First aid kit for traveling abroad. First aid kit for the road: doctor's advice. Prohibited drugs for import into Europe

List of necessary medications for traveling with a child.

  • on temperature Efferalgan in syrup (or other paracetamol), ibuprofen syrup, influcid, engystol.
  • for constipation Linux, festal, mezim
  • from poisoning Nifuroxazide, smecta, rehydron, charcoal, chloramphenicol, loperamide
  • for allergies Diazolin for children, loratadine for children, cetrin, fenistil gel
  • from injuries bandage, cotton wool, plasters (roll and disposable), brilliant green, iodine (preferably in a pencil), alcohol, peroxide
  • ointments for injuries Traumeel, rescuer, fastum gel, anticus, panthenol, drapolene-desyatin (for those who still use diapers), Vaseline
  • Antibiotics Sumamed
  • cough Ambroxol syrup
  • from a runny nose Aquamaris, vibrocil
  • from the throat Orasept, lisobakt, chlorophyllipt in spray.
  • from eye and ear infections Otipax, Oftadek, Sofradex


  1. Paracetamol (Calpol, Efferalgan, Panadol) in syrup or suppositories.
  2. Nurofen in syrup + Suprastin 1/4
  3. Viburkol in suppositories (for teething)


  1. The above antipyretics (headache);
  2. No-spa, Papaverine hydrochloride (relieves smooth muscle spasms - abdominal pain, colic).


  1. Zirtec, Suprastin, Fenistil (for babies up to one year old) or Claritin, Telfast (for older and adults);
  2. Visin drops (for redness and irritation of the eyes). It’s also a good idea to take Levomycetin drops, in case your baby has purulent discharge from the eyes;
  3. Fenistil-gel for itching (food allergies, itchy rash after sun exposure).

If you suspect food poisoning

  1. For older children, first rinse the stomach with boiled water at room temperature (you can use 1-2 crystals of potassium permanganate);
  2. In case of repeated vomiting, drink Regidron in small portions, every 10-15 minutes, alternate: juice-tea-Rehydron
  3. Smecta (1\2 packets 3 times a day), sorbents should be taken an hour before or an hour after eating or taking any medicine to prevent absorption.
  4. Enzymes: Creon or Mezim (start giving when expanding the diet) for 5-7 days;
  5. Linex (1 capsule 3 times a day for 7 days). Bifiform within 3-4 days;
  6. Diet for children over one year old: the first day - sweet tea with crackers, then gradually expand the diet every day - porridge with water, kefir, low-fat steamed meatballs, cottage cheese, noodle soup. You can return to a normal diet after 4-5 days, provided you feel well.
  7. For constipation, suppositories with glycerin

If you suspect an intestinal infection

  1. Regidron + Smecta + Diet (as in point 4);
  2. Enterfuril (1\ tsp 3 times a day) orally for at least 5 days; OR FURAZALIDONE
  3. Linex or Bifiform for at least 7-10 days;
  4. Enterosgel (as in the instructions)
  5. Arbidol (interferon) to all family members.
  6. Kipferon (1 candle per day)

For insect bites

  1. Soventol or Fenistil-gel (relieves itching and irritation);
  2. In case of a severe burn from a jellyfish or an insect bite, after which the body temperature has risen sharply, redness and swelling spreads from the site of the bite, there is pain at the site of the bite, a change in behavior (drowsiness, agitation), it is better to quickly contact a medical aid station.


For bruises and bruises, Troxevasin or Venoruton gels (apply 2 times a day), Hepatrombin ointments (apply 1–3 times a day), Heparoid Lechiva (apply 2–3 times a day) or Heparin ointment (apply 2 times a day) will help you -3 times a day). Apply one of these products to the bruised area and rub gently in a circular motion. Swelling and pain in the damaged area will quickly decrease. These medications must be used for several days until the tissue swelling goes away.

  1. Bandage (sterile) 1-2 pieces;
  2. Cotton swabs; Hydrogen peroxide; Zelenka; Bactericidal patch;
  3. Cream Bepanten
  4. "Star" liquid

For respiratory illness

  1. Antipyretics in the presence of high temperature;
  2. Nasal drops for SEVERE nasal congestion (Otrivin, Nazivin, Adrianol). For a moderate runny nose, limit yourself to rinsing the nasal passages with Aqua Maris or sea water. After rinsing the nose, you can use Rinofluimucil spray;
  3. For a dry cough - Lazolvan or Ambrobene (they thin sputum well and have an expectorant effect);
  4. For a “good” wet cough – Stoptussin-phyto, Gedelix, Bronchipret;
  5. For redness of the throat - irrigation with Tantum Verde, Ingalipt, Hexoral spray or calendula, eucalyptus, malavite, rotokan;
  6. In the first days of the disease, it is possible, but not necessary, to take Gripferon (nasal), Viferon (rectal).
  7. For ear pain, in the absence of discharge from the external auditory canal, Otipax and the local ear antibiotic Otofa are effective.
  8. You can provide first aid by placing a cotton swab or turunda soaked in Otipax, Sofradex or Polydexa, which have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, in the ear. Please note that there is no need to bury anything into the ear canal itself; soak cotton swabs or turundas with the medicine. Direct ear drops are dangerous. Instead, you need to make a turunda out of dry cotton wool, carefully insert it into the external auditory canal and drip warm medicine onto it 3-4 times a day. A portion of drops should be heated to a temperature of 36º C.
  9. Stomatitis: lubricate the places of borax plaque in glycerin-metrogyl gel-soda solution (2 tsp per glass of water) alternately, spray hexoral on these places 2 times a day, half a tablet of Imudon 1 time a day, when a temperature appears against the background of stomatitis, suppositories Viferon 150 thousand units 1 candle 2 times a day for 5 days, Cholisal gel specifically for stomatitis.


  1. Soothing herbal tea or tea.
  2. Alcohol solutions of motherwort, valerian. And also Valocordin, Corvalol: children are prescribed at the rate of 1 drop of alcohol solution per year of life. Alcohol solutions of these drugs can not only have a sedative effect on the central nervous system, but also soothe itchy skin. That is, these drugs can also be used externally for insect bites.

So that your eyes don't hurt...

For conjunctivitis - Furacilin tablets. Dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and rinse the eye with smooth movements in the direction from the outer to the inner corner. Change the tampon after each wash. Then instill Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid) (an antimicrobial, antibacterial and bacteriostatic agent), Sofradex (an antibacterial, antiallergic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agent) or place an antibacterial eye ointment - Erythromycin - behind the lower eyelid.


It is difficult to predict which antibiotic may be needed. Therefore, it is better to take a broad-spectrum antibiotic - Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Erythromycin, Suprax, Rulid. Summed, Macropen in children's dosage. Such a need may arise with the appearance of a sore throat, purulent otitis media, abscesses (boils), especially on the face and with burns. And if it is not possible to immediately show the child to a doctor, then you can give an antibiotic yourself.

Remedies for motion sickness

If your child gets motion sickness in transport (the so-called “sea sickness”), then 30 minutes before the trip or flight, give him an anti-motion sickness drug - Dramamine. The use of this product is permitted for children from 1 year of age. On the road, you also need to stock up on bags in case of vomiting, candy canes and drinking water with napkins

When planning a long trip abroad, you need to remember to take care of your health and pack a first aid kit, because anything can happen.

Before traveling to Thailand, we read a lot of articles on how to pack a first aid kit for travel, what medications to take with you on long trips, and what medications to take to Thailand. Based on them, we compiled our list of medications for the trip, which we took with us.

All medications can be divided into several groups:


    Drugs that help the stomach and abdomen work

    Antiallergic drugs

    Anti-infective drugs

    Medicines for the nasopharynx, ears and eyes

    Skin protection products

But, first things first

For what: At first, due to frequent changes in temperature (it is very hot outside, and air conditioning is always on in the rooms), you may catch a cold out of habit. Modern antipyretic drugs are designed not only to reduce body temperature, but also to relieve cold symptoms, so we advise you to take several different mixtures with you on your trip. They contain Paracetamol, which can also be purchased separately at the pharmacy, is cheaper than powder mixtures with different pleasant flavors.


For what: pressure changes, climate change - it is unknown how they can affect your body - you may get a headache, or a long-healed tooth may ache. So it’s better to have proven painkillers in your arsenal.

In our travel first aid kit we took cheap analogues of well-known painkillers: instead of No-shpa - Spasmol, instead of Nurofen - Ibuprofen, and more Tempalgin, Analgin And Upsarin Upsa, which can also be used as an antipyretic.

Everything for the gastrointestinal tract

For what: in Thailand, almost all food is very spicy, to which the stomach can easily react, and you will sit on a “white horse” for several days. In addition, a banal change of water can also provoke unpleasant reactions, so stock up on anti-diarrhea tablets first.

For the trip to the first aid kit we took Pancreatin(analogue of the famous Mezim) and Maalox for stomach pain, Loperamide(analogue of Imodium) for diarrhea, Furazolidone from food infections, Smecta and, of course, dear Activated carbon.

Antiallergic drugs

For what: unusual food, water, local delicacies that you will definitely want to try, yes, it’s trite, hotter and more active sun can cause allergic reactions on the skin or as an irritation of the mucous membranes (it happens to some), so take proven ones with you on your trip pills ( loratadine, zodak, telfast) and ointments ( fenistil or sinaflan, for example).

For what: take it with you to treat wounds and burns Bandage, Band-Aid, Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine or Iodine marker or Zelenka. We also took with us Potassium permangantsovka and at first, until they found where to get drinking water, they added it to tap water so that they could cook with it.

Here I want to write about the ointment Rescuer, which can be used to treat wounds, burns and ointments Sinaflan- which is suitable for treating skin with cuts, burns, as well as itching from insect bites.

Anti-infective drugs

For what: Since we initially planned to eat at various street eateries and visit a lot of public places (markets, public beaches, shops), we, firstly, were vaccinated against abdominal infections (typhoid) and, secondly, took medications with us, able to quickly cope with infectious diseases - Biseptol(it has a wide spectrum of action from the treatment of typhus and dysentery to otitis media and sinusitis), and also Tsiprinol And Furadonin- from infections of the urinary system.

Medicines for the nose, throat, ears and eyes

For what: as already written, the air conditioners here are siphoning, bless you, it’s hot outside and the water sold everywhere is ice cold, so it’s very easy to get a cough or runny nose.

We took pills with us in our travel first aid kit. Furacilina(for rinsing), we didn’t take suckers like Strepsils - you can buy them here in any hypermarket. You can take any drops for your nose - from us Sanorin.

Swimming and biking can cause eye irritation or even infection, as well as ear infections, so take drops. For the eyes we took - Levomecithin(another option is Albucid or Oftalmoferon), for the ears we recommend taking Otipax.

Skin protection products

For what: the sun here is very aggressive and hot, so NECESSARILY We take with us a cream with the maximum degree of protection and do not forget to smear yourself with it. For those who want to tan, I will say that even with a thick layer of protective cream on the skin, you will not only tan, but even burn, especially from 12 to 3 pm. After being in the sun, do not forget to lubricate your skin with after-sun cream.

To ensure that your vacation is not marred by any health-related troubles, you must pack a first aid kit along with your things for the trip to the sea. This measure is necessary so that you can provide yourself and your loved ones with first aid at your vacation spot. After all, not everyone vacations in resort areas, some like to go to the sea as “savages”, away from people, while others go to the countryside.

Why do you need to pack a first aid kit for a trip to the sea?

It is a long-known fact that at local resorts you have to wait a very long time for an ambulance; the boarding houses are located on the coastline far from medical centers and hospitals, etc. And it often happens that due to changes in climate, water, etc., the immune system may weaken, join virus or infection, diarrhea or indigestion may occur.

Therefore, if you caught a cold at sea, injured your leg, ate too much barbecue or ate stale food, you can always quickly help yourself and restore your health. But when cases of illness are more serious or life-threatening, then no matter what first aid kit you have, you need to urgently go to the clinic. A fracture will not heal without a properly applied plaster; in case of severe intoxication, coal alone will not save you. But with a common cold, diarrhea, conjunctivitis or calluses, you can handle it on your own. The main thing is to know what necessary medications you need to take with you.

List of medications for a first aid kit on the road to sea

1. Dressings:

  • bandages are sterile and elastic;
  • adhesive plaster.

2. Antiseptics:

  • hydrogen peroxide, preferably in a plastic bottle;
  • iodine or brilliant green.

3. Painkillers and antipyretics:

  • (Nosh-pa or Spazmalgon, etc.);
  • Citramon;
  • Ibuprofen, Solpadeine, etc.;
  • Paracetamol.

4. Remedies for gastrointestinal disorders:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Smecta, Enterosgel;
  • enzyme preparation (Mezim, Festal or Pancreatin);
  • antidiarrheals (Loperamide, etc.).

5. Antiviral medications:

  • Viferon candles;
  • tablets Groprinosin, Isoprinosine.

6. Antihistamines:

  • Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin, Edem, etc.;
  • Fenistil gel.

7. ENT products:

  • nasal drops (Nazol, Evkazolin, Galazolin or Naphthyzin);
  • for sore throat (Hepilor, Orasept, Tantum Verde, etc.);
  • drops for eyes and ears (Tsipropharm based on antibiotics).
  • ointments or gels with diclofenac for bruises, pain due to injuries (Diklak-gel, Voltaren, Olfen, etc.);
  • ointment Rescuer from wounds and bruises;
  • ointment with panthenol for burns, including sunburn (Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.).

This is the main list of necessary medications for a first aid kit on vacation at sea. Of course, the list can and should be supplemented and adjusted depending on whether you have chronic diseases, personal intolerance to certain medications and other indications. And if you are going on vacation with children, then you need to take into account their needs when collecting a first aid kit.

When you go abroad to sea, the list in your first aid kit may change. This is due to the fact that not all drugs can be transported. For example, Analgin is prohibited in many countries, so you should not take this drug with you without a prescription. There are also restrictions on medications in liquid form. Bottles should be no more than 100 ml, and a maximum of 10 pieces, i.e. the total volume of all liquid medications should not exceed one liter. In addition, they must be packaged in a separate sealed bag. But if you need more of this medicine as prescribed by your doctor, then you need a prescription translated into English. If you are carrying several packages of one medicine because you need to take them daily, then also take care of a prescription from your doctor.

There is no need to take the entire first aid kit for a trip to the sea with a list of medications in your hand luggage; take with you only the drug that, for example, you must drink during the flight or trip. Put the rest in your luggage, so you will have fewer questions.

For all holiday occasions

What medications to take with you on vacation

Natalya Khanina / website

What medications should you take with you on vacation so that health problems do not ruin your vacation? What should be included in a travel first aid kit so that a slight ailment does not turn into a serious illness that affects not only the vacationer’s plans, but also his wallet? We consulted with doctors, representatives of the tourism industry and experienced tourists. There is a specific list at the end of the publication.

For diarrhea and stomach problems

The statistics are relentless: one of the most common health problems in the first days of vacation is diarrhea. Or, more simply put, diarrhea, which we owe to infections that enter the body due to unwashed hands, bad water and poor-quality food. The food, however, may be of quite high quality, but unusual and, importantly, too plentiful, washed down, moreover, with a hefty dose of alcohol. Also, experts have long been talking about “traveler’s diarrhea,” calling the cause of the disease not even infections and poisoning, but the very change of place, to which the body, for various reasons, can find it difficult to adapt. Especially if chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract make themselves felt at home from time to time.

Be that as it may, a remedy for diarrhea is something that should definitely be in the travel first aid kit, says Vladislav Pavlov, leading specialist at Pharmacor Production. First of all, these are enterosorbents that bind harmful microflora and toxins in the intestines. They are sold in different forms: tablets, gels and powders for diluting suspensions. Pavlov recommends dioctahedral smectite (or diosmectite). The most famous representatives of this group of drugs are Smecta or Neosmectin. There is also Polysorb, recalls travel agent Margarita Pshinnik, but its packaging may take up too much space. The good old (and most affordable) activated carbon has not been canceled either.

