Budgetary accounting of income, expenses and financial results. Reflection of financial results in budget accounting. Risk-based approach when conducting internal financial audits in budgetary institutions

L.N. Rodionova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. department E.R. Gareeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor Ufa State Aviation Technical University [email protected]; [email protected] The article is devoted to the problems of ensuring the financial security of budgetary institutions using controlling methods....
(Economic security)
    To reflect the results of the financial activities of the institution, account 040100000 “Financial result of the institution” is used. This account reflects the results of the institution’s activities using the accrual method by comparing the amount of accrued expenses with the amount of accrued income both for the month and from the beginning...
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    FINANCIAL RESULT OF AN INSTITUTION: ACCOUNTING FOR CURRENT ACTIVITIES, PAST REPORTING PERIODS, FUTURE PERIODS To reflect the results of the financial activities of an institution, account 040100000 “Financial result of an institution” is used. This account reflects the results of the institution's activities in...
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  • Accounting for financial results

    Financial The result of an institution is an operating result that shows a decrease or increase in financial, non-financial assets and liabilities and is determined based on income and expenses.

    To determine the financial result of the activities of local public organizations for the current financial year, analytical accounting accounts are used in accordance with the object of accounting and the economic content of the business transaction:

    140110000 “Revenue of the current financial year”;

    140120000 “Expenditures of the current financial year”;

    140130000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods.”

    The financial result is determined by the accrual method. The transition to the accrual method is due to the Concept for reforming the budget process in the Russian Federation in 2004-2006, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2004 No. 249 “On measures to improve the effectiveness of budget expenditures.” The Concept summarizes some of the shortcomings of the budget process, such as the lack of an assessment system and the financial results of the activities of government bodies at different levels.

    The purpose of adopting the Concept is to create conditions and prerequisites for the most effective management of state (municipal) finances in accordance with the priorities of state policy and international experience. At the same time, the maximum effect of management is expressed in increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditures. The performance is determined using the accrual method. Unlike the cash method of accounting, which only allows you to track cash flows and does not provide a complete picture of the assets and liabilities of institutions, the accrual method will allow you to evaluate the results of program implementation, as well as compare the cost of services provided by the state and the costs of possible purchase of these services on the market.

    The Framework suggests that accrual accounting will significantly improve the transparency of general government operations and provide information about the financial consequences of fiscal decisions. To assess the impact of decisions made in the fiscal sphere on the state of assets and liabilities, as well as to evaluate and generate reports on budget execution, the chart of accounts of budget accounting is integrated with the budget classification. This integration ultimately resulted in the introduction of a 26-digit code for budget accounting accounts.

    The financial result of institutions is determined by the accrual method by comparing the amounts of accrued expenses by institutions with the amounts of accrued income. That is, the formula for determining the financial result is as follows;

    Financial result = Accrued income - Accrued expenses.

    When determining the financial result for budgetary activities, the accrued expenses of the institution are compared with cash disposals. The annual amount of accrued expenses is collected in the debit of account 140120200 “Current financial year expenses”, then written off from credit 140120200 “Current financial year expenses” to debit 140130000 “Financial result of past reporting periods”. And the annual amount of cash disposals collected during the year in the credit of account 130405000 “Settlements for payments from the budget, with bodies organizing the execution of budgets” in the credit of account 140130000 “Financial result of past reporting periods”. And ultimately, the balance of account 140130000 “Financial result of past reporting periods” will show the amount of the financial result for budget activities. If the result is a debit balance, then the financial result is negative, if the credit balance is positive.

    Fig.2.1 Scheme for determining financial results

    In accordance with clause 14, clause 1 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when determining the tax base for income tax, income in the form of property received by the taxpayer as part of targeted financing is not taken into account. The amount of funding is not considered income. Therefore, when calculating the financial results of budgetary institutions, the amount of financing (the amount of cash received) was replaced by the amount of cash disposals (the amount of money spent through financing). In institutions, the amount of funding should be equal to the amount of cash disposals. Instead of reducing income by the amount of expenses, when determining the financial result, expenses (cash disposals) are reduced by the amount of accrued expenses. That is, the value of the financial result for budgetary activities is determined as the difference between cash disposals and accrued expenses. In budget accounting, this value is defined as the difference between the final annual debit and credit turnover in account 140130000 “Financial result of past reporting periods.”

    Financial result of the current year = NF + FA - Liabilities

    Transactions during the conclusion of accounts of the current financial year of institutions are reflected on the basis of certificate f.0503110.

    To reflect the financial result of current activities, the account “Financial result from the current activities of the institution” is intended, a matching account.

    In the report f. 0503121 “Report on the financial results of the institution” reflects the financial result of the institution.

