Bamboo is the birthplace of the plant. Bamboo plant, genus and species description, photo. Bamboo from this forest is still used to produce various products: dishes, boxes, baskets, mats

Bamboo... Where does this amazing plant grow? Is it a tree or a grass? In fact, it is a cereal crop that has high strength and flexibility. It can reach a height of forty meters. The high growth rate of the plant amazes and delights at the same time.

What is this

Bamboo is a plant that in appearance resembles both tall grass and a tree. It has a straight stem and wedge-shaped leaves. This oriental cereal combines calm, soothing colors - yellow and green. There are many types of it. The plant is found not only in the wild. It is actively used by people in landscape design, decorative gardening, for the production of furniture, interior items and even in cooking.

The stem has a fibrous structure. The roots and rhizomes are located horizontally underground. Buds form on the rhizome, which gradually turn into sprouts. Most bamboo species bloom once every sixty or one hundred and twenty years. The plant reproduces quickly - through rhizomes or seeds. In the latter case, this happens quite rarely. The bamboo stem is very strong, shoots with leaves extend from it. Thickenings form on the trunk where the shoots emerge. They are called nodes, and the part of the stem between them is called internodes.

What does it look like

Bamboo (photo can be seen in the article) grows only in conditions of high humidity and warm climate. It is the climatic conditions that determine its appearance and active growth. The stem of this plant resembles grass and a tree trunk. Bamboo is very tall, its crown is branched. The shoots of the plant are hard inside and out. In the middle of the trunk, the bamboo has a bright yellow color and there are hollow areas.

The leaves of the grass are lanceolate, with short petioles. Spikelets with large inflorescences are attached to the branches. On the branches there are scale-shaped bamboo leaves. The root is well developed. It is capable of growing over long distances. The rhizome produces many powerful stems. Bamboo produces fruit only once every few decades due to rare but abundant flowering.


Bamboo. Where does it grow, what climatic conditions are comfortable for this crop? The tropics are considered to be the birthplace of bamboo. It can be found in Australia, America, Asia. It is thermophilic and is poorly affected by frost and cold winds. Some species feel comfortable in the cold. However, northern and temperate climates are not suitable for cereals, as is extreme heat. Frost-resistant varieties of the crop are unpretentious. Their rhizomes develop in any soil. The plant also takes root in Russia, but only as an indoor inhabitant.

Bamboo is evergreen. The life cycle is long. Does not tolerate extreme heat, cold and drought. Able to survive in any conditions with proper care.


Is bamboo a grass or a tree? It is considered to be a plant or giant grass. There are about a thousand varieties of bamboo in the world. They all differ in height and width of the stem. Some species look like bushes. Absolutely all of them adapt to new living conditions over time. One of the most popular types is considered to be “lucky bamboo”. This is a small indoor plant that grows in soil or water. It cannot be called a direct relative of culture.

The plant requires careful care and does not tolerate cold weather. Bamboo does not like clayey, waterlogged soil. Keep this in mind if you want to grow the crop at home. If the crop grows at home in an indoor pot, it is important to provide it with moderate humidity and warmth, but keep it away from the heating system. It is recommended to wipe the stem and leaves with a damp cloth.


What features does bamboo have? Where does it grow and why is it able to quickly adapt to different climatic conditions? The most interesting and, perhaps, the main type of bamboo grows in the East Indies. Its trunk reaches a height of twenty-five meters and a diameter of thirty centimeters. The structural features of bamboo allow it to be used in construction. In addition, the old stems of the plant produce a sweet-tasting liquid that is used to make polishes and porcelain. Features include rapid growth, massiveness, and plant properties. Young crops are eaten, the stem is used in the interior, household, and industry, including textiles.

Areas of use

Where is bamboo used? Where does this crop grow and what is its significance for the economy? The scope of use of cereals is huge. Houses are built from the bases of trunks of large species and musical instruments are made. Bamboo is highly valued in the textile industry. Bamboo fiber is used to sew clothes, linen, blinds, wallpaper, carpets, blankets, pillows and much more. The material made from bamboo threads has amazing properties. It perfectly absorbs moisture, hypoallergenic, antibacterial and very soft. In addition, things made from it are durable, practical, and beautiful.

Today, bamboo is actively used in interior design. Decorative partitions, furniture, and accessories are made from it. It brings naturalness, environmental friendliness, and naturalness into the room. In countries with warm climates, durable dwellings are built from the crop, and the shoots of young plants are eaten. The popularity of bamboo is due to its resistance to climate change and mechanical stress. Bamboo is also used to make thick silk paper and tableware.

Growth rate

The fastest growing plant in the world is bamboo. A photo of this cereal shows what it looks like and how tall it reaches. Young bamboo can increase in length by ten centimeters per day. Some types of this crop grow fifty centimeters in 24 hours! The main difference between bamboo and wood is that the former grows to its final height in a season, while the latter takes years to do so. The reason for the high growth rate is the internodes. They simultaneously stretch, increasing in size. However, the growth rate is uneven and decreases from the root to the top. During the growing period, the plant not only grows upward. Its stem thickens and the nodes become larger. There is evidence that a babook can stretch one meter in just 24 hours!

The flower, which is commonly called bamboo in everyday life, actually belongs to the dracaena family. It is similar to real wild bamboo appearance: dense knotty trunk and narrow long leaves. Their condition indicates the well-being of the plant. Healthy bamboo has a rich green color, the leaves are shiny, do not fall off or turn yellow.

The hollow thick stem can be twisted to create fancy compositions. For this feature, the flower is highly valued by florists and interior decorators. With unlimited growth, bamboo reaches a height of about 1 meter.

ATTENTION! The plant does not bloom in indoor conditions.

Homemade bamboo is especially loved by fans of Feng Shui. It is believed that it creates a favorable atmosphere in the room, attracts good luck, pacifies and calms. Feng Shui experts believe that stems twisted into a spiral, as well as compositions of 7 plants combined together (intertwined or tied) are especially useful. They guarantee their owner health, prosperity and well-being.


Home care

When planning to have bamboo at home, you need to get acquainted with its preferences. Bamboo does not require special, but there are some special features. The plant is very moisture-loving, but unpretentious to the composition of the soil. The juicy, dense stems grow well in a nutritious substrate, ordinary garden soil or water.

Decorative bamboo at home needs good lighting, but does not like direct sunlight. For greater decorativeness, the plant is shaped; it tolerates any fantasies of home-grown florists.


Bamboo can be grown in containers filled with water. The stems are placed in containers so that the roots are completely submerged in water. It should be soft, settled or thawed. Store-bought spring water will also work.

It needs to be changed at least once a week, without allowing stagnation. Instead of water, you can use a transparent or colored hydrogel, the humidity of which must be constantly monitored.

Plants feel much better in the ground. It is undemanding and takes root well in a universal substrate for indoor plants. Soil for bamboo is suitable as regular calcined garden soil mixed with peat and washed river sand.

The root system is not too powerful; plants can be planted in containers of different sizes and depths: ceramic bowls, traditional clay or plastic pots, glass vases, wooden or stone flowerpots. Often several stems are placed in one container, creating beautiful compositions from them.

IMPORTANT! During the period of active growth (spring and summer) fertilizers are required. The plant is fed once a month with fertilizer for indoor flowers, including potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Trimming and curling

Indoor bamboo can be an excellent interior decoration if it is decorated properly. Excessively long stems lose their decorative effect and become bare. Timely pruning will help make them more compact and increase the number of leaves. The top is cut off with a sharp, disinfected knife; it can be used as a cutting for propagation. After this procedure, side shoots begin to actively develop on the mother trunk, and the flower becomes elegant. The growth of cut bamboo stops.

Another decoration option is twisting the trunk in the form of a spiral.
However, the question arises: how to curl bamboo at home? The answer is much simpler: you can create beautiful curls in two ways:

  • Young shoots are placed in a tube bent in the required way; during growth they will repeat all the given turns. After the tube is cut and removed, the flower retains its given shape. To stop the plant from growing, the top is cut off.
  • The shoots are carefully bent and secured with thick, not too stiff wire. When the curl is fixed, the support can be removed. In this way, it is convenient to create group compositions, intertwining shoots of different plants with each other.

Placement, watering and other subtleties

Lucky bamboo is light-loving, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The hot sun causes burns, the leaves turn pale and brown spots appear on them.

It is best to place the flower on the windowsill of a western or eastern window, slightly shaded by a translucent curtain.

If there is a lack of natural light, you can use fluorescent lamps that can provide the plant with long daylight hours.

A very important point is hydration. Moisture-loving bamboo is watered with warm soft water 2 times a week, and the air around is sprayed with a spray bottle.

Special household appliances, as well as water containers placed next to the plant, will help increase the humidity.

Several stems, a decorative aquarium or an indoor fountain will make up an integral composition; in such a neighborhood the plant will feel especially comfortable. The leaves need to be sprayed regularly; dust should be removed from them with a soft damp cloth.


The plant needs a stable temperature (18 to 25 degrees). The flower does not tolerate drafts well; In winter, when ventilating, it is better to remove bamboo from the windowsill. In warm weather, the flower can be moved to a balcony, loggia or open veranda, removing it indoors only when there is a threat of frost or strong wind.

Transplantation and propagation

It reproduces very easily. It is enough to cut off the top or part of the stem 5-7 cm. Root the cuttings in vessels with water; you can immediately plant them in the prepared substrate and water them frequently.

For better rooting, cover the container with young plants with a glass jar or film. Phytohormones that are sprayed on cuttings work well.

REFERENCE! To improve growth, young plants need to be kept warm. They cannot be placed on a battery or heater; the soil will dry out quickly.

Propagation by seeds is possible, but this method takes longer, germination depends on the condition of the seed and other factors.

You need to replant once every 3 years, The best time to move is March or April. Transplantation is carried out together with a lump of earth; after 3 months, the plants are fed with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer or diluted bird droppings. Before fertilizing, bamboo needs to be watered well.

Benefit or harm

Is it possible to keep bamboo at home? Of course it is possible. Dracaena Sandara is an ideal plant for any room. Among its advantages:

  • rapid growth;
  • the flower is not poisonous, harmless to children and pets;
  • It cleans the air well from dust and enriches it with oxygen;
  • multiplies quickly;
  • does not provoke allergic diseases.

Homemade bamboo is very popular among doctors and room hygiene specialists.

The beneficial properties of bamboo help purify the air by drawing dust out of it and neutralizing harmful radiation from household electrical appliances. Vases with bamboo can be placed throughout the house, including bedrooms and children's rooms.

He feels fine in the bathroom and hallway, he is absolutely irreplaceable in offices. The flower can be placed next to a computer or printer, protecting yourself from the effects of office equipment.

There are no contraindications to placing dracaena in living rooms or offices. Plants are not harmful to allergy sufferers, they do not cause irritation, and do not require treatment with pesticides. There have also been no complaints from traditional healers or psychics about bamboo for happiness. Floriculture experts are sure that the flower brings only benefits; anyone can have one in the house.

Useful video

You can see a more detailed description of the bamboo plant in the video below:

Speaking of bamboo, we imagine a southern tropical plant, completely unsuitable for the conditions of our latitudes.

However, there are types and varieties of bamboo that are not afraid of low temperatures and are successfully grown in open ground.

What kind of plant is this and how to grow it - we will discuss in this article.

What is bamboo

Bamboos are a huge family of cereals, to which more than a thousand species belong. All of them are evergreen, almost all grow to large sizes. The family includes herbaceous plants, vines with climbing or climbing branches, and plants with thick woody shoots.

Most species prefer tropical and subtropical climates, humid shady jungles, some grow and develop in harsh conditions, for example, in the Kuril Islands, in the Himalayas and Andes on the border with snowy peaks.

The use of the plant is quite diverse; its various parts are used in the following industries:

  • medicine;
  • cooking;
  • construction;
  • gardening (landscape design);
  • furniture industry;
  • light industry (haberdashery, household items, tools, textiles);
  • raw materials industry.

Did you know? Japanese samurai bows were made from bamboo stems using complex processing. Today, the same technology is used to produce sports bow equipment.


Bamboo has a number of properties that distinguish it from other plants:

  • incredible strength of the stems. In his desire to germinate, he can even split a stone that gets in his way;
  • growth rate. The highest growth rate belongs to the species Phyllostachys madaka - 120 cm per day;
  • the least studied flowering. Most species bloom very rarely, once every 20-60 years, but they all bloom at once and die off immediately after fruiting. True, only the above-ground part dies off, and the rhizome is capable of growing a new generation.

Types and varieties of bamboo

Let's look at the most interesting plants for growing in this family.


Bamboo is resistant to cold and is common in Japan, Korea, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, and the mountains of China.

Strong, cylindrical shoots, woody in the lower part, grow up to three meters. The stem is marsh-green in color, about one centimeter in diameter, and bears single branches with leaves at the ends.

Leaf plate - up to half a meter long, wide, oval in shape. By autumn, the edges of the leaves dry out. It blooms rarely, the inflorescence is a panicle consisting of spikelets.

Saza is used in weaving baskets and light furniture; in agriculture it is used to stabilize soil on slopes and near river banks.

The most common varieties of saz that can be grown in mid-latitudes in open ground:


Fargesia comes from China and is common on its mountain slopes. Evergreen, like all bamboos, grows from half a meter to two meters and grows in a bushy manner. The shoots are thin, depending on the variety, brownish, green or reddish in color.

Branches with long and narrow bright green leaves develop on numerous shoots. In autumn, the leaves acquire a yellowish tint. Adapted to our latitudes, withstanding frosts down to -30°C, Fargesia brilliantis, or more precisely, these varieties:


Phyllostachys grows in moist but not swampy soils in China, Japan, Europe, Crimea, and America. One of the cold-resistant species, can withstand temperatures down to -18°C. It grows in thickets, growing up to 20 meters, the diameter of the stem is up to 15 cm. Young shoots are bright green, turning yellow as they age.

The leaves are narrow and long, on short petioles. This species is the record holder for growth. It blooms, reaching 50 years of age, the inflorescences are fluffy panicles.

Popular varieties and varieties of philostachis:

Did you know?A delicious and healthy tea is brewed from the leaves of phyllostachys bisseti.


The variety comes from Japan and grows in China and Vietnam. People call it multi-branch because of the dense thickets that it forms as it grows. In nature it grows up to a meter or more, but in the middle zone - up to 60 centimeters.

The shoots are thin, grow densely, and are leafy. The foliage is elongated and narrow, up to 30 cm, growing so densely that the petioles and twigs behind it cannot be seen. Varieties can be painted in different shades:

  • golden;
  • yellow-green;
  • bluish;
  • bright green.
The following varieties of pleioblastus are suitable for cultivation in our conditions:

Common bamboo

The most common type of plant, it lives mainly in the tropical forests of Asia, Africa, Madagascar, and the USA. In cold climates, the plant is best grown as a potted crop, since it can only withstand a not very low temperature of -3°C.

As it grows, it forms not too dense thickets of strong stems up to twenty meters high. The leaves grow densely, the plates are covered with light pile, in the shape of an irregular oval, pointed at the end.

The following types are popular in culture:

Did you know?The bamboo bridge over the Ming River in China, built in the third millennium AD, is still in use. Its length- 320 meters, the structure is suspended, the supports are bamboo cables.

When planning to plant bamboo on your site, take care in choosing your neighbors. These could be:

  • other ;

Choosing a location on the site

It is best to choose a site for planting that is southeast or southwest, sheltered from the wind. This could be an enclosed patio, a place near a high solid hedge, or a place near a pond would be ideal.

Bamboo has no special requirements for soil composition; the only type of soil that is not suitable for it is heavy clay soil. It is desirable within 6 pH, sufficient humidity and nutrition, otherwise you will have to spend more time on watering.


Since bamboo is more of a tropical plant, it requires conditions close to natural. It is not advisable to plant in the sun, despite its resistance to heat, the leaves fade from direct sunlight. In extreme heat above +25°C, it is advisable to spray the foliage to increase air humidity.


Best time to plant - interval from April, when the soil is well warmed, to June. Before planting, the seedling along with the container is placed in water to remove air. After air bubbles stop appearing, it is lowered into the prepared pit.

A hole for bamboo is prepared with a volume twice as large as the root system of the seedling. The bottom is covered with a layer of garden soil with humus in equal parts. The seedling is lowered onto the embankment and covered with the same mixture as at the bottom of the hole. Sprinkling the roots, the soil is compacted, removing the air gap. After planting, carry out abundant watering.


At first, the moisture-loving seedling is watered frequently and abundantly, especially if there is no precipitation. When growth begins, watering is reduced to twice a week. If there is precipitation, watering is not necessary.

Important!The soil in the tree trunk circle should not be too wet; it should have time to dry out slightly between waterings.

Growth limiters

Bamboo has a very living rhizome; it can grow greatly in width, covering large areas. Therefore, in home cultivation, the growth of root shoots must be restrained.

The easiest way is to dig sheets of slate around the perimeter of the area where the plant is planted to a depth of up to one and a half meters, which will serve as growth limiters. The sheets should be joined together not end-to-end, as shoots will be able to grow through the seams, but overlapping.


The plant does not need particularly careful pruning, but every year you should remove old branches and shoots that do not have a decorative appearance, and thin out the bushes so as not to create moisture, and with it, diseases.

Important!If you want to restrain the growth of the shoot, you need to shorten it below the node.

Top dressing

Fertilize the plant twice a season:

  • in spring - a complex of, and (proportion 4:3:2);
  • in autumn - nitrogen, phosphates and potassium (2:4:4).


If there is a snowy winter, frost-resistant varieties can be grown without shelter, but it is better to be on the safe side. After the first frost, the shoots should be bent down, covered with dry leaves or sawdust, covered with spruce branches or lutrasil, craft paper on top, and then, when snow appears, a snowdrift should be heated on top.

Types of reproduction

Propagation by seeds is possible only when purchasing seeds, since bamboo blooms and, accordingly, bears fruit very rarely. It is easier to propagate it vegetatively at home.

Seed propagation

Before sowing, seeds are prepared by soaking in warm water for several hours. Then the seed is lowered into peat cups with the point down, deepening it to the floor of its length.

The crops are placed in a box under the film and placed in a warm place. For seedlings, a temperature of about +30°C, good lighting and constant ventilation are important so that condensation does not form on the film and mold underneath it on the soil.

Shoots appear after two weeks and are immediately transplanted into separate pots. When the plant gets stronger and undergoes hardening, a permanent place on the site is found for it.

Video: bamboo from seeds

Vegetative propagation

When planting, select several strong three-year-old shoots, dig them up and transplant them into the shade, and cut them to a third of their length. Every day the seedlings are watered abundantly. After rooting, they look for a permanent place.

The second method of propagation is division of the rhizome. In the spring, the rhizome with shoots is dug up, a few shoots should be left, and carefully divided into parts. Dig in in the shade and water until it takes root. Then they are transplanted to the chosen place.

Diseases and pests

Bamboo has an unusually good immunity to diseases and pests, but it does not grow alone in the garden and can be attacked by insects or diseases. Most often, and were noticed on plants. The first is eliminated with the help of acaricidal preparations, while the second is treated with insecticides.

The most effective means:

  • “Masai”, “Sanmai”, “Apollo” -;
  • , "Ponche" - .

Bamboo turns yellow

In some varieties, yellowing in autumn is natural; let's look at the reasons why leaves turn yellow at other times:

  • due to root rotting as a result of waterlogging;
  • due to lack or excess of nutrition;
  • soil salinity;
  • too aggressive lighting;
  • the appearance of infection.
The infection must be controlled using fungicides, e.g.

Frost-resistant garden bamboo for growing in Central European and Northern European climates in the garden. In nature, in the Central European and Northern European climate, frost-resistant bamboo growing in nature is rare, but the facts prove that before the Ice Age there were bamboo groves in Europe; bamboo fossils are found as supporting evidence. And today, frost-resistant bamboo is increasingly found in European gardens, in central and northern Europe, growing in open-air gardens, as an element of exotic landscaping.

Frost-resistant garden bamboo is the most effective plant in landscaping garden plots among representatives of ornamental plants. Garden bamboo gives the garden an exotic charm. Frost-resistant bamboo fits into any garden, large or small. Bamboo is an evergreen plant, the leaves remain green even in severe winter, some types of frost-resistant bamboo shed up to 30% of their leaves in the winter to give more strength to the remaining leaves, but even after dropping the leaves it remains lush, and also in the spring some of the old leaves fall off, when new leaves begin to grow. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant and is hardy. The bamboo in the garden in winter is a unique sight, the bamboo standing defiantly under the snow, with the knotted structure of the stems with green thick leaves, this fabulous sight produces a simply stunning impression.

Frost-resistant giant bamboo reaches full maturity of stems for economic use in 5-15 years, and after cutting down, replanting is not required; the bamboo forest is regenerated from the roots. Bamboo wood is very durable and known for its endless versatility, and with increasing demand for bamboo stems for industrial bamboo products today, there is an incentive to invest in research and cultivation of frost-resistant bamboo. Bamboo groves are unique both in their decorative and technical properties.

Garden bamboo can serve as a backdrop for flowering perennials and shrubs, and bamboo also looks very attractive as a single plant. Garden bamboo looks magical growing along the banks of ponds or reservoirs. Frost-resistant bamboo looks great growing near the front door, and bamboo can give a patio a very special atmosphere. And also garden bamboo is an excellent plant for living evergreen hedges of different heights, molded and freely growing, bamboo tolerates cutting well. With the help of garden bamboo, every garden owner can realize his special imagination and dream in the garden, only before he buys frost-resistant garden bamboo, you need to choose the right types.

Buy frost-resistant garden bamboo for growing in Central European and Northern European climates in an open-air garden; bamboo does not have much cultivation practice in our latitudes, and is still a fairly new ornamental plant in our gardens. But thanks to modern scientific data on the frost resistance of certain types of bamboo, as well as the practice of growing and propagating frost-resistant bamboo by gardeners in the Central European climate, it has become much easier to select frost-resistant species for growing in the garden. And today we know much more about frost-resistant garden types of bamboo, many ways to use bamboo, a large number of species, from forest giants to ground cover species in landscape gardening in our gardens, and now we can confidently say that bamboo can be used in almost any garden .

Frost-resistant bamboo for the garden from forest giants to ground cover

Tall frost-resistant Phyllostachys bamboo

Tall frost-resistant running bamboo Phyllostachys (Phyllostachys). Phyllostachys is the main genus of bamboo, along with the shrub bamboo Fargesia, for garden design in Europe. Phyllostachys is one of the most impressive, tall ornamental genus of bamboo to be grown in our latitudes. The stems and leaves come in a wide range of colors. The final height of Phyllostachys bamboo stems is reached after 10-15 years, depending on microclimate factors: care, soil composition, air humidity and watering, fertilizers and mulching, the amount of sunlight and wind on the planting site. The genus Phyllostachys is undemanding to soils. It is pH tolerant and grows in sandy, clay or peaty-humus soils. Only avoids places with standing water.

Most Phyllostachys species were brought from China. Bamboo of the genus Phyllostachys forms long underground rhizomes, running bamboo, and new shoots can grow far from the mother plant. When growing bamboo of the genus Phyllostachys, you need to control the root, cut around with a bayonet shovel in an area beyond which the rhizome should not extend, at least twice a year, or put a root barrier. Species of the genus Phyllostachys are the main species for growing bamboo large edible shoots. Phyllostachys stems are used for furniture, house construction, and numerous bamboo products.

The Phyllostachys species is undemanding to soil, tolerates all cultivated, not too poor garden soils, prefers deep, fresh, moist, nutrient-rich, well-drained substrates, from slightly acidic to alkaline. During the growth phase, it requires abundant watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green Perfume"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25° C Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green Perfume" is most known as the "Green Perfume". "Green Perfume" is a fast-growing, tall 4-7 m with thick strong stems, stem diameter about 7 cm. Phyllostachys atrovaginata bamboo occupies a special place in the group of the genus Phyllostachys. It has air channels in its roots, and can grow in very wet, heavy soils, as well as in flooded areas, but not in a swamp. And also another amazing feature: when you rub the stem, it gives out the smell of incense or sandalwood, this smell is also released on hot days. Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green Perfumer" is the most popular type of bamboo with thick, strong, straight, tall, dark green stems, and only over the years the stems change color, from yellow-green to gray. This is an excellent type of bamboo for tall evergreen hedges and bamboo groves.

Phyllostachys atrovaginata

Phyllostachys aureosulcata

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26° C Phyllostachys Aureosulcata is an unpretentious tall type of bamboo 5-9 m, dark green stem with a yellow stripe in the groove, green, glossy leaves.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ...

Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26° C, drought and wind-resistant, Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" is also called "Golden Bamboo", has a number of remarkable features, it grows in a dense cluster of stems, height from 5 to 7 m, in small areas and is ideal for tall, colorful hedges and fences. Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" is considered one of the hardiest, drought-tolerant tall bamboo species. Very decorative, the contrast of bright yellow stems with lush dark green foliage, which is especially impressive when the sun is at sunset. The stems are rigid, vertically growing and do not bend under the weight of snow; young stems in a sunny place are red in color. For evergreen lovers with small gardens, this is an invaluable type of bamboo.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" ...

Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Alata"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to -24 ° C Phyllostachys aureosulcata ’Alata’ tall bamboo 4-8 m, the stems are dark green, like most Phyllostachys, some stems are zigzag in the lower part, older stems are yellow.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Alata" ...

Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 24° C Phyllostachys Aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ bamboo, which really stands out for its excellent properties. Phyllostachys Aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ is also one of the hardiest bamboo species, has an upright growth habit with stiff stems up to 3.5 cm thick, yellow stems with a green stripe in the groove, it is not for nothing that it is called “Spectabilis”. Even after wet snow or heavy rain, the stems are erect. Phyllostachys Aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ is ideal for tall, colorful hedges and bamboo groves up to 8 meters high. The leaves have thin white stripes along the leaf, glossy green on the top, with slight light variegation on the inside and wagging in the wind, creating a double decorative effect. Bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ is a favorite in private gardens and parks in Europe.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’...

Phyllostachys "bissetii"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 24 ° C Phyllostachys "bissetii" is one of the hardiest types of bamboo, very reliable bamboo for growing in harsh climatic conditions, "bissetii" is resistant to cold and winds, even tolerates very cold winters with minimal loss of leaves. Phyllostachys "bissetii" is hardy enough to survive the winter in pots on the balcony or terrace. Phyllostachys bissetii is an excellent bamboo for tall opaque hedges, 4-7 m in height, very fast growing bamboo and reaches full height in a few years. Phyllostachys bissetii tolerates pruning well and can be trimmed to the desired height. Looks very nice when planted at the entrance of restaurants and bars. Phyllostachys bissetii can be planted in full sun to full shade. Phyllostachys bissetii has gray-green stems dusted with white flour that discolor to an olive-yellowish color in the sun. Particularly attractive in Phyllostachys bissetii are the shiny, glossy, dark green leaves. Phyllostachys "bissetii" is the leader and enjoys greater popularity in the garden design of gardens, parks, and entrance areas in Europe.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys "bissetii" ...

Phyllostachys nuda

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25° C Phyllostachys nuda is unpretentious, tall 4-7 m. in China reaches up to 12 m, a type of bamboo considered the most frost-resistant and hardy of the Phyllostachys genus, it is also called “Stone Bamboo”. Phyllostachys nuda bamboo has straight thick-walled hard stems, young stems are dark purple almost black in color, as the leaves appear they turn dark green, sprinkled with white flour, the stems are stable and do not break under the weight of snow. The stems of Phyllostachys nuda are used for bamboo furniture.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys nuda...

Phyllostachys humilis

Frost-resistant bamboo down to -26 ° C Phyllostachys humilis is the shortest of the genus Phyllostachys 3-5 m. Instead of producing large stems, it multiplies quickly and makes impenetrable thickets. Phyllostachys humilis is an extremely cold-resistant and wind-resistant bamboo species. Phyllostachys humilis is ideal for evergreen living walls and hedges in both large and small gardens. Phyllostachys humilis does not require much space, a wonderful type of bamboo for narrow areas and for thin living walls and hedges, for small areas where you need to benefit from the more available space. Garden bamboo Phyllostachys humilis is very fast growing and spreads quickly, tolerates cutting well, the stems are dense with a dense mass of leaves almost to the ground.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys humilis...

Medium frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia

Most Fargesia species come from the mountainous regions of China, and are therefore one of the most winter-hardy bamboo species. They reach a height of one to six meters, with stems up to 2 cm thick. Most Fargesien have small leaves growing on numerous lateral branches from the stems and form dense, impenetrable thickets, not blown by the wind and good at absorbing noise. Fargesia is a bushy bamboo and therefore a root barrier is not required. Fargesia is highly frost hardy and has green leaves all year round, making it an ideal genus of bamboo for our gardens. And even if the leaves are frozen, they are restored in early spring. Once a Fargesia species blooms, it dies, and this only happens every 80 to 120 years. But at present, most of the Fargesien, whose seedlings are sold in the coming years, have flowered.

The Fargesia species is generally undemanding to soil; it grows in all drained, wet, fresh (moderately dry), fertile soils, from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Does not tolerate stagnant water. Loves high air humidity, especially in winter; when dry, the leaves curl for self-preservation.

Fargesia murielae

Frost-resistant bamboo "Umbrella Bamboo", frost resistance: - 27° C, Fargesia Murielae is, of course, a leader in ornamental gardening, and one of the very first types of bamboo that is used in landscape gardening of gardens and parks in Europe, has been used in ornamental gardening since 1910. Fargesia murielae is one of the hardiest, most unpretentious, frost-resistant, and most beautiful of all bushy bamboo species. Perfectly suitable as a separate growing plant, and in groups with other plants, for high and medium-sized evergreen living walls and hedges, both free-growing and formed up to 4 m in height, grows well in containers. Bamboo Fargesia Murielae has young stems with a light blue tint, over time green-yellow, olive in color, with a heavy mass of lush, dense leaves, the leaves droop and form a cascade, resembling the shape of an umbrella. Fargesia Murielae bamboo is very resistant to winds and cold; even in the harshest winters in the Central European climate, it remained evergreen, although it sheds a few leaves in late autumn. The Fargesia murielae bamboo has only recently flowered and a new generation of Fargesia murielae bamboo is now on sale.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae ...

Fargesia murielae "Simba"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26° C Fargesia Murielae "Simba" is a beautiful low bamboo up to 2-2.5 m, with a very dense compact bush shape, perfect for low evergreen hedges, the best choice for growing in small gardens, other compositions large bamboos.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae "Simba" ...

Fargesia Murieliae ‘Green Hedge’

Frost-resistant bamboo “Hedge” up to - 27° C Fargesia Murieliae ‘Green Hedge’ bamboo with a dense mass of small light green succulent leaves, the bush grows densely in a compact cluster, tolerates shearing well. Bamboo ‘Green Hedge’, as the name suggests, is the best choice for medium and high hedges of 2.5-3.5 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia Murieliae ‘Green Hedge’ ...

Fargesia murielae "Jumbo"

Frost-resistant bamboo -25 °C Fargesia murielae "Jumbo" frost-resistant unpretentious bamboo, has green stems and fresh delicate green leaves, the shape of the bush is spreading, fluffy, perfect for medium-sized hedges of 2-3 m, both trimmed and not trimmed .

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae "Jumbo" ...

Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 28° C Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" is a colorful type of bamboo, also known as red fountain bamboo, red dragon bamboo, red panda bamboo. Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" vertical growing bamboo, very hardy bamboo, resistant to frost and cold winds. Its thin leaves give it a very delicate appearance. If desired, red stems should be planted in sunny areas; red stems remain from spring until autumn. Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" flowered in the late 80s. If young shoots do not grow in the spring, there is nothing to be afraid of; with the onset of heat, rapid growth of young shoots will begin; in the Central European climate, the average height is 2.5-4.5 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" ...

Fargesia Nitida "Creat Wall"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26° C "Great Wall of China" Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall", an unpretentious, fast-growing type of bamboo, and one of the most decorative of the Fargesia genus. Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" has oblong, narrow, dark green, velvety leaves that have a blue tint in the sun. The stems are bare tall, smooth, dark purple-black in color, growing vertically in a dense clump with lush delicate foliage hanging on top, black stems with green foliage create a very enchanting composition. For those who want to have in the garden, the frost-resistant black-stemmed bamboo Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" is the type of bamboo you need. Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" is a frost-resistant bamboo, and even if in severe winters the foliage is completely frozen and flies off, it is the first to restore foliage in early spring. Bamboo Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" is an excellent choice, as the name "Great Wall of China" suggests, for tall living walls, 3-4 m high, and the best choice for planting in narrow spaces in the garden.

But also beware of laboratory-propagated seedlings; they are unlikely to grow quickly and are less hardy.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia Nitida "Creat Wall" ...

Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 27 °C Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" is a wind-resistant, tall, bushy type of bamboo that has proven itself to have very good winter hardiness. Fargesiadenudata "Lancaster 1" flowered and was collected in the 80s, in China at an altitude of 2400 - 3500 m. Fargesiadenudata "Lancaster 1" is an elegant bamboo, with stems arching in a dense cluster at the bottom, reminiscent of a waterfall. The stems have many branches with a dense heavy mass, small, glossy bright green, slightly wavy leaves. In extreme weather conditions, of course, it rolls up the leaves to reduce the evaporation of moisture in the leaves. However, it is not as pronounced as in other Fargesia. Fargesiadenudata "Lancaster" tolerates pruning well and is the best choice for live molded evergreen fences and hedges 3-4 m high. If not trimmed it requires a lot of space. Bamboo Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" is also a very good choice for growing in large flower pots and containers on terraces and balconies. The bamboo Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" prefers to grow in a partially shady location, but also thrives in full sun. Fargesia Denudata "Lancaster 1" is the hardiest of the winter-hardy bamboo plants.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" ...

Fargesia rufa

Frost-resistant "Fountain Bamboo" up to - 26° C Fargesia rufa is considered one of the hardiest, if not the hardiest, bamboo for our climate. The advantage of Fargesia rufa is that it does not cause leaves to dry out in full sun or frost. Bamboo Fargesia rufa has thick elegant light green shiny glossy leaves hanging on arching stems in a dense cluster with numerous branches like a fountain; it looks very decorative when planted near water bodies, the leaves hang down to the water itself. Fargesia rufa bamboo is popular for its neat, no-trim, rounded bush, and is very decorative as a free-standing specimen. Fargesia rufa forms a tall, dense, impenetrable bush and is ideal for molded and free-growing evergreen hedges and hedges 3-4m high along garden boundaries to provide protection from wind, noise and dust. Fargesia rufa is also a very popular type of bamboo for growing in tubs, large flower pots and containers. Fargesia rufa is ideal for planting in full sun and shady areas with humus-rich soil. Bamboo Fargesia rufa, when planted in places in full sun, has a more spreading appearance, preferring to grow tall in shady areas. Bamboo Fargesia rufa is a very popular type of bamboo among gardeners and landscape designers in Europe, and is often propagated in the laboratory in order to produce large numbers of seedlings as quickly as possible. For this reason, you should only buy from specialized suppliers who grow using traditional methods of propagation. Laboratory propagated seedlings are less frost-resistant and may differ slightly in appearance.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia rufa ...

Low frost-resistant bamboo of the genus Shibataea, like Phyllostachys, forms long underground rhizomes, running bamboo, and new shoots can grow far from the mother plant. When growing bamboo of the Shibatae genus, a root barrier must be installed.

Shibataea kumasaca

Frost-resistant "needle bamboo", "butcher's broom" frost resistance up to - 27° C. Shibataea kumasaca is a low compact type of bamboo. The bamboo Shibataea kumasaca, although a running bamboo, grows in a dense cluster; the leaves of Shibataea kumasaca are used for tea. The bamboo Shibataea kumasaca is called needle bamboo, it produces many new leaves at the same time, the new leaves are tightly curled and the bush is like a hedgehog. Shibataea kumasaca bamboo is most often used for molded and unshaped evergreen borders, and low hedges up to 1.5 m. Shibataea kumasaca bamboo thrives in the shade and is excellent as an understory. It also grows well in acidic soils.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Shibataea kumasaca ...

Frost-resistant ground cover bamboo

In gardens in climate zone 5, less hardy frost-resistant low types of bamboo can be grown as evergreen ground cover plants, undergrowth, low hedges, living borders, with minimal shelter for the winter, sprinkled with snow, and covered with spruce branches in cases of snowless severe frosts. Snow is the best protection for evergreen plants; the leaves, covered with snow, do not fall and remain green.

Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25° C Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi" is a low type of bamboo 1-1.5 m, tends to spread quickly, "Tsuboi" is used as a ground cover plant.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi" ...

Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25° C Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus" for living borders, as an evergreen groundcover, can reach a height of 0.8 -1.5 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus" ...

Pleioblastus viridistriatus

Frost-resistant low bamboo up to - 25° C Pleioblastus viridistriatus with yellow leaves, suitable for bright low living borders and ground cover, can reach up to 1 m in height.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus viridistriatus ...

Sasa Veitchii

Frost-resistant up to - 24° C low Japanese bamboo Sasa veitchii, decorative bamboo, it is also called “Japanese picture bamboo”. Bamboo Sasa veitchii changes the color of its leaves depending on the season, it is ideal as a ground cover plant, it is dark green in summer, and from mid-autumn it has a gorgeous variegated lawn, reaching a height of 0.4-1.5 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa Veitchii ...

Sasa kurilensis

Bamboo Sasa kurilensis is the most north-growing bamboo in the world, frost resistance up to - 25° C. Bamboo Sasa kurilensis is distributed in nature in the Kuril Islands. Sasa kurilensis is a small, invasive bamboo that develops quickly. Used as understory, evergreen groundcover, living borders and low, medium-sized hedges 0.5-2 m., perhaps more than 2.5 m. in Japan 4 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa kurilensis...

Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22° C Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" is the largest species of the genus Sasa reaches a height of 1-3 m, northern Europe up to 2 m, Japan: up to 4 m, in the spring one of the very first types of bamboo produces shoots. Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" is an exotic bamboo with edible large leaves up to 30 cm in length.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" ...

Sasa tsuboiana

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22° C Sasa tsuboiana is a very tenacious aggressive type of bamboo, it grows quickly and is used in low hedges and borders. Sasa tsuboiana reaches 1-1.5 m..

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa tsuboiana...

Indocalamus tesselatus

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22° C Indocalamus tesselatus bamboo with the largest decorative wide leaves up to 60 cm. The stems are thin, green, flexible at the beginning, straight, and eventually bend under the weight of large, heavy leaves. Indocalamus tesselatus grows very compactly and forms a lump of graceful mound up to 1-1.5 m high. In China up to 2.5 m. Indocalamus tesselatus bamboo looks decorative as a ground cover plant and undergrowth under large bamboos, trees and shrubs, creating a picture of a green sea of ​​flowing leaves.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Indocalamus tesselatus...

Reproduction: bamboo blooms and bears fruit very rarely, on average from 60 to 120 years. Bamboo from seeds develops slowly, so bamboo is propagated by the vegetative method, division of rhizomes, and root suckers. Bamboo seedlings planted in the ground need frequent, abundant watering.

Location: most types of bamboo are light-loving plants and grow faster in full sun. Bamboo is often planted near bodies of water. In winter, bamboo is much better in sheltered from the wind, semi-shady places.

Soil: bamboo is not picky about soil, but it grows much better in humus-rich, fertile soil; it is also not uncommon for running bamboo to develop faster in sandy, light soil.

Earth mixture: mix as follows: 1/3 peat or humus, 1/3 pine bark with a particle size of 7-14 mm, 1/3 your garden soil. Bamboo prefers non-drying soil, mulched with a thick layer of humus; in winter it is advisable to prevent the soil from freezing; bamboo is an evergreen plant, moisture is needed all year round. Most types of bamboo prefer a lot of nitrogen, before planting bamboo seedlings, add manure to the bottom of the planting hole and sprinkle about 10 cm with soil, the bamboo root will be provided with nitrogen for two to three years, and this will also help in the first years in winter, the manure will rot, and give off heat. Soil acidity should ideally be close to pH 5.

*NOTE: The stated winter hardiness does not apply when growing bamboo in containers! When growing in containers, the root ball should never be allowed to freeze completely. If the root ball freezes completely, the bamboo will not survive!

We wish you to buy frost-resistant garden bamboo that is suitable specifically for your garden, so that with its presence and healthy growth in the garden you and those around you, relatives and friends.

In nature, among bamboos there are both herbaceous and woody species. Some varieties are very tall - in nature they stretch up to 40 m. Among indoor species, plants no taller than a meter are more popular.

Botanical description

Bamboo grows in tropical climates. In nature, it settles along the banks of reservoirs, on the sunny edges of tropical forests, and loves clearings. The plant is used for industrial purposes, for decorating flower beds and apartments.

The tallest variety grows in India - Burmese bamboo. Its stems are tree-like, up to 20 cm thick, and grows up to 40 m high. Only low-growing, miniature species are used as potted plants.

As a houseplant, bamboo is prized for its thin, straight stems with delicate, translucent greenery. It looks good in compositions with plants with large leaves. Indoor bamboo blooms very rarely: with small flowers in panicles, like all cereals. Its leaves are lanceolate or linear, the petioles are short. Belongs to monocarpic crops - dies after flowering. It is unpretentious in cultivation, but is not widely used.

Novice gardeners often mistakenly call Dracaena Sander bamboo. The plant stems are really similar. You can recognize dracaena by its spiral-twisted stems - the plant is already sold in this form. Some gardeners try to twist young plants themselves, intertwine them, and give them a bizarre shape. But, judging by the reviews, such experiments rarely end in success.

What types are suitable for an apartment

Low-growing types of bamboo look impressive and elegant. Four varieties are considered the most common.

  1. Shiny bamboo (sasa nitida). Tall purple stems reach three meters in height. It is grown in tubs, often as a greenhouse plant.
  2. Multilayer bamboo (bambusa multiplex). One of the tallest indoor varieties - it grows up to four meters. The height is adjusted by trimming the growing point.
  3. Blueish bamboo (bambusa glaucescens). An original miniature variety, no taller than half a meter. Looks good on its own and as part of compositions.
  4. Arundinaria variegated. Arundinaria is a reed plant. Externally, it is very similar to dwarf varieties of bamboo. The leaves are variegated, with whitish or cream stripes. Maximum height - 1 m.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of caring for bamboo after purchase. The shipping soil and container are not suitable for long-term maintenance of the plant, so it is better to replant it immediately after purchase. The first time after transplantation, do not feed, do not place in bright sun, and water moderately.

Caring for indoor bamboo: what you need to know

There is not too much advice on how to care for indoor bamboo. This is a relatively unpretentious plant that is easy to grow. If you follow the basic rules, it grows quickly and does not cause much trouble.

  • Lighting. Can grow in both sunny and partial shade. In summer it is advisable to take it out into the fresh air. Planting in a flowerbed in the summer is beneficial - bamboo produces strong root shoots. In strong shade it fades and loses its attractiveness. Does not require artificial lighting in winter.
  • Temperature . Average room temperature is suitable for growing. It does not like heat; in winter it can withstand frosts down to -5°C without consequences.
  • Humidity . Requires high air humidity. Regular spraying is required. To create the required climatic conditions, place the pot on a tray with damp decorative pebbles or sphagnum, and use special humidifiers.
  • Watering. Water frequently, but moderately. Maintain constant soil moisture - do not allow it to become waterlogged or dry out. They always focus on the condition of the soil - if the top layer has dried out, you can water it.
  • Soil. The soil used is loose, fertile, nutritious. Bamboo grows well in soil rich in organic matter. The acidity of the soil is maintained at pH 6. At lower values, the soil is deoxidized by adding crushed chalk. Acidity can be measured using special litmus papers.
  • Pot. The size and shape of the pot is of great importance for proper growth. The root system grows almost horizontally, so the container should be wide and shallow. Leave a distance of at least 5 cm from the walls of the pot to the roots.
  • Transplant. Replant the bamboo as soon as the roots touch the walls of the pot. Young bamboo requires annual replanting; if it grows quickly, it needs to be replanted twice a year. Growth gradually slows down - they are limited to one transplant every two to three years.
  • Feeding. Liquid organic fertilizers based on peat are used. Occasionally, balanced mineral fertilizers are applied. In summer, three-week intervals are maintained between feedings; in winter, feeding is done even less often.

If you want to grow bamboo in water, when choosing a species, give preference to Dracaena Sander. This is what is grown in an aquarium, bowls with water, or hydrogel. True bamboo requires fertile, organic-rich soil.

Features of reproduction

Indoor bamboo can only be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush when replanting. Cuttings are not used. It is impossible to obtain seeds from your own plant - only store-bought planting material is used. Let's take a closer look at both methods.

  1. Dividing the bush. During transplantation, the roots are shaken off the ground, and the bush is cut into several parts with a sharp knife. Each part should have several stems and a full-fledged root system. The cut areas are dusted with charcoal powder. Delenki are planted in pots slightly larger than the root system. During the first week, water moderately; try not to over-moisten the soil to avoid rotting. It is not recommended to divide the bush in hot weather. The optimal time for transplanting and dividing is early spring.
  2. Seeds. Growing from seeds is a rather complicated process. Before sowing, the seeds are alternately soaked first in a solution of potassium permanganate, then in a growth stimulator. Sow in flat bowls with loose, fertile soil, cover with film. Place in a warm, bright place. The first shoots may appear only after three months. All this time, the greenhouse is ventilated and the substrate is kept moist. Faster results can be achieved by germinating seeds in hydrogel.

A bush that has lost its decorative appearance can be rejuvenated - old shoots are cut almost to ground level. Young shoots will replace the old stems from the roots. Intensively growing specimens are formed by pruning. Properly trimming indoor bamboo is not difficult. The top is shortened at the selected height, 5 cm above the node. The upward growth stops, and the bamboo begins to grow foliage. Some varieties actively produce side shoots - these can also be pruned to form a crown.

Main growing problems

There are practically no problems when growing bamboo. This is a disease and pest resistant plant. All difficulties that may arise during the growing process are collected in one table.

Table - Difficulties in growing indoor bamboo

Description of the problemPossible reasonsHelp the plant
Indoor bamboo turns yellow- Waterlogging of the soil;
- lack of light;
- excess fertilizer
- The wet soil is dried;
- place in a sunny, well-lit place;
- feeding is suspended
Bamboo leaves are rolled into tubes- Drying of the soil;
- low air humidity
- Water moderately but regularly;
- spray daily with warm water
The leaves are drooping, falling down- Excessive watering- Regulate the watering regime;
- improve the quality of drainage
The ends of the leaves dry out and turn yellow- Dry air- Increase air humidity
The plant turns yellow, withers, and stops growing- Problems with the root system- Replant with removal of damaged roots and complete replacement of soil;
- treat with fungicides
The leaves turn yellow, become covered with light spots, and cobwebs appear- The appearance of spider mites- Treat with fungicides

If you properly care for bamboo at home, there will be no problems with it. This decorative and unpretentious plant will fit perfectly into the modern interior of an apartment and will look harmonious in group flower arrangements.