Allergy to metal-ceramic crowns symptoms. Allergy to metal ceramics. Allergy to dentures: symptoms

The doctor helps patients choose the material for dental crowns. During the consultation, the dentist always asks questions about chronic diseases. But sometimes people don't even realize that they are allergic to metal or other substances. As a result, already installed crowns do not cause discomfort, but they do affect the patient’s physical condition. How to recognize allergic symptoms and eliminate discomfort?

Signs of an allergic reaction

If the patient after installation of crowns:

  • redness and swelling of the gums appeared;
  • dryness and increased salivation occurred;
  • sore throat and painful sensations occur;
  • bronchial asthma worsened;
  • a severe cough appeared;
  • spots appeared on the hands and face;
  • the temperature has increased;
  • burning sensation on the tongue;
  • "Quincke's edema" occurred, accompanied by difficulty breathing -

These could be signs of an allergy to dental crowns.

What materials cause a reaction?

In most cases, allergies occur after the installation of metal prostheses. The body's reaction occurs when interacting with:

  • nickel;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • chrome;
  • a combination of these metals.

Hypoallergenic crowns are made of gold and precious metals. But their high cost makes mass use problematic. Implants and dentures made of titanium also do not cause negative consequences.

If products made from incompatible materials are installed in the mouth, they can cause “galvanic syndrome”. The currents that arise between them are harmful and lead to increased salivation and poisoning of the body. The patient complains of:

  • discomfort while eating;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • taste of bitterness and acidity when touching the crowns of cutlery;
  • malaise;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • darkening of metal prostheses.

In this case, repeated prosthetics are performed, during which dissimilar metals are replaced with alternative materials.

Allergy to ceramics is excluded, but plastic elements consisting of monomers cause a reaction. It is safer to opt for nylon prostheses consisting of soft plastics. They do not harm the body.

To bring the color of the prosthesis to the natural shade of the tooth, dyes are used. Dyes can also cause allergies, so the clinic’s dentists pay attention to the properties of the substances included in the composition.

Help with crown allergy symptoms

If the denture is removable, remove it from the mouth. If this is not possible, take an antihistamine and urgently visit the dentist to remove the crown.

The only way to get rid of an allergic reaction is to avoid contact with the allergen. After identifying the allergen, the dentist will select an alternative method of prosthetics - he will suggest replacing the crown material with a hypoallergenic one.

Allergic reactions to dentures are an unpleasant and unaesthetic phenomenon that can lead to the development of serious pathological conditions. Therefore, at the first signs of rejection of the artificial structure, you must immediately contact a doctor for a quality examination and adequate therapy.

Main components of dentures that can be allergens – hypoallergenic requirements for dentures, crowns and implants

There are many elements in the composition that can provoke an allergic reaction:

  • Nickel. Present in stainless steel products. Saliva, acting on this component, provokes its corrosion, which negatively affects the condition of the oral cavity where this very product is present. If the patient’s medical history contains records of previous dermatitis or an allergy to rings, earrings, or zippers made of nickel, it is prohibited to install prostheses containing this substance.
  • Cobalt, manganese, chromium. They do not have the best effect on all body systems, including provoking allergic disorders. In case of negative reactions to manganese, a blood test will detect antibodies to the specified element.
  • Copper, which can sometimes be used to “dilute” precious metals used to make crowns, is toxic. Through saliva it penetrates the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory and lymphatic systems, causing poisoning of the body. A similar effect should be expected from lead.
  • Acrylic plastic.

Video: Allergy to dentures

Acrylic dentures can cause allergies in a number of cases:

  1. The product contains an excess of residual monomer.
  2. Erasing acrylic crowns. Leads to an increase in the concentration of harmful substances in saliva.
  3. Variety of metals used for dental prosthetics.
  4. Injury to the mucous membrane while chewing food.
  5. Saliva acidity is too high. Causes the development of inflammatory phenomena against the background of corrosion processes.
  6. Penetration of monomers into the circulatory system due to errors associated with thermal exchanges. A similar situation is relevant for removable acrylic products.

