Anthropometric data when selecting a wheelchair. Rules for selecting a wheelchair How to choose the width of a wheelchair seat

To select the optimal size of a wheelchair, you need to make preliminary measurements of the patient’s body dimensions, as well as doorways, and the width of the ramps used. In some cases, additional consultation with a doctor may be necessary.

To select the most suitable wheelchair size, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s individual parameters (height and weight). You should also pay attention to the person’s sensations and his position in the chair: the posture should be comfortable, the seat should be straight. Detailed selection instructions are presented below.

Standard stroller sizes

To make the right decision, not only the overall dimensions of the wheelchair itself are taken into account, but also the environment in which it will be used, i.e. the width of doorways, ramps located near the entrance to a house, store, clinic, etc.

Typically, all these indicators correspond to the maximum possible width of the wheelchair (68–70 cm) plus 5–10 cm of clearance.

Standard dimensions are:

  1. Height 93–109 cm.
  2. Length 110–120 cm.
  3. The distance between the front wheels is 65 cm.
  4. Back width 45 cm.
  5. Seat depth (distance from the front edge to the base of the backrest) 40–45 cm.
  6. The height of the armrests (from the seat surface) is 25 cm.

As for the width of the seat, it should fit the clothing size of the disabled patient.

Table 1. Correspondence of the width of the stroller to the size of the patient’s clothing

*Another 2-3 cm must be added to the indicated size to take into account the thickness of winter clothing.

It is important to understand that the wheelchair dimensions given are approximate. The choice of a specific model can only be made together with the patient himself, taking into account his personal feelings.

Dimensions according to GOST

The parameters of medical rehabilitation products are often regulated at the level of state standards. In the case of a wheelchair, you should refer to GOST R 50602-93, which provides the following standard indicators:

  1. Height H = 109 cm.
  2. Width between wheels B = 70 cm.
  3. Length L = 120 cm.

The indicated dimensions in all 3 cases are understood as the greatest distance between the most protruding parts (in height, width and length). In this case, the length and width dimensions can be increased if necessary (up to 175 cm and 81 cm, respectively). These wheelchairs are made for overweight people and amputees.

Types of strollers by size

There are several, including depending on the environment of use:

  1. Outdoor strollers: can reach up to 120 cm in length and 70 cm in width (referring to the width of the wheels of wheelchairs).
  2. Domestic (indoor) - up to 110 cm in length and 67 cm in width.

Street models are larger because their track width is larger (65–70 cm). In addition, they are equipped with wider wheels made of molded rubber, which is highly wear-resistant. They are also suitable for home use if the width of the door openings allows the stroller to be moved without hindrance.

Step-by-step instructions for choosing a model

The selection of a specific model is carried out in the presence of the patient.

You should measure his height and weight in advance, as well as the width of doorways, ramps and other technical structures that the disabled person will use (openings in the elevator, the width of interior doors in the apartment, etc.).

Step 1. Selection by width

To do this, you can use the information presented in the table, add 5 cm to it so that the walls do not press too tightly on the body, and also 2–3 cm for outerwear. For example, the patient’s clothing size is 48. Then a model with a seat width of 42 cm + 5 cm + 2 cm = 49 cm will suit him. At the same time, the width of the wheelchair wheels remains standard - 70 cm.

If the seat is a little wider and the patient feels quite spacious in it, this is better than if it is narrower. If the width of the wheelchair is too large, the following consequences are observed:

  • the person sits uncertainly;
  • the body is too mobile, there is a risk of tipping over on its side and even falling;
  • if the patient is completely or partially paralyzed, he may fall on one side, intuitively trying to take a stable position; This will cause the body to become numb and swelling will occur.

Note! A back that is too wide leads to poor posture and worsens the well-being of a disabled person.

Step 2. Chair depth

This refers to the maximum distance from the base of the backrest to the front border of the seat (for example, for Armed strollers it is 40–41 cm). This size is of great importance because normally the patient’s weight should be evenly distributed (mainly on the buttocks and thighs). Otherwise, the main pressure will be on the ischial tuberosities. This leads to a number of negative consequences:

  • pain in the lower back;
  • bedsores;
  • sensory disturbances in the knees and thighs;
  • deterioration of blood supply to the legs;
  • rapid human fatigue.

Ideally, the fit should be fairly tight. To do this, you need to initially measure the distance of the hip. The patient sits on a flat surface, and another person measures the distance from the knees to the edge of the thigh (along the protruding bone). You need to subtract 5 cm from this indicator - this will be the optimal size of the wheelchair in depth.

You can also conduct the following test: put a person in a stroller so that the back rests firmly on the chair. Then measure the distance from the edge of the seat to the surface of the leg - it should be no more than 7 cm, i.e. 4 fingers thick. If the chair is too deep, this leads to various postural disorders. If the parameter is not large enough, the disabled person risks falling out during active movement.

