Botex on the lips, what are they? Botox injections into the lips are the ideal form in one procedure. What not to do after injections

Lip augmentation is a procedure with many myths associated with it. Some, for example, claim that they can be “pumped up” with Botox. We will understand why toxin injections are made into the lip area, what results the procedure will help achieve, and what cannot be done with the help of this drug.

Operating principle

Botox is a drug based on botulinum toxin that prevents skin aging. The active substance relaxes facial muscles and temporarily deprives them of sensitivity. This property of the drug allows you to slow down the formation of wrinkles, slightly correct your appearance, and get rid of aesthetic defects.

What can be achieved

Lip Botox actively fights age-related changes. Purse-string wrinkles appear in people with active facial expressions and in smokers - the habit of stretching their lips with a tube is to blame for this. Injections straighten vertical creases and prevent active muscle movement in this area. This effect is achieved with six units of Botox.

Botulinum toxin injections correct asymmetries of the entire face and, in particular, the lips. The action follows the same principle - the muscles in places where symmetry is broken relax and return to the desired position. The length of the course depends on the complexity of the work. Severe forms of asymmetry cannot be corrected. Before you decide to correct the problem with Botox, you should ask your cosmetologist for “before” and “after” photos with similar cases. It may be better to resort to contouring or complex therapy.

Botulinum toxin lifts the corners of the lips and stops their further drooping. If previously the active muscle pulled the corners down, after the injection it does not allow them to fall again. In the same way, you can get rid of the habit of pursing your lips.

The effect after injections appears in the first three days. It is stored, depending on individual characteristics, for 4-10 months.

What not to expect

You can expect a major transformation from lip Botox. But the active substance is not universal; the only property of botulinum toxin is the suppression of muscle activity. Therefore, lip augmentation with Botox is impossible. The movement of the orbicularis oris muscle should not be blocked, as this can lead to its paralysis and make speech, chewing and facial expressions difficult. Visual volume appears from correcting the shape and straightening the skin around the mouth.

Fillers with hyaluronic acid can “pump up” your lips. The substance is part of the skin, but with age it ceases to be actively produced. It retains moisture in the lips and prevents them from wrinkling. Hyaluronic acid, unlike botulinum toxin, is completely absorbed by the body.

The procedures do not interfere with each other, so Botox injections and fillers can be combined to correct the shape of the lips and simultaneously enlarge them.


Like any injection procedure that involves the administration of an active drug, Botox has limitations. These include:

  • skin diseases at injection sites;
  • blood diseases;
  • nervous diseases;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute form of infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • oncology;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

The procedure must be postponed in the following cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • menstruation.

A large list of contraindications is associated with the characteristics of the drug. Since botulinum toxin is a poison, it is necessary that its breakdown products do not affect health and are excreted through the kidneys without consequences. Ignoring contraindications will lead to unwanted side effects.

Negative consequences

Side effects may occur due to the technique of drug administration. Microtrauma from needles can become inflamed, resulting in swelling, redness and itching, and dry skin. Such negative sensations disappear without doctor intervention within 2-3 days after the procedure. It is not worth getting rid of them with compresses and medications - the influence of heat or cold can interfere with the distribution of the drug.

Complications from botulinum toxin include allergic reactions, nausea, headache, general weakness, difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Allergies are treated with antihistamines; there are no restrictions on them. The general malaise goes away when the toxin is eliminated from the body (this takes 2-3 days). The latter complication is more serious; it is associated with multiple excess doses of the drug. If a symptom appears, you must see a doctor - it can be life-threatening.

The most common side effects are aesthetic problems. Among them:

  • facial asymmetry;
  • facial expression disorders;
  • temporary muscle paralysis;
  • even greater drooping of the corners of the mouth;
  • lack of results from the procedure.

Such symptoms are the result of a violation of the dosage of the drug or non-compliance with the recommendations by the client. If facial paralysis resolves in 2-3 days, other side effects can only be eliminated by repeated procedures or medical intervention.

How does the session work?

To avoid side effects and increase the duration of the drug, you must follow the specialist’s recommendations at all stages of lip correction.


You must begin preparing for the procedure two weeks in advance. At this time you cannot:

  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • perform active physical exercises;
  • give a massage;
  • be treated with antibiotics.

Active activities and alcohol affect blood microcirculation. A large amount of it reaches the face, which will prevent the drug from being absorbed. The botulinum toxin will wash out the blood, and the result of Botox will not appear.

Antibiotics, on the contrary, enhance the effect of the active substance, which can lead to excessive muscle relaxation and paralysis.

Administration of injections

First, the cosmetologist advises the client about the possible consequences of the procedure and determines whether he has any contraindications. Consent documents are signed, and “before” photographs are taken if desired.

The cosmetologist marks the injection points with a marker and determines the required number of Botox units. The face is cleansed of impurities and disinfected. Anesthesia for injections is usually not required, but the client may experience a psychological barrier. Fear of injections leads to contraction of the facial muscles, which interferes with the drug. Therefore, the specialist applies creams for superficial anesthesia of the skin. Their effect occurs within 20-30 minutes.

