Centers where fear decompensation is treated. Treatment of fears and anxiety. The work of professionals is a guarantee of quick relief from the disease

Important! Be sure to check out this material! If after reading you still have any questions, we strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist by phone:

The location of our clinic in the park has a beneficial effect on the state of mind and promotes recovery:

Feelings of anxiety, associated depression, panic attacks and phobias are becoming a kind of calling card of our time. These are pressing problems that require solutions. Independent attempts to get out of the situation most often end with people only becoming more confused and sometimes approaching the crisis point. If appropriate signs are present, professional treatment for phobias and depression is necessary. A phobia treatment clinic in Moscow will allow you to carry out this process in the most rational way. Specialists will comprehensively consider all the features, make the correct diagnosis and select an adequate treatment regimen.

A phobia is a fear of certain things, phenomena, events or places that manifests itself too strongly, causes various unpleasant consequences and is obsessive. A common reaction to stimuli in people with phobias is the desire to avoid them. There are schools of psychology that interpret the answer to the question of what a phobia is more broadly. Thus, in many modern areas of psychoanalysis, phobia is understood as obsessive anxiety neurosis. In this context, the condition is considered beyond the presence of any specific source of obvious or imaginary danger.

In the official list of nosological units of ICD-10, phobias are allocated a subsection of the block of headings of neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders. However, in order for any medical approaches to make sense, there must be a significant decrease in the quality of life, due to the fact that the feeling of fear, anxiety or panic would become uncontrollable for a person, and the very nature of fear would make its presence incompatible with normal life activities. For example, fear of spiders can be very strong, but if it occurs only upon unexpected visual or tactile contact with real representatives of this order of arthropods, it is not an absolute indication for the initiation of medical intervention. Some work with a psychologist may be required, but you can do without it.

However, there are also types of phobias that can make a person completely helpless or greatly affect the quality of his life. In this case, medical correction of the condition is highly desirable or necessary.

What are phobias and how to get rid of them?

From a medical point of view, all phobias are divided into two types of quite serious mental disorders, specific and other phobias. It is customary to classify agoraphobia and social phobias into separate nosological units.

Agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces, which may or may not be accompanied by a panic disorder, which most often expresses itself in the form of paroxysmal anxiety, which is commonly called panic attacks. Currently, agoraphobia includes all types of irrational fears and subsequent possible somatic symptoms that occur outside the home environment. For example, a diagnosis can be made when people experience any significant signs of discomfort associated with being on the street, in a park, in an unfamiliar area, or in crowded places.

Social phobias are any manifestation of anxiety that is associated with the need to come into contact with other people. In some cases, patients experience anxiety when interacting with certain types of people, representatives of a certain type of activity, nationality, gender, age or some other group. However, more common are social phobias, which are associated with the need to perform some types of socially significant actions by the patients themselves.

Specific phobias are everything that is associated with a specific irritant. However, the simplistic approach that assumes that someone was once bitten by a dog, and as a result of which he developed cynophobia, should be considered incorrect. More adequate are interpretations that provide for a conditional, symbolic role played by one or another image in the minds of patients.

When answering the question of what phobias are and how to get rid of them, it is necessary to adhere to some belief system, rely on clinical experience and the most effective treatment methods.

Symptoms of phobias are:

  • generalization of pathological fears, in which psychological or vegetative manifestations are primary in relation to all other symptoms;
  • the emergence of avoidant behavior due to this;

These are the only symptoms that are relevant to all types of phobic disorders. All others are associated with some characteristic syndrome and have their own characteristics. Symptoms of phobias are all those signs that indicate that fear limits a person and prevents him from living a normal life.

Currently, it is customary to use the term “disorder” to refer to any type of violation of natural mental functions. It is more vague than the term “disease,” but this is precisely what makes it most adequate when it comes to reflecting the condition of patients. Therefore, the concept of “treatment” should be considered as broadly as possible. We develop a treatment regimen that should best suit the patient’s condition and individual characteristics. Some of the symptoms require medication relief, but this does not mean that a course of antidepressants or other drugs is a complete treatment for phobias and fears.

Behind each phobia you can find signs of the dominant and fundamental one - thanatophobia, the fear of death. This same fear is also a reflection of the fact that a person is dissatisfied with his life, cannot find a purpose in it, does not see the significance of his actions, does not believe that he is needed and does not have an undoubted moral basis for his existence. People very rarely come to a psychotherapist with complaints about some isolated problem: everything in life is perfect, everything is fine, but they are only tormented by nightmares, permanent depression, anxiety and heartburn. When building a trusting relationship between therapist and patient, we learn about a whole complex of internal contradictions. From a diagnostic point of view, this suggests that disorders tend to be comorbid, and therefore treatment methods should be comprehensive, based on studying the patient’s personality type.

