Wen often pop out under the arms. Effective methods for treating wen under the arm. Diseases of the digestive system

Fatty tissue tumors or lipomas are often located in the armpit, on the upper arm. A small wen under the arm looks like a round or oval tubercle of yellowish or flesh color. In most cases, the tumor is detected only when it reaches the size of a pea.

The tumor consists of mature fat cells - adipocytes. Under the influence of factors not yet established by science, adipose tissue begins to grow inside a thin fibrous capsule. The neoplasm belongs to the group of benign ones; its removal is carried out to restore the aesthetic appearance of the skin.

Attention! A small, harmless tumor can grow significantly larger and put pressure on nerves and blood vessels.

A lipoma under the armpit causes discomfort to a person more often than other benign formations. It is difficult to move the arm in the shoulder area. The fatty tissue presses on the lymphatic ducts and nodes, capillaries and large vessels. As a result, microcirculation is disrupted, and then the blood supply to the affected area of ​​the body.

Science knows the provoking conditions and some details of the mechanism of proliferation of fat cells. Most of the negative factors, called by researchers, accompany people every day. But some people develop lipomas, while others do not face this problem throughout their lives.

Possible causes of fatty tumors under the armpit:

  • endocrine diseases (pathologies of the endocrine glands);
  • insufficient production of enzymes by the exocrine glands;
  • injuries to the arm, armpit, chest;
  • deficiency of macro- and microelements, vitamins;
  • disorders of protein and lipid metabolism;
  • intoxication of the body.

This is important! The appearance of wen may be associated with the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, water and air pollution.

An important role in the mechanism of lipoma formation is played by genetic factors. These may be hereditary pathologies of the endocrine system, metabolism, as well as structural features of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which are transmitted from parents to children. The influence of fetal development disorders in the womb also affects.

Knowing the symptoms of a wen allows you to distinguish this type of tumor from other tumors that are similar in appearance. Lipoma is located under the skin or inside the body. In the first case, an oval or hemispherical tubercle should be noticeable on the body. When pressed, it moves easily, without pain (by a few millimeters).

This is important! When determining the risk of malignant transformation, specialists take into account such signs as the number of lipomas, inflammation, and rapid increase in volume.

The main part of the wen in the armpit is located in the deep layers of the skin. This sign distinguishes lipoma from atheroma, which occurs when a clogged sebaceous gland grows in the epidermis and dermis.

Differential diagnosis of a wen with similar externally similar tumors under the arm:

  • boil (until severe pain and redness appears);
  • the onset of hidradenitis (inflammation of the sweat glands);
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph node);
  • cancerous tumor.

Wen has an elastic consistency. More elastic, dense tumors - fibrolipomas - in the development of which connective tissue, along with fat cells, takes part. Diagnosis of lipoma, atheroma, fibrolipoma usually does not cause difficulties for experienced dermatologists. Doctors pay attention to the distinctive features of wen to determine the type of tumor.

How to get rid of lipoma in the armpit?

The fatty tissue on the body is subject to friction by underwear and clothing. If the lipoma is located under the armpit, in the groin, then exposure to sweat and overheating are also added. Hand movements create additional friction and pressure on the tumor. Damage can cause bleeding, inflammation and malignant transformation of the lipoma.

Attention! Treatment of wen in a medical institution consists of removing them in one way or another.

Doctors conduct an external examination and, if necessary, prescribe the patient an X-ray examination, ultrasound, or computed tomography. In the armpit, not only fatty tissues that arise under the skin can be located. It happens that mediastinal lipomas grow in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle and chest, which must be removed.

Treatment methods:

  1. Traditional surgery involves making an incision under local anesthesia and removing the wen along with the fibrous capsule.
  2. Laser therapy is a hardware technique for removing tumors using cauterization.
  3. Radio wave knife - excision with a high-energy beam.
  4. Cryodestruction is the freezing of a tumor with liquid nitrogen, which is supplied through a special tube.

Each treatment method has advantages and disadvantages. The most effective methods are considered to be laser and radio wave therapy. Less scar tissue remains after the wen is removed and the wound heals. The likelihood of relapse, that is, the reappearance of a lipoma in the same place, exists with each procedure.

Wen under the armpit is treated with folk remedies, although this is less effective than the use of hardware techniques or surgical excision. Compositions prepared according to witchcraft recipes are used, containing propolis, aloe, celandine, and kalanchoe. They can help with the appearance of small lipomas, but patience is required, since folk remedies act slowly.

A lump under the arm is a small tumor that can be easily felt on your own. It has clear edges and when pressed it slides and becomes deformed. The danger lies in the fact that it is in the area of ​​the armpits that lymph nodes very often become enlarged, with which, unknowingly, a lipoma can be confused. That is why doctors strongly recommend undergoing preventive examinations on time.

Reasons for appearance

Doctors say that the nature of the appearance of wen is not fully understood. Among the reasons that can cause lipomas to appear are injuries, excessive physical activity, excessive sweating, improper care of the axillary area, and even tight clothing that constantly rubs under the arms.

Among the factors that provoke the appearance of wen under the arms are the following.

  • Consequences of injury.
  • Intoxication of the body: it can lead to a malfunction of the body’s excretory system and blockage of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin deficiency, fatty foods, sweets, fast food.
  • Failure in the hormonal system.
  • Heredity.
  • Metabolic disease, diabetes.
  • The period of menopause in a woman.

Attention! Even hygiene products and popular anti-sweating products can cause the appearance of lipomas: the chemicals that are part of the products can cause an allergic reaction in a person and lead to the appearance of tumors. If after using the product you start to experience strange itching or your armpits itch: do not tolerate it and quickly change your care products.

Similar diseases

Some diseases are very similar to armpit lipomas, but require a fundamentally different course of treatment. The greatest similarities are:

  • Inflamed lymph nodes (it is in the armpit area that the largest number of nodules are located).
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Boils.
  • The first signs of hidradenitis.

Only an experienced surgeon can determine the presence of a wen, because the symptoms of a wen under the arms are similar to other dangerous diseases. Have you discovered that there is a tumor or lump under your arm? See a doctor.

Beware of the tumor! Is it possible to distinguish a wen from a malignant neoplasm? Touch the lipoma. Is she mobile? Doesn't it hurt? Is it small (up to 6 cm) in size? Most likely you have a normal wen. But for peace of mind, it is better to consult a surgeon.

How to treat?

Traditional medicine provides only one radical way to get rid of lumps under the arms: surgery. Modern methods allow removal almost painlessly, quickly and effectively.

  • In traditional surgical removal, the operation is performed under anesthesia and the wen is carefully removed.
  • Often removed with a laser. The method has the big advantage that it does not leave scars, and the removal site heals much faster.
  • The cryodestruction method allows you to remove the wen using cold, which is used to “cauterize” the lipoma under the arms.
  • Treatment with radio waves. Quick, painless removal of wen. The wound heals in literally three days, and no scars remain at the site of the lipoma.

Attention! After any surgical intervention, the wen tissue is necessarily sent for histological examination to exclude the degeneration of the lipoma into a malignant tumor.

How to treat wen at home?

At first, you can try treating wen with folk remedies: most of them are harmless and have no contraindications. But immediately interrupt the procedures if you notice: the wen has become larger or denser!

Popular traditional medicine treatments include:

  • A crushed leaf of the golden mustache plant, which is used in the form of a paste and applied as a compress.
  • In a similar way, aloe leaf is used, which is mixed with horse chestnuts and flower honey. But you can simply apply an aloe leaf to the wen.
  • The mashed propolis is applied to the wen and left overnight.
  • A strong decoction of celandine is poured onto a cloth or cotton pad and applied to the lipoma every day for several weeks.

To date, there are no prevention methods that can completely prevent the appearance of wen in the arms. The main way: lead a healthy lifestyle, use only high-quality cosmetics for personal care and consult a doctor on time. Remember that any neoplasm, even malignant, can be successfully treated in the early stages.

