Aseptic eye drops. List of effective eye drops. Eye drops based on interferon inducers

Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye occurs due to various pathogenic factors: microorganisms, mechanical particles, colds. Properly selected anti-inflammatory drops will help relieve various manifestations of the disease, as well as speed up tissue regeneration.

Types of drops

As a remedy for inflammatory processes, experts prescribe drops with steroidal, non-steroidal and combined components.

Types of eye drops:

Also, an acute inflammatory process can occur against the background of an allergic reaction. When histamine is released, changes occur in the mucous membrane. This reduces its protective function, making it much easier to become a victim of infection or bacterial irritant.

To treat allergic inflammation of the mucous membrane, specialized drops are used that block the release of histamine. Most of them are characterized by a high speed of action and duration of effect.

Antibiotic drops for inflammatory processes

Depending on the cause of the irritation, ophthalmologists may prescribe steroid eye drops for eye inflammation. They contain at least one active component characterized by a high spectrum of action.

NameComposition and application
AlbucidThis is a solution of sodium sulfacyl. It is used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis, eyelid diseases and some types of fungal diseases. Due to its aggressive action, it is recommended to drip Levomycetin along with this antibiotic - it will speed up the recovery processes.
VitabactThe composition includes piloskidine, which blocks the proliferation of various pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes. Used to treat conjunctivitis, trachoma, keratitis. Not recommended for use in children under 8 years of age.
L-OpticThe active component of the drug is levofloxacin hemihydrate. It is an antimicrobial substance with an extremely broad spectrum of action. In ophthalmology it is used to treat bacterial inflammation, blepharitis, and dry eyes. Prescribed for pregnant women and children over 1 year of age.
TsiproletContains ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It is prescribed for the treatment of various bacterial eye diseases (including ulcers), acute inflammatory processes, and also to accelerate tissue recovery. Contraindicated for use in pregnant women.
UnifloxThe drops contain ofloxacin, making the drug a new generation antibiotic. Prescribed for the treatment of keratitis, ulcers, and inflammation caused by other pathogenic organisms sensitive to the main component.
TobrexUrgent drops to relieve inflammation. Almost instantly eliminates redness and itching, thanks to tobramycin in the composition they accelerate the restoration of the mucous membrane. Approved for use by children over 3 years old.
ChloramphenicolThis is an analogue of Levomycitin. Inexpensive drops that quickly combat redness of the mucous membrane, swelling and bacterial exposure. Helps moisturize the cornea.

These medications can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist who performed the examination and tests.

Antiviral drops

If no pathogenic bacterial effect is noticed during eye irritation, then antiviral drops are prescribed for redness and inflammation.

NameComposition and scope
Acular LSKetorolacatromethamine has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The active component quickly reduces temperature, eliminates swelling and redness. Strictly prohibited for use in pregnant women.
Diklo FThey are Diclofenac. Characterized by an analgesic effect. Used to eliminate inflammation resulting from mechanical damage to the mucous membrane or cornea. Safe for use by children, with virtually no side effects.
NevanakThe best post-operative drops. In ophthalmology they are used to eliminate swelling and pain after surgery or to remove an irritant by invasive means. Help relieve fatigue, normalize lacrimation, and accelerate regenerative processes.
Oftan DexamethasoneA representative of combined drops with a wide area of ​​action. The active substances are dexamethasone. It is characterized by a strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. Has a high speed of action. Relieves redness, swelling, eliminates itching.

Anti-allergy drops

An allergic reaction causes itching in the eyes, swelling, and uncontrollable lacrimation. To get rid of these and many other symptoms, doctors recommend using specialized drops against inflammation and allergies.

NameComposition and description
OpatanolVery good drops. Consist of olopatadine solution. This substance is considered one of the most powerful antihistamine compounds. The product is characterized by high efficiency and long-lasting effect. Suitable for long term use. Allowed for children over 3 years old.
AllergodilContains azelastine. It is considered a drug with “urgent” action. Instantly relieves swelling, hyperthermia of the eyelids, eliminates itching and the feeling of “dry” eyes. Can be used for a long time, but only under the supervision of a specialist.
KetotifenConsists of clenbuterol hypochloride. This compound strengthens the mucous membrane, normalizes the viscosity of tears, and promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue. At the same time, it blocks mast cells and eliminates visible signs of an allergic reaction.
Vizin alertA unique composition that allows you to simultaneously get rid of inflammation, redness and restore normal lacrimation. It is an improved prototype of the drops of the same name. Not allowed for use during pregnancy, when wearing lenses, or for children under 12.

Universal drops

Naturally, diseases are not always the cause of redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. When working at a computer for a long time, the body can react to a light stimulus in the same way as to a mechanical one.

To prevent dry eye syndrome, eliminate pain, fatigue and redness, it is recommended to use special drops for inflammation of the eyelids and eyes. This list includes:

NameComposition and action
VisineConstricts blood vessels, thereby significantly reducing the redness of the protein. It has a local anti-edema effect, but is not recommended for long-term use.
OkumetilRefers to combined anti-inflammatory drugs. Has anti-allergenic and vasoconstrictive effects. At the same time, it helps reduce swelling and get rid of eye fatigue. The active ingredient is zinc sulfate.
PolinadimThis remedy is the most effective combination of diphenhydramine and naphthyzine. This tandem has both a cooling and calming effect. Thanks to this, immediately after use, blinking becomes easier, fatigue disappears, and the mucous membranes are moisturized.
AlomidThe main component is lodoxamide. The drug is able to block the release of histamine, urgently relieve inflammation and redness. It is also prescribed to restore damaged tissues and moisturize the eyelid.

Before using any drops, it is important to read the instructions for use. Otherwise, side effects or worsening of existing conditions may occur.

How to use drops

Brief instructions for using eye drops:

  1. You need to wash your hands thoroughly and wipe your eyes with Chlorhexidine solution. This will remove pathogenic microorganisms and clean the outer surface of the eye;
  2. Gently pulling back the lower eyelid, you need to drop the number of drops indicated in the instructions into the eye sac;
  3. Excess product must be removed using a sterile cotton swab.

For some time after instillation, there may be unpleasant sensations: blurred vision, tearing or a slight burning sensation. If these symptoms do not go away within 10 - 15 minutes, then the remedy is not suitable for you and it is recommended to choose another drug.

Eye drops are medicinal solutions that are intended to be administered into the eyes. There are quite a lot of medications in the form of eye drops, but all of them are not analogues, but belong to one group or another. Any drops are sterile, stable and do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye. Depending on the active substance, eye drops are used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and treat various diseases of the organs of vision. Next, we will consider the most common eye drops and the features of their use.

Scope of application

Eye drops are intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the organs of vision.

Most often, ophthalmologists prescribe drops for diseases of the anterior parts of the eye, outer membranes and eyelids. The solutions contain one or more components that have a therapeutic effect on the eyes.

Eye drops can be used for purposes such as:

  • Fighting infections and viruses. In this case, they contain antibiotics and antiviral components.
  • Allergy protection.
  • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
  • Treatment of glaucoma and lowering intraocular pressure.
  • Nourishing eye tissue to improve metabolic processes;
  • Slowing down the formation of cataracts;
  • Decrease ;
  • Slowing the progression of myopia;
  • Fighting retinopathy due to metabolic disorders;
  • Carrying out diagnostic procedures;
  • Eye moisturizing;
  • Vasoconstriction;
  • Elimination of fatigue, redness and irritation;
  • Relieving swelling.

Features of the drugs

All types of eye drops have a number of common properties. An important feature of such agents is the ability to quickly penetrate through the conjunctiva, the outer shell of the eye, into the deeper parts of the eyeball.

This effect is achieved thanks to special technologies used in the production process.

Each drug has its own characteristics: it contains its own active substance, is used for a specific purpose and is included in one or another group of eye drops.

  • used to combat various types of infections. This is the largest pharmacological group, which, in turn, is divided into several subgroups. There are antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal eye drops, and by the nature of the active substance - antibiotics, chemotherapeutic drugs and antiseptics.
  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops are intended to treat inflammatory lesions. the organ of vision and its appendages of a non-infectious nature. This group, in turn, is divided into steroidal anti-inflammatory drops (hormonal anti-inflammatory drops) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops. Both of them can consist of several components that expand their spectrum of action. (For example ).

Average price: 100 rubles.

  • , are divided into 2 large groups: medications that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, and medications that reduce its production. For example, they will be effective.
  • intended for the treatment and prevention of allergic reactions. The principle of action of these drugs is to suppress the initiation of the inflammatory reaction at the cellular level or to block histamine receptors.
  • Local vasoconstrictor drugs relieve symptoms of allergic inflammation, such as swelling and hyperemia, and significantly reduce pain.
  • , slow down its development.
  • Moisturizing eye drops, or “,” are intended to prevent dry eye syndrome.
  • Diagnostic eye drops are used during surgical procedures.


For the treatment of infectious diseases

This group is divided into several subgroups


Intended for the treatment of eye infections caused by bacteria, mycoplasma and chlamydia. The following are currently known:

Price: about 25 rubles.

  • Vigamox;
  • Tobrex;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Normax;
  • Colistimitate;


Intended for the treatment of viral infections. List of these drugs:

  • Poludan;
  • Trifluridine;
  • Berophor;
  • Oftan-IMU.

Price: about 110 rubles.


Intended for the treatment of fungal infections. Such ophthalmic products are produced only in Europe and the USA based on a substance such as natamycin. Also, if necessary, solutions of amphotericin B, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Flucytazine, Miconazole and Nystatin are instilled into the eyes.


These drugs contain sulfonamides and are therefore used to treat both bacterial and viral infections. The most famous such drug is.


Intended for the treatment of infections caused by any microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria. Antiseptic drops:

  • Ophthalmo-septonex;
  • Miramistin;
  • Avitar.

Price: about 400 rubles.


Drugs in this group are divided into 3 subgroups:

  1. Drops containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as active substances (Voltaren ofta, Naklof,). often used to relieve the source in various functional conditions (fatigue, irritation, etc.) and eye diseases (infections, glaucoma, etc.). Often used as .
  2. Drops containing glucocorticoid hormones. These include, Prednisolone, Betamethasone, Prenacid,. These drugs are used to eliminate severe inflammation in various eye diseases. It is not recommended to use eye drops with glucocorticoids for viral, mycobacterial and fungal eye infections.
  3. Combination drops containing NSAIDs, glucocorticoids, antibiotics or antivirals. The most popular combination drugs are,.


Drugs in this group are prescribed to patients suffering from allergic reactions.

Antiallergic drops must be used in courses.

Medicinal solutions may contain membrane stabilizers (Cromohexal, Lodoxamide, Alomide) or antihistamines (Antazoline, Azelastine, Allergodil, Levocabastine, Pheniramine, Histimet and Opatonol) as active substances.

Price: about 500 rubles.


These include:

  • Tetrizoline;
  • Naphazoline;
  • Oxymetazoline;
  • (stimulant);
  • Visine;
  • Spersallerg.

These drugs are used only as needed to eliminate severe redness of the eyes, relieve swelling and relieve lacrimation.

The use of vasoconstrictor drops is allowed for no more than 7–10 days in a row.

For the treatment of glaucoma

Such drugs reduce intraocular pressure. Among them are drops that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid (Carbachol, Latanoprost, Xalacom, Travoprost, Travatan), and drops that reduce the formation of intraocular fluid (Clonidine-Clonidine, Proxofelin, Betaxolol, Timolol, Proxodolol, Dorzolamide, Brinzolamide, Betoptik, Arutimol, Cosopt, Xalacom.

Price: about 700 rubles.

With neuroprotectors

Drugs in this group support the functioning of the optic nerve and prevent its swelling. These include: Erisod, 0.02% histochrome solution.

For the treatment and prevention of cataracts

The purpose of these drops is to slow down the development of cataracts. List of drugs:

  • Alpha adrenergic agonist – Mezaton 1%;
  • 2.5 and 10%;
  • Taurine;
  • Azapentacene;
  • Taufon;


They are used to relieve pain in the eyes during serious illnesses or during diagnostic and surgical interventions. These include the following drugs:

  • Tetracaine;
  • Dicaine;
  • Oxybuprocaine;
  • Lidocaine;

Price: about 30 rubles.

