Orthodox man. Orthodox Abkhazia. How to write an essay

« and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me» [Gal.2:20].

Who is an Orthodox Christian is a very important question, and one should return to reflection on it often enough. And we will return to it again and again.

The short answer will always be: one who lives according to Orthodoxy". Only understanding Orthodox' will change.

« this must be done, and that not to be abandoned" [cm. Luke 11:42]. Orthodox life combines two aspects:

  • living and doing according to the gospel and
  • conscious confession of faith.

Orthodoxy does not establish any rigid laws that would allow us to accurately and unambiguously determine how to behave and who is Orthodox. Life is infinitely varied, and a person is given the freedom and will to choose how to do the right thing. A unique personality allows a person to make the right choice in a unique personal way, and this way of right behavior will be different for different people, corresponding to his unique personality.

Moreover, and this is important: Orthodoxy requires a person to learn how to make the right choice and behave correctly. It is this skill that makes a person Orthodox.

It is human nature to err, even saints, only our Lord Jesus alone was sinless. And what, made a mistake - and ceased to be Orthodox? - Not! A person can repent, purify himself, return to Orthodox life.

There are certain restrictions on the confession of faith, beyond which it is impossible to go out and remain Orthodox. These restrictions are determined by the Ecumenical and Local Councils and accepted by the fullness of the Orthodox Church. These decisions were called - "oros" - "limits", "borders". Thus, we confess the One God the Trinity and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the true Man and the true God. But within these limitations, every Christian can have his own opinion and change it as he grows spiritually.

« For there must also be differences of opinion among you, so that skillful» .

If the opinion is not correct or doubtful, the Church, through the patristic heritage, the hierarchy, will correct and enlighten its more spiritually experienced members, but with great love - where there is no love for a person, there is no Christ.

« If I speak in human and angelic tongues, but have no love, then I am a ringing copper or a resounding cymbal. If I have [the gift of] prophecy, and know all the secrets, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that [I can] move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing. And if I give away all my possessions and give my body to be burned, but I do not have love, it does not profit me.»

It is possible (and necessary) to condemn some actions of a person, but not a person - the image of God.

Thus, there are some signs of an Orthodox person. But life is not geometry. Almost all of these features are not necessary and all of these features are not sufficient.

Again, remember that you have to be like children. The child learns everything gradually, knows about his ignorance but does not fall into despondency from this, and all his life he learns to be a man. So should we.

You don’t know everything right away, but it is important to strive to become and be Orthodox and try to behave in an Orthodox way. Faith - expected.

So. The first obligatory sign of the Orthodox is baptism. Any Orthodox should often remember the rite of baptism:

  • Remember the questions and repeat your answers: Do you deny Satan, and all his works, and all his angels, and all his ministry, and all his pride?», « Have you renounced Satan?», « Are you united with Christ?», « Have you been united with Christ and do you believe in Him?», — « I unite and believe Him, as the King and God»; « I worship the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity of the same essence and inseparable". Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov advised every time leaving the house to confess three times with the sign of the cross: I deny you, Satan, and all your pride, and all your works, and unite with you, Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit».
  • Know the Creed.

Other signs of an Orthodox person. All these features are not required (but desirable) and not sufficient.

Orthodox person:

  • He considers himself Orthodox. It's almost mandatory, if not mandatory.
  • Attends church services quite regularly. Actually, every week. As some feasible minimum for our weakness - at least once a month.
  • Believes in heaven, hell, angels, devil, afterlife, religious miracles [and the resurrection of the dead (from the Symbol)].
  • Participates in the Sacraments, regularly confesses and takes communion. According to surveys, only 20% of those who consider themselves Orthodox receive communion several times a year. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov advised to take communion at least 16 times a year.
  • Fasting.
  • Follows the morning and evening routine. Pray throughout the day. Or at least pray daily. Every business should begin with prayer. For these cases, there are special psalms and prayers in the prayer book.
  • Read the New Testament.
  • Read the Psalter.
  • Read the Catechism.
  • Read the Old Testament.
  • Knows some "Orthodox minimum".

When estimating the number of Orthodox people in polls, they usually use some selection of these characteristics. If all of them are used, the number of Orthodox will be less than the statistical error. That is, there are very few such Orthodox Christians in our country.

