Blepharoplasty is a safe way to tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the eyelids. At what age should you have blepharoplasty and should you rush through the operation? How long does blepharoplasty last?

A person cannot be young forever. The years take their toll, and the eyes are the first to bear the blow of old age. Crow's feet around the eyes, bags under the eyes, swelling, hanging skin in a fold on the upper eyelid - and even your favorite cream will not help here. Cream - no. But blepharoplasty - yes.

What is blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic eyelid surgery. Simply put, this is a plastic surgery that results in the removal of fatty tissue and excess, sagging areas of skin. The upper eyelid is cut so that the suture runs along the palpebral fold, that is, along the folding line of the eyelid. As a result of such a cut, the seam will not be visible. The lower eyelid is pulled up through an eyelid incision from the inside, scientifically, through a transconjunctival approach. Only in this case, not areas of skin are removed, as with upper eyelid surgery, but the fat layer of the eyelid is removed or redistributed.

Has the time come or should we wait?

At what age should an eyelid lift be done? This question is constantly asked by clinic patients.

As such, there is no clear age limit for performing the operation. You can look like you’re 20 at 40 and not have a single wrinkle, or you can have such a range of work at 20 that you’ll have to work hard to fix it all. The ideal age for surgery is considered to be 35 years or older, since this age is characterized by age-related skin changes.

If you are 18-20 years old and you are very worried about bruises, swelling, eyelid hernias and swelling, then from the point of view of cosmetology and recovery, this is exactly the time when you can do blepharoplasty. The fact is that at the age of 18, the skin is very elastic, elastic and the healing and restoration process will take place very quickly, and problems will not bother you for many years.

If you have wrinkles and sagging eyelids, then these imperfections need to be removed when it begins to bring you discomfort, both external and internal. But quite often, women, as well as men (yes, you heard right), are more afraid of surgery than of aging and delay going to the clinic, thereby aggravating their situation. Ideally, it is better to do the operation before the moment when deep wrinkles and severe skin changes appear that simply cannot be corrected. Come to the clinic when you first feel discomfort. Let you come too early, when radical intervention is not yet necessary. Highly qualified plastic surgeons themselves will tell you what you can already correct and what you shouldn’t touch yet.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Hernia of the eyelids, or in common people bags, can bother men and women of different ages. If lotions in the form of tea bags, creams, and masks no longer help, then you should consult a doctor about an operation called eyelid blepharoplasty. This manipulation not only solves this problem, but also prolongs the youth of the skin around the eyes, which is very important for modern women. This is a simple procedure that is performed under local anesthesia and takes several hours.

What is blepharoplasty

The most common operation in aesthetic plastic surgery. The skin around the eyes is the thinnest, most delicate, and vulnerable on the face. Due to the anatomical structure, the absence of a fatty layer (when there is a subcutaneous component and no fatty component), there is no possibility of accumulation of a fluid reservoir under the skin, and the upper eyelid droops onto the eye. This area of ​​the face is susceptible to the rapid appearance of wrinkles.

What are the types?

There are several types of blepharoplasty:

  • upper eyelid lift, which allows you to expand a person’s field of vision;
  • correction of the lower;
  • lifting the upper and lower joints together, the so-called circular;
  • change in eye shape.

Plastic surgery of the upper

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is performed mainly under local anesthesia, during which time the person does not feel pain or discomfort. This intervention is indicated for skin rejuvenation, because... Changes occur in the epidermis: collagen and elastin, which support the skin, are destroyed over time. Therefore, it loses elasticity and becomes flabby. Upper blepharoplasty, which has only positive reviews, is indicated for the following cases:

  • when the skin hangs over the eyes, giving a tired, heavy and gloomy look;
  • problems appear with applying makeup when the skin hangs and rubs the makeup;
  • There are hernias (sacs), which also occur after drinking liquid at night.

Surgery on the lower

The skin of the lower eyelid is very thin, especially towards the center of the eye. The muscle layer is located immediately under the skin and is separated from the fat layer only by a membrane. With age, muscle tissue and orbital septa lose tone and sag. In place of weakened tissues, an accumulation of fat appears, which causes puffiness and bags under the eyes. There are two methods for removing fat deposits under the eyes:

  • External – suitable for patients with excess skin under the eyes. The technique is performed by cutting the outer surface of the lower eyelid. In addition to fat deposits, excess skin and sometimes a fragment of muscle tissue are removed.
  • Internal – involves one incision in the thin membrane lining the surface. This skin tightening is indicated for patients with fat deposits without excess skin.

