How to reduce blood pressure and pulse. How to quickly reduce high heart rate at home. Increased heart rate with high blood pressure

Pulse shows the heart rate. A high level indicates a rapid heartbeat and rapid movement of blood through the vessels. Low - about low blood flow speed and rare contractions of the heart muscle. How to lower your heart rate at home without using pills? And if it increases too much, what pills can be used to reduce it?

High pulse and normal blood pressure: what to do?

Often the increase is associated with stress or workload. In this case, an increased heart rate is a physiological norm. Thanks to frequent contractions, the heart pumps more blood, supplies more oxygen to tissues and intensively removes metabolic products.

A high pulse with normal pressure accompanies various pathological conditions. In this case, the reason could be:

  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • elevated temperature;
  • poisoning;
  • heart diseases;
  • thyroid diseases.

Each individual case chooses its own method of treatment, its own therapeutic agents and medications.

Anti-inflammatory therapy may be needed (if inflammation is the cause). Or - detoxifiers (if the cause is alcohol or poisoning). Or - sedatives (if the pulse is rapid due to excitement).

How to reduce heart rate without pills

Let's talk in more detail about what to do if the pulse is elevated, how to reduce it to normal (no more than 100 beats per minute).

Coffee and strong tea stimulate the heart. They should not be used if your heart rate is high. You can and should consume foods and drinks with a calming effect:

  • Tincture (alcohol) or decoctions of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony (pharmaceutical preparations).
  • A decoction and powder of mint leaves and lemon balm is a well-known sedative (calming) agent.
  • Herbs – hops, dill, wheatgrass.

Medicinal plants are brewed as tea or consumed in powder form (dried and ground). Powder treatment is more effective. Therefore, in case of severe tachycardia (fast heartbeat), it is worth using the powder.

Berry therapy is effective and tasty. Many berries are diuretics, reducing blood volume and reducing the load on the heart, and therefore lowering the pulse. Among the most effective berries for normalizing rhythm are rose hips and black currants.

The following procedures are also used to normalize heart rate:

  • simple neck massage;
  • honey massage of the seventh cervical vertebra;
  • cold compress on the head (with a wet cold towel, a bottle of ice water);
  • tension and subsequent relaxation of the abdominal muscles (performed consciously, helps reduce heart rate).
  • horizontal body position (lie down and relax).

Breathing practices effectively reduce heart rate:

A rapid pulse may be a sign of thyroid or heart disease. Therefore, in addition to symptomatic treatment, it is necessary to be examined and find out the cause of the disease, otherwise someday the remedies and pills will no longer help.

The listed means of reducing heart rate are not always effective. They normalize the heartbeat slowly over two to three months. Sometimes it is necessary to reduce the pulse quickly and stop the tachycardia within half an hour. How can you normalize your heart rate without taking pills at home?

How to quickly lower your heart rate at home

One of the most effective ways to reduce your heart rate is to induce vomiting. Despite the unpleasantness of the procedure, it reliably reduces rapid heart rate. In order to stimulate the gag reflex, it is necessary to press on the root of the tongue. After a few gags it will get better.

You can also lower your heart rate with herbs. Alcohol tinctures of valerian and motherwort act quite quickly and effectively.

High pulse with normal blood pressure: what pills to take?

In medical terminology, frequent heart contractions are called tachycardia. For treatment, the following drugs are prescribed to reduce heart rate:

  • Persen– natural pills for high heart rate. They contain extracts of valerian, mint and lemon balm.
  • Relanium– depresses the central nervous system, indicated for tachycardia due to neurological disorders.
  • Ritmilen– taken if the cause of the heart rhythm disturbance is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Anaprilin– acts directly on the heart muscle, reduces its contractions and reduces the need for oxygen.
  • Adenosine– also acts directly on the heart, is characterized by a rapid action, allowing you to reduce the pulse within 15-30 minutes.

As well as traditional validol, valocordin, valoserdin, corvalol, nitroglycerin.

When self-medicating, you need to understand why your heartbeat is rapid. A constantly high heart rate is accompanied by a constant load on the heart and contributes to the development of cardiac pathologies. This is why examination and treatment are necessary if the pulse is persistently elevated.

If at the moment the body requires increased blood supply, the heart will contract more often. An artificial decrease in heart rate can lead to unforeseen complications (angina pectoris, loss of consciousness).

