An anechoic formation with uneven contours in the ovary. How do anechoic formations manifest themselves and why are they dangerous? Diagnostics and norms

Ultrasound examination is the most popular and safe examination method, with which you can obtain accurate information regarding the general condition and functionality of internal organs. The result and level of organ performance are assessed according to echo-graphic parameters. These include:

  • organ visualization;
  • location or displacement of the organ;
  • structure, shape and dimensions;
  • assessment of the contour structure (clear or even);
  • determination of sound conductivity;
  • echogenicity.

In gynecology, anechoic formation is quite common; if during the examination a woman has a low level of echogenicity, this indicates the presence of pathological processes. In this article we will look at what an anechoic formation is, its structure, features and treatment methods.

Structure of anechogen

The anechoic structure represents the absorption and reflection of ultrasound, the level and ability depend entirely on the morphological structure of the organs. With less fluid, the level of echogenicity will be high, and with more fluid, the level of echogenicity of the organ will be low, which will make it difficult for the specialist to conduct a thorough examination. In an ultrasound examination, the anechogen is displayed as:

  • fetus during pregnancy;
  • serous, follicular or endometrioid cyst;
  • yellow body.

Quite often, anechoic formations are detected in the ovaries of women. Ultrasound determines each element of the appendage, but in the antenatal clinic the gynecologist establishes the etiology of the formation. If the cause of the formation is the corpus luteum, this is not a pathology.

For information! Each menstrual cycle involves the appearance of a corpus luteum in the ovaries. Its formation indicates the onset of ovulation. The delay period and its presence in the ovaries confirms conception.

Anechoic formation quite often manifests itself in the form of a cystic body. An anechoic cyst in the ovary is benign, provided that there are vessels in its structure. An endometrioid ovarian cyst has a light-colored capsule filled with a heterogeneous mass. A dermid cyst is significantly different from other formations. If a woman has low echogenicity before 6 weeks, this may indicate the presence of a fetus.

Features of formations

If the formation appears after ovulation, this indicates cysticity of the corpus luteum. As a rule, an echogram displays body data above, behind or on the side of the uterus, and their size can reach from 30 to 65 millimeters. The morphological structure of the cyst includes several types:

  • formation, with a medium structural zone of echogenicity;
  • a homogeneous element with a mesh or smooth structure, the diameter of which is 10-15 millimeters;
  • homogeneous formation of irregular shape, with reduced echogenicity, filled with complete or incomplete septa;
  • echogenic component with a homogeneous structure.

For information! Complications can be prevented and timely treatment can be started with the help of echobiometric studies over time.

A cyst can form in any organ, most often it is detected in:

  • mammary glands;
  • thyroid gland;
  • uterus;
  • ovaries;
  • kidneys;
  • liver.

Each formation of cysts can be an absolutely independent pathological element or be a manifestation of another disease, including oncology.

Causes of anechogen in the kidney

The presence of cysts is the main cause of the formation of an anechoic element. The main feature is echogenicity during ultrasound examination of visceral organs. An anechoic avascular formation is a renal cyst, inside of which there are no vessels responsible for blood circulation. Modern urological practice still cannot explain the reason for the formation of cysts, but nephrologists claim that the formation of cystic elements is associated with abnormal intrauterine development of the fetus. Another version of the formation of anechogen is inflammatory processes in the renal pelvis caused by pyelonephritis, the presence of stones, an infected kidney, or the development of renal tuberculosis.

For information! Ultrasound examination does not always display an anechoic inclusion; as a rule, this is inherent in the fluid, which indicates the presence of formation.

Symptoms and diagnosis

A common cyst in the kidney is a type of benign formation detected during ultrasound. As a rule, the examination is carried out to confirm any pathology and its symptoms; the presence of such cysts does not require treatment. However, if the cyst in the kidney has reached a large size, the patient may experience symptoms such as:

  • dull pain in the lumbar region;
  • fever;
  • the presence of impurities in urine in the form of blood inclusions;
  • problems and disturbances in the process of urination.

It is worth noting that in medicine there are several forms of cyst formations:

  • simple and complex formations;
  • solitary (single) and multiple;
  • subcapsular and cortical;
  • formations in the cortical and renal tissues of the organ.

Each cyst formation can cause some discomfort and negatively affect human health. Several methods are used for diagnosis:

  • ultrasound examination with the use of diuretics;
  • computed tomography with contrast;
  • urine and blood analysis;
  • puncture biopsy;
  • nephroscintigraphy.

If there is a suspicion of ocular disease, a differential diagnosis is prescribed, which includes examination for the presence of cysts in the ureter and kidneys.

Treatment methods

Treatment tactics depend on the size of the cysts. For example, if a cyst is small in size and has low echogenicity, it is not capable of harming the body. In such a situation, a specialist observes the formation; if it begins to increase or grow, then it is eliminated with medication or surgery. When formed in the ovaries, herbal treatment is often prescribed. An effective remedy is an infusion of pine needles, oregano and St. John's wort. To prepare, you need to take 3 tablespoons of herbs and 0.5 liters of water, pour everything in and let it brew for 1-1.5 hours. Take the decoction daily 3 times a day. To obtain the desired result, the herbs must be alternated.

Remember, an anechoic formation is not a diagnosis; when cysts are identified, a specialist will always be able to explain the reason for their formation, eliminate the existing symptoms and the formation itself. Following all the recommendations of doctors, cysts, as a rule, are eliminated with medication.