    Let's determine the financial result of the current year = NF + FA - Liabilities. For 2011 financial result according to the report f. 0503121 (Appendix 4) amounted to 488081.82(NF) + (-1205308.8)(FA) = -717226.98

    Let's calculate the financial result for 2012 according to report f.0503121 (Appendix 5)

    558081.82(NF) + (135683.66) = 422,398.16 rubles.

    Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

    Russian State Trade and Economic University

    Faculty of Economics


    Discipline: Accounting in budgetary organizations

    Topic: Accounting for financial results in a budgetary institution

    Option No. 7

    Completed: __________

    Teacher: _________


    Grade ______________

    Signature ______________

    VORONEZH 2009

    1. Accounting for income, expenses and financial results for the current activities of a budget institution. Conclusion of accounts of the current financial year for the current activities of a budget organization

    2. Accounting for financial results based on cash execution of the budget

    List of used literature

    1. Accounting for income, expenses and financial results for the current activities of a budget institution. Conclusion of accounts of the current financial year for the current activities of a budget organization

    Accounting for the financial result of the institution is carried out on account 040000000 “Financial result”.

    This account is intended to reflect the results of the financial activities of institutions and bodies that organize the execution of budgets for cash transactions of the budget, for current activities and reserve funds.

    The following accounts are used to record financial results:

    040100000 “Financial result of the institution”;

    040200000 “Result of budget cash transactions.”

    To reflect the results of the institution’s financial activities using the accrual method, on account 040100000 “Financial result of the institution,” the amounts of accrued expenses of the institution are compared with the amounts of accrued income of the institution.

    Revaluation of the value of assets in precious metals is recorded in the following accounting entries: the amount of positive revaluation is reflected in the debit of account 010108310 “Increase in the cost of jewelry and jewelry” and the credit of account 040101171 “Income from revaluation of assets”; the amount of negative revaluation - on the debit of account 040101171 and the credit of account 010102410 “Decrease in the value of jewelry and jewelry.”

    The amounts of positive revaluation of financial investments are reflected in the debit of accounts 020401550, 020402530, 020403520 and the credit of account 040101171, and the amount of negative revaluation is reflected in the debit of account 040101171 and the credit of accounts 020401650, 020402630, 020403620 .

    When revaluing a foreign currency account, the amounts of positive exchange rate differences are reflected in the debit of account 020107510 “Receipts of funds of the institution to accounts in foreign currency” and the credit of account 040101171, and the amounts of negative exchange rate differences are reflected in the debit of account 040101171 and the credit of account 020107610 “Outflows of funds of the institution in foreign currency."

    A positive revaluation of debt on loans provided from the budget, state and municipal guarantees is reflected in the credit of account 040101171 and the debit of the corresponding analytical accounts of account 020700000 “Settlements with debtors for budget loans” (020701540 - 020705540), and negative - in the debit of account 040101171 and the credit of the corresponding analytical accounts account 020700000 (020701640 - 020705640). Surpluses of fixed assets, non-produced and intangible assets, material inventories identified during inventory are accounted for at market value on the debit of accounts 010110310, 010201320, 010301330 - 010303330, 010501340 - 010507340 and credit of account 0401011 80 “Other income”.

    The conclusion of the accounts of the current financial year is reflected in the debit of the corresponding accounts of the analytical account 040101100 “Institutional income” and the credit of account 040103000 “Financial result of past reporting periods”.

    The credit balance of the account reflects the positive result of the institution's activities, and the debit balance reflects the negative result.

    To record the financial results of an institution, the following accounts are used:

    040101000 “Financial result of current activities”;

    040102000 “Financial result for the reserve fund”;

    040103000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods”;

    040104000 “Deferred income”.

    The financial result of the institution's current activities is determined by comparing the amounts of accrued income and expenses.

    Transactions with income are recorded using the following accounting entries.

    Recognition of income is reflected in the credit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101100 “Institutional Income” and the debit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of accounts 010000000 “Non-financial assets”, 020000000 “Financial assets”, 030000000 “Liabilities”.

    The accrual of taxes and other payments payable to the budget at the expense of the corresponding income is reflected in the debit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101100 “Institutional income” (040101120, 040101130, 040101170, 040101180) and the credit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 030300000 “Calculations for payments to budgets" (030303730 - 030305730).

    When calculating the amounts of income returns to payers, the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101100 “Institutional Income” (040101110, 040101120, 040101140, 040101151, 040101153, 040101160, 040101180) are credited 020500000 “Settlements with debtors for income” (020501660, 020502660 , 020504660, 020508660, 020510660).

    Reflection by administrators of the amounts of regulatory income transferred to other budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation by the body providing cash services for the execution of budgets is reflected in the debit of accounts 040101110 “Tax revenues”, 040101172 “Income from the sale of assets” and the credit of accounts 021002110 “Settlements with bodies organizing the execution of budgets” on tax revenues received by the budget", 021002430 "Settlements with bodies organizing the execution of budgets on budget revenues from the sale of non-produced assets."

