How to prepare aloe for a long time. Tips on how to store cut aloe in the refrigerator. Preparation of nectar for long-term storage

The healing properties of aloe have been used since ancient Egypt. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle knew about the possibility of preserving it for a long time. On his advice, the famous commander Alexander the Great conquered the island and ordered his soldiers to prepare for future use the leaves of the plant that grew abundantly on it.

They did not spoil for several months. This helped soldiers relieve pain and heal wounds received in battle faster. How to store aloe in the refrigerator in modern conditions?

First you need to prepare the raw materials. It is necessary to cut the leaves so that there is no damage to them that would cause the fleshy, juicy tissue to dry out.

Advice: before harvesting leaves for future use, you should limit watering the plant for 10 days. When removing them, it is better not to cut them off, but to twist the leaves, preserving the bases. Parts of the sheet should be large - from the bottom or middle row. Harvesting is recommended to be done in winter or early spring.

Types of aloe

Leaves, freshly squeezed or condensed juice of the plant are used for treatment. There are about 500 species of aloe, the name of which translates as “bitter,” but usually 2 popular and useful ones are grown on the windowsill:

  • Aloe vera (agave) - an exotic, low plant with fleshy, succulent leaves full of gel liquid that grow straight in all directions from the very base. It is convenient to cut them lengthwise. They have dark thorns. For cosmetic purposes for external use, it must be used with great caution, because when it comes into contact with sensitive skin, it causes a reaction similar to a nettle burn. It’s not for nothing that in the old days they were used instead of iodine.
  • Agave (tree aloe) - higher, has a trunk from which leaves extend like branches, they always have green thorns, the ends bend down.

Both plants are now grown indoors, are easy to maintain, do not require much care, and are home healers, always ready to help.

Interestingly, just 6 years ago, scientists from the Italian Scientific Institute of Venice, based on the results of their research, proved that aloe grown at home is not only no worse than its natural relative, but is also almost 200% healthier! If you urgently need to treat a wound, burn, insect bite, abscess, etc., just tear off part of the leaf, knead it and apply it, securing it to the sore area.

For treatment, a plant that is at least 3 years old is used, preferably a five-year-old plant that has gained full life-giving power.

Preservation of leafy raw materials

However, storing in the refrigerator for 2 weeks enhances the healing powers of aloe precisely because of the low temperature. This is necessary for the accumulation of biostimulating active substances, so certain rules should be followed - how to store aloe leaves:

  • It is better not to wash the leaves, wipe with a slightly damp cloth and dry with paper.
  • Wrap it entirely in paper, preferably dark paper or foil, so that you get a tube with open ends. An option could be cling film or a plastic container with an airtight lid. In this case, oxidative air contact will be excluded.
  • The packed leaves are stored on the bottom shelf or door of the refrigerator, where it is dry, cool and dark. At a lower temperature, the disadvantage of thawing will be increased wateriness and partial loss of the beneficial properties of aloe.
  • Whole sheets or cut into pieces can be dried in a shaded, well-ventilated area.

To obtain the medicine, the leaves are removed from storage and washed with boiled water. They can be used either fresh or by preparing juice, drops, tincture, masks, balms, etc. You can grind them with a chopper, meat grinder, food processor or juicer. To prepare the juice, the leaves are squeezed manually or using machinery.

To obtain juice, pre-soak the crushed leaves in water in a ratio of 1:3 and keep in the dark for an hour and a half. Then squeeze out the juice and strain.

Preservation of aloe juice

To obtain the drug for treatment yourself, you need to know: how to store aloe juice at home. Long-term use requires preservation; you can do it yourself. As an option, take part of the medical alcohol and the same amount of freshly squeezed aloe juice. The filtered juice or pulp is poured into sterilized containers (made of dark glass) with sterile lids. The lids are sealed and put into the refrigerator.

If the extract was purchased at a pharmacy, it can be stored in a dark, cool place, and after opening - in the refrigerator.

Avoid exposure to air, the oxidative process of which destroys the bactericidal qualities of aloe juice.

Another option for homemade, alcohol-free canning is sweet. Mix aloe juice and liquid honey in equal parts, pour into a dark glass container and refrigerate. You can drink it after 4 days.

Condensed aloe juice, boiled and evaporated until dry, is another way to preserve its healing properties. In the form of bars or powder, it is placed in dark glass or tin jars that are sealed tightly. A tincture is also made from it.

Ointment for external use preserves the properties of aloe juice with the help of vegetable oil.

Ways to preserve aloe:

Form Storage location Term
Leaves in the freezer — 5 G.
Application any in the refrigerator 0 1 m.
internal +4 — +8 21 days
Dried leaves In cloth or paper bags + 18 2 years
Juice, cake, gruel, gel in the refrigerator 0 3 days
Juice On alcohol +4 — +8 G.
With honey 1/2 g.
With vegetable oil
Condensed G.

Knowing that aloe can be stored in various ways, it is easier to choose an accessible one, depending on the purpose, conditions, shelf life, and form of the product. Then, following the dosage recommendations, taking into account contraindications, you can be friends with your home doctor, improving your health.

Agave is used in folk medicine. In order not to lose its beneficial properties, it is important to know how to store aloe in the refrigerator and how to use it. The product is stored raw as juice or mixture. With the right technology, aloe lasts from 3 days to a year.

Cut aloe can be stored for a long time

Useful properties of the plant

The cut leaves are used as an anti-inflammatory natural product. It is known for its bactericidal effect. Used to treat purulent wounds or trophic ulcers. In addition, agave extract improves metabolism. The remedy is used for gastritis and stomach diseases.

Aloe is stored in the refrigerator. At room temperature, the product quickly deteriorates. But how long does aloe retain its beneficial properties? On average, cut leaves can be used within two weeks, and prepared mixtures can be stored for up to 2-3 months. If they are properly diluted, the shelf life will increase to a year.

Storage methods

How best to store and process aloe leaves: beneficial properties are preserved in both fresh extract and condensed juice. Leaves that are at least 3 years old are used for harvesting: they contain the maximum amount of useful components. Do not use a natural product that has suffered from disease or has begun to fade. It will last less in the refrigerator and will spoil quickly. You cannot add chemicals or other natural plant components to agave juice (this tincture will spoil faster).

Cut leaves can be processed into juice, made into a mixture, or stored unprocessed. Each workpiece has its own storage technology. Aloe extract can be used both internally and externally, so its quality needs to be monitored. If it begins to develop dark spots or change color, it is dangerous to use.


The product is processed immediately after pruning; if this is delayed, the leaves will quickly deteriorate and become unusable. Long-term storage requires absence of sunlight. This is the first factor that shortens the shelf life of the natural extract. All useful substances stored in the mixture are destroyed under the influence of the sun.

Cold is an important condition so that the juice does not spoil prematurely. Like any other natural medicine, aloe extract needs a temperature no higher than 5-8oC

Another important factor is vacuum. All preparations are tightly closed until use. If these conditions are not met, the natural product will quickly deteriorate and cannot be used for medicinal purposes.

Preparing the leaves

The easiest way to store aloe leaves. They do not need to be further processed or diluted. To obtain the juice of the plant, before grinding, the leaves are kept in the refrigerator for several days (preferably at least 2 weeks). This procedure will help extract all the beneficial substances and vitamins from the product.

To store leaves you will need:

  • carefully cut off the leaves (you cannot cut off old or damaged ones);
  • rinse the product with running water;
  • using dry wipes, dry the leaves thoroughly;
  • Wrap the product in cling film so that there is no access to air.

This package is placed in the refrigerator. It is better to store the leaves on the door, where the temperature is higher than in the freezer. To preserve the beneficial substances, it will take no more than 14 days, after which the aloe leaves must be consumed or processed into a product.

