make medicine, assembled in China.
He asked the audience a series of questions, (what?) exciting for everyone.
Katerina’s protest, (what?) defending her rights, shown in this production in a new way.

2) mixing of passive and active participles:

Exercise, carried out by us, does not cause any difficulties.

Wrong: Task performed by us.

3) combination of constructions a) with a participial phrase and b) with which:

Rain, poured in the morning and interfered with our walk, ended after lunch.

The rain, which had been pouring since the morning and interfered with our walk, stopped in the afternoon.

Wrong: The rain, which had been pouring since the morning and which interfered with our walk, stopped in the afternoon.

7. Sentences with a conjunction word which

These are complex sentences with attributive clauses.

1) It is a mistake to make a break between the defined word and the subordinate clause with the word which:

Wrong: I want to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian, mathematics, and history, which I have not studied seriously before.
Right:I want to pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics, history and the Russian language, which I have not seriously studied before.

Wrong: Look at the gift for my mother's birthday that my sister made herself.
Right: Check out the gift my sister made herself for my mom's birthday..

2) erroneous control of the word which:

Wrong: Yesterday it snowed, which made us all happy.
Right: Yesterday it snowed, which we were all happy about. I: Yesterday it snowed, which we all missed.

8. Erroneous transmission of indirect speech

Wrong: Petka said that I am not yet ready for the exam and am very afraid of not passing it. (Petka said: “I’m not ready for the exam yet and I’m very afraid of not passing it.”)
1st and 2nd person pronouns are not used in indirect speech.
Right:Petka said that he is not yet ready for the exam and is very afraid of not passing it.

Wrong: Petka said that he was waiting for his mother, who was supposed to arrive yesterday. (Petka said: “I’m waiting for my mother, who should arrive yesterday.”)
Right:Petka said that he was waiting for his mother, who was supposed to arrive yesterday.

9. Sentences with double conjunctions

1) incorrect placement of conjunctions in a sentence:

Like... and...
Not only... but also...
If not... then...
Not so much... as...
Not that... but...

Wrong: Not only the ninth, but also the eleventh grades passed the exams. (Violation of logic, conjunction used incorrectly)
Right:Not only ninth but also eleventh grades passed the exams.

2) erroneous doubling of the union how: than than:

Wrong: He is more talented than his brother. (Union how simple)
Right:He is more talented than his brother.

3) violation of the union structure not so... than instead of not like... like:

Wrong: My bag is not as beautiful as my friend’s. (The type of union has been distorted because)
Right: My bag is not as beautiful as my friend's. Or: My bag is less beautiful than my friend’s.

Wrong: He did not perform as well as his friends. (The type of union has been distorted because)
Right: He didn't perform as well as his friends. Or: He performed less successfully than his friends.

10. Sentences with homogeneous members

1) using different parts of speech as homogeneous members of a sentence:

Wrong: I ask for silence and to listen to me.
(Incorrect use of different parts of speech as homogeneous members of a sentence)
Right: I ask for silence and attention.

Wrong: He loves football and shooting.
Right: He loves to play football and shoot. Or: He loves football and shooting.

2) use of full and short forms of adjectives:

False: Trees are tall and slender.
Right: The trees are tall and slender. Or: The trees are tall and slender.

for you
(pronouns in

For example:
on the shelves;
Quite a few children
at the dacha;
How many students
was present

in classes on
physical education
Wed. from writers:
(M. Yu. Lermontov);
(A.S. Pushkin);

(V. G. Korolenko);

M. Gorky)
7-2. Install

position from the second column.


For the first time the opera

inconsistent application



Let's take into account that

Meeting at the station

When we met, we cried.
bad weather
to the cloud
= after something
+ prepositional case

(in what?)
upon arrival
upon arrival
+ sigh, grieve,
rustle, cry,
to be sad, to be sad
+ dative case

(to whom?
to him?)
by wife
upcoming event
. With numerals

three, four,

Three houses
for the evening
name is
(A.S. Pushkin);
(A.P. Chekhov)
were waiting in line
still on departure
two compositions
(N. Ostrovsky).
for one,

on a camping trip

1) To universities
forty-one people.


Let's compare three proposals:
) In the picture (
.) "Sleeping Shepherd" (

2) In “The Sleeping Shepherdess” (
.) Venetsianov managed to convey all the charm of dim Russian nature.
3) In the picture (
.) "Sleeping Shepherdess" (
.) Venetsianov managed to convey all the charm of dim Russian nature.
. (see sentence 1).