    Operations involving the sale of property, its revaluation, and the capitalization of identified surpluses can have a significant impact on the financial result of an institution.

    When selling fixed assets, non-produced and intangible assets, excess materials, financial investments, the value of assets at sales prices is reflected in the credit of account 040101172 “Income from the sale of assets” and the debit of account 020509560 “Increase in accounts receivable from income from the sale of assets.” The book value of sold assets is written off to the debit of account 040101172 from the credit of the corresponding analytical accounts of sold fixed assets, non-produced and intangible assets (accounts 010101410 - 010109410, 010201420, 010301430 - 010303430), materials (accounts 010501440 - 0105 06440), financial investments (accounts 020402630, 020403620 ). Expenses on the sale of assets are reflected in the debit of account 040101172 “Income from the sale of assets” and the credit of account 040101200 “Institutional expenses”. For sold fixed assets and intangible assets, the amount of depreciation accrued on them is written off to the debit of the accounts for accounting for depreciation (010401410 - 010407410, 010408420) from the credit of the accounts for accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets (010101410 - 010109410, 010201420).

    When selling finished products, performing work and providing services to third-party organizations within the framework of entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities, the cost of finished products, goods, works and services is debited to account 020503560 “Increase in accounts receivable for income from market sales of finished products, works, services "and credit account 040101130 "Income from market sales of finished products, works, services."

    The amount of VAT on goods, works, services is reflected in the debit of account 040101130 and the credit of account 030304730 “Increase in accounts payable for value added tax.”

    The actual cost of goods, works, services sold is written off from the credit of account 010604440 “Reduction in the cost of manufacturing materials, finished products (works, services)” to the debit of account 040101130.

    The accrual of income tax is reflected in the debit of account 040101130 and the credit of account 030303730 “Increase in accounts payable for income tax.”

    Transactions on revaluation of assets and liabilities are documented in the following accounting entries. The amount of positive revaluation of fixed assets, non-produced and intangible assets is reflected in the credit of account 040103000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods” and in the debit of accounts 010101310 - 010109310, 010301330 - 010303330, 010201320. The increase in the amount of depreciation for objects is recorded in the debit of the account 040103000 and account credit 010401410 - 010407410, 010408420.

    The amounts of negative revaluation of these objects are reflected in the debit of account 040103000 and the credit of accounts 010101410 - 010109410, 010201420, 010301430 - 010303430, and the decrease in the amount of accrued depreciation - in the debit of accounts 010401410 - 010407410 , 010408420 and account credit 040103100.

    Transactions with expenses of budgetary institutions for their main activities are reflected in account 040101200. It should be borne in mind that the structure of analytical accounts opened for this account corresponds to the system of codes for the economic classification of expenses used in the Budget Classification of the Russian Federation and the Instructions for the Application of the Budget Classification of the Russian Federation .

    Expenses of budgetary institutions can be divided into three groups:

    Related to the use of non-financial assets;

    Related to the use of financial assets;

    Related to the occurrence of obligations.

    The first group of expenses includes the cost of material reserves used in budgetary activities (debit account 040101272 “Consumption of material reserves” and credit analytical accounts 010500000 “Material reserves”), the cost of written-off fixed assets up to 1000 rubles. (debit account 040101271 “Expenses for depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets” and credit accounts opened to account 010100000 “Fixed assets”), the amount of accrued depreciation on objects of fixed assets and intangible assets (debit account 040101271 and credit accounts opened to account 010400000 "Depreciation").

    For the second group of expenses, accounts opened for account 040101200 are debited and financial asset accounts are credited. These operations occupy an insignificant share in the total volume of expenses of the institution and are mostly recorded through accounts receivable accounts.

    For the third group of expenses, the corresponding analytical accounts 040101200 are debited and the liabilities account is credited (for wages accrued under the unified social tax, for services rendered by third-party organizations, etc.).

    The amounts of accrued wages to employees of the main activity are reflected in the debit of account 040101211 and the credit of account 030201730 “Increase in payables for wages”.

    Other payments accrued to employees (daily allowances for business trips, various compensations not directly related to the performance of work duties, allowances for moving to a new place of work, etc.) are taken into account as the debit of account 040101212 “Expenses for other payments”, the amount of accrued unified social tax and contributions for insurance rates for compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases - on account 040101213 “Expenses for accruals for wages”.

    Amounts accrued to third-party organizations for communication services, transport services, utility and rental payments are recorded as the debit of accounts opened under account 040101220 “Expenses for the purchase of services.” Other services of third-party organizations are reflected in the debit of account 040101226 “Expenses for other services.”

