The pillow on my foot under my toes hurts. Why might it hurt to step on the ball of your foot? Pain associated with neurological problems

Pain in the area of ​​the balls of the feet appears suddenly, causing physical discomfort and psychologically complicating life. Symptoms have different causes, from temporary ailments to serious illnesses. To protect your health and understand what to do in such cases, how to be treated, determine the causes of pain.

  • injuries;
  • deformation processes indicating the presence of flat feet;
  • pain comes from the base of the fingers - a sign of osteoporosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • burning between the toes, which is a sign of the formation of Morton's neuroma;

    Morton's neuroma

  • disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pathological neoplasms on the leg;
  • fungal infection of the feet.

The cause of the disease will be determined by the doctor based on a set of measures.


The foot is a part of the body with a mass of small bones tightly connected to each other, often motionless. A strong joint is susceptible to cracks and fractures. Often the cause of pain in the leg is a nerve affected by a damaged area of ​​the bone or a deep hematoma compressing nearby tissues.

The causes of pain are in the balls of the feet, between the toes, and in constant exercise - running, cycling.

As a result of leg injuries, a person is able to walk, but when he steps on the injured leg, severe pain is felt.

Deformation processes

It is not uncommon to experience pain in the ball of the foot if you have flat feet. A common problem for young and middle-aged children. The disease is rare in adults. The causes of deformation are impaired metabolism of minerals in the body.

Flat feet

If you have flat feet, symptoms appear:

  • the foot changes as it rises;
  • severe aching pain when walking, in the area of ​​the inner part of the foot and in the area of ​​​​the balls, which goes away after rest.

As the disease progresses, the balls of the feet hurt constantly, even after rest. A person's gait changes to that of a duck. The foot becomes completely flat. Anatomical irregularities are smoothed out. The patient's center of gravity shifts significantly.


Osteoporosis is a disease of older people. Women are more often affected. The feet hurt due to a lack of calcium in the bone tissues of the body. Bones become thin, subject to frequent deformations and fractures. A lack of minerals occurs for two reasons: disturbances in the metabolism of minerals in the body - an age-related phenomenon and leaching of microelements from the body.

The problem of calcium excretion occurs as a result of a number of reasons:

  • poor nutrition. Consuming sweet sodas, caffeine-containing drinks, meat without greens, salt and sugar in large quantities - this accelerates the removal of calcium;
  • bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • working with heavy metals, radiation exposure;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Osteoporosis disease develops gradually without causing symptoms. Pain initially occurs when walking, in places where the foot is loaded: at the base of the toes and on the ball of the foot.

Osteoporosis of the foot

Inflammatory processes

The pads of the feet hurt due to inflammatory diseases - bursitis, tendovaginitis. Diseases develop subsequently from injury and independent pathology. Injuries leading to the development of the disease are associated with playing sports at a professional level.

Pain also occurs due to inflammatory processes in the area of ​​tendons and fluid in the intra-articular membranes. There is discomfort when walking. At rest, no pain is felt.

Morton's neuroma

A common problem occurs due to narrow, uncomfortable shoes and heels. This is a pathological process that increases the nerve endings in the foot. The process is accompanied by pain in the legs, radiating to the area of ​​the ball of the foot. The disease modifies the nerve fibers located between the middle and ring toes.

In addition to shoes, the disease is provoked by excess weight, chronic infectious diseases, leg injuries, foot strain associated with flat feet, and oncological formations of the feet.

Symptoms of the onset of the disease:

  • feeling of numbness in the legs;
  • the balls of the feet hurt when walking;
  • burning in the area between the middle and ring fingers;
  • lack of sensitivity in the third and fourth fingers.

Symptoms tend to go away temporarily and reappear after a significant period of time.

Disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system

Diseases of this type that provoke pain in the balls of the foot are varicose veins and diabetes mellitus.

Varicose veins develop in people who spend most of their time on their feet. It develops due to a predisposition at the genetic level. Pain occurs in the pads on the sole, eventually spreading to the entire foot. It hurts more when walking than when standing still. Discomfort disappears during rest, in a horizontal position.

Due to diabetes, there is a failure of carbohydrate metabolism and a disruption of the microcirculation system in the tissues of the legs and feet. Signs of the disease include pale feet and dry skin between the toes. The foot area is sensitive to the appearance of microtraumas and is characterized by a poor degree of healing. At first, the foot hurts when walking, but later this condition becomes permanent.

Autoimmune diseases

Pain in the legs often occurs due to arthritis and arthrosis. The appearance of the disease is characterized by deformations and destruction of the droops. Arthritis occurs due to pathological processes in the body. Including as a reaction to immunity problems and infections. Arthrosis is a pathology associated with age-related changes in the functioning of the body.

Pathological neoplasms

The balls of the feet often hurt due to the activation of the papilloma virus present in the body. The development of the disease and the formation of warts occurs when the body’s immune system is weakened.

The main symptoms of the disease, in addition to pain, are the appearance of growths in the form of a lump, hard to the touch and rough.

Papillomavirus on the foot

Fungal infection

Mycosis, being a fungal infection, can cause discomfort, both painful and aesthetic. Itching and redness occur. The skin of the pad becomes dry, deep and painful cracks appear.


Treatment depends on the cause. The doctor is responsible for diagnosing and selecting methods of complex therapy. The pain symptom is treated with anesthetics. These are painkillers, injections, creams and rubs. Treatment using creamy preparations and rubbing is prohibited if there are wounds on the foot or dryness. And the use of tablets is undesirable for problems with the stomach, cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Conservative methods

Eliminating symptoms is only temporary, so it is important to treat the cause. Injuries are treated by applying special immobilization bandages. For flat feet, or Morton's neuroma in the initial stage, special orthopedic shoes or insoles are used to help correctly distribute the load on the foot.

For problems associated with a lack of calcium and other microelements, they are treated by taking vitamin-mineral complexes. Problems associated with diabetes are solved with the help of diets, and, if necessary, even in severe stages of the disease, with the help of insulin injections.

Treatment of autoimmune diseases is carried out with the use of special orthopedic splints and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and chondroprotectors. Sometimes steroid drugs are used.

When the feet are affected by a fungal infection, treatment is reduced to the use of cosmetic antifungal agents, ointments, or in severe cases, tablets. Pathological formations in the form of papillomas are eliminated using laser therapy or freezing.

Radical measures

In severe forms of the disease, leading to irreversible deformation or destructive processes in bone, muscle tissue or blood vessels, they are treated with surgery. The operation is also performed if conservative measures are ineffective.

It is important to seek medical advice if you have pain in the ball of your foot. With the help of a professional and a series of tests, serious diseases can be cured.

Often, pain in the balls of the foot appears suddenly, causing physical discomfort and psychologically complicating life. Such symptoms have causes ranging from simple temporary ailments to serious illnesses. To protect your health and understand what to do in such cases, you need to determine the causes of pain.

The ball of the foot near the toes is one of the main points on the sole that bears the main load when stepping. Any discomfort in this area causes problems with motor activity. There are enough cases when pain in the ball of the foot significantly overshadows life. Therefore, sooner or later, almost every person begins to wonder why the balls of the foot hurt when walking or at rest, and how to treat possible pathologies.

