Painful lump in the upper chest. What causes a ball to form in the chest?

Currently, various breast diseases are a very common health problem among the adult population, which occurs mainly in women. The causes of breast diseases are very diverse. These include improper hygienic care of the mammary gland, improper breastfeeding and incomplete expression of milk after breastfeeding, hormonal imbalance, unfavorable environmental conditions, inactive lifestyle and many others. The main symptoms of breast diseases are pain of varying nature and intensity, the presence of pathological discharge from the nipple and the appearance of lumps of different sizes in the breast tissue, which, in advanced stages of the disease, can even change the shape of the mammary gland.

Description of the disease

Lump in the chest- This is, as a rule, a localized benign neoplasm in the parenchyma of the gland, which can appear in a woman of absolutely any age. Pathological changes in the structure of the organ are usually accompanied by painful sensations and discharge from the nipples, “engorgement” of the breast tissue and the appearance of a subjective feeling of “fullness” in the chest area. Lumps in the mammary gland in most women cause a reasonable fear of breast cancer, but in fact, most often lumps turn out to be benign neoplasms and respond very well to treatment prescribed by a mammologist.

In teenage girls lump in breast or some hard formation near the nipple may appear, usually during puberty. The nipples become swollen and painful on palpation. This condition in clinical medicine is called physiological gynecomastia, which, according to medical statistics, occurs in approximately 60-70% of teenage girls.

However, everyone needs to remember that any painful lump in the chest requires an immediate ultrasound examination of both mammary glands with the obligatory determination of the size and true location of the pathological neoplasm in the breast tissue.

What to do if there is a lump in the chest?

If you have a lump in the mammary gland, you should immediately contact a mammologist for a consultation and have an ultrasound of the mammary glands done. A careless attitude towards such a problem can become a big problem in the future.

How much does it cost to see a mammologist and breast ultrasound?

The main reasons leading to the appearance of lumps in the mammary gland

  1. Fibrocystic breast disease, or fibrocystic mastopathy, is a specific pathology that is a consequence of hormonal disorders in a woman’s body. The connective tissue in the mammary gland grows excessively and, as a result, so-called cysts are formed in the gland - small “biological sacs” that are filled with a transparent liquid of non-inflammatory origin. Fibrocystic disease can be diffuse (that is, widespread throughout the entire volume of the mammary gland) or nodular (with single cysts in a certain anatomical area of ​​the mammary gland). In the first case, a large number of lumps are found in a woman’s breast, distributed more or less evenly throughout the gland tissue. Nodal form – lump in chest, capable of degenerating into breast cancer under certain circumstances.
  2. Lumps in the breast often occur in breastfeeding women. In a mammary gland that is overfilled with milk, stagnation of milk occurs and blockage of the milk ducts occurs, which ultimately leads to the appearance of a lump. During breastfeeding, a pathogenic bacterial infection can penetrate deep into the mammary gland directly from the baby's mouth through the nipple. In this case, the woman quite quickly develops acute mastitis (an acute inflammatory process in the mammary gland), the symptoms of which are: increased body temperature, the appearance of intense pain in the breast around the nipple, the skin of the affected mammary gland becomes hyperemic (reddened), hot to the touch, the mammary gland itself the gland rapidly increases in size.
  3. Breast trauma is another common cause of lumps in the mammary gland. You can accidentally bruise your chest at home or at work, or while playing sports. As a result of the injury, a breast hematoma is formed, and a small compaction can be felt in the gland tissue. Lump under breast, formed as a result of a bruise, is not dangerous to health and goes away on its own within a few days.
  4. Constantly wearing a tight bra that has iron wires that compress the breasts can also lead to the formation of lumps over time.
  5. Painful lump in the breast, changing shape and location, appears in some women before menstruation.
  6. Benign and malignant breast neoplasms.
  7. Acute thrombophlebitis of the breast veins is an acute inflammatory disease characterized by the formation of blood clots in the lumen of small veins of the breast. At the same time lump in chest hurts and disrupts the normal rhythm of a woman’s life.
  8. Increased estrogen levels due to endocrine and/or gynecological diseases.
  9. Early menopause.
  10. Long-term and regular stress.

- This is a fairly common problem, which, fortunately, is not always a sign of serious or dangerous diseases. An increase in breast size, combined with the appearance of painful lumps in the mammary gland, are quite characteristic signs of monthly hormonal changes. Such transient changes in breast tissue occur in most representatives of the fair sex at various stages of the menstrual cycle. Induration, soreness and other unpleasant symptoms usually disappear completely with the onset of menstruation.

Lumps in women who are breastfeeding

Lump in the breast during feeding- This is a fairly common symptom that is directly related to incomplete and irregular emptying of the mammary gland. If the baby does not completely suck out the milk or the nursing mother does not completely express the milk after feeding, then the main milk duct of the gland becomes blocked and so-called lactostasis (that is, milk stagnation) develops, which is often complicated by the development of an inflammatory process in the mammary gland - acute mastitis.

Cracks in the area of ​​the nipple of the mammary gland are natural entry points for the penetration of pathogenic infection directly into the tissue of the mammary gland - this is a direct path to the development of acute purulent mastitis of bacterial etiology. In turn, the main symptoms of acute purulent mastitis are a significant increase in body temperature, intense chest pain and hyperemia (redness) of the skin of the mammary gland.

Lump in the chest in men

Small in size breast lumps in men- This is a manifestation of the so-called gynecomastia. Dense nodules are usually localized not only around the nipples, but throughout the entire surface of the breast. The pathogenesis of this disease in men is characterized by the replacement of normal glandular tissue of the mammary gland with fibrous and fatty tissue. The clinical picture of gynecomastia in men is represented by swelling of the nipples, an increase in the size of the mammary glands and the appearance in the parenchyma of the mammary glands of benign neoplasms that are clearly visible to the touch.

The reasons for the formation of lumps in the breasts in men are:

  • hormonal imbalance - an imbalance between the levels of estrogens, androgens and testosterone in the male body;
  • taking certain medications - antidepressants, hormones, cardiac glycosides, narcotic drugs, antitumor drugs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • obesity;
  • chronic hepatitis, especially in the stage of liver cirrhosis;
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases;
  • poor nutrition.