Note! If you cannot find the optimal depth, it can be adjusted using a special orthopedic pillow. It is installed and fixed on its side - i.e. runs parallel to the back of the model.

Step 3: Seat Height

The distance from the floor to the surface of the chair (seat height) should be such that the person sits correctly - the legs at the knee joints are bent at a right angle, the back is perfectly straight. In this case, the person feels as comfortable as possible, does not bend forward or backward, the posture is correct. To determine the indicator, you need to measure the leg parameter - the distance from the knee joint to the foot, then add 5 cm.

Note! You can also adjust the correct height using an orthopedic pillow under the butt, placing it on the center of the seat.

If the patient is initially expected to use this product, its size must also be taken into account (subtract the difference). At the same time, you need to understand that when landing, the height of the pillow decreases by about 2 times.

Step 4. Back height

This size is important mainly for the correct posture of a person. The patient should rest his back on the surface so that the load on the spine is not too great. Otherwise, your back will begin to become stiff, and in the long term there is a risk of poor posture. To make the right choice, a person should sit in a stroller. Then you need to measure the distance from the inner surface of the armpits to the upper edge of the back. If it is approximately 10 cm, this model is optimal for a disabled person.

If the backrest is too high, your back will feel uncomfortable because your body mobility will be significantly limited. If, on the contrary, the backrest is below the level, the spine will not receive the necessary support. As a result, the patient will constantly lean back, and the back will quickly begin to tire.

Attention! If a person is completely or partially paralyzed, the height parameter must be monitored especially carefully.

Step 5. Determining the height of the armrests

Another important support point is the armrests. The size of their height plays an important role in the overall stability of the human body. To correctly determine, you need to put him in a stroller and measure the height from the surface of the chair to the elbows, add 2.5 cm to this number. This amount will be the most optimal size.

Today, almost all models have the ability to adjust this parameter, so it can be adjusted to each person.

Step 6: Patient Weight

This is also a very important parameter, especially in cases where a disabled person is overweight. The maximum load on the product is always specified in the technical data sheet. Therefore, you need to focus on this parameter. At the same time, it is worth purchasing models with a weight reserve: for example, if a person weighs 110 kg, it is better to buy a stroller that can withstand up to 120–125 kg.

Thus, the choice of wheelchair dimensions in terms of width, height and depth must be made taking into account several dimensions at once, both of the patient himself and of technical devices (openings, ramps). If a person suffers from diseases of the back, muscles, or is completely or partially paralyzed, it is preferable to obtain additional consultation with a doctor.

How to correctly take measurements from a patient to select a suitable wheelchair, watch the video:

When choosing a wheelchair, there are many questions that need to be considered before purchasing. First of all, this concerns dimensions. It is also worth considering the scope of application of rehabilitation equipment. Let's look at the types of strollers for people with musculoskeletal disorders and the main selection criteria.

Features of a wheelchair

Many people confuse concepts such as wheelchair and stroller. The first option refers to passive rehabilitation equipment that can be moved by a third party. The wheelchair is often used for home use. Its weight can reach 8 kg, and it can transport a patient up to 100 kg. The advantage of the gurney is its mobility; it is easy to fold and carry. The weight and width of the wheelchair is greater, but it can be controlled by the patient himself, which reduces his dependence on other people.

The choice of equipment for rehabilitation depends on the physiological characteristics and needs of the person, as well as on the extent to which the musculoskeletal system is impaired. Strollers for people with disabilities are sold in specialized stores. When choosing, it is important to familiarize yourself with the quality certificate and state licenses for the product.

Don't know how wide a wheelchair is? First of all, you should familiarize yourself with its types. Its dimensions depend on the type and modification.

Types of rehabilitation equipment for movement:

  1. Active type. Wheelchairs of this type are designed for independent movement of patients. They are made of durable materials for long-term use, but have a slightly lightweight design for ease of movement.
  2. Lever/mechanical drive. The devices are equipped that allow you to use the stroller on different surfaces. Here, when choosing, you need to take into account the width of the wheelchair along the wheels. The design is reliable, safe, and has an adjustable backrest. Can be used even by people who are actively involved in sports.
  3. Electric wheelchair. Designed for free movement both at home and outdoors. The design operates on batteries and is equipped with a control panel. Its management does not require much effort. The advantages of such a stroller are convenience and ease of use; the disadvantages include high cost.
  4. Sports stroller. Equipped for various sports. The wheels of such strollers are located at an angle, but are mobile and stable.
  5. Child seats. Most often they are made to order, taking into account the size of the child. The backrest in such designs must be adjustable.
  6. Sanitary device. This is a stroller that is equipped with certain amenities (for example, a removable bedpan). You can shower or go to the toilet in it.

Standard dimensions and width of wheelchairs

Often, equipment for the movement of people with musculoskeletal disorders have standard sizes. The stroller should easily fit through doorways and onto ramps in public places.

Standard sizes of wheelchairs:

  • height - from 93 cm to 109 cm;
  • length - from 110 cm to 120 cm;
  • the distance between the front wheels is about 65 cm;
  • back width - 45 cm;
  • seat depth (from the edge to the base of the back) - from 40 cm to 45 cm;
  • armrest height - 25 cm.

The width of the wheelchair is selected depending on the size of the person’s clothing. Standard sizes are also available here.

How to choose the width of rehabilitation equipment depending on the size of clothing:

  • less than 46 - width up to 40 cm;
  • 46-50th - 42-43 cm;
  • 51-54th - 44-46 cm;
  • above 55th - 48-58 cm.

To correctly determine the width of a wheelchair, it is worth adding another 3 cm to the standard width, that is, taking into account the thickness of clothing for the winter. In addition, although the dimensions are standard, they are approximate, depending on the manufacturer. It is better to select a product with the patient and how comfortable he will feel in a particular model.

Dimensions according to GOST

The dimensions of medical devices for the movement of persons with musculoskeletal disorders are strictly regulated according to state standards.

The size and width of a wheelchair according to GOST 50602-93 has the following indicators:

  • height - 109 cm;
  • distance between wheels - 70 cm;
  • length - 120 cm.

There are also sizes available for heavier individuals or lower limb amputees. For them, the length can be increased to 175 cm and the width to 81 cm.

Types of strollers by size:

  • street options - length up to 120 cm, width - 70 cm;
  • for home use - length 110 cm, width - up to 67 cm.

Street models are slightly larger, since their track width is up to 70 cm. They are equipped with wider wheels and are highly wear-resistant. They can also be used at home, as they fit through doorways without obstacles.

Weight, frame and material for making wheelchairs

When choosing, you need to take into account not only the width of the wheelchair, but also indicators such as the weight of the structure, the features of the frame and the material from which the seat is made.

Dimensions and weight depend on the design model. On average, rehabilitation equipment for movement weighs up to 19 kg. There are options with a lightweight aluminum frame up to 15 kg. The weight of a sports model can vary from 8 to 15 kg. Strollers with a reinforced double frame and an extended seat have an increased load capacity, which is important for obese patients.

The frame may differ depending on the design features and the material used. Most often it is made of steel, and sometimes of aluminum or chrome. Structural elements can be folding or monolithic. The first option is preferable, since it can be easily folded and transported.

The seat and back are made of leatherette or hygroscopic material. They are easy to sanitize and have a high level of comfort.

Selection criteria

To choose the most functional and optimal stroller option, it is worth considering where and how the equipment will be used first.

What else to consider when choosing:

  • features of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system in humans;
  • where the larger structure will be used (at home or outdoors);
  • the presence of running boards and an anti-tip system;
  • frame feature (folding for transportation or monolithic);
  • wheel type and width.

The main parameters when choosing a stroller are its width, seat depth and back height. Most often, active type options are chosen because they are comfortable, convenient, light in weight, and easily fold into the trunk of any car. This option includes wheelchairs with a width of 60 cm.

When choosing children's rehabilitation equipment, it is worth considering the age of the child. Among them there are basic and active models. Strollers for children with cerebral palsy should be included in a separate group. They can have various adaptations depending on the child's abilities and needs to ensure his safe stay in the chair. It is important that they are equipped with side latches, a strong and comfortable backrest, a single footrest, head latches and straps.

Wheelchair Width

The maximum width of the rehabilitation equipment is up to 42 cm. If the width of the stroller is larger, it will impede its ability to fit into narrow doorways and elevators. To determine the required size, it is worth measuring your hips (at the widest areas). It is worth adding about 3-5 cm to the resulting length. For example, for a person with clothing size 48, 42 cm + 5 cm + 2 cm (for outerwear) = 49 cm is suitable. In this case, the width of the wheels will remain standard 70 cm.

To determine the depth of the seat, it is worth measuring the dimensions of a person in a sitting position, from the hip to the knees and subtract 5 cm. These are the most important indicators when choosing a rehabilitation device. If the seat is narrow, the person's mobility will be limited because it will be difficult to turn the torso. The risk of developing bedsores also increases. If, on the contrary, the seat is wide, the patient’s back is not fixed, which can lead to curvature of the spine.

An important criterion is the depth of the seat. If it is small, the body weight will be distributed unevenly, which will increase the load on the spine. If it is too large, the patient may fall out of the chair or develop spinal deformity.