For diagnostics

They are used for various diagnostic procedures: dilate the pupil, allow you to see the fundus of the eye, differentiate lesions of various tissues of the eye, etc.). Drugs in this group:

Price: about 400 rubles.


These drugs stimulate the restoration of the normal structure of the cornea of ​​the eye, improve the nutrition of eye tissues and activate metabolic processes in them. These include: Etaden, Erisod, Emoxipin, Taufon, Solcoseryl, . These drops are also used to speed up recovery after injuries, against the background of degenerative processes in the cornea (keratinopathies).


  • Quinax;
  • Ophthalmic catachrom;
  • Catalin;
  • Vitaiodurol;
  • Taurine;

Each drug has its own characteristics. The use of medicinal drops is allowed only as prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

What do you need to know about the correct use of eye drops?

  • Eye drops must be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist selects a drug to treat the disease and prescribes its dosage, which must be strictly followed.
  • If the ophthalmologist has prescribed several ophthalmic medications, you need to take breaks of 15-20 minutes between instillations. If the doctor says that the drops need to be used in a certain order, do not neglect this.
  • The pharmacy may not have the eye drops prescribed by your doctor. In this case, you should not replace them yourself or on the recommendation of a pharmacist with drops with a similar composition. Even if bottles from different manufacturers indicate the same active ingredient, eye tissue may react unpredictably to a different drug. Only a specialist can choose a suitable analogue.
  • Wash your hands when using the drops to avoid infection in your eyes and try not to touch anything with the tip of the bottle.
  • Warm the drops by placing the closed bottle in a cup of hot water or placing it under running hot water. Cold drops are poorly absorbed and can irritate the eyes.
  • If you wear contact lenses, remove the lenses from your eyes before using eye drops. You can put them on 15-20 minutes after using the drug.
  • Do not use other people's drops and do not give your medicine to anyone. Eye drops are like a toothbrush: they are used strictly individually.



Eye drops are effective topical treatments. The scope of their application is quite wide. A qualified specialist will help you choose this or that product after a thorough examination of your visual organs. In order for the drugs listed above in the article to have the desired effect, you must follow the rules for their use and the recommendations of the ophthalmologist.

Other names for eye drops can be found here.

Eye drops are produced in the form of solutions of various medications that are injected into the organ of vision. This dosage form may have an aqueous or oil base. Taking into account the active element, drops are used to treat various anomalies or eliminate unpleasant sensations.

Scope of use

Eye drops are widely used to prevent and eliminate damage to the visual organ. Typically, ophthalmologists prescribe such remedies for damage to the anterior areas of the eye, eyelids and outer membranes. The solution may contain various components that produce a therapeutic effect.

Key indications for the introduction of such drugs include the following:

  1. Therapy of viral and infectious pathologies;
  2. Relieving inflammation;
  3. Slowing down the development of cataracts;
  4. Elimination of allergic reactions;
  5. Glaucoma therapy and reduction of intraocular pressure;
  6. Normalization of metabolism in the eyes;
  7. Reduction of presbyopia;
  8. Vasoconstriction;
  9. Elimination of retinopathy in metabolic disorders;
  10. Performing diagnostics;
  11. Elimination of hyperemia, fatigue, irritation;
  12. Slowing down the development of myopia;
  13. Moisturizing the organ of vision;
  14. Elimination of puffiness.

Features and classification

All types of such drugs have common characteristics. The key feature of such substances is the ability to quickly overcome the conjunctiva and the outer shell of the organ of vision, penetrating into the deeper zones of the eyes. The result is ensured by special technologies used in the production of drops.

Each product contains a specific active ingredient that ensures the desired results are achieved. It is on this basis that the main classification of drops is carried out:

  • Anti-inflammatory - this category is divided into two types. Doctors isolate non-steroidal and hormonal substances. The second group of drugs has a more powerful effect, but has many contraindications. Hormonal drops include dexamethasone. The category of non-steroidal drugs includes indocollir, diclofenac;
  • Antibacterial - these drugs help cope with ailments that are associated with the active proliferation of bacterial microorganisms. In addition, such substances restore the functioning of the organ of vision after surgery. Effective products in this category are floxal and albucid;
  • Drugs to stimulate metabolism - such drops are actively used to combat cataracts and age-related processes in the eyes. These include quinax and taufon;
  • Tear substitutes – if there is a lack of tear fluid and excessive dryness of the eyes, it is worth using products from the group of tear substitutes. This group includes Ocutiarz drops, which include the natural element of human tears and help cope with increased dry eyes. An equally effective substance will be cationorm, which is a cationic emulsion and perfectly moisturizes the surface;
  • Vasoconstrictors - they can be used for a maximum of 5 days. This group includes okumethyl, visine and other drugs;
  • Antiallergic - usually allergies lead to excessive tearing and significant eye hyperemia. This condition is accompanied by intense itching. This group includes substances such as hydrocortisone and allergodil. It is worth considering that some substances in this category contain hormonal components;
  • For the treatment of glaucoma - effective drugs from this group include combination drugs, drugs for reducing the volume of moisture in the organ of vision. Effective medications include timolol and photin.

Review of effective drugs

To choose effective eye drops, you should consult a doctor. To treat visual abnormalities, different means are used - it all depends on the characteristics of the problem.


This category of medications is used for excessive dryness and eye fatigue. Doctors advise using moisturizers for dry eye syndrome and prolonged work at the computer. They also protect against external factors.

Such drugs are sold at any pharmacy. They can be bought without a doctor's prescription. Such substances do not affect the tissues of the organ of vision. They are artificial tears. Therefore, medications have no contraindications.

The most effective medications from this group include the following:

  1. Visomitin. The drug has keratoprotective properties and copes with age-related abnormalities in the structure of the tear fluid. With their help, it is possible to eliminate dry eye syndrome. The product has pronounced antioxidant properties, which helps normalize the structure of conjunctival cells, relieve inflammation and improve the structure of the tear film. Visomitin helps relieve pain and itching in the eyes. This substance affects not only the manifestations, but also the provoking factors of the disease.
  2. Systane. This remedy has relaxing properties. It successfully copes with excessive dryness and eye fatigue. Immediately after injection into the eyes, it is possible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations in the form of itching, hyperemia, and burning. When drops hit the mucous membranes, a film is formed that prevents their excessive dryness.
  3. Vidisik. The substance is released in the form of a gel, which has a keratoprotective effect. This is a combined substance whose composition resembles tear fluid. After contact with the eyes, Vidisik forms a delicate film. The composition lubricates them and produces a moisturizing effect. Thanks to the use of the gel, regeneration processes are activated.
  4. Hilo chest of drawers. These drops have a relaxing effect on the eyes and are actively used for excessive dry eyes. They can be used after operations. The substance also improves the sensation when using contact lenses. The product contains hyaluronic acid. The drug does not contain preservatives and can be used during pregnancy. The substance copes well with pain, itching, and increased fatigue.

Activating metabolism

These drops help slow down abnormal processes. They also help to avoid dystrophic damage to the visual organ. They can also be used to combat cataracts. The composition contains useful components that provide the eyes with plenty of oxygen and nutrition.

The list of eye drops in this category includes the following:

  • Quinax. The drug is often prescribed to treat cataracts, which cause clouding of the lens. The substance has pronounced antioxidant properties and prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the lens;
  • Catalin. The composition is used to prevent and treat cataracts caused by diabetes or age-related processes in the body. With the help of catalin, it is possible to normalize nutrition and metabolism in the lens. In addition, it prevents the appearance of signs of cataracts;
  • Taufon. The composition is prescribed for degenerative processes that occur in the eyes. With the help of taufon it is possible to activate metabolism and energy exchange. It also promotes the regeneration process. The composition restores pressure in the eyes.


The drugs help eliminate high intraocular pressure. Hypertensive damage to the organ of vision provokes atrophy of the optic nerve. This results in complete blindness.  Good eye drops reduce the synthesis of intraocular fluid and normalize its elimination.

These substances may be an excellent way to treat glaucoma non-surgically. The patient's visual acuity depends on the choice of drug.

The most effective substances from this group include the following:

  1. Pilocarpine. This substance helps to constrict the pupil and reduces high blood pressure. The drug is often used during examinations. It is also prescribed after surgery. The substance belongs to the category of alkaloids. They are obtained from the leaves of a special plant that belongs to the genus Pilocarpus;
  2. Betoptik. The drug belongs to the category of beta-blockers. The reduction in intraocular pressure occurs due to a reduction in the synthesis of ocular secretions. The drug affects visual receptors. It does not affect the size of the pupils and the parameters of twilight vision;
  3. Fotil. This drug has a combined composition. It contains timolol and pilocarpine. With the help of the medicine it is possible to achieve a spasm of accommodation and narrow the pupil. 30 minutes after administration, the desired results are achieved. The drops are valid for 14 hours;
  4. Xalatan. The drug normalizes the removal of aqueous humor and helps avoid the development of glaucoma.

For rinsing

This procedure can be performed in case of traumatic injury or penetration of aggressive components into the eyes. In addition, specialists can prescribe manipulation for inflammation.

Effective eye drops in this category include the following:

  • Sulfacyl. The drug belongs to the category of sulfonamides. The product has a bacteriostatic effect and affects gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. After using the drops, the active development of pathogenic microorganisms stops;
  • Levomycetin. This is an antibacterial agent that has a wide range of uses. A person gets used to the drug gradually;
  • Albucid. The medicine is an antibiotic that has a bacteriostatic effect and helps cope with infection and inflammation. The active component copes with microbes. It can be classified as a sulfonamide.


Light enters through the pupil of the eye, after which it is refracted and affects the retina. Pupil dilators can be used for treatment and diagnosis. In the first case, they are used to relieve inflammation and perform surgery. In the second situation, drugs help check the fundus.

Effective mydriatics include the following:

  1. Atropine. The drug has many limitations and has a pronounced toxic effect on the body. Sometimes it is present for 10 days. The medicine may cause discomfort and blurred vision;
  2. Irifrin. The substance can be used for therapy and diagnostics. Irifrin helps reduce intraocular pressure;
  3. Mydriacyl. The drug begins to act approximately 20 minutes after administration. The therapeutic effect lasts for several hours. As a result, the functioning of the eyes is restored in a short time. The drug is used for adults and children.


The key task of such substances is aimed at disinfecting surfaces. Funds from this group have a wide spectrum of action. Therefore, they act on bacterial microorganisms, viruses, and fungi.

Antiseptics practically do not provoke allergies and do not produce a systemic effect. Medicines from this group normalize the condition of uveitis, conjunctivitis and other inflammations. They also improve a person’s condition with keratitis.

With the help of antiseptics, it is possible to cope with hyperemia and prevent excessive activity of pathogenic bacteria.

The most effective eye drops from this group include:

  • Vitabact. The substance has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The active element of the product is piloxidine. Vitabact is used for infection of the anterior structures of the organ of vision. It gives good results for blepharitis and conjunctivitis. It is used for keratitis and dacryocystitis;
  • Okomistin. The active component of the drug is benzyldimethyl. The element is prescribed for injuries to the organ of vision, conjunctivitis, and keratitis. The drug is also used to prevent purulent and inflammatory complications of diseases.


This category of medications is actively used for signs of allergies. The disease manifests itself in the form of hyperemia, swelling, and itching. A person may also experience excessive tearing and increased sensitivity to bright light.

The characteristic of such drops is the ability to eliminate allergy symptoms. However, they do not have a therapeutic effect.

Similar substances are prescribed for seasonal conjunctivitis and drug allergies. They are also actively used for inflammatory lesions of the conjunctiva, which is caused by wearing lenses.

Effective drops include the following:

  1. Allergodil. The medicine copes with swelling and has an antiallergic effect. The product is used for seasonal inflammation. It is also used for year-round allergies. The drug can be prescribed to children over 12 years of age. It is worth considering that the substance may cause irritation;
  2. Alomide. This antihistamine helps stabilize mast cells. After administration of the product, there is a risk of burning, stinging, and itching;
  3. Opatanol. The active component of the substance is a powerful selective ingredient. Opatanol successfully copes with the signs of seasonal inflammation. It helps eliminate the feeling of itching, hyperemia, swelling;
  4. Hydrocortisone and dexamethasone. These substances are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Hydrocortisone eliminates inflammation and hyperemia. It also helps reduce the migration of protective cells in the inflammatory zone. Dexamethasone belongs to the corticosteroids that relieve inflammation and eliminate allergies.