Anechoic formations (inclusions) are detected by ultrasound not only in the uterus and appendages, but also in any other organ. This is not a diagnosis, but a description of the tumor that the doctor sees. Echogenicity is the ability to reflect ultrasound rays. Anechoic formations do not reflect ultrasound waves and are represented on the monitor as darker areas. It is the concept of echogenicity that is the main principle of ultrasound examination of the body. Anechoicity is a characteristic of tissues.

Women often regard an anechoic formation in the ovary as a dangerous disease and immediately fall into depression. However, in most cases, this phenomenon is normal or pathological and does not pose a threat to life.

Such anechoic formation in the uterine appendages is most often not malignant. It could be:

  • corpus luteum;
  • growing follicle with egg;
  • the fetus is in the early stages of pregnancy - the exact fact that such a phenomenon occurs is determined after 6 weeks
  • expected date of conception;
  • follicular cyst;
  • serous cyst;
  • endometrioid cyst;
  • benign tumor;
  • malignant tumor.

What is anechoic content?

When an anechoic formation in the ovary is not accompanied by symptoms of the disease and is discovered by chance, it is of a natural nature and is the norm. Having received a conclusion after an ultrasound, you should not be alarmed, since the specialist who conducted the study only notes what he saw. Only the gynecologist treating the patient can diagnose. An ultrasound specialist, having discovered an anechoic formation in the ovary, will not be able to say what it is.

Corpus luteum is normal. It appears after ovulation has occurred. Due to its fluid content, it is defined as an anechoic formation in the ovary. The formation of the body occurs only after the egg has left the follicle. If there is a delay in menstruation, and an ultrasound reveals a corpus luteum, we can assume pregnancy, in which it persists during the first months, until a full-fledged placenta is formed.

The fetus is not visible as an anechoic formation in or near the ovary until 6 weeks after fertilization. When a woman has had unprotected sex, the round formation is regarded as a potential fetus.


Every third woman has cysts on or in the ovary. The vast majority of them are benign and not prone to developing into cancer. Emergency hospitalization and urgent surgery are not performed for this pathology. Many cysts resolve on their own after 2-3 cycles. Because of this, a wait-and-see approach is initially used, with regular monitoring of the anechoic formation.

A cyst, which is determined by ultrasound as an anechoic avascular formation, is as follows:

  • follicular– is formed due to a hormonal disorder in the body, in which there is no ovulation and an unruptured follicle with an egg turns into a homogeneous neoplasm. It has been noticed that such anechoic contents of the ovary in most cases resolve on their own without taking medications;
  • paraovarian anechoic cyst - forms around the ovary and tends to grow into the cavity between the ovary and the uterus. At this moment, vivid symptoms and a state of acute abdomen appear. In this case, intense pain occurs and blood pressure drops;
  • endometrioid– heterogeneous anechoic structure with a dense shell. It does not cause symptoms, can remain unchanged in size or increase after each cycle due to hormonal shocks;
  • serous– single or multiple anechoic inclusions. They are noted as spontaneous precancerous neoplasms or a malignant process that begins primarily as a cyst. After identifying and determining their nature, their removal is indicated;
  • corpus luteum– this anechoic ovarian cyst occurs as a consequence of hormonal imbalance. After ovulation, which is not followed by fertilization, the corpus luteum should collapse and the formation in the ovary should disappear. When there is a hormonal imbalance, fluid accumulates in the lining of the corpus luteum and the formation of a cyst. It often goes away on its own without medical intervention after a few cycles. Such an anechoic vesicle on the ovary cannot develop into a malignant form.

Cystomas differ from cysts in the presence of severe symptoms, which is why an ultrasound is usually performed. Such formations in the ovary can spread to nearby organs and are considered dangerous. Often a patient with them is hospitalized for emergency reasons, such as heavy bleeding.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, anechoic formations are detected quite often, which is associated with hormonal processes in the body. Normally, the formation, which is the corpus luteum, disappears by 12 weeks, less often by 16 weeks. After this period, the placenta is already fully formed and itself produces the necessary hormones that allow you to maintain the pregnancy and prevent rejection of the fetus as a foreign body.

Sometimes during pregnancy a thin-walled cyst and other types of cysts are diagnosed. Depending on how high the risk of complications of the tumor is, a decision is made to remove it during pregnancy or after it. When a woman is indicated for a cesarean section, the option of combining the two operations at the same time may be considered.

When removing a cyst before delivery, with a tumor size of up to 10 cm and a gestational age of up to 18 weeks, preference is given to laparoscopic surgery. For longer periods or larger tumors, the laparotomy method is used.

The tendency for anechoic formations to appear in the uterus during pregnancy increases significantly, which is why doctors pay great attention to the ovaries. Removal of cysts before the birth of the child is carried out only if absolutely necessary.

Ultrasound is one of the most modern methods for diagnosing conditions of internal organs, and it is most often used in gynecology.

It is based on the impact of sound waves of a certain frequency (inaccessible to the human ear) on individual segments of the organ under study. Different morphological parts may reflect these effects differently. Depending on the intensity of the reflection, the color of the portion of the picture appearing on the screen will be different. The better it reflects, the brighter it is.

There is a pattern: liquids have the lowest reflectivity.

If you heard from a specialist during a study that an anechoic formation was found in your ovary (in particular), then you should not worry right away. There are many normal physiological moments that are accompanied by a similar phenomenon.

Some studies will be ordered to clarify the result, and only after them the doctor will make a conclusion about the presence or absence of pathology.