The Orthodox minimum includes:

  • To know by heart; " Our Father", Symbol of faith, " Worth eating…», « Virgin Mary, rejoice...»;
  • Know by heart or very close to the text: The Ten Commandments of God [Ex 20, 1-17]; Beatitudes [Mt 5, 3-11]; morning and evening prayers for a short prayer book.
  • Know Psalms 31, 50, 90.
  • Remember the number and meaning of the major ordinances. There are seven of them: Baptism, Eucharist, or communion, Confirmation, Priesthood, or ordination, Repentance, Marriage, Consecration of the Unction, or unction.
  • Know how to behave in the Temple.
  • Remember that you need to prepare for confession and communion.
  • Know the most important holidays and about them.
  • Know about posts and understand their meaning.

“I am obliged to proclaim the gospel, for it has become the will of my will, the soul of my soul, the conscience of my conscience, the essence of my being. Without him, there is no me. Eliminate the gospel truth from me, the gospel truth, the gospel paradise, and I am a lie, and a sin, and hell! Without the gospel, I am without my immortality, without my eternity, without my joy, without my gospel, - then why do I need life, why do I need a soul, why do I need a body, why do I need a conscience, why do I need a world, why do I need heaven! Justin (Popovich), now the Monk Justin of Cheli, glorified by the Serbian Church as a saint in 2010.

He came into this world and left it on the same day - on the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. They called him that - Good; the gospel of God became his breath, the meaning of his whole life.

When his mother died, he, looking at the "infinitely touching goodness and kindness" of her face, experienced, in his own words, a kind of "physical sensation of immortality." Subsequently, this experience will shine through in all his work: he writes about the immortality of man in such a way that you not only remember your boundlessness and infinity, but also clearly begin to feel it.

At the age of thirteen, while studying at the Belgrade St. Savva Seminary, where St. Nicholas (Velimirovich) was his teacher, Blagoe made it a rule to read three chapters from the New Testament every day. He followed this rule to the end of his life. Later, when he was already a seminary teacher, he saw as his main goal to teach his pupils, first of all, to live according to the Gospel, to teach them to translate the gospel truths into their nature.

Father Justin always cared a lot about young people who had serious spiritual questions. And in himself, throughout his life, some kind of constant inner youth and amazing liveliness of spirit manifested itself. Until his last breath, he was filled with delight before every new discovery and God's miracle: in a flower, in the eyes, in man and in the world. Having received an excellent education (in addition to the Belgrade Seminary, he studied at the St. a philosopher, like the feeble-minded and dreary Nietzsche, if he had not met my Lord Christ!..”

The uncompromising nature of Father Justin in everything related to the Orthodox Church and the Gospel often caused discontent both in the highest church circles and in the communist authorities. He was often forced to hide, was imprisoned several times, and from 1948 until the end of his days he lived practically in confinement in the small Chelie convent. There he devoted a lot of time to writing, translating and publishing, leaving behind more than thirty volumes of works.

“The most precious thing he taught us is to love Christ,” wrote one of his seminary students about Father Justin. The same thing - to love God, to burn with God, to live by God without a trace - is taught by all of his numerous creations, fragments of which "Otrok" offers the reader.

Man!.. All creations are numb before this most unusual miracle in all the worlds. God, as it were, collected miracles from all His worlds, merged them together, and a man turned out. To feel is not a miracle? Thinking is not a miracle? Wishing is not a miracle? Do not look for a miracle outside of yourself, for you yourself are the greatest miracle. To exist—isn't that in itself something infinitely surprising and incomprehensible? Any creature that has the strength to think about a person begins to feel dizzy. On all sides, a person is surrounded by infinities ...

Is not the life of man on earth a pilgrimage through the abysses? After all, every serious question that a person asks himself or the world asks a person leads his thoughts into the abyss. Isn't the question of truth a bottomless problem? In search of truth, making its way to its sanctuary, a person's thought always makes its way through terrible abysses. And the problem of justice, and the problem of good, and the problem of evil are all abysses and mountain gorges, pilgrimages, painful and difficult, aren't they? The insatiable thought of a person, driven by some innate instinct, passionately rushes from problem to problem and cannot get enough. And so it is forever, until it is subdued by a two-pronged problem — the problem of God and man, in its essence, an all-problem, on the solution of which depends the fate of man in all worlds.

