Bulimia: the secrets of diagnosis and treatment. self-treatment for bulimia how to deal with bulimia on your own

Most binge eating patients prefer to treat their bulimia at home. Often they are afraid of their behavior. In most cases, bulimia is not only a physiological ailment, it is a psychological problem. If it is not solved, then the “raids” on the refrigerator will continue, and over time will become more frequent.

How to treat bulimia at home?

Bulimia can be treated at home. To do this, you need to find in yourself the reason that pushes you to spontaneous gluttony. It is important to observe your behavior and find out after what events you are drawn to food. Most often, a person makes “raids” on the refrigerator during a period of depression and stress. Problems and difficult moments in life make you feel inadequate, to some extent even worthless, which negatively affects your emotional state. In order not to fall into deep despair, a person tries to drown out emotions with food. Subsequently, he still feels bad, as he is ashamed of his behavior. He tries to induce vomiting so as not to gain extra pounds, which only harms the body.

Often, loneliness and disorder push people to gluttony. Food, in this case, dulls the feeling of insecurity and anxiety. However, not for long. As a result, "raids" on the refrigerator will only become more frequent over time.

To stop all this, you need to be alone with your feelings and understand what exactly is disturbing. To do this, you will need to find a cozy place, turn off the lights or dim them, turn on meditative music and think about your own life. Such sessions are recommended to be carried out daily for 15-30 minutes. As soon as you can find out the cause, you will need to analyze the circumstances and try to cope with the problem. Perhaps now the answer is no and everything seems unresolved, but you should think carefully. There must be a way out.

To get rid of bulimia, you will need to communicate more with people. Thanks to this, it will be possible to feel needed, it will be possible to recharge with positive. Over time, "breakdowns" will become noticeably less. With this disease, physical activity is also useful. You can sign up for a gym or yoga class. The main thing is to be visible. Thanks to such trips, it will be possible to meet different people and make new friends. Moreover, it will be possible to significantly improve your figure, and this will strengthen your own self-esteem.

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How to cure bulimia folk remedies?

Treatment of bulimia with folk remedies will support the body in a difficult time for it. Garlic will help in this matter. You will need to grind it, then 200 ml of boiling water is added to the gruel. The medicine should be put in a dark place for a day. It is recommended to use the product at night, 10 ml. If you do not like garlic, you can drink linseed oil. This should be done before meals three times a day, 20 ml.

An infusion of mint and parsley will also help with this ailment. This remedy has powerful soothing properties and a tonic effect.

First, the herbs will need to be dried and chopped. Then you need to mix them in equal proportions and pour 10 g of boiling water in an amount of 250 ml. After 30 minutes, the product is ready for use. It dulls the feeling of hunger, so it will be possible to resist gluttony. With this ailment, wormwood can help. It will take 5 g of dried raw materials to pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. It is recommended to use the infusion half an hour before meals, 10 ml 5-7 times a day.

Figs and plums also help with bulimia. It will take 500 g of fruit, finely chopped and pour 3 liters of water. Then the container is put on fire and boiled up to 500 ml of volume. Decoction is recommended to use 100 ml 4 times a day. Celery is a sure remedy for bulimia. From it you will need to prepare an infusion. To do this, 20 g of the plant is crushed, then 250 ml of boiling water is added to the container. The mixture must be put on fire and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and taken before meals three times a day, 60 ml each.

The disease will help to win:

  • green tea;
  • mineral water;
  • kefir.

You should drink any of the above drinks, 200 ml before meals. They will help to dull the feeling of hunger, it will turn out to eat much less. Corn stigmas have a similar effect. A decoction is prepared from them. It will take 10 g of raw materials to pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil everything in a water bath for 20 minutes. It is recommended to use the product in 10 ml before meals.

Surely every person at least once in his life heard about a disorder called "bulimia". Symptoms of the disease are uncontrolled bouts of hunger, followed by a desire to get rid of excess weight. It is generally accepted that such a violation is the prerogative of models and celebrities. However, the disease is also common among other segments of the population.

What is this disorder? What are its main symptoms? What are the consequences for a sick person? Is it possible to get rid of bulimia at home? These questions are becoming more and more relevant in today's world.

What is bulimia?

