A girl’s dream about a wristwatch. Why do you dream about a wristwatch?

Watches play a complex role in our world. Regardless of the type and purpose, they organize life, make it measured or fleeting. In the land of Morpheus, watches also have their own meaning. I often dream about wristwatches. What does it mean to see a wristwatch in a dream?

Dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Saw a wristwatch? The dream reflects the difficulties and problems happening to you. You won’t get through a difficult stage quickly. You need to feel everything to gain invaluable experience.

Psychological dream book

The dream interpreter encourages you to listen to the clues of fate. Plan your time. There should be enough time for everything.

Beautiful watches or watches of unusual shapes talk about interesting and unusual situations in which you will participate. Don't miss out on the fun.

Gold watch on the hand, having two bottoms, promise financial well-being, respect among authoritative people. In addition, your reputation may become surrounded by gossip and intrigue. Take advantage of your luck and don't give reasons to gossipers.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gold watch dream about profitable deals or a successful and prudent marriage. Broken wristwatch They prophesy an incomprehensible situation. The problem will need to be solved quickly, with maximum effort.

Watch with missing dial symbolize your dispersion or excessive concentration on something. It's time to learn how to manage time.

If the clock was broken, then expect a whirlwind romance. Clock going backwards, predict a difficult situation. Close people to whom you need to turn will help solve the problem.

Autumn dream book

I dream about the clock before getting rid of something scary or dangerous.

Modern dream book

Working hours promise good luck and health. If the watch was broken, then there will be destruction and failure.

Gypsy dream book

Saw the clock? Reconsider your values ​​and start spending your time wisely. A clock that is in a hurry or moves forward quickly, prophesying approaching death. If your wristwatch is slow in a dream, you will live a long time.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Watch- a symbol of change. If you remember the hour and minute, and also remember the day and month who were on walkers and a calendar, then expect a change at the time you saw.

Miller's Dream Book

Just saw the watch on my hand? There will be luck and winning. If the glass on your watch is broken, then act frivolously, and society will judge you.

If a woman lost her watch in a dream, then she will get a lot of trouble at home. D arry the clock- to trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Gold watch dream about the theft of your property by loved ones or acquaintances. Found a watch? Be punctual. Being late can be bad for your luck.

Gave a watch in a vision? The dream shows that you are deceiving yourself. A broken watch promises sadness and problems.

Esoteric dream book

Wear a working watch? The work will be easy and coordinated. A broken clock predicts that you will be late.

Lost or dropped watches talking about lost time. It's time to take care of yourself and your personal life.

All dreams are interpreted taking into account the personality of the person who saw them, his life circumstances and the details of his dreams. Dreams about time are no exception. You can understand why you dream of a broken watch only if you have complete information about the life and secret thoughts of the dreamer, as well as knowing every small detail of the plot of the night vision.

What does the clock symbolize?

In general, a clock is a symbol of time, in all possible meanings of this concept. Each famous dream book gives additional meaning to the symbol.

For example, according to a collection of Miller’s interpretations, clocks in dreams are harbingers of imminent misfortunes and sorrows. Why dream of a broken watch in this case? This indicates an approaching dark streak in life.

Numerologists consider the chronometers themselves to be secondary in the plot of dreams. From their point of view, details matter - arrows, numbers, the location of cracks on broken glass. For example, if the hands of a broken clock froze at one hour, this means that a month has been set aside for something important in human life.

Why break the clock yourself?

A dream in which a dreamer breaks a watch is a rather difficult vision to interpret. Understanding why you dream of breaking a clock depends on the details of the dream. Important points for interpretation are:

  • the chronometer was broken on purpose or by accident;
  • what kind of clock you dreamed of, wrist, table or wall;
  • whether the thing was personal, family or common;
  • the device was completely crushed, or only parts of it were damaged.

In addition, important points for understanding a dream are even smaller details - whether there was a strap or a chain, what happened to it after it was broken, whether the clock was running or standing, whether it was ticking or not.

What you dream of breaking your wristwatch or your own is an attempt to stop time, to slow down the events taking place in life. If an elderly person sees a dream, then this is evidence of his reluctance to grow old and die.

If in a dream a person breaks a large public clock, for example, a street chronometer on a city tower, then such a dream indicates his conservative beliefs and an attempt to influence the opinions of others. Such a dream may foretell that the person who sees it will become an obstacle to the development of any ideas or the implementation of innovations at work.

A randomly broken watch is a bad sign. This means that events in life will develop against the dreamer’s will and not at the speed with which he would like. Such a dream can also portend that the plan is not allowed to come true.

Why do you dream about broken watches?

To understand this dream, the following points are important: whether a watch is worn or not, the belonging of the item, its general appearance, the degree of damage. For example, a dream in which a person sees someone else's watch lying somewhere and passes by, only means that he lives at a faster pace than other people. If the dreamer picks up this watch, then this indicates that the person will soon accept the general rhythm of life.

The dream of a broken watch worn by a sleeping person has a different meaning. Such a dream is directly related to the personality and health of the person who saw the dream. It seems to warn that time is up. But what exactly there is no more time left for can only be interpreted by the dreamer himself.

Why do women dream about broken watches?

If a woman dreams of a dream, then most dream books interpret the meaning of the vision as a warning about imminent menopause or about women’s diseases. The dream of a broken watch on a woman’s hand can also be interpreted as a warning about infertility.

In such a dream, you need to pay attention to whether the clock has hands or numbers, and try to remember their location or combination. The position of the hands, like the combination of numbers, is not a symbol; it is a direct indication of the chronological period of time. That is, if the hands point to two o'clock, then the woman has two years left to give birth to a baby.

Why do you dream about broken watch glass?

Such a dream has a different meaning than the one in which a broken chronometer is seen in general terms. This dream is a good sign for the dreamer. However, in addition to the positive meaning, such a dream also carries chronological information. You need to try to remember the location of the hands or the digital value on the chronometer.

Why do you dream about broken watch glass? Most interpretations talk about overcoming barriers and obstacles that prevent a person from achieving his goals in life. Glass is a symbolic image of those obstacles that a person does not notice in life. But they prevent the dreamer from achieving any goals, building a career, or getting closer to realizing his desires. Arrows or numbers indicate the length of time during which obstacles will be overcome.

Why do you dream of a broken watch in your hands?

A dream in which a person holds a broken chronometer in his hands is ambiguous. The key to understanding it lies in the actions of the dreamer and in the type of device, as well as in its affiliation.

For example, the meaning of dreaming of a broken watch on another person’s hand, which the dreamer takes off and takes in his palms, is a harbinger of imminent responsibility for someone. If a man, and according to his plot, removes a broken chronometer from the hand of a close woman - his wife or girlfriend, then the dream foreshadows her imminent pregnancy.

Why dream of a broken clock on the wall?

The key points for understanding such a dream are the age of the clock, the presence of a cuckoo, pendulum or “chimes” in it, size and, of course, affiliation. What dreams of broken people mean is interpreted only taking into account the details of the dream.

A vision in which the sound of a cuckoo is heard, but the clock itself is broken and standing, indicates that the dreamer did not receive some very important news. The sound of the chimes and chimes also has the same meaning.

A broken old family clock is not a good sign. Such a dream speaks of a lack of development in the family, and predicts the routine coexistence of people under one roof, without warmth and family closeness.

If you dreamed of an old large clock with a pendulum, broken into pieces, with protruding parts of the mechanism, dangling hands, then this dream has an extremely bad interpretation. This dream foreshadows the destruction of unshakable foundations, traditions, the collapse of everything familiar and seemingly permanent.

For example, such a dream may foreshadow a political coup in the country or a revolution, war, or natural disaster. If in a dream there is a clear understanding that the antique watch belongs to the family of the dreamer, then the devastation and collapse of traditions will concern personal life and home. That is, a vision can predict divorce, loss of an apartment or other hardships.

The interpretation of what a broken clock on the wall means in a dream must also take into account its size. The meaning of the dimensions is simple - the larger the watch, the greater the trouble.

Why do you dream of a broken table clock?

Desktop chronometers in dreams symbolize work, employment and, in principle, everything related to a person’s social life. A broken or broken clock on the table is a dream foreshadowing stagnation in your career, routine, tedious and boring duties without any prospects.

Why do you dream of a broken clock on the table? The interpretation depends on the occupation of the person who saw the dream, his position and age. That is, if such a dream visited an elderly person, then it foreshadows the absence of shocks and changes at work until retirement.

If such a dream visited a young man, then this is a dream indicating the need to change his place of work, since no prospects are foreseen at the current one. A dream dreamed by a middle-aged man warns that he has exhausted himself in this workplace and his career will not develop.

Why do you dream about repairing a watch?

Dreams in which a person repairs a broken clock mechanism have a very good meaning. If we approach the interpretation of such a dream in a general way, then the meaning of the night dream is directly opposite to the meanings that plots with a broken clock have.

That is, if a dream with a broken wall cuckoo clock means that a person has not received important news, then a dream in which the one who sees it has repaired the mechanism foreshadows that a message or other information will still find its addressee. Other dream plots should be understood in a similar way.

For example, sleeping with a woman's watch that doesn't work or is broken. If a woman in such a dream was able to fix a breakdown or start a watch, this means that she will cope with the health problems awaiting her or will avoid them altogether.

In the interpretation of such dreams, such a nuance is extremely important - was the repair of the mechanism completed, did the clock run? If in a night dream a person simply repairs a mechanism, but does not see the result of this process, that is, a working watch, then such a dream no longer bodes well. Such a dream tells a person that all his efforts to prevent something in life will be useless and in vain. And what exactly the dreamer’s efforts will not make sense can be understood from the rest of the plot of the night’s dream. That is, from such nuances as the type of mechanism, the location of the watch, its size and affiliation.

Briefly about the main thing

Any dream book interprets a wristwatch as the approach of changes, which are often associated with the actions of other people. If a person saw the time, it could be the day and month or month and year when an important event for him will occur.

Interpretations based on the material and color of the watch:

  • pay attention to a gold wristwatch - wealth;
  • on white or red - marriage with a loved one;
  • wear a gold watch - dismissal, lack of money;
  • silver - parting with a loved one.

TOP 10 positive values

  1. See men's accessory- nice meeting.
  2. Wind up or check the time in a dream- successful completion of affairs, success.
  3. For married couples- happiness and well-being.
  4. Drop into clean water- success despite serious troubles.
  5. Lost and found- catching up;
  6. Receive as a gift- changes for the better.
  7. Engraved watch- well-deserved recognition.
  8. Working watch found in mud or water- achieving goals despite obstacles.
  9. Wear an expensive watch- a good investment.
  10. Try new ones— career advancement, change of residence.

TOP 8 negative values

  1. Break selected- problems in family life.
  2. Notice that the watch on your hand has stopped- empty hopes.
  3. Steal it yourself- appearance of enemies or deception.
  4. Lost at night- problems in business, dismissal.
  5. Drop into dirty water- a lot of problems and losses.
  6. See it on your wrist, receive it as a gift, or give it to a deceased person- missed opportunities.
  7. Seeing other people's whole or broken- bankruptcy or large losses due to incorrect actions.
  8. Try on a beautiful accessory with a bracelet- false target, bad news.

TOP 3 neutral values

  1. Wear or wear electronic- the need for rest in real life.
  2. Choose in a store, buy or lose on the street- frivolity.
  3. To see or find out in a dream that a thief has stolen someone's watch and catch him- exposing ill-wishers.
  4. Steal from a store- a warning about unnecessary risk.

Why do you dream when they give you a wristwatch according to Miller’s dream book?

The selected dream book interprets wristwatches in dreams as follows:

  • look at the accessory - efforts will be in vain due to the intervention of strangers;
  • breaking glass - trouble or frivolous behavior is possible;
  • to lose - domestic troubles are coming;
  • steal a watch - it is important to take a closer look at your surroundings, someone is trying to ruin your reputation;
  • suffer from theft of your own - betrayal, conflict over finances with superiors

Dreaming of wrist accessories, according to Miller, may indicate success in trading the stock market.

For women:

  • a woman’s watch seen on a man’s wrist signals slander against a partner or a difficult situation in a relationship;
  • a lonely girl was given a luxury watch - an imminent marriage proposal;
  • independent purchase of an expensive accessory in a store - the appearance of a wealthy husband or lover.

Video: interpretation of a dream about a clock according to Miller’s dream book

Taken from the channel “House of the Sun (SunHome.ru)”.

Freud's Dream Book

The interpretation of a dream about a watch according to Freud looks like this:

  • to fail time - to receive reward for work;
  • looking at a broken mechanism - it is important to seek a compromise with your partner sexually, accepting his needs and avoiding straightforwardness.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga interpreted the dream about a wristwatch as follows:

  • putting on an antique product - the moment has come to reflect on your past, an important event is coming soon;
  • determining time using a watch without a dial is a tragedy or serious danger;
  • hear the movement of the arrows - tests that will lead to happiness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A watch seen in a dream speaks of the approaching start of a new business in a person’s life or an unexpected proposal. If you can remember the time, you can determine exactly when the changes will occur.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff’s dream book, it doesn’t matter whether you dreamed about men’s or women’s products, the main thing is time. The cyclical nature of dreams must be deciphered from the perspective of life stages (5, 10, 15 years), analyzing the events of these periods. This tip is designed to help you understand and change your life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A dream about a pocket watch can mean the following:

  • put on or wear - peace and mutual understanding will come in family relationships;
  • find - you need to learn to be punctual;
  • to see gold on your hand - the dreamer will suffer from theft;
  • to look at those who have stopped - a person makes efforts in vain;
  • to give - it is important to avoid self-deception;
  • break your watch - a series of troubles are coming in real life;
  • pay attention to those that are not opened - there will be news of the death of a familiar person.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing a wristwatch in a dream means that your plans will be realized.

The interpretation of dreams with a clock could be like this:

  • ancient - regrets about mistakes made;
  • without a dial - an unpleasant event;
  • loud - a loved one needs help.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The Italian dream book interprets the pocket mechanism as a distortion of the image of the “Super Ego”, which leads to devastation. A recurring dream indicates a person’s obsessive state.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

According to Longo’s interpretation, men’s wristwatches dream of deteriorating well-being. Health problems can arise for no apparent reason, so it is important to pay attention to this aspect.

Azar's Dream Book

A gold watch is a symbol of theft according to Azar's dream book. Seeing an object on the wrist means finding out that loved ones have committed theft.

For women:

  • if the dreamer is a woman, her life will soon change for the better and she will find happiness.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

According to Kananita's dream book, dreams of watches symbolize monotony and routine.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretations of wrist accessories look like this:

  • bustle;
  • rush;
  • expectation;
  • boredom;
  • business meetings;
  • obligations;
  • new beginnings;
  • slow development of events.

For women:

  • Expensive or beautiful watches for girls dream of marriage.

Aesop's Dream Book

Aesop interpreted dreams with a clock as follows:

  • broke down or stopped - a misfortune that will affect all family members;
  • buy new ones - carelessness will lead to failure in business or ruin;
  • repair - a statement of attempts to correct mistakes in real life.

English dream book

According to the interpretation of the English dream book, the meaning is carried by the sound that the mechanism makes:

  • before 12 o'clock - good events or changes for the better;
  • after 12 days - troubles, troubles;
  • single blow - death or deterioration of health;
  • The ticking of a clock without reference to time is a happy life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

This dream book has conflicting interpretations of a dream about a wristwatch - it can portend death or a happy life. The main meaning of the accessory is change, which is useless to rush.

Modern dream book

A dream about a wristwatch in a modern interpretation means well-being as a result of painstaking work.

Other transcripts:

  • broke his own watch - a harbinger of trouble;
  • broke the glass - a fleeting acquaintance;
  • lost - problems in the family;
  • stole - reputation may suffer from the actions of enemies;
  • looked - a threat from other people.

Which dream book do you trust more?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

If the mechanism is faulty or a person hears ticking, this is a harbinger of trouble. A wrist mechanism given to someone or received as a gift has a negative meaning.

Islamic dream book

A dream about a watch is a warning to the dreamer about a lack of energy.

Russian dream book

According to the interpretation of the Russian dream book, watches dream of losses. They may warn that your time is being spent on creation without useful actions.

Ukrainian dream book

A wristwatch portends changes and new acquaintances. They symbolize something good that can touch all aspects of life.

If the mechanism has stopped, this is a signal of impending disaster or one’s own death.

Family dream book

Wrist watches are harbingers of the following events:

  • look at beautiful ones - success in business is coming;
  • check the time - luck will slip away;
  • buying as a gift - difficulties lie ahead;
  • notice broken ones - obstacles or problems are emerging;
  • pay attention to those that you or other people have stolen - those around you are going to make you look bad.

For women:

  • For a girl to lose her watch in a dream means trouble in the family.

Esoteric dream book

From an esoteric point of view, dreams about watches can be interpreted as follows:

  • put on your hand - confirmation of the rational distribution of energy and time;
  • lose - a signal that opportunities are not used and may disappear;
  • look at expensive ones - the stability of the situation can change dramatically.

Love dream book

Seeing a pocket watch in a dream is a good sign for the dreamer’s personal life:

  • meeting with a loved one;
  • well-being;
  • love dawn in a relationship;
  • mutual sincere feelings;
  • great happiness.

Dream book by numbers

Sleep values ​​if only one number is displayed on the clock:

  • 1 - travel;
  • 2 - good luck in love affairs;
  • 3 - become the center of everyone's attention;
  • 4 - danger;
  • 5 - quarrel with a loved one;
  • 6 - good deal;
  • 7 - envy of ill-wishers;
  • 8 - success in the professional field;
  • 9 is the time for decisive action.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • If the mechanism is working, the dial is in order, and the device itself has been found, the dream symbolizes the successful completion of what was started. If the find was in the mud, it means that obstacles will not be able to stop the dreamer and prevent her from realizing her plans.
  • A broken watch is a harbinger of trouble. The extent of the breakdown indicates the degree of difficulty - troubles or major losses.
  • If the dreamer personally damaged her wristwatch in a dream, she may become an obstacle to the implementation of someone’s plans in real life. A good sign will be repairs, which portend a successful course of business.
  • An antique clock hints at the need to rethink your life.
  • The sound of a working mechanism warns of a long streak of troubles that will end beneficially for the dreamer.
  • The dream recommends that a pregnant woman become more restrained in her demands on loved ones and stop criticizing them. Negative behavior can ruin relationships and provoke serious conflict.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • A dream about a wristwatch means that a person has entered a favorable period for resolving professional issues. It is important to increase self-confidence and use creative thinking to solve current problems.

Intimate dream book

Dreams about a wristwatch tell the dreamer the need to analyze his past and draw the right conclusions. You should pay attention to behavior and actions towards other people, and think about the distribution of your resources.

Winter dream book

A dream warns a person that he is missing an opportunity, using which he can gain happiness and well-being.

Summer dream book

If the dreamer wipes his wristwatch in a dream, he will soon emigrate.

A dial in a dream foreshadows peace in family relationships; the emphasis on the hands or mechanism is a symbol of the partner’s lateness.

Autumn dream book

Decoding the dream:

  • seeing a wristwatch means avoiding danger in real life;
  • if the arrow in a mechanical accessory does not move along its axis, trouble awaits the dreamer;
  • a large dial predicts receiving well-deserved honors at work.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

According to the transcript of the psychoanalytic dream book, a clock is a symbol of lost time. The dreamer spends all his energy on work and needs rest.

Video: generalized interpretations of dreams about wristwatches.

Taken from the channel “HoroscopeVideo-Horoscope for today”.

If you see a wristwatch in a dream, it means you do not have enough time to accomplish everything you planned. Do you look at them carefully while you sleep? In reality you don’t want to wait and rush things. At the same time, a watch can emphasize the significance of the upcoming life period. And to find out in detail why you dream of a wristwatch, you should refer to the dream book.

Miller's opinion

Interpreter Miller associates wristwatches with the passage of time. Do you feel like days, and then months, are passing by, but you don’t get anything done? Convince yourself that they are enough to accomplish not only everything you have planned, but even more. Listen to yourself and watch for the signs that come along the way - they can serve you well.

Why dream of winding a stopped watch? Something important is about to happen in your life, and you just can’t wait for it, at times even rushing things. And if your watch stops in a dream, it can mean either the end of a period or death.

Unlucky to break your watch? In reality, you can lose what is most precious to you - family, friends, loved one. Having seen such a dream, try to prevent loss, but if you fail to do this, do not become discouraged. Sometimes what is not done is for the better.

Interpretations of various dream books

Nina Grishina's dream book gives several meanings to this symbol. Looking at them in a dream means that your life is wasted. Think about it - maybe it's time to change something?

Dream books often give this interpretation - a wristwatch is a harbinger of something significant in your life. Maybe you change jobs, get married or have children. Do you hear the clock ticking while you sleep? The black streak in life is in no hurry to be replaced by a white one. Be patient and persevere through the difficulties that befall you.

Did you dream that you were given a watch as a gift? If they were expensive and beautiful, you will soon be able to celebrate your wedding. Unlucky to lose your watch? Your hopes will not come true. But if you find them during sleep, family life will be prosperous and very happy.

Have you had a dream in which a watch slips from your wrist and shatters into pieces? In reality, it’s worth changing your lifestyle - it’s time to stop following prepared templates and act only as others expect. Having done this, you will understand how much brighter and more interesting life has become.

Why would you dream of telling time using a watch that has no numbers? Expect bad news.

Did you steal your watch while you were sleeping? In reality, you will acquire enemies who are eager to discredit your good name. Be careful and don't let yourself get hurt.

Are you moving the hands on your wristwatch? You are waiting for a reward for the work done. But don’t expect it to be expressed in material values.

Sigmund Freud's opinion

According to Freud's dream book, watches are a symbol of masculinity. A dream in which a representative of the stronger sex gives a watch as a gift to a woman indicates that he wants to be in bed with her. And if there are a great many hours in your dream, it means that you change partners like gloves. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that one follows the other.

It doesn’t matter what kind of watch you saw in your night dreams. One way or another, such a dream almost always promises quick changes. But it’s very good if you managed to remember the numbers that the arrows pointed to.

Wristwatches in a dream have another interpretation - they hint that in reality you are wasting your life on trifles, forgetting about something really necessary and necessary.

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Finding a watch in a dream is generally a good symbol. The dream means that innovations await you in all areas of life. Dream books promise revival in business, receiving incentives, awards for your work, and the appearance of an important person. To understand why you dream of seeing a gold or just an expensive find, you need to consider each detail separately.

Miller's Dream Book and His Interpretations

Finding a watch in working condition, whether for men or for women, means successful progress in projects and planned activities. The great psychologist does not reduce the interpretation of sleep in his dream book to simple well-being. He explains in detail why one dreams of wrist, wall and even sand chronometers.

So, any discovery in a dream has a positive connotation. It’s especially good if you dreamed about things:

  • expensive ones - to increase salaries, receive bonuses;
  • gold - to great responsibility for oneself and others;
  • male - to marriage, procreation;
  • for women - you will receive benefits even where there should not be any.

Getting out of a difficult situation is easy

Seeing the happy owner of a find is the same as stepping on a bright streak in life. If you happen to find a wristwatch or a wall clock in working condition, know that your business will improve dramatically. Dream books claim that changes will happen suddenly and clues will come by themselves.

A chain of favorable events: from a salary increase to receiving a real inheritance is exactly what ticking wrist devices mean in dreams. It’s best if you dreamed about things that were golden, antique, or rich in appearance. Luxurious acquisitions and purchases in a dream are always a turning point in the right direction in reality.

Let go of loneliness

Finding a men's watch in a dream means attracting into your life not just a admirer, but a future life partner. Large and high-quality things are well described in the dream book of Nostradamus. An expensive chain or bracelet means that you will connect your life with your true soul mate and will never know troubles and hardships.

Seeing cute jewelry means encountering a fleeting, but very memorable romance. The chosen one will turn out to be flexible and generous if you dreamed that in a dream you rejoiced and admired such a simple acquisition.

A little about caution

Losing a luxury item is a bad omen. Immediately think about rest and health prevention. In addition, if you dreamed that a hand-held chronometer stopped, broke, or lost its presentable appearance, be prepared for obstacles.