For the human body, the heart is not just an organ, but a kind of motor, on which the state of the body, our health and our whole life completely depend. Most people have a question about why a high pulse often bothers them. This is one of the most common problems associated with this organ. It is important to know how you can lower your heart rate at home in an emergency to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Everyone has their own norm

Each person has their own normal level, and it depends directly on age. Here are some examples:

  • In newborns, the heart beats the fastest, the norm is 140 beats per minute.
  • When children reach the age of 6 years, their heart rate is no longer so rapid - 100 beats per minute.
  • For adults (over 18 years old), the normal heart rate is up to 80 beats per minute.

It is also worth noting that the heart rate in women is slightly higher than in the male half. Small deviations from the norm may occur, but they must be due to the characteristics of the body. If you notice a high pulse, the cause of which you cannot find, if you feel unwell, then this is a manifestation of tachycardia. In this situation, you cannot hesitate; you need to start treatment urgently.

How to measure your pulse?

If you want to measure your pulse, then its frequency can be detected at the temples, neck, and in the area of ​​the heart. However, it is most convenient to do this on the wrist. To do this, you need to try to find with two fingers of your right hand the main artery where the pulse can best be felt. It is very important to do this with any fingers except the thumb. The fact is that the thumb has its own pulse, and it will prevent you from measuring the rhythm of the heartbeat.

You need to measure the number of beats for 10 seconds, multiply the result by 6. You will get the average heart rate. All that remains is to compare it with the norm. If a high pulse is detected for which there is no reason, then you need to try to bring it down.

Why is the pulse higher than normal?

The causes of increased heart rate can be caused not only by internal factors, but also by external ones:

  • You have recently experienced severe stress or nervous tension.
  • The pulse increases during periods of intense physical activity.
  • You ate more than normal.
  • A constantly high heart rate may occur if you are overweight.
  • You've been on your feet all day (tired).
  • Presence of heart disease.
  • Taking certain medications can also cause your heart rate to increase.
  • The body does not have enough vitamins belonging to group B.
  • A sharp surge of adrenaline.
  • Pregnancy. During this period, it is completely normal that the pulse rate of the fair sex is higher than usual.

Drug reduction of heart rate

It is not at all necessary to go to the hospital immediately as soon as you notice a rapid heartbeat. You can try to normalize it at home yourself using medications that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription from your doctor.

What to take if your heart rate is high:

  • valerian in any form;
  • "Valocordin";
  • motherwort tincture;
  • "Validol".

When taking any of the drugs listed above, it is important to understand the fact that they will only eliminate the symptoms of tachycardia, but not the cause of its occurrence. That is why you will still need to see a doctor when you feel better. Don't expect medications to work right away. If the effect is not felt within 10-15 minutes, there is no need to take another dose. This may cause your heart rate to slow down too much. The main thing is to remember that you need to take any drug only if you have a high pulse, the reasons and explanations for which you cannot find.

Treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies

If you do not trust pharmaceutical drugs, then there are several very effective traditional medicines that also give excellent results:

  • Try to constantly consume honey and black currants, then your heart rate will always be within normal limits. In addition, blood pressure normalizes and vision improves. These products nourish the body with essential vitamins.
  • Instead of tea, train yourself to drink rosehip infusion. It not only has a positive effect on the heart, but also has a healing effect on the entire body.
  • The pharmacy sells a natural remedy called “Evening Dragee”. Contains only medicinal herbs, no chemicals. Take 2 tablets three times a day.
  • Hawthorn tincture. You can prepare it at home yourself or purchase it ready-made at the pharmacy. You need to take 20 drops throughout the day.
  • Mix tincture of valerian, hawthorn, breathwort, mint, one teaspoon each. The resulting mixture should be taken three times a day before meals, half an hour or an hour after eating.
  • Prepare an infusion of motherwort at home. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the dried motherwort and let it brew for an hour, then add honey. Drink liquid in small sips throughout the day.

If even after constant use of these remedies you find that your pulse is high, what should you do in such a situation? Be sure to make an appointment with your family doctor.

Rapid heartbeat: preventive measures

If you want to maintain your heart rate within normal limits, use the following preventive measures, they will significantly improve heart function:

  • Avoid drinking soda, dark chocolate and coffee completely. Each of these products provokes a pulse higher than normal.
  • Give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol - they definitely won’t make you healthier.
  • Before using pharmaceutical drugs, carefully read the packaging to find out if they cause any side effects.
  • If you are overweight, try to lose a few kilograms, then the load on your heart will be less.
  • Moderate exercise will improve your overall health and heart function.
  • Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, and eat fried, highly fatty or spicy foods as little as possible.
  • Try to get proper rest. If you sleep 4-5 hours a day, then there is no question that you will feel good. If your heart rate is high, the reasons may be hidden in lack of sleep.
  • Try to be nervous about trifles as little as possible; the release of adrenaline increases your heart rate.