According to the international classification of diseases, growths that do not reflect sound have a serial number:

No. 83 – non-inflammatory diseases of the ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament of the uterus.


There are a huge number of reasons, both physiological and pathological.


  • mature follicle before ovulation;
  • corpus luteum after ovulation or during pregnancy;
  • self-resolving cysts (when, in addition to the dominant follicle, which provokes ovulation, there are also quite large ones, which, if they do not come out, degenerate into a cyst that resolves after two to three menstrual cycles).


Cysts of various origins:

  • follicular;
  • endometriotic;
  • malignant.

And the mechanism of their occurrence is the same for all of them. The only influence is the overall involvement of all the woman’s organs in the work, as well as the balance of hormonal levels.

ATTENTION! Build-ups can also form from the dominant follicle if for some reason ovulation does not occur.

With obvious hormonal imbalances, these cysts can eventually degenerate into malignant neoplasms, which can only be treated surgically.


Any, even the most insignificant, neoplasms will affect the general condition of a woman, especially when it comes to the reproductive system - the most sensitive among others.

Main symptoms of disorders:

  • violation of the cyclicity of menstruation and their intensity (cycles vary greatly in the number of days, unjustified delays, or, conversely, critical days that come too quickly: heavy or spotting, with a suspiciously small amount of blood);
  • pain in the ovary in the middle of the cycle (more severe than during the normal course of the process, nagging pain from the ovulating organ, bloody discharge);
  • lethargy (general malaise, depression, pale skin, apathy, constant heaviness in the pelvic area);
  • decreased libido;
  • frequent headaches;
  • decreased immunity.

IMPORTANT! If you notice at least a few suitable symptoms, go for a mandatory annual examination to a gynecologist and ask for an intravaginal ultrasound.

Any changes in reproductive function must be noticed, and timely measures must be taken to eliminate or prevent the development of pathologies.

Complications and consequences

If the doctor noticed during the examination any disturbance in the structure of the appendage or the organ itself, this does not mean the presence of a pathological process.

It is quite possible that the yellow seal does not reflect the waves after it ruptures, or it is the sac itself, preparing to come out. The phenomenon of temporary cysts has also not been canceled and this is quite physiological.

At his discretion, the specialist will prescribe light hormonal medications or injections, which will very quickly normalize the functioning of the systems as a whole and there will be no trace of deviations.

But we should not forget that there is always a risk of developing an oncological process, since in modern environmental conditions almost any organism has a tendency to this. The environment leaves much to be desired.

The issue of protecting the cells of our body is dealt with by the immune system; it is it that instantly reacts to the appearance of foreign agents inside the body and instantly neutralizes them and prevents further reproduction.

PECULIARITY! Any, even minor, deviation or weakening of the functioning of the immune system instantly makes the entire human body susceptible to foreign tumors.

Delaying treatment or consultation is strictly prohibited, because it is unknown at what point environmental conditions can undermine the activity of protective functions and what was a completely normal physiological phenomenon can become oncology.

During pregnancy

Gestation is a special state of a woman, during which the course of all processes in the pelvic system changes.

Before, it is considered normal to have an anechoic formation in the ovaries of quite decent size - a yellow seal, which is the main source of synthesis of the hormone - progesterone.

Then, the placenta takes over this function, and the corpus luteum atrophies. But it can also be noticed for some more time (depending on the individual characteristics of each woman).

If the doctor sounds the alarm, then most likely growths have been discovered that, for one reason or another, have not resolved. There is a risk that they will “intercept” the child’s nutrition, because the blood flow during this period actively supplies the pelvis with nutrition and oxygen.

INTERESTING! While carrying a baby, the body produces huge amounts of progesterone. If everything goes within physiological norms, then this hormone is able to resolve even the largest formations. Sometimes doctors prescribe pregnancy to treat such problems.

Abnormal conditions arise due to a lack of progesterone or artificial maintenance of pregnancy.

Structure of the ovary on ultrasound

It is an oval-shaped body filled with mealy homogeneous contents with a dense outer cortical layer.

Near it there are rows of small and large bubbles with liquid - follicles, which in turn mature and prepare to be released for fertilization of their contents.

If we take into account that the liquid has the least reflective ability, then the body of the object itself will have a light tint, and the bubbles themselves will be painted in darker tones (in the form of dark spots).

Diagnostics and norms

The essence of diagnosing the pathology of the object under study is to assess the size of the darkened areas.

There are certain standards for all women in general. The size of the finished bag, which is about to burst, reaches 24 mm at maximum. If the doctor detects a larger spot (more than 30, since in this limit we can still talk about a physiological inclusion that resolves by the end of the cycle or after the next few), then this is already classified as a foreign inclusion.

To determine quality, it is enough to consider whether it is equipped with blood vessels or not. This is the essence of diagnosing oncology from a benign tumor. A benign formation will not have blood flow within it, and if the vessels are located throughout the entire volume of the inclusion, then we are talking about the course of the oncological process.

What needs to be examined and how?

If there is a suspicion of an inclusion in the pelvis, the specialist will prescribe a full ultrasound examination of all components.

Today, the most effective is intravaginal ultrasound, which is performed with a special diagnostic device.

For the procedure, you are asked to prepare one condom and sterile gloves. The condom is placed on the device, as it is reusable.

I penetrate deep into the vagina, it sends sound signals to nearby objects, which, reflecting them, display a picture of the state of the system on the screen in front of the researcher.

This method allows you to examine each element of the reproductive system in more detail and make a diagnosis with increased accuracy.


If too large an inclusion is detected, the doctor must first find out whether it is benign. This is determined by the presence of blood vessels, as already mentioned.

  • waiting (if the formation is small and there is a chance that it will resolve spontaneously within the near future);
  • hormonal therapy (inducing the process of object dissolution);
  • surgical method (if the size of the diagnosed object or oncology is too large).

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe treatment. It is strictly forbidden to take any hormonal medications on your own, even on the advice of a pharmacist.


Prevention includes several areas:

  • maintaining optimal hormonal balance (consuming foods rich in omega-3, dietary supplements and vitamins);
  • maintaining a healthy atmosphere of existence (absence of stress, scandals, extreme living conditions);
  • annual observation by a gynecologist;
  • in advance .

By following these few important rules, you can completely protect yourself from the occurrence of unwanted inclusions and give yourself the opportunity to become pregnant and bear a healthy and developed child.


If you do find a tumor, then do not despair. Follow all the doctor’s recommendations, undergo timely treatment, and the result will not be long in coming.

Pregnancy is more than possible, and even if the fact of oncology is registered, doctors successfully treat it and give the woman a chance in the future to give birth and bear a healthy baby.

Sometimes, after undergoing an ultrasound examination of any organ or system of the body, the patient is diagnosed with an anechoic formation.

Anechoic formation: concept

Echogenicity refers to the conductivity of ultrasound waves by tissues. High-density tissues, like bones, reflect ultrasound completely, and it is also reflected at the air-containing boundaries of organs and tissues. The denser the tissue, the higher the echogenicity; on ultrasound, such tissues look lighter.

If there is a large amount of fluid in an organ, including blood vessels, then its echogenicity is lower, therefore fluid neoplasms are considered anechoic and appear black on ultrasound.

What is the danger: pathology or normal?

Anechoic formation can be either a physiological norm or a dangerous pathology; diseases are often diagnosed in women in the uterus or appendages. Their presence is a signal for a woman to undergo a more accurate diagnosis.

Depending on this, they may be:

  1. Serous cyst,
  2. Follicular cyst,
  3. Endometroid cyst, with a light-colored capsule filled with a heterogeneous mass
  4. Fetus during pregnancy,
  5. Corpus luteum.

IMPORTANT! The corpus luteum in the ovary in women is a physiological norm and evidence of the onset of ovulation.

An anechoic cyst is benign if there are vessels in its structure. A low echogenicity cyst during a period of up to 4 weeks of delay in menstruation may indicate that a woman is pregnant.

Thyroid gland and its defects

An anechoic pathology of the thyroid gland is indicated if, during an ultrasound, the ultrasound signal is not reflected from some of its areas. It may be normal or require specialized treatment. In the gland, it occurs in normal tissues, its appearance is provoked by blood vessels, and the “black pattern” effect can also be caused by intranodular vessels.

Similar nodes in the thyroid gland can arise due to the appearance of accumulation of colloid in the follicles. The accumulation appears due to impaired blood flow in one of the lobes of the thyroid gland. In more than 90% of cases it is benign.

IMPORTANT! Colloid is a viscous pink liquid with a uniform structure.

Anechoic formation of the thyroid gland is as follows:

  • True cyst- has clearly defined boundaries, is a cavity filled with liquid;
  • Pseudocyst- is a transformed node or adenoma, occurs due to hemorrhage inside the node;
  • Lateral cervical cyst- has an indirect relation to the gland, since it is located next to it; with active growth, it sometimes provokes compression of the organ.

Important! Anechoic formations diagnosed in patients over 50 years of age are malignant in most cases.

Anechoic formation in the uterine cavity

Such pathologies in women are quite common. They can occur both at the bottom of the uterus and in the ectopic space. Such spots are black during ultrasound and may have a heterogeneous structure.

Similar pathologies in the uterine cavity are diagnosed in the following cases:

  1. Uterine pregnancy, in the early stages, the fetus is defined as an anechoic formation, at this stage it has a size of no more than 5 mm and has a round shape and a homogeneous structure.
  2. Endometriosis- the most common cause of “dark spots” in the uterus. It is characterized by the appearance of areas of endometriosis in the ectopic cavity or at its bottom.
  3. Cyst— this pathology is characterized by the presence of an avascular formation with thin walls and liquid contents. Dimensions can vary from 0.1 m to several centimeters. They are characterized by a lack of blood supply, which allows them to be distinguished from other pathologies.
  4. Myoma- a benign disease on the fundus of the uterus, can be diffuse or nodular.

IMPORTANT! An anechoic formation in the fallopian tubes sometimes indicates an ectopic pregnancy.

The kidneys, which are the main organ of the urinary system, are also subject to structural changes, which during ultrasound examination are diagnosed as an anechoic formation.

For kidneys, in the presence of such a diagnosis, a characteristic deformation of the organ itself is characteristic; in medicine they speak of deformation of the renal collecting system.

Such a pathology can cause death of the kidney parenchyma, retraction of the renal papillae, and flattening of the renal tubules. Most often, the pathology manifests itself in adulthood; it occurs extremely rarely in children.

Changes in the structure of the kidneys occur due to the following pathologies:

  • Hydronephrosis - about the bottom - or bilateral. The reason is a malfunction of the bladder valve and reverse outflow of urine or a disturbance in the removal of urine from the body. A hydronephotic sac forms in the kidney, and if it ruptures, sepsis can develop and, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to death.
  • Doubling the heart rate, most often observed in women in labor, infants and children under 6 years of age. The kidney is divided into lobules, each with its own artery and ureter with an orifice, which can sometimes flow not into the bladder, but into the intestine. This pathology leads to disruption of the circulatory system. It can only be eliminated surgically.
  • Neoplasms. Oncological pathologies occur in 8% of cases, usually in patients over 60 years of age.
  • Genetic and congenital defects:
  1. narrowing and or complete fusion of the ureter,
  2. pyeloectonasia,
  3. nee doubling ChLS

IMPORTANT! Congenital kidney deformation can be caused by alcohol and cigarette abuse by the expectant mother.

Ovaries, cyst formation

Cysts are one of the most common gynecological diseases in women; there are many reasons for their occurrence, and sometimes it is impossible to identify them.

They are:

  1. Follicular. It is formed from follicles - vesicles in which the egg matures. It is considered normal if a small amount of fluid accumulates in the ovarian follicle, and its diameter is no more than 3 cm; if it is larger, then the doctor indicates the presence of a cyst. Sometimes several follicles with fluid are formed on one ovary at once, which is why it increases in size.
  2. Corpus luteum cyst- occurs at the site of a ruptured follicle and may contain blood. It occurs in women of reproductive age and is formed due to poor circulation in the corpus luteum.
  3. Vapor accident cyst, can also occur on the fallopian tubes. It is often diagnosed in girls during puberty due to rapid growth.
  4. Endometrioid cyst, is formed due to endometrial cells entering the ovary. Most often it requires surgical removal.
  5. Cystic tumors. In appearance they resemble a cyst, but require special examination and biopsy. May be malignant.

During an ultrasound of the mammary glands, a doctor may detect a dark spot or a group of similar spots; as a rule, they are benign. If a woman has an anechoic formation in the mammary gland, an urgent consultation with a mammologist is necessary, as this may indicate the presence of a serious pathology.

When dark spots appear, the doctor may talk about the following pathologies:

  • Cyst. As a rule, it does not cause any discomfort to the woman and is asymptomatic. It is almost always benign, but without timely treatment it can develop into cancer.
  • Fibroadenoma. Can occur at any age. Sometimes it appears in a leaf-shaped form, which is characterized by rapid growth.
  • Malignant pathologies. It can be either single of different sizes or multiple; during examination, it is important to identify the level of its germination in the gland tissue.
  • Oleogranuloma. A benign pathology that occurs as a result of injury to the gland. May lead to necrosis of glandular tissue.

ATTENTION! During lactation, women may develop a galactocele, a cavity filled with milk.

Examination of pregnant women

Ultrasound is the most accessible and almost absolutely safe for pregnant women. Thanks to ultrasound examination, it became possible to establish pregnancy in an extremely short period of time - 3-4 weeks. During this period, the fertilized egg looks like an anechoic formation in the uterine cavity. Subsequently, starting from the 6th week, the contours of pregnancy are clearly visualized, and the “tumor” is called the fetus.

During pregnancy, a woman also undergoes ultrasound examinations, sometimes they can reveal cysts of the ovaries, uterus or appendages, and the woman may also undergo additional examinations of other organs according to indications.

Ways to solve the problem

Treatment of patients with an anechoic formation is purely individual in each case. Sometimes therapy is not required at all, the patient simply remains under regular medical supervision and ultrasound examinations.

Gynecological diseases can be treated either with therapeutic methods, usually by taking hormonal drugs, or by removal. For anechoic formations of other organs and systems, therapy can also be either conservative or surgical intervention.

Video: anechoic formation in the ovary - what is it??

An anechoic formation in the ovary is a symptom that is determined by ultrasound examination of the female genital and pelvic organs. Various pathologies of the female reproductive system require careful diagnosis, so the “golden method” of research is ultrasound. This method is based on the ability of ultrasound beams to penetrate deep into tissues and reflect from organs that have different densities, which is characterized by an image in the form of different echo signals. If tissue, such as bone, has a high density and conducts rays well, then the image is hyperechoic and appears as a bright area. If the tissue has low density and does not reflect the signal well, the area will be hypoechoic or anechoic. An anechoic formation in the ovary can be of various etiologies, and according to this, there are different methods of differential diagnosis.

ICD-10 code

N83 Non-inflammatory diseases of the ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament of the uterus

Causes of anechoic formation in the ovary

An anechoic formation during ultrasound examination looks like a darkened structure of a certain size in the projection of the ovary. Typically, this is a cavity filled with liquid, which explains the good conductivity of ultrasound beams. Therefore, the most common cause of such a symptom on ovarian ultrasound is the formation of cysts or cysts. This is the most common reason, which is accompanied by similar changes on ultrasound. According to statistics, ovarian cysts in women of reproductive age are very common and account for more than 60% of all benign neoplasms of the female genital organs, and more than 85% of benign formations in the ovary. The reasons for the formation of ovarian cysts can be varied, and it is very difficult to establish the exact etiological factor. First of all, it should be noted that there is a violation of the hormonal balance in the regulation of the ovario-menstrual cycle, which affects the functioning of both the ovary itself and the follicle cycle. Also among the causes of the development of cysts (anechoic formations of the ovary) one should highlight inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, postoperative adhesions, and ovarian injuries. All these factors can cause the development of cysts, but very often, it is not possible to identify any factors in a woman’s history that could influence this process.


