How to treat a cold pimple on the nose. Internal pimple in the nose - why it appears and its treatment

If a painful lump appears on the inner surface of the nose, which aches even with a light touch, you need to carefully examine it. If the cause of the pimple popping up is the herpes virus, the skin in the nose may be red, swollen and itchy, and the pimple itself will eventually become covered with blisters, which will burst and form hard crusts. To accurately determine its viral origin, it is recommended to undergo appropriate tests.

It is impossible to get rid of herpetic pimples forever - the herpes virus settles forever in the human body.

Also, the cause of a painful pimple can be an inflammatory process in the hair follicle or sebaceous gland. In this case, you can subsequently notice a purulent head on the pimple, before which the lump appears swollen and reddened. If you have headaches and fever, you should suspect a boil in the nose and consult a doctor, since purulent formations in the nose cannot be left without adequate medical treatment.

Treatment of painful acne

If a herpetic pimple appears in the nose, you need to regularly lubricate it with Zovirax ointment or its cheaper, but no less effective analogue, Acyclovir. If you have multiple pimples and blisters, you can also take Acyclovir tablets, which treat the manifestations of herpes from the inside. Treatment must be supplemented with antiviral drugs and vitamins.

In case of inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle, it is necessary to use an ointment that will destroy the causative agent of infection, which are staphylococcus or microbes. If the pimple becomes slightly red and mature, you should apply Geoxyzon ointment, which has a powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. If the pain in the nose becomes very severe, and purulent contents begin to be released - or, even worse, a carbuncle (several pimples at the same time) develops, you need to continue to apply Geoxyzon and urgently consult a doctor. He will prescribe the right antibiotics or open the boil, thoroughly washing it with antiseptic solutions that will prevent the spread of pus throughout the body.

One of the most unpleasant types of pustules is an internal pimple in the nose. This is a problem that requires a particularly careful approach.

Unlike external pustules, this one is located on the mucous membrane, which imposes many restrictions on treatment.

Fundamental difference from external acne

There is a difference between a formation on the surface of the skin and an internal pustule in the nose. The reasons for its appearance are different. Internal formation is a consequence of bacterial or viral infections.

The mucous membrane, epidermis in front of the nostrils and hair follicles are affected by pathogens. In addition, there is a risk of local inflammatory processes if the immune system is weak and the nasal microflora is disturbed.

An abscess is formed when pathogens enter from the outside, such as, or due to internal infection. If something got in from the outside, perhaps it happened because the person found himself in some dirty environmental conditions.

For example, if a purulent pimple has formed in a child’s nose, it is most likely a consequence of the fact that he first played in the sandbox and then picked his nose with dirty hands.

But excessive hygiene can also cause infection from outside. In this situation, the mucous membrane dries out, cracks and is no longer able to be the barrier against external threats that it was before.

This is often the result of using nasal drops, spray or aerosol. Not everyone understands that a medicine helps in a certain dosage, and if it is exceeded, the drug can be harmful.

Internal causes are associated with viruses. For example, among the factors that cause acne in the nose is the herpes virus. Such formations often arise from hypothermia. Trouble also appears during the initial period of infection of the body with the virus. In this case, there will be an increase in temperature and fever.

Internal pustules are much less common than external ones, but this is not uncommon, and someone even came up with a sign about this. These formations are much more serious, because they are located in a dangerous place with a special blood flow, where an error in eliminating the abscess sometimes leads to death. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove an abscess without causing harm.

What does the problem look like and what are the symptoms?

At first it is a small red bump, but discomfort is felt immediately. It is unpleasant to move your nostrils. Over time, white dots may appear in the center of the red formation, that is, the formation breaks through from the outside and pus is visible.

It is impossible not to feel an abscess, unlike a formation on the surface of the skin, which until a certain time may not make itself known. And it is extremely important to resist and not start squeezing, since the latter sometimes leads to blood poisoning, and squeezing will greatly aggravate the risks.


From the moment the pustule appears, it is worth taking photos so that if the problem worsens and consults a doctor, the patient can demonstrate the dynamics from the day the problem appeared. It will help improve the accuracy of the diagnosis and speed up the doctor’s work.

If the abscess is large and very painful, it is most likely a boil. The latter often occurs due to the penetration of staphylococcus or streptococcus into the hair follicle. In such a situation, the abscess is located in the place where the hairs grow, that is, in the vestibule, under the nose.

In case of a boil, immediately contact a doctor. An otolaryngologist will help. This doctor knows what to do in such situations. After the examination, the doctor, realizing that the patient has a boil, will open the formation. You cannot take independent measures, since such a problem is fraught with danger that should not be ignored.

The fact is that when squeezed out, the pus will either come out or rush into the blood. Considering how close the brain is and how quickly infection gets there, serious health problems that pose a risk to life are possible. Squeezing pimples is, in principle, an unacceptable activity for the same reason.

After the boil is removed, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. With a competent approach and the problem is not neglected, eliminating the abscess will most likely go without problems. But sometimes hospitalization is required for both treatment and surgery. Again, if the doctor is a professional, then there should be no difficulties.

Is it always worth going to the doctor?

Depends on the dynamics and dimensions of the abscess. If you have a pimple that is small in size, then perhaps you don’t need to go anywhere. Of course, if you know how to get rid of it at home.

But if this is a formation that is progressing and hurting, and it is clear that the dynamics are stable and are not going to change, this is a 100% reason to turn to a professional.

What do they do at home

Cold pustules are treated with ointments based on acyclovir or interferon. At the same time, the source of the problem itself is treated, because in this case the matter is not limited to the abscess.

Traditional medicine has not ignored ulcers in the nose, offering remedies, including:

  • sea ​​water;
  • essential oil and aloe;
  • calendula.

Ichthyol ointment and iodine are also used. Ichthyol ointment promotes the retraction of pus. . Self-medication for a pimple in the nose may seem appropriate, but it is better to avoid it, especially during pregnancy and other conditions of the body, when it is very important to avoid any unnecessary problems.

ENT doctor Elena Lebedinskaya says: “An incipient boil should never be squeezed out, since any replenishment in this place can provoke meningitis.

Any warming up is unacceptable." That is why you should think twice before using Vishnevsky ointment without first consulting a doctor who knows how to treat such ulcers.


It is important to ensure that the mucous membrane is intact, healthy, and without damage. Otherwise, even with excellent health of the body, infection is possible, leading to the formation of an abscess inside the organ. It is worth being careful when using medications designed to quickly relieve a runny nose.

If the abscess is a consequence of a virus, it is important to know that the infection is transmitted. Therefore, you should not disdain medical masks in order to prevent internal acne in others. If there is no need to go to a conference or exams, you should first cure the problem, and then often go to public places.


Such acne will become a serious problem if you start thoughtlessly using a variety of folk remedies. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor. Then the pimple treatment will take place without any ridiculous complications.

A pimple that has popped up on the inner surface of the nose will not be noticeable from the outside, but its appearance causes much more trouble than with a pimple on the nose.

A rash that appears in the nostril may hurt, and there is a risk of blood infection if suppuration begins in the pimple.

Why do pimples appear on the nose?

The appearance of pimples in the nose differs from a rash on the surface of the nose in that the former are not symptoms of acne.

Internal rashes have other causes: viruses or bacteria.

The infection can penetrate the surface of the mucous membrane, skin near the nasal passage, as well as hair follicles. If the nasal microflora is disturbed against the background of reduced immunity, the development of an inflammatory process is likely.

Many different bacteria pass through the nose. If the nasal membrane is healthy, then it cleans itself and gets rid of pathogens with the help of mucus and villi.

In the case when there are any damages inside the nose (irritation, cracks), then pathogens penetrate into the blood through them, and acne appears.

Infection can occur through external factors, as well as through internal contamination.

How do cold rashes appear?

The internal causes of a rash inside the nose are the work of viruses.

Small pimples in the nose, which are formations filled with liquid, are a manifestation of the herpes virus, because it prefers to multiply on the mucous membrane. Such rashes are itchy and the cause is entirely herpes.

These pimples are also called cold pimples, because they appear from a long stay in the cold; by the way, they often also have colds.

A rash in the nose may appear at the initial stage of infection with the presence of fever and chills, here the reasons are obvious.

The secondary type of cold on the nose area occurs during the spread of infection from the initial focus, which may include the lips, to other organs.

If a cold pimple appears once in the nose, then it can remain in this place in the future, in addition, it can appear not only in the nose.

