What happens to a dry cough? How to cure dry cough quickly. Atypical forms of pneumonia

Cough is a symptom of most diseases of the ENT organs; its cause can be irritants in the form of allergens, bacteria, fungi or viruses, as well as small particles of dust that enter the respiratory tract along with polluted air. When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, a reflex contraction of the muscles occurs, designed to cleanse the body of extraneous irritants.

A dry cough, which accompanies most respiratory viral diseases, usually turns into a productive cough within 3 to 4 days, with the separation, during attacks, of sputum formed in the bronchi. If this does not happen, medications are prescribed to help moisten the cough, and additional examinations are carried out to identify the cause of the pathology.

Depending on the manifestations, the cough can be wet, accompanied by sputum, or dry. A dry cough is usually unproductive, painful, and annoying. Depending on the disease, attacks may recur throughout the day, or worsen towards night.

In some cases, a dry cough can cause vomiting, a sore chest pain, or be accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

Treatment of cough must be competent, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, therefore, at the first symptoms of the pathology, a diagnosis is carried out.


To determine the cause of attacks, a number of studies are carried out aimed at identifying the causative agent of the disease, as well as accompanying pathological changes in the ENT organs that can cause a dry cough.

First of all, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, which will show the nature of the disease.

The predominance of eosinophils indicates the allergic nature of the disease; with an increased content of leukocytes, a viral etiology is diagnosed; neutrophils usually increase if the body is fighting a bacterial infection.

To determine the localization of inflammation in the lungs, percussion is performed, diagnostics is used by tapping the lungs and assessing the sounds that arise during this.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional tests, such as:

  • X-ray examination of the lungs.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • Bacteriological analysis of sputum.

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor uses the method of exclusion; often a dry cough can occur as a result of several diseases, one of which is primary. Therefore, even if the cause of the cough is identified, additional tests may be prescribed, the task of which is to confirm or exclude the presence of pathology, which gave rise to the occurrence of secondary symptoms.

For what diseases

A dry cough may be an early symptom of one of the following diseases:

  • Cold
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Flu
  • Sinusitis

At the recovery stage, a dry cough in these diseases becomes productive.

If the cough does not resolve within a week, the possible causes of the pathology are the following diseases:


Inflammation of the larynx is accompanied by unproductive, barking attacks and hoarseness.


Inflammation of the tracheal mucosa, which is accompanied by bouts of painful coughing, fever, and chest pain.


Inflammation of the pharynx, the symptoms of which are a sore throat that gets worse when swallowing food, as well as a hacking, dry cough.


Viral childhood disease. Symptoms of measles are the appearance of spots on the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums, barking, dry cough, elevated temperature during the catarrhal period. Then comes a period of rashes and pigmentation.

Whooping cough

A bacterial disease accompanied by a characteristic cough of a prolonged nature. Attacks can last up to 20 minutes, accompanied by facial redness, salivation, and vomiting.


A bacterial disease that manifests itself as weakness, weight loss, constant fatigue, and fever. The cough in tuberculosis is dry and moderate, attacks occur frequently, but are short-lived. When complications occur, viscous sputum may be discharged, sometimes with blood.


The inflammatory process in the pleura of the bronchi is accompanied by painful sensations in the lungs, which intensify with sneezing and sudden movements.

Bronchial asthma

Chronic bronchial disease, mainly of allergic etiology. Signs of asthma are frequent attacks of painful, unproductive cough, as well as bronchospasms accompanied by difficulty breathing. If the attack is not stopped in time, suffocation is possible.

An allergic reaction to certain particles spreading through the air, such as particles of epithelium, fur, pollen, chemical compounds, is accompanied by attacks of bronchospasm.

Oncology of the respiratory tract is often accompanied by painful attacks. Common causes of attacks include a long history of smoking, diseases of the stomach in which its contents are thrown into the larynx, and pneumoconiosis.

How to treat

Treatment methods, like medications, are selected taking into account the disease that caused the dry cough. If the disease has a viral etiology, as a result of which the respiratory tract becomes inflamed (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, colds, flu), the following treatment regimen is used:

  1. Drugs that strengthen the immune system in the fight against viruses.
  2. Mucolytic agents dilute sputum, improving its discharge from the bronchi.
  3. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. If spasms are present, bronchodilators are taken.
  5. For viral infections, inhalations are used to moisturize the mucous membrane and promote the transition from dry to productive. This treatment is used only during the period when the patient’s body temperature is normal.
  6. If the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of tablets, suspensions or injections. Most often, penicillin group of drugs or macrolides are used to treat the respiratory tract.
  7. Antihistamines are used for antibacterial therapy, as well as if the cause of attacks is an atypical reaction of the body to allergens in the air.

In some cases, when attacks are painful and do not give a person peace, antitussives are used that act on a special center in the brain. Such drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Simultaneous treatment with antitussive and mucolytic drugs is absolutely contraindicated.

Self-medication or the use of folk remedies without first examining a doctor and identifying the cause of the pathology can not only aggravate the symptoms, but also aggravate the situation with allergic attacks to certain plant components.

A dry cough in an adult is the body’s reaction to irritation of the throat mucosa. Without the ability to clear his throat, a person not only feels unwell, but also experiences difficulties in daily activities, communicating with people, etc. Such a cough does not bring a feeling of relief, because the phlegm does not come out. And so the brain sends a signal to cough again and again. By ignoring your cough, you turn a blind eye to your body's requests for help. As with any other symptom, you cannot delay coughing - over time the situation will only get worse. How to get rid of an unproductive cough and regain the comfort of life?

Causes and diagnosis of dry cough

Cough is not a disease as such. To determine the cause that causes it, you need to consult a therapist. After listening to you and conducting the necessary research, the doctor, if necessary, will refer you to a specialist. Dry cough is treated by otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, psychotherapists, allergists, etc. To determine the disease, blood and urine tests, x-ray diagnostics, ultrasound and other procedures may be required.

A dry cough should not be allowed to develop - it can be a symptom of many diseases. Thus, a dry, prolonged cough is associated with:

  • respiratory infections;
  • chronic diseases of the throat and nose (rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, etc.);
  • allergies;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • tumor;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • problems with the esophagus (for example, fistula formation);
  • helminthiasis.

Enlarged lymph nodes, damage to the respiratory tract, fibrotic process in the lungs, enlargement of the aorta - all this can also cause a cough. Thus, it may be associated with pathologies of various systems in the body, and this deserves the closest attention.

In addition to diseases, coughing without being able to clear your throat causes:

  • smoking (and passive smoking too);
  • the presence of substances in the air that irritate the mucous membranes;
  • physical pressure on the neck;
  • stress.

Almost always, a coughing attack is not the only symptom. With ARVI, it is accompanied by elevated body temperature, aching bones, and a general weak condition. A cough indicating diabetes mellitus occurs against a background of constant dry mouth. If a tumor is present, the cough may be accompanied by expectoration of blood. The development of tuberculosis manifests itself as decreased appetite, chills, sweating at night, slightly elevated body temperature, and so on. If you start coughing dryly, pay attention to other signals your body is sending you.

Signs of the disease

The main distinguishing feature of a dry cough is the inability to clear the throat. There is either no sputum at all, or its release is difficult, and you are literally shaken by uncontrollable coughing attacks. It can cause headaches and abdominal muscles, especially if you cough a lot and for a long time. Depending on the duration, non-productive cough is divided into:

  • chronic (more than 2 months);
  • recurrent: occurring again after some time;
  • prolonged (more than 2 weeks);
  • acute (occurs during a cold or ARVI).

If you cough in the morning, this may indicate chronic bronchitis. An evening cough may be a reaction to nervous tension during the workday. People with cardiovascular diseases, nasopharyngeal diseases, asthmatics, etc. usually cough at night.

Some people develop a cough after eating - in these cases we are talking about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, and larynx.

What else you need to pay attention to:

  • bronchial asthma is accompanied by a severe cough with signs of suffocation;
  • a persistent dry cough can be caused by the presence of a tumor;
  • “barking” cough is a symptom of respiratory infections or problems with the larynx;
  • the lower the sound of the cough, the more dull it is, the higher the likelihood that there are problems with the lungs;
  • spasmodic cough indicates whooping cough;
  • frequent superficial cough indicates inflammation of the pleura - the membrane covering the lungs and the wall of the chest cavity;
  • if the cough does not occur during breathing, but does not seem to be associated with it at all, you need to examine the lymph nodes.

How to treat dry cough

To treat dry cough in adults, various drugs and methods are used to remove phlegm and reduce the number of coughing attacks:

  • medicines: expectorants ACC, Mucaltin, Bromhexine, etc., as well as antitussives: Ascoril, Sinekod, Codelac Neo, etc.;
  • homeopathic remedies: Bryonia, Stodal, Gerbion, etc.;
  • antibiotics;
  • lollipops to relieve throat conditions (with herbs or other components to relieve inflammatory processes): Alex Plus, Strepsils, Doctor Mom, etc.;
  • folk remedies: compresses, rubbing, rinsing, etc.;
  • vitamin complexes and immunostimulants: Imudon, Viferon, etc.

The treatment plan is drawn up by the doctor after a thorough diagnosis. Depending on the causes that provoke a dry cough (laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc.), he selects appropriate therapy. When a cough is associated with an allergy, antihistamines are prescribed to get rid of it. If you have asthma, your doctor will advise you to treat your cough with inhaled glucocorticoids.



Used in the absence of sputum in the lungs and bronchi. If the body does not need to remove mucus, the main goal is to get rid of coughing attacks. To do this, use a medicine that affects the cough center of the brain. It transmits the appropriate signals, and the cough stops. Among these drugs are Stoptussin, Bronholitin, Sinekod, etc. There are drugs whose action is aimed at peripheral nerve endings in the bronchi: Agisept, Stopangin 2A, etc. They are also effective ways to relieve cough.


With acute respiratory viral infection or pharyngitis, a lot of sputum accumulates in the bronchi, and a drug with an expectorant effect will help remove it. If you can’t clear your throat on your own, medications such as Bronchicum, Thermopsis, marshmallow syrup, Mucaltin tablets, Fluimucil, etc. help. They thin the mucus, facilitating its easy removal. You will feel better, and the attacks of dry cough will stop.

Combination medications

In addition to expectorant components, the composition of combined drugs may also include antipyretics, antihistamines, analgesics and other substances. Often cough medicines contain vitamin C to support immunity during illness. Among the combined drugs are Solpadeine, Coldrex, Codefemol, etc.

If the cough occurs due to nervousness, antipsychotics, antidepressants and other medications may be prescribed for a course of treatment. Their action is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Antibiotics for dry cough in adults

If, in addition to a dry cough, other symptoms bother you, if the clinical picture is complex, and the disease is protracted and severe, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. The main purpose of the drugs prescribed in this case is to combat pathogenic flora of the oral mucosa. Hexapneumin, Cephalexin, Azithromycin, Sumamed are antibiotics prescribed to combat dry cough. On average, they need to be taken within 3-4 days. Among the listed remedies, Hexapneumin has an additional property - in addition to suppressing pathogenic microflora, it stimulates coughing, which allows you to quickly eliminate phlegm from the bronchi.

When taking antibiotics for a cough, remember to maintain intestinal health - it suffers from such therapy. To normalize the digestion process, take bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.


There are many types of homeopathy to treat dry cough. Experts prescribe one remedy or another, depending on the causes of the disease and other circumstances. So, for a cold, take Gepar sulfur, when a cough bothers you before bed - Rumex, Drosera, etc. For night coughs, drink Coccus kakti, Laurocerarus and other remedies. If the cough is accompanied by nausea, use Ipecac. A specialist will help you find the right homeopathy.