There is nothing more terrible for a person than to be directly with himself; and there is nothing more unpleasant for a person than to be directly with people; and nothing is sadder for a man than to be directly with the world. Only when a person accepts the Lord Christ as a mediator between himself and people, between himself and the world, between himself and himself, then his sadness turns into joy, despair into admiration and death into immortality; then the bitter mystery of the world is transformed into the sweet mystery of God. Therefore, a prayerful attitude is created in the human soul not only to God, but also to the long-suffering creature. Therefore, a man of Christ must be an inspired man of prayer.

Prayer is the very first thing a Christian does, because it puts a person in the right, the only right attitude towards the Lord Jesus Christ and towards the world. Any human being, any creation of God, must be approached first of all with prayer, so that prayer to the Lord mediates our approach to every being, to the holy mystery of every soul, to every God-like personality, for only through the Lord Jesus Christ, called in prayer, can one correctly and sinlessly meet, know and love the creation of God, every godlike and Christlike being.

Prayer is a distiller of thought, a sieve, a smithy, a furnace that melts an image.

Prayer is a kind of combustion and self-immolation: sacrificing oneself as a burnt offering: and you do not want anything of your own, and you pray that everything that is not prayerful in you disappears and dies away. Prayer is the only way of essential self-knowledge (self-denial); outside of prayer, all knowledge is superficial, like leprosy on the skin.

What is prayer to God? - The expression of our love for God, that is, love of God, the first commandment. What is our prayer to the saints? “The expression of our love, the language of our love for them, our humility before them, our faith in them and our hope. In other words, the second commandment, that is, philanthropy: love for a deified person, o-God-image, united with Christ and transfigured in Christ. This opens the door to all other holy virtues and sacraments.

To pray to ourselves, to pray to the whole mind, the whole soul, the whole heart, the whole will - let this be our daily achievement.

Holy Liturgy is always a ladder, a bridge to heaven. Every day you are in Heaven. Everything that is in it instantly elevates you to this world and places you among the Angels and saints. Every prayer is not the ladder of the soul to heaven? What despondency can be when there is a holy liturgy!

Every moment of my life is God's. Why, then, be afraid of anyone and anything but God?

You can discover a person in a person only when you understand what he considers good and what evil, and you measure all this by the measure of Christ.

A person can be judged by his main concern. If you find in a person his main concern, then you will find the very zest of his being. A person usually lives entirely in his main concern. All his values ​​and shortcomings are in and around his main concern. Here is his heaven and his hell.

For human nature on earth, at every moment, the sky is more necessary than the whole earth and everything that is on it, for a person is ninety-nine percent from heaven and only one percent from the earth. Therefore, at every moment we must climb to the sky, crawl to the sky, run to the sky, fly to the sky. This is what we are taught to the smallest detail by the Holy Gospel of the venerable Lord Jesus Christ and every holy life of every saint glorified by our Savior.

Every saint is nothing but paradise returned. What is paradise? It's the gospel fulfilled, the gospel lived. Moreover, paradise is the Lord Christ experienced by man in all the fullness of His divine-human Person.

By implementing the gospel virtues, a person overcomes everything that is mortal in him, and the more he lives according to the gospel, the more he squeezes death and mortality out of himself and grows into immortality and eternal life. To feel the Lord Christ in oneself is the same as to feel oneself immortal. After all, the feeling of immortality comes from the feeling of God, because God is the source of immortality and eternal life. Feeling God in oneself constantly, in every thought, in every sensation, in every deed - this is immortality.

The sanctification of human nature progresses according to faith; the holier a person becomes, the stronger and more alive becomes his sense of his own immortality.

The main duty of a Christian is to live Christ's immortality and eternity in the world of time and space. The vocation of a Christian is not to allow sins and passions to be active forces in his thoughts, feelings, desires and deeds. By ousting all sins from oneself, a person ousts all deaths, because every sin is a small death.

If you have lived a day and have not overcome any of your sins, know that you have become more mortal. If you overcome one, two, three of your sins, look, you have become younger with youth that does not grow old, younger with immortality and eternity.

In essence, the Church is nothing but a divine workshop in which the human sense and consciousness of personal immortality and infinity are constantly rejuvenated, refreshed and strengthened. Doesn't prayer make the soul infinite by linking it to God? Let's not deceive ourselves: every prayer gradually conquers death in us, and every gospel virtue, and all together they create victory over death and ensure eternal life.

In the Church, the past is always contemporary; the present in the Church is the present always a living past, for the God-Man Christ yesterday and today the same, and forever(Heb. 13:8), unceasingly lives in His divine-human body by one and the same truth, one and the same light, the same good, the same life, and always makes everything that is past present. Hence, to a living Orthodox feeling and consciousness, all members of the Church, from the holy apostles up to those who died yesterday, are always contemporary, as they are always alive in Christ. And now every true Orthodox person is contemporary with all the holy apostles, and martyrs, and holy fathers. Moreover, for him they are more real than many of his contemporaries in the body.

This feeling of unity of faith, life and consciousness is the essence of the Orthodox Church.

Orthodoxy is nothing but the venerable Person of the God-man Christ, laid down through all ages, laid down as the Church. To be Orthodox means to constantly have the God-Man in your soul, to live by Him, to think with Him, to feel for Him, to act with Him. In other words, to be Orthodox means to be a Christ-bearer and Spirit-bearer. A person achieves this if in the Body of Christ — the Church — he fills his entire being as the God-Man Christ without any remnants. Therefore, an Orthodox person is constantly crucified with prayers between heaven and earth, like a rainbow connecting the top of heaven with the abyss of the earth. And while with his body he prayerfully walks over the mournful earthly anthill, with his soul he abides in grief, where Christ sits at the right hand of God.

What is a person? A bag of bloody mud, and in it is the leaven of all infinities. Raising himself to a height, a person disappears into the divine infinity; descending into the abyss, drowning in demonic chaos. Person? A little god in the dirt, sometimes a demon in luxurious attire. There is no more natural principle: be perfect like God! For there is no more terrible reality than falling in love with evil and its abysses.

What a joy to be human. It is known as soon as a person feels another person as Christ, for he will always feel him as a brother, moreover, as an eternal brother, a brother with a God-like nature. Every person is your eternal brother, your immortal brother. Watch what you do with it! Consider what you think of it! Explore what you say about him! Delve into what you wish him! For in eternity you will have to live with him. Therefore, let everything with us be immortal and eternal: our love for man, and our goodness, and our truth, and our truth.

All the wisdom of a Christian consists in this: to hold fast to the Lord Jesus Christ, to hold on to the Lord Jesus Christ, to hold on to prayer, to fast, to hold on to almsgiving, to hold on to love, to hold on to meekness, to hold on to humility, to hold on to Holy Communion, to hold on to holy confession—with all this, to hold on to Him, the unchanging, nothing and no one can replace God and the Lord - by every Holy Sacrament and every holy charitable deed. And then what? - Then over all deaths, over all torments you will always triumph with joy: the joy of faith, the joy of salvation ...

Joy is being human! Because God became God-man. By this, all divine powers, and perfections, and infinities are opened and given to man. Consequently, there has been no despair for man since God became man, for out of all sorrow and despair there is a Divine exit, and a rise, and an ascent into the Kingdom of Divine eternal Life, eternal Truth, eternal Love, eternal Joy.

Orthodox people are those who rightly glorify God. Hence the name ORTHODOX.

The criterion here is Truth - Christ Who Himself said: I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. A Christian who considers himself Orthodox steadily follows the will of Christ and imitates Him in podvig and love.

An Orthodox Christian is patient, prayerful, helpful, all-forgiving, polite, attentive, has faith, hope and love, as well as wisdom... He receives all these qualities from God and is grateful to God for everything. He trusts God with his life and entrusts himself and his neighbors to God.

But there is another category of people who imagine themselves to be the guardians of the Truth in the last resort. Although, in fact, they are not. They constantly imagine that they are being attacked by everyone around them, they are in a state of struggle ... Having read spiritual literature, they speak categorically and categorically. Friendliness and does not smell. And even more so with the love of Christ.

Recently I read a statement by a real-minded guy: there are Orthodox people, and there are ORTHODOX people. This is not about keeping the Truth, but about unhealthy fanaticism, which borders on misanthropy. Who is imperfect in love could be called a Christian? Let's think.

