How to treat ARVI while breastfeeding. Treatment of acute respiratory infections during breastfeeding Treatment of acute respiratory infections during breastfeeding

They occur in almost any person at least once a year. This is a whole group of respiratory pathologies affecting the upper and lower respiratory tract, caused by viral flora. Less commonly, colds are caused by microbes, and then they are classified as acute respiratory infections. But when breastfeeding, developing a cold is not a simple situation. On the one hand, you need to quickly get back on your feet in order to provide the baby with proper nutrition and care, on the other hand, there is a risk of infecting the baby with your infection and the need to take pills that can harm the child. A logical question immediately arises: is it possible to breastfeed a baby during acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, and if so, how to take medications?

Colds during breastfeeding: causes and course

In nursing women, colds occur under the influence of viruses (less often microbes), and proceed, in principle, in the same way as in ordinary women. But it can occur more often than in ordinary women due to a decrease after childbirth due to blood loss, fatigue, and malaise. The duration of a cold lasts on average 5-7 days, and infection occurs through airborne droplets, with droplets of sputum when coughing, mucus when sneezing and communicating with others.

Please note

The incubation period for different types of viruses lasts from several hours to a couple of days; the nasal passages and pharynx, bronchi, trachea or larynx can be affected, which determines the clinical picture.

Nursing mothers are susceptible to colds because their respiratory system works under increased stress due to the production of milk for the baby. The mother consumes more oxygen and resources, her body works more actively.

What are the dangers of ARVI in nursing mothers?

Colds themselves are not dangerous; they are usually mild and do not significantly complicate the life of a nursing mother. But without proper treatment, they can develop complications that can become dangerous -, or. In addition, nursing mothers are always afraid of infecting their baby with a cold. But regarding the child’s infection, lactation consultants rush to reassure the mother. If a mother falls ill with ARVI, usually immediately, even before the onset of manifestations, pathogenic agents penetrate to the child. That is, either they both become infected, or the child does not get sick. And usually he does not get sick because with breast milk his mother gives him antibodies to viruses or microbes, which allows him to resist colds and the attack of pathogenic organisms.

Is it possible to breastfeed during ARVI?

Colds of both microbial and viral origin are not contraindications to breastfeeding. You should not immediately wean your child off the breast at the first sign of a cold, this will only harm him. Deprived of breast milk and its protective factors, and experiencing the stress of weaning and formula, the baby is more likely to get sick. As long as he continues breastfeeding, he will either survive the infection more easily or will not get sick at all, having received maternal antibodies.

Is it necessary to wear a mask during breastfeeding due to a cold?

For the same reasons as described above, wearing a mask for a cold while breastfeeding is useless
. All infections have an incubation period, when viruses or microbes are already released by the sick person, but there are no signs yet. Accordingly, a sick mother, even before the start of a runny nose and sneezing, coughing, already transmits the infection to the baby, and by the time the first signs of pathology begin, the baby is either already sick or has immunity.

Treatment methods for acute respiratory viral infections in breastfeeding women

It is important not to let the infection take its course, and to begin active treatment measures immediately, without waiting for the condition to worsen and complications to form. It is important to consult a doctor, since self-medication, especially by taking certain medications, can harm both the mother and her baby. In the treatment of ARVI, both traditional, non-drug methods and medications traditionally used in the treatment of colds are acceptable.

From non-drug methods Plenty of warm drinks will be beneficial - tea with lemon, raspberries, or milk with butter, warm still mineral water. You need to rest as much as possible and spend more time in bed during periods of illness and fever. Cupping and mustard plasters have no proven effectiveness, and are currently not recommended for the treatment of nursing mothers. Foot baths with mustard and taking a bath with injuries will be useful in case of fever and absence of fever.

for ARVI in nursing

To date, there is not a single proven and effective remedy against ARVI viruses, with the exception of treating influenza with drugs that act on the influenza virus (Tamiflu, Relenza).

