Anna Chapman treatment with baking soda. Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman. The benefits of soda. Professor Ogulov - treatment with soda

About the transfer: Anna Chapman, deported from the United States due to the Russian-American spy scandal, now hosts a TV show on the Ren-TV channel. The program “Secrets of the World with Anna CHAPMAN” is dedicated to the most mysterious phenomena of our time. It is no coincidence that the host of the program was the most mysterious woman of our time. Only on REN TV will she use her talents to uncover the most intricate hoaxes. The creators of the program claim: this format is experimental. An intriguing new genre. The program is filmed on completely new equipment, which Russian television has not yet worked with when creating television programs. “For now, we can only say with confidence that all materials in this program will be exclusive and can appear on modern Russian television only on REN TV,” adds Mikhail Tukmachev, director of the directorate for documentary and journalistic programs.
Genre: Documentary, space, research, technology, hypotheses, assumptions, history
Released: Russia, REN TV
Director: Mikhail Tukmachev

For an ordinary person who does not have time to research health issues, a film about soda presented by Anna Chapman will become a foundation of knowledge and a source of answers to the questions that the plot reveals. The main topics are the beneficial properties of the chemical composition of alkali and its balance in relation to the acidity of the body, methods of healing and restoration of systems and organs, thanks to a simple and affordable product - soda.

Valuable information from the film includes a very wide range of uses for soda. For the first time, on such a massive scale, the screen talks about taking soda orally in the form of a solution, about soda baths and even intravenous administration, which truly turns out to be a “diamond” in the entire alkaline healing system. With the help of soda, quit smoking, heal wounds and suppuration. The composition of soda is the prevention of cancer. She called soda the ashes of the great fire.

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The story about sodium bicarbonate (soda), from the series of programs “Secrets with Anna Chapman”, is not only a new discovery for the viewer, it is a concentration of all the information, proven in fact, that could only be discovered about soda.

"Ashes of Divine Fire" - baking soda. This time Anna Chapman will tell us about the history and beneficial properties of this amazing powder.


Olga - 11/14/2015 02:30

Everyone uses baking soda in baking, but no one really thought that it could be beneficial for health. However, soda is now experiencing its well-deserved success. She really has many positive qualities that have a beneficial effect on our body. Baking soda can also be used for skin and hair care.
For example, baking soda mixed with water perfectly cleanses hair. The gruel from these products is a mild alkaline product with small abrasive particles. No shampoo can wash your hair so crystal clear! The only note is that baking soda has a drying effect, so you should not apply it to the ends and leave it on your hair for more than 2-3 minutes.
To speed up hair growth, I like a mask consisting of 1 teaspoon of baking soda, half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and two tablespoons of olive oil. An excellent hair growth stimulator!
Soda can be added to the bath, like sea salt, working in tandem, these products have a detox effect, and if you add a couple of drops of lemon essential oil and lavender oil to such a bath, then relaxation and prevention of sagging skin are guaranteed.
Baking soda is a great remedy, so I advise you to try at least one recipe, you won’t be disappointed!

Peter - 11/22/2015 20:45

Drink only slaked soda, don’t be afraid, and don’t listen to provocateurs, and
especially doctors. Soda gives a person vital energy. Drink to your health and be happy. And those who doubt it, don’t drink soda and mess with people’s minds.


Today about this scandalous program!

"Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman" - Program - shock! No matter what the release, there’s a ton of benefits!

I will especially highlight these two issues - “Soda Ashes of the Gods” and “Meat - the Flesh of Deception.”

Rent TV generally pleases with unusual, original, exciting programs; we love this channel for the series of Prokopenko’s programs and for Anna Chapman’s program.

In general, before the episode about soda, I didn’t watch this program “Dances of the World”,

I stumbled upon it by accident and couldn’t switch it back.

I’m very glad that I came across this particular episode of Anna Chapman’s program “Secrets of the World” - the episode was dedicated to soda!

Yes, yes, that same ordinary baking soda - which, by the way, I already wrote a review about, but then I didn’t yet know all the secrets of baking soda, and after watching this program we simply went to the store and bought 5 more packs of baking soda - let it stand, just in case!))

There's a ton of amazing advice in the program. And we watched it with the whole family, after that my sister and I decided to take baths with soda, brush our teeth with soda (well, I did that anyway, you can see the recipe for my powder with soda)) and wash our hair with it, and my mother washes the floors and dishes with it (well, she used to wash with it before), but dad decided to actually... take baking soda orally!))