High pulse: what to do in an emergency

If suddenly you suddenly develop tachycardia, your heart rate increases to 200 beats per minute, immediately call an ambulance. While she's driving, do the following:

  • Try to evoke a gag reflex, take deep breaths and exhales. The mouth must be closed.
  • Take some medicine and wash your face with cold water to calm down a bit.
  • A great option is to drink weak green tea or breathe in essential oils if you have them at home.

One of these methods will definitely help lower the pulse, then an ambulance will arrive and provide the required assistance.

Rapid heartbeat is a warning sign

The human body is more fragile than it might seem. It is for this reason that you need to constantly monitor your health and heart rate. If you notice that even at rest your pulse reaches more than 90 beats per minute, then you need to consult a doctor.

Very often, a high heart rate may not be a simple tachycardia, but a symptom of more serious diseases. Among them are myocarditis and heart failure.

If preventive measures do not help you and medications do not have any effect, then do not wait until the condition worsens, seek professional help.

Now you know why a high pulse can suddenly appear and what to do in case of emergency. Take care of your health, do not overeat and do not expose your body to strong physical activity. Tachycardia is no joke. Any home treatment will not eliminate the problem, but will only ease the symptoms.

Cardiovascular diseases remain widespread. The first symptom of such diseases is usually an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. If a rapid pulse is observed frequently, not only in response to stress, physical activity or, for example, overeating, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist. In addition, you definitely need to know ways to lower your heart rate yourself. This can be done not only with the help of medications, but also with folk remedies or physiological methods.

Heart rate norms

Before asking the question: “How to lower your heart rate with normal blood pressure?”, you need to make sure that the indicators are too high and pose a threat. The fact is that the norms for the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle for each age group differ, in addition, in women, the heart usually beats a little faster than in men. So, for newborns the norm is 140 beats per minute, for younger schoolchildren this figure can be 100 beats per minute, and for adults (over 18 years old) - from 60 to 80 beats over the same period of time.

The heart rate can be influenced by the individual characteristics of the body. But too high a pulse, accompanied by malaise, is a symptom of tachycardia and requires treatment. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a therapist or cardiologist, because the disease, if left untreated, can cause a deterioration in the functioning of the heart.

In some cases, the doctor diagnoses physiological tachycardia. This is a rapid pulse, which the heart and blood vessels cope with without problems. Physiological tachycardia is not accompanied by symptoms of pathology. But even in such a situation, it is necessary to monitor your heart rate.

Causes of high heart rate

To understand how to reduce an elevated heart rate, you must first understand the reasons for this phenomenon. Knowing the cause, you can try to eliminate it. There are many factors that can cause the heart rate to be higher than the optimal norm established by doctors.

The main reasons for increased heart rate are as follows:

  • chronic or short-term, but excessive fatigue;
  • pregnancy period;
  • staying on your feet for a long time;
  • various diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vitamin deficiency, especially this point concerns the lack of B vitamins;
  • intense physical activity;
  • release of adrenaline into the blood for any reason;
  • use of certain medications;
  • prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, heat stroke;
  • use of narcotic substances;
  • emotional overstrain, excitement, stress, fear;
  • overeating, eating fatty foods in large quantities;
  • being overweight.

In some cases, the pulse may decrease for no apparent reason. The heart rate is influenced by gender (in women, the heart normally beats a little faster than in the stronger sex), age (young children are characterized by a high pulse), physiological characteristics (during pregnancy, the heartbeat of the expectant mother increases, especially in the third trimester - This

Clinical picture

An increase in heart rate is easy to determine, even if you do not specifically measure its frequency. Usually this condition is accompanied by general weakness, which can occur suddenly and be accompanied by dizziness of varying strength, ringing in the ears, cold sweat, pronounced pulsation of the arteries in the temples, neck, and arms. Even for relatively healthy people, such symptoms can be dangerous, so this condition should not be ignored. It is not recommended to start treatment on your own; it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Treatment approaches

How to lower your heart rate? If this is not a physiological norm for a particular organism (and whether this is true, only a doctor can determine after diagnosis) or is not caused by a pregnancy condition (in this case, a high pulse is also normal, the condition stabilizes after childbirth), then it is necessary to return the pulse to normal values . There are many methods to lower your heart rate at home. You can eliminate the problem using medicinal, physiological and folk methods. Also, the doctor often recommends that patients adjust their diet and change their lifestyle. Next, we will consider in detail ways to help lower your heart rate.