Almost everyone knows about the existence of such a problem as bulimia. Many people consider this disorder to be a whim, but in fact it is a serious disease. It is accompanied by uncontrolled bouts of hunger, which are replaced by a period of regret and repentance on the part of a sick person.

How to treat bulimia? How to recognize this disease in time? These questions are of interest to many. After all, it's no secret that sometimes the help and support of a loved one is crucial.

Brief historical data

In fact, "bulimia" is a word of Greek origin, which literally means "bull hunger." The name in this case speaks for itself. To date, there is not much historical data on this disorder. It is only known that the first official studies began after the end of the First World War.

As a separate disease, bulimia was isolated in the twentieth century. According to statistics, over the past few decades, the number of patients suffering from such a disorder has increased significantly, which, in fact, explains the increased interest of physicians and researchers in this disease. According to statistical surveys, approximately 15-20% of the world's inhabitants from time to time observe classic bouts of bulimia.

The sharp increase in the number of patients with this diagnosis is associated with the characteristics and lifestyle of a modern person and changes in beauty standards. By the way, women most often suffer from bulimia, although this disorder also occurs among the male part of the population.

The main psychological causes of the development of bulimia

Today, many people are interested in questions about how to cure bulimia. But before studying information about modern methods of therapy, it is worth learning more about why this disease occurs. It's no secret that most often this ailment is associated with mental disorders. And the causes of bulimia can be very different.

Often the prerequisites for the development of bulimia appear in childhood. For example, if a child often experienced a feeling of hunger, or parents rewarded him with food for some achievement, then the perception of food could be distorted. However, in most cases, complexes about appearance are risk factors, especially if in childhood or adolescence the child often heard criticism from parents, friends or peers about their own weight.

In some cases, binge eating can be associated with severe stress or emotional trauma. In some women, bulimia-type disorders develop against the background of a break with a loved one, job loss, death of someone close, etc.

On the other hand, breakdowns are often observed in women who carefully follow the figure. Constant strict diets lead to a deficiency of glucose and nutrients. Under such conditions, the work of the food center may be disrupted.

Are there physiological risk factors?

It is generally accepted that bulimia is a disease of exclusively mental origin. However, some people are predisposed to developing this disorder. Indeed, in some cases, uncontrolled bouts of hunger can be associated with the physiological characteristics of the body.

Today, the term "hereditary bulimia" is increasingly used. Its symptoms are associated with the presence of some genetic abnormalities in the brain.

In addition, bouts of hunger can be the result of various damage to the food center of the cerebral cortex. It is this zone that is responsible for the formation of feelings of hunger and satiety. When the work of this center is disturbed, perception and subjective sensations from food intake are distorted. This may be due to damage to the neural pathways that the brain receives information about the degree of filling of the stomach or the level of glucose in the blood.

There are other diseases that can lead to the development of bulimia. In particular, this disease often develops against the background of hormonal disruptions. For example, it may be caused by hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency. Risk factors also include metabolic disorders, including metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, etc.

What happens during an attack?

There are very characteristic seizures that accompany bulimia. Patient reviews indicate that the scheme for such a disease is about the same. First, a person has a strong feeling of hunger. It can be caused by various factors. For example, hunger can be associated with stress, panic attacks, dissatisfaction, emotional overload, staring at food in the supermarket for a long time, watching a cooking show, etc.

It is worth noting that this is not just the usual hunger that every person experiences. This feeling is like an obsession. Patients tend to lash out when they are alone in the house, often at night. People suffering from bulimia begin to consume huge amounts of food. They do not smell or taste, so they often eat even spoiled foods. Since the feeling of fullness never comes, patients can eat until food supplies run out.

After an attack, a person usually feels real physical discomfort. After all, the stomach is greatly stretched, presses on the diaphragm, lungs and other internal organs, interfering with normal breathing. Often there are severe painful cramps in the abdomen. Such sensations cause a desire to get rid of the newly absorbed products. And the fastest way to do this is to induce vomiting. This helps eliminate physical discomfort.

Do not forget that bulimia nervosa is often associated with various complexes about appearance. Sick people strive to maintain the ideal (in their opinion) body shape. Therefore, after an attack, all possible methods are used - strict diets, taking laxatives and diuretics, as well as intense physical activity. All this, of course, gives the patient the desired results, but not without side effects. Taking laxatives and diuretics disrupts digestion, affects the water-salt balance, leaches useful minerals from the body, and ultimately can lead to dehydration.

Naturally, the habit of overeating and inducing vomiting is carefully hidden from loved ones, as it is perceived as something shameful. Most sick people are sure that they can stop at any moment, and they do not need the help of specialists.

Bulimia: symptoms of the disorder

Of course, with close communication with a person, you can notice some physiological changes:

This is what bulimia looks like. The consequences of this disease can be fatal. That is why it is so important to notice the main symptoms in time. By the way, patients have some psychological features.

In particular, people with bulimia are often obsessed with their own appearance and consider body weight as one of the main criteria for evaluating personality. Bulimics very often talk about the problems of obesity, various diets and ways to deal with excess weight. On the other hand, a sick person is usually aware of the problem. And since the tendency to gluttony is considered a kind of shameful shortcoming, then none of the patients likes to talk about it.

Disease classification system

Today, many people are interested in questions about how to get rid of bulimia. However, it is worth learning a little more about this disorder first. In modern medicine, there are several classification schemes for this disorder, although they are all relative, because the causes and symptoms of bulimia are individual for each person.

For example, it is customary to single out primary bulimia (people suffer from constant hunger, which in most cases is associated with organic brain damage), as well as a disorder that has arisen against the background of anorexia.

Bulimia nervosa can also be divided into several types. Some patients after bouts of overeating try to quickly cleanse the body with the help of vomiting, enemas and medication. At the same time, other people prefer rigid diets, which only aggravate the situation and lead to repeated breakdowns.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Surely everyone knows how dangerous bulimia can be. The symptoms of this disease, or rather their presence, is a serious reason to seek help from a specialist. As a rule, the main signs can be noticed already during communication with a person. So what does the test for bulimia look like?

People suffering from this disorder tend to be very preoccupied with their own weight and appearance. Despite the harmony, and sometimes severe thinness, the patient may worry about being overweight.

To combat extra pounds, the patient uses inadequate methods, although he may miss this shameful fact during a conversation with a psychotherapist. The diagnosis of bulimia is made if, in the past two months, the patient has experienced at least three bouts of uncontrolled hunger, followed by attempts to get rid of the calories eaten.

In the future, some additional studies are being carried out that help determine the presence of complications and the physiological causes of the development of this disorder.

Bulimia: inpatient treatment

Some people suffering from this disorder require hospital treatment. The question of hospitalization of the patient can only be decided by the attending physician. What is the indication for such therapy?

  • First of all, these are strongly pronounced signs of bulimia, complete exhaustion of the body and the presence of severe concomitant diseases that pose a threat to the patient's life.
  • Depressive states, apathy, suicidal thoughts.
  • Severe dehydration, beriberi, nutritional deficiencies.
  • In some cases, pregnant women have to be hospitalized, since bulimia is extremely dangerous for the life of the child being born.

How to treat bulimia with medication? It is immediately worth noting that only a doctor can determine the drugs and the scheme for taking them - it is highly not recommended to take any funds on your own.

What drugs are used to treat bulimia? Treatment most often involves taking antidepressants. Such funds improve the conductivity of the nerve pathways. For example, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (drugs "Prozac", "Fluoxetine") improve the conduction of impulses between the digestive organs and the food center of the cerebral cortex. Tricyclic antidepressants (Imizin) help to eliminate the symptoms of depression.

In addition, patients are prescribed other medications. In particular, it is extremely important to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body, which is achieved with the help of special solutions, the right diet, and the intake of vitamin complexes. Sometimes therapy includes antiemetic drugs and tranquilizers.

Psychotherapy for bulimia

In fact, there are many psychological techniques that are used to treat bulimia. The photo shows that most often you can get rid of the problem during a session with a psychotherapist. The most popular methods today are psychoanalysis, interpersonal and cognitive-behavioral therapy. In the classroom, a specialist will help identify and understand the causes of a mental disorder. Sessions also help to accurately identify subjective signs of an attack of hunger and resist it.

Can bulimia be cured at home?

Staying in a hospital is not indicated for all patients diagnosed with bulimia. Treatment at home is also possible. However, consultation with a specialist is required. It is also desirable that during therapy with a sick person there is always a relative or friend who is able to support in difficult moments.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the patient needs to attend at least 10-20 sessions of psychotherapy, since only a specialist can help to understand himself. As a rule, people with this disorder are advised to start a special food diary in which you can record the amount of food eaten, describe the sensations that appear during a breakdown, etc. Patients are advised to gradually introduce into the diet those foods that were previously perceived as forbidden, and forever forget about strict diets.

As for folk methods of treatment, healers in such cases recommend drinking linseed oil (improves the functioning of the digestive organs), an infusion of mint and parsley (has calming properties), and a decoction of corn stigmas.

The main consequences of the disease

It's no secret how dangerous bulimia can be. The consequences of such a disorder often lead to irreversible changes in the body, and sometimes to the death of the patient. So why is such a disease dangerous?

To begin with, it is worth noting that patients with this disorder are characterized by various diseases of the oral cavity - these can be gingivitis, periodontitis, frequent stomatitis, etc. Such people are also prone to frequent tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, since gastric juice damages the upper respiratory way. Another common complication is inflammation of the parotid salivary gland.

Prolonged exposure of gastric juice to the mucous membrane of the esophagus leads to its irritation, so bulimia is associated with constant heartburn and other digestive disorders.

Strict diets, taking diuretics and laxatives, cleansing enemas and other means that bulimics use to combat excess weight adversely affect the functioning of the whole body. After all, useful substances simply do not have time to be absorbed, and minerals are quickly washed out of the body. Violation of the water-salt balance is extremely dangerous. Deficiency of nutrients leads to the periodic occurrence of seizures. Severe complications of bulimia include severe dehydration, the development of kidney failure.

Moreover, such a disorder affects the work of the endocrine system. Sudden changes in the hormonal background lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle up to amenorrhea. Sometimes bulimia provokes the development of adrenal insufficiency.

On the other hand, glucose deficiency affects the functioning of the brain. People's memory deteriorates, constant drowsiness and fatigue appear. The patients themselves become secretive and lead a solitary life. Often there is the appearance of depressive states up to thoughts of suicide. Such people are more prone to drug and alcohol addiction.

Bulimic patients may die from heart failure. Dangerous complications include perforation of the stomach or esophagus. That is why in no case should you ignore such a problem.

An eating disorder in which a person overeats and experiences guilt and fear due to overeating is called bulimia. The only way out for him is vomiting, with the help of which he gets rid of what he has eaten. The danger lies in the fact that such a phenomenon becomes regular and threatens the health of the patient. If not the patients themselves, then their relatives are puzzled by the question of why bulimia occurs and how to treat it on their own.

The patient deliberately induces vomiting

Occurrence of deviation

Experts believe that this is not just an obsessive condition, but a disease, a psychological disorder. The person is in a state of stress and anxiety. Since women are more emotional and prone to neurosis, they become victims of bulimia. Men can also suffer from this disease, but they are inferior in percentage terms.

The disease develops according to a clear pattern: the patient attacks the refrigerator and eats everything. The uncontrollable state of hunger is replaced not only by heaviness in the stomach, but also by the horror of the thought of the “gastronomic crime” committed. Fear leads to the need to immediately get rid of food, as a result of which it causes itself to vomit. The danger is that the ritual “ate - cleansed the stomach” becomes a woman’s repeated occupation during the day.


The main cause of emerging bulimia is an obsessive fear of gaining excess weight. Afraid to eat an extra piece of food, the girl does everything possible so that the food does not have time to be digested in the body. The impetus for such a state is the phrase said by someone that she "wouldn't hurt to lose weight." After that, a complex with respect to the figure is born. Stubbornly getting rid of food, the girl can no longer stop, and even the normal weight for her physique seems too big. As a result, the patient brings herself to complete exhaustion, getting a serious psychological and physiological disorder. Stress is another major cause of bulimia.

Most people eat nervous shocks, bad moods and problems with sweets, high-calorie foods, bringing all this to extremes.

