Pain in the parietal part of the head on the right. It puts pressure on the top of the head and makes me feel dizzy. Various pathologies of the spine

Headaches can bother not only adults, but also children. Changed environmental conditions, the quality of nutrition, and the inability to properly organize your day lead to the fact that the body begins to work in increased mode. Internal organs begin to function incorrectly. Often, specialists receive complaints that headaches can bother not only adults, but also children. Changed environmental conditions, the quality of nutrition, and the inability to properly organize your day lead to the fact that the body begins to work in increased mode. Internal organs begin to function incorrectly. Often specialists receive complaints that the top of the head hurts. It is important to understand the causes in time in order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent complications.

Factors that provoke discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the parietal region.

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Bad habits.
  3. Stress, overwork, fatigue.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Change of climatic conditions.
  6. Lack of oxygen in the room.

The crown may hurt due to other diseases.

  1. Excessive tension in the muscles of the neck and back of the head. There is a feeling of squeezing, squeezing.
  2. Neuroses and stress lead to a feeling of squeezing and tightening of the scalp. A person may experience dizziness and numbness in the limbs.
  3. Increase or decrease in blood pressure. Nerve cells begin to be compressed by the walls of blood vessels, and a spasm develops. In this case, not only pain appears in the crown area, but also the quality of hearing decreases.
  4. Increased intracranial pressure.
  5. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Additional symptoms include: unstable blood pressure, the appearance of a feeling of heat, goosebumps.
  7. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. There is a feeling of numbness on the top and back of the head.
  8. Spinal pathology (scoliosis, arthrosis).
  9. Sudden onset pain in the crown area may be due to recent brain injury. The eyes turn red, sensitivity to light and sounds increases, dizziness, nausea and vomiting occur.
  10. Infectious or colds: otitis media, sinusitis.
  11. Endocrine diseases can cause discomfort in the crown area. Women have diseases of the reproductive organs.

Not only the head can hurt, but also the skin on it. Unpleasant sensations arise only when touching the top of the head. The reason lies in an allergic reaction to various shampoos, conditioners and other cosmetics. The cause may be psoriasis, a fungal skin disease, or simply a tight hairstyle.

Reasons for the localization of pain in a separate part of the crown

Sometimes the discomfort stops only in the back of the head. The back of the head can hurt due to increased pressure, stress, or due to being in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

Often the patient may feel that the head hurts on only one side. There may be several reasons why unilateral pain appears on the right or left crown.

  1. Migraine. Sudden throbbing pain begins from the temples, gradually moving to the forehead, crown and back of the head. The pain radiates to the eyes, there is a fear of light, dizziness, intolerance to sharp sounds and smells.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. At the same time, you feel dizzy and have tinnitus. The pain presses on various areas of the head, and a tingling sensation may appear in the skin.
  3. Tumor formations. Morning headaches, which are accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting, should alert a person. Over time, unpleasant symptoms only intensify, the patient loses weight, vision and hearing deteriorate.
  4. Cluster pain. It occurs in a certain area of ​​the head, sometimes intensifies, sometimes decreases. Redness of the eyes is observed, dizziness, nausea and vomiting may develop. Sensitivity to light and sound increases.

You should pay more attention to your health when the right hemisphere hurts. This is a sign of a serious illness.

Self-administration of medications to relieve spasms and pain can worsen the situation. The attacks become more frequent and intense.

Danger signs

You should visit a doctor immediately if, along with pain in the crown, other alarming symptoms appear:

  • weakening or loss of memory;
  • absent-mindedness and decreased concentration of attention are observed;
  • increased pain while taking painkillers;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • violation of orientation in space;
  • decreased visual acuity, feeling of pressure on the eyes;
  • frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting appeared;
  • there is an increase in body temperature;
  • the patient feels dryness in the oral cavity.

If the pain is severe, does not go away for a long time, and at least one of these signs appears, you should call an ambulance. It is necessary to start treatment urgently.

To answer the question: “Why did the headache occur?”, you will need to consult a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, or ophthalmologist.

The examination includes:

  • blood and urine tests (will help rule out various infections);
  • tracking blood pressure throughout the day;
  • ECG (assesses the state of the heart);
  • X-ray of the cervical spine;
  • MRI, which will help determine the condition of the brain;
  • MRA (magnetic resonance angiography). During this procedure, the condition of the blood vessels is assessed.

Treatment of the disease

If there is pain in the crown area, you can try to get rid of it yourself. To do this, you need to take a horizontal position, exclude bright lights and sharp sounds. Be sure to ventilate the room. Give a massage that will help relieve tension and improve vascular conductivity.

The doctor may prescribe medication, but only after the cause of the pain has been determined.

  1. Blood pressure stabilizing drugs.
  2. For severe migraines, a vitamin-mineral complex is prescribed.
  3. For cluster pain, antispasmodics are prescribed.
  4. For severe paroxysmal pain, painkillers are prescribed and bed rest is recommended.
  5. Neuroses are treated with antidepressants, and massage may be prescribed. Outdoor walks are recommended. A course of psychotherapy may be required.

As an additional therapy, acupressure is prescribed, which is performed only by a specialist. A regular spinal massage will help relieve an attack and can be done independently. Relaxation therapy and aromatherapy are effective.

You should take the drug with caution and carefully read the instructions. Many of them cause various side effects.

Preventive measures

It is difficult to completely get rid of headaches, especially if they are pathological. You can reduce the number of attacks if you follow a number of simple rules.

  1. Active lifestyle.
  2. Alternation of rest and work.
  3. Proper nutrition including a large number of fruits and vegetables, reducing fatty, spicy foods. Avoid fast food products. Vitamin B12 can prevent headaches. It is found in foods such as broccoli, nuts, and eggs.
  4. Healthy, long sleep of at least 7 hours a day.
  5. Avoiding conflict and stressful situations.
  6. Getting rid of bad habits. Alcoholic drinks cause increased blood pressure.
  7. You cannot sit in one position for a long time, especially when your shoulders are raised and your chin is down. The vessels of the neck are compressed.

Regular preventive examinations of the spine and brain will help prevent unpleasant symptoms associated with headaches.

A headache knocks a person out of his usual life. Sometimes simple, uncomplicated measures help get rid of it and prevent its reoccurrence.

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4 reasons why the crown (crown) of the head hurts

Pain in the area of ​​the crown of the head is quite rare, so when it occurs, people often do not understand why it starts and how it should be treated. Meanwhile, these painful sensations can last quite a long time and be very unpleasant. As a result, a person susceptible to such an illness finds himself knocked out of the usual rut of life for some time.


One of the reasons why the top of the head may hurt is the sedentary lifestyle that modern people lead. Chronic overstrain of the muscles of the neck and back of the head leads to pain that spreads from the back of the head to the crown, then moves to the forehead. They can be described as pressing, squeezing, and practically non-pulsating. It is worth noting that this situation can arise not only among working people, but also among schoolchildren due to a large amount of time spent in lessons, and among pensioners, for example, due to watching TV.

Another cause of pain in the crown area is compression of the arteries and nerves leading to the head by the vertebral discs. It is accompanied by numbness, sagging neck and the appearance of a double chin.

With neuroses, panic attacks and hysteria, in half of the cases pain is observed in the crown of the head, along with which sensations of squeezing and tightening of the skin appear. The psychological nature can be determined by periodic declines and intensification of pain, clearly coinciding with periods of emotional arousal (there is a pattern #8212; the more fears, phobias, and anxiety develop, the more the crown of the head begins to hurt). This disease can also manifest itself during prolonged, “chronic” stress, when the body is already working to the limit.