Asian correction

The standard of beauty in the world remains the European type of face, and in different parts of the world people change what prevents them from looking like the Slavs. The peculiarity of the Asian cut is that the fibers are not attached to the skin, but are attached only to the cartilage, so there is no line formed that makes the look open and fresh. During this type of intervention, the surgeon artificially creates a fold, retreating 5-6 mm from the eyelash edge, and removes excess subcutaneous fat and orbicularis muscle. Despite the fact that the shape of the eyes does not change, they have a beautiful, open and natural appearance.


When there are problems with both the upper and the lower at the same time, it is advisable to do a circular type of intervention. This operation is performed under general anesthesia while the patient falls asleep. The entire process takes about two hours, depending on the complexity of the defects that need to be removed. A circular lift has the following indications:

  • the presence of excess skin folds of the upper and lower at the same time;
  • fatty hernias;
  • bags and bruises under the eyes;

Blepharoplasty methods

Depending on the indications and wishes of the patient in need of facial plastic surgery, one of the available methods is selected. They differ both in the nature of the surgical intervention and in the final result. It is impossible to identify “right” or “wrong” techniques. A lot depends on the goals and characteristics of each patient’s body.


Classic blepharoplasty involves an incision in the outer skin, through which excess fat is removed or evenly distributed throughout the entire eyelid. During this operation, overhanging and stretched skin is excised. In addition, the surgeon has the ability to tighten the skin by fixing it at certain anatomical “anchor zones,” which helps lift the soft tissues of the lower eyelid.

Transconjunctival (seamless)

This type of adjustment, called transconjunctival blepharoplasty, is a recent discovery in plastic surgery. About 10-15 years ago, few doctors used this technique, but now it is used everywhere. This technique has a number of advantages over other types:

  • non-surgical method;
  • surgical intervention occurs through the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid;
  • no postoperative scars are formed;
  • does not affect the shape of the palpebral fissure (eye shape);
  • does not require stitches.

Such intervention is not performed on the upper eyelid due to the fact that it works a lot throughout life. With every blink, the skin folds and the elastic fibers suffer from this, experiencing greater stress. At a young age, regenerative abilities are high and these fibers are restored, but after 35 years, the skin structure begins to fade, so the incision is made only along the fold line.


The laser technique is performed without skin incisions. The principle is that several punctures are made on the conjunctiva using a laser, and hernias (fat deposits) are removed. Advantages of this technique:

  • performed under local anesthesia;
  • discharge of the patient a few hours after the intervention;
  • absence of bruises, swelling, swelling and scars;
  • rehabilitation after this procedure is much shorter than after the classic one.


This method can be used by people who are afraid of surgery. The injection method is aimed at correcting hernias of the upper and lower eyelids. With its help, the patient can easily get rid of circles, bruises and small wrinkles under the eyes. The procedure involves injecting a drug that helps cancel or delay surgery. Due to the application of a cream with an analgesic effect, the patient does not feel any discomfort.

Indications and contraindications

The purpose is typical for patients with age-related changes, such as

  • formation of bags under the lower eyelids;
  • overhang of the upper eyelashes;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • wrinkles at the outer edge of the eye, the so-called “chicken feet”.

There are contraindications in which this operation should be delayed or canceled altogether:

  • It is not recommended to carry out during menstruation to avoid unnecessary hemorrhage;
  • if you have a tattoo of the eyelash area;
  • with pronounced pigmentation on the skin around the eyes;
  • during ARVI is not carried out, it is postponed until the patient recovers.