At the next stage, a Botox solution is injected with a syringe with a short thin needle (0.3 mm) to a depth of 7-10 mm. If the procedure is performed for the first time, the minimum recommended dose of the drug is administered. The number of injections and the length of the course are determined individually, depending on the degree of complexity of the manipulation. Usually 2-3 sessions are performed every two weeks.

The injection sites are wiped with an antiseptic, and the cosmetologist presses them to reduce the likelihood of hematomas (you cannot do this on your own). Injection marks do not remain, but there is a risk of bruising. In order for the drug to spread throughout the muscle, you need to do exercises for 10-20 minutes - stretch your lips in a smile, stretch them with a tube.

After the injections, the client remains in the clinic for another 30 minutes. The cosmetologist controls the distribution of the drug and gives advice on rehabilitation.


For Botox to have an effective effect that will not cause harm, you should take care of your lips and follow the rules of rehabilitation.

Immediately after the procedure, it is forbidden to massage or touch the injection sites. In the first 4 hours after the injections, you should not lie down; on the first night it is better to sleep on a high pillow. Otherwise, botulinum toxin may be distributed incorrectly and disrupt the functioning of the facial muscles.

In the first two days, makeup, moisturizers, masks, and scrubs are prohibited. They slow down wound healing and lead to inflammation.

Other restrictions are introduced for two weeks, during which time the drug will be absorbed and fixed in muscle tissue.

The ban on alcohol, active physical activity, baths, saunas, hot baths, massage, cleaning and even the choice of shoes is associated with vasodilation. Blood should not come to the face, otherwise Botox migration is inevitable. As the temperature rises, sweat is also released. Its contact with microtrauma from the injection can lead to inflammation, which will heal within 2-3 weeks. Incorrect distribution of the drug is also possible due to vasoconstriction, so you should not be in the cold either.

Medicines that should not be taken for the first two weeks:

  • antibiotics;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • analgesics.

The first two groups of drugs enhance the neuroparalytic effect of botulinum toxin. Analgesics (including aspirin) change the properties of the blood and lead to the development of hematomas.

Effect duration

The result can be assessed in the first three days after the injections. Changes appear immediately after the injection, and then gain strength. Repeated procedures are carried out 2-3 times.

The duration of the result depends on the client’s age, compliance with lip care recommendations, and health characteristics. On average it lasts 4-12 months. There are cases where wrinkles returned after 2-3 months.

Repeated procedures are carried out after the neuroparalytic effect of the main component decreases and the muscles return to their original position. Regular injections help the muscles “remember” the relaxed position and the effect will last for a longer time.

Each subsequent course must contain fewer units of Botox, otherwise the effect of botulinum toxin will be too strong.


The total amount spent on Botox injections depends on factors:

  • number of units of the drug;
  • number of injections per procedure;
  • number of sessions per course;
  • clinic level.

On average, one session will cost 6-10 tr.

Analogs and alternative methods

Creams with the “Botox effect” act less noticeably than the procedure itself. With regular use, they get rid of small facial wrinkles, but they cannot cope with medium and difficult cases.

Alternative methods of lip correction are used in cosmetology. There are analogues of American Botox based on botulinum toxin:

  • Dysport;
  • Lantox;
  • Xeomin.

Dysport injections into the lips work on the same principle as Botox injections. In the French product, the concentration of the active substance is twice as high, which guarantees the elimination of wrinkles even in difficult cases. But the risk of complications after dysport also increases.

Lantox is a Chinese analogue of Botox. The result appears in 2-3 days and develops within two weeks. This drug is 30% cheaper than the original, but due to the gelatin content it is not suitable for everyone. There is also a high probability of developing an allergy to this component.

Keomin is produced by a German company. It does not contain protein compounds, so it has fewer contraindications. The drug is not addictive, its activity does not decrease over time. But the suspension of the work of facial muscles lasts 3-4 months, so injections will have to be repeated more often.

You can improve the condition of your lips not only with paralytic agents. Fillers containing hyaluronic acid better smooth out fine wrinkles and add noticeable volume. The most commonly used are Restylane, Juvederm, and Highlight. The drugs have a small list of contraindications, preparation and recovery are faster. But they do not always cope with severe cases, and they do not stop muscle activity.

Cosmetologists advise approaching the problem comprehensively. First, resurface the skin with a laser, then conduct a course of Botox and secure the result with fillers. This method will eliminate deep wrinkles, and the skin will look young for 10-12 months.

Wrinkles in the lip area are also filled with lipofilling and plasma lifting procedures. Their preparations are based on a person’s own tissues and cells (blood or adipose tissue). Natural components are easier to digest, do not cause allergic reactions, and the recovery period is reduced. The cells take 1-2 months to take root, so the effect will not be immediate. The result lasts 6-12 months after injection.

All effects of Botox on the face can be divided into two categories: expected and unwanted. The first are the changes that our appearance undergoes after “beauty injections”. The second are the very negative consequences of Botox that frighten advocates of natural skin care. In our article, we will try to place rejuvenation after Botox injections on one side of the scale, and the unsuccessful consequences of beauty experiments on the other.