Experts also draw attention to the fact that the causes of bulimia lie not only in psychogenic features. Receptors located in the hypothalamus are triggered. If their work is disrupted, information about satiety does not enter the brain, and the person experiences constant hunger. In this case, there may also be an uncontrollable desire to overeat. In addition to these reasons, there are others:

  • depressive state;
  • inability to adequately assess oneself and one's appearance;
  • futile attempts to lose weight that did not work;
  • inability to control your appetite;
  • dependence on the opinions of others;
  • parting with a lover due to excess weight;
  • genetic factors: if one of the parents had such a disorder, then it can be inherited by the child.

Reasons for the development of bulimia


Signs of this disease can be both external and internal, due to a lack of nutrients in the body, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. If you look at a person affected by bulimia, you can notice the ongoing negative changes in appearance. Among the main ones:

  • weight fluctuations in the direction of decrease;
  • pallor and dryness of the skin;
  • tooth decay;
  • brittle, sparse or falling hair;
  • inflamed gums;
  • dull look.

No less dangerous are internal states; many processes in our body depend on nutrition. They can be asymptomatic or clearly manifest, causing discomfort to the patient. Among the most common: hormonal and menstrual disorders, kidney failure, anemia, low blood pressure. The development of diabetes can also become very likely, which will entail a lot of changes in the body. It should also be noted that with persistent vomiting, rupture of the esophagus may occur. This is the most dangerous condition in which the patient is threatened with a fatal outcome in a matter of minutes.

Folk remedies

Given the insidiousness of the disease, it is imperative to treat bulimia. To do this, you can try to cope on your own and use proven folk methods at home to have a therapeutic effect on the body. You should not expect that the results will be immediate, as it is extremely difficult to deal with such a condition.

Bulimia, which can be treated at home, is a difficult task. It is better not to postpone therapy indefinitely.

First, you need to direct your strength to combat increased appetite. For this purpose, tinctures and decoctions have proven themselves well.

  1. Garlic tincture. To obtain this remedy, you will need three cloves of garlic, which you need to peel, grind and pour 1 tbsp. boiled water, having cooled it first to room temperature. After the remedy is infused for a day, it can be taken. It is enough to drink it 1 tbsp. l. before going to bed to get rid of the problem and normalize appetite.
  2. Linseed oil. Known for its medicinal properties, flaxseed oil does not need any preparation or processing. You just need to buy it in the store and start treatment, taking 20 ml before meals.
  3. Wormwood tea. To prepare such a drink at home, you need 1 tsp. dry wormwood, as well as 0.2 boiling water. After insisting the mixture for about half an hour, it should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. The optimal dosage is 3 times a day.
  4. Slivovo - fig decoction. These delicious fruits can improve appetite, make self-medication effective and improve overall well-being. It is enough to take a pound of fruit for three liters of water and boil the mixture until you get about 2.5 liters. Next, you need to drink half a glass of a remedy before meals.
  5. Celery and a decoction of it. This plant is famous for its beneficial properties and is able to treat disorders of the digestive system. To do this, you need 20 g of the plant, which is poured with boiled water. After the mixture has been on fire for 15 minutes, it must be insisted and filtered. The decoction is divided into 3 parts and drunk before meals.
  6. Decoction based on corn stigmas. To obtain such a drug, you need to take 10 g of stigmas, as well as 200 ml of cool water. You need to hold the drink in a water bath for 20 minutes, and then drink 1 tbsp before meals. spoon.

In addition to decoctions, green tea, kefir, as well as juice and mineral water will help reduce appetite. All of them improve digestion and are great for bulimic symptoms. It should be noted that treating bulimia at home, if you plan to do it yourself, you need to be comprehensive. This is a disease that has psychological problems. In order to overcome depression and other unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to take sedatives. It can be valerian tablets, as well as lemon balm or mint. Hawthorn, motherwort, St. John's wort and other herbs that can become sedatives for the patient's nervous system have proven themselves well in the treatment.

As an independent treatment, meditation, moderate exercise and stress reduction can be advised. By normalizing the nervous system, great success can be achieved in the treatment of bulimia.


Bulimia is a mental disorder in which eating disorders are observed. The disease mainly manifests itself as bouts of overeating - a person consumes large amounts of food, but does not feel full. After that, those who suffer from bulimia feel guilty and get rid of what they eat on their own, using a variety of methods, from taking laxatives to artificially inducing vomiting. The result of such methods is the weakening and exhaustion of the body. The main danger of the disease lies in the fact that the symptoms are quite difficult to notice. To save the life of the patient, urgent measures must be taken. It is possible to cure the disease at home, but the therapy should be comprehensive.

