White bumps on heels. Lump near the heel. Basic methods of therapy

Patients often turn to doctors complaining of a growth on the heel. It can be behind, on the side or above the heel area. The lump creates not only a cosmetic defect, but can also cause discomfort, so it is necessary to undergo examination and treatment.

Types of bumps on the heels

Growths in the heel area can be different in structure. There are soft and hard tubercles, with and without internal contents. The formations have different symptoms.

Haglund's deformity

With this pathology, the lump protrudes in the heel area, so it is difficult not to notice it. It is hard or soft depending on its contents. If fluid has accumulated inside the bulge, the bump becomes softer. Edema develops along with it.


A lump on the foot in the heel area may turn out to be a hygroma. This is a benign tumor growing in the mucous membrane of the joint capsule. The inner part of the neoplasm contains a fibrin mass.

A hygroma appears on the back of the foot. When palpating it, the patient experiences a painful sensation.


This is the most common type of formation on the heels. The growths occur as a result of friction between shoes or clothing and the skin. People who suffer from excessive foot sweating or wear uncomfortable, tight shoes are especially susceptible to developing the disease.

There are several types of calluses:

  1. Dry. They are distinguished by the presence of a solid rod that can penetrate deep into the tissue. If you press on the lump, it will hurt.
  2. Wet. Their difference lies in the content of liquid inside a small ball. You cannot open such cones yourself. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection, which entails the development of an inflammatory process, the release of pus, severe pain and an increase in body temperature.
  3. Bloody. Such calluses appear due to damage to blood vessels, as a result of which blood is released from the formations.

The most common of the growths discussed above are wet calluses.


A lump on the back and bottom of the heel can also be a corn - a compaction consisting of a keratinized layer of skin. Such growths do not contain fluid and do not bleed, but, unlike calluses, they are more difficult to cure, and if they are present, it hurts to walk.

These formations arise due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, flat feet, and excess body weight. Patients often complain that the lesion is accompanied by a burning sensation. If left untreated, cracks form in the skin of the back of the foot, causing pain and bleeding.


A small bump above the heel can occur due to the influence of various factors. The most common culprit of the disease is:

  • Obesity.
  • Using shoes that don't fit properly and that are too tight for your feet.
  • Poor hygiene of the lower extremities.
  • Inflammation in joints and muscles.
  • Injuries to bones, tendons, joints of the feet.
  • Uneven load on the legs.

If a lump appears on the heel that hurts when walking, you need to quickly take measures to eliminate it. You should not try to fight the disease on your own, so as not to aggravate its course.

Diagnostic methods

To determine the type of lump and prescribe treatment, an examination is required. First of all, the doctor performs a visual examination, feeling the tissue growth on the heel from the back or side. Just by external signs, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis.

But confirmation requires additional diagnostics. The doctor prescribes x-rays and tomography. Using these methods, it is possible to examine the affected heel from the inside and accurately determine the type of pathology.

Basic methods of therapy

There are many treatments for a lump on the side of the heel. Suitable tactics are selected taking into account the cause of the disease and its type.

Conservative methods

A lump on the back of the heel is most often treated with medication. Medicines are prescribed by a physician, taking into account the characteristics of a particular disease. If pain occurs, use painkillers. If there is an inflammatory focus, anti-inflammatory drugs help.

When a callus forms, the main goal of therapy is to prevent infection from entering once it has broken open. It is strictly forbidden to pierce such formations yourself. They burst on their own; in exceptional cases, the puncture can be performed by a doctor. After opening, the affected area is treated with an antiseptic and an adhesive plaster is applied.

An operational way of fighting

Surgical treatment is carried out only in advanced cases, when it is not possible to cope with the pathology with medications, and the growth brings severe discomfort to the patient.

If a bone on the back of the heel has formed as a result of an articular or bone disease, then surgery cannot be avoided.

Modern medicine offers the latest surgical methods, thanks to which it is possible to treat tumors with minimal risk of complications and even without incisions. Only in the most severe cases are classical surgical methods used, when the tissues are dissected, after which they are connected with special devices.

For soft tumors, calluses and corns, non-invasive surgical methods are used. Cryodestruction is widely used. Its essence is to eliminate the affected tissue by freezing. Liquid nitrogen, which has a very low temperature, helps to carry out this process.

Another effective and safe treatment method that helps remove growth is laser therapy. In this case, the effect occurs using a laser. Electric current is also used in the treatment of cones. This operation is called “electrocoagulation”.

Thanks to such treatment methods, the formation of scars, pain during the procedure, and blood loss are excluded (such manifestations are characteristic only of classical operations).

Traditional medicine methods

In addition to medications or surgery, non-traditional health measures are allowed. There are a huge number of recipes; your doctor will help you choose the right one.

