Allergy for allergies. Alergyx - it's time to say goodbye to allergies forever. How does Alergyx work on a sick body?

Photo: Allergy medicine Allergonix

These days, a large number of people suffer from various allergic reactions. Poor ecology, pollen blooms, household chemicals and many other factors influence the development of the disease. The anti-allergy drug Allergonix will become a powerful assistant in the fight against the disease. This natural and safe drug contains components of natural origin that do not have a negative effect on the body.

Most modern antihistamines contain many different harmful chemicals, irritate the gastric mucosa, and cause a lot of side effects. The natural remedy Allergonix is ​​a new step in the safe treatment of allergies. The drug does not cause any side effects; it can be used not only by adults, but also by children.

The main advantage of the new product is its natural composition, which does not have a harmful effect on the body. The drug gently removes allergens from the body and blocks the development of an allergic reaction. It copes well with all manifestations of the disease and does not cause side effects.

Due to the natural nature of the product, it can be used by pregnant women. Before treatment, expectant mothers need to consult a specialist doctor. The product is well tolerated by the human body. All its components are quickly absorbed in the oral cavity and penetrate into the tissues and blood. They cleanse the body of allergens. After just a month of using the product, a persistent, long-lasting therapeutic effect is observed.

The product is produced by the manufacturer in drops. It is very easy to use in treating the disease at home. This new product was developed by leading domestic manufacturers who specialize in the production of natural, safe medicines. Allergonix drug:

  • includes only natural ingredients and does not contain harmful toxic substances;
  • is highly effective and quickly eliminates allergies;
  • has a cleansing and restorative effect on the body;
  • can be used for both treatment and prevention.

These drops, as evidenced by reviews of the anti-allergy drug Allergonix, and according to medical experts, have a rapid effect inside the body and provide a long-lasting effect. Today, every patient can afford to purchase this inexpensive, high-quality product.

The new product perfectly cleanses the body of harmful allergens, toxins and waste. Quickly restores the functioning of all systems, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and sugar. By using drops, you will be able to forever forget about lacrimation, stuffy nose, dermatitis and skin rashes. The drug stabilizes the body's metabolism and quickly removes allergens.

Drops after administration are quickly absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. To achieve a better therapeutic effect in case of hypersensitivity, it is recommended not to immediately swallow the medicine in order to improve absorption in the mouth.

After absorption, the active medicinal substances of the drug quickly bind to plasma proteins and are distributed throughout the body. The drug has antihistamine properties and blocks H1 receptors. This reduces allergy symptoms and increases immunity to allergens. Allergonix eliminates all manifestations of allergies. The extracts included in its composition suppress lacrimation, coughing, and sneezing.

The plants included in the composition have a general strengthening and immunostimulating effect. The therapeutic effect is observed very quickly - 5-10 minutes after administration. The highest concentration of active substances in the body is observed after 2 hours. A sustainable therapeutic effect appears on the 5th day of the course. The period of elimination from the body is about 8 – 10 hours. 80% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, 10% is metabolized in the liver.

The natural components of the composition have a moderate cumulative effect, which ensures a prolonged effect.

Unique drops contain the following natural ingredients:

  • useful substances of brine shrimp - crustaceans;
  • violet inflorescences and leaves;
  • yarrow;
  • tansy;
  • marjoram;
  • cowberry;
  • sweet clover;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mulberry;
  • immortelle;
  • chitosan oil;
  • rock oil;
  • badger fat;
  • roots of burdock, mallow, cyanosis, dandelion, horsetail, licorice, elecampane;
  • beaver musk;
  • agaric fruit;
  • chaga;
  • walnut partitions;
  • birch bark;
  • larch.

Photo: ingredients in Allergonix

All of the above ingredients have a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. They stabilize the functioning of the circulatory system, quickly eliminate allergic runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, allergic cough, skin rashes, swelling. Since ancient times, the components of the composition have been used in many ancient recipes of traditional and Chinese medicine to effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

The drug begins to act inside the body within a few minutes after administration. It eliminates itching, burning, skin rashes and gently regenerates the skin. At the same time, plant components saturate the human body with the necessary beneficial bioflavonoids, acids, vitamins and microelements. The use of drops has a beneficial effect on the body's activities. The product normalizes impaired metabolism and eliminates allergies in a short time.

Allergonix was recognized as the best allergy drug in 2016. Drops can be used for any type of allergic reaction. The high effectiveness of this product has been repeatedly proven clinically. Domestic manufacturers have created a natural, safe remedy that in 96% of cases completely eliminates allergies of any kind - food, medications, pollen, pet hair.

More than 1,000 volunteers took part in research and testing of the new development. After just a few days of therapy with drops, people's allergy symptoms completely disappeared. The effectiveness of this drug is due to its natural healing components and is confirmed by quality certificates. The drug is approved for use in the Russian Federation.

