Test for Helicobacter more than 8 what to do. The bacterium Helicobacter Pylori, what is it and how to treat it? Other diagnostic methods

Material for research: blood serum.

Determination method: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

The study is carried out using a test system produced by Vector Best (Russia).

This analysis is aimed at identifying total antibodies Ig A, Ig M, Ig G to the Helicobacter pylori antigen in human blood serum. Circulating antibodies are usually represented by immunoglobulins of the IgG class. Antibodies of the Ig G class begin to be produced 3-4 weeks after infection. High titers of antibodies to H. pylori persist before and for some time after the elimination of the microorganism. The systemic IgA response is usually less pronounced but may indicate greater local inflammation. In rare cases, an infected person may only have an IgA response.

Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common infections on earth today. H. pylori-associated diseases include chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Damage to the gastric mucosa is caused by direct damage by the microorganism, as well as secondary damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum and cardiac part of the esophagus under the influence of H. pylori aggression factors. Helicobacter is a spiral-shaped gram-negative bacterium with flagella. The bacterial cell is surrounded by a layer of gel - glycocalyx, which protects it from the effects of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. Helicobacter is sensitive to high temperatures, but persists for a long time in a humid environment.

Infection occurs through food, fecal-oral, and household routes. H. pylori has the ability to colonize and persist in the gastric mucosa. The microorganism attaches to the surface of the epithelium and penetrates the cells. Under the influence of urease and other pathogenic factors, the mucous membrane is damaged and inflammatory reactions intensify. Lipopolysaccharide antigen has structural similarity to blood group antigens (Lewis system) and human gastric epithelial cells, as a result of which the production of autoantibodies to the epithelium of the gastric mucosa and the development of atrophic autoimmune gastritis are possible.

Contamination of the gastric mucosa with H. pylori is accompanied by the development of superficial antral gastritis and duodenitis, leading to an increase in gastrin levels and a decrease in the production of somatostatin with a subsequent increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid. An excess amount of hydrochloric acid entering the lumen of the duodenum leads to the progression of duodenitis and the development of gastric metaplasia, which creates conditions for the colonization of H. pylori. In the future, especially in the presence of additional risk factors (hereditary predisposition, blood group I, smoking, frequent stress), an ulcerative defect is formed in areas of the metaplastic mucosa. In 1995 H. pylori is recognized as an absolute carcinogen by the International Association for Research on Cancer and is identified as the most important cause of gastric malignancy in humans.

Indications for the purpose of analysis:

    Epidemiological screening;

    Diagnosis of diseases of the stomach and duodenum as part of a comprehensive examination;

    Non-ulcer dyspepsia;

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease;

    Atrophic gastritis;

    Stomach cancer in close relatives;

    Newly diagnosed Helicobacter infection in people living together or relatives;

    Preventive screenings to identify people at risk of developing stomach ulcers or cancer;

    Impossibility of performing invasive diagnostic methods (endoscopy).

Preparation for the study: not required

Interpretation of analysis results:
The test is qualitative. The results are given in terms of “positive”, “negative”, “doubtful”.
The results obtained in the enzyme immunoassay must be assessed in conjunction with clinical data and the results of other diagnostic studies.

Synonyms: Antibody H.pylori IgG, Helicobacter pylori antibodies IgG


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Due date

The analysis will be ready within 1 day, excluding Sunday (except for the day of taking the biomaterial). You will receive the results by email. mail immediately when ready.

Completion time: 2 days, excluding Saturday and Sunday (except for the day of collection of biomaterial)

Preparing for analysis

In advance

Do not take a blood test immediately after radiography, fluorography, ultrasound, or physical procedures.

The day before

24 hours before blood collection:

Limit fatty and fried foods, do not drink alcohol.

Avoid heavy physical activity.

For at least 4 hours before donating blood, do not eat food, drink only clean, still water.

On the day of delivery

Do not smoke 60 minutes before blood sampling.

Be in a calm state for 15-30 minutes before taking blood.

Analysis information

Antibodies to H. pylori IgG are detected in patients with duodenitis, chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Many people develop antibodies to H. pylori even in the absence of clinical manifestations, especially in elderly patients. The serological method is the most sensitive; it is impossible to make a differential diagnosis between colonization of the gastric mucosa and the presence of the disease in an active form, without taking into account other data.

Research method - Chemiluminescent immunoassay

Material for research - Blood serum

Composition and results

Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG

In 1983, Warren and Marshall described bacteria that infect the gastric mucosa and are often found in chronic gastritis. The same authors compared these bacteria with bacteria of the genus Campylobacter. However, the correlation between colonization of the gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori bacteria and the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as chronic gastritis, has been proven only recently. Colonization with H. pylori is chronic and leads to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. When elimination of H. pylori is achieved, there is a tendency for mucosal inflammation to decrease. With secondary infection, the inflammatory process intensifies sharply and gastrointestinal symptoms appear.

The absence of gastrointestinal symptoms when H. pylori is detected only indicates colonization of the gastric mucosa by these bacteria, but not the development of infection. Recently, through various studies, it has been shown that H. pylori is the etiological factor in the development of chronic gastritis and ulcers in most cases. H. pylori infection has also been shown to be one of the causes of gastric cancer.

The standard procedure for detecting H. pylori involves performing an endoscopic biopsy and identifying this microorganism through histological examination. The resulting tissue is subjected to histological examination, Gram staining, and analysis for the presence of the urease enzyme, which is produced by these bacteria. To conduct these studies, biopsy material is required from various parts of the gastric mucosa, and it is impossible to avoid a procedure that is quite traumatic for the patient.

Each of the methods listed above has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are other ways to detect H. pylori: a reaction to the presence of urea in exhaled air (using radioactive isotopes), as well as serological methods (analysis for Helicobacter pylori - determination of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori).

Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG (Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG, Helicobacter pylori antibody IgG) as a result of the analysis are detected in patients with duodenitis, chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Many people have antibodies to Helicobacter pylori even in the absence of clinical manifestations, especially in elderly patients. Thus, although the serological method is the most sensitive, it is impossible to make a differential diagnosis between colonization of the gastric mucosa and the presence of the disease in an active form without taking into account other data. The price of this test at LAB4U is low and we recommend taking a blood test for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori.

To do this, place your order online, select a convenient appointment time and pay for the study. After this, come for a Helicobacter pylori test at a partner online laboratory medical center. Pre-registration will save you from waiting in line. As soon as the blood test for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori is ready, we will send the result to your email.

Interpretation of the results of the study "Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG"

Interpretation of test results is for informational purposes only, is not a diagnosis and does not replace medical advice. Reference values ​​may differ from those indicated depending on the equipment used, the actual values ​​will be indicated on the results form.

Determination of IgG antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in a blood test for Helicobacter pylori is the most widely used test method for suspected Helicobacter pylori infection. Determination of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori according to International Clinical Guidelines must be carried out in all patients presenting gastroenterological complaints.

A positive test result for Helicobacter pylori indicates infection with Helicobacter pylori.

A negative test result indicates the absence of Helicobacter pylori infection.

If a questionable result is obtained in the analysis for Helicobacter pylori, it must be repeated after 10 - 14 days.

This study is also indicated for assessing the effectiveness of eradication, if 30–40 days after treatment the titer of IgG antibodies decreased by 20% or more, it can be considered that eradication occurred as a result of treatment if the titer value increases, does not change, or its decrease is less than 20%, then this must be regarded as a lack of eradication. Eradication can be assessed at a later date after the end of the course of treatment - after 9-12 weeks; in such cases, the titer of IgG antibodies to Helicobacter pylori when eradication is achieved should decrease by 50% or more.

Unit of measurement: U/ml

Reference values:

  • < 0,9 Ед/мл – результат отрицательный
  • 0.9 – 1.1 U/ml – the result is questionable
  • ≥1.1 U/ml – positive result

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Abdominal pain, nausea, belching of air - all this may indicate that a dangerous, harmful Helicobacter bacterium has settled in the body, the treatment of which must be serious and thorough. Helicobacter pylori is a very dangerous pathogenic microorganism that can lead to gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and other diseases dangerous to the digestive system.

Helicobacter was first discovered only 30 years ago. Medical research conducted since that time has proven that gastritis can have an infectious etiology. Also, according to studies of this bacterium, scientists have proven that, according to statistics, 75% of cases of stomach cancer in developed countries are caused by Helicobacter. In developing countries, this figure is even more frightening: 90% of patients with stomach cancer contracted the disease due to Helicobacter pylori.

Thus, it is worth pointing out the special role of early diagnosis of gastritis and gastric ulcers. It is a timely visit to a doctor that can save health and life.

It has long been believed that no organism is able to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach. But this does not apply to Helicobacter. The bacterium, on the contrary, thrives in an acidic environment, which is preferable for it to any other habitat. Helicobacter pylori has a spiral shape and flagella. This structure of the microorganism allows it to move through the mucous membranes of internal organs and cause irreparable harm to their integrity.

Photo: Bacteria in the stomach Helicobacter

Helicobacter can adapt to almost any habitat. This is explained by the fact that this organism practically does not require oxygen. And another distinctive feature of Helicobacter pylori is its ability to change its own shape and become oval or round.

Russian scientists have come to the decision to introduce a special term - helicobacteriosis. It denotes all the processes that begin to occur in the body immediately after the introduction of this pathogenic microorganism into it. But Western scientists conducted studies of patients’ charts and came to the conclusion that about 60-65% of the population of the entire Earth are susceptible to infection. Thus, Helicobacter is the most common infectious disease of humanity after herpes, which is a viral disease.

What happens in the body

As soon as Helicobacter enters the human body, it immediately descends into the stomach, where it lives for the rest of the time. In order not to die from gastric juice, the composition of which is quite aggressive, Helicobacter secretes special enzymes that surround it with a shell and neutralize the acid. The spiral-shaped antennae that Helicobacter has allow it to drill through the mucous layer and get to the cells of the parietal tissues, which are usually hidden from acid.

It is the parietal cells of tissues that become the main food for Helicobacter. The pathogenic microorganism eats them and poisons the environment with the products of its vital activity. At the same time, those blood cells that react to Helicobacter and strive to destroy them (neutrophils) wake up in the body. However, by destroying the pathogenic microorganism, neutrophils also destroy mucosal cells that have already been touched by Helicobacter.

After the layer of the mucous membrane is broken, hydrochloric acid begins to actively affect the tissue. This is how the inflammatory process develops and an ulcer occurs. The localization of ulcers is most often similar. This is explained by the fact that Helicobacter itself is very fond of two parts of the stomach - the bulb and the pylorus.

Causes of Helicobacter pylori infection

Helicobacter bacteria cannot exist in air; with active air intake, these pathogenic organisms die. They are transmitted mainly through human mucus and saliva. Thus, most often infection occurs in the following ways:

  • Sharing utensils;
  • Using only personal hygiene products;
  • Kisses;
  • From mother to child.

Photo: How is the Helicobacter bacteria transmitted?

Thus, friends, family and cohabitants of the patient may be at risk.

In general, infection is facilitated by a low standard of living and neglect of hygiene rules. Very often, helicobacteriosis occurs in people living in communal apartments and dormitories, orphanages, as well as in medical workers. It is worth noting that in third world countries the disease is much more common than in developed countries. In Russia, in recent years, the incidence of gastritis and ulcers due to the influence of Helicobacter has begun to be noted among people from wealthy segments of the population.

You can protect yourself, and it is better to take care of prevention in advance than to suffer from an illness and look for ways to combat Helicobacter urgently.


The presence of Helicobacter in the human body does not mean that he will definitely get an ulcer. But the occurrence of this disease is quite possible if the patient has predisposing factors such as:

  • poor nutrition;
  • alcoholism;
  • smoking;
  • stress.