You can pay attention to the following folk remedies:

  • Lightly mash the cabbage leaf until the juice appears. Steam your feet, lubricate the heel with honey, apply a leaf and secure with a bandage. Leave the compress overnight.
  • Make a mixture of white clay and water to form a paste. Place a tablespoon of sea salt and 3 drops of turpentine into this mixture. Pour the resulting product into a basin and lower your legs. Hold your feet for 15 minutes.

The formation of a lump in the heel area should be a serious reason to consult a doctor if you are not sure that it is a callus or corns. For bone and muscle tumors, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner.

  • flat feet;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine.

  • unbearable pain appears.

Diagnosis of the disease

Lateral osteophyte

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;

How to get rid of a bump on the back and side of the heel

Our feet are always susceptible to overuse and injury. Standing work and wearing tight shoes with high heels often lead to poor circulation in the feet. As a result, the formation of calluses, corns, the development of joint diseases, etc.

Unfortunately, many people prefer not to pay attention to the health of their feet, which leads to the appearance of growths on the heels #8212; osteophytes. The tumor can cause not only pain, but also problems with wearing shoes and walking.

Therefore, it is very important to know how a bump on the heel is treated and what are the causes of its occurrence.

What can cause a growth on the heel bone?

  • flat feet;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine.

In addition, a lump may appear above the back of the heel due to injury. Thus, with fractures and bruises, large bone calluses form, which impede the process of movement. The result is malunion.

Another source of growth on the back of the heel is wearing tight shoes. It would not be amiss to mention the importance of heavy weight, which increases the load on the heels.

How to distinguish an old leathery callus from an osteophyte?

The constant formation of blisters in the same place leads to the fact that the protective layer of horny cells of the epidermis increases. As a result, a growth appears that comes from the shoes.

At first, the skin layers are white, then acquire a yellowish tint. During this period, they do not cause pain and do not carry any complications, but they can recur after disappearing when exposed to certain factors.

Unfortunately, this process does not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, aggravates it. Calcium salts penetrate into the formed cartilage, causing ossification and a stone lump appearing on the bottom of the heel.

Many people make the mistake of believing that it is an old callus and are in no hurry to begin treatment. Delayed treatment can lead to difficulty walking and unbearable pain.

The main distinguishing feature from a regular callus is the protrusion of the bone beyond the leg. The growth on the heel is always hard (stone). Other symptoms include:

  • an inflammatory process develops around the growth on the heel;
  • discoloration of the back of the leg;
  • the heel increases in size and swells;
  • unbearable pain appears.

Diagnosis of the disease

Lateral osteophyte

In addition, this process can cause the appearance of soft white bumps. Treatment of such neoplasms will depend on the underlying pathological process. Sometimes you just need to take proper care of your feet and choose comfortable shoes. Surgery is only possible when the formations lead to severe pain.

How to treat a foot bump in the heel area?

In some cases, the doctor will advise you to rest your leg. Sometimes, if there is no movement, a lump on the heel may go away on its own.

If the patient feels severe pain at the back of the heel, and the resulting growth is surrounded by inflammation, then treatment will be aimed at relieving the symptoms. To do this, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - Diclofenac #8212; and analgesics #8212; "Ibuprofen."

A bump on the heels, the treatment of which must be comprehensive, is eliminated using external remedies #8212; ointments, gels, creams:

It will not be superfluous to undergo physical procedures. If a lump appears on the heel, the doctor may prescribe shock wave therapy.

The following procedures will help relieve inflammation and pain:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis using hydrocortisone.

If treatment of a protruding lump on the inside of the heel does not produce results, then hospital treatment will be required. Basically, therapy is to relieve inflammation and pain. Injections with an analgesic effect will help with this.

It happens that a lump occurs in children. What to do? Most likely, the problem lies in uncomfortable shoes. To prevent the problem from getting worse, it is better to show the child to an orthopedic doctor or undergo a fluoroscopy of the foot to rule out Haglund’s deformity.

Prevention with traditional treatment

In order not to ask yourself in the future the question of how to get rid of bumps on the heel, you should follow preventive measures.

  1. If you have flat feet, you must use orthopedic insoles.
  2. If you have a high arch, then wearing heels higher than 4 cm is unacceptable.
  3. Shoes should only be with soft backs.
  4. Try not to overload your feet.

A potato-based compress will eliminate pain and reduce inflammation. Apply a gruel of grated vegetable onto the gauze. The compress is left overnight. Duration of treatment – ​​7 days.

The lump causes many problems in everyday life. However, if you start treating the defect at the initial stage of its development, then serious complications can be avoided.

  • Why does a child’s heel hurt when walking and why does it hurt to step on it?
  • How and with what to treat a thorn on the heel: symptoms, causes, recipes for remedies
  • Why does the back of my heel hurt?

