Biography of Valeria Lukyanova: photo with her husband, video before and after surgery. The real “Barbie” Valeria Lukyanova before and after plastic surgery, or Who is Amatue Valeria singer had plastic surgery

Every year there are more and more people trying to stand out from the crowd and gain popularity on the Internet. Many are ready to even make serious changes in their appearance for this. One of these girls who decided to resort to the services of surgeons is Valeria Lukyanova before and after plastic surgery.

Valeria Lukyanova biography

  1. Valeria Lukyanova was born in Tiraspol on August 23, 1985. In her young years, the girl was interested in music and also loved to bake. When Valeria was still very young, her parents separated.
  2. However, soon her mother was able to remarry. From her second marriage, the woman had three more children.
  3. As she got older, Lera tried to enter a local university and get a higher education. In the end, she succeeds. But the girl never managed to complete her studies.
  4. One of the main reasons for this was the passion for night parties and drinking alcoholic beverages. Even then, Lukyanova was extremely popular among her peers and stood out among others.


Then Valeria Lukyanova was in search of herself. She never wanted to live the life of an ordinary person. She was not interested in typical values, endless work, and family life.

She wanted something different. As a result, all this led to serious changes in her appearance, thanks to which she gained success on the Internet.

Her life changed in the first half of the 2000s. It was then that she posted her first photos in the guise of the famous Barbie doll. Then she was able to repeat this image thanks to skillfully applied cosmetics, as well as thanks to her figure.

Even then, her first fans began to appear, the number of which is increasing every day. No one could remain indifferent when they saw this on their screens.

First successes

Valeria tried not to stop there and regularly improved her image. Once, in 2007, she even managed to take part in a Ukrainian beauty contest.

To her own surprise, the girl won a triumphant victory on it, beating numerous competitors.

But general fame came to Lera only in 2012, when her photographs penetrated the media. The girl was nicknamed Barbie from Odessa. Later, information about it also began to appear in the West.

Plastic surgery

It’s easy to guess that to achieve such a result, Lukyanova repeatedly had to go under the surgeon’s knife. So fans became actively interested in information about what kind of operations the girl had done.

If you compare her old photographs with new ones, it is not difficult to guess that there were quite a lot of operations. Now Lera bears little resemblance to herself ten years ago.

But the girl herself denies the fact that she has repeatedly changed her appearance. The only thing she doesn't hide is her breast enlargement. The thing is that once in her youth she began to actively lose weight.

Having lost extra pounds, she began to weigh about forty. Valeria was happy with almost everything about her figure, except for her small breast size. As a result, this led to an increase of two sizes.

After this, Lera’s figure finally became ideal. Its parameters can be the envy of any popular model. However, the figure became this way not only because of the operation, but also thanks to numerous hard workouts in the gym.

But experts say that it is almost impossible to achieve such an atypically thin waist with fitness alone. To do this, it seems to them, Lukyanova removed several lower ribs.

  • There is also an opinion that the girl did not stop there either. To achieve doll-like facial expressions and similar facial features, Valeria could change the shape of her eyes, the shape of her nose, and also pump up her lips.
  • But she herself denies any of the above operations. As a rule, Valeria Lukyanova claims that she achieved everything herself and did not resort to the services of plastic surgeons after breast augmentation. Believe her or not, it's up to you.

other hobbies

For fans of Barbie from Odessa, it is no secret that the celebrity devotes a huge part of her life to spiritual practices and meditation. She is also interested in the technique of entering the astral plane.

What do you think about Valeria Lukyanova? We are waiting for your comments.

People call her Odessa Barbie; she calls herself Amatue.

We are talking about Valeria Lukyanova, a girl who attracts the attention of Internet users with her unusual appearance and striking resemblance to the American Barbie doll.

She considers herself an unearthly being, and people consider plastic surgery performed on the girl.

Who is Barbie Girl

The avalanche-like spread of information about Valeria Lukyanova on social networks and the media began after a 2012 publication in Jezebel. The collection of video clips received tens of millions of views, and the photos on Facebook pages received hundreds of thousands of “likes.”

Russian television did not pass by, the American fashion magazine “V” invited Valeria to a photo shoot and interview. The Barbie girl is an aspiring model, according to her, she is constantly trying to pay attention to her spiritual qualities, Amatue writes and performs songs in the new age style.

However, those around and Internet users are mainly attracted by Valeria’s unusual appearance.

Valeria Lukyanova is a well-known personality in the world of Russian television and show business. Like many other famous personalities, the girl is closely watched not only by fans, but also by ill-wishers.

On television and on the Internet especially The impressive changes in Valeria’s appearance after plastic surgery are being eagerly discussed, taking into account the important share of the artificial factor of her current beauty.

Photos before and after plastic surgery and numerous cosmetic procedures are of interest to many people who want to know the truth about how such unimaginable, one might say “honed”, “beauty” is obtained and how much does it cost?

What did the star look like before surgery and did all the operations that an unbiased society attributes to her really have been done?

Valeria Lukyanova is a Ukrainian model before and a girl with an extravagant appearance after plastic surgery and the pseudonym “Amatue”, who became known throughout the post-Soviet space due to her resemblance in appearance to a Barbie doll. She constantly publishes various photographs, which pleases a considerable army of her fans.

In 2007, the girl won the title “Miss Ukraine”, and in 2013 she participated in a photo shoot in New York, at the same time, a British magazine releases a film dedicated to “Barbie Girl”.

Interestingly, Amatue itself opposes comparisons with the famous doll. She claims that she has nothing in common with Barbie, but simply has the perfect body and face!

Valeria also has the status of a singer, performing works in the New Age style.

At the moment, the girl is married to Dmitry Shkrabov, although she opposes the “family lifestyle” and so far categorically does not want to have children.

According to her own statements, the girl adheres to an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, eats liquid food, plans to switch to completely eating solar energy, devotes a lot of time to spiritual development, is interested in esotericism and is interested in “exiting the astral plane.”

Photos before plastic surgery in childhood and adolescence

It is clearly noticeable that Lukyanova’s current image is significantly different from the previous one, as can be seen in the photographs before and after plastic surgery.

Many of the girl’s acquaintances claim that she has changed a lot after the procedures performed, but all the changes were exclusively for her benefit.

Similarity of external data with the mother

Valeria's appearance, her natural beauty, was influenced by heredity, so she looks decent both before and after plastic surgery. The model's facial features are very similar to those of the mother, with the exception of the nose, although many sources argue that the model's nose was changed using rhinoplasty.

Valeria also inherited her mother’s figure—the thin waist of both can be seen in the photographs. Therefore, surgery to remove ribs is a very controversial issue - Valeria herself claims that it’s all about heredity, proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Plastic surgery of the living Russian Barbie Amatue

The young girl completely denies any surgical interventions or plastic surgery, except for breast augmentation. However, judging by the photographs before and after a certain period of time, changes in appearance become visible in too much contrast.

The full list of Valeria’s proposed operations looks like this:

  • breast enlargement;
  • rhinoplasty;
  • blepharoplasty;
  • plastic surgery of cheekbones;
  • lip shape correction;
  • liposuction;
  • removal of ribs.

There is no direct evidence of all the operations, and people’s opinions differ - some idolize the girl with the nickname “Amatue”, others speak negatively, claiming that all this is the result of surgical interventions and Photoshop.

Rhinoplasty. Photos before and after

One of the obvious and most successful operations attributed to the girl is rhinoplasty. If we compare photographs of Valeria Lukyanova taken before and after plastic surgery, a quite significant difference is noticeable - in the “before” photographs there is a hump on the girl’s nose, and it itself is somewhat wider than in the “after” photographs.

Surgeons working in plastic surgery confirm this operation by analyzing photographs of Barbie and identifying some features present on the girl’s nose.

Upper blepharoplasty. Photos before and after

Eye reshaping is another surgery that is the subject of much debate. Some believe that the result of the surgical intervention is obvious - Valeria’s eyes have become much wider and more expressive. However, their opponents argue that such a look can be achieved without resorting to surgery, but by mastering the technique of applying makeup and using lenses.

There is no direct evidence of the operation, but experienced specialists are inclined to believe that surgery actually took place. After a while, the girl’s eyes began to look too unnatural and “doll-like.”

Cheiloplasty. Plump lips. Photos before and after

Many sources refer to the fact that Valeria is a professional in applying makeup, so she did not undergo cheiloplasty. There are also arguments that the girl had quite plump lips as a child, and there was no point in enlarging them even more - then her big eyes would be lost against their background.

However, there are several arguments proving Valeria’s lip enhancement surgery:

  • Valeria Lukyanova's lower lip before plastic surgery is much thinner than after;
  • The upper lip began to look more raised, and its center moved closer to the base of the nose;
  • The shape of the lips was corrected, cheiloplasty made them “heart-shaped”.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an innovative product for obtaining smooth, moisturized, and porcelain-like skin.

Valeria Lukyanova denies the use of Botox and hyaluronic acid before or after plastic surgery, citing exclusively proper nutrition (the model now eats liquid food) and a healthy lifestyle.

Indeed, various sources provide arguments that Valeria’s lifestyle can contribute to such unnaturally smooth facial skin: she often goes to the mountains, carefully looks after herself, and has eliminated all negative effects on the body.

However, some experts still argue that injections of Botox and hyaluronic acid are commonplace for the model.

Cheekbone plastic surgery

Another operation that was performed on the Instagram star was cheekbone plastic surgery. Here, too, opinions differ. Fans claim that the change in the shape of Valeria’s face is the result of professional makeup.

However, experts provide more compelling arguments:

  • The “infantile” swelling of the cheeks, which could be noticed in Valeria Lukyanova before the plastic surgery, disappeared after;
  • The oval of the face has become more elongated - this cannot be achieved with makeup;
  • The shape of the face became “unnaturally correct”, with a sharp, “doll” chin.

Breast augmentation. Valeria Lukyanova

There is no doubt about the operation to enlarge the mammary glands - the girl herself admits this. On social networks, she justifies this operation by saying that it was necessary to “balance the body and improve the image” - the model wanted to emphasize her thin waist and hips.

Valeria also expresses regret that she did not make a size larger - at the moment her bust is increased by only 2 sizes.

Removing ribs

Since childhood, the model from Odessa had a thin waist, but in recent photographs the girl appears before viewers with an unnaturally thin figure. The public immediately had a question: did Amatue undergo plastic surgery?

As mentioned earlier, Valeria denies surgery related to the removal of ribs. She claims that she exercises constantly, maintains a strict diet, and has good heredity.

This is true - Valeria’s mother also had a slender figure, but for the Ukrainian model it became too thin. Experienced surgeons claim that such a “wasp” waist cannot be achieved naturally.

Some sources say that the girl went to China to have her ribs removed, but there is no direct evidence of this.

It is also worth knowing that the recovery period after such plastic surgery is very painful; after some time, scars and scars appear that require repeated surgery - was Valeria ready for such a sacrifice? Remains a mystery.

Now the Instagram star's waist is 47 cm.

Living Barbie Valeria Lukyanova and her Ken

Valeria was nicknamed the “Living Barbie Doll” in the media, but the girl herself speaks negatively about this nickname, focusing only on her beauty. And this is understandable, because comparison with Barbie makes the Ukrainian model only an echo of the famous doll, and not a real, independent and original person, which Valeria strives to be.

“Ken” of the famous Odessa model is the owner of a construction company - Dmitry Shkrabov. Although it’s difficult to call him “Ken” - he is an ordinary person with an absolutely normal appearance.

According to “Amatue,” her husband does not restrict her freedom in any way, is not jealous of the army of fans and declarations of love, and is not against the fact that the girl posts her candid photos online.

The spouses are constantly together, travel a lot, and live in harmony and mutual understanding. According to one version, their marriage has lasted for 10 years.

Cost of doll appearance

To become noticeable in this world, you need to stand out with something. This is what Valeria Lukyanova did, turning into a “doll”. Although the fact of all the alleged operations has not been proven, their cost comes down to tens of thousands of dollars. The Ukrainian model was lucky, and all these operations (if they took place) were paid for by her husband Dmitry.

If we take into account all the proposed operations, we get approximately the following cost:

  • Breast augmentation – about 200,000 rubles;
  • Rhinoplasty – about 200,000 rubles;
  • Blepharoplasty – about 100,000 rubles;
  • Cheek surgery – about 10,000 rubles;
  • Correction of lip shape – about 20,000 rubles;
  • Liposuction – about 100,000 rubles;
  • Removal of ribs – from RUB 300,000.

The amount is not small. You should think twice before spending so much money to achieve the “doll” look.

Valeria Lukyanova before and after plastic surgery: video

The first video introduces the living doll Valeria Lukyanova and demonstrates her appearance after plastic surgery:

A selection of photos of Valeria Lukyanova before and after plastic surgery for comparison:

Valeria Lukyanova, before and after plastic surgery, had an attractive appearance and a slender figure. We can say with confidence that the girl herself considers her body ideal, and has achieved enormous success and popularity not only in her native country, but also abroad.

“Odessa Barbie” by Valeria Lukyanov gained fame due to its resemblance to the popular American toy. She herself claims that her chiseled face and fragile figure were inherited from birth and have nothing in common with those of a doll. But many are sure that the girl owes her artificial beauty more to plastic surgeons than to her parents.

Read in this article

What was Lukyanova like before the operations?

Valeria creates an aura of mystery around herself. But the general public knows that she was born in 1985, lives permanently in Odessa, and travels a lot. There are also photographs of Lukyanova, where she is still a child and a very young girl. Her face and figure are very different from what can be seen after the transformation:

  • The nose has a fairly wide back and a hump. Its tip is quite wide and massive.
  • Valeria’s lips, even in childhood photos, are much thinner than after operations. Their form was also different.
  • The face has more rounded outlines. The chin is less pronounced than it is now.
  • Breast size is approximately one. With the overall slimness of the figure, a small tummy is noticeable. The girl's arms and legs look fuller, and the difference between the waist and hips is not so pronounced.

In a word, Valeria Lukyanova was a rather attractive girl with a Slavic appearance, a simple face and not very skillfully adjusted eyebrows. It is unlikely that she would have been able to become a model, but men clearly liked the future Internet star.

Did “Odessa Barbie” have plastic surgery?

Valeria Lukyanova once let slip only about one aesthetic operation. But when journalists began to inquire about the reasons for all the changes in appearance, the girl became withdrawn and completely stopped answering questions about it. Lukyanova also forbade herself from being photographed. And she explained her doll-like beauty by saying that she began to lead a healthy lifestyle and lost weight.

At first glance, the newfound slenderness of Valeria’s figure and the change in the oval of her face can be mistaken for the results of the raw food diet that the girl adheres to. But features appeared in her appearance that could not be attributed to weight loss. They could not have arisen without plastic surgery.

The reasons why Lukyanova began to undergo surgery

Judging by what is known about Valeria’s youth, the girl was not only fond of the Barbie doll and considered her the ideal of beauty. Although this was partly the reason for improving his appearance. Lukyanova was interested in esotericism, wrote poetry, music, and released an album of her own songs. She needed the public's attention, and it was easy to attract it with her unconventional appearance.

In addition, the girl conducts seminars on esotericism and spiritual practices. And a ticket to the event costs 5,000 rubles.

What interventions were carried out

Judging by the changes that occurred in Lukyanova’s appearance, at different times the girl did:

  • . The intervention caused perhaps the most significant change in her face. The surgeon removed the hump, made the bridge of the nose thinner, and the tip more graceful and shorter.
  • . They became taller, clearly sculpted. The infantile swelling of the cheeks has disappeared, and the oval of the face is visually elongated. Now he looks unnaturally correct, with a pointed, small chin, like a doll's.
  • . This is the only intervention that Valeria once rashly admitted to. But here it would be stupid to deny the presence of implants. The girl's breasts acquired at least size 4, became impeccably round and high.
  • Cheiloplasty. The operation to correct the lips made them much larger, the center of the upper one is now raised closer to the base of the nose. The lower one has at least doubled in size.
  • Manipulation by. During this complex operation, a pair of lower ones are shortened, resulting in an incredibly thin waist. Valeria says that she has not undergone such an intervention. And her waist is the fruit of efforts in the gym and a healthy diet, and this part of the body looks very elegant against the backdrop of lush hips and breasts. But a circumference of less than 50 cm indicates surgery.

There is debate about whether Lukyanova had her eye shape corrected. In childhood photos, their outer corners are lower than they are now. Many people also notice that Lera’s eyes have become larger. But you can correct the congenital feature and increase their size in other ways, not only with plastic surgery.

To see what Valeria Lukyanova looked like before plastic surgery, watch this video:

What else did Valeria Lukyanova do to change her appearance?

“Living Barbie” looks like a doll not only thanks to operations. There are signs indicating that the girl:

  • I did. helps Lukyanova keep her skin fresh, moisturized, smooth, as if it were porcelain.
  • I injected fillers into my lips. Cheiloplasty changed their shape, making them “heart-shaped”. But it is preparations with high-density hyaluronic acid that help lips become so plump and seductive.
  • Carried out. There are no wrinkles on Lukyanova’s face at all, it looks absolutely smooth and inactive. There are even no folds characteristic of young faces, and yet she is already over 30 years old.

It's not just the injections that make her skin look porcelain. You can see a thick layer of foundation, concealer, and blush on it. But Lukyanova does not hide cosmetic tricks from people. On the contrary, she generously shares her art on the Internet. And the girl claims that only makeup helps her make her face doll-like, that is, as she believes, flawless.

Valeria Lukyanova has become the ideal of beauty for some. Other people believe that she ruined what nature gave her. The girl herself lives in harmony with herself, does not care too much about what people say.

Useful video

To find out who Valeria Lukyanova is, watch this video: