Large dog in a city apartment: care tips. Large dog in a city apartment: care tips Rules for keeping dogs in apartment buildings

Dogs are wonderful animals, very interesting and loyal friends. Keeping them in an apartment is a big responsibility. It's easy to understand how difficult it is for a large four-legged friend without enough space to play and run. However, if a large dog lives in an apartment, then 10 rules of keeping are useful to all family members.

Choosing a breed and visiting a pet store

If you want to bring a new pet into your home, you should try to find out which breed is best suited for living in an apartment. You need to decide on the selection criteria.

  • Age of the animal: puppy or adult dog. Puppies often take much longer to train.
  • Breed: independent and quiet (Airedale Terrier) or sociable and temperamental, which requires attention (Doberman, Rottweiler).
  • Possibility of living with children. Some breeds get along better with younger family members (Labrador, Airedale, Boxer).

Be sure to visit a pet store and buy basic items for the animal, including:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • feed;
  • pet bed;
  • lots of things to chew;
  • tourniquet or collar;
  • leash;
  • toys for games, such as balls;
  • care supplies: brush and nail clippers;
  • identification marks.

You are allowed to take your furry friend with you to the store. He may want to choose some special treats.

Setting up a place for the dog and training

You won't be able to make an apartment anymore, but you can certainly furnish it , making it more spacious. This will only benefit the dog, and it will be able to walk and stretch. You will need to rearrange furniture to free up space in certain places. It’s worth experimenting with the furnishings in your apartment until you find the right option.

Once you have decided on a place, you need to create a cozy corner that includes a bed or pillow, a bowl for food and a cup for water. These are just the basic items, but you can add others: a blanket, extra pillows. Toys must be placed in a specially designated place.

Dogs do everything better when they have a habit. Therefore, it is necessary to help the pet adapt to life in an apartment and develop a daily routine for it. For example, feed at the same time and he will know exactly when the next meal is. Or make a schedule for walks. It is better to do this at certain times in the morning and evening. You can also create programs for games, long walks and other activities. This schedule must be adhered to constantly.

Every day you need to train your friend. If possible, set specific hours for studying and do them several times a day. And this does not mean that just walking the dog is enough. There are many options to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. For example:

  • Visit a local park.
  • Take it with you on your morning run. Even 20 minutes is better than nothing.
  • Organize an exciting vacation with friends.

If you can't take your dog for a walk every day, you should consider hiring a trustworthy person. Otherwise, your furry friend will get bored and stop playing even in the apartment.

Dogs are social creatures and are happiest when they feel connected to their owner. More attention needs to be paid to them. Several ways to do this:

  • play tug of war;
  • cuddling on the sofa;
  • pet your pet often and give him tasty treats;
  • go for a walk together.

A four-legged friend will require a lot of material costs. It is advisable to purchase the right food, and advice can be obtained from a veterinarian. Be sure to buy a lot of toys, a bed, and good hygiene products. Visit your doctor regularly and get vaccinated.

Learn how to care for your furry friend with these tips.

Most people living in apartment buildings (MCD) are confident that they can do whatever they want in their apartment or house. They are mistaken, because there are rules for living in the house that all residents must follow. Let's consider the topic in more detail.

Housing code and rules for living in an apartment building

Each residential building has its own management company. To make it easier for everyone, she sets certain rules based on:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Civil Code.
  • Certain federal laws and various regulations.

Rights of residents of an apartment building

Residents of the house have certain rights regarding their apartments. In addition to the owner of the home, other persons may live in it temporarily or permanently. They also have rights and responsibilities.

Owner's rights

There are several types of rights relating to living space:

  • Ownership. It means that the citizen is the owner of the housing space and has the right not to allow anyone into the housing, especially strangers.
  • Right of use. The owner can make money from his apartment by renting it out. And he can also live in it.
  • Right of disposal. The owner of an apartment has the right to do whatever he wants with it: sell, exchange, donate.

