Library information services for users in new conditions. Innovations in information services for library users. Basic theoretical approaches to BIO

Modern library - search for new models of library

information development

By collecting and preserving documents that record the spiritual and scientific achievements of human civilization, the library is the embodiment of the “memory of humanity.” It is precisely this that allows society to maintain the necessary margin of safety during man-made accidents and social upheavals in order to restore production, social relations and reach a new level of social development after a certain time, thereby ensuring the sustainability of social life. At the same time, the library does not turn into an archive or a warehouse of disparate information. By systematizing, storing and disseminating cultural heritage, it organizes navigation in the world of culture, information and knowledge.

In addition to books, the collections of many modern libraries contain works of art: paintings and engravings, posters and postcards, records, cassettes and discs with recordings of works of literature, music and cinema. Rare and valuable handwritten and printed books, which are the pride of library collections, unique collections of regional and national libraries around the world are classified as objects of cultural heritage.

As a cultural and civilizational phenomenon, the library performs a dual function: it preserves knowledge and culture in the most convenient form for perception, distribution and use. It is simultaneously transformed in accordance with its mission as a forum of ideas:

    treating the reader as a central figure;

    understanding the paramount importance of the humanitarian component of library activities;

    attitude to technology and technology as opportunities to update, expand and improve library services

Until recently, library institutions were defined by the physical space they occupied, the document collections they had at their disposal, and the circle of people involved in them.

The modern library destroys its physical boundaries and moves from real space to virtual space. On the one hand, it offers access to information resources belonging to other subjects of the information space, including those represented on the Internet; on the other hand, it creates electronic information resources (databases, collections of digitized documents, websites and web portals) accessible behind its physical walls. In addition, she is provided with virtual services to search for information and necessary knowledge.

The ongoing social transformations affect libraries so decisively that they change not only the entire system of library work and library resources, but also for the first time raise the question of the “boundaries” of library space and the very foundations of the existence of traditional libraries and their functions. The change in their role is reflected in their relationship with society and individual social institutions, leading to the transformation of professional values ​​of library ethics, the professional consciousness of the library community.

All these phenomena required the search for new models of library development that ensure the viability of this cultural institution as a social institution necessary for society in the context of building an open knowledge society.

Library services are the totality of all types of library activities to meet the needs of users by providing library services.

A modern library aims to satisfy the real problems and requests of its users. Modern library services are focused on the individual, whose dynamically changing needs are based on equal cooperation between the library specialist and the user.

The library in modern society emphasizes the principle of equality of all who wish to use its services. Particularly important in this regard is the activity of public libraries, which preserve and transmit cultural heritage to everyone, regardless of age, social status, race, nationality, religion, place of residence, gender, language and other differentiating characteristics. It promotes not division, but consolidation of society, provides users with a starting minimum of information so that they can navigate society and adapt to it, thereby mitigating social conflicts and promoting their comprehensive development.

Serving readers in the library includes two main types of interrelated activities: documentary and information (issuing primary and secondary documents) and social and communicative (organizing interpersonal communication of readers in the library):

    documentary services,the result of which is the provision of primary and secondary documents to readers (issuance of literature, bibliographic references, information messages, etc.) to readers.

    communication servicesby organizing various forms of interpersonal communication between readers in the library (various types of public events, reading clubs and associations, etc.).

    library services, which are a necessary condition for the implementation of the service process and come in the form of providing readers with various types of convenience and the use of documentary and communication services.

In recent decades, we have seen how library services and the way they are provided have changed due to the rapid development of information technology.

New social and information formations are emerging, ready to offer alternatives to the library - information portals, Internet cafes, technology parks, cultural and leisure centers. Readers are leaving library halls in droves and turning into “remote users.”

The library is particularly vulnerable to changes in communications. The transfer of books into digital format and the creation of powerful electronic storage facilities with remote access can significantly change the needs of society, and the need for libraries as stationary places for reading will disappear.