Today, the following hypoallergenic requirements are put forward for dentures:

  • Strength. The artificial material must withstand the stress of chewing. Otherwise, the components from which the prosthesis is made will constantly mix with saliva or injure the gums.
  • Secure fixation and stability of prostheses.
  • Lack of reaction to food and saliva. The best choice for hypersensitive patients would be dentures made of precious metals (silver or gold). But since such structures are not cheap, structures made of titanium, ceramics, and nylon are popular in dental offices.
  • Safety for the body. Some metals that are part of crowns or are fastening materials for some bridge structures can cause intoxication. Therefore, you should choose a denture quite scrupulously, without putting in the first place the too low cost of the products.

Factors that lead to the development of allergies to dentures

There are certain phenomena under the influence of which the absorption of the allergen into the blood increases:

  • Changing the temperature regime under the installed structure. An increase in temperature will provoke loosening of the soft tissue of the gums and expansion of the capillaries. The monomers released by non-hypoallergenic products will successfully enter the bloodstream.
  • Injury to the gums with removable dentures. Through the formed ulcers, it is quite easy for allergenic elements to penetrate into the blood.
  • Corrosion processes. Occurs during the oxidation of metal prostheses with saliva.
  • Increased acidity of saliva.
  • Destruction of a denture due to exceeding its service life.

Symptoms of an allergy to dentures - attention, the allergy condition may worsen!

The symptoms of the pathological condition in question can make themselves felt after a few months after installation of dental structures.

In some cases, the first signs of allergies appear the next day - or 10 years after prosthetics.

Depending on the material from which the prosthesis is made, symptoms may vary.

When installing metal products, patients may experience the following complaints:

  1. Hyperemia of the mucous membrane. The area of ​​the cheeks, tongue, and soft palate swells.
  2. Changes in the composition of saliva: it becomes thicker and more viscous. Swallowing it is quite problematic.
  3. Irritation of the surface of the tongue, which becomes more pronounced when eating salty, spicy foods.
  4. Frequent injury to the tongue and buccal mucosa while eating. This is due to swelling of the soft tissues.
  5. Dryness of the oral cavity, the appearance of a metallic or acidic taste. Every meal becomes painful.

In advanced conditions, the patient’s well-being worsens, and chronic diseases associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts worsen.

An allergy to plastic prosthetic materials has the following symptoms:

  • Swelling and burning of soft tissues (mucous membranes of the cheeks, lips, gums, soft palate). These negative conditions become so pronounced that it becomes impossible to use a removable structure.
  • The formation of blisters on the face and hands, which, after spontaneous opening, turn into ulcers.
  • Swelling of the eyelids, lips, genitals, larynx. These phenomena are accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system (Quincke's edema).
  • Runny nose.
  • Watery eyes, swelling of the eyelids.
  • Gastritis.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies to dentures - what to do if you suspect an allergy?

To identify this pathological condition, the following measures are resorted to:

  1. Checkup at the dentist. This specialist pays attention to the condition of the oral cavity, crowns, prosthetic bed, and type of saliva. Oxide films on artificial structures indicate the development of allergic reactions.
  2. Allergy tests to identify specific allergens. They come in several types: cutaneous and provocative. In the first case, skin is punctured using a needle or blade on the forearm, where drops of allergens are subsequently introduced. Provocative tests are carried out exclusively in a hospital setting in cases where other diagnostic methods have proven to be uninformative.
  3. Elimination + exposure. Relevant for removable structures. The dentist removes the dentures until allergy symptoms disappear. This often takes no more than a week. After the inflammatory phenomena have stopped, the doctor reinstalls the artificial structure and monitors the body’s reaction to it.
  4. Isolation of the prosthesis from the mucous membrane using gold foil. The specified material is fixed first with a special glue, then with cement. Used for fixed dentures.
  5. Examination of a venous blood sample for the presence of antibodies, which are responsible for the appearance of the pathological condition in question.

Treatment of allergies to dentures begins with eliminating the irritant.

Removable structures should be immediately removed and the mouth should be rinsed thoroughly with plain water.

Those who have developed an allergy due to fixed dentures should immediately go to the dentist: this ailment can cause the development of more serious pathologies.