Why does pathology develop

A predisposition to bulimia is observed in people in whose family relatives are obese, prone to depression. There are also a number of factors that affect the development of the disease, these include:

  • Hormonal disorders - note the high concentration of the stress hormone and ghrelin (this hormone is responsible for the feeling of hunger).
  • Disorders affecting neurotransmitters.
  • Emotional problems, which include low self-esteem, uncontrollable impulsivity, feelings of hopelessness, difficulty expressing anger.

There are 2 types of pathology:

  1. Purging bulimia, when a person suffering from a disease, after abusing food, independently provokes an attack of vomiting or uses laxatives.
  2. Non-clearing bulimia - the patient prefers compensatory measures, which include a tougher diet and exercise.

According to statistics, the disease is more often observed in women under 35 years of age, of all cases, only 5% occur in the stronger sex.

Full recovery can be achieved in half of the cases, while relapses are not excluded.

Signs of the disease

Experts indicate three main symptoms confirming the presence of bulimia:

  • uncontrolled consumption of food in large volumes in a short time period;
  • the patient independently takes measures designed (in his opinion) to eliminate the consequences of overeating - puts enemas, induces vomiting, drinks laxatives or diuretics, exhausts himself with strict diets and exercises;
  • there is a constant fluctuation in weight.

The symptoms include constant reasoning about proper nutrition, overweight, trendy diets. Signs include fatigue, constant depression, distracted attention, memory impairment, sleep problems at night and daytime sleepiness.

The next set of symptoms include problems with the oral cavity - given that the patient himself causes vomiting attacks, he often has:

  • poor dental health;
  • regular , ;
  • oral diseases develop.

An inflammatory process is observed in the oropharynx, since vomit containing hydrochloric acid corrodes the mucous membrane.

Due to the increase in pressure, burst vessels in the eyes can be added to the symptoms. In addition to problems with stools, due to constant overeating, a deficiency of essential substances occurs in the body, which will lead to convulsions, disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, problems with the heart and vascular system. The skin becomes dry, prone to premature fading, hair and nail plates become brittle. Symptoms include menstrual irregularities and possibly amenorrhea.

An attack of the disease is characterized by an uncontrolled feeling of hunger, while the patient's stomach may be full. A person has not passing thoughts about dishes, dreams about food. Left alone, a person consumes food greedily and hastily, not feeling the taste of food. At the same time, those suffering from bulimia do not engage in the selection of combined foods, consuming everything in a row and preferring high-calorie foods. After attacks, the stomach begins to put pressure on nearby organs and the diaphragm, breathing problems are observed, pain and intestinal spasms appear. The euphoria received when eating products is replaced by a feeling of guilt and remorse, there is a fear of obesity.

Treatment of pathology

At the initial stages of the disease, breakdowns do not occur too often, usually a stressful situation serves as an impetus. However, gradually the situation worsens, attacks can occur up to several times a day. At the same time, the victims think about how to deal with bulimia and decide to seek help not immediately, but only realizing the loss of control. The ideal option to overcome the disease is a comprehensive treatment that includes the services of a psychotherapist, but many are embarrassed to contact a specialist, preferring to deal with the disease at home. In this case, you can give a number of tips that primarily affect nutrition for bulimia:

  • First you need to adjust the menu, removing from there products that affect weight.
  • Fractional meals should be taken as a rule - small portions with frequent intake (up to five or six times). This approach will help prevent vomiting with nausea.
  • Meditation will not interfere - whatever the body, it must be loved and protected.
  • You will need to learn how to disengage from stress.
  • Folk recipes at home will bring benefits, it is necessary to use herbs to suppress appetite, sedative decoctions.

Folk recipes for bulimia

Considering that bulimia disrupts the proper functioning of the digestive system, initially at home it will be necessary to normalize the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. In parallel with this, you will need to get rid of a depressive mood.