But chronic gastritis occurs when infected with Helicobacter in almost 100% of cases. It is chronic inflammation of the stomach that is the main manifestation of Helicobacter pylori. In this case, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  1. Stomach pain. The localization of the symptom may change and move to the area of ​​the duodenum. The pain can be sharp, aching or dull. The person may experience a feeling of fullness. Discomfort can occur during prolonged fasting, on an empty stomach or after eating.
  2. Heartburn. This feeling is almost impossible to confuse with any other discomfort. A person feels a burning sensation in the epigastric region, a burning sensation in the esophagus and even the larynx. This may cause chest pain, which is often confused with heart pain. It is also not uncommon for patients to develop an unpleasant sour or putrid taste.
  3. Belching. This symptom almost always occurs along with heartburn. Belching may taste bitter or sour. In some cases, there is frequent belching of air, which worsens after eating.
  4. Nausea. This symptom often occurs along with hunger pains. A person may feel sick on an empty stomach or 3 hours after the last meal. If the gastric mucosa is severely injured, nausea may be replaced by vomiting with blood clots.
  5. Disorder. Diarrhea is quite rare, but this symptom can also indicate the presence of Helicobacter in the stomach and duodenum of a person. There may be obvious blood in the stool in the form of clots or inclusions.

If the body is heavily contaminated with Helicobacter, a number of atypical symptoms may occur that indicate significant infection and progression of the disease:

  1. Decreased appetite to the point of complete absence.
  2. A sharp decrease in body weight that is not normal.
  3. Dry mouth and metallic taste.
  4. Bad breath in the absence of caries.
  5. The appearance of sticking in the corners of the mouth.

These are the symptoms of Helicobacter that require immediate treatment. If at least one of them appears, it is necessary to quickly seek medical help and begin diagnosis.


From case to case, Helicobacter can manifest itself in different ways. So, different patients may have different symptoms. In order to determine the presence of a pathogenic microorganism in the human stomach, special tests are provided. Patients are shown special tests for Helicobacter - urease and cytological. They help identify bacteria.

Cytological examination

The cytological type of study is based on endoscopy and smear collection. Biopsies are also taken during the procedure. The sampling is carried out from those parts of the organ mucosa where deviations from the norm are most pronounced. During the procedure, the specialist pays special attention to the presence of edema and hyperemia. Helicobacter is usually found in the central parts of the mucus.

A cytological study is basically aimed at identifying three different degrees of contamination of the stomach with the Helicobacter bacterium. If the study revealed less than 20 microbial bodies, then the patient is diagnosed with weak contamination. This level of infection does not indicate a danger to the health and life of the patient. If the number of bodies exceeds this figure, then the patient’s body is in danger and an immediate solution to the problem is required.

This study also allows us to identify dysplasia, metaplasia and the presence of malignant cells and cancerous formations in the organ. The only drawback of this procedure is the impossibility of obtaining data on the structure of the mucous membranes of the internal digestive organs.

Urease test

The urease type of test is a special tool that effectively determines the presence of Helicobacter in the human body. The test is an express method that is based on identifying the activity of Helicobacter in the human body. The test is performed using a special gel. The substance contains urea and a bacteriostatic agent. Phenol-rol acts as an indicator. It is this element that allows us to draw conclusions about the condition of the gastric mucosa. It is worth noting that the biopsy obtained during endoscopy is also included in this test.

In a small percentage of cases, the test can ignore Helicobacter and indicate that the person is healthy. Most often this happens in cases where the infection is extremely weak and insignificant. In order for diagnostic results to be optimally truthful, doctors often combine both methods.

Other tests

There is also a breath test; this method is absolutely safe and non-invasive. Breath testing allows you to determine how much the mucous membranes are colonized by Helicobacter. The study is carried out on an empty stomach. First, the doctor takes samples of the background air that the patient exhales, and then allows a light breakfast and applies the test substrate.

Histological diagnostic measures can quickly detect Helicobacter in biopsies. This also allows us to study morphological changes. The Giemsa staining method is often used. This study is the simplest. A number of other methods are also used as diagnostics.


The Helicobacter treatment regimen involves 3 lines of specialized antibacterial therapy. The effectiveness of therapy is possible only if the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

Treatment is not started without research results. The doctor first examines the Helicobacter test and tests. Comprehensive therapy is prescribed. Its focus implies not only the fight against bacteria, but also the elimination of symptoms.

Treatment should include more than just antibiotics. In general, it must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Attack of bacteria with its complete destruction.
  2. Local action of drugs.
  3. Antibiotic resistance to the acidic environment of the stomach.
  4. The ability of prescribed drugs to penetrate the mucosa.
  5. Rapid removal of drugs from the body without affecting other organs.

The following groups of medications may also be prescribed:

  • antispasmodics;
  • antacids;
  • antinausea;
  • astringents.