The sheet should be thoroughly cleaned before storage.

Preparing juice

Aloe juice is prepared for short-term storage. It is suitable for use for no more than 2-3 days. After preparing the juice, you need to strain it. It is important that the mixture is uniform, thick and transparent. Fresh juice is poured into a dark-colored bottle (glass or plastic). Such a product can be stored for no more than 3 days, otherwise it can cause a severe allergic reaction (when used externally) or poisoning (used as a medicine).

Freezing will help extend the shelf life of the juice. To do this, the juice is diluted with alcohol or another component. Honey or oil is also used as a preservative. This mixture can also be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. After defrosting, the juice should be consumed immediately.

Alcohol tincture

For storage for future use (for preparations for several months or years), you need to prepare an alcohol tincture. Agave juice is mixed in equal parts with pure medical alcohol. The tincture is poured into a dark glass container: light or plastic containers are not suitable for such purposes.

The bottle is tightly closed with a lid so that the juice does not react with air. The tincture should be stored at a temperature from +4 to +8°C. The shelf life ranges from six months to a year. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the top film of the juice; if it darkens or becomes covered with bubbles, the storage technology is broken, the juice should be thrown away.

Mixed with honey

If an alcohol tincture is not suitable for storing a natural product, prepare a medicinal mixture with honey. It is usually canned. To prepare it, you will need:

  • cut aloe leaves;
  • rinse the cut product with water and dry with napkins (you cannot wipe the leaves so as not to damage them);
  • leaves are crushed;
  • the product is filled with honey (the optimal proportion is 1 part honey and 2 parts juice).

To prepare the medicinal mixture, only leaves with spines are used. The mixture is infused for at least a day in a dark glass container and then filtered. The remedy can be stored from several months to six months in the refrigerator.

Juice with oils

One of the simplest and most reliable ways is to create a mixture with vegetable oil. Before cooking, you need to prepare the leaves. They are wrapped in film and placed in the refrigerator. After 2 weeks, the leaves are crushed: juice is prepared from the pulp, which is filtered and infused for 24 hours.

The finished juice is diluted with castor, vegetable or eucalyptus oil. To prepare a healing infusion, any cold-pressed natural oil will be useful.

The mixture is poured into a dark glass bottle. After this, the natural product is closed with a lid, which will prevent the mixture from fermenting. The processed leaves are used to treat burns or other skin injuries. The ointment is used for a year. It is better to package the mixture in different small containers so that the product does not spoil ahead of time.

Aloe juice can be mixed with castor oil

Aloe juice is a useful product that is used to treat skin diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Stored pure or diluted. To keep the extract longer, add vegetable oil or honey. The aloe mixture and leaves are stored in the refrigerator.

I packed the leaves cut from the agave into a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Is it possible to store them like this for a long time, and how can this jewel be used? I am very indebted to aloe for the fact that my leg returned to normal after the most terrible suppuration, which was only relieved by applying aloe leaves. And now the agave plant, previously unremarkable among others, which does not require much care, is in a very honorable place for me.

Aloe leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, as a result they not only do not lose, but even significantly improve their healing properties. But before storing, the leaves must first be carefully packed in a plastic bag to avoid rapid and severe drying out. During storage of aloe leaves, the moisture from them gradually evaporates, and a natural thickening of the medicinal juice occurs.

Aloe tree is one of the most famous and often grown medicinal indoor plants by gardeners, used for healing since ancient times. Aloe juice, which has bactericidal properties, contains many useful biologically active substances: vitamins, resins, enzymes, polysaccharides, various microelements, etc.
For medicinal purposes, freshly squeezed aloe juice is used, as well as juice specially condensed by evaporation (the so-called “sabur”), and pulp from aloe leaves. External use of aloe has no contraindications, and internal use is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor. For example, it should not be used during pregnancy (aloe juice can cause miscarriage), with liver and gallbladder diseases, with uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids.

The juice of cut aloe leaves greatly increases its healing properties after cold treatment using the biogenic stimulation method (keeping the leaves in a dark place at a temperature of 4 - 8 degrees for at least 12 days), developed by Academician V.P. Filatov. Aloe leaf processed in this way forms biostimulant substances, which, when in contact with them, increase metabolism in tissues, promote rapid healing of affected cells, and increase the body's immunity. Therefore, biostimulated aloe juice is successfully used to treat burns, boils, wounds, for local irritation and inflammation of the skin, for acne and skin diseases, for insect bites, for bruises and bruises, for strengthening hair, for eye irritation, for nosebleeds, for disorders digestion, for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, etc. A very effective emulsion is prepared from biostimulated aloe juice, eucalyptus and castor oil for the treatment of burns of various types, for the healing of skin damage during radiation therapy.

Aloe juice stimulates appetite, has a laxative effect (treats chronic constipation), is used for gastritis (low acidity), for tuberculosis of the lungs and bones, as well as for general weakness. Infused with honey, butter (or fresh unsalted lard) in equal parts, aloe juice activates the body's metabolism. The tonic properties of aloe also appear when consuming the following general strengthening mixture: 150 g of fresh aloe juice, 250 g of honey and 350 g of Cahors (a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals).
Biostimulated aloe juice is actively used in cosmetics, providing a cleansing effect and preventing skin aging:
- for oily facial skin, to get rid of acne, it is recommended to wipe your face with aloe juice at night;
- to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, apply lotions for 10 minutes 2-3 times a week;
- to soften the skin and treat irritation due to the presence of polysaccharides in the juice.

Ziborova E.Yu.

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Many people know about this agave – that’s what aloe is called. Despite its unpresentable appearance, it has truly miraculous properties, thanks to which many diseases are cured.

Beneficial properties of aloe

The juice has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and bactericidal effects.
It is used for inflammatory skin diseases: purulent wounds, burns, trophic ulcers.
Agave juice stimulates appetite and improves digestion.
It is used for gastritis, colitis, and gastric ulcers.
A mixture of aloe juice with honey and lard helps in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Aloe works well for constipation.

Both fresh and condensed aloe juice, as well as its leaves, have medicinal qualities.

But before you prepare juice for future use, you need to know that The healing properties of aloe begin to appear only from the age of three.

For medicinal purposes, an absolutely healthy plant without signs of damage by diseases and insects is used. You should not prepare raw materials from agave that has previously been treated with chemicals. Aloe grown in an environmentally unfavorable area cannot be used for medicinal purposes.

Aloe leaves and juice are used externally and taken orally. They can be prepared for future use because they are easy to store.

How to store aloe leaves

The juice is obtained from crushed aloe leaves. To enhance its medicinal properties, it is recommended to keep the leaves in the refrigerator for 10-12 days before grinding. During this time, active substances accumulate in them.

Large aloe leaves are washed under running water and dried well with paper napkins.
They are packed in cling film to block the access of oxygen to them and put in the refrigerator.
Store on the door for no more than three weeks, as then the aloe becomes unsuitable for internal consumption.

How to store aloe juice

Fresh aloe juice cannot be stored for long periods of time. Poured into a dark glass bottle, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. But it can be preserved with alcohol, vegetable oil or honey.

How to store aloe juice in alcohol

Aloe juice is mixed with the same amount of medical alcohol.
Pour into a dark glass bottle.
Close tightly with a lid or stopper.
Put it in the refrigerator.

This aloe juice can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4-8° for about a year.

How to store aloe juice with honey

Those who for some reason cannot take an alcoholic tincture of aloe juice can preserve it with honey.

Aloe is washed in running water.
Cut off some of the leaves with thorns.
The remaining leaves are crushed.
Pour them with hot honey in a ratio of 1:2.
They insist for a day.
The mixture is heated and filtered.

Store this drug in the refrigerator in an opaque container with a tight-fitting neck.