Physiological gynecomastia may appear in teenage boys between the ages of 10 and 14 years. It manifests itself as small balls and nodules that are dense to the touch, which are located near the nipples of both mammary glands, causing their swelling and unpleasant, slightly painful sensations. The formations disappear on their own without any special treatment by the age of 18.

  1. Breast fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm that changes its appearance and size under the influence of hormonal drugs or during pregnancy. Various clinical forms of breast fibroadenoma have been described - nodular and leaf-shaped. Nodular fibroadenoma is a clearly defined round-shaped compaction measuring no more than 1 centimeter. Ball in chest painless on palpation and well defined, especially with the patient lying on her back. Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma differs from nodular fibroadenoma in the presence of tubercles, a layered structure, and a rapid change in size. Fibroadenoma is a so-called precancerous condition and can cause the development of breast cancer. Treatment is exclusively surgical.
  2. A breast cyst is a benign, painful formation in the mammary gland that, when palpated, resembles a bubble of fluid.
  3. Breast adenoma is a benign tumor of the mammary gland that is of glandular origin.
  4. Breast hemangiomas are benign neoplasms of the blood vessels of the mammary gland.
  5. Lipomas and atheromas of the mammary gland are benign tumors of the mammary gland that grow from adipose tissue or the sebaceous gland.
  6. Breast granulomas are benign connective tissue nodules that form in the breast tissue as a result of long-term inflammatory processes.

Breast cancer lump

Breast cancer (breast cancer) is a malignant tumor and appears as firm or even hard when palpated lump in the mammary gland, localized in any anatomical zone of the gland. The tumor does not have clear sharp edges, is characterized by intense pain and can be felt deep inside the mammary gland. Breast cancer comes in two forms: nodular cancer and diffuse cancer.

Breast sarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of the mammary gland, which is characterized by severe pain, bumpy tumor edges, rapid tumor growth and frequent ulcerations.

Breast lymphoma is another malignant tumor of the breast, usually having a round shape with clear, even contours.

Symptoms of malignant breast tumors:

  • the presence of dense, rapidly growing and painful nodules in the thickness of the mammary gland,
  • rapid and clearly noticeable changes in the shape and size of the breasts;
  • inverted nipple and copious pathological discharge from it, especially at an advanced stage of the disease;
  • depressions in the skin when raising the arms;
  • breast lump hurts;
  • enlargement of axillary (regional) lymph nodes on the side of the tumor.


Treatment of breast lumps It happens conservative, surgical And comprehensive. It depends on the cause and type of tumor.

  • Surgery It is also indicated for rapidly growing benign breast tumors.
  • Malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland, in addition to mandatory radical surgery, require additional treatment in the form of a combination radiation exposure And chemotherapy.
  • Treatment of various options and types of benign mastopathy, which is prescribed, carried out and monitored by a mammologist, consists of changing the usual lifestyle, using modern hormonal drugs, multivitamins, immunostimulating, decongestant and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as analgesics.

Make an appointment with a mammologist

What to do if you find a lump in the mammary gland in the form of a ball? Why is it dangerous? According to statistics, every third girl consults a doctor with breast diseases at least once in her life. Researchers associate the increase in breast pathologies with increased psycho-emotional stress. Unhealthy diet, mental and physical overload, stress - all this leads to hormonal imbalance. And changes in hormonal levels affect the condition of the mammary glands. A round-shaped compaction can be a symptom of a variety of diseases, fortunately most often benign tumors. Let's figure out why balls appear in the chest.

Dangerous or not?

The mammary glands are constantly changing. They experience the greatest load with increased concentrations of female hormones. Changes in the mammary glands are observed during pregnancy and menopause. A hard spot in the mammary gland can be detected at any time, at any age and at any stage of the menstrual cycle.

There are signs that indicate a serious illness:

  • Sharp and aching pain, tenderness on palpation.
  • Associated symptoms from the reproductive system: abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities.
  • Swelling, inflammation, fever, headaches.
  • Nipple discharge.

If you notice at least one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Strictly speaking, any neoplasm requires a mandatory visit to a specialist, but there are signs that indicate benignity and minimal danger:

  • The ball is small and doesn't hurt.
  • The seal is evenly shaped and not fused to the surrounding tissues (it can “roll” inside the breast tissues).
  • The menstrual cycle and psycho-emotional state are without disturbances, there are no other signs of pathology.

The main thing is not to panic; in most cases, the ball turns out to be a benign formation that responds well to conservative treatment. However, only a doctor can make a final diagnosis after examination.

If the rolling ball appeared at the age of puberty, there is little reason to worry. It’s worth seeing a doctor, but most likely it’s gynecomastia, which often occurs in adolescence and does not require treatment.

If you see a doctor, you will have to undergo a number of examinations:

  • Mammography
  • Laboratory tests

If any neoplasm is detected, it is necessary to find out its origin and select adequate treatment.

Common causes of breast lumps

Doctors identify the primary causes that most often lead to the formation of lumps in the mammary gland.

Among these reasons:

  1. Fibrocystic mastopathy. One of the most common breast diseases among women of all ages. The disease is manifested by the proliferation of connective tissue with the formation of a compaction.
  2. Lactostasis. This is relevant for nursing mothers. Stagnation of milk can provoke the formation of a cyst. In this case, the ball can be found near the nipple or deep in the tissue. Associated symptoms: pressure and swelling, pain and inflammation. Untreated lactostasis can lead to the development of mastitis.
  3. As a consequence of injury or surgery. The breast is very sensitive to mechanical influences. Therefore, it is important to wear loose underwear and avoid injury to the mammary glands. If the compaction is caused by injury, then it is a dense hematoma, which will sooner or later resolve, the main thing is to provide rest to the affected area.
  4. Wrong choice of oral contraceptives, which can lead to hormonal imbalance. In this case, you should consult a doctor and change the drug, and also make sure that the thickening is caused by the medication and not by the disease.
  5. During menstruation, lumps may form in the mammary gland. However, they are quite rarely the correct shape. If by the middle of the cycle the lump has not resolved or appears again before the next cycle, it is worth getting examined.

More than 90% of compactions are caused by one of the listed reasons.