I’ll share a super recipe for losing weight with soda:

The recipe for losing weight with baking soda includes taking baths with baking soda - a cycle of 10 baths every other day.

How to prepare a weight loss bath using baking soda:

dissolve the pack in a hot bath (or half, I took the full one,

and I also added 10 drops of mint oil to it for aroma))

baking soda, stir thoroughly, and take this bath,

duration 20 minutes.

One such bath takes from 1 to 2 kg of excess weight!!! FACT! I weighed myself!

And for a full course of 10 baths, as stated, an average of 10 kg of excess weight is lost,

and this is just in 20 days - 10 baths every other day. However, it took me 5 kg,

to be honest, but I didn’t weigh much, only 56, and that’s exactly 50 - 51

has always been a dream, and it is these last couple of kilos that are always the most difficult to achieve,

girls will understand me!))

Now with my height 167 I'm just like my favorite Jessica Alba)))

Attention: these baths are contraindicated for pregnant women.

as well as weakened persons and persons with problems with the CV system!

This man, reportedly, thanks to soda, got rid of all diseases, he washes himself with soda, brushes his teeth with soda, takes soda internally, etc.

His look, of course, is not the same, but for the sake of health, you can try!)))

Recipe for caries:

It has been reported that if you brush your teeth with baking soda instead of toothpaste,

then there will never be caries!!!! Well, I’ve been brushing my teeth with baking soda for a long time now,

just not in its pure form, but I prepare tooth powder from it ACCORDING TO MY RECIPE,

and I really haven’t had caries for 10 years now, FACT!)))

and the teeth have become very good!)))

The next program, which I also really liked, is “Secrets of the World Meat is the flesh of deception.” She just confirmed my opinion and my eating style - I already wrote in a review on

intelligent, modern woman.

To me personally, she in the role of the host of “The Secrets of the World” somewhat reminds me of the heroine

iconic "x-fails" Dana Scully, Gillian Andersen)

Spoilers are not allowed here, so I’ll just say: watch!))

You won't regret it!)

I also recommend watching the most interesting episodes

"Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman" - they will not leave you indifferent!

Soda is the ashes of the Gods"

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: Meat is the flesh of deception",

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: Rock of Plenty",

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: The Dark Side of the Moon"

- “Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: the road to nowhere”,

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: Destination Destiny",

- “Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: code of the universe”,

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: The Great Secret of the Golden Horde",

- "Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: the air I breathe"

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: Experiment Earth",

- "Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: in search of the book of destinies",

- “Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: on the other side of the mirror”,

- “Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: living and dead water”,

- "Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: the great mystery of milk."

I have selected these most interesting issues for you, but in general, of course

all episodes of this program are worth watching, and you can find them,

"Secrets of the World" is a bright, exciting, very useful program,

a rarity on modern television!

Have a spring mood everyone, happy shopping and come back again,

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Today, for millions of people around the world, soda has become an example of a universal remedy for many diseases. It is generally accepted that its formula was synthesized in 1861. However, there are now irrefutable facts that sodium bicarbonate has been known since the times of ancient alchemists and healers, who called this white powder “ash of the fire of the Gods.”

Is it worth watching a movie about soda?

For an ordinary person who does not have time to research health issues, a film about soda presented by Anna Chapman will become a foundation of knowledge and a source of answers to the questions that the plot reveals. The main topics are the beneficial properties of the chemical composition of alkali and its balance in relation to the acidity of the body, methods of healing and restoration of systems and organs, thanks to a simple and affordable product - soda.

The film says that sodium bicarbonate is a component of human blood, like salt, and the saltiness of its taste comes from soda, and not, as we used to think, salt.

Everyone who watches the program will know the fact that soda has always been an object of research, for many millennia.
The chemical composition of the divine compound is not “a creation of the era of the last civilization” - it is a substance that has been known and used from time immemorial.

In Ancient Egypt, for example, the word “sodium” was pronounced “natrum” and meant God, that is, the metal of the same name, and the beginning of God for the ancient Egyptians was close and related concepts.

The place of asceticism of Macarius the Great in Egypt - the Nitrian desert, it turns out, was a huge alkaline soda lake, which in drought makes it possible to extract this healing product, which is what the Egyptians did for thousands of years before us.