Let's try to solve this problem
7-1. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.
A) Thanks

1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate

3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application

4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) By creating
the work lasted for several days.
5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
Stavropol region
Syntactic norms
Approval standards
Governance standards
Several students
let's go

the one who..., those who...:

..: This

Most of the houses
in this area

Most doors
were low

for his growth
(L. Andreev).
4. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members
7-5. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.


1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate

3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application

4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
Let's remember the main thing!




Tickets will be sold at
Approval standards
and predicate

1. Usually

For example:
In half an hour

to the innkeeper's house
N. Ostrovsky);
And in the forest
ten horsemen

Eight planes
took off
in pairs, taking turns
(N. Chukovsky).
Let's remember the main thing!

1. Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
thanks, in agreement, in spite of

thanks to
contrary to
according to

thanks to
contrary to
according to
upon arrival, upon completion, upon departure, upon exclusion, upon arrival

have the prepositional case form

The predicate is used in plural forms,
Several schoolchildren
rushed to catch up
leader of the competition.
Several boys and girls

reacted with interest
to the appearance of a kitten in the class.
Even before entering school
most first graders
loved to read and knew how to count
Most parents
who took
at school after the event.
Most parents
at school after the event.

7-4. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.


1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application

4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

More often
so grammatical
found in
and they can


used only
with verbs in singular form. h


4. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members


Most rooms
has been renovated.


took part
in this Olympics.
6. Violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases


The image of a poet-prophet,
Pushkin, determined his own life.
I was tasked with destroying
Defined word
perched on a tree
I was tasked with destroying
sniper perched on a tree
. I was instructed
7-3. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.

1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate

3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application

4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
I wish you good luck!!!

Slide captions:

for you
(pronouns in

little, a little, a lot, how much, as much
the predicate, as a rule, is put in the singular,

For example:
on the shelves;
Quite a few children
at the dacha;
How many students
was present

in classes on
physical education
Wed. from writers:
Many carriages have already passed along this road
(M. Yu. Lermontov);
How few of us survived the battle
(A.S. Pushkin);
How many more fairy tales and memories remain in her memory?
(M. Gorky). Less often in these cases the plural form of the predicate is used:
Many lights, both before and after, attracted more than one me with their proximity
(V. G. Korolenko);
Many eyes looked into the wide, flattened face of the long line of soldiers with cold, silent curiosity, with contempt, disgust (
M. Gorky)
4. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members
7-2. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.
A) The delegation was heading to the house of a famous scientist, located not far from the main square.
1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) The winter session of students took place according to the schedule.
2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate

For the first time the opera
“I listened with my parents.
3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application
D) Everyone who starts learning a foreign language early masters it perfectly.
4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
Alekhine, entering the living room, exclaimed that I was very glad to see us all.
5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
The format of the task, which tests knowledge of syntactic norms, norms of agreement and control, has changed greatly in comparison with previous years, but the theoretical material necessary to successfully solve this part of the Unified State Exam is the same. We will repeat and systematize it.
Let's take into account that
Task 7 can be scored from 0 to 5 points. For
the correct number corresponding to the number from the list,
receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: admitted
error; 3 points: 2 mistakes were made; 2 points: 2 numbers are correct;
point: only one number is correct; 0 points: completely incorrect
, i.e. incorrect sequence of numbers or lack thereof. Order
The numbers in the answer matter.
5. Incorrect construction of sentences with participles
The predicate verb and the gerund should not denote the actions of different objects and persons.

Meeting at the station
, tears appeared in my eyes.
When we met at the station, tears appeared from our eyes.
When we met, we cried.
bad weather
to the cloud
= after something
+ prepositional case

(in what?)
upon arrival
upon arrival
+ sigh, grieve,
rustle, cry,
to be sad, to be sad
+ dative case

(to whom?
to him?)
by wife
upcoming event
. With numerals

three, four,
included in the subject, the predicate is usually placed in the plural:

Three houses
for the evening
name is
(A.S. Pushkin);
Four dogs ran after the stroller
(A.P. Chekhov)
; In addition to the military train, at the station
were waiting in line
still on departure
two compositions
(N. Ostrovsky).
compound numerals ending
for one,
the predicate is in the singular.

on a camping trip
a sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).
1) To universities
forty-one people.
2) Professor Sotnikova took the floor
3) He was sent to Moscow according to the order.
4) The girl put on a new coat.