These substances are actively used for swelling and hyperemia of the eyes. Discomfort may be the result of allergies and inflammation. Vasoconstriction provokes rapid elimination of edema and swelling. Vasoconstrictors can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. This can be done for a short period of time, which will help avoid addiction.

To achieve good results, you can use the following:

  • Octilia. The drug belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists. The active ingredient is tetrizoline. It promotes vasoconstriction, relieves swelling and activates the removal of intraocular fluid. The drug activates the dilation of the pupils. With its help, it is possible to cope with the discomfort that appears due to eye irritation. Unpleasant symptoms include pain, burning, itching;
  • Okumetil. This substance has a combined composition. Thanks to this, the medicine has antiallergic characteristics and produces an antiseptic effect. With the help of okumetil it is possible to eliminate swelling and cope with irritation. After administration, the active substance can penetrate into the general bloodstream. As a result, there is a risk of noticeable adverse reactions due to organ damage;
  • Visine. The key element of the drug is tetrizoline, which belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists. Visine provides vasoconstriction and fights swelling. Literally in a minute the substance begins to act. Its effect lasts for 4-8 hours.


  1. Tobrex. The active ingredient of the substance is tobramycin. This antibiotic belongs to the aminoglycoside category. Tobrex is used to eliminate infectious pathologies in people of all ages, including newborns. Streptococci, staphylococci and other bacteria are highly sensitive to the drug;
  2. Phloxal. Drops are antimicrobial drugs. Gram-negative microorganisms are hypersensitive to it. Floxal helps cope with conjunctivitis, barley, keratitis and other diseases;
  3. Digital The active component of the drug is ciprofloxacin. The substance belongs to the category of fluoroquinolones. It can provoke allergies.


These drops have different types:

  • Virucides and interferons – help eliminate viral infection;
  • Immunomodulators – improve the body's resistance and help eliminate pathogens.

Effective drugs from this group include the following:

  1. Oftan I'm coming. The main element of the drug is idoxuridine. The element is a pyrimidine nucleotide. The key disadvantage of the drug is insufficient delivery to the cornea and problems with the effect on resistant viral strains and toxins. When administering the substance, there is a risk of burning, swelling, pain;
  2. Oftalmoferon. This medicine has a complex effect. It helps eliminate inflammation, copes with the activity of viruses and has immunomodulatory properties. The drug includes recombinant interferon. In addition, the substance has restorative properties and provides local anesthesia;
  3. Aktipol. The medication not only produces a pronounced antiviral effect, but also has antioxidant properties. It also starts regeneration processes and has radioprotective activity.

Rules of application

Before using eye drops, you should carefully read the instructions. It contains information regarding the correct opening of the dropper and the need to shake the solution.

  1. Before administering the medication, the liquid should be heated to an acceptable temperature. To do this, just hold the container in your hand;
  2. The medicine should be administered carefully. First you need to wash your hands and take a comfortable position. It is best to sit in front of a mirror;
  3. In order for the product to reach the desired area, the head should be tilted back and the lower eyelid lowered slightly;
  4. Before instillation, the eyes should be directed upward. However, the end of the bottle should not be lost sight of;
  5. Introduce the required amount of the product into the conjunctival cavity;
  6. To prevent the drug from getting into the nasolacrimal duct, the eye should be closed and gently press on the eyelid. This is done closer to the bridge of the nose;

Red, tired eyes, pain - a widespread problem among the population. There are many reasons for this problem: sitting for a long time in front of the computer, infectious diseases, stress, lack of sleep, pathoimmune inflammation.

The first way to get rid of the disease is to use anti-inflammatory drops.

Eye drops are a topical drug. Used in the prevention of eye diseases.

Types of anti-inflammatory eye drops

Now there is a huge selection of drugs. The pharmaceutical industry has hundreds of drugs for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. What groups are anti-inflammatory drops divided into?

  • Glucocorticosteroids (GCS)- hormones of the endocrine glands. They are obtained synthetically or naturally.
  • Nonsteroidal (NSAIDs). This species is widely used throughout the world. It plays a role not only in substances that eliminate inflammation, but also in inhibiting platelet aggregation.

Description of basic eye drops

The drug is obtained synthetically and belongs to the steroid group. Produced in laboratory conditions. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Intended for the treatment of the following diseases: blepharitis, conjunctivitis (without pus), scleritis, keratitis, inflammation of the vessels of the membrane.

Also used to speed up treatment after injury and surgery. The drug contains 1 mg of dexamethasone sodium phosphate, boric acid, disodium edatate, water for injection, borax.

After using the drug, after a short time, approximately 4-8 hours, the anti-inflammatory effect will begin. Internal organs will not be affected, because Metabolism occurs in the liver and the drug leaves the intestines within 3 hours.

Directions for use: 2 drops 3-5 times a day. The course of use of the drug is about 3 weeks. Dexamethasone is used when there are no signs of purulent discharge or viral infections.

Precautions: Store the drug in a cool place, the air temperature at the storage location should be from 2 to 8 degrees. Once the package is opened, use it for no more than a month. A person who uses contact lenses should keep in mind that it is better not to use the medicine.

Price for the drug in Russia is approximately 50 rubles, in Ukraine - 8.5 hryvnia.

General opinion of buyers: the drug lives up to its expectations and helps throughout the day, protects the eye from itching and burning, rinses and cleans well. People who suffer from allergies recommend buying them. It is possible that the liver will ache slightly if the body is immune to any components.

Belongs to the group of non-steroidal derivatives of phenylacetic acid. They also have an analgesic effect. There is relief and reduction in inflammation and swelling. If the nature of the inflammation is non-infectious, then its use is permitted.

Also used after injury, cataract surgery and for prevention. Recommended to stop narrowing of the retina, miosis, and corneal erosion.

The nature of the diseases must be non-infectious. The composition includes sodium diclofenac, sodium chloride, propylene glycol and other sodium derivatives. Inflammatory capacity is high. In this indicator, it is superior to aspirin, butadione and ibuprofen. Having instilled the drug into the cornea of ​​the eye, the effect should be expected after 30 minutes.

Directions for use: 1 drop per day for 2-5 weeks. Can be used for up to 4 weeks. Diclofenac is not prescribed for children under 2 years of age and pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. If a woman is breastfeeding, then the appointment is also not made.

Precautions: You can buy it in a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. If you use Diclofenac for a long time, you need to control the pressure inside the eye.

A person who uses lenses should know: before instilling drops, remove them 5 minutes, and you can put them on 15 minutes after the procedure. Store drops at room temperature. It is strictly prohibited to allow children near the drug.

Price in Russia 30 rubles is the price of dispensing in pharmacies, in Ukraine it is within 6-7 hryvnia.


Buyers who use this product say that Diclofenac alone may not be enough for any illness. And in the sun it is better to wear sunglasses. Eyes water when using Diclofenac. Swelling goes away quickly, but redness may remain. It is an ideal option for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

The main active ingredient is indomethacin. Used in the postoperative period, for pain relief and against inflammation. The memory substances are arginine, thiomersal, hydrochloric acid, hydroxypropyl betacyclodextrin and purified water.

The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal drugs that can act on substances at the site of inflammation. Eliminates pain.

After surgery on the eyeball, this drug is one of the first prescribed, as well as for the treatment of conjunctivitis. The nature of the diseases is non-infectious.

To prevent diseases such as macula and miosis, Indocollir is prescribed. Once the drops are instilled, they do not penetrate deeply and enter the bloodstream only slightly.

Directions for use: drip one drop per day 3-4 times. The period of application is 1 month. Before surgery, drops are applied drop by drop at intervals of 30 minutes - a total of 4 times.

Precautions: If you are intolerant to the components of the drug, then it is better not to use the drops. Pregnant women should also avoid using them. Sometimes there may be burning of the eyes, itching, and redness of the skin. Before instillation, the lenses must be removed; they can be put on after 15 minutes. Driving is not recommended. Possible blurred vision.

Price Indocollira in Russian pharmacies costs 350 rubles. In Ukraine, you can pay from 80 to 140 hryvnia for this product.

Reviews buyers are positive. Many people write that after being hit by a branch or some small object, the treatment goes very quickly, they both relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Older people using this drug were delighted.

The drug is non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory. It has both analgesic and fever-reducing effects. Often used during cataract surgery, after surgery, and after injury or infection.

The main substance is diclofenac. The auxiliary ingredients are benzalkonium chloride, castor oil, boric acid, disodium edetate, and water. All these components together have an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect, acting on the synthesis of prostaglandins.

The effect of Diklo-F can be felt 30 minutes after use. The drug is prescribed during operations, in the period after retinal surgery. Also, if conjunctivitis and various inflammations occur, it can be used. The diseases that arise must be non-infectious in nature.

Directions for use: 1 drop 4 times a day. Before surgery, 1 drop every half hour 4 times.

Precautions: It is not recommended to use the medicine if there is individual intolerance, so as not to have negative consequences. Contraindicated for pregnant women. It should not be used by people with gastrointestinal ulcers or hematopoietic disorders.

All NSAID drugs cannot be used in the 3rd trimester, because they affect the fetus. When used, you can sometimes feel blurred vision and inflammation of the iris. Sometimes, but very rarely, itching may occur.

Diklo-F should not be used with medications such as Diflunisal, acetylsalicylic acid, if the dose of these drugs exceeds 3 grams. You can use it with other eye drops, but you need to take a 5-minute break between treatments.

Price The average price for these eye drops in Russia is 160 rubles. The cost in Ukraine can be about 100 hryvnia.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions!

Types of eye drops

According to their intended purpose, modern eye drops are divided into the following groups:
  1. Antimicrobial eye drops used to combat various types of infections. This is perhaps the largest pharmacological group, which in turn is divided into several subgroups. So, in accordance with the most common types of infections, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal eye drops are isolated, and according to the nature of the active substance - antibiotics, chemotherapeutic drugs and antiseptics.
  2. Anti-inflammatory eye drops are intended for the treatment of inflammatory lesions of the organ of vision and its appendages of a non-infectious nature. This group, in turn, is divided into steroidal anti-inflammatory drops (hormonal anti-inflammatory drops) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops. Both of them can consist of several components that expand their spectrum of action.
  3. Eye drops used for the treatment of glaucoma, which is a persistent increase in intraocular pressure, leading to serious consequences including irreparable loss of vision. According to the mechanism of action, drugs intended to reduce intraocular pressure are divided into two large groups: drugs that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, and drugs that reduce its production.
  4. Antiallergic eye drops, intended for the treatment and prevention of allergic reactions. The principle of action of these drugs is to suppress the initiation of the inflammatory reaction at the cellular level (membrane-stabilizing antiallergic drugs) or to block receptors for histamine, the main mediator of inflammatory allergic reactions (histamine receptor blockers). In addition, antiallergic eye drops include local vasoconstrictor drugs that relieve symptoms of allergic inflammation such as swelling and hyperemia (redness) and significantly reduce pain.
  5. Eye drops used for cataracts.
  6. Moisturizing eye drops or "artificial tears".
  7. Diagnostic eye drops and eye drops used during surgical procedures.

Antimicrobial eye drops (drops for eye inflammation of an infectious nature)

Antibacterial eye drops (eye drops for dacryocystitis, barley, bacterial blepharitis, conjunctivitis, etc.)

Antibacterial eye drops are medications designed to combat bacterial infections of the eyes and their appendages.

It is bacteria that, as a rule, become the culprits of such fairly common diseases as dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac), meiobite (barley), creeping corneal ulcer (ulcerative lesion of the transparent membrane covering the iris and pupil), and also cause post-traumatic and post-operative purulent inflammatory processes.

In addition, bacteria are often the causative agents of blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), uveitis (inflammation of the choroid) and other acute and chronic eye infections.

It is therefore not surprising that antibacterial drugs are the largest pharmacological subgroup of antimicrobial eye drops. According to the nature of the active substance, antibacterial eye drops, in turn, are divided into eye drops with antibiotics and eye drops with sulfonamide drugs.

Antibiotic eye drops are medications that contain compounds of natural or semi-synthetic origin as active ingredients that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms.

In the case of antibiotics, medicine uses the natural properties of some living organisms to produce substances that suppress competitive microflora.

As is known, the first antibiotics were obtained from yeast cultures. Since then, scientists have learned not only to use natural antibiotics obtained from various microorganisms, but also to synthesize their improved analogues.

According to their chemical nature, antibiotics, in turn, are divided into groups - series, so that antibacterial agents from the same series have similar properties.

In ophthalmological practice, eye drops with antibiotics of various groups are widely used, in particular:

  • aminoglycosides (tobramycin eye drops (Dilaterol, Tobrex), gentamicin eye drops);
  • chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) eye drops);
  • fluoroquinolones (Tsipromed eye drops (Ciprofloxacin, Tsiprolet, Tsifran, Ciloxan), Ofloxacin eye drops (Floxal eye drops), Levofloxacin eye drops (Signicef ​​eye drops)).
Eye drops, the active ingredients of which are sulfonamide drugs, were introduced into ophthalmic practice much earlier and still retain their popularity.

The most popular drugs in this group include the well-known albucid eye drops (sodium sulfacyl eye drops, soluble sulfacyl, sulfacetamide, etc.).

Which antibacterial eye drops are best?

Antibacterial eye drops are selected individually, and the doctor is guided by the following factors:

  • age and general condition of the patient (no contraindications to the prescription of the active substance of eye drops);
  • expected tolerability of the drug;
  • spectrum of antibacterial action of eye drops;
  • presumed resistance of microflora to antibacterial drugs;
  • compatibility of the drug with medications taken by the patient;
  • possible side effects when using eye drops;
  • availability of the drug for the patient (price of eye drops, availability of the drug in nearby pharmacies).
Despite the fact that modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of antibacterial drugs, the choice of eye drops can be significantly narrowed if there are contraindications due to age or health status. For example, many antibacterial eye drops are not prescribed to children in the first year of life, severe liver damage can become an obstacle to the prescription of sulfonamides, acoustic neuritis is a contraindication to the prescription of antibiotics from the group of aminoglycosides, which are characterized by ototoxicity, etc.

Doctors often refuse the drug due to the incompatibility of the active substance of the eye drops with other medications that the patient is forced to use for concomitant diseases. For example, the combination of chloramphenicol eye drops with cimetidine, which reduces the acidity of gastric juice, increases the risk of developing aplastic anemia, so it is more rational to choose another drug.

In addition, doctors take into account the possibility of individual intolerance to the active substance of eye drops. So, for example, Albucid eye drops are not prescribed to patients who have experienced pathological reactions when using other sulfonamide drugs.

If there are no contraindications, when choosing antibacterial eye drops, the expected sensitivity of the infection to the drug is taken into account. So, for example, if there is reason to suspect that the infectious process is caused by microflora that is insensitive to many antibiotics, then it is better to prescribe a new drug with a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, to which many strains of microorganisms have not yet developed resistance.

If the choice is wide enough, pay attention to the likelihood of developing unpleasant side effects (some drugs cause pain and burning in the eyes more often than others), the cost of eye drops and their availability to the patient (availability in nearby pharmacies).

Antiseptic eye drops. Vitabact and Okomistin (Miramistin) - eye drops against infection for adults and newborns

Antiseptic drugs have been used in scientific medicine for almost two centuries. Their task, in accordance with the name, is to disinfect surfaces (skin, mucous membranes, wounds, burns, surgeon’s hands, operating table, etc.).

Therefore, all antiseptics have a wide spectrum of action - they are active against bacteria, protozoa, fungi and many viruses. These substances are low-allergenic, do not have a systemic effect and, therefore, have few contraindications from the general condition of the body. However, the local aggressiveness of antiseptics significantly narrows the range of their use.

In ophthalmological practice, indications for the use of antiseptics are:

  • inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis, stye);
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the cornea (keratitis);
  • prevention of post-traumatic and post-operative complications.
Vitabact antiseptic eye drops, which are a 0.05% solution of picloxidine and Okomistin (0.01% solution of miramistin), have become widespread.

Since the drugs have an exclusively local effect, they can be used by adults, including pregnant and nursing mothers, and children, including newborns. The only contraindication to the use of antiseptic eye drops is hypersensitivity or allergic reactions.

In cases where instillation of Vitabact or Okomistin eye drops causes unusually sharp pain, lacrimation, painful spasms of the eyelids, or, even worse, swelling of the tissues surrounding the eyes begins, the drug should be discontinued as unsuitable for your body.

Antiviral eye drops for adults and children. Virucidal eye drops Oftan Idu

According to the mechanism of action, all antiviral eye drops can be divided into two large groups: virucidal chemotherapeutic drugs (chemicals that destroy the virus), interferons (substances of an immune nature that kill the virus) and immunomodulators (medicines that help the body provide adequate resistance to the viral infection).

TO virucidal chemotherapy drugs topical use includes idoxuridine eye drops (Oftan Idu eye drops), used in adults and children for herpes infection of the cornea of ​​the eyes.

Oftan Idu eye drops have practically no contraindications except for individual intolerance to the drug. However, unpleasant side effects often occur in the form of headaches and severe local reactions (burning, lacrimation, photophobia, painful spasms of the eyelids).

Oftan Ida eye drops are not prescribed together with glucocorticoid drugs, and during pregnancy they try to use them only in cases where the expected benefit from the drops outweighs the risk of adverse effects on the fetus.

It should also be taken into account that virucidal agents are antimetabolites and significantly slow down the healing process of corneal defects left by the virus.

Antiviral eye drops from the interferon group. Oftalmoferon - the most effective antiviral eye drops for adults and children

Interferons are naturally occurring low molecular weight proteins produced by cells that have antiviral, immunostimulating and antitumor activity.

In ophthalmological practice, interferons are used to treat inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva, cornea and choroid caused by adenoviruses, herpes viruses and herpes zoster.

Thus, interferon is part of the combination drug ophthalmoferon eye drops, the active ingredients of which are also the antiallergic drug diphenhydramine, the antiseptic boric acid and a polymer base that acts as an “artificial tear.”

Despite the “naturalness” of their actions, interferons have their contraindications. In particular, ophthalmoferon eye drops cannot be used for severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, for liver and kidney damage, for hematopoietic insufficiency (leukocytopenia, thrombocytopenia), thyroid diseases and mental illnesses.

In addition, interferons can have an adverse effect on the fetus and infant, so ophthalmoferon eye drops are not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

As a rule, ophthalmoferon is well tolerated, but adverse side effects from a flu-like syndrome (headache, chills, fever, weakness, body aches) to seizures and hallucinations are also possible. It should be noted that all of these symptoms completely disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Antiviral eye drops from the group of interferon inducers. Eye drops Aktipol and Poludan

The mechanism of the antiviral action of interferon inducers is to stimulate the body's natural defenses, leading to the activation of cellular immunity and increased production of antibodies against viral agents.

In ophthalmological practice, interferon inducers are represented by eye drops Poludan (polyadenylic and polyuridylic acid) and Actipol (aminobenzoic acid), which are prescribed for lesions of the organ of vision caused by adenoviral and herpetic infections.

Antiviral eye drops from the group of interferon inducers cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of severe liver and kidney disorders. Since Aktipol eye drops and

Poludan are direct immunostimulants and are contraindicated in patients with autoimmune diseases.

When using Actipol and Poludan eye drops, the following side effects may occur:

  • fever, joint pain;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • inhibition of hematopoiesis (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia);
  • allergic reactions.
In case of poor tolerance, it is recommended to discontinue the drug to normalize the body’s condition.

Antifungal eye drops

Fungal infections of the eyes are relatively rare. Typically, a fungal infection affects the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva, cornea and/or lacrimal gland. This kind of pathology most often occurs in weakened patients, in patients taking steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time, as well as in the presence of occupational hazards (agricultural workers, etc.).

For fungal infections of the eyes, fungicidal (antifungal) drugs are taken orally, and as a local treatment, as a rule, antiseptic eye drops Vitabact are prescribed, which are often called an antifungal agent online.

Hormonal eye drops are anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Sofradex, Maxitrol, Tobradex - popular combined anti-inflammatory antimicrobial eye drops

Hormonal (steroid) eye drops have a particularly strong anti-inflammatory effect because they suppress the development of inflammation at the cellular level. These drugs, even with normal instillation, penetrate into all tissues of the eye, including the lens.

However, it should be taken into account that inflammation itself is a protective reaction of the body in response to damage, and suppression of the body's immune forces at the cellular level can have an adverse effect.

Therefore, hormonal anti-inflammatory eye drops are used mainly for inflammatory processes of allergic and autoimmune origin, to suppress the rejection reaction after corneal transplant surgery, to prevent the proliferation of connective tissue and the formation of cataracts after injuries, burns, etc.

At the same time, combined eye drops, the composition of which includes both hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs and substances with antimicrobial action, have become widespread today.

The most popular among combination drugs are Sofradex eye drops, which are a combination of the steroidal anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone with two antibiotics intended for topical use - neomycin and gramicidin C.

Gramicidin C is interesting because it was the first antibiotic discovered by Soviet scientists. Over time, it was replaced by new drugs that could be used not only topically, but also internally. Gramicidin was remembered when it became clear that the resistance of microorganisms to this drug, unlike other antibiotics, develops extremely slowly.

Sofradex eye drops are a successful combination, since local antibiotics complement and enhance each other, providing the widest possible spectrum of antimicrobial action, and dexamethasone prevents the occurrence of allergies to antibiotics and has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving swelling and easing pain.

Also very popular are combination eye drops Maxitrol, which is a combination of dexamethasone with the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B (this drug is especially active against the so-called intestinal group of bacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), and Tobradex, which is a combination of dexamethasone with the aminoglycoside antibiotic tobramycin.

Dexon eye drops (dexamethasone and neomycin) and dexa-gentamicin (dexamethasone and the aminoglycoside antibiotic gentamicin) are in less demand.

Indications for the use of combined eye drops are:

  • bacterial inflammatory lesions of the eyelids, conjunctiva and cornea in cases where they did not cause epithelial defects (hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs prevent rapid healing);
  • iridocyclitis (inflammatory lesions of the so-called anterior chamber of the eye - the iris and ciliary body);
  • prevention of inflammatory complications after injuries and operations on the organ of vision.
A general contraindication is the suspicion of a fungal, viral or tuberculous eye infection, since in such cases the hormonal component of eye drops can cause serious damage. Thus, these drugs should be recommended by an ophthalmologist who can determine the cause of the inflammatory process.

Since combination eye drops contain a steroid component, they are avoided for use in children and pregnant women.

The course of treatment with this kind of drugs should be limited (maximum 10-14 days), since with longer use, dexamethasone can provoke such serious complications as steroid cataract (clouding of the lens), steroid glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), and the addition of a fungal infection.

Eye drops for pain and inflammation of the eyes from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Anesthetic eye drops diclofenac and Indocollir (indomethacin) for eye trauma and after cataract surgery

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely known among the grateful population thanks to drugs such as aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), analgin (Baralgin), paracetamol (Efferalgan), etc. These drugs eliminate pain (headache, dental pain, joint pain, etc.), relieve inflammatory reaction, eliminate fever.

In ophthalmic practice, the most popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are diclofenac eye drops (active ingredient diclofenac sodium) and Indocollir (active ingredient indomethacin), which are prescribed in the following cases:

  • to eliminate pain and inflammatory reaction in conjunctivitis of non-infectious nature;
  • suppression of miosis (pupil constriction reaction) during operations on the organ of vision;
  • prevention of postoperative complications after surgery for glaucoma and cataract removal (prevention of the development of cystic maculopathy);
  • treatment and prevention of post-traumatic and post-operative inflammation of the choroid.
Anesthetic eye drops diclofenac and Indocollir have the following contraindications:
  • ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • aspirin triad (aspirin intolerance, bronchial asthma, nasal polyposis);
  • disorders of the hematopoietic function of unknown origin;
These drugs are prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation with great caution, as they can cause circulatory problems in the fetus and infant.

In addition, they try not to prescribe diclofenac and Indocollir eye drops to children under 6 years of age, patients with bronchial asthma and elderly people suffering from arterial hypertension and heart failure.

Possible side effects of diclofenac and Indocollir eye drops include:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, stool disorders, flatulence, rarely - ulcerative-erosive lesions);
  • disorders of the nervous system (headache, dizziness, weakness, irritability, insomnia).
Rare side effects include:
  • sensation of crawling on the skin (paresthesia), tinnitus;
  • blurriness of objects, double vision, inflammation of the cornea, increased intraocular pressure, itching and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • hematopoietic disorder;
  • mental disorders, convulsions, tremors;
  • impaired renal function with the appearance of edema.
To avoid the development of adverse side effects, it is recommended to take the drugs as prescribed by a doctor for no more than 5-14 days.

Eye drops for glaucoma (for eye pressure), improving the outflow of intraocular fluid.

Pilocarpine is a popular eye drop for reducing eye pressure from the group of cholinomimetics.

Cholinomimetics are substances that stimulate the receptors of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. With systemic exposure to these drugs, a number of changes occur in the functioning of internal organs: the heartbeat slows down (up to cardiac arrest), the secretion of the glands of the nasopharynx, bronchi and gastrointestinal tract increases, the smooth muscle muscles of the bronchial tree, stomach, intestines, bladder, and gall bladder contract. ducts and gallbladder, orbicularis iris muscle and ciliary muscle of the eye.

In ophthalmological practice, cholinomimetics are used topically to narrow the pupil and improve the outflow of intraocular fluid in glaucoma. The most popular drug from this group is pilocarpine eye drops, which are used both occasionally to relieve acute attacks of glaucoma, and constantly to maintain intraocular pressure at an acceptable level.

The effect of pilocarpine eye drops appears after 20-30 minutes and lasts for 4-6 hours, while intraocular pressure decreases by 15-20% of the original.

Contraindications to the use of pilocarpine eye drops are:

  • inflammatory processes in the iris and ciliary body;
  • pupillary block (impaired outflow of aqueous humor that occurs due to fusion of the iris, dislocation of the lens and vitreous body);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
Side effects when using pilocarpine eye drops most often occur when stopping an attack of glaucoma and include:
  • severe constriction of the pupil, accompanied by a narrowing of the visual field;
  • deterioration of distance vision (induced myopia) most often manifests itself in the dark, 15 minutes after instillation, reaches a maximum after an hour and lasts about two hours;
  • lability of blood pressure and pulse;
  • bronchospasm, pulmonary edema;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • pain in the upper abdomen, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • headache, especially in the superciliary area (more common in young patients; over time, this reaction to the drug usually decreases);
  • allergic reactions.
Systemic effects that appear with a toxic dose completely disappear after 7 hours. In case of a strong toxic effect, an antagonist is prescribed - atropine. In case of allergies, a replacement of the drug is indicated.
With prolonged use, accelerated formation of cataracts is sometimes observed, conjunctivitis and corneal damage may develop. In such cases, eye drops are also replaced.

Xalatan (Glauprost) and Travatan (Travoprost) are eye drops that reduce eye pressure, from the group of prostaglandin F2α analogues

Eye drops from the group of prostaglandin F2α analogues promote the outflow of intraocular fluid by acting on prostaglandin receptors.

Today, two drugs from this group are in wide demand on the ophthalmic pharmacological market - Xalatan (Glauprost) eye drops and Travatan (Travoprost).

These medications effectively reduce intraocular pressure and are indicated for long-term use. It is very convenient that the effect of the drugs lasts for a long time, so eye drops are taken only once a day (at night).

Xalatan (Glauprost) and Travatan (Travoprost) are used on the recommendation of a doctor, and the first two weeks of use must be under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, since paradoxical reactions to the drug are possible.

The hypotensive effect develops gradually over two weeks. To avoid addiction to the drug, it is advisable to replace eye drops after two years.

Contraindications to the use of eye drops from the group of prostaglandin F2α analogues are the following conditions:

  • secondary post-inflammatory glaucoma;
  • previous inflammatory diseases of the choroid;
  • undergone surgery associated with damage to the posterior capsule of the lens;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
Eye drops Xalatan (Glauprost) and Travatan (Travoprost) can cause the following unpleasant, but reversible side effects when the drug is discontinued:
  • slow heartbeat, lability of blood pressure, pain in the heart area;
  • pigmentation of the eyelids and iris, increased eyelash growth;
  • headache, decreased mood;
  • dry mouth, vomiting, nausea, increased blood cholesterol;
  • nasal congestion, joint pain, exacerbation of chronic infections;
  • redness of the conjunctiva, a feeling of sand in the eye, the appearance of a rash on the eyelids.

Antiglaucoma eye drops that inhibit aqueous humor production

Timolol (okumed) and Betoptik (betaxolol) - eye drops for glaucoma from the group of beta-blockers

Beta blockers reduce the amount of aqueous humor inside the eye by blocking receptors that activate its production. These drugs act most effectively, reducing intraocular pressure by 25% below baseline, so they are the first-line drugs in the treatment of glaucoma.

The following conditions are contraindications to local administration of beta-blockers:

  • dystrophic processes in the cornea;
  • chronic obstructive processes in the lungs (including bronchial asthma);
  • cardiac arrhythmias, accompanied by a decrease in heart rate (sinus bradycardia, atrioventricular block);
  • heart failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Timolol (okumed) and Betoptik (betaxolol) are the most popular drugs from this group. At the same time, Betoptik eye drops are selective beta-blockers that can be used by people with bronchial asthma and other obstructive pulmonary pathologies.

Both drugs are prescribed with caution in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation (only in cases where the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus, during lactation it is better to transfer the child to artificial feeding);
  • diabetes mellitus (the effect of drugs can eliminate the symptoms of acute hypoglycemia (tachycardia, agitation), and a delay in emergency assistance is fraught with the development of a coma);
  • thyrotoxicosis (in such patients, beta-blockers should be discontinued gradually so as not to provoke a crisis; in addition, the side effect of eye drops (slow heartbeat) can eliminate the tachycardia characteristic of thyrotoxicosis and the patient will not receive the necessary help);
  • myasthenia gravis (a number of side effects of eye drops (double vision, weakness) can be confused with symptoms of muscle weakness;
  • surgical interventions (drugs should be discontinued two days before surgery).
  • With long-term use, antiglaucoma eye drops Timolol (Ocumed) and Betoptik (betaxolol) can cause the following side effects:
  • heart rhythm disturbances with a tendency to bradycardia up to the development of heart failure;
  • respiratory rhythm disturbances, bronchospasm, acute respiratory failure;
  • dizziness, depression, sleep disturbances, crawling sensation on the skin (paresthesia), weakness;
  • vomiting, stool disorders (diarrhea);
  • decreased potency;
  • hives;
  • allergic swelling of the conjunctiva, lacrimation, painful spasm of the eyelids.
The full effect of Timolol (Ocumed) and Betoptik (betaxolol) eye drops appears only after 10-14 days. To avoid addiction, anti-glaucoma eye drops should be replaced every two to three years.

Trusopt (Dorzopt, Dorzolamide) – antiglaucoma eye drops from the group of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors block the enzyme of the same name in the ciliary body and thus reduce the production of aqueous humor. A significant advantage of medications in this group is the lack of addiction to them, so that with long-term use the effectiveness of the antiglaucoma effect does not decrease.

The most popular eye drops from this group are Trusopt (Dorzopt, Dorzolamide). This drug is taken three times a day (when combined with other antiglaucoma medications - twice a day).

Contraindications to the use of Trusopt eye drops (Dorzopt, Dorzolamide) are the following conditions:

  • acute renal failure;
  • Addison's disease (hypofunction of the adrenal glands);
  • reduced concentrations of calcium and potassium in the blood plasma;
  • diabetes mellitus
With long-term use of drugs from the group of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, the following side effects may develop:
  • pain and burning when instilling the drug, lacrimation, photophobia, redness of the conjunctiva, transient myopia;
  • inflammatory processes in the iris and ciliary body;
  • pathological processes in the cornea;
  • leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolysis of erythrocytes;
  • formation of urinary stones;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weight loss;
  • skin rash and itching, redness of the skin;
  • decreased libido;
  • taste disturbance.
During pregnancy, these drugs should be prescribed only in cases where the expected benefit from eye drops outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. In case of lactation, the child should be transferred to artificial feeding.

Also, great caution should be used when prescribing Trusopt eye drops (Dorzopt, Dorzolamide) to children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Often intolerance to the drug is observed in patients with individual sensitivity to sulfonamides, which should be taken into account when prescribing.

Fotil - combined eye drops for eye pressure

The creation of combination drugs that combine antiglaucoma drugs from different groups has significantly increased the effectiveness of reducing intraocular pressure, avoiding adverse side effects.

So, for example, the most popular combination drug, Fotil eye drops, which is a combination of pilocarpine with timolol, can reduce intraocular pressure by 32% of the original.
Of course, with this combination the number of contraindications also increases. However, as experience shows, combination drugs are generally better tolerated (by reducing the dose of each individual medicinal substance).

In addition, tolerance develops to Fotil eye drops much more slowly than to drops containing a single active ingredient.

Allergy eye drops for adults and children. List of the most popular drugs

Antiallergic eye drops from the group of membrane stabilizing agents. Eye drops Lecrolin (Cromohexal) and ketatifen (zaditen)

The principle of action of antiallergic eye drops from the group of membrane-stabilizing agents is to prevent the release of inflammatory mediators from the so-called mast cells by stabilizing their membranes. In addition, membrane-stabilizing drugs suppress the migration of leukocytes to the site of allergic inflammation.

The most popular ophthalmic drugs from this group are Lecrolin (Cromohexal) eye drops with the active ingredient cromoglycic acid and ketatifen (zaditen) eye drops, the active ingredient of which is ketatifen.

These drugs are indicated for use in allergic conjunctivitis of various natures. In particular, for the following pathologies:

  • seasonal conjunctivitis;
  • hyperpapillary conjunctivitis caused by irritation of the conjunctiva of the upper eyelid by various foreign bodies (postoperative sutures, prostheses, etc.);
  • conjunctivitis associated with wearing contact lenses;
  • medicinal conjunctivitis.
Eye drops Lecrolin (Cromohexal) and ketatifen (zaditen) have the following contraindications:
  • age up to 4 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
These drugs should be used with caution during pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimesters.
As a rule, Lecrolin (Cromohexal) and ketatifen (zaditen) eye drops are well tolerated; side effects include only burning in the eyes and temporary blurred vision immediately after instillation. Less common are joint pain and skin rash, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Eye drops against allergies from the group of histamine receptor blockers. Antihistamine eye drops Allergodil (azelastine) and Opatanol (olopatadine)

The principle of action of antiallergic drugs from the group of histamine receptor blockers is to prevent the binding of the main mediator of allergic inflammation, histamine, to special receptors. As a result, a blockade of the cascade of reactions that gives rise to the development of allergic inflammation occurs.

Today, the most popular drugs from this group in ophthalmology are Allergodil eye drops (active ingredient - azelastine) and Opatanol eye drops (active ingredient - olopatadine). It should be noted that the latter drug has a dual effect - it blocks histamine receptors and stabilizes mast cell membranes. This feature has led to the increased popularity of Opatanol eye drops.

In addition to the treatment and prevention of allergic conjunctivitis, eye drops from the group of histamine receptor blockers are widely used in the complex therapy of bacterial, viral and chlamydial conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis (joint inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea).

Absolute contraindications to taking Allergodil and Opatanol eye drops are:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age (under 4 years for Opatanol eye drops and under 6 years for Allergodil eye drops);
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • taking medications from the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
It should be remembered that taking histamine receptor blockers potentiates the sedative (calming) effect of sleeping pills, tranquilizers and alcohol.

Allergodil and Opatanol eye drops are prescribed with caution to children under 18 years of age (promotes the development of hyperactivity, hallucinations and even seizures in susceptible individuals), as well as to patients with the following pathologies:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • coronary artery diseases;
  • gastric ulcer and/or stenotic narrowing of the digestive tract;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hyperthyroidism.
The drugs are taken one drop twice a day, and the following side effects are possible:
  • lethargy, increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, poor coordination of movements;
  • bitterness in the mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea.

Vasoconstrictor eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis. The best eye drops for eye redness Vizin (Montevisin, VizOptic)

Antiallergic eye drops with vasoconstrictor action are local adrenergic agonists, that is, they act like adrenaline on blood vessels at the site of application.

Thanks to vasoconstriction, unpleasant allergy symptoms such as swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the conjunctiva are eliminated. Eye drops from the group of vasoconstrictors are used not only for allergic conjunctivitis, but also to eliminate irritation of the sensitive conjunctiva of the eyes caused by various unfavorable factors (cigarette smoke, dust, smog, chlorinated water, cosmetics, contact lenses, etc.).
The most popular eye drops for eye redness are the drug Vizin (Montevisin, VizOptic), the effect of which begins to appear within a few minutes after instillation and lasts 4-8 hours.

Visin eye drops are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease);
  • endocrine pathologies (pheochromocytoma, diabetes mellitus, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland).
Side effects of Visin eye drops include:
  • headache, decreased performance;
  • increased blood pressure, palpitations;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • increased intraocular pressure, pupil dilation, irritation of the conjunctiva, decreased vision; with long-term use, persistent conjunctival hyperemia and “dry eye” syndrome may develop.

Eye drops for cataracts Quinax (azapentacene) and Oftan Katahrom

A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens of the eye, the crystalline lens. In the vast majority of cases, this pathology is age-related and is associated with a hereditary predisposition to premature aging of the main part of the optical system of the eye.

It should be noted that today the main method of treating cataracts is surgery to remove the affected lens. Therapeutic treatment is used only in the early stages, when the patient has relatively satisfactory vision and does not agree to surgery.

Cataract eye drops can significantly slow down the pathological process and postpone the need for surgery that is unacceptable to the patient for years or even decades.

Quinax eye drops belong to the group of substances that regulate metabolic processes. By activating proteolytic enzymes, the drug promotes the resorption of opaque protein complexes and restores the transparency of the lens. In addition, the active ingredient in Quinax eye drops protects the sulfhydryl groups of lens tissue from oxidation.

Quinax eye drops are taken for all types of cataracts, instilling 2 drops 3 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor; the drug is intended for long-term use.

Oftan Katahrom eye drops are a mixture of biologically active substances, such as:

  • cytochrome C – activates cellular respiration processes, normalizes intracellular metabolic processes, protects cellular elements from aggressive radicals;
  • nicotinamide – regulates redox processes, increases the ability of tissues to regenerate;
  • adenosine – nourishes the lens of the eye and the cornea, helps flush out toxic substances from the transparent environment of the eye, improves the exchange of aqueous humor.
Take Oftan Katahrom eye drops for a long time, 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

There are virtually no contraindications to the use of anti-cataract eye drops, with the exception of allergic reactions to drug components, which are not common.

Moisturizing eye drops for tired eyes. Eye drops “from the computer” Systane, Hilo Komod (Hilozar Komod), Okutiarz

Separately, it is worth highlighting Okutiarz - moisturizing drops based on ultra-high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, for quickly relieving fatigue and dry eyes after working at the computer or driving. Okutiarz does not contain preservatives in its composition, but has a long shelf life from the moment the bottle is opened - 6 months. The drops are suitable for lens wearers both for moisturizing the eyes and when removing or putting on lenses. The drug is often prescribed to relieve discomfort after eye surgery, such as laser vision correction or PRK.

Unlike drugs from other groups, moisturizing eye drops do not have an effect on the tissues of the organ of vision, but are “artificial tears”, so they have a small number of contraindications and can be purchased at the pharmacy independently without a doctor’s recommendation.

It should be noted that the tear film, protecting the eye from drying out, performs an important protective function. With a lack of tear fluid, the nutrition of the eye tissues is disrupted, susceptibility to infection increases, and fatigue develops faster.

Unfavorable environmental factors and occupational hazards of office workers (in particular, staying in an air-conditioned room and prolonged work at a computer) have an extremely adverse effect on the functioning of the lacrimal glands.

Therefore, many people use moisturizing drops to treat and prevent eye fatigue. Today, among the most popular are Systane and Hilo Komod eye drops, which are inert aqueous solutions. These drugs can replace tear fluid, increase the thickness of the tear film and tear viscosity.

It should be noted that, despite their “naturalness,” Systane and Hilo Komod eye drops can cause temporary blurred vision immediately after instillation and withdrawal symptoms with long-term use.

Contraindications to the use of moisturizing drops are individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and the presence of acute or chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in the tissues of the organ of vision.

Systane and Hilo Komod eye drops can be instilled without removing contact lenses. However, you should not drip them at the same time as other eye drops, since “artificial tears” will slow down the absorption of other drugs.

If you decide to buy eye drops at a pharmacy. Composition of eye drops. Analogues and generics. How to choose the cheapest eye drops

If you decide to buy eye drops at a pharmacy, then, of course, you are interested in getting a high-quality drug for a minimal price. This is where knowledge about analogs (generics) of eye drops comes in handy.

Full analogues, synonyms or generics are drugs that have the same active substance but different names. Quite often, the cost of analogs is very different, so you can buy a synonymous drug several times cheaper.

Do analogues differ in quality? This is a difficult question. It all depends on the manufacturer: how the chemical purification process is carried out, whether all necessary technological requirements are met, etc.

It is believed that the highest quality drugs are produced by Japan, the USA and developed European countries, while the quality of drugs from China, India and other East Asian countries is much lower.

You can find an analogue on the Internet by going to pharmacy websites. But you should be careful, since some sellers call analogues not generics, but medicines with different active ingredients belonging to the same pharmacological group.

Meanwhile, doctors strongly do not recommend changing the prescribed drug to another drug of similar effect without consulting a specialist. Because even medications of the same group often have different indications and contraindications.

In order not to be deceived, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the drug: the active ingredients are always written first in the list and, as a rule, are highlighted in bold or indicated with the words “active ingredients”.

You can see analogues of the most popular eye drops and their prices at the end of our article.

How to properly instill eye drops

Before using eye drops, carefully read the instructions: there may be very useful instructions for you (for example, how to open a dropper bottle, whether to shake the bottle before use, etc.).
Immediately before instillation, eye drops should be warmed to body temperature (hold the bottle in your hand).

It is necessary to instill eye drops in a calm environment, after washing your hands and sitting comfortably in front of a mirror.

In order for the drop to get to the right place, you need to tilt your head back and slightly pull the lower eyelid down, leaving a small “pocket”.

Immediately before instillation, look up, without losing sight of the tip of the dropper bottle or pipette, and drop the required number of drops into the conjunctival cavity (into the formed “pocket”).
To prevent the medicine from escaping into the nasal cavity through the nasolacrimal duct, close your eye and lightly press the lower eyelid with your finger at the inner corner of the eye (near the nose).

Just hold your finger for 2-3 minutes and you’re done. If necessary, you can move to the other eye.
If you need to instill another drug, you should wait at least 15-20 minutes so that the drug is completely absorbed into the mucous membrane of the eye.

You must wait the same period of time before putting on contact lenses.

Eye drops for children. Instructions: how to administer eye drops to children under one year of age and older

Before putting eye drops into your child’s eyes, you should prepare everything you need:
  • read the instructions carefully;
  • wash your hands;
  • place cotton balls or swabs on a sterile surface;
  • if necessary, prepare a cup (or two) of warm brew;
  • if the preparation is not equipped with a special dropper, prepare a sterile pipette (pour boiling water over it);
  • Warm the eye drops in your hand or in a cup of warm water.
Set your child up for the procedure so that he is not afraid of your actions and your excitement. If the baby’s age allows, experienced parents try to carry out this manipulation in a playful way.
For children under one year of age, it is better to instill drops during sleep. Of course, the child will wake up during the procedure, but there will be much less screaming and crying.

To apply eye drops to a small child, you should lay him on his back. Older children can undergo this procedure while sitting on a chair.

If the child's eyelashes are stuck together with pus, you must first rinse the eyes with warm tea. In this case, a cotton swab soaked in tea is passed from the outer corner of the eye to the inner (from the temple to the nose). For each eye you need to use a separate tampon and a separate cup with tea leaves.

The healthy or less affected eye is instilled first. There is no need to worry too much if a drop gets on a closed eye; it will penetrate inside when the child opens his eyes.

Ask your baby to close both eyes, then pull the lower eyelid down with your thumb, and drop the required number of drops into the resulting crease.

Allergy from eye drops

Allergies from eye drops usually develop within an hour after instillation. The following symptoms are observed:
  • swelling and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • lacrimation;
  • pain and stinging in the eye;
  • painful spasm of the eyelids;
  • swelling of the tissues surrounding the eyes.
Allergies from eye drops can manifest not only local, but also general reactions (runny nose and/or nasal congestion, rashes on the body in the form of hives, in severe cases, an attack of bronchial asthma or even anaphylactic shock).

If signs of an allergic reaction to eye drops appear, the drug is discontinued. Antiallergic drops (lecrolin or allergodil) are instilled into the affected eye, and the antihistamine loratadine is additionally taken orally.

For severe allergic inflammation, the doctor may prescribe hormonal anti-inflammatory eye drops. In case of a rapidly developing allergic reaction, you should call an ambulance.

Is it possible to rely on reviews when choosing eye drops for children and adults?

You can no more trust reviews on websites than reviews from friends. The doctor prescribes eye drops purely individually, focusing on an accurate diagnosis, the characteristics of the pathological process, the general condition of the patient, his age, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

So the latest effective drops, which helped one of the users of the World Wide Web, can only bring you harm.

In addition, all reviews contain an element of subjectivity. Some patient may believe that eye drops helped him, while the doctor will say that, judging by the diagnosis, it was a placebo effect (self-hypnosis).
The opposite situation may also be true: negative reviews about eye drops are often left by patients who do not comply with all the rules of treatment (insufficient duration of the course, inaccurate administration, failure to comply with the rules of comprehensiveness of treatment, etc.).

You should be especially careful with reviews of children's eye drops. Read the instructions carefully and under no circumstances use drops that are contraindicated for your baby due to age, even if reviews claim that they are very helpful for very young children and there are no adverse effects.

Is it possible to put eye drops into a child's nose?

All medications should be taken after first reading the instructions, which indicate acceptable methods of administration and possible dosage regimens for the drugs.

All prescriptions and digital instructions were confirmed at one time by the results of clinical studies, which proved that this pathology can be cured in this way.

So, for example, there are anti-allergic drops “for the eyes and nose” Allergonaf, which, according to the instructions, can be instilled into the nose of children over 6 years old with a runny nose of allergic or viral origin.
But if the instructions indicate that this drug is “eye drops,” then it should be used strictly as directed. Otherwise, you may cause significant harm to yourself or your loved ones.

Storing eye drops

Eye drops are stored in accordance with the instructions. The general rule is to store the drug in the refrigerator doors (but not in the freezer) - here the instructions “store in a cool place away from direct sunlight” are best observed.

However, in families with small children, such storage can be a problem, since most eye drops are poisonous to the child. Therefore, when storing eye drops in the refrigerator, you will have to additionally ensure that no one drinks them.

You should also remember that the shelf life of an open bottle of eye drops for most drugs is no more than 28 days.

List of the most popular eye drops

According to Yandex queries, we have compiled the TOP 8 most popular eye drops. Among them were the following drugs:
  • chloramphenicol eye drops;
  • Tobrex eye drops;
  • Taufon eye drops;
  • Emoxipin eye drops;
  • Albucid eye drops;
  • Tsipromed eye drops;
  • Dexamethasone eye drops;
  • Irifrin eye drops.
We tried to answer the most frequently asked questions about these, indeed very effective, modern drugs.

The best eye drops: time-tested broad-spectrum antibiotic chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol eye drops)

Levomycetin eye drops application: “for conjunctivitis” or “for inflammation”
Levomycetin eye drops are the leader in Yandex queries, which indicates their particular popularity among patients. Meanwhile, the requests themselves suggest that many people do not know about the purpose of this rather serious medicine.

Levomycetin eye drops are indicated for use in infectious and inflammatory eye diseases, such as:

  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea - a dial-shaped membrane covering the iris and pupil).

However, this drug is used only in cases where the pathological process is caused by microorganisms sensitive to the antibiotic.

Levomycetin (chloramphenicol) is a synthetic analogue of the antibiotic produced by the microorganism Streptomyces venezuelae and has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action.

It is capable of inhibiting the growth of many bacteria (including those against which sulfonamides, streptomycin, and penicillin antibiotics are powerless), and is effective against some large viruses (for example, against the trachoma virus, which causes severe eye damage).

In cases where the infectious process is caused by a microorganism that is insensitive to chloramphenicol, for example, a small virus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, this drug will be absolutely useless.

Moreover, with fungal conjunctivitis, as well as with inflammation of an allergic nature, chloramphenicol eye drops can cause significant harm.

It should be noted that inflammatory processes in the eye can be caused by many reasons. Thus, conjunctivitis can be a consequence of eye strain due to farsightedness or the result of pathological processes in the eyeball (tumor, glaucoma) or in other organs.

Therefore, if signs of conjunctivitis or other inflammatory processes of the organ of vision appear, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Levomycetin eye drops instructions

Levomycetin eye drops are instilled into the conjunctival cavity, one drop 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed ten days.

In cases where longer-term use of the drug is necessary, the condition of blood cellular elements (complete blood count) should be monitored every 3 days, since chloramphenicol inhibits hematopoietic function.

In addition, with long-term use of chloramphenicol eye drops, observation by a dentist is necessary, as bleeding gums, mouth ulcers and the development of inflammatory processes may occur.

Levomycetin is prescribed with caution to patients with liver and kidney diseases, which are accompanied by severe insufficiency of their function. In such cases, blood should be regularly tested for the concentration of antibiotic in plasma.

Levomycetin eye drops for children: are the instructions for use different? What side effects are possible when using this drug in children and adults?

Levomycetin eye drops are prescribed to children from four months to two years with great caution, only in cases where there is no adequate replacement, and the expected benefit of the drug outweighs the risk of developing unpleasant side effects.

The dosage is determined by the doctor, based on the age of the child, the severity of the infectious process and the general health of the little patient.

Side effects of the drug chloramphenicol are as follows:

  • from the nervous system: disturbances of consciousness up to loss of orientation in place, time and self; with prolonged use, pathology of peripheral nerves may develop, including optic neuritis with the threat of loss of vision;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system: decrease in hemoglobin; less often – a decrease in the number of red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes; in persons with a genetic predisposition, irreversible aplastic anemia (irreversible inhibition of hematopoiesis) may develop;
  • lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract: formation of ulcers in the mouth, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating;
  • renal excretory dysfunction;
  • local allergic reactions(allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva).
In children, due to the immaturity of the liver, age-related characteristics of the hematopoietic and excretory systems, side effects of chloramphenicol develop more often than in adults.

However, with short-term use of the drug (up to 7-10 days), serious disorders of the nervous system, hematopoiesis and kidneys are extremely rare. If signs of damage to the gastrointestinal tract or local allergic reactions appear, the drug is discontinued.

Levomycetin eye drops: storage and shelf life

Levomycetin eye drops are available in dark glass containers. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dark, cool place (storage temperature 8-15 degrees Celsius).

Under normal storage conditions, the shelf life of chloramphenicol eye drops is 24 months, but an opened bottle cannot be stored for more than one month.

Do chloramphenicol AKOS eye drops help with barley?

Barley– acute purulent inflammation of the eyelid glands, which is most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus or other microflora sensitive to chloramphenicol.

So the use of eye drops with the antibiotic chloramphenicol in this case is quite justified.
However, it should be borne in mind that barley often accompanies diseases such as diabetes, serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as other conditions accompanied by hypovitaminosis and immunodeficiency.

Therefore, it is advisable to undergo examination by an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and dermatologist. Doctors also advise patients with barley to take the vitamin-rich dietary supplement “Brewer’s Yeast.”

Is it possible to use chloramphenicol DIA eye drops for newborns?

No, you can't. The antibiotic chloramphenicol is a fairly toxic substance that can cause the so-called gray newborn syndrome in infants up to four months. This pathology is associated with physiological immaturity of the liver, leading to impaired detoxification of the antibiotic and its accumulation in the body.

In mild cases, gray newborn syndrome is manifested by gastrointestinal disorders (bloating, diarrhea, vomiting), and in severe cases, by severe breathing disorders, which are accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and cyanosis of the skin (hence the name of the pathology).

Is it possible to use chloramphenicol 0 25 eye drops during pregnancy and lactation?

Levomycetin penetrates the placental barrier and can have a negative effect on the fetus, therefore pregnancy is a contraindication for the use of all drugs containing this antibiotic.
The drug is contraindicated during breastfeeding, as it passes into milk and can poison the baby’s body.

What is the difference between the drugs eye drops chloramphenicol Dia and chloramphenicol AKOS? The instructions are almost the same, the price is comparable. I looked through the reviews - there are no differences.

Nothing surprising. Eye drops chloramphenicol Dia and eye drops chloramphenicol AKOS are synonyms used by different companies to name the same drug.


After an acute respiratory viral infection, a child has a runny nose for a long time. A friend advised me to put chloramphenicol eye drops into my nose for “green snot,” which helped her child a lot in a similar situation. I read some reviews on the forum. Mothers claim that the mucous membrane of the nose and ear is no more delicate than the mucous membrane of the eyes, so chloramphenicol eye drops can be instilled into children’s nose and ear.

First of all, it should be noted that any drug must be used according to the instructions. If the instructions say “eye drops”, this means that the drug is intended exclusively for the eyes.

If chloramphenicol eye drops could be instilled into the nose or ear, this would definitely be indicated in the instructions for use of the drug.

In your case, you need to contact an otolaryngologist to find out the cause of purulent nasal discharge and begin adequate treatment.

I decided to buy chloramphenicol eye drops, but the instructions for use do not contain information about interactions with other drugs. I am a seriously ill person and have to constantly take medications. How compatible are chloramphenicol 0.25 eye drops with other medications?

It is better to take chloramphenicol 0.25 eye drops on the recommendation and under the supervision of a medical specialist, who should be notified in advance about all medications you are taking.

So, for example, if you suffer from anemia and take iron supplements, folic acid and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12), then these medications will reduce the effect of chloramphenicol eye drops. The antibiotics erythromycin and lincosamides (lincomycin, clindamycin) also exhibit antagonism to chloramphenicol.

But antibacterial agents from the group of sulfonamides (etazol, norsulfazole, sulfadimezin, sulfadimethoxine, sulfalene, etc.) and aminoglycoside antibiotics (streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, amikacin, etc.) potentiate the toxic effects of the active substance of chloramphenicol eye drops and therefore together are not assigned.

The use of chloramphenicol eye drops is strictly contraindicated for patients with peptic ulcer disease, who constantly use the acid-reducing drug cimetidine, as well as for patients who have undergone a course of cytostatic therapy. In such cases, the use of chloramphenicol is fraught with the development of aplastic anemia.

The combined use of chloramphenicol eye drops with medical substances containing barbiturates (for example, phenobarbital sleeping pills, Valocordin “heart” drops) leads to an increase in the sedative (calming) effect of barbiturates and a weakening of the therapeutic effect of chloramphenicol.

Tobrex eye drops (tobramycin): instructions, price, reviews

In what cases do Tobrex eye drops help with eye inflammation and conjunctivitis?

The active ingredient of Tobrex eye drops is a third generation aminoglycoside - tobramycin. It is a close relative of the more well-known aminoglycoside antibiotics - streptomycin (first generation aminoglycosides) and gentamicin (second generation).

It should be noted that streptomycin was one of the first antibiotics discovered by mankind (more precisely, the second after penicillin). At the dawn of the antibiotic era, powerful antimicrobial drugs were often prescribed indiscriminately, and as a result, doctors quickly faced the problem of the emergence of strains of pathogens resistant to antibiotic therapy.

Scientists were forced to constantly synthesize new generations of aminoglycosides. Thus, the second-generation antibiotic gentamicin acts on many strains of microbes resistant to streptomycin, and tobramycin, which is the newest antibiotic, also acts on strains resistant to gentamicin.

However, like other aminoglycoside antibiotics, tobramycin is not a broad-spectrum antibiotic and is powerless against many types of bacterial flora, as well as against viruses and protozoa.

In addition, like all antibiotics, Tobrex is contraindicated for allergic and fungal conjunctivitis, and is absolutely useless for so-called secondary inflammatory processes associated with pathology of the organ of vision or general diseases of the body.

Therefore, Tobrex eye drops should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after a preliminary diagnosis.

Tobrex eye drops: instructions for use

Medical indications: Tobrex eye drops are intended for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory eye lesions caused by bacterial flora sensitive to aminoglycosides (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal gland), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), uveitis (inflammation of the uvea of ​​the eye)).

In addition, Tobrex is widely used in ophthalmological practice for the prevention of postoperative and post-traumatic purulent complications.

Contraindications to the use of Tobrex eye drops:

  • idiosyncrasy (hypersensitivity to the drug);
  • inflammation of the auditory nerve;
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • myasthenia gravis (severe muscle damage caused by autoimmune aggression).
Dosage regimen: Tobrex eye drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac, 1-2 drops 3 times a day. In case of an acute, pronounced infectious process, Tobrex can be instilled every hour, gradually reducing the frequency of drug administration, focusing on the condition of the more severely affected eye. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.

Possible negative side effects of Tobrex eye drops:

  • Nephrotoxicity. With sufficiently long-term use, Tobrex negatively affects kidney function, which is manifested by symptoms of renal failure such as headache, nausea and vomiting. Such disorders are usually completely reversible.
  • Vestibular disorders and damage to the hearing organ are manifested by dizziness, loss of balance, and hearing loss.
  • Local reactions. Burning in the eye, lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva, swelling of the eyelids.
Interaction of Tobrex eye drops with other drugs:

The combination of Tobrex eye drops with other antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group, as well as with the antibiotic vancomycin, mutually enhances nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity (detrimental effect on the auditory nerve). In addition, with such an unfavorable combination there is a risk of developing disorders of mineral metabolism and hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells).

The general toxicity of the active substance of Tobrex eye drops increases when combined with antibiotics from the cephalosporin group, antibiotics polymyxin B and colistin, as well as in combination with the diuretic furosemide.

The antibiotics erythromycin and chloramphenicol are pharmacologically incompatible with tobramycin, therefore these antimicrobial agents are not used together with Tobrex eye drops.

In addition, Tobrex eye drops are not prescribed together with anesthetics and neuromuscular blockers, since tobramycin potentiates the effects of the latter by inhibiting neuromuscular transmission.

For severe infections, combinations of tobramycin or other aminoglycosides with sulfonamides (ethazol, sodium sulfacyl, sulfadimethoxine, etc.), fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, etc.) and fusidic acid are used. Therefore, if necessary, Tobrex eye drops can be successfully combined with the above-mentioned antimicrobial agents.

Special instructions. An elderly or senile patient requires caution when prescribing Tobrex eye drops, since as the body ages, a physiological decline in kidney function occurs.

Storage conditions and expiration date. Store Tobrex eye drops in a cool, dark place out of reach of children and animals. An open bottle cannot be stored for more than one month.

How much does it cost to buy Tobrex children's eye drops?

Tobrex eye drops are produced without age differences; for children they use the same release form as for adults: a 5 ml bottle containing a 0.3% solution of the antibiotic tobramycin.

Are there separate instructions for the use of Tobrex eye drops for children?

Tobrex eye drops are prescribed to young children with caution due to the pronounced toxic effect of the drug on the kidneys and auditory nerve.

There are no separate instructions for the use of the drug Tobrex for children. The dosage regimen and duration of the course of taking the drug are determined by a pediatric ophthalmologist, focusing on the child’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases and the severity of the infectious process.

Are Tobrex eye drops available for newborns?

There is no such dosage form as “Tobrex Eye Drops for Newborns”. They try not to prescribe “adult” Tobrex to newborns, that is, children in the first four weeks of life, due to the high risk of developing extremely unpleasant complications.

Can Tobrex 2X eye drops be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

No, you can't. All drugs containing tobramycin are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

What analogues of the drug Tobrex eye drops exist? Are the prices of similar drugs very different?

Analogues of the drug Tobrex include eye drops:

  • Tobrex 2x;
  • Tobropt;
  • Tobracin ADS;
  • Tobramycin Gobbi;
  • Bramitob;
  • Dilaterol;
  • Brulamycin;
  • Nebtsin.
All of these drugs are based on the same active ingredient - tobramycin. The price of drugs containing this antibiotic averages about 300 rubles. Price fluctuations depend both on the manufacturer and on the seller-distributor.

The most popular are Tobrex and Tobrex 2X eye drops. The drug Tobrex 2X contains xanthone gum as an excipient, which allows you to maintain the concentration of tobramycin in the conjunctiva for a longer period. Unlike Tobrex, Tobrex 2X is not a liquid, but a viscous substance - a gel, this is due precisely to the above-mentioned effect.

Patient reviews of Tobrex eye drops (brief analysis)

Most reviews about Tobrex eye drops are positive, patients note a quick effect (cleansing the eye of pus, eliminating pain and inflammation). This is not surprising, since the antibiotic tobramycin is a bactericidal drug that, unlike bacteriostatic agents, not only inhibits the growth of microorganisms, but completely destroys them.

Negative reviews are mainly represented by complaints of allergic reactions (swelling of the eyelids, nasal congestion, lacrimation, burning in the eyes) that followed taking the drug.

Many reviews indicate uncontrolled use of the drug without doctor’s recommendations, which is absolutely unacceptable. One patient complained that Tobrex in combination with sulfacyl sodium and ophthalmoferon did not help him. Alas, this is a sad result of the uncontrolled use of antimicrobial agents.

The doctor prescribed a standard combination that is effective against most bacteria and many viruses, and now he will puzzle over what to prescribe to a patient to destroy a stubborn chronic infection that has developed “immunity” to antimicrobial agents.

Eye drops Taufon (taurine): instructions, analogues, price, reviews

Eye drops Taufon (taurine): composition

Taufon eye drops are a 4% solution of the amino acid taurine, produced in glass or polyethylene bottles of 5 and 10 ml. In addition, the drug is sold in special 1 ml tubes convenient for instillation (10 dropper tubes in one package).

The amino acid taurine, the active ingredient in Taufon eye drops, is a natural component of the human body. At the same time, the vast majority of taurine is synthesized from the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine, and a small part comes from food products.

It should be noted that in animal tissues taurine is found in fairly low concentrations - mainly in bile. At one time, this amino acid was isolated from bovine bile, in honor of which it received its name ( taurus translated from Latin means bull).

In the human body, taurine is also part of bile acids, which play an important role in the digestion process. In addition, taurine has a beneficial effect on intracellular metabolism, promoting the restoration of damaged cell membranes, and inhibits pathological impulses in nervous tissue, preventing seizures.

Eye drops Taufon (taurine) as a cure for cataracts and more

The use of taurine in medicine is mainly associated with its beneficial effect on the tissues of the organ of vision. When administered locally, subconjunctivally, taurine has the following effects:

  • reparative (promotes restoration of damaged cells);
  • metabolic (improves metabolism in eye tissues);
  • anti-cataract (protects the lens of the eye from clouding).
In ophthalmological practice, Taufon (Taurine) eye drops are used for the following pathologies:
  • pathology of the cornea (trauma, dystrophic processes);
  • pathology of the lens (cataract);
  • glaucoma (a decrease in intraocular pressure occurs mainly due to an improvement in metabolic processes in the affected eye, so taufon is used in combination with other drugs for this pathology);
  • damage to the retinal receptors that perceive visual objects.
Eye drops Taufon (taurine): contraindications

The only contraindication to the use of Taufon (taurine) eye drops is individual sensitivity to the drug. A pathological reaction to the drug manifests itself as a burning sensation in the eye, lacrimation, redness and swelling of the eye immediately after using eye drops.

Analogs of the medical drug Taufon eye drops: instructions, price and reviews

The most popular eye drops, the active ingredient of which is the amino acid taurine, are known under the following names:

  • Taufon;
  • Taufon AKOS;
  • Taurine;
  • Taurine DIA;
  • Taurine AKOS.
At one time, the price of all the above drugs was almost identical (around 12-22 rubles per 5 ml bottle).

Then, for unknown reasons (evil tongues talk about the desire of manufacturers to cash in on the “promoted” brand), the drug Taufon increased in price many times, so that its cost today reaches 180 rubles for one 10 ml bottle.

While a complete analogue of Taurine or Taurine-dia can be purchased for only 12 rubles (5 ml). The price of a package of Taurine dropper tubes is much higher (about 75 rubles for a package of 10 tubes of 1 ml each), but here you have to pay for the ease of use of the drug.

The instructions for use of all analogues of Taufon eye drops are identical, the number of positive and negative reviews is also quite comparable.

Use of the drug eye drops Taufon (Taurine). Brief instructions

Dosage regimen and duration of treatment courses:

  • For senile, diabetic, traumatic and radiation cataracts, Taufon eye drops are used 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day. Three-month courses of treatment are carried out at intervals of one month.
  • For injuries and dystrophies of the cornea, the drug is prescribed in the same dose. The course of treatment is one month.
  • For dystrophic processes in the retina of the eye, Taufon is instilled once a day for 10 days. Courses are held twice a year.
  • Open-angle glaucoma is treated in combination with the drug timolol. In this case, Taufon is instilled 1-2 drops twice a day half an hour before taking timolol.
Storage rules. Store Taufon eye drops in a place protected from open sunlight at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drug is 3 (polyethylene containers) or 4 years (glass containers). An open bottle should be used within two weeks.

Eye drops Taufon (Taurine) for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers

The active ingredient of Taufon eye drops penetrates the placenta and into breast milk. Unfortunately, today medicine does not have enough reliable data on the effect of taurine on pregnancy and fetal development. There is also no data on the effect of Taufon eye drops on the children's body.

Therefore, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of 18 years, should take Taufon eye drops only in cases where the possible benefits of using the drops significantly outweigh the risks of using an insufficiently studied drug.

Patient reviews of the drug Taufon (Taurine, Taurine Dia, Taurine AKOS)

Among patient reviews of Taufon eye drops, positive ratings predominate. The disadvantages of the drug most often include the inflated price and the short shelf life of the drug after opening the package.

Some patients complain of pain and burning in the eye immediately after instilling the drug. No reviews indicating serious allergic reactions requiring discontinuation of Taufon eye drops were found.

As an analysis of reviews has shown, many patients use Taufon and its analogues (Taurine, Taurine Dia, Taurine AKOS) as a means of increasing the tolerance of contact lenses, relieving fatigue after prolonged work at the computer and improving vision.

It should be noted that taurine optimizes metabolic and energy processes in the cells of the eyeball and increases the ability of tissues to recover. However, the use of the drug must be combined with other rules for the prevention of vision pathology (hygiene when working at a computer, professional selection of contact lenses and proper care for them).

In case of serious eye pathology, you should under no circumstances expect improvement in vision after taking Taufon eye drops. So if you notice a clear decrease in vision, it is best not to diagnose “eye fatigue” yourself, but to seek help from a specialist.

Reviews from doctors about the medical drug Taufon (Taurine, Taurine Dia, Taurine AKOS)

Reviews from doctors about the drug Taufon indicate that the drug, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients and does not cause any complaints.

Eye drops Taufon (Taurine, Taurine Dia, Taurine Akos) in ophthalmological practice are most often prescribed as an adjuvant in a complex of other therapeutic measures and, according to experts, contribute to the overall result.

As for the treatment of cataracts, the opinions of professionals are divided. Many ophthalmologists believe that Taufon eye drops, as well as other medications intended for the conservative treatment of this pathology, are not capable of having a serious effect and are only psychological preparation for surgery.

Other doctors defend the opposite point of view and argue that although Taufon eye drops are not able to completely cure cataracts, they can significantly slow down the process, postponing the need for surgery for many years or even decades.


I developed redness in my eyes, at first I thought it was due to high blood pressure (I am hypertensive), but the redness did not go away even when my blood pressure normalized. A friend said that she had the same problem from fatigue and advised me to buy Taufon eye drops. The instructions confirmed my belief that these are vitamin drops, because there are practically no contraindications. But it doesn’t indicate how to take Taufon eye drops in my case.

In your particular case, Taufon eye drops are unlikely to help; consult an ophthalmologist to find out the cause of prolonged eye hyperemia. This symptom occurs in many serious pathologies - both local (inflammation of the conjunctiva, farsightedness, myopia, increased intraocular pressure, etc.) and general (diabetes mellitus, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, Sjögren's syndrome, etc.), so it is better seek qualified help.

My 7-year-old daughter has severe myopia, the doctor recommended buying Taufon eye drops and conducting a month-long course of treatment. I purchased Taurine Dia at a pharmacy (I was told that it is the same thing, but the price is several times lower). However, the instructions for the drug state that Taufon eye drops are not prescribed to children under 18 years of age. How to understand this?

Data on the effect of the active substance of Taufon eye drops on the developing body of a child today is not enough to judge its complete safety.

Therefore, Taufon eye drops are prescribed to children in cases where the drug can bring tangible benefits that exceed the risk of using an insufficiently studied drug.

It should be noted that Taufon eye drops for myopia can have a positive effect only if they are prescribed in combination with other therapeutic measures (eye gymnastics, limiting visual load, treatment courses of drugs that relieve spasm of the ciliary muscle, twice a year hardware treatment in a hospital or clinic).

Emoxipin eye drops and their analogues. Instructions for use, price, reviews

What is included in the medicinal product Emoxipin eye drops

Eye drops Emoxipin, like most medications, consists of active and auxiliary substances.

The active ingredient of the drug, which provides all its healing properties, is a 1% solution of methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride (international name methylethylpyridinol).

Methylethylpyridinol belongs to the category of so-called antioxidants - substances that protect cellular structures from aggressive oxidative radicals formed during vital processes.

When introduced into the conjunctival cavity, the active substance of Emoxipin eye drops has the following effects:

  • antioxidant;
  • angioprotective (protects the walls of blood vessels from damage);
  • antihypoxic (increases tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency);
  • disaggregant (prevents red blood cells from sticking together in capillaries);
  • retinoprotective (protects the retina from pathological influences).
Where are Emoxipin eye drops used?

Emoxipin eye drops have the following indications for use:

  • dystrophic processes in the cornea, choroid and retina;
  • “ocular” complications of diabetes mellitus;
  • treatment and prevention of hemorrhages under the conjunctiva and inside the eyeball;
  • complications of myopia;
  • corneal protection when using contact lenses;
  • treatment and prevention of retinal burns when exposed to high-intensity light (laser and sunburns, laser coagulation);
  • inflammation and horn of the cornea;
  • prevention of complications during surgical interventions on the organ of vision
Emoxipin eye drops: contraindications

The drug is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug.

Brief instructions for using Emoxipin eye drops

Dosage regimen: Emoxipin eye drops are prescribed 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by an ophthalmologist, focusing on the type of pathology and the severity of damage to the organ of vision (ranging from 3 to 180 days).

If necessary, monthly courses of treatment with Emoxipin are carried out 2-3 times a year.

Side effects of Emoxipin eye drops: Itching, burning or stinging may occur immediately after instillation of the drug. Local allergic reactions (redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and bridge of the nose, lacrimation, nasal congestion) are extremely rare.

Additional instructions: Emoxipin eye drops should not be mixed with other medications.
If the simultaneous use of several types of eye drops is necessary, Emoxipine is instilled last, waiting for the time necessary for the absorption of the previous drug (at least 15 minutes).

Are Emoxipin eye drops prescribed for children and women during pregnancy and lactation?

Emoxipan eye drops are not prescribed to children under 18 years of age, as well as to women during pregnancy and lactation, since there is no reliable clinical data confirming its safety for these categories of patients.
It should be taken into account that, being absorbed through the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva into the blood, emoxypine can have a systemic effect, in particular, reduce blood pressure, inhibit the ability of blood to clot, etc.

If you need to buy Emoxipin eye drops: price and analogues

The most common complete analogues (generics) of Emoxipine eye drops are the following drugs:

  • Emoxy-Optic
  • Emoxybel
  • Methylethylpyridonol-Eskom
  • Emoksipin-Akos
It should be noted that complete analogues, which have the same active ingredient and, therefore, have the same effect, differ greatly in cost - the price range is from 17 to 198 rubles.

Moreover, the price depends not only on the name of the analogue, but also on the manufacturer, distributor and seller.