A doctor can solve the problem of intolerance to materials of fixed structures in two ways:

  • Their complete elimination and future installation of products to which the patient does not have hypersensitivity. To do this, you need to find out which component of the denture provoked negative phenomena from the body. In addition, a new structure can be installed no earlier than 4 weeks after removing the old one. During this time, all allergy symptoms disappear.
  • Screening of the existing prosthesis. To do this, the surface of the product is metalized with hypoallergenic materials. For such purposes, alloys of platinum or gold are often used.

Treatment of allergies to dentures and first aid for the patient

  1. Used to relieve allergy symptoms antihistamines: Loratadine, Suprastin, Zodak, Claritin, etc. An allergist should select such drugs for each patient.
  2. If an allergy has caused disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, or nervous system, the patient should receive complex therapy with the participation of relevant specialists.
  3. Acute allergic reactions (Quincke's edema) eliminated through hormone therapy and adrenaline.
  4. Before the ambulance arrives, you can do the patient intramuscular injection of Suprastin, Loratadine or another antihistamine that blocks H-1 receptors.
  5. If the airways are completely closed due to severe swelling of the larynx, doctors perform cricothyroidotomy.

Prevention of allergies to dentures - how to prevent its occurrence?

The best way to avoid denture rejection is to carefully study the patient’s medical history and conduct allergy skin tests.

The doctor must select materials for prosthetics on an individual basis.

Dentistry has many types of dental prosthetics. This is one of the effective and easy ways to restore the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the oral cavity.

Prosthetics has fewer contraindications than other types of restoration of lost teeth. The human body tolerates interaction with various materials well, but some materials in dentures can cause allergic reactions.


An allergic reaction is the sensitivity of the human body to a certain type of material that is used for dental prosthetics.

It is manifested by a deterioration in general health, inflammatory processes and other unpleasant symptoms. The immune system thus tries to get rid of an unwanted element that interacts with the body.

Most often, allergic reactions occur to removable dentures.

The reaction occurs to certain types of metals that make up the prosthesis:

  • Chromium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Copper;
  • Nicole.

Allergic reactions can occur not only to a specific type of metal, but also to a combination of several metals in one product.

The body can react normally to each individual element, but a combination of two or more elements will lead to the appearance of allergy symptoms.

In this case, when replacing one combination of materials with another, the reaction may disappear.

What other types of allergies are there?

  • Acrylic;
  • Zirconium;
  • Plastic;
  • Metal-plastic;
  • Nylon;
  • Ceramic;
  • Clasp dentures.

Studying the effect of prosthetic materials on the human body helps to identify and eliminate combinations of materials that most often cause allergies.

In addition to the materials that make up the denture itself, the body can react to the dyes with which it is coated or to the glue with which the removable denture is secured to the jaw.


An allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the materials that make up the prosthesis is accompanied by a certain set of symptoms that can appear at any time after installation.

Color change. The area next to the prosthesis takes on a rich red color. Any surface that comes into contact with foreign bodies can change color (cheeks, tongue, mucous membranes, gums, etc.). The reaction may appear on the lips or tongue.

Discomfort in the oral cavity. There may be soreness, severe dryness, discomfort, bitterness on the tongue, a feeling of the constant presence of a foreign body (does not go away for a minute), pain in any part of the oral cavity (tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, etc.).

Airway problems(exacerbation of asthma and other chronic diseases of the nasopharynx or oropharynx).


After installation of a prosthesis, rashes, redness, hives and other manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear on any part of the body.

Edema. Swelling of the tongue, gums, cheeks and other parts of the oral cavity may appear on the lips, near the place where the prosthesis is installed.

Temperature. Body temperature may increase significantly. If the allergy is severe, the temperature may rise above subfebrile (more than 38 degrees).

Quincke's edema (severe swelling of the larynx).

In particularly difficult cases (if left untreated), this symptom can be fatal. Anaphylactic shock.

Occurs during a severe allergic reaction. It causes instant itching, difficulty breathing and a severe drop in blood pressure.


What to do if you are allergic to dentures An allergic reaction may occur immediately after installation of the prosthesis.

Within a few minutes or hours, the first symptoms of a reaction appear.

When they occur, it is necessary to remove the main irritant as quickly as possible.

The removable denture should be removed and you should consult a specialist (dentist, orthodontist, allergist).

If the prosthesis cannot be removed on your own, you need to contact the nearest dental clinic.

Delay can worsen the allergy, even leading to the development of Quincke's edema.

An allergic reaction can take months or years to develop. A person feels minor symptoms of its manifestation and does not pay attention to it.

If after installing a new prosthesis a person feels discomfort for a long time, you should immediately contact the specialist who installed it.

It is also necessary to consult with an allergist to find out which of the materials caused the reaction.


Only the symptoms of an allergic reaction can be eliminated. The allergy itself cannot be cured, because it is the effect of an irritating factor (one of the prosthetic materials) on the body, from which the human immune system is protected.

It is impossible to completely get rid of it.

Stages of treatment (antiallergic therapy) second generation (Semprex, Fenistil, Claritin, Histimet). The medicine blocks allergy symptoms.

Antiallergic– antihistamines (dimelrol, suprastin, tavegil, fenkarol).

Adsorbents (polysorb, activated carbon, diosmectite, smecta, filtrum). They improve overall well-being by removing harmful substances and toxins from the body.

Plasmapheresis procedure. Blood plasma is filtered through special membranes, which allows you to quickly get rid of all allergy symptoms, because “blood renewal” occurs. Used for severe allergic reactions;

Immunosorption procedure. Another option for purifying blood in the body. Used when the body reacts strongly to an allergen.

Using oral ointments(cholisal, dentamet, metrogil denta, vokara). This is especially true for concomitant stomatitis.


Replacing teeth with dentures is a fairly simple method that allows you to aesthetically restore lost teeth. There are far fewer contraindications with this method than with dental implantation. But prosthetics can also be very dangerous. The most common and unpleasant complication is an allergic reaction to dentures.

An allergy occurs as a reaction of the body to some foreign material. And often before the start of dental prosthetics, we do not even suspect that such a reaction may occur. But after the prosthesis is installed, certain unpleasant symptoms appear, which indicate that the source of irritation needs to be urgently removed from the oral cavity.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to dentures:

  • redness and swelling of the oral mucosa. Damage can be observed both on the gums and on the cheeks, lips, and tongue;
  • unpleasant feeling in the mouth: there may be soreness, dryness, increased salivation, bitterness, and also a sore throat;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • the occurrence of rashes, both in the mouth and on the surface of the skin of the hands and face;
  • swelling of the lips or other parts of the body;
  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling called “Quincke”, when the larynx swells. In this case, a severe disruption of the functions of the respiratory tract occurs; it appears with a strong irritant factor.

What materials can cause an allergic reaction?

Typically, allergies appear to metals that are used in the manufacture of prostheses: nicol, cobalt, copper, chromium, as well as a combination of them. Such materials are used in the manufacture of cheap metal-ceramic structures for crowns and dental bridges, and also as the basis for the production of clasp removable dentures.

Crowns made of gold and other precious metals do not cause allergies, but they are expensive, and not all patients can get dentures made of gold. Titanium is also used to make implants and dentures. This material also does not cause allergies, in addition, it is absolutely well accepted by the human body.

There is such a thing as “galvanic syndrome,” which can appear if products made of different metals are in the mouth. Different types of materials may be incompatible, which is why galvanic currents arise. This process is quite harmful to the body, as it entails sleep disturbance, strong salivation appears, and poisoning of the body occurs.

Allergies can occur not only to metals. For example, ceramics do not harm the body at all. However, plastics, which are composed of monomers, can sometimes cause an allergic reaction. It is worth noting that now they produce nylon prostheses or Quadrotti, which are made from soft plastics; they do not pose a danger to humans.

An allergy can also occur to a variety of dyes, which are often used in restoration or orthopedics to make the front teeth aesthetically attractive.

What to do if you have an allergic reaction to dentures?