Another important aspect is the presence of secondary benefits that are hidden behind the symptoms. This is all that patients most often do not notice or stubbornly do not want to notice. We can say that this is the benefit that they receive from the presence not even of the pathological signs themselves, but of the avoidant behavior that they form.

For example, a person doesn’t like his job and doesn’t want to meet members of the work team, but he has to go there. When the contradiction between “I need” and “I don’t want” becomes very acute, he has panic attacks. There is nothing good about them, because they only happen at the initial stage when attempts are made to move to the workplace, and then they occur constantly, in situations that are not directly related to the original and main cause. A vicious circle arises, but the subconscious still achieves its goal - a person becomes more and more isolated within the walls of his apartment, and therefore does not find himself in an environment that his inner essence rejects.

This is also a solution to a problem, but created on a subconscious level, outside of logical reasoning and the search for an optimal model. This also means that the patient and psychotherapist, working in tandem, must find more acceptable ways out of the situation, based on rational thinking, but not discarding the task itself, which the person did not want to solve in the usual way.

Treatment methods for phobias

Each patient represents a specific individuality. Therefore, a clear answer to the question of which methods of treating phobias are generally suitable is impossible. The simplest treatment regimen would be based on the prescription of a single antidepressant with anti-anxiety properties. If we are talking about treatment in a hospital setting, then the range of techniques used expands significantly. Ideally, a complex of therapy should be aimed at improving the functioning of all body systems.

Physiological procedures are prescribed taking into account the immune and neurohormonal status of patients. Methods of physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, massage, various types of baths and much more are used. Much attention is paid to the organization of dietary nutrition for patients.

Psychotherapeutic correction is the main direction of medical care and is divided into pharmacopsychological relief of symptoms and non-drug therapeutic effects on humans. Methods of rational psychology, psychodrama, methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, transactional analysis and many other methods and techniques can be used.

If we divide all types of cases themselves into endogenous and exogenous, then we get two types of problems that require the use of different systemic approaches. Exogenous in psychiatry are all disorders that are formed by factors external to the psyche. For example, a woman has been sexually assaulted and now suffers from a fear of men, which prevents her from establishing normal relationships with all male representatives. The same group includes all types of mental disorders that are caused by somatic diseases that do not directly affect the nervous system. Endogenous processes come from within the psyche itself, and their etiology is most often unknown to science.

The first type of disorder is most consistent with the cognitive-behavioral model of therapy, and the second with the existential approach. However, much in the choice of specific schemes depends on the school of psychology to which the therapist himself is related, which works with a particular patient.

Treatment of phobias in children

From a fundamental point of view, it is no different from a similar process carried out for adults. However, the patients themselves are different. Separate treatment methods have been developed for children, based on age-appropriate techniques. These could be techniques of fairy tale therapy, cognitive processing, or “bringing together.” Treatment of phobias in children most often requires the participation of parents, who act as co-therapists.

When to ask for help?

In order to conduct an initial diagnosis and begin monitoring the condition with the participation of clinical psychologists, you do not need to wait for the occurrence of any serious symptoms. A subjective assessment by the person himself of his problems as requiring elimination is sufficient.

The criteria for the need to turn to specialists is the loss of the ability to live a normal life, which occurs due to the presence of fear, anxiety, depression and some other associated symptoms. All this is called a decrease in the level of quality of life. Of course, economic status is not fundamental, but it is not ignored by doctors. If a person cannot, does not find the strength, to stay on the street for a long time or travel on public transport due to panic attacks, which are currently also classified as phobic disorders, then he will not be able to earn money, and this will entail a number of consequences. other problems, which will only increase neurosis.

The Law on Psychiatric Care for the Population assumes that in the most malignant form, medical intervention is possible without the consent of the patient. This occurs on the basis of a relevant court decision. In this case, the patient must be in a helpless state or it may pose a danger to others.

There is no need to bring the situation to such a severe form when it is necessary to seek the help of specialists against the patients’ own wishes. It is much wiser to start treatment already when 2-3 times because of a phobia you had to give up some things or disrupt some personal plans.

Treatment of phobias with hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is not a common form of working with phobias and other types of neuroses. However, it can produce quite tangible results. The main feature of professional therapeutic hypnosis is an increase in the patient's level of awareness during a session, and not a decrease in it, as is sometimes assumed.

Treatment of phobias with hypnosis is a joint therapeutic process that involves the solidarity of the therapist and the patient, their joint establishment of the true causes of the phobia and the same joint search for ways out of the problematic situation. For patients who want to shift all responsibility to doctors and do nothing at all on their own, this method is unlikely to help in achieving internal harmony.

NLP treatment of phobias

There is no clear and unambiguous answer to the question of whether methods that are not recognized by the scientific academic community can be used in modern official practice. NLP can be understood as any methods of interaction between the patient and the therapist, which bypasses the level of critical understanding of various verbal attitudes.