Basic uses of soda

Valuable information from the film includes a very wide range of uses for soda. For the first time, on such a massive scale, the screen talks about taking soda orally in the form of a solution, about soda baths and even intravenous administration, which truly turns out to be a “diamond” in the entire alkaline healing system. With the help of soda, quit smoking, heal wounds and suppuration. The composition of soda is the prevention of cancer. She called soda the ashes of the great fire.

The plot of the film touches on the story of Soviet athletes. Intravenous administration of soda, in addition to the training and nutrition system, added such a surge of energy and strength to the participants of the Munich Olympics that 50 gold awards turned out to be 10 new world records.

Egyptian priests and Slavic magicians used soda not only as elements included in various healing compositions, but also for a drink that gave strength to warriors.

The benefits of the plot of the film “Anna Chapman on Soda”

For specialists involved in and, the secret meaning and nature of ancient myths and tales about the magical properties of “ashes of divine fire” will be revealed. Viewers will no longer doubt the nuances and options for using soda as a drug that is absolutely not harmful to health.

Anna Chapman's film is aimed at being viewed by a wide audience of our vast Motherland, even where there is no access to Internet services. The story about soda will give you the opportunity to get more detailed and expanded information on using soda in your life.

The official medical system, to be honest, is aimed at profit through the sale of medicines, which is futile for restoring true health.

Of course, soda is not only the main component of the intake and a panacea, it works in a tight binding system with other important components. However, it is Anna Chapman who reveals the most basic secret - soda is not only harmless, it is useful and is the sacred divine ashes of the Gods, as a gift for humanity.

"Ashes of Divine Fire" - baking soda. This time Anna Chapman will tell us about the history and beneficial properties of this amazing powder.

For many centuries, sodium bicarbonate, known as ordinary baking soda, has been used not only as an integral attribute of cooking. “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” tells about this and others, in which soda is presented to the viewer as a universal substance, not for nothing called in ancient times a cure for a thousand diseases, Divine ashes and tears of angels.

The program “Secrets of the World” about the benefits of soda, released on REN TV in 2014, created a real sensation not only among people who are engaged in self-healing, but also among scientists. Revealing the secrets and myths of antiquity associated with the use of this substance, Anna Chapman told a lot about soda that many not only did not know, but could not even imagine.

Why was soda called Divine Fire?

For many years, Divine Ash - Soda has been an easily accessible product, thanks to the fact that back in 1861, the Belgian chemist Sollier developed a method for extracting natural soda, which is still used today. Ancient alchemists and healers called soda Divine Ash, since the method of evaporating it from special lakes and springs resulted in a most valuable substance, which was a strong energy source, an excellent antiseptic and anesthetic.

There are many versions expressed by biophysicists and specialists who are closely involved in the history of the origin of soda, why in different parts of the world it was called Divine fire, fire or ash. The information provided in the film is the best answer to this question.

The magical properties of baking soda are known, which healers used as a shield against the machinations of evil spirits and evil spirits. Ancient Indian yogis demonstrated the magical and healing properties of soda in their tantras, cult meditations and rituals. Divine (fire) fire - soda was considered a sacred substance. The Hindus claimed that thanks to soda, a person could develop hidden abilities - extrasensory, telepathic, the ability to move in space and time.

The ancient Indians believed that sodium bicarbonate appears where the gods descend to earth. Soda is their gift.

The famous ancient physician Avicenna called the origin of the white powder divine. And in 1280, Albert the Great, wanting to create an elixir of life, introduced it into its composition, being confident that it was soda that helped rid the body of free radicals that affect the aging process in the human body.

For a long time, domestic resuscitators have been using intravenous injections of soda solutions for severe poisoning with pesticides and harmful substances. In addition, injections of soda solutions lower blood sugar levels and can bring a person out of a diabetic coma.

Despite the fact that the American Indians brought the habit of smoking into the world, they also invented a great way to quit smoking. This method involves baking soda. The film names a recipe that works flawlessly. It is necessary to dissolve 4 tsp in a glass of boiled water. soda Then rinse your mouth with the solution. After a smoker tries to smoke, he will feel an aversion to tobacco.

According to modern scientists, whose opinion was guided by Anna Chapman, soda is part of the blood, so it is it, not salt, that gives the blood a salty taste. Cleansing blood and blood vessels from harmful cholesterol with baking soda is a technique that has been used for a long time.

Soda is the best stimulant

In ancient times, soda, honey and water, mixed in equal quantities, were given to warriors before decisive offensives to enhance their stamina and physical abilities.

In the program "Secrets of the World", soda is presented as an element that was used in injection solutions given to Soviet athletes before competitions, thanks to which they could win a large number of gold medals in world competitions.

In the old days, the Slavs used soda solutions along with decoctions of medicinal herbs as a means to restore strength after serious illnesses. Soda is an excellent memory and concentration stimulant.

The film shown with Anna Chapman also presents the opinions and recommendations and original methods of representatives of alternative medicine - Neumyvakin, Ogulov, Goryushkin and others.

Roerich on the meaning of soda

The wife of the famous Russian artist, writer and philosopher Helena Roerich spoke of soda as an incredibly healing substance. While in India with her husband, she described in detail the numerous healings of people with the help of soda. In her instructions, the woman spoke about the need to use soda not only during the treatment of ailments, but also as a prophylactic agent, using it constantly day after day.

Roerich wrote about soda in her work called “Living Ethics,” written in 1935. In it, she spoke about the beneficial effects of this substance on the human body, pointing out that even cancer can be cured with its help. “Living Ethics” is a diary in which for some time Roerich described how it was necessary to use sodium bicarbonate to eliminate a particular ailment or disease, referring to her own experience.

Helena Roerich's main emphasis was on the fact that soda should be drunk with milk, especially for children with a severe cough. She noted that soda should be consumed only in those dosages that are recommended for certain diseases:

  1. Added soda to milk in an amount of more than 1 tbsp. l. is a laxative that helps with constipation.
  2. As a preventative against many diseases, Roerich recommends drinking soda solutions twice a day.
  3. 1 coffee spoon (1 teaspoon - 0.5 teaspoon) up to eight times a day should be consumed with soda every day, washed down with water. This remedy helps relieve severe stress and improve colds by consuming it in hot aqueous solutions.
  4. For tension and discomfort in the solar plexus, take 1 tsp of baking soda 2 times a day.
  5. Bring milk to a boil, add 1 tsp. per glass of milk and take for severe sore throat, aches and pain due to colds. Carry out the procedure on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before meals.

According to Roerich, you should never underestimate the importance of soda for the body, since it is the ashes of the Divine Fire - “a shield from the darkness of destruction.”

The film “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” about soda reveals all the hidden capabilities of this mysterious substance, its true purpose for life on earth.

First, I’ll talk about the film in general, without going into specifics.

And first I’ll say about the good things :)

There is a certain amount of general information about soda in the film.

True - only for those who are not at all in the subject :)

And for those who have even a passing interest in soda issues, 90% of it is all on the Internet and in books.

For me personally, there was an interesting moment about Macarius the Great. I have known and loved his prayers for many years, I read about his ascetic life, but I did not know that his famous place of asceticism in Egypt - the Nitrian desert - is an area where there are alkaline lakes, which annually during the dry period allow you to extract as much natural soda as you want .
And the Egyptians mined this soda there for many millennia.

I also learned interesting points from Ancient Egypt: I didn’t know that the word “sodium” was of Egyptian origin, while the word God sounded like “Natr” at m" .

Those. the metal sodium and the divine in the imagination of the Ancient Egyptians were close, related...

In general, for the average person who doesn’t have time to research health issues (or who doesn’t have the Internet at all) - this good start in order to think about acid-base balance and ways to equalize it.

I was pleased that at the very beginning of the film (when the viewer’s brains are not yet completely askew from the completely chaotic energy of the film) it is said that soda is nothing more than PART OF OUR BLOOD - exactly the same part as table salt. And it is even said that the salty taste of blood that we are accustomed to is largely due to soda, and not salt. I think this will be ingrained in people’s subconscious. (by the way, the TV people took this information from :))

Also, now it will be clear to the average person that soda is not some purely synthetic chemical, but still a completely natural salt. And the fact that it is produced industrially does not in any way negate its naturalness. Just like fine table salt, and even more so iodized salt, is also produced industrially, but this does not stop it from being a natural substance.

Also, now everyone who has watched the film will know that the topic of soda has been known to humanity for many millennia.