If you cannot find the optimal seat depth, it can be adjusted using an orthopedic pillow that is fixed on the side.

Seat height

This indicator depends on the characteristics of the spinal lesion. If a person has a cervical spine injury, the backrest should be higher, but so that the patient does not sit hunched over. It is also worth remembering that the height can be increased with the help of an orthopedic pillow, which is located under the hips.

To determine the height, it is worth measuring the distance from the heel to the knee plus 5 cm and the height of the pillow, if it will be used. If a polyurethane cushion is used, it is halved when planted.

The footrest is located at a distance of 5 cm from the floor. If the height of the seat increases, the height of the footrest should also increase. If the footrest and seat are low, they will interfere with the wheels' movement, and if the patient hits a small hole, the patient may fall. If it is high, the person will not move up to the table, or it will be difficult for him to reach objects that are located at the level of the stroller.

The width of the passage for a wheelchair ranges from 90 cm to 150 cm, there are no restrictions on height.

Armrest height

This criterion plays an important role in ensuring the patient’s sitting comfort in rehabilitation equipment. To determine the required size, it is worth measuring the distance from the elbows to the seat plus 2.5 cm. It is at this level that the armrests should be located. It is better to choose adjustable ones in order to choose their location individually, and not be guided by standards.

If the armrests are low, this can affect posture, increase fatigue and even lead to difficulty breathing. If they are too high, they will no longer perform their task, namely to support the forearms.

Wheelchair Wheels

Wheels for a rehabilitation device are selected depending on where they will be used most. They can be pneumatic or cast.

Pneumatic wheels have higher shock-absorbing properties, while cast wheels are more durable, reliable and wear-resistant. The first option is suitable for moving on uneven surfaces, the ride will be soft. The second option is for home use, since if the cast wheels are somewhat damaged, they cannot be repaired, but require replacement. The width of a wheelchair along the wheels does not depend on their type.

Standard sizes of ramps in public places are up to 1 m. The optimal width of a wheelchair for a ramp is up to 58 cm plus frame. The wider the standard model, the higher the structural elements are located.


When choosing a wheelchair, there are many things to consider. If standard sizes are not suitable, you can order custom-made rehabilitation equipment. It is worth paying attention to the dimensions, width, height of the product, the design of the frame, the material for the backrest and the type of wheels.

In order to design buildings and structures with wheelchair access in mind, you need to know:
- dimensions of the wheelchair;
- parameters of a disabled person in a wheelchair.

In Russia, the majority of disabled people, both at home and on the street, usually use a so-called “room” wheelchair for movement (Fig. 4.1). The width of the indoor stroller, which most adult disabled people prefer to use, is about 620 mm. It is a stroller of this width that, with great difficulty, but still enters a narrow passenger elevator (usually installed in 9-story buildings). The maximum width of the stroller is 670 mm. The maximum length of the stroller is 1100 mm.
Thus, The dimensions of an indoor stroller without a person are 670x1100 mm.
The dimensions of an indoor stroller with a person are slightly larger. The width of the stroller itself is determined by the distance between the rims on the wheels. Since the indoor stroller is driven by the hands of a disabled person pushing the rim, additional space for hands is required on the sides of the stroller, about 50 mm on each side (Fig. 4.2). The width of an indoor stroller with a person will be 770 mm. If, when designing doors, we focus only on the stroller width of 670 mm, then the stroller will fit through the door, but the disabled person must be careful in the doors so as not to scratch or damage their hands. The length of an indoor stroller with a person will also be larger due to the feet protruding beyond the footrest.
Some disabled people use another stroller to go outside - a stroller (lever), which is also driven by the hands of the disabled person, but not by the rims, but with the help of special mechanical devices-levers (see photo 4.1). The dimensions and weight of a stroller are larger than that of an indoor stroller.

The dimensions of the stroller without a person are 703x1160 mm.
The size of a stroller, being wider, will be taken as the dimensions of a standard wheelchair without a person.
In order for a disabled person in a wheelchair to feel more or less comfortable and not touch walls and jambs when moving, he needs sufficient area to accommodate a wheelchair: approximately 850x1200 mm.
However, sometimes this zone may not be enough. For example, some disabled people cannot move on their own. This means that it is necessary to provide an additional area for the accompanying person behind the stroller. Disabled people who, although they use a stroller, can stand on their feet, need a free area in front of the stroller. The parameters of the comfortable zone for placing a wheelchair will be at least 900x1500.

I would like to immediately warn you that the terminology “sufficient zone” and “comfortable zone” for placing a wheelchair is not used in the regulatory literature, but was invented by me for the convenience of explanation. The purpose of all these arguments is to explain why in the normative literature the same parameters are presented with different numbers. In my opinion, this is determined only by the subjective position of the authors of the standards. Having received the necessary knowledge, you will be able to have your own opinion in each specific case. This is especially important when reconstructing buildings, when the ability of architects to provide access for people with disabilities is very limited.

