Biological year chart. Annual biorhythms. The period of recovery is your main biological month.

And yet, each of us has an even more magical date for beginnings, our own starting point - our birthday.

It is from this moment that our personal (or biological) year begins. Like the calendar, it is divided into twelve months, and you need to count them like this: for example, you were born on May 3, which means your first month is from May 3 to June 2, and your last month is from April 3 to May 2.

Our body lives its biological year in a certain rhythm - ups alternate with downs. During the ascents, we are, of course, energetic, cheerful and therefore lucky. And during recessions, we are lethargic, irritable, passive and commit many unsuccessful, often even stupid, actions. Moreover, if you go against biorhythms and, overcoming yourself, work hard in the “bad” months, you run the risk of developing depression and even getting seriously ill.

"Bad" months

It's second and twelfth. Those who complain about “useless vacations” often have a birthday in late summer or spring. They should take vacations during the “bad” months. True, it will be boring, but it’s still better than overload at work. Now let’s figure out what exactly is bad about the second and twelfth months. The second biological month is usually remembered by people prone to obesity as a period of complete helplessness in front of their own nature, a time of inglorious fall under the onslaught of tasty temptations. As a result, by the third month the unfortunate ones arrive noticeably fatter.

There is no need to be indignant at fate: the body is not just capricious - it accumulates energy resources. And it would be nice to help him in this noble cause. It is in the second biological month that you should start taking vitamins and change your diet, for example, include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Any spa treatment is also useful. During this period, try not to make large purchases - the likelihood of careless mistakes increases.

The twelfth biological month is the time to take stock. If in the second month it was necessary to “freeze” to accumulate physiological energy, now we are immersed in “passivity” to accumulate mental strength, what is called “vital stimulus”, “the will to win”. This period is especially important for representatives of creative professions: those who, during the twelfth biological month, try with all their might to force themselves to create an “imperishable” thing, risk simply breaking down. Many talented people, just a month before their birthday, decided to commit suicide or became victims of “unconscious suicide,” as psychologists call a heart attack or a car accident... However, ordinary, not brilliant, citizens should learn to behave correctly during this critical time. period to avoid depression and other mental problems in the future. What should you do?

It is advisable to occupy yourself with work that does not require much stress, have a good rest alone, and re-read your favorite books. Think about the meaning of your existence, about life’s tasks and goals, about the reasons for failures and how you won in a duel with Fortune. During this period, the programs of fate are “tuned” to correct mistakes - we now have the power to turn defeat into victory.

"Good" months

These are the first, fifth, sixth, tenth and eleventh biological months. As you can see, light stripes are more common in life than black ones. There is reason for optimism! When the imaginary hand of our “biological clock” passes these happy divisions, we feel an increase in efficiency, our mood improves, many things come easy, as if luck is grazing somewhere nearby. Moreover, each “good” month is good in its own way and each is successful - for a specific business.

The first biological month - the body seems to be renewed, the defenses work “to the fullest”, even inexorable statistics are forced to admit that in the first month after the birthday, heart patients experience attacks less often than on other days. However, we often lose this fruitful time because we get too caught up in the birthday celebrations! As a result, we spend the first month of the personal-personal year in a state of unrest - sometimes drunk, sometimes hungover, sometimes too cheerful, sometimes collapsing from fatigue and not wanting to see anyone. And nature doesn’t like it when its gifts are thrown away. Having “cut off” the “slide” of the active month in this way, you will have a harder time surviving the second, “bad” one, and accumulate little strength. And then, lo and behold, the year will be spent at random. Meanwhile, the first month opens up one “magical” opportunity for us. Based on the first twelve days, you can predict your entire coming year, and you can even “program” it. Keep a small diary for these 12 days. It is not necessary to celebrate events - describe only the emotional tone of the day: whether it was happy or sad, successful or not so successful. Then it will be interesting to see the coincidence of the months lived with the first “newborn” days. And such a diary will help you plan your affairs, for example, on the eighth day you fell ill - try not to start important matters in the eighth month of your personal year - your health may let you down.

But on the fifth day - you looked at yourself in the mirror - hurray! The makeup and hairstyle turned out especially well. This means that in the fifth month, plan meetings with friends, vacations, entertainment - you will look your best! Start each day of this “control” twelve-day period with a smile - and the year will pass smoother and more pleasantly. You need to be especially careful, as you may have guessed, to live the second and twelfth days of this “mini-year” - the prototypes of the corresponding months.

And a few words about the kids. Observe the newborn during the first twelve days of life. If an attentive mother records the baby’s behavior and well-being during this starting period, it will not be difficult for her to predict and prevent many problems in the baby’s first year of life. Moreover, his biorhythms are just being adjusted, so it is on these days (and especially on the second and twelfth) that it is especially important for the baby to feel the support, affection and warmth of the mother.

The fifth biological month is usually remembered if it occurs during vacation or holidays. If you want to tickle your emotions with a holiday romance, go on vacation in the fifth biological month, even if it falls on a completely “non-vacation” period. It’s good to take care of children at this joyful time - you will get a lot of pleasure. And if you are a creative person, clear a place next to you for the Muse: this anemone loves to visit in the fifth biological month.

The sixth biological month is the busiest month. Even routine, at other times deeply disgusting things still burn in your hands.

The tenth biological month awakens healthy ambition and slightly dulls self-criticism. This combination contributes to the appearance, even in the most quiet and reserved, of that confident to the point of insolence facial expression with which it is good to go to the boss - for example, to demand a promotion. And if you spend the tenth month on vacation, you will puff yourself up in vain, hang out in friendly companies, and everything will be in vain.

The eleventh biological month allows us to make useful connections; we become active in communication and inquisitive.

If you want to make new friends, use the eleventh month to go to a resort, on an excursion, or on a camping trip - where it is easiest to make new acquaintances.

This month is also good for planning - outline the prospects for the next year, outline professional milestones, major purchases, set goals that you will strive for in the new year.

The remaining months of the biological year are “neutral”; they do not significantly affect the annual biorhythm.

The calendar year, as we know, begins on January 1, but it turns out that each person has his own “biological clock”, which starts from the day of his birth. Biorhythmology is a whole science that studies daily, weekly, monthly, and annual human biorhythms. Today we will talk about human biorhythms in different months.

Life “in stripes” - periods of recession and recovery

The biological year, like the calendar year, is divided into 12 months, and you need to count it like this: for example, if you were born on April 8, then your first biological month is from April 8 to May 8, and your last is from March 8 to April 8.

And during the biological year, each person experiences periods of ups and downs that occur during his biological months. Human biorhythms in different months of the year alternate with periods of decline or rise, and this depends on the biological month.

Periods of recovery, when you are active, feeling good, everything is going well for you, and all things are going up, the months are counted: the first, fifth, sixth, tenth and eleventh.

Periods of decline, when you are passive, give up, don’t want to do anything, coincide with only two biological months: the second and twelfth.

It's nice to know that there are more periods of growth during the year than recessions =).

How to live during a recession

Life, as you know, is striped; white stripes alternate with black ones, and it’s nice to know that there are significantly fewer black stripes.

Now you know when to expect slow periods and can plan your life so that they pass more easily and smoothly.

For example, in the second biological month, when the body seems to be inactive and accumulates energy resources, you need to help it with this.

  1. The first thing you need to do is change your diet, switch to a lighter and more balanced diet with an emphasis on vegetables and fruits.
  2. Secondly, you should not overload yourself with work and play sports with great zeal.
  3. Third, during this period any health procedures using medicinal products will be useful.

In the twelfth biological month, which comes just a month before your birthday, the body behaves somewhat differently - it goes into “passive” mode to accumulate vitality. Therefore, depression falls on you, vital motivation drops, and a bad mood appears more often.

During this period, you should alternate work with mandatory rest, in order to fully restore your strength, you need to retire more often, maybe even more, read, analyze, because it is during this period that the psyche is tuned to self-study, to finding answers to life’s questions, to adjusting your future.

The period of recovery is your main biological month.

During periods of recovery, especially in the first biological month, the body is renewed, protective forces work for it, and many even chronic diseases release a person during this period. In the remaining good months - the fifth, sixth, tenth and eleventh - there is an increase in creativity and productivity, activity and self-confidence. During these favorable months, it is good to plan things, set goals, and establish useful acquaintances and connections.

The remaining months of the biological year are neutral and they do not have a special effect on the body’s biorhythm.

The main thing is not to go against your biorhythms and not to overwork during the bad months of the annual cycle, so that chronic fatigue syndrome does not appear and

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Biological year

A person's birthday is the point at which one biological year ends and the next begins. The whole year is divided into biological periods. It’s like in nature: spring is rebirth, summer is blossoming, autumn is maturity, winter is decline.

So here it is the first one and a half to two months after the date of birth comes the rebirth of a person. During such a period, a person is usually in a state of trance. He doesn’t understand who he is and what he is, everything is interesting to him and seems to be new. He often smiles to himself, lost in his thoughts.

When the heyday comes (from 3 to 6 months), a person is at the point of his highest activity, trying to redo everything he started, conceiving many new things. He does not feel tired, forgets about hunger, rest, sleep. He is always in a good mood.

Time of maturity (7th - 9th months)- a kind of calm. There is no longer such a desire to redo everything that was started and conceived, careful introspection begins, a feeling of peace, satisfaction, and awareness of reality appears. It is at this time that everything that is done is thought through and subsequently completed. Most people consider themselves happy during this period.

From 10th to 12th month the period of decline begins. At first, people begin to get tired quickly, frequent mood swings are noticeable, and everything around them begins to irritate. Later, a desire appears to change something in your life or appearance. A person begins to think about the meaning of his own life and about life in general. There is a feeling of uselessness, some kind of melancholy. I want relaxation, tranquility, and I want to be in nature more often. This condition is getting worse every day.

However, in some people these periods appear very clearly, while others hardly notice them. And if one person, at the end of his biological year, declares that he no longer has the strength to move, then the second says: “It seems that it’s time for me to go on vacation.”

In general, observing the movement of the biological year in the lives of people around us is very interesting. It seems like a whole book could be written about this. Also, knowing your biological periods, you can correctly plan any important matters.
It is best to get a new job or start a business project during the period of maturity. It's reliable. And under no circumstances during a period of decline! But it’s better to plan something during the prime period, when a huge number of different ideas are ripening in the brain.

Try to plan your vacation either during a period of revival or during a period of decline. Just remember that the first time, you’ll hardly remember anything about it later. Everything that happens will seem unreal, a foggy dream. And lastly, try to be less stressed and irritated by those around you.

Sections: School psychological service


In recent years, interest in human health has increased sharply. Problems of psychological well-being and physical health of teachers and students in educational settings are relevant today. Teachers are representatives of a stressful profession and have extremely low health indicators, so for most teachers the issue of maintaining health is an acute issue. Schoolchildren also experience constant stress during the learning process. The weakened state of the body needs correction. This correction can combine medical and non-traditional methods of strengthening and restoration, and can be based on an individually selected regimen.

In my research work, I examined the influence of periods of the biological year on a person’s mental and physical health. As a result of the research work, individual graphs of biorhythm changes were constructed and recommendations were formulated for the prevention and restoration of the body’s protective functions.

Purpose of the study: study the influence of the biological year on the morbidity of the body.

Specific tasks:

  • Study theoretical material on biorhythmology;
  • Investigate the influence of periods of the biological year on the morbidity of the body;
  • Construct and compare the graph of the biological year and the morbidity graph of the human body;
  • Develop preventive recommendations;
  • Analyze the results obtained.

Subject of research: morbidity of the body.

Object of study: biological year.

Hypothesis: A person's mental and physical health depends in part on his individual biological year.

Research methods: archival, conversation, observation, graphic research.

Duration of the study: three years.

The study was carried out from the position of a personal approach to the interpretation of biorhythmology, developed in the works of G.A. Malakhov and Candidate of Medical Sciences I.P. Chkalova.
Research work on the topic “The influence of periods of the biological year on the morbidity of the body” was carried out over three years (2001–2004).

Stages of work:

  • Preparatory stage 2001–2002
    • studying theoretical material;
    • formulation and understanding of the problem;
    • development of preventive recommendations.
  • Practical stage 2002–2003
    • healthy lifestyle training;
    • organization of psychological and preventive support of the educational process.
  • Analytical stage:
    • analysis of the results obtained;
    • correlating them with the goals of the experiment;
    • generalization of the progress and results of the experiment.

The following methods were used in the experimental and practical work: archival, conversations, observation, graphic research, seminars, psycho-gymnastics, trainings. 40 people took part in the experiment, including 15 teachers and 25 students.

Preparatory stage

Having studied the theoretical material on the topic: “Biorhythmology”, authors: Chkalova I.P., Candidate of Medical Sciences, and Malakhov G.A., we learned that each person, depending on his birthday, has his own birthday during the year, unique to him. the period of biological “summer”, “autumn”, “winter”, “spring”, and they do not always coincide with the characteristics of the seasons of the year. The fact is that from the beginning of a person’s birth and throughout his subsequent life, he annually experiences his four biological seasons. In the first half of the year from the date of birth, the body gains strength: energy reserves increase, as well as immune protective adaptive forces and the process of self-regulation improves. In the second half of the year there is a reverse process of reduction in bioenergy and other processes. The schedule was developed by the Moscow Scientific and Methodological Rehabilitation Center “Meridian”. Based on these data, the medical records of the experiment participants were reviewed and analyzed. Based on the diagnostic results, individual graphs of seasonal diseases and morbidity graphs of the biological year were constructed. A comparison of the graphs showed that for many, especially people over 35 years of age, a deterioration in well-being actually occurred when the sinusoid of the biological year reached the “cold phase,” i.e. was between “autumn” and “winter”. From a conversation with the participants in the experiment, we received the following data: both schoolchildren and teachers at this time experienced worsening chronic diseases, decreased performance, drowsiness and apathy towards everything that was happening. Many experienced depression and their academic performance dropped sharply. If we take into account that a person’s biological year can coincide with the seasonal one, i.e. in the spring, when the lack of vitamins in the body and physical exhaustion manifest themselves in full force, many of the participants in the research work are forced to go on sick leave in order to maintain their health. Naturally, for these people the schedule of the biological year and the seasonal year completely coincided.

All participants were familiarized with the results of the research work. Everyone received recommendations on how to maintain their health during the most dangerous periods of their biological year. This period is the transition of the body from “summer” to “autumn” and “winter”. During this period, it is advisable to reduce, if possible, all physical and emotional stress, and monitor proper and nutritious nutrition. To restore performance, it is recommended to use sea buckthorn, rose hips, black currants, and greens. For fatigue, use golden root, ginseng, eleutherococcus. Try to be in the fresh air as often as possible, communicate with pleasant people, attend trainings, and a sauna.

Practical stage

Theoretical seminars and workshops were conducted on mastering selected technologies and forms of education, studying problems and phenomena related to education and health maintenance that arise and may arise under experimental conditions. The health results of the experiment participants were monitored. Individual conversations and consultations were conducted.

To organize psychological and preventive activities, a psychological relief room was opened, medicinal raw materials were prepared (the participants themselves helped), trainings were developed to relieve mental and physical stress, and audio cassettes with music were selected. Participants in the experiment learned how to perform acupressure to relieve mental stress, increase and decrease blood pressure, etc. If desired, everyone could visit the sauna and swimming pool (the trips were organized by the chairman of the trade union committee).

During recess, teachers and children could drink tea, which was brewed with medicinal herbs, and play outdoor games. During the lesson, physical education sessions were required to help relieve eye fatigue, musculoskeletal fatigue, and psychological stress. Subject teachers were given recommendations on psychological support for schoolchildren participating in the experiment. We tried to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards (sometimes the thermal regime was disrupted due to the operation of the local boiler house).

A repeated sample was made from the medical records of teachers and students, illness diagnoses from sick leave certificates and certificates for 2002–2003. Based on the results of this sample, individual graphs of seasonal diseases for 2002–2003 were constructed. Analysis of these results showed the effectiveness of psychological and preventive activities. The number of sick leaves decreased by 10 per year (from 50 to 40), school certificates from 35 per year to 23. I think this is a good result. It should also be taken into account that many of the participants in the experiment did not suffer from colds, sore throat or flu during the cold season.

From a conversation with the experiment participants, it turned out that all of them conscientiously followed the psychologist’s recommendations when their biological year was approaching the most dangerous phase “autumn”, “winter”. Participants who had the same seasonal season as “winter” and a dangerous phase of the biological year tried to limit all physical and mental stress. Live an active, healthy lifestyle. We attended a sauna, entertainment programs, a nap during the day, self-massage, and auto-training. Unfortunately, chronic diseases worsened during the off-season, but these exacerbations were not as painful as before.

Analytical stage

Preserving the mental and physical health of teachers and schoolchildren is one of the main tasks of our school. It is important to build the educational process harmoniously, without disturbing the balance in the body, and not at the expense of health reserves.

One of the possible ways to organize a health-saving educational process is psychological support for teachers and schoolchildren.

While studying the dynamics of the health of children and teachers in our school, we drew attention to the relationship between seasonal diseases and a person’s biological year. In order to confirm the hypothesis, graphs of the biological year (annual cycle) and graphs of seasonal diseases were constructed for all participants in the experiment, and not only sick leaves were taken into account, but also simply poor health, mild malaise, etc. Graphs of seasonal diseases were constructed twice (the first time at the preparatory stage, the second time at the final stage of the experiment).

Analyzing the results obtained and comparing the dynamics of the health status of the participants, we conclude that by the end of the experiment the number of days of poor health of the participants decreased. They tried to follow all the recommendations of the school psychologist (daytime sleep if possible, phytovitaminization, attending psychological trainings, self-massage, swimming pool). All participants in the experiment were also able to improve their mental and physical condition during the dangerous periods of their biological year “autumn” and “winter”. Many people have a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, especially since this does not require large material costs.

Teachers and children were able to reveal their hidden reasons for not feeling well at certain times of the year. Each of them can now easily create an individual schedule for their biological year, mark the most dangerous periods for their body and outline ways to improve their well-being. When planning educational activities with students, teachers can take into account the individual biological year of the child, which will make it possible to work fruitfully with him.

Thus, the set goal is “To study the influence of the biological year on the morbidity of the body”, was completed.

The hypothesis “A person’s mental and physical health partly depends on his individual biological year” has been proven.


  1. Malakhov G.P. Biorhythmology. OA “Komplekt”, 1996, pp. 58–68.
  2. Chkalova I.P. Newspaper “Family” 1996
  3. Verzhitsky G.A., Dobrynina O.A., Balakireva N.I.. “Development of the student’s personality in a modern school” - Novokuznetsk: IPK, 2000, pp. 113–115.
  4. Magazine “Peasant Woman” 1990, pp. 22–23.
  5. Nemov R.S. Psychology, book. 3: Experimental educational psychology and psychodiagnostics: – M.: Education: Vlados, 1995, pp. 10–23.
  6. Basics of a healthy lifestyle. – Novokuznetsk: IPK, 2001, pp. 19–23.
  7. Scientific and practical magazine “Head of Principal” for school administration. No. 5. 2002 p. 31–34.
  8. Medical records of teachers and students.
  9. School documentation.
  10. Aibolit. Newspaper. Founder and publisher of Kavkazinterpress Agency LLC, 2003 No. 17, 18, 20, 24.