The pathogenesis of the development of anechoic formations in the ovary differs, depending on the type of neoplasm - cyst or cystoma.

A cyst is a benign non-proliferating neoplasm of the ovary, which has a thin wall and fluid inside. Liquid contents are formed due to the secretory activity of cells and disruption of the excretion of this secretion. The size of the cyst can range from several millimeters to several centimeters, but compared to the cystoma, the size of the cyst does not reach enormous sizes.

Cysts are distinguished:

  • Follicular is an ovarian formation, which is characterized by a thin shell and the presence of fluid inside, and is formed as a result of a violation of the physiological rupture of the follicle and the accumulation of fluid in it that is secreted. Therefore, follicular cysts have their own characteristics on ultrasound.
  • Paraovarian is a cyst located around the ovary, which is formed due to the accumulation of fluid in the ovarian tissue.
  • Dermoid is a cyst that is congenital and occurs as a result of disruption of ontogenesis processes and is characterized by the presence in the cavity of dysgerminogenic inclusions in the form of hair, teeth, and skin. Doesn't happen very often.
  • Corpus luteum cyst is a special type of cyst that forms in the second phase of the menstrual cycle - the luteal phase, when after the rupture of the follicle the corpus luteum of pregnancy is formed and with certain hormonal disturbances in the process of involution of the corpus luteum it persists with the accumulation of fluid inside. Then a thin-walled capsule forms around the corpus luteum and fluid is secreted inside.

These are the main types of cysts that are found in the ovary, although there are a huge number of them according to their structure, but these types can be found most often.

A cystoma is a benign ovarian neoplasm that has distinctive features from a cyst. Firstly, cystomas are proliferating structures that are formed not due to the accumulation of fluid, but due to cell proliferation. Therefore, their structure is heterogeneous and can consist of several chambers, and can also be of enormous size due to uncontrolled cell division. Main types of cysts:

  • Mucinous is a cyst that is formed during the proliferation of glandular epithelial cells and due to this, cavities are formed containing a viscous mucous-like substance inside - mucin.
  • Papillary or cystadenoma is a cyst of the papillary epithelium, which has a heterogeneous structure due to numerous cells that proliferate in the form of warts on the skin. This type of cyst is the most dangerous in terms of possible complications.
  • Serous is a type of epithelial cyst, which is characterized by cell proliferation and accumulation of serous matter inside.

Separately, it is necessary to note endometrioid cysts, which, when localized in the ovary, are also called “chocolate cysts.” This is a type of disease – endometriosis. At the same time, areas of the endometrium are dispersed outside the uterine cavity - both to the external and internal genital organs, and extragenitally - which is accompanied by their secretion, that is, these areas menstruate. When endometrioid cysts are localized in the ovary, they also have their own characteristic features, both clinically and during ultrasound examination.

Symptoms of anechoic formation in the ovary

As described earlier, an anechoic formation in the ovary is a cyst or cystoma. The specifics of the clinic and differences in ultrasound depend on this.

The first signs of this pathology are often detected already at the moment when the formation reaches enormous sizes. Basically, the course of cysts is asymptomatic, but it all depends on the location.

Ovarian cysts can disrupt the normal ovario-menstrual cycle with delayed menstruation, which often alarms women and forces them to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that the ovarian cyst prevents the release of the egg from the follicle and menstruation does not occur, since there is no normal level of hormones, which is maintained by the corpus luteum. This applies mainly to follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts, which is due to their localization in the area of ​​the follicle that was supposed to rupture.

As for dermoid cysts, they are often asymptomatic until the very end of a woman’s life, since they do not tend to grow.

A paraovarian cyst is located between the ovary and the uterus, so a common clinical symptom is torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst, which is accompanied by an acute abdomen. In this case, the woman feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen or in its lateral parts, the general condition is disturbed, and symptoms of peritoneal irritation may be positive. Moreover, when examined over time, the cyst increases in size due to the fact that the outflow of blood through the veins is disrupted, but the arterial inflow is not affected. This may be the first sign of a cyst in a woman who previously had no idea about its presence.

As for cysts, the symptoms of their manifestation are often associated with large sizes, which is accompanied by a feeling of pressure on neighboring organs. In this case, cystomas can be so huge that they lead to an increase in the volume of the abdomen. This may be the first and only sign of the presence of cysts.

The clinical features are endometrial cysts, which are characterized by small discharges of blood similar to the uterine endometrium. At the same time, a woman before or after menstruation experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is often regarded as premenstrual syndrome and women do not focus on this. This occurs because the blood that is released from the endometrial ovarian cyst enters the free pelvic cavity and the abdominal cavity, which causes irritation of the peritoneum and severe abdominal pain.

As for the distinctive ultrasound features of different types of cysts, then:

  1. An anechoic round formation in the ovary, especially if it is avascular, then it is definitely a cyst. What the concept “avascular” means is the absence of blood vessels, that is, this formation is not supplied with blood. This once again proves that this is a cyst, since, when differentiating from malignant formations or a myomatous node, it should be noted that they have a good blood supply.
  2. An anechoic liquid thin-walled formation in the ovary indicates a cyst, while the cavity is homogeneous in the form of darkening with a clear structure. In this case, there is a thin membrane, which also makes it possible to differentiate a cyst from a cystoma.
  3. An anechoic heterogeneous ovarian formation is an endometrioid cyst, which has a heterogeneous structure due to the presence of endometrial cells that can secrete blood. In this case, a cavity is not formed, or there is a small cavity that contains blood inside, and since blood has a higher density than liquid, an unclear structure of the formation is determined.
  4. A two-chamber anechoic formation in the ovary - this also indicates a cystoma, since in the process of cell proliferation, both single-chamber and multi-chamber formations can form.
  5. An anechoic formation of the ovary during pregnancy is also often a cyst. But at the same time, such a cyst should be monitored very carefully, since its course can vary from regression after the birth of the child to the occurrence of complications with the growth of this cyst and enlargement of the uterus. Treatment tactics are also slightly different.

These are the main ovarian neoplasms with clinical differentiation and ultrasound signs that help clarify the diagnosis.

Complications and consequences

The main complications that can occur with asymptomatic anechoic formations in the ovary are conditions associated with torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst, which is accompanied by a clinical picture of an acute abdomen and requires immediate surgical intervention, since the death of the cyst tissue occurs, which, if waited, may be accompanied by necrosis of the ovarian tissue. Also, one of the complications may be rupture of the cyst, which is accompanied by the release of contents into the pelvic cavity and initiates the clinical picture of peritonitis. Since the fluid can also be with blood, a long process can contribute to the formation of inflammatory transudate. The consequences of an anechoic formation in the ovary may be a disruption of the ovario-menstrual cycle, which leads to infertility or miscarriage.

Diagnosis of anechoic formation in the ovary

If any symptoms characteristic of ovarian cysts appear, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. A very important step in making a diagnosis is collecting an anamnesis with details of the monthly cycle, characteristics of sexual life, symptoms of the disease and the dynamics of their origin. Complaints about menstrual irregularities with delayed menstruation or polymenorrhea may suggest possible problems with the ovary, one of the causes of which may be cysts.

When examining a woman in the mirror, no changes are detected, but during a bimanual vaginal examination, a unilateral round-shaped neoplasm can be palpated in the projection of the ovary, which immediately makes it possible to suspect an ovarian cyst.

Tests for ovarian cysts are not specific, so all general clinical examinations are carried out. Special smears from the cervical canal are also uninformative for diagnosing ovarian cysts in the absence of concomitant pathology.

Instrumental diagnostics allows you to clarify the diagnosis and establish treatment tactics. The most informative method is ultrasound of the ovaries and pelvic cavity.

Ultrasound is performed transvaginally, with the sensor located close to the ovaries, which allows better visualization of changes. At the same time, the exact localization of the anechoic formation in the ovary, its size, structure, edges, cavity, capsule, and homogeneity are described. This allows the possible process to be accurately identified. They also describe the condition of the uterus, its length, and the height of the endometrium, which makes it possible to determine the phase of the cycle.

Diagnosis and accurate confirmation of the diagnosis of the cyst is possible only after postoperative histological examination of the material.

These are the main types of diagnosis of anechoic formation in the ovary.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis must be carried out with ovarian cancer and other malignant tumors. In this case, ovarian cancer has the appearance of an unstructured formation with unclear edges and possible spread to neighboring organs. It is also necessary to differentially diagnose an ovarian cyst with an ectopic ovarian pregnancy. In this case, there is a delay in menstruation, a positive pregnancy test and the fertilized egg is visualized.

A fibromatous node with subserous localization can also resemble a paraovarian ovarian cyst, but with fibroids the node is of varying density and has a higher echogenicity.

Treatment of anechoic formation in the ovary

The issue of treatment of cysts is discussed in each case individually, since there are cases when only observation is necessary. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

Asymptomatic small cysts that were discovered by chance during examination in girls of puberty or under 20 years of age, as a rule, are not subject to treatment, but only to careful observation. This is due to the fact that such formations can regress on their own after restoration of normal hormonal levels.

Also, cysts during pregnancy are subject to observation, in the absence of complications. This is due to the fact that conservative treatment with medications during pregnancy can negatively affect the fetus. Also, surgical treatment can bring more complications, and after childbirth such a formation may disappear. Otherwise, after childbirth the issue of treating such a cyst is considered.

Only endometriotic and functional cysts (follicular and corpus luteum cysts) are subject to drug treatment of anechoic formations in the ovary. This is due to the fact that hormonal imbalance plays a major role in the pathogenesis of the formation of such cysts, so hormonal medications as replacement therapy help reduce the size of these cysts and lead to their regression.

The main hormonal drugs prescribed in this case are progesterone drugs. They allow you to equalize hormone levels by replenishing hormones in case of luteal phase deficiency.

  1. Duphaston is an oral hormonal drug that is a synthetic analogue of natural progesterone. The mechanism of action of this drug, like others, is replacement therapy for failure of the second ovarian phase, which leads to the formation of functional or endometrioid cysts. The drug is available in the form of tablets of 10 mg, used according to an individual regimen with general dosages in the form of taking 10 mg twice a day from the 5th day of the cycle or from the 11th day of the cycle. The specifics of administration depend on the type of cyst and are decided by the doctor on an individual basis, since a combination of the drug with estrogen drugs is possible.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are acute liver damage, acute heart failure and lactation. Side effects are allergic manifestations, dyspeptic manifestations in the form of nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the mammary glands, impaired libido, uterine bleeding, requiring dosage changes.