All this can become a reality if we forget that in addition to the information function, the library must fully support and develop the socializing function, the function of an institution where “resources” are not only collected, but also direct contact and communication of individuals turning to “ knowledge", where training takes place on how to perceive and understand information, where intercultural training is carried out, providing orientation in the complex multipolar world of modern culture. It is important that at the present stage it is not only an information center, but also an intellectual club, a universal social and cultural center.

Today, library services are very diverse: issuing materials in reading rooms and at home, information search and free Internet access, working with legal databases and providing computers for independent work, computer training, listening to musical materials, access to full-text electronic books. magazines, as well as visiting exhibitions, book viewings and presentations, Information Days and Specialist Days, educational seminars, trainings and master classes, interest clubs and excursions. Libraries are truly the center of the local community. And, in addition, additional services: photocopying, scanning, typing, recording information on disks, online interlibrary loan services and electronic document delivery, learning foreign languages.

The development of the Internet has opened up a new level of opportunity for libraries to serve their users. Library websites have become the embodiment of the idea of ​​a modern channel for accessing a variety of library services and information resources.

Almost all major libraries today have well-developed, constantly maintained websites with a multi-level structure. Thanks to rich content, regular updates, thoughtful structure and easy navigation, these are authoritative and reliable sources of information. An indispensable element of the site is information about the mission of the library, its history, departments and services, news, exhibitions, and funds. In general, modern ones act as powerful marketing channels for a wide range of services and convenient “gates” of access to the resources of the global information space.

Internet technologies are also transforming the very forms of reference and bibliographic services in libraries. One of the particularly interesting developments is related to the widespread use of Internet services such as e-mail, which has long become a convenient means of communication. The response of libraries to such widespread development was a new type of service - electronic (virtual) references, or references by e-mail. Increasingly, websites offer this service.

Access to databases becomes an integral part of the provision of services in the library. This is an organized collection of records made using computer technology and standardized in format and content, which is stored in one of the machine-readable modes: on magnetic media, optical disks and other information storage devices.

Modern databases are overwhelmingly provided online and can contain texts of abstracts, magazine and newspaper articles, laws, reports, etc. as well as bibliographic descriptions of books, articles and other printed materials. One of the varieties of such bibliographic databases are electronic library catalogs. There are thousands of databases of various contents and sizes, both publicly available and purchased for a fee.

The modern paradigm of library services is based not only on the use of the document collection of a particular library, but also involves the use of fundamentally new opportunities for accessing information, regardless of the time and location of both the document and the user.

Thus, the purpose of the library is to maintain a balance of traditional, basic values ​​with transformation that does not allow the absorption of books, reading, and existing culture.

Sustainable development presupposes library activities in unity with humanistic values, knowledge, and in harmony with the surrounding social and natural environment. The librarian today is one of the main participants in the implementation of information and intellectual processes and the development of spiritual culture.

The concept of library and information services. Principles, functions, importance of library and information services.

Stationary forms of service (types of subscription, reading rooms, departments of reference and bibliographic services, legal and business information, exhibition work, local history literature, electronic resources, media library, etc.). Non-stationary forms of service (library points. Mobile libraries. Mobile forms of library service: library cars; libraries at public transport stops, in shopping and cultural centers, squares, open areas of the city; book distribution, etc.). MBA, EDD.

Features of library and information services in libraries of various types.

Information service- providing consumers with the necessary information, carried out by information bodies and services through the provision of information services.

The library's activities include all types of information services (bibliographic, documentary, factographic and others).

This allows us to give the following definition;

Library service- this is the activity of the library as a social institution to provide library, bibliographic and information products and services in a variety of types and forms in order to meet and develop the needs of social subjects through library, bibliographic and information activities based on the use of world information resources.