The ground for this is created by techniques based on the use of presuppositions. These are verbal formulas that may be quite appropriate in a wide variety of psychotherapy practices. For example, the formula “I am completely healthy,” uttered by a patient who should have some signs of neurosis.

Drugs for the treatment of phobias

If we understand phobias as a specific fear of certain situations, for example, those associated with air travel or moving in an elevator, then treatment most often does not require any medications. Only psychotherapy methods are used. Phobias, which are closer to complex neuroses, anxiety or psychosomatic disorders, in some cases are almost impossible to treat without medications.

In this case, the basis of therapy is antidepressants. In combination with them, beta blockers can be used, which usually play a supporting role. It all depends on what dominates the clinical picture in a particular patient and what symptoms are encountered. In some cases, beta blockers may be the only type of medication, for example, this is possible in the treatment of social phobias.

Tranquilizers should only be used if there is a clear reason for doing so. Therapy is not based on them, since almost all drugs of this class are addictive. It makes sense to prescribe tranquilizers when it is necessary to relieve some symptoms and it is understood that in the future the patient will undergo the course of therapy he needs.

Doctors have quite effective antidepressants of various types at their disposal:

  • tricyclic;
  • irreversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • serotonin reuptake inhibitors;
  • reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

The choice of a specific type is based on the individual characteristics of the patient, economic accessibility, less severe side effects and the possibility of long-term use.

Currently, in the Russian Federation, literally all drugs that have at least some significance in the treatment of phobias are dispensed only with special prescriptions, and they are written out on special forms. Therefore, there is no longer even a need to indicate that any drugs that can have the effect on the nervous system necessary for therapy should be prescribed only by a doctor.

It must be borne in mind that drugs alone for the treatment of phobias cannot be effective in most cases. This is possible if the degree of pathological fears and avoidance behavior is not high, and the disorder itself did not initially show a tendency to progress.

Treatment of phobias reviews

Effective treatment is possible only with a combination of several favorable factors. These include:

  • a well-formed drug therapy regimen;
  • correct psychological correction of the patient;
  • his active participation in the process of changing his life and his thinking.

If someone succeeded in this to the fullest extent, this does not mean that other people will succeed as well. In the same way, negative reviews do not mean that the treatment was somehow incorrect. There are many disorders in psychiatry that cannot be completely cured. Therefore, the quality of medical care must be assessed on the basis of other factors.

Reviews can characterize any treatment for a phobia to the least extent. However, approximately the same can be said about the therapy of any psychiatric disorders.

Center for the treatment of phobias and depression

The advantage of treating anxiety disorders, depression and any other neuroses, borderline states and psychoses in a specialized center is that more than one specialist will work with the patient, he will undergo a comprehensive examination of the entire body and nervous system and will be taken out of his usual habitat. Quite often, the cause of exacerbation of neuroses in this spectrum is an increased number of stressful situations in life, which in people with the appropriate personality traits very easily develop into distress and provoke various undesirable consequences. In addition, the center for the treatment of phobias and depression allows you to take control of various aspects of behavior that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Contacting the center does not mean that a person will necessarily be hospitalized. A whole range of problems can be dealt with in outpatient treatment or in a day hospital setting, when patients spend only a few hours in a medical institution, and are free to use the rest of the time as they see fit.

The private clinic “Salvation” has been providing effective treatment for various psychiatric diseases and disorders for 19 years. Psychiatry is a complex field of medicine that requires maximum knowledge and skills from doctors. Therefore, all employees of our clinic are highly professional, qualified and experienced specialists.

When to ask for help?

Have you noticed that your relative (grandmother, grandfather, mother or father) does not remember basic things, forgets dates, names of objects, or does not even recognize people? This clearly indicates some kind of mental disorder or mental illness. Self-medication in this case is not effective and even dangerous. Tablets and medications taken independently, without a doctor’s prescription, will, at best, temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve symptoms. At worst, they will cause irreparable harm to human health and lead to irreversible consequences. Traditional treatment at home is also not able to bring the desired results; not a single folk remedy will help with mental illness. By resorting to them, you will only waste precious time, which is so important when a person has a mental disorder.

If your relative has poor memory, complete memory loss, or other signs that clearly indicate a mental disorder or serious illness, do not hesitate, contact the private psychiatric clinic “Salvation.”

Why choose us?

The Salvation clinic successfully treats fears, phobias, stress, memory disorders, and psychopathy. We provide assistance in oncology, care for patients after a stroke, inpatient treatment for elderly and geriatric patients, and cancer treatment. We do not refuse the patient, even if he has the last stage of the disease.

Many government agencies are unwilling to take on patients over 50-60 years of age. We help everyone who applies and willingly provide treatment after 50-60-70 years. For this we have everything you need:

  • pension;
  • nursing home;
  • bed-ridden hospice;
  • professional caregivers;
  • sanatorium.

Old age is not a reason to let the disease take its course! Complex therapy and rehabilitation gives every chance of restoring basic physical and mental functions in the vast majority of patients and significantly increases life expectancy.

Our specialists use modern diagnostic and treatment methods, the most effective and safe medications, and hypnosis. If necessary, a home visit is carried out, where doctors:

  • an initial examination is carried out;
  • the causes of mental disorder are determined;
  • a preliminary diagnosis is made;
  • an acute attack or hangover syndrome is relieved;
  • in severe cases, it is possible to forcibly place the patient in a hospital - a closed rehabilitation center.

Treatment in our clinic is inexpensive. The first consultation is free. Prices for all services are completely open, they include the cost of all procedures in advance.

Relatives of patients often ask questions: “Tell me what a mental disorder is?”, “Advice how to help a person with a serious illness?”, “How long do they live with it and how to extend the allotted time?” You will receive a detailed consultation at the private clinic “Salvation”!

We provide real help and successfully treat any mental illness!

Consult a specialist!

We will be happy to answer all your questions!

Headache and dizziness, disturbances in static movement and coordination of movements, visual disturbances, and oculomotor disorders indicate a serious brain disease. Below in the article you will find the causes of the disease; the doctors who treat him; necessary medical procedures for treatment; as well as general information about the disease, its localization, features of diagnosis of diseases and their treatment. However, we advise you to consult a doctor, because self-medication in 90% of cases is fraught with the disease passing into the chronic stage with extremely unpleasant complications

Vertebro-basilar insufficiency. General information

Vertebro-basilar insufficiency is a complex disease of the brain that arose as a result of a decrease in its blood supply.

IN MC BIOSS The best doctors in Moscow work with extensive experience in treatment Vertebro-basilar insufficiency


The diagnosis of circulatory failure in the Air Force is based on a characteristic symptom complex that combines several groups of clinical symptoms:

  • visual disturbances
  • oculomotor disorders (and symptoms of other cranial nerve dysfunction)
  • violations of statics and coordination of movements
  • vestibular (cochleovestibular) disorders
  • pharyngeal and laryngeal symptoms
  • headache
  • asthenic syndrome
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • conduction symptoms (pyramidal, sensitive)

It is this symptom complex that occurs in most patients with circulatory insufficiency in the vertebrobasilar region. In this case, a presumptive diagnosis is determined by the presence of at least two of these symptoms. They are usually short-term and often go away on their own, although they are a sign of trouble in this system and require clinical and instrumental examination. A thorough medical history is especially necessary to clarify the circumstances of the occurrence of certain symptoms.

The clinical manifestations of VBI are based on a combination of:

  • characteristic complaints of the patient
  • objectively detectable neurological symptoms indicating the involvement of structures supplied by the vertebrobasilar system.

The core of the clinical picture of vertebrobasilar insufficiency is the development of neurological symptoms, reflecting transient acute cerebral ischemia in the areas of vascularization of the peripheral branches of the vertebral and basilar arteries. At the same time, some pathological changes can be detected in patients even after the completion of an ischemic attack.

The same patient with VBI usually combines several clinical symptoms and syndromes, among which it is not always easy to identify the leading one.

Conventionally, all symptoms of VBI can be divided into:

  • paroxysmal (symptoms and syndromes that are observed during an ischemic attack)
  • permanent (observed for a long time and can be detected in the patient in the interictal period).

In the basin of the arteries of the vertebral-basilar system, the following may develop:

  • transient ischemic attacks
  • ischemic strokes of varying severity, including lacunar ones.

The unevenness of arterial damage leads to the fact that brain stem ischemia is characterized by mosaic, “spotting”.

The combination of signs and the degree of their severity are determined:

  • localization of the lesion
  • size of the lesion
  • possibilities of collateral circulation

The neurological syndromes described in the classical literature are relatively rarely encountered in their pure form in practice due to the variability of the blood supply system to the brain stem and cerebellum. It is noted that during attacks the side of predominant motor disorders (paresis, ataxia), as well as sensory disorders, may change.

1. Movement disorders in patients with VBI are characterized by a combination of:

  • central paresis
  • coordination disorders due to damage to the cerebellum and its connections

As a rule, there is a combination of dynamic ataxia in the limbs and intention tremor, gait disturbances, and unilateral decrease in muscle tone.

It should be noted that clinically it is not always possible to identify the involvement of the blood supply zones of the carotid or vertebral arteries in the pathological process, which makes the use of neuroimaging methods desirable.