Regulation of digestive processes

First, let's look at how to normalize digestion:

We subdue the desire for gluttony

Even understanding how to get rid of bulimia, the patient is not always able to control his appetite, he cannot cope with night attacks, leading to the emptying of the refrigerator. There is a set of recipes that help reduce appetite at home, especially if you take healing remedies against the background of a proper diet:

  • An effective collection includes the following herbs, which are taken in the same amount - horsetail, yarrow, pharmacy chamomile flowers, dandelion roots and creeping wheatgrass, lemon balm (leaves). The components are mixed, a small spoonful of the collection is poured with 250 ml of boiled water, the container is covered with a lid, infused for half an hour, filtered. Such a remedy should be drunk after meals, in the morning and before bedtime.
  • With uncontrolled appetite, corn stigmas, which are brewed like tea, help.
  • If there are no problems with the heart and blood vessels, you can brew strong black tea in boiled milk. This remedy helps curb your appetite.
  • You can prepare a herbal collection using the following plants in equal proportions - dandelion and lovage roots, corn stigmas, bean pericarp, buckthorn bark, horsetail, sage, goose cinquefoil, yarrow. All the ingredients are mixed, a large spoonful of the collection is poured with 250 ml of boiled water, the container is covered, the agent is infused for 3 hours, filtered. The composition is taken in half a glass three times a day. Eating is allowed 20 minutes after taking the remedy.

Folk recipes for sedatives

The prominent symptoms of bulimia are irritability and depression, which require treatment. Herbal infusions will help to come to harmony:

  1. St. John's wort will help fight depression - just brew a small spoonful of the plant in a glass of boiling water. Infuse the remedy for 5 minutes, add honey or lemon to taste.
  2. Mistletoe will help calm the nerves, at the same time it normalizes the functionality of the heart and blood vessels. Prepare an infusion in a thermos - take a large spoonful of the plant for 500 ml of water. Brew the remedy in the evening, drink during the next day, replacing the water.
  3. Effectively fights bulimia attacks and wine made from. The plant should be dried, chopped, pour 1:10 strong white wine, placed in a dark place and insisted for 10 days. Then the wine is filtered, taken before going to bed, 50 ml each.
  4. Lavender baths have a calming effect, which should be taken before going to bed. A handful of lavender is boiled in a small volume of water (about 1 liter) for 20 minutes, then the concentrated product is poured into warm water in a bath. You can use essential lavender oil, a few drops are enough.
  5. No less effective verbena. A medicinal drink is prepared by pouring two large spoons of the plant into a container, filling them with 500 ml of water. The container is placed on the stove, brought to the boiling stage, removed from the heat and insisted under the lid for half an hour. The remedy is taken up to four times daily for 0.5 cups.

Bulimia is an eating disorder that occurs due to both mental and physiological problems. The patient consumes a large amount of food, while using laxatives or inducing vomiting in order to lose weight. Treatment of this disease is carried out with the help of medicines, as well as folk remedies. It is necessary to observe proper nutrition, and drink any liquid before eating. Active physical activity should be avoided, as this causes a feeling of hunger.

Description of the disease

Bulimia is a neuropsychiatric disease, which consists in the fact that a person has uncontrolled food intake. This disease appears against the background of problems of various kinds. Physiological pathologies are associated with disruption of the food center, and psychological problems include the fact that this disease occurs in people who belong to wealthy families with a high level of ambition and claims.

The patient pays great attention to food, calories and his weight. The patient has bouts of insatiable hunger. He uses various means for weight loss:

  • laxatives;
  • inducing vomiting.

Individuals with bulimia experience low self-esteem and feelings of guilt. Bulimics have a distorted idea of ​​their weight. This disease leads to sharp fluctuations in weight (weight loss or weight gain from 5 to 10 kg). There is chronic irritation of the throat, chronic weakness and fatigue, muscle pain and tooth loss.

Medical therapy

Treatment of this disease is carried out with medication and folk remedies. Among the drugs are effective antidepressants that reduce appetite and prevent vomiting attacks in patients (venlafaxine, Selexa). These drugs have virtually no side effects, so they can be used for self-treatment.

To combat depression and low self-esteem, antidepressants such as fluoxetine or Phenibut are suitable. These medicines allow you to get rid of constant bouts of overeating. Fluoxetine activates the nervous system, and Phenibut calms, and it is recommended to use it before bedtime.