Service is the leading function of modern libraries, which subordinates, changes and directs the work of all departments, as well as the technological processes they carry out, forms the image of the library in the eyes of the population and, ultimately, predetermines its place in society and the sphere of social influence. Basic theoretical approaches to BIO;

1Reading Guidance Theory - Aspect of Analysis - Authors.

2 Propaganda books - aspect of analysis - definitions.

3Reader interests - aspect of analysis - conceptual apparatus.

4 Information needs - aspect of analysis - structure.

5 Typology of readers - aspect of analysis - conceptual framework.

6 Dialogue of BO - aspect of analysis - laws.

7 Reader's personality development - aspect of analysis - patterns.

8. Information culture - aspect of analysis - principles.

9 Socialization of personality - aspect of analysis - functions.

10Psychology and pedagogy - aspect of analysis - goals.

11 Library pedagogy - aspect of analysis - methods.

12 Library services - analysis aspect - history.

13BO technology - aspect of analysis - relationship with other theories.

14Marketing - aspect of analysis - practical value.

BIO functions:

1Social - ideological, informational, cultural, educational, educational. They are determined by the law “On Librarianship” and are implemented through a system of psychological and pedagogical functions;

2.Psychological - value-orientation, cognitive-communicative, emotional-compensatory, recreational, aesthetic, reflexive;

3. Pedagogical - educational and self-educational, educational and self-educational, teaching and self-educational, developing.

The implementation of social, psychological and pedagogical functions in the practical activities of libraries contributes to the achievement of effectiveness in the information socialization of social subjects.

There are different views on the system of BIO principles, their formulation and understanding. The variety of principles, with some clarifications and additions, can be systematized into four groups, each of which includes several more principles:

1. The principle of expediency contains congruence (compliance of BIO with the tasks that society sets for it), relevance, reproducibility, local history approach, social and psychological-pedagogical effectiveness, and economy.

2. The principle of development includes the development of goals, means, methods and technologies of service, information needs of users, information culture of the reader and librarian, information resources and services, library environment depending on the external situation, universalization and specialization, centralization and decentralization in their unity.

3. The principle of democratization presupposes the presence of pluralism (diversity) in ideological, substantive, organizational and methodological aspects; social justice, sovereignty, accessibility of information products and services, their proximity to the user; a reasonable combination in the provision of paid and free services on the basis of equality.

4 The principle of comfort (technological and psychological-pedagogical) is based on activity, communication, community, competence, professionalism, cooperation, corporatism, systematicity, priority, individualization and differentiation, integrity and selectivity, multidisciplinary™.

Organization BIO carried out in stationary and non-stationary forms.

Inpatient services include: subscription (individual and collective, group, functional, sectoral, specialized - by type of document, etc.), reading room (general, designed to meet the various vital needs of library users; specialized, organized to more fully satisfy professional, as well as special needs due to the characteristics of the individual or certain types of documents), interlibrary and international loans.

Non-stationary services include: correspondence subscription, library points, library buses and other types of mobile libraries (ships, trains, planes), book distribution, “book distribution”, brigade subscription.

In modern conditions, virtual service can be spoken of in the same way as out-of-station service based on remote access to information resources using the latest technologies.

Libraries provide readers with the right to free choice, significantly increasing its possibilities. The ultimate goal of library and bibliographic activities is to promote the spiritual self-realization of the individual.

Public libraries serve all categories of the population, taking into account their professional, educational, cultural, leisure and other needs and interests.

In relation to children and youth, they contribute to the development of their skills in rational reading, imagination and creativity, computer literacy, and are also involved in ensuring the educational process and educational activities of the younger generation. Particular attention is paid to readers - teachers.

A significant place in public libraries is devoted to serving such categories of readers as the disabled, elderly and elderly people, and hospitalized patients. When working with this group of the population, it is important to create an atmosphere of friendliness and ease, show a tolerant attitude towards the negative manifestations of aging, take into account the health and well-being of the reader, be friendly and sensitive, and promote intellectual and spiritual communication between older readers and young people.

Such relatively new groups of library users as entrepreneurs, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, farmers, unemployed people trying to retrain, refugees and internally displaced persons have their own specific needs. Differentiated work is carried out with each of the listed groups, which would correspond to the characteristics and capabilities of perceiving information of a particular group.

Communication- interaction of people within the community to which they belong, subject to at least partial coordination of their actions. Communication is also considered as the emergence, establishment, development and cessation of contacts between people in the process of resolving a number of issues related to various aspects of their social activity.

The structure of communication consists of three interconnected parties:

1. Communicative - reflects the exchange of information between communicating librarians and readers. Seen as a goal.

2. Perceptive - means the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding on this basis. Its content can be considered as a psychological condition for the effectiveness of the process.

3. Interactive - consists of organizing the interaction between the librarian and the reader in the exchange of not only information, ideas and knowledge, but also actions. Acts as a means to achieve a goal in satisfying information needs.

In the actual practice of communication in the BIO process, all three parties are closely interconnected.

In communication, it is important to take into account its phases (forms):

1. Incitement to action and focus on the partner.

2. Clarification of the action situation and psychological reflection of the partner.

3. The action itself and informing the partner, receiving response information.

4. Curtailing contact and disconnecting from the partner.

5. Evaluation and reflection of the result of communication.

In general, the communicative act occurs on the basis of mutual direction, mutual reflection, mutual information, mutual exclusion, and mutual evaluation.

There are different styles of communication. We can distinguish the types of interlocutors:

1. Dominant (intended to influence another; tough, assertive, easy

interrupts, raises his voice, does not allow his partner to interrupt him; decisive, easily ends a conversation mid-sentence) and non-dominant (compliant, easily lost, does not allow himself to interrupt another and easily tolerates being interrupted, sensitive to external signs of the interlocutor’s strength, a quarrel weighs on him and frightens him).

2. Mobile and rigid.

The mobile type easily switches from other types of activities to communicating with the interlocutor. Speech is fast, hasty, one facial expression quickly gives way to another. Easily ends the conversation.

The rigid type is included in communication gradually. Listens carefully.

He speaks slowly. He doesn't like to be interrupted. It is impossible to say goodbye to him right away.

3.Extrovert and introvert

An extrovert is inclined to communicate. Where there is no opportunity to talk, he gets bored. He constantly needs a partner. Curious, full of attention to others, but craves attention to himself.

An introvert finds it difficult to engage in real external dialogue. “All in himself”; it is not easy to ask someone else with a basic question; he is not inclined to communicate.

These communication styles most often appear in combination.

It is important to consider other approaches to librarian-reader communication. This is the attitude towards the user in the context of the attitude towards library activities and, conversely, the attitude of the reader towards the library and the librarian; as well as the level of information competence of the librarian and the user in a specific situation of library communication regarding a particular request.

Activities of the library as an educational and educational institution covers all social, age, national groups of people. It does not contain strict restrictions in the choice of forms and methods of pedagogical influence and is transformed in the library process.

Pedagogical technology- a set, a special set of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques and educational means, systematically used in the educational process, based on declared psychological and pedagogical guidelines. This is one of the ways to influence processes development, training And education child.

Heuristic learning- training that aims at the student constructing his own meaning, goals and content of education, as well as the process of its organization, diagnosis and awareness. Continuous discovery of new things.

Sign-contextual(or just contextual) education- a form of active learning intended for use in higher school, focused on the professional training of students and implemented through the systematic use of the professional context, the gradual saturation of the educational process with elements of professional activity.

Project method. In the library and information field it is used in three meanings:

1. is considered as a project activity of libraries aimed at the development and implementation of targeted programs on the most relevant, significant topics.

2. used as a research library method.

3. acts as a pedagogical method in the field of library and information education. Aimed at modernizing the system of training, retraining and advanced training at all levels

Game activity is characterized by processes of conscious organization of the method of carrying out the activity, which are based on reflection and active search actions regarding the content of roles, game functions or plot.

The basis of traditional The library is a documentary collection on paper. Modern telecommunications and electronic technology give the reader access to information resources from all over the world. The introduction of automation in BIO occurs according to the following scheme: acquisition - cataloging and processing of literature - bibliographic services, etc. Computers included in the network of library and bibliographic services automate the registration of readers, reference services, information and bibliographic work; an electronic catalog of current receipts and a retrospective of the auxiliary funds of a number of departments are being maintained, a publishing center has been created, and an electronic reading room has been opened, providing free access to information resources on the Russian and global Internet.

In the practical activities of libraries, solid experience has been accumulated in the implementation of various BIO tools. Among them there are those that are aimed at implementing various functions on a communicative basis.

Related information.

Collection output:


Logacheva Anna Alexandrovna

Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Associate Professor
Oryol State University,
RF, Orel

Svinakova Liliya Sergeevna

4th year student
Oryol State University,

RF, G. Eagle


Anna Logacheva

cand. filol. sciences, associate professor,
Orel State University,
Russia, Orel

Lilia Svinakova

4th year student
of Orel State University,
Russia, Orel


Studying the features of library and information services in a university library is currently one of the priority areas of library science and practice, since obtaining ready-made knowledge, educational, scientific, is very important in the formation of a high level of professional. The purpose of the article is to describe the organization of user services in a university library and determine the prospects for its development.


Study of features of Library and Information Service of University Library is currently one of the priorities of library science and practice, as getting ready knowledge, educational, scientific, very important in the formation of high-level professional. Purpose of the article - description of the service organization by the University Library and the definition of its prospects.

Keywords: library and information services; library user; university library; library structure.

Keywords: library and information services; library user; university library; structure library.

Library and information services are the leading and most important function of modern libraries. Having undergone a long evolution of its historical development, library and information services manifest themselves in different forms. It is service that changes and predetermines the entire work of the library, its direction and quality for all divisions and existing departments. Library service forms its image initially in the eyes of users and subsequently rises and predetermines its place in society.

When talking about library services, it is necessary to give this term a precise definition. “Library services are a set of different types of library activities to meet the needs of its users by providing library services.”

Based on this definition, the purpose of library services is to meet the needs of users through the provision of library services. It is known that in domestic library science the methodology of library services has been developed at a very high level, its goals, principles, content, system have been developed, and the theoretical foundations have also been well developed. The basic principles determine the requirements for librarianship: goals, content, methods, personnel, structure. They originate from the level of development of the library.

What do we see today in the university library? In our opinion, the definition indicated above is quite broad, including a variety of services: individual, group, mass services, work with electronic resources, etc. The library does not always provide such a wide range of services, which is due to its type, area of ​​activity, the volume of funds and the degree of development of the material and technical base.

Our scientific interests are focused on the consideration of library and information services in a university library. As an example, we use the university library of Oryol State University. The university library has not only a rich history, but also a solid material base. Considering the work of this library, it should be noted that currently it is not the quantity of the collection that determines the quality of library service, but the most developed information and library service. For its broadest development, the library has increased its holdings, taking into account that in the modern world the development of electronic media is increasingly gaining momentum. But this does not mean that the university library focuses only on increasing electronic information. A modern user of the Oryol State University library has a wide range of options for choosing the type of information.

It should be noted that the university library has a fairly extensive structure. It is represented by various departments whose activities are focused on library users. These are the department of acquisition and scientific processing of literature, the scientific bibliographic department, the hall of electronic resources, reader service departments, and interlibrary loan (ILA). Of course, the reader has the right to obtain the information he needs in the service departments. But the work of other departments is also aimed at working with information that should be relevant to the user’s request. In the course of analytical and synthetic processing of information, departments form a reference and retrieval apparatus as a means of disclosing the resources of the university’s university library, and also provide reference, bibliographic and information services to faculty, staff, graduate students, and students. Interlibrary loan services enable library readers to use literature from the collections of other city libraries in the absence of the necessary documents in the library collection. MBA serves all categories of university readers. Provides services to readers in the traditional mode (ordering original documents that are not in the collection), as well as ordering copies of documents.

For a student at Oryol State University, library service is a service organization that serves its institution, helps in studying, conducting scientific research, and also in helping to find the necessary information. The target interests of users in a university library are very different. Because a library user is not only a student, but also a teacher or library employee. Some people take books, while others use electronic resources. Considering that the majority of library users are young people under 25 years of age, libraries must take into account their interests and commitment to electronic information. Therefore, the main direction for the development of library collections is the creation of an integrated collection with various types of information. The mission of the library has changed. The thesis: “The library is a foundation” is a thing of the past. The library should develop taking into account the interests of its users

Thus, library and information services are aimed at providing information to users. This can be both traditional media and electronic documents. It should be noted that not only this form of service is typical for a university library. The university library has long been practicing organizing exhibitions - this is also a form of library service. Exhibitions of this kind, dedicated to any significant dates and events, are held by library staff. Exhibitions are visited by teachers, students and library staff. Their themes are “New Year’s card”, “Handmade toy” and others.

Let's summarize. Modern libraries, regardless of their type and type, organize their activities aimed at providing information to users. The forms of this activity are quite diverse. As we were able to establish, the library of Oryol State University aims to provide information for educational and scientific purposes. This work is also complemented by the organization of exhibitions, which can rightfully be considered an addition to the main information, since such exhibitions will be of interest to representatives of various faculties of the university.

Turning to the prospects for the development of university library activities, it can be noted that they certainly exist. With the development of science and technology, new technologies appear and are introduced into practical activities. It seems that with their active use, a university library is able to reach a qualitatively new level of library and information services: receiving, providing and using electronic information. But traditional forms of library services also need to be developed in the university library.


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Service is the visible part of the iceberg, the activity based on the results of which users judge the need and usefulness of a library or information service for them. All other activities (completing SIF, maintaining a spa, etc.) remain hidden from the eyes of users and are perceived by them as auxiliary, and sometimes even as secondary. The main postulate of the service, which is generally accepted throughout the world, succinctly and expressively formulated by the Japanese librarian M. Katogi, was: “the creation of a system that allows anyone to obtain domestic and foreign documents and bibliographic information about them at any time and in any place.”

Satisfaction with the service determines further relations between the library and representatives of various target groups: whether a casual visitor will become a regular reader of a given library or will give preference to alternative sources of satisfying information needs; Will the management of the enterprise consider it necessary to invest in the information service or will it decide to reduce it. The current stage of development is characterized by a tendency to focus on solving problems of improving the quality of service. In this regard, research into the image of the library in the public consciousness, its social relevance and prestige is expanding. To operate successfully in the future, the library must “find itself again,” update the organizational structure, improve staff qualifications, improve its image, and establish partnerships with other structures. At the same time, the emphasis is on studying the communicative space of the library, which is formed during the implementation of communication policy - the purposeful activities of the organization to establish and maintain favorable business relationships with users and with its own staff. For the creation of internal communications is an indispensable condition for the formation of an organizational culture, which not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also determines the success of its functioning and survival.

The ultimate goal of library and information services is to help meet the information needs of members of society. The famous German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920) drew attention to the fact that the main thing in social life is “expectation”, i.e. orientation towards a response. So, when we come to a store, we expect that we will be able to make the necessary purchases there; When visiting a library, the user expects to receive the necessary information. The librarian must know the user's expectations. If the user expects to receive a book or certificate, but it turns out that the required book or information is not available, and the librarian was rude, the user asks the question why such a library is needed. Not to deceive the user's expectations, to satisfy his information needs, to make information accessible to him - this is one of the most important social functions of libraries. This function is carried out by the library through maintenance and provision of services. If any of the library services is not fulfilled, a problem arises in library and information services for users.

Libraries remain today the only open, accessible institution where a person’s educational and self-educational needs can be satisfied free of charge. This issue becomes especially important in connection with the social stratification of society. And it is no coincidence that the majority of readers are people of low income: students, state employees and pensioners. However, some modern libraries today are too actively involved in providing paid services, while forgetting their free purpose. Such problems exist, unfortunately, in Russian society today. And these problems of library and information services for all categories of library users today need to be solved, primarily at the state level. On November 23, 1994, the Federal Law on Library Science 1 was adopted (1 The Law on Library Science was adopted in our country for the first time. Since 1984, only the “Regulations on Library Science in the USSR” have been in force. In recent years, regional laws on library science have been adopted). The law establishes, in particular, such a norm as the priority of the rights of citizens in the field of library services in relation to the rights in this area of ​​the state, any of its structures, public associations, religious and other organizations. The rights of library users to receive free information about the availability of a specific document and to receive consulting assistance are emphasized. For the first time, the rights of such groups of library users as national minorities, the blind and visually impaired, persons who cannot visit libraries due to old age and physical disabilities, and users of childhood and adolescence are highlighted. The responsibility of library users is also established. On September 23, 2009, the Law “On Library and Information Services for the Population of the City of Moscow” was adopted; it significantly expanded the number of free services provided by libraries. Among them are demonstration of electronic resources, searching for information in reference and search sources, and a number of others. The law pays special attention to the information function of libraries, along with their educational and scientific-educational functions. Thus, the document not only consolidates the library system that exists today in the capital, but also reflects the vector of its development: the transformation of libraries from “simple” book depositories into information centers. The Law “On Library and Information Services for the Population of the City of Moscow”, unlike many regional legal acts, does not duplicate the federal law “On Librarianship”, but solves the problem of expanding user rights in a metropolis based on the modernization of city libraries, the introduction of modern technologies for serving readers, the creation new system of library and information services for the population of Moscow “Bibliogorod”. Without reducing modern problems in the field of library services, the law “On library and information services for the population of the city of Moscow” indicates that library and information services should be accessible both to citizens of the Russian Federation and to foreign citizens and stateless persons. Availability of services is ensured by the availability of libraries, the creation and government support of the city’s library network. A list of services provided by state public libraries free of charge has been determined. In particular, services are provided free of charge for issuing for temporary use and reading documents from the library collection, searching for information in a reference and retrieval apparatus, displaying electronic resources, etc. The provision of documents to disabled people on special media is guaranteed. In addition, persons who cannot visit libraries (elderly people, disabled people) are given the right to correspondence or home-based services at the expense of the city budget.

However, when a person visits a library, he comes there not only to get a book or an electronic storage medium. The library was and still is a place that personifies culture at any level, gives a person the opportunity to break away, to move away from what oppresses him: from political contradictions, financial problems. People need small islands of spirituality in the sea of ​​today's indifference and indifference. They help you live. And it is no coincidence that if a reader came to the library in childhood, he does not part with it until old age, and his children and grandchildren follow him. Thus, library and information services are an open, multi-level library subsystem for providing a variety of information services, user-oriented. Therefore, the functioning of this subsystem is associated with monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of the market of real and potential users, their needs and expectations, research of the development of information, cultural and educational services in the region and the state of the user environment within the library, analysis of the quality of services provided by the library itself, their compliance with needs users. To ensure this and solve all the existing problems in the field of library and information services to users today, it is necessary to carry out competent management of library services. Library services management is the set of processes by which authorized persons support and direct these activities to meet the needs of users. Consequently, in order to competently produce library and information services and competently manage them, it is necessary not only to be guided by the interests of users, although they are undoubtedly a priority, but also to follow the code of professional ethics of the Russian librarian.