3. Violation in the construction of sentences with inconsistent
Let's compare three proposals:
) In the picture (
.) "Sleeping Shepherd" (
.) Venetsianov managed to convey all the charm of dim Russian nature.
2) In “The Sleeping Shepherdess” (
.) Venetsianov managed to convey all the charm of dim Russian nature.
3) In the picture (
.) "Sleeping Shepherdess" (
.) Venetsianov managed to convey all the charm of dim Russian nature.
The first two sentences are constructed grammatically correctly, the third contains a grammatical error, since if there is a common noun, the proper one must be in
. (see sentence 1).

Let's try to solve this problem
7-1. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.
A) Thanks
increasing the level of service in company stores, there were more customers.
1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) In his articles, this journalist raised questions that worried many of his contemporaries.
2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) Those who strive for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.
3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application
D) A chemical reaction shows and helps to understand the composition of a substance.
4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) By creating
the work lasted for several days.
5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
The work of a Russian language teacher
Stavropol region
Syntactic norms
Approval standards
Governance standards
The predicate is used in plural forms,
. The main members of the sentence are separated from each other:
Several students
first grade at St. Petersburg gymnasium
let's go
to an international conference in Spain.

Some difficulties are also caused by tasks related to coordination in complex sentences with combinations
the one who..., those who...:
those who go swimming are less
as well as exercises that involve the use of homogeneous members of a sentence with paired conjunctions
both..., and..., not only..., but also
..: This
It was interesting not only for children, but also for adults.
The predicate is put in the plural if it is expressed by an adjective:
Most of the houses
in this area

Most doors
were low

for his growth
(L. Andreev).
4. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members
7-5. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.

A) Having driven the sharks far out to sea, the rescuers no longer worried about anything.
1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) Thanks to an article in the newspaper, we learned about the resumption of the tourist ship route to the Northern Islands.
2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) The April issue of the magazine “Youth” published poems by a young talented poet.
3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application

Students helped a group of geologists who arrived from St. Petersburg.
4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
The international community understands and is concerned about the problems of the economies of developing countries.
5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
Let's remember the main thing!

1. Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
upon arrival, upon completion, upon departure, upon exclusion, upon arrival

have the prepositional case form

Tickets will be sold upon arrival of the train.
Upon arrival in the city, Chichikov met with city officials.
Tickets will be sold at
In the city, Chichikov met city officials.
Approval standards
subject expressed by a numeral and a noun,
and predicate

1. Usually
the predicate is put in plural form with a subject denoting an animate object,
For example:
In half an hour

to the innkeeper's house
N. Ostrovsky);
And in the forest
ten horsemen
The same with the subject - an inanimate object, if an active action is indicated:

Eight planes
took off
in pairs, taking turns
(N. Chukovsky).
7. Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
Let's remember the main thing!

1. Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
thanks, in agreement, in spite of
used ONLY with noun. dative case.

thanks to
contrary to
according to

thanks to
contrary to
according to
upon arrival, upon completion, upon departure, upon exclusion, upon arrival

have the prepositional case form

The predicate is used in plural forms,
The noun denotes an animate object, and the predicate indicates that the actions performed by this object are intense and energetic:
Several schoolchildren
rushed to catch up
leader of the competition.
2. The sentence has homogeneous subjects:
Several boys and girls

reacted with interest
to the appearance of a kitten in the class.
3. The sentence contains homogeneous predicates:
Even before entering school
most first graders
loved to read and knew how to count
4. When the subject comes before the predicate, there is a participial phrase (with a plural participle) or a attributive clause with a conjunctive word
Most parents
who took
participation in the organization of the holiday,
at school after the event.
Most parents
who took part in organizing the holiday,
at school after the event.

6. Violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
You need to find the correct word to define.
In this sentence, the word son is determined, not the person, therefore the correct option is:
7-4. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.