According to the housing code, the purpose of square meters is to live on them. However, the owner has the right to engage in labor activities in his apartment: establish a studio, create and sell goods, work. The main thing is that it does not infringe on the rights of others. There should be no noise, especially at night. If production is carried out, it should not involve poisons or strong-smelling substances.

The owner of the housing space has the right to rent it out to other persons: individuals and legal entities. In this case, an agreement is concluded and only accommodation is provided. For example, a rented apartment can be used to accommodate business travelers.

Code of Conduct

The norms and rules of conduct for residents drawn up by management companies may relate to the following issues:

  1. Periods of time when you should not make noise. Basically, this is from 23:00 to 7 am. However, residents can adjust this period.
  2. Under what conditions do residents have the right to keep pets (sanitary standards that must be observed).
  3. Utility payments. Of course, they must be paid for!
  4. Apartment redevelopment. It cannot be carried out without agreement with supervisory authorities.
  5. Rules for the use of the technical elevator, staircase, area near the house and other property that belongs to all residents of the house.
  6. Parking for cars and other equipment in the area adjacent to the house.
  7. Punishments for persistent violations of established rules.

Many of these nuances are explained in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but we recommend contacting your management company or HOA to find out whether separate rules have been adopted, for example, on the use of the territory adjacent to the house or common property.

Noise in the house

In apartment buildings it is prohibited to make noise during a certain period of time. Night - from 23 to 7 am; at this time repair work or noisy events cannot be carried out.

In Moscow, it is prohibited to renovate an apartment for more than 6 hours a day; it must be completed within 3 months.
Additionally, a survey of citizens was conducted, based on which it was prohibited to carry out repair work from 13:00 to 15:00. This period is quiet time. Children need a nap during the day, and citizens who come home from work need rest. There should be no noise on holidays and weekends!

The following activities are prohibited at night:

  • Repairs, rearrangement of furniture and other processes that cause noise.
  • Watching TV at high volume.
  • Fireworks and other pyrotechnics (except December 31).
  • Other noise from neighbors (screaming, stomping, etc.).

There are exceptions when making noise is not prohibited:

  • Repair work related to eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and other emergencies.
  • Violations of the rights of neighbors and other residents. For example, the attackers tried to open someone's car.
  • Holidays and cultural events.

The noise ban does not only apply to the apartment, it applies to:

  • Common areas (elevators, stairs, etc.).
  • The area adjacent to the house (sites, etc.).

Failure to comply with established standards is punishable by legal liability.

Law on keeping dogs in an apartment building

Living in an apartment for a dog means not only providing conditions for it, but also observing certain rules for its maintenance that apply to other residents of the house.

The law states that the owner must treat their pet appropriately. A dog should be perceived as a creature that can be scared or in pain. All her needs must be satisfied.

The legislation establishes breeds of dogs that are dangerous to human life. Before getting a pet, you should familiarize yourself with this list.

Dog owners have the right to register their pets. For owners of fighting breeds, this procedure is mandatory. This is useful. If a pet goes missing, search efforts will be organized.

If a puppy was purchased or picked up by a homeless person, it must be registered. To do this, you should contact the management company and fill out a form indicating:

  • Breed.
  • The nickname that your four-legged friend responds to.
  • Age, gender and other distinctive features.
  • Coat type and color.
  • Whether the animal is sterilized or not, its height.

Then the management company employees accept the application and issue a certificate of ownership of the dog and a dog tag. The registration procedure takes a few minutes and does not require investment. However, owning a dog is subject to state tax.

Pay attention! Registration of dogs of dangerous breeds follows a different scheme. Additional documents must be provided.

At the request of the pet owner, the dog can be given a microchip, which will contain all the information about the owner, the animal and the rules for handling it.

Keeping other pets

An animal is considered domestic if the following conditions are met:

  • The pet must be registered. For some you need to get a veterinarian. passport. Contact your nearest veterinary clinic or even pet store to find out more.
  • A rabies vaccination is required.
  • It is necessary to regularly treat your pet for worms, fleas and procedures to prevent diseases.