Drug therapy

How to lower your heart rate? Medicines with a sedative effect (that is, calming) are sold at any pharmacy without a prescription. The patient can choose from a huge number of offers that differ in composition (synthetic drugs or natural, herbal), manufacturer (domestic or imported drugs), cost (for any budget), release form (tablets, drops), effectiveness (some can only be purchased with a prescription from a doctor) and so on.

But with a high pulse, it is important to choose not just a sedative, but a drug that affects the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. Cardiologists, who know better than anyone else how to lower the pulse, when the heart rate jumps, recommend taking:

  1. "Validol". One tablet should be dissolved by placing under the tongue.
  2. Valerian. Take 20-30 drops of tincture (for adults), diluted with a small amount of water.
  3. "Corvalol". Mix 20-30 drops with cold water and drink.
  4. Motherwort. Drink 30 drops mixed with water.
  5. "Valocordin". Take 30 drops, diluted with cold water.

These drugs do not affect the cause of the rapid pulse, but will help remove the symptom itself.

It is important to remember that no pill starts working immediately. You cannot take the medicine again after a few minutes without feeling improvement. The effect of tablets or drops can be felt only 15-35 minutes after administration. If you take a large dose, the frequency of contractions will drop significantly, so it will be necessary not to lower the pulse, but to increase it.

Physiological methods

And if there is no medicine at hand, then how to lower the pulse? You can use one of the physiological methods. This is especially true with normal blood pressure, since most people not only reduce their heart rate, but also lower their blood pressure. How to lower your heart rate with normal blood pressure? Here are some ways:

  1. Close your eyes and press on them with your fingers for thirty seconds. You don't need to press very hard, but quite noticeably.
  2. Neck massage. You need to massage in the area of ​​the carotid artery, there are many receptors there that will help cope with an increased heart rate.
  3. Squat down and tense your muscles.
  4. Provoke a cough or gag reflex.
  5. Lie on a flat surface on your stomach (face down) and remain in this position for 20-30 minutes.
  6. "Diving Dog" Inhale and hold your breath so that your mouth is closed and your nose remains open. Then wash your face with very cold water, strain as if you need to exhale with effort.

Folk remedies

  • drink tea with honey and black currant leaves; it is also beneficial to eat black currant berries;
  • drink a medicinal decoction of rose hips;
  • consume 20 drops of hawthorn (infusion from the fruit) three times a day;
  • drink tea from hop cones, valerian, lemon balm leaves, dill seeds;
  • use an infusion of calendula flowers with motherwort (you need half a tablespoon of the raw material, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drink thirty minutes before meals two to three times a day);
  • drink other infusions and decoctions of herbs that have a calming effect, instead of tea and coffee.

These are methods of treatment that people have used for a long time, they are very effective, but require long-term use. You can drink decoctions to prevent tachycardia; it is useful to replace at least one tea with them during the day for those who have already had an accurate diagnosis.

Traditional medicine recipes will also be the answer to the question: “How to lower a child’s heart rate?” Many parents are afraid to give their children medications in large quantities, so with the permission of a doctor, therapy with folk remedies can be carried out.

Lifestyle change

Medicines will, of course, help lower your heart rate, but not in all cases they will be able to influence the cause of the problem, so you need to change your lifestyle a little so that your heart rate doesn’t go off scale. If your heartbeat quickens when walking, running, climbing stairs or doing light physical activity, this indicates a weak heart. In this case, it is useful to engage in feasible sports. You need to devote at least 15-30 minutes to sports every day. Swimming and walking are very useful.

You also need to get rid of excess weight. Increased body weight creates additional stress on the spine and cardiovascular system. To cope with many diseases, it is enough to normalize your weight. It is also important to avoid foods high in cholesterol, as they cause heart problems. It is important to avoid stress and physical fatigue. It is necessary to give up smoking and systematic drinking of alcohol. These bad habits lead to vasoconstriction and cause heart palpitations. If you do not give up alcohol and cigarettes, then drug therapy will probably not bring results.

Diet correction

How to lower your heart rate at home so that the problem disappears altogether? This requires an integrated approach, including correction of the diet. First, you should avoid drinking strong coffee or tea and other foods that stimulate the nervous system (for example, hot spices). You can replace them with clean water, compotes, herbal teas, and choose dried herbs from spices. Secondly, it is important to reduce your salt intake. This product retains water in the body and increases systolic blood pressure. As a result, the load on the heart increases and the pulse quickens. There is no need to eliminate salt altogether; it is enough to refuse or limit pickles and dishes that contain a lot of salt.