The scientist addressed representatives of African countries present at the congress.
1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) Among the scientific works of F.I. Buslaev, first of all, mention should be made of his book “Historical Grammar of the Russian Language”
2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
Contrary to the rules of punctuation, journalists often use a dash instead of a colon.
3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application
D) A chemical reaction shows and helps to understand the composition of a substance.
4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D)) The minibus driver told the newly entered passengers that you will pay for the fare.
5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

2. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate
More often
so grammatical
found in
complex sentences
and they can
be allowed in the following cases:
Sentences in which the subordinate clause is joined using a conjunctive word
Usually such sentences begin with the words:
everyone who..., those who..., those who..., none of those who...
It is important to remember that the pronoun
used only
with verbs in singular form. h
In this case, it is also necessary to pay attention to the unity of the grammatical forms of the subject and predicate in the main part of the sentence.
The sentence is constructed grammatically correct. The following versions of such a proposal would be erroneous:
4. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members
In the demo version the task looks like this:
The cases discussed above are most often found in Unified State Examination tests. But we will give a few more examples of prepositional control.
sentences containing a collective noun with a quantitative meaning
(majority, minority, part, etc.)
, the predicate is most often used in singular forms,
A noun denotes an inanimate object:
Most rooms
has been renovated.
A collective noun has a definition:


took part
in this Olympics.
6. Violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
In sentences containing a participial phrase, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Agreement of the participle with the word being defined in gender, number and case.
Pushkin, determined his own life.
The defined word image is in
., units h., m.r., and created participles - in
., plural h. Consequently, this sentence is constructed grammatically incorrectly. Correct option:
The image of a poet-prophet,
Pushkin, determined his own life.
The word being defined should not break the participial phrase; it can only appear before or after it.
I was tasked with destroying
a sniper perched on a tree.
Defined word
breaks the participial phrase in this sentence
perched on a tree
, therefore, there is a grammatical error in this sentence. Correct options:
I was tasked with destroying
sniper perched on a tree
. I was instructed
a sniper perched on a tree.
7-3. Install
correspondence between sentences and those admitted in them
grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, match
position from the second column.
A) Problems of the economy and business were the focus of attention of the host of the TV show “Business Moscow”.
1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) While leaving on a trip, guests suddenly came to us.
2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) The sisters were fond of and well versed in modern music.
3) violation in the construction of sentences with
inconsistent application
D) Everyone who wrote about Russian nature noted its poetry and picturesqueness
4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) A.P. Chekhov, in a letter from Yalta, describes a trip to the botanical garden.
5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
I wish you good luck!!!



Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





2) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

4) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

6) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

10) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

11) The use of logically incompatible concepts in the same series of homogeneous terms

12) Incorrect attachment of the subordinate clause, creating ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





1) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

2) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

4) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

5) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.



Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4


Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





A. Everyone who has been to the Borodino field bares their head in front of the monuments to the defenders of Russian national freedom.

1) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition

B. Upon arrival in Venice, I immediately visited several of my old acquaintances.

2) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

V. The poetry of awakening spring is revealed by F. Tyutchev in the poem “Spring Waters”

3) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicate members governing different cases

D. Economists say that inflation will decrease and that there will be no more delays in wages.

4) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

D. Listeners of the program expected and hoped for a meeting with the famous TV presenter.

5) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

E. The narrow path was covered with falling snow underfoot.

6) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

G. The mourners walked with bags and sad faces.

7) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

Z. When leaving on a business trip, my father promised that I would definitely return for the holidays.

8) Incorrect use of minor members and subordinate clauses.

I. When choosing a clothing style, individuality is emphasized

9) Violation of the grammatical form of the conjunctive word in the subordinate clause.

10) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

11) The use of logically incompatible concepts in the same series of homogeneous terms

12) Incorrect attachment of the subordinate clause, creating ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





A. In a short period of time, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built in the satellite city.

1) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

B. I drank coffee made by the bartender and mixed with whiskey.

2) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

V. Raskolnikov came up with and admires his theory.

3) Incorrect use of isolated secondary members and subordinate clauses.

D. Village residents, men, children were moving towards.

4) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D. Some of the travelers who visited the tributaries of the Amazon River described a plant with huge floating leaves.

5) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

E. Upon completion of construction, the workers left the site in perfect order.

6) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

G. Many readers know the writer Gabriel Troepolsky from his book “White Bim Black Ear.”

7) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

Z. Those who were older were offered chairs.

8) Violation of sentence structure associated with the use of double conjunctions

I. I was tasked with destroying a sniper who had settled in a tree.

9) Error in constructing sentences with homogeneous predicates that control different cases.

10) Violation of agreement between the participle and the word being defined.

11) The combination of homogeneous members of intersecting concepts in one row.

12) Violation of the grammatical form of the conjunctive word in the subordinate clause.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





A. By translating a poem into another language, it loses its beauty.

1) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition.

B. Prishvin knew deeply and told us about nature in his works.

2) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

Q. Ecologists have repeatedly noted that the problem of forest protection is especially important today.

3) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicate members that control different cases.

D. There are three main groups of human qualities, thanks to which you can increase the level of personal charm: sociability, reflection, eloquence.

4) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

D. In the store, she chose an elegant dress for herself, ideal for the prom, and which fit perfectly.

5) Incorrect use of inconsistent appendix-proper noun.

E. A row of new houses stood on the outskirts of the village.

6) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

AND. We are looking for a computer repair specialist willing to come to your home.

7) Incorrect use of the case form of the pronoun with a preposition.

Z. The April issue of the magazine “Youth” published poems by a young talented poet.

8) Incorrect use of isolated secondary members and subordinate clauses.

I. Alyokhin, entering the living room, exclaimed that I was very glad to see us all.

9) Violation of agreement between the adjective and the defined noun

10) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

11) The use of logically incompatible concepts in the same series of homogeneous terms

12) Incorrect attachment of the subordinate clause, creating ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





A. Upon graduation, our graduates can count on employment in specialized companies.

1) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

B. The officer demanded from the stationmaster that he needed horses.

2) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

Q. I have often encountered representatives of secular society who undeservedly put themselves above ordinary workers.

3) Incorrect use of minor members and subordinate clauses.

D. When preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, it is necessary to repeat the entire school course.

4) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D. A multi-ton fighter, contrary to all the laws of gravity, rises into the air from the deck of an aircraft carrier almost without a run.

5) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

E. In his latest book, the writer explores and discusses the problems of education in modern Russian villages.

6) Violation of agreement between the participle and the defined noun.

G. In North Africa we observed many features both in nature and also in human customs.

7) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition.

Z. Those who recently looked condescendingly at Vitaly began to respectfully address him by his patronymic.

8) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicates that control different cases.

I. The children go to the lobby to get dressed, where their parents are already waiting for them.

9) Incorrect use of double conjunctions

10) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

11) Violation of word order in a complex sentence.

12) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase



Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4


Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





A. Everyone who has been to the Borodino field bares their head in front of the monuments to the defenders of Russian national freedom.

1) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition

B. Upon arrival in Venice, I immediately visited several of my old acquaintances.

2) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

V. The poetry of awakening spring is revealed by F. Tyutchev in the poem “Spring Waters”

3) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicate members governing different cases

D. Economists say that inflation will decrease and that there will be no more delays in wages.

4) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

D. Listeners of the program expected and hoped for a meeting with the famous TV presenter.

5) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

E. The narrow path was covered with falling snow underfoot.

6) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

G. The mourners walked with bags and sad faces.

7) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

Z. When leaving on a business trip, my father promised that I would definitely return for the holidays.

8) Incorrect use of minor members and subordinate clauses.

I. When choosing a clothing style, individuality is emphasized

9) Violation of the grammatical form of the conjunctive word in the subordinate clause.

10) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

11) The use of logically incompatible concepts in the same series of homogeneous terms

12) Incorrect attachment of the subordinate clause, creating ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





A. In a short period of time, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built in the satellite city.

1) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

B. I drank coffee made by the bartender and mixed with whiskey.

2) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

V. Raskolnikov came up with and admires his theory.

3) Incorrect use of isolated secondary members and subordinate clauses.

D. Village residents, men, children were moving towards.

4) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D. Some of the travelers who visited the tributaries of the Amazon River described a plant with huge floating leaves.

5) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

E. Upon completion of construction, the workers left the site in perfect order.

6) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

G. Many readers know the writer Gabriel Troepolsky from his book “White Bim Black Ear.”

7) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

Z. Those who were older were offered chairs.

8) Violation of sentence structure associated with the use of double conjunctions

I. I was tasked with destroying a sniper who had settled in a tree.

9) Error in constructing sentences with homogeneous predicates that control different cases.

10) Violation of agreement between the participle and the word being defined.

11) The combination of homogeneous members of intersecting concepts in one row.

12) Violation of the grammatical form of the conjunctive word in the subordinate clause.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





A. By translating a poem into another language, it loses its beauty.

1) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition.

B. Prishvin knew deeply and told us about nature in his works.

2) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

Q. Ecologists have repeatedly noted that the problem of forest protection is especially important today.

3) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicate members that control different cases.