2. Sensory disorders manifest themselves:

  • symptoms of prolapse with the appearance of hypo- or anesthesia in one limb, half of the body.
  • Paresthesia may occur, usually involving the skin of the limbs and face.
  • disorders of superficial and deep sensitivity (occur in a quarter of patients with VBI and, as a rule, are caused by damage to the ventrolateral thalamus in the areas of blood supply to the a. thalamogeniculata or posterior external villous artery)

3. Visual impairment can be expressed as:

  • loss of visual fields (scotomas, homonymous hemianopsia, cortical blindness, less often - visual agnosia)
  • appearance of photopsia
  • blurred vision, blurred vision of objects
  • the appearance of visual images - “flies”, “lights”, “stars”, etc.

4. Cranial nerve dysfunction

  • oculomotor disorders (diplopia, convergent or divergent strabismus, vertical separation of the eyeballs),
  • peripheral facial nerve palsy
  • bulbar syndrome (less commonly pseudobulbar syndrome)

These symptoms appear in various combinations; their isolated occurrence due to reversible ischemia in the vertebrobasilar system is much less common. The possibility of combined damage to brain structures supplied by the carotid and vertebral artery systems should be taken into account.

5. Pharyngeal and laryngeal symptoms:

  • sensation of a lump in the throat, pain, sore throat, difficulty swallowing food, spasms of the pharynx and esophagus
  • hoarseness, aphonia, feeling of a foreign body in the larynx, coughing

6. Attacks of dizziness (lasting from several minutes to hours), which may be due to the morphofunctional characteristics of the blood supply to the vestibular apparatus, its high sensitivity to ischemia.


  • as a rule, it is systemic in nature (in some cases, dizziness is non-systemic in nature and the patient experiences a feeling of sinking, motion sickness, unsteadiness of the surrounding space)
  • manifested by a sensation of rotation or linear movement of surrounding objects or one’s own body.
  • Associated autonomic disorders are characteristic: nausea, vomiting, profuse hyperhidrosis, changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

Over time, the intensity of the sensation of dizziness may weaken, while the emerging focal symptoms (nystagmus, ataxia) become more pronounced and become persistent.

However, it must be taken into account that the feeling of dizziness is one of the most common symptoms, the frequency of which increases with age.

Dizziness in patients with VBI, as well as in patients with other forms of vascular lesions of the brain, can be caused by suffering of the vestibular analyzer at various levels, and its nature is determined not so much by the features of the main pathological process (atherosclerosis, microangiopathy, arterial hypertension), but localization of the ischemic focus:

  • lesions of the peripheral vestibular apparatus
  • damage to the central part of the vestibular apparatus
  • psychiatric disorders

Sudden onset of systemic dizziness, especially in combination with acutely developed unilateral deafness and a sensation of noise in the ear, may be a characteristic manifestation of labyrinthine infarction (although isolated dizziness is rarely the only manifestation of VBI).

Treatment of diseases at the Somnology Center:

The Multifunctional Somnology Center deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the entire spectrum of sleep disorders. We have all the resources to effectively help patients even with complex, long-term or complicated sleep disorders. We provide treatment for the following diseases:

  • Chronic insomnia
  • Drug dependence on sleeping pills
  • Increased daytime sleepiness
  • Narcolepsy
  • Circadian rhythm disorders
  • Various neurotic disorders, including depressive states
  • Snoring and sleep apnea (apnea)
  • Eating disorders due to sleep problems (obesity)
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Nocturnal heart rhythm disturbances, arterial hypertension, difficult to treat, asthma attacks at night, vegetative crises, migraine
  • Restless legs and periodic limb movements syndrome during sleep
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking, waking up with confusion, sleep talking, seizures during sleep, sleep paralysis and other disorders

Types of manipulations

  • Overnight polysomnographic study, including the ability to assess erectile dysfunction
  • Cardiorespiratory monitoring
  • Multiple sleep latency test
  • Selection of CPAP therapy
  • Encephalophonia (“Music of the Brain”)
  • Psychotherapy
  • Inhalation of therapeutic doses of xenon

Diagnosis of diseases

Overnight polysomnography is the gold standard for diagnosing sleep disorders.

The method allows you to obtain the most complete information about the functioning of various body systems during sleep. In our work we use the latest diagnostic equipment from Neurosoft.

Cardiorespiratory monitoring is a method for diagnosing sleep breathing disorders (snoring and sleep apnea) at home.

The Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) is an objective method for assessing daytime sleepiness. Important for the correct diagnosis of narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness) or other diseases that are accompanied by this symptom.

Penile tumescence test by recording spontaneous erections using the Androscan MIT device. The method is indicated for patients with identified neurological and psychological disorders, when the role of these disorders in the development of erectile failure is unclear. The test is important for patients with psychogenic impotence.