At normal pressure

How to lower your heart rate with normal blood pressure? As a rule, palpitations in this case are associated with overeating, intense physical activity or stress. If you overeat, you can take enzymes to help the digestive system; if you are nervous and stressed, you can take sedatives. If the increased heart rate is caused by physical activity, then the condition goes away on its own, you just need to wait.

If you experience chest pain and dizziness (except for a rapid pulse), then you need to remove tight and constricting clothes or unbutton them in the chest and neck area, apply a towel moistened with cold water to your forehead, hold your breath for a while and lie down for a while. If attacks occur frequently, you need to consult a doctor and change your lifestyle. You may need to undergo a course of medication.

For high blood pressure

High pulse and blood pressure are symptoms of hypertension. You can reduce your heart rate with medications prescribed by your doctor. This will also reduce your heart rate.

At low pressure

If the pulse is 100, how to reduce it in this case? Typically, a rapid pulse with low blood pressure is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, excitement, headaches, fear, and there may be nausea and vomiting. The most effective treatment is the use of tinctures of motherwort and valerian. You can take Validol or Valocordin, drink a cup of tea with rose hips or currant leaves and honey.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, heart palpitations are a common complaint. The symptom is caused by an increase in the body weight of the expectant mother, a deficiency of vitamins and an increase in the overall load on the body. If it is necessary to lower your heart rate during pregnancy, it is not recommended to use medications (unless they have been prescribed by a doctor). Breathing exercises, such as the “Diving Dog” exercise described above, will help you cope with the problem. Proper rest and sufficient sleep are also important. If the pulse does not decrease, or such attacks recur frequently, you should report the symptom to your attending physician. He will select a suitable therapy for the expectant mother.

Emergency situations

To quickly lower your heart rate in emergency situations when heart rates reach 200 beats per minute, there is no time to hesitate. You need to call an ambulance, and before the doctors arrive, try to induce vomiting in the patient. You need to take a deep breath, and then quickly exhale with your mouth closed, and then press your fingers on the inner corners of your eyes for a few seconds. It is useful to give a light neck massage. These techniques will help you quickly reduce your heart rate to acceptable levels.

When the heart muscles contract and the blood vessels make rhythmic oscillations, they are counted to determine the heart rhythm and monitor the condition of the blood vessels. It is the indicators of pulse rhythm that can become the sign that signals violations and suggests that it is time to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the failure.

At first, this may simply be the consequences of a stressful condition or frequent consumption of coffee, but if this recurs, then you should take this seriously so as not to miss the development of pathologies at an early stage. Don’t panic if suddenly your indicators do not correspond to the norm; in order to draw conclusions, you need to take into account all the components - blood pressure, changes in the external environment, emotional and psychological state, and even your individual characteristics.

Normal heart rate, how to determine pulse

There are standards and norms that are usually adhered to. They depend on gender, age, weather conditions, and physical activity. 60-80 beats per minute are considered normal, but these are very average values ​​that can fluctuate for the same person throughout the day. In newborns, these numbers are 2 times higher - 120-140; by the age of 6 they drop to 100, and then with age they gradually settle at a constant level. For objectivity, everyone can independently track their parameters, comparing them at night, during the day, during sports or heavy physical work.

In some cases, blood pressure and pulse may be significantly lower than recognized norms due to the fact that the person is at rest. For example, at night the indicators decrease to 39-40 beats, but after training they increase to 200 or more. These are temporary fluctuations that should be monitored, but measured against circumstances and compared to changes throughout the day.


Deviations from the norm may be an individual feature. If your activity, temperament, and diet do not require high activity, it is likely that your heart rate and blood pressure readings will be slightly underestimated. In such cases, it is necessary to look at the sensations, taking into account the general condition and check this regularly in order to track undesirable changes.

At home, the pulse is measured using a tonometer; most devices show these numbers when measuring blood pressure. There are also a lot of methods that are used in any situation when there are no measuring instruments at hand. To do this, you need to place two fingers (usually the index and middle fingers joined together) to a place where you can easily hear the pulsation. There are several such points on the body:

  • wrist (no matter which one, the left one is most often used);
  • the neck where the rhythm is clearly audible (under the chin between the front and side surfaces);
  • foot (inner surface near the heel);
  • groin area;
  • armpit;
  • forearm.

In rare cases, when there is a disturbance in the activity of the aortic valve, the pulse is looked at through the pupils. If the pressure in the blood vessels is increased, sometimes it can even appear on the stomach.