D. There are three main groups of human qualities, thanks to which you can increase the level of personal charm: sociability, reflection, eloquence.

4) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

D. In the store, she chose an elegant dress for herself, ideal for the prom, and which fit perfectly.

5) Incorrect use of inconsistent appendix-proper noun.

E. A row of new houses stood on the outskirts of the village.

6) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

AND. We are looking for a computer repair specialist willing to come to your home.

7) Incorrect use of the case form of the pronoun with a preposition.

Z. The April issue of the magazine “Youth” published poems by a young talented poet.

8) Incorrect use of isolated secondary members and subordinate clauses.

I. Alyokhin, entering the living room, exclaimed that I was very glad to see us all.

9) Violation of agreement between the adjective and the defined noun

10) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

11) The use of logically incompatible concepts in the same series of homogeneous terms

12) Incorrect attachment of the subordinate clause, creating ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7





A. Upon graduation, our graduates can count on employment in specialized companies.

1) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

B. The officer demanded from the stationmaster that he needed horses.

2) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

Q. I have often encountered representatives of secular society who undeservedly put themselves above ordinary workers.

3) Incorrect use of minor members and subordinate clauses.

D. When preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, it is necessary to repeat the entire school course.

4) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D. A multi-ton fighter, contrary to all the laws of gravity, rises into the air from the deck of an aircraft carrier almost without a run.

5) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

E. In his latest book, the writer explores and discusses the problems of education in modern Russian villages.

6) Violation of agreement between the participle and the defined noun.

G. In North Africa we observed many features both in nature and also in human customs.

7) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition.

Z. Those who recently looked condescendingly at Vitaly began to respectfully address him by his patronymic.

8) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicates that control different cases.

I. The children go to the lobby to get dressed, where their parents are already waiting for them.

9) Incorrect use of double conjunctions

1) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition

B. Upon arrival in Venice, I immediately visited several of my old acquaintances.

2) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

V. The poetry of awakening spring is revealed by F. Tyutchev in the poem “Spring Waters”

3) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicate members governing different cases

D. Economists say that inflation will decrease and that there will be no more delays in wages.

4) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

D. Listeners of the program expected and hoped for a meeting with the famous TV presenter.

5) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

E. The narrow path was covered with falling snow underfoot.

6) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

G. The mourners walked with bags and sad faces.

7) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

Z. When leaving on a business trip, my father promised that I would definitely return for the holidays.

8) Incorrect use of minor members and subordinate clauses.

I. When choosing a clothing style, individuality is emphasized

9) Violation of the grammatical form of the conjunctive word in the subordinate clause.

10) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

11) The use of logically incompatible concepts in the same series of homogeneous terms

12) Incorrect attachment of the subordinate clause, creating ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7




A. In a short period of time, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built in the satellite city.

1) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

B. I drank coffee made by the bartender and mixed with whiskey.

2) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

V. Raskolnikov came up with and admires his theory.

3) Incorrect use of isolated secondary members and subordinate clauses.

D. Village residents, men, children were moving towards.

4) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D. Some of the travelers who visited the tributaries of the Amazon River described a plant with huge floating leaves.

5) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

E. Upon completion of construction, the workers left the site in perfect order.

6) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

G. Many readers know the writer Gabriel Troepolsky from his book “White Bim Black Ear.”

7) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

Z. Those who were older were offered chairs.

8) Violation of sentence structure associated with the use of double conjunctions

I. I was tasked with destroying a sniper who had settled in a tree.

9) Error in constructing sentences with homogeneous predicates that control different cases.

10) Violation of agreement between the participle and the word being defined.

11) The combination of homogeneous members of intersecting concepts in one row.

12) Violation of the grammatical form of the conjunctive word in the subordinate clause.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7




A. When a poem is translated into another language, it loses its beauty.

1) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition.

B. Prishvin knew deeply and told us about nature in his works.

2) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

Q. Ecologists have repeatedly noted that the problem of forest protection is especially important today.

3) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicate members that control different cases.

D. There are three main groups of human qualities, thanks to which you can increase the level of personal charm: sociability, reflection, eloquence.

4) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

D. In the store, she chose an elegant dress for herself, ideal for the prom, and which fit perfectly.

5) Incorrect use of inconsistent appendix-proper noun.

E. A row of new houses stood on the outskirts of the village.

6) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

G. A computer repair specialist is required who is willing to come to your home.

7) Incorrect use of the case form of the pronoun with a preposition.

Z. The April issue of the magazine “Youth” published poems by a young talented poet.

8) Incorrect use of isolated secondary members and subordinate clauses.

I. Alyokhin, entering the living room, exclaimed that I was very glad to see us all.

9) Violation of agreement between the adjective and the defined noun

10) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

11) The use of logically incompatible concepts in the same series of homogeneous terms

12) Incorrect attachment of the subordinate clause, creating ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.

Unified State Exam 2015: task 7




A. Upon graduation, our graduates can count on employment in specialized companies.

1) Violation of the connection between subject and predicate

B. The officer demanded from the stationmaster that he needed horses.

2) Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

Q. I have often encountered representatives of secular society who undeservedly put themselves above ordinary workers.

3) Incorrect use of minor members and subordinate clauses.

D. When preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, it is necessary to repeat the entire school course.

4) Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D. A multi-ton fighter, contrary to all the laws of gravity, rises into the air from the deck of an aircraft carrier almost without a run-up.

5) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

E. In his latest book, the writer explores and discusses the problems of education in modern Russian villages.

6) Violation of agreement between the participle and the defined noun.

G. In North Africa we observed many features both in nature and also in human customs.

7) Impaired control in a phrase with a derived preposition.

Z. Those who recently looked condescendingly at Vitaly began to respectfully address him by his patronymic.

8) Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous predicates that control different cases.

I. The children go to the lobby to get dressed, where their parents are already waiting for them.

9) Incorrect use of double conjunctions

10) Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

11) Violation of word order in a complex sentence.

12) Violation of the structure of the participial phrase

Job source: Decision 2442. Unified State Exam 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

B) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases


1) The midday heat was replaced by the cool of the evening.

2) Chasing the beast, the hunters went to the river.

3) At the Bolshoi Theater we listened to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s opera “The Queen of Spades”.

4) Upon the passenger’s arrival at the airport, border control workers put a border crossing stamp in the passport.

5) The city of Sochi became the capital of the XXII Winter Olympic Games.

6) According to the agreement, after some time we met in the library.

7) The bridges built on the Moscow River were floating.

8) Noticing signs of an approaching storm, the ship's sails were removed.

9) With the creation of the “Workshop of Poets” in 1911, a new literary movement declared itself - Acmeism.


Let's look at each of these sentences and determine whether there are grammatical errors in them.

1) Breathed noon the heat gave way to the evening cool. – A simple sentence, complicated by a participial phrase, the word order is disrupted. Right: Breathed in the heat noon... or Noon, breathing the heat, ... (Error D)

2) Chasing the beast, the hunters went to the river. – A simple sentence, complicated by an adverbial phrase, there is no error.

3) At the Bolshoi Theater we listened opera P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Queen of Spades."– There is an inconsistent application (name in quotation marks) standing with the generic word (opera). When a generic word is used, the name in quotation marks is not declined. Right: listened to the opera “The Queen of Spades” by P. I. Tchaikovsky or listened to “The Queen of Spades” by P. I. Tchaikovsky. (Error A)

4) Upon arrival When a passenger arrives at the airport, border control workers put a border crossing stamp in their passport. – A simple sentence, an error was made in the case management: the preposition PO determines the case of the noun. Right: Upon passenger arrival... (Error B)

5) City Sochi steel the capital of the XXII Winter Olympic Games. – A simple sentence, an error was made in agreeing the subject and predicate. Right: City Sochi became capital or Sochi steel capital... (Error D)

6) According to the agreement, after some time we met in the library. Simple sentence, no grammatical errors.

7) The bridges built on the Moscow River were floating. A simple sentence, complicated by a participial phrase, no grammatical errors.

8) Noticing the signs of a coming storm sail ship were removed. – A simple sentence complicated by an adverbial phrase, there is an error. Right: Noticing signs of an approaching storm, the sailors removed ship sails. (Error B)

9) With the creation of the “Workshop of Poets” in 1911, a new literary movement declared itself - Acmeism. – A simple sentence, complicated by an application, no grammatical errors.

Examination. Be sure to review each sentence from the proposed options to avoid making a mistake. The numbers in the answer are not repeated.

In response, we write down the numbers corresponding to the letters, strictly observing their order, without spaces or commas.