I still suffer from this bump on my heel. I used to think that it appeared because I rubbed my legs very often in this place and just a thick scar formed, but it turns out that the reason is different. In the summer you can’t easily go to the beach with bare feet - it seems that these bumps really stand out. It looks completely unaesthetic and I am constantly looking for a treatment. Now I use special shoe inserts that prevent the formation of calluses in this area. The article turned out to be very useful for me, the owner of this problem.


Bumps on the heels: causes and treatment

Many people do not care about their health at all, but begin to think about it only when the disease has already progressed and pain is felt.

This also applies to the legs. Most people wear tight, high-heeled shoes and walk a lot, thereby creating a favorable situation for impaired blood flow and the appearance of various diseases, such as heel spurs.

And when a lump appears on the heel and it hurts, a person thinks about why this happened and how to deal with it. My patients use a proven remedy that allows them to get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.


To eliminate the problem, you need to understand the issue: “bumps on the heels, causes and treatment.” After all, it is better to be aware in order to prevent growth in the future. The main reasons for the appearance of a lump include:

  • insufficient foot care, subsequently, as if by a chain reaction, calluses and bumps appear on the heels;
  • uncomfortable shoes, do not follow fashion trends, wear comfortable shoes;
  • inflammatory processes and injuries to the soft tissues of the heel and feet in general;
  • excess weight puts regular stress on the joints, which leads to the formation of bumps on the heels;
  • various diseases of the lower extremities: from flat feet to arthrosis;
  • incorrect and uneven distribution of load on the legs.

If foot deformation occurs, changes in shape, bumps appear, a feeling of discomfort when walking, and if the bone on the back of the heel hurts, urgent measures must be taken to cure this disease.

It can more clearly explain how bumps on the heels are formed, the causes and treatment of the photo, which shows what the defects look like and how to get rid of them.

Symptoms of the disease prevent full movement. A person feels that the heel hurts and it is painful to step on; discomfort manifests itself when moving, but in the last stages even at rest.

The soft tissue of the heel transforms, becomes rough and rough, and seals form, which harden over time. Also against this background, ulcers can develop due to injuries and inflammation.

What to do if a bone grows?

  • electrophoresis;
  • Traditional medicine will help in the fight against growth on the back of the heel with the following means:

You will need 1 potato, grate it on a fine grater. Remove excess liquid. Spread the resulting pulp over gauze and apply a compress to the sore spot. It is advisable to do it once a day, before bedtime. Course of application – 1 week.

  • Through surgery;

If a bone grows on the heel, therapy is prescribed in the form of surgery. Provided that the tendons change and new formations appear in the form of bone.

If a lump is detected on the back of the heel, treatment is carried out with various anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets. These medications help relieve pain and inflammation. Which one to choose is prescribed by the attending physician.

  • Orthopedic insoles help to evenly organize the load and reduce heel pain.

Also, if the bone on the back of the heel hurts, therapeutic exercises have a good effect. It specifically strengthens the ankle joint and tendons.

So, if you wish, you can forever get rid of the trouble of bumps on your heels. Take care of your feet, look after your health!

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A growth on the heel can appear for various reasons in a person at any age. There are several varieties of it. Some make themselves felt immediately, others grow gradually and then cause significant discomfort. It is important to know what to do when such pathologies appear, which doctor to contact for qualified help.

There are many types of formations that can appear in the designated area.

Most often diagnosed:

  • heel spur;
  • Haglund's deformity;
  • soft buds;
  • leathery calluses.

Each pathology has its own clinical manifestations, but they have approximately the same trigger mechanisms.

Causes of growths

The main reason for the appearance of growths on the heel bone, soft bumps and leathery calluses is high load, leading to injury. Excess weight, frequent long walks, tight shoes, high heels, improper lifting - all this contributes to slow blood flow and impaired nutrition of the joints. As a result, the development of pathological processes that can lead a person to disability. They definitely need to be treated. But therapy without eliminating the main provoking factor demonstrates only a temporary effect.

A disease that causes an enlargement of the heel bone towards the sole. A similar defect is detected today in 10% of all bone pathologies. Most often it forms in women after forty years.

At risk:

  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • obese people;
  • patients with a history of pathologies, the development of which impairs blood circulation in the body;
  • athletes who constantly injure their legs in the foot area;
  • women who often wear very high heels;
  • children with longitudinal flat feet;
  • patients with a history of spinal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis.

Women who frequently wear very high heels are more likely to suffer from heel spurs.

After fifty years, the fat pad in the heel often decreases. And this also leads to the appearance of heel spurs.

Symptoms and signs

In its development, the disease goes through several stages.

  1. At the first stage, a person experiences sharp pain when walking or running, which intensifies when resting on the heel. They appear in the form of lumbago, forcing a person to stop and raise his legs.
  2. At the second stage, the first pain subsides. They begin to appear in the morning, when a person tries to make the first movements after sleep, then decrease, and intensify in the evening.
  3. The third stage is diagnosed when the condition worsens, attacks of pain also occur during moments of rest. Trying to get rid of them, the patient unconsciously begins to limp.

If spurs grow on both heels at once, walking becomes possible only with the use of crutches.


The disease is determined based on the patient's complaints. Painful shooting is the main diagnostic criterion, allowing identification of pathology in 90%. To confirm suspicions, during the examination the surgeon tries to press firmly on the middle of the patient’s heel and on the lateral area. Increased pain suggests that the assumptions are correct. Afterwards, the doctor assesses the mobility of the foot and determines the stage of the disease.

To carry out treatment, you need to know what size the heel spur is. X-rays help identify them. The pictures also show the exact location of the defect. If the thorn has a round shape, the first stage of the pathology is diagnosed; in advanced stages, the growth takes the shape of a bird's claw.

Sometimes the doctor may write a referral for an MRI. This examination allows you to assess the condition of the surrounding tissues. Ultrasound is often used in the treatment process. It is used to evaluate the results of therapy.

Sometimes it is necessary to differentiate a heel spur from a spine. A spur forms only on the heel bone and, as it grows, cuts through soft tissue. The spine can grow on both the palm and the foot. The pathology starts with infection with the human papillomavirus. Externally, the spine looks like a small nodule. This is not a bone formation.


Heel spurs that grow on the side or back can be treated in different ways. To relieve pain and improve metabolic processes in the initial stages, creams and ointments ("Medical Bile", "Dimexide") are used; in advanced forms, Novocaine injections are given directly into the heel twice a day. To reduce the level of calcifications and relieve inflammation, the patient is prescribed injections of Flosteron, Kenalog or Diprospan.

The following help enhance the effect of drug therapy:

  • therapeutic baths (with mud, paraffin; with minerals);
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • therapeutic massage.

During treatment, the patient must wear an orthosis on his leg at night - a special device that helps fix the foot at a right angle. This position helps to reduce the load as much as possible and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

If such treatment does not help, the doctor decides to use:

  • laser therapy;
  • shock wave procedure;
  • electrophoresis;

Laser therapy does not remove the spur itself, but relieves swelling, reduces inflammation, and eliminates pain. The first course consists of ten procedures, they are carried out daily. Then a two-week rest, and treatment resumes again. Experts note that laser therapy enhances the effect of the medications used, speeds up the process of drug treatment, and speeds up recovery. She has absolutely no side effects, the procedures do not cause allergies. But laser therapy has a whole list of contraindications. It is prohibited to use if the patient has tumors of unknown etiology, problems with the heart, respiratory system, or hematopoietic organs. Patients with diabetes should not take this treatment.

During shock wave procedures, the heel spur is impacted by a low-frequency sound wave. It helps improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, pain, restore the structure of damaged tendons, and destroy cacinata.

Electrophoresis and UHF therapy also have similar effects. Therefore, the choice of the method of influence is made taking into account the technical capabilities of the institution in which heel spurs are treated and the patient’s finances.

In particularly severe cases, when it becomes clear that it is not possible to get rid of a heel spur using conservative methods, surgical treatment is prescribed. Today it is performed using endoscopic removal or mini-invasive surgery, which is performed under X-ray control.

When choosing the first design option, two small incisions are made in the heel area. A camera is inserted into one hole and an endoscopic instrument into the other. The surgeon cuts off the bone process while watching his manipulations on the monitor. Since the spur on the heel is a bone growth, it can only be removed using a microscopic cutter. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The recovery period lasts two weeks.

Mini-invasive surgery involves making one incision (3 mm). The surgeon monitors his manipulations using x-rays. This method of surgical intervention is associated with minimal postoperative complications and has an even shorter recovery period. To avoid the development of embolism, thrombosis and infection, the patient must take a course of antibiotics during the recovery period.

With the development of this pathology, a bone growth grows on the back of the heel bone, above the place where the Achilles tendon attaches. It presses on the designated anatomical node. As a result, inflammation develops inside it. It causes the appearance of a “heel bubble” in the place where the heel of the shoe is adjacent to the foot. Upon palpation, the described area becomes soft. But gradually a bone growth forms.

Scientists cannot yet explain the causes of Haglund's deformity. They suggest that heredity plays a large role. It has been noticed that among the patients there are many who have flat feet, in which the foot rolls inward. In this position, the tendon does not fit correctly onto the heel bone and is constantly injured during plantar flexion. Haglund's deformity also develops when the longitudinal arch of the foot is too high. Pathology forms on one or two legs at once. It is diagnosed using radiography.


When drawing up a therapeutic regimen, the development of the clinical picture is taken into account. Sometimes the inflammation of the tendon bursa is mild, then a hard growth appears on the bone. You can only get rid of it through surgery. During this procedure, the bone growth is removed, the inflamed bursa is excised, and cysts developing inside the Achilles tendon are removed.

If inflammation of the bursa is predominant during the development of the clinical picture, the disease is treated conservatively.

The patient is offered:

  • take anti-inflammatory drugs in tablet form;
  • apply cold to the sore spot (ice wrapped in a towel);
  • perform therapeutic exercises;
  • reduce pressure on the heels of shoes and boots using a silicone patch;
  • choose shoes with soft backs.

The use of an orthosis is considered useful - a special device that helps fix the position of the foot at an angle of 90 degrees and completely eliminate movement in the affected joint. Lack of load enhances the effect of drug therapy.

The appearance of soft bumps on the heel of the feet is common. Many of us do not attach importance to them, mistaking such changes for a cosmetic defect. A person turns to specialists for help only when the soft lumps begin to rapidly increase in size and become unbearably painful.

There are many reasons for the appearance of lumps on the feet.

Among them, the most common are:

  • injuries in which the foot is bruised;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • formation of a benign or malignant tumor;
  • wen formation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin cysts.

It is difficult to give a general description of the soft bumps that form on the feet. The development of the clinical picture depends on what caused their appearance. If a pathology is detected, you must immediately consult a doctor and together with him identify the provoking factor. The effectiveness of treatment will depend on how accurately it is determined.

The therapeutic regimen consists of several positions:

  1. First of all, etiotropic therapy is carried out to eliminate the causes of the pathology.
  2. In parallel with this, local treatment of the affected areas is carried out.
  3. The patient is recommended to pay more attention to foot hygiene, to eliminate friction that occurs while wearing clothing and shoes.

Hemangiomas, lipomas, follicles, cysts, warts are subject to surgical removal.

Leather callus

Doctors call such formations “garbage heaps.” They accumulate dead dermal cells that have suffered from excessive pressure on them. In the early stages of development, such a pathology is only a cosmetic defect, in the later stages it is a serious illness that can provoke dangerous complications.

There are two types of calluses: leathery and bone. The first ones arise due to friction of shoes against the skin, the formation of excessive pressure on the feet. The latter are the result of bones that have not healed properly after fractures.

Leathery calluses, in turn, are divided into:

  1. Wet (soft). They are highly painful and can spontaneously rupture and become infected. If such a complication does not occur, over time the soft callus hardens and becomes horny.
  2. Dry (hard). They are not as painful as wet ones. The surface is covered with a thick horny layer.
  3. Corns. These are types of dry calluses. They are formed exclusively on the soles of the feet and are large in size. The reason for their appearance is incorrectly selected shoes.
  4. Rod. This is a type of dry callus, inside of which a growth has formed. It appears in the later stages of development. A hole first appears in the center, the walls of which harden over time. You cannot treat such a formation on your own.

Many people ignore the appearance of calluses, and only when they begin to hurt severely do they begin to look for a remedy that would help restore health to their feet. The use of incorrectly selected products often leads to skin infection. The “older” the growth, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the inflammation.

Old corns can deform the foot and provoke the development of flat feet. The appearance of skin calluses is considered especially dangerous in people suffering from diabetes. They develop more difficultly and become more easily infected.


The disease is diagnosed based on an initial examination. To draw up a therapeutic regimen, the doctor must determine exactly what type of calluses have formed and what degree of neglect they have.

Wet calluses must be opened. To do this, the doctor first disinfects the affected area, picks up a sterile needle from a disposable syringe, and sticks it into the body of the callus where the skin has separated from the tissue. Then it allows the liquid to drain out on its own. This process cannot be pressed or accelerated. The surface of the fallen formation is re-treated with an antiseptic.

Fallen skin cannot be trimmed. You can lightly press it with a tampon. When it dries, it will turn into a lid that will reliably protect the wound from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. Immediately after the puncture, a sterile bandage is applied over the sore area. It is not worth keeping it on your leg for a long time: in order for the wound to heal quickly, the skin must be provided with access to air. Therefore, it is better to remove the bandage while sleeping. When changing the dressing, a strong burning sensation appears in the area of ​​the blister. You can remove it by applying a tampon soaked in cold milk to the wound for a few minutes.

Dry calluses are more difficult to deal with. The main emphasis during treatment is on their mitigation.

For these purposes, it is important to reproduce the following algorithm of actions daily:

  1. First, the feet are steamed in a bath (it is useful to add a few drops of tea tree oil or calendula tincture to the water first).
  2. When the stratum corneum of the steamed callus becomes soft, it needs to be cleaned with pumice.
  3. Afterwards, the feet are thoroughly dried with a soft towel, and any moisturizing cream is applied on top of the dry callus in a thick layer. Experts advise adding vitamin E to it before use (it is sold in pharmacies in ampoules). If you don’t have cream on hand, you can replace it with traditional medicine. An ointment prepared from an equal amount of melted lard and celandine juice helps a lot.
  4. At the final stage, you need to put woolen socks on your feet (heat will enhance the therapeutic effect of the products used).

Corns are also treated in a similar way. There are small adjustments that are useful to consider when conducting therapy at home. To steam your feet in water, in addition to tea tree oil, experts recommend adding apple cider vinegar. You can relieve pain with cold baths in which rock salt has been previously dissolved (a tablespoon per liter of water). At night, instead of moisturizing cream, it is better to use compresses with gruel made from grated onions.

Calluses with a core cannot be treated on your own. Only etching with aggressive acid will help get rid of it. This procedure is painful and must be performed with extreme caution. This should be done by an experienced doctor.

Aspirin tablets will help soften corns. Five pieces are ground into powder, a spoonful of lemon juice and water is added to it. The pulp is applied to the surface of the corns. The legs are covered with cellophane on top, and then wrapped in a warm towel. The application is removed after fifteen minutes, the hard skin is treated with pumice, and then any moisturizer is applied to it.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacies sell special medications that can replace traditional medicine and speed up recovery. What should you pay attention to?

  1. Corn patch. It is effective against fresh dry formations. During application, it is simply applied to the surface of the skin defect, left for several hours, and then peeled off. The top dry crust should come off along with it.
  2. Callus solution. It has a pronounced softening effect. During application, it is necessary to pipette the surface of the stratum corneum. As practice shows, it goes away in just a few doses of the drug.
  3. Salicylic ointment. It contains acid, which is found in callus fluid. The “working” layer of the plaster is impregnated with it.

It is necessary to use the products with extreme caution: when treating calluses, try not to touch adjacent healthy tissue.

Calluses can only be treated surgically. Radical therapy methods are used only if the formation causes severe pain.


Knowing why the defects described above form on the heel, it is easy to understand what needs to be done to prevent their occurrence. First of all, it is useful to be careful when choosing shoes.

  1. Buy only what fits your foot (there should be a small free space between the toe of the shoe and the big toe).
  2. Wear shoes with soft backs more often.
  3. When wearing a pair, excess pressure should not be created in the instep and sides.
  4. If you have to walk in high heels for a long time, you need to put a sponge pad in the sock.
  5. It is helpful to take off your shoes several times throughout the day and give your feet some rest.
  6. Carefully monitor foot hygiene; if there is excessive sweating, use special gels and sprays to reduce the intensity of sweat production.
  7. Eat a balanced diet.
  8. Give up bad habits.

It is also important to control your weight and monitor your immunity.

Due to excessive loads and wearing uncomfortable shoes, the feet are often damaged. One of them is a bump on the heel. Initially, the pathology does not bring discomfort to its owner, but over time the lump becomes larger, causing pain and discomfort when moving. In addition, there is often a risk of rupture of the Achilles tendon, which in the future threatens obstacles in walking. Therefore, it is important to know what treatment is required for this problem, how and why it appears.


The lump formed on the heel is a growth that protrudes beyond its limits, the nature of which can be different. It happens that the bulge is an inflammation of the bone element, and sometimes without the process of inflammation in it. In addition, the tumor can occur due to inflammation of soft tissues and tendons.

Bump on the heel

Externally, the lump looks like a tubercle. When touched, it may have a hard or soft texture. Softness is acquired due to the presence of edema and fluid formation inside.

The lump above the heel puts pressure on the mucous bursa located in the middle of the heel tendon and heel bone. For this reason, severe pain and swelling appear.

It is known that not all lesions contribute to the formation of growths. It happens that the reason lies in another problem, the symptoms of which are eliminated by other methods. When normal inflammation of the mucous membrane develops, the patient is also accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

There may be several factors why a lump appears on the heel. However, medical studies do not provide a thorough explanation for this.

When bumps appear on the heels, the reasons may lie in the following:

  • Heredity, predisposition to diseases of this kind.
  • Wearing tight shoes, which not only causes discomfort over time, but also leads to the appearance of calluses and serious problems. If you have a hard and high heel, a bump may appear on your shoes. Therefore, you need to abandon shoes of this type and give preference to low heels.
  • Foot injuries contribute to the development of a bunion on the heel. If the foot is positioned incorrectly when walking, this leads to its deformation, as a result of which flat feet and a tubercle above the heel develop. Similar consequences result.
  • Excessive load on the feet, which is caused by professional activity or excess body weight.
  • If it hurts to step on your heel, this may indicate the development of complications after untreated calluses.
  • Physiological problems, which include internal heel drop and high arches, lead to bone formation. Often, such disorders are passed down through families, the symptoms of which can be observed at an early age.

If such factors occur, you should immediately contact a specialist to conduct an initial examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.


Osteophyte formation on the back of the foot is called Haglund's disease. Externally, the bump on the heel is a pointed process located on the inside of the sole. It has a dense structure. The osteophyte itself does not cause pain; it appears when the connective tissue of the foot is damaged.

Heel growth

The main reason for the formation of lumps is the development of an inflammatory and degenerative process in the plantar fascia. Due to large loads on the heel tubercle and the tendon area attached to it, small cracks and tears occur.

In the case of a single specimen, such a lesion heals quickly. However, when such minor injuries are not isolated, severe damage to the connective and bone tissue occurs, which is why inflammation develops, provoking calcification in the affected areas of the growth. As a result, osteophytes appear.

The reasons for the appearance of osteophytes include:

  • Injuries
  • Joint diseases
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Benign and malignant tumors under the skin
  • Diseases of neurogenic origin

What are Haglund deformities?

Haglund's deformity is a bone spur on the back of the bone that puts pressure on the bursa. As a result, an inflammatory process appears.

Haglund deformities

The main cause of the problem is flat feet in adults and children. In children today, one can often observe valgus deformation of the feet along with flat feet, as a result of which the vertical plane with the tubercle of the heel shifts and a bump is formed on the lateral inner side.

The haglund deformity itself may not cause symptoms of pain and the development of an inflammatory process in the soft tissues. Only painful exostosis is noted - a lump on the back of the heel, there is no problem with the function of the foot.

But in most cases, the pressure of the bump on the tendon and bursa contributes to their inflammation, swelling, which also leads to the formation of a blister on the heel where the heel of the shoe fits. In this case, it causes pain to the patient during movement, and sometimes at rest. The person may also feel a burning sensation.

A characteristic sign of the pathology is a change in the shade of the foot at the back, the formation of calluses.

Pain in the back of the heel

Pain in the heel may not be too pronounced and does not occur constantly. That’s why people often don’t worry that a lump has appeared on their heel and it hurts, often confusing it with a callus.

Basically, the pain is justified by fatigue, wearing uncomfortable shoes, tension or excess body weight. However, a painful lump above the back of the heel may indicate skeletal or muscle diseases that can seriously affect health and quality of life.

A lump on the back of the heel can be very painful when walking; pain appears due to the fact that the entire foot has to withstand a static load all the time.

Localization of pain on the back of the heel and other areas may indicate the occurrence of diseases of an inflammatory or traumatic nature. Since there are many vascular and nerve plexuses in the heel, any negative impact can provoke an instant reaction from the body.

The main reasons for the appearance of a painful lump at the back of the heel, on the inside side are:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • heel bumps
  • Infectious pathologies
  • Availability
  • Tuberculosis of the skeletal system

With internal pathologies, the development of tumors and formations of various nature can often be observed. A malignant course can lead to the development of metastases that cover not only the foot, but the entire limb.

A lump on the leg above the heel may appear in the event of a sprain, rupture of the Achilles tendon, injuries of various origins, or the appearance of calluses on the heel bone.

When a lump forms on the heel on the side, behind, as a result, the patient may feel a sharp, severe pain in the morning, which subsides when walking. Acute tingling occurs when the tendon is inflamed.

Treatment for a bump on the heel

Often, when a lump forms on the heel, patients do not know which doctor to see. The pathology is treated by an orthopedist. He will discover the obvious cause and prescribe the necessary therapy.

After examining the growth, the doctor may prescribe various diagnostic methods:

  1. X-ray. The procedure is necessary to exclude the presence of Haglund's deformity.
  2. MRI allows you to find out the origin of the bones on the foot
  3. Palpation method

How to treat the disease? Treating a lump on the heel from the side and back is quite complicated. It is carried out only after the factor in the development of the disease has been established. Depending on the severity of the disease, they use medical, folk remedies, and surgical methods for treating heel bumps. Surgery is performed if conservative treatment has failed. In some situations, the operation is replaced using the following methods:

  • Magnetotherapy
  • (UVT)

How to remove growths on heels:

  1. If the cause of the bump is flat feet, you need to wear orthopedic insoles.
  2. In case of improper bone fusion, the patient requires.
  3. If you are overweight, a specialist will prescribe dietary nutrition.
  4. Girls who complain about a protruding bone in their heel should stop wearing high-heeled shoes for a while.

In some situations, the leg will need rest. Sometimes, if there is no movement of the limb, the bump on the heel may go away on its own.

What to do when the lump on the back of the heel hurts a lot, and the formed growth is inflamed? In this case, therapy will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms. The doctor will prescribe:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs – Diclofenac
  • Analgesics – Ibuprofen

Also, a bump on the heel can be cured using external remedies -.

  • Fastum-gel
  • Diprileaf
  • Finalgon
  • Capsicam

Ointments and gels are applied to the affected area in a thin layer and secured with gauze on top. The dressing is changed 2 times a day.

In addition, the lump can be eliminated with therapeutic massage and foot exercises.

Often, to get rid of soft bumps, another treatment is used, which involves the use of traditional methods.

Traditional methods

When a growth is present, it is treated with one of the folk remedies. Treatment of heel bumps is carried out only after consultation with a doctor and his approval.

Flour cake with honey

We get rid of a bump on the heel at home using folk recipes.

  1. Flatbread made from flour with honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The limbs are steamed and then dried with a towel. After the procedure, pads are applied to the legs and secured with a bandage, wrapped in cellophane and socks are put on. The treatment session lasts at least 10 days.
  2. We remove the bump on the back of the heel, relieve pain and inflammation with an aspirin bath. You need to crush 10 pills and mix with a small amount of liquid. Place the mixture in a bowl of water. The procedure takes 15 minutes. Treatment takes 15 sessions.

To remove the growth on the heel, it is possible to use orthopedic insoles.

Potato compress

You will need to boil the potatoes with their skins, chop them and mix them with kerosene. Immerse your feet in the hot mixture for 20 minutes. After completing the procedure, wipe your feet with a towel and put on socks. Apply the compress no more than 12 times.

If a child or adult has a hard lump on the heel, it is important to find out the nature of its origin and immediately begin treatment. If the problem is not treated in a timely manner, due to the increase in size of the growth, the person will not be able to wear closed shoes. But if you consult a doctor at the very beginning of its development, you can get rid of the disease conservatively and even with folk remedies.


A painful bulge near the heel, which is constantly growing and causes a lot of discomfort, can occur under the influence of a wide variety of factors. Therefore, in order to remove such formation, it is important to find out the nature of the origin and the main reasons. A tumor can form due to:

  • wearing narrow, uncomfortable or high-heeled shoes, due to which the load on the legs and feet is distributed unevenly;
  • injuries, fractures, dislocations and subluxations of the feet;
  • development of complications from untreated calluses;
  • flat feet;
  • arthrosis;
  • exostosis;
  • obesity.

If a person has a lump on the heel that hurts when walking and pressing, you will not be able to determine its nature on your own, so it is important to see a doctor and take an x-ray. On it you can see what the formation consists of. Self-medication in this case is dangerous and can cause serious complications.

Types of pathology and symptoms

The formation may be the result of inflammation of the tendon.

The etiology of the growth that protrudes from behind under the skin on the heel can be varied, but is most often diagnosed:

  • overgrowth of a bone or runner's bump;
  • inflammatory complication developing in soft tissues and tendons;
  • inflamed bone.

Tumors that have grown on the back of the foot look like a tubercle, which, depending on its composition, can be hard or soft, inflamed with the formation of exudate in the cavity. A lump above the heel causes the following symptoms:

  • acute pain that makes it difficult to walk;
  • redness of the skin and swelling;
  • itching, burning;
  • increase in compaction.

White bumps on the heels are called piezogenic papules. They arise due to the pressing of subcutaneous fat through the layers of the skin. Apart from these bumps, nothing else bothers the person, so no special treatment is required, and small formations on the back of the heels go away on their own.


An MRI of the foot will show the presence of soft tissue pathology.

If a cyst has formed in the heel, it is important to find out its etiology. Therefore, if you have characteristic symptoms, you should consult an orthopedist. During the initial examination, the doctor will palpate the area from the side on the inside, as well as above the heel. To determine the nature of the formation, the patient is sent for an x-ray. The pictures will show the formation of a bone growth, but if it is not detected, the doctor will order an MRI, which can show damage to soft structures and tendons.

What treatment is prescribed?

For inflammation of soft tissues

If a person has an enlarged lump due to inflammation of the tendons, ligaments and muscles, it is recommended to smear the affected area with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and gels, for example, these:

  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Levomekol";
  • "Voltaren";
  • "Fastum gel";
  • "Ibuprofen."

Even if an ordinary callus has formed on the heel, it is not recommended to try to cure it with various ointments at your discretion. Preparations for external treatment of the skin have different purposes. If used incorrectly, it can cause complications and worsening of the condition. If a red bump with swelling appears on the outside of the heel, it is recommended to use a cold compress of chamomile infusion. Special patches that can be bought at the pharmacy will help prevent irritation while walking.

How to treat bone spurs?

Bone formations respond well to shock wave therapy.

Ointments, gels and patches are powerless against such formations. Therefore, removal is carried out with the help of a special course of physiotherapy. You can get rid of cones by using:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • X-ray therapy;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • X-ray therapy.

Such procedures normalize blood circulation at the site of bone growth, eliminate inflammation and pain, and promote the resorption and softening of hard formations. At the end of the course of physiotherapy, the growths decrease in size, the symptoms go away and the person can again begin to live a full life.

When is surgery necessary?

If conservative methods for resorption of the heel bone fail and the growth does not disappear, surgical treatment is prescribed. An endoscopic surgical method is often performed, during which the bone growth is cut down. After the procedure, there will be a rehabilitation period, during which it is recommended to perform therapeutic exercises, wear orthopedic shoes with a hole in the back, and undergo a course of physiotherapy and massage.