    It should be borne in mind that when renting buildings and premises, expenses for rent, utility bills, and communication services are recorded in separate accounting entries (accounts 040101224, 040101223, 040101221 are debited accordingly and accounts 030207730, 030206730, 030204730 are credited).

    Payment of taxes and fees to budgets of all levels included in expenses, various types of payments, fees, state duties, licenses, fines, penalties and other economic sanctions are reflected in the debit of account 040101290 “Other expenses” not included in expenses.

    When calculating taxes and payments payable to the budget, the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101100 “Institutional Income” are debited and the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 030300000 “Calculations for payments to budgets” (030303730 - 030305730) are credited.

    The write-off of the book value of sold assets is reflected in the debit of account 040101172 “Income from the sale of assets” and the credit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts, account 010000000 “Non-financial assets”, the corresponding analytical accounting accounts, account 020000000 “Financial assets”.

    When writing off expenses associated with the sale of assets, account 040101172 “Income from the sale of assets” is debited and the corresponding analytical accounts of account 040101200 “Institutional expenses” are credited.

    The amounts of negative revaluation of assets and liabilities are reflected in the debit and credit of the corresponding analytical accounts of accounts 010000000 “Non-financial assets”, 020000000 “Financial assets”, 030000000 “Liabilities”.

    The placement of liabilities in the amount of excess of the nominal value over the placement price of debt obligations is reflected in the debit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101230 “Expenses for servicing debt obligations” and the credit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 030100000 “Settlements with creditors for debt obligations” (030101710, 030102720).

    When placing obligations in the amount of excess of the placement price of debt obligations over their nominal value, the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 030100000 “Settlements with creditors on debt obligations” (030101810, 030102820) are debited and the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101230 “Expenses for servicing debt obligations” are credited ( 040101231, 040101232).

    Accrual of amounts under state and municipal guarantees for which there are no equivalent claims on the part of the guarantor to the debtor is reflected in the credit of accounts 030101710 “Increase in debt on internal debt obligations”, 030102720 “Increase in debt on external debt obligations” and in the debit of account 040101273 “Extraordinary expenses” on operations with assets."

    Write-off of expenses incurred for work performed, services rendered, finished products manufactured, transferred in accordance with concluded contracts to the customer, is reflected in the debit of account 040101130 “Income from market sales of finished products, works, services” and the credit of accounts 010507440 “Decrease in the cost of finished products”, 010604440 “Reducing the cost of manufacturing materials, finished products (work, services).”

    The conclusion of the accounts of the current financial year is formalized by an accounting entry on the debit of account 040103000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods” and the credit of the corresponding accounts of the analytical account 040101200 “Institutional expenses”.

    Operations on account 040102000 “Financial result for the reserve fund” are carried out by institutions with funds from reserve funds in a manner similar to account 040101000.

    Account 040103000 “Financial result of past reporting periods” is intended to account for the financial result of the institution of past reporting periods.

    Transactions when concluding accounts of the current financial year of institutions are reflected:

    By the debit of account 040103000 “Financial result of past reporting periods” in correspondence with the credit of account 021002000 “Settlements for budget revenues with bodies organizing the execution of budgets”, the corresponding analytical accounts of account 030404000 “Internal settlements between the main managers (managers) and recipients of funds” , corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 040101200 “Institutional expenses”;

    On the credit of account 040103000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods” in correspondence with the debit of account 030405000 “Settlements for payments from the budget with bodies organizing the execution of budgets”, the corresponding analytical accounts of account 030404000 “Internal settlements between the main managers (managers) and recipients of funds” , the corresponding analytical accounts of account 040101100 “Institutional income”.

    The amounts of revaluation (depreciation) of the cost of fixed assets and accrued depreciation received as a result of revaluation are reflected in the credit (debit) of account 040103000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods” and the debit (credit) of the corresponding analytical accounts of account 010100000 “Fixed assets” and the corresponding accounts of analytical account 010400000 “Depreciation”.

    Account 040104100 “Deferred income” is intended to offset amounts accrued to customers for individual stages of work completed and delivered to them and not related to income of the current reporting period.

    The accrual of income from livestock products (offspring, weight gain, increase in animals) and agriculture is reflected in the debit of account 010506340 “Increase in the cost of other inventories” and the credit of account 040104130 “Deferred income from market sales of finished products, works, services.”

    The inclusion in the income of the current reporting period of the contractual cost of individual stages of finished products, works, services completed and delivered to the customer, including at the end of the financial year for livestock and agricultural products, is reflected in the debit of account 040104130 “Future income from market sales of finished products, works , services" and credit account 040101130 "Income from market sales of finished products, works, services."