When the first symptoms of bulimia are detected, you need to switch to fractional meals 5-6 times a day. The diet should include a large amount of liquid so that the volume of its use is up to 2 liters per day.

You need to consume as many calories as you burn. Food should be low-fat, which is quickly absorbed by the stomach. The most optimal time for breakfast in this case is 8-9 am, lunch - before 13 pm, and dinner - after 5 pm. Between them you need to organize snacks.

Carbonated drinks, sugar, coffee and alcohol should be excluded from the diet. Patients are advised to walk daily in the fresh air, to observe a sleep regimen (8 hours a day). Running, cycling should be limited, because such physical activity leads to an increase in hunger.

To control the feeling of hunger that remains after a meal, you can drink 100 ml of cold green tea, low-fat kefir or mineral water before eating a meal.

Treatment with folk remedies

The treatment of bulimia with folk remedies at home is also used. If the patient does not have diseases of the cardiovascular system, then bulimia can be treated with herbs:

  1. 1. Tea from dried leaves of lemon balm, wheatgrass root, chamomile flower, yarrow, St. John's wort, dandelion and horsetail. To prepare this remedy, you should take 40 g of each ingredient, pour boiling water over it and leave for 48 hours. Scheme of administration: twice a day for 30 days.
  2. 2. Stigmas of corn with chamomile. You can cope with bulimia with the help of an infusion of these herbs in milk, which allows you to control the feeling of hunger. It is necessary to mix 20 g of stigmas and 30 g of chamomile with each other, pour milk and bring to a boil. After that, you need to wait for the raw material to absorb the milk. Take this infusion for several months, 50 ml per day.
  3. 3. Parsley and mint. To calm the nervous system, an infusion of parsley and mint is actively used. It is necessary to pour 50 g of a mixture of ingredients with hot water and infuse for 20 minutes. Then you need to strain through a sieve and after that the medicine is ready for use. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons every day until the state of the nervous system normalizes.
  4. 4. St. John's wort. To get rid of increased irritability and depression, you need to take tea from St. John's wort. To prepare it, you need to take 30 g of grass, add 10 ml of lemon juice, cold water (50 ml) and a little honey. All ingredients must be mixed. The medicine is taken 1 tablespoon per day for a month 30 minutes before or after meals.
  5. 5. Lavender. To reduce tension levels, you can take a lavender bath 2-3 hours before bed twice a week. To do this, pour 500 g of dried plant into 1 liter of water and bring to a boil. This decoction must be added to the bath. As an alternative, you can use a little essential lavender (5-10 drops per 50 liters of water).
  6. 6. Motherwort. It will help at home to get rid of low mood. To prepare it, you need to fill the grass with water, heat it in a water bath and insist for 20 minutes. You can take this medicine three times a day.
  7. 7. Wormwood. To do this, pour the grass into boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and take the resulting infusion an hour before meals, 20 ml three times a day.
  8. 8. White mistletoe. To improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, you can drink white mistletoe tea. To prepare it, you need to put the ingredient in a thermos, pour water and insist for 24 hours. After that, the medicine is ready for use (1 glass daily in the evening for 20-30 days). You can replace the water with white wine.
  1. 1. Celery. You can get rid of bulimia with a decoction of celery. To prepare it, pour the powder of the plant with boiling water, stir this solution and heat it up again. Before use, this medicine must be filtered. Scheme of administration: three times a day, 10 ml half an hour before meals for 1 month.
  2. 2. Garlic. You can fight this disease with the help of infusion of garlic. It is necessary to pass 3-4 peeled slices through a meat grinder, add to warm water and insist for a week. After that, the medicine can be taken. In the early days, you need to drink it 1 tablespoon before meals, and after 10 days the dosage is doubled.
  3. 3. Rosehip. An infusion of its fruits can be prepared in the following way. Rose hips should be put in a saucepan, add water and boil. You can take the medicine before breakfast, 1 glass for a month in a warm form.
  4. 4. Linseed oil. It can be purchased in pharmacies ready-made and taken three times a day, 20 ml. In addition, you can prepare a decoction of figs and plums. To do this, pour 500 g of fruit into 3 liters of water and cook until the volume of water decreases to 2.5 liters and then you can take it 0.5 cups before meals.