Five Minor Reasons

There are also secondary reasons that lead to the formation of compactions much less frequently, but they also need to be remembered:

  1. Neoplasm: benign or malignant. Characterized by gradual tumor growth. Benign ones are usually regular in shape and resemble a ball; malignant ones often manifest as a tumor of indeterminate shape.
  2. Menopause. Menopause is considered stress for the female body and is characterized by a sharp change in hormonal levels.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. It usually develops against the background of tissue inflammation and is an inflammation of the veins of the mammary gland. This is a dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment. Signs: severe pain, inflammation, fever, symptoms of an infectious disease.
  4. Increased estrogen levels due to any non-physiological reasons. It can be caused by stress and nervous tension, taking hormonal medications, and pregnancy.
  5. Presence of gynecological and endocrine diseases.
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There are also completely harmless diseases that do not require treatment:

  • A small white ball on the nipple is a normal physiological phenomenon.
  • Before menstruation, women may experience breast inflammation. Then a compaction appears at the exit of the mammary duct. These are lobules of the mammary gland that will return to normal again at the beginning of the cycle.

If a girl feels a lump that causes discomfort and begins to hurt, she should consult a mammologist.

Signs of a malignant tumor

It is important to know the signs of cancer in order to start treatment on time. It is worth noting that most often a malignant neoplasm is irregular in shape, but in rare cases it can be in the shape of a ball.

Sign of a malignant tumor of the mammary glands:

  1. When you touch the lump, pain occurs.
  2. There is not one lump in the chest, but several.
  3. The lumps increase over time, regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Women's emotional state is disturbed, fatigue and irritability appear.
  5. The shape of the breast changes, and over time this becomes noticeable. Asymmetry of the breasts or nipples occurs.
  6. Discharge from the nipple.
  7. Nipple retraction, change in appearance.
  8. Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.

If you detect at least two symptoms at the same time, you should immediately visit the hospital. In the early stages, oncology is treatable with minimal risk of relapse.

Diagnostic methods

In order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a number of examinations. It is important to find out the nature of the tumor, assess the growth rate, make sure it is benign, and choose the most effective treatment method.

Currently, the following instrumental examination methods are used for breast diseases:

  • Mammography
  • Ultrasound examination
  • Ductography (X-ray contrast study)

The patient may also be referred for laboratory tests:

  • General blood test
  • Blood test for hormones
  • Histology
  • Study of lactate and punctate

As a rule, first of all, the doctor excludes the possibility of oncology, and then finds out the specific disease and evaluates the clinical picture to select therapy. All modern diagnostic methods give highly accurate results (if you follow the doctor’s instructions) and allow you to find out a specific diagnosis.

Surgical intervention

The question of whether surgical treatment is required is decided by the doctor. The generally accepted practice is:

  • Benign neoplasms up to 3 cm in size are not removed. Surgery may be prescribed if there is no effect from conservative treatment or if there is significant tumor growth.
  • If the tumor is caused by hormonal dysfunction, then the decision about surgery is made after a course of hormonal treatment.
  • If the formation does not bother, does not hurt or does not increase, the patient can refuse surgery. If the neoplasm is dangerous, then doctors will insist on intervention.
  • Some types of neoplasms, such as fibroadenoma and cysts, go on their own and require only observation.
  • For benign tumors, surgery may be prescribed if a high risk of malignancy is identified.

If it is decided that surgery is not required, the doctor will prescribe treatment and recommend monitoring the disease over time. For any disease, it is important to regularly visit a specialist and monitor changes in the mammary glands.

Drug therapy

In most cases, treatment is carried out conservatively, with the help of pharmacological drugs. It is important to remember that it is unacceptable to take any medications on your own. It is important to choose a drug so that it fights the disease as effectively as possible and does not harm the body.

List of commonly prescribed drugs:

  • Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed if there is no specific treatment and the lump should go away on its own, and the symptoms need to be relieved. For breast pain, Bromocriptine and Danazol are often prescribed.
  • Mastitis, abscesses, and infectious diseases of the mammary glands are treated with antibiotics. An antibiotic can be selected only after a microbiological analysis of the pathogen.
  • For mastopathy or diseases caused by elevated estrogen levels, antiestrogens and hormonal drugs are prescribed to correct hormonal levels.
If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that all your attempts to combat chest pain have not been successful... Have you even read anything about medications designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because mastopathy can be fatal to humans - it can develop very quickly.
  • Frequent chest pain
  • Discomfort
  • Experiences
  • Discharge
  • Skin changes
Surely you know these symptoms firsthand. But is it possible to defeat the infection without harming yourself? Read the article about effective, modern ways to effectively combat mastopathy and more... Read the article...

Treatment is selected individually. For some, it is enough to be monitored regularly and get rid of bad habits, while others will have to undergo a serious course of treatment.

What causes a ball to form in the chest?

Nowadays, various diseases of the mammary glands, unfortunately, are the norm, girls are especially susceptible to them. Despite years of research work in the field of mammology, scientists have not identified a universal cure. It is also extremely difficult to prevent such diseases. However, it is possible and necessary to fight them.

Below we will take a closer look at diseases in the form of a ball in the mammary glands, which predominantly develop in women.

What is the disease

A ball-shaped lump in the breast is formed locally in the parenchyma of the mammary gland in women. It can form at any age. Any change in the mammary gland, especially of a pathological nature, is almost always accompanied by sharp or aching pain, swelling, discharge and sores of the nipples. In view of the cancer epidemic raging in the 21st century, there is a high probability that, when girls feel lumps in their breasts, they will first of all think about this terrible disease. However, in most cases, the ball turns out to be just a benign neoplasm, the treatment of which will not cause difficulties. However, if, when touching your nipple to your clothing, you already feel any lumps or pain, this will be a signal that it is time for you to visit a doctor.

Statistics from recent years show that a lump in the mammary gland is quite common among young women approximately during puberty. This is a normal phenomenon, which, according to the same statistics, is also observed in little girls and is called physiological gynecomastia.

However, it should also be monitored regularly. As a rule, the diagnostician will first conduct an ultrasound examination, which will allow us to find out the origin of the tumor and the nature of its development.

Five main reasons that can cause a lump to form

Numerous studies in the field of mammology have identified five main and five secondary reasons that can lead to the formation of lumps in the mammary gland.

Five minor reasons that can cause a lump to form

Methods for diagnosing a lump-shaped compaction

In order to fully imagine the picture of a possible disease in women, the doctor must know its nature, the causes of its occurrence and the behavior of the pathological accumulation of cells. To do this, he can conduct several types of instrumental examination:

With the help of this method of studying lumps, women, as a rule, hope to exclude the possibility of a cancerous tumor. It is extremely rare, and the bumps in most cases are benign in nature.

Should I get rid of a lump in my chest?

The question of what to do with a lump in the chest is very relevant. The fact is that if the tumor is benign and does not hurt or bother you, then there is a high probability that surgical intervention will not be required to remove it. For example, types of lumps such as cysts or fibroadenomas quite often go away on their own. If you consult a doctor and he determines that the formation in your mammary gland is benign, then the maximum that he will prescribe for you is a repeat examination after some time.

The absence of any specific suspicions about a lump in your breasts does not mean that you should stop self-monitoring your breasts. Since there is a possibility that the compaction will subsequently develop from benign to malignant.

If your doctor discovers that you have a benign lump, he may prescribe you to take certain medications. Drug therapy will benefit you, speed up the process of resorption of the lump in women and prevent the development of any complications in the future.

List of drugs:

  • pharmacological analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • for persistent pain in the mammary gland, the mammologist can also prescribe bromocriptine or danazol;
  • Special antibiotics are also often recommended to treat mastitis or breast abscesses.

Again, you must understand that the specifics of treatment and even examination largely depend on the individual and morphological characteristics of the woman. Where one needs to take a whole course of special pills, the other will just need to buy a high-quality bra or reconsider their daily diet.

Main symptoms of malignant lumps

Let's consider a situation where a lump in a woman's breast is malignant. In this case, your efficiency in the future can play into your hands. The sooner you yourself notice any discomfort in your glands, the sooner you can proceed directly to treatment. So, pay attention to the following factors:

Can men have breast lumps?

We have already said earlier that this type of disease mainly occurs in women. However, as statistical studies show, neoplasms also occur in the mammary gland in men. However, in them, unlike women, the nodules are concentrated around the nipples.

The clinical picture of this disease in men is as follows: swelling in the area of ​​the nipples and areas, unnatural attraction of the breasts (gynecomastia), sensation of formations upon light palpation.

The factors most often responsible for the formation of nodules in the chest in men are:

  • hormonal imbalance due to an imbalance of testosterone, estrogen and androgens in a man’s body;
  • excessive use of various pharmacological agents, for example, antidepressants, or drugs that increase the level of male hormones;
  • hereditary or acquired obesity;
  • unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle;
  • hormonal imbalance due to constant nervous tension;
  • diabetes mellitus or other diseases of the male endocrine system.

A ball in a girl's breast

Regular breast self-examination is often the most effective method for diagnosing many breast diseases at an early stage. In some cases, during a regular self-examination, a woman may find a ball in her chest. What kind of ball is this, what are the reasons for its appearance, is it cancer and what to do now - such thoughts usually arise in a woman first.

The answers to all these questions are contained in this article. It should be remembered that if any suspicious symptoms appear, you should seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the appearance of a ball in the mammary gland and prescribe the correct treatment.


Listed below are the main reasons for the formation of various balls and lumps in the breast. Only after clarification can you begin treatment.


The main function of the mammary gland in girls is to provide the baby with breast milk. That is why the main tissue of the gland at this time is glandular tissue. When this tissue begins to grow before lactation, the mammary glands expand. It is at this time that a ball can form in the mammary gland, which is called fibroadenoma. The appearance of this benign formation is associated with a violation of hormonal metabolism, which is expressed in the excessive production of estrogen.

Fibroadenoma is painless and clearly separated from surrounding tissue. On palpation, it looks like a smooth, moving ball. The size of fibroadenoma can vary (it can be either the size of a pea or the size of a walnut). Fibroadenoma can form in one or both mammary glands. Several balls may form in one breast.

If the fibroadenoma is small in size, does not hurt or cause discomfort, then you just need to monitor its condition (regularly conduct breast self-examination, visit a mammologist every 6 months). If the fibroadenoma grows significantly, the doctor may decide to surgically remove it, as it begins to interfere with the functioning of the mammary glands.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

A specific pathology of the mammary gland, which occurs as a result of disturbances in hormonal metabolism in the body, is called fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM). With this disease, there is an overgrowth of the connective tissue of the mammary gland, resulting in the formation of cavities filled with fluid, which are called cysts.

FCM can be nodular or diffuse. With diffuse mastopathy, a large number of balls and compactions form in the breast, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the mammary gland.

In the nodular form of the disease, a dense ball forms in the chest, resembling a nodule to the touch. This form of mastopathy is the most dangerous, since there is a possibility of malignant degeneration of the gland tissue and the development of breast cancer.


A benign neoplasm, which is a cavity filled with fluid, is called a cyst. Most often, a cyst in the breast is discovered by the woman herself during a self-examination. The tumor can change its size depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, the cyst increases in size, after its end it decreases in size.

The reason for the formation of cysts is a violation of hormonal metabolism in a woman’s body. Transformation of a cyst into breast cancer is rare.


After the onset of menopause, women may develop accumulations of calcium in their breasts, which resemble dense balls to the touch. They can be of two types. If there is a large accumulation of calcium, then such formations are called macrocalcifications. If the deposits are small in size, they are called microcalcifications.

The presence of calcifications is detected during a mammogram, which must be done annually for all women over the age of 40. The appearance of macrocalcifications is associated with the aging process of the body. They occur in most older women and do not pose a health hazard. Microcalcifications may be harmless, but if they accumulate in one area of ​​the breast, you should be wary, as this may be evidence of a precancerous condition.

Breast cancer

A malignant tumor that forms in the mammary gland is called breast cancer. The neoplasm is a lump in the breast, painless, lumpy in shape, without pronounced boundaries.

With cancer, the shape of the breast and nipple may change, and spotting may appear. The tumor can appear in any part of the breast.

Cancer is the most dangerous and most insidious disease of the breast. In the first stages, when it can be successfully treated, it is asymptomatic, which greatly complicates its diagnosis, and when pronounced symptoms of the disease appear, it is often difficult to help the patient, since the cancer has already developed to the last stages and the body is already affected by metastases.

Other reasons

The ball may appear when an infection penetrates into the breast tissue, before menstruation, during pregnancy or lactation. During breastfeeding, a ball in the mammary gland appears due to the fact that the breast is overfilled with milk and its stagnation occurs.

Infectious agents enter the body through cracks in the nipples and cause inflammation of the mammary gland, which is called mastitis. In this case, in addition to the appearance of painful lumps in the chest, there is an increase in body temperature, headaches, hyperemia and swelling of the skin of the chest.

Mechanical damage to the chest due to injury or bruise can cause small bumps and bruises. Usually, after a few days, these symptoms disappear and the breast condition returns to normal. If this does not happen, then you need to consult a doctor.


The appearance of balls and lumps in the breast is possible in women of any age. For timely diagnosis of breast diseases, the following methods are used:

  1. Mammography. This is an X-ray examination that must be done annually for all women over the age of 40. Mammography can diagnose most breast diseases, including calcinosis and breast cancer.
  2. Ultrasound. Mammography is not suitable for young women due to the fact that their breasts have the most developed glandular tissue, which is difficult to see with X-rays. Therefore, the main method for diagnosing breast diseases in young women is ultrasound of the mammary glands.
  3. Ductography. It is carried out using contrast agents that are injected into the milk ducts to identify intraductal neoplasms.
  4. Biopsy. It is the main method of differential diagnosis of benign and malignant neoplasms.


When balls and lumps appear in the breast, first of all, it is necessary to identify the reasons for their formation. After finding out the reasons, the doctor prescribes treatment, which can be conservative, surgical and complex.

Surgical treatment is indicated for benign tumors that grow rapidly. For cancer, in addition to surgical treatment (mastectomy), radiation is also performed in combination with chemotherapy. This is done to prevent relapses.

Treatment of mastopathy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and consists of changing lifestyle and normalizing nutrition. In addition, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs to normalize metabolic processes, multivitamins, anti-inflammatory, decongestants, immunostimulants and analgesics to relieve pain.


In some cases, the appearance of various lumps and balls in the breast is a normal phenomenon associated with hormonal changes. After some time, everything returns to normal and they disappear on their own.

To prevent the development of pathological lumps in the mammary glands, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Eat right. It is necessary to give up salty and fatty foods, drink less tea and coffee, limit the consumption of chocolate, cola, and certain medications. The diet should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits. Proper nutrition reduces the risk of developing cysts and breast cancer several times.
  2. Give up bad habits. It is known that, for example, smoking can lead to chest pain. In addition, cigarettes contain a large number of carcinogens, which, when released into the blood, can lead to the development of cancer.
  3. Do not eat cold foods or drink cold drinks, as this promotes the formation of cysts in the breasts.
  4. Avoid stress and nervous tension. It is known that any negative emotions cause hormonal imbalances and weaken the body’s immune system.
  5. Exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Eat more foods containing vitamins A, E, B, selenium, iodine.
  7. If you experience chest pain, do not overuse analgesics, since these drugs, in addition to relieving pain, reduce the body's immune defense.
  8. Choose the right bra. It should be made from natural fabrics and fit in size.
  9. If possible, avoid using medications that affect hormonal metabolism. It is known that such drugs have many side effects and after using them, a woman’s menstrual cycle may be disrupted, acne may appear on her face, and so on.

Another important method of preventing breast diseases is examinations by specialized specialists, which must be done at least once a year. Such examinations make it possible to identify many dangerous pathologies of the mammary glands, which significantly facilitates treatment and allows patients to achieve recovery.

If any unusual changes appear in the mammary glands (formation of balls and lumps, pain, discharge, etc.), you should visit a doctor.

Lumps in the mammary gland: causes, types

Lumps in the chest are not uncommon. Its appearance can be caused by many factors. Some of them do not pose a threat and are considered benign neoplasms, but some can negatively affect a woman’s well-being and cause death.

Today, statistical indicators upset the WHO, since almost every second woman notices abnormal manifestations and lumps in the mammary gland. Diagnosis occurs during independent palpation or at an appointment with a specialist. However, this happens quite rarely. Women are increasingly ignoring their own health, citing a lack of time, energy or desire to visit local clinics and spend money on what they consider unnecessary tests.

This leads to the fact that almost 90% of the fair half of the population go to the doctor when their health is in critical condition. Even a small lump in the chest can cause the most negative consequences, so you should take responsibility for your own health. Based on this, many women are interested in what are the causes of breast lumps, what to do when a problem is detected, and how to properly deal with it.

Type of tumors

Most of the lumps in the mammary gland can be felt in the form of a ball. They are usually not dangerous and are benign. But if no measures are taken, even such a compaction can cause a lot of trouble and develop into a cancerous tumor. Common tumors and causes of breast lumps:

Important! Any painful lump without proper attention can develop into a malignant tumor or at least cause a number of other problems with a woman’s health.

Common Causes of Breast Lumps

Most neoplasms in the mammary glands are formed against the background of injuries and other problems associated with the breasts and uterus. In this case, the process of transformation of fat cells into developing fat necrosis occurs with the formation of round tumors.

Seals may also appear during breastfeeding, when the ducts are blocked. This occurs due to irregular or incomplete emptying of breast milk in the glands, as well as due to inflammatory processes. If the lump in the breast hurts and redness is visible on the skin, this may indicate the development of mastitis.

The following factors can also activate the formation of lumps in the upper part of the chest and other areas:

  • problems related to the functionality of the thyroid gland;
  • poor adrenal function;
  • ailments of intimate areas;
  • frequent abortions;
  • early onset of menstruation and menopause;
  • constant stress and nervousness;
  • poor environment;
  • bad habits and drug abuse.

These factors increase the risk of developing lumps in the breast area.

Important! The presence of iron wires in a bra or simply tight underwear can also trigger the development of lumps in the breasts.

Seals in men

The stronger half is also not immune from possible manifestations of tumors in the breast. Most often they occur due to bruises, but even men can get breast cancer. Usually this terrible disease affects older men. If you manage to detect the problem at its very beginning, then there is a high probability of a positive outcome. Cancer can manifest itself in the area of ​​the milk ducts (they are also present in men, they are just not developed to the same level as in women). This type of cancer is carcinoma. Cancer can also affect the area around the nipples. Therefore, if a man feels that his chest is sore, and palpation reveals the presence of a lump, then it is worth seeking help from specialists so that they can determine the type of illness and choose the appropriate method to treat it.

Lump in a child

Neoplasms of various types can be found in the smallest children. The reason for this may be hormonal imbalances, inflammatory processes, as well as the presence of tumors already present in the child’s body. If one or more lumps are found in girls during puberty, this is normal. This is due to changes in the child’s hormonal background. But in order to make sure that nothing threatens the girl’s health, it is better to consult a specialist.

What you need to pay special attention to

Any manifestation of compactions is worth paying attention to, but there are factors that should force the patient to immediately consult a doctor if they are detected:

  • upon palpation, the density and immobility of the neoplasm is felt;
  • bloody or purulent fluid is released from the nipples;
  • the nipple is in a retracted state or it is deviated more than before;
  • local lymph nodes are enlarged in volume.

These signs indicate the presence of cancer in the mammary glands, therefore, as soon as any of the above symptoms make themselves felt, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The country has a very high mortality rate from breast cancer, since women do not think about the fact that this disease can manifest itself in them. But any woman is obliged to check her own mammary glands at least once a month and undergo a full examination by a mammologist. It is possible that the detected lump will be benign, but if this factor is ignored, it can develop into cancer. Therefore, every woman should know what a lump is and why it occurs.

Lump in the breast after stopping breastfeeding

2018 Blog about women's health.

A small lump in the mammary gland can have a different nature. Physiologically, breast tissue can thicken a couple of days before the onset of menstruation, during the phase of active production of progesterone in the corpus luteum of the ovary. This is how the body prepares for a possible pregnancy. In addition to the physiological process, a lump above the breast can be a symptom of a variety of changes in the glandular tissue associated with the development of a tumor disease. Nowadays, more than 90% of patients who consult a mammologist complain about lumps in the mammary glands. This is a diagnostic symptom of a number of diseases.

According to WHO, a small lump in the chest is diagnosed in the weaker sex of all ages - from 18 to 65 and above. Pathologies of the mammary glands progress from year to year. What should every woman know about breast lumps?

What is a lump in the chest and what causes it to appear in teenagers? At 11-12 years old, the child begins to actively produce sex hormones, and a revolutionary restructuring of the body begins. At this time, the hormonal background is formed in jumps - imbalances arise. During sudden surges under the influence of hormones, the target organs are primarily affected - the mammary glands, ovaries, and uterus. At this time, more than 1/3 of young girls notice areas of compaction in their growing breasts. This may be a sign of breast tissue hyperplasia. The reason for the appearance of this pathology is an imbalance in hormone production.

Typically, such a lump around the nipple goes away on its own when the hormonal levels are finally established. Sometimes girls develop breast cysts, which are treated conservatively. The main treatment is aimed at normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and stabilizing hormonal levels. Doctors prefer to prescribe herbal remedies to correct hormonal levels, which do not have serious side effects.


Currently, most often in young women under the age of 35, premenstrual mastalgia is diagnosed - the appearance of painful lumps near the nipple in the last days before menstruation. The cause of the disease is an imbalance between the hormones estradiol and progesterone. Their concentration in the blood plasma reaches its maximum during this period of the menstrual cycle. A woman feels a large number of areas of compaction in one breast or in both at once, which disappear 2 - 3 days after the end of menstruation.

Premenstrual mastalgia requires medical correction. What to do in this case? Without treatment, it can develop into mastopathy when changes appear in the histology of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland. Nonsteroidal hormonal drugs are used to relieve compactions and swelling. If your chest hurts, painkillers are prescribed.

When pregnancy occurs, when certain hormonal levels change, mastalgia may go away on its own.


During the period of breastfeeding, many young mothers experience lactation mastitis, the symptoms of which are also associated with the appearance of hardening in the mammary glands. Most often, the disease is caused by inept feeding techniques. A woman develops sores and abrasions on her nipples and areolas. Pressing on the nipple provokes sharp pain. To get away from the pain, she instinctively tries to significantly reduce the time she feeds the baby. As a result, milk stagnates in the ducts, compaction and swelling occur.

Mastopathy must be treated, since if the lump is not treated, a secondary bacterial infection occurs and a purulent abscess quickly develops. In the early stages of the disease, conservative treatment is possible; in the later stages, surgical removal of melted tissues followed by a course of antibiotic therapy is possible.

Sometimes, against the background of severe hypothermia, decreased immunity and postpartum depression, a woman develops painless non-lactational mastitis. It is treated conservatively with medications for internal and external use.

Benign neoplasms

Lumps in the breast may indicate the appearance of neoplasms. Fortunately, in some cases they are benign in nature and are associated with hormonal imbalances that occur for various reasons.

Benign tumors do not require any treatment - the patient is under the supervision of a mammologist for a long time. It begins in cases where there is a threat of tumor degeneration into a malignant neoplasm.

Diseases associated with benign tumor processes include:

Fibroadenosis (FAM)

This is the general name for a number of pathologies in which the development of benign cysts and fibroadenomas occurs in the glandular tissue of the mammary gland. FAM has different intensities - from almost imperceptible lumps to painful formations weighing up to 10 kg. Some lumps in a woman's breasts may change in size and structure depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

A tumor with a smooth surface and round shape. It develops outside the milk ducts, is enclosed in a capsule and is not connected to the surrounding tissues, so it easily rolls under the fingers when palpated. Fibroadenoma may be a single specimen, or multiple formations may form. It is localized in one or both breasts. The main cause of fibroadenoma disease is an excess or lack of estrogen. The tumor is treated by taking a course of hormonal drugs that stabilize the level of estrogen in the blood. In advanced cases, surgical removal of the tumor is prescribed.

Breast cyst

A solid lump in glandular tissue filled with fluid. Women hardly feel small cysts; if they begin to grow and put pressure on the surrounding tissues, pain occurs. It intensifies during the premenstrual period. The vast majority of breast cysts are registered in women during menopause who are on hormone replacement therapy.

A benign lump in the fatty tissue of the breast. These formations are round in shape. Lipomas do not require treatment, but it is necessary to undergo regular examination by a mammologist.

Not all types of benign neoplasms can degenerate into cancer. To know everything about your tumor, you need to undergo a diagnostic examination by a mammologist. With constant monitoring, the risk of degeneration will be minimal.

Breast cancer

Breast lumps are one of the main symptoms of cancer. If a woman independently feels a lump in her breast, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Worrying symptoms also include:

  • rapid growth of compaction;
  • the tubercle or lump is as if fused to the skin and remains motionless when palpated, strands of connective tissue stretch from them;
  • the tumor causes discomfort - the nipple area hurts when pressure is applied, a tingling and burning sensation appears in the chest;
  • the color and structure of the skin of the breast changes - it turns red, a “lemon peel” effect appears on the halo;
  • discharge appears from the nipples, often mixed with blood;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes are felt.

What is breast cancer? This disease has two forms - nodular and diffuse.

  • The nodular form is clearly defined - the tumor is located in the upper part of the chest and grows outward.
  • The diffuse form is less noticeable, it covers the internal tissues of the mammary gland and grows towards the axillary lymph nodes.

Breast cancer is also hormonal in nature, most often its mechanism starts during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cancer prevention is monthly palpation of the left and right breasts 10 days before the onset of menstruation. This should become a useful habit for every woman.

Breast cancer has no age; it is found in young girls and women after 70 years of age. Heredity also plays a role, but unfortunately, these days, cancer is more often diagnosed for the first time in the family.

The prognosis of the disease is determinable and depends on the time of visiting a doctor. In the early stages, organ-preserving operations are practiced; only the affected lobe of the mammary gland and part of the lymph node are removed. Stage 1 and 2 cancer has not yet metastasized to surrounding organs, which makes the treatment process easier.

Lumps not associated with tumors

There are a number of other diseases in which lumps in the mammary gland are also a diagnostic symptom.

Among them:

  1. Thrombosis of the veins of the mammary glands. Blood clots can be felt along the vein in the form of compactions. Pain, swelling, and redness of the outer skin occur. It is simply impossible to ignore the blockage of the veins; the pain and feeling of squeezing are increasing every hour. For thrombosis, conservative and surgical treatments are used.
  2. Fat necrosis of the breast. It occurs due to the fact that healthy adipose tissue cells change to pathological ones, which are palpable in the form of lumps in the chest. When they are palpated, pain is felt. Another symptom of the disease is modification of the skin of the mammary glands. It changes its structure and acquires a bluish tint. Sometimes fat necrosis goes away on its own - areas of compaction are replaced by scar tissue and do not hurt when touched. Fat necrosis is caused by trauma to the mammary gland.

So, a lump in the breast in women can be a symptom of a wide variety of diseases of a tumor and non-tumor nature. This is a good reason to consult a mammologist, who will prescribe a diagnostic examination, including:

  1. Mammography is a type of x-ray diagnostics. It makes it possible to identify changes in breast tissue and their nature. At the present stage of development of medicine, mammography is the gold standard for early diagnosis of breast cancer.
  2. Ultrasound examination. Its task is to determine the nature of the tumor in the breast, whether it is a dense tumor or filled with fluid. The correct choice of treatment tactics depends on this.
  3. Biopsy – removal of tumor tissue for histological examination. With its help, cancer cells are identified and a final diagnosis is made.

Treatment methods for breast lumps are being improved year after year.

A lump in the breast in most cases is a benign formation, however, the aggressiveness of breast cancer and its widespread prevalence require the most careful attention to any unusual symptoms from the breast.

Any woman should master breast self-examination techniques and regularly examine herself in order to promptly notice that a lump has appeared in the breast and consult a doctor.

A lump in the breast can appear not only in an adult woman or girl; pathology of the mammary glands occurs at any age, although it is women who get sick most often. However, a lump in a man’s chest requires no less (and often more) attention than a woman’s. Changes in the mammary glands can also be observed in children, both newborns and adolescents. Having discovered a lump in a child’s chest, the mother is obliged to show it to the doctor as soon as possible. While in a girl the lump may be associated with puberty, in a baby the cause may be hormonal imbalances, inflammatory diseases and even tumors.

Why do lumps appear in the breasts and what should a woman do if she discovers something similar in herself?

The causes of lumps in the mammary gland can be different.

Physiological reasons are associated with hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, after childbirth, during breastfeeding, as well as in connection with the menstrual cycle. Lumps in the breasts of a nursing mother are usually associated with blockage of the milk ducts. This happens if the breast does not empty completely during feeding or the baby is not latched regularly.

Lumpiness in the breast during feeding, associated with lactostasis, is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain and redness of the skin. Despite the pain and tightness in the chest, breastfeeding must be continued; we have already written about how to deal with breastfeeding. If measures are not taken, the consequence of such stagnation of milk can be mastitis with all its unpleasant consequences in the form of an incision, taking antibiotics, and possibly loss of breast milk.

Diseases and tumors

A painful lump in the breast before menstruation occurs with mastopathy. With this disease, which is more common in young girls and women, compacted areas form in the breasts, which can change in size and location during different menstrual cycles. After menstruation, everything goes away, but starting from the second half of the cycle, a lump in the chest appears again and it hurts. In this case, tightness and pain in the chest may be accompanied by discharge from the nipples. This hormone-dependent disease of the mammary gland is the most common in mammology, and is not related to breast cancer.

Lumps in the breasts in women may be accompanied by brown, bloody discharge; this discharge should be especially frightening - this happens with breast cancer. But still, in most cases, the nodes are benign.

They can be called:

. Breast cysts, which are a round cavity in the mammary gland filled with fluid. They are usually smooth, quite hard and move freely under the fingers when palpated. These cysts may not cause discomfort, but they may also be painful. The cause of their occurrence is hormonal changes during a woman’s menstrual cycle; they are also not associated with breast cancer and, as a rule, occur in young women (no older than 50 years). If a cyst is detected, the doctor can puncture it to clarify the diagnosis and relieve pain, removing the contents through a needle.

Sebaceous cysts (atheromas). These are round lumps under the skin of the breast, caused by a blockage of the sebaceous gland duct and the accumulation of sebum in it. They are mobile and usually do not bother; in such cases, treatment is not required, however, if the cyst becomes infected, it can become inflamed, soreness and redness of the skin appear. Then the cyst needs to be removed, and it is completely excised through a small incision, because the remaining part of the sebaceous gland can cause a relapse.

Breast abscesses are possible in breastfeeding women, they rarely occur outside the breastfeeding period. An abscess is a cavity in the mammary gland filled with pus. Such lumps are always very painful, accompanied by swelling and redness of the breast, immobile and dense. Treatment is surgical (incision and drainage of the mammary gland), antibiotic therapy is carried out.

Fat necrosis of the breast- a lump that occurs after trauma to the mammary gland, and weeks or even months may pass before the lump appears. The area of ​​fat necrosis is a round tumor, sometimes quite painful. The skin over it turns blue or red. Typically, fat necrosis goes away without treatment, but scar tissue may remain at the site of the tumor, which will always be detected by mammography.

Breast lipoma- This is a non-cancerous tumor that can be a fairly large lump in the breast, while at first it may be small, but grows quite quickly. Lipomas can be in both mammary glands or only in the right or left breast; they can be single or multiple. Usually they are removed, both because of their tendency to grow, and in order to accurately make a diagnosis.

Breast adenoma– a tumor of glandular tissue, is a hard compaction, mobile, responsive to the menstrual cycle. Sometimes they are quite soft and mobile; this tumor is also not associated with cancer.

Intraductal papilloma– a small tumor in the mammary duct, often causing bloody discharge from the nipple. It can be felt as a small lump in the nipple under the areola.

Breast cancer– can have a variety of manifestations and be similar to any of the tumors described above. Most often, this is a lump in the chest without clear boundaries, lumpy, painless, and often associated with the skin. Cancer can change the shape of the breast and the condition of the skin, can change the forum of the nipple, making it inverted, and can develop anywhere in the breast or nipple.

Breast lumps in young women are more often neoplasms or even physiological changes associated with the menstrual cycle. Older women are more likely to have a unilateral lump in the right or left breast and have a higher risk of cancer.

When examining, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the tissues above the mammary gland, look for a lump under the breast and under the armpit. Here are the lymph nodes, which often enlarge with cancer. A lump in the chest and armpit on the same side is a dangerous combination.

Every month, on days 7-10 of the cycle, perform a self-examination of the mammary glands, palpate and examine them. Of course, doctors have different attitudes towards such self-diagnosis, but as a fact, women often discover cancer at an early stage on their own. If a lump or other changes appear in the breast, you should consult a mammologist. After the examination, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis of what your lump in the chest is, and you and him will decide what to do in this or that situation. Delay, and especially treatment with traditional methods, is dangerous.

The female mammary gland is an organ that changes during puberty, during the monthly menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. It also continues to change with age.

Most breast changes are completely normal and should not be a cause for concern. But some of them require seeing a doctor. Chief among them are seals.

Breast lumps

There are different types, including adenomas, and. They differ in size, shape and location, as well as causes and treatment. About half of all women have breast lumps or fibrocystic changes. They are more common during the premenstrual period and usually disappear after menopause. Most seals are and do not signal. However, any time you find a new or unusual lump, see your doctor to make sure it is not precancerous or cancerous.

Researchers are studying the incidence of breast lumps in women on hormone replacement therapy. In combined hormone replacement therapy, women take estrogen and a progestin to relieve menopausal symptoms. A 2002 study called the Women's Health Initiative found that hormone replacement therapy often does more harm than good. Both hormones have been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer and change the structure of the breast, making it denser and harder to breastfeed. This can make the cancer detection process more difficult. This statement can be expressed in numbers. If 10,000 women take combined hormone replacement therapy for a year, there could be about 8 new cases of breast cancer per year.

Cysts, which can be large or small, are often harmless fluid-filled sacs that cause pain.

After menopause, many cysts shrink or disappear. If lumps appear after menopause, you should consult a doctor immediately.

They are the most common benign breast formations in women under 25 years of age and sometimes in adolescents. They are usually round, several centimeters wide and movable. They usually regress after menopause. Your doctor may recommend removal if the fibroadenoma persists, grows, or bothers you. When removed, a test for cancer will be performed.

- These are neoplasms in the nipple area. They vary in appearance, sometimes return after removal, and are sometimes associated with cancer. Intraductal papilloma is a rare, small growth in the lining of the milk ducts near the nipple. Papillomas, usually seen in women over 40 years of age, may have a bloody discharge.

Breast self-examination and mammography

The Association of Scientists Working in Medical Clinics claims that studies have shown no clear benefit from regular use. If you decide to have a breast self-exam, your doctor should explain to you how it is done. Premenstrual changes may cause temporary thickening in the breast tissue that goes away after your period, so your doctor may advise you to postpone the self-exam for a few days.

The easiest way to do a breast self-exam is in the shower, where you can use soap to smooth the skin. Look for unevenness. Using a little pressure, check to see if there are any lumps on the surface of the mammary glands. Gently press a little harder to explore deeper tissue. Gently squeeze and apply pressure to each nipple: If there is any discharge, especially bloody discharge, consult a doctor.

Any time you find a new or unusual lump on your breast, ask your doctor to check it to make sure it is not cancer. Most breast lumps are harmless. Ultrasound is the best test method to determine whether it is a cyst or a malignant tumor. In addition, a needle biopsy can also be performed.

A mammogram is a detailed x-ray of the breast. It can detect even very small tumors that cannot be felt with your hands. There is disagreement about when a woman should start getting mammograms: some doctors say between ages 35 and 40, while others don't recommend getting them until age 50. The American Cancer Society recommends annual mammograms for women ages 40 to 44 if they wish. Women between the ages of 45 and 54 should have a mammogram every year. And women age 55 and older should continue to get mammograms every 1 to 2 years. The US Preventive Services recommends screening women over 50 years of age. If you have a family history of breast cancer, especially your mother or sister, your doctor may advise you to start screening earlier than this age. Some medical centers also offer 3D mammograms in addition to traditional digital mammograms.

Breast pain

Pain can occur for a variety of reasons, including normal before menstruation. Other causes include: infection or injury, neoplasms including cancer, and possibly diet.

Swelling of breast tissue before menstruation may be painful, but it is not dangerous and no treatment is required if the discomfort is tolerable. Each monthly cycle brings with it changes in hormones. Estrogen and progesterone levels rise, causing blood to rush to the breasts. In this case, the tissue stretches and puts pressure on the nerve fibers, which causes pain. Some women experience breast swelling right before their period, and then symptoms subside after it ends. Others experience symptoms as a side effect of birth control pills.

Breast injuries and infections cause the same symptoms as other parts of your body. Infections typically result in small abscesses concentrated in a specific location. This can give them the appearance of a cyst. If you think you have an infection, see your doctor. The doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics, although in many cases the infection returns and the infected tissue may need to be removed.

Cysts can cause pain, but breast cancer rarely does, although pain does not exclude the possibility of cancer.