An allergy can appear within a few minutes, or it can develop over several years. But as soon as a reaction appears, the stimulus should be removed immediately. If you have a removable denture, remove it from your mouth immediately. If you have a permanent denture, go to your dentist immediately to have it removed. Treatment should not be delayed, since allergies are difficult to predict, and within a few minutes there can be dire and irreversible consequences.

After the source of the allergy has been eliminated, it is necessary to determine which material the allergic reaction occurred to, since several types of materials are used to create a prosthesis. Allergies cannot be treated, so after the irritant is found, it is necessary to select an appropriate method that will allow you to restore teeth using other materials.

Allergy is a very insidious disease, often lying in wait in the most unexpected situations. And if everyone is already accustomed to such types of allergies as allergies to wool, dust, and various food products, and they do not cause surprise, then an allergy to dental crowns is a more exotic phenomenon, although, unfortunately, it is also not uncommon in the dental world.

Human teeth are not perfect - they may have irregular shapes or other defects, and may also be susceptible to decay.

To solve these problems, dental crowns were invented.

There are cases when people who had a crown were observed in themselves

This does not happen to every second person, but much less often, but you should still keep in mind the possibility of an allergy before deciding on dental implantation.

It is clear that the body’s reaction is caused not by the fact of implantation, but by the material from which the crown is made. People are unique, and allergies sometimes appear unexpectedly, so an allergic reaction can occur to anything and at any time, so people prone to allergies or with weakened immune systems should be extremely careful.

Causes of allergies to crowns

  1. Titanium. Implants are made of titanium, which is known as an inert material, so there can be no allergy to it - this is a scientific fact.
  2. Medicines used for the operation. All types of allergies that arise during dental implantation occur due to a reaction to the medications that were used during the operation, and an allergy is also possible to the materials from which the crown itself is made.
  3. Materials from which the crown is made. A variety of materials are used for crowns: ceramics, all kinds of metal alloys and even plastic, so it can be difficult to determine the cause of the allergy. The fact is that the cause of an allergy can be either a specific material or a single component, for example, a specific metal in an alloy. Consequently, both an allergy to plastic crowns and an allergy to metal-ceramic crowns can occur. Unfortunately, before installing an implant, a person may not even realize that he has such a problem as an allergy to some of the materials of the prosthesis. An allergic reaction usually occurs to nickel, cobalt, chromium, and copper. They are used in the manufacture of inexpensive crowns, as well as for other dental structures and prostheses.
  4. Gold for crowns. Gold is a fairly inert material and is not an allergen, but due to the price, the demand for such prostheses is low.
  5. Ceramics. Due to its composition, ceramics are also considered safe for the body.
  6. Plastic. This material is not considered safe, since plastics may contain various allergenic components. However, more expensive types of plastics do not pose a threat to humans, since they are made from high-quality materials.

Allergy symptoms

  • Redness and swelling of the gums, inner surfaces of the cheeks and tongue.
  • Pain in various parts of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, dryness or, conversely, excessive salivation, unpleasant taste in the mouth, sore throat.
  • Coughing attacks.
  • Rash on the face and hands.
  • Redness of mucous membranes.
  • Swelling on the face.
  • and suffocation.

Treatment of allergies to dental crowns

What should a person do if he got an implant and found out that he is allergic to crowns?

  • Of course, first of all, if the denture is removable, remove it from the mouth. If there is no way to remove it, then take an antihistamine, and then go to the doctor so that he can prescribe treatment. It is important to remember that the reaction can occur quickly, or it can take a long time to develop. In any case, at the slightest sign of an allergy you need to go to a specialist - the consequences of an untreated allergy can be very serious.
  • Allergies can be caused by drugs used during surgery, the weakening of the immune system can also be caused by stress preceding the operation - there are many reasons and it can be difficult to establish the truth.
  • If a person had no allergies before the operation, but after the operation unpleasant symptoms appeared that were in no hurry to go away, then the implant was to blame.

If it is possible to establish that it is the denture that causes the allergy, then it will have to be removed, so when planning an operation, it is better to pay in advance for more expensive and high-quality material than later - for the services of an allergist and a new crown, not to mention the wasted time and nerves.

Video: Allergies in dentistry