Thus, to design buildings and structures taking into account the characteristics of disabled people using a wheelchair, the following parameters can be used:

The width of corridors and passages must be sufficient for the free movement of disabled people using wheelchairs. The width of passage zones for various types of traffic is presented in Table 4.1

This table is an attempt at a logical generalization of the existing regulatory literature, in which the logic of the numbers is completely (!) absent, since the passage zones are represented by a wide variety of numbers. But what is important is that “the width of the ramp must correspond to the basic parameters of the passages” (“Recommendations…Issue 1”, p. 21). That is why there was a need to create a unified table. I think it will help you in each specific case determine the required width of the passage area, corridor or ramp being designed. But we must remember one rule:
The minimum width of the corridor in which a wheelchair can turn or turn around is at least 1200 mm.
With a local narrowing of the passage, it is possible to reduce its width to 0.85 m.
What is "local narrowing of the passage"? For example, two sections of a corridor are separated by a wall. The width of each corridor is 1500 mm. The corridors are connected by an open opening in the wall. Its width can be 850 mm.
Please note that the table shows the width of the passage zones clean. Objects and devices (mailboxes, payphone shelters, information boards, etc.) placed on the walls of buildings, structures or on individual structures, as well as protruding elements and parts of buildings and structures should not reduce the space required for the passage and maneuvering of the chair - strollers. No obstacle in the corridors should block the minimum required passage width. Otherwise, it is necessary to expand the width of the sidewalk path or corridor, taking into account possible obstacles.
On pages 42–45 you can see an example of an illiterately installed information board that blocks access to a ramp for a disabled person in a wheelchair, and get acquainted with an example of the thoughtless installation of a garbage container that prevents a disabled person in a wheelchair from approaching the call button.
When turning a sidewalk, hallway, ramp, etc., by 90°, the minimum required wheelchair turning zone, given in the Wheelchair Turning Zones section, must be observed. In dead-end areas of pedestrian paths and corridors, it is necessary to ensure that the wheelchair can turn 180°.
The height of the passage to the bottom of protruding structures must be at least 2.1 m.
Approaches to equipment and furniture must be at least 0.9 m wide, and if it is necessary to turn the wheelchair 90°, at least 1.2 m wide.
When arranging equipment in the sales area, it is necessary to leave aisles between shelves of at least 0.9 meters.
If trade is carried out using a self-service system, then at the entrance the width of one of the turnstiles must be sufficient for the entry of a disabled person in a wheelchair. At the exit, the width of the passage near at least one of the cash control posts must be at least 1.1 m (the minimum allowable width is 0.9 m). The design plane of this cash register must be located at a height not exceeding 0.8 m from the floor level.
In clothing stores, at least one of the fitting rooms must be at least 0.9 meters wide and 1.2–1.5 meters deep. But these are the minimum standards. SP 31-102-99 recommends designing a fitting cabin with dimensions of at least: area - 2.0 x 1.7 sq.m, height - 2.1 m, in order to provide disabled people with the necessary level of comfort. It would be good to remember to place a chair in all fitting booths (or near them), which will be needed not only by people with disabilities on crutches, but also by ordinary people. And several hooks at different heights will provide customers with an indispensable service. In fitting rooms for disabled people, it is necessary to provide unbreakable mirrors or provide shockproof protection for the lower part of the mirror to a height of 0.3 m.
I would like to recommend using folding seats more widely (in elevators, telephone booths, showers, etc.). They create additional convenience for people using canes and crutches, but do not reduce the space required for maneuvering a wheelchair user.
Near tables, counters and other service areas, near wall-mounted devices and devices used by visitors with limited mobility, a free space of at least 0.9 x 1.5 m should be provided.
In other words, it is always necessary to provide free approach zone(to the phone, to the ramp, to the door, to the fitting room, etc.).
The width of galleries, as well as balconies and loggias (in sanatoriums, hotels, etc.) must be at least 1.5 meters in clearance. Residential premises of specialized residential buildings and territorial social service centers should be designed with balconies (loggias) with a depth of at least 1.4 m.

4.3. Wheelchair turning areas

The dimensions of the space for turning a wheelchair are based on the parameters of a disabled person in a wheelchair.
I have systematized all the available variety of numbers that determine the parameters of the space for maneuvering wheelchairs in the form of table 4.2 for ease of use. I note that the names of the zones in the table are not normative, but were proposed by me to give the table logical completeness.