The shelf life of aloe with honey is about six months.

How to store aloe juice with vegetable oil

Aloe leaves are kept in the refrigerator for twelve days.
Then juice is prepared from them.
The juice is mixed with castor or eucalyptus oil.
Store in the refrigerator in an opaque, hermetically sealed container.

This ointment is used externally to treat inflammatory processes on the skin.

Despite the positive effect that is achieved through aloe juice treatment, you should consult a specialist before using it.

How to store aloe in the refrigerator

The healing properties of aloe have been used since ancient Egypt. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle knew about the possibility of preserving it for a long time. On his advice, the famous commander Alexander the Great conquered the island and ordered his soldiers to prepare for future use the leaves of the plant that grew abundantly on it.

They did not spoil for several months. This helped soldiers relieve pain and heal wounds received in battle faster. How to store aloe in the refrigerator in modern conditions?

First you need to prepare the raw materials. It is necessary to cut the leaves so that there is no damage to them that would cause the fleshy, juicy tissue to dry out.

Advice: before harvesting leaves for future use, you should limit watering the plant for 10 days. When removing them, it is better not to cut them off, but to twist the leaves, preserving the bases. Parts of the sheet should be large - from the bottom or middle row. Harvesting is recommended to be done in winter or early spring.

Types of aloe

Leaves, freshly squeezed or condensed juice of the plant are used for treatment. There are about 500 species of aloe, the name of which translates as “bitter,” but usually 2 popular and useful ones are grown on the windowsill:

Aloe vera (agave)- an exotic, low plant with fleshy, succulent leaves full of gel liquid that grow straight in all directions from the very base. It is convenient to cut them lengthwise. They have dark spines. For cosmetic purposes for external use, it must be used with great caution, because when it comes into contact with sensitive skin, it causes a reaction similar to a nettle burn. It’s not for nothing that in the old days they were used instead of iodine.
Agave (tree aloe)- higher, has a trunk from which leaves extend like branches, they always have green thorns, the ends bend down.

Both plants are now grown indoors, are easy to maintain, do not require much care, and are home healers, always ready to help.

Interestingly, just 6 years ago, scientists from the Italian Scientific Institute of Venice, based on the results of their research, proved that aloe grown at home is not only no worse than its natural relative, but is also almost 200% healthier! If you urgently need to treat a wound, burn, insect bite, abscess, etc., just tear off part of the leaf, knead it and apply it, securing it to the sore area.

Advice: for treatment, use a plant that is at least 3 years old, preferably five years old, which has gained full life-giving power.

Preservation of leafy raw materials

However, storing in the refrigerator for 2 weeks enhances the healing powers of aloe precisely because of the low temperature. This is necessary for the accumulation of biostimulating active substances, so certain rules should be followed - how to store aloe leaves:

It is better not to wash the leaves, wipe with a slightly damp cloth and dry with paper.
Wrap it entirely in paper, preferably dark paper or foil, so that you get a tube with open ends. An option could be cling film or a plastic container with an airtight lid. In this case, oxidative air contact will be excluded.
The packed leaves are stored on the bottom shelf or door of the refrigerator, where it is dry, cool and dark. At a lower temperature, the disadvantage of thawing will be increased wateriness and partial loss of the beneficial properties of aloe.
Whole sheets or cut into pieces can be dried in a shaded, well-ventilated area.

To obtain the medicine, the leaves are removed from storage and washed with boiled water. They can be used either fresh or by preparing juice, drops, tincture, masks, balms, etc. You can grind them with a chopper, meat grinder, food processor or juicer. To prepare the juice, the leaves are squeezed manually or using machinery.

Tip: to obtain juice, pre-soak the crushed leaves in water in a ratio of 1:3 and keep in the dark for an hour and a half. Then squeeze out the juice and strain.