Herpes is characterized by an acute course; exacerbation can occur due to bad weather, strict diet, change in climatic conditions, from excessively long exposure to the sun, and so on.

As soon as a burning sensation begins to be felt, swelling and itching appear - this is herpes.

The disease is a contagious virus. It can be infected through a kiss, through a towel, etc.

It should be noted that the immune system can stop herpes even if the feet were wet, so these are not the only causes of rashes.

How to help if you have a painful pimple on your nose?

If a pimple that pops up in the nose is extremely painful and grows in size, then a boil can be suspected.

Such a big pimple cannot be confused with another.

It is too painful, the pain can radiate to the temples and teeth, swelling and redness appear on the wings of the nose, which are extremely unpleasant to touch. Possible increase in temperature.

Often, a boil appears due to the penetration of a streptococcus or staphylococcus virus into the follicle. For this reason, compaction occurs in the area of ​​the vestibule of the nose, where there is hair. Because blood vessels pass through the nose and move into the brain, a burst boil can become life-threatening because pus can get inside.

If an infection gets into the blood, the consequences can be quite sad. There is a high probability of inflammation of the soft tissues of the head. In severe form, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and brain infection develop.

This type of rash is treated with antibiotics. It may be that the operation and treatment will require a hospital stay.


A pimple in the nose area is quite unpleasant, and also extremely dangerous. Therefore, before starting treatment for an internal pimple in the nose, you must follow the following rules:

  • You should not injure or squeeze the pimple; you should try not to touch it at all.
  • Treatment for acne is determined depending on the factor of its occurrence. Pimples from a cold can be “dried up” on your own using pharmaceutical products, or you can leave it untreated and wait until the rash goes away on its own. The abscess should be shown to a specialist; you cannot wait for it to come out.

How to get rid of cold rashes in the nose?

For cold rashes in the nose, the symptoms of the disease are treated directly: discomfort, itching, and the rash needs to be dried so that it goes away faster. General therapy is also carried out, which is based on the destruction of the virus inside the body.

A rash in the nose can be treated with antiherpetic agents, such as:

  • Acyclovir,
  • Panavir,
  • Zovirax,
  • Vivorax and others.

The body can be helped to protect itself from the virus by simultaneously taking oral medications based on acyclovir, drugs with interferon, and suppositories against the virus (Viferon).

Cold rashes in the nose can also be treated using traditional methods.

Traditional medicine uses all means in the fight against nasal acne, which allows you to get rid of the hated rash.

An effective method is sulfur on a match. To do this, wet the match head and anoint the inflamed area with it.

It is also recommended to lubricate a pimple in the nose several times a day with camphor alcohol, valocordin, fir oil or other oil from coniferous trees, juice from garlic, onion, celandine, and aloe. To do this, you need to soak a cotton swab in the product.

Treatment of acne in the nose with pus

A small purulent rash can be cured on your own.

Among the local remedies you will need an antibiotic-based ointment: levomekol, tetracycline, baneocin, chloramphenicol.

Since the pimple is located inside the nose, compresses and lotions cannot be used.

Traditional methods are good to use as inhalations and a pimple in the nose is quickly removed.

For this purpose, they are treated with decoctions:

  • oak bark, willow or viburnum;
  • herbs yarrow, St. John's wort;
  • coltsfoot leaves, as well as sage;
  • linden flowers, chamomile or marshmallow.

You need to take 20 grams of medicinal herbs and make a decoction or infusion in a glass of water. To get a good result, you need to do 4-5 approaches of 5 minutes. If positive treatment does not occur, you should visit a specialist.

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of unpleasant pimples in the nose, you must adhere to the following preventive measures, that is, you must:

  • Take care to strengthen your immune system.
  • Follow the rules of hygiene, just do not overdo it with cleansing procedures.
  • Cure chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • Try to avoid colds and beware of hypothermia.
  • Use medications with caution when administering them intranasally.

The appearance of acne on the skin is quite common and is caused by hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. Rashes in the nose are a more serious problem, untimely treatment of which can lead to purulent processes and the spread of infection through the circulatory system.

How to get rid of a pimple on the nose depends on the cause of its appearance. A specialized specialist will help determine the etiology of nasal rashes, as well as create a competent course of treatment.

Pimples in the nose not related to chronic dermatosis of the skin. The nature of the manifestation of rashes in the vestibule of the nasal passages is directly related to the penetration of viral and bacterial agents, provided that the patient has an immunodeficiency.

With healthy functioning of the nasal mucosa, pathological microorganisms are removed from the nasopharynx due to the self-cleaning function. When the body is hypothermic or has respiratory diseases, the protective function of the mucous membrane weakens, and the appearance of rashes in the nose will not be long in coming.

The usual habitat of the herpes virus is mucous membranes. This inflammatory process manifests itself in the form of a vesicle filled with liquid and is a consequence of primary human infection. Fever and high body temperature are the main signs of herpes virus activity.

Pimples in the nose may be accompanied by pain, itching, fever, and fever.

The migration of primary inflammation into the vestibule of the nasal passages is called a secondary “cold.” A sufficient number of factors can trigger this process.– from a strict diet to changing climatic conditions.

It is worth noting that herpes characterized by recurrent nature, with mandatory periods of remission. Therefore, a distinctive feature of a viral infection is its persistence (rashes will periodically appear in the primary area of ​​occurrence).

For reference! Migration of herpes infection can occur from the organs of the genitourinary system, the borders of the lip area.

Pustules in the nose, accompanied by severe pain and significant growth, are a sign of furunculosis. Main reason for development– activity of strepto- or staphylococcus in the hair follicle.

This infectious focal disease is particularly dangerous; the spread of purulent masses into the bloodstream when an abscess breaks through can lead to the formation of a blood clot, inflammation of the lymph nodes and the development of infectious processes in the brain.

Therefore, before squeezing out a pimple in the nose, you should visit an otolaryngologist, who will help cope with the local inflammatory process in a less traumatic way.

Ways to treat rashes

Causes of the rash determines further treatment methods. For example, some acne may go away on its own without the use of pharmaceutical products. Others imply the mandatory use of not only antiviral drugs, but also agents with antibacterial activity.

The method of conservative treatment of cold rashes is based on eliminating the viral infection, eliminating the symptomatic picture and strengthening the body’s local immune defense.

For reference! When furunculosis is diagnosed in a patient, a purulent focus is opened in a hospital setting.

Elimination of symptoms

Rashes in the nose can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations - pain, itching, which can be eliminated with the use of antiviral drugs in the form of an ointment. High selectivity of action and minimal toxicity are observed in Acyclovir, Zovirax, and Vivorax.

The virostatic effect of medications makes it possible to effectively eliminate symptoms of inflammatory manifestations within 5-10 days. It is necessary to treat not only the damaged area, but also the entire painful area around the rash.

The boil is localized in most cases on the tip of the nose, somewhat less often - on the wings of the nose and on the skin of the nasal septum

Daily norm equates to 5-6 procedures, with minimal frequency at four o'clock. To treat the damaged area, you should use medical gloves to avoid the spread of infection.

Important! During treatment, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, avoid contact in the form of kisses with healthy people, since the use of antiviral ointments does not provide protection against infection.

To treat acne of bacteriological origin, you should use ointments with an antibiotic effect - “Baneocin”, “Levomycetin”, etc. The specifics of using the ointment are specified in the manufacturer’s instructions.

How to fight an infection

Elimination of the infectious process is directly related to strengthening the patient’s immune defense. Antiviral protection is enhanced when included in a therapeutic treatment regimen of medications that contain the active component - acyclovir.

These drugs can be used orally, topically (by dropping into the nose), rectally (suppositories). The therapeutic effect is enhanced by the simultaneous use of drugs with acyclovir in different dosage forms (combine tablets with suppositories, drops).

A fairly effective representative of the medicinal group is “”. With normal immune status, the daily dosage of the drug is equal to to use the drug four times a day, 200 mg, with an obligatory interval of six hours.

Dosage and course of treatment may vary depending on the age and individual characteristics of the patient.

Nasal antiviral drops - “Ingaron”, “” will help support local immunity. Prescribed in a short course - 5-7 days, 2-3 drops three to five times a day.

How to get rid of a pimple on your nose at home

Using traditional medicine recipes will speed up the healing process and reduce discomfort.

The affected area can be lubricated sulfur gruel. Remove sulfur from matches by diluting them a little with water. No less effective are lubricating acne with essential oils (eucalyptus, fir), as well as using valocordin or camphor alcohol.

The use of sea buckthorn oil or garlic-honey ointment (grate 1 clove of garlic, add 1 tsp honey) will allow dry out rashes in the shortest possible time.

Due to the fact that the inflammatory process inside the nose precludes the use of various types of lotions or compresses, an alternative method of exposure is inhalation procedures. Any medicinal herb (coltsfoot, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, oak bark) is suitable for these purposes. For 250 ml. boiling water – 20 gr. dry mixture.

This amount is enough for one inhalation. Inhale vapors for 5-7 minutes, three times a day.

Important! Independent methods of treating nasal rashes require prior consultation with a doctor.


What to do if there is an abscess in the nose? First of all, consult a doctor. Any independent actions can cause additional problems for the patient.

Careful adherence to the specialist’s instructions will allow you to cope with discomfort in the shortest possible time, and the recommendations received will help you avoid the occurrence of rashes in the future.

We are used to the fact that acne likes to focus on the nose, chin, and forehead. They spoil our appearance and bring a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. But it’s even worse if a purulent pimple occurs in the nose. It is absolutely impossible to squeeze it out, and this is extremely inconvenient to do. But what to do when a pimple pops up in your nose and it hurts a lot? We will try to explain everything in detail in this article.

Depending on the cause, there are several types of acne. A pimple in the nostril is different from its “friends” due to the fact that it is an acne. The cause of its development is an infection or virus.

Internal reasons

The main factor in the development of acne in the nose is colds. Cold viral acne is primary, which is accompanied by fever and chills. Primary acne in the nose is a reaction to the development of a virus in the body. Most often, if they appear in one place, then in subsequent times they will appear in the same place.

Also, acne in the nose can be secondary when the virus moves throughout the body. Often this type of pimples on the nose occurs when herpes moves from the lips to the nose. Acne caused by the presence of the herpes virus is characterized by its wateriness and itching. Occurs with hypothermia and respiratory diseases.

Recurrences of the herpes virus are inevitable, because once it enters the body, it remains for life. Especially often, pimples in the nose due to herpes will appear with prolonged sunbathing, strict diets, weakened immunity and climate change. If you take care of yourself, it is possible that herpes in the form of pimples on the nose and sores on the lips will bother you minimally rarely.

External reasons

A red pimple inside the nose that hurts may be the result of unfavorable external factors. We ourselves introduce bacteria in different ways:

  1. Dirty hands. Many people have the habit of picking their nose, and their hands are not always clean. In addition, the epidermis is damaged, which gives easy access to harmful microorganisms.
  2. Excessive use of vasoconstrictor drops and nasal aerosols. Of course, when your nose is stuffy, you can use drops, but you shouldn’t overuse them. The mucous membrane dries out, becomes thinner, and cracks appear, as a result of acne in the nose.
  3. Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.

An abscess in the nose cannot be left to chance: it can develop into a boil. A boil rupture has dangerous consequences - inflammation of healthy tissues and lymph nodes.

A boil can be distinguished by the following symptoms:

  • the pimple on the nose has become very large;
  • you may notice swelling of the nose;
  • the pain has intensified and radiates to the temple;
  • the nose is completely red;
  • temperature rise is possible.

What to do if a pimple on your nose hurts

The first thing that comes to mind is to squeeze it out. Squeezing is a dangerous but possible method. The main condition is that the pimple is fully mature. Extrusion must be carried out very carefully and following a certain sequence.

  1. Provide good lighting. Soak a cotton pad in alcohol and wipe the pimple and hands thoroughly to minimize infections.
  2. You need to press on the pimple, but do not touch the surrounding areas. Try to squeeze out all the pus from the very bottom of the sebaceous duct at one time.
  3. After squeezing, wipe with disinfectant and leave for an hour. Then apply bactericidal ointment and drink Enterosgel or Sorbex to remove toxins from the body.
  4. You can apply a compress in the evening. Boil a spoonful of chamomile and celandine in a glass of water and soak a cotton pad in the broth. Apply to the former abscess for 10 minutes. Then remove the compress and smear the area with Baziron gel, if possible. The remaining broth can be poured into an ice tray and placed in the freezer overnight.
  5. In the morning, wipe the outside of your nose with chamomile cubes and powder if necessary. During the day there should be no reminders of the pimple in the nose.

What to apply to a pimple on your nose?

Ointments for nasal acne are aimed at eliminating the main symptoms: they reduce redness and inflammation, eliminate pain, disinfect and dry out pimples. Ointments such as Acyclovir and Vivorax have shown high effectiveness; drops with interferon are also used.

“Levomekol”, “Tetracycline ointment” are good products based on an antibiotic. Ointments are used when acne is small and requires anti-inflammatory treatment. However, these ointments are not recommended for use by pregnant women, as they contain an antibiotic. Remedies with ibuprofen are good at helping to cope with painful symptoms.

How to treat a pimple on the nose: traditional methods

Folk remedies write a lot about how to treat a pimple in the nose. A well-known, but not very aesthetic method is earwax. It is applied to an inflamed pimple several times a day, and it goes away very quickly.

“Camphor alcohol” and “Valocordin” are also considered good remedies. Their advantage is that the product is already ready-made and all you need for treatment is just soak a cotton swab in the solution and treat the pimple in your nose with it.

Lotions are made from the juice of an aloe leaf or the juice of a celandine stem. After soaking a cotton pad with a natural component, you need to apply it to the internal pimple for a few minutes. Of course, you won’t get a full-fledged compress, but you can try sticking it on with a band-aid for 10 minutes so you don’t have to hold it with your fingers.

The main function of the nose is to enable a person to breathe. Therefore, it is not surprising that using the main function you can help yourself get rid of an abscess in the nose. We are talking about inhalation. Herbal inhalations to treat a pimple in the nostril can be done with:

  • oak bark, which dries out pimples and relieves inflammation;
  • sage leaves - help soothe the skin and relieve swelling;
  • St. John's wort herbs - eliminates infection, relieves redness;
  • chamomile flowers. It heals irritated mucous membranes and slows down inflammation.

For inhalation, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over the herbal composition (1 tbsp), you don’t have to strain it. And inhale the steam for about five minutes. If inhalations do not help within a few days, you need to change the composition and consult a doctor.

You can also make lotions for washing. Instead of plain water, doctors recommend washing your face with a lotion containing a mixture of mint, chamomile, calendula and celandine. Brew 30 g of herbs in a liter of water and cool. Then wash your face several times a day.

Rubbing your face with lemon juice helps a lot. Mix half the lemon juice with 1 cup of boiled water. Wipe your face 4 times a day, especially paying attention to the nose area.

To treat a pimple on the nose, some people use onion or garlic juice. After squeezing the juice from these vegetables, it is dropped into the nose and smeared on the pimple. You can use this product only if you do not have an allergic reaction to the products. In addition, it is better not to use this remedy to treat a pimple in the nose of a child. It can burn the mucous membrane, and instead of a cured pimple, you will get a number of side effects.

Preventative measures for nasal acne

To prevent the occurrence of ulcers in the nose, you need to adhere to some rules of personal hygiene:

  1. Do not squeeze out boils yourself. A ruptured boil can have detrimental consequences. Only a doctor can do this correctly.
  2. You can squeeze out a white pimple on your nose that is fully mature on your own. This can be understood simply: if the pimple does not hurt when pressed and the contents are visible, the pimple is ripe. You only need to squeeze out strictly according to the instructions described above in the article.
  3. Eliminate from your daily diet fatty foods that increase sebum secretion, for example, smoked sausage, lard, and sweets.
  4. Spend more time in nature, in the fresh air, so that the body breathes and receives oxygen.
  5. Don't stick your fingers in your nose for no reason. If you need to do this, wash your hands and dry with a clean towel.

A pimple on the nose is always very unpleasant. You can only squeeze out pimples that are completely ripe, but it is extremely difficult to wait until this moment, because it hurts and itches. Therefore, we recommend using ointments “Levomekol”, “Tetracycline” and others. They relieve inflammation, redness, and eliminate infection. If the pimple on the nose is not large, you can resort to traditional methods. But you shouldn’t get carried away with them. If after several days the result is not visible, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. A dermatologist will examine the abscess in the nose and be able to accurately determine its cause and methods of treatment.

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