The drug is available in 10 ml bottles. The convenient pipette cap makes it very easy to use. Each medicinal package comes with detailed instructions for use from the manufacturer.

The product should be taken 2 drops (drop under the tongue). It is necessary to allow the drops to be absorbed into the mucous membrane. Then the drops are washed down with water.

The drug is taken 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. During this time, metabolism is completely normalized, the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems is restored.

The body is cleansed of harmful toxins, waste and allergens. During the treatment, the allergy goes away and its symptoms are eliminated. The action of the drops is aimed at quickly getting rid of the allergic reaction and recovery.

A large number of doctors recommend drinking the drug as an effective medicine, as well as to prevent allergies. For prevention, it is recommended to start Allergonix approximately 14 days before expected contact with an allergen irritant.

Of course, if this contact can be predicted in advance. It is advisable to drink drops during the off-season periods - spring, autumn.

Drops for prevention should be taken 2 times a day - after waking up or before going to bed in a dosage of 2 drops in pure form. You can drop the drug onto a piece of sugar. Preventive course - 1 month.

When it is impossible to predict in advance contact with an allergen irritant, Allergonix is ​​recommended to be used in therapeutic courses for 3 months, 2 times a year. Dose - 2 drops of medicine 1 time per day before bedtime.

In the treatment of allergies to pollen, household dust and other allergens, the product is taken in a dosage of 4 drops under the tongue once. Next, you need to drink the drug 3 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 3 months.

When H1 receptors are activated, you need to use the product 6 at a time, starting with six drops at a time. Such an allergic reaction is manifested by severe swelling, itching, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.


  • prevention of allergies in the off-season;
  • allergic rash;
  • dermatitis;
  • treatment of allergies of any kind.

The product is approved for use in the treatment of children and pregnant women. Natural ingredients do not have a negative effect on the human body and do not destroy the mucous membranes of the stomach and oral cavity. The naturalness of natural components allows you to safely use drops for long courses.


Due to their natural composition, the drops do not cause side effects and have virtually no contraindications.

Do not use the medicine if you are hypersensitive to the components of the product.

Price in pharmacies and where to buy Allergonix

You should not purchase a new product from a pharmacy chain. This method risks buying a counterfeit, or you can purchase the drug at a very inflated price. It is better to make a purchase of the product on the manufacturer’s official website. This guarantees the purchase of an original, natural and effective product.

Allergonix can be purchased at a pharmacy at a very inflated price, so it is better to make a purchase on the manufacturer’s official website. Placing an order on the online resource is very simple and easy - you need to fill out the product application form.

After some time, the company manager will contact you and clarify the details of the order and delivery of products. By purchasing the drug in this way, you can take part in the ongoing promotion and buy Allergonix drops at a significant discount. This will save money. The site has favorable promotions that allow you to buy the drug at a good discount.

The average price of Allergonix is ​​1,300 rubles, but on the official website the price is much cheaper - 990 rubles.

Poor ecology and the widespread use of food dyes in food products are multiplying the number of allergy patients today. People with allergies suffer during a certain period, while others are forced to follow a diet or avoid contact with pets.

A new development - natural and safe Allergonix drops will help bypass restrictions in case of illness. The drug effectively fights various types of allergies. The product quickly removes harmful allergens and toxins - substances that provoke an attack. The use of the drug Allergonix helps prevent complications of an allergic reaction.

A sick person will no longer have to constantly take chemical tablets all the time - natural and safe drops guarantee a quick recovery. The drug can be used for preventive purposes for 3 months.

Once you start taking this effective allergy medicine, it won't take long to improve your overall health. You cannot ignore an allergic reaction and threatening symptoms. The progression of the disease can greatly harm the body. The accumulation of allergens will increase symptoms and discomfort, which means it will take more time to combat the disease. You should not hesitate to prevent and treat allergies.

For many, allergies become more than just a disease. It can create difficulties in your social, professional and even personal life. People suffering from these problems in the body have to limit themselves in many ways. This is expressed in the selection of materials for clothing, the inability to have a pet, problems in the spring season and many other inconveniences that plague a person throughout life.

All these negative manifestations can be overcome! The new unique Allergyx product was developed specifically to combat allergies and is a drop based on natural medicinal plants. With them you can not only get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also forget about it forever!

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Who is suitable for Alergyx drops?

Allergy symptoms are familiar to many. But, unfortunately, not everyone tries to immediately take care of their health and see a doctor for treatment. The result is constant unpleasant companions of the disease, such as:

  • swelling of the face, limbs and body;
  • skin rashes;
  • cough;
  • scratching and constant itching;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion and swelling;
  • difficulty breathing.