How does botulinum toxin work?!

Botulism toxin type A is a toxic substance that blocks nerve impulses, thereby impairing muscle function. Accidentally discovered in ophthalmology during the treatment of strabismus, this remarkable effect of botulinum toxin produced an explosion in age-related cosmetology.

The impossible has happened: by limiting the work of small muscles on the face, cosmetologists have the opportunity to temporarily remove the cause of wrinkles. If in youth the skin is very elastic due to its own collagen production, then with age repeated muscle contractions deform its deep layers, leaving furrows on the surface.

Botulinum toxin fights not only the visible signs of aging, but also abnormally increased sweating. Thus, hyperactivity of the sweat glands is caused by overexcitation of the nervous system. If the impulse from the nerve ending to the gland is partially blocked, significantly less sweat is produced, which makes the patient’s life much easier.

As for wrinkles, botulinum toxin can step by step combat the following types:

  • Vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows;
  • Age-related wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”);
  • Nasolabial wrinkles (located symmetrically around the mouth);
  • Horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and forehead.

Those who are dissatisfied with too narrow lips have the chance to make them plumper with the help of injections of the same name. Although the network is full of photos reflecting the effects of Botox on the lips, this particular area of ​​therapy is very popular.

Botox injections have been used on patients of all ages for over 30 years. According to many doctors, the toxin in therapeutic doses is not capable of causing significant damage to the body. That is, the consequences of Botox injections in the short term have been well studied and do not cause concern.

Safe Botox: truth or myth

If everything is predictable and justified from a medical point of view, where then do the notorious photographs showing the effects of Botox on the lips and facial skin come from? Is the famous “frozen mask” – the consequences of Botox on the forehead – a fabrication and montage?

Unfortunately, no, as practice and reviews show. The fact is that, as with any procedure, there are serious contraindications for injections. They are not always taken into account not only by the cosmetologist, but also by the patient himself. The desire to make money on the one hand and cheat time on the other leads to the fact that the consequences of Botox injections are devastating.

Who are contraindicated for Botox injections:

  • Pregnant women;
  • Children under 18 years of age;
  • Patients in the acute phase of viral and infectious diseases;
  • During the period of weakened immunity;
  • In case of individual intolerance to botulinum toxin;
  • If you have dermatitis and other skin problems.

A special and rather large group consists of patients over 45 years of age who suffer from atony of the facial muscles. Physiologically weak muscle fibers are further relaxed, the result can be unpleasant and sometimes irreversible.

Possible mistakes made by a cosmetologist, which may result in undesirable effects of Botox on the face, are as follows:

  • Injection of a toxin into areas that do not respond well to such relaxation therapy. As a result, the face may appear asymmetrically tight;
  • Incorrect dosage. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe a dose large enough to smooth the skin, but not high enough to make the face “froze” into immobility;
  • Improper muscle and subcutaneous diffusion. As a result, the drug migrates and can accumulate locally, causing allergies, hemorrhages and swelling.

Rules for patients:

If you decide to give yourself a gift by going for a rejuvenating procedure, these instructions will come in handy. Very often, by breaking the rules, women suffer from the terrible results of a well-performed procedure. What should you avoid at home after returning from the clinic?

  • Do not rub your eyes, face, massage your lips and eyelids;
  • For several hours after the injections, you need to maintain a horizontal position, do not bend over for a long time, do not lie down and, if possible, keep your head level;
  • Observe the thermal regime - do not overheat and do not overcool. You should refrain from training, visiting the pool and especially the sauna. Solarium is also prohibited;
  • Unless absolutely necessary and directly indicated, you should not take antibiotics;
  • You should not drink alcohol on the first day after returning.

As we can see, the scheme is quite simple. To get the perfect face, you need:

  1. Find a trusted clinic with an experienced cosmetologist;
  2. Follow medical recommendations step by step;
  3. Hope for a favorable outcome;
  4. If unexpected problems arise, do not try to cope with them yourself, but consult a doctor immediately.

Preparing for the worst: shocking results of “beauty injections”

The dangerous consequences of Botox injections are largely due to atony of the facial muscles. Muscle tone in people after 35-40 years of age is naturally weakened, and injections further relax the muscles. And although the manufacturer guarantees that muscles cannot atrophy after using its product, practice sometimes shows the opposite.

What troubles and complications can await after Botox injections in the face:

  • Drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis) gives faces an unhappy, tired expression. Over time, after a few weeks or months, the drug is removed from the tissues, and facial expressions may return to their original position;
  • Botox around the eyes can cause problems with eyelid movement (the eye is unable to open fully);
  • Reduced blinking frequency (leads to dry eye, discomfort, redness);
  • Retention of lymph around the eyeball (outwardly the eyes look swollen and swollen);
  • If the injection into the nasolabial area is unsuccessful, chewing movements may be disrupted and difficulties may arise when eating;
  • Injections into the cheekbone area can cause serious problems - temporary and partial paralysis of the zygomatic muscle relaxes the corners of the mouth, causing uncontrollable salivation.

