Whose name does the Rouen Cathedral bear? Rouen Cathedral, the symbol and pride of Normandy. Cultural heritage of the country

The use of wire is the most important method of forming bonsai. By wrapping tree branches with wire, you can bend them and give them the desired shape and position. It will take several months before the branches “remember” the new shape; After this, the wire can be removed.

Wire application time

Most types of trees can be wired year round. During the growing season, the branches thicken quite quickly, and as a result, the wire can cut into the bark, leaving ugly scars on it. Check your tree regularly and remove the wire promptly.

Wire selection

It is important to choose the right wire for your bonsai. Typically, two types of wire are used: anodized aluminum and annealed copper wire. Beginners are advised to use anodized aluminum wire, which is easier to use and available in most (online) bonsai stores. Wire of different sections is sold: from 1 to 8 mm. There is no need to buy wire of all available sizes; To begin with, it is enough to purchase wire with a cross-section of 1mm, 1.5mm and 2.5mm. Before wrapping thick branches, it is recommended to first wrap them in raffia, which will protect the bark from damage during subsequent bending.

Wire winding process

If possible, try to wrap two branches of the same thickness, located next to each other, with one piece of wire, and the remaining branches with separate pieces of wire. First wrap all the branches that require shaping, and then start bending them. When wrapping an entire tree, start with the trunk, then move to the primary branches, and only then to the secondary ones. Use wire with a cross-section of about 1/3 of the thickness of the branch being wrapped. The wire should be thick enough to hold the branch in its new position.

Next we'll take a closer look at both methods of wire application. The end of this chapter contains information on how to safely bend wire-wrapped branches. Using a good tool makes this process much easier.

Wrapping two bonsai branches at once

  • First, select a couple of branches that you want to wrap with wire. They should be the same thickness and located close to each other. Keep in mind that you must first secure the wire with at least one turn around the trunk (preferably two turns) so that the wire does not move when bending the branches later.
  • Now cut a piece of wire of the required length to wrap both branches.
  • First wrap the wire around the trunk and then move on to wrapping the first branch. Wrap wire around the branch from its base to the very end before moving on to another branch. The wire should be wound around the branch at an angle of 45 degrees, then the branch can continue to grow in thickness while maintaining its given shape.
  • If you intend to bend a branch down, wrap the wire around the trunk below the branch first. Conversely, the wire must first be wound on the section of the trunk above the branch if it will bend upward.
  • Once you have completed wrapping wire on all matching pairs of branches, continue wrapping the remaining branches, each with a separate piece of wire.

Wrapping wire around one branch

  • As with wrapping two branches at once with one piece of wire, first cut a piece of wire to the required length and wrap it around the trunk at least two turns at a 45-degree angle.
  • After this, proceed to wrapping the branch.
  • If several pieces of wire are wound around the same part of the trunk or branch, try to do this carefully, winding them side by side parallel to each other.

Bending wire-wrapped branches

Having wrapped the entire tree with wire, you can begin to bend the branches and change their position. Holding the base and tip of the branch with both hands, bend the branch by placing your thumbs at the bend point. Thus, by distributing the force along the entire length of the branch, you will reduce the risk of it splitting. Once the branch is in the desired position, leave it alone, as bending it repeatedly in one place will likely damage it. Try to bend straight sections of branches slightly to make them look more natural.


Place the tree in the shade and fertilize as usual. Carefully inspect the tree during growth and promptly remove the wire before it cuts into the bark. Do not attempt to unwind the wire as this may damage the bark. Instead, it is better to cut the wire with special wire cutters at each turn, after which it will be much easier to remove.

Bonsai is a special art when an exact copy of a tree is grown in miniature. The ancient Japanese invented growing miniature trees, turning this process into an entire art. Bonsai is a tree in a pot or translated as “growing on a tray.” Artificial bonsai is still popular today.

Artificial Bonsai Tree: What is it?

Usually work on creating such a tree begins by looking for a good branch for the trunk. Sometimes the branch is a slow-growing plant that, for example, no longer develops. Due to improper growth conditions, the plant acquired an not entirely correct shape - thickening, unevenness, curvature. And these defects can, paradoxically as it sounds, be turned into art.

The crown for bonsai is the most interesting thing. The use of juniper, foamiran, and azalea is widespread

The base is a container that must be filled with clay, plaster, even plasticine. In a word, something that will hold the mini-tree.

Artificial bonsai: history (video)

How to make an artificial bonsai with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Any master class begins with a list of materials and tools that will be needed for the work. If you take the standard manual, you get a kind of universal list of traditional bonsai.

Materials for making bonsai:

  • Flowerpot or plate (ceramic);
  • A fragment of driftwood or, alternatively, a three-core wire;
  • Gypsum;
  • Glue gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • Acrylic paints for finishing decor;
  • Artificial greenery divided into inflorescences.

This is the basis, that is, the list can be large

For beginners, the best option is a tree with a small amount of materials and fairly simple instructions.

The Art of Bonsai: The Ultimate Guide

So, why three-wire wire? It is not always possible to find the right snag or branch, and the wire is malleable to manipulation. At one end this wire needs to be stripped to get future branches.

You need to do this procedure with three wires that form the trunk

Now you need to secure the barrel on a plate or in a flowerpot. You will need a heat gun and hot glue.

After fixing, the entire structure is coated with PVA glue. Then you can start diluting the gypsum.

  • Dilute the gypsum according to the instructions, adding to PVA, the solution should look like thick sour cream;
  • The solution is applied to the tree frame, with its help form the structure of the trunk and branches;
  • Leave the structure to dry for a day;
  • After 24 hours, you need to coat the entire trunk back with PVA glue;
  • When the glue dries well, it can be painted brown;
  • Attention, the paint is also mixed with PVA glue (one part glue to three parts paint);
  • The paint is applied not with a brush, but with a sponge;
  • Many craftsmen prefer to paint the top of the trunk with ocher;
  • It dries for two hours, and then you can make a crown;

The leaves will be attached to the branches with a heat gun (artificial leaves can be purchased at craft stores)

It's just a matter of the stand. Use the following method to decorate the stand: mix the same PVA glue and semolina in a 2:1 ratio, and add green paint there. This mixture is usually placed on the bottom of the plate with a cocktail spoon, creating beautiful irregularities.

At the foot of the tree you can leave a few coffee beans that will imitate pebbles

Bonsai: how to make it (video MK)

How to make a pine bonsai: decorating the area

Pine bonsai is a garden bonsai. That is, a tree that will delight you not in the house, but on the site. This bonsai cannot be called completely artificial; nevertheless, real pine seedlings are taken. But there are a lot of manipulations, since you yourself regulate the growth and development of the plant.

Pine bonsai is a living copy of a coniferous tree in a reduced form

The main stages of growing pine bonsai:

  • Several pine seedlings should be provided with good drainage and lighting, and should not be subjected to any special manipulations in the first year;
  • In the second year, the seedlings are already pruned to 12 cm, while the remaining shoot should have good needles that cannot be pruned;
  • Pruning is done at the end of March, at an angle of 45 degrees.

Pruned plants will thicken. If the needles are too lush, you can thin them out. Then a wire frame is placed on the seedling to give the plant the required shape. When the wire cuts into the trunk, it will be removed.

Pine bonsai: planting seeds (video)

DIY New Year's bonsai: artful decor for the long-awaited holiday

New Year's bonsai is the same artificial leaves or needles, which is more appropriate, only snow-covered. The question is how to make snow. Take into account how other crafts are made. There may be snow from broken polystyrene foam, snow from PVA glue and sea salt, beads, white sequins, etc.

A New Year's bonsai can be made from any small tree, decorating it with Christmas tree decorations

But you can make a New Year’s tree in another way: for example, create a bonsai from a money tree with your own hands. Since the money tree is grown for financial well-being, this will be the best wish for the New Year. Well, the New Year's atmosphere will be created by festive decor - tinsel, pine cones, decorations.

How to make a bonsai from plastic bottles: a collection of ideas

And in this case, there are many variations on how to use plastic as decoration.

The two most common options:

  • Leaves from plastic bottles. Leaves from a green bottle are cut out and melted over a flame, taking the desired shape. Many such leaves form the crown.
  • Squares made from plastic bottles. Small squares or rectangles are cut, which subsequently need to be placed on the wire. These pieces are also heat treated. The wire is folded in half to form branches. It's not a quick job, but this way you can imitate a coniferous tree.

A similar DIY topiary bonsai looks good if you successfully decorate the trunk and stand

DIY bonsai in an aquarium

And you can place an artificial mini bonsai in the aquarium, which, by the way, looks healthy. The important step here is to choose the right driftwood. It has to be cooked.

Features of making bonsai in an aquarium:

  • Take a whole bucket of water, throw in at least ten tablespoons of salt, put the water on the fire;
  • Throw a snag into this water;
  • You need to boil the driftwood for five hours, and then keep it in a bucket of cold water for another two days;
  • Plant the dried driftwood “head down” in a clay flower pot;
  • Place several large stones around the resulting trunk; pebbles and sand will also be needed;
  • Java moss, disassembled into pieces, should be placed on the tree branches, and they should be carefully secured with a thin fishing line;
  • You also need to put moss at the very base of such a tree.

Instead of driftwood, you can make a trunk from Crassula; such a plant often vegetates on windowsills

The tree can be placed in the center of the aquarium. There are instructions that describe all the manipulations in more detail, but a lot is thought out by the master himself right in the process. For example, you can make a mountain out of sand and pebbles right in an aquarium, where a tree will grow, it looks exotic and very Japanese.

Bonsai in an aquarium (video)

Bonsai is an oriental decor that has long been loved in our latitudes. Such a tree will decorate a greenhouse, living room, office, loggia. If you love Japanese culture, then a mini bonsai will harmoniously complement your bookshelf with volumes of Japanese authors.

Bonsai is a type of gardening art. This art form originated in China between the 8th and 10th centuries. Its essence is that trees that grow in nature and become large enough over time are planted in pots and various kinds of stands. Due to constant pruning of the crown and the fact that the root system becomes flat, dwarf trees like these are obtained.

In order to grow a pine bonsai, it will take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it.

You should start by collecting seedlings. It is best to take more than one, so that during the process of their growth you can choose the tree you like best, and it is easier to conduct experiments with the crown on several samples. An important point when growing pine bonsai is that it has 2 growth phases per year: late summer and late spring.

In the first year of bonsai growth, there is no particular hassle with it, since the tree is just beginning to take root and buds appear, that is, there is no need to trim anything. In late spring, in the first phase of growth, the branches of the pine tree lengthen, but at the end of summer, in the second phase, the branches of the tree become thicker and the roots begin to accumulate substances necessary for growth. Therefore, the roots of the tree should not be trimmed during the second phase. Another important detail is that young pine seedlings require a lot of light, as well as good drainage, otherwise the roots will simply begin to rot. The pot with pine should be placed away from drafts, as the plant is very afraid of wind.

In the second year of growth, first of all, the seedlings are cut off by 7-12 cm, but it is very important to ensure that healthy needles remain on the shoot after this, which must not be damaged under any circumstances. Pruning should be done at an angle of 45° and always at the end of March. Before you get a finished bonsai, its root system needs to be trimmed every year.

But if suddenly the needles of your tree grow above the required level, then it is better not to touch anything for now, and come up with another way to grow the bonsai crown.

After cutting the shoot, the pine trunk will begin to thicken. Also, the needles can become very lush, so you need to thin them out so that each needle receives sunlight. The main thing is not to overdo it. For pruning, you need to purchase a special pruning shears, which will cause much less harm to the plant.

After these manipulations, wire is placed on the seedling to form the shape of the trunk. The main thing is to ensure that the frame does not grow into the trunk, since as it thickens it will cut into the trunk, and as soon as this begins to happen, the wire should be removed and replaced. During this period, the tips of the branches are pinched, then they begin to branch better.

The tree will now grow the way you want by guiding it with the wire. During this period, you need to regularly shorten the young shoots, then it will remain the correct shape and will continue to branch.

Then you need to continue in the same direction, but without the wire. All that is necessary is to regularly monitor the formation of the crown, removing excess. Now the tree can be transplanted into a permanent bowl, decorating it to your liking.

Your bonsai is ready!

Bonsai is a wonderful decoration for your home, but as you know, it takes a lot of time to create such beauty. But you want to decorate your home with a decorative tree in this style now. Of course, such a problem can be solved within a day - buy it, but it’s much more pleasant to create such a tree with your own hands. This is where numerous ways to create such a decorative item from artificial materials come to the rescue.

Material we need for work

  • Any ceramic plate or flowerpot will become a tree stand.
  • Three-core wire, three pieces, 40 cm each. It will be needed to form the frame of the trunk and branches of the future bonsai.
  • Glue gun.
  • Gypsum, which will be needed to form the trunk and branches on the frame.
  • PVA glue.
  • Acrylic paints for the final design of the work.
  • Artificial greenery, which will need to be divided into inflorescences.

Creating a trunk and branches

Take a three-core wire and strip 10-12 cm from one end; future branches will be on this side. Do the same with the other two.

Now secure all three wires to the future stand using a heat gun. Connect them together and also fasten them with hot glue, then coat the entire structure with PVA glue.

Next, you need to dilute the plaster as indicated on the package, also add PVA to the mixture. The consistency of the solution should be like thick sour cream. Apply to the tree frame and form the trunk and branches. Leave the tree for a day, it should dry thoroughly.

After a day has passed, take PVA glue and coat the entire tree again. Once the glue is dry, paint the trunk brown. The paint must be mixed with PVA in a ratio of 3:1 and applied with a sponge. After this, ocher can be applied on top. You need to wait two hours to dry.

Creating a tree crown and its design

After the trunk has completely dried, you can begin to attach the leaves to the branches. This is done using a heat gun.

Now the last step remains - to decorate the stand beautifully. To create grass on it, take semolina and PVA glue and mix in a 2:1 ratio, add green paint to this mixture until the shade you want appears. You can apply the mixture to the bottom of the stand with a cocktail spoon; this method will help create natural unevenness and relief. Then glue coffee beans at the base of the trunk - these will be pebbles. And finally, attach any toy in the form of an animal or whatever you like best to the grass. Leave it all to dry again for a day.

Everything is ready, and using this master class, you have created a bonsai that looks lifelike in record time.

And for those who want to see more clearly how to create an artificial bonsai and grow a real one, there are video tutorials:

Decorative figurine in Japanese style to decorate your interior! An exotic “resident” will give any room greater expressiveness and original beauty.

This specimen is very easy to manufacture and, moreover, has an amazing resemblance to its natural prototype.
To create a dwarf tree we will need:
yarn "Grass";
crochet hook (2.0 mm);
a coil of thick copper wire (about 4-5 mm);
a small plastic strip (can be from a bottle) to form a hill;
construction tape (paper);
decorative acrylic enamel;
black gouache;

From the yarn we knit 12 different pieces with a single crochet stitch (3-4 large, all the rest are medium-sized).

Then we assemble branches from these knitted parts, distinctive in size and quantity of “foliage”. The top consists of one “bush”, which should simply be strung on a copper base and tightly secured at the base (twist the 2 ends of the wire until it stops).

Double and triple branches should be collected a little differently. Here we divide the wire into two halves, one of which should be much longer (the working end). We place the required number of blanks on this long section, retreating the same distance between them.

We twist the opposite parts of each small branch and get several branches on one.

We make large branches (of 3-4 parts) using the same principle.

A big plus of this composition is the number of branches. You will need only 5 of them: 2 large, 2 medium and a single branch (crown).

We begin to collect from top to bottom, distributing the branches on both sides of the trunk (taking the crown as the central axis).

We wrap the already assembled tree with tape, making the branches and trunk powerful. At the end, the bonsai trunk should be made curved.

Now let's start creating the cement base. We form a figure of any shape from a dense strip, place this blank on an oilcloth and put a thick mixture of diluted alabaster inside.

We immerse the tree in the “rock” and give it a few minutes to dry.