A lump under the arm can be a lipoma or atheroma, sometimes the lump is an enlarged lymph node. Lipoma is a benign neoplasm that grows in a capsule in layers of loose connective tissue. If the duct of the sebaceous gland in the armpit is blocked, a cyst (atheroma) is formed. An inflamed lymph node can reach 3-5 centimeters in diameter; visually it can be confused with a lipoma. Differential diagnosis is carried out by an oncologist or surgeon after examination, palpation, and ultrasound. With multiple compactions under the arm, other diagnostic measures will be required to determine the lesions and fusion with other tissues.

What does a wen in the armpit look like and feel like?

The wen looks like a rounded lump, painless on palpation. The size of the formation can be different, most often like a small tennis ball. If the tumor grows to 7-8 centimeters or more, the boundaries become less clear, the tumor protrudes above the surface of the body. The skin over the wen should not change, that is, turn red or peel. When pressed, the wen easily moves slightly to the side under the skin. It must grow in the capsule, without merging with the subcutaneous tissue and adjacent tissues of other organs.

The lipoma under the armpit cannot be felt for a long time; it begins to be palpated when its diameter is more than two centimeters. In cases where the wen reaches a large size, it compresses neighboring tissues. The patient constantly feels discomfort, it becomes difficult to move his arm.

Why do lipomas appear?

Wen in the armpit appears due to internal problems in the body and genetic predisposition.

The main reasons for the appearance of a wen in the armpit:

  • Changes in genes on chromosome 12 that are responsible for fat lysis.
  • Metabolic disorders in the layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Disruptions in the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Menopause, taking incorrect doses of estrogen.
  • Eating unhealthy fatty foods and fast food.
  • A sedentary lifestyle causes a slowdown in blood supply to small vessels, which can trigger the deposition of fat cells into the capsule.
  • Wearing tight clothing that puts pressure under the armpit causes mechanical injuries in this area.
  • Strong radioactive exposure of the body.

Harmful substances in food and polluted environment can indirectly cause wen. Toxins and heavy metal compounds suppress the immune system, so the body’s defenses do not recognize the emerging lipoma in time and do not destroy it.


The first symptoms of a wen under the armpit are the appearance of a rounded lump, over which the skin easily moves. A lipoma of the axillary region consists mainly of fat cells, but other tissues may be added to its composition.

Depending on the presence of different types of tissue in the capsule, the following types of lipomas are distinguished:

  • Lipofibroma. It is the most common among wen under the armpit. This tumor is 99% fat cells. In women with hormonal imbalances, a lipoma under the arm can grow to a very large size - 7-10 cm. It rarely degenerates into a malignant tumor.
  • Fibrolipoma. It consists of about 70% fibrous (connective) tissue, the remaining 30% is occupied by fat accumulation. This type of lipoma grows slowly, but is more prone than others to malignancy, that is, degeneration into cancer.
  • Angiolipoma. Half of its contents are represented by connective tissue, 45% are allocated to fat cells, and the remaining 5% are small blood vessels. Due to the direct blood supply, the tumor grows quite quickly. When removed, heavy bleeding often occurs. This type of lipoma is dangerous to injure or squeeze out on your own, as it is easy to provoke internal bleeding and the spread of pathological cells to neighboring organs.
  • Myelolipoma. It rarely appears in women under the armpit; only isolated cases are known in men. Its growth can be provoked by hormonal changes in the body during menopause. This type of wen consists of muscle fibers. This type of lipoma is considered low-risk, never becomes malignant, and can go away without treatment.

Are wen dangerous?

In most cases, lipoma is not life-threatening. For a long time it is not felt at all. The appearance of redness and pain indicates that the wen is inflamed. The cause of inflammation can be uncomfortable clothing, when the tumor under the arm is constantly injured. Infection through wounds on the skin also leads to an inflammatory reaction. In this case, surgery may be required.

If the wen that appears under the arm reaches a large size, it begins to compress the blood vessels and affect the muscles. The patient experiences pain under the armpit and difficulty moving the arm. Such complications require immediate treatment.

A child may develop a lump under the armpit at an early age due to a genetic predisposition. The baby's hormonal background is aimed at the rapid growth of all organs and systems. This leads to a strong increase in lipoma. If lumps appear under the armpit of a child, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist. In most cases, the doctor removes the tumor so that it does not spread deeper into the mediastinal organs and does not interfere with the normal development of the baby.