Symptoms and causes of high heart rate, danger of high heart rate

Note temporary changes that are caused by climate change, stress, emotional experiences, fatigue, lack of sleep, prolonged exposure to the sun without protection and excessive consumption of drinks - coffee, strong tea, alcohol. In such cases, deviations from the norm are periodic and do not require comprehensive treatment. But if being in such states happens often and develops into a habit or way of life, then you should take this into account and monitor the deterioration of your health in a timely manner. Too salty and fatty foods in large quantities provoke rhythm changes; smokers are also at risk.

If the heart rate changes gradually without obvious external causes, this signals the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, including the following:

  • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • panic disorder or vegetative-vascular dystonia (cardioneurosis);
  • heart failure syndrome;
  • inflammation of the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis);
  • manifestation of rheumatism (rheumatic carditis);
  • inflammation of the muscular lining of the heart (myocarditis);
  • acquired heart disease (aortic valve insufficiency);
  • anemia (anemia);
  • hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis).


An increase in heart rate is not a disease, it is only an indicator indicating the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of other organs. This may be accompanied by increased blood pressure, shortness of breath and other symptoms. To determine the true cause, you may have to consult a doctor. This is done not only by a cardiac surgeon, but also by an endocrinologist, neurologist, arrhythmologist, and psychotherapist.

How to quickly lower your heart rate at home

Most often, the first desire that arises is to take a pill. But you should not self-medicate in any case; uncontrolled use of medications can, on the contrary, worsen the situation. Before deciding what action to take, analyze the situation that could cause your heart rate to increase. If there is a surge of emotions or after physical activity, it will be enough to calm down - take a comfortable body position and relax. From publicly available means, you can use safe sedatives that do not have serious side effects. Do not overuse and prescribe medications on your own; if you experience recurring ailments, you should definitely consult a doctor!

First aid

An increase in heart rate can take you by surprise, especially if it happens extremely rarely or even for the first time. Don't panic, this will only complicate things even more. If the increase is insignificant (up to 150 beats), you must take a horizontal position on a flat surface, face down. It is also important to check the air access into the room. If there is not enough air, you need to open the windows. It's also good to drink water or green tea. You should also pay attention to the frequency of breathing - slow inhalation and calm exhalation through the nose, not the mouth, promote relaxation and calm. You can apply a wet, cold towel to your head.


Check to see if tight clothing is interfering with breathing; if necessary, loosen the scarf or belt. If the readings are too high (more than 200 beats), be sure to call an ambulance and wait for a doctor.

Sometimes an attack can occur on the road. On public transport, it is better to ask to give up your seat and open the window or get out for air at the nearest stop. If this is your own car, you should stop and lie down in the back seat. If it is possible to get to the hospital, it is better not to delay and go there as soon as possible.

Physiological methods

In addition to pills, there are many methods that gently and effectively solve problems and even prevent exacerbations. Such methods are not suitable for everyone and often their strength lies in regularity, although they should not be discounted in any case. Great for situations where this is a rare occurrence or there are no medications on hand. Their use does not require complex devices; often what is always at hand is enough:

  1. Massage the front and side of the neck in the area of ​​the carotid artery. Gentle pressure affects the receptors, of which there are many in this area, and gradually reduces the rhythm frequency. Not recommended for older people.
  2. 3-4 deep breaths, then holding your breath and pressing your fingers on your closed eyes for 3 to 6 seconds (the method is called the Aschner test, without experience and consultation with a doctor it is better not to do it, there may be slight painful sensations). Contraindicated for those with eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, etc.) or severe myopia.
  3. Exercise “Diving dog” – take a deep breath, hold your breath, after which you need to close your mouth and pinch your nose. In this position, you need to lower your face into a basin of cold water or put ice on it. At the same time, it is necessary to tense the muscles as if exhaling forcefully. In this case, the vagus nerve is excited and the rhythm gradually decreases by several points.
  4. Inducing a cough or gag reflex by pressing on the base of the tongue.
  5. “Hen position” is when a person squats and pushes, outwardly imitating the position of a laying hen.


Sometimes this happens at an unexpected moment and the easiest thing seems to be taking medication, just to be sure. Not all people trust simple methods; there are also those who firmly believe in the power of medicine. In some situations, you really shouldn’t waste time on untested methods, but take medications right away. It is dangerous to experiment without a doctor’s prescription, so if you decide to act on your own, it is better to start with safe products that do not have a strong effect. Some of the most common and accessible ones include:

After taking the medication, you should not expect immediate results and do not take repeated doses. In this case, there is a risk of reducing the heart rate too much to critical levels. Usually relief occurs 15-30 minutes after administration.


Taking some medications may lead to an increase or decrease in blood pressure, so when choosing them, you need to clarify the possible effect in advance and take into account your condition. If you do not know these indicators at the time of the attack, it is better not to risk it or measure it first and then use the medicine.

How to reduce heart rate using folk remedies

Folk remedies do not belong to the category of emergency measures; you should not expect quick results from them. But they are ideal for gradually regulating the rhythm in the most gentle and harmless way. Here are some recipes:


Not all herbs are harmless; you should always take into account the individual tolerance of the components and periodically change the composition of the supporting agents. When you start taking new medications, you should monitor your well-being and quickly respond to unwanted changes.

Psychological methods in emergency situations

In addition to the usual methods, there are also those that may seem incomprehensible and unusual. For example, there are many audio settings with the sounds of the sea, forest, birdsong or binaural beats. Listening to such sounds in a relaxed state with your eyes closed can relax and calm you, normalizing your heartbeat. To use them in emergency situations, download them to your phone or tablet and turn them on as needed.

In addition, there are many psychological techniques during which you can clarify the cause of a malfunction in the cardiovascular system. This is done by psychologists and psychotherapists in individual consultations or trainings. Aromatherapy and hypnosis may also help.

How to lower your heart rate with high blood pressure

Pulse and blood pressure are interrelated. Most often, they change simultaneously - as the pressure increases, the pulse quickens and vice versa, but this does not happen for everyone. If, as your pulse increases, your blood pressure also increases, most often this is an indicator of hypertension and you should definitely consult a doctor. In addition, this may indicate other violations:

  • increased hormonal activity of the adrenal glands;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tumor in the adrenal glands (pheochromocytoma);
  • neuroses and psychoses of various origins;
  • arterial hypertension.

The most effective thing in this situation is to take medications to normalize blood pressure; the pulse will also decrease. In addition, you can lie down in a horizontal position, wrap your legs in a warm blanket, apply a heating pad or a bottle of warm water to them, relax and switch your thoughts to neutral topics. Rhythmic breathing helps a lot - inhale for 2 counts, hold, exhale for 4 counts. Suitable medications include sedatives - Persen, Phytosed or beta blockers - anaprilin, verapamil.


The decrease in indicators should not occur too sharply, no more than 30% within an hour. Therefore, it is not advisable to use large doses immediately, otherwise other complications may arise. If during the control measurement the numbers are still high, you can take diuretics or inhibitors such as captopres, lisinopril.

How to lower your heart rate with low blood pressure

Hypotensive people usually have a reduced pulse; if the pressure remains low and the pulse quickens, this may signal the formation of other complications not related to the cardiovascular system:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • acute inflammation;
  • embolism;
  • anemia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • heart disease;
  • heredity or genetic feature.

With hypotension, signs of panic and fear often appear, headaches, nausea and vomiting. To regulate the heart rhythm, any of the methods described above are suitable, except for tablets that increase blood pressure. Horizontal position, relaxation, breathing, herbal infusions, honey, sedatives. You can eat a small piece of chocolate - it raises your blood pressure. To prevent such situations from recurring, it is better to review your diet and add vitamins and microelements.

How to lower your heart rate without lowering your blood pressure

Usually, against the background of normal pressure, the pulse increases temporarily - from fear, sudden joy, jogging or strength exercises, and in such situations complex additional measures are not needed. In a calm state, everything returns to normal after a short time of rest. Green tea with milk, ventilation of the room, tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort, cold compress - all this will also work. But if the situation repeats, you should undergo an examination so as not to miss the development of diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • myocarditis;
  • pericarditis;
  • asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • Chronical bronchitis.

This condition can still develop against the background of infectious diseases suffered on the legs or untreated sore throat, at elevated temperatures.

How to lower your heart rate during pregnancy

If your pulse becomes rapid, it is important to lie down and not remain on your feet. It is necessary to monitor the regime and avoid lack of sleep or overexertion; you need to allocate at least 8 hours for sleep. Walks in the fresh air, more vegetables, fruits, positive emotions. In this situation, drinking regime is very important; lack of water can lead to swelling and increased heart rate.

To neutralize the rapid rhythm, you need to lie down, relax, take a comfortable position, and do breathing exercises. Folk remedies are also suitable - herbal remedies, tea with currant leaves, honey.


When carrying a child, it is extremely dangerous to use medications that can harm the fetus. Do not take medications without consulting a doctor!


In order not to eliminate the consequences and not experience discomfort, it is better to prevent unwanted conditions. First of all, you need to review your diet, drink enough water and follow a sleep schedule. Then you should reconsider your habits - a lot of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes do not contribute to good health. But walking, exercise, massage and self-massage, working through internal fears and unexpressed emotions, breathing exercises will help you stay in a stable state and not experience fluctuations in heart rate.

Having felt an increased heartbeat, many are wondering how to quickly reduce their heart rate at home. Why does a person experience such a phenomenon as a high pulse? Rapid heartbeat usually occurs when you are very frightened or in stressful situations. But what should those who have a pulse of more than 85 beats per minute appear for no reason and quite often? How to quickly lower your heart rate using folk remedies? What pills should I take? What is dangerous about rapid heartbeat during pregnancy?

Normally, the pulse should be no more than 80 beats per minute in an adult and no more than 120 beats in a child. The heart rate shows the number of contractions of the heart muscle and can increase during exercise. When playing sports, the normal heart rate is the value calculated using the formula 220 minus the person’s age. The pulse rate increases due to severe stress, overeating, drinking strong alcohol, tea and coffee.

An increased heart rate during pregnancy often occurs unnoticed. Therefore, you should pay attention to symptoms such as dizziness, feeling of lack of air and impulses in the abdomen. The main causes of rapid heartbeat in pregnant women:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • excessive use of medications;
  • excess weight and physical inactivity;
  • excess physical activity;
  • wrong lifestyle.

A high heart rate during pregnancy is the norm, not a pathology. This is explained by the fact that carrying a fetus as a whole puts a strain on a woman’s body, but in this case there is no need to worry.

Various diseases can increase the heart rate for a long time:

  • infectious and purulent diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • anemia;
  • hormonal problems, thyroid diseases;
  • high body temperature;
  • respiratory diseases.

In this case, you should contact a cardiologist who will conduct an examination and make a diagnosis.

What drugs reduce heart rate?

Heart rate pills are the fastest way to reduce your heart rate. With an increased pulse, they work by affecting the nervous system and dilating blood vessels. The amount of blood passing through the vessels can increase sharply and cause an attack of angina. Therefore, before taking the medicine, you must carefully read the instructions and the list of side effects. The most popular medications to lower heart rate:

  • Validol;
  • Panangin;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Nitroglycerine;
  • Corvalol;
  • Mexiletine;
  • valerian extract;
  • Diazpam;
  • Persen;
  • Verapamil.

If you have an increased heart rate, what should you do in this case, besides taking pills?

  1. Check the room, put on light clothing, try to normalize your breathing.
  2. You can try stimulating the vagus nerve by inhaling deeply and then exhaling with your nose and mouth closed. This will lead to a decrease in heart rate.
  3. For 20-30 seconds, lightly press your fingers on your closed eyeballs.
  4. Lie on a flat surface on your stomach for half an hour.
  5. Another unusual method is to induce vomiting, which will stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and cause a decrease in heart rate.

If these simple methods do not help, and there are no tablets at hand, you can use folk remedies. Honey and black currant, rosehip tea, and calendula infusion are excellent for lowering heart rate. In addition, you can prepare a decoction of mint, St. John's wort, oregano and valerian. Various soothing teas and herbal infusions will also have a positive effect.

Traditional recipes that reduce heart rate:

  1. Hawthorn tincture: drink 20 drops mixed with 1/3 glass of water for 3 weeks, 2-3 times a day.
  2. Motherwort decoction: pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. l. dry motherwort. Then add 1 tsp to the liquid. honey and 3-4 drops of mint oil. Drink in small sips every day for 1 month.
  3. Another effective remedy is an infusion of calendula and motherwort: brew 1 tbsp in 200 ml of boiling water. l. herbal collection. Strain and drink after meals for 2-3 weeks.

In emergency situations, when the pulse exceeds 200 beats per minute, you should immediately call an ambulance!

Prevention of tachycardia (high heart rate)

In order not to have to think about how to quickly reduce a high heart rate and not experience attacks of tachycardia, you should follow some simple rules of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Reduce the amount of coffee and tea in your diet. Chicory is a great substitute for coffee.
  2. Quit cigarettes and alcohol.
  3. Limit the consumption of salty and fatty foods, as they negatively affect the cardiovascular system.
  4. Play sports, but do not overdo it with the amount of physical activity. Cardio exercises and walking are suitable for strengthening the heart muscle.
  5. Lose excess weight by maintaining proper nutrition.
  6. Try to reduce the number of stressful situations, take soothing herbal infusions.

What is the danger?

A high heart rate is a sign that you have health problems. If you experience this symptom more than once a month, then you should think about it. Most often, palpitations are a symptom of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure and myocarditis, and thyroid diseases. Therefore, you should consult a doctor and undergo basic examinations: a blood test and an ultrasound of the heart.