Depending on the specific situation, various options for arranging a platform for maneuvering a stroller in front of the entrance door to a building or room are possible. The dimensions of these areas depend not only on the type of entrance doors and the direction of their opening, but also on the direction of the entrances to the doors. When designing, you need to remember the dimensions of a disabled person in a wheelchair (850 x 1200 mm) and know the requirements for the depth of platforms and vestibules (SNiP 2.08.02-89*, clause 4.7.):
The depth of the space for maneuvering a wheelchair in front of the door when opening “from yourself” must be at least 1.2 m, and when opening “toward” - at least 1.5 m.
Therefore, we can derive the “golden rule” for all occasions:
The depth of the area in front of the front door and the depth of the vestibule cannot be less than 1.2 m.
I will immediately note that such a depth is necessary not only for maneuvering disabled people in wheelchairs, but also for ordinary people. Let's look at this with specific examples.
If the depth of the narrow platform in front of the front door is only 600 mm, and the swing door leaf is 900 mm, then the person opening the door must first climb the steps to the landing, and then, opening the door and backing away, go down (!) one or two steps, since the open door leaf will actually hang over the upper steps of the stairs. But what about a baby stroller if a woman with a small child is climbing the stairs? From this we can conclude: the depth and width of the area in front of the front door should be no less than the width of the door leaf to be opened (Fig. 4.3).

In order to ensure that on such a narrow platform (Fig. 4.3) a person does not have to go back down the steps when opening the doors, the depth of the platform should be additionally increased by approximately 300 mm (Fig. 4.4). The total depth of the site will be 1200 mm.
But this deeper platform also has a significant drawback. It consists in the fact that when opening the doors, a person will still have to move backwards along the platform. To solve these problems, it is necessary to expand the site from the door handle.
In Fig. Figure 4.5 shows unacceptable and correct options for installing doors. The minimum distance from the door to the corner must be at least 300 mm. This area is enough to accommodate an average person to the side of the door.
If a door located at a distance of 300 mm from the corner is opened by a disabled person in a wheelchair, then the depth of the platform should be greater - at least 1700 mm!
You can increase the distance from the corner to the door to 500 mm. Then, for maneuvering the wheelchair, the usual platform depth of 1500 mm will be sufficient. That is why, probably, the standards do not mention 300 mm, but talk about 500 mm, but in a slightly different form:
For doors located in the corner of a corridor or room, the distance from the handle to the side wall must be at least 0.6 m.

Thus, the dimensions of the area in front of the entrance should be the same as in Fig. 4.6.
The minimum area of ​​vestibules at entrances to buildings and structures should be set in accordance with the possibility of unimpeded passage and turning of a disabled person in a wheelchair. The dimensions of the vestibule depend on the location of the doors and the direction of their opening.
In Fig. 4.7 shows, as an example, the dimensions of the vestibule when the door inside the vestibule is opened towards itself. If you want to reduce the distance from the door to the wall from 500 to 300 mm, then you will have to increase the depth of the vestibule by 300 mm to 1800–2000 mm. The dimensions of entrance platforms when both stairs and a ramp are installed at the entrance are discussed in the “Ramps” section.

A wheelchair is one of the most necessary technical means of rehabilitation. Nowadays there is a wide range of models on sale, which makes the issue of choice very relevant. Before you buy a wheelchair. It is very important to choose the appropriate model depending on the patient's parameters. Incorrect selection can create discomfort for the user and even negatively affect health and well-being. In this article we will consider the question of how to choose the right wheelchair depending on the user’s parameters. In addition, we will focus on the various design features of these products and what capabilities these features provide to the patient.

What are the main types of wheelchairs available in the market?

There are two most common types of these products:

Manual wheelchairs: used if the patient can move in a wheelchair without assistance. Such strollers are equipped with large diameter rear wheels with a rim, with which the user can move using the strength of his hands.

Wheelchairs: These models usually have smaller diameter rear wheels. Relocation occurs with the help of accompanying persons (for example, relatives or staff of medical institutions). Typically, wheelchairs are used if the patient is severely weakened or has serious illnesses that prevent the ability to move without assistance.

To select the appropriate type of wheelchair, consult your doctor.

What parameters of a wheelchair need to be taken into account when purchasing?

Stroller load capacity

It is important to take into account the weight of the user and the maximum load capacity of the wheelchair. There are special models for sale for people with heavy weight.

Overall width of the stroller

This indicator is extremely important, as it determines the possibility of its passage through doorways and elevators.

Seat width

This parameter is one of the most important. If the width is insufficient, then it will be uncomfortable for the patient to turn the torso and his mobility will be reduced. Moreover, in this case, the pressure on certain areas of the pelvis increases, which leads to an increased risk of trophic disorders of soft tissues (bedsores).

If the seat, on the contrary, is excessively wide, then this negatively affects the fixation of the pelvis and back. As a result, the wheelchair user will sit unevenly in an uncomfortable position. This can cause curvature of the spine and pelvic bones. Moreover, it may be inconvenient for the patient to control the wheelchair.

