Berberis (homeopathy, indications for use). Homeopathic drops "Berberis Homaccord"

The drug "Berberis Homaccord" belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies that have a pronounced antispasmodic effect. Taking this medicine has a characteristic analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and antispastic effect on the human body. In addition, the homeopathic remedy "Berberis Homaccord" has detoxification, hepatoprotective, drainage, choleretic, anti-stress and sedative properties. Regular use of this drug restores adrenal function, and also allows you to normalize vegetative balance and mineral metabolism.

The homeopathic remedy "Berberis Gomaccord" is produced in the form of colorless or yellowish-green drops, which have a characteristic odor of ethanol and are intended exclusively for oral administration. This drug contains bitter pumpkin and white hellebore as active ingredients. It is the combination of these three herbal components that determines the beneficial effect of this antihomotoxic agent.

For example, barberry is responsible for activating the drainage function of the gastrointestinal tract, restoring decreased tone of the gallbladder and stimulating the outflow of bile. Hellebore normalizes stomach tone and improves intestinal function. And finally, pumpkin improves blood supply to the abdominal cavity, eliminates spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and has a pronounced diuretic and detoxifying properties. In addition, it is very effective for neuritis and

The instructions recommend taking homeopathic drops "Berberis Gomaccord" mainly for the purpose of relieving spastic conditions of the biliary and urinary tract that have developed against the background of various inflammatory diseases. For example, it is very good to use this antispastic agent for cholecystitis, cystitis or pyelocystitis. People with cholelithiasis or urolithiasis are also recommended to start taking the anti-inflammatory drug Berberis Homaccord. Reviews from experts note the positive results of its use for cholangitis and renal colic.

Among other things, this homeopathic remedy helps well with chronic dermatoses accompanied by pustules and itchy skin, as well as during the recovery period after severe forms of inflammatory diseases. This drug is still capable of restoring impaired adrenal function in a short time.

Doctors categorically do not recommend taking the homeopathic complex "Berberis Gomaccord" to people who suffer from an allergic reaction to any of the components present in the composition. Also, you should not use this astringent and anti-inflammatory drug while pregnant. During breastfeeding, it is also recommended to refrain from taking these drops.

General action
The plant is known as barberry. In moderate doses, its effect is associated with the alkaloid barbarine, which has sympathicolytic and hypotensive properties. In physiological dosages, it has the following effects on healthy people:

A. In space: acts in three directions:
1. Anatomical and histological: vesicles (gall bladder, renal pelvis, bladder, lacrimal sacs, serous bursae, on the skin: back of the hands, perineum, transition of the skin to the mucous membrane (anus));
2. Physiological: liver and kidneys (acute or chronic congestion): nervous system (oppression predominates): veins (dilatation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins); osteoarticular apparatus (irritation).
3. Chemical: disorder of the metabolism of urinary products (urea, uric acid) with a violation of their excretion: traces of endogenous disorders in the mentioned sections: the surface of the joints, liver, ducts, bile ducts, renal tubules and intestinal excretory tracts, urinary tract and skin.

B. In time:
1. Acute or chronic irritation of the mentioned elements (liver, kidneys, joints, veins), characterized by their overflow with metabolites and under-oxidized products (urea, uric acid, cholesterol and other substances).
2. Nervous system: after a short phase of irritation, depression sets in.
3. The organic reaction at all levels is characterized by spasms and algias, differing only in degree.

B. Summary: overload of organs performing the detoxification function (liver, kidneys, joints, veins) and blockade of the excretory tract (biliary tract, intestines, urinary apparatus, skin) once again indicates that this drug is also an analgesic (congestion and spasms) in these organs) and a “drainage” agent that helps these organs cleanse themselves of autointoxication products (psora or “neuroarthritic diathesis”).
People are either plethoric, but with poor resistance, or with signs of premature aging. In both cases: weakened, depressed, chilly, with diuresis disorder (biliosanguine diathesis).
Etiological signs
1. Acquired (acute): painful spasms in the mentioned organs: hepatic or renal colic, neuralgia, tendonitis, joint pain, eczema.
2. Congenital (chronic): psoric autointoxication, complications of suppressed pathology (fissures and fistulas of the anus).
Mental symptoms
They are divided into two types depending on the somatic context.

1. Melancholic apathy with weakening of memory.
2. Restlessness that comes with dusk, intolerance to darkness.
Characteristic general symptoms
They are few in number, which is explained by the regional and “drainage” properties of the drug.

1. Stitching and burning pain of an intermittent nature, radiating in different directions.
2. Local feeling of cold.
3. Fever of a constant type.
4. Fever intermittent, every four days, with a predominance of heat and with intense thirst.
5. Greater fatigue when moving or standing.
6. Exhaustion after the slightest effort.
7. Drowsiness during the day, restless sleep at night: general weakness upon awakening.
8. Numbness, rigidity, lameness with a feeling of painful pressure in the kidneys and lower back.
9. Rheumatic and gouty complaints in diseases of the urinary system.
10. Jaundice.
11. Severe, runny nose.
12. Short dry cough with hoarseness.
13. Urine yellowish-greenish or dark red, with thick, slippery mucus; copious clear, reddish or gelatinous sediment.
14. Women have poor and delayed regulation, with straining pain.
15. Men have sexual weakness.
16. The joints of the lower extremities are predominantly affected, especially the right side.
17. Greater weakness in the joints, especially the knees, while walking.
18. Dropsy of the joints.
19. Stitching pain in the bones.
20. Inflammatory swelling of bones.
21. Swelling of lymphatic vessels.
22. Complaints appear and intensify when moving.
23. Predominance of symptoms of kidney and bladder damage.
> rest (calms spasms):
Local symptoms
1. Feeling of fullness and heaviness in the head
2. Pressing and bursting headache
3. Pale, sallow complexion, sunken cheeks and sunken eyes with black circles.
4. Pain in different places of the body, especially in the lower back, which seems to be broken: increased sensitivity to touch in the kidney area; worse sitting or lying down, with vibration and fatigue.
5. Pain in the limbs.
6. Facial pain, right-sided, worse from heat, from movement in free air.
7. Pain in the left hypochondrium (spleen).
8. Feeling of squeezing and pressure in the eyes.
9. Convulsive twitching of the eyelids when reading.
10. Sharp, stabbing pain inside the ear.
11. Ringing in the ears.
12. Taste of dough and feeling of dryness in the mouth.
13. Sensation of dryness in the pharynx and pharynx, with spasmodic pain, as if constricted.
14. Pressure and stabbing pain in the pit of the stomach and in the right hypochondrium, in the liver area.
15. Stitching pain in the chest.
16. Intercostal pain.
17. Burning and pain in the kidney area.
18. Pressing pain and stitching in the region of the kidneys, worse when sitting and lying down than when standing. Renal colic, worse on left side (Tab. - on either side, with false urging and difficulty urinating, Canth.).
19. Gurgling sensation in kidneys (Med.).
20. Stitching, cutting pain going from the left kidney along the ureter to the bladder and urethra (Tab. - right kidney, Lyc.), also during urination, in the urinary canal.
21. Colic due to gallstones.
22. In men: stabbing or drawing pain in the spermatic cords, extending to the testicles
23. In women: a burning sensation and a sort of rawness in the vagina
24. Inflammation of the cervical glands.
25. Achilles tendon pain

1. The head is heavy, as if in a helmet, it feels like the head is enlarged in volume.
2. Pale red color of the lower face and lower lip. Foamy saliva.
3. Hepatic colic with sudden onset. very strong 4. Constipation with frequent urge or diarrhea: yellow or even colorless stools (icterus or subicterus).
5. Hemorrhoids with burning pain after stool (Sulfur), extending around the anus: anal fistulas.
6. Pain in the area of ​​the left kidney (due to irritation of the vagus nerve, burning (as from boiling water) with renal colic 7. Variable nature of urine in quantity, color and composition: sometimes a lot, sometimes little, sometimes rare, sometimes frequent urination: different sediment: clayey, brick-like, sometimes mixed with blood, sticking to the vessel (Sepia: Licopodium does not stick).
8. Pain in the thighs and buttocks when urinating (radiating from the bladder).
9. Excruciating, burning pain along the spermatic cords, reaching the testicles (Pulsatilla) on one side or the other (Clemtis erecta). in the context of the hepato-renal activity of the drug.
10. Burning sensation in the vagina of the same origin.
11. Lumbar pain radiating to the lower extremities and red sand in the urine.
12. Itchy, burning rashes from cool water, localized on the back of the hands or in the perineal-anal area, healing from the center to the periphery, leaving redness and pigmentation around the elements.
The remedy is suitable for any age, but especially for adults (bilio-sanguine diathesis). Bipolar pathophysiological manifestations (overload and blockade) define two groups of indications:
1. Pain syndromes:
A). acute: renal colic b). chronic: kidney stones or gall bladder, uric acid diathesis, gout, rheumatism, headache, arthritic runny nose, azotemic syndrome: herpes or chronic eczema, atherosclerosis: varicose veins.

2. Syndromes requiring “drainage”:
A). gallbladder and intestines: spastic constipation, hemorrhoids. up to anal fistula (in case of blockage of the gallbladder with spasms) from 4 to 9 CH: diarrhea with colorless stool (with cholestasis) - 3 X.
b). from the gallbladder or kidneys towards the skin: hepatic itching or exacerbation of old eczema, to relieve the liver and kidneys: 3 or 4 CH.
V). through urine: variability in quantity, composition and concentration: 3 CH (urinary stagnation), from 4 to 9 CH (elimination of urinary tract spasm).
G). through the skin: cleansing: do not use too low dilutions, which irritate the kidneys, and too high dilutions, which block the skin and thus increase autointoxication.
3. Febrile illnesses. Malaria. Flushing to the brain. Inflammation of the brain. Neuroses.
4. Spinal cord diseases.
5. Trembling eyelids. Beginning blindness, amblyopia. Neuralgia of the eye or ear.
6. Facial neuralgia.
7. Sore throat (simple).
8. Catarrh of the nose, catarrh of the larynx.
9. Pleurisy.
10. Flushing to the abdominal organs and liver. Jaundice.
11. Biliary colic before jaundice; clay stool; anal fistula with icteric symptoms and itching; hacking cough and complaints of chest pain, especially after surgery for a fistula (Cal. p., Sil.).
12. Inflammation of the kidneys, especially complicated by catarrh of the bladder.
13. Inflammation of the spermatic cord and testicle.
14. Flushing of blood to the uterus and ovaries with periodic worsening or the appearance of pain. Inflammation of the vagina.
15. Relaxation of joint ligaments and bags. Rheumatism of the joints.
16. Accumulation of fluid in the joints.
17. Inflammation of the bone and periosteum; caries.
18. Inflammation of the lymph glands.

1. Complementary:
a) diathesis: SULFUR (sthenic psora), LYCOPODIUM (asthenic psora), PHOSPHORUS (with damage).
b) symptomatic: NUX VOMICA, MAGNESIA MUR.

2. Preparing: CALCAREA CARB., LYCOPODIUM, SULFUR (psora): SEPIA (tuberculinism): THUJA (sycosis): PHOSPHORUS (stones). ARNICA, BRYONIA, KALI BICHROMICUM, RHUS, SULFUR - for rheumatic infections
3. Subsequent: to improve: SULFUR; to deterioration: PHOSPH, ARSEN. ALB, PSORINUM. TUBERCULINUM RESID.
4. Incompatible: no.
5. Antidotes: CAMPHORA,. Asarum, Baptisia, Boldoa, Hydrastis, Drosera, Cannabis, Cuprum, Mimosa, Myrrha, Plumbago, Ptarmica, Rhododendron, Salix, Sarsaparila, Saxifraga, Secale, Tamarix , Tormentilla, Thuja, Ferrum Aceticum, Hamamelis, China, Cina
8. Symptomatic for comparison:
A). Liver, gall bladder: spasms: BELLADONA, BRYONIA, CALCAR. CARB., COLOCYNTHIS,
Valorization profile of Berberis vulgaris
1. Subjects are plethoric, but with poor resistance or with signs of premature aging, weakened, depressed, chilly, suffering from painful hepato-biliary or renal spasms, gout, indicating deep psoric autointoxication.
2. Melancholic apathy with weakening of memory, anxiety during twilight and intolerance to darkness.
3. Stitching and burning pains of an intermittent nature, spreading in all directions.
4. at rest.
5. Pale red lower face and lower lip: frothy saliva
6. Sudden renal colic with severe pain 7. Constipation with frequent urge or diarrhea (yellow or colorless stool): hemorrhoids with burning pain after stool, spreading around the anus: anal fistulas
8. Pain at the level of the LEFT KIDNEY from irritation of the vagus nerve, from moderate to severe BURNING at the time of renal colic, 9. Variability in the amount, composition and concentration of urine: sometimes a lot, sometimes little, sometimes frequent, sometimes rare urination: different sediment sticking to ship.
10. Pain in the thighs and buttocks when urinating: excruciating pain in the spermatic cord and testicles on one side or the other: burning in the vagina.
11. Lumbar pain radiating to the lower extremities and red sand in the urine.
12. Burning, itchy rash, caused by cool water (on the back of the hands and around the anus), healing from the center to the periphery, leaving redness and pigmentation around.

General action
Borax Veneta. Sodium borate has a mainly irritating and inflammatory effect on:

1. Mucous membranes: from catarrhal changes to ulcers (mouth, intestines, uterus and vagina, mucous membranes of the eyes).
2. Skin: eczematous and herpetiform rash with a tendency to suppuration.
3. Kidneys: protein in urine.
4. Mammary glands.
Secondarily, the effect appears to be on:
5. Nervous system, hearing and balance: increased sensitivity to sounds with restlessness and agitation, especially when bending the body forward or squatting, which is an important feature of the mental activity of the drug.
1. Nervous, excited, with a flabby body, wrinkled skin.
2. Girls with a red, shiny nose: frigid, sterile.
3. Children with a chalk-pale face: exhausted, soft-bodied: screaming from noise, in sleep, when bending forward (reflexively clinging to something).
Etiological signs
Not described. However, the symptoms of Borax suggest a mixed psorno-sycotic or sycotic-lyuetic diathesis.
Mental symptoms
1. Restlessness and excitement, flinching at the slightest noise.
2. Anxiety with any movement or bending down, with passive lowering (elevator, airplane), moving to maintain balance, clinging to objects.
3. Bad mood and apathy when there is a need to stool; after defecation, relief comes and the mood returns to normal.
4. Anxiety lasting until 11 pm, after which calm sets in.
5. Irritability, depression, sadness
6. Memory loss
7. Fear of moving down the stairs, and children, when lowered from their arms to the floor or into the crib, express their fear of this by screaming.
8. Anxiety when pumping, dancing
9. Children suddenly wake up and scream for no apparent reason, clutching the edges of the crib (Apis, Cina, Stram.).
10. Very nervous, easily startled by the slightest noise or unusual sharp sound, coughing, sneezing, screaming, flash of a match, etc. (Asar., Calad.).
Characteristic general symptoms
1. Aphthous inflammation of the mucous membranes with or without discharge, causing a sensation of intense local heat (even the urine seems hot).
2. Feeling of heat on the mucous membranes (see above), shooting pains, cobwebs on the skin.
3. Discharge: proteinaceous, whitish, sour.
4. Tendency to suppuration.
5. Side: in most cases right, or cross: top to right, bottom to left.
6. Sick skin. The slightest damage leads to ulceration. Pimples and blisters that suppurate. Large acne.
7. Severe itching all over the body, especially on the scalp.
8. Tendency to clump hair. Hair becomes dirty and tangled; delaminate, stick together at the ends; if they are cut off, they become the same when they grow back, they cannot be combed smoothly (Fluor. ac., Lyc., Psor., Tub.).
9. Tendency to bleeding not only from the nose, but also from other cavities, especially from the uterus.
10. Pain in different places, shooting, pulling.
11. Child urinates frequently and cries before urinating (Lys., Sanic., Sars.).
12. Leukorrhea: copious, proteinaceous, starchy, with a sensation of flowing warm water; for two weeks between menses (compare Bov., Con.).
> from compression; after 11 p.m.
Local symptoms
1. Bleeding from the nose.
2. Drainage of thick mucus from the nose.
3. Nostrils are scabbed and inflamed; the tip of the nose is red and shiny; red nose in young women.
4. Congestion of the right nostril or first the right, then the left with a real runny nose (Ant. s., Lac. s., Mag. m.).
5. White plaque in the mouth, which, when removed, leaves a bleeding surface. Thrush: in the mouth, on the tongue, on the inside of the cheeks; bleeds easily when driven or touched; it is difficult to care for a child; mouth dry and hot, feeling thirsty (Ars.); tongue is cracked and bleeding (Arum.); drooling, especially during teething. Sore mouth due to thrush; worse when touched; from eating salty and sour foods; in old people, often in the absence of teeth (Alumen.).
6. Accumulation of viscous mucus in the throat with difficult expectoration.
7. Sore throat. The submandibular glands are not affected.
8. Inflammation of the eyelids, which strongly stick together during the night.
9. Eyelashes: covered with dry, sticky exudate, stuck together in the morning; roll inward and injure the eyes, especially the outer corner; tendency towards growth of "wild hair".
The most important regional manifestations
1. Addiction to sour foods.
2. Feeling of goosebumps or cobwebs crawling on the skin of the face and lips.
3. Aphthae in the mouth with severe burning of the mucous membranes, diarrhea; The baby cries every time he starts to breastfeed.
4. A sudden feeling of nausea from a sharp noise when trying to maintain balance.
5. Diarrhea with frequent, burning, light yellow, smelly stools, burning in the anus. Bad mood at the time of the need to defecate, improving after it. Children have painful diarrhea.
6. Catarrhal changes in the nasal mucosa with whitish discharge and the formation of crusts; the tip of the nose is swollen and shiny.
7. Cough with sputum that tastes musty. Pain in the right upper part of the chest with each attack of coughing.
8. The child cries before and during urination. Urine is hot, scalding.
9. Premature menstruation, very heavy, painful. Copious premenstrual discharge, similar to egg white, hot, as if hot water were flowing down the legs.
10. The skin is dry, flabby and wrinkled, unhealthy looking, festering for any reason.
1. General indications: tendency to suppuration, especially on the skin of psorosycotics, nervous, excited, flinching at the slightest noise.
2. Private testimony:
A). Night terrors; state of anxiety.
b). "Motion sickness" at sea, on an airplane, in an elevator.
V). Aphthae, stomatitis: aphthous fever; diarrhea; alveolitis after tooth extraction.
G). Chronic rhinitis; pleurisy (right-sided).
d). Urethritis: gonorrhea; female infertility due to genital infections with a subacute or chronic course; membranous dysmenorrhea
e). Galactorrhea.
g.) Herpes, eczema; erysipelas on the face (left).
3. Chronic catarrh of the throat.
4. Sore throat (toad) pseudomembranous.
5. Chronic runny nose.
6. Chronic persistent skin rashes.
7. Koltun.
8. Chronic, ulcerative inflammation of the eyelids.
9. Bleeding from the uterus (false membranous dysmenorrhea).
10. External use. - A solution of borax from a teaspoon in two glasses of water for rinsing and washing; for washing the skin - 1 teaspoon. spoon in a glass of water.
Drug relationships
1. Complementary acute: CHAMOMILLA, BELLADONA (children), CUPRUM, ASTEA RAC. (gynecology)
KALI CHLOR. (aphthae).
2. Preparing and complementary diathesis: NITRI ACID, HEPAR SULFUR, SILICEA, CALCAR. CAR,B. (children), MEDORRHINUM, LUESINUM, PSORINUM., SANICULA
3. Subsequent: if worsening: NITRI ACID, SILICEA; with improvement: NUX VOM, SARSAPARILLA.
4. Incompatible: ACETIC. ACID., wine, vinegar.

7. Symptomatic for comparison:
A). Starting at the slightest noise: BAR. CARBON, CALCAREA CARB, CICUTA VIR, KALI CARB,
V). Unhealthy skin that festers at the slightest damage: HEPAR SULFUR., GRAPH., MERC. SOL., PETROL. , PSORINUM, PULVIS-NIG., SILICEA, SULFUR.
G). Premature, profuse and painful menstruation: BELLADONNA, CHAMOMILLA, COCCULUS, IPECA, CAULOPH., LAC CANINUM.
Borax valorization profile
1. Excitement and restlessness, flinching at the slightest noise.
2. WHEN TILTING FORWARD, lowering, screaming and reflexive clinging to objects or clothing in children.
3. APHTHOSIC inflammation of the mucous membranes with a feeling of strong local heat
4. Proteinous, whitish, sour discharge.
5. Tendency to suppuration.
6. Sensation of cobwebs on the face (right side).
7. Diarrhea with bad mood before stool and improvement after it.
8. The child cries before and during urination: the urine is hot, burning.
9. White discharge before menstruation, proteinaceous, abundant, sour, creating a feeling as if hot water is flowing down the legs.

Barberry is a plant of the barberry family, used as a homeopathic remedy since the first half of the 19th century. The medicine was introduced into homeopathy by Dr. Hesse. Dried barberry bark is used to prepare the tincture.

How does berberis affect the patient's body?

The main feature of the influence of berberis on the human body is the appearance of pain in various places. They can occur absolutely everywhere, including in the eyes, muscles, and joints. Painful sensations are piercing and cutting in nature and quickly change location; in other words, they can disappear at one point and recur at another.

In general, homeopaths note that berberis has a particularly strong effect on the liver and kidneys.

Indications for use of berberis

The homeopathic medicine berberis helps well with diseases of the nervous system, including fears and anxiety, headaches of various kinds and dizziness, drowsiness and poor memory, depression and neurasthenia, and more.

Among eye ailments, homeopathic berberis is prescribed for burning in the eyes, as well as for a feeling of sand and acute pain.

Diseases of the respiratory system, including polyps on the vocal cords, are indications for the use of the drug.

As mentioned above, berberis has a strong effect on the liver, therefore it is prescribed for hepatic colic and pain in the gallbladder area.

The drug copes with various diseases of the genitourinary system, including kidney stones. Prescribed for gout and skin ailments, including itching, rashes, eczema and hives.

Finally, berberis is an effective homeopathic remedy that helps with women's diseases. It is successfully used as a medicine for endometritis, neuralgia of the ovaries and vagina, and is prescribed for various types of pain in the female genital organs.

Who is berberis intended for?

A typical sign of Berberis people is that the symptoms they experience become more pronounced while moving, including when walking and while riding in public transport. Therefore, such patients prefer peace.

Berberis is a shrub 2-3 meters high. The tincture is prepared from fresh young roots. The pathogenesis is found in Yahr's New Manual of Homeopathic Medicine. Type Along with seizures and pains of berberis, the patient usually experiences a great loss of strength with a feeling of weakness in the back, a pale face with an earthy tint, sunken cheeks, sunken eyes surrounded by blue. It is interesting to note one objective symptom on the upper lip: “purple redness on the inner surface of the upper lip with red and bluish spots near the corners of the mouth.” Characteristic 1. Painful sensations of various kinds in the kidneys and lower back. A particularly characteristic symptom is the feeling of “bubbling”; burning and painful sensitivity in the same areas. 2. It seems to the patient that his head has increased in volume (Actea, bovista). 3. Lumbago, with pain extending to the legs and red sand in the urine. 4. Uncontrollable urge to urinate, with pain and burning; pain spreads to the back and lower limbs. Pains: stabbing, burning, tearing, but their main characteristic: wandering and radiating. Wandering: the patient feels them here and there, at a limited point, from which the pain sometimes spreads very far. These pains are usually aggravated by movement, walking, or sudden shaking, just like the pain of belladonna. Menstruation: scanty with stabbing, burning pain in the anus and vagina. Urine. The amount of urine varies: either copious with frequent urges, or insignificant with rare urges. It is as variable as the painful symptoms of this remedy: it can be red, bloody, “turbid with thick mucus and a brick-red sediment,” yellow with a transparent, gelatinous sediment. Resume You should think about Berberis for stones in the liver and kidneys and for characteristic pain: wandering and radiating. Anal fissures respond well to drug therapy. Bretonno cured them with ratania, although Trousseau and Pidoux considered “this remedy to be irrational.” Patients found it effective. For me personally, nitri acidum gave the best results, then sedum acre and peonia. I also have written down: aesculus, arsenicum, berberis, causticum, graphite, hydrastis, ignatia, lachesis, sepia, sulfur and thuja. Of the remedies not given in this book: Graziola. Tearing pain in the rectum. After stool, pressing pain in the abdomen when walking; improvement in sitting position. Paeonia. Lesions of the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus with a crack. A burning and tingling sensation for several hours after stool. Discharge of offensive and irritating fluid. Often, at the same time, hemorrhoids. Ratania. Violent constriction and burning, as if from fire, during and after stool for several hours. Pain in the anus, as if struck by a dagger. External hemorrhoids; sensation as if rectum were falling out. Frequent and ineffective urge to urinate; burning in the canal when urinating.

indications for use

Main indications The set of symptoms of Berberis corresponds to the phenomena of so-called “arthritis”, rheumatism and gout. RENAL COLIC with pain sometimes in the right, sometimes in the left side, but more often in the left. Left-sided renal colic is as typical for Berberis as right-sided colic with difficulty urinating for Lycopodium. Berberis is the best remedy for kidney stone disease with its painful attacks and hemorrhagic complications. HEPATIC COLIC, aggravated by movement and pressure, often concentrated in the left lobe of the liver or under the false ribs on the left, near the linea alba. LUMBAR PAIN OF GOUT. The patient has difficulty getting out of a chair or bed, he feels pain even when lying down; any fatigue, any movement aggravates the pain; the shock of a deep breath is enough to increase the pain. ECZEMA with burning itching, always worse by scratching and usually relieved by cold compresses: the rash is more pronounced on the back of the hands and in the anus. The cure begins from the center of the itchy erythema, while the pigmented ring remains for a long time. ANAL CRACKS, with severe burning: frequent, constant urge to stool. FISTULAS OF THE ANUS, especially of tuberculous origin, correspond to berberis. FLAT WARTS.

effect on the body

Physiological action In studies carried out in Germany by Dr. Hesse and collected by Jahr, there are often indications of the effects of berberis on the liver and kidneys, establishing its special use for hepatic and renal colic: shooting and pressing, sharp pain in the kidneys, spreading to the bladder, with pain in the spermatic cords and compression of the testicles. Peculiarities Worse: from movement, any sudden shock, when walking or riding in a carriage. Improvement - at rest. The predominant side is the left.


Berberis is used rather in tinctures or first dilutions.

Specific action On the exchange of uric acid, on the process of stone formation in the kidneys and gall bladder.

Symptoms Renal colic, especially left-sided. Hepatic colic in cholelithiasis. Urine sediment is brick-colored. Rending, burning pain in the joints.


Urinary and digestive organs: KIDNEYS; liver ; bladder. Small of the back (area of ​​the wings of the pelvis). Joints. Uterus. Spermatic cord

WORSE. From movement : from concussions body ; When steps hard , firmly ; when rising from a sitting position. From fatigue. From urination.

Mental [nervous ] And physical fatigue . Sees objects at dusk. Many fast changing or alternating symptoms ; shooting pain , directed outward , for example, in the urethra, in the toes, etc., near one point or DIVERGENTfrom one points ; from the lower spine, etc. Stabbing pain . Soreness. Burning rawness . Numbness; insensitive to extreme heat and extreme cold FEELINGBUGGING, BURRING or boiling Dryness mucous membranes shells : mouth, vagina, etc. Dirty gray colors face , gums, feces, etc. Lithemia is a uric acid diathesis. Stones. […].

It's like there's a tight cap on your head. Cold whiskey. Suppurating acne.

Sticky in the mouth. Saliva is foamy, like cotton wool (Nux-m.). Painful pimple on the tip of the tongue.

Pain from the stomach spreads to the back or vice versa. Feeling as if everything in the epigastrium has come off and is dangling. Stones in the gall bladder and urinary tract. Colic: biliary pain spreads from the gallbladder to the epigastrium; renal (right) - along the ureter, causing breath holding.

The stool is pale, raw, viscous [thick(?) - tough]; watery, with jaundice. Fistula of the anus.

Burning in the kidneys. Clear discharge from the external opening of the urethra, before urination. Urine is thick, cloudy, yellow; with red, like flour, granular or slimy sediment. Dysuria.

Genital organs: cold, sweaty, pain occurs on one side or the other. Instead of menstruation, gray or brown mucus is released.

Pain V back With extreme decline strength . Painful area under the (right) shoulder blade (Chel.). Crushing, stitching, paralyzing pain in the lower back. Numbness in the lumbar region. Pain from ridges ileal bones spreads down , By front surfaces hips ; when urinating. Lumbago - lumbago. Itchy skin. After the rash, brown spots remain. Chilliness. Separate parts body cold . Everything promotes sweating.


DIF DIAGNOSIS. Benzac., Cocc., Kalibi, Lyc , Puls.