The danger of a wen is that there is a possibility of its cells degenerating into atypical ones, which lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the dynamics of the neoplasm. If the tumor quickly grows, hardens and becomes immobile, then a suspicion of a malignant oncological process arises. In this case, it is necessary to do a biopsy, that is, taking material from the tumor for examination.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out by a surgeon or oncologist. He examines and palpates the pathological area under the arm, and, if necessary, prescribes an ultrasound and MRI. These studies help determine the exact boundaries and size of the tumor, the presence of invasion into other tissues and organs.

A round lump that appears under the armpits can be a linden tumor, atheroma, or an inflamed lymph node. Atheroma is a cyst formed due to blockage of the sebaceous duct. It accumulates sebum, which is actively produced by the glands under the armpit.

Unlike lipoma, atheroma has a duct and can open on its own, with the contents coming out.

Lymphadenitis manifests itself in the form of bumps under the arms and on the neck, similar to lipomas. Unlike lipomas, inflamed lymph nodes are painful on palpation, and the skin over them is hyperemic (red). As a rule, with proper treatment, lymphadenitis compactions decrease after 2 weeks from the start of therapy and completely disappear within six months.

How to get rid of wen under the armpit

You can cure a lipoma that appears under the arm, when its size is no more than 3 cm, using home medicine recipes. Self-medication can be done for no more than two weeks. If no significant positive dynamics are observed, you need to seek help from specialists. Doctors observe many types of wen for several years and are in no hurry to operate.

It is necessary to treat an inflamed wen under the supervision of a doctor. In cases where the tumor has grown (more than 5 cm) and interferes with the movement of the arm, radical surgical treatment will be required. The tumor under the arm is removed traditionally, using a scalpel or using hardware methods, such as a laser.

Surgical intervention

The removal of the wen is carried out by an oncologist or surgeon. Before the operation, blood clotting tests and a number of other necessary studies are carried out to prevent complications.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After preparing and treating the surgical field, the doctor injects the tumor with painkillers - novocaine or lidocaine.

After anesthesia, the doctor uses a scalpel to cut the skin over the wen. The lipoma grows in a capsule, so it is easily separated from the surrounding tissue and removed. Next, sutures are placed on the incision.

The extracted tumor is sent for histological examination. The conclusion provides information about the tissue composition of the neoplasm, the presence or absence of changes characteristic of the cancer process.

Drug therapy

To date, there are no pharmaceutical products that can completely get rid of lipoma. The adipose tissue in the tumor is not susceptible to the action of enzymes and drugs that lyse lipid substances.

Lipoma cannot be completely cured with medication, but its size can be reduced.

Injections of fat-dissolving medications are made into the base of the wen under the armpit. Medicines help reduce fat cells and prevent capsule growth.

Warming solutions are applied to the inflamed wen under the armpit. Dimexide can reduce signs of inflammation. This drug must be diluted in half with warm boiled water. The resulting solution is used as a compress twice a day and at night.

Treatment at home

Traditional methods of treatment are indicated for the first symptoms of a wen under the arm, when the size of the tumor is no more than 2 cm. Onions are often used in home medicine recipes, but they can cause irritation and inflammation. At the first painful symptoms, you should consult a doctor for help.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of lipoma:

  1. Golden mustache This product helps to dissolve small lumps under the skin. It is necessary to finely chop the golden mustache leaf with a knife or grind it with a blender. The resulting pulp is spread on a gauze napkin and applied to the skin in the projection of the tumor. You need to put a bag or oilcloth on top of the napkin. The compress is fixed with a bandage and left overnight. The procedures are repeated for about 10 days.
  2. Onions and laundry soap. It is recommended to bake the onion in the oven and grind it in a meat grinder. Laundry soap, previously grated on a fine grater, is added to the resulting slurry in the same quantity. A compress with this remedy must be done every day for 4-5 hours.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out only on the entire skin. Do not apply compresses if there are abrasions, scratches or ulcers under the armpit.

Alternative lipoma removal methods

A lipoma in the armpit can be removed using a laser. This method is considered the most effective, since relapses at the site of the operated tumor rarely appear. Patients do not experience pain during laser removal, but only a slight feeling of discomfort. There is no scar deformation left at the operation site.

Another alternative way to remove lipomas up to 5 centimeters is electrocoagulation. An electric knife carefully cuts through the skin and immediately coagulates damaged blood vessels. After peeling the wen, an inconspicuous scar remains.

What not to do

When a wen is discovered, some people try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. As a result, they make a number of mistakes that lead to tumor enlargement and growth.

Involuntary injury to the seal can have serious consequences. Therefore, you need to be careful and wear comfortable, loose clothing.
  • Try to squeeze out the wen under the arm yourself. A small tumor after compression can increase significantly, as its vessels are damaged.
  • Scratch, independently cut the skin over the wen or try to pierce it. All these actions will lead to infection of the tumor, which will provoke painful inflammation under the armpit.
  • Get involved in self-medication when there is no positive dynamics already after 1-2 weeks of using various means.
  • Warm and massage the armpit where the lipoma is. These actions will lead to the spread of pathological cells to neighboring lymph nodes and underlying tissues. The tumor can develop into cancer.

Treatment prognosis and consequences

The prognosis for wen under the armpit is favorable in most cases. In less than 5% of patients, malignancy is registered, that is, degeneration into a cancerous tumor. Malignization is most often provoked by constant mechanical or thermal effects on the tumor.

A fatty tissue (lipoma) is a benign tumor formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands. Wen can appear on any part of the body that has subcutaneous fat. Most often, lipoma formation occurs under the skin on the back, head, face, legs and arms. Wen under the armpit is also quite common.

Reasons for the appearance of a wen under the armpit

According to doctors, the reasons that cause the appearance of a wen under the armpit are as follows:

  • Disruption of metabolic processes in fatty tissues;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Diseases of the liver, as well as the pancreas and thyroid glands.

Symptoms, signs, diagnosis

In the photo showing a lipoma under the arm, you can see that this formation ranges in size from one millimeter to several centimeters. The color of the skin over the lipoma is usually changed. If you touch the wen, you can feel that it is soft, mobile and has smooth, defined boundaries. It can be distinguished from other formations by the absence of painful sensations. Although large fatty deposits can put pressure on nerve endings and surrounding tissues, and for this reason cause symptoms such as discomfort or even severe pain.

Before you get rid of the formation, you need to be sure that it is a wen. An accurate diagnosis can be made by the attending physician after a clinical examination and, if necessary, medical procedures such as x-rays or ultrasound.

Treatment of wen under the arm

Wen under the armpit, as a rule, does not cause any harm to health. But you should remember that with a lipoma there is a very high risk of infection. Therefore, treatment of a wen under the arm is necessary.

Folk remedies

The most common is the treatment of wen under the arm using traditional methods. And although doctors completely deny the effectiveness of such treatment, some patients still managed to get rid of such formations using folk remedies. Deciding whether to resort to these methods or not is everyone’s business, but you should always remember the existing risks - the pathological growth of adipose tissue and an increase in the size of the wen.

Golden mustache compress

  1. Mash the plant and apply it to the lipoma.
  2. Wrap the compress with cellophane and cloth on top and secure with a bandage.
  3. Change the compress to a new one after 12 hours.

Honey ointment

  1. Mix the following ingredients in equal quantities - salt, honey, sour cream.
  2. Rub the resulting mixture into the sore spot, and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. Carry out the procedure every other day.

Garlic ointment with lard

  1. Melt lard (1 tbsp).
  2. Mix it with chopped garlic (1 tsp).
  3. Rub the mixture into the lipoma several times a day.

Pharmacy products

You can also purchase a very effective remedy for wen at the pharmacy. We are talking about a well-known and proven drug - Vishnevsky ointment. A small amount of the drug should be applied to a cotton cloth, applied to the wen, wrapped on top with cellophane, and then with an elastic bandage and left overnight.

Treatment by doctors

When contacting a doctor, the patient, in addition to surgical removal of the wen under the arm, may be offered radio wave and laser treatment methods. Both methods are harmless and very effective, they do not leave scars and scars, and also eliminate the re-formation of a wen in the same place.


The main preventive measures against the appearance of wen are a balanced diet and careful skin care. People who are prone to excessive sweating, as well as those with oily skin, should especially take care of the cleanliness and nutrition of their skin. Your daily diet should contain plenty of vitamins in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. And the consumption of baked goods, canned food, fatty and spicy foods should be reduced as much as possible.

Women need to be especially careful when developing a wen under the armpit. After all, the formation may not be a lipoma, but a lymph node, which may indicate the development of breast cancer. Therefore, if such a tumor is detected, you should go to the hospital immediately.

For most people, the armpit is associated only with the problem of excessive sweating. However, some of us suffer from such a phenomenon as a wen under the armpit. The problem cannot be ignored, since the most important vessels and nerves pass through this area.

Wen is scientifically called lipoma. This is a safe skin structure that does not have malignant cells, but can become inflamed and suppurate neighboring tissues. Lipoma does not cause pain, but can cause discomfort.

When the wen is localized under the armpit, it is quite difficult to independently distinguish it from an inflamed lymph node. Therefore, a full diagnosis and consultation with a doctor is required. If the lipoma under the armpit is actively growing, its urgent removal is required.

Lipoma consists of adipose tissue that has grown under the influence of some factor. There are many reasons for the development of wen, but medicine has not proven one hundred percent certainty of any of them.

The structure is safe, it does not harm the body as a whole and does not spoil a person’s well-being. However, under certain circumstances, a lipoma can become inflamed and cause an abscess.

In the case of a wen in the armpit, the risk of inflammation increases, since the formation is constantly injured. It’s easier to get rid of a lipoma right away than to treat inflammation, which can affect important nerves and lymph nodes.

Lipomas can occur in groups, in which case they speak of lipomatosis. If the patient has only one structure that is growing slowly, the prognosis with proper treatment is favorable. However, in the case of wen, much depends on the treatment method.

Multiple lipomas grow faster and often recur after removal. Lipomatosis is mainly diagnosed in blood relatives, so if there is someone in the family with lipomatosis, more attention should be paid to preventing the disease.

If there is no family history of lipomas, the following factors may be the cause:

  1. Obesity. Excess weight often provokes systemic diseases and has a bad effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Endocrine pathologies. Lipomas often occur due to hormonal imbalance or metabolic disorders.
  3. Diseases of the pancreas or liver. When dysfunction of these organs occurs, the blood is poorly cleansed and toxins are not eliminated.
  4. Poor hygiene.
  5. Abuse of unhealthy foods.

It is impossible to say exactly how much each factor increases the chances of developing a wen. However, practice shows that patients with such abnormalities are more often diagnosed with compactions in the layers of the skin.

Similar structures can appear in patients of different ages, but are more common in adults. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, you can get rid of lipoma forever.

Symptoms of the problem

Important lymph nodes are located in the armpit; there is a lot of adipose tissue, vessels and nerves (axillary vein, arteries, brachial nerve trunk and its branches, vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system).

The occurrence of lipoma under the armpit is facilitated by the abundance of adipose tissue. When exposed to the above factors, it grows and a strong capsule of connective tissue forms around the excess lump.

Fatty tissues are characterized by a lobed structure; they are dense and not fused to the skin, therefore they are mobile. This only contributes to their injury.

When palpated, the lipoma appears round or oval and has a jelly-like consistency. Wen are considered small, up to a centimeter, sometimes they reach 10 centimeters without inflammation. A lipoma under the arm may differ in symptoms from similar structures in other places.

The proximity of blood vessels and nerves causes numbness and “pins and needles” in the shoulder, chest and arm areas. Pain occurs extremely rarely (due to pressure on the nerve trunk or inflammation). Swelling is also possible when the wen under the arm makes it difficult for the outflow of lymph.

When a patient presents with a skin lesion, the doctor must conduct a differential diagnosis for diseases such as lymphadenitis, hidradenitis, liposarcoma. Sometimes the extra lobe of the mammary gland looks like a wen.