Another thing is that you will have to take quite a lot of it with you: for the desired effect, an adult needs a dosage of one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

And the effect itself will have to wait. Doctor and active traveler Oleg Andrienko recommends taking such a supply of sorbents that it will be enough for each participant of the trip for 4-5 days.

Suhyeon Choi /

During long flights and waiting for connections at airports, it can be a good idea to reduce the frequency of trips to the toilet. There are drugs that inhibit intestinal motility and, consequently, the passage of contents through the gastrointestinal tract. The urge becomes less frequent. True, doctors recommend not to abuse this trick. And, of course, during this period you should not overload your body with food. Experts call Loperamide the most famous and most accessible of these drugs, which, by the way, also helps with diarrhea. An analogue is the widely advertised Imodium.

Travel consultant Anna Androsova, who herself actively travels around the world, reminds us of another common problem on the road - motion sickness. Anna calls “Dramina” (the active substance is dimenhydrinate) a good remedy for seasickness, which, as you know, happens not only at sea. And for vacationers who are going on a gastronomic tour, the expert recommends stocking up on enzyme preparations that help with digestion. First of all, we are talking about products based on pancreatin.

For pain and inflammation

Both doctors and experienced tourists consider analgesics and painkillers to be the number one remedy, advising them not just in a travel first aid kit, but always at hand. Especially if you are prone to migraines, notes Alexey Filippov, CEO of GPC Pharmaceuticals. The choice of drugs is large (No-Shpa, Nurofen, Askafen), but it is important that it helps you. Therefore, if you are not sure that you will be able to find what you need on vacation, do not forget to buy it at home.

What helps with allergies and how to treat them

Paracetamol remains a universal remedy, which also helps to cope with high fever. In case of inflammation, including colds, it is good to have medications with ibuprofen. Miramistin is also a universal assistant (already an antiseptic): it is useful both, if necessary, to treat a wound, and if symptoms of a sore throat appear, says Margarita Pshinnik.

Yana Kotukhova, Servier’s director for external communications in the EAEU countries, recalls the appearance of the term “economy class syndrome.” It refers to the problems that passengers on airlines, trains and buses are beginning to experience when they are forced to leave their legs almost motionless for long periods of time between close rows of seats. At altitude, this is aggravated by even increased hydrodynamic loads on the veins of the legs. The result is stagnation of blood, and with it swelling, pain and heaviness. Advice is to wear compression stockings and knee socks when traveling (loose and comfortable shoes are a given), try to take walks around the cabin every half hour, and drink more water. And passengers who are prone to varicose veins should not forget to take venotonic medications with them (for example, Detralex, Venarus, Phlebodia 600).

Jose Antonio Gallego Vázquez /

In case of injuries, burns, allergies

In case of cuts and abrasions, put antimicrobial ointments (Baneocin, Bonderm, Supirocin) in your suitcase. Steroid ointments (for example, 1% Hydrocortisone) will help cope with a severe allergic reaction to insect bites, advises Andrey Melnikov, chief specialist of the TeleMed remote medical consultation service.

By the way, it’s worth remembering about allergies even for those who don’t usually suffer from them: the absence of a reaction in previous years and at home does not at all guarantee that the allergen to which your body reacts is not waiting for you in another region of the planet.

And the body’s response can be very serious, warns Ella Smolyakova, a specialist at the ProDoctors portal. So it’s best to take an antihistamine, like a painkiller, with you even to the beach and excursions.

Those traveling to the South Seas are urged to be mindful of sunburn treatments. They are often confused with creams and lotions that prevent burns, and they do not bother too much about this, believing that the necessary product will be found in the shop on the approach to the beach. It’s possible, but it’s not a fact that there will be a medical drug there in case the sunbathing ends up being too much. And running around resort pharmacies with a burn is still a pleasure, says Ella Smolyakova.

What about a baby first aid kit?

Denis Usenko, pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, advises travelers with children to ensure that they have six groups of medications in their travel bag. First of all, it is an antipyretic drug based on ibuprofen. Nurofen is suitable in the form of a suspension, which can be given to children from the age of three months.

The second number on the list is a drug for infections and, accordingly, sore throats. It is better for children to be given “Lizobakt”, which does not contain unnecessary chemicals, does not disrupt the normal microflora of the mouth and throat, and has a targeted effect on pathogens. It is important not to forget about the remedy for the common cold: any children's drug based on xylometazoline (for example, Nazivin or Otrivin) will come to the rescue. And since a sore throat and runny nose are often combined with a cough, you will need a remedy to alleviate this problem. Denis Usenko believes that Bronchobos children's syrup, which can be given to three-year-old patients, works well with it.

Of course, children can catch an intestinal disorder faster than adults. Since most cases of acute diarrhea are caused by infection, an intestinal antiseptic will be needed. If the child is under three years old, it is better to take the Enterofuril suspension (approved for use starting from one month of age). If the child is over three years old, you can also give it in 100 mg capsules. Treatment of intestinal disorders is best combined with sorbents (for example, Smecta or its analogue Neosmectin). To replenish the loss of fluid by the body, it does not hurt to take a couple of bags of any rehydration solution.

Finally, you need to be prepared to respond to possible allergic reactions. It is better in the form of drops, since they are indicated for children starting from six months - Zyrtec is suitable. The drug "Zodak" can be given to children from one year old.

Dragos Gontariu /

What can you always buy on the spot and what else should you not forget about?

Experienced traveler Anna Androsova believes that when going on vacation, you shouldn’t be too zealous about filling your first aid kit, scrolling through many negative scenarios in your head. First aid supplies such as iodine, cotton wool, bandages and cold drops, general-purpose painkillers, even a thermometer can almost always be purchased at your vacation destination. It’s possible, confirms travel agent Margarita Pshinnik, but if you don’t want to look for a pharmacy on the first day (or even the first night), try to explain something to the pharmacist in broken English, it’s better to create your own supply. At least for the first time.

Doctor-traveler Oleg Andrienko and, by the way, father of six children, advises not to forget about bactericidal patches - narrow and wide. Even if you have a “vegetable” vacation ahead that does not involve long walks, you or your children can still be at the airport before they get blisters. In this case, there will definitely be no time to search for a pharmacy, so make at least a one or two day supply.

CEO of GPC Pharmaceuticals Alexey Filippov draws attention to what turns out to be a difficult issue, such as preserving drugs in the heat. In the summer, if possible, it is better to give preference to drugs in tablet form, the expert says.

In any case, it is better to put the first aid kit in the refrigerator or in the darkest and coolest room. It is especially important that the bag with medications is not left in direct sunlight.

Andrey Melnikov from TeleMed gives important advice to those who have to take constant drug therapy and have to take their medications to a foreign country. You need to purchase a transparent plastic container (this is also suitable for completing a travel first aid kit as a whole) and put all the medications there in their original packaging. When traveling by air, if possible, take a first aid kit in your hand luggage. At worst, do not forget to take with you exactly those medications that you may need during the flight.

Telemedicine: how does it work, can it be trusted and is it expensive?

The most important thing is that you must have in your hands prescriptions written out for each drug, indicating the drugs in Latin and the signature and seal of the treating doctor. It’s even better if you also have an extract from your medical record indicating the prescribed medications (also in Latin and also with the doctor’s personal signature and seal). It is highly advisable to have a receipt from the pharmacy for each medicinal item, and the volume of drugs imported into the country should not exceed that specified in the prescription. All this is necessary to avoid unnecessary questions at customs. Especially if you know that the country of entry has strict restrictions and you may face unpleasant proceedings for packaging Phenazepam or even Corvalol. The best thing to do is to try to make official inquiries about these restrictions. The more complex the doctor’s prescription, the more attention should be paid to this issue, the expert notes.

Finally, our interlocutors recommend that before going on vacation, think not only and not so much about properly filling a travel first aid kit, but about buying good medical insurance. “It is this that will protect the traveler in an emergency situation better than self-medication with pills collected for all occasions,” says travel consultant Anna Androsova. Another modern way to stay under the care of doctors while away from home is to use telemedicine services. We have already talked about the advantages of this option, including for travelers.

Bottom line: what to take on vacation

Antidiarrheal drugs: Loperamide (Imodium), Polysorb, Smecta (Neosmectin), activated carbon.

For motion sickness: Dramamine, Ciel.

To help digestion: “Pancreatin”, “Mezim”.

Sleeping pills for sudden changes in time zones: “Melaxen”, “Tenoten”, “Novo-Passit”.

Painkillers: paracetamol, aspirin, No-shpa, Nurofen, Askafen.

Anti-inflammatory: for example, Ibuprofen.

Against heartburn: “Maalox”, “Almagel”, “Phosphalugel”, “Topalkan”.

Antihistamines (for allergies): Suprastin, Diazalin.

Antibacterial ointment for inflamed cuts and abrasions: “Baneocin”, “Bonderm”, “Supirocin”, “Triderm”.

Steroid creams (for severe reactions to insect bites): for example, “Hydrocartisone 1%”.

For children from throat infections: “Lizobakt”.

For children for severe cough: “Bronchobos”.

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor who will give recommendations based on your health condition.

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What medications to take with you on vacation, what to put in the first aid kit, essential medications on the road. Very popular questions before the holiday season.
Many are going on holiday abroad: to hot tropical countries or to New Year's Europe.

A tourist’s first aid kit is an individual matter and depends on the health of the traveler, where he is going, and what he will do.
He will lie on the beach and eat, or ride through the mountains with a first aid kit in his backpack. Also, the list of medications in a tourist’s first aid kit depends on the presence of children, grandmothers and nannies in his company.
They have their own problems, and a first aid kit for a child is different from a grandmother’s list of medicines.

In most cases, the first aid kit returns home in pristine condition.
This is good - it means the vacation was a success, and the first aid kit was not useful as well.

What to put in a first aid kit: a basic set of medications

  • For colds: Coldrex, Theraflu, Tamiflu for the flu.
  • Antipyretics: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  • Painkillers: Pentalgin, Nosh-Pa, Ketanov.
  • Remedies for indigestion, heartburn: Smecta, Imodium, activated carbon, Creon-type enzymes.
  • Antihistamines (against allergies): Suprastin, Tavegil.
  • Dressings: all kinds of plasters, chlorhexidine or peroxide.
  • Remedies for motion sickness: Phenibut, Preductal MV.
  • Possible sleeping pill to survive jet lag: Melaxen.

What medications can you buy locally?

If in Europe or the USA not all medicines are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, then in Southeast Asia everything is simpler.
For example, if you are going on vacation to Thailand, you can forget about the first aid kit and what you need to buy on the spot.
Moreover, unlike domestic drugs, what is sold abroad is much more effective.

There are pharmacies in Thai resorts at every turn.
The pharmacist may recommend eye drops or ear drops, stomach upset medications, and pain relievers.

If you need an analogue of a medicine you understand, look on the computer for analogues that are sold in Thailand.

Are there any problems bringing medicines across the border?

You don’t have to worry about the usual medications for a “healthy person.” No one will be interested in them at customs.
However, there are exceptions: Corvalol and Valocordin contain phenobarbital. And they can be punished for them, for example, at the Lithuanian border.
Therefore, I advise you to look for information on the forum in the topic information about your specific medicine that you are going to take with you abroad.

Non-prescription medications containing psychotropic and narcotic substances are expressly prohibited for import into European countries, the USA, Canada, and Australia.
Therefore, if you are going to take them, prepare the recipe in English, declare it and go through the red corridor at customs.

Another option is to look for information on the customs websites of other countries or ask a question at the Consulate of the country where you are going to travel with specific medications.

Is it possible to buy medicines with a Russian prescription in Europe?

In most cases no. Russian prescriptions, even if the medicine is written in Latin, are not accepted in European pharmacies.
You will have to contact your local doctor to write a prescription.

How to find an analogue of your medicine abroad

Medicines for colds, runny nose, and antipyretics are sold in Europe without a prescription.
Other non-prescription medications can also be purchased. To do this, you need to know their international name or composition of active ingredients.
Pharmacists have a database of drug names and their analogues.
To find out the international non-proprietary name of a medicine, take the insert from the medicine box and look at the name next to the trade name.