The main negative consequences after Botox on the lips are:

  • Swelling and acquired asymmetry of the upper and lower lips;
  • Impaired mobility of the upper lip.

You can see unsuccessful procedures using “beauty injections” on celebrities, to whom our column is dedicated

The most unpleasant thing is that it can migrate, that is, unwanted complications do not appear immediately. In addition, no one can guarantee complete removal of the toxin from the tissues, or that the consequences of Botox on the lips will be reversible.

Thus, the consequences of Botox injections are a lottery, and in order to get a lucky ticket, you need to do serious preparatory work - primarily in the information field.

Video: Botox, dangers and consequences of beauty injections

The desire for perfection never leaves people. The most enthusiastic try to experience many modern methods for getting rid of skin defects and changing individual parts of the face and body. Now it is not a problem to smooth out wrinkles, change the shape of the nose, ears, and chest. Many people come to the clinic after seeing photos of Botox lips before and after the procedure. In fact, injections of this remedy alone cannot be used, but in combination, a wonderful result is obtained.

Botox is a solution containing botulinum toxin, that is, a poison, the injection of which temporarily relaxes the muscle, preventing it from receiving a nerve impulse.

It has been used for more than 30 years, but was originally intended to be used only for medical purposes. Botox was used to treat strabismus, paralysis of the limbs and facial muscles resulting from a stroke. The drug is also effective for cerebral palsy.

Observations showed that the injections provoked the smoothing of wrinkles and visible rejuvenation of the skin in patients. After much research, Botox began to be used in cosmetology.

Botox in the nasolabial folds makes wrinkles around the lips almost invisible

Facial expressions can express all a person’s feelings and emotions, but they also accelerate the appearance of wrinkles. People who laugh frequently are prone to crow's feet around the eyes. The crease between the eyebrows is a consequence of the fact that a person systematically frowns. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead “decorate” those who like to be surprised. But the folds above the upper lip indicate a neglected condition of the skin, which needs not only additional care, but also rejuvenating complexes, one of which is botulinum therapy.

Possibilities of aesthetic botulinum therapy

The procedure is widespread not only among women; it is also actively used by representatives of the stronger sex. With the help of Botox, you can correct many imperfections and even slightly change your appearance:

  • raise the corners of the eyebrows, eyes, and make the look more open;
  • change the shape of your lips, making them more sexy and your smile more expressive;
  • get rid of the fold between the eyebrows, which makes the face frown;
  • remove wrinkles on the forehead, neck, décolleté;
  • correct sweating;
  • Recently, Botox began to be used to correct the shape of the face; with its help, you can get rid of a double chin.

The drug contains botulinum toxin type A, the introduction of which in small doses smooths out wrinkles

Please note:

For cosmetic purposes, “beauty injections” are recommended for people aged 20 to 60 years. It’s not worth doing them earlier, since there are practically no facial wrinkles yet. And at a more mature age, the skin becomes flabby, a significant result will not be achieved. It is better to use other procedures, of which there are many in modern cosmetology.

The injection is administered only to the designated points in an individually selected dose.

Botox procedure for lips and nasolabial folds

The session is preceded by a scheduled consultation, during which the patient and doctor discuss the main goals of the injections and the desired result. Contraindications and possible complications must be considered.

The actual procedure involves administering Botox injections. It is carried out using shallow injections with thin needles, so it is practically painless. For people with a low pain threshold, local anesthesia is used. The doctor first makes marks above the upper lip and in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, and then injects the drug with high precision.

The injection is administered at a distance of 2 mm from the edge of the upper lip, smoothing out wrinkles and giving the lips additional volume

It is worth noting that it is impossible to pump up lips with Botox. To do this, you need to resort to hyaluronic acid, which is administered along with this drug. Injections are made at a distance of 2 mm above the contour of the upper lip and in the corners of the mouth. Usually 4-6 injections are required. As a result, the skin is smoothed, the corners of the mouth are raised, and the lips look more youthful and voluminous. Hyaluronic acid and Botox make nasolabial folds almost invisible.

Facial expressions are preserved after the procedure because the dose of botulinum toxin is negligible and acts locally on the muscle that is responsible for a certain result. After the procedure, ice packs are applied to the treated areas. All manipulations for one patient are carried out within an hour.

The effect occurs a few days after the injections and lasts for 4-6 months. To maintain beauty and youth, you should take the course 2-3 times a year. The muscles get used to being in a blocked state, so over time the interval between procedures can be increased.

The result of Botox injections in the area around the lips (before and after)

Contraindications to youth injections

Typically injections are given in the upper part of the face. The area around the mouth is the most difficult to treat. Such a procedure can only be entrusted to a highly qualified specialist who knows the anatomy of the human body down to the smallest detail.

Contraindications to injections are the following diseases and conditions of the body:

  • liver and kidney failure;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • general diseases in the acute stage;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • damage to the skin at the planned injection sites.

During a consultation with a doctor, the list may expand significantly. Some contraindications are temporary, so the procedure is allowed after treatment. If there are reasons for refusal, you should not look for a more accommodating doctor in another institution.