As for the well-known homeopathic medicines sold in pharmacies, you can easily purchase syrups:

  • Stodal;
  • Bronchipret;
  • Gerbion.

They improve phlegm removal, reduce the urge to cough and have virtually no contraindications. They are prescribed to children and adults, including pregnant women. Still, it is better to discuss everything with your doctor before purchasing.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough in adults

At home, you can get rid of a dry cough in an adult - there are many traditional medicine recipes for this purpose. However, remember that these tips are not universal, and you may find contraindications to one or another method of combating cough. Be sure to consult your doctor. And folk advice is much more effective in combination with cough treatment with medications.


The following medicinal plants are excellent for getting rid of cough:

  • coltsfoot / plantain / licorice / sage: pour dried crushed leaves (about 1 tbsp) with a glass of boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew for an hour; drink up to 3 times a day;
  • chamomile: 1.5 tbsp. pour the crushed raw material into a glass of boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew for 30 minutes; rinse 2-3 times a day; if the cough is very severe, reduce the interval between rinses to 1-2 hours.


For inhalation at home use:

  • eucalyptus leaves or eucalyptus oil;
  • thyme;
  • coltsfoot;
  • baking soda + essential oil (mint, lavender, cedar, etc.)

If you pour boiling water over dried herbs, you will need 2 tablespoons of raw materials per 500 ml of water. Using oil, drop it into water at the rate of 2-3 drops per 500 ml of water. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes. Inhalation can be done from several times a day to once every two days, depending on the intensity of the cough. Typically, this method provides rapid expectoration of mucus.

Warm drink

For dry cough, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed - up to 3 liters per day. Give preference to herbal infusions: decoction of plantain, sage, etc., as well as milk (you can use Borjomi) and plain water. Black radish juice with the addition of honey is excellent for treating a severe dry cough - our ancestors used this method for hundreds of years. Try to avoid extremely hot and cold drinks. Please note that herbal infusions can only be consumed if you are not prone to allergic reactions to the herbs included in the composition.

To prevent the appearance of dry paroxysmal cough in adults, you can use warm water. If you feel like you are about to start coughing, drink half a cup of warm water. This method is effective, including for asthma patients.

Compresses, cupping and rubbing

The following is usually used as the basis for a warming compress:

  • boiled potatoes in their jackets;
  • dry mustard powder;
  • flour + honey + vegetable oil (the compress looks like a cake).

All components of your compress should be carefully placed on the chest, bypassing the heart area. The top of the compress is covered with cling film (a plastic bag will do), and then the patient is covered with a woolen cloth. Ideally, fix the wool bandage on the chest. Apply the compress until it cools down.

Another type of compress is cotton fabric soaked in sunflower oil. It is placed on the patient's chest, covered with a film on top, and covered with a warm cloth - for example, a woolen scarf. You need to sleep like this until morning. It is believed that after a night with such a compress, it will be easier for you to breathe, and the phlegm will begin to disappear.

If you suspect that a severe cough may be a complication after an infection, or if the patient has a fever, you should avoid using a warm compress.

Medical cups and special rubbing ointments show high effectiveness in the fight against dry cough. Both methods provide increased blood flow to the patient’s back or chest. As a result, local immunity increases. Applying an iodine mesh to the chest has the same effect.


If you have the opportunity to visit the bathhouse, it will help you breathe properly and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your throat. When coughing, it is recommended to visit a warm and humid Russian bath - too high temperatures or dry air only irritate the mucous membranes.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is useful to water the stones with a decoction of pine shoots or buds, birch leaves, black currant, thyme and more. To prepare such a decoction, you need to mix the ingredients you like in equal proportions and use 2 tbsp. dry raw materials per 2 liters of water. The mixture must be boiled for 10 minutes. Let the broth brew and use it when going to the bathhouse. If you have cardiovascular diseases, it is better to refrain from this activity.

Other folk methods for getting rid of dry cough:

  • Bring 500 ml of water to a boil, add a chopped garlic clove into the water and add 1 tsp. soda Bend over the pan, cover your head with a towel and breathe until the water cools down.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of vodka with 1 tbsp. honey, add egg yolk, stir the resulting mixture; take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Massage: kneading the back muscles has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition and enhances the removal of mucus.
  • Quitting smoking, using perfumes, air fresheners, etc.


To avoid becoming a hostage to a dry cough, take care of your health: try not to get wet in the rain, dress appropriately for the weather so that you are neither hot nor cold. Avoid crowds of people during the cold season, get vaccinated against flu on time and do not visit public places during epidemics.

More useful tips:

  • harden yourself: practice a contrast shower, wash your face with cold water;
  • maintain a cool temperature at home, teach yourself to wear a minimum of home clothes;
  • ensure a comfortable level of humidity in the premises;
  • when using air conditioning, try to keep the difference in temperature between outside and inside no more than 6 degrees;
  • play sports or walk in the fresh air;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • provide yourself with a normal daily routine: eat right, don’t overwork, sleep the prescribed number of hours;
  • create a comfortable environment at home, from a psychological and emotional point of view.

Video about the treatment of dry cough in adults

Cough is complex reflex act in which there is a sharp contraction of the respiratory muscles and a powerful push-like release of air from the lungs. A cough occurs when sensitive receptors located in the trachea, larynx, pleura, and large bronchi are irritated.

Main goal cough reflex - clearing the airways of liquid, foreign body or mucus. At its core, a cough is a defense mechanism that is designed to clear the airways of secretions or all kinds of aspirated or inhaled particles.

Depending on the cause of cough, cough is distinguished physiological And pathological.

Physiological cough - This is a completely normal and, one might say, necessary phenomenon of everyday human life. From time to time, a physiological cough that appears removes sputum accumulated there from the respiratory tract, as well as foreign bodies or crumbs that have fallen into the wrong throat. The main characteristics of a physiological cough: periodic recurrence (with no other symptoms of the disease), short duration.

Unlike physiological pathological cough manifests itself against the background of all kinds of respiratory diseases. As mentioned above, physiological cough is the same in all cases and there are no special problems with its diagnosis. Pathological cough, on the contrary, has a very diverse character, in many cases depending on the nature of the disease that caused it. In order to correctly diagnose and treat a disease that is accompanied by a cough, it is extremely important to establish the individual characteristics of this cough.

Depending on duration of symptoms The following types of cough are distinguished:
spicy(no longer than one to two weeks),
protracted(from two weeks to a month),
infraspinatus(from a month to eight weeks),
chronic(more than two months).

A cough accompanied by mucus production is called productive. When there is no mucus discharge, a cough is called dry

Acute cough arising against the background of acute respiratory infections (ARVI). This type of cough is the most common. An acute cough against the background of an acute respiratory disease develops over several hours or days and is characteristic of diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis.

The main characteristics of this cough:
gradual development over several hours or several days,
the presence of other symptoms of the disease (runny nose, increased body temperature, feeling weak, weakness, in children - refusal to eat, moodiness, anxiety),
change in the nature of the cough from dry to wet.

The main development factor lingering cough is not an infection, as with an acute cough, but the excessive sensitivity of cough receptors and increased sputum production as a result of the illness. That is, a lingering cough is not so much a symptom of the disease as a natural attribute of the healing process. When choosing cough treatment tactics, this fact is important.

Recurrent cough - This is a prolonged, periodically recurring cough, the duration of which exceeds two weeks. Recurrent cough is characteristic of diseases such as obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

Constant cough characteristic of a number of chronic diseases of the pulmonary tract and lungs. We are talking about a persistent cough when the patient actually coughs constantly (that is, the cough may sometimes weaken or intensify, but it is constantly present). A wet, persistent cough is a sign of diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and bronchiectasis. Diseases such as fibrosing alveolitis or laryngeal papillomatosis are characterized by a dry, persistent cough.

Diseases that can cause cough:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
allergies, asthma,
runny nose,
chronic rhinitis and sinusitis,
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, heartburn),
congestive heart failure,
lung cancer,
sinus infection,

Possible causes of cough

1) All kinds of bacterial and viral infections of the lungs or respiratory tract. Diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, viral infections, whooping cough, pharyngomycosis (fungal infection of the upper respiratory tract), etc.
2) Tumor diseases.
3) Smoking.
4) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
5) Foreign body aspiration.
6) Tuberculosis.
7) Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly gastroesophageal reflux.
8) Diseases of the cardiovascular system that lead to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation (in the lungs), such as, for example, coronary pulmonary disease of the fourth functional class.
9) Mental disorders.
10) Cough can occur as a side effect when taking certain medications, as an option - medications used to lower blood pressure ( enam, enap etc.).
11) Chemical irritation (gases, tear gas, smoke).

Allergic cough

In fact, the concept of “allergic cough” is incorrect, since such a term is absent in the modern classification of diseases. If there is a connection between a cough and an allergic process, then, as a rule, we are talking about the cough variant of bronchial asthma. In what cases would it be correct to talk about a cough as being associated with an allergic process?

Paroxysmal cough which begins suddenly and can last for quite a long time.
Chronic cough. When a patient begins to cough, he cannot stop for a long time. Most often, attacks occur at night.
The cough is predominantly dry. In some cases, at the end of a coughing attack, a small clot of light or clear sputum may be discharged. Sometimes patients note that the cough was provoked by any external factors: contact with animals, dust, strong odors, old books, etc. During coughing attacks, you may also experience a feeling of difficulty breathing and suffocation.

Cough treatment

Depending on the cause of cough, medications are selected individually. Antitussives are divided into two types: those that thin mucus and those that promote expectoration.

In most cases, it is necessary to treat a cough caused by acute respiratory viral infections, or ARVI, that is, what is commonly called a cold. It is not surprising that a mild cough occurs against the background of a cold. Most often, such a cough does not require any treatment and disappears on its own along with the underlying disease. In other cases, for example, during bronchitis, the cough can be persistent and severe, accompanied by the release of viscous sputum. In this situation, sputum thinning treatment may be necessary and effective.

How is cough treated? First of all, you need to try drink as much fluid as possible, since drinking plenty of fluids stabilizes the water balance in the body, which is disturbed during illness, and helps to dilute sputum. During coughing and pharyngitis, it is extremely useful to drink abundant mineral waters (Borjomi is one of the options), since their chemical composition also facilitates the production of sputum and speeds up the healing process. The diet should include light but calorie-rich foods, as well as fruits and vegetables.

Secondly, during coughs and colds, an effective remedy is inhalation. They are indicated for older children and adults. Young children (under the age of 4 years) inhalation is not recommended, as this can cause an attack of suffocation. To prepare the inhalation, you need to take the leaves of chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme, sage (one tablespoon of each ingredient), place in a large container and pour boiling water. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil to the resulting infusion. Such inhalation must be carried out several times a day.

Thirdly, if the cough is persistent with viscous sputum (most likely bronchitis or tracheitis), you need to take medications to thin the sputum: mucolytic and expectorant agents. Most of these medications come in both pediatric and adult forms. We advise you to opt for herbal medicines, as well as mucolytics, such as "Lazolvan" ("Ambroxol"), ACC (acetylcysteine), "Bromhexine". The use of mucolytics is advisable in cases where sputum is present, but it is viscous and difficult to remove.

It makes sense to take expectorants if coughing produces a small amount of sputum (scanty sputum), since these drugs stimulate the secretion of sputum by the bronchial glands, diluting it and strengthening the cough reflex, which leads to clearing of the airways during a cold or bronchitis.

Antitussive drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician, as they can lead to serious adverse reactions. You should not combine the use of mucolytic cough medicines and antitussives, as this can cause blockage of the bronchi with phlegm.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can buy a chest pack at the pharmacy, but if you wish, you can make it yourself. This should be done like this: take equal parts of licorice, thyme, linden, oregano, coltsfoot, mint, pine buds, plantain, lungwort, calendula, and chop. For half a liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of the mixture and leave for an hour and a half in a warm place. Strain the resulting decoction and take 150 ml three to four times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

During whooping cough, dry cough and colds must be taken 2-4 once a day before meals, a third of a glass of the following brew: brew four to five pieces of figs with one glass of boiling milk, wrap, let it brew until it cools down. You can also rub the patient’s chest with the following mixture: three parts of plantain leaf, three parts of licorice root, four parts of coltsfoot leaves.

If the cough is severe, The following recipe is suitable: add half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of unsalted interior fat to a glass of boiled milk, mix thoroughly, drink hot in small sips two to three times a day before meals.

Before going to bed, rub your chest with internal fat (lamb or goat fat is ideal), put on a cotton T-shirt, pull a woolen sweater over it and go to bed.

– one of the main signs of disease of the respiratory system. Frequent coughing also occurs with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive tract. The exact cause can be determined after a thorough diagnosis.

Dry cough is the main symptom of respiratory system diseases

Causes of dry cough in adults?

A periodic dry cough without fever or deterioration in general health serves to cleanse the larynx, bronchi, and lungs from external irritants. But if the attacks are strong and frequent, accompanied by vomiting, hyperthermia, chest pain, weakness - these are manifestations of serious diseases.

The main reason for the appearance of a long-term unproductive barking cough is the onset of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and tracheitis.

Diseases in the acute stage are accompanied by high fever, the voice becomes hoarse, sometimes disappears completely, there is a constant feeling of a tugging in the throat, and pain when swallowing is also characteristic.

What causes a dry cough:

  1. Bronchial asthma– a disease of allergic origin with a chronic course, attacks of choking cough are accompanied by suffocation and panic.
  2. Pleurisy, pneumonia– inflammation of the lung tissue, occurs with pain in the chest area when coughing, shortness of breath, and a significant increase in temperature.
  3. – irritation of the mucous membranes by external factors causes a coughing attack, additionally a runny nose, conjunctivitis, and lacrimation appear.
  4. Whooping cough is an infectious pathology in adults that is rare, but it is very severe, with coughing leading to vomiting, high fever, and lack of appetite.
  5. ARI, ARVI - at the initial stage of a cold, a non-productive irritating cough appears, which turns into a wet one, which indicates the penetration of infection into the bronchi and lungs.
  6. Tuberculosis is an infectious pathology; it can occur for a long time without pronounced clinical symptoms of the disease; coughing attacks gradually become more frequent, sweating at night increases, weakness, and weight loss are observed.
  7. Malignant neoplasms– a long, painful dry cough at normal temperatures often occurs during oncological processes in the upper respiratory tract and lungs.
  8. Thyroid enlargement– against the background of compression of the trachea, a feeling of a lump in the throat occurs; the person constantly wants to clear his throat.
  9. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system– attacks of severe coughing occur after physical exertion and are accompanied by shortness of breath, tachycardia, and a feeling of lack of oxygen.
  10. Gastritis, ulcer, reflux– particles of undigested food, together with gastric juice, penetrate back into the esophagus, oral cavity, irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and larynx occurs, and paroxysmal cough occurs.

A dry cough can even occur due to gastritis

Long-term smoking, working in hazardous, dusty industries, nervous shock, infection with roundworms, taking ACE inhibitors - these factors cause frequent attacks of dry cough in adults. Severe coughing at night- a consequence of diseases of the nasopharynx, mucus accumulates in the sinuses, flows down the throat, irritates the mucous membrane.

A chronic, inveterate cough that lasts more than 100 days indicates the presence of serious pathological processes in the body - bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tumors of the respiratory system, tuberculosis, heart failure.

Which doctor should I contact?

In case of prolonged, debilitating cough, after examination and initial diagnosis, the doctor will write a referral to a phthisiatrician.

It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately if the cough is accompanied by a high temperature that does not decrease after taking medications, clouding of consciousness, severe swelling and frequent urination, severe tachycardia, pain when swallowing, inhaling or exhaling.


During the initial examination, the doctor performs percussion, auscultation and palpation of the chest to identify the location of wheezing and cardiac dysfunction. After which the specialist will prescribe tests that will help make an accurate diagnosis.

To diagnose the disease, a complete blood count and a number of other tests are taken.

Research methods:

  • general blood test - shows the degree of the inflammatory process;
  • tumor marker test;
  • Mantoux test;
  • in the presence of sputum, conduct a bacteriological examination to identify the type of infectious agent;
  • fluorography, chest x-ray - carried out to assess the condition of the bronchi and lungs;
  • spirography - study of the functions of the respiratory system;
  • bronchoscopy.

If the presence of neoplasms is suspected, CT and MRI are prescribed to find out the location of the tumor and metastasis. If the cough does not occur due to problems with the respiratory system, an ultrasound or ECG is performed.

Treatment of dry cough in an adult

The main goal of therapy is to transform the cough from dry to wet; when coughing, pathogenic microorganisms come out along with sputum, and the healing process is accelerated. Treatment uses medications, physiotherapy and folk recipes.


To eliminate attacks of frequent coughing, antitussive and expectorant medications are most often used in the form of tablets (), syrups; these drugs cannot be taken at the same time. Additionally, antibiotics, antihistamines, and antiviral medications are prescribed, depending on the main cause of the discomfort.

Libexin helps suppress cough

How to treat a dry cough:

  • medicines that suppress cough– Sinekod, Libexin;
  • expectorants– Solutan, licorice root syrup, transforms a non-productive cough into a wet one ();
  • mucolytics– ACC, Ambroxol, improve sputum discharge;
  • lozenges with antiseptic and analgesic effects– Lizobakt, Strepsils;
  • rinsing solutions– Chlorophyllipt, relieve pain, moisturize the mucous membrane;
  • warming ointments– Doctor Mom;
  • antimicrobial sprays– Kameton;
  • antiviral drugs– Arbidol, Tsitovir, prescribed for coughs of viral origin;
  • antibiotics– Sumamed, Azitrox, must be taken for bacterial infections of the respiratory system;
  • antihistamines– Suprastin, Claritin, prescribed for allergic cough.

Antihistamine to help relieve cough

In combination with drug therapy, physiotherapy is prescribed - breathing exercises, electrophoresis with drugs, UHF, heating, inhalation with a nebulizer with saline solution, soda solution, alkaline mineral waters, bronchodilators.

Severe cough with convulsions and vomiting is observed with whooping cough, tracheitis and bronchitis. Constant coughing and sore throat are a sign of chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, the presence of malignant neoplasms in the respiratory system, regular attacks of dry cough occur in active and passive smokers.

Folk remedies

For a dry cough, alternative medicine will help - steam inhalations, herbal infusions and decoctions, warm compresses, and other folk recipes, but it is difficult to completely cure the disease without the use of medicines.


The most accessible and popular method of quickly getting rid of frequent coughing at home is steam inhalation. To prepare solutions, herbs with anti-inflammatory and coughing effects are used.

For dry cough, be sure to use steam inhalation

Herbal inhalations:

  • chamomile inflorescences, pine needles, sage, thyme, eucalyptus;
  • birch buds, spruce buds, juniper, black currant and lemon balm leaves;
  • St. John's wort, mint, meadowsweet, pine buds, sage.

Before each session, 2 tbsp. l. Brew the mixture with 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, inhale the steam through your mouth, exhale through your nose. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes, it should be carried out in the morning and evening 1.5–2 hours after eating.

At high inhalation temperatures, warming compresses are contraindicated.

Onions and milk

If the cough is painful and does not go away for a long time, peel 1 medium onion and a head of garlic, boil the vegetables in 250 ml of milk. Cool the drink to a temperature of 50–60 degrees, add 5 ml of liquid honey and mint juice. Drink 15 ml of the medicine every hour; this effective remedy promotes coughing, thins mucus, and strengthens the immune system.

Radish and honey

A good home remedy, it will help even with an old, very severe dry cough, eliminates the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Wash a small black radish, cut off the top, make a small depression, pour liquid honey into it. After 2 hours, juice will appear, which you need to take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day, always before bedtime.

Warming agents

Warming compresses will speed up blood circulation and promote better mucus discharge. Lubricate your back and chest, avoiding the heart area.


  • prepare an ointment from 100 g of chopped onion and 50 g of goose fat;
  • mix grated pumpkin, warm milk and honey, add rye flour to form a thick, homogeneous mass, make a flat cake, fix it on the chest and back;
  • warming solution - combine 50 ml of apple cider vinegar, 30 ml of vegetable oil, 20 ml of camphor, soak gauze, make a compress.

After applying warming agents, place wax paper or film on top, secure the compress with a warm scarf, and wrap yourself in a blanket. The minimum session duration is 1.5–2 hours.

The easiest way to reduce coughing attacks is to draw an iodine grid on your chest and back before going to bed, and wrap yourself well.

Dill and anise

An effective remedy against paroxysmal coughs is to mix 5 g of crushed anise and dill seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for half an hour, strain. Drink 45 ml of medication every 30 minutes.

Possible consequences and complications

Cough in an adult– the body’s protective reaction to the penetration of pathogenic microbes, constant irritation of the mucous membrane, but in a chronic course the pathology causes serious complications.

If the airways are irritated by something, a cough cannot be avoided. This reaction is a reflex; it is impossible to restrain it by willful efforts. It often worsens at night, preventing the patient from falling asleep. All respiratory and abdominal muscles participate in it.

The most common causes of dry cough in adults. Treatment with medications and folk remedies

Therefore, a prolonged cough is tiresome and harmful. This is especially true for a dry cough, which does not remove anything from the respiratory tract. This unproductive cough irritates them even more and leads to complications.

Dry cough in an adult. We will consider treatment with medications and folk remedies in detail in the article.

You should not wait until it goes away on its own, but start treatment immediately. In adults, this reaction is not so pronounced, but the diseases accompanied by it are no less dangerous than in children.

This characteristic symptom most often signals a specific respiratory disease. However, it happens that a prolonged dry cough in an adult accompanies diseases whose treatment is not directly related to the respiratory system.

Or is it a whole complex of circumstances that provoke each other. In adults, discomfort in the respiratory tract is often associated with other systemic diseases that are not directly related to it. Therefore, it is very important to establish what exactly causes a dry cough for quick and successful treatment.

For respiratory infections

The cough appears in the first days, when there is no sputum yet. Pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough and similar diseases begin with it. This is preceded by a sore throat, lacrimation and runny nose. Afterwards, fever, intoxication and other characteristic manifestations appear.

With proper treatment, sputum is formed, and the cough becomes necessary, expectorant. A post-infectious dry cough is triggered by a sensation of irritation or tickling in the throat. This can last for more than 2 weeks, and for a long time, up to 2 months, a rare cough may bother you.

Chronic diseases of the ENT organs

The irritant to cough in case of sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx is mucus that enters the back of the throat from the nose. Since the lying position contributes to this, this cough is especially painful at night.


A dry cough and runny nose without fever are one of the most common reactions to an allergen. It often takes the form of recurrent bronchitis that cannot be treated. Usually adults who are susceptible to this syndrome know what substances provoke this problem in them.

But if this happens for the first time, identifying the stimulus may take time. In this case, you should contact an allergist and the sooner, the more optimal the solution will be.

Thyroid enlargement

In diseases of this organ, coughing attacks occur due to compression of the trachea, next to which it is located. This phenomenon is mechanical, and it is not accompanied by any other characteristic manifestations, fever or inflammation of the larynx.

Heart diseases, defects and heart failure

They are also accompanied by a nonproductive cough. It often occurs as a reaction to physical activity and is accompanied by high blood pressure, shortness of breath with attacks of suffocation, and increased heart rate. In a supine position, it becomes more intense, and in order to weaken it, you need to make the patient sit.

In this case, there is practically no temperature and sputum. However, during an exacerbation of the disease, when the left ventricle cannot cope with its functions, blood stagnates in the lungs, and it can come out with a cough.


The growth of tumor formations near the respiratory organs compresses them. Obstruction of normal air flow causes coughing, which is accompanied by chest pain if associated with lung cancer. With such an oncological process, purulent sputum with blood should be expected.

When the throat and larynx are affected by a cancerous tumor, breathing becomes difficult due to the narrowing of the lumen. This type of cough may cough up blood. It will also get into your saliva and nasal discharge.


No one is immune from this serious and difficult-to-treat disease. But those at greatest risk are those who are about 30 years old and older. Constant overwork, excessive stress, unfavorable working conditions and others causes of decreased immunity activate Koch's wand, which is detected during examination in 80–90% of people in this group.

A dry, prolonged cough in an adult, whose intensive treatment does not produce significant positive results, may be a sign of tuberculosis, which most often affects the bronchi and lungs.

In this case, a dry cough will begin to produce phlegm after 3-4 weeks. This disease is also indicated by: lack of appetite, weakness, chills, low fever in the evenings, and severe sweating at night.


Nervous coughing during stress occurs in both adults and children. When a person is uncomfortable in a situation, confused or worried, this psychogenic cough may occur. It is not accompanied by other symptoms, but with severe shocks it can cause spasm and suffocation.

Other Possible Causes

Often, irritation of nerve receptors, leading to a dry cough, is associated with an aggressive environment that injures the mucous membranes. Such a cough does not require special treatment if the exposure to the environment was short-lived. It goes away when the mucous membranes are restored.

Frequent, severe, dry cough in an adult is caused by smoking. Treatment will be ineffective if you do not get rid of this habit. It is not necessary to smoke yourself; passive smokers also suffer from attacks of this cough.

In addition to the tumors mentioned above, enlargement of the lymph nodes that accompanies blood diseases, as well as other pathologies, enlargement of the aorta due to an aneurysm leads to compression of areas of the respiratory tract and, consequently, reflex cough. The fibrotic process operates similarly in the lungs.

Problems in the esophagus can provoke a dry cough if a fistula forms. Diabetes mellitus causes dry mucous membranes and a constant desire to drink, which leads to coughing attacks.

The mucous membrane of the lungs can be irritated by worms with extensive intestinal damage. Some medications indicated for hypertension may cause coughing as a side effect. Such information is always indicated in the instructions. Aspirin and some inhaled medications often cause a dry cough. If this happens, these drugs should be discontinued.

Signs of a dry cough

The time during which a dry cough does not leave a person makes it possible to judge whether the treatment was chosen correctly and the cause was determined. Since coughing does not cause noticeable discomfort in adults, many do not pay attention to it.

However, you need to monitor this symptom so as not to miss time if the cough signals a more serious process than a cold or post-infectious problems with the throat mucosa.

The duration of a cough divides it into the following types:

  1. Spicy– accompanies a viral or cold disease.
  2. Lingering – does not leave the patient more than 2 weeks after the infection.
  3. Recurrent– constantly returns over 4-5 weeks. This often indicates asthma or bronchitis and manifests itself in attacks that are difficult to control. cope with. Therefore, it is better not to delay seeing a doctor if you have such a cough.
  4. Chronic cough– bothers a person for more than 2 months and indicates that its cause is a permanent factor and seriously complicates the breathing process. You can get rid of chronic cough only if this cause is completely eliminated.

Based on the time of day at which the cough is most intense, the following assumptions can be made:

  • Morning cough– accompanies chronic bronchitis
  • Night cough- observed in ENT diseases, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, or associated with heart weakness, as well as GERD - a pathology in which the contents of the stomach periodically enter the esophagus.
  • Cough after eating– problems of the larynx, throat, gastrointestinal tract.

The following signs of a dry cough are also significant:

  • Loud, “barking” cough– is inherent in ARVI, pathologies of the trachea and larynx.
  • Deaf– the problem is deep in the lungs.
  • hysterical, spasmodic, convulsive cough is a symptom of whooping cough.
  • Frequent, shallow– irritation of the pleura. If there is pain in the side, pleurisy can be assumed.
  • Bronchial asthma causes a severe, suffocating cough, with thick sputum after an attack.
  • reflex cough, when the irritation is not related to breathing - it happens, for example, with inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears.
  • Nasty, incessant dry cough - areas of the respiratory tract are compressed.

Drug treatment of dry cough

Pay attention! Sucking lozenges helps relieve dry cough in an adult or child, whose treatment gives positive dynamics. These do not necessarily have to be medicinal or fortified lollipops. The activity of the salivary glands and frequent swallowing are important. Saliva moistens irritated mucous membranes, and the swallowing reflex relieves attacks.

It is important that a dry cough develops into a productive, wet form.
After this, it is advisable to use mucolytic and expectorant agents that help reduce the viscosity of sputum and its removal.

Before the formation of sputum, attacks of painful cough are relieved with the help of drugs that have a depressing effect on the cough center and antispasmodics.

Drugs that relieve spasms in the bronchi

If the patency of the respiratory tract is impaired due to spasm, swelling and narrowing of the bronchi, as well as their filling with mucus, bronchodilators are used, for example, Atropine, Theophedrine. They relax the muscles of the bronchi and promote ventilation of the lungs. With their help, cough is eliminated in chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


If coughing attacks can cause significant harm, for example, with whooping cough, dry pleurisy, bronchitis, influenza or other diseases, it is advisable to suppress the cough reflex before the formation of sputum and not exhaust the patient’s body.

The drugs prescribed for such cases are not narcotic and are not addictive. They act locally on nerve receptors in combination with an analgesic and sedative effect.

They should be consumed only at the beginning of the illness, before sputum appears, usually before bed. If the cough becomes wet and produces mucus, you should stop taking antitussive medications. They should be replaced with expectorants.

Often used for this problem Bronholitin is a syrup with a combined antitussive, mucolytic and antiseptic effect.

Carefully! Cough suppression is contraindicated in cases of bleeding in the lungs and sputum accumulation.


If there is stagnation of sputum with an incessant dry cough, the patient is prescribed drugs that dilute it and promote excretion - mucolytic and expectorant. Typically, such drugs combine both of these effects with a weak anti-inflammatory.

Their use makes sense for hard breathing and wheezing in the bronchi and apexes of the lungs. Such drugs do not reduce the intensity of cough, but facilitate the breathing process due to the release of phlegm and the transformation of a dry cough into a productive, wet one.

Products with the above-described effect can be purchased at the pharmacy. The most effective and accessible are Amroxol, Ambrobene, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine ​​and their analogues. Plantain-based syrups also help well: Herbion, Doctor Theiss.


They are used to treat infections after confirming their bacterial nature. Their use is advisable in severe cases. In mild cases of the disease, such treatment may be harmful, since such drugs suppress natural immunity and contribute to the development of allergies.


For psychogenic cough, which is provoked by stress, treatment of a general nervous disease is important. In this case, you cannot do without qualified assistance from a doctor. In this case, self-medicating and taking sedatives without professional advice is very dangerous.


If the cough is of an allergic nature, a drug prescribed by an allergist and elimination of the provoking factor will help get rid of such an unpleasant condition. It is important to start treatment on time, before coughing attacks become more severe or complicated. In such cases, Zodak, Zyrtec, Suprastin are usually prescribed.

Radical treatment with drugs containing potent substances

In situations where other means are unable to alleviate debilitating attacks of dry cough, which significantly worsens the quality of life in an adult patient or child, treatment is accompanied by taking medications including codeine, ethylmorphine or other substances that depress the cough center of the brain.

Such drugs also affect other brain functions and are also addictive. Therefore, they are used in the most extreme cases in hospital settings, for example, in the treatment of cancer.

Folk remedies that will help with dry cough. Recipes

Gargling solutions

This procedure will help if the cough is caused by inflammation of the larynx. The main effect expected from rinsing is its softening, moisturizing and relieving inflammation. For this Chamomile infusion, as well as a solution of salt and soda, are best suited in equal parts with a few drops of iodine.

These remedies, in addition to the above effects, will soothe the irritated mucous membrane and wash away pathogenic bacteria from the throat.

Milk softens and soothes

Warm milk has a calming effect on both the central nervous system and the endings in the respiratory tract. When heated, it will give the mucous membrane a break from coughing attacks and help it recover.

If you add a little butter or cocoa butter to it, as well as 1 tsp. honey, the enveloping and softening effect of such a drink will last for quite a long time.

Inhalations with essential oils

If the problem causing the dry cough is in the bronchi, drinking and rinsing will not help. It is necessary for the medication to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. In this case, inhalations with volatile components - essential oils, which can also be added to “grandmother’s” recipes, are very effective.

for example, deep breathing over boiled potatoes will be more effective if you add a drop of fir oil to it.

Inhalations with oils of eucalyptus, lavender, coriander, oregano, lemon balm and mint should be carried out every other day, although it can be done daily, for 15-30 minutes 5-12 times. This will significantly help the main treatment and relieve dry cough. Inhalation with a soda solution with added oils will also be useful.

The solution for inhalation is prepared simply:

  1. Optimal amount of boiling water for steam formation - 2 cups. You can use a decoction of oregano, chamomile and other herbs or other bases for steam.
  2. Oil quantity– 2 drops.

Warming compresses

Important to remember! Warming up the body - compresses, massage and rubbing is indicated only if the patient does not have a significantly elevated temperature and there is no suspicion of complications from the infection.

However, for bronchitis and congestion in the lungs, when sputum does not come out with a dry cough, compresses and massages are necessary. The components of the compress are placed on the patient’s chest, but not on the heart area. If the compress is made of liquid components, it is rubbed into the skin. Then cover with film or parchment paper, insulate with woolen cloth and secure with a bandage.

The simplest compress recipes for dry coughs:

  • from honey and flour a cake is mixed with corn oil and placed on the patient’s skin;
  • dry mustard powder, liquid honey and radish juice in equal parts;
  • just liquid honey very good as a compress;
  • heated in a water bath vegetable oil and boiled potatoes in their jackets, you can use the potatoes left after inhalation.

Warm drink

If you have a dry cough, you need to drink a lot of warm, but not hot liquid, at least 3 liters per day. In addition to the milk mentioned above, berry fruit drinks, raspberry, cranberry, rosehip teas, decoctions and jelly with lemon and honey will be very useful. Herbs plantain, sage, licorice, coltsfoot will help a lot if the patient is not allergic to them. A very effective remedy is black radish juice with honey.

Drinking based on such components helps remove mucus and transform a dry cough into an expectorant cough.

Room humidification

Dry air and dust in it irritate the inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Therefore, the microclimate of the room in which the patient is located must be monitored especially carefully.

Air humidity must be maintained at 50–70%, and the temperature should not exceed 20 C. Ventilation should be carried out at least three times a day. Perfume, flavorings and smoking, both active and passive, should be excluded.

A dry cough is not a disease, but only a symptom. It should be remembered that it can accompany serious damage to internal organs, some of which are difficult to cure. Therefore, a prolonged dry cough is a sufficient reason to see a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

How to cure dry cough in an adult, watch this video:

For information on the treatment of dry cough, see the “Live Healthy” program: