What is the difference between rhinoplasty and septoplasty? Rhinoseptoplasty is an effective operation to correct the shape of the nose and nasal septum Septoplasty and rhinoplasty difference

The issue of beauty is very relevant for many women. After all, what can you do to maintain attractiveness and youth for as long as possible! But not all women are happy with their appearance. Either the ears seem large and protruding, then the lips are too thin, or the nose has the wrong shape. And visits and consultations with cosmetologists and plastic surgeons begin to make the appearance ideal in a personal sense.

Nose. How to fix it correctly?

Heredity and genes are features of the body that are difficult to fight, but possible. To a large extent, this relates to the shape and size of the nose. Like the eyes, the nose is one of the central parts of the face, and most often attracts attention. If the nose is far from perfect, then our rhinoplasty, an operation that is performed not only for cosmetic, but for medicinal purposes, will help change its shape and size. This is a rather complex surgical intervention, when the doctor has to work not only with soft tissues, but also with bones and cartilage. Therefore, nose rhinoplasty is performed only by experienced plastic surgeons.

When and who can have a nose job?

This is not a rhetorical question. Adolescence, with its maximalism and self-doubt, encourages teenagers to treat their appearance with increased demands and a desire to change something. And, oddly enough, the first thing that comes into view is the nose. But no plastic surgeon will undertake an operation unless he receives permission from the teenager’s parents. It’s another matter if, under the influence of hereditary factors or injuries, a teenager has difficulty breathing through his nose. Often surgery is not possible. But in such cases they resort to septoplasty. The purpose of this surgical intervention is to correct individual elements inside the nose: the septum, nasal turbinates, and restoration of shape. And such an operation is not performed by plastic surgeons, it is performed only by an otolaryngologist. Another factor that is a contraindication for rhinoplasty for teenagers is that the facial features of a child under 20 are constantly changing (growing with him), so upon reaching adulthood, you can get something completely different from what was originally intended.

All other adults, regardless of age, can undergo nose surgery. Advice: if you decide to undergo an operation such as rhinoplasty, undergo computer modeling so that you know approximately what you will look like. Otherwise, you may be disappointed...

Anton Belogorodtsev
Illustration from the site: pixabay.com

But not all women are happy with their appearance. Either the ears seem large and protruding, then the lips are too thin, or the nose has the wrong shape. And visits and consultations with cosmetologists and plastic surgeons begin to make the appearance ideal in a personal sense.

Nose. How to fix it correctly?

Heredity and genes are features of the body that are difficult to fight, but possible. To a large extent, this relates to the shape and size of the nose. Like the eyes, the nose is one of the central parts of the face, and most often attracts attention. If the nose is far from perfect, then our rhinoplasty, an operation that is performed not only for cosmetic, but for medicinal purposes, will help change its shape and size. This is a rather complex surgical intervention, when the doctor has to work not only with soft tissues, but also with bones and cartilage. Therefore, nose rhinoplasty is performed only by experienced plastic surgeons.

When and who can have a nose job?

This is not a rhetorical question. Adolescence, with its maximalism and self-doubt, encourages teenagers to treat their appearance with increased demands and a desire to change something. And, oddly enough, the first thing that comes into view is the nose. But no plastic surgeon will undertake an operation unless he receives permission from the teenager’s parents. It’s another matter if, under the influence of hereditary factors or injuries, a teenager has difficulty breathing through his nose. Often surgery is not possible. But in such cases they resort to septoplasty. The purpose of this surgical intervention is to correct individual elements inside the nose: the septum, nasal turbinates, and restoration of shape. And such an operation is not performed by plastic surgeons, it is performed only by an otolaryngologist. Another factor that is a contraindication for rhinoplasty for teenagers is that the facial features of a child under 20 are constantly changing (growing with him), so upon reaching adulthood, you can get something completely different from what was originally intended.

All other adults, regardless of age, can undergo nose surgery. Advice: if you decide to undergo an operation such as rhinoplasty, undergo computer modeling so that you know approximately what you will look like. Otherwise, you may be disappointed...

Illustration from the site: pixabay.com

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Although these two operations are performed on the same organ - the nose, they are fundamentally different from each other. Septoplasty (from the Latin septum - septum) is the correction of the nasal septum when it is curved, when it impairs nasal breathing and causes various complications. Septoplasty is performed by an otolaryngologist.

Rhinoplasty (from rhinos - nose) is the correction of the nose, changing its shape and size, eliminating post-traumatic defects. Such an operation is within the competence of plastic (aesthetic) surgery specialists.

It often happens that both operations are performed simultaneously. This happens in the case of consequences of injuries to the nose, when the nose itself is deformed and the nasal septum is curved. Such operations are performed in plastic surgery departments; if necessary, an ENT specialist is invited.

Nose plastic surgery, details of the procedure

Any deformation of the nasal septum can lead to impaired nasal breathing and improper air circulation in the upper parts of the respiratory system, which can lead to the occurrence of many diseases, for example, sinusitis or chronic rhinitis, as well as the appearance of polyps on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

What is the difference between rhinoplasty and septoplasty, and can they be combined?

Rhinoplasty of the nose today is considered one of the most common plastic surgeries aimed at correcting the natural shape of the nose and its size, as well as eliminating various pathologies resulting from injuries. The operation allows you to completely restore the nose after serious injuries, even if it is completely absent.

Rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose, as well as the entire organ, in most cases is performed for purely aesthetic reasons, when it is necessary to correct congenital or acquired defects in appearance and give (or return) a pleasant appearance to a person.

The procedure has age restrictions; it is not performed on children and adolescents under 17 years of age, as well as people over 40 years of age. Since after 40 years, the elasticity of the skin decreases significantly, so the healing process is slow.

The operation can be performed closed or open. In some cases, correction is carried out without incisions, by puncturing the mucosa.

Septoplasty of the nose? type of rhinoplasty. The operation is aimed at eliminating pathologies and curvatures of the nasal septum. Septoplasty of the nasal septum in most cases is performed in a closed manner.

If necessary, these types of operations can be combined, which allows not only to correct a septal disorder, but also to reduce the tip of the nose, change the shape of the nostrils and the size of the nasal wings, eliminate a snub nose or hump, and narrow the bridge of the nose.

Regarding age restrictions, the opinions of many doctors differ sharply; most experts argue that children under 18 years of age cannot undergo such operations, since the formation of a cartilaginous septum occurs before this age, but some doctors, if necessary, perform septoplasty even on young children.

Indications for rhinoplasty

The operation is performed in cases where the patient needs:

  • Correct the nostrils, make them smaller or narrower.
  • Remove a natural hump on the nose or a protrusion caused by an injury.
  • Change the size of the nose and its shape.
  • Correct a drooping, thickened, hooked or upturned nose.
  • Eliminate various defects, both congenital and acquired.
  • Correct pathologies of the nasal septum.

The main indication for rhinoplasty is the patient’s dissatisfaction with his appearance, namely his nose. As a rule, flaws in appearance prevent people from living a full life and achieving their desired goals, since they cause complexes and a feeling of inferiority.

Contraindications for surgery

Contraindications to rhinoplasty of any type are:

  • The presence of inflamed hair follicles in the nose area.
  • Severe acne.
  • The presence of severe diseases of internal organs.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Presence of mental illness of any category.
  • Presence of viral infections.

Types of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can be performed in two ways, which differ from each other in the method of intervention and access to the correction site. The doctor always chooses a certain type of operation depending on what problems he has to solve.

Open rhinoplasty

This type of nose correction surgery differs in that to perform the manipulations, the nose must be “opened” by cutting the skin in the places where the nostrils connect to the upper lip, as well as on the columella, which is the partition between the openings of the nose.

After this, the skin is lifted, exposing the entire osteochondral structure of the nose for the necessary manipulations.

If complex intervention is required, for example, in case of a broken nose, then the operation is performed in an open way, this allows you to assemble the entire inside of the nose piece by piece and reconstruct the organ.

No experienced surgeon will perform a complex operation without free access to damaged tissues.

In this case, the issue of postoperative scars is secondary, since the doctor’s priority task is to ensure that the nose, after rhinoplasty and reconstruction, grows together correctly and there is no need to perform a second operation.

There is no need to worry about the scars that may remain after such an operation, since a surgeon with sufficient experience will hide the stitches in the natural folds of the skin located at the base of the nose, while the incision made on the columella is sutured microsurgically, so in the future it will almost will not be visible.

In addition, the scars after open rhinoplasty, which many patients fear, are a thin line, no thicker than a sewing thread, which becomes invisible over time.

Closed rhinoplasty

This operation is performed inside the nasal cavity using a special scalpel and without making external incisions. The work can rightfully be called jewelry, requiring highly qualified doctors.

As a rule, a specialist with sufficient experience knows two methods of performing surgery, both open and closed, and selects the necessary method for each specific patient based on the indications that need to be eliminated.

During a closed operation, there are no scars left on the patient’s face, since all the stitches are located on the inside of the nasal cavity, but during such an operation the surgeon does not have access to all tissues. For this reason, a closed operation cannot be performed in cases where a person needs to assemble a broken nose, remove a large hump, or connect cartilage fragments.

You can often hear talk that if a surgeon has sufficient experience in performing rhinoplasty, then he can perform any operation in a closed manner, but this is not true and is only a kind of speculation on the fears of many patients about the appearance of scars on the face after an open operation.

In fact, a doctor with extensive experience always decides for himself which method to use in each specific case in order to solve the problem as effectively as possible.


The operation is a type of rhinoplasty and is aimed at eliminating pathologies of the nasal septum and its curvatures. The nose of every person is assigned by nature an important function, which is to process the inhaled air.

Violations of the evenness of the septum can occur for various reasons, for example, due to a birth injury, a fracture or damage to the nose in childhood, with frequent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and for many other reasons. Septoplasty allows you to correct this disorder, straighten the nasal septum and restore a person’s free access of air flow to the lungs.

Endoscopic septoplasty of the nasal septum is considered a traditional and more gentle method of surgery to correct violations of the nasal septum. To carry it out, an endoscope is used, which allows the specialist to see the entire progress of the operation on the computer screen.

The procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the operation. Modern operations are aimed not only at eliminating the defect, but also at preserving the natural structure of bones and cartilage in the nasal cavity.

Secondary rhinoplasty

This procedure is more of a stage of treatment than a type of rhinoplasty and is usually performed in cases where it is impossible to solve the patient’s problem in one procedure.

For example, when performing surgery on children to correct nasal deformities, first an operation is performed to eliminate the breathing problem, and then, when the facial bones have fully grown and the skull is formed, a secondary operation is performed to eliminate aesthetic defects.

But much more often, secondary rhinoplasty is performed to correct any mistakes made during the main procedure or in cases where complications arose during the tissue healing process.

Moreover, during a secondary operation it is often necessary to rebuild the nasal structure again. In some cases, patients themselves insist on having a secondary operation if they are not satisfied with the result obtained or when they want to correct something else.

Preparing for surgery

Preparing for surgery should always be discussed with the surgeon after providing him with detailed information about the patient's health.

It is important to inform the doctor about all existing diseases and health problems, as well as inflammations or infections suffered the day before, if any, about previous operations, about taking medications, about the presence of bad habits.