Preservation of aloe juice

To obtain the drug for treatment yourself, you need to know: how to store aloe juice at home. Long-term use requires preservation; you can do it yourself. As an option, take part of the medical alcohol and the same amount of freshly squeezed aloe juice. The filtered juice or pulp is poured into sterilized containers (made of dark glass) with sterile lids. The lids are sealed and put into the refrigerator.

If the extract was purchased at a pharmacy, it can be stored in a dark, cool place, and after opening - in the refrigerator.

Advice: avoid exposure to air, the oxidative process of which destroys the bactericidal qualities of aloe juice.

Another option for homemade, alcohol-free canning is sweet. Mix aloe juice and liquid honey in equal parts, pour into a dark glass container and refrigerate. You can drink it after 4 days.

Condensed aloe juice, boiled and evaporated until dry, is another way to preserve its healing properties. In the form of bars or powder, it is placed in dark glass or tin jars that are sealed tightly. A tincture is also made from it.

Ointment for external use preserves the properties of aloe juice with the help of vegetable oil.

Ways to preserve aloe:

Storage location


in the freezer
- 5

in the refrigerator
1 m.

+4 - +8
21 days

Dried leaves
In cloth or paper bags
+ 18
2 years

Juice, cake, gruel, gel
in the refrigerator
3 days

On alcohol
+4 - +8

With honey
1/2 g.

With vegetable oil


Knowing that aloe can be stored in various ways, it is easier to choose an accessible one, depending on the purpose, conditions, shelf life, and form of the product. Then, following the dosage recommendations, taking into account contraindications, you can be friends with your home doctor, improving your health.

Aloe juice: preparing healthy products

Aloe leaves can be collected throughout the growing season. However, in order to achieve the greatest benefits from the juice of this plant, it is necessary to activate it in advance.

Aloe juice: how to prepare?

Aloe juice activation

Aloe juice will be most beneficial if you follow a number of rules:

- give preference to plants that are at least 2 years old - do not water aloe for two weeks before collecting - place it in a dark place 3 days before - remove only the lowest leaves at least 15 cm long - soak the collected leaves for 24-48 hours in the refrigerator in the zero zone (freshness zone).

All this will allow you to get the maximum benefit from this medicinal plant.

Despite all its usefulness, you should refrain from drinking aloe juice during pregnancy to avoid increasing the tone of the uterus, inflammation of the genitourinary system, bleeding

The leaves can be stored at home in the refrigerator for a long time without losing their beneficial properties. If the need arises, it is enough to chop a few leaves using a knife, meat grinder or blender. Apply the resulting pulp to the site of inflammation.

To gargle with a sore throat, mix 50 grams of crushed leaves and a glass of still mineral water in a mixer. Use to rinse the mouth.

At elevated temperatures, you can prepare a mixture of aloe and honey. For 1 sheet, take a tablespoon of honey and 100 grams of boiling water. During the day, you should drink this mixture one teaspoon at a time. If you add ghee here, you will get an excellent cough remedy.

If it is necessary to treat the throat of a small child, wrap a bandage in several layers around the index finger, moisten it in the prepared solution and gently wipe the palate and the root of the tongue

If you want to prepare aloe juice, place the resulting pulp on a sieve or cheesecloth and wait until the liquid drains into the vessel, pressing the mass from time to time. Next, mix the juice with vodka in a 4x1 ratio, pour into a clean container, close and put in the refrigerator, where it will be stored for a very long time. Keep in mind that the alcohol solution should not be given to children, so always keep aloe leaves in the refrigerator, from which life-giving drops can be squeezed out at any time.

An alcohol compress will be a great help for bronchitis in warming up the throat. To do this, mix aloe juice, honey and vodka in a ratio of 1x2x3. Pour into a bottle and close with a plastic cap. Store the mixture tightly sealed in a cool place. To make a warming compress, just wet a cloth and apply it to your throat.

The healing aloe plant (also called agave) grows on the windowsill in many homes. Despite the fact that it does not have a very presentable appearance, its properties can be safely called miraculous. With its help, people have been cured of many diseases since ancient times. At the same time, not only the fresh juice of the plant, but also its extract and leaves are considered healing. To preserve their beneficial qualities in full, you need to know how to store aloe at home.

How to choose an agave

Before storing aloe leaves, you need to figure out how old they are. The fact is that plants that are more than 3 years old have more medicinal properties.

In order for the leaves and juice to be used for medicinal purposes, they must be taken from an absolutely healthy plant. It must not be damaged by pests or diseases. In addition, it is very important that the plant does not show any traces of treatment with various substances of chemical origin.

Plants that were grown in unfavorable environmental conditions cannot be used for treatment.

For storage, choose large leaves taken from the lower or middle part of the agave. And they need to be removed for harvesting in winter or at the very beginning of spring.

Under what conditions should it be stored?

Long-term storage of aloe leaves should take place in a dark place, away from sunlight. Under the influence of light, beneficial substances, which are present in large quantities in this plant, are destroyed.

  • To ensure the longest shelf life of aloe, its leaves and juice should be kept in a hermetically sealed container. When interacting with oxygen, they will begin to oxidize, as a result of which they will lose their beneficial qualities.
  • Cut leaves of this plant will not last even 24 hours if opened at room temperature. Therefore, they cannot be kept in this form.
  • If agave leaves are dried, they can be stored for 2 years, and they are kept in fabric or paper bags at +18°C.

How to store aloe leaves

The refrigerator is the best place to store agave leaves. To ensure that they retain their healing properties in the cold for as long as possible, before cutting the leaves, the plant is watered abundantly for about 1 week.

Leaves should be cut from the place where they are attached to the trunk. They should then be rinsed well and dried with a disposable towel. Do not press too hard on the greens so that the juice does not leak out.

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The leaves are wrapped in cling film in order to isolate them as much as possible from interaction with oxygen. Then they are stored in this form in the refrigerator. The storage location should be dry and dark, so it is better to place them on the refrigerator door or on the bottom shelf.

  • It is undesirable to store aloe at lower temperatures: the leaves will become watery and partially lose their beneficial properties.
  • Aloe can be stored in the refrigerator for 30 days. After this, the leaves lose their healing properties and become unsuitable for consumption.
  • You can store aloe juice in the refrigerator for about 10 days.

Frozen storage

Frozen aloe leaves can be stored at -5°C for 12 months. But when defrosted, they will become watery and partially lose their beneficial properties.

Juice storage

To obtain juice, the leaves are crushed and then filtered through gauze folded in several layers.

The healing properties of this plant can be increased if you keep the leaves for 10 - 12 days in a cold place.

When agave juice needs to be obtained as quickly as possible, its leaf is kept for 1 - 2 minutes in warm water, and then the liquid is squeezed out of it.

Storing fresh aloe juice will not last long. Even in a dark glass container, in a cold place, it will retain its qualities for only a few days. And to extend its shelf life, you can resort to the preservation method. For preservation you will need:

  • alcohol;
  • or .

Aloe juice, which has previously been boiled or evaporated to a dry concentrate (sabur), can retain its qualities well. In a powdered state, it is placed in a dark glass or tin jar and closed tightly. From such a powder you can make a healing tincture at any time.

Alcohol tincture

Alcohol infusion of aloe juice is stored in the refrigerator at +4 - +8°C for 12 months. And tinctures purchased at a pharmacy are stored according to the instructions on the package.

How to store aloe with honey

Honey is a natural preservative that will help preserve the medicinal juice for 6 months. To do this, it is poured into a dark glass container, sealed with a lid and kept in a cool place.


Treatment with agave juice is an effective and inexpensive way to cope with many diseases. You just need to know how long you can store aloe in the refrigerator so that the healing agent does not become a useless liquid.

Despite the fact that aloe treatment leads to positive results, you should always first consult with a doctor, who will tell you exactly whether it can be used as a remedy in a particular case or not.