Look at how often outside people complain that they supposedly came to the temple, and there their grandmother scolded them for their appearance or something else done wrong! It is clear that the church is an institution of God, and in it one must behave in accordance with the rules. And the antics of the pussierists are inappropriate ... The girls obviously confused the place of their performance.

But we are not talking about them, but about those who go to church and consider themselves true believers, but do not allow others to live with their “Orthodoxy”. Is it necessary to transfer your Komsomol antics to church behavior?

Yesterday's Komsomol member came to the Church. Commendable. God enlightened and forgave delusions. In the last century, she fought for a bright future on earth, moreover, to the point of bloodshed. Now he fights where the Sacrifice on the Cross was brought long ago.

I recently corresponded with one opponent who accused me of cynicism. I thank you for the criticism. It's good for me to look at myself from the outside. But that wasn't enough for her. I undertook to teach the mind-reason of the one who was himself appointed by God to teach. And the man is unaware of what the apostle Paul said: let the woman be silent in the church!

For some reason, in our society it is customary to talk about anything and it is considered normal. To condemn one's neighbor is not considered a sin at all. What if he doesn't think the way I would like? So bad? Dumb, backward, does not believe in esotericism ... horoscope ...

Today, one good interlocutor directly took pity on me - they say you believe the relics of the saint, but you don’t know that he was a tuberculosis patient. Poor you (that is, me) and retarded!

Before judgment, I answer, study the question! What do you even know about the holiness of ascetics of piety?

“If the heart is not warmed by love, then the Christian does not benefit from his piety.”
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

It also happens in reverse. If your audience and, moreover, what they want to hear, then this must be carried on hand! Worshipfully. Look straight into your mouth. So?

But does a doctor only do pleasant things for a patient in order to cure him? And the coach prepares the athlete, forcing him to perform an unpleasant but necessary action again and again so that he becomes a champion?

Here are the people, the elder, who went through the path of trial and error, temptations and victories in Christ, knows how to pray and has the gift of reasoning. Otherwise, a person wanders into the nooks and crannies of his own fabrications, where the demon will indulge him to his heart's content. And having played enough on such an unstable soul, he will throw him out for trampling ...

Life is fair.

My dears! Our Mentor Christ is the embodiment of love and virtue! And the Holy Gospel - His word - is a guide to action. Here's what to rely on.

Write your thoughts below in the comments.

Blessed be our God always, now and forever, and forever and ever!

To comply with ethical and moral standards in society, as well as to regulate relations between an individual and the state or the highest form of spirituality (Cosmic mind, God), world religions were created. As time passed, schisms occurred within every major religion. As a result of this split, Orthodoxy was formed.

Orthodoxy and Christianity

Many people make the mistake of considering all Christians to be Orthodox. Christianity and Orthodoxy are not the same thing. How to distinguish between these two concepts? What is their essence? Now let's try to figure it out.

Christianity is which originated in the 1st century. BC e. waiting for the coming of the Savior. Its formation was influenced by the philosophical teachings of that time, Judaism (polytheism was replaced by one God) and endless military-political skirmishes.

Orthodoxy is just one of the branches of Christianity that originated in the 1st millennium AD. in the Eastern Roman Empire and received its official status after the split of the common Christian church in 1054.

History of Christianity and Orthodoxy

The history of Orthodoxy (orthodoxy) began already in the 1st century AD. This was the so-called apostolic creed. After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the apostles faithful to him began to preach the teachings to the masses, attracting new believers into their ranks.

In the II-III centuries orthodoxy was engaged in active opposition to Gnosticism and Arianism. The former rejected the writings of the Old Testament and interpreted the New Testament in their own way. The second, led by presbyter Arius, did not recognize the consubstantiality of the Son of God (Jesus), considering him to be a mediator between God and people.

The seven Ecumenical Councils, convened with the support of the Byzantine emperors from 325 to 879, helped to remove the contradictions between the rapidly developing heretical teachings and Christianity. The axioms established by the Councils regarding the nature of Christ and the Mother of God, as well as the approval of the Creed, helped to form a new trend into a powerful Christian religion.

Not only heretical concepts contributed to the development of Orthodoxy. on the Western and Eastern influenced the formation of new trends in Christianity. The different political and social views of the two empires gave rise to a crack in the unified common Christian church. Gradually, it began to break up into Roman Catholic and Eastern Catholic (later Orthodox). The final split between Orthodoxy and Catholicism occurred in 1054, when the Pope of Rome also excommunicated each other from the church (anathema). The division of the common Christian church was completed in 1204, together with the fall of Constantinople.

The Russian land adopted Christianity in 988. Officially, there was no division into Roman yet, but due to the political and economic interests of Prince Vladimir, the Byzantine direction - Orthodoxy - was spread on the territory of Russia.

The essence and foundations of Orthodoxy

The basis of any religion is faith. Without it, the existence and development of divine teachings is impossible.

The essence of Orthodoxy lies in the Creed adopted at the Second Ecumenical Council. At the fourth, the Nicene Creed (12 dogmas) was affirmed as an axiom, not subject to any change.

Orthodox believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Holy Trinity). is the creator of everything earthly and heavenly. The Son of God, incarnated from the Virgin Mary, is consubstantial and only begotten in relation to the Father. The Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father through the Son and is revered no less than the Father and the Son. The Creed speaks of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, pointing to eternal life after death.

All Orthodox belong to one church. Baptism is an obligatory ritual. When it is done, there is liberation from original sin.

Obligatory is the observance of moral standards (commandments), which are transmitted by God through Moses and voiced by Jesus Christ. All "rules of conduct" are based on help, compassion, love and patience. Orthodoxy teaches to endure any hardships of life meekly, to accept them as the love of God and trials for sins, in order to then go to heaven.

Orthodoxy and Catholicism (main differences)

Catholicism and Orthodoxy have a number of differences. Catholicism is a branch of Christian doctrine that arose, like Orthodoxy, in the 1st century. AD in the Western Roman Empire. And Orthodoxy - in Christianity, which originated in the Eastern Roman Empire. Here is a comparison table for you:



Relations with authorities

For two millennia, it was in cooperation with the secular authorities, then in its subordination, then in exile.

The empowerment of the Pope with power, both secular and religious.

the Virgin Mary

The Mother of God is considered the bearer of original sin, because her nature is human.

The dogma of the purity of the Virgin Mary (there is no original sin).

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit comes from the Father through the Son

The Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Son and the Father

Attitude towards the sinful soul after death

The soul makes "ordeals". Earthly life determines eternal life.

The existence of the Last Judgment and purgatory, where the purification of the soul takes place.

Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition

Sacred Scripture is part of Sacred Tradition



Triple immersion (or dousing) in water with communion and chrismation.

Sprinkling and pouring. All ordinances after 7 years.

6-8-terminal cross with the image of God the conqueror, legs nailed with two nails.

4-pointed cross with God-martyr, legs nailed with one nail.


All brothers.

Each person is unique.

Attitude to rituals and sacraments

The Lord does it through the clergy.

Performed by a clergyman endowed with divine power.

Nowadays, the question of reconciliation between churches is very often raised. But due to significant and minor differences (for example, Catholics and Orthodox cannot agree on the use of leavened or unleavened bread in the sacraments), reconciliation is constantly delayed. A reunion is out of the question in the near future.

The attitude of Orthodoxy to other religions

Orthodoxy is a trend that, having separated from general Christianity as an independent religion, does not recognize other teachings, considering them false (heretical). There can be only one true religion.

Orthodoxy is a trend in religion that is not losing popularity, but on the contrary, is gaining. Nevertheless, in the modern world it quietly coexists in the neighborhood with other religions: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, Shintoism and others.

Orthodoxy and Modernity

Our time has given freedom to the church and gives it support. Over the past 20 years, the number of believers, as well as those who identify themselves as Orthodox, has increased. At the same time, the moral spirituality that this religion implies, on the contrary, has fallen. A huge number of people perform rituals and attend church mechanically, that is, without faith.

The number of churches and parochial schools visited by believers has increased. The increase in external factors only partially affects the internal state of a person.

The Metropolitan and other clergymen hope that after all, those who consciously accepted Orthodox Christianity will be able to develop spiritually.

Key concepts: thank you Creator

The purpose of the lesson. To begin with students to comprehend the most important concepts on which Orthodox culture is based, the logic of the formation of this culture

Lesson equipment: drawing paper, colored pencils or markers

During the classes

I. Students' answers to the questions placed under the heading "Questions and tasks".

The tasks placed in the textbook under this heading can be supplemented by the following.

1. You probably paid attention to the fact that people sometimes, after listening to someone or doing some work, say: “Glory to God!”. Or, observing someone's unworthy behavior, they exclaim in annoyance: “Oh, God!”. Maybe your mother or grandmother, sending you to school, to training or just to play in the yard, says after: “Well, go with God!”.

Have you ever thought about why people give each other such parting words? Explain your opinion on this matter.

2. Let each of you draw a daisy with long petals on a clean and neat piece of paper. In the center of the flower, the word GOD will be written large.

On the petals of a chamomile, write down the words that you think denote phenomena, concepts, objects that are somehow connected with what is written in the center of the flower. Color your daisy.

3. Now attach the drawing to a stand or wall. Tell your classmates about what in your mind is closely related to the concept of "GOD", that is, imagine your drawing through verbal judgments.

4. Pay attention, are there any words that were repeated in stories and drawings, yours and classmates?

So, in your opinion, GOD is ... .. (write down repeated words) Are there any words in the list that are the key words of the topic of the lesson?

II. Work with the text of the textbook.

1. Reading a textbook article to yourself.

2. Rereading the textbook article based on the performance of the listed tasks.

2.1. In the textbook article, different characters in one way or another express different ideas about God. How Vanya, Lenochka, a teacher of physics, a teacher of the Russian language, imagine God. Find the answer in the textbook article and write it down in the table:

God for Vanya

God for Helen

For a physics teacher God

For a literature teacher

God for you…….

2. Discussion of answers to the following questions:

Is power necessary to do good? What kind of strength is this: physical, willpower, spiritual strength?

Will your behavior change if you know that someone who loves you is constantly watching you?

What feelings guided Vanya when he rushed to save the kitten?

Who is stronger, smarter, more reasonable: Vanya or a kitten?

What could prevent Vanya from saving the kitten? Were there any internal forces that could prevent saving the kitten?

III. Working with additional information (sidebar).

Making sense of this in additional information

To whom did a person turn, if about the One to whom he turned, it is written like this: "And the man turned to the one who ...".

Work with additional material can be supplemented by the following materials.

Origin of the word God

This word entered the Russian language from a very ancient language, which seven thousand years ago (that is, up to the fifth millennium BC) was spoken by the ancestors of ours and many other European and Eastern peoples (including Hindus). In this ancient Indo-European language " bug" or " bhaga"- it share, portion, lot, portion. Then this word began to denote the one who distributes these gifts, that is, God himself.

Do you know?

The word "thank you" This is an abbreviated pronunciation of two words: SPASI and GOD, GOD - save God (same). With these words, people express gratitude to God: “Save, Lord!”.

What is thanks? - a word of politeness, a ritual, a wish? If desired, then what?

What synonym can you choose: God save you -.

When is it appropriate to just say thank you, and when will the Lord save you?

IY. Reading a poem by A.K. Tolstoy

Understanding the poem on the following questions:

Reread the poems, underline the lines you do not understand, ask questions, the answers to which will help you understand the meaning of the poem.

Why word Word Is the poem capitalized?
How do you understand the phrase "Everything that is born of the Word ... yearns to return to it again"?

How do you understand the phrase "All worlds have one beginning»?

What, according to the poet, is the purpose of creation? Find a line that would answer this question.

What laws of nature can you observe around you? How does nature obey these laws?

Y . Summing up the lesson. Student answers to textbook questions and additional questions.

What power did the teacher of Russian mean

Try to understand the connection between the words God, rich, poor. What is their modern meaning?

– Do you agree that good that is done under duress ceases to be good? How can this be explained?

- Talk to your parents, relatives: maybe they can tell you about people (their acquaintances or historical figures) who have done some kind of deed, really good, necessary not only for their relatives, but also for complete strangers, and they did it selflessly, for God's sake.

The task is aimed at mastering the following topic of the lesson:

What do you think, can a person communicate with God, and if so, how does he do it?