It is important to remember that smoking significantly impairs all healing processes of bones and soft tissues, therefore, if you have this bad habit, you must either completely abandon it during the operation and recovery after it, or reduce the number of cigarettes per day to a minimum.

Proper preparation for surgery is very important, since following all the doctor’s instructions contributes not only to an easier recovery period, but also to a significant reduction in the risks of possible complications.

  • stop drinking alcohol 10 days before surgery;
  • 10 days before the procedure, you should stop taking medications that are based on salicylates, for example, Aspirin, Alka-Seltzer or Bufferan. Salicylates contribute to severe bleeding during operations;
  • wash your hair the day before surgery;
  • Do not eat for at least 12 hours before rhinoplasty.

The volume of fluid consumed before surgery, as well as exactly when to stop drinking water, is determined by the doctor individually.

It should be remembered that if you have a runny nose, the operation will be impossible, so the procedure will be postponed until complete recovery.

Women preparing for surgery should stop taking hormonal medications 2 weeks before surgery, as they can also increase bleeding. You must inform your doctor in advance about taking any medications.

You need to plan the date of the operation taking into account the menstrual cycle and its phase, so that there is not too much blood loss. It is prohibited to perform rhinoplasty during menstruation, and the operation should not be scheduled within 4–5 days before and after its completion.

Carrying out the operation

Rhinoplasty surgery takes on average from 1 to 2.5 hours, which depends on the chosen method of manipulation and the complexity of the task.

With open rhinoplasty, incisions are made in the natural folds of the skin, which makes it possible to hide subtle traces of the intervention in the future. At the first stage, the surgeon separates the skin from the cartilage and bone structure of the nose, which allows full access to them, after which he carries out all the necessary actions to eliminate the problem.

The advantage of open surgery is that the doctor has free access to carry out all manipulations and the ability to accurately connect all tissues, but this method requires a longer recovery period.

With closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made only inside the nasal cavity, that is? endonasally.

The incisions made usually go around about half of the nostril ring and are located symmetrically. But the conditions for the operation are sharply limited, since the surgeon does not have sufficient access and visibility. This operation requires a very highly qualified doctor.

With the closed method, the doctor can remove excess soft tissue and change the shape of bones and cartilage if necessary. The advantages of this method include the absence of external scars, a shorter recovery period, as well as faster visible results, since swelling after a closed operation will be less pronounced.

Recovery period

After any type of rhinoplasty, including septoplasty, the doctor must apply a plaster cast to the entire surface of the corrected nose, which will need to be worn for about 10 days.

To fix the internal part and prevent postoperative bleeding, special turundas are inserted into the patient’s nasal passages, which are removed after a day. If during the operation rhinoplasty was combined with septoplasty, then the turundas will be removed no earlier than after 3 days. During this period, all patients report some discomfort caused by the need to breathe through the mouth.

During the recovery period, extensive bruising may be observed on the patient's face, mainly in the eye and nose area. Tissue swelling persists for about a month, but in some cases (very rarely) this condition can persist for up to six months. To quickly relieve swelling, the doctor may prescribe hardware cosmetology procedures to the patient.

During the rehabilitation period, patients must independently follow all recommendations and procedures prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to clean the nasal passages, and then lubricate them with special products.

It must be remembered that the appearance of the nose will constantly change during the recovery process, which is explained by the gradual elimination of swelling, skin contraction, and the scarring process.

During the recovery period, you must avoid visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, and direct sunlight, and when going outside, apply a special sun cream to your face. If compliance with this rule is problematic for the patient, then you should not plan to perform the operation in spring and summer; it is better to postpone the procedure until autumn or winter, when sun activity is much lower.

In addition, during the rehabilitation period, physical activity and consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as other factors that will contribute to an increase in swelling, should be excluded.

Possible complications

Among the most severe complications after rhinoplasty are: the appearance of suppuration, infections and sepsis, but they occur only in isolated cases.

According to statistics, almost every fifth corrected nose has to be redone due to unpredictable fusion of cartilage and bones or because the patient does not like something.

When assessing the results of plastic surgery, you should remember that it is not always possible to achieve ideal symmetry, so you should not expect that the nose will look exactly the way it was modeled on a computer when planning the operation.

The model created on a computer is only a kind of guide for the doctor during the operation, but even the best surgeon will not be able to calculate the result down to the millimeter, since human tissues do not have stability and high plasticity.

What is the difference between rhinoplasty and septoplasty?

According to doctors, there are no people with perfect noses, since almost everyone has a displacement or curvature of the nasal septum to one degree or another.

This problem is not always obvious, but it is possible to determine the presence of deformation by certain signs:

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Feeling of dryness or itching in the nasal cavity.
  • Frequent colds.
  • The occurrence of allergic rhinitis.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Noisy breathing and snoring.

Rhinoplasty and septoplasty are two types of different operations that are performed on the nose. To understand the difference between rhinoplasty and septoplasty, you need to define each of them.

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct the nasal septum. Unlike rhinoplasty, this type of surgery is intended to restore normal breathing and prevent various respiratory diseases. Septoplasty is performed by an ENT doctor.

The differences between rhinoplasty and septoplasty are that the former is used to correct the shape and size of the nose. A plastic surgeon performs rhinoplasty.

Septoplasty and rhinoplasty are prescribed simultaneously when the septum and the organ itself are deformed as a result of a nasal injury. The operation is performed in the aesthetic surgery department under the supervision of an ENT specialist.

Rhinoplasty after septoplasty is most often performed if the nose begins to deform after the intervention or for aesthetic purposes.

Rhinoplasty and septoplasty should be performed together

The article contains material about rhinoplasty. Complete information, prices, doctors, clinics, reviews, questions and much more are contained on the main page of the rhinoplasty (nose job) procedure.

What should rhinosurgery be like? Should a plastic surgeon have an ENT specialty? And other equally important aspects of work were discussed with us by Gaik Pavlovich Babayan, candidate of medical sciences, plastic surgeon and head of the Sharm clinic.

Question: What operations do you specialize in?

Answer: In general, we can say – aesthetic operations. Most of the requests are for nose surgery, then if you look at the number - there is breast augmentation, face lift, eyelids - top and bottom, liposuction. People also come in for abdominoplasty and breast reduction. I call in descending order.

Question: Are patient preferences changing due to fashion? If it exists in this area.

Answer: There is always fashion for beauty. A beautiful face, a beautiful body - it is always relevant and always fashionable. It’s just that sometimes its parameters change - if you take breast augmentation, then large sizes used to be in fashion, so to speak. And now naturalness is relevant, mostly patients ask for size 3, rarely 3 and a half. On the nose - they want to get rid of the hump, raise it. All these are criteria for a beautiful nose, so it’s wrong to talk about fashion here. A beautiful nose is always in demand.

Question: You received your education as an ENT doctor. Does this help you during rhinoplasty? Is it necessary for a plastic surgeon with this specialization?

Answer: It helps a lot in rhinoplasty. I believe that a person who does rhinoplasty simply must have the skills of septoplasty. And these are operations that are performed by ENT specialists. But patients say that when they had their appearance corrected, they were operated on by two specialists - a plastic surgeon and an ENT doctor. I think this is wrong. Because if a person works, then he naturally must think about improving his qualifications, he must take care of himself. And I believe that rhinoplasty and septoplasty should be performed together and by the same surgeon. And mostly this is done at the same time, although for some reason some surgeons separate this.

Question: Please tell us for those who don’t know. What is septoplasty and what is rhinoplasty?

Answer: Let me explain: septoplasty is a functional operation for health, correction of a deviated septum, after which breathing is restored. And rhinoplasty, as many probably already know, is a nose job. And these two operations are very interconnected. If we perform an operation on the nasal septum, then, of course, we need to correct something on the nose that we see. And vice versa, if we want to make a completely straight nose, we naturally need to correct the septum that is inside. And again, I repeat: the specialization must be general, so that a person has both skills, then he will be able to correct a crooked nose.

Question: You are the founder of your own school of rhinosurgery. Tell us about her.

Answer: It appeared when I had already founded the Sharm clinic, where we are now. Naturally, the majority of patients complained of crooked noses and mainly sought rhinoplasty. And many young specialists gathered around me. This area is very attractive to plastic surgeons; for some reason, they first of all start with nose surgery. There were many of them - both novice specialists and experienced surgeons: they began to look, come, help somewhere. And I felt that it was possible to create a group of followers from this team, give them tips and show them those skills and aspects that are sometimes not even described in books. Some people don’t even consider it necessary to talk about it, but for practice all this is very important. And gradually this school of rhinosurgery of ours was formed. I passed on my knowledge to those who were ready to accept it. I won’t name their names now, but many of them have already opened their blades. And they work successfully in Moscow, many people know them.

Question: Do you have any thoughts about seriously starting a teaching career?

Answer: I don’t have enough time for serious teaching. But when surgeons undergo advanced training, there are certain courses that they take in general - this is a course in plastic surgery. And many people come to our clinic for the rhinoplasty part, that is, we carry out a narrow part related to rhinoplasty. This still exists now, but not on a large scale, because I don’t have enough time for it.

Answer: I studied and watched a lot - both open and closed rhinoplasty. When you already have experience, you understand that you somehow need to analyze it for yourself and get rid of unnecessary volumes of operations, somewhere you need to preserve what you already have. As sculptors say, by getting rid of the excess in a piece of marble, you can get a beautiful shape. I am a supporter of the so-called conservative rhinoplasty, when the parameters that the patient has are preserved as much as possible. And it doesn’t spoil the face, but rather beautifies it. There are many factors there - first of all, this is a very deep analysis of what we have and what the patient wants to get. Based on this, interference is minimized. This also greatly reduces the operation time: sometimes even repeated operations take no more than an hour. And the result we get is the same as after operations that take several hours. There are many pictures and evidence of this.

By the way, soon I will publish this technique, which I call conservative. Its essence is that while preserving everything you need - what does not spoil the face, but on the contrary even emphasizes the beauty - leave it. Make changes minimal and less traumatic. This gives us a very short recovery period. Patients recover quickly: after almost two weeks, swelling from the outside is no longer noticeable. Of course, there are individual issues, but as a rule, two weeks is enough to go back to work. That's the point. Analysis is very important, and good analysis requires experience. In order to predict in advance any intervention on cartilage (there are many of them on the septum), or on the bone part, it is necessary to predict what changes will lead to what result. Correct forecasting plays a very important role in obtaining a good result.

Question: Do people often contact you about repeat operations? And is this a problem today?

Answer: There are a lot of repeated operations. If you count, today almost 40% are repeat visits after various clinics. Because when we watch from the outside how a surgeon operates, anyone - not necessarily me, it happens very easily and calmly. And naturally there is a desire to repeat. But this is not so easy, and repetition can lead to the operation lasting 3-4 hours instead of 50 minutes. And this lack of understanding of how to do it as needed leads to similar results. Many people start operating too early. On the one hand, independence is good, but in rhinoplasty, in addition to knowledge and skills, there must be skill. A person must master manipulation. It's like in art: a person can be a good critic, but not as good at drawing and writing as someone else. A surgeon can perfectly remove appendicitis and save lives, but not everyone can make beautiful noses. That's why many drop out. In general, there are not so many good rhinoplasty surgeons, although a whole army performs this operation. Therefore, there is a huge mass of repeated operations.

Question: Are there any complications after primary operations that cannot be corrected?

Answer: There are such cases. It is difficult to correct when a perforation appears on the septum after surgery. When it is large, it is almost impossible to close it - although this does not cause any big problems for patients, they may not even be aware of it. But still it brings a certain discomfort, sometimes even affecting the shape of the nose. And it's very difficult to fix.

When, after the first rhinoplasty, scars form on the skin, and unlike internal scars that heal and go away within a year, fibrous formations are often called this to make it clearer for patients. I mean scars in the form of cuts, in the form of various dents - they are very difficult to restore and recreate. Because it is almost impossible to replace scarred skin with healthy one. And there are still problems with nutrition. Therefore, one must be very careful and take these problems into account when performing repeated operations.

Question: You do 3D modeling of the nose. Tell us more about this technique.

Answer: Patients need to understand what they want. Because aesthetics are aesthetics, but everyone has different tastes. And sometimes the patient may have wishes that do not coincide not only with the opinion of the surgeon, but also with generally accepted norms. Therefore, you can’t just make a beautiful nose; you need to understand what the patient wants. How she sees herself from the outside, when she comes with some photographs and examples - this is also not enough. You need to understand which nose will suit her. Therefore, there is such a way - 3D modeling. It allows you to see yourself from the outside. We make several options, they are calculated mechanically according to wishes. And in the end, the most natural one is always chosen, which takes into account all the parameters of the face: its oval, cheekbones, eye shape, distance between the eyes. And the patient, having seen herself from the outside, approaches the result more adequately.

Question: You also perform hair transplant operations. How in demand are they? What techniques are currently used in this area?

Answer: We made them. But this operation has one specificity: it takes a lot of time. Therefore, I gradually moved away from these operations. I’ll explain why: for this you need to have a special team. We had such a team, but since we did not do these operations constantly, it dispersed. This operation requires spending a lot of time with each patient. This did not fit with the flow that came to us for rhinoplasty and breast augmentation - and I had to leave it. I’m not doing this yet, but I know the technology. And if any of the young surgeons are interested in it, I am ready to pass on my knowledge to them.

This area of ​​surgery is in great demand, but it requires a person to be a specialist. Because in addition to the transplant itself, you also need to have a huge base of care, injections and massages to help patients. That is, for complete assistance, a specialized clinic is needed. Just a transplant is not enough; comprehensive care must be provided. First, conservative methods are used, then when they no longer help, a hair transplant is performed, and then postoperative care. Such patients are treated almost their entire lives.

Question: You said that mammoplasty is in second place in terms of the frequency of operations performed. Tell us what methods you use and what results you achieve.

Answer: People also often come to us for revision breast augmentation surgeries. We thought for a long time what to do about it and came to the conclusion that most often the problem lies in the implants. And we found the implant that is most suitable for repeated operations. What does this give us: this implant should give less texture, when the capsule is strongly compressed, pain occurs and the gland itself is deformed. Our implant practically eliminates this. It also lifts the mammary gland well and removes so-called ptosis. And many patients after childbirth come with this very problem. So this new generation implant allows us to solve the main problems and make breasts, despite the fact that the initial operations were unsuccessful.

Question: How do you rehabilitate your patients? Do you have any original ideas on this matter?

Answer: We don’t have any special developments, to be honest. But the clinic offers both hardware and injection techniques. An individual approach is needed here: because some patients do not need anything, everything heals well for them, and the swelling goes away on its own. For some, a couple of massages are enough to relieve swelling; others need a more serious approach. We have all the necessary means for recovery in the postoperative period. In areas: relieving swelling, bruising and working with scars.

Question: Do you refuse operations to patients, and for what reasons?

Answer: You often have to refuse. The reasons may be different. Sometimes a patient comes and talks for 10-15 minutes, but in fact she doesn’t understand what she wants. I send such patients home. “It’s better for you to figure out for yourself whether you need any kind of operation – it doesn’t even matter what kind.” There is a group of patients who come just to do something. Everything about them is normal: a normal nose, and there’s nothing to complain about. And they come because of fashion to tell the company that I also did something. There are such things too. Therefore, there are refusals and there are grateful reviews even that we refused the operation. There is also a separate group of people who do not need surgery. They look like gambling addicts. We can even perform an operation on them according to indications, and then they go to do something and constantly redo something. We also need to work with them separately to at least stop them. Because it seems to them that every operation brings them closer to perfection, but this is not always the case. They need to stop at a certain point.

Question: Maybe patients who cannot stop and suffer from such addiction need separate help?

Answer: Special help is needed, and we refer them to specialists. It is clear that we do not have such a staff, but sometimes we send them to familiar psychologists to whom we turn. Sometimes we even invite them to the clinic when patients do not agree to contact them on their own. And if it were possible, we would have a separate staff of such specialists, because this is in great demand. And in the postoperative period, psychologists are sometimes needed: changes in appearance are not always perceived adequately, even when they are very successful. Sometimes you need some time and the help of specialists.

Question: The ideal result after plastic surgery is...

Answer: The ideal result is obtained when even loved ones and relatives do not notice from the outside that the operation was performed. But they note that something has changed, that the patient has become prettier, began to look better and even looked younger. And this is after rhinoplasty, although this operation is not considered anti-aging, but sometimes it is. By the way, I even have an idea to write this down so that it sounds first-hand. I had one patient for whom I performed rhinoplasty, everything was wonderful. And then she and her husband went to their father-in-law. She had been married for 14 years by that time, and then the father-in-law takes a closer look at this girl and asks his son: “Where is your wife? And who is this girl? She changed so much that even her father-in-law did not recognize her. There are similar cases. This is the ideal result when it is so natural that some people don’t even realize what has changed, but they see that it has become better.

Question: You are a member of several societies of plastic surgeons. How important is this for an active specialist?

Question: What should you pay attention to when choosing a clinic and specialist? Are reviews important?

Answer: Of course, the clinic must be chosen so that it fully complies with all regulations and standards. This is necessary to simply protect your health and life. Even when entering the clinic, a person can understand where he has ended up. It's just a random clinic or one that cares about its patients. Multiple licenses must be present. Experience is very important when choosing a surgeon. Moreover, I always emphasize that this is not experience in years, because often young surgeons, confused with mathematics, write so much work experience that they don’t even have enough years. It is necessary to understand that the surgeon must have experience in the operations that the patient needs. For example, if you take rhinoplasty, then the specialist must do at least 10-12, or even operations per month. Otherwise, if a person accidentally does this, there may not always be a good result.

At the First Surgery clinic, both methods of surgical intervention on the nose are performed using the latest technologies and under the supervision of qualified surgeons. On the website you can not only get acquainted with the price list and cost of the procedure, but also read reviews from clients who have undergone the operation.

Rhinoplasty is indicated for people over 18 years of age who have already formed the bones and cartilage of the nose. The upper recommended threshold for such an operation is forty years of age. After forty years, the recovery period is longer, and recovery is more difficult. Before the age of eighteen and after the age of forty, nose surgery is performed only to correct congenital defects or after injury.

Before undergoing surgery, you must follow the recommendations of your plastic surgeon. Ten days before surgery, you must refrain from cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and taking medications that affect blood clotting. Rhinoplasty will be rescheduled or canceled if the patient has an exacerbation of diseases, diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the nose, or a woman’s menstrual period.

Although both methods are performed on the nose, rhinoplasty and septoplasty have differences in application.

Differences between rhinoplasty and septoplasty

Using rhinoplasty, a plastic surgeon changes the appearance of the patient’s nose and eliminates other defects. Rhinoplasty allows you to completely change your nose, achieving the desired result. If there are breathing problems caused by birth defects or as a consequence of injury, torinoplasty can relieve these shortcomings.

With the help of septoplasty, you can correct a deviated nasal septum caused by various reasons, for example, congenital curvature, curvature due to abnormal development of the body, curvature caused by injury.

Septoplasty is prescribed by a surgeon for therapeutic purposes; it is not an aesthetic plastic surgery, but a necessary surgical intervention. Septoplasty is indicated for problems with the respiratory tract, constant sore throat, recurring nosebleeds, snoring, chronic edema, frequent colds, and sinusitis.

Rhinoplasty and septoplasty procedure

Rhinoplasty can be open or closed, using general or local anesthesia of the area.

Open rhinoplasty is used to correct complex nasal defects. The plastic surgeon makes incisions on the outside of the nose, located between the nostrils. Next he works with the cartilage of the nose. After the procedure, a small thin scar remains, which will disappear after a short period of time.

Closed rhinoplasty is used more often to correct the nose. With the help of surgery, external imperfections can be corrected and the shape of the nose can be corrected. After the procedure there are no scars or marks left. An incision is made in the nasal cavity, and then all actions are carried out blindly.

Six months after the procedure, the patient can fully enjoy the effect of the surgical intervention.

The duration of septoplasty is directly related to the complexity of the operation and the degree of deviated septum. The effect is visible already two to three months after the procedure.

Septoplasty takes place in several stages:

  • The surgeon numbs the affected area using local anesthesia;
  • Makes an incision;
  • Peels off soft tissue;
  • Moves cartilage and bone fragments to straighten the septum;
  • Places sutures on the incision area;
  • Installs tampons;
  • Applies a special bandage.

Complications after rhinoplasty and septoplasty

After surgery, complications may occur, such as:

  • Severe swelling of the nose;
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • Hematoma formation;
  • Bleeding from the nose;
  • Constant secretion of tears;
  • Blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Any deformation of the nasal septum can lead to impaired nasal breathing and improper air circulation in the upper parts of the respiratory system, which can lead to the occurrence of many diseases, for example, sinusitis or chronic rhinitis, as well as the appearance of polyps on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

Severe deformities can cause complete blockage of the nasal passages or one of them. In such cases, only rhinoplasty will help the person.

What is the difference between rhinoplasty and septoplasty, and can they be combined?

Rhinoplasty of the nose Today it is considered one of the most common plastic surgeries aimed at correcting the natural shape of the nose and its size, as well as eliminating various pathologies resulting from injuries. The operation allows you to completely restore the nose after serious injuries, even if it is completely absent.

Rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose, like the entire organ, in most cases it is carried out for purely aesthetic reasons, when it is necessary to correct congenital or acquired defects in appearance and give (or return) a pleasant appearance to a person.

The procedure has age restrictions; it is not performed on children and adolescents under 17 years of age, as well as people over 40 years of age. Since after 40 years, the elasticity of the skin decreases significantly, so the healing process is slow.

The operation can be performed closed or open. In some cases, correction is carried out without incisions, by puncturing the mucosa.

Septoplasty of the nose? type of rhinoplasty. The operation is aimed at eliminating pathologies and curvatures of the nasal septum. Septoplasty of the nasal septum in most cases is performed in a closed manner.

If necessary, these types of operations can be combined, which allows not only to correct a septal disorder, but also to reduce the tip of the nose, change the shape of the nostrils and the size of the nasal wings, eliminate a snub nose or hump, and narrow the bridge of the nose.

Regarding age restrictions, the opinions of many doctors differ sharply; most experts argue that children under 18 years of age cannot undergo such operations, since the formation of a cartilaginous septum occurs before this age, but some doctors, if necessary, perform septoplasty even on young children.

Indications for rhinoplasty

The operation is performed in cases where the patient needs:

  • Correct the nostrils, make them smaller or narrower.
  • Remove a natural hump on the nose or a protrusion caused by an injury.
  • Change the size of the nose and its shape.
  • Correct a drooping, thickened, hooked or upturned nose.
  • Eliminate various defects, both congenital and acquired.
  • Correct pathologies of the nasal septum.

The main indication for rhinoplasty is the patient’s dissatisfaction with his appearance, namely his nose. As a rule, flaws in appearance prevent people from living a full life and achieving their desired goals, since they cause complexes and a feeling of inferiority.

Contraindications for surgery

Contraindications to rhinoplasty of any type are:

  • The presence of inflamed hair follicles in the nose area.
  • Severe acne.
  • The presence of severe diseases of internal organs.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Presence of mental illness of any category.
  • Presence of viral infections.

Types of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can be performed in two ways, which differ from each other in the method of intervention and access to the correction site. The doctor always chooses a certain type of operation depending on what problems he has to solve.

Open rhinoplasty

This type of nose correction surgery differs in that to perform the manipulations, the nose must be “opened” by cutting the skin in the places where the nostrils connect to the upper lip, as well as on the columella, which is the partition between the openings of the nose.

After this, the skin is lifted, exposing the entire osteochondral structure of the nose for the necessary manipulations.

If complex intervention is required, for example, in case of a broken nose, then the operation is performed in an open way, this allows you to assemble the entire inside of the nose piece by piece and reconstruct the organ.

No experienced surgeon will perform a complex operation without free access to damaged tissues.

In this case, the issue of postoperative scars is secondary, since the doctor’s priority task is to ensure that the nose, after rhinoplasty and reconstruction, grows together correctly and there is no need to perform a second operation.

There is no need to worry about the scars that may remain after such an operation, since a surgeon with sufficient experience will hide the stitches in the natural folds of the skin located at the base of the nose, while the incision made on the columella is sutured microsurgically, so in the future it will almost will not be visible.

In addition, the scars after open rhinoplasty, which many patients fear, are a thin line, no thicker than a sewing thread, which becomes invisible over time.

Closed rhinoplasty

This operation is performed inside the nasal cavity using a special scalpel and without making external incisions. The work can rightfully be called jewelry, requiring highly qualified doctors.

As a rule, a specialist with sufficient experience knows two methods of performing surgery, both open and closed, and selects the necessary method for each specific patient based on the indications that need to be eliminated.

During a closed operation, there are no scars left on the patient’s face, since all the stitches are located on the inside of the nasal cavity, but during such an operation the surgeon does not have access to all tissues. For this reason, a closed operation cannot be performed in cases where a person needs to assemble a broken nose, remove a large hump, or connect cartilage fragments.

You can often hear talk that if a surgeon has sufficient experience in performing rhinoplasty, then he can perform any operation in a closed manner, but this is not true and is only a kind of speculation on the fears of many patients about the appearance of scars on the face after an open operation.

In fact, a doctor with extensive experience always decides for himself which method to use in each specific case in order to solve the problem as effectively as possible.


The operation is a type of rhinoplasty and is aimed at eliminating pathologies of the nasal septum and its curvatures. The nose of every person is assigned by nature an important function, which is to process the inhaled air.

Violations of the evenness of the septum can occur for various reasons, for example, due to a birth injury, a fracture or damage to the nose in childhood, with frequent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and for many other reasons. Septoplasty allows you to correct this disorder, straighten the nasal septum and restore a person’s free access of air flow to the lungs.

Endoscopic septoplasty of the nasal septum is considered a traditional and more gentle method of surgery to correct violations of the nasal septum. To carry it out, an endoscope is used, which allows the specialist to see the entire progress of the operation on the computer screen.

The procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the operation. Modern operations are aimed not only at eliminating the defect, but also at preserving the natural structure of bones and cartilage in the nasal cavity.

Secondary rhinoplasty

This procedure is more of a stage of treatment than a type of rhinoplasty and is usually performed in cases where it is impossible to solve the patient’s problem in one procedure.

For example, when performing surgery on children to correct nasal deformities, first an operation is performed to eliminate the breathing problem, and then, when the facial bones have fully grown and the skull is formed, a secondary operation is performed to eliminate aesthetic defects.

But much more often, secondary rhinoplasty is performed to correct any mistakes made during the main procedure or in cases where complications arose during the tissue healing process.

Moreover, during a secondary operation it is often necessary to rebuild the nasal structure again. In some cases, patients themselves insist on having a secondary operation if they are not satisfied with the result obtained or when they want to correct something else.

Preparing for surgery

Preparing for surgery should always be discussed with the surgeon after providing him with detailed information about the patient's health.

It is important to inform the doctor about all existing diseases and health problems, as well as inflammations or infections suffered the day before, if any, about previous operations, about taking medications, about the presence of bad habits.

It is important to remember that smoking significantly impairs all healing processes of bones and soft tissues, therefore, if you have this bad habit, you must either completely abandon it during the operation and recovery after it, or reduce the number of cigarettes per day to a minimum.

Proper preparation for surgery is very important, since following all the doctor’s instructions contributes not only to an easier recovery period, but also to a significant reduction in the risks of possible complications.

To prepare for rhinoplasty, you must:

  • stop drinking alcohol 10 days before surgery;
  • 10 days before the procedure, you should stop taking medications that are based on salicylates, for example, Aspirin, Alka-Seltzer or Bufferan. Salicylates contribute to severe bleeding during operations;
  • wash your hair the day before surgery;
  • Do not eat for at least 12 hours before rhinoplasty.

The volume of fluid consumed before surgery, as well as exactly when to stop drinking water, is determined by the doctor individually.

It should be remembered that if you have a runny nose, the operation will be impossible, so the procedure will be postponed until complete recovery.

Women preparing for surgery should stop taking hormonal medications 2 weeks before surgery, as they can also increase bleeding. You must inform your doctor in advance about taking any medications.

You need to plan the date of the operation taking into account the menstrual cycle and its phase, so that there is not too much blood loss. It is prohibited to perform rhinoplasty during menstruation, and the operation should not be scheduled within 4–5 days before and after its completion.

Carrying out the operation

Rhinoplasty surgery takes on average from 1 to 2.5 hours, which depends on the chosen method of manipulation and the complexity of the task.

With open rhinoplasty, incisions are made in the natural folds of the skin, which makes it possible to hide subtle traces of the intervention in the future. At the first stage, the surgeon separates the skin from the cartilage and bone structure of the nose, which allows full access to them, after which he carries out all the necessary actions to eliminate the problem.

The advantage of open surgery is that the doctor has free access to carry out all manipulations and the ability to accurately connect all tissues, but this method requires a longer recovery period.

With closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made only inside the nasal cavity, that is? endonasally.

The incisions made usually go around about half of the nostril ring and are located symmetrically. But the conditions for the operation are sharply limited, since the surgeon does not have sufficient access and visibility. This operation requires a very highly qualified doctor.

With the closed method, the doctor can remove excess soft tissue and change the shape of bones and cartilage if necessary. The advantages of this method include the absence of external scars, a shorter recovery period, as well as faster visible results, since swelling after a closed operation will be less pronounced.

Recovery period

After any type of rhinoplasty, including septoplasty, the doctor must apply a plaster cast to the entire surface of the corrected nose, which will need to be worn for about 10 days.

To fix the internal part and prevent postoperative bleeding, special turundas are inserted into the patient’s nasal passages, which are removed after a day. If during the operation rhinoplasty was combined with septoplasty, then the turundas will be removed no earlier than after 3 days. During this period, all patients report some discomfort caused by the need to breathe through the mouth.

During the recovery period, extensive bruising may be observed on the patient's face, mainly in the eye and nose area. Tissue swelling persists for about a month, but in some cases (very rarely) this condition can persist for up to six months. To quickly relieve swelling, the doctor may prescribe hardware cosmetology procedures to the patient.

During the rehabilitation period, patients must independently follow all recommendations and procedures prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to clean the nasal passages, and then lubricate them with special products.

It must be remembered that the appearance of the nose will constantly change during the recovery process, which is explained by the gradual elimination of swelling, skin contraction, and the scarring process.

During the recovery period, you must avoid visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, and direct sunlight, and when going outside, apply a special sun cream to your face. If compliance with this rule is problematic for the patient, then you should not plan to perform the operation in spring and summer; it is better to postpone the procedure until autumn or winter, when sun activity is much lower.

In addition, during the rehabilitation period, physical activity and consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as other factors that will contribute to an increase in swelling, should be excluded.

Possible complications

Among the most severe complications after rhinoplasty are: the appearance of suppuration, infections and sepsis, but they occur only in isolated cases.

According to statistics, almost every fifth corrected nose has to be redone due to unpredictable fusion of cartilage and bones or because the patient does not like something.

When assessing the results of plastic surgery, you should remember that it is not always possible to achieve ideal symmetry, so you should not expect that the nose will look exactly the way it was modeled on a computer when planning the operation.

The model created on a computer is only a kind of guide for the doctor during the operation, but even the best surgeon will not be able to calculate the result down to the millimeter, since human tissues do not have stability and high plasticity.

Useful video about rhinoplasty

Plastic surgery on the nose leads in the statistics of reconstructive and plastic surgery in terms of frequency of performance. With this operation, you can correct the shape and size of the outer part of the nose, treat pathological conditions, and reconstruct the organ after injury. The possibilities of modern medicine are so wide that the nose can be formed and restored even in its absence.

Sometimes plastic surgery is used only if it is deformed, damaged, or has congenital features. This intervention does not affect the function of the organ and has a cosmetic effect.

Recently, most plastic surgeons perform rhinoplasty using the closed method - without the use of external incisions, through the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. An open technique may be needed in particularly difficult cases, such as injuries.

What is septoplasty?

One of the types of surgical interventions that are performed on the nose - in particular on the nasal septum. This type of surgical treatment is also performed in a closed manner.

The purpose of this operation, in addition to cosmetic, is therapeutic, since if the septum is curved: breathing deteriorates significantly, chronic diseases occur. In addition, the curvature is noticeable visually. The result of the operation combines restoration of the appearance and function of the organ.

Combination of two types of plastic surgery

When there is a combination of internal and external deformation of the organ, a combined intervention is performed, which consists of septoplasty, supplemented by correction of the shape and size of the nose. With the help of plastic surgery, you can correct the shape of the back and wings of the nose, nostrils.

As a rule, the operation is performed after the formation of the tissues of the facial skull is completed - after 18 years. But, if the pathology significantly affects the health of the body, treatment can be applied in childhood.

When is rhinoplasty indicated?

The operation is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • congenital defect of organ structure
  • abnormal nose size
  • overly wide nostrils
  • hooked, upturned tip of the nose
  • septal pathology
  • consequences of traumatic injury

In most cases, patients turn to a plastic surgeon due to dissatisfaction with their appearance. Surgical intervention allows you to achieve the desired effect and enjoy a corrected appearance without flaws.

Contraindications for rhinoplasty

The operation can be performed in the absence of the following conditions:

  • purulent-inflammatory processes in the tissues of the nose (furuncle, abscess)
  • skin acne on the outer part of the nose
  • decompensated concomitant pathologies
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus
  • pathology of blood coagulation function
  • acute infectious process

A preliminary examination allows you to exclude these conditions and unhindered surgical treatment, the result of which will be the embodiment of desires regarding appearance into reality.