The legislation establishes the rules for keeping animals in apartment buildings:

  • Animals can only be kept in your apartment.
  • Cruelty to pets is prohibited. You need to walk them, feed them and look after them.
  • If your pet damages someone else's property, the owner is responsible for it.
  • The pet owner is obliged to keep an eye on it. If a pet attacks someone or causes harm, the owner will be responsible for it.
  • In public places, dogs must wear muzzles and collars.
  • Pets are walked in specially designated areas.
  • If there is a suspicion that the animal is sick and contagious, it urgently needs to be isolated and shown to a veterinarian.
  • It is prohibited to establish nurseries or shelters for animals in MKD.

What sanitary standards should residents follow?

Sanitary standards are needed to maintain order and improve living conditions in the house. Basic requirements:

  • It is prohibited to store toxic, strong-smelling or flammable substances in the apartment.
  • Repairs that violate the conditions of other residents are prohibited.
  • You must not place your personal belongings in common areas so that they disturb others.
  • It is prohibited to convert an attic, basement or other similar premises into residential areas.
  • The management company must monitor the condition of common areas and carry out their maintenance in a timely manner.
  • Housing can only be used in compliance with all established standards.

Violation of neighbors' rights and liability

If a citizen violates the rights of residents and the rules established by the building management, an act is drawn up. Based on this, the offender will be punished. He may be given a written warning or a fine.

Penalty table.

How to protect your rights and where to go

The method of protection depends on the situation. Basically you can contact:

  • A housing company (for example, your management company).
  • Russian Prosecutor's Office.
  • Judicial authority.
  • Police.

If you don't know where to go, go to the housing company or the police and explain the situation.

Everyone living in a multi-storey building is obliged to comply with established norms and rules; they are an integral part. Systematic violations can lead to fines, eviction and even criminal liability.

The majority of citizens of the Russian Federation believe that issues regarding the residence of animals and their proper maintenance are not sufficiently regulated in Russian legislation. Each locality has regional municipal rules that regulate the keeping of dogs and other pets in an apartment.

General regulations are:

  • “On approval of the Principles for the use of residential premises”;
  • “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of society” dated March 30, 1999;
  • № 4979-1;
  • Articles 229, 230, 231, 232;
  • , article 245.
  • Draft Federal Law “On Keeping Dogs in the Russian Federation”.

One of the main documents is the Draft Federal Law “On Keeping Dogs in the Russian Federation”. This legal act regulates legal relations in the field of keeping pets on Russian territory in order to ensure public order, as well as ensuring the safety of people from the adverse physical, sanitary, hygienic, psychological and other effects of dogs.

This bill on keeping dogs consists of 5 chapters and 33 articles:

  • Chapter 1 (Articles 1-4). Basic provisions of the law. Defines the scope of this law, its basic concepts, rules for keeping an animal in an apartment, as well as the rights and responsibilities of national government and regional government services;
  • Chapter 2 (vv. 5-13). State supervision. The relevant section sets:
    • basic conditions for purchasing animals;
    • features of purchasing dogs of potentially aggressive breeds;
    • registration rules;
    • features of registration of dogs of potentially aggressive and dangerous breeds;
    • license for the purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of pets;
    • termination of license;
    • state fee for registering a pet and benefits for its payment;
    • funds that the owner receives from paying state duty;
    • payment collection procedure.
  • Chapter 3 (vv. 14-25). Basic powers and responsibilities of dog owners regarding their maintenance. In accordance with this chapter, the rights and obligations of pet owners, rules for keeping animals, mandatory vaccinations, and conditions for keeping animals in public places are determined. It also regulates issues related to ensuring hygienic safety, transportation of dogs in public transport, cruelty to animals and their burial, liability for non-compliance with the actual bill;
  • Chapter 4 (vv. 26-30). Catching stray dogs. The conditions for catching, agreements on catching, the procedure for carrying out this procedure and the norms for placing animals in special nurseries are regulated;
  • Chapter 5 (Articles 31-33). Final and transitional provisions of this Federal Law, as well as entry into force.

Particular attention should be paid to the paragraph on the rules for keeping pets in an apartment or in a private house.