It is impossible to cure Helicobacter on your own and you need to know this for sure. If you have any suspicion, you need to go to the clinic and undergo an examination.

Consequences of ignoring treatment

Ignoring therapy can lead to a wide variety of consequences that will have a purely negative impact on the human body. It is worth highlighting three main consequences that Helicobacter can lead to.

Peptic ulcer

The main cause of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter. The influence of this pathogenic microorganism on the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease has been proven by medicine. But the risk of developing the disease increases significantly if a person has genetically determined risk factors. Among them:

  1. Gender. Thus, ulcers occur 4 times more often in men than in women.
  2. Blood group. According to studies, people with the first blood group are at risk and suffer from ulcers 35% more often than others.
  3. Ability to detect the taste of phenylthiourea. For some, the substance is completely tasteless, while for others it has a bitter aftertaste.

Signs that an ulcer is caused by Helicobacter are the following:

  1. Hunger pains that occur 5-6 hours after the last meal.
  2. Night stomach pain.
  3. Pain clearly localized in the projection of the ulcerative defect. Usually under the stomach on the right or in the middle.

The onset of ulcers due to Helicobacter is quite rapid, and the occurrence of a perforated ulcer is also possible.

Stomach cancer

This consequence of exposure to Helicobacter is the most dangerous. A pathogenic microorganism leads to type B gastritis. If it is ignored for a long time and there is no competent treatment, the gastric mucosa atrophies and metaplasia occurs. This condition is considered precancerous, because metaplasia quickly becomes malignant.

According to statistics, in 50% of cases, cancer occurs due to the presence of gastritis B in a person. In another 46%, due to the degeneration of ulcers. A malignant tumor of the stomach often develops against the background of a progressive ulcer.

A characteristic sign that a person has cancer is persistent pain. The pain symptom does not occur at any particular period, hunger pains and discomfort after eating disappear. Instead, the person experiences constant pain that is almost impossible to eliminate.


The cause of allergic rashes is also very often Helicobacter. This bacterium causes atopic dermatitis in people. This disease is a chronic skin disease. It is characterized by the appearance of rashes on such parts of the body as:

  • face;
  • collarbone;
  • elbows and knees;
  • palms (back side);
  • feet (back side);
  • throughout the body (complicated cases).

Atopic dermatitis has characteristic features. One of them is itching. The itching sensation can be mild and subtle or very intense. Discomfort increases at night. In this case, when scratching the skin, short-term relief occurs. But under no circumstances should you scratch the areas of the rash. Thickening of the skin may occur, and if infection enters the wound, suppuration may begin.

But why does Helicobacter cause allergies? There are three reasons for this:

  1. The presence of bacteria in the body leads to immune-inflammatory reactions.
  2. Doctors suggest that the body produces immunoglobulin to fight Helicobacter, which often leads to allergies.
  3. Helicobacter impairs the body's defense response, causing toxins to be absorbed into the blood and leading to inflammation of the skin.

Causes Helicobacter and the appearance of rosacea on the skin of the face.


The most important element of prevention is caring for your body and being attentive to any suspicious symptoms. If one of the family or cohabitants is sick with Helicobacter and is undergoing treatment, each member of the household must urgently go to the hospital to be examined for the presence of this pathogenic microorganism in the stomach. You also need to take care to comply with the following rules:

  • you should eat and drink from the same container with another person as rarely as possible;
  • vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly before eating;
  • Do not eat food with unwashed hands;
  • a kiss can cause the transmission of Helicobacter to another person;
  • Active and passive smoking, frequent consumption of strong drinks can also lead to the occurrence of Helicobacter pylori.

Doctors point out that clinical studies conducted in recent years have yielded very alarming results. So, if at least one family member is infected with Helicobacter, then the probability of spreading these microorganisms to the rest of the household is as much as 95%. Since helicobacteriosis is a social disease, any person must very meticulously observe personal hygiene measures, as well as review their diet and stimulate the immune system.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract represent a large group of diseases, the cause of which is not only improper and irregular nutrition, but also the well-known bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is an anaerobic microbe that affects the intestinal and duodenal mucosa. Infection with this bacterium mainly occurs through contact and household contact., since the bacterium does not retain its vital activity in the air.