Treatment methods

Encephalophonia, or Music of the Brain, is a unique non-drug method for treating insomnia, anxiety and depressive disorders, and chronic stress through daily listening to music files obtained through computer processing of the patient’s own EEG (assessment of the electrical activity of the brain). .

Inhalation of therapeutic doses of xenon is one of the modern methods of treatment and restoration of not only physical health, but also psychological state. The method is based on inhalation with a xenon-oxygen mixture. Xenon does not cause chemical and biochemical reactions, is excreted without side effects and is non-toxic, and has a deep restorative, tonic and healing effect on the body. .

CPAP therapy, or CPAP therapy (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), is a unique method of correcting sleep apnea. It consists of creating constant positive pressure in the respiratory tract using a special device. The CPAP therapy method is effective both in eliminating sleep apnea and snoring, and in treating diseases associated with them: arterial hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart rhythm disorders, lipid metabolism disorders, etc.

As a result of treatment, the risk of dangerous cardiovascular diseases, myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke is significantly reduced, and the probability of death over the next decade is reduced by more than 3 times. The center’s specialists help the patient adapt to the device, select a mask and initial comfortable pressure, and teach how to use the equipment. We do everything to ensure the most effective use of the CPAP machine at home. .

Methods of positive psychotherapy

Physiological and mental reactions are various manifestations of a person’s individual internal state. Overcoming periods of stressful, conflict and problematic situations, getting into life crises, the human body can experience prolonged states of tension, which inevitably leads to various sleep disorders.

The main task of positive psychotherapy is the transformation of the patient’s beliefs about his own illness and the search for new opportunities for internal reserve in overcoming the illness.

Methods of positive psychotherapy are aimed at helping the patient to realize that they need to live their own life (positum) in such a way that it becomes brighter, brings health, respect and acceptance of their own uniqueness.

Cognitive psychotherapy

Cognitive psychotherapy is the correction of existing psychopathological symptoms both in relation to sleep itself and in relation to disorders observed during wakefulness. Reducing the level of anxiety, as the most common symptom accompanying night sleep disturbance. Psychotherapy involves searching for the main factors that provoke the development of sleep disorders and working with them. Patients with insomnia tend to “catastrophize” their illness. They believe that the later they go to sleep, the less energy they will have and the worse the next day will be, and this increases anxiety and stress. Cognitive therapy targets dysfunctional sleep beliefs and maladaptive behavioral strategies. Its methods are behavioral experiments and dialogue, when the patient is asked consistent questions, answering which he independently formulates the correct judgments. As a result, realistic ideas about the body’s need for sleep and sources of daytime energy are formed, the patient stops “blaming” insomnia for his daytime failures - there are other objective reasons for them.

Relaxation techniques

Neuromuscular relaxation according to E. Jacobson consists of performing a set of exercises consisting of alternating maximum tension and relaxation of muscle groups. Thanks to exercises, tension is relieved from individual parts of the body, which causes a decrease in emotional stress.

The method of sensory reproduction of images consists of relaxation by imagining images, objects and complete situations associated with relaxation. At the same time, attention is focused on proper breathing and pleasant sensations in various parts of the body.

The autogenic training method is based on teaching the possibilities of self-hypnosis. During training, connections are formed between self-orders and psychophysiological processes in the body. A patient who has completed a course of training can, using certain self-hypnosis formulas, induce the desired feeling of relaxation and peace.

Ericksonian hypnosis

It is considered one of the most effective and elegant methods of modern psychotherapy. This is “soft” non-directive hypnosis. It uses our ability to enter an involuntary hypnotic trance - a state of mind in which it is most open and ready for positive changes.

Moreover, each of us plunges into a state of trance every day.

So, when we fall asleep, but are not yet sleeping, various images appear before our mind's eye, which immerse us in a world located between reality and sleep. During Ericksonian hypnosis, a person remains awake: he sees, hears, feels. But the focus of his attention is not directed to the external world, as in ordinary life, but to the internal one: to memories, fantasies, images. In this state, access to internal resources, forgotten by a person, but stored in his unconscious, opens. During Ericksonian hypnosis, nothing is suggested to the patient. The goal here is to free the knowledge, experience, sensations and thoughts that already exist in the human subconscious, and on their basis to create completely new resources and discover the sources of problems.

Comfortable conditions

The Center's doctors practice an individual approach to each patient. We offer comfortable conditions for staying at the Center, no queues, personal support during diagnosis and treatment. Attentive attitude from specialists, the use of expert equipment, and high quality medical services are guaranteed to all patients.