Rules for keeping dogs in a private home

The rules and requirements for keeping dogs in a private or apartment building differ from each other. The main difference is that pet owners living in an apartment must follow the rules established in this Federal Law, otherwise they will incur administrative penalties. There is no separate legislative act on the rules for keeping animals in a private house in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the rights of dog owners who keep them in country houses are not so limited.

Basic principles on how to legally keep dogs in an apartment:

  • The four-legged friend must live strictly on the territory of the apartment; using common areas (entrance, corridor, landing) for these purposes is strictly prohibited;
  • the owner must ensure that his pet does not pollute common areas, including nearby courtyards;
  • Noisy behavior of a pet is not allowed from 21:00-06:00;
  • The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits walking animals in crowded places;
  • You can walk pets only on a leash, wearing a muzzle and with a tag on which information about its owner is indicated;
  • Children under 14 years of age do not have the right to walk a pet unaccompanied by an adult.

When living in an apartment with a dog, you must be extremely attentive to the requests and claims of your neighbors, even if at first glance they seem unreasonable to you. Often, conflicts with neighbors over keeping dogs in an apartment lead to litigation.

A private house and the surrounding area are the private property of the owner, so in this case, when dogs live in country houses, the opinion of the neighbors is not so important. The only generally accepted rule is that the dog should not roam freely throughout the entire area, as in this case, he may find a way to go beyond the fence.

What breeds should not be kept in an apartment?

Breeds of aggressive and dangerous dogs are divided into the following types:

  • fighting, these include: pit bull terrier; Staffordshire Teller; mastif; alabai; bulldog; Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. These breeds are born to be fighters, even if the owner devotes a lot of time to training and raising them, there is no guarantee that they will never attack people;
  • hunting, these include: huskies, griffins, retrievers, Azawakhs and Blandhounds. The corresponding breeds were bred specifically for hunting, which is responsible for their specific behavior and special content. They need maximum physical activity, which can become a problem when keeping them in an apartment;
  • sentinels, these include: Rottweilers; Dobermans; German Shepherds; Asian Shepherds; Bullmastiffs. The main purpose of breeding this type of dog is to perform service. Their animal instincts are heightened; in an apartment, such a dog may react inadequately to the behavior of family members, so keeping them in an apartment building is not recommended;
  • shepherds, These include: collies, Central Asian and Australian shepherds, bobtails, boxers and mountain dogs. These breeds require long walking, regular training, as well as proper and plentiful nutrition. This category can react aggressively towards neighbors, family members and guests.

Important! The Russian Federation has not yet developed a separate regulatory act prohibiting the keeping of dogs of certain breeds. However, in order to avoid conflict situations, it is recommended to approach the choice of a pet extremely rationally and responsibly.

Download the new law for dog owners

The main goal of the new law - regulation of relationships that arise among citizens when handling animals. This law requires dog owners to take a course in basic dog training before purchasing a pet. Only after receiving a special certificate, which is the main document for registering an animal, can a citizen purchase a dog.

The official adoption of the relevant bill will help regulate social relationships that arise during the everyday interaction of people with animals of this category, and will also reduce the number of conflict situations.

Download the Draft Federal Law“On keeping dogs in the Russian Federation” in the latest edition.

Where can you complain if your neighbors dog is constantly barking?

When keeping an animal in an apartment that causes some inconvenience to neighbors, you should first of all make a request directly to the owner. It is likely that he does not even suspect that in his absence the dog is causing problems for the residents. If peace negotiations did not bring the expected result and the owner ignored the request, then you should start writing a complaint.

The claim can be sent to the district police officer, who must conduct an explanatory conversation; if the request is ignored and repeated complaints are received, the district police officer has the right to issue a fine. If the district police officer refuses to accept the application, neighbors can directly appeal to Rospotrebnadzor or the regional administrative court.

An apartment building is not a natural habitat for pets. Its owner must take responsibility for ensuring normal living conditions.

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The legislation contains rules that protect both the pets themselves and the people around them from those owners who neglect their responsibilities.

General information

Pets are almost family members. They give their owners joy and positive emotions. However, there is also a downside to this. First of all, they are still animals. They have their own needs. For example, they need to somehow go to the toilet, take a walk. They may chew a shoe or knock a vase onto the floor. In addition, good relationships with loved ones do not mean that they will be the same with neighbors and passers-by.

Sooner or later, conflict situations may arise. This could be loud barking from dogs, an expression of aggression towards passers-by, or a situation where a dog shits in the entrance or on the street.

It is important for both owners and people around them to know whether the law sets rules for keeping animals and whether there are penalties for those who ignore these rules.

Anyone who gets pets not only enjoys communicating with them, but also takes full responsibility for creating appropriate conditions for them and ensuring that they do not create problems for the people around them.


A draft Law on Dog Keeping is currently being considered, detailing the standards that must be followed by pet owners. At the moment, this law has not yet been adopted.

Keeping dogs in an apartment building

The owner is not only obliged to feed and walk the dogs, he must take care that they do not get sick and that their diet contains all the substances and microelements they need.

In addition, you need to remember that pets must be given the opportunity to exercise.

Sanitary standards

In an apartment building, the environment for dogs is largely uncomfortable. If a person gets a dog, then he bears, among other things, a moral responsibility to provide it with the necessary conditions.

To do this you need the following:

  • It is necessary that the dog not only be outside once, but also have a good walk and have the opportunity for physical activity.
  • You need to handle the dog in such a way as not to give it a reason to bark loudly. At the same time, for example, it is unacceptable to lock a dog on the balcony while you are away from home.
  • If the dog is large, then walking can only be done with a muzzle.
  • One person is not allowed to walk more than two dogs at the same time.
  • When walking with your dog, you must be at least thirty meters away from entrances and from crowds of people.
  • If you happen to transport your dog on public transport, you must put him on a leash. You are allowed to use a basket for transportation.

In Russia there is no mandatory registration of dogs. In many countries around the world, pets are required to undergo this procedure. It is not necessary for your pet to have a completed vaccination card. However, in cases where an animal is taken on a tourist trip abroad, the dog may not be released without such a document.

The law does not provide for the possibility of taking away pets. This can be done in case of inhumane treatment and only through ransom.

Liability for violation of content

Violations associated with keeping animals can be of various types. On the one hand, they need to be provided with opportunities that are normal for their species. On the other hand, in exceptional cases cruel acts may be carried out against animals.

In the latter case, the punishment is provided for in the corresponding article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The Administrative Code stipulates that the owner is obliged to ensure cleanliness and neatness where he keeps the dog. These and similar issues are discussed in Article 6.3.

What is the punishment?

If there has been cruelty towards a pet, then the culprit is subject to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The crime can be hooligan or sadistic and may result in injury to an animal. It is noted that cruel acts in the presence of young children are also subject to punishment on the basis of this article.

There are two parts to it. In the second, punishment is determined in cases where the crime was a group crime or by prior conspiracy.

The first part provides for the imposition of one of the following penalties:

  • A fine of up to 80 thousand rubles may be imposed.
  • The amount of the fine may correspond to the amount of the perpetrator’s salary for a period of up to six months.
  • The offender may be sentenced to compulsory labor for up to 360 hours.
  • It is possible to assign correctional labor for no longer than one year.
  • Arrest is allowed, which can last up to six months.

For those to whom the second part applies, the punishments are more severe:

  • Now the fine has not only an upper, but also a lower limit. It can range from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.
  • Penalties up to one year's salary may be imposed.
  • Mandatory work may be assigned for up to 480 hours.
  • Forced labor up to two years is allowed.
  • The article also provides for imprisonment for up to two years.

Another article of the Civil Code deals with inhumane treatment of animals. Almost any form of mistreatment of a pet falls under it. On the other hand, it provides for the forced purchase of the animal in question by mutual agreement or at a price established at a court hearing.

The Civil Code provides for the protection of those animals that do not have an owner. These issues are discussed in the articles.

Where can you complain if your neighbors dog is constantly barking?