    2. Accounting for financial results based on cash execution of the budget

    Account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” is used by the body organizing budget execution to generate the result of cash execution of the budget of the reporting financial year.

    The final result of the year for cash execution of the budget is determined by comparing the debit and credit turnover on this account. It should be equal to the balance in the single budget account.

    Documents on receipts to the budget and disposals from the budget are reflected daily in the consolidated register of receipts and disposals of budget funds.

    The consolidated register of receipts and disposals of budget funds is formed for the operating day on the basis of statements from the accounts of receipts distributed between budgets of different levels, a single budget account and payment documents received by the bodies providing cash services for the execution of budgets from institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and credit organizations.

    Each transaction reflected in the statement of institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and a credit organization is recorded in the register. The indicator “Balance at the end of the day” of the previous operating day must correspond to the indicator “Balance at the beginning of the day” of the next operating day; the indicators “Balance at the beginning of the day” and “Balance at the end of the day” must correspond to the incoming and outgoing balances of the statement.

    The receipt of funds into the budget is reflected in the credit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” and the debit of accounts 020201510 “Receipts of funds to a single budget account” (in the bodies organizing the execution of budgets) and 020301510 “Receipts of funds distributed between budgets different levels" (in bodies providing cash services for budget execution).

    The write-off of budget revenues at the end of the financial year is formalized by an accounting entry to the debit of the corresponding analytical accounts of account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” (040201100, 040201400, 040201600, 040201700) and the credit of account 040203000 “Result of past reporting periods for cash budget execution."

    When returning erroneously credited and excessively transferred budget revenues, the corresponding analytical accounting accounts are debited to account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” and account 020201610 “Retirement of funds from a single budget account” is credited.

    Transactions for the transfer of funds according to payment documents of recipients for the subsequent issuance of cash are reflected in the debit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts, account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” and credit of account 020201610 “Disposal of funds from a single budget account.”

    Payments from the budget are accounted for by the debit of the corresponding analytical accounts of account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” and the credit of accounts 020201610 “Retirement of funds from a single budget account” (in the bodies organizing the execution of budgets) and 020301610 “Retirement of funds distributed between budgets of different levels "(in bodies providing cash services for budget execution).

    When funds are returned by recipients of budget funds, funds are received to restore cash expenditures, the corresponding analytical accounting accounts are credited, account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” and account 020201510 “Receipts of funds to a single budget account” is debited.

    The operation of writing off the amounts of withdrawals from the budget at the end of the financial year is reflected in the debit of account 040203000 “Result of past reporting periods for cash execution of the budget” and the credit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” (040201200, 040201300, 040201500, 04020 1800) .

    Operations on account 040202000 “Result on reserve funds” are carried out by the bodies organizing budget execution with funds from reserve funds in a manner similar to account 040201000 “Result on cash execution of the budget”.

    Account 040293000 “Result of past reporting periods for cash execution of the budget” is intended to account for the result of past reporting periods for cash execution of the budget by the body organizing budget execution.

    Transactions on the conclusion of accounts of the current financial year are reflected:

    By debit of account 040203000 “Result of previous reporting periods for cash execution of the budget”

    And to the credit of accounts 021100660 “Reduction of accounts receivable for internal settlements for budget revenues”, 021200660 “Reduction of accounts receivable for internal settlements for withdrawals from the budget”, corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” (040201200, 040201300, 0402015 00 , 040201800), the corresponding analytical accounting accounts, account 030700000 “Calculations for operations of the single budget account in the bodies providing cash services for the execution of budgets”;

    On the credit of account 040203000 “Result of past reporting periods for cash execution of the budget” and the debit of accounts 030800830 “Reduction of accounts payable for internal settlements for budget revenues”, 030900830 “Reduction of accounts payable for internal settlements for disposals from the budget”, the corresponding accounts of analytical accounting of the account 030700000 “Calculations for operations of the single budget account in the bodies providing cash services for the execution of budgets”, the corresponding analytical accounts of account 040201000 “Result of cash execution of the budget” (040201100, 040201400, 040201600, 040201700).

    List of used literature

    1. Accounting in non-profit and budgetary organizations. // No. 2 (218). – 2009.

    2. Accounting and tax accounting in budgetary institutions / V.M. Rodionova [and others]; under. ed. V.M. Rodionova. M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2004.

    3. Zakharyin V. Economy and life. Accounting applications. 2006. No. 18, 19, 21, 24.

    4. Kondrakov N.P., Kondrakov I.N. Accounting in budgetary organizations. - 6th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Prospekt, 2009. - 384 p.

    5. Sereda K.N. Accounting and taxation in budgetary organizations. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2002. (Reference book).

    6. Tokarev N.N. Accounting in budgetary institutions. 3rd ed., revised. and additional M.: ND FBK-PRESS, 2003.

    7. Chernyuk A.A. Accounting in budgetary organizations. – Minsk: Higher School, 2008. – 505 p.

    - 339.50 Kb

    Budgetary institution: Debit account 2 401 10 100 “Income of an economic entity from income-generating activities” (according to relevant articles (sub-articles)120 , 130 , 172 , 173 And 180 KOSGU); Credit to account 2 303 03 730 "Increase in accounts payable for corporate income tax"

    At the end of the financial year, the amounts of income and expenses accrued on the accrual basis, reflected in the corresponding accounts of the financial result of the current financial year (accounts 401 10 100, 401 20 200), are credited to the financial result of previous reporting periods (account 401 30 000) (item 297 Instructions No. 157n).

    The procedure for reflecting transactions for the conclusion of accounts of the current financial year has been establisheditem 122 Instructions N 162н,item 155 Instructions No. 174n anditem 183 Instructions No. 183n.

    Closing expenses of the current financial year is reflected by the accounting entry: Debit of account 0 401 30 000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods”; Account credit 0 401 20 200 "Expenses of a business entity."

    In turn, transactions for concluding income of the current financial year are formalized as follows:

    1. Regarding the debit balance: Debit account 0 401 30 000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods”; Account credit 0 401 10 100 "Income of a business entity."

    2. Regarding the credit balance: Debit account 0 401 10 100 “Income of a business entity”; Account credit 0 401 30 000 "Financial result of previous reporting periods."

    2. Accounting for financial results in budgetary institutions

    2.1. Characteristics of the Central City Hospital

    MUZ "Central City Hospital" is a non-profit organization financed in whole or in part from the budget of the city of Cheboksary on an estimate basis. It carries out its activities on the basis of the Charter with amendments and additions, has an independent balance sheet, current and other bank accounts, forms, and a seal with the coat of arms of the Chuvash Republic.

    The purpose of creating the Institution is to protect health and provide emergency and specialized medical care to the population of the city of Cheboksary attached to this institution, as well as provide trauma care.

    To achieve these goals, the Institution carries out the following types of activities: pre-hospital care, outpatient care, other work and services.

    MUZ "Central City Hospital" dates back to 1960, when Cheboksary builders opened their clinic on the 1st floor of a hostel on Engels street, 24. After 4 years, a hospital with 200 beds was opened in the same building. Subsequently, new buildings of the clinic were built, and another building was added to it at Lenin Ave., 47. The capacity of the hospital's medical unit of the builders reached 480 beds.

    In 2000, the hospital became known as the MUZ “Hospital of Builders”, and from 2001 to 2004 it was called the MUZ “City Hospital No. 3” in Cheboksary. In 2005, the Central City Hospital. Today the hospital is a complex of several buildings in the city center. There is a polyclinic here for 1,200 visits per shift, which includes therapist departments (local, workshop), GP department, dental and orthopedic dentistry department, surgical department, antenatal clinic, specialized specialists, four diagnostic departments and rehabilitation treatment departments. Admission is carried out in 24 specialties.

    The structure of an organization is a logical relationship between management levels and functional areas, aimed at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions of the company, distributing rights and responsibilities between them, built in a form that allows the organization’s goals to be most effectively achieved. It implements various requirements for improving the management system, which are expressed in certain management principles.

    The organizational structure of the Central City Hospital is shown in Figure 1.

    Rice. 1. Organizational structure of the Central City Hospital

    The structure of an organization is closely related to its specific division of labor and the requirements for building a control system in the organization. Any organization has a labor organization, but not just a random distribution of work among all personnel of the organization, but a specialized division of labor. It means assigning a specific job to the person who can best perform it in the organization, that is, to a specialist.

    2.2 Analysis of the financial condition of the activities of the Central City Hospital for 2009-2010.

    Analysis of the financial condition of the organization includes an analysis of the balance sheet and financial performance report of the Central City Hospital over the past periods to identify trends in its activities and determine the main financial indicators.

    Summarized, the most important indicators of the financial results of the enterprise are presented in Form No. 2 “Report on financial results and their use.”

    Financial performance indicators characterize the absolute efficiency of the enterprise's management. The most important among them are profit indicators, which, in the conditions of transition to a market economy, form the basis of the economic development of the enterprise. Profit growth creates a financial basis for self-financing, expanded production, and solving problems of social and material needs of the workforce. At the expense of profits, part of the enterprise’s obligations to the budget, banks and other enterprises and organizations is also fulfilled. Thus, profit indicators become the most important for assessing the production and financial activities of an enterprise. They characterize the degree of his business activity and financial well-being.

    Suppliers of funds to the Central City Hospital are the budget of the city of Cheboksary, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Chechen Republic, and the Chuvashia-Med Insurance Company. They provide cash funding on a monthly basis. Also, the Central City Hospital is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. The entrepreneurial activity of budgetary organizations is a source of their additional financing. Therefore, almost every budgetary institution (with rare exceptions) organizes activities that, in accordance with the rules of the new Budget Accounting Instructions, are called “income-generating activities.” And if there is income, then there is also a profit tax. Entrepreneurial activity cannot be the main activity of a budgetary institution. However, recently, due to the chronic underfunding of recipients of budget allocations, heads of institutions are increasingly forced to look for unconventional ways to obtain funds. Naturally, most of these methods are associated with various types of business activities. In principle, funds received from such activities should not be used for purposes that are supported by budgetary allocations. However, during the period of delay in financing, the amount of proceeds from the sale of products (works or services) produced (performed or provided) by a budgetary institution are most often used to cover expenses according to the corresponding budget estimates. In addition, receiving funds from entrepreneurial activities allows a budgetary institution to solve social issues to improve the working and rest conditions of institutional staff, as well as production problems associated with the modernization of production facilities, timely renewal of worn-out fixed assets.

    In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity is “independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law.”

    For budgetary institutions, the possibility of conducting business activities should be provided for by regulations governing the activities of institutions in relevant areas, and by constituent documents.

    Analysis of financial condition includes analysis of the balance sheet and financial performance report of the Central City Hospital for past periods to identify trends in its activities and determine key financial indicators.

    During the functioning of the organization, the value of assets and their structure undergo constant changes. The most general idea of ​​qualitative changes in the structure of funds and their sources, as well as the dynamics of these changes, can be obtained using vertical and horizontal analyzes of the organization’s financial statements.

    The purpose of horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements is to visualize the changes that have occurred in the main items of the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. Vertical analysis allows you to draw a conclusion about the structure of the balance sheet and profit and loss account in the current state, as well as analyze the dynamics of this structure. The technology of vertical analysis is that the total amount of the organization's assets (when analyzing the balance sheet) and revenue (when analyzing the income statement) are taken as 100% and each item of the financial statement is presented as a percentage of the accepted base value.

    Horizontal analysis consists of comparing the financial data of an organization for two past periods in relative and absolute form. The form of vertical and horizontal balance analysis is shown in Table 3.

    Table 3

    Form of vertical and horizontal analysis of the balance sheet of the Central City Hospital for 2010 for business activities (amount - thousand rubles)

    Indicators At the beginning of the year At the end of the year Change (+;-)
    thousand rubles In % of total thousand rubles In % of total thousand rubles In % of value
    1.Fixed assets 2154 66,15 1800 44.96 -354 -21.19
    2Material reserves 519 15.93 383 9.56 -136 -6.37
    3Cash 310 9.52 1354 33.82 1044 24.3
    4.Settlements with debtors based on income 247 7.58 450 11.24 203 3.66
    5Calculations for advances issued 23 0.7 15 0.37 -8 -0.33
    Balance 3256 100 4003 747
    Settlements with suppliers and contractors 1348 41.4 858 21.43 -490 -19.97
    Calculations for payments to budgets 294 9.02 265 6.62 -29 -2.4
    Other settlements with creditors 19 0.58 14 0.34 -5 -0.24
    Financial result of the institution 1593 48.92 2865 71.57 1272 22.65
    Balance 3256 4003 747

    Job description

    “Budgetary institution is an organization created by government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies to carry out managerial, socio-cultural, scientific, technical or other functions of a non-profit nature, the activities of which are financed from the relevant budget or the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund based on estimates of income and expenses.”


    1.1 Legislative and regulatory regulation of the activities of healthcare institutions 5
    1.2 The procedure for forming a financially effective budgetary institution 7
    2.1 Characteristics of the Central City Hospital 18
    2.2 Analysis of the financial condition of the activities of the Central City Hospital for 2009-2010. 20
    2.3 Analysis of the financial results of the activities of the Central City Hospital for 2009-2010. 24

    1. Accounting for income, expenses and financial results for the current activities of a budget institution. Conclusion of accounts of the current financial year for the current activities of a budget organization

    2. Accounting for financial results based on cash execution of the budget

    List of used literature

    1. Accounting for income, expenses and financial results for current activities b

    budget institution. Conclusion of accounts of the current financial year for the current activities of a budget organization

    Accounting for the financial result of the institution is carried out on account 040000000 “Financial result”.

    This account is intended to reflect the results of the financial activities of institutions and bodies that organize the execution of budgets for cash transactions of the budget, for current activities and reserve funds.

    The following accounts are used to record financial results:

    040100000 “Financial result of the institution”;

    040200000 “Result of budget cash transactions.”

    To reflect the results of the institution’s financial activities using the accrual method, on account 040100000 “Financial result of the institution,” the amounts of accrued expenses of the institution are compared with the amounts of accrued income of the institution.

    Revaluation of the value of assets in precious metals is recorded in the following accounting entries: the amount of positive revaluation is reflected in the debit of account 010108310 “Increase in the cost of jewelry and jewelry” and the credit of account 040101171 “Income from revaluation of assets”; the amount of negative revaluation - on the debit of account 040101171 and the credit of account 010102410 “Decrease in the value of jewelry and jewelry.”

    The amounts of positive revaluation of financial investments are reflected in the debit of accounts 020401550, 020402530, 020403520 and the credit of account 040101171, and the amount of negative revaluation is reflected in the debit of account 040101171 and the credit of accounts 020401650, 020402630, 020403620 .

    When revaluing a foreign currency account, the amounts of positive exchange rate differences are reflected in the debit of account 020107510 “Receipts of funds of the institution to accounts in foreign currency” and the credit of account 040101171, and the amounts of negative exchange rate differences are reflected in the debit of account 040101171 and the credit of account 020107610 “Outflows of funds of the institution in foreign currency."

    A positive revaluation of debt on loans provided from the budget, state and municipal guarantees is reflected in the credit of account 040101171 and the debit of the corresponding analytical accounts of account 020700000 “Settlements with debtors for budget loans” (020701540 - 020705540), and negative - in the debit of account 040101171 and the credit of the corresponding analytical accounts account 020700000 (020701640 - 020705640). Surpluses of fixed assets, non-produced and intangible assets, material inventories identified during inventory are accounted for at market value in the debit of accounts 010110310 - 010119310, 010201320, 010301330 - 010303330, 010501340 - 010507340 and credit of account 0401 01180 “Other income”.

    The conclusion of the accounts of the current financial year is reflected in the debit of the corresponding accounts of the analytical account 040101100 “Institutional income” and the credit of account 040103000 “Financial result of past reporting periods”.

    The credit balance of the account reflects the positive result of the institution's activities, and the debit balance reflects the negative result.

    To record the financial results of an institution, the following accounts are used:

    040101000 “Financial result of current activities”;

    040102000 “Financial result for the reserve fund”;

    040103000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods”;

    040104000 “Deferred income”.

    The financial result of the institution's current activities is determined by comparing the amounts of accrued income and expenses.

    Transactions with income are recorded using the following accounting entries.

    Recognition of income is reflected in the credit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101100 “Institutional Income” and the debit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of accounts 010000000 “Non-financial assets”, 020000000 “Financial assets”, 030000000 “Liabilities”.

    The accrual of taxes and other payments payable to the budget at the expense of the corresponding income is reflected in the debit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101100 “Institutional income” (040101120, 040101130, 040101170, 040101180) and the credit of the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 030300000 “Calculations for payments to budgets" (030303730 - 030305730).

    When calculating the amounts of income returns to payers, the corresponding analytical accounting accounts of account 040101100 “Institutional Income” (040101110, 040101120, 040101140, 040101151, 040101153, 040101160, 040101180) are credited 020500000 “Settlements with debtors for income” (020501660, 020502660 , 020504660, 020508660, 020510660).

    Reflection by administrators of the amounts of regulatory income transferred to other budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation by the body providing cash services for the execution of budgets is reflected in the debit of accounts 040101110 “Tax revenues”, 040101172 “Income from the sale of assets” and the credit of accounts 021002110 “Settlements with bodies organizing the execution of budgets” on tax revenues received by the budget", 021002430 "Settlements with bodies organizing the execution of budgets on budget revenues from the sale of non-produced assets."

    Operations involving the sale of property, its revaluation, and the capitalization of identified surpluses can have a significant impact on the financial result of an institution.

    When selling fixed assets, non-produced and intangible assets, excess materials, financial investments, the value of assets at sales prices is reflected in the credit of account 040101172 “Income from the sale of assets” and the debit of account 020509560 “Increase in accounts receivable from income from the sale of assets.” The book value of sold assets is written off to the debit of account 040101172 from the credit of the corresponding analytical accounts of sold fixed assets, non-produced and intangible assets (accounts 010101410 - 010109410, 010201420, 010301430 - 010303430), materials (accounts 010501440 - 0105 06440), financial investments (accounts 020402630, 020403620 ). Expenses on the sale of assets are reflected in the debit of account 040101172 “Income from the sale of assets” and the credit of account 040101200 “Institutional expenses”. For sold fixed assets and intangible assets, the amount of depreciation accrued on them is written off to the debit of the accounts for accounting for depreciation (010401410 - 010407410, 010408420) from the credit of the accounts for accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets (010101410 - 010109410, 010201420).