The fat under the armpit is very mobile, and therefore it is not always possible to feel it sufficiently. Even a doctor can confuse it with a lymph node, since the node of the lymphatic system under the armpit is located in a layer of loose tissue and is also mobile.

It is extremely important to see a doctor if you notice a lump in your armpit. Lymph nodes in this area are needed to collect lymph from the chest and peritoneum, and therefore their enlargement may indicate a serious pathology (tuberculosis, lung, liver, breast cancer).

Differential diagnosis

Wen is very similar to an additional lobe of the mammary gland. This is a very rare pathology, which is characterized by mobility and painlessness. Like a lipoma, the lobule is not fused to the skin, but may hurt before menstruation. In addition, the lobule grows cyclically. The cause of the appearance of an additional lobule is a disturbance in the process of intrauterine development of the glands.

Skin pathologies in the armpit must be distinguished from hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat glands. When inflamed, the glands enlarge, they are mobile and elastic. Hidradenitis is characterized by an increase in pain as the disease progresses, the presence of swelling and redness. When the gland suppurates, the patient develops a fever. Causes of hidradenitis will also include metabolic disorders, diabetes and poor hygiene. Only a doctor can distinguish an inflamed gland from a wen.

Any formation under the arm requires consultation with a specialist. An ordinary lump may turn out to be a harmless lipoma, or maybe cancer. If severe inflammation or cancer is suspected, the doctor will prescribe additional tests.

Methods for diagnosing a wen under the arm:

  • radiography;
  • computed tomography;
  • biopsy.

Examination of a sample of abnormal tissue helps rule out lymphadenitis and malignant tumors of fatty and connective tissues (liposarcoma).

Treatment for lipomas involves their removal. At the moment, there are no effective methods for conservative treatment of wen. Sometimes it is really possible to postpone the operation, but the localization of the lipoma under the armpit contributes to its constant injury, which increases the risk of inflammation.

You should absolutely not try to remove a tumor in the armpit on your own; it is better to learn how to treat wen under the arm from a specialist. This area contains important vessels and nerves, damage to which can cost a person the mobility of his limbs. Also, removing a wen at home is fraught with infection of the structure with subsequent suppuration. The axillary tissue is loose, there is a very intense blood supply, and therefore the infection will spread very quickly.

Indications for immediate removal:

  1. Accelerated growth of the structure (more than 5 mm in three months).
  2. Lipoma provokes numbness, pain, swelling.
  3. Suspicion of inflammation of the lymph nodes or cancer. The main method for diagnosing these pathologies is a biopsy, but the test can contribute to the spread of cancer cells through the blood and lymph. The doctor can remove the structure without deep diagnostics.
  4. Discomfort.

The operation to remove a lipoma is carried out in a hospital. Like any operation, this requires a preliminary examination: a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, a coagulation test, an infection test (HIV, syphilis, etc.).

The operation requires local anesthesia. The doctor opens the skin and peels out the structure and capsule. If the wound is larger than a centimeter, stitches are required. They are removed within a week. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for the rehabilitation period.

Classic surgery is a safe treatment for lipomas. It provides almost complete protection against recurrence, but leaves a scar. After surgery, the sample is sent for histological examination to rule out cancer.

There are more gentle methods for removing wen. Today, laser and radio wave removal of such structures is actively practiced. These methods are advantageous in that they do not leave marks and eliminate the risk of tissue infection, but they are only applicable for small-sized wen.

After removal of the lipoma, the patient must be observed by the surgeon for two years. If lipomas reoccur, treatment of lipomas is carried out in the same way. At the same time, it is necessary to find out what caused the relapse (poor quality surgery, body characteristics, etc.).

Since the skin under the arms sweats a lot, you need to practice proper hygiene and choose high-quality cosmetics. Any hair removal procedures must be done carefully, otherwise you can injure the deeper layers of the skin. You should choose loose clothing made from natural fabric.

Proper nutrition helps in the fight against fatty acids. Fatty and sweet foods should be avoided. Bad habits are prohibited. Treatment of lipomas is not problematic, but it is always better to avoid the disease.