According to medical research, it has been found that almost every 3rd person is a carrier of this bacterium, but does not experience specific symptoms. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be predisposing factors that affect the activation of bacteria: smoking, drinking alcohol, poor diet and others that lead to intestinal dysfunction. Helicobacter pylori disrupts the structure and function of the gastric mucosa, causing inflammatory processes in it and the development of various gastroenterological diseases.

An analysis for Helicobacter pylori will help determine the presence or absence of bacteria in the intestinal mucosa, which makes it possible to get a general idea of ​​the microbe itself and identify its current activity in the intestinal and duodenal mucosa.

The Helicobacter pylori test is a laboratory test of blood, stool, or breath test. By choosing one of the examination methods, you can determine the presence or absence of bacteria in the lower parts of the stomach or duodenum.

What diseases are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori?

There are a number of diseases that can be caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, but in any case, timely diagnosis and the result of the analysis will help stop the disease in the early stages of its development and prevent all sorts of complications.

It has now been proven that most intestinal diseases develop as a result of the aggressiveness of the Helicobacter bacteria, including:

  • acute or chronic gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • gastric erosion;
  • stomach cancer

Timely diagnosis, which is prescribed by a doctor when complaints of pain or discomfort in the intestines occur, will help prevent the development of the above diseases, thereby maintaining health. An integral part of the diagnosis of the stomach is an analysis for Helicobacter pylori, which is carried out in the laboratory, does not require special preparation, and its positive result allows the doctor to study the picture of the disease in more detail, identify the cause, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Indications for testing for Helicobacter pylori

A Helicobacter test is prescribed to patients by a gastroenterologist when the following symptoms appear:

  1. stomach pain of varying intensity;
  2. heartburn;
  3. feeling of heaviness in the intestines;
  4. regular bowel movements;
  5. hereditary predisposition to stomach cancer;
  6. sour belching;
  7. disturbance or lack of appetite.

There are several methods of examination for Helicobacter pylori, each of which allows one to detect antibodies to this bacterium.

ELISA method for determining the bacterium Helicobacter

The test for Helicobacter pylori involves testing the patient's blood in a laboratory setting. Thanks to this analysis, antibodies to the bacterium can be detected in the patient’s blood. Immunoglobulins in the patient’s blood can be detected 3 weeks after Helicobacter infection.

If a high level of IgG to Helicobacter is detected, this means that the immune system has recognized the bacterium. In cases where the blood plasma analysis does not detect antibodies, their quantity is normal, the test result is negative. If the amount of antibodies exceeds the permissible norm, in the conclusion the doctor indicates “the test for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori is positive.” Blood samples for testing for Helicobacter are taken from a vein in a laboratory.

In order for the examination result to be as accurate as possible, the patient needs to properly prepare for blood donation on the eve of the examination:

  1. 3–4 days before the test, you need to exclude fatty and spicy foods from your diet.
  2. If possible, stop smoking.
  3. You need to take the test on an empty stomach.

The test result may be affected by the use of certain medications, so if a person is taking any medications, the doctor should be informed.

A blood test for Helicobacter is not recommended after other laboratory tests. You can get the result within a few days after taking the test.

The transcript issued by a laboratory employee will allow the doctor to determine the presence or absence of bacteria in the body. In cases where the IgG standard for Helicobacter is established, treatment is not carried out, but the doctor may prescribe a special diet or supportive treatment therapy.

Breath test for Helicobacter detection

A breath test for the Helicobacter bacteria is carried out using a special tube. Initially, the patient breathes into a tube, then he is given a carbamide solution to drink and breathe into the tube again. If, after passing the test, changes in the color of the test indicators are noted, this means that the bacteria is still present in the body. In the transcript of the test, the doctor indicates a positive result for the bacteria.

This test needs to be done in the morning. Before passing it, you need to stop eating for 8-12 hours.

You can drink water in small quantities. Some medications may interfere with the results of a breath test, so the patient should tell the doctor what medications were taken the day before the test.