There is a table of the relationship between the width of the seat and the size of clothing the patient wears. But this method is approximate and does not guarantee absolute accuracy.

42, 42.5, 43 cm

up to size 50

up to size 54

48, 50, 52, 55, 58 cm

over size 54

To select the width of the seat, use a tape measure to determine the width of the hips and add 5 cm to this indicator. The measurement is taken in the place where the width of the hips is greatest. You can place two books on the side of each thigh while sitting and measure the distance between them. If the patient will often use the stroller outside the home, then when selecting it, you need to take into account the thickness of the outerwear.

If the width of the seat is determined correctly, then between the patient’s hips and the side rails of the seat on both sides, you can place a palm in a vertical position or a not very thick book.

Seat depth

The depth of the seat is the distance from its front edge to the back. If this parameter is determined correctly, this will provide the opportunity to optimally distribute the load on the patient’s hips and buttocks. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent excessive pressure on certain areas of the pelvis and hips, and, as a result, reduce the possibility of bedsores.

To calculate the correct seat depth, you need to measure the distance from the edge of the thigh to the knee when the patient is sitting. Next, 5-7 cm should be subtracted from this value.

If the seat depth is determined correctly, then the distance between the patient’s leg and the front of the seat should be 6-7 cm (about 3-4 fingers).

Seat height

Seat height is the distance from the plane on which the wheelchair stands to its seat. A correctly determined height allows you to avoid creating excessive pressure on individual areas of the pelvis and popliteal region. Moreover, this makes it possible to make the patient’s movement and stay in a wheelchair more comfortable.

To calculate the required seat height, measure the distance from the heel to the knees, and then add another 5 cm to this indicator. If the user intends to use a special orthopedic anti-decubitus cushion on the stroller seat, it is also recommended to take into account its height. It is also recommended to take into account that the height of the pillow is reduced due to compression by the patient’s weight. The height of foam cushions is reduced by half on average.

Also, using the cushion, you can, if necessary, increase the height of the seat if it is initially insufficient.

Back height

The height of the backrest is also quite important when selecting a wheelchair. The required indicator depends on the physical condition of the patient, that is, on how strong the body support is required.

If there is a need for only a little support, then in a sitting position you need to measure the distance from the surface on which the patient is sitting to the armpits. Next, 10 cm should be subtracted from this value.

If more pronounced support is needed, then the distance from the seat to the shoulders, neck or mid-head area should be determined (depending on the required degree of support). It is worth noting that modifications of wheelchairs with a high back are available for sale.

Correctly selected backrest height allows the user to take a comfortable position, ensures a stable position of the body, ease of rest and transportation.

Armrest height

If the height of the armrests is greater than necessary, the patient will raise his shoulders too high, which will cause muscle fatigue.

If the armrests are not placed high enough, this will prevent the patient from achieving a comfortable position. He will be forced to slouch to provide support for his forearms on the armrests. This can cause fatigue, affect your balance, and even make it difficult to breathe.

To determine the appropriate height of the armrests, it is necessary to measure the height from the plane on which the patient is sitting to the elbow joint while sitting. The elbow must be bent at an angle of 90°.

What capabilities can a wheelchair design provide?

Wheelchairs can have different designs with certain features that provide additional convenience to the patient. The choice of functions depends on the patient's disease, needs and physical condition. Talk to your healthcare provider about which options are appropriate. Models with more features usually cost more.


The height of the armrests can be either fixed or adjustable at a certain interval. Height-adjustable armrests can be easily adjusted to a comfortable position.

There are also fixed, folding and removable armrests. Removable and folding options make it possible to access the seat from the side and simplify transferring from bed to stroller.

Wheelchair Armed 5000 with folding armrests of adjustable height

Also, the armrests can have a stepped design. This makes it easier to approach certain objects, such as tables.


There are two main types of wheelchairs on sale: solid tires and pneumatic tires.

If the patient does not expect to often go outside in the stroller, then the option of wheels with solid tires may be optimal. Durable and wear-resistant, they require virtually no maintenance and will last a very long time at home.

If you expect to use the stroller frequently outside the home, then wheels with pneumatic tires would be the best choice. They provide better shock absorption when driving over uneven road surfaces. Pneumatic wheels require the same care as bicycle wheels - they need to be inflated from time to time and replaced if damaged.

Stroller frame and weight

Most wheelchairs have a frame made of metal alloy. The carrying capacity of the stroller and its weight depend on the frame. Models with increased load capacity have a reinforced frame and greater weight.

Wheelchairs with a lightweight aluminum alloy frame are also on sale. The lighter weight of the stroller allows the user or accompanying person to spend less effort when moving. The disadvantage of such models may be their higher price.