Those. soda is not some kind of “product of the industrial era,” but a substance known and used since ancient times.

And the “product of the industrial era” is not soda itself, but its quantity.

If earlier this simple white powder was a rare substance worth its weight in gold, now it is the cheapest product (by the way, after this film it may become more expensive, because demand gives rise to rising prices :))

No less valuable is the fact that the film outlines a fairly wide range of uses for soda.

It is very valuable that for the first time such a mass audience was told about the truly “diamond” of the entire alkaline healing system...

Well, in a broader and systemic sense, the benefit of this film is as follows.

Now we - specialists dealing with issues of self-knowledge and self-healing - will know much better the nature of the myths and beliefs that will now circulate among the people.

And accordingly, it will be easier for us to explain to people the nuances of using soda - including the many dangers associated with such use.

What's going on here?

Most people who watch TV in the vast expanses of our vast Motherland do not really use the Internet. And after watching a movie about soda, they don’t go to Google or Yandex to get more detailed and expanded information on using soda. They act much more straightforwardly - which subsequently leads to negative consequences.

Moreover, as always in such cases, some part of the people will have really good, and even “miraculous” results from using soda (since the product itself is truly unique), and some part of the people will have negative results ( because this truly unique product has many nuances that you need to know when using).

But as a rule, only good and “miraculous” results become popular myths and beliefs, and the negative ones are somehow forgotten by popular rumor.

By the way, faith in the best, optimism is generally a distinctive feature of any national consciousness, especially, of course, ours, Russian...

And over time, we will have quite persistent myths that we, specialists and just people who know how to study information on the Internet, will need to correct.

By the way, one more nuance about myths about soda.

The thing is. that this film was not only the creator of myths, but first of all it is the focus of those myths that already exist.

This film collected everything that could be found about soda, all the myths.

They collected them and relayed them to the people.

And now all this will grow happily among the people, because official medicine, what can I say, has no prospects in terms of restoring real health. Official medicine is now predominantly a business. And the patient is now part of this entire medical business project.

But to anyone with even a modicum of sanity, it is clear as daylight that profit and health are mutually exclusive .

The more healthy people are, the less profit modern business medicine has!!!

After all, you can’t make a profit from health!

Profit can only be made from sick people.

This means that the system of depriving people of health should be set up as widely as possible.

And this system is now working at full capacity in our country.- starting from the very first days, and even hours of life(suffice it to recall the numerous vaccinations, many of which raise serious doubts among experts) .

And therefore, the wisdom of our ancient people will inevitably initiate the search for some alternative ways of healing.

And soda is not in last place in this regard!

And that’s why, in my opinion, it’s very important to sort through everything that is collected in this film and thrown into the public consciousness.

And then a certain integral knowledge will arise, which will be completely accessible to any seeking and interested person.

I think for this it will be enough to call this material of mine the same name as the film about soda, for example, “Ashes of the Divine Fire. Analysis of the film REN-TV.” And then anyone who comes across this film online will also find a link to this text nearby.

So, we talked about the potential benefits of this film.

Now about the shortcomings, shortcomings, important nuances and so on...

First I will talk about the most general points.

General points

First, of course, an enchanting puncture with my name, surname, and profession :)

It is enough to type this first and last name into a search engine and it will immediately become clear that such a spa therapist does not exist in nature.

Well, their own correspondent can’t interview a person about whom nothing is known for a film!

The people who made the film are clearly narrow-minded people, because if they didn’t have the brains to figure out such simple things, it means that in other aspects of the topic they couldn’t take anything significant, but just scratch the surface.

Being a direct participant in the process, I can say that during the December filming I said a lot of real, practical things to the camera.

How much soda to drink

What kind of water is needed for drinking soda?

What is the water temperature

How does it go with food?

What are the restrictions and contraindications for taking soda orally?

All these important nuances, which can reduce all the benefits of soda to zero, and even cause harm, were not shown in the film.

The next most important point, which was not mentioned in the film, is a story about all the main reasons for acidification of the body.

The acid-base balance is mentioned so fleetingly that this information does not have any serious informational weight in the film.

After all, this is simple logic, accessible even to a very modest intellect: alkalization with soda is only necessary because there is acidification in the body. So before we talk about any use of alkalizing agents, you need to find out the causes of acidification and eliminate them!

Imagine a ship.

Floats on the sea.

Caught in a storm.

Somehow he survived, and now he has two problems on board: a leak in the bottom and terrible dirt on the deck (for example, some barrels of fuel oil spilled or something like that)

So what is the priority here? Throw all your energy into fixing the leak or restore order on the deck?

Obviously, you must first fix the leak, and only then clean up the mess.

So, soda in its entire wide range of applications is just one of the means of bringing beauty and order to the deck.

And eliminating a leak means finding out ALL THE CAUSES OF ACIDIFICATION (ACIDOSIS) of each specific organism.

And these reasons are DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE!!!

Of course, there are some general reasons, and by the way, I talked about them in a December interview for almost an hour and a half on camera.

And from this whole story - 10 seconds about the benefits of baths.

So, we can fix the first key point, which was not mentioned in the film, but is very important in terms of understanding the place of soda in the human health system: ALKALINATION (including with the help of soda) IS NECESSARY ONLY BECAUSE OF THE CURRENT ACIDIFICATION.

Why is it prevalent?

There are more general, objective, natural reasons for this, and more narrow ones related to our current environmental catastrophe, in which we live in most countries of the planet - especially the current civilized countries.

The first group of reasons - general - is that ALL METABOLIC PROCESSES of all living organisms on earth produce certain waste products.

From a small cell to a person.

Every living organism for its life must eat something, process it and excrete something.

And all these secretions, all waste products - from cells to humans - are chemically acidic.

The problem starts later.

The problem begins when the large system that includes this particular element - a cell, a person, a car - ceases to cope with cleansing his space from these waste products.

The most obvious example here is our society, where we - people - are a kind of cells of this social organism, and our services, industries, ministries and departments are analogues of the life systems of the body: circulatory, immune, excretory, etc.

Well, in order for us to live normally in the city, it is absolutely necessary that the work of public utilities be very clearly organized.

If public utilities “weaken” and stop removing garbage and waste from the city, then the city will very soon become dirty, stinky, and unsanitary, which will inevitably lead to widespread epidemics - just as it was in European cities in the Middle Ages.

Watch, friends, 4 videos about soda. You will learn about its origin, application for global health improvement, skin beauty and weight loss. Everything about soda with detailed explanations from world-famous leading scientists.

Scientists consider soda to be a product of extraterrestrial origin. The most ancient writings describe it as the property of the Gods. Today's Internet and media are often full of articles and videos about its benefits as a panacea for all diseases and fat deposits. Is it really that useful? Let's look and listen to the opinions of scientists.

Video about soda, beneficial properties, application

Until recently, I believed that soda was a chemical intended only for wiping away dirt and washing pots and pans. Imagine my surprise when, in a series of scientific and educational programs, I heard about the true origin of this substance. About the fact that it has been used and treated since ancient times by peoples all over the world! And at first it was available only to the Gods for immortality.

Film about soda Ashes of Divine Fire

Watch the most wonderful film “Ashes of Divine Fire” from the Mysteries of the World series with Anna Chapman. It contains a wealth of scientific information about this miraculous substance. Origin, beneficial properties of soda, contraindications, methods and recipes for use, soda baths for weight loss, treatment of diseases, statements by scientists and many, many more interesting things!

Professor Ogulov - treatment with soda

The famous professor Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov tells everything about soda in the video with a detailed scientific explanation. He is a full member of the International European Academy of Natural Sciences, a doctor of traditional medicine, and the author of a huge number of books and scientific publications.

This is a fragment of a video recording of his speech at a seminar for medical workers.

Neumyvakin about soda

The next film contains detailed recommendations on treatment with soda from the world famous (read the biography) surgeon, founder of space medicine with 30 years of experience in improving the health of astronauts. I wrote about my experience of taking it correctly for health in an article about.

Other uses of baking soda

Watch another video about soda with Elena Malysheva. About using it to remove dirt and odors in everyday life, and to whiten teeth. And most importantly, how to check its quality and freshness.


Today about this scandalous program!

"Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman" - Program - shock! No matter what the release, there’s a ton of benefits!

I will especially highlight these two issues - “Soda Ashes of the Gods” and “Meat - the Flesh of Deception.”

Rent TV generally pleases with unusual, original, exciting programs; we love this channel for the series of Prokopenko’s programs and for Anna Chapman’s program.

In general, before the episode about soda, I didn’t watch this program “Dances of the World”,

I stumbled upon it by accident and couldn’t switch it back.

I’m very glad that I came across this particular episode of Anna Chapman’s program “Secrets of the World” - the episode was dedicated to soda!

Yes, yes, that same ordinary baking soda - which, by the way, I already wrote a review about, but then I still didn’t know all the secrets of baking soda, and after watching this program we simply went to the store and bought 5 more packs of baking soda - let it stand, just in case!))

There's a ton of amazing advice in the program. And we watched it with the whole family, after that my sister and I decided to take baths with soda, brush our teeth with soda (well, I did that anyway, you can see the recipe for my powder with soda)) and wash our hair with it, and my mother washes the floors and dishes with it (well, she used to wash with it before), but dad decided to actually... take baking soda orally!))

I’ll share a super recipe for losing weight with soda:

The recipe for losing weight with baking soda includes taking baths with baking soda - a cycle of 10 baths every other day.

How to prepare a weight loss bath using baking soda:

dissolve the pack in a hot bath (or half, I took the full one,

and I also added 10 drops of mint oil to it for aroma))

baking soda, stir thoroughly, and take this bath,

duration 20 minutes.

One such bath takes from 1 to 2 kg of excess weight!!! FACT! I weighed myself!

And for a full course of 10 baths, as stated, an average of 10 kg of excess weight is lost,

and this is just in 20 days - 10 baths every other day. However, it took me 5 kg,

to be honest, but I didn’t weigh much, only 56, and that’s exactly 50 - 51

has always been a dream, and it is these last couple of kilos that are always the most difficult to achieve,

girls will understand me!))

Now with my height 167 I'm just like my favorite Jessica Alba)))

Attention: these baths are contraindicated for pregnant women.

as well as weakened persons and persons with problems with the CV system!

This man, reportedly, thanks to soda, got rid of all diseases, he washes himself with soda, brushes his teeth with soda, takes soda internally, etc.

His look, of course, is not the same, but for the sake of health, you can try!)))

Recipe for caries:

It has been reported that if you brush your teeth with baking soda instead of toothpaste,

then there will never be caries!!!! Well, I’ve been brushing my teeth with baking soda for a long time now,

just not in its pure form, but I prepare tooth powder from it ACCORDING TO MY RECIPE,

and I really haven’t had caries for 10 years now, FACT!)))

and the teeth have become very good!)))

The next program, which I also really liked, is “Secrets of the World Meat is the flesh of deception.” She just confirmed my opinion and my eating style - I already wrote in a review of VEGETARIANism. A very interesting program about meat, and also there are quite interesting shots of the evolution of man from ape:

Anna Chapman is, of course, a rather provocative presenter, but I like her

Bright, smart, and at the same time, unlike the notorious Sobchak,

Anna is not provocative or annoying, but tactful, one might even say modest,

intelligent, modern woman.

To me personally, she in the role of the host of “The Secrets of the World” somewhat reminds me of the heroine

iconic "x-fails" Dana Scully, Gillian Andersen)

Spoilers are not allowed here, so I’ll just say: watch!))

You won't regret it!)

I also recommend watching the most interesting episodes

"Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman" - they will not leave you indifferent!

- “Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: Soda is the ashes of the Gods”,

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: Meat is the flesh of deception",

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: Rock of Plenty",

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: The Dark Side of the Moon"

- “Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: the road to nowhere”,

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: Destination Destiny",

- “Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: code of the universe”,

- "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman: The Great Secret of the Golden Horde",

- "Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman: the air I breathe"

For many centuries, sodium bicarbonate, known as ordinary baking soda, has been used not only as an integral attribute of cooking. “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” tells about this and other interesting facts, in which soda is presented to the viewer as a universal substance, not for nothing called in ancient times a cure for a thousand diseases, Divine ashes and tears of angels.

The program “Secrets of the World” about the benefits of soda, released on REN TV in 2014, created a real sensation not only among people who are engaged in self-healing, but also among scientists. Revealing the secrets and myths of antiquity associated with the use of this substance, Anna Chapman told a lot about soda that many not only did not know, but could not even imagine.

Why was soda called Divine Fire?

For many years, Divine Ash - Soda has been an easily accessible product, thanks to the fact that back in 1861, the Belgian chemist Sollier developed a method for extracting natural soda, which is still used today. Ancient alchemists and healers called soda Divine Ash, since the method of evaporating it from special lakes and springs resulted in a most valuable substance, which was a strong energy source, an excellent antiseptic and anesthetic.

There are many versions expressed by biophysicists and specialists who are closely involved in the history of the origin of soda, why in different parts of the world it was called Divine fire, fire or ash. The information provided in the film is the best answer to this question.

The magical properties of baking soda are known, which healers used as a shield against the machinations of evil spirits and evil spirits. Ancient Indian yogis demonstrated the magical and healing properties of soda in their tantras, cult meditations and rituals. Divine (fire) fire - soda was considered a sacred substance. The Hindus claimed that thanks to soda, a person could develop hidden abilities - extrasensory, telepathic, the ability to move in space and time.

The ancient Indians believed that sodium bicarbonate appears where the gods descend to earth. Soda is their gift.

The famous ancient physician Avicenna called the origin of the white powder divine. And in 1280, Albert the Great, wanting to create an elixir of life, introduced it into its composition, being confident that it was soda that helped rid the body of free radicals that affect the aging process in the human body.

For a long time, domestic resuscitators have been using intravenous injections of soda solutions for severe poisoning with pesticides and harmful substances. In addition, injections of soda solutions lower blood sugar levels and can bring a person out of a diabetic coma.

Despite the fact that the American Indians brought the habit of smoking into the world, they also invented a great way to quit smoking. This method involves baking soda. The film names a recipe that works flawlessly. It is necessary to dissolve 4 tsp in a glass of boiled water. soda Then rinse your mouth with the solution. After a smoker tries to smoke, he will feel an aversion to tobacco.

According to modern scientists, whose opinion was guided by Anna Chapman, soda is part of the blood, so it is it, not salt, that gives the blood a salty taste. Cleansing blood and blood vessels from harmful cholesterol with baking soda is a technique that has been used for a long time.

Soda is the best stimulant

In ancient times, soda, honey and water, mixed in equal quantities, were given to warriors before decisive offensives to enhance their stamina and physical abilities.

In the program "Secrets of the World", soda is presented as an element that was used in injection solutions given to Soviet athletes before competitions, thanks to which they could win a large number of gold medals in world competitions.

In the old days, the Slavs used soda solutions along with decoctions of medicinal herbs as a means to restore strength after serious illnesses. Soda is an excellent memory and concentration stimulant.

The film shown with Anna Chapman also presents the opinions and recommendations and original methods of representatives of alternative medicine - Neumyvakin, Ogulov, Goryushkin and others.

Roerich on the meaning of soda

The wife of the famous Russian artist, writer and philosopher Helena Roerich spoke of soda as an incredibly healing substance. While in India with her husband, she described in detail the numerous healings of people with the help of soda. In her instructions, the woman spoke about the need to use soda not only during the treatment of ailments, but also as a prophylactic agent, using it constantly day after day.

Roerich wrote about soda in her work called “Living Ethics,” written in 1935. In it, she spoke about the beneficial effects of this substance on the human body, pointing out that even cancer can be cured with its help. “Living Ethics” is a diary in which for some time Roerich described how it was necessary to use sodium bicarbonate to eliminate a particular ailment or disease, referring to her own experience.

Helena Roerich's main emphasis was on the fact that soda should be drunk with milk, especially for children with a severe cough. She noted that soda should be consumed only in those dosages that are recommended for certain diseases:

  1. Added soda to milk in an amount of more than 1 tbsp. l. is a laxative that helps with constipation.
  2. As a preventative against many diseases, Roerich recommends drinking soda solutions twice a day.
  3. 1 coffee spoon (1 teaspoon - 0.5 teaspoon) up to eight times a day should be consumed every day with water. This remedy helps relieve severe stress and improve colds by consuming it in hot aqueous solutions.
  4. For tension and discomfort in the solar plexus, take 1 tsp of baking soda 2 times a day.
  5. Bring milk to a boil, add 1 tsp. per glass of milk and take for severe sore throat, aches and pain due to colds. Carry out the procedure on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before meals.

According to Roerich, you should never underestimate the importance of soda for the body, since it is the ashes of the Divine Fire - “a shield from the darkness of destruction.”

The film “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” about soda reveals all the hidden capabilities of this mysterious substance, its true purpose for life on earth.