The use of drugs such as ribovirin, kagocel and others for ARVI in nursing women is not indicated. Their effectiveness and safety in nursing have not yet been confirmed, although they are widely advertised and promoted by manufacturers. Their effect on infants and their complete safety have not been studied, therefore only certain drugs are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

It is also dangerous to use such widely used drugs as Immunal, Aflubin - which can cause allergic reactions in infants, digestive disorders and anxiety.

Inducers, used both topically in the form of nasal drops and systemically - anaferon, gripperon and similar agents, can help in treatment. They are used strictly according to the instructions and under the control of the baby’s condition. Viferon or kipferon in candles will be useful, stimulating your own immunity to fight the virus.

Antibiotics for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in nursing mothers

They are not used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections; they do not affect the reproduction and activity of viruses, but can lead to negative reactions from the body of a woman and child due to their penetration into breast milk.

Antibiotics are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor in the presence of complications or severe ARVI with high fever, which lasts 4-5 days or more, without a tendency to decrease.

Antibiotics are indicated in the presence of complications such as otitis media, and the risk is strictly with the doctor's permission and taking into account their compatibility with breastfeeding. Tetracyclines, aminoglycosides and biseptol are strictly prohibited . If, for special indications, it is necessary to take antibiotics that are incompatible with breastfeeding, the child is temporarily transferred to expressed milk or formula.

Symptomatic treatment for ARVI in nursing mothers

The most basic problem is the fight against high temperature during hepatitis B.

While breastfeeding, antipyretic and pain-relieving drugs such as aspirin are prohibited; fever can be reduced only with the help of Nurofen or strictly in prescribed dosages and only if the numbers are more than 38.5.

If you have a fever, you need to drink plenty of fluids and use physical methods of cooling - light clothing, wiping with a damp cloth and water at room temperature, cool compresses to large vessels (elbows, knees, armpits) and forehead.

Please note

Rubbing with vodka, vinegar or alcohol is prohibited for nursing mothers; they lead to toxicosis and even higher fever.

To reduce the temperature, we can take a decoction of birch buds and raspberries. The house requires frequent ventilation, low temperature in the rooms and wet cleaning, air humidification of at least 55-60%. This helps not only in reducing the temperature, but also in facilitating nasal breathing, mitigating sore throat and cough.

Cough and runny nose in mother during breastfeeding

It is permissible to use all the usual remedies for the runny nose while breastfeeding; they are especially useful

Is it possible to effectively treat colds while breastfeeding? How to make it safe for the baby? What medications can a nursing mother take? How to protect a child from contracting a viral infection? Recommendations from pediatricians and lactation consultants.

Colds are a common name for acute respiratory viral infections. They manifest themselves in different ways, depending on which “area” of the mucous membranes the causative agent of the disease has settled in. Rhinovirus affects the nasal mucosa, causing excessive mucus production. Adenovirus contributes to the development of sore throat. Other viruses infect the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, resulting in a cough.

Baby protection

The development of a cold in a nursing mother raises many questions. And the most important thing is how to protect your baby from infection? Unfortunately, there is no one true means of protection against the disease. You can reduce your risk of illness by following these guidelines.

  • Keep feeding. Breastfeeding during a mother’s illness is the main factor for the baby’s safety. With breast milk, he will receive your body's response to the viral attack. By continuing to feed, you transfer your immunity to the baby, which will protect him from the development of ARVI or greatly facilitate its course.
  • Wear a protective mask. According to pediatricians, using a protective mask does not exclude the possibility of infecting others. The fact is that the virus begins to be active not from the moment a runny nose or cough develops, but two days before that. Therefore, if the mother gets sick, we can almost definitely say that the baby has already encountered the causative agent of the disease. However, the mother's use of a protective mask will reduce the concentration of viruses in his environment. The protective bandage must be changed every two hours.
  • Wash your hands. Transmission of viral infection occurs through airborne droplets and contact. Its main source is mucus from the nose, which you wipe with a handkerchief or napkin. A huge number of viruses remain on your hands, so before approaching your baby, wash them with soap. This preventive measure is sufficient to prevent infection.

In the first days of ARVI, your health worsens, you may experience fever, headache, and weakness. A young mother cannot do without the help of loved ones. Ask your grandmother or other relatives to help you care for the child.

Course of the disease

The body of a nursing mother is especially susceptible to ARVI. This is due to the fact that her respiratory system is working under increased load. At the same time, the disease itself is not dangerous and passes in a mild form.

  • Virus infection. From the moment of infection until the development of the first symptoms, 1-3 days pass. Then a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, and fever appear. The cough develops later due to the accumulation of sputum in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Immune response. Forms on the third day from the development of the disease. The body begins to produce interferon, which alleviates the condition. On the fifth day, you can prepare for the beginning of recovery, as antibodies to the disease appear in the blood.
  • Recovery. Comes on the sixth - tenth day. If by this time the condition has not improved, doctors note the development of complications.

Every person suffers from a cold several times a year and does not always seek medical help. But treatment of ARVI while breastfeeding is a special case. Due to decreased immunity, a nursing mother is susceptible to developing complications. Chronic foci of infection may appear. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease and get advice on treatment.

Treatment tactics for colds during breastfeeding

The question of how to treat a cold in a nursing mother should be asked to the doctor as early as possible. Consultation with a specialist is required if the temperature persists for more than three days or the symptoms develop progressively, for example, the sore throat intensifies or a painful cough develops.

Treatment tactics for acute respiratory infections are to help the body cope with the infection. Additionally, you can recommend symptomatic remedies that alleviate the condition and help you overcome the disease more easily.

Antiviral agents

There is a huge list designed to combat acute respiratory infections. Most of them have only a psychological effect, and many are prohibited for use during breastfeeding. It is not allowed to use such drugs as Arbidol, Ribovirin, Remantadine and others.

Homeopathic medicines have unproven effectiveness. These include Aflubin, Anaferon, Oscillococcinum and others. At the same time, they can provoke the development of allergic reactions in the child, and if they contain alcohol, they can reduce lactation.

Only drugs based on recombinant human interferon alpha have proven effectiveness and safety for nursing mothers. These are the products “Grippferon”, “Viferon”. But they should also be used correctly.

Only at the first symptoms of the disease do viruses concentrate on the mucous membranes. This causes sneezing, a small amount of mucus from the nose, or coughing. “After a day, the virus penetrates the blood, and it is no longer possible to have any effect on it with the help of antiviral drugs,” comments doctor of the highest category Alexander Myasnikov. “Using antivirals for longer only creates unnecessary stress on the body.”

Antipyretic drugs

When the temperature rises above 38.5°, it is necessary to take. If the temperature is lower and the woman tolerates it well, there is no need to bring it down. During the period when the temperature rises to 38°, the body fights the pathogen especially effectively. By knocking it down, we increase the severity and duration of the disease.

A nursing mother can take antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is advisable to use the drugs in their pure form. Combined products, for example, “TeraFlu”, “Flyukold”, “Pharmacitron” contain substances whose effect on the child’s body has not been studied.

It is necessary to take the medication in the dosage specified in the instructions. Paracetamol and ibuprofen have proven safety in newborns.

Against runny nose

Drugs that reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa make breathing easier and help a nursing mother treat colds more comfortably. Vasoconstrictor drops have a local effect, so they can be used without risk to the baby.

  • Naphazolin (“Naphthyzin”, “Sanorin”). They have a minimal period of anti-edema action.
  • Xylometazoline (“Galazolin”, “Ximilin”, “Otrivin”). The average period of action is 8-10 hours.
  • Oxymetazoline (“Noxprey”, “Nazivin”, “Nazol”). The longest duration of action among all vasoconstrictor drugs is up to twelve hours.

Use of vasoconstrictors is allowed for up to five days. If symptoms persist, contact your doctor.

For sore throat

Local antiseptics will be a good solution to the question of how to treat a cold in a nursing mother. Rinsing with ready-made solutions or those prepared at home is completely safe. Use Hexoral, Iodinol, and Chlorgesidine solutions. Rinsing with a solution of sea salt with a couple of drops of iodine is useful.

Temporary pain relief is provided by lozenges, for example, Strepsils, Sebidin. Preparations in the form of sprays “Cameton”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Camphomen” and others have a local effect and do not pass into breast milk.

For cough

Must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor will recommend medications against dry or wet cough. Their task is to liquefy and remove mucus from the respiratory tract. Ambroxol-based medications are not contraindicated for nursing mothers.

You can use expectorants made from natural ingredients, such as thyme, ivy, licorice or marshmallow. They are commercially available in the form of syrups and tablets.

Inhalations with abroxol are the most effective for cough. The active substance enters exclusively the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and does not participate in the systemic circulation. For procedures, you can use a household nebulizer.

When it comes to how to treat a nursing mother for a cold, it is important to carefully monitor your well-being. With proper treatment, significant relief occurs already on the third day, but some symptoms may persist for up to a week to ten days. If you are concerned about a cough, a prolonged increase in temperature, or a change in the nature of the mucus secreted from the nose, you should consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of developing severe complications - pneumonia, sore throat, sinusitis.


Sneezing, coughing, usually people are horrified at the thought that they could harm their baby. How not to infect the baby, whether it is possible, how to treat it - the main questions that concern mothers in this situation. ​

During seasonal epidemics, lactating women should be especially careful, since their susceptibility to acute respiratory infections is especially high due to the fact that milk production requires a lot of energy from the body. But if infection does occur, and signs of the disease are already present, then the mother should wear a gauze bandage at home and change it every 2 hours.

However, we should not forget that a person gets sick much earlier than the first signs appear. Since during the incubation period (from 1 to 3 days) the already ill mother was in constant contact with the baby and then it makes no sense to interrupt this connection.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby if the mother has a cold?

So, a mother with a cold can continue to breastfeed, since acute respiratory diseases are not among the contraindications. It happens that some babies do not want to suckle milk, especially if the mother has a high fever. This may be due to the temperature of the breast milk being higher than normal. If this is the case, then children will be happy to drink it expressed from a bottle.

Preserving breast milk for your baby is very important, since the best nutrition for him has not yet been invented. In addition, antibodies produced by the mother's body pass to the baby through breast milk, helping him gain additional strength to fight this disease.

Usually the course of this disease is not severe and lasts from 3 to 10 days. But in order to avoid possible complications, it is better to start treatment at the first signs.

How to treat a nursing mother

Antiviral drugs such as Ribavirin, Remantadine and Arbidol are effective only in the first hours of the disease or as a preventive measure. But their use by the mother can cause side effects in the child in the form of abdominal pain, loose stools, allergic rash and increased excitability. When using Immunal, allergic reactions in the baby are also possible. Therefore, the listed drugs should not be used.

When treating acute respiratory infections or preventing colds, you can instill Grippferon into the nose, which contains interferon produced in the human body and increases its resistance to viruses. Viferon suppositories can also be used in the treatment of a nursing woman without harm to her baby.

Since antibiotics are not used in the treatment of viral diseases, due to their uselessness, treatment consists of symptomatic therapy, reducing intoxication and increasing the patient’s body’s resistance. But there are times when the attending physician may suspect the development of a bacterial complication (sore throat or pneumonia). Then there may be a need to use an antibiotic combined with breastfeeding. If the doctor is forced to prescribe an antibiotic that is not compatible with breastfeeding, then the woman will have to stop feeding the baby and express and discard breast milk during her treatment.

Drinking plenty of warm fluids throughout the entire period of illness is very important, as it prevents the mucous membranes of the nose and throat from drying out, promotes sweating, thins sputum and reduces intoxication in the body.

You should not take antipyretic drugs at your own discretion. After all, an increase in temperature is a manifestation of the patient’s body’s defense mechanism. You can lower the temperature only when the thermometer marks 38.5 degrees or higher.

The safest antipyretic drug is Paracetamol. Theraflu, Coldrex, Fervex should not be used for this purpose, due to the fact that their effect on a certain group of people has not yet been studied.

To treat cough, Ambroxol and Lazolvan can be used as expectorants and sputum thinners. Herbal preparations based on anise, licorice root, thyme, ivy, thyme, and plantain will also help. Can also be used

Pregnancy and childbirth have a positive effect on a woman’s body, rejuvenating it and getting rid of some diseases of the genital area, including the disappearance of fibroids and ovarian cysts, but at the same time the immune system weakens significantly and, As a rule, during lactation women often suffer from colds.

At the same time, treatment of various diseases according to the usual regimen is not available to a nursing woman.

Since almost all the active substances pass along with the milk to the baby, you cannot leave everything to chance, since you can infect the baby if it is an infectious disease, or there is a risk of complications for the woman herself. How to treat a sore throat during breastfeeding, as well as other common diseases after childbirth, so as not to harm either the child or yourself? Before using any advice in this article, you should consult your doctor.

Treatment of colds during breastfeeding

Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding is complicated by the fact that During lactation, any synthetic immunostimulants are strictly contraindicated, since when they enter a child’s body with breast milk, they can activate his unformed immune system and turn it against his own body or simply cause an allergy.

Traditional medicine should also be used with caution, since most recipes contain active herbal ingredients, the reaction to which in an infant can be unpredictable. The danger of using any herbal infusions during lactation is that you can spoil the taste of the milk, making it bitter, and then the baby will refuse the breast.
Treatment of colds while breastfeeding is complicated by the fact that not all drugs that effectively eliminate colds and their symptoms can be used. Therefore, before treating a cold while breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor, preferably a pediatrician, he will tell you what is best to take and what to avoid.

Colds, like the flu, are viral diseases, for the treatment of which antiviral drugs are used in the first three days, and then treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the cold. Colds during breastfeeding, treatment, which, if carried out on time and in accordance with the doctor’s prescription, does not affect the amount of breast milk, and, on the contrary, stimulates the child’s immunity, since antibodies produced by the mother enter the child’s body with milk.

So, a runny nose in nursing mothers can only be treated with drugs of natural origin, such as Pinosol, which not only moisturizes the nasal mucosa, but also relieves swelling, and also has a moderate antimicrobial effect. Before using it, you can rinse the nasal cavity with preparations based on sea water, which are safe for both mother and child. Another effective drug that is even used to treat sinusitis during breastfeeding is Protargol, which contains silver ions that have an antibacterial effect. Protargol is also used to treat runny nose and colds in children under one year of age, since it is one of the few drugs that is not addictive.

Another symptom of various viral diseases is cough, which, if left untreated, can lead to complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia. The cause of a cough during a cold can be both viruses and bacteria that have attached themselves to the source of inflammation against the background of general weakness of the body. To treat cough in nursing mothers, you can use mucolytics based on natural ingredients, such as licorice root, thyme extract, ivy extract; mucaltin has proven itself well for breastfeeding, which also contains only natural ingredients. Cough medications containing bromhexine are strictly prohibited for nursing women.

Feeding the baby is and remains a priority for a woman, since colds can be treated while breastfeeding without the use of antibiotics.

How to treat a sore throat while breastfeeding

Treatment for a throat during breastfeeding will depend on what caused the inflammation of the mucous membranes. The most common viral pharyngitis, a companion to influenza and colds., which can also occur against the background of hypothermia.

To treat pharyngitis in a nursing mother, a doctor may recommend frequent rinsing with a warm solution of soda and salt, or an infusion of chamomile and calendula to relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane. You can also use topical preparations that have an antibacterial effect and do not penetrate the blood, but remain on the mucous membrane, these include Hexoral, Legol, as well as Iodinol rinsing solutions.

Of the long-acting drugs that are safe for mother and baby, the doctor will most likely recommend Lisobact or Faringosept. You can also drink warm milk with honey and butter at night, which will perfectly lubricate your sore throat and help relieve pain. If your mother does not have allergies, you can also use cocoa butter, dissolving 10 g in warm milk and drinking it before bed. Cocoa butter has restorative, antimicrobial and healing abilities; it can be given even to small children from one year old for a sore throat and cough.

Sore throat during breastfeeding is quite a common occurrence, since the first thing that affects the infection when the immune system is weakened is the upper respiratory tract. When treating, you should not rely on your knowledge; you should immediately consult a doctor. Only after determining the type of disease, the doctor can prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which does not exclude the use of antibiotics, if there is good reason.

For catarrhal sore throat, you can get by with the use of local antibacterial ointments and throat sprays of various gargles; for the purulent form of this disease, antibiotics of the penicillin group are used. During the period of treatment of sore throat with antibiotics, it is recommended to transfer the child to artificial nutrition and express breast milk to maintain lactation.

How to treat flu while breastfeeding

Flu during breastfeeding is undesirable because with a 100% chance you can infect a baby with it, and, as is known, in young children this disease can cause complications in the functioning of the kidneys, heart and other vital organs. However, it is not only possible, but also necessary to feed the baby, since he does not have his own immunity to fight the influenza virus, and with breast milk he receives the mother’s antibodies, which help him fight the disease.

Treatment for influenza while breastfeeding is not very different from doctor's prescriptions for a cold. All the same drugs that relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition than to treat a cold while breastfeeding are also used for the flu. In addition, it is necessary to increase the amount of liquid you drink per day to relieve intoxication from the effects of viruses, let it be fruit drinks, rosehip decoction rich in vitamin C, tea with raspberries or honey.

Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system during breastfeeding

It is advisable to treat thrush during breastfeeding sparingly using traditional medicine recipes, such as douching, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, which restore the microflora of the mucous membrane and have an antiseptic effect. Also shown are suppositories or vaginal capsules that act on Candida fungus locally, without being absorbed into the blood, for this reason they are safe to use.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding

Perhaps the most common problem with which women turn to a gynecologist during pregnancy and after childbirth is hemorrhoids. Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth during breastfeeding must be comprehensive. Healing suppositories and ointments that relieve swelling, including heparin, are used. Swelling during breastfeeding contributes to the development of the disease, since blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disrupted. Since it is not advisable to use laxatives during breastfeeding, a woman is advised to eat a diet that excludes foods that lead to constipation. It is also necessary to do special exercises to eliminate blood stagnation in the pelvis.

Treatment of cystitis in a nursing mother

Another common ailment during the postpartum period is cystitis, which occurs against the background of an unfavorable birth, trauma to the urethra and further infection of the urinary canal. Also Hypothermia may also be the cause of cystitis promoting the development of inflammatory processes.

Treatment of cystitis during breastfeeding is carried out only after examination by a doctor; it is unlikely to be possible without antimicrobial drugs, and their choice during lactation is not so great. The doctor can recommend a suitable drug based on cephalosporins, which can be used without stopping lactation. Also, recommendations for treatment would be to drink more liquid, including cranberry fruit drinks, which are famous for their uroseptic abilities.

Poisoning during breastfeeding

If a woman notices symptoms of poisoning, such as dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, it is necessary to urgently stop breastfeeding the baby and transfer him to formula until the intoxication of the body passes. If the baby feels just as unwell, it is necessary to call an ambulance to flush the body of toxic substances that have passed through breast milk.

As you know, giving birth to a child is a serious stress for a woman’s body. Due to this, after the birth of a child, a nursing mother can easily develop various diseases, including ARVI. But what to do if you get sick? Read on.

Symptoms of ARVI in a nursing mother

First of all, it is worth noting that ARVI is transmitted by airborne droplets, so to avoid the disease, try not to visit crowded places. Most often, after an illness, a woman feels general malaise, weakness, and nasal congestion. A cough may also develop and the temperature may rise. In very rare cases, headaches may occur.

Already in the first stages, if you notice such symptoms, you need to take action. To do this, make yourself a hot decoction of herbs and berries. You can use tea with lemon and honey.

Drink one cup every few hours. Such prevention may not prevent further development of the disease, but it will definitely weaken the virus.

Causes of the disease

As mentioned above, the main cause of the disease is infection from another carrier. At the same time, the person who infected you may himself be healthy. The fact is that the incubation period lasts from 2 days to a week.

Thus, if you were infected a week ago, you may only begin to feel symptoms today.

Treatment of ARVI

Of course, if the disease has already developed sufficiently and suppressed the immune system, then drug treatment cannot be avoided. But if you have just begun to feel symptoms, then you can resort to treatment using traditional medicine.

The problem is that a nursing mother can use a very limited range of medications, since any treatment can affect the baby’s health. In any case, if symptoms appear on your first free day, contact your doctor, who will determine exactly which medicine you can and cannot take.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in nursing mothers using medications

As already mentioned, during lactation a nursing mother can use a limited range of medications. Almost the only thing that is allowed to be used independently during feeding is Paracetamol to reduce fever. It should be used only in extreme cases, when the temperature has risen above 39 degrees, and strictly adhering to the dosages specified in the instructions.

You can also use various syrups to treat cough, such as Lazolvan or Ambroxol.

Do not forget that these drugs can cause an allergic reaction and contain large amounts of sugar. Ideally, of course, it is better to replace such remedies with traditional medicines.

For a runny nose, you can use various drops, and also do not neglect gargling with soda or sea salt diluted in water.

Treatment of ARVI with folk remedies

First of all, if you get ARVI during lactation, you need to remove its most dangerous symptoms, namely high temperature. You can use orange juice for this. Just squeeze a few oranges into a glass and drink. You can also add a little lemon juice to it. You will receive a large amount of vitamin C, which perfectly helps the body cope with fever.

You can also use cucumber juice in the same way. To do this, squeeze out one-fourth glass of cucumber juice and just drink. Repeat this procedure three times a day.

Don't forget about such an excellent way to fight a cold as inhalation. It can even be done at home. To do this, boil a pot of water, and then simply lean over it, cover your head with a towel and inhale the hot steam. To enhance the effect, you can add various herbs to boiling water, or use essential oils, which will make the steam fragrant, and the use of inhalation will become much more effective. But do not forget that this method is quite dangerous. Therefore, in order not to get burned, it is better not to boil water, but to heat it to 60-70 degrees Celsius.

The simplest way to treat a runny nose during ARVI is to instill squeezed garlic juice into the nose. But you should not drip it more often than once every four hours, so as not to get a burn to the mucous membrane. Yes, this method is not the most pleasant, but it is very effective. If something happens, you can dilute the garlic in water.

Well, probably the most pleasant recipe for treating ARVI is preparing viburnum with honey.

To do this:

  • Take 100 grams of viburnum berries. Clean them of debris and rinse well with water;
  • Pour viburnum into a saucepan and pour 200 grams of liquid honey;
  • After this, heat the mixture for about 5 minutes in a water bath. Heating will help the viburnum release juice, making the mixture tastier.

After this, the finished mixture should be cooled and taken one tablespoon 4 times a day. During use, drink it with hot water.

Contraindications for the treatment of ARVI

If you have already decided to choose a drug for the treatment of ARVI on your own, then be sure to pay attention to the composition of the drug. If the drug contains a substance such as bromhexine, then treating a nursing mother with such a medicine is strictly prohibited.

The disease ARVI itself has no contraindications to feeding, so young mothers need not worry about this.

In fact, ARVI, although it is a viral disease, does not pose a serious danger to your baby or you. It is better to start treatment of this disease from the very beginning, with the appearance of the first symptoms, without hoping that it will somehow go away.

During treatment, use hot tea with lemon and honey. But as soon as you have free time, do not forget to go to the doctor. Remember that a virus can only spread greatly if you do nothing to prevent its spread.

The best way to avoid ARVI during lactation is not to appear in crowded places where you can be infected, and if you have to do this, then wear a gauze bandage or a mask purchased at the pharmacy.

To prevent infection, you need to strengthen your immune system. To do this, breathe fresh air more often, do daily exercises and eat more fruits and vegetables in your food. Remember that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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