Conversation on the topic of vegetables. Conversation “Vitamins on a plate” in the senior group of kindergarten. Organization of game project activities

“Vitamins in the garden - health is in order”

(tomatoes and onions go together).

Project type: cognitive - research, health - saving.

Project type: group. Participants: middle-high school children, parents, teacher.

Project duration: February - July

Target: Deepening children's natural science knowledge, attracting knowledge from different fields. Expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants (soil, moisture, heat and light). Give an expanded concept of natural vitamins necessary for health. Develop labor skills and abilities. Development of creative thinking, research skills in practical activities.

Tasks: 1. "Cognition" — To develop children’s cognitive interest, desire to observe, explore the natural world, gain labor knowledge and skills,

— To form an idea about natural vitamins, their benefits for human health, the content of certain vitamins in vegetables, tomatoes and onions.

— Clarify the role of natural vitamins in maintaining and strengthening human health.

2. "Health"

— Form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. The influence of nutrition on human health.

3. "Communication"

— Form and enrich children’s vocabulary, develop communication skills.

4. “Artistic creativity” (sculpting, drawing, applique)

— Develop children’s creative abilities, artistic and aesthetic taste.

5. “Reading fiction”

— To develop children’s interest in works of art. Selection of literature from the history of vitamins.

6. "Music"

— Develop musical and artistic activities.

7. "OBZH"

— Determine the role of natural vitamins in maintaining health.

— Develop the ability to safely use work tools.

8. "Labor"

— To arouse children’s interest in creating a vegetable garden and taking part in its creation.

Relevance of the project: Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle. Instilling the basics of healthy eating. The development of this project was influenced by the observation that children put boiled vegetables (onions and tomatoes) on the edge of their plates during lunch.

Project implementation stages:

1. Stage – preparatory

*Conversation with children on the topic of the project. *Diagnostics of children

*Parent survey. Questionnaire

*Discussion of goals and objectives, justification, prediction of ways to implement the project with all project participants.

*Selection and study of necessary literature

*Selection of materials and creation of necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

2. Stage - main (practical)

* Introduction into the educational process of innovative and effective methods and techniques to expand knowledge about the health benefits and origin of tomatoes and onions.

*Preparing materials for creating a vegetable garden on the window.

*Sowing seeds and planting bulbs.

*Water, care for plants

* failure of the first onion harvest - ecological holiday “Garden Adventures”

*Exhibition of children's works / drawings, modeling / “What we will grow”

*Creating a photo album “How we worked”

*Development and accumulation of teaching materials, development of advice on the project topic

3. Stage - final

*Processing results of the project implementation.

*Diagnosis results.

*exhibition of books, memos.

*Parent survey. Questionnaire

*Have fun with parents.

Expected results of the project:

*Create the necessary conditions in preschool educational institutions for the formation in preschoolers of a holistic understanding of the life of vegetables and their impact on people’s health, the development of children’s curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills.

*Increase the interest of children, together with their parents, in caring for the plant, and most importantly, the health of children and adults. The desire to help in the work started.

*Grow healthy vegetables in your garden beds.

*Show children a desire to eat vegetables in plain form (raw, fried, boiled).

*Involve all parents in the implementation of the project.


1. Conversations : “Vegetables are vitamins”; "Bow of seven diseases"; “Tomato is a golden apple”; “What tastes better: pills or vegetables?” ; “Luk, in your arms, every disease passes away”; “We will eat vegetables in any form”; “Let's Listen to the Doctor” (February-July)

2. GCD “sowing tomato seeds”; “planting onions for greens”; - knowledge: Fine art “Vegetables on a plate” - modeling; “Our garden” - drawing; “how many vegetables are there in the garden” - application.

3. Working with parents:
Round table “cultivating a love for vegetables” “vitamins all year round” (March, May, June). Questioning parents before and after the project / -socialization..

4. Consultation for parents
“Joint activities of parents and children in growing vegetables”

5. Together with parents
: preparing dishes from vegetables, creating your own recipe.

6. Observation: for the sprouting and growth of tomatoes, for the germination of onions, what is necessary for the growth and development of plants? (heat light, water) – cognition. (March-April)

7. Garden care:
watering, loosening, weeding - labor (during the entire growing season)

8. Learning songs on the theme of the project , musical and motor games – music.

9. Making leaflets
“garden all year round” -IZO

Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music!
Greens on the table - Health for a hundred years!

Such is food and drink - Such is living!

10. Photo competition: “Preparing soil in boxes for sowing”, “Planting bulbs on feathers”, “Sowing tomatoes, plant growth”, “Preparing beds - planting vegetables” - caring for the garden; final result.

11. Exhibition: drawings and crafts.

12. Ecological games

"Correct the artist's mistake"

Target: learn to distinguish between the roots and tops of vegetables.

Material: cards with the image of spines and cards with the image of tops .

Progress: children must find the mistake and correct it.

"Help the plants"

Target: Promote in children the desire to feel sorry for the plant, which can effectively help .

Material: cards depicting plants with wilted leaves and plants with healthy, beautiful leaves.

Progress: The presenter asks “how to help the plant”, the children’s answers (loosen the soil, water it, wipe the dust from the leaves, feel sorry).


Target: Reinforce children's knowledge that water is needed by all living things.

Material: large maps with a picture (in the center) of water. Small cards depicting animals, humans, plants.

Progress: Children must place small cards in a circle and name who needs water.

"Aibolit's Advice"

Target: To instill in children the need to take care of their health.

Material: Cards with images of the sun, air, vegetables, herbs, fruits.

Progress: The presenter holds up a card with a picture and asks: “What is this vegetable useful for?” The children answer. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

“Describe it, we’ll guess”

Target: Learn to describe objects and find them by description.

Material: vegetables basket.

Progress: The child goes out the door, and the rest write a description of one of the vegetables. When the driver returns, one of the children talks about the characteristic features of the object that needs to be recognized and named.

13. Outdoor games : “Find your match”: “Find your flower of health by smell”; "rain in the garden"

14. Reading fiction: on the topic of the project

15. Proverbs, sayings, riddles, folklore and counting rhymes: "Bow from the seven ailments"; “Onion in your arms every disease passes away”, “Tomato - for adults and children, sick and healthy”;

A woman is sitting in the beds, covered in patches,

Whoever tears off the patch will cry and leave. (onion)

The boy wore a green caftan and became a gentleman -

Got a red caftan. (tomato)

One onion, two onions, three, four, five.

Six onions, seven onions, count again my friend.

One, two - tomatoes three, four chopped onions

Five, six potatoes, seven, eight soup we ask

Nine, ten - ate together.

16. Research activities: Observation of the process of laying soil, sowing tomatoes, onions, emergence of seedlings, watering, replanting in the ground, caring for the plant, obtaining results.

17. Ecological holiday: "Garden Adventures"; Health Day “Flower of Health”

I am the seasoning in every dish

and is always useful to people.

Did you guess it? I am your friend.

I am a simple green onion!


“The joint activity of parents and children in growing vegetables, tomatoes and onions. /Secondary - senior group/

1. Quiz: /questions for children and parents/.

- Guess the plant from the riddle and find it;

— Name the plant and tell us what kind of care it requires?

— Do you know about its benefits? does it contain vitamins?

Do you like to eat them boiled or raw?

- If not, then why?

Think of tender words for your plant;

- Tell me a poem, a saying, a proverb, a nursery rhyme, a counting rhyme. /children leave/.

2. Working with parents

— Talk with parents about the fact that many children do not like boiled and steamed onions and tomatoes and place them on the edge of the plate while eating. This is not aesthetically pleasing and wrong.

— develop a joint plan to instill a love of vegetables.

- Start work by creating a vegetable garden on the window, involve the children in creating it.

— advise parents to unobtrusively talk with children about the benefits of vegetables and collect as much information about them as possible.

- do not force children to eat against their wishes, this causes negativity.

Thank parents for their active participation

Memo for parents

Do you know?

ONION – appreciated long before our era. The ancient Egyptians valued it so highly that they depicted it on their monuments. For a long time, onions have been famous for their medicinal properties. "Bow of the seven ailments." And this is not mystical at all. It has been noted that even the smell of onions drives away illnesses from a person. In our time, this opinion has been confirmed by the remarkable discoveries of domestic biologists. If you don’t like the smell of onions, try to use them finely chopped, sprinkle them on the first and second courses. After eating onions, rinse your mouth with warm water or add a little tooth elixir to the water. To avoid the unpleasant smell of onions, you can eat parsley leaves and walnuts. This is, in any case, what many ancient Romans did when they ate their daily portion of onions. There is no doubt that onions are necessary for adults and children. And primarily because it is rich in phytoncides. Phytoncides inhibit the development of all known pathogenic bacteria and fungi for humans. Onion is the first home remedy for colds and flu. Inhaling onion vapors is good for coughs and sore throats; onion gruel quickly cures a runny nose. Onions are also used as deworming home remedies. And also for abscesses and boils.

Onions are also used to strengthen hair. Rub onion juice into the hair roots; it is recommended to tie your head for 2-3 hours, then rinse your hair with shampoo. The hair acquires a beautiful shine and becomes soft and silky.

Onions are used both to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face and to remove existing ones. Onions help get rid of headaches.

In short, onions are a plant that serves us both as food and medicine.

Memo for parents

Even 100 years ago, tomatoes were grown in pots on windowsills as an indoor flower. Now tomatoes are distributed throughout the globe. They are also grown in large quantities in our country.

Tomatoes are very useful primarily due to their high content of organic acids. Tomatoes are also beneficial due to their low purine content. That is why this vegetable can be recommended to almost everyone - both adults and children, sick and healthy.

Tomatoes contain vitamins C. B1, B2, P, K, carotene, sugar, phosphorus, iron. Tomatoes can be preserved at ripeness - green, milky, brown, pink, red. So, red tomatoes have the highest amount of carotene.

Tomatoes contain quite a lot of potassium, which plays an important role in maintaining normal function of the cardiovascular system.

Tomatoes, unlike many vegetables, have delicate fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of beneficial intestinal microflora, helps reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines, removes excess cholesterol from the body, and at the same time has a beneficial effect on digestive processes.

But that's not all. Tomatoes strengthen specific immunity to pathogens of pneumonia - pneumococci, intestinal infections - salmonella, dysentery. Tomato phytoncides exhibit antifungal activity. Delaying the development of microscopic fungi dangerous to humans.

Tomatoes serve us both as food and medicine.

Project results:

During the project, the children developed an interest in the life and growth of plants. Children learned how to grow vegetables, care for plants, what fruits taste like, what vitamins are contained in vegetables, how they affect people's health and how a healthy diet affects a person.

Through various activities and games, the children consistently achieved their goals, showing attention and perseverance.

Joint work with parents showed results - active participation in the creation of a vegetable garden, in holding exhibitions, in creating a photo album in the “Garden Adventures” holiday, and the “Flower of Health” health day.

Active study of fiction allowed children to learn many riddles, poems, sayings, and proverbs about vegetables.

What delight and pride the children had when, while harvesting, they realized that they themselves had grown vegetables that tasted great and were necessary for health.

And most importantly, the children understood that everything made from vegetables should be eaten because it is healthy and necessary.

Work on the project showed that children took part in the long-term project with desire and interest.


1.S.N. Nikolaev “Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood”

2. S.M. Martynov “Vegetables + fruits + berries” = Health.

3. O.S. Solomennikova “Formation of elementary environmental ideas.”

4. Publishing house "Owl" "1000 proverbs, riddles, sayings"

teacher of 1st qualification category

MBOU "Protochnenskaya secondary school"

With. Protochnoe, Limansky district, Astrakhan region,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 25 "Cheryomushka" of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region


Conversations about vegetables on the topic: “Tomato Brother”

as part of the implementation of project activities

in the second junior group

Prepared by:


Marunina Tatyana Martynovna



Target: continue to introduce children to the fruits of vegetable crops and their place of growth (garden). Reinforce knowledge about the appearance of tomatoes. Continue learning to describe a vegetable according to the diagram. To form an idea of ​​the basic needs and conditions necessary for the growth of vegetables (water, light, heat).

Material: soft toy - tomato, tomato fruits, juicer, box with soil for seedlings, tomato seeds.


Educated: - Guys, someone came to visit us today. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is.

I am very important, senor - ripe, sweet... (tomato)

That's right, guys! Today Brother Tomato came to visit us. (v-l brings in a toy)

Tomato brother:- Hello guys! My name is Brother Tomato, I live in a garden bed. They also call me a tomato.

V-l:- Guys, do you know what a tomato is? (vegetable) That's right, guys, this is a vegetable, it grows in the garden. Look, Tomato Brother brought his friends with him. (V-l shows the children a tray on which there are tomatoes)

Let's take a look and tell us what they are like (children's answers are choral and individual) - round, red...

V-l invites the children to touch the fruits and describe how they feel (smooth, satiny)

Vs: - And now, let's taste the tomato (every district is given a tomato to try) What does a tomato taste like? (children’s responses individual and choral)

B.-T.- Guys, I'm very helpful. Here, listen to this poem I know: - Children love tomato juice

Sweet and sour and pleasant

In first courses and salads

We use tomatoes.

V-l:- Guys, which of you drank tomato juice? Do you know that it is made from tomatoes? Would you like me to show you how it's made?

(v-l demonstrates to the children how to make juice using a juicer)

V-l:- What do your mothers make from tomatoes? (salads)

A physical education session is held:

Let's go to the garden now (children walk in place)

We'll get some vegetables there!

What will we collect?

Potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets (fingers bent)

Tomatoes, cucumber and cabbage, finally!

In the garden we tried, we bent low to the garden bed (bent over)

The harvest has all been harvested, here it is - see it, get it!

Vs: - Tomato, please tell me, can the boys and I raise your tomato friends ourselves?

Tomato: - Of course, if you try. I have small seeds inside (V-l shows the seeds to the children). If you plant them in the ground, water them and take care of them, tomatoes will grow from them.

Vs: - How interesting! Guys, let's plant these seeds in the ground, water them and take care of them. And you, Tomatik, can stay with us in the group and also watch their growth.

V-l and the children plant seeds in seedling boxes and place them on the windowsill.

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Physical Education”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”, “Safety”.

^ Purpose: maintaining and strengthening the physical health of children, creating a nutritional culture.


Instill in children the need to be healthy. (Health. Safety.)

Foster the need for verbal communication with peers and adults. (Communication)

Cultivate a desire to come to the aid of a peer. (Socialization)

Cultivate neatness and cleanliness. (Health. Safety)

Develop logic, thinking, attention, memory. (Health)

Develop curiosity and observation. (Cognition)

Develop the need to express your opinion. (Communication)

Develop -Develop the ability to reason and explain cause-and-effect relationships. St. St. (Communication)

Develop - Develop the ability to maintain dialogue. (Communication)

Develop the ability to work in a team. (Socialization)

Develop motor coordination. (Health)
---Image Educational.

Introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”.

Introduce the symbols of vitamins (A, B, C, D)

Continue to form ideas about the benefits of vitamins for the body


To form in children an understanding that health depends on proper

nutrition – food should be not only tasty, but also healthy;

To consolidate children's knowledge about proper and rational nutrition.
^ Preliminary work:

Conversations about health and a healthy lifestyle,

Looking at the illustrations

Learning proverbs about food,

Learning the rules of eating,

Memorizing poems,

Modeling vegetables and fruits.

^ Methods and techniques.


- teacher's story about vitamins and their designations,

Conversation “What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits,

Conversation "Why do we eat"

Artistic word - poem,

Use of proverbs

Didactic game "Useful - Unuseful."

Conversation about hygiene and safety rules during work.


Looking at pictures of fruits and vegetables

Looking at fruits

Showing methods of action,

Showing the diagram and letter designation of vitamins,


- dynamic pause,

Didactic game "Useful - Unuseful"

Salad preparation,

Didactic game "Let's go to the store"

^ Materials and equipment:

Easel, magnetic board;

pictures of products;

letters A, B, C, D cut out of colored paper;

a diagram with images of food products and the names of the vitamins they contain;

3 baskets, a salad bowl, 2 cutting boards, 2 small knives, napkins, a towel, aprons and caps (according to the number of children preparing the salad);

products: banana, kiwi, apple, pear, small cabbage fork, onion, carrots, potatoes, milk in a box, yogurt without additives for salad dressing,

any grain in the bag.
^ Direct educational activities.

Children, today I received a letter from our old friend Carlson.

He writes that he will not be able to fly to us for the holiday because he is not feeling well. Carlson recently visited and ate a lot of delicious sweets. Now his stomach hurts and he has no strength at all. He also asks us for advice on how to eat right to be healthy. But before we answer his letter, let's figure out what proper nutrition is.

What do you like to eat most?

(sweets, fruits, juices, chips, carrots, etc.)

Why do we eat?

(A person eats to live, grow, be strong.)

Yes, with food we receive all the necessary substances for growth and energy for movement.

But first we need to understand what healthy healthy food is.

We have already talked a lot about health, let's remember together what you need to do to always feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful (Exercise, walk, brush your teeth, etc.).

Well done, you said everything correctly, but it turns out that in order to be healthy you also need to eat right. Guys, any food is prepared from products, and products can be healthy and not very healthy.
-Tell me, please, what healthy products do you know?

(fruits, vegetables, porridge, bread, etc.)

Do you know the difference between healthy food and tasty food?

(Delicious food can be harmful.)

Let's play a game. It's called "Useful - Unuseful."

Look at the pictures, they show different food products.

Think about which ones can be divided and why. You can begin the task.

(Children complete the task and then talk, motivating their choice.)

-Okay, you completed the task.

Did you know that foods contain substances that are very important for health -


You and I know the poem, let's tell it.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's some healthy food
Full of vitamins!

Who knows what vitamins are for?

(children's answers)

I want to tell you a little about vitamins.

Look, on the board there is a diagram with images of different products that contain

vitamins and letters. Vitamins are designated by the letters A, B, C, D). There are many of them

more, but today I will talk about the vitamins that are indicated in the diagram.

Vitamin A– it is very important for vision and growth. There is a lot of it in carrots, butter, eggs, tomatoes, parsley.

Vitamin B- helps our heart work, helps the body fight various diseases. There is a lot of it in sunflower seeds, liver, meat, fresh tomatoes, beans, eggs, bread, and milk.

Vitamin C– strengthens our entire body, protects against colds and other diseases. When there is little of it in food, a person weakens. This vitamin is found in fresh fruits - oranges, grapefruit, lemons, persimmons and bananas, as well as in raw vegetables - tomatoes, yellow turnips, carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic.

Vitamin D- makes our legs and arms strong, this vitamin protects against softening of bones. It is found in fresh eggs, fish oil and raw cabbage. There is a lot of it in milk.

There are many vitamins and each of these vitamins is very important for us.

Each of us has favorite dishes. But don’t forget: to be strong and healthy, beautiful and smart, you need to eat a variety of foods, and not just what you like.

And now I suggest you go to our store and buy products that will be useful for making vegetable soup, compote and porridge.

To do this, we will split into three teams. One team will choose products for preparing vegetable soup, another - for porridge, and the third - for compote.

(Children place the selected products on different tables and explain their choice.)

You already know that there are rules of conduct in transport, on the street, and traffic rules. And now we will repeat the rules of nutrition.

(1. Before eating, you should always wash your hands with soap.

2. You need to eat foods that are healthy (be sure to eat vegetables and fruits)

3. You don’t need to eat much. Overeating is harmful to the body.

4. Do not talk during your appointment.

5.Food must be chewed well.

6. Rinse your mouth after eating

7. You need to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time.)

We talked about nutrition rules.

And what are they for? (Be healthy so that food is beneficial, etc.)

Yes, in order for food to be well absorbed and beneficial, you must follow the nutritional rules.
-Let's remember proverbs about food and nutrition rules.

(“He who chews long lives long”?

“When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.”

“Buckwheat porridge is our mother”

“Rye bread is our dear father.”)
^ Dynamic pause “Fruits”.

We will cook compote. (March in place.)

You need a lot of fruit. Here. (Show with hands - “a lot.”)

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear,

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand. (Imitate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, put,

pour sand.)

We cook, we cook compote, (Turn around yourself.)

Let's treat honest people. (Clap your hands.)

And now I want to teach you how to make a healthy salad. Name what you see on the table? (Banana, orange, kiwi, apple.) -How can you call everything in one word? (Fruits.) - In order to make a salad, we need to cut all the fruits. I need helpers. - Before we start preparing the salad, we need... (wash your hands, put on an apron and cap.) - Can we cut the fruits right away? (No. We need to wash them.) - Why? (They may have germs on them.)

How should you use a knife? (Carefully.)

Why? (So ​​as not to cut yourself and not to injure others.) (Children wash fruits and help the teacher make salad)

Let's fill it with unsweetened yogurt. We already know it's useful.

Now our salad is ready. What should we call it? (Fruit, vitamin, colorful, tasty, etc.)

Bottom line.

We made a wonderful salad. Everyone did a great job. We'll try it together.

What new did you learn about food today? (Food can be beneficial or harmful. You need to eat healthy food.)

What makes our food healthy? (Vitamins.)

What vitamins did you learn about? (A, B, C, D.)

In order for nutrients to be absorbed, what rules must be followed? (Call the rules.)

What have you learned? (Make fruit salad.)

What did you like? (Express their opinion.)

Dear guys! Let's talk about vegetables. Crispy orange carrots, firm green cucumbers, juicy red tomatoes - these are all vegetables.

What other vegetables do you know?

Right! Beets and turnips, cabbage and potatoes, peppers and eggplant, radishes and radishes, pumpkin and zucchini, onions and garlic, sorrel and dill, celery and parsley.

Vegetables are the succulent parts of cultivated plants. These can be leaves, heads of cabbage, roots, tubers, bulbs, inflorescences and fruits. The plants themselves are called vegetable crops.

About eighty species of vegetable crops are cultivated in our country, and in total in the plant kingdom at least 1,200 species have vegetable properties.

Some vegetables were brought to us from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (cabbage, carrots, parsley, celery), others from India (cucumber), countries of Central and South America (tomato, zucchini), from South-West Asia (sweet and bitter peppers) .

Where do vegetables grow?

Right! In the garden on the beds.

The soil in the garden is soft, loose, fertile. Did you know that the topmost layer of earth is called soil? It was formed over many hundreds of years and contains everything that plants need for life: water and air, mineral salts and humus.

Plant roots absorb water with mineral salts dissolved in it. And they need oxygen to breathe.

Humus is formed from rotted leaves, stems and roots of plants. Microbes living in the soil convert it into mineral salts.

Earthworms, moles, shrews, and insect larvae live in the soil.

Worms, moles, shrews are friends and helpers of the gardener: they loosen the soil, crush and mix plant debris, and destroy harmful insects. Through the passages they dig in the ground, moisture and air flow to the roots of plants. Listen to the poem.

Assistant mole

One day in the spring a mole

I visited our garden.

He checked the flower beds and beds

And I noticed something was wrong:

Slugs and bugs spoil

garden sprouts,

The ground is too hard -

Water does not penetrate deep.

And the assistant mole said:

- I will save your garden!

I will loosen the black soil,

I will destroy the larvae in it.

I'll dig passages underground -

The rain will fill them with water.

The mole got to work

And our garden blossomed!

Carrots and turnips will sing in it,

And the cabbage became strong,

Onions, garlic are ripe,

Friend the mole helped us!

The silver snakes of the February snowstorms are still running across the fields and roads, and pre-sowing chores are already beginning for gardeners: they need to buy plant seeds, take care of fertilizers, prepare boxes and pots for seedlings, make houses for their feathered friends - birds.

When the spring rays melt the snow, the thawed ground is saturated with melt water and snow, and warms up - you can go to work in the garden. The first grass will soon appear, the trees and bushes will be clothed with green leaves. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If there was water, greenery would appear.”

Imagine, dear guys, that you and I took buckets, watering cans, shovels, rakes and went to the garden.

Where to start spring work?

Right! First, you need to rake last year's leaves and dried plant stems into a pile and burn them, and with the resulting ash you can fertilize the soil in the garden. Then we need to outline where we will make the ridges and dig up the ground.

Now the garden has been dug up, smooth, neat beds have been made, slightly raised above the ground, so that more air can flow to the roots of the vegetables that we will plant. Imagine that we sowed vegetable seeds and then watered them from a watering can, not with cold water, but with slightly warmed water in a tub standing in the sun.

How should you care for vegetables to get a good harvest?

Right! It is necessary to loosen the soil, remove weeds, fight aphids, cabbage butterflies, Colorado potato beetles and other harmful insects, thin out the crops so that the plants grow freely without interfering with each other.

Is there anything else we forgot?

Well, of course, the garden needs to be watered in the morning and evening so that the plants have enough moisture.

Listen to the poem.

Let's go with you to the garden

Let's go with you to the garden:

Let's see how it grows

Carrots, dill, parsley,

Is the tub full of water,

Large for watering

In the corner under an old plum tree.

Did the slugs eat the leaves?

Aren't the weeds drowned out?

Sprouts of beans, peas -

This will be bad!

Let's go with you to the garden,

We have a lot of worries there!

Let's take shovels, hoes,

Let's loosen and weed the beds.

Then we’ll pour it from a watering can

And we'll sit on the bench.

After all, you and I need a little

Relax after work!

There's a lot to do in the garden in the summer! To prevent vegetable leaves, flowers and roots from being damaged by slugs, caterpillars, beetles and their larvae, gardeners spray the beds with tincture of wormwood, tansy, yarrow, garlic, and onion peels. These plants have a peculiar smell that repels pests and contain special protective substances - phytoncides that kill microbes. Many harmful insects cannot stand the smell of infusions of tomato and potato tops. And the voracious mole cricket, which chews through the roots and stems of plants and damages tubers, root crops and sown seeds, really does not like the smell of alder. It is enough to stick a twig of this plant into the garden bed and the mole cricket will leave it immediately.

Some flowers can also help control harmful insects. Therefore, fragrant tobacco, orange marigolds (calendula), lush marigolds (marigolds) and multi-colored garden daisies are planted in gardens. These flowers emit phytoncides and essential oils. Therefore, dangerous insects try to stay away from them.

Listen to the poem.

Fragrant marigolds

I am fragrant marigolds

I'll plant it near the fence.

The flowerbed is lush and large

Decorates my garden

Golden petals

With the bitter smell of wormwood.

A tart aroma flows,

He drives away from our ridges

Harmful butterflies, bugs

And fruit worms.

Gardeners also know about their other helpers - frogs, toads - and try to attract them to their beds.

“It turns out that one toad can destroy as many pests as one bat. Over the summer, on one hectare of garden, toads and frogs eat up to one hundred thousand insects, most of which are dangerous pests.

This is why experienced gardeners protect frogs. They hunt at any time of the day, as long as it is humid and warm, and toads only hunt in the evening. At the same time, they destroy many slugs, caterpillars, centipedes, beetles, butterflies and harmful larvae. Some gardeners even install water baths for toads and frogs. If it weren’t for toads and frogs, gluttonous slugs would literally strip the garden beds bare.”

Let's remember together who else is protecting the harvest?

Birds of course! Birdhouses and nest boxes are made for them in the spring and hung in gardens and orchards. And also four-legged forest inhabitants - hedgehogs. To attract them, gardeners place saucers of milk under the bushes. After all, animals love to feast on milk and then snack on slugs, beetle larvae and caterpillars. It is a rare pest that manages to hide from the prickly plant protector.

Vegetables grow especially well where they have enough moisture and sunlight. Therefore, vegetable gardens are often laid out on the banks of rivers, lakes, and ponds - and water is taken from these reservoirs for watering the ridges. Listen to the poem.

Good River

In summer weather

Warm clear evening

Watering the gardens

Little river.

The poplar froze sensitively,

The willow turns silver.


Give me a bucket of water!

Where were the bleaks?

And frolicked during the day,

Buckets and watering cans

We'll get some water.

Touches the tops

A subtle ray of sunset

We'll water the parsley

Cucumbers, tomatoes.

Soon it will be dark

On the mirror of waters,

And he will say “thank you”

River garden!

In the summer, vegetables ripen in the garden beds: the sweet pepper lanterns light up, the tomatoes begin to turn red, the zucchini fills with juice—and it’s time to harvest.

The people note: “August is both a gatherer and a storekeeper”; “What you collect in August is what you will be full of.”

Listen to the poem.

Good Harvest

How wonderful it is in the garden

Work on a clear day!

A warm ray wanders through the beds,

Chernozem smells like mint.

Smells like sweet ripe plum

And potato tops,

White honey

Over my head.

Everything is ripe, everything is ripe -

The harvest will be good!

There's something for everyone here,

Don't be lazy, just collect!

People also said this: “The time has come to bow to Father the Gardener.”

Vegetable garden-father

Father, our garden!

I bow to you with love -

You fed us for a whole year

And cabbage and carrots.

He treated us to zucchini,

Celery and onion.

Sunny spring day

I will come to you again.

I will dig up the black soil,

I will uproot the quinoa.

I will cherish you

Our breadwinner is the vegetable garden,

So that the seedlings turn green,

So that the fruit grows whole.

In the fall, after the vegetable crop has been harvested and stored in basements, pantries and storage bins, work in the garden does not stop. It is necessary to collect and burn plant tops and dig up the ground. There is no need to break up large clods with rakes and hoes - this way the soil will freeze more strongly during winter frosts, and the pests that burrow into it will die. In addition, large layers of earth will retain more moisture during the snow melt in the spring.

Dear guys, let's talk about the benefits vegetables bring to people.

Vegetables are the main food that a person cannot do without! After all, our food mostly consists of plants.

Housewives add even more vegetables to borscht or vegetable stew.

Vegetables are a real storehouse of vitamins, mineral salts and other beneficial substances necessary for humans.

Many vegetables store well and feed us all year round. Others can be grown in greenhouses and greenhouses in winter. Some vegetables, such as onions, garlic, radishes, eggplant, peppers, have healing properties and can prevent and cure diseases.

Vegetables are not only used to prepare tasty and healthy dishes, their roots, stems and leaves are used to feed livestock. Starch (potatoes), sugar (sugar beets) and other products people need are obtained from vegetables.

Answer the questions

What are vegetables called?

Where do vegetables grow?

What care do vegetables require?

What insects are called pests? Why?

What animals are called gardener's helpers? Why?

Why are vegetables considered the main human food?

Vegetables and fruits, healthy products

Target: Systematize and expand knowledge about vegetables and fruits, their diversity; introduce children to vitamins and reveal their importance for human health; consolidate knowledge of the hygienic rule of washing vegetables and fruits before eating.

Planned achievements of students: learn to give examples of vegetables and fruits, learn that you should eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, because they contain a lot of vitamins.

Equipment: crossword, illustrations of vegetables, fruits, riddles.

Lesson progress:

    Imagine that we walked through the forest for a long time and got very hungry. So let's talk about food. What do you like to eat?

Children talk about their favorite food.

I am very glad that many of you love vegetables and fruits. You need to eat as many of them as possible.

Today you will find out why you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits when we go on a trip.

Scene: “The Cheerful Vegetable Garden”

The song "ANTOSHKA" is played. Guys, Antoshka invites you and me to his garden. Let's see what he grew.


Dawn broke over the meadows,

The fogs also disappeared.

Well, the sun is right here:

It bakes the beds,

Watches the fruits grow

Is everything okay here...

Leading: Here is a button walking towards us -


Sugar watermelon,


Hands on hips



Watermelon: It’s not for nothing that I am proud, friends:

From above I am green, hard,

But inside -

Merry dawn.

Don't accidentally break it -

I'll splash some red sweet juice.

Children: Don't boast, Watermelon,

Don't be proud, Watermelon!

Maybe you still

Doesn't taste good.

We'll see you soon

Let's visit again,

And let's taste it!…

Leading: Look -

Here's a rocker

Here is a head of cabbage:

A hundred clothes and a turban,

And it’s not empty inside!

Cabbage: I, friends, am a head of cabbage

Extraordinarily delicious.

I turned white from the top,

I'm already quite ripe.

At least cook it

At least salt it

Do as you please

I'm crispy and fresh -

Cut with a knife and eat!

Children: Young Kochan,

Dear Kochan,

Don't bother - you

We'll put it in a vat,

And we’ll salt it for good,

And let's cook cabbage soup,

Let's serve it on the table

Let's treat our friends.

Leading: Look at the two friends

For red new clothes...

Wider circle!

Wider circle!

Two carrots are dancing!

Carrots: We are smart and slim

And, of course, everyone needs...

We are dear and loved to everyone.

If only the teeth were sharper.

No, not just any eater

We carrots are tough...

Children: You Carrots are delicious,

You Carrots are juicy,

You, dear Carrots,

We will eat until spring.

In the yard and at the table

We'll deal with you, we'll chew you up!

Leading: Do you hear?

Onion laughs

And says:


Why are you

Dear friend,

Are you choking with laughter?

Onion: I'm not a carrot

No, I'm mean!

You should try onions -

Tears will flow like a river,

I'm the angriest in the garden!

Children: Don't be angry, Luchok,

Don't worry, Luchok,

We all love onions

Get into the potty.

The soup will be tastier

And the salad is spicy.

We like you -

Get up quickly!

Leading: What a great guy this is

And who is his girlfriend?

This is a fat cucumber

And thin parsley.

Cucumber: I am an excellent cucumber -




I'm finally tired of

Lie on a black bed!

What can you say about her?

Isn't it true, ugly girl?

And the tail?

Longer than a mouse!

Neither give nor take -


Children: Don't be angry, Cucumber,

Don't scold, Cucumber!

We're in a basket

Let's put you down

Well done, why are you a friend?

Did you find something bad?

Isn't it time for you and Petrushka

On the table?

Leading: Here, groaning from the load,

Corn is coming to us.

What do you want, worker?

Corn: I need pouring rain -

The merciless heat exhausted me...

Leading: Children, let's give the vegetables a drink. (Children will perform a round dance “It’s raining on the street”, music by V. Dobrovolsky).

It's raining outside, raining heavily.

Oh, lyushenki, lyuli - on a wide strong one.

He doesn’t sow with a strainer, he waters with a bucket.

Oh, Lyushenki, Lyuli - she’s watering with a bucket.

Waters with a bucket, beats the ground,

Oh, lyushenki, lyuli - they hit the ground.

Leading: Enough rain, perhaps

Our vegetables drank quite!

So that the cloud runs away

Let's call the free wind.

Children: Wind, wind, come on, rush,

Hurry to our aid!

Leading: The sun has come out again and is ready to warm the earth. The vegetables in the garden have grown in order.

Carrot: When there is no rain for a long time, vegetables need to be watered so that they grow and expand, our tender greens are filled with sweet juice.

Leading: Guys! What do our vegetables grow on?

(There is a conversation about how vegetables grow in beds, and beds are made of soil).

Cucumber: Most plants grow on soil. From it we take water and nutrients dissolved in it, which are necessary for life. And plant leaves provide us with food (broths, jelly and porridge).

Turnip: Some soils contain very little of these substances, they are called mineral salts. The plant would be happy to run away from here, but it cannot, since it is attached by its roots to the soil. Vegetables grow slowly and sometimes die completely. Not every garden bed can grow vegetables like these - juicy, large, shiny.

Leading: Vegetables! So what kind of soil do you like?

Vegetables: Dark, loose, soft and moist.

Leading: What else do you need to grow?

Onion: Air, we breathe it, just like you.

Leading: The Sun, Water, Air, Soil grew our vegetables. How did you guys help them?

(The game “Vegetable Garden” is played. Children perform the appropriate movements.)


Follow me, follow me guys

Here's a rake and a shovel,

Let's go to the garden now,

We will take the watering cans in our hands.

We will dig up the black earth,

We’ll quickly arrange the beds,

Let's plant vegetables quickly,

Don't spare your hands.

Hot summer evening

Let's gallop barefoot

Water our garden

They will loosen our garden.


To grow and expand,

Filled with sweet juice

Your greens are tender,

Your greens are tender!


Like ours at the gate

We dug up the garden.

On a green bed

Mysteries have grown.

(The presenter takes out riddles from the garden)

Short, red-cheeked,

Lived on the field, slept underground,

And she got into the house and began to feed us.


She put red cloth on her white body,

Although brightly dressed -

Planted in a dugout.


In the long room

The sisters sat in a row.


red berry,

The berry is delicious

Cut and salt!

Eat and praise!


Leading: Guys! From which bed did we pick these plants? What's growing there?

Children: Vegetables!

Cucumber: Beets, radishes, peas, tomatoes are also vegetables. Vegetables include rutabaga, zucchini, parsley, radish, and dill. All these vegetables occupy a leading place in human food, as they are very healthy. They contain a large amount of nutrients: sugar, starch, proteins and vitamins.

PROVERB: If you don’t grow vegetables, you won’t cook cabbage soup.

Leading: So guys, it’s not just vegetables that are healthy for humans and………..guess it yourself (RIDDLES).


In the heat of the stumps

Many thin stems

Each thin stem

Holds a scarlet flame.

Unbend the stems -

Collecting lights.


What kind of bead is here?

Hanging from the stem?

If you look, your mouth will water,

And if you bite through it, it’s sour!


I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me?


A lush bush of black berries -

They taste good!

(black currant)

IN the berry bite is good,

But go ahead and rip it off:

A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog,

So it’s named......


Red beads hang

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.


What other berries do you know?

Leading: Friends, we can say that berries are small treasures of vitamins. And they also contain many, many other useful substances. Berries appear throughout the summer. It is very important to eat different berries, because each one has something special.

Messages about fruits

Orange: Bright, sweet, poured,

The cover is all gold.

Not from a candy factory -

From distant Africa.


    borrowing from French, and the word came there from Arabic, where banan – “finger”. It can be assumed that the plant received its name from the resemblance of the fruits to the fingers. And the taste... you'll lick your fingers!!!

Grape: Green berries

And praised by everyone;

Grow with bones

Hanging with tassels.

Dried grapes are known in our country as raisin.

By the way, the ancient Romans did not prune the grape bushes at first and the vines rose high, entwining the trees.

And the legend says that a man was taught to prune grapes... by a donkey who once ate a bush. To the owner’s surprise, it was on the plucked part of the bush that the most berries grew...

Pear: There is fruit in the garden,

He's sweet like honey

Blush like a roll,

But not round like a ball -

It's right under the leg

Pull it out a little.

Apple: Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch

Adults love me

And little children.

The apple is mentioned in the ancient legend of Adam and Eve: according to legend, it was the apple, the forbidden fruit, that Eve plucked from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden.

The apple is one of the oldest fruits on earth and grows everywhere.


Now we know that in addition to vegetables, berries and fruits are also useful.

TASK: Who can name the most FRUIT? And how are they useful?

Introduction to vitamins

Leading: You should eat as much vegetables and fruits as possible, because they contain a lot of VITAMINS and other useful substances. Without vitamins a person gets sick!

"Vita" translated from Latin means “LIFE”. There are more than 15 types of vitamins.

A – growth vitamin, increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases, is of great importance for the visual organs. This vitamin is found in butter, milk, sour cream, egg yolks, carrots, and tomatoes.

WITH – the most famous vitamin; With a lack of this vitamin, the walls of blood vessels become fragile, which leads to bleeding gums. The main sources of ascorbic acid are fresh fruits, vegetables, and green berries.

D – increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases, promotes the proper deposition of calcium and phosphorus salts in the bones. Quite a lot of vitaminD in fish oil, in the liver of fish and marine animals.

Vitamin A:

If you want to grow well, see well

and have strong teeth, you need me!

(carrots, cabbage, tomatoes).

IN itamin B:

If you want to be strong

have a good appetite and don't want to be upset

and cry over trifles, you need me!

(beets, cabbage, apples, radishes).

Vitamin C:

If you want to catch colds less often,

be cheerful, recover faster

when you're sick, you need me!

(lemon, black currant, red currant).

Guys, don’t forget to wash your vegetables and fruits well before eating! And why - think for yourself.

Conversation: Why you need to eat a lot of vegetables

and fruits.

VITAMINS play a huge role in nutrition, as they take an active part in all vital processes of the body. However, they are only beneficial when combined with other nutrients.

It should be remembered that an excess, as well as a deficiency, of vitamins is very harmful to the body. Therefore, children should receive a wide variety of foods, a large amount of vegetables, fruits, juices, etc.

Water is part of all organs and tissues, making up the bulk of blood, lymph, and digestive juices. To meet the need for water (50 mg per 1 kg of body weight), liquid dishes must be introduced into the children's diet - tea, milk, compote, soups, as well as vegetables, fruits, berries, juices.

In order for food to be well absorbed, it must be varied, nutritious, properly and tasty prepared. You should always eat at the same time, taking into account the intervals between meals of no more than 3-3.5 hours.

The habit of eating at certain hours promotes good appetite, normal digestion, and prevents the occurrence of various disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Well, our journey has come to an end, I and Antoshka say goodbye to you, but lastly, solve the crossword puzzle.