A headache in the crown area can also result from a traumatic brain injury. As a rule, we can talk about such a reason if the painful sensations do not go away within two months, memory and attention disorders, general weakness and deterioration in performance are observed. The pain itself often occurs some time after suffering a TBI; its nature, as a rule, is not pulsating. Very rarely, these types of pain can appear due to congenital pathologies of the brain structure.

Diagnosis and treatment

If this type of pain occurs, you should contact a neurologist, a surgeon (if you suspect problems with the spine) and a traumatologist (if you suspect a traumatic brain injury). You may also need to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. If the cause turns out to be a nerve disorder, then drugs such as Glycine, Valerian and Motherwort will help you, and the last two drugs are recommended to be taken only at night, because in addition to a positive calming effect, they also have a negative inhibitory effect. The effect of them is mild and may not occur immediately, so you need to drink the entire course, observing the dosage.

If the pain is caused by muscle strain, then you need to get rid of it. This will help you:

  1. Planning the working day (every hour you need to allocate 5-15 minute breaks for rest)
  2. Therapeutic exercises performed every morning
  3. Sleep on an orthopedic pillow or on a hard bed (only after consulting a doctor).

If the cause of pain is stress, then it is advisable to protect your life from nervous overstrain or learn to deal with them with the help of yoga, fitness, art therapy, and outdoor recreation on weekends. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can do self-massage (it also helps with other causes of pain in the crown area). In a state of meditation, you can concentrate on the crown of your head, where, according to Hindu traditions, the upper “chakra” is located. You just need to do this carefully, because it is not uncommon for people who are carried away by mysticism to develop neuroses from the fear of “damage”, “evil eye”, etc.

If the pain is caused by a traumatic brain injury, the patient needs rest to restore damaged brain functionality. Typically, a person should be hospitalized for a period of two weeks to a month.

Negative factors leading to pain in the crown area

There are several factors that significantly increase the risk of pain in the crown area:

  • Alcoholism
  • Smoking
  • Overeating
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
  • Improper daily routine and sedentary lifestyle

As you can see, many of them are bad habits, and absolutely anyone can get rid of most of the items on the list.

By eliminating risk factors, learning to deal with stress and relieve muscle tension, you can significantly protect yourself from the occurrence of conditions when the top of your head begins to hurt. If, nevertheless, it takes you by surprise, then do not delay and contact a specialist, and then your head will delight you with health for many years.

Why does headache occur at the top of the head?

Symptoms - danger signals

Among the variety of symptoms, it is necessary to highlight the more significant ones, the appearance of which requires immediate contact with a general practitioner, followed by an examination by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon, psychiatrist, etc. So, urgent medical attention is required if the headache is combined:

  • with nausea and vomiting, has a sudden onset;
  • with the appearance of seizures;
  • with visual impairment, hearing impairment or the appearance of hallucinations, the pain syndrome usually increases over time;
  • with post-traumatic cephalgia, especially after head and neck trauma;
  • with a change in the nature of the pain syndrome when the neck, eyes, ears, and nasal cavity are affected;
  • with loss of consciousness or visual disturbances;
  • with increased blood pressure;
  • with any infectious process or isolated rise in body temperature;
  • with a change in the nature and intensity of the pain syndrome familiar to a person;
  • with increased pain while taking medications.


The following additional examination methods are usually used to make a diagnosis and exclude complications:

  • electroencephalography (EEG) to detect episodes of abnormal impulses and diagnose epilepsy;
  • angiography of cerebral vessels;
  • extra- and intracranial Dopplerography of blood vessels;
  • spinal tap;
  • neuroimaging methods.

The last type of diagnosis is performed using radiation. Depending on the need apply

  1. Computed tomography (CT).
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  3. Positron emission tomography, which allows us to judge the metabolism of cells in various parts of the brain during pain.
  4. SPECT is a tomographic image of the distribution of radionuclides.

Differential diagnosis of different types of headaches (Table 2)

Parietal headaches

Headaches, discomfort, and a feeling of fullness in the crown area are familiar to many people. If such symptoms are temporary, isolated and disappear without treatment, then there is no particular reason to worry. But what to do if a headache in the crown is constantly present and not only subsides, but also progresses? The most appropriate solution is to go to the clinic and undergo a detailed diagnostic examination. To prescribe adequate therapy, it is necessary to find out the primary causes of headaches.

Features of symptoms

People who complain of pain in the parietal region describe the nature of their sensations differently. The pain can be squeezing and bursting, sometimes stabbing and throbbing, it can subside and worsen within a few days.

days. Often this pain radiates to the optic nerve, causing vision problems.

Associated signs of parietal headache may include:

  • Intolerance to bright light;
  • Increased pain with loud sounds and noise;
  • Dizziness and feeling of motion sickness;
  • The occurrence or intensification of symptoms during PMS and during menstruation itself in women.

The average age of patients with signs of pain in the parietal region is 30-40 years. Often the pain radiates to the back of the head, neck and back.


The most common primary cause of discomfort in the area of ​​the crown of the head is increased intracranial pressure. It, in turn, can be a manifestation of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Other possible causes of the pathology:

  • Stress caused by excessive workload;
  • Lack of adequate sleep;
  • Errors in nutrition - irregular food intake, lack of nutrients and vitamins, abuse of caffeine and other stimulants;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Taking hormonal medications;
  • Physical inactivity (lack of physical activity);
  • Muscle spasms in the neck and face;
  • Head injuries, bruises, falls;
  • Radicular syndrome – constant compression of the spinal nerve due to osteochondrosis or spinal hernia;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Cysts, brain tumors;
  • Hydrocephalus (excess cerebrospinal fluid in the membranes of the brain);
  • Ischemic disease.

Pain in the parietal and occipital region can be concomitant symptoms of sinusitis, tonsillitis (tonsillitis), and other chronic and acute inflammatory diseases. Fighting a headache in the crown area without eliminating the root cause of the condition is impractical and useless.

Diagnostic methods

A full examination in a clinic will help diagnose the disease that caused parietal headaches. There are a number of laboratory and instrumental techniques that can be prescribed by a therapist in order to establish a diagnosis.

  • General clinical blood test;
  • Angiography (examination of blood vessels with the introduction of a contrast agent);
  • Echocardiography (to study the condition of the heart);
  • Blood pressure monitoring;
  • CT and MRI.

For chronic headaches, it is imperative that patients be examined by an ophthalmologist in order to prevent possible transformations in the fundus in advance. Consultations with an otolaryngologist, dentist, endocrinologist and other specialists are also not excluded.


If headaches are caused by stressful conditions or non-compliance with sleep and rest, lifestyle correction is prescribed as treatment. Doctors advise patients to take a few days of rest, reduce stress, and spend more time in the fresh air. The ideal solution would be to visit a sanatorium-resort medical institution.

Useful information: Types of headaches in the forehead in adults and children

In other cases, longer complex therapy is required. Analgesics, sedatives, antidepressants, receptor blockers, antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles may be prescribed. However, medications cannot always help.

For example, for radicular syndrome caused by osteochondrosis, long-term treatment is used in the form of:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Reflexology (acupuncture);
  • Acupressure.

Herbal infusions and decoctions of oregano, chamomile, mint, lemon balm and other plants help relieve headaches in the parietal and occipital region. Special ointments with a cooling and analgesic effect are also used, which should be rubbed into the temples.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measures for headaches of any localization are a healthy lifestyle, proper rest, and a balanced diet. For people who work in an office and spend most of the day at the computer, doctors recommend doing a short warm-up every 45-60 minutes. You definitely need to walk, stretch your neck, and do a few simple exercises that will prevent congestion in the blood vessels and muscle tissue.

Doctors advise taking medications only in extreme cases, since medications can be addictive and almost always have side effects. Tablets are prescribed when all other treatment methods have already been tried.

Useful information

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A headache can be caused by serious problems in the body, and therefore it is simply necessary to know the cause of its occurrence.
Pain in the crown of the head is a reason to urgently consult a doctor to identify the causes.

Why does pain appear in the crown?

The headache is felt as a feeling of pressure at the top of the head, spreading from above (from the crown to the forehead) and creating the so-called “helmet sensation”. Such pain is often accompanied by tinnitus, as well as pulsation in the temples.

The appearance of such headache symptoms can occur for five main reasons:

  • tension and muscle fatigue;
  • stress;
  • cluster pain;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • migraines.

Let's consider why such phenomena occur, why the top of the head hurts, and who is more susceptible to their occurrence.

Tension and muscle fatigue

Staying in an insufficiently comfortable position for a long time can cause pain in the crown area.

This is typical, for example, for people who spend a long time in front of a monitor or machine in one position, or for summer residents working in an uncomfortable and unnatural position.

The parietal part of the head may begin to ache due to tension in the muscles, due to an incorrect lifestyle (insufficient sleep or poor diet), increased physical or mental overload.

Often headaches in the upper region of the crown occur in women (“I’m tired, my head hurts again”) - these are not ordinary excuses, but a consequence of a monotonous and sedentary lifestyle and overexertion.


Negative emotions cause the muscle fibers of the head to become very tense, and a person experiences constant pain in the crown, radiating to the shoulders and cervical region. This pain is considered quite moderate and stable, it does not change under the influence of stress, but sometimes it can be very acute and become unbearable, stabbing.

If the parietal part of the head hurts, and the pain is accompanied by slight dizziness, a feeling of motion sickness, numbness in the limbs, the cause may be the occurrence of neuroses or psycho-emotional disorders.

Such painful sensations are often observed in people who have been in a stressful situation for a long time or are experiencing psycho-emotional stress.

The brain is simply trying to “signal” to a person that it is working at its limit.

According to statistics, more than 50% of patients with nervous disorders have a headache on the top of their head.

Cluster pain

Pain of this nature occurs in a separate part of the brain and can last from three minutes to two hours. They most often occur in middle-aged men and in women during menopause (or during PMS).

Attacks of pain may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the eyelids and redness of the eyes;
  • increased sensitivity to noise (light);
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting due to dizziness;
  • increased pain during physical activity.

With cluster pain, symptoms can change from time to time, sometimes the sensations worsen or, on the contrary, become less pronounced.


These are the most common pains in the crown area, which are considered the scourge of our time and overtake people of both sexes and different ages.

Migraine makes itself felt by the occurrence of aching or spasmodic pain. Moreover, the upper part of the head hurts, and the period of pain can last from several hours to several months.

Migraine is manifested by the following ailments:

  • sharp pains of a piercing and pulsating nature;
  • intense pain on top of the head, intensifying after sleep (or eating);
  • painful sensations that intensify in the morning after sleep - due to pressure changes and sudden activity;
  • pain when walking or physical activity;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The causes of migraine pain are degenerative disorders of the nervous system, intense release (or, conversely, cessation of entry) of certain substances into the blood.

The occurrence of migraines can be influenced by excessive consumption of alcohol or food, heavy smoking, stressful situations or excessive exercise.

Traumatic brain injuries

Feelings of a headache in the crown area can cause post-traumatic conditions that occur after suffering a traumatic brain injury.

Such pain can be both acute and quite chronic (that is, pain can appear within 8 weeks after the onset of injury). These painful sensations are physiologically determined and often accompany concussions.

You should consult a doctor immediately if, in addition to severe pain in the crown area, the following symptoms appear:

  • visual impairment;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • memory disorder;
  • the intensity of painful sensations increases;
  • vomiting, dry mouth or high fever appears.

Taken together, these signs may indicate serious illness.

Specific and other reasons

Painful sensations in the crown area can be caused by additional factors that are not of a permanent nature, but act as external stimuli:

  • excessive drinking and smoking;
  • poor lifestyle and nutrition;
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • development of atherosclerosis in the vessels of the brain;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (“radicular syndrome”).

Pain on top of the head can also be triggered by external factors: prolonged exposure to the scorching sun (or, on the contrary, in the cold), staying in an excessively noisy or stuffy room, sudden changes in weather conditions, etc.

The use of some drugs can also provoke pain in the crown, so you should especially carefully read the annotations for a particular drug.

The development of pain in the crown area can occur against the background of other diseases: meningitis, colds and viral infections, diseases of the ENT organs.

How to get rid of pain in the top of the head

Independent measures

If pain in the crown area is infrequent, episodic, you can get rid of it yourself:

  1. take a comfortable position (it is better to lie down on a flat surface);
  2. eliminate external irritants (loud light, sound), ventilate the room or go out into fresh air;
  3. perform a gentle neck massage (while breathing evenly and deeply).
  4. take painkillers.


If your head often hurts from above, you should properly organize proper rest and your working time: do periodic warm-ups and small exercises, ensure regular sleep and proper nutrition, take more frequent walks on fresh rest and lead a healthy lifestyle.

When to see a doctor

If the measures taken do not have the desired effect, and the crown of the head, on the contrary, begins to hurt more severely and intensely, the pain is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (nausea, vomiting, weakness, etc.), you should immediately consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis, as well as a prescription. course of treatment.

Appropriate treatment will be prescribed by a doctor depending on the causes of pain:

  • for low blood pressure, medications containing caffeine (citramon, askofen) are used, walks in the fresh air are recommended;
  • for high blood pressure, diuretics, farmadipine and captopril are used;
  • for migraines, a course of vitamin-mineral complex, sedalgin, metamizole, etc. is prescribed;
  • for cluster pain, bed rest is prescribed, cafergot and lidocaine drops are used;
  • for colds and infectious diseases - anti-cold medications (Teraflu, Fervex, ibuprofen, etc.) are used to relieve pain;
  • for stress, complex drug and psychiatric treatment is used.

Only a doctor can prescribe treatment and prescribe such medications if you have a headache from above - you should not self-medicate under any circumstances.

Usually, if pain occurs in the vertex of the head, they consult a neurologist.

But, if the top of your head hurts, and the causes of pain are associated with pre- or post-stroke conditions, hormonal changes, injuries or stress, you should consult several specialists at once: a cardiologist, surgeon, gynecologist, immunologist, respectively.

1 What is most often associated with pain?

Headaches from above cause a feeling of tightness. Along with them, sometimes there may be a feeling of pulsation in the temporal region and severe tinnitus. The causes of the pain that many people experience in the crown of the head are very different.

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The first factor is severe overstrain of muscle tissue, fatigue. Being in an uncomfortable position for a long time causes a person to experience pain in the parietal region. This applies to people who are seated every day during the workday, or who stand behind equipment for the entire work shift, or people who grow crops and perform weeding and other activities in a position that tends to strain muscle tissue.

Pain in the parietal region, which often occurs in women, may not only be due to abnormal muscle tone. Severe physical fatigue, high mental stress, poor lifestyle, poor nutrition, and insufficient sleep may contribute to their appearance.

Every person should try to remain calm in all situations. A disturbed psycho-emotional state, a constant state of stress, and depression cause people to experience pain in the crown of such strength that the unpleasant sensations radiate to the neck and shoulders. Due to frequent experiences, the muscle tissue of the head contracts, which makes moderate headaches systematic.

Reducing the load does not make it less severe, and sometimes the pain reaches its peak and becomes unbearable. Headache, accompanied by mild nausea, dizziness, numbness of the arms and legs, is most often a consequence of neurosis or other disorders of the nervous system. It is typical for subjects who for a long time cannot get rid of psycho-emotional overstrain. Medical research shows that more than half of patients with disorders of the nervous system experience pain in the crown area.

Migraine is a very common cause of pain in the parietal region. It affects both males and females at any age. A migraine signals its appearance by painful sensations of an aching, spasmodic nature in the area of ​​the crown. Lasts for two hours or several months.

Symptoms characteristic of migraine:

  • sharp pain, accompanied by pulsation;
  • severe pain on top of the head, which becomes even more intense after eating or waking up from sleep;
  • severe headache during active activities, pressure changes;
  • the upper part of the head hurts when doing physical exercises, while walking;
  • triggering of the gag reflex;
  • nausea.

The main factors causing migraine are: disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (processes of its degeneration occur) and disruptions in the functioning of the circulatory system. Migraines are also associated with drinking alcoholic beverages in unlimited quantities, smoking, stress, and excessive exercise.

2 Additional reasons

A very serious reason for pain in the parietal part of the head is traumatic brain injury. This occurs when the patient is in a post-traumatic state. Headache can be acute or chronic. The fact that it is chronic is indicated by its appearance within two months after the injury. And the headache is due to the fact that the person has suffered a concussion. You should seek help from an experienced specialist immediately. The consequences of an injury can be especially complex if, in addition to these pain sensations, there are the following manifestations:

  • sudden deterioration of vision;
  • weakness, general health unsatisfactory;
  • memory problems;
  • painful sensations from above intensify;
  • presence of a gag reflex;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa.

Cluster pain covers a separate area of ​​the head due to the fact that it affects the brain locally and lasts from several minutes to several hours. Cluster pain in any area most often makes itself felt in males in middle age. In women they occur during PMS or menopause.

Pain in the upper part of the head is sometimes associated with vascular diseases. It is caused by: vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension or physical inactivity. Due to decreased or increased tone of their walls, blood vessels are unable to function normally and provide the required level of blood pressure. In this case, nerve cells can be compressed, after which vascular tension is formed. In order for the pain in the top of the head to disappear, it is necessary to normalize blood pressure, include only healthy foods in the daily diet, and follow a diet.

An important factor causing pain in the head, which becomes especially acute when pressed, is pathology of the cervical spine of various kinds. Pathological disorders include: disorders in the cervical vertebrae, osteochondrosis, pinched nerve fibers and blood vessels, cervical migraine.

It happens that pain in the crown is associated with the skin, that is, with its defects. Then the person experiences pain on the outside when touching the hair and skin. Factors causing violations are:

  • allergic reaction to hair care products;
  • improperly done hairstyle, long, heavy and thick hair;
  • diseases of the scalp caused by various types of fungi;
  • spasm of blood vessels that are close to the hair follicles;
  • psoriasis.

Why does the part of my head hurt at the top, what else could it be connected with? Other reasons include:

  • development of a cold or infectious disease;
  • sudden change in weather conditions;
  • insufficient amount of oxygen in the air masses of the room;
  • sunstroke;
  • hypothermia;
  • eating unhealthy foods;
  • uncomfortable pillow for sleeping;
  • being in a noisy place for a long time.

3 Prevention and therapy

To ensure that painful attacks do not occur in any area of ​​the head or that the likelihood of their occurrence is minimal, a number of preventive measures must be taken.

Try not to sit too long in front of the computer monitor and TV. The brain is under great stress, especially if a person is passionate about computer games, which provoke pain in the top of the head quite quickly. You need to limit not only yourself, but also children, in whom the parietal part of the head can hurt as often as in adults.

Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish. For example, chocolate, cocoa, and nuts have a negative effect on blood vessels, which causes pain in the crown area. When playing sports, however, physical activity should be moderate so as not to harm your own health.

Adequate sleep every day should be at least 7-8 hours. This amount of time will be enough for a person to fully restore the strength spent throughout the day and gain energy. Moreover, to avoid headaches, sleep must be sound. When you go to bed, you should not think about any problems.

In the area of ​​the crown, pain will be felt much less frequently if a person avoids conflicts, does not provoke them and does not react to provocations from others. Such actions will protect the body from many diseases of the nervous system. Give up any bad habits. Regular visits to medical institutions for a full examination and identification of any abnormalities in the cardiovascular system and spine in the early stages of disease development.

4 Urgent package of measures

If a person has a headache infrequently, occasionally, then you can eliminate the symptom on your own. Actions when a headache attacks should be as follows:

  • take a horizontal position;
  • take deep, even breaths;
  • open the window to fill the room with fresh air;
  • make sure that the light does not put pressure on the eyes, there is no noise;
  • measure blood pressure with a tonometer; if something is pressing on your head, then the reason may be abnormal pressure;
  • perform a light cervical massage;
  • take a pain reliever.

When the headache does not go away, but only gets worse, you need to see a doctor for an examination and an accurate diagnosis. The treatment course prescribed by the doctor will depend on the reasons for the pain in the upper part of the head.

Deviations from the norm in blood pressure are eliminated with various medications. If the pressure is reduced, then medications with caffeine and citramone are prescribed. For high blood pressure - captopril, farmadipine and other drugs.

Migraine treatment is carried out comprehensively. The patient is prescribed various vitamins and medications, for example, Sedalgin. Cluster pain in any area is eliminated with the help of a drug called cafergot; drops can also be prescribed. Bed rest is required.

Psycho-emotional disorders that cause the patient to have a headache are eliminated through complex medicinal effects on the body and psychiatric treatment. For treatment to be effective, you need to contact a neurologist. In some cases, he prescribes examination by other specialists, for example, a cardiologist. It is not recommended to use any medications on your own.

5 Traditional medicine

When you have a moderate headache, medications based on medicinal plants can help combat the pain. A migraine attack will be relieved by a tincture of aloe and chicory. An aloe leaf, cut into pieces, is infused in chicory juice (150 ml) for two hours.

A cinnamon-based drink is effective: 0.5 tsp. cinnamon should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, then add 0.5 tsp to the mixture. Sahara. Drink several sips throughout the day.

To relieve painful attacks, you need to apply compresses. Options that give positive results:

  1. Mash a fresh leaf of white cabbage, apply it to your forehead, and hold for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut raw potatoes into circles, wrap in gauze folded in 2 layers and place on your forehead (10 minutes).
  3. Wet a towel or napkin in cold water and apply to your temples and forehead for 3-5 minutes.

Relaxation is quite effective in the fight against illness that arises from overexertion. It is good for the patient to lie down in silence, completely relax, sleep, or take a walk. The body itself will tell you what exactly needs to be done. Therapy with music will also have a beneficial effect on the patient. Regardless of taste preferences, a classic composition is needed for medicinal purposes. It will calm your nerves and relieve fatigue.

Not all reasons that provoke a feeling of pain at the top of the head depend on the person himself. However, the frequency and likelihood of the disease will decrease significantly if you eliminate bad habits or unhealthy sleep. More attention should be paid to health so that life can be long and enjoyed.

The intense rhythm of modern life has caught us up so much that we often don’t notice anything around us. What is there around! Even a headache has become a common and familiar occurrence, to which we simply stopped paying attention. If he makes himself known more persistently, then there is always a painkiller at hand: he took it and rushed on...

But to go to the doctor and consult - there is always no time for this, and there is no special desire. However, a symptom such as pain in the top of the head can indicate life-threatening conditions.

Let's figure out what these headaches in the crown area are, where they come from and what to do about it.

Many-sided and insidious

Headaches are so diverse and multifaceted that it is often possible to understand the cause of its occurrence only by visiting several specialists and undergoing a bunch of tests. Painful sensations on the top of the head can indicate a number of ailments.

In general, head pain differs according to which area of ​​it is involved. The origin of pain in the upper part of the head has a varied basis.

Unbearable pain in the parietal region usually occurs in the morning. This is the result of sudden changes in pressure readings, which cause overstrain of the cerebral vessels. Pain on the top of the head may be accompanied by dizziness and nosebleeds. In this case, there may be a risk of stroke. With a rapid increase in blood pressure, taking a diuretic drug (Trifas, Furosemide) is indicated. In addition, it is always advisable for a hypertensive patient to have Farmadipin (take no more than 3-4 drops) or Captopril, which are first aiders in case of a hypertensive crisis.

Stress, neuroses, severe nervous tension

They also cause headaches on top. This is how the brain signals that it can no longer deal with emotional stress, that it is time to stop and take a break. Neuroses, in addition, may be accompanied by dizziness and nausea. This condition is predominantly characteristic of women and men over 30 years of age who experience constant psychological stress at work.

TAKE NOTE! Pain in the crown area will not bother you as often if you learn to avoid conflict situations, not provoke them yourself and not pay attention to similar antics of others. This approach can also relieve many nervous diseases.

Often patients, when describing their condition, complain of discomfort, a pressing heaviness in the crown area, a swaying sensation, or even dizziness. All these symptoms, along with pain in the crown of the head, which is accompanied by a seeming numbness of the limbs, the appearance of a “helmet feeling” or, as they used to call it, “a neurasthenic helmet,” may indicate the onset of neurosis.

The pain of this disease is constant and is usually accompanied by fear of loss of sanity, insanity, stroke and other anxieties.

Physical fatigue

The main source of headaches in the crown area is inactivity. Unfortunately, this applies to many modern people who sit at the computer for several hours. This monotonous posture strains the muscles of the neck and back of the head, causing pain in the parietal region of the head. It is this condition that causes similar sensations to arise in schoolchildren who spend a lot of time at their desks during lessons, and in elderly people from their exorbitant love of watching television programs.

Lesions of the upper spinal column

This is also a significant reason for headaches in the parietal part of the head. Such deviations are typical for those who work in offices, where constant sitting in one position is common.

Rapid formation of osteophytes

It is this condition of the ridge that also provokes this type of pain. Usually this is a disease of old people who, due to age-related changes, move little. The disease is based on the transformation of ligament joints into hard bone tissue, which causes severe pain.


The condition is based on deep compression of the muscles due to exposure to a draft or sleeping in one position.


It can also cause headaches, which are especially worse when you make a sudden movement. The disease occurs against the background of such ailments as spondyloarthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and others.

There are unpleasant sensations in the parietal region of the head and from the vertebral discs squeezing the arteries and nerves going to the head. It is accompanied by numbness, sagging neck and the appearance of a double chin.

A well-known cause of pain in the crown of the head. The disease equally affects both men and women of any age. Painful feelings are localized in one place of the head and last from two hours to several months.

TAKE NOTE! To fully rest, a person must sleep at least 7-8 hours. During this time, his body will fully recover and gain vitality. But to get rid of headaches, this sleep must also be sound. Learn to go to bed, freed from problems, thinking only about pleasant things.

The disease has the following symptoms:

  • sharp throbbing pain;
  • usually it comes from above the head and its intensity increases after eating or sleeping, during intense exercise and pressure changes;
  • When walking or doing physical exercises, the top of the head usually hurts;
  • lightheadedness;
  • the occurrence of vomiting.

The main motivators of the disease are disruptions in the functioning of the nervous (deterioration is observed) and circulatory systems. Migraines also occur against the background of alcohol abuse, smoking, mental stress, and excessive stress.

Unhealthy behavioral norms can also serve as the basis for headaches in the parietal part of the head. Mainly these are:

  1. unbalanced diet;
  2. smoking;
  3. alcohol abuse;
  4. constant lack of sleep;
  5. eating unhealthy food;
  6. excessive muscle tension.
  7. Traumatic brain injuries

Damage to the skull can cause pain in the parietal part of the head. We can talk about this when cephalalgia has been bothering us for a long time and, to this, disturbances associated with memory and attention have been added, weakness has arisen along the way, and performance has deteriorated.

It should be remembered that any head injury requires immediate, without any delay, seeking medical help. Because it is irresponsibility that can become the basis for serious damage to the body.

Cluster pain in the parietal part

They appear predominantly in a certain area of ​​the head. Their duration ranges from 2 minutes to an hour. As a rule, they occur in forty-year-old men, as well as women during menopause. They always appear:

  • tattitus;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • the appearance of unexpected vomiting;
  • light and noise intolerance;
  • powerlessness;
  • trembling;
  • significant decrease in energy;
  • loss of balance;
  • redness of the eyelids and eyes;
  • pain in the center of the head.

Cluster sickness, which causes pain in the top of the head, makes itself felt by resistance and hyperemia in the eye area, as well as lacrimation. The patient is advised to lie down.

Various pathologies of the spine

Often the reason for a constant headache on the top of the head is diseases of the spinal column. To eliminate these ailments, it is necessary to determine what caused them, that is, to correctly diagnose the ailment of the spine - scoliosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.

Oncological changes in the brain

They usually manifest themselves by headaches in the parietal region, as well as in the temples and forehead. In this case, vomiting, writhing, blurred vision, fever, and weakness may occur. All this requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

Pain associated with damage to the blood vessels of the head

They may be the result of low blood pressure, neurocircular dystonia, or a significant emotional outburst. Changes in blood pressure and vasospasm bring sensitive paroxysmal pain to the head in the vertex area, up to loss of consciousness. Urgent medical attention required!

TAKE NOTE! The use of certain medications can also contribute to pain in the upper region of the head. Do not get carried away with the uncontrolled use of tablets; carefully read the instructions for them.

The condition when the head hurts in the crown area is accompanied by other symptoms. The most common of them:

  1. increase in temperature;
  2. dry mouth;
  3. vomit;
  4. forgetfulness;
  5. decreased visual acuity.

All of them can be harbingers of serious diseases. Therefore, do not neglect going to the hospital.

Combating crown discomfort

Regardless of whether the crown of the head or other parts of it hurt, cephalalgia is concentrated in one point or spread over the entire head, the disease can be determined. Therefore, there cannot be a single cause of headaches. Just as there is no single cure for all problems. Although there are a number of measures that can help alleviate the condition. These are ordinary rules of a healthy lifestyle, usually familiar to everyone and impossible to implement. It is these disorders that are partly the reason why the upper part of the head hurts. So if you suffer from this ailment:

  • limit your time at the computer, lead an active lifestyle;
  • eat only a balanced diet;
  • make it a rule to get full sleep;
  • eliminate stress and conflict situations from your life;
  • switch to the positive;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • make it a rule not to give up physical activity (at least walking), and to actively rest;
  • Take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • Monitor the condition of your cardiovascular system and spine.

Of course, it is not easy to completely change a lifestyle that has been created over the years. And if you do this, then no one will guarantee that you will get rid of pain in the crown area, the origin of which is very diverse.

TAKE NOTE! Constant disturbances in lifestyle also provoke chronic pain in the crown of the head.


Of course, you can continue to swallow painkillers, “quenching” the sensations, helping the problem develop towards a chronic pathology. But you can still take the side of health and get rid of all this illness. Live healthy and enjoy life. The choice is yours. I want to believe that it will be correct.

Tell us in the comments about your preventive measures and treatment, this can be very useful to other users.

The headache can cover the entire head, and sometimes concentrate only in a separate part of it. Painful sensations can be aching, pressing, bursting, stabbing, pulsating, periodic and constant. The most unpleasant and debilitating pain is in the parietal part of the head, that is, from above. Most headaches (pain) affect this area.

Why does the top of my head hurt?

Many different reasons cause severe pain in the crown of the head. Sometimes it is so unbearable that a person, when asked where it hurts, may exclaim in their hearts: “My head just hurts!” And this will be, albeit rough, but true. The pain, starting from the top of the head, often spreads throughout the skull, extends to the eyes and forehead, and squeezes and compresses the entire head.

Factors that provoke parietal pain are divided into two large groups. The first group is factors that, if eliminated, will relieve the pain. The second group is certain types of diseases and painful conditions, the symptoms of which are parietal pain.

Factors that cause temporary headache in the top of the head

  • muscle fatigue;
  • tension pain – pain radiates to the neck and shoulder area;
  • occupational pain;
  • stress – single or cumulative;
  • weather change;
  • lack of oxygen in the room;
  • unhealthy diet – nuts, chocolate, cheese, cocoa dilate blood vessels and cause headaches;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • overheating, hypothermia or sudden change in temperature;
  • poorly organized sleeping area and the wrong pillow.

Diseases and painful conditions that cause pain in the crown of the head

  • migraine – may affect half of the crown;
  • hypotension – pressing pain spreads to the area of ​​the eyes, temples, bridge of the nose, neck;
  • hypertension - nosebleeds and dizziness may occur;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia - accompanied by jumping pressure, the appearance of sudden heat and goosebumps in the face, lips, neck;
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • “radicular syndrome” or cervical osteochondrosis – compression of the nerves of the neck occurs, a feeling of numbness in the crown occurs;
  • incorrect (unstable) connection of the cervical vertebrae with the base of the skull;
  • neurotic and psychoemotional disorders;
  • head injury;
  • post-traumatic pain;
  • developing infectious or cold disease.

Having found out why the top of your head hurts, you can choose an effective way to get rid of the pain. If the pain is caused by a cause from the second group of factors, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

When to see a doctor

There are situations when consulting a doctor can be the only solution to the problem of pain in the top of the head, and sometimes even save a life.

A visit to a specialist or even calling an ambulance should not be postponed if the following additional symptoms are observed along with pain in the upper part of the head:

  1. Visual impairment.
  2. Weakness, disorder or memory loss.
  3. Increasing nature of pain.
  4. The pain has been bothering me continuously for a long time.
  5. Dry mouth appeared, fever increased and nausea began.
  6. A head injury has occurred.
  7. After even a small blow to the head, nausea and dizziness appeared for some time.

All these symptoms, together with a headache in the crown area, can be a harbinger of serious illnesses. If you have a headache from above, then the first visit should be made to a therapist, who, after a survey and examination, will refer you for an additional consultation with a neurologist.

During the examination the following activities are carried out:

  • blood and urine tests are studied;
  • blood pressure is measured and its dynamics are monitored;
  • an ECG, cervical x-ray, MRI are prescribed;
  • An ophthalmologist is consulted.

It is important to remember that pain in the top of the head can be a symptom of a serious illness. The sooner it is identified, the easier and faster it can be treated.

Most common reasons

Among the many factors mentioned above, there are causes of pain in the crown of the head that are particularly common and have the most specific manifestations.

Occupational pain or tension pain

Both children and adults are susceptible to this type of headache, which most often affects the top of the head. A dull pain presses on the head from above, compresses it and absorbs it entirely. There is a feeling as if an invisible helmet, helmet or spacesuit is being worn on top. The nature of occupational pain lies in the fact that a person remains in an uncomfortable position for a long time, without moving, in the presence of poor lighting, or in the workplace not meeting ergonomic standards and requirements.


  1. Change working conditions - adjust the height of the chair, adjust the lighting, position the computer at the correct distance from the eyes.
  2. After every hour of work, get up from the table and do a little exercise, stretching your neck and shoulders.
  3. Regularly ventilate the room, maintain normal humidity and temperature.
  4. Perform a light self-massage of the head.

During the week, a person spends most of his time at work. To avoid headaches in the workplace, you need to properly organize your work-rest schedule and create suitable working conditions.

Neuroses and psychoemotional disorders

Over half of the complaints about pain that occurs where the crown of the head is located in a person is associated with neurotic diseases and disorders. If a squeezing or constricting headache occurs, often accompanied by dizziness and even numbness of the limbs, this is a serious reason to consult a specialist.

Approximately 60% of people diagnosed with neurasthenia or hysteria suffer from pain in the upper part of the head. Painful sensations are constant or periodic, they can intensify or weaken, but they always accompany the patient and do not leave him for a long time.

A person suffering from neurosis experiences emotional instability and is prone to panic attacks, and the fear is always very specific. Someone is afraid of getting a certain disease, someone is worried that they might lose a loved one, etc.

Unfortunately, a person with a neurotic disorder is constantly in a vicious circle of “fear-pain”. Fear increases pain, and pain causes new fears. Most often, people who experience prolonged stress or psycho-emotional stress suffer from neuroses.

Solution: seek help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist and undergo a course of medication.

Post-traumatic conditions

People who have suffered even minor traumatic brain injuries complain that the top of their heads hurts. At the same time, there is a decrease in memory, performance, concentration and an increase in psycho-emotional exhaustion. The nature of such pain is dual in nature: physiological and psychosocial.

Physiological manifestations of pain are determined by the following factors:

  • disturbance of the movement of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • compression of the nerve roots;
  • excessive pressure on the membranes of the brain.

The psychosocial component consists of increased suspiciousness of the victim, fear of complications after injury, and mistrust of doctors.

Solution: treatment from specialized specialists and consultation with a psychologist.

Vascular pain

Often the parietal area of ​​the head suffers from pain that occurs with hypertension, hypotension, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Decreased or increased vascular tone prevents them from performing their functions of maintaining optimal blood pressure. Either compression of the nerve cells by the vascular walls or vasospasm occurs.

  1. Equalizing blood pressure with medications prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Dieting.
  3. If the pain takes you by surprise, then people with high blood pressure need to lie down in bed and put a high pillow under their head, and people with low blood pressure need to put it under their feet.

Pain in the vertex associated with neck pathologies

Osteochondrosis, cervical migraine, pinched nerves and blood vessels, instability of the cervical vertebrae can lead to pain in the upper part of the head.

  1. Examination by a neurologist and surgeon.
  2. Massage and manual therapy sessions.
  3. Therapeutic exercise.
  4. Physiotherapy.

If the skin on the crown of your head hurts

Sometimes a condition arises in which painful sensations are concentrated on the skin of the crown and appear at the moment of touching the hair. This feeling occurs in the following situations:

  • allergies to hair care products;
  • tight hairstyle or too heavy hair;
  • fungal disease of the scalp;
  • psoriasis of the scalp;
  • spasm of blood vessels surrounding and feeding the hair follicles.

These are the main reasons why the scalp on the top of your head hurts, and you can take the following steps to relieve or stop the pain:

  1. Stop using products that cause allergies, apply a soothing bread mask to the scalp or rinse with chamomile infusion.
  2. Change your hairstyle - instead of a high tight bun or ponytail, try fashionable French braids, and be sure to let your hair down at night.
  3. Consult a trichologist for fungal treatment.
  4. Take maximum care from factors that provoke the occurrence of psoriasis - reduce psycho-emotional stress, stick to a diet.
  5. Do not overheat or overcool the scalp.

A headache in the top of the head can occur from overexertion, or can be a harbinger of serious illnesses. Prolonged or recurring pain is a serious reason to seek advice from a specialist.

Headaches are a very common type of ailment in people that can appear in adults and children.

Pain can be in any part of the head, at a certain point, and often there is a complaint of pain in the upper part of the head, in the crown.

You need to understand why the top of your head hurts and what may be hidden behind it.

Main reasons

A headache in the crown area can feel like a compression of the skull because there is a lot of pressure on the top of the head.

In some cases, the condition may be accompanied by throbbing pain in the temples, as well as tinnitus.

The main causes of this disorder are as follows:

  1. Severe muscle tension.
  2. Various head injuries.
  3. Stress and emotional distress.
  4. Migraine.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Osteochondrosis.
  7. Cluster pain.

The described reasons are the main ones why pressing pain begins to appear in the parietal part of the head.

It is necessary to understand in more detail the problems and the principle of their occurrence.

If a person experiences constant stress and the muscles of the head tense, then they are in good shape, this provokes pain in the top of the head.

Initially, the top point in the head hurts, after which the symptom goes lower and there is a feeling that someone is pulling.

This condition does not change the strength of the attack, even under load. In some cases, a headache of this nature becomes so severe that it is very difficult to withstand and painkillers are used.

If pain in the head appears in the crown of the head, and is also accompanied by other symptoms, for example, dizziness and numbness in the fingers, then this is characteristic of emotional stress or neurosis.

The problem arises in a person who has been under stress for a long time. Thus, the body speaks of fatigue and indicates that rest is needed.

If the cause of pain in the crown is a sedentary lifestyle, then muscle fatigue appears.

This problem occurs among office workers, drivers, and people who remain in one position for a long time.

The muscles of the neck and back become tense, followed by pain in the upper area of ​​the head.

Another cause of muscle tension is constant fatigue as a result of lack of sleep or mental stress.

It should be noted that this condition often appears in women. A very common cause of pain in the parietal region is migraine attacks.

This pathology can occur at any age, even in a child. Headaches are quite severe and often radiate to other parts of the head, for example, to the eyes, ears or teeth.

Attacks can occur in one part or throughout the entire area of ​​the head; the duration of an attack can last from 1-2 hours to several days and even months.

The main causes of migraine are as follows:

  1. Penetration of various elements into the blood.
  2. Nervous system disorders.

Migraine can be identified by its characteristic symptoms:

  • There is a sharp pain in the head, which can be described as pulsating.
  • The headache is worse after sleep, as well as after eating.
  • During movement or other activities, the pain also becomes stronger.
  • The patient begins to feel nauseous, possibly vomiting.

Migraines often appear with frequent alcohol consumption, as well as with prolonged smoking.

In addition, the crown of the head hurts due to migraines during stressful situations and when overeating.

In the case of a cause in the form of cluster pain, a person begins to experience discomfort in only one area above, and the duration of the attack can be from 5-10 minutes to several hours.

As a rule, this problem occurs more often in men, although women may suffer from the disease during PMS or menopause.

The nature of the symptoms is inconsistent and the pain in the crown either decreases or becomes stronger. Pathology can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • The eyes become red.
  • Pain in the parietal region becomes stronger with exercise and activity.
  • Possible addition of vomiting and nausea.
  • My head starts to spin.
  • People may be afraid of loud noises and bright lights.

The next reason why the top of the head hurts is injury. Even with a small bruise, attacks and unpleasant sensations are possible, due to which memory will deteriorate and performance will decrease.

Pain in the parietal region can become chronic as a result of concussions.

A person will need to see a doctor as soon as possible if the following symptoms appear after an injury:

  • Memory disappears.
  • The headache in the crown becomes very severe.
  • The temperature rises.
  • Vision deteriorates.
  • Possible nausea, weakness and general deterioration.

If the area of ​​the crown hurts all the time, it means that diseases of the neck and spine are possible.

Doctors often diagnose osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, all of which causes pain in the crown and upper part of the head.

Treatment can be carried out by a neurologist or therapist, and you may need the help of a neurosurgeon. If the reasons are identified, then massages and manual treatments can be used.

Patients are prescribed exercise and other ways to improve their health. The upper part hurts due to vegetative-vascular dystonia, when the pressure is unstable.

Treatment can only be carried out with medications; in addition, one must lead a correct lifestyle.

In some cases, it is not the head that hurts, but the skin on the crown of the head, why this happens, the doctor can tell you, but often the reasons are hidden in an allergy to care products, the reason may also be a fungus or psoriasis.

In a person with such a lesion, the pain increases with pressure and touching the skin.

Drug treatment

Parietal headaches can be relieved with medications and various pills are often used at home, without determining the cause, which is very wrong and leads to worsening. This is why it is important to initially diagnose the problem and then treat it.

Headache in the parietal region can be relieved with:

  1. Analgina.
  2. Ibuprofen.
  3. Spasmalgona.

It is worth understanding that treatment with such drugs should be carried out once, solely to get rid of attacks.

Effective treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after establishing the cause and collecting all the symptoms, especially if a parietal headache appears in a child.

If a child has pain in the crown area and the sensations become stronger or are complemented by other symptoms, then it may be better to call an ambulance so that the child can be hospitalized and receive qualified assistance.

Home treatment

If, after diagnosing pain on top of the head, doctors did not find any disease, then the reasons are hidden in fatigue or stress.

In this case, you can use folk remedies and the crown will feel relief.

For this you can use:

  • Chicory and aloe. You need to put the crushed plant in chicory juice and leave for several hours. After this, take the product 50-100 ml at a time. If you use this remedy every day, the pain begins to disappear.
  • Valerian root. For a medicinal decoction, you need to grind 50 grams of the root and put it in 250 ml of water. After this, place in a water bath for half an hour. When the decoction is ready, add water to a total volume of 250 ml and take the decoction 3 times a day, before meals for a week.
  • Cinnamon. It’s easy to make the product if you put a pinch of cinnamon in 0.5 liters of water, then stir and add 1 tsp. Sahara. You need to drink 2 tsp of the medicine. every 2 hours and the headache will begin to go away.

If the pain from above is very strong, then you need to apply compresses. To be effective, you can use knotweed, which is applied to the top of the head; if the discomfort radiates to the frontal part or temples, then you need to use a towel and cold.

For a compress, you can use cabbage, which must be kneaded and applied to the area of ​​discomfort.

Potato mush can cause severe pain.


To prevent attacks and discomfort from reoccurring after treatment, it is necessary to use preventive measures.

  1. Spend your day actively. You should change your lifestyle and include several physical exercises in your daily regimen, perhaps morning exercises or just sports after work. It will be useful to walk outside for about half an hour, especially before bed.
  2. Give up bad habits. It is recommended to completely give up cigarettes and alcohol or reduce consumption to a minimum. There is also no need to overuse coffee, as it can increase blood pressure and cause attacks. It is recommended to drink plain water, compotes, fruit drinks and other drinks without harm to the body.
  3. Take vitamins. Vitamin B2 will help with headaches, which is quite abundant not only in medicinal complexes, but also in broccoli, spinach, eggs or nuts.
  4. Adjust your diet. You need to eat a balanced diet, and also add all healthy foods to your diet, which can prevent attacks. It is necessary to remove fried foods, salty and spicy foods, as well as smoked foods from the diet. Add more plant-based products, cereals and dairy products to the menu.
  5. Normalize sleep. For normal functioning of the body and prevention of attacks, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and before going to bed you should open a window for ventilation.
  6. Get rid of stress and strain. Constant physical and mental stress leads not only to headaches, but also to other disorders of the body. Therefore, you should try not to worry, avoid stress and not burden the body.

The tips described will help you avoid attacks of pain in the top of your head.

If symptoms reappear after treatment and are not relieved by simple methods, then you should visit a doctor, especially if the attacks are accompanied by vomiting, nausea and other ailments.

Useful video

Headaches are considered quite common, so many simply do not take this ailment seriously, saving themselves by taking analgesics. This approach is completely in vain, and in some cases even unsafe: discomfort in the head area can be caused by minor external factors, but most often such a symptom signals the presence of health problems of varying degrees of severity.

The location of the headache, its nature and degree of intensity will help to suspect the cause of the pain. Today we will talk about why the top of the head may hurt, in what cases you should sound the alarm and see a doctor, and whether you can overcome the disease on your own.

10 causes of pain in the crown area and how to eliminate them

The top of the head can hurt for various reasons, some of which, at first glance, have nothing to do with the location of the discomfort. When diagnosing, it is worth taking into account the nature and intensity of pain, as well as the history preceding the illness - this way you can assume the correct reason why the top of your head began to hurt, and therefore take the right measures to cure it.

  1. Migraine

Migraine-like pain can occur at any age. It is rarely associated with external factors - as a rule, migraine attacks are taken by surprise and are very difficult to control with painkillers. During a migraine, the top of the head primarily hurts, but if the attack is severe, the discomfort can radiate to the occipital and frontal parts. The duration of the aching pain can be absolutely anything, from several hours to weeks, or even months.

From a medical point of view, migraine-like attacks in the area of ​​the crown occur against the background of the synthesis of special substances or degenerative changes in nerve fibers. This pathology can be recognized by the following signs:

  • the top of the head hurts quite severely, sometimes the disease affects the occipital or frontal region;
  • the pain is sharp, aching or throbbing in nature;
  • with the slightest physical exertion, the degree of discomfort increases significantly;
  • Sometimes the attack is accompanied by digestive symptoms - nausea, vomiting.

If a migraine attack does not stop on its own within a few hours, then it will not be easy to get rid of it. In this case, it is best to contact a specialist or call an ambulance.

  1. Cluster pain

Clusters can be localized in any area of ​​the head, including the crown. If the top of the skull hurts for a short time (usually from a few minutes to an hour), but quite intensely, and analgesics practically do not help, it is worth thinking about the level of hormones - the appearance of cluster syndrome is associated with them. More often men suffer from headaches in this way, however, women are not immune from clusters, especially during menopause or on the eve of menopause.

You can suspect the cluster nature of discomfort in the crown based on the following criteria:

  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • the more active the behavior during an attack, the stronger the headache;
  • presence of dizziness, light and noise sensitivity.

If the top of your head still hurts after taking analgesics, in the case of a cluster nature of the disease it is easier to wait out the attack - it usually lasts no more than an hour. But if the duration prolongs or the pain recurs quite often, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing a routine examination.

  1. Injury

If there is a history of traumatic brain injury, even a minor one, the top of the head may hurt for quite a long time until the process becomes chronic. With this pathology, the pain intensifies when you touch or press on the injured area - usually the damage to the skin makes itself felt for at least several weeks. If the illness drags on, developing into a chronic one, we are no longer talking about the physical consequences of the injury, but about psychology: in suspicious patients, the damaged area may hurt longer than usual.

In most cases, traumatic brain injuries are treated in an inpatient setting, where the patient a priori receives all the necessary therapy. However, with minor injuries, patients rarely turn to a specialist, and therefore complications are more common. However, you should definitely visit a doctor if, after an injury to the top of your head, you experience memory loss, fever, blurred vision, general weakness, and your head hurts more and more every day.

  1. Pathologies of the vascular bed

The crown may hurt due to anatomical or functional changes in the vessels of the head. For example, pain often occurs against the background of surges in blood pressure (both hypertonic and hypotonic), vegetative-vascular dystonia, low blood flow, etc. Such a spasm, as a rule, leads to a change in the tone of the vascular wall and pinching of nerve fibers, causing This is what causes pain.

To get rid of such a pathology, it is necessary to put blood pressure in order, strengthen blood vessels and neutralize the reason why, in fact, the top of the head hurts. Typically, in such cases, cardiologists recommend appropriate medications, dietary nutrition, complete cessation of bad habits, including alcohol and smoking, as well as adequate physical activity.

  1. Spinal problems

If the top of your head hurts incessantly, and the nature of the pain becomes chronic, most likely, defects in the cervical spine are to blame. The most common of them are pinched or inflammation of nerves, blood vessels, osteochondrosis, displacement of the vertebrae due to neck injury, etc.

Symptomatic treatment in this case will not help, but will only provide temporary relief. In order for the crown to stop hurting, you need to visit a neurologist and surgeon, who will determine in more detail the nature of the spinal pathology and prescribe appropriate therapy. You may need to undergo a course of rehabilitation, massage, or acupuncture, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the spine, which means the top of your head will stop hurting.

  1. Allergic reactions or dermatitis

If the skin on the top of the head hurts only when touched, then the main cause of discomfort is dermatitis or allergies. This ailment can be caused by anything: a new shampoo or other hair care products, a fungal infection of the scalp, psoriasis, and even an incorrectly chosen hairstyle (a ponytail or braid that is too tight). What to do in this case? It is enough to exclude all irritating factors that negatively affect your well-being, and the top of your head will stop hurting very quickly.

  1. Chronic stress

Emotional stress usually increases the tone of the head muscles, resulting in a feeling of a “tight ring” at the top of the head. The stronger and longer the stressful situation, the more severe the headache may be. At the same time, physical activity will not affect the nature and intensity of discomfort in any way - all “responsibility” lies solely with the emotional state of the patient.

When pain attacks are accompanied by weakness, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, stress disorder develops into neurosis, and the body can no longer cope with stress. You shouldn’t let it get to this point: if you feel that the top of your head is starting to hurt from overexertion, urgently try to distract yourself from the external stimulus, switch your attention to positive aspects, relax or sleep for a few hours - and the pain will certainly subside.

  1. Muscle spasm

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the pressing problems of modern society, which can result in various unpleasant symptoms, including headaches. If you sit at the computer for a long time or are engaged in landscaping your summer cottage, straining the muscles of your neck and back, it is not surprising that very soon the top of your head will ache.

In order not to suffer from such a deviation, it is worth following an optimal work schedule, alternating periods of active activity and rest. Take a break from work activities at least once every 2 hours by doing fifteen-minute exercises or taking a mini-walk in the fresh air - and then the top of your head will not hurt, and your performance will increase several times.

  1. Wrong lifestyle

A constant lack of sleep or a “knocked down” daily routine, in which the main activity occurs at night, exhausts the body, as a result of which spasmodic headaches in the crown area, lethargy, apathy and other symptoms of overwork may appear. In addition, poor nutrition has a negative impact on overall well-being, in particular, overeating in the evening, abuse of fatty, fried, salty foods, which burden the liver and clog blood vessels.

It is enough to eliminate these destructive habits, giving preference to a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle - and you yourself will not notice how your head will stop hurting, and a surge of energy will appear in your body for new achievements.

  1. Bad habits

Abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to a syndrome of intoxication of the body with ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products, in particular acetaldehyde. Both of these substances actively bind water molecules, as a result of which a person’s metabolism is temporarily disrupted. The resulting oxidative processes affect the nervous system, causing acute pain in the crown, nausea, a feeling of indomitable thirst and other symptoms of intoxication, better known as a “hangover.”

That is why you should not abuse alcoholic beverages, much less turn their use into a daily ritual - with such a lifestyle, the top of your head will constantly hurt, and your overall health will deteriorate very quickly. The same applies to smoking: tobacco smoke affects blood vessels, so a smoker’s headache is a common and, unfortunately, difficult to treat ailment.

Knowing why the top of your head may hurt and what to do in such situations, you will save yourself from painful headaches, you will be able to maintain your own health and prevent the development of serious complications. Do not ignore or neglect the disease, because over time it will only become more difficult to get rid of it!