Load distribution on the foot

It is the incorrect distribution of the load on the foot that most often leads to pain in the ball of the foot. But to understand how this relates to daily loads and the choice of shoes, you will have to understand the location of the points that take on the load.

There are three points of support on the sole of the feet:

  • tubercle of the calcaneus;
  • the head of the first metatarsal bone, located at the base of the big toe;
  • the head of the fifth metatarsal is the base of the little finger.
But the load on these points is not always distributed evenly and largely depends on the type of shoe:
  • When a person walks barefoot or in shoes with solid soles, the heel takes on a lot of the load.
  • If the heel is within medically acceptable limits, that is, does not exceed 3–5 cm, the fulcrum points bear the person’s weight evenly.
  • But when wearing high heels and especially stilettos, 90–95% of the total load falls on the base of the metatarsal bones or the balls of the feet.

It is not surprising that after walking for a long time in such shoes, the foot in the area of ​​the balls begins to hurt incredibly, especially immediately after taking off the shoes. When a person subjects his feet to such loads every day, the feet simply do not have time to recover during the night's rest. Now add excess weight to incorrectly selected shoes and prolonged standing on your feet - and chronic foot pain is guaranteed. It is these factors that lead to foot deformation, which is diagnosed as flat feet or hallux valgus. In these cases, the pain will already be associated with chronically incorrect distribution of the load, as the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot flattens. Therefore, when a patient feels chronic leg fatigue, especially in the area under the toes, it is worth thinking about changing shoes and having a professional examination, since such a sign may indicate irreversible deforming processes in the foot.

Neoplasms and dermatological problems of the foot

Another seemingly harmless cause of pain in the balls of the foot is skin formations and lesions:

  1. Fungal infection. The skin flakes, turns red, and over time begins to itch and itch. When stepping on the affected area, a person experiences pain, the skin burns even in the absence of physical activity. To treat mycosis, simple hygiene procedures are not enough. Only specific drugs can destroy the fungus. Moreover, they will have to be used both externally and orally.
  2. Corns and calluses. This is another consequence of improper distribution of loads on the legs, combined with ignoring hygienic care. And if at the beginning of the negative process the skin on the pads simply begins to become rough, then over time a burning sensation and pain when stepping on the area develops.
  3. Warts. The cause of such formations is the papilloma virus. They are flat, elongated, on a stem. And when placed on the pads or between the fingers, they cause discomfort when inevitably touched while walking. Getting rid of papillomas is sometimes quite problematic, since simple circumcision and burning does not always solve the problem. Only antiviral treatment can eliminate the infection. But, oddly enough, sometimes warts disappear on their own.

A person who has first-hand experience with dermatological problems of the feet most often resorts to traditional methods of treatment or the application of popular pharmaceutical miracle drugs. But the right decision in this case would be to contact a doctor, since such formations may be due to a serious infection or other health problems in general.


Video - Strengthening the feet

Inflammatory processes

In the area of ​​the pads near the toes there are ligaments, tendons, and many nerve endings. In addition, the transverse arch of the foot itself is formed by the joints connecting the phalanges of the toes and the metatarsal bones.

Therefore, any inflammatory diseases characteristic of the joints can cause pain in the foot:

  1. Bursitis. At the joints of bones there are joint capsules or bursae. They are reliably protected from the sole side by a layer of fat. However, this protection loses its thickness with age, and the bursae experience increased stress. The main sign of inflammation of the joint capsules is local hyperemia of the skin. Any touch to the pathology site causes pain. Only the attending physician can make a diagnosis and choose treatment methods, since chronic bursitis does not always respond to conservative therapy.
  2. Ligamentite. The ligaments located in the plantar part become inflamed. Pain is common when bending, but the pillow itself may also hurt. Excessive loads and microtrauma can lead to this disease. But in some cases, the inflammation is infectious.
  3. Arthritis. The metatarsophalangeal joints are most often affected by rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammatory process occurs against the background of a malfunction of the immune system. The tissues become inflamed, swelling and severe pain appear. With this diagnosis, the patient is practically unable to stand on the affected leg during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Inflammatory foot diseases are treated by a rheumatologist who will select high-quality therapy. The emphasis is on taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physical therapy methods to restore mobility.

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders

Damage to the foot in the area of ​​the pads can be a complication of metabolic disorders in the body. First of all, we are talking about gout and diabetic foot. Diabetic foot is a condition characteristic of advanced diabetes. As atherosclerosis accelerates, small vessels suffer, especially in the lower extremities. Numbness, burning in the legs, and muscle weakness will indicate poor circulation. Much more dangerous is the appearance of ulcers, which are often accompanied by infections. The treatment of this disease is carried out by an endocrinologist and phlebologist. First of all, attention is paid to maintaining normal blood sugar levels, as well as symptomatic treatment of complications. In gout, we are talking about an increased concentration of uric acid. It accumulates in small vessels and most often in the metatarsophalangeal. During an exacerbation, the patient experiences unbearable burning pain. Moreover, pain most often occurs suddenly, at night. In advanced stages, inflammatory symptoms are accompanied by the formation of tophi - lumps with an accumulation of uric acid crystals.

Vascular diseases

Since there are many harmful and small peripheral vessels on the foot, any disease that affects the vascular system can cause discomfort around the toes. The pain of the pads in such diseases is largely associated with a lack of nutrients, vascular spasm and irritation of the nerve endings against this background.

More often the foot starts to hurt if you have:

  • atherosclerosis – gradual blockage of medium vessels;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans - gradual narrowing of the lumen of the arteries with the formation of thrombotic masses;
  • thromboembolism of the digital arteries - blockage of a blood vessel by a detached thrombus.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on varicose veins, since about 70% of patients are susceptible to it. In the initial stages of varicose veins, a person experiences heaviness in the legs and pain in the feet. The resulting swelling also extends to the sole. Therefore, stepping on the pads is quite painful. Any vascular disease poses a threat not only to the health of the legs, but also to the life of the patient. Complications such as thrombosis and the appearance of ulcers on the skin often lead to disability and a person’s loss of the ability to move. It is pain in the feet, including in the balls of the feet, that can be the first signal of problems with blood vessels, which, unfortunately, is often attributed to simple fatigue by patients.

Traumatic injuries

The area of ​​the foot near the toes is less susceptible to injury than, for example, the ankle. However, with direct impacts, the presence of strong compressive factors, or falls on your feet, you may receive some injuries:

  1. Bruises are the most common type of injury. It usually occurs with blunt impacts. The injured person cannot step on the foot, and a bruise appears on the skin. To rule out more serious damage, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the foot.
  2. Fractures. Most often they are closed in nature without displacement. It is characterized by swelling and severe pain. But it is almost impossible to distinguish a crack from a severe bruise without an x-ray.

More serious injuries in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joints occur in traffic accidents or accidents when the foot is subjected to severe compression and the bones are crushed. Treatment of such injuries is complex and can only be done in a hospital setting.

Damage to nerve tissue

Neuropathies affecting the foot are most often caused by traumatic injury. After a strong blow, the integrity of the nerve fibers or its myelin sheath is disrupted. Disruption of the innervation of the foot and pain in the pads can be associated with damage to the femoral nerve, sciatic nerve, as well as damage to the spine in the lumbosacral region. But Morton's neuroma is more common in the area of ​​the pads. It is formed from nerve tissue in the form of a tumor between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones. The mechanism of growth of such a neuroma is not fully understood. But most often, doctors associate it with wearing high heels and redistributing the bulk of the body weight onto these bones.

At the beginning of the growth of a neuroma, patients experience some discomfort only when pressing on the site of pathology, that is, while standing. As the tumor grows, paresthesia and acute pain appear, which is associated with compression of the neuroma.


People often complain that it hurts to step on the ball of their foot while walking. The legs bear a very large load, and the discomfort that pain causes significantly impairs the normal rhythm of life. If you experience such ailment, you should seek help from a doctor, but before starting treatment, you need to find out why the ball of your toe hurts.

There may be several reasons for this malaise. There may have been a leg injury from a fall or impact. Often the cause of the malaise is flat feet, which the patient suffers from. At the same time, the foot changes in its instep, causing the patient severe aching pain when walking. If the disease progresses, the person feels pain constantly, even after rest.

In older people, such pain may occur due to a lack of calcium in the body. With age, the metabolism of minerals in the human body is disrupted. Osteoporosis mainly affects women. The disease develops gradually, and over time the pain on the pad and at the base of the fingers only intensifies.

The pads under the toes often hurt due to the inflammatory process in the tendon area. This disease causes discomfort only when walking; no pain is observed at rest. An inflammatory process in the foot can occur after an injury or, for example, with bursitis.

In women, the foot and the pad under the toes may hurt due to wearing tight shoes or high heels. At the same time, the nerve endings in the foot suffer, the pain intensifies if the woman, in addition to uncomfortable shoes, also has a lot of weight. With this ailment, ladies feel pain between the middle and ring fingers. The feet may become numb, and some fingers may lose sensation.

People suffering from more serious diseases, such as diabetes or varicose veins, also experience pain on the balls of their feet. When walking, pain torments them on the pads under the toes. After resting in a horizontal position, the pain subsides.

With a weakened immune system, small growths - warts - may appear on the soles; they are hard and rough. With a fungal infection, in addition to pain, the patient feels itching. The skin on the pads becomes dry, red, and cracks appear on it.

If you detect even one sign of malaise, you should seek advice from a specialist. Having found out the cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, individually in each specific case. Self-medication can only lead to complications of the situation.

Treatment methods

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray of the extremities, computed tomography, or radioisotope scanning. At the initial manifestation of pain on the ball of the foot, you should rest and consult a doctor. If this occurs after an injury that causes a pinched nerve, a course of acupuncture may be prescribed as an additional procedure to the main treatment.

If the pain is caused by osteoporosis, the doctor prescribes medications containing calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. With flat feet, the most common pain is in the ball of the big toe. Treatment in this case comes down to taking medications containing micro- and macroelements. It is imperative to wear special shoes or orthopedic insoles; this will allow you to keep your foot in the correct position and prevent the center of gravity from shifting on the sole while walking.

If the pad under the thumb begins to hurt due to bursitis, then treatment comes down to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs (for example Diclofenac, Meloxicam) relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

For varicose veins, an ointment is used, for example, heparin or made from horse chestnut, it significantly improves the condition of the leg. It is also useful for this disease to wear compression garments - socks or knee socks.

With diabetes, the feet become dry, cold and pale. In this case, glucose-lowering medications help relieve pain. There is also a strict diet that will not allow a sharp increase in blood sugar.

There are many special sprays, ointments and solutions available in the pharmacy against foot fungus. They are very effective and act specifically on the site of the disease. You can get rid of warts with the help of the drug Supercelandine; in the summer, the juice of fresh celandine grass is widely used. They need to apply the warts frequently until they are completely gone.

In any case, it is useful to massage the entire foot; special gymnastics will also help to relax your legs and relieve pain. You can also do relaxing foot baths. Remedies such as Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Solpadeine or Spazgan will help get rid of pain. The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed only by a doctor; each medicine has its own contraindications; taking them without prescription can seriously harm your health.

After consulting with a doctor and finding out why the pads hurt, you can add traditional recipes to the main treatment. For arthrosis and arthritis that causes pain on the ball of the foot, it is useful to use ointment from birch buds. To prepare it, you will need to mix 200 g of kidneys and 400 g of vegetable oil. The ointment is infused in a warm place for about a day, then the mixture is filtered and a pinch of camphor is added to it. The prepared ointment is used to lubricate problem areas on the foot.

To get rid of warts, you can drip acetic acid on them daily, but this must be done very carefully so as not to affect healthy skin. To relieve inflammation, use foot baths. To prepare, pour 1 liter of boiling water over 100 g of linden flowers and leave for about 10 minutes. The infusion is poured into a bowl, another 1 liter of warm water and 2-3 tablespoons of any honey are added. Keep your feet in the water for about 15 minutes; it is better to do this procedure at night.

To avoid pain on the balls of your feet, you must first choose your shoes carefully. It should be comfortable and not squeeze your legs when walking. It is better for women to choose heels no higher than 10 cm. It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene daily, wash your feet thoroughly, and then use sprays and creams.

It is necessary to trim your nails regularly, and this must be done carefully to prevent them from becoming ingrown. All possible wounds on the foot must be treated with an antiseptic to avoid infection. Walking or standing for a long time is harmful to your legs; you should periodically give them a little rest.

We must not forget about proper nutrition; the diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Do not get carried away with salty, spicy and smoked dishes. If you experience the slightest discomfort in the area of ​​the balls of your feet, you should consult a doctor. It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it later.

The ball of the foot near the toes is one of the main points on the sole that bears the main load when stepping. Any discomfort in this area causes problems with motor activity. There are enough cases when pain in the ball of the foot significantly overshadows life. Therefore, sooner or later, almost every person begins to wonder why the balls of the foot hurt when walking or at rest, and how to treat possible pathologies.

Load distribution on the foot

It is the incorrect distribution of the load on the foot that most often leads to pain in the ball of the foot. But to understand how this relates to daily loads and the choice of shoes, you will have to understand the location of the points that take on the load.

  • tubercle of the calcaneus;
  • the head of the first metatarsal bone, located at the base of the big toe;
  • the head of the fifth metatarsal is the base of the little finger.
  • When a person walks barefoot or in shoes with solid soles, the heel takes on a lot of the load.
  • If the heel is within medically acceptable limits, that is, does not exceed 3–5 cm, the fulcrum points bear the person’s weight evenly.
  • But when wearing high heels and especially stilettos, 90–95% of the total load falls on the base of the metatarsal bones or the balls of the feet.

It is not surprising that after walking for a long time in such shoes, the foot in the area of ​​the balls begins to hurt incredibly, especially immediately after taking off the shoes.

When a person subjects his feet to such loads every day, the feet simply do not have time to recover during the night's rest.

Now add excess weight to incorrectly selected shoes and prolonged standing on your feet - and chronic foot pain is guaranteed.

It is these factors that lead to foot deformation, which is diagnosed as flat feet or hallux valgus.

In these cases, the pain will already be associated with chronically incorrect distribution of the load, as the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot flattens.

Therefore, when a patient feels chronic leg fatigue, especially in the area under the toes, it is worth thinking about changing shoes and having a professional examination, since such a sign may indicate irreversible deforming processes in the foot.

Neoplasms and dermatological problems of the foot

Another seemingly harmless cause of pain in the balls of the foot is skin formations and lesions:

  1. Fungal infection. The skin flakes, turns red, and over time begins to itch and itch. When stepping on the affected area, a person experiences pain, the skin burns even in the absence of physical activity. To treat mycosis, simple hygiene procedures are not enough. Only specific drugs can destroy the fungus. Moreover, they will have to be used both externally and orally.
  2. Corns and calluses. This is another consequence of improper distribution of loads on the legs, combined with ignoring hygienic care. And if at the beginning of the negative process the skin on the pads simply begins to become rough, then over time a burning sensation and pain when stepping on the area develops.
  3. Warts. The cause of such formations is the papilloma virus. They are flat, elongated, on a stem. And when placed on the pads or between the fingers, they cause discomfort when inevitably touched while walking. Getting rid of papillomas is sometimes quite problematic, since simple circumcision and burning does not always solve the problem. Only antiviral treatment can eliminate the infection. But, oddly enough, sometimes warts disappear on their own.

A person who has first-hand experience with dermatological problems of the feet most often resorts to traditional methods of treatment or the application of popular pharmaceutical miracle drugs. But the right decision in this case would be to contact a doctor, since such formations may be due to a serious infection or other health problems in general.

Video - Strengthening the feet

Inflammatory processes

In the area of ​​the pads near the toes there are ligaments, tendons, and many nerve endings. In addition, the transverse arch of the foot itself is formed by the joints connecting the phalanges of the toes and the metatarsal bones.

  1. Bursitis. At the joints of bones there are joint capsules or bursae. They are reliably protected from the sole side by a layer of fat. However, this protection loses its thickness with age, and the bursae experience increased stress. The main sign of inflammation of the joint capsules is local hyperemia of the skin. Any touch to the pathology site causes pain. Only the attending physician can make a diagnosis and choose treatment methods, since chronic bursitis does not always respond to conservative therapy.
  2. Ligamentite. The ligaments located in the plantar part become inflamed. Pain is common when bending, but the pillow itself may also hurt. Excessive loads and microtrauma can lead to this disease. But in some cases, the inflammation is infectious.
  3. Arthritis. The metatarsophalangeal joints are most often affected by rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammatory process occurs against the background of a malfunction of the immune system. The tissues become inflamed, swelling and severe pain appear. With this diagnosis, the patient is practically unable to stand on the affected leg during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Inflammatory foot diseases are treated by a rheumatologist who will select high-quality therapy. The emphasis is on taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physical therapy methods to restore mobility.

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders

Damage to the foot in the area of ​​the pads can be a complication of metabolic disorders in the body. First of all, we are talking about gout and diabetic foot.

Diabetic foot is a condition characteristic of advanced diabetes. As atherosclerosis accelerates, small vessels suffer, especially in the lower extremities. Numbness, burning in the legs, and muscle weakness will indicate poor circulation. Much more dangerous is the appearance of ulcers, which are often accompanied by infections. The treatment of this disease is carried out by an endocrinologist and phlebologist. First of all, attention is paid to maintaining normal blood sugar levels, as well as symptomatic treatment of complications.

In gout, we are talking about an increased concentration of uric acid. It accumulates in small vessels and most often in the metatarsophalangeal. During an exacerbation, the patient experiences unbearable burning pain. Moreover, pain most often occurs suddenly, at night. In advanced stages, inflammatory symptoms are accompanied by the formation of tophi - lumps with an accumulation of uric acid crystals.

Vascular diseases

Since there are many harmful and small peripheral vessels on the foot, any disease that affects the vascular system can cause discomfort around the toes. The pain of the pads in such diseases is largely associated with a lack of nutrients, vascular spasm and irritation of the nerve endings against this background.

  • atherosclerosis – gradual blockage of medium vessels;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans - gradual narrowing of the lumen of the arteries with the formation of thrombotic masses;
  • thromboembolism of the digital arteries - blockage of a blood vessel by a detached thrombus.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on varicose veins, since about 70% of patients are susceptible to it.

In the initial stages of varicose veins, a person experiences heaviness in the legs and pain in the feet. The resulting swelling also extends to the sole. Therefore, stepping on the pads is quite painful.

Any vascular disease poses a threat not only to the health of the legs, but also to the life of the patient. Complications such as thrombosis and the appearance of ulcers on the skin often lead to disability and a person’s loss of the ability to move. It is pain in the feet, including in the balls of the feet, that can be the first signal of problems with blood vessels, which, unfortunately, is often attributed to simple fatigue by patients.

Traumatic injuries

The area of ​​the foot near the toes is less susceptible to injury than, for example, the ankle.

However, with direct impacts, the presence of strong compressive factors, or falls on your feet, you may receive some injuries:

  1. Bruises are the most common type of injury. It usually occurs with blunt impacts. The injured person cannot step on the foot, and a bruise appears on the skin. To rule out more serious damage, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the foot.
  2. Fractures. Most often they are closed in nature without displacement. It is characterized by swelling and severe pain. But it is almost impossible to distinguish a crack from a severe bruise without an x-ray.

More serious injuries in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joints occur in traffic accidents or accidents when the foot is subjected to severe compression and the bones are crushed. Treatment of such injuries is complex and can only be done in a hospital setting.

Damage to nerve tissue

Neuropathies affecting the foot are most often caused by traumatic injury. After a strong blow, the integrity of the nerve fibers or its myelin sheath is disrupted.

Disruption of the innervation of the foot and pain in the pads can be associated with damage to the femoral nerve, sciatic nerve, as well as damage to the spine in the lumbosacral region.

But Morton's neuroma is more common in the area of ​​the pads. It is formed from nerve tissue in the form of a tumor between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones. The mechanism of growth of such a neuroma is not fully understood. But most often, doctors associate it with wearing high heels and redistributing the bulk of the body weight onto these bones.

At the beginning of the growth of a neuroma, patients experience some discomfort only when pressing on the site of pathology, that is, while standing. As the tumor grows, paresthesia and acute pain appear, which is associated with compression of the neuroma.

Pain in the area of ​​the balls of the feet appears suddenly, causing physical discomfort and psychologically complicating life. Symptoms have different causes, from temporary ailments to serious illnesses. To protect your health and understand what to do in such cases, how to be treated, determine the causes of pain.

Causes of pain

The causes of the disease can be determined if there are accompanying factors:

  • injuries;
  • deformation processes indicating the presence of flat feet;
  • pain comes from the base of the fingers - a sign of osteoporosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • burning between the toes, which is a sign of the formation of Morton's neuroma;

The cause of the disease will be determined by the doctor based on a set of measures.

The foot is a part of the body with a mass of small bones tightly connected to each other, often motionless. A strong joint is susceptible to cracks and fractures. Often the cause of pain in the leg is a nerve affected by a damaged area of ​​the bone or a deep hematoma compressing nearby tissues.

The causes of pain are in the balls of the feet, between the toes, and in constant exercise - running, cycling.

As a result of leg injuries, a person is able to walk, but when he steps on the injured leg, severe pain is felt.

Deformation processes

It is not uncommon to experience pain in the ball of the foot if you have flat feet. A common problem for young and middle-aged children. The disease is rare in adults. The causes of deformation are impaired metabolism of minerals in the body.

If you have flat feet, symptoms appear:

  • the foot changes as it rises;
  • severe aching pain when walking, in the area of ​​the inner part of the foot and in the area of ​​​​the balls, which goes away after rest.

As the disease progresses, the balls of the feet hurt constantly, even after rest. A person's gait changes to that of a duck. The foot becomes completely flat. Anatomical irregularities are smoothed out. The patient's center of gravity shifts significantly.


Osteoporosis is a disease of older people. Women are more often affected. The feet hurt due to a lack of calcium in the bone tissues of the body. Bones become thin, subject to frequent deformations and fractures. A lack of minerals occurs for two reasons: disturbances in the metabolism of minerals in the body - an age-related phenomenon and leaching of microelements from the body.

The problem of calcium excretion occurs as a result of a number of reasons:

  • poor nutrition. Consuming sweet sodas, caffeine-containing drinks, meat without greens, salt and sugar in large quantities - this accelerates the removal of calcium;
  • bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • working with heavy metals, radiation exposure;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Osteoporosis disease develops gradually without causing symptoms. Pain initially occurs when walking, in places where the foot is loaded: at the base of the toes and on the ball of the foot.

Inflammatory processes

The pads of the feet hurt due to inflammatory diseases - bursitis, tendovaginitis. Diseases develop subsequently from injury and independent pathology. Injuries leading to the development of the disease are associated with playing sports at a professional level.

Pain also occurs due to inflammatory processes in the area of ​​tendons and fluid in the intra-articular membranes. There is discomfort when walking. At rest, no pain is felt.

Morton's neuroma

A common problem occurs due to narrow, uncomfortable shoes and heels. This is a pathological process that increases the nerve endings in the foot. The process is accompanied by pain in the legs, radiating to the area of ​​the ball of the foot. The disease modifies the nerve fibers located between the middle and ring toes.

In addition to shoes, the disease is provoked by excess weight, chronic infectious diseases, leg injuries, foot strain associated with flat feet, and oncological formations of the feet.

Symptoms of the onset of the disease:

  • feeling of numbness in the legs;
  • the balls of the feet hurt when walking;
  • burning in the area between the middle and ring fingers;
  • lack of sensitivity in the third and fourth fingers.

Symptoms tend to go away temporarily and reappear after a significant period of time.

Disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system

Diseases of this type that provoke pain in the balls of the foot are varicose veins and diabetes mellitus.

Varicose veins develop in people who spend most of their time on their feet. It develops due to a predisposition at the genetic level. Pain occurs in the pads on the sole, eventually spreading to the entire foot. It hurts more when walking than when standing still. Discomfort disappears during rest, in a horizontal position.

Due to diabetes, there is a failure of carbohydrate metabolism and a disruption of the microcirculation system in the tissues of the legs and feet. Signs of the disease include pale feet and dry skin between the toes. The foot area is sensitive to the appearance of microtraumas and is characterized by a poor degree of healing. At first, the foot hurts when walking, but later this condition becomes permanent.

Autoimmune diseases

Pain in the legs often occurs due to arthritis and arthrosis. The appearance of the disease is characterized by deformations and destruction of the droops. Arthritis occurs due to pathological processes in the body. Including as a reaction to immunity problems and infections. Arthrosis is a pathology associated with age-related changes in the functioning of the body.

Pathological neoplasms

The balls of the feet often hurt due to the activation of the papilloma virus present in the body. The development of the disease and the formation of warts occurs when the body’s immune system is weakened.

The main symptoms of the disease, in addition to pain, are the appearance of growths in the form of a lump, hard to the touch and rough.

Fungal infection

Mycosis, being a fungal infection, can cause discomfort, both painful and aesthetic. Itching and redness occur. The skin of the pad becomes dry, deep and painful cracks appear.

Treatment depends on the cause. The doctor is responsible for diagnosing and selecting methods of complex therapy. The pain symptom is treated with anesthetics. These are painkillers, injections, creams and rubs. Treatment using creamy preparations and rubbing is prohibited if there are wounds on the foot or dryness. And the use of tablets is undesirable for problems with the stomach, cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Conservative methods

Eliminating symptoms is only temporary, so it is important to treat the cause. Injuries are treated by applying special immobilization bandages. For flat feet, or Morton's neuroma in the initial stage, special orthopedic shoes or insoles are used to help correctly distribute the load on the foot.

For problems associated with a lack of calcium and other microelements, they are treated by taking vitamin-mineral complexes. Problems associated with diabetes are solved with the help of diets, and, if necessary, even in severe stages of the disease, with the help of insulin injections.

Treatment of autoimmune diseases is carried out with the use of special orthopedic splints and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and chondroprotectors. Sometimes steroid drugs are used.

When the feet are affected by a fungal infection, treatment is reduced to the use of cosmetic antifungal agents, ointments, or in severe cases, tablets. Pathological formations in the form of papillomas are eliminated using laser therapy or freezing.

Radical measures

In severe forms of the disease, leading to irreversible deformation or destructive processes in bone, muscle tissue or blood vessels, they are treated with surgery. The operation is also performed if conservative measures are ineffective.

It is important to seek medical advice if you have pain in the ball of your foot. With the help of a professional and a series of tests, serious diseases can be cured.

Often, pain in the balls of the foot appears suddenly, causing physical discomfort and psychologically complicating life. Such symptoms have causes ranging from simple temporary ailments to serious illnesses. To protect your health and understand what to do in such cases, you need to determine the causes of pain.

The ball of the foot near the toes is one of the main points on the sole that bears the main load when stepping. Any discomfort in this area causes problems with motor activity. There are enough cases when life is significantly darkened. Therefore, sooner or later, almost every person begins to wonder why the balls of the foot hurt when walking or at rest, and how to treat possible pathologies.

Load distribution on the foot

It is the incorrect distribution of the load on the foot that most often leads to pain in the ball of the foot. But to understand how this relates to daily loads and the choice of shoes, you will have to understand the location of the points that take on the load.

There are three points of support on the sole of the feet:

  • tubercle of the calcaneus;
  • the head of the first metatarsal bone, located at the base of the big toe;
  • the head of the fifth metatarsal is the base of the little finger.
But the load on these points is not always distributed evenly and largely depends on the type of shoe:

It is not surprising that after walking for a long time in such shoes, the foot in the area of ​​the balls begins to hurt incredibly, especially immediately after taking off the shoes.

When a person subjects his feet to such loads every day, the feet simply do not have time to recover during the night's rest.

Now add excess weight to incorrectly selected shoes and prolonged standing on your feet - and chronic foot pain is guaranteed.

It is these factors that lead to foot deformation, which is diagnosed as flat feet or hallux valgus.

In these cases, the pain will already be associated with chronically incorrect distribution of the load, as the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot flattens.

Therefore, when a patient feels chronic leg fatigue, especially in the area under the toes, it is worth thinking about changing shoes and having a professional examination, since such a sign may indicate irreversible deforming processes in the foot.

Neoplasms and dermatological problems of the foot

Another seemingly harmless cause of pain in the balls of the foot is skin formations and lesions:

  1. Fungal infection. The skin flakes, turns red, and over time begins to itch and itch. When stepping on the affected area, a person experiences pain, the skin burns even in the absence of physical activity. To treat mycosis, simple hygiene procedures are not enough. Only specific drugs can destroy the fungus. Moreover, they will have to be used both externally and orally.
  2. Corns and calluses. This is another consequence of improper distribution of loads on the legs, combined with ignoring hygienic care. And if at the beginning of the negative process the skin on the pads simply begins to become rough, then over time a burning sensation and pain when stepping on the area develops.
  3. Warts. The cause of such formations is the papilloma virus. They are flat, elongated, on a stem. And when placed on the pads or between the fingers, they cause discomfort when inevitably touched while walking. Getting rid of papillomas is sometimes quite problematic, since simple circumcision and burning does not always solve the problem. Only antiviral treatment can eliminate the infection. But, oddly enough, sometimes warts disappear on their own.

A person who has first-hand experience with dermatological problems of the feet most often resorts to traditional methods of treatment or the application of popular pharmaceutical miracle drugs. But the right decision in this case would be to contact a doctor, since such formations may be due to a serious infection or other health problems in general.


Video - Strengthening the feet

Inflammatory processes

In the area of ​​the pads near the toes there are ligaments, tendons, and many nerve endings. In addition, the transverse arch of the foot itself is formed by the joints connecting the phalanges of the toes and the metatarsal bones.

Therefore, any inflammatory diseases characteristic of the joints can cause pain in the foot:

  1. Bursitis. At the joints of bones there are joint capsules or bursae. They are reliably protected from the sole side by a layer of fat. However, this protection loses its thickness with age, and the bursae experience increased stress. The main sign of inflammation of the joint capsules is local hyperemia of the skin. Any touch to the pathology site causes pain. Only the attending physician can make a diagnosis and choose treatment methods, since chronic bursitis does not always respond to conservative therapy.
  2. Ligamentite. The ligaments located in the plantar part become inflamed. Pain is common when bending, but the pillow itself may also hurt. Excessive loads and microtrauma can lead to this disease. But in some cases, the inflammation is infectious.
  3. Arthritis. The metatarsophalangeal joints are most often affected by rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammatory process occurs against the background of a malfunction of the immune system. The tissues become inflamed, swelling and severe pain appear. With this diagnosis, the patient is practically unable to stand on the affected leg during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Inflammatory foot diseases are treated by a rheumatologist who will select high-quality therapy. The emphasis is on taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physical therapy methods to restore mobility.

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders

Damage to the foot in the area of ​​the pads can be a complication of metabolic disorders in the body. First of all, we are talking about gout and diabetic foot.

Diabetic foot is a condition characteristic of advanced diabetes. As atherosclerosis accelerates, small vessels suffer, especially in the lower extremities. Numbness, burning in the legs, and muscle weakness will indicate poor circulation. Much more dangerous is the appearance of ulcers, which are often accompanied by infections. The treatment of this disease is carried out by an endocrinologist and phlebologist. First of all, attention is paid to maintaining normal blood sugar levels, as well as symptomatic treatment of complications.

In gout, we are talking about an increased concentration of uric acid. It accumulates in small vessels and most often in the metatarsophalangeal. During an exacerbation, the patient experiences unbearable burning pain. Moreover, pain most often occurs suddenly, at night. In advanced stages, inflammatory symptoms are accompanied by the formation of tophi - lumps with an accumulation of uric acid crystals.

Vascular diseases

Since there are many harmful and small peripheral vessels on the foot, any disease that affects the vascular system can cause discomfort around the toes. The pain of the pads in such diseases is largely associated with a lack of nutrients, vascular spasm and irritation of the nerve endings against this background.

More often the foot starts to hurt if you have:

Separately, it is worth dwelling on varicose veins, since about 70% of patients are susceptible to it.

In the initial stages of varicose veins, a person experiences heaviness in the legs and pain in the feet. The resulting swelling also extends to the sole. Therefore, stepping on the pads is quite painful.

Any vascular disease poses a threat not only to the health of the legs, but also to the life of the patient. Complications such as thrombosis and the appearance of ulcers on the skin often lead to disability and a person’s loss of the ability to move. It is pain in the feet, including in the balls of the feet, that can be the first signal of problems with blood vessels, which, unfortunately, is often attributed to simple fatigue by patients.

Traumatic injuries

The area of ​​the foot near the toes is less susceptible to injury than, for example, the ankle.

However, with direct impacts, the presence of strong compressive factors, or falls on your feet, you may receive some injuries:

  1. Bruises are the most common type of injury. It usually occurs with blunt impacts. The injured person cannot step on the foot, and a bruise appears on the skin. To rule out more serious damage, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the foot.
  2. Fractures. Most often they are closed in nature without displacement. It is characterized by swelling and severe pain. But it is almost impossible to distinguish a crack from a severe bruise without an x-ray.

More serious injuries in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joints occur in traffic accidents or accidents when the foot is subjected to severe compression and the bones are crushed. Treatment of such injuries is complex and can only be done in a hospital setting.

Damage to nerve tissue

Neuropathies affecting the foot are most often caused by traumatic injury. After a strong blow, the integrity of the nerve fibers or its myelin sheath is disrupted.

Disruption of the innervation of the foot and pain in the pads can be associated with damage to the femoral nerve, sciatic nerve, as well as damage to the spine in the lumbosacral region.

But Morton's neuroma is more common in the area of ​​the pads. It is formed from nerve tissue in the form of a tumor between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones. The mechanism of growth of such a neuroma is not fully understood. But most often, doctors associate it with wearing high heels and redistributing the bulk of the body weight onto these bones.

At the beginning of the growth of a neuroma, patients experience some discomfort only when pressing on the site of pathology, that is, while standing. As the tumor grows, paresthesia and acute pain appear, which is associated with compression of the neuroma.

Burning toes are a common complaint, especially among people over 50 or with diabetes. This sensation is usually caused by tissue or nerve damage, which may be the result of an underlying disease or injury. Many people tolerate this condition more easily than leg pain, but the reasons may be the same. Such a symptom may arise, pass or persist along with others, including serious ones. An accurate diagnosis is necessary for proper treatment.

This problem can be caused by a number of reasons and affects people of any age and gender. Causes include physical and medical conditions that can lead to life-threatening conditions. Accurate diagnosis is very important to ensure timely initiation of effective treatment. This article discusses the most common causes, symptoms, and the best solutions to prevent, treat, or alleviate the condition.



A possible cause of burning fingers is diabetes. This is a chronic disease that is characterized by a large amount of sugar in the body. It affects the body's ability to use glucose for energy. Medicines prescribed to diabetic patients can interfere with the proper coordination and functioning of the nerves, thereby causing damage due to pressure on them. It is necessary to consult a doctor to ensure a safe solution to the problem.