Possible consequences of the procedure

When choosing a clinic for Botox of lips and nasolabial folds, the low price of services should not be the predominant factor. You need to trust your health and beauty to a specialist who has the appropriate certification and work experience. Only in this case can the negative consequences of Botox on the lips and nasolabial folds be excluded. If these conditions are ignored, the procedure does not exclude the result in which you will have to take a vacation and spend at least a month at home.

An incorrectly calculated dose of the drug or accidental exposure to other tissues can cause paralysis of the upper lip and disruption of the symmetry of the corners of the mouth. If paralysis of the muscles responsible for chewing and swallowing occurs, the person will not be able to eat food independently.

These consequences are reversible and go away over time, but it is better to avoid visiting dubious clinics that offer services at a very attractive price and without proper examination.

Short-term effects after injections may include dizziness, swelling of the face and minor pain in the injection area. They will pass in a few days.

Video fragment about a victim of Botox on the lips

Botox or Dysport: which is safer and more effective?

A drug similar to Botox is Dysport. Prospective patients are constantly trying to figure out the difference between them. But experts talk about identity. The drugs have different manufacturing companies, and the additional substances included in the composition, except for botulinum toxin, are not the same.

The effects of Botox and Dysport are almost the same. But the result after Dysport appears faster. Therefore, it is preferable to use it if the appearance needs to be improved urgently for a specific case. But the effect ends three weeks earlier than after a course of Botox injections. The price of Dysport is slightly lower, but in terms of the required amount of the drug it is comparable.

Another important aspect: Botox acts only at the injection site, while Dysport spreads to nearby areas. To once again insure yourself against unpleasant consequences, it is better to give preference to Botox for lip enlargement and rejuvenation.

Precautions before and after administration of the drug

  • Do not touch or scratch your face at the injection sites;
  • remains in an upright position for several hours;
  • It is advisable not to get behind the wheel right away, because you may feel slightly dizzy;
  • do not take blood thinning medications for 2 weeks before and for the same period after the procedure;
  • exclude activities that involve an impressive increase in body temperature: bathhouse, sauna, solarium, beach, sports;
  • During the day before the scheduled procedure, do not tilt your head down.

After a session carried out at the proper level, the face looks much younger, the lips acquire a beautiful shape. The drug is not addictive - on the contrary, the patient can more easily cope with muscle control after the injection ends.

Aesthetic medicine allows you to stop the passing of years. Available procedures eliminate wrinkles, pigmentation, and restore skin elasticity. Folds around the mouth are the first signs of aging. Various methods are used to correct them. Lip Botox is one of the most effective methods.

Age-related changes in the lip area

Folds and creases around the mouth are caused by regular stress on the orbicularis muscle. She is responsible for facial expressions, works during conversation, as well as eating and drinking. The special structure leads to premature wrinkles; the fascicles are woven into the dermis, and not into the bones of the skull like muscle fibers in other areas of the face. A thin layer of fat and the absence of sebaceous glands leads to the formation of vertical folds after 35 years.

The emotional state also affects: drooping corners give a gloomy, disgusted expression, which can appear by the age of 25. Obvious age-related changes usually appear after 45, Botox helps to cope without surgery.

Indications for use

The use of injections allows you to return the original shape of the lips, smooth out wrinkles in the mouth area, and restore facial symmetry. It is a misconception that you can enlarge your lips with Botox. For this purpose, fillers with hyaluronic acid are used.

Attention! Preparations based on botulinum toxin act on muscle fibers, leading to their relaxation, and therefore to smoothing out creases. This is a painless procedure and has a short recovery period.

Indications for use:

  • lip asymmetry;
  • wrinkles in the mouth area;
  • uneven, blurry outlines of the lips;
  • gummy smile;
  • drooping corners of the mouth.

Factors influencing the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth:

  • sudden weight fluctuations;
  • professional activity - singing, playing wind instruments, etc.;
  • anatomical features - malocclusion, genetic predisposition;
  • smoking;
  • lack of regular skin care, use of ineffective products.

Preparation before the procedure

An aesthetic procedure requires a preparatory stage. It is important to find out whether the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Also during the consultation, the desired effect of the injections is discussed. The cosmetologist decides how many units of botulinum toxin are needed to obtain the result.

On the eve of the procedure it is prohibited:

  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • take medications that affect blood clotting;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • for a week, refuse to visit saunas, solariums, do not do warming masks, steam baths;
  • after a course of antibiotics, the procedure can be performed after 2 weeks;
  • Use foods high in salt in your diet.

Drug manufacturers

There is no clear opinion which drug is better - Botox or its analogues. Cosmetologists traditionally work with one brand, which has received positive reviews in practical work. It is recommended to change the brand after 1-2 procedures to avoid the addictive effect and reduce the effect of the toxin.


The active ingredient is botulinum toxin type A, produced by the American company Allergan. It has been used for more than 20 years, has proven its effectiveness, and has earned positive reviews from doctors and patients. Albumin and sodium chloride are used for stabilization. The high cost of the drug, in comparison with similar injections, is explained by the safety of use.


The drug is manufactured in South Korea, has been certified by the Russian Federation, and the distributor is Martinex. The affordable price and the absence of global shortcomings are captivating. But Judging by the reviews, side effects such as headaches often occur. It is also worth noting the relatively short-lived effect of aesthetic correction.


Produced by the French laboratory Ipsen Pharma. In second place in popularity after Botox. It has a lower concentration of toxin, and, therefore, the cost is lower. A special feature is that it is diluted with lactose, which makes it impossible to administer if you have lactose intolerance. There is also a tendency to diffusion: not only the target muscle fibers are affected, but also neighboring muscle fibers.


The domestic company Microgen has released a worthy analogue of Botox. It is highly effective and resistant to destruction, the result lasts up to 9 months. The cost of the drug is lower than the American drug, but the disadvantage is that the injections are painful.


Produced by the German manufacturer Merz Pharmaceuticals, it is characterized by a high degree of purification, which significantly reduces the risk of an allergic reaction and side effects. Low molecular weight allows you to work on small accumulations in the mouth area and correct the crow's feet area. The result lasts no more than 4 months.


Chinese botulinum toxin from the LIBP laboratory is used together with gelatin stabilizer, which can cause an allergic reaction. The procedure is also noted to be painful compared to European and American drugs. A significant advantage is the duration of the effect - the result lasts up to 10 months, and availability of injections.


Popular beauty injections are offered in many beauty salons and clinics. There are also side effects and undesirable consequences after injections. It is worth knowing what to pay attention to when carrying out corrective manipulations.

Security measures:

  • You must choose clinics with the status of a medical institution. You also need to inquire about work experience, drug certification, education and length of service of staff.
  • To administer the drug, the cosmetologist must have knowledge of muscle anatomy - any incorrect movement or incorrect dosage leads to unexpected results. Therefore, it is better to contact plastic surgeons and cosmetologists to administer botulinum toxin.
  • Before the procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the drug certificates and check the expiration date.
  • The ampoule is opened and the solution is prepared on a work surface covered with a paper towel or plastic lining in the presence of the patient.

How does the procedure work?

This is a painless procedure that lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour. Very thin needles are used and in most cases there is no discomfort. There may be a slight tingling sensation as the lip area is sensitive. But if necessary, the injection areas are treated with anesthetic ointment.

Stages of implementation:

  1. The cosmetologist marks the areas for injection of the drug. The regimen is selected individually, depending on the age characteristics of the skin and the desired final result.
  2. The area of ​​drug administration is treated with a local antiseptic.
  3. Injections are carried out along the contour in areas where wrinkles accumulate, at a distance of no more than 2–3 mm. For the lip area, usually from 2 to 15 units are used, the amount is determined individually, depending on the severity of muscle activity.
  4. The cosmetologist can immediately evaluate the work; wrinkles are smoothed out after the injection. Often, the injection of botulinum toxin is used in combination with fillers for lip augmentation based on synthetic hyaluronic acid.
  5. To ensure even distribution of the drug, the procedure ends with a light massage of the lip area. This allows you to avoid side effects such as accumulation of tubercles under the skin and swelling.

Important! After the procedure, you must remain under the supervision of a doctor for some time. The cosmetologist will also tell you about the rules of lip care after correction. Not only the aesthetic result, but also the possibility of unwanted consequences depends on their implementation.

Targeted injections

Botox injections can not only smooth out wrinkles, but also correct aesthetic imperfections. Depending on the purpose of the procedure, the cost differs, as well as the area of ​​injection of the drug. During the first administration, the cosmetologist uses a minimum number of units, gradually increasing the dosage.

Correction of a gummy smile

A gummy smile is caused by anatomical features. Exposure of the upper gum occurs not only when smiling, but also during conversation and expression of strong emotions. There are no age restrictions, you can start from 18 years old. During the procedure, botulinum toxin is injected into the muscles surrounding the mouth that control the upper lip. The muscles relax, the effect lasts from 4 months to six months. To carry out the procedure, you will need from 8 to 15 units of the drug, the cost varies from 5,000 rubles. up to 9000 rub.

Raising the corners of the lips

Botox injections help eliminate the constant drooping of the corners of the lips, observed during a conversation due to muscle hyperactivity. The drug is injected into the muscle that descends from the corner of the mouth like a fan. The injection area is one third of the height from the edge of the lower jaw to the corners of the mouth. 1 to 5 units of Botox is enough to lift your lip line. The dosage is calculated individually, it is better to repeat it later than to get the effect of a shark smile. You can calculate how much the procedure costs yourself by finding out the cost per unit of the drug in the clinic. On average, the price varies from 1800 rubles. up to 6000 rub.

Increasing volume with Botox injections

The main muscle of the lip area is the orbicularis oris muscle, which is responsible for speech, chewing, and facial expressions. Botulinum toxin is injected subcutaneously to reduce the tone of muscle fibers, smooth out wrinkles around the mouth, and turn the corners upward. After the procedure, lips look more voluminous. This is achieved by reducing their compression. But the size does not change, it is only a visual effect. Botox only corrects the area around the mouth and affects muscle tone. You can only pump it up by combining it with drugs based on hyaluronic acid.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, the result becomes noticeable, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the correction area is restored. The effect will increase over 3–7 days, only after which can the full effect of botulinum toxin be assessed. You will also need to adhere to some restrictions after the aesthetic procedure.

Care after injections:

  • Microtraumas from an ultra-thin needle heal quite quickly. In the first day, redness and swelling may occur in the lip area. But 24 hours after the administration of the drug, all traces of the procedure disappear, and you can return to your normal lifestyle.
  • In the first 6 hours you need to be sitting or standing in an upright position, you cannot lie down. You should also limit physical activity for a week.
  • For 2-3 weeks you need to give up gymnastic exercises, as well as activities that include bending your head.
  • It is necessary to try not to touch the lip area with your hands during the first 24 hours to avoid possible infection and disruption of the distribution of the drug in the tissues.
  • To activate the drug, the doctor will recommend special exercises for the lips and lower part of the face. It is necessary to smile and make grimaces as often and widely as possible.
  • You cannot blow-dry your hair for 2 days; you need to limit any heat exposure.
  • You should not drink alcohol for 2 weeks, and smoking should also be limited. You should avoid visiting saunas, swimming pools, solariums, beaches, and protect your face from exposure to sunlight for a month.
  • Flights are not recommended on the first day; pressure changes can negatively affect the results.
  • Exclude hot, spicy, salty foods and strong coffee from your diet.
  • Analgesics, antibiotics, and B vitamins should not be used.

Cost of services in Moscow clinics

The price of injection procedures depends on the clinic and the doctor’s qualifications. It is better to contact plastic surgeons rather than certified cosmetologists without medical education who have only completed course training. The number of units also affects the cost: the average price of 1 unit ranges from 300 to 400 rubles. For the lip area, you can make from 2 to 15 units, depending on the type of correction. Fillers are often used in combination with Botox to achieve plump lips.


Side effects and discomfort after injections pass quite quickly, in the first days of botulinum toxin administration. But the drug is quickly eliminated from the body and all changes are reversible.

Unsuccessful experience is often associated with incorrectly calculated dosage, as well as violation of the rules of the recovery period. But, like any intervention, beauty injections have a number of limitations.


  • individual intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • herpes;
  • cracks, damage to the integrity of the skin around the lips;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • carrying out drug therapy;
  • acute, chronic infections;
  • muscle weakness in the corrected area;
  • skin diseases.

There are also side effects. With deep insertion, the mobility of the upper lip is impaired. If the dosage is incorrect or unevenly distributed, facial asymmetry is observed. The decrease or absence of results is due to the addictive effect, the synthesis of antibodies by the immune system that destroy botulinum toxin.

How to speed up the elimination of the drug

Experienced doctors use minimal doses to allow for subsequent correction. But if you are not satisfied with the result, or side effects occur, first of all you need to contact the cosmetologist who administered the injections. The drug is eliminated independently; the rate of destruction depends on the individual characteristics of the body. There are ways to influence the rate of elimination.


  • facial massage;
  • hardware and physiotherapy procedures;
  • drug treatment.

Important! Only the doctor chooses the method for each patient, and also draws up a treatment regimen, prescribes the number of sessions, and the frequency of the procedure. When prescribing medications, it is important to consider the dosage to eliminate side effects.

Pros and cons

The use of Botox injections is used not only for rejuvenation, but also for the correction of aesthetic imperfections. Can be used at any age starting from 18 years. The frequency of procedures should not exceed once a year.

Safety has been confirmed by a number of studies; due to the independent elimination of the toxin, side effects are reversible.


  • getting rid of wrinkles, obtaining the visual effect of pumping lips;
  • instant rejuvenation lasting from several months to six months;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • side effects rarely occur;
  • short recovery period;
  • the possibility of correcting aesthetic defects, restoring symmetry, smoothing scars.

There are also disadvantages to beauty injections:

  • high cost of the procedure;
  • short-term result;
  • during the recovery period, lifestyle changes are required;
  • with repeated administration the effect decreases.

Cosmetologists' opinion

There are mostly positive reviews on cosmetologist forums.

writes about the benefits of Botox, quick recovery and long-lasting results in comparison with its analogues

the user indicates how to distinguish a fake and side effects of analogues

Real patient reviews

Among fans of aesthetic medicine, you can also find different opinions on the use of botulinum toxin.

The user writes about the painlessness of the procedure and the results appearing in a few days.

The user writes about maintaining normal facial expressions, provided the dosage is observed

The participant draws attention to the addictive effect and short-term effect of Botox and its analogues.

Other opinions on the use of Botox in the lip area can be found on the forum.

Useful videos

Lip augmentation and wrinkle removal. Botox injections.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid at home.

Botox injections can not only restore youth to the skin, but also correct the shape or volume of the lips for those who want to look not only young, but also seductive.

Indications for administration:

  • lip asymmetry;
  • the presence of facial wrinkles in the mouth area;
  • naturally thin lips;
  • habit of pursing lips.

Contraindications for injections

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • skin diseases and injuries in the mouth area;
  • taking antibiotics, drugs that reduce blood clotting;
  • allergy to Botox and other components of the drug;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • severe myopia;
  • alcoholism;
  • age under 18 years;
  • menstruation and the last days before it begins;
  • diseases in which blood clotting processes are disrupted;
  • herpes lips

Application for lip augmentation

Photo: before and after drug administration

Lips consist of skin, pronounced subcutaneous fat and muscles. The main muscle in this area is the orbicularis oris muscle. It is impossible to completely immobilize it, since then the person’s speech, chewing and facial expressions will be impaired.

Therefore, botulinum toxin is injected subcutaneously to slightly weaken muscle tone and straighten the lips and the area around the mouth. After injections, the skin around the mouth straightens, the lips look more voluminous due to a decrease in the degree of compression.

It should be understood that the phrase “lips pumped up with Botox” is not entirely true. It is impossible to increase lip volume with Botox; you can only influence the tone of the underlying muscles.

Fillers are used to “pump up” lips. A recent fashion trend is fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it would be more correct to talk about lip correction with Botox.

Video: Lip correction with Botox - Video-Med.

Using this filler, you can separately lift the corners of your lips and correct lip asymmetry. Depending on the indications and the desired effect, Botox can be injected into the upper lip area, or only into the lower lip area.

Preparation for the procedure

The day before the procedure you cannot:

  1. Drink alcoholic beverages;
  2. Perform exercises or do bended work;
  3. Do a massage in which you need to lie face down;
  4. Take antibiotics, painkillers, anticoagulants.

How are injections performed?

  1. Indications and contraindications for the procedure are determined and the client signs informed consent for botulinum toxin injections;
  2. Some clinics practice taking photographs before and after the procedure;
  3. The areas where correction needs to be carried out are determined and marked on the skin with a marker;
  4. The number of units of botulinum toxin for each injection that will give the required effect is determined;
  5. According to the markings, the doctor injects the drug with a thin needle subcutaneously or intradermally, sometimes an anesthetic is applied to the skin before injection;
  6. The injection sites are pressed and gently massaged to distribute the drug evenly;
  7. The client is under the supervision of medical staff for 30 minutes;
  8. Then the client is given the necessary instructions and recommendations for the rehabilitation period after the procedure and sent home.

Video: Botox procedure



  1. Smooth lip contour, symmetry;
  2. Smoothing the skin around the mouth, especially purse-string wrinkles;
  3. Eliminate the habit of pursing your lips.


  1. High demands on the professionalism of the doctor;
  2. Short shelf life of the diluted drug, decreased activity of the diluted drug during storage;
  3. Presence of counterfeit botulinum toxin preparations on the market;
  4. The presence of serious complications with underestimation of the severity of contraindications and the individual reaction of the body to the administration of botulinum toxin.

Side effects

  1. Numb lips;
  2. Speech impairment;
  3. Lack of effect from the administration of the drug;
  4. Allergic reactions;
  5. Purulent-inflammatory complications in violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the procedure;
  6. The transfer of the drug to the muscles of the zygomatic region can lead to drooping of the corners of the mouth and drooling;
  7. Injury to small vessels during injections can lead to the appearance of small hematomas.

Restrictions after introduction

  1. For 4-6 hours you should not touch your lips or massage them;
  2. You cannot lie down for 6 hours, you can only stand or sit;
  3. During the first day, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the mouth as often as possible so that the drug begins to act faster;
  4. Do not take antibiotics or painkillers during the day;
  5. During the week, all thermal procedures are contraindicated, including taking a hot bath;
  6. Drinking alcohol is contraindicated for two weeks.

How long does Botox last on lips?

Typically, Botox retains its effect when injected into the lip area for 4-6 months. Then the injections can be repeated.

Prices for increase

The table shows the cost of 1 unit of botulinum toxin. It should be remembered that the price of Botox lips with different drugs will be almost the same. This is explained by the fact that 1 unit of Botox will have the same effect as 3-4 units of Dysport.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do they do it?

The drug is injected into the skin around the red border of the lips, 1-2 mm away from it. The number of injection points is determined individually, based on the condition of the skin around the mouth and the desired effect. Since the drug is injected subcutaneously with a thin needle, there is usually no pain. If discomfort occurs, you can apply a painkiller to the skin.

How to lift the corners of your lips with Botox?

The corners of the lips can be raised by injections into the area of ​​the depressor anguli oris muscle. The immobilized muscle will stop pulling the corner of the mouth down, and you will get the desired effect.

Can it be done at home?

To enlarge your lips at home, you can use special exercises, massages and massagers. Although there is no convincing data on the effectiveness of all these funds. It is not worth administering botulinum toxin preparations at home, since at home with a specialist you will not be able to check either the real qualifications of the specialist, or the originality of the drug, or the correctness of the technique of diluting and administering the drug. If complications arise after botulinum toxin injection, you will also not be able to seek help or monetary compensation.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on the number of units of botulinum toxin injected into you, the price per unit and the name of the botulinum toxin drug. You can find out more precisely during a consultation with a specialist who will inject you with Botox.

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Botox on lips - before and after photos