All this causes a lot of inconvenience and returns with improper treatment based on eliminating symptoms. However, if the root cause of the allergy is not eliminated and the improper functioning of the immune system is ignored, it can lead to more serious consequences:

  • chronic eczema, manifested in the form of purulent rashes on the body;
  • asthma - breathing problems and the need to constantly have an inhaler with you;
  • hemolytic anemia - decrease in vitality and performance of the body;
  • anaphylactic shock is an acute reaction to an allergen that develops rapidly and leads to death within a few minutes.

Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, you should start working on your body now. And Alergix drops will help you with this.

What is the drug?

Allergix is ​​a unique biogenic remedy containing extracts and native extracts of natural medicinal plants. The active substances contained below contribute to changes in the internal processes of the body, as a result of which the reaction of immune cells to allergens changes. The functioning of the endocrine, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems and human skin is stabilized. Bioactive micelles are not subjected to aggressive processing, which preserves their beneficial properties, allows them to most effectively penetrate the cellular structure of the blood and have a complex effect on the body when an allergic reaction occurs. The drops have a targeted effect on hypersensitivity to allergy triggers and related symptoms.

Benefits of allergy drops

The drug passed all mandatory clinical tests with the participation of volunteers. All patients, after undergoing the required course of treatment under the supervision of doctors, had positive results. The general well-being improved, the manifestations of the immune system's reaction to allergens decreased, even if they were quite acute before taking the drops. No side effects were found, which once again proves the harmlessness of the medicine to the body in the fight against allergies. A large number of positive reviews about Alergyx were collected from subjects who subsequently recommended the drops to their friends and relatives.

Compared to chemical antihistamines, Alergyx allergy drops have a number of advantages:

  • Just one course of treatment eliminates allergies forever.
  • Unlike conventional drugs, the cause of the disease is removed, not the symptoms.
  • The biogenic agent acts comprehensively, restoring the body's metabolic processes.
  • Does not contain hormones, genetically modified products and harmful chemicals.
  • The drops have a completely natural composition, based on native plant extracts.
  • Has no side effects. Can be used even for children.
  • Can be used without a prescription.
  • Strengthens natural defenses against penetration of irritants.

The composition of the product is based on natural ingredients

Alergyx drops contain biogenic substances that help reduce allergic reactions to irritants and normalize the functioning of the body's internal systems.

Ingredients of the drug Pharmacological properties
Biogenic complex of henbane, datura and violet Eliminates inflammatory processes, improves metabolic processes of the skin
Complex of cyanosis, henbane and hyssop in biogenic form Improves the removal of mucus during the main symptoms of allergies, such as mucous discharge from the nose, cough, eliminates infections and spasmodic manifestations
Native extracts of bergenia roots and wild rosemary flowers They promote the release of histamine, improve vascular tone, increase their elasticity, normalize blood circulation and renew blood cells.
Bioextracts of string, corn silk, ginger Neutralizes antigens for allergies, neutralizes toxins
Lofant anise Eliminates the reaction of immune cells to the introduced allergen, removes it from the circulatory and lymphatic systems
Yarrow extract plus native licorice extract Reduce the risk of developing asthma symptoms, eliminate asthmatic manifestations in the bronchi that have an allergic basis
Biogenic zyuznik, cordyceps Normalizes the body's reaction to allergens

How does Allergix work, how to use it

The course of use of the drug is 10-15 days. Each of the three age categories requires its own dose of medication:

  • Children from three to six years old. A 10-day course is expected. Dilute three drops of the product in 2 tbsp. l. water. Take before meals three times a day. The recommended treatment time is 3 repetitions with an interval of a week.
  • From seven to twelve years. For 2 tablespoons, five drops of the drug, drink three times a day before meals for ten days. The recommended duration of use is 3 approaches with an interval of a week.
  • Children over twelve years old and adults. Ten drops of Allergyx per 2 tablespoons, drink three times a day in between meals for 15 days. The recommended quantity is three approaches with an interval of a week.

The instructions included with Alergyx drops contain detailed information about the composition of the drug, recommended doses, and how to use Alergyx to obtain the most effective results.

After taking the course, the functioning of the immune system is normalized, the lymph, blood and liver are cleansed of waste and toxins. The inflammatory reaction to allergy triggers is eliminated. Individual intolerance to individual components is possible.

Reviews from those who have already experienced the drops in action

Elizaveta Smirnova, 25 years old, St. Petersburg:

When I was little, I lived in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and never suffered from allergies. When I graduated from school, I moved to St. Petersburg to study and it started there. The snot flowed constantly and did not plan to stop. At first I thought it was a cold and over-acclimation, but after a month of such suffering, I realized that it was an allergy. At first I tried to take antihistamines, but they didn’t last long, and I developed an addiction quickly. Then I got tired of it and started looking for something more effective. I accidentally came across Alergix on the Internet. At first, I thought for a long time whether Alergyx was a scam or not, but I was attracted by the opportunity to completely recover from allergies. And it really helped in just two weeks. I was just in seventh heaven! Thanks to the compilers.

Lopyrev Kirill, 19 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

I have suffered from an allergy to book dust since childhood. Because of this, my mother had to store all the books in the pantry. When I graduated and got a job in an office, my life turned into a nightmare. Constant work with archives and papers forced me to consume more and more anti-allergy drugs. A work colleague felt sorry for me and said that he had heard about a drug that not only relieves symptoms, but also treats allergies. He sent me the link. I thought for a long time whether the information about Alergyx would be true or a hoax. However, I decided that things couldn’t get any worse and placed an order. To my surprise, the drug really helped me get rid of allergies. Now at least you can work.

Minina Anastasia, 39 years old, Krasnodar:

I bought Allergyx for my daughter. She is only five years old, but she was born very weak and her immunity is quite low. Therefore, a slightly unusual environment or food, she immediately develops an allergy in the form of a rash. In especially severe cases, the throat swells and she begins to choke. I could no longer look at her suffering and I began to look for a way to get rid of the cause of my allergies. Purchasing Alergix saved us from many problems. Now my daughter lives and enjoys life and the world around her. Some may say that the price of Alergyx is high, but trust me, it is worth it.

Experts' opinions

Shishkov Andrey, allergist, leading specialist:

“An increasing number of people are suffering from allergic problems, and the numbers are disappointing. At the moment, the number of allergy sufferers reaches 40% of the total population. And the only thing that can be done is to give the opportunity to correct the situation using the most gentle methods. Moreover, children also suffer from increased sensitization of the immune system. Natural Allergyx drops have become a real breakthrough in the field of medicine, as they allow patients not only to get rid of annoying allergy symptoms, but also to completely eliminate the root of the problem.”

Kulichikhin Sergey, allergist:

“Most of my patients are forced to use conventional antihistamines, which can only temporarily weaken the reaction of immune cells to an allergen that has entered the body. More expensive medications can last a little longer, but they also need to be purchased regularly. With the advent of Alergyx drops, I can be sure that they will be able to cope with the hated disease with minimal cost. After all, it is much more profitable to buy a natural drug with a guaranteed prolonged effect once than to constantly use a temporary solution. Therefore, now I can be sure that they will get rid of allergies once and for all, without fear of the risk of developing more dangerous diseases.”





Alergyx drops will help get rid of allergies and their manifestations, reduce the body's reaction to irritants and restore all important vital processes disrupted by allergic symptoms.

By taking this remedy, the allergic person finally gets the opportunity to live calmly and not suffer: there are no more rashes on his skin, he can breathe easily and freely, his nose is not stuffy, and his stomach is not upset. The quality of life without allergies and its symptoms improves significantly!

Allergic forms

Allergy is the body's increased sensitivity to certain irritants, that is, allergens.

Sometimes allergens are formed in the body itself - in this case they are called autoallergens, which can be:

  • natural (tissue proteins that are separated from the immune system);
  • acquired (proteins with foreign properties).

Thus, some diseases, such as rheumatism, hypothyroidism and the same arthritis, may well cause allergic reactions.

Doctors rightly call allergies “the disease of the century” - at least 85 percent of the population currently suffers from it.

The essence of the problem lies in the inadequate reaction of the human body to the allergen that has entered it.

Naturally, it is necessary to know the main symptoms of allergies in order to promptly realize what is happening and provide proper assistance to the allergic person.

The individuality of the disease is expressed in the fact that allergens are different for everyone: it can be pollen, dust, cat hair, and so on.

Allergies are the basis of many diseases, including dermatitis, bronchial asthma, infectious diseases, urticaria, and so on.

Recently, more and more people are suffering from this manifestation. Why is this happening? Perhaps, not least, due to the increased consumption of chemical products, which negatively affect the human body and contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Causes and symptoms of allergies

The forms and symptoms of allergies can be different. Sometimes they can be mistaken for signs of other diseases.

According to the form and symptoms, allergies are as follows:

  • Respiratory - an allergen (pollen, dust, some kind of gas) enters a person’s breath. Its main manifestations include sneezing, runny nose, itching inside the nasal cavity, severe coughing, wheezing in the lungs, and suffocation. The components that cause this reaction are also called aeroallergens. Allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma are considered as the main manifestations.
  • Dermatosis - this allergy is accompanied by skin irritations and rashes. It can be caused by certain foods, the use of cosmetics, household chemicals and even medications. Allergic manifestations include skin redness, itching, dry skin and flaking, swelling, blisters and eczema.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis - in this case, the organs of vision are primarily affected. Among the manifestations, it should be noted a burning sensation in the eyes, the appearance of swelling, and tearing.
  • Enteropathy - allergies are caused by certain foods or medications. Essentially, this is a reaction of the gastrointestinal tract, which can manifest itself as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes constipation), swelling in the mouth, and intestinal colic.
  • Anaphylactic shock - considered the most dangerous allergy, is provoked by a variety of factors - for example, an insect bite or taking medications. The development of an allergic reaction can be immediate or last several hours. Among the manifestations, it is necessary to note sudden shortness of breath, the presence of convulsions, the appearance of a rash, urination, which occurs involuntarily, nausea with vomiting and defecation. The presence of such symptoms should not be ignored.

Several factors should be noted that contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions:

  • smoking;
  • nature of nutrition and its changes;
  • intestinal microflora;
  • external unfavorable factors;
  • stressful conditions;
  • hormonal contraceptives.

Most modern drugs, unfortunately, only eliminate the signs of allergies, but do not directly treat the cause of the disease. As a result, allergy sufferers soon have to deal with the “old” problems again.

Fortunately, scientists were able to develop special Alergyx drops, thanks to which they can not only rid themselves of all the torment that allergic reactions bring to a person, but also completely cure allergies.

Functions of drops

Those who want to buy the most effective allergy remedy should choose Alergyx. This drug successfully copes with the following functions:

  • reduces the body's sensitivity to a variety of allergens;
  • relieves allergic reactions;
  • removes allergens from the blood;
  • improves the elasticity of vascular walls, increases tone;
  • improves metabolic processes in the skin;
  • has a positive effect on blood circulation, promotes the growth of blood cells;
  • eliminates asthmatic changes in the bronchi;
  • helps remove mucus during an allergic cough;
  • successfully fights spasms;
  • protects the body from infectious diseases;
  • neutralizes toxins;
  • strengthens the immune system
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • restores the functions of organs and vital systems impaired by allergies;
  • delivers many beneficial microelements to the body.

With such a remedy, no allergies become scary. There is nothing surprising in the lack of negative reviews about Alergyx. After people manage to get rid of diseases that have tormented them for a long time, they are more than satisfied.

Efficiency without a doubt

Due to the fact that allergy sufferers are already accustomed to drugs that can only achieve short-term results in terms of combating allergies, at first they reacted to the appearance of this new product with a certain degree of skepticism.

Scam or not Alergyx? - this is what buyers are interested in, who want to cure the disease once and for all, but have not yet experienced this remedy.

Well, first of all, they should get acquainted with the doctors' reviews about Alergyx. Medical experts emphasize not only the high effectiveness of the drops, but also confirm the safety of their use, since no side effects are observed after use.

No less important are the opinions of allergy sufferers who tried this drug and were able to get rid of allergies, even if they had previously been unable to cope with the disease using any other means.

When answering the question whether Alergyx is a scam or true, it should be noted that this product has certificates, that is, documents confirming its excellent quality and safety. It goes without saying that such documentation is not just distributed. To obtain it, special verification tests were carried out, and the drops passed successfully.

In general, you need to test the product through personal experience, and all possible doubts will disappear after the first positive results.

Features of the composition

What contributes to such effectiveness of this drug? First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition of Alergyx, which contains only natural ingredients and does not contain any chemical additives:

  • Anise lofant - helps remove allergens and toxic elements from the blood, copes with allergic reactions.
  • Bergenia root, as well as wild rosemary, improve the tone of blood vessels, increase the elasticity of their walls, have a positive effect on blood circulation, accelerating cellular growth, and relieve inflammatory processes.
  • Elecampane, licorice and yarrow - eliminate asthmatic changes in the bronchi, improve breathing.
  • Cyanosis, henbane and hyssop - help remove mucus from an allergic cough or runny nose, eliminate spasms and protect the body from infections.
  • Corn silk, ginger and string - bioextracts from these plant crops neutralize the dangerous effects of toxins and fight the influence of medicinal antigens.
  • Cordyceps and sage - help the immune system respond to antigens.
  • Henbane, violets and dope - promote metabolic processes in the skin, relieve inflammation.

The overall effect of all these components on the human body is positive and healing. The functioning of many organs improves, the endocrine, nervous and immune systems begin to function better, and many problems related to the health of the gastrointestinal tract are solved.

Correct Application

Of course, you need to learn how to use Alergyx, because only correct use of the drug will help achieve not only effective, but also positive results.

Fortunately, users should not have any difficulties. Even in the recent past, it would have been impossible to think that allergies could be cured so simply and easily. It was only possible to get rid of allergic reactions for a short period of time.

In the case of this remedy, it is possible to achieve a really long-lasting effect.

Operation of the product involves performing the following actions:

  • prepare 50 milliliters of water (about 3 tablespoons);
  • drop a little of this product there (ten drops are enough);
  • drink three times a day;
  • take the product daily for 15 days.

In principle, any beginner can cope with this, even if they have never had to deal with allergies before. No medical assistance is required.

It is important to note that there are no contraindications to the use of the product. In rare cases, people experience personal intolerance to certain components: then it is better to consult with your doctor before use.

It is necessary to understand that only a course of use will help to completely normalize the activity of the immune system in response to allergens, rid the body of allergic reactions and cleanse it of accumulated toxins.

Allergonix is ​​a new generation drug for allergies and hypersensitivity. It has shown high effectiveness in combating the manifestations of seasonal hypersensitivity and allergies of general etiology in terms of relieving symptoms and influencing the root cause of the pathology in order to minimize the likelihood of relapses.

Composition and release form of the drug "Allergonix"

The drug Allergonix is ​​available in the form of drops in a bottle with a medicine volume of 10 ml. Used for oral administration as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent.

Composition of the drug

  • Extracts of medicinal plants: licorice, violet, burdock root, brine shrimp, horsetail, lingonberry, chaga, yarrow, elecampane, chitosan and so on. They have a complex effect on the human body.
  • Excipients: badger fat, liquid base.

Pharmacological action of the drug "Allergonix"

Allergonix drops in a volume of approximately 80% through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and in a volume of approximately 20% through the oral mucosa. To achieve the best therapeutic effect when symptoms of hypersensitivity or allergy are localized in the head and nasopharynx (lacrimation, sneezing, coughing, etc.), it is recommended not to immediately swallow the drug to increase the volume of absorption through the oral cavity.

After absorption, the active ingredients of the Allergonix drug create strong bonds with plasma proteins, which contribute to their distribution throughout the body. The priority of action is related to the antihistamine properties associated with blocking H1 receptors. This reduces the manifestation of general symptoms of allergies and contributes to the development of tolerance of the human immune system to the effects of irritants. Allergonix also allows you to directly influence the most common symptoms (for example, licorice extract allows you to moderately suppress the cough center).

In general, the medicinal plants included in the preparation have a general strengthening and immunomodulatory effect. The therapeutic effect begins 5-10 minutes after taking the recommended therapeutic dose. The highest concentration of active substances in the body is observed two hours after administration. A stable therapeutic effect is observed on the fifth day of the treatment or prophylactic course. The half-life is 8 – 10 hours. Up to 80% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys. Approximately 10% is metabolized by the liver.

Considering the naturalness of the components, in this case the desirability of a moderate cumulative effect is noted, which is approximately 7% and allows you to consolidate and prolong the therapeutic effect.

Indications for use, route of administration and dosage

  • As a prophylactic Allergonix for allergies or hypersensitivity, it is recommended to start approximately two weeks before the expected contact with irritants, if it is possible to predict this contact. For example, this is advisable before the onset of the off-season period in spring and autumn. Apply twice a day - after waking up or before going to bed in a dosage of 2 drops in pure form, on a piece of sugar or with water. The course of prophylaxis is one month.
  • As a prophylactic agent without the ability to predict contact with expected irritants in the presence of allergies or hypersensitivity to them, “Allergonix” is recommended to be used in three-month therapeutic courses twice a year. The dosage is 2 drops of the drug once a day before bedtime.
  • As a therapeutic drug allergonix anti-allergy remedy, associated with obvious irritants (pollen, household dust, etc.) is taken when symptoms appear: 4 drops under the tongue once and then three drops three times a day until stable remission occurs, but not more than 3 months.
  • As a therapeutic agent for allergies associated with activation of H1 receptors, application It is advisable to start with six drops once and then follow the treatment regimen given in the previous paragraph. Allergic reactions of this type are manifested in most cases by severe swelling, itching, redness, difficulty breathing, and so on.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Allergonix" and overdose

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. No cases of overdose have been identified.

Advantages of the drug "Allergonix"

  • Naturalness of the drug components. It can be used by both adults and children without adjusting the dosage and duration of treatment.
  • A complex general strengthening effect on the human body with a tendency to activate the capabilities of the immune system to reduce the risk of relapse of the disease.

Allergies have become such a common disease that it is difficult to find a person who does not exhibit at least some signs of it. The immune system becomes increasingly weaker, which leads to an inadequate response of the body to external and internal stimuli. Once in the body, the allergen behaves as a provocateur. The result is unpleasant itching, rashes, and sometimes suffocation, which can be fatal. The herbal remedy Alergyx will help you overcome allergies, which you can buy to relieve symptoms, treat a disease or prevent it and generally strengthen the body.

Why are allergies becoming so common and dangerous?

There is a surge in allergies every year. There are more and more patients. Medicines that could previously help the patient turn out to be ineffective and useless. All this happens for various reasons. One of them is associated with a sharp deterioration of the environmental situation in the world. That is why in highly developed countries the manifestation of an allergic reaction to various components is more noticeable.

Heredity is also among the factors that are considered when studying the causes of the disease. If parents had hypersensitivity to any drug, product, or chemical, then most likely their children will also suffer from the same unpleasant reactions. Sometimes the hereditary mechanism of disease transmission does not appear in the first generation, but after several.

The deterioration of the allergy is noticeable immediately. The first signs of an allergen entering the body or close contact with it are:

These symptoms often lead to misdiagnosis. Instead of visiting a dermatologist, the patient begins to treat the gastrointestinal tract, colds, and this only aggravates the disease and can lead to more serious complications:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • serum sickness;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis.

But the safe natural drug Alergyx, which overcomes allergies and strengthens the body, will help both children and adults cope with the first manifestations of the disease and quickly stop its spread.

What are Alergyx drops?

The biogenic drug Alergyx helps fight allergy symptoms from the first days of treatment. The sooner you start taking the drug, the faster the result will be achieved, and there will be no trace of the symptoms. The manufacturer guarantees complete recovery to any patient who has completed the full course of therapy, which lasts 3 to 4 weeks, although an improvement in the condition is noticeable from the first days.

The drug Allergix is ​​used to treat all forms and types of allergies, as well as for prevention. As a result, pleasant changes occur in the body:

  • all symptoms of the disease disappear;
  • the body is completely cleansed of toxins and allergens accumulated in various organs;
  • allergic dermatitis goes away;
  • the general condition of the patient improves;
  • metabolic processes are restored.

This product also has a number of undeniable advantages and advantages over other drugs, which are also recommended by doctors and pharmacists to combat allergic manifestations. The advantages of these drops:

  • Alergyx acts quickly from the first day of use;
  • recommended for home use;
  • sold without a doctor's prescription;
  • natural composition;
  • has no contraindications;
  • does not have a harmful effect on the stomach and liver;
  • permitted for children.

How does Alergyx work on a sick body?

Allergix drops have an effect not only on the symptoms of the disease, temporarily removing them and thereby alleviating the patient’s condition, but also remove all allergen irritants from the body, cleansing it.

The effectiveness of the treatment was proven by clinical tests that were carried out over 8 years both in dermatological clinics and at home on volunteers. Not only have we received wonderful reviews from those who have recovered from the disease, but the effectiveness of the drug has also been proven:

  1. Once in the body, the drug Alergyx blocks all H1 receptors, eliminates the root cause of the disease, searching for toxins at the cellular level.
  2. Under the influence of drops, the allergen is destroyed, and thanks to the presence of “smart cells” in the preparation, it is eliminated.
  3. A course of medication leads to strengthening the immune system and restoring the body to its original healthy state.

A person who has completed a full course of therapy will no longer feel inferior or deprived of anything, because his illness will now be a thing of the past.

Composition of Alergyx

Only natural raw materials in the form of extracts and native extracts are used in the composition of Alergyx drops. The recipe for the drug was first obtained several centuries ago. They were silent about it for some time, but today pharmacists, based on that formula, have created a unique product called Alergix. It helps to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of the most annoying skin disease, penetrating into the cellular structure.

The composition of the medicine includes:

  • Burdock roots to relieve itching of the skin and relieve swelling.
  • Dandelion herb is involved in cleansing cells of toxins, relieves congestion in the nasal passages, and fights bronchial asthma.
  • An extract from Artemia helps strengthen the immune system, which leads to the cessation of allergic reactions to drugs or other components of the natural environment.
  • Walnut septums are considered a strong antihistamine that can remove toxins.
  • Violet herb has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces the risk of stress, which often provokes an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Yarrow herb cleanses the body of allergens and neutralizes irritants.
  • Beaver musk has a high anti-allergenic effect.
  • Stone oil restores the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Badger fat is involved in the normalization of metabolic processes.

How to drink Alergyx drops: instructions for using the medicine

Before you start drinking Alergix drops, take a few minutes to study the instructions for use. The article provides only informational information about the medicine, explains some points, and the instructions give specific recommendations for taking the drops. It also indicates the dosage, interactions with other medications, storage conditions, contraindications for use, side effects and much more.

The course of treatment lasts 3 - 4 weeks. All this time, the medicine is taken according to the regimen presented in the instructions. The patient's age and the severity of the disease should be taken into account. In some cases, it is better to calculate the dosage of the drug with your doctor.

Buy Alergyx - conquer allergies!

Are you scared to smell a blossoming flower? Are you afraid to have a tiny kitten in your house? Does allergies prevent you from feeling like a full-fledged person and living a normal life? Alergix is ​​the most modern and affordable remedy for combating all allergic reactions to a wide variety of irritants: food, pollen, odors, liquids. Buying Alergyx means defeating the disease and all its external and internal manifestations forever:

  • on the skin: urticaria, blisters, rash, itching;
  • on the eyes: tearing, swelling of the eyelids, redness;
  • in the mouth: swelling of the mucous membranes, enlargement of the tongue;
  • in the respiratory tract: prolonged wheezing, difficulty breathing, spasms, asthma attacks;
  • in the nose: stuffiness, mucus secretion;
  • in the gastrointestinal tract: burning, irritation, diarrhea.

You can only order Alergix drops online, although they should soon go on public sale in pharmacies, where they can also be purchased at the price set by the manufacturer.

Reviews from specialists or opinions of doctors and doctors about the drug Alergyx for allergies

Alexander Viktorovich Skorobogatov, allergist:

More than 75% of people, and according to some statistics this is about 90%, experience allergies. For some, these are barely noticeable reactions (short-term sneezing, watery eyes), while others develop a crusty rash, blisters, or suffocate. In any case, this disease must be treated as quickly as possible. Help is considered especially effective when the first signs of illness appear. Alergyx drops are considered effective. Many of my patients are already drinking them, who were not afraid and were not too lazy to order the drug via the Internet. Based on the results obtained and reviews, I concluded that this drug should become not only an ambulance for patients, but also an affordable drug so that everyone can use it in cases of need.

Elvira Nikolaevna Parfuzina, allergist:

Despite the fact that I already have a long career and decent experience, I am constantly interested in all the new products that appear in our industry. I recently came across a natural allergy medicine - Alergyx drops. At first I was wary, since the producers praised it very much. And then I decided to check it myself. First I studied the composition. Having found nothing dangerous, I decided to offer it to several patients. She asked everyone to come back for an appointment in a month. The surprise was boundless, as were the enthusiastic reviews of patients who were cured of their ailments, although everyone had completely different manifestations of the disease and the causes of its occurrence. Now I recommend it to everyone who values ​​high-quality treatment and knows that it is not a pity to pay the mentioned price for it.

True reviews from those already using drops to treat allergies! Do they help or not?

Irina Dadonova, 38 years old, Serpukhov:

I suffered from seasonal allergies for many years. When everyone was rejoicing at the first rays of the sun, I was horrified by the anticipation of meeting the pollen of early flowering plants. When the disease worsened, I wore a mask around the city, but this did not save me from problems. So, apparently, I would have suffered all my life if I had not found out about Alergyx drops. I started drinking them at the end of winter to carry out prevention. I took the medicine, but somehow I didn’t fully believe that everything would be wonderful. It turns out that spring became a joy for me because my body was no longer afraid of pollen. Of course, I don’t risk bringing bouquets home yet, but I walk the streets like everyone else. I can sit on a bench in the park, and if I want, I wander along the alleys and breathe fresh air.

Oksana Vorozheikina, 43 years old, Voronezh:

I have been allergic to citrus fruits all my life. But you want exactly what is forbidden. As soon as I ate a slice of orange, a small rash appeared on the cheeks and rashes in the mouth on the mucous membranes. But sometimes you don’t eat this very slice, but out of ignorance you consume a dessert that contains this product in the composition. But I overcame my misfortune, as I recently completed a course of treatment with Alergyx drops. I don’t know what’s special about this drug, but a miracle happened. I am no longer afraid to eat my favorite fruits. True, I don’t consume kilograms, but I eat within reason.

Yuri Vaisalov, 64 years old, Kaliningrad:

I'm allergic to cold. As soon as frost starts, I suffer, I’m afraid to leave the house. This never happened before; the disease appeared after 60 years. The doctor told me to undergo preventative treatment before winter using the drug Alergyx. Everything is fine. I feel great. My wife says that this psychological confidence helps. Maybe so, but next year I will again strengthen my immune system on the eve of frost.

Marina Karymsakova, 56 years old, Vologda:

I don’t know how many medications I’ve taken in my life for allergies. But it bothered me so much that I had no strength. And also strict diets, where everything is limited. Sometimes it seems, why does she need such a life when everything itches and itches? My daughter-in-law saved me. She ordered the drug Alergix for me online. She said that the price was decent, the reviews were good, the composition was natural, so it would help cope with my long-standing illness. For the first 2 weeks I took drops, but did not believe in recovery because I did not observe any changes. And then I saw that there was no rash, nothing was itching anywhere, and I stopped being nervous. In 3 days I finish the course of treatment, I don’t think everything will come back.

Where to buy (order) Alergyx - a remedy for allergies?

You can order Alergyx for allergies by clicking on your country button below!