Most strollers are equipped with a folding frame, which makes them more convenient to transport and store.

Stroller back

If the patient spends a lot of time in the stroller or has difficulty maintaining an upright position, then a high-back version may be considered. The increased height of the back allows you to reduce the load on the spine and musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the back, and avoid the negative consequences of prolonged sitting.

In most of these wheelchair models, the backrest can be reclined until it is parallel to the surface, and the footrests can be raised up. Thanks to this, if necessary, the patient can take a horizontal position and rest comfortably.

Wheelchair footrests

There are three main types of footrests:

Fixed footrests are structurally part of the frame, but it is usually possible to change their length in accordance with the patient's parameters.

Removable and folding footrests are more convenient. They can be removed or tilted to the side, making it more convenient for the patient to sit in the chair. In some cases, the footrests must be removed from the structure (for example, after amputation of limbs). In addition, after removing the footrests, the dimensions of the stroller are reduced, which makes it easier to transport.

Footrests with soft orthopedic stops. As a rule, they can not only be removed or folded down, but also the angle of inclination can be adjusted up to a horizontal position. This possibility may be necessary if, for example, the patient cannot bend his leg due to a cast.

Different types of footrests are selected taking into account the patient's disease, physical characteristics and needs.

The presented article is for informational purposes only. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

There are a variety of sizes on the market, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for both a baby, a teenager, and an adult patient. We refused to use only height and weight characteristics. Because we are firmly convinced that anything should be selected taking into account a wide range of individual anthropometric indicators. A common method of selection and purchase is to determine the size of the patient’s seat, and in relation to this, select the width. No other measurements of the person are made. The required width is also calculated using utilitarian methods:

1. in relation to the size of outerwear. For example, if a patient wears size 52 clothes, then he gets a stroller with a seat width of 42. For simplicity, let’s enter the data on the ratio of clothing sizes to the width of the stroller in the table:

Clothing size
Seat width
up to 48
38-40 cm
up to 52
42 cm
54-56 43 cm
56-58 46 cm
up to 64
50 cm

2. in relation to the patient’s trouser size minus 10 cm,
3. in relation to measuring the internal distance between books placed on the patient’s sides, adding 2 cm on each side.
This is how the width of the stroller seat is calculated. This is how it is bought.

With this approach, errors and inaccuracies may be made: it may be chosen incorrectly, not according to the patient’s size, which means it is more likely to harm the person than to be useful.

The procedure for taking measurements cannot be taken carelessly. It is not enough to take just one measurement and choose a stroller based only on the width of the seat. It is important that the stroller is comfortable, light, safe to move and easy to control. Before choosing a wheelchair, we recommend that you consult with your doctor and take all measurements. There are six main points that you need to focus on: seat width, seat depth, seat height, back height, forearm height, leg length.
Measurements from the patient
Hip Width and Seat Width

The measurement is taken at the widest points of the hips using a measuring tape. 5 cm is added to the result obtained. This is done so that a person can ride in a stroller comfortably even in thick clothing. You can check the correctness of the measurement as follows. If a palm passes between the sides of the stroller and the patient’s hips in a vertical position, then everything is done correctly.

Measuring the distance along the buttocks to the bend of the knee in relation to the depth of the seat.

A measuring tape is used to take measurements. Measurements are taken from the edge of the buttocks along the thigh to the inner bend of the knee. Subtract 5 - 7.5 cm from the resulting value. You can check the correctness of the resulting measurement as follows. Place the patient in a supine position. Three to four fingers should fit between the edge of the seat trim and the inside bend of the knee.

Measurements of the length of the bent leg and the height of the seat with footrest

Using a tape measure, measure the length of the bent leg from heel to heel and add 5 cm to the result. This will be the height of the seat.
The footrest should be level with the length of the leg.
You can check the correctness of the measurement as follows. The distance along the lower edge of the attached footrest to the floor should be 5 cm.

Back and back height

The height of the backrest should be adjusted according to the patient's indications. She can provide minimal or maximum support depending on the needs.
In this case, the height is measured from the surface of the seat to the armpit (arms are extended and parallel to the floor surface). If we subtract 10 from the resulting value, we get a height that minimally provides support for the body. If full torso support is required, measure the height from the seat surface to the required level of support (usually the level of the shoulders, neck, mid-head). If you need full torso support, you can choose one with a backrest that allows you to lean back, and in some cases it is recommended to use a chair back with sectional height adjustment.

The armrests should also be proportional to the size of the person’s torso.
It is necessary to measure the distance from the seat to the elbow when bent at an angle of 90.

We hope that this note will be useful to you and help you make the right choice.
Remember that a properly selected wheelchair can provide secure placement for the patient and be safe when moving.