  1. Marvelon is a combined estrogen-progesterone drug that contains 5 times more progesterone. The principle of action of the drug on the regression of cysts is due to the regulation of hormonal levels, which is accompanied by a reduction in the cyst. The drug is available in 100 mg tablets and is taken one tablet per day at the same time from days 1 to 21 of the cycle. This ensures a constant normal concentration of hormones in the blood. Side effects of the drug are allergic manifestations, dyspeptic manifestations in the form of nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the mammary glands, impaired libido, and weight gain. Contraindications for use are acute liver dysfunction, acute cholecystitis, malignant processes of any localization.
  2. Janine is a low-dose, biphasic combined estrogen-progesterone drug, which has the same mechanism of action on anechoic formations in the ovary as previous hormonal drugs. It is available in the form of tablets, the number of which is 21. Reception begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Due to the content of estrogen and progesterone, the drug can regulate any hormonal imbalance. Take one tablet per day for 21 days, then take a break for 7 days, then resume taking it. Side effects can develop in the form of dyspeptic manifestations, allergic skin reactions, changes in the mammary gland in the form of pain, swelling, as well as bloody uterine discharge. Contraindications to the use of the drug are diabetes, thrombosis and other vascular problems, migraine, as well as pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Anteovin is a combined biphasic estrogen-progesterone drug that suppresses the processes of the normal menstrual cycle by regulating hormonal levels and preventing the process of ovulation. This promotes regression of functional cysts. The drug is available in the form of tablets, 21 pieces per package. Among them, 11 are white, and 10 are pink, according to the difference in composition. Take one tablet from day 5 of the cycle. Side effects can develop in the form of dyspeptic symptoms, discomfort in the mammary glands and a feeling of their tension. Contraindications to taking the drug are diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, epilepsy, varicose veins, and smoking is not recommended while taking this drug.

It is important to carry out restorative and immunomodulatory treatment in the form of vitamin therapy in parallel with hormone replacement therapy. Vitamins A and E are recommended, or better yet, multivitamin complexes. Among the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, iontophoresis and electrophoresis are recommended, as well as magnetic resonance therapy for asymptomatic forms of cysts. This helps reduce them in size.

Surgical treatment is a priority in the case of cysts, since due to their proliferation they sooner or later become symptomatic and can also become malignant. Surgical interventions include lower laparotomy and resection of the ovarian cyst. In this case, the postoperative material is sent for cytological examination to differentiate the type of cyst.

The surgical treatment method is more reliable and is used in older women, since the risk of malignancy of the cyst is reduced. In case of complications, surgical treatment of anechoic formations in the ovary is the method of choice.

Traditional treatment of anechoic formation in the ovary

There are many traditional methods for treating cysts. These include methods using many herbs, honey and other natural substances, as well as homeopathic remedies.

Basic folk recipes:

  • Honey has many nutrients and trace elements that increase local immunity and stimulate regeneration. To create medicine from honey, you need to take the core of the onion and place it in a glass of honey until it is completely filled with it. Leave this solution overnight and in the morning moisten a tampon in this solution and insert it into the vagina at night, which is repeated for 10 days, after which the cyst should shrink.
  • Flaxseed oil regulates the disrupted ovario-menstrual cycle, and therefore it must be used a teaspoon daily in combination with carrot juice. To do this, dilute five drops of fresh juice in a teaspoon of oil and drink on an empty stomach.
  • Walnuts are one of the most effective means for regulating hormonal imbalance. You can use both nut shells and partitions. They need to be poured with a glass of alcohol and left in a dark place for 3 days, after which they should be taken on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time, for at least a week.

Recipes using herbs are as follows:

  • Prepare a herbal mixture from mint, nettle and currant leaves - take them in equal quantities, pour hot water and boil for another 5 minutes, then cool and drink warm, half a glass every other day for a month.
  • Pine buds are brewed at the rate of one tablespoon of raw material per liter of water, infused in a thermos overnight and drunk throughout the day, half a glass 3-4 times a day for at least a month.
  • Raspberry leaves and meadowsweet inflorescences are steamed in hot water and a glass of this tea is taken in the morning and evening and drunk for three weeks.

Homeopathic remedies are also widely used to treat ovarian cysts, for this you need to consult a professional homeopathic doctor. The main homeopathic remedies are:

  • Dysmenorm is a complex homeopathic medicine that affects hormonal imbalances, including benign ovarian formations. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and taken 1 tablet 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Side effects are rare, but nausea and temporary worsening may occur. Not recommended for patients with celiac disease.
  • Lycopodium is a monocomponent homeopathic medicine that is effective for cysts of the right ovary. The drug is produced in the form of homeopathic granules of 10 g in a jar, also in the form of tincture of 15 ml. Take between meals, dissolve under the tongue until completely dissolved, 1 granule 4 times a day. Not recommended for pregnant women. No side effects were found.
  • Gynekohel is a combined homeopathic medicine, which comes in the form of drops and is used 10 drops three times a day, before which it must be dissolved in warm water. Side effects are rarely observed in the form of allergic phenomena.
  • Cyclodinone is a homeopathic drug that normalizes the ovario-menstrual cycle in case of insufficiency of its second phase. The drug is available in tablets or drops. Dosage – 1 tablet in the morning or 40 drops once a day. The course of treatment is at least three months. Contraindications for use are pregnancy and allergic hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • An anechoic formation in the ovary is not a diagnosis that should be feared, but an ovarian cyst. It is necessary to differentiate different types of cysts, which depends on the clinic and affects treatment tactics. These formations are benign and there are many methods of treating this pathology, both medicinal and traditional, as well as surgical. Therefore, you should not be afraid of this diagnosis, but it is better to consult a doctor earlier for timely diagnosis and treatment, which allows you to prevent various complications.