Stool test for Helicobacter pylori antigen

A stool test for Helicobacter pylori is considered the most convenient and completely painless. This examination is carried out using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), more often used for children or seriously ill patients. The accuracy of the result is 95%. This type of examination requires special preparation, which consists of:

  1. 1 month before the test you need to stop taking antibiotics.
  2. 3 days before the examination, you should not eat coarse fiber or coloring foods.
  3. Within a week you will have to give up medications that increase intestinal motility.
  4. Stool collection is carried out in the morning.
  5. The feces are collected in a special sterile container and must be delivered to the laboratory on the same day.

By following all these rules, you can get the most accurate result for the presence or absence of bacteria in the intestinal mucosa. The presence of blood, urine, and mucus in the stool can distort the results. Therefore, if the patient has a history of intestinal diseases, which are characterized by stool mixed with biomaterials, he will most likely be prescribed another type of examination for the Helicobacter bacterium.

After taking the test for Helicobacter pylori, the patient will receive results within a few days, the interpretation of which will confirm or refute the presence of the bacterium in the intestinal mucosa.

In the laboratory technician’s conclusion, you can see the following results:

  • Negative IgG result– the Helicobacter bacterium is absent in the body, but the mucous membrane is damaged and the risk of developing gastroenterological diseases is quite high.
  • Positive IgG result– the bacterium is present in the intestinal mucosa. In such cases, the patient may be prescribed additional tests, since the risk of developing peptic ulcers or stomach cancer is quite high.
  • Negative IgM result– the bacterium is completely absent from the body.
  • Positive IgM result– the early stage of development of a disease is caused by a bacterium.
  • Negative IgA result– early stage of bacterial infection or recovery period. Usually in such cases the norm or a slight deviation from it is shown.
  • Positive IgA result– bacterial infection is present, the person requires immediate treatment.

The interpretation of the analysis may contain other information on the condition of the intestinal mucosa, possible inflammation in the gastric mucosa. The examination result should be considered by a gastroenterologist individually for each patient.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Testing for Helicobacter pylori has its advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  1. high analysis efficiency (more than 95%);
  2. the ability to identify bacteria in the early stages of its aggressiveness;
  3. the ability to monitor deviations from the norm and the dynamics of the disease;
  4. availability of analysis.

The disadvantages of this study include:

  1. the possibility of identifying the bacterium no earlier than 20 days after infection.
  2. Bacterial antibodies may be present in the body even after the course of treatment has been completed.
  3. there is a high probability of distortion of results due to improper preparation or poor-quality laboratory equipment.

Despite the minor shortcomings of this research method, doctors in the field of gastroenterology are confident that this analysis is the only way to detect the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal mucosa.

Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic spiral-shaped bacterium. Its difference is its resistance to the aggressive effects of gastric juice. After entering the body, it settles in the gastrointestinal mucosa, leading to inflammatory reactions. The toxins released by the bacterium have a negative effect. It can be detected simply by taking a blood test.

In Russia, the prevalence of the bacterium is very high. In some regions, up to 90% of the population is infected. This is due to neglect of hygiene rules.

Indications for the study

Diagnosis is carried out when a person complains of discomfort and pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms indicating the presence of bacteria include:

  • regular heartburn;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • painful sensations while eating or on an empty stomach;
  • the body's rejection of meat.

Discomfort may also occur after eating, even when eating a small amount of food. The patient feels as if the food is not being digested at all.

Sometimes serious disturbances in the functioning of the stomach occur, when a person cannot eat or drink due to severe pain. This process may be accompanied by severe vomiting. A blood test is given for bacteria in situations where mucus appears in the stool.

The concept of a test for the presence of antibody levels to infection

Shows the amount of antibodies that are produced to the bacteria. Each type of microorganism produces its own type of immunoglobulin.

Antibodies to H. pylori are produced in quantities sufficient for diagnosis within up to a month. They indicate the presence of infection and the stage of development of the pathology.

Venous blood is examined. In addition to the symptoms described above, the test can also be prescribed for people who have had contact with infected patients.

If the blood test shows a large number of antibodies, then diagnosis is carried out using the Western Blot method. This is a specific diagnosis that allows you to obtain differentiated information about antibodies. To obtain an accurate determination of the amount of antibodies, protein electrophoresis of the bacterial extract is used.

Carrying out the method for determining pathogenic microflora is possible in any medical institution. A referral for it can be obtained from a general practitioner, a gastroenterologist and an immunologist.

Advantages of the method

The main advantage of the study is the high accuracy of the result. On average, it is 85-95%. The benefits are:

  • inexpensive cost of the analysis;
  • accessibility;
  • no need for serious preparation;
  • the ability to track deviations from the norm and dynamics of morbidity;
  • detection of bacteria within a short period of time after infection.


The results may be affected by medications taken. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss their use with your doctor in advance. During the collection of venous blood, some patients experience discomfort, even to the point of fainting.

Blood tests are time consuming as doctors may take up to a week to analyze the results. The disadvantages include the appearance of a false negative result, if the microbe first entered the body, the immune system has not yet responded properly.

Sometimes doctors talk about false positive results, when antibodies persist until the bacteria are completely destroyed. Most often this affects older people.


Immediately before the study, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, fatty foods, and physical activity.

Biomaterial should be donated before breakfast. If it is impossible to tolerate, the doctor may allow you to take a few sips of clean water.

It is given before the start of medication use, not earlier than two weeks after the therapy. If a blood test is performed for monitoring, the drugs and doses used are immediately indicated.

How to submit biomaterial and deadlines

Blood is taken from a vein in the morning. It is placed in a test tube with a substance that promotes blood clotting. This allows the whey to be removed. The separated plasma is analyzed for the presence of antibodies.

The procedure is safe and painless. Therefore, there are no contraindications to its use. Typically, blood collection occurs in the following steps:

  1. The patient is seated on the couch, his hand rests on the pillow.
  2. Above the level of the elbow, the arm is bandaged with a tourniquet or a cuff is used.
  3. Blood collection takes less than a minute.


The cost of the service depends on which medical center the test is performed at. In public medical institutions it can be completed free of charge with a medical insurance policy.

Results are usually ready in 7-8 days. the cost of the study is from 600 rubles.

Results of a blood test for Helicobacter pylori, interpretation of the norm

There are different methods for the quantitative and qualitative determination of immunoglobulins in bacteria. A qualitative indicator indicates the presence or absence of antibodies without quantitative assessment.

If the patient is healthy, there are no antibodies. Quantity indicators are based on threshold values. They mean the norm with which the data obtained is compared.

Standards in laboratories differ in numerical indicators and are assessed in different units. But the form with the analysis results contains numbers to determine the norm and deviation.

It is taken into account that immunoglobulin titers below the threshold indicate a negative test result, and above - a positive one.

Reference values:

Immunoglobulin typeWhat does it showNormal concentration units/ml
AIndicates an early stage of infection. May indicate severe inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This immunoglobulin is also found in people who do not take care of their health.Up to 0.9
GConfirms the presence of bacteria in the body. Most often it can be detected in the blood 3-4 weeks after infection.Up to 0.9
MSpeaks of an early stage of the disease. Such immunoglobulins are rarely detected, since patients consult a doctor when the disease has reached a more severe stage.Up to 30

Sometimes indicators appear that are assessed as questionable. Then, to clarify the diagnosis, a blood test is given after 14-20 days.

If there is no immunoglobulin LgG in the blood, below normal, this indicates that there is no bacteria in the body or the infection has just occurred. If there is pain in the stomach, the studies are repeated.

At high rates, the risk of development is high. After the start of treatment, antibodies quickly disappear.

In the presence of immunoglobulin LgM, which is present in normal values, this indicates the absence of a disease caused by bacteria. At high rates, we can assume an early stage of infection.

Initiated treatment, as a rule, leads to complete recovery, since the bacteria have not yet had time to severely destroy the mucous membrane.

The absence of LgA in the blood may indicate that the person was recently infected, the correct antibacterial therapy was carried out, and the person is at the recovery stage.

To determine more accurate indicators, it is used to detect bacterial DNA samples. This type of research is considered reliable. The blood test can be positive or negative.

Contraindications for ELISA

No contraindications to the study were identified.

Sometimes the place where the blood is taken changes if there is an affected area in the elbow area. Temporary restrictions include nervous overexcitation of the patient, convulsions, damage to the skin or subcutaneous fat, phlebitis of the punctured vein.

Video about a blood test for Helicobacter pylori: