Pet battles are legion. Pet battle in WWII - guide. How to get new pets

A short guide to battle pets. Description of passive bonuses, pros and cons of each type of pet. This small guide to combat pets will reveal some of the nuances of the combat system.


Once you reach level five, you will have the opportunity to take on the quest Learning the Basics, after completing which, battle pets will be available to you. You can pick up the quest in any capital from a pet trainer.

Battle Pet Trainers:

  • Audrey Burnhep - Stormwind.
  • Varzok - Orgrimmar.
  • Narzak - Razor Hill (Durotar).
  • Marcus Jensen - Goldshire (Elwynn Forest).
  • Nalin - Bloody Hoof Village (Mulgore).
  • Valina - Dolanaar (Teldrassil).
  • Will Larsons - Lor "danel (Dark Shores).
  • Grady Bunnson - Kharanos (Dun Morogh).
  • Lane - Azure Outpost (Azure Haze Island).

From the battle pet trainer you will learn not only the ability to use pets, but also receive one racial pet. All pets you tame will be available to all characters in the same account area. But no more than 500 pets per account.

Catching a pet is quite easy. To do this, one of your pets must reach level 3, for a total of 25 levels. Enable tracking of battle pets on the minimap. As soon as you locate the green paw icon, congratulations, you have found your first battle pet. All that remains is to right-click on it and start the battle. Now the interesting part, you will start the fight. You need to lower the enemy pet’s health below 35%, then the “Trap” ability will become active.

Types of pets

There are a total of ten types of pets in the game. Each of them has a passive bonus and various advantages and weaknesses to other types of pets. Read more about the types and their weaknesses in the table below.

Pet type: Dragon– when the target’s health drops below 25%, then during the next round the dragon deals 50% additional damage.
  • Pros: causes increased damage to Magic pets, good protection against Flying pets.
  • Cons: causes reduced damage to Undead, poor protection against Humanoids.
Pet type: Flying– increases the movement speed of flying creatures by 50% while they have more than 50% health.
  • Pros: causes increased damage to Aquatic pets, good protection against Animals.
  • Cons: causes reduced damage to Dragons, poor protection against Magical pets.
Pet type: animal– animals get rid of control effects faster.
  • Pros: good protection against Elementals, deals increased damage to Undead.
  • Cons: poor protection against Animals, causes reduced damage to Humanoids.
Pet type: Mechanism– once per battle, the pet comes back to life with 20% health.
  • Pros: good protection against Magic Pets, causes increased damage to Animals.
  • Cons: extremely defenseless in battle with Elementals.
Pet type: Animal– Deal 25% more damage if their health drops below half.
  • Pros: good protection against Humanoids, causes increased damage to Animals.
  • Cons: poor protection against Mechanisms, causes reduced damage to Flying pets.
Pet type: Humanoid– if humanoids dealt damage this round, they recover 4% of their maximum health.
  • Pros: Deals good damage to Dragons and good protection against Beasts.
  • Cons: Deals poor damage to Animals and poor protection against Undead.
Pet type: Undead– killed undead come back to life for one round.
  • Pros: Deals good damage to Humanoids and good protection against Dragons.
  • Cons: deals poor damage to Aquatic pets, poor protection against Animals.
Pet type: Magical– pets of this type cannot receive more than 50% damage in one attack.
  • Pros: Deals good damage to Flying pets, good protection against Aquatic pets.
  • Cons: Causes poor damage to Mechanisms and weak protection against Dragons.
Pet type: Elemental– insensitive to all weather effects.
  • Pros: ideal in battle with Mechanisms, increased damage and increased defense.
  • Cons: weak protection against Aquatic pets, causes low damage to Animals.
Pet type: Water– The duration of damage over time effects for aquatic pets has been reduced.
  • Pros: good protection against Undead, deals good damage to Elementals.
  • Cons: poor protection against Flying pets, causes reduced damage to Magic pets.

A pet's strength depends not only on its typical advantages, but also on its basic characteristics. Quality is one of the basic characteristics. In addition to quality, there is health, strength and speed. But it is quality that determines how high the basic characteristics will be. It turns out that the higher the quality, the higher his strength, health and speed will be. It may seem that searching for a “quality” pet can be quite a tedious task. This is why I advise you to use the Pet Battle Quality Glow addon, which will determine the quality of the pet for you.

As you and your pet gain levels. You will meet entire teams of battle pets. In a battle with such a team, you will find out about the presence of two other pets at the very last moment. That’s why it’s so nice to start a battle with one, and end up fighting with a team of two or even three pets. But who said that life in Azeroth is easy and beautiful?

Advice: before you rush into battle with a wild pet. I advise you to find out what type of creature it is. Select a team of types with typical advantages and the correct passive bonuses. You will have to select abilities to your taste, since hundreds of combinations of abilities, passive bonuses and standard advantages are possible. Therefore, it is difficult to choose one universal strategy.

Tips and Tricks

  • A pet that has a high movement speed will start each round first. You can find out who will start the battle first by the golden window around the pet’s portrait.
  • All battles are turn-based and there is no time limit, but many players do not know this, so it is worth using a psychological attack in a personal chat. Let him make his move faster, time is running out!!!))
  • Some pets have their own buffs and debuffs that will continue even if you switch between pets.
  • You can change your pet during a fight, but changing your pet makes you vulnerable. Don't abuse this.
  • Living creatures are partially healed after the battle in which they took part.

Experienced pet trainers

As your experience in battle increases, you will have an increasingly better chance of defeating the Great Pet Tamers. But first, you should try your hand at “Experienced Pet Tamers”

Immediately after learning the skill of catching pets from your mentor, you will have access to a chain of quests in which you need to fight several battles with several experienced tamers in different locations. Only after this can you “push” the great tamer. From now on the task will be daily. Naturally, the main reward in such battles are blue, rare pets. It’s for this reason that it’s probably worth trying your hand at wonderful pet battles.

Good day, dear WoW fans. There are not very many mini-games in World of Warcarft, and today I would like to talk about how to become successful in one of them, namely Pet Battle.

This is a turn-based mini-game in which you will have the opportunity to raise your pet and increase its level up to 25. Along with increasing the level, its skills and abilities will improve, and you will receive new opportunities. Now you don’t have to be bored for a long time waiting for a Raid or BG, just start taming the little animals of Azeroth. Although for those who strive for achievements, there is also something to do in this mini-game, it will appeal to every player.

Let's start from the beginning

First of all, you need to find yourself a trainer in order to become a master in Pet Battle. For the followers of the Horde, the great trainer has prepared a task right in Orgrimar. For those who are fans of the Alliance, the respected one himself will come up with something in Stormwind, dear to his heart.

Pet Battle can only be learned when you have reached level 5. And it will cost absolutely nothing, about 10 gold coins. Along with the battle, you will be taught how to independently track your pet on the minimap, which will significantly help the game and make it easier to control.
If you have not yet purchased your racial pet, you can also get one from your trainer.

Let's look at the list of racial pets:
Dwarves and Gnomes they can buy themselves a "", which will be sold in Ironforge, for only some 20 silver coins.
Draenei buy " " from in Exodar, paying off 50 silver.
People bought from " " (Bombay cat), in Stormwind, for 40 silver coins.
Worgen will buy "" in Darnassus for 50 coins.
Night Elves- "" in the same Darnassus, only at , for 50 silver.
Blood Elves must go to Silvermoon City for "", which costs 50 silver coins.
Goblins They will buy " " from Orgrimmare for 50 coins.
Orcs and Trolls get "" for the same 50 coins in Orgrimmar.
Tauren buy " " from on Thunder Bluff for 50 silver.
Forsaken in the Undercity they will buy "", its price is still the same 50 coins.
Pandaren buy "" from in Varzok for 50 silver coins.

It is worth noting that almost all of these animals are available from Vendors, in faction capitals or near them.

Your trainer offers to buy only his own pet, destined by fate, but if you wish, you can purchase any of them by traveling around the world, or spending a fair amount at an auction. The choice is yours alone.
Immediately after you learn the pet battle from the trainer, the first slot in your pet log will open. In order to always have one or several active pets at hand, you just need to move them from the list of available ones to a free slot. Two additional slots will become available immediately after you complete the tasks "", and then "".

You can go to conquer pets, but first, you need to return to the trainer, who will give you a whole chain of quests. This will teach you how to resurrect dead pets. This is a very important ability, only with the help of it can you replenish the vitality of your pet, or resurrect it if by chance you lost it.

Having learned to treat and restore pets, you can consider yourself almost completely ready for adventures in the wild and scary world of Azeroth, where danger lurks around every corner.

The ability to track wild, untamed pets will allow you to find out which are available for battle and which are not. By turning on the minimap display and getting as close to the pet as possible, you can see a green paw. The paw can only mean one thing - you can capture the pet or engage in battle with it.

By selecting a pet and moving it to the corresponding empty slot, you get the opportunity to give battle to your opponent. All you have to do is get closer to the animal, which is glowing with a green paw, and right-click on it. If during the battle someone attacks you, the battle will be interrupted immediately. Now, armed with knowledge, you are completely ready for battle.

If suddenly, when you click on a pet, absolutely nothing happens, check if there may be obstacles between the object and it, such as boulders, ditches, buildings, and the like. This can serve as an obstacle, so it is best to engage in battle on a flat surface.
While you are in battle, all the creatures around you will become invisible to you, but you will continue to be an object of attack and a tasty morsel for them. Other players will also probably be interested in a character standing idle, because for them you are also a convenient target, but they won’t see the pet you’re fighting with.

The user interface in pet battles will provide the ability to see the enemy’s health, abilities, stats, spells, as well as your own health. The interface provides the option to surrender, change pet, end the battle, and capture a pet.

To more accurately determine whose move is first, you need to compare the speed indicator of the enemy and your pet. The one with the higher score will go first.

Each pet is given the opportunity to use 3 different abilities that it can use during battle. And the total abilities given to the pet are 6. The initial slot for spells is unlocked immediately during training. The second and third slots will become available gradually, upon reaching a certain level. all other spells and skills will become available in the arsenal as the pet’s level increases. Each slot will have two spells, the choice of which one to use is up to you. But you can switch them immediately before, or after entering battle, in the midst of battle; such a function is not available. In order to switch abilities, simply drag the skill to a free slot or replace the one that is currently there. If you hover your cursor over an ability, a window will appear with a hint about what type of pet it is best used and used against. In addition, you have the opportunity to track all the attacks and behavior of the enemy in order to get a picture of the tactics of his battle, which will make it clear which of your pets and which of his abilities will bring the best result.

Pet fighting is a turn-based game and in PvE there are no time restrictions for a round. The time available to you can be used to determine the optimal use of a spell or ability. Only your warrior's instincts and knowledge of tactics, as well as experience, will allow you to develop the best plan on how to defeat pets of a certain type the fastest and with the least losses. If you see that your pet is exhausted, or is completely unable to fight the enemy, you can change it to another active one right in the middle of the battle. Pets are considered active by default, those that are in your journal in one of the three available slots. After the battle, you can easily change or reorganize the team of pets, according to your preferences or if your pet has lost a lot of health or died.

With each battle that you and your pet win, he gains experience. This is equally true for all pets that were involved in the battle. But those pets that die will not receive experience, therefore you need to try very hard to save the animal’s life, for example, by replacing a wounded animal with another, healthy one. If the enemy is of a much higher level, then the experience will be significantly higher, but get ready for a fierce life-and-death battle.

Having tamed or captured a pet, you will get much less experience than if you defeated it in a fair fight. So if it is important for you to quickly increase the level of your pet, then first fight and kill enemies, which will give you much more experience, and you will still have time to capture and tame it.
Opponents who have a serious level advantage have their own team of pets. But you can see how many of them are on the enemy team only after the battle has already begun. In order to win such a battle, you will have to defeat absolutely all opponents, even those who have just joined.
After each pet battle, each companion regains 50% of their health lost in the heat of battle. But if their health is very low, or worse, their lives are lost, they can be restored in several ways.

Let's look at several ways to bring your pets to their senses.
First way:
Resurrection of battle pets.

Resurrection is the main method of healing and restoring the lives of pets. If you press this spell, then all, without exception, pets in your journal will be resurrected, just like the active team of animals itself. This skill is only used before or after a fight and has a cooldown of a full eight minutes, so try not to pointlessly poke at it, so as not to have to regret it later.

Second way:
Resurrection by the Stable Keeper.

This type of resurrection or healing is used when you need to heal or resurrect a dead pet, and Resurrection is on cooldown. It is at such moments that the Stable Keeper comes to the rescue. For a small fee, at your request, the Stable Keeper will calmly cure or completely restore the dead pet. This resurrection has no cooldown. And the Stable Keeper can be found in all cities of Azeroth.

Third way:
Bandages for battle pets.

If Resurrection is just on reboot, and there is absolutely no trace of the Stable Overseer nearby, then you should use Bandages for battle pets. Unfortunately, they cannot be crafted, but only obtained from the Bag of Pet Products. These bags can be obtained by fighting Tamers, the most advanced and powerful pets, who are each located in their own location. Bandages, while acting similar to Resurrection, are good because they do not have any kudaun.

Pet families (types or species)

Each pet belongs to a family, of which there are exactly ten. Let's provide a list of these families:
. Dragon
. Humanoid
. Flying
. Undead
. Animal
. Magical
. Mechanism
. Elemental
. animal
. Water

Accordingly, each animal, which belongs to different families, has different pros and cons. This is necessary to know precisely because then you can plan all your attacks and setup in advance, without receiving sudden defeats.

Strong pet attacks will increase damage by 50%, while strong defense will reduce it by 33%. You need to specifically select which pet abilities will help in the fight against certain combinations.

In addition to the fact that pets are classified by family, they are also divided by type. In most cases, they will have exactly the same abilities that are inherent in his family, although some pets have completely unique abilities that are shared by several groups.
You can give an example of the Azure Dragon, which belongs to the Dragon family. In addition to his “native” dragon skills, he also has magical, elemental and animal abilities. By purchasing such a cute pet, you can be more prepared for battle with strong opponents and feel much more confident.

Capturing wild pets

Most of the pets you meet in the vastness of Azeroth can be captured and tamed by you. that is, almost any animal is ready to come over to your side, subject to certain conditions. To tame a pet, you must first engage in battle with it. when his life level drops to more than 35%, you can use the “Trap” skill, which, with such a turn of events, should light up.

It must be firmly remembered that using the “Trap” ability takes an entire round. In addition, if the enemy in battle is not one, but a team of pets, you will still be able to tame only one of them. Therefore, it is advisable to think carefully about what kind of animal you need right now.

If you are a true collector collecting wild pets, do not forget that their health level should be reduced to 35%, so try not to use strong spells and skills after the enemy’s life has dropped below 50%, so as not to accidentally kill him.

It is also worth knowing that not all pets that fight against you in the team can be tamed, although most of them are easy to tame and can be very easily caught in a trap. To check whether the animal you are interested in can be tamed, you need to look in the pet journal to see if it can become your faithful companion in the future. If there is no information in the journal, this means only one thing - evil fate has prepared this beast for death at your hand, and, alas, it is not capable of being tamed.

There is also the possibility that your trap will not work, and the snare will be left without prey. But the good news is that with each failure, the danger of failure becomes less and less. If your pet, like a hare, jumps away from the trap you set, this can only mean one thing: you need to take away a little more vitality from it, since it is not exhausted enough to submit to fate and obey its owner.

When you capture a pet, you must remember that its level will decrease by several points. For example, when you capture a pet from level 16 to 20, it will lose one level upon capture. If he has from 21 to 25 levels, then the loss will reach 2 levels.

In the same way, when receiving various achievements, you better stock up on a large number of “Traps”; using them, you will receive a new, improved trap. Such a unique thing will increase the chance of catching an animal every time not by 20%, but by as much as 25%.

If in a battle against a team, the animal was captured by you, but you did not achieve victory, the pet will immediately receive freedom, and it will not be on your team.
Pets vary in quality; they are low, common, unusual and rare.

There are also epic pets, but if you don’t take into account advertisements, there is only one such pet in the game, and this is the Hyacinth Macaw.

PvP pet battle

If collecting and PvE are not your thing, then you can participate in PvP. In this mini-game this is possible in two ways. With the help of LFG, and also by participating in the Pet Duel. This battle is different in that it has a certain time to complete a move, and if it is not met, then the move passes to the enemy. You can find the desired fight in the magazine, where there is a special function.

I would like to add that strategy and tactics, of course, remain at the choice of the player himself; it is difficult to give advice here. The most important thing is to level up several teams with a diverse set of pets. This will help you choose the right team for each specific case. And, of course, try to involve all members of your team in the battle, this will give you more chances of winning.

Let's finish here, good luck with your game and good mood!

Hello, dear Mmoboom readers! Today we will talk to you about how to become successful in one of the few mini-games in World of Warcarft.

Pet Battle is a turn-based mini-game with which you can increase the level of your pet to 25 and thereby improve it, tame the small wild inhabitants of Azeroth and just have a good time while waiting for a Battle or Raid. In addition, for lovers of achievements there is also a reason to take a closer look at this, at first glance, a children's game. All in all, Pet Battle has something to offer almost every one of us!

Let's get started

First, to become a pet battle master, you will need to find a trainer. Audrey Burnhep for the Alliance fighters is located in Stormwind. Varzok for Horde followers lives in Orgrimar.

To learn how to fight pets, you need to reach level 5. It will cost you 10 gold. Also, along with this skill, you will get the ability to track your pets on the minimap.

From the trainer you can also get your racial pet if you don’t already have one.

Here is a list of all available racial pets. Please note that many of these animals are available from Vendors located in (or near) faction capitals.



Draenei Pet: Yellow Moth Egg
Sold by: Sixx
Price: 50 silver
Dwarves and Gnomes Pet: Bunny Cage
Sold by: Yarlin Yantarlen
Price: 20 silver
People Pet: Cat Cage (Bombay Cat)
Sold by: Donnie Antanya
Price: 40 silver
Night Elves Pet: Great Horned Owl
Sold by: Šilenai
Price: 50 silver
Worgen Pet: Gilnean Raven
Sold by: Will Larsons
Price: 50 silver
Blood Elves Pet: Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling
Sold by: Gilanna
Price: 50 silver
Goblins Pet: Shore Crawler
Sold by: Matty
Price: 50 silver
Orcs and Trolls Pet: Black Kingsnake
Sold by: Xan\"Tish
Price: 50 silver
Tauren Pet: Brown prairie dog
Sold by: Nalin
Price: 50 silver
Forsaken Pet: Undercity Cockroach
Sold by: Jeremiah Payson
Price: 50 silver
Pandaren Pet: Jade Crane Hatchling
Sold by: Audrey Burnhep, Warzok (Pandaren only)
Price: 50 silver

Despite the fact that the trainer will only offer you to tame a pet of his race, you have the opportunity to buy them all, but to do this you will have to either travel around the world or spend money at an auction.

After learning the pet battle skills from a trainer, you will have access to the first slot in your pet journal. To have active combat pets you just need to select a pet from the list of available ones and move it to the free space under the available slot. You may also have access to two other slots after completing the Newbie and Cute Baby achievements.

But before you go to conquer pets with your little animal, you will need to approach the trainer again. He will give you a small quest chain that will teach you how to resurrect pets (Resurrection). This spell is important because it is one of the few abilities that will fully restore your pet's life and resurrect it if it dies.

Once you've learned how to heal your pets, you're pretty much ready to venture into the wild world of Azeroth (and beyond!).

The ability to track wild pets will allow you to understand which ones are available for battle and which ones are not. If you have the mini-map display turned on, then when you approach your pet at a fairly close distance, you will see a green paw. If such an icon appears, it means that you can engage in battle with the animal or capture it.

If you have chosen your active pet (moved it to an empty slot), then you have the opportunity to give battle to the enemy. To do this, simply go to the animal with a glowing green paw and right-click on it. That's it, you're in battle. By the way, if someone attacks you during a pet fight, you will immediately fly out of it. Also, you will not be able to start a pet battle if you are in combat.

If you click on your pet and the battle does not start, check if there are any obstacles between you, such as boulders, buildings, etc. It is best to engage in battle on a flat surface/ground.

Throughout the entire battle, the creatures around you will be invisible to you (but they can still attack you), as well as the players (who can also attack you). However, players will not be able to see the pet you are fighting against.

The pet battle UI will show you your abilities, your opponent's health, your health, stats, and spells. Also available in the interface are the functions “surrender”, “capture pet”, “end battle” and “change pet”.

To understand who will go first, just compare the speed of your pet and his opponent. Whoever has the most speed makes the first strike.

Each pet has 3 abilities that it can use during battle. In total, your pet has 6 abilities available to you. The first spell slot will be unlocked immediately when training pet battles. The second and third slots will be available upon reaching a certain level. The remaining spells are also unlocked upon reaching higher levels. Accordingly, each slot has two spells to choose from, but you can switch them only before and after the battle itself. That is, during battle, switching is not available. To switch these abilities, simply select the one you need in the magazine and drag it to the available slot. When you hover your cursor over an ability, a tooltip will appear that will tell you which type of pet this ability is more effective against. In addition, you can monitor your opponent’s attacks to understand which of your pets is stronger against a given type of opponent.

Pet battles are a turn-based mini-game and there are no time limits per round in a PvE battle. You can use the time available to you to determine which spell is most appropriate to use at that moment. Be creative and experiment with which combinations of attacks are most effective against which type of pet. If your pet's health becomes very low or your pet is not strong enough for the enemy, then you can always change the active pet right during the battle. Pets are considered active if they are in one of the three available slots in your journal. Once the match is over, you can always change your active pet team. This is very useful if one of your pets is low on health or even dead.

Each battle won accumulates experience for all pets participating in the battle. However, dead pets will not gain experience, so efforts must be made to keep them alive by replacing injured pets with healthy ones. The amount of experience directly depends on the level of your opponent. Therefore, if you defeat a higher level pet, you will receive more experience than defeating a low level enemy, but you must be prepared for a tough fight!

Keep in mind that if you tame (capture) an enemy, you will receive significantly less experience than if you defeated him. Keep this in mind if you want to level up your pet as quickly as possible.

High-level opponents most often have a team of pets. However, you will only be able to see all opponents after entering the battle. To win such a battle you need to defeat the entire opposing team, even the newly joined pets.

After each pet battle, any injured companion will automatically restore 50% of the health that was spent during the fighting. But if the pets on your team are low on health or, worse, dead, then you have several ways to restore your companions.

  1. Resurrection of your battle pets. This will be the main way to heal/revive your pets. By clicking on this spell, absolutely all companions in your pet log will be resurrected, including your active team. This skill can only be used outside of combat. Plus, it has an eight-minute cooldown, so use it wisely.
  2. If a pet dies during a battle, you will not be able to summon it either during the next battle or as your companion. However, if your Resurrection is on cooldown, you can always turn to the Stable Keeper. He will be able to resurrect/heal your pet for a small fee. This type of pet restoration has no cooldown. You will find Stable Keepers in major cities of Azeroth.
  3. Resurrection on cooldown? Is there a Stable Keeper nearby? Then the last method is for you.
    Battle Pet Bandages are a third way to heal your pets after a grueling battle. Unfortunately, bandages are not crafted, but drop from the Bag of Pet Supplies. These bags are obtained for defeating Tamers (the most powerful participants in the pet battle are scattered each in their own locations). Bandages work in the same way as resurrection, but have no cooldown.

Families (types)

Each pet belongs to its own “family”. There are 10 types of pets in total. They are shown in the picture below.

Each animal belonging to a particular family has strengths and weaknesses. This information is useful to know because then you can plan your attacks and setup in advance.

The table below shows which type of pet is stronger or weaker against another type. Strong pet attacks increase damage by 50% (base damage x1.5), while strong pet defenses reduce damage by 33% (base damage x0.66)

Along with the classification by family, pets are also divided by type. For the most part, pets will have spells specific to their family, but some pets have unique abilities that fit into multiple groups.

For example, the Azure Dragonling belongs to the Dragon family. Despite the fact that he has Beast, Magic and Elemental abilities (in addition to Draconic). Having such a pet in your collection, you will be more prepared to fight a strong opponent. The table below can be used to determine which ability should be used or deferred when fighting a particular opponent.

Capturing wild pets

Most battle pets you encounter in Azeroth can be captured and tamed by you. To grab a pet, you need to get it to 35% health and then use the Trap ability when it's on fire.

Remember that using this ability takes one round. Additionally, if you have a team of pets against you, you can only capture one of them, so choose wisely.

If your goal is to collect wild pets, then remember that you need to get them to 35%, so do not use strong abilities when the pet's health level drops below 50%.

Not all pets that oppose you on your team can be captured. However, most of them can still be caught in a trap. The best way to check if a pet can become your new companion is to check in your pet journal. If the desired companion is not in it, then the pet cannot be captured.

Remember that there is a chance that the trap will not work. The good news is that with each failure, the likelihood of an error will decrease. In some situations, if the enemy jumps away from the trap, this will mean that you need to knock down their HP a little more.

I would like to note that when you capture a pet of a certain level, it will lose a certain amount of levels.

Also, when you receive the achievement You'll have to stock up on traps, you will receive an upgraded trap, which, if unsuccessful, each time increases the chances of being caught by 25%, instead of 20%.

  • If the pet is level 16-20, it will lose 1 level when captured.
  • If the pet is level 21-25, it will lose 2 levels when captured.

I note that if in a battle against a team of pets, you captured someone and then were defeated, then the captured pet will be released, therefore you will not receive it. So remember: to get a pet, you must finish the fight with a victory.

Pets are divided into 4 types based on quality.

  • [low]
  • [regular]
  • [unusual]
  • [rare]

Of course, there are also [epic], but there is only one such pet (not counting advertising ones) - this is the hyacinth macaw.

These qualities affect the pet's stats. Rare ones have more health than common ones, etc. Also, rare pets level up faster.

To determine the quality of the pet you want to capture, it is enough to register one macro when entering the game, which will give you information about the pets you are going to fight with.


/run hooksecurefunc("PlaySoundKitID", function(Q) if Q==31584 then for i=1,C_PetBattles.GetNumPets(2) do SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(C_PetBattles.GetName(2,i).." — ".._G ["BATTLE_PET_BREED_QUALITY"..C_PetBattles.GetBreedQuality(2,i)]) end end end)

You only need to run this macro once!

PvP pet battle.

If collecting wild pets and PvE pet battles is not for you, then you will find yourself in the PvP component of this mini-game.

There are two ways to participate in PvP battles:

  1. Pet Duel

To enter into battle against a random player, just click the “Find battle” button in the pet log. The queue will automatically match you with an opponent with the appropriate pet level.

The only difference between PvP battles and PvE is that in PvP there is a time limit per turn. If you don't have time to click on any ability, you miss a turn.

Pet fighting strategy

That's all. Good luck in your battles!

UPD: Added link to pet cards, extra. information about traps, extra. information about buffs and debuffs.
Special thanks Dikay Panda for the idea:*

Throughout the game, your character is accompanied on endless adventures by your faithful non-combat pets. There are probably dozens of completed companions in your collection that you adore, and you are still continuing to add to your collection. Either way, you love your little animals, robots, birds and other pets... and Mists of Pandaria brings them to a whole new perspective - as battle pets.

This guide is dedicated to combat pets in World of Warcraft.

Where to start?

There are a few requirements that you need to meet before you can start leveling yourself up as a Battle Pet Master in WoW:

1. Your character's level must be above 5.
2. You must learn the spell Battle Pet Training, which will allow you to train and train your battle pets, conduct battles with their participation and track down other pets. Training costs 80 gold and applies to your entire account. Battle pet trainers Audrey Burnhep (Stormwind, 69.25) and Varzok (Orgrimmar, 52.58) will help you train your battle pets.
3. You must have at least one combat companion to participate in battles.


The interface for pets and mounts has changed dramatically in the Mists of Pandaria expansion. You can access it by clicking on the corresponding icon on the panel or by pressing the standard key combination SHIFT + P.

By clicking on the “Transport and Pets” button or pressing SHIFT+P, a window with your transport and pets will open.

If you go to the “Pet Atlas” tab, a window will open in front of you where you can see how many pets you have collected, achievement points in pet battles, a special “Resurrection” button for resurrecting and completely healing your pets, and so on.

Forward to battle!

After familiarizing yourself with the interface and selecting the desired companion, it's time to start training. Initiating a battle with another pet couldn't be easier: find a wild battle animal or another player with a battle pet and start the battle. Let's take a closer look at this.

The easiest way for your pet to find an opponent to spar with is to turn on "Track Pets" in the "Track" menu next to the mini-map.

If pets are in the character’s visibility range, then corresponding icons with the signature of each pet will appear on the mini-map.

All that remains is to get close to this pet. It will have the same icon above it that was indicated on the mini-map.

Make sure you have a companion activated and click on your chosen victim to initiate the fight.

We wish you good luck in the battles!

Recovery after lost battles

So, you have finished your first battle. Surely, your pet is not quite ready for a new battle; he needs to recover and patch up his wounds. Of course, you can summon a new pet to another battle, but then how to upgrade the previous one? You definitely need to treat your companion so that he is ready for new battles and improves his skills. You have several ways to restore your battle pet:

  • The “Resurrection” spell - resurrects and fully restores all your pets.
  • Approach any stable keeper and resurrect your companions by paying a small amount for it.
  • Bandages for battle pets - contained in the Bag of goods for pets, which is a reward for completing certain tasks, incl. daily.
  • Taming Animals

    As soon as any of your battle pets has reached level 3, you have the opportunity to catch and tame someone else's pet with whom you are fighting.

    Once your pet's enemy health level drops below 35%, you have a chance to tame it by throwing a trap. With each attempt, the chance of successful taming increases by 20%.

    After the battle ends and other related information is displayed, you will see the name of the captured pet and its quality: low, common, unusual, rare.

    Characteristics of battle pets in WoW

    Hints for each of the characteristics explain quite clearly why this or that characteristic is needed.

    Health is perhaps the most important stat of your battle pet. During the battle, you must carefully monitor the health of your companion. If your pet's health drops to zero, you will no longer be able to use this fighter until you resurrect him. After the battle, all pets that took part in the battle restore a small amount of health (if they are not dead, of course, and if they have not received a new level - with a new level, the pet’s health is fully restored). We recommend visiting the stable keeper more often so that your pets are always cheerful and cheerful, so that they do not die in battle too often, otherwise they will not gain experience for further growth. There are also combat pets with health restoration abilities.

    Strength determines the base damage of your battle pets' abilities in WoW. There are abilities that increase or decrease damage dealt. Damage also depends on the attack type and defense type of your combat pet.

    Speed ​​determines who attacks first each turn. Some pet abilities can change speed either positive or negative. Pets with high speed are recommended to be used to tame other companions to save time and avoid the death of your pet.

    Upgrading battle pets in WoW

    Leveling up battle pets in WoW is quite simple, but it takes a lot of time. You just need to keep beating up enemy combat companions until the experience bar fills up to a new level - then do it all over again. Soon enough, your pet will be able to handle all the living companions in the area - this means that it’s time to change the pet’s leveling zone. The game developers made leveling up pets across locations similar to leveling up a character.

    At the moment, a combat pet can only be upgraded to level 25.

    Qualities of tamed pets

    There are 4 qualities of tamed pets that determine their power.


    As you can see, rare pets are significantly stronger than low quality or even uncommon quality pets if they are of the same level. Therefore, it is best to look for battle pets of rare quality.

    Why do some pets deal more damage than others? Types of Battle Pets in WoW

    There are the following types of battle pets in WoW: aquatic, animal, beast, dragon, elemental, flying, humanoid, magical, mech, undead.

    A pet of each type can receive both increased damage from another type of pet, and reduced damage from pets of a third type. Conversely, a pet of each type can deal both increased damage to another type of pet and receive increased damage from a third type of pet. Below is a table that shows the strengths and weaknesses of battle pets: Aquatic, Animal, Beast, Dragon, Elemental, Flying, Humanoid, Magic, Mechanism, Undead.

    Types of pets /
    Strengths and weaknesses
    Effective against
    (deals 50% more damage)
    Not effective against
    (deals 33% less damage)
    Weak vs.
    (takes 50% more damage)
    Resistant to
    (takes 33% less damage)
    Water Elemental Magical Flying Undead
    Animal Animal Flying Mechanism Humanoid
    Dragon Magical Undead Humanoid Flying
    Animal Undead Humanoid Animal Elemental
    Elemental Mechanism Animal Water Mechanism
    Flying Water Dragon Magical Animal
    Humanoid Dragon Animal Undead Animal
    Magical Flying Mechanism Dragon Water
    Mechanism Animal Elemental Elemental Magical
    Undead Humanoid Water Animal Dragon

    I defeated the pet tamer, what next?

    By defeating experienced pet tamers on all continents, you will be able to access daily pet battle quests on each continent. By defeating every Tamer on every continent, you will receive the Conquest of Azeroth achievement and the “Tamer” reward title.

    In conclusion

    Take part in Pokemon pet battles and have fun!

    If we missed something when writing a guide to battle pets in WoW, we ask you to let us know in the comments or through any of the contacts on the site.

    If everything is great, click “Like” and tell your friends about our site. Good luck to you on the battlefields!

    The peculiarity of collecting a collection of battle pets is that most of the pets can be obtained exclusively as a result of catching, i.e. manual capture. You, of course, can buy quite a lot of pets at the auction or knock them out in old and not so old raids, but this will only be a small fraction.

    So, if you still want to build an impressive collection of pets in WoW, you'll have to dive into pet battles to start catching companions. This particular article will tell you the easiest way to level up your pets from level 1 to 25 while collecting as many pets as possible.

    Know the families your pets belong to

    This may not make much of a difference at a low level, but the higher your pets level up, the more you'll understand the families' strengths and weaknesses (it will even give you the ability to defeat higher level pets with your lower level pets if you know the strengths sides of your pets and weaknesses of the enemy). Each pet belongs to one of the families: Aquatic, Animal, Beast, Dragon, Elemental, Flying, Humanoid, Magic, Mechanism and Undead.

    Each of the families has strengths and weaknesses, i.e. have good defense (+33%) against one family and increased damage against another family (+50%) - which naturally means that your family's pet is also vulnerable to two different families. There is a lot to remember, but the tactics themselves are ridiculously simple - fight opponents against whom your pets are strong, and try not to introduce pets into battle that are weak against the enemy family. Moreover, each family has its own special passive ability, which you also need to know.

    • Water: Strong against Elementals (attack) and Undead (defense); weak against Magic (attack) and Flying (defense) pets. Damage effects on aquatic pets are reduced by 50% over time.
    • Animal: Strong against Animals (attack) and Humanoids (defense); weak against Flying (attack) pets and Mechanisms (defense). Animals deal 25% more damage to targets with less than half health.
    • Animal: Strong against Undead (attack) and Elementals (defense); weak against Humanoids (attack) and Animals (defense). The animals are immune to stun, pin and sleep.
    • Dragon: Strong against Magic (attack) pets and Flying (defense) pets; weak against Undead (attack) and Humanoids (defense). Dragons deal 50% more damage the next turn after the target's health drops below 50%.
    • Elemental: Strong against Mechanisms (attack and defense); weak against Animal (attack) and Aquatic (defense) pets. Elementals are immune to negative weather (environment) effects.
    • Flying: Strong against Aquatic (attack) pets and Animals (defense); weak against Dragons (attack) and Magic (defense) pets. Flying pets gain a 50% speed boost if their health drops below 50%.
    • Humanoid: Strong against Dragons (attack) and Beasts (defense); weak against Animals (attack) and Undead (defense). Humanoids recover 5% of their maximum health each time they attack.
    • Magical: Strong against Flying (attack) pets and Water (defense) pets; weak against Mechanisms (attack) and Elementals (defense). Magical pets cannot lose more than 35% of their health in one attack.
    • Mechanism: Strong against Animals (attack) and Magical (defense) pets; weak against Elementals (attack and defense). The mechanism, being killed, returns back into battle with 25% health.
    • Undead: Strong against Humanoids (attack) and Dragons (defense); weak against Water (attack) pets and Animals (defense). When killed, undead come back to life for one turn (invulnerable).

    This is too difficult to remember, so for beginners (and not even necessarily beginners) we highly recommend the hint from WarcraftPets, which is made in such a way that you can even print it out.

    When you level up pets, you should level up one pet from each family so that you have a strong team against everything that comes your way. This is especially important if you want to take on higher level pet tamers, where you'll likely need to be serious about your choice of battle pets to have a chance of winning.

    What you need to know about pet characteristics

    Battle pets also have stats just like you, but fortunately they are not as complex. Your pet has only 3 characteristics - speed, health and attack power. Health shows the amount of HP you can have, Strength shows how hard your character can hit, and Speed ​​helps you figure out which pet will attack first in a round.

    Each type of pet has its own style of distribution of characteristics (for example, turtles have a lot of health). Each level the pet receives additional characteristics, the increase in which and the initial value of which are determined by the rarity of the pet. Pets can be gray, white, green and blue. Everything is the same as with objects, in ascending order of cost. If the pet is rare, then its initial characteristics and the increase in them will be quite high.

    Each pet has 3 active skills, in each of which you are asked to choose from two. The first slot opens at the pet's level 1, then at levels 2, 4, 10, 15 and 20. When the pet reaches one of these levels, you will be able to choose the ability you will use in battle. Most pets have the usual abilities for the family, but there are also pets with a *mix* of abilities. This is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this adds flexibility to your set of pets, but on the other hand, you don’t want to deal less damage with abilities just because your elemental suddenly turned out to have the abilities of an animal (Magma Kitten is an example).

    Collecting a winning set of battle pets

    Your team consists of 3 pets, each of which can be replaced with any of the remaining two between turns (however, you miss a turn, so don’t overdo it too much). Well, now that you're ready to find out the perfect three-pet combination, I'm telling you... there isn't one. The ideal build depends on the specific fight.

    However, unless you're fighting tamers, you won't know for sure who you'll encounter, so it's important to assemble a team of pets that can handle any situation. Here are some tips:

    • Try to make sure your pets are from three different families. This way you won't have to fight an opponent who is initially stronger.
    • Pets with healing capabilities are ideal for leveling up.
    • And although you can only fight with three pets at a time, make sure that you upgrade a pet from each school - there will be times when you really need an elemental, mechanism or some other member of the family, so don’t put it off until later - upgrade now.

    How to get new pets

    Catching pets is a simple task. Start fighting with the pet and when its health drops below 35%, you can try to catch it. Your attempts won't always work, but be patient because for every failed attempt you will receive a buff to increase your chance of being caught by 25% in the same fight. The only problem is that if you overdo it and hit the pet too hard, you can't get it back. This makes the Ominous Turnip a pretty damn attractive option for new pet owners. The turnip has an ability that cannot kill the enemy pet. Therefore, if you have problems catching pets, then find it at an auction and purchase it, it will help.

    Unlike pets you get from quests or achievements, wild battle pets will be at the level they were at the time of capture (high-level pets lose several levels when you catch them). This means that trapping wild pets will allow you to get rid of white spots in families.

    Well, a lot of information has been given. It should be enough to start collecting your own army of pets. Happy fighting!