Joint diseases

There are several joint diseases that can affect the toes and therefore lead to burning. These diseases have their own specific causes and symptoms, so when other signs are absent, discomfort can be caused by the following joint diseases:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.


This is a collective term for problems with the nervous system. When a nerve outside the brain and spinal cord is affected, doctors call this condition peripheral neuropathy. In many cases, when the nerve that carries vital information from the legs to the brain becomes irritated or injured, a burning sensation or numbness in the legs may be experienced. Many conditions can lead to the development of neuropathy:

  • Pinched nerve roots that extend from the spinal cord
  • Diabetic neuropathy (occurs after long-term diabetes or without proper treatment)
  • Alcohol abuse.

Friction from ill-fitting shoes

This is the most obvious cause of burning. Wearing ill-fitting shoes puts a lot of pressure on your toes, which can cause damage and expose some tissue. The nerves become damaged, which consequently causes the fingers to burn. It is advisable to wear comfortable shoes when walking or exercising to prevent problems from occurring.


Burns occur when a hot object touches the skin, leaving behind an injury. Excessive temperature changes can cause nerve damage. If the wound is poorly cared for, the infection can spread and lead to conditions more severe than normal injury pain. Painkillers or antibiotics can relieve pain and help healing.

Exposure to harmful compounds

Toxic substances cause great harm to the body. When chemical products enter the body, either through ingestion or through the skin, they can cause irritation, damaging internal tissues. This causes discomfort in the entire foot as it affects the communication between the spine and the brain, which will certainly lead to a burning sensation in the toes. Prescribed medications may help reduce irritation caused by allergic chemicals.


When the tissues of the toes are damaged, they can be exposed to the environment, and open wounds can be an easy entry point for infections that cause itchy sores. In the absence of proper treatment, pus may start to form, hence, in such cases, a burning sensation will occur. Antibiotics can help relieve the burning sensation in this case.

Circulatory disorder

This is another factor that can lead to burning finger syndrome. There are two types of circulatory problems: artery problems (restricted blood flow) and vein problems (lack of oxygen in the blood that returns to the heart through the veins).

A common arterial disorder is peripheral arterial disease, venous problems on the other hand include deep vein thrombosis and varicose veins. Another condition that causes inflammation of the veins and arteries is called vasculitis. All these pathologies can cause a burning sensation in many parts of the body, including the toes.

Multiple sclerosis

It is a chronic disease that affects the nerve connections in the body's organs. "A disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing weakness, problems with coordination, balance and other difficulties," explains In addition, the speed of the peripheral nervous system changes, so you may feel like your toes or other parts of the body are on fire.

Extreme cold and freezing

People living in cold, wet climates are most vulnerable to this problem, but it can affect anyone who is exposed to very cold temperatures. Cold causes numbness in the toes, which affects the normal functioning of the body's metabolic activities. Peripheral nerves may also be damaged, resulting in burning and numbness.

Other reasons

  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Diseases such as HIV and stroke
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Electrical injuries.

Associated symptoms

There are various symptoms that accompany the burning sensation in your toes. They are determined by the cause of the disorder and may disappear on their own or get worse.

  • Numbness
  • Difficulty walking
  • Redness
  • Swelling and blisters
  • Extreme sensitivity to touch
  • Muscle weakness
  • Feeling of pulsation.

Burning toe sensations can also occur along with other severe and life-threatening symptoms, such as with a stroke. So don't take this feeling for granted! Burning toes can also lead to certain complications:

  • Nerve damage is permanent
  • Brain damage
  • Losing a leg
  • Exacerbation of existing symptoms.


In addition to examining the main visual symptoms during diagnosis, the doctor may ask the following questions:

  • How long does the discomfort last?
  • About diabetes
  • Do they appear on one finger or several?
  • About taking medications
  • Shoe type
  • About other symptoms present and others.

All these questions are aimed at determining the exact cause of the problem. There are drug treatments and home remedies that can help prevent, treat, or relieve the condition.

Home Remedies

This is an effective remedy for treating the condition of burning toes. It has healing properties that help relieve pain and quickly repair damaged tissue, and also relieves inflammation.

  1. It is necessary to place hot water in a container
  2. Add two tablespoons of vinegar and salt
  3. Stir to obtain a solution
  4. Keep your feet in the solution for about 20 minutes
  5. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

Widely used in home natural remedies for many unhealthy skin conditions due to its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Aloe vera is among one of the best treatments for burning sensation in feet.

  1. Fresh aloe vera leaves should be cut and the gel-like contents extracted.
  2. Wash your feet and dry with a towel
  3. Using your fingers, apply the leaf gel to the affected areas.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes and monitor changes.

This oil is highly effective in relieving pain and burning sensations in fingers. It has antiseptic properties that prevent the penetration and spread of bacterial and fungal infections, and also helps improve blood circulation throughout the leg.

  1. Dip your fingers in clove oil
  2. Apply it to your toes, massage thoroughly and gently until the entire disturbing area is covered.
  3. Repeat the manipulations three or four times a day every day.


  1. Dilute three drops of clove oil with one teaspoon of olive or coconut oil.
  2. Massage the mixture on your toes to ensure muscle relaxation.

Hot and cold water method

Hot water works by regulating the circulation of fluids and blood throughout the leg system. Cold water helps reduce swelling in the affected area. Extremes in temperature should be avoided to avoid causing other problems.

  1. Heat a bucket of water
  2. Prepare another bucket of cold water and sit down, placing both buckets in front of you
  3. Immerse your feet in hot water for about three minutes
  4. Then place them in cold water for 10 seconds to one minute.
  5. Wash your feet with cold water
  6. Repeat all steps twice a day.

Has a cooling effect and speeds up the healing of burning foot pain. When used, inflammation decreases, so normal circulation is restored. Lavender oil reduces pain in nerve endings, thereby eliminating discomfort.

  1. Place three drops of lavender oil in a container
  2. Add one drop of chamomile and one drop of geranium oil
  3. Then add two teaspoons of olive oil and mix all the ingredients thoroughly to form a paste
  4. Apply the mixture using a cotton swab to the affected area
  5. Apply twice daily.

Turmeric powder is an ancient home remedy derived from Ayurveda to treat many conditions that affect the skin. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help prevent infection-causing bacteria.

  1. You need to add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk.
  2. Stir to obtain a solution and consume it
  3. Take twice daily for excellent results.

There are other remedies that can be used to treat burning toes, such as increasing the amount of vitamins and nutrients in the diet, etc., but not all home remedies will be effective. In serious situations, you should definitely consult a doctor as soon as possible.

It is very important to visit a doctor

To avoid serious consequences and complications, you must visit your doctor, who will prescribe treatment depending on the underlying causes.

For example, an antibiotic can be used to treat an infection, antihistamines in case of allergic reactions, immunosuppressants can also be prescribed, etc. In any case, medications should be recommended by a specialist depending on the causes and severity of the symptoms.

Continuous pain in the feet, as well as in the toes, causes incredible discomfort to a person, which limits his mobility and significantly affects the quality of life. This is the first sign of the appearance of some disease. You should not aggravate the problem, but it is better to immediately establish the cause of the pain. A timely visit to the doctor will allow the specialist to select effective treatment. Most often, pain under the thumb is the result of gout. Uric acid accumulates in the blood, resulting in salt deposition.

Main features

The first sign of gout is pain under the big toe. At this moment, the person does not notice any visible causes (thickening of the nail, formation of calluses, cracking of the skin). Incredibly, the pain associated with gout primarily occurs at night. At this time, the patient’s temperature rises, the feet and especially the big toe hurt.

Then it turns red and swells. Usually the pain subsides by morning, but attacks can recur daily. It all depends on the stage of the disease. This situation should prompt the patient to urgently visit an orthopedist. The longer you wait to start treatment, the more actively the disease progresses. Before visiting a doctor, you can alleviate some of the suffering and reduce foot pain. To do this, you need to get rid of the causes of the disease. It is necessary to change your lifestyle, give up alcoholic drinks and fatty foods.

Despite the fact that numbness of the toes is classified as a rare phenomenon, there are reasons for this:

  • Problems with blood vessels. Diabetes mellitus contributes to their weakening, which increases the likelihood of damage.
  • Poor blood circulation through the veins and capillaries. This can also cause numbness in the fingers. This often happens to people who stay in one position for a long time. This may be due to their sedentary work.
  • Damage to peripheral arteries. This rare disease causes blockages in the veins and arteries, causing numbness in the toes and feet.
  • Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. With this disease, numbness of the toes occurs quite often. This is due to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, which impede blood flow.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Leg injuries.
  • Intervertebral hernia. During the development of this disease, the hernia puts pressure on the nerve endings of the legs, causing spasms. This pathology often causes numbness of the thumb.
  • Radiculitis. This disease negatively affects the nerve endings, which also leads to numbness in the toes.

If treatment is not started at an early stage, then after a certain period of time the disease will affect both feet completely, including the pads under the toes.


With arthritis, the toes and the pillow under them also hurt a lot. This problem is caused by the following systemic diseases:

  • Psoriasis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Weakened immune system.

The crooked joint turns purple and then swells. In the last stage of the disease, deformation of the joint occurs, an unnatural crunch is heard while walking, and motor function of the legs is impaired. Regardless of the stage of the disease, pain can be felt on different fingers. It all depends on the type of arthritis. If it progresses due to rheumatism, then the thumb hurts. However, exceptions occur and pain is felt on other fingers.

The development of arthrosis is characterized by the destruction of cartilage tissue. However, in the initial stage, pain is felt only with increased loads. Pain in the fingers and feet does not always indicate the development and progression of arthrosis. Perhaps the pain is caused by tight, uncomfortable shoes.

Arthrosis is distinguished by its characteristic symptoms:

  • Crunching of joints.
  • A noticeable decrease in the motor function of the fingers.
  • Cracking of the skin and the appearance of painful lumps along the edges of the joints.
  • In the morning there is numbness in the legs.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Lack of vitamins of group “A”.

Most often, women suffer from arthrosis. This is due to the elongated pointed toe of the shoes they constantly wear. In such shoes, the toes are shifted inward, which is why the big toe is bent. Limb deformity can progress so rapidly that it spreads to both legs, feet and all fingers. The last stage of the disease cannot be corrected with the help of correction with special bandages.

With mycosis, pain does not leave the feet. When they are affected by mycosis, unbearable pain is felt in the fingertips. Redness and peeling of the skin begins. This causes itching and burning.

Metatarsalgia, a disease characterized by severe pain and inflammation of the joints. The little fingers are least often affected. The main reason for the development of metatarsalgia is tight shoes, injuries, and excessive stress on the feet.

The failure of self-treatment has been proven repeatedly. Doctors are confident that arthritis cannot be cured without medical help. You can only alleviate the suffering by taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Any swelling is relieved with water compresses. Fever can also be treated with medications. You can use herbal infusions that have calming properties. However, after stopping these procedures, the pain will begin to bother you again.

Arthritis pain does not stop even at night. The balls of my feet hurt all the time. A state of rest also does not bring relief, and the pain is transferred to the feet. Mycosis, or fungus, damages the skin and nails, and when neglected, it also torments a person with unbearable pain.

Treatment methods

As you know, it is not the disease itself that should be treated, but the cause of its formation. A positive and accelerated result of pain relief depends on the causes of pain:

  • Arthritis. Mobility of the joints is restored with medications correctly selected by the doctor. Arthritis caused by pathogenic bacteria, or resulting from any infection entering the body, is treated with antibiotics. Cartilage tissue is restored with the help of chondroprotectors.
  • Arthrosis. It is treated using the same method as arthritis. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used along with vitamins containing calcium. Physiotherapy, therapeutic massage and physical exercise give positive results. In an advanced state of the disease, the doctor refers the patient to a surgeon.
  • Gout. It is treated quickly and effectively. The main treatment is getting rid of bad habits, changing lifestyle and changing your usual diet to a special diet. Meat consumption should be reduced to a minimum. It is better to avoid alcoholic drinks, coffee and tobacco altogether. The diet should include eggs, milk, any cereals, fruits and vegetables. To relieve pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers.
  • Erythromelalgia. It can be treated with special shoes. It must be well ventilated. This will prevent your feet from overheating and sweating. Patients are also prescribed blood thinners and vasoconstrictors.
  • Morton's neuroma. This disease causes thickening of the feet. Accompanied by pain in the fingers. In order to get rid of this disease, you should wear comfortable shoes with built-in arch supports. Treatment methods include acupuncture, electrophoresis, and shock wave therapy.
  • Hardening of the skin of the feet. To soften it, special insoles are placed in shoes. They distribute body weight evenly on the feet. You can also use other softening agents, such as vegetable oil. Cutting off skin thickenings is strictly prohibited. In addition to infection in the skin, you can lose your motor ability.

Treatment methods for pain in the toes directly depend on the causes of their occurrence. The first step is to be examined and clearly identify the disease, which you can fight in the future.

Preventive measures

To avoid the pathological problems described above, one should not forget about preventive measures:

  • Use comfortable shoes that fit your feet. It should be made from natural materials.
  • Avoid excessive stress on your fingers and hitting your nails.
  • During long treks, short rests are necessary.
  • Proper nutrition with vitamin intake.
  • Wearing cotton socks.
  • Correct and timely cutting of nails.

Birch buds and sunflower oil. An ointment is prepared on their basis. The kidneys are crushed and filled with oil, then placed in a warm place and infused for a day. After 24 hours, the entire mixture is filtered, and camphor oil is added to the resulting solution. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the affected areas that hurt.

  • Wine and mustard. Add two tablespoons of mustard to a glass of heated wine, then stir until smooth. Moisten gauze or cotton wool in the resulting solution and apply it to the problem fingers.
  • Herbal decoction. Burdock and plantain are crushed in equal proportions, celandine is added and poured with boiling water, then infused overnight. The resulting tincture is taken orally.
  • Garlic compress. It is ground on a grater and the resulting mass is applied to the affected area. The first positive result will be noticeable after three days.