  • We have the opportunity to conduct research at home, which predisposes us to obtain more accurate diagnostic results
  • You can visit the center at a convenient time, including weekends and holidays
  • For your convenience, the center offers a “pillow menu” - anatomical pillows of various shapes with additional properties (memory effect, cooling effect, the ability to neutralize electromagnetic radiation), which do not cause allergies and provide free air exchange
  • There is free parking near the clinic, available during diagnosis and treatment. 09.26.2018

How to get rid of snoring once and for all

Tatyana Surnenkova, head of the Somnology Center at the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center on Krasnaya Presnya, spoke about what types of snoring exist and how to deal with them. 08/24/2018

Forget about insomnia and sleep peacefully

The head of the Somnology Center of the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center on Krasnaya Presnya, functional diagnostics doctor at the neurology department, Tatyana Surnenkova, spoke about the causes of insomnia. 08/23/2018

Not in reality, but in a dream: how to get enough sleep and overcome drowsiness

On World Sleep Day, a MIR 24 correspondent learned why gadgets negatively affect sleep and how to learn to fall asleep quickly. Tatyana Surnenkova, functional diagnostics doctor, somnologist, head of the Somnology Center at the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center on Krasnaya Presnya, spoke about this.

Phobias is a group of thinking disorders characterized by a persistent, but irrational and pathological feeling of fear. In this case, the patient may understand the groundlessness of his feelings, but cannot control them.

Symptoms of phobias when confronted with an object of anxiety include:

  • rapid and difficult breathing;
  • hyperventilation, dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • contraction of the muscles of the larynx and abdomen (spasms);
  • numbness;
  • feeling of separation from oneself;
  • increased heart rate;
  • cold sweat;
  • trembling of limbs.

Diagnostic tests

The diagnosis and treatment of phobias is carried out by a psychiatrist or a specialist in clinical psychology (a science at the intersection of psychiatry). Based on the anamnesis (data about previous diseases, living conditions and heredity), as well as information obtained during a survey of the patient, the doctor makes a conclusion about whether the fear is rational.

The cause of the phobia is being clarified - whether it is related to other mental disorders. The disease can develop independently or be a symptom, so the doctor studies all its manifestations in the patient.

Based on the information received, not only a diagnosis is made, but also a further treatment plan is determined.

Main stages of treatment

For treatment, complex therapy is used, consisting of an individual set of techniques.

Drug treatment. Traditionally, regardless of what psychotherapeutic techniques were prescribed, medications are used in parallel to dull fear. The mechanism of development of a phobia is such that once a signal about a real or imaginary danger was sent to the brain, it remained there, reminding itself every time in a similar situation. Medications help to react less severely to it. Among them: beta blockers, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics.

Psychological assistance. It consists of educating the patient about the phobia, learning how to cope with the difficulties that the disorder causes, and training the flexibility of the reaction.

Rational psychotherapy. Teaches common sense and sober assessment of emerging situations. Since a phobia is an unreasonable fear, the patient must learn to ignore unpleasant sensations if they arise without good reason.

Neurolinguistic programming. It is based on the collection of information for the subsequent destruction of the pattern (psychological “anchor”), which is a certain situation or object that triggers the mechanism for the development of fear.

Cognitive behavioral therapy. Changes the principles of thinking - the psychiatrist helps the patient replace negative thoughts with positive ones. The reasons for the development of a phobia are also analyzed if they are irrational (that is, the fear is caused by a reality that is not actually dangerous), and ways to control one’s behavior are proposed.

Treatment with hypnosis (hypnotherapy). By putting the patient into a trance, the doctor examines his consciousness, finding out the cause of the phobia and the preconditions for its development. Also, while the patient is in a hypnotic state, the behavior pattern when meeting an object of fear is corrected, anxiety and panic are eliminated.

In addition to specialized therapy, patients are recommended to work independently: changing their lifestyle and thinking, using meditation practice and increasing physical activity.

When faced with your fear, doctors advise not to panic, but to do the exact opposite: depending on the characteristics of the phobia, either ignore it or, conversely, learn to cope with it directly during the meeting.


At an early stage, phobias may not have a significant impact on the patient’s life and may be invisible to others. But without appropriate treatment, the disease reaches a stage when it begins to affect all areas of the patient’s life.

Fear, anxiety and phobias are diseases that require immediate attention to a specialist. If you initially ignore changes in the behavior of a loved one, the disease will become severe, and not only the cost, but also the duration of treatment will increase.

Our Family Clinic employs professionals who strive to help everyone who seeks help. We understand that health, especially mental health, is not a toy, and if any symptoms are detected, prompt assistance must be provided. Therefore, we do not strive to lure out as much money as possible by prescribing procedures that no one needs.

The work of professionals is a guarantee of quick relief from the disease

The principle of work of any psychiatrist working in a clinic is as transparent as possible and has no pitfalls:

  • consultation of the patient to study the cause of the mental disorder;
  • prescribing a course of treatment, involving other specialists - nutritionists, therapists or social workers, to improve the patient’s condition and promote his speedy recovery. Carrying out high-quality therapy that helps improve the patient’s well-being is one of the stages of treatment;
  • rehabilitation to consolidate the results. The right approach is important here, providing the patient with proper attention and care. It is important to communicate with loved ones who previously constantly surrounded him in everyday life.

It is worth clearly distinguishing between the symptoms that are the first urge to treat fear and anxiety:

  • changes in mood, fear of crowds, enclosed spaces and any little things that the patient would not have even paid attention to before;
  • hallucinations that drive a person into a dead end: it may seem that they are watching him or even want to kill him, mania of persecution is a common occurrence when mental state is disturbed;
  • insomnia, constant nightmares that prevent you from sleeping properly;
  • inexplicable anxiety both for oneself and for close friends, relatives or just acquaintances;
  • suicide attempts.

Timely visit to the clinic is the key to a positive result

There is nothing shameful in treating fears, phobias and panic attacks in Moscow. After all, no one is immune from a nervous breakdown, given the chaotic life in the metropolis, rapidly rushing forward. By contacting our clinic, you can be sure of the anonymity and confidentiality of the information received during the consultation and subsequent treatment. You are also guaranteed to be provided with:

  • qualified consultation;
  • ward with all amenities;
  • professional treatment;
  • sensitive attitude of doctors and orderlies;
  • guarantee of a positive treatment result.

Our prices depend on the form of the disease, the chosen method of treatment and the duration of the course. The cost is agreed upon before the start of treatment; our client will not incur any additional expenses.

Reviews of our patients, who have returned to a happy and carefree life forever, are posted on the website. Gratitude is expressed not only by them, but also by their families, relatives and friends who felt the difference in the behavior of a loved one.

Don't be afraid to admit that you need specialist surgery. There is nothing shameful in this, we will help you cope with panic fear, the treatment will take place as quickly and painlessly as possible, you will immediately feel the difference.

If a person himself is not able to understand the full depth of the problem, then the intervention of a loved one is necessary to avoid dire consequences. Contact our clinic, we are always ready to help get rid of the disease.


Consultation with a psychiatrist is free



Biochemistry (glucose, cholesterol, total bilirubin, ALT, AST, albumin, gamma GT, potassium, sodium) 2430 rub.
Virological studies (virology) 3100 rub.
Bacterial infections (smears) 2500 rub.
Basic hormone block 6400 rub.
Thyroid hormones 1500 rub.
Tests for rheumatism (C - reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, antistreptolysin, hyaluronidase) 1600 rub.
Steroid profile 5300 rub.
Neural test 4700 rub.
Visceral test 4700 rub.
Abbreviated immune status (IgG, IgM, IgE, IgA) 2400 rub.
Detailed immune status (immune status, CEC, interferon status with selection of immunocorrectors) 6800 rub.
Drug concentration in blood 4700 rub.
Concentration of metabolites in the blood 4700 rub.
Pharmacogenetic analysis 4700 rub.
Cytokine profile (IL1, IL6, IL 10, TNF) 7800 rub.
Complete electrolyte chart 9700 rub.
Complete map of amino acids 9700 rub.
Hemostasis (APTT, INR, fibrinogen) 1150 rub.
Glycated hemoglobin 550 rub.
Microelements (Zn, Cu, Al, Li, Pb) 1950r.


EEG 2450 rub.
Galvanic skin evoked potentials 2800 rub.
Auditory evoked potentials 2800 rub.
Visual evoked potentials 2800 rub.
Cognitive evoked potentials 4000 rub.
Response to significant stimuli 2800 rub.
Doppler ultrasound of the brain and neck vessels 2800 rub.
EEG monitoring (4 hours) 9500 rub.
Daily EEG monitoring 13650 rub.
Study of night sleep structure 13650 rub.

Non-drug treatment


The cost of treatment is from 5000 rubles/day

Attention! The cost of treatment ALREADY includes:

  • 24-hour medical supervision
  • daily consultations with the attending psychiatrist
  • dynamic assessment of mental state according to international standards
  • general blood test
  • general urinalysis and cultures
  • surfactant content test
  • biochemical blood test
  • serological blood tests
  • hormonal test
  • neurotest
  • comprehensive assessment of the immune system
  • neuropsychological and pathopsychological examination
  • diagnostics of personality type and structure
  • diagnostics of social and labor status
  • diagnostics of sensitivity to psychotherapy methods
  • hardware assessment of functional brain activity (EEG)
  • electrocardiography (ECG)
  • fluorography of the chest organs
  • consultations with a neurologist, endocrinologist
  • modern medicines
  • a wide range of psychotherapeutic techniques (cognitive therapy, psychoanalysis, Gestalt, art therapy, etc.)
  • group psychological trainings
  • psychoeducational sessions for patients and their relatives
  • accommodation in a comfortable room
  • four meals a day