How the operation is performed

Before the operation, markings are made on the skin with a special pencil. This procedure is very important for proper blepharoplasty. It is carried out under general anesthesia, i.e. for a while you fall asleep. An alternative is local anesthesia, which numbs the surrounding tissue and makes you relax but does not put you to sleep. The doctor performs the following manipulations:

  1. A protective sheet, similar to a contact lens, is placed over the eye to improve vision.
  2. An incision is made directly under the eyelashes of the eyelid, this ensures that the postoperative scar will be invisible.
  3. The surgeon will expose the muscle by gently lifting the orbital septum to expose the fat deposits.
  4. The doctor removes fat fragments or redistributes them to reduce swelling under the eyes.
  5. At the final stage, excess skin is excised.
  6. The incision is closed with absorbable suture material.
  7. After the operation, the patient is given a drip with a special solution that prevents swelling and reduces pain.
  8. A cold bandage is applied to the eyes. This procedure takes 15 – 20 minutes.


After the operation you will have to endure pain, bruising and swelling. To make the patient feel more comfortable, the doctor prescribes cold compresses or painkillers. If absorbable material was used, there is no need to remove the sutures; the threads will dissolve on their own. The usual suture is removed on days 5–7. The patient notices a decrease in hematomas on the 10th day. After ten days, you are allowed to use makeup. After a month, no marks remain on the face, the patient looks younger and fresher.

For a successful rehabilitation period, so that the result of the operation improves every day, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations:

  • Avoid strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting or exercise, to give your body time to recover.
  • It is not recommended to watch TV for 10 days to avoid straining your eyes.
  • Apply cold compresses for 10 days.
  • Use a special caring cream for the postoperative suture. This gel prevents scar hypertrophy and helps speed healing.
  • It is advisable to consult with a cosmetologist about cosmetics for professional care of the skin around the eyes.

Possible complications

Some complications may occur in the early postoperative period:

  • The distance of the lower eyelid, when it does not fit very tightly to the eyeball. This phenomenon goes away on its own after a few weeks.
  • Eversion of the lower eyelid.
  • Changing the shape of the eye. Appears during a poorly performed operation.
  • The occurrence of conjunctivitis, which resolves with treatment at home.
  • Swelling of the eyelids.

Photos before and after

A prerequisite for successful plastic surgery is photographing both the problem areas and the face as a whole. The plan for the future operation is drawn on a photograph and agreed upon by the attending physician and the patient. Blepharoplasty before and after is an integral part of the contract with a plastic surgery clinic. After the operation, a series of repeated images are taken at intervals of 4–7 days throughout the rehabilitation period. The operation performed, the before and after photos of which are stored in the clinic’s archives, is considered the safest.

How many years does it last?

Blepharoplasty of the eyelids will not stop the aging of the eyes, but it will reduce swelling and bags. An unsuccessful result of the operation is excluded, because this method has been perfected over the years. By eliminating age-related changes in the eyelids, the effect will last for many years, giving you the rested, youthful look that every woman dreams of. Modern methods of anti-aging plastic surgery return to centuries the structure that is inherent in a person at a young age.

Factors that cause age-related changes, such as muscle activity, the patient’s lifestyle and nutrition, gravity, insolation, ecology, cannot be canceled by the doctor. They continue to act after the operation, accumulate and after a certain period of time, which is 8 - 10 years, wrinkles and bags under the eyes appear again in the operated area.

Alternative procedure

There are a number of techniques that replace surgical intervention, but also correct and visually hide eyelid imperfections. These include:

  • Decorative makeup using foundations selected for skin type and color.
  • Decorative silicone stickers, with the help of which the drooping eyelid is raised.
  • Botox is a cosmetic injection that temporarily and locally stops the aging process of the skin.
  • Polishing problem areas of the skin.
  • Massage of the area around the eyes, which is carried out in a cosmetology office.

Video about the results of eyelid blepharoplasty

After watching a video about how eyelid surgery is performed using a laser, you will see the entire process from the outside. In the second video, experienced surgeon Alexander Sokolov will tell you in detail what blepharoplasty is, the cost of the procedure, the purpose for which it is performed, possible complications and contraindications to the operation. You will see this doctor’s patient before and after surgery, and get acquainted with the process of correcting the impending eyelid. Perhaps this video will help you decide on the choice of blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty is one of the aesthetic surgical interventions that improve the appearance of the eyelids. This operation is performed upon reaching the age of 18, or, if there are complex pathologies associated with the eye and eyelid area, eyelid surgery can be performed before adulthood. Usually there must be at least one compelling reason for such an operation.

Indications for blepharoplasty and intervention techniques are determined by the patient’s skin condition and the nature of the fatty formations that are located under the skin on the lower and upper eyelids.


Selection of eyelid correction method and combination with other operations

Based on the degree of pathological or age-related changes in the eye and eyelid area, the surgeon selects the most appropriate method for correcting the eyelid area in each individual case. Sometimes blepharoplasty can be performed not only on the lower and upper eyelids at the same time, but also in combination with other types of surgery, for example, lifting the midface and forehead. This combination will make the patient’s rejuvenation more effective.

The connection between age and blepharoplasty

The main age segment of people seeking help from eyelid surgery, begins at the age of 35, when signs of aging become clearly visible on the thin and vulnerable skin of the eyelids. Of course, if necessary, such an operation is also performed for fairly young people.

It happens that at a young age, swelling occurs in the lower eyelid area if there is congenital excess adipose tissue. In addition, there is a problem that does not depend on age-related changes and is called congenital ptosis in the upper eyelid.

For example, if a young patient is concerned about the skin in the lower eyelid area, characterized by a pronounced loss of elasticity and firmness, if excess skin has not yet appeared around it, transconjunctival blepharoplasty is ideal for eliminating such problems.

The role of blepharoplasty for VIPs

Of course, the vast majority of people seeking blepharoplasty are women of mature age and older. However, sometimes representatives of the stronger sex also seek the help of a plastic surgeon in the eyelid area. Problems in the eyelid area begin to seriously bother men no earlier than 40-45 years old, especially for public figures and leadership positions, because such men simply need to look respectable, well-groomed and impressive, and age-related changes can radically change the appearance of a significant person, putting his career growth and well-being are in question.

“They've smeared again! I'm tired of it! - at the age of 27, I stopped drawing arrows on my eyes, because they lived there for about two minutes, no more. Something bad happened to my upper eyelids. At some point, there was too much skin on each eyelid, and it gathered into an additional fold, which, firstly, hung unsightly over the eye, adding age to me; and secondly, it instantly turned even the most persistent shadows, pencil, liquid eyeliner - whatever. Both of these circumstances irritated me beyond belief, but what made me even more angry was the realization that nothing could be done about it. Apart from plastic surgery, of course. At that time I was not ready for blepharoplasty for many reasons. For example, it seemed to me that this was a method of desperation, which was resorted to exclusively by women aged 50+. But I’m still wow! Plus I was scared. I'm scared as hell of injections, drills, and even drawing blood from my finger - but I'm generally silent about the surgical scalpel. So for several years I watched in horror in the mirror as my eyelid drooped more and more, I was upset, but... I did nothing.

Everything changed last summer. I needed a photo to apply for a visa. I quickly went to a photo studio, took a photo and asked them to send it to me by email. I opened the file and was horrified. A sad, tired woman was looking at me from the photograph. And most importantly, this woman was old. Mommies, is it me, or what? In my “good thirties” I should look much better. I smiled ingratiatingly at the reflection in the mirror - it didn’t help, the picture was the same. Then I realized that it was time to act. The fear of looking terrible overpowered the fear of the scalpel.

My extra fold of skin on the upper eyelid is due to genetics. The eyelids of my mother and grandmother look exactly the same. The second thing that I was unlucky to inherit from them was dark circles and hollows under the eyes, a real panda-look. No “anti-circle” creams work, I’ve tested it on myself many times. It is also impossible to cover it with concealer: after half an hour there is no trace left of it.

In general, I gave up and went to my “on duty” clinic “Beauty Time”. It was there that several years ago they proved to me in word and deed that Botox injections are not a horror-horror, the pain is minimal, and the hated wrinkles have no chance. By the way, I can’t stand pompous phrases like “my wrinkles are a chronicle of my wonderful life.” Personally, I don’t need any wrinkles, and in general I think it’s stupid to put up with imperfections that I don’t like. In short, we need to cut!

Exactly a week passed between the day of the fateful decision and the day of the operation. On Thursday I consulted with a surgeon - I was lucky; the head physician of the clinic, Otari Gogiberidze, undertook the operation. He also advised me to do lipofilling of the lower eyelids along with blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids - that is, fill the hollows under the eyes with my own fat cells, as a result of which the hollows will decrease and the dark circles will lighten. Looking ahead: this manipulation really solved both problems perfectly; I now use concealer only in case of severe lack of sleep.

On the same day (remember, it was Thursday) I consulted with an anesthesiologist and chose local anesthesia. On Friday I did an ECG, passed a general urine test and blood tests: for blood type and Rh factor, for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, for blood clotting, as well as a clinical analysis. On Monday I sent the results to the clinic by email, the doctors liked everything, and on Thursday at 10.00 I arrived for the operation. First, I filled out a stack of papers: personal data, information about past illnesses, consent to manipulation, to anesthesia, etc. Then I was invited into the ward, where I changed into disposable underwear and a gown, had an express consultation with a surgeon, and at the same time received a sedative injection. Markings were applied to the eyelid area with a marker. Then events developed rapidly: an operating table, treatment-disinfection, rubber pads under the skin in those places where it comes into contact with the table (the operation is not carried out with an ordinary scalpel, but one powered by electricity), anesthesia. According to allergy tests, I have a risk of an allergic reaction to lidocaine, so they individually selected another drug for me, and an anesthesiologist was on duty in the operating room just in case.

Either thanks to the relaxation injection, or a positive attitude, I wasn’t the least bit afraid, but my arms and legs were shaking involuntarily - this is what the autonomic nervous system is doing, the surgeon explained. However, the trembling soon passed. During the operation, I was fully conscious, although in a slight fog, I heard everything and even managed to carry on a conversation. Blepharoplasty works like this: with a scalpel, the surgeon makes a longitudinal incision in the center of the upper eyelid, excises excess pieces of skin and then stitches. In this case, the threads used are not self-absorbing, but regular ones, so that no scars are guaranteed.

So, the stitches are applied, and lipofilling of the lower eyelids is next. Fat cells are collected from the inner thighs with a blunt cannula, then they are processed and cleaned, and then injected into the lower eyelid area. Honestly, when later in the photo I saw the size and thickness of the cannula that was used to inject fat cells under the skin around the eyes, I felt uneasy. Although in reality there were no sensations, much less unpleasant ones. By the way, lipofilling is also good because it is absolutely safe for allergy sufferers like me: the adipose tissue is its own, native, and does not cause a negative reaction from the body or rejection. After the lipofilling procedure was completed, strips were applied around my eyes - very thin sterile patches that are not afraid of water or touch and support the skin so that the puncture sites and sutures do not come apart even by a hundredth of a millimeter. Thick pads made from bandages were applied to the puncture sites on the thighs.

Immediately after the operation, I walked to the room with my own feet and went to bed. An hour and a half later I woke up wildly hungry, the nurse brought me an afternoon snack (tea with lemon, still water, yogurt, cookies and something else tasty). I lay down for a couple more hours, after which I received a discharge and instructions from Otari Gogiberidze: treat the upper part of my face with chlorhexidine, sleep on my back, come back the next day to remove the stitches. Then I got into the car and calmly drove home. What is most surprising is that neither that day nor the following days I experienced any pain at all, and even after the anesthesia wore off, I did not take a single painkiller tablet. After the experience, the eyes, of course, looked like slits, but they opened and closed cheerfully - without the slightest effort or pain. Hematomas were also present, but I didn’t see them because of the patches.

This is what the eyes looked like immediately after surgery

The next morning, my temperature rose slightly to 37.2 degrees, the swelling intensified, and my eyes were difficult to open. The puncture sites on my thighs bled for exactly 24 hours, so I didn’t remove the bandage pads. The sensations in the muscles of the legs were like after a long and furious workout - and so on for a couple of days. On the second day after the operation, when I went to the clinic to remove the stitches (they left the strip patches), I felt normal, the swelling of the eyelids noticeably decreased.

Three days after surgery

I wore strips for a total of 9 days. For walks and shopping - wear sunglasses, for work - without. For a moment, our office has 26 floors and about 2000 employees. So, not one of them asked why I was covered with bandages. I can’t understand, either they really didn’t notice, or they showed tact. I wasn’t embarrassed at all by my, to put it mildly, strange appearance. And when the patches were removed from the eyelids, dream skin was revealed underneath. For the first time in my life, I had no dark circles, and the skin under my eyes became childishly tender and swollen. Korean fashionistas would be jealous: they paint the trendy “pads” under the eyes with shadows, but I don’t need to paint anything - everything is natural.

One week after the patches were removed

A few weeks after the operation, the fat cells pumped under the skin of the lower eyelids were finally distributed and took their rightful places. The seams have become even more invisible (now they are almost impossible to see). And I confidently do my makeup, knowing that the arrows will not turn into dirty wavy lines, and the mascara will not be imprinted on the upper eyelid. Needless to say, I don’t regret what I did; moreover, I think: “Why didn’t I decide to have the operation earlier?”

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Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery aimed at removing bags under the eyes and rejuvenating the eyelid area. In order to answer the question of how many times blepharoplasty can be done, you need to know about the features of different types of surgery.

Speaking from a strictly medical point of view, this cosmetic operation has no age restrictions. The technology of its implementation allows you to do without the formation of scars, that is, postoperative traces will not be visible.

For example, blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids in certain cases can be performed on the inside. That is, the incision is made on the inside of the eyelid. Thus, the postoperative scar will not be visible in principle.

Blepharoplasty is performed in several ways:

  1. Bags under the eyes are removed using punctures. The result of this operation is the correct shape of the eyelids, and a general anti-aging effect is achieved.
  2. Removal of excess, stretched skin.
  3. Combined method. It includes the use of the first and second techniques. Thus, it is possible to achieve the greatest effect.


Moreover, the operation has no age-related restrictions. As a rule, in the absence of additional indications, blepharoplasty is performed after reaching 40 years of age, which is associated with age-related changes in the eyelid area.

However, if there are indications such as drooping eyelids or fatty bags formed at an early age, surgery can be performed at 30 years of age, or even earlier.

How many times can lower eyelid blepharoplasty be done?

The suture on the lower eyelid is located at the edge of the eyelashes; postoperative sutures are removed after a few days. After the same time, the swelling disappears and the bruises disappear.

The operation itself is performed under local anesthesia. Thanks to the technology used, it is safe and has an extremely low risk of complications.

After the operation, some restrictions must be observed:

  • Your eyes will need rest, so you need to give up TV, computer, and reading for a few days.
  • If you use contact lenses, you will have to give them up for a while and generally take extreme care in caring for your eyes.
  • Make-up and bright sunlight should be avoided. Wearing dark glasses for one to two weeks is recommended.
  • Avoiding drinking alcohol and quitting smoking, which in itself is good.

So how many times can you do lower eyelid blepharoplasty? The resulting effect typically lasts for 7 years or longer. In principle, repeat surgery may not be necessary at all.

However, if after seven or more years, a repeat operation is still required, then there is no reason not to do it. Thus, blepharoplasty can be performed regularly.

Is it possible to make a correction after eye blepharoplasty?

If the desired result is not obtained, correction will be required after blepharoplasty.

When answering the question whether correction can be done after eye blepharoplasty, you should understand that each person’s body reacts to the intervention differently. Some people, for example, often have stretch marks around their eyes.

The lack of the desired effect is not necessarily due to the doctor’s mistakes; it is often impossible to achieve the desired result in one go.

Correction can be done several months after the first operation. As a rule, it should take about six months.

In this case, the determination of the need for correction is made by a doctor, since only a professional can determine when it can be carried out and whether it is needed at all.

Repeated blepharoplasty is done in cases where the effect of the first operation is reduced. Bags under the eyes reappear, and the achieved contour of the eyelids changes.

Repeated surgery can be done when the effect begins to decline. This can happen after 7 or more years.

However, any surgical intervention results in the formation of scars. This effect on the skin cannot be done too often, so much depends on the condition of the skin and its ability to recover.

The better and more successful the initial surgery, the longer it will be before the need for repeat blepharoplasty arises. Perhaps such a need will not arise at all.

As a rule, blepharoplasty is done in combination with other cosmetic measures. This is the approach recommended by cosmetologists.


In this case, it is possible to achieve the maximum effect, and recovery after surgery will take the same time, which will allow the patient to correct age-related and other defects in one go.

It is necessary to note the safety of the operation and the absence of serious contraindications. The main thing is to choose a professional clinic, which will serve as an additional guarantee of the quality of the operation and the long-term preservation of the achieved effect.

It must be remembered that cosmetic operations, including blepharoplasty, are carried out only on the basis of a license to carry out this specific type of activity.