How to relieve postoperative swelling. Swelling does not go away for a long time after blepharoplasty. Why does swelling occur?

To eliminate edema, it is quite suitable to use decongestant external preparations (ointments, gels, creams) with natural herbal ingredients and rest in a horizontal position with elevated legs.

Ointments for edema, not related to drugs

Ointments for swelling of the legs caused by prolonged standing, increased stress on the legs (for example, during pregnancy), minor injuries, and the initial stages of varicose veins can contain only herbal ingredients. They increase the strength of blood vessels and help normalize their function, improve venous blood flow, which helps eliminate swelling and the feeling of “lead legs.” Many of them are not even classified as medications, but in mild cases they can help eliminate swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, and in more serious cases, they can be used as part of complex therapy. Herbal preparations are usually stored for three years, keeping the temperature to 20-25°C.

There are no data on the consequences of an overdose of herbal preparations, and no drug interactions have been observed.

Foot balm-gel Skipar as active components it contains turpentine from the resin of coniferous plants, an extract from horse chestnut fruits, wormwood stems, and lingonberry leaves. It can be used in a complex of therapeutic measures for dysfunction of the blood vessels of the legs to reduce their swelling. Improves blood circulation, tones, increases the strength of blood vessels, soothes and cools. Use daily before bed - spread a thin layer, lightly rubbing until absorbed.

Antistax gel(Germany), the main active ingredient of which is extracted red grape leaves, tones tired legs, eliminates the feeling of heaviness and swelling. It has a preventive effect against blood circulation disorders in the venous bed.

Ointment for swelling of the legs consists of distilled water, ethyl alcohol, extract from red grape leaves, esters of glycerin and fatty acid of coconut oil, carbopol, caustic soda, dyes and lemon oil.

Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, minors, and those with allergies to the components of the gel.

Method of use: treat the surface of the skin of the legs after sleep and before bed, lightly massaging from the ankle up.

The cooling effect of the product is enhanced if you keep it in the refrigerator.

Venocorset gel from the company Evalar is also created on the basis of extracted red grape leaves. In addition to them, the gel contains an extract from sweet clover leaves, glycerin, distilled water, α-hydroxypropionic acid, mint camphor, carbomer, stabilizers.

Provides strengthening of the vascular membranes, increasing their elasticity, improves blood circulation, eliminates swelling and the feeling of heavy swollen legs.

Treat the skin of your feet daily, upon waking up and before going to bed, lightly massaging. Duration of use is approximately a month, it is possible to use without interruption for up to six months.

Medicinal ointments for swelling on a natural basis

Dr. Theiss Venen gel, the main active ingredients of which are a solution of extracted horse chestnut seeds (1:1) and a thick extract of marigolds (flowers). Refers to medicinal herbal preparations that tonic venous circulation. Increases the strength of capillary membranes, tones, eliminates swelling and inflammation. Reduces swelling and pain caused not only by venous circulation disorders, but also due to injury. Can be used as an ointment for bruises and swelling, as well as for dislocations and sprains.

Pregnant and lactating women should use as prescribed by a doctor.

Venen gel is contraindicated in cases of sensitization to its ingredients, open wounds, trophic ulcers, and minors.

Treatment of damaged areas is carried out daily, upon waking up and before going to bed, lightly massaging.

Occasionally, a local reaction to the drug in the form of a rash or urticaria may occur. The gel contains ethanol, so prolonged and frequent use may cause dry skin.

Venitan gel 1%, the main active ingredient of which is escin, produced from horse chestnut seeds. Effective in the initial stages of inflammation, prevents vascular fragility, helps increase the density and tone of capillary walls, reduced as a result of the inflammatory process. As a result, venous blood flow is activated and congestion disappears. Soreness, heaviness, muscle spasms, itching, swelling, including those of a traumatic nature, decrease and disappear, bruises and post-injection infiltrates resolve.

Approved for use by pregnant and lactating women. Contraindicated if you are allergic to its ingredients.

Another universal, inexpensive, natural ointment for bruises and swelling, which relieves inflammation and resists infection of wounds and scratches - Vishnevsky ointment. This ointment, unlike those described above, can be applied to trophic ulcers and other wound surfaces, because the skin does not always retain its integrity after injury. Its disadvantage is its specific smell and color, but its effectiveness, availability, speed and safety are superior.

The birch tar contained in the ointment irritates the tissue at the site of application and thereby activates blood circulation and relieves congestion, inflammation and swelling. Strengthening capillaries, preventing their fragility, promotes the resorption of bruises. In addition, it disinfects and heals damaged surfaces - these qualities are synergistically enhanced by xeroform. Castor oil penetrates deeply into the tissue, carrying out the first two components and providing them with a deeper effect.

A compress with Vishnevsky ointment is used as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant, resolving bruises and blood clots for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and injuries. The ointment is applied to a cotton cloth folded in several layers, applied to the affected area, then wrapped in compress paper or plastic film and fixed with a bandage or napkin. Leave for about six hours (overnight is possible), repeated procedures are carried out for several days.

Alcohol compresses with Vishnevsky ointment help relieve post-traumatic swelling and pain in the joint, as well as get rid of hematoma. The damaged area is smeared with ointment, then a layer of cloth soaked in strong alcohol is applied, and a fixing bandage is placed on top. This compress can be left in place for up to two days.

Treat damaged skin surfaces two to three times a day, lightly rubbing.

Rescuer balm– a combined universal remedy, the components of which, acting in combination, enhance each other’s properties. The balm contains milk fats, natural beeswax, concentrated sea buckthorn oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil, echinacea flower extract, turpentine, tocopherol.

The rescuer has the ability to heal and restore damaged tissue, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, soothe itching, pain, moisturize, resolve hematomas and swelling. It does not cause irritation during processing and can be used by pregnant, lactating women and children. Contraindicated if you are allergic to any of the components. It is distinguished by its versatility and speed.

Used as an ointment for swelling after insect bites, bruises, blows, after fractures and operations.

The balm can simply be spread on the damaged surface or treated with it on wound surfaces under a bandage or compress. During processing, the balm melts and spreads over the surface. The following processing is carried out during dressing. It is necessary to provide air access to damaged skin from time to time; when dressing the wounds, it is necessary to leave them open for about a quarter of an hour.

Comfrey (larkspur) ointment (gel, cream) contains comfrey root tincture and tocopherol acetate. The active component of the ointment (allantoin) relieves inflammation, relieves pain, activates cellular renewal, accelerates the restoration of the epithelial surface and bone tissue. Hemostatic agent, accelerates the healing process of wounds and ulcers. Vitamin E binds free radicals, enhances trophism and the effect of allantoin. Ointment and gel can be used on surfaces with open wounds.

Comfrey cream contains oleresin, which has a warming effect that reduces pain and relaxes muscles. It activates blood circulation, accelerates metabolic processes and the elimination of inflammatory products.

There are no data on the use of ointment by pregnant women. Contraindicated if you are allergic to any of the components.

The treatment is carried out three to four times a day, lightly massaging the application site. Before going to bed, apply the ointment in a larger volume and cover the treatment area.

The ointment is used for a variety of injuries and insect bites. Can be used to relieve swelling after a fracture, bruises, sprains and impacts.

Medicinal ointments for swelling

More serious cases require the use of direct anticoagulants, the most famous of which are drugs with sodium heparin - Heparin ointment, Venolife, Hepatrombin, Trombless, Lyoton, Lavenum gel.

In the initial stages of diseases accompanied by impaired venous circulation, it is prescribed Heparin ointment or its analogues. These ointments are also effective in cases of injury as a pain reliever for bruises and swelling.

The active component of the ointment, sodium heparin, when released, inhibits the action of pro-inflammatory factors and thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots and dissolving existing ones. Nicotinic acid benzyl ester has a vasodilating effect, promoting better absorption of heparin. Benzocaine relieves pain.

Heparin applied externally quickly passes through the epidermal layer and accumulates in the upper layers of the skin. Shows activity by reacting with the protein component of the skin. The maximum concentration is observed after eight hours and is eliminated by the kidneys.

For pregnant women, medications with heparin are prescribed by a doctor in extreme cases; for breastfeeding women, they can be used.

Contraindicated in case of sensitization to ointment components, open wounds, trophic ulcers and other violations of the integrity of the skin surface.

The damaged area is treated with light circular rubbing movements twice or thrice during the day. The duration of therapy for swelling is from a week to half a month; for bruises, a week is usually enough. For swelling and bruising of a traumatic nature, they begin to use the ointment after a day, so as not to provoke internal bleeding. With prolonged treatment, it is necessary to monitor blood clotting.

May cause allergies, hyperemia at the site of application, and interfere with blood clotting. Not used in combination with tetracycline antibiotics, antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Store for no more than three years, keeping the temperature to 20°C.

Venolife gel– in addition to sodium heparin, it contains dexpanthenol and troxerutin. There is no analgesic component in the composition; this effect is achieved during the therapeutic effect.

Dexpanthenol (provitamin B5) normalizes metabolic tissue processes (acetylation and oxidation), restores damaged skin surface, and enhances heparin absorption.

Troxerutin reduces vascular permeability and fragility, normalizes microcirculation and trophism, eliminates swelling and inflammation.

Phenylethyl alcohol, which contains a gel as a preservative, is active against pathogenic microorganisms and disinfects the wound surface of trophic ulcers (without excessive exudation) or minor traumatic skin lesions. Venolife gel can be used for minor violations of the integrity of the skin, accelerating healing and preventing secondary infection.

This drug is approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Contraindicated in case of extensive infected wound surfaces or severe exudation, as well as sensitization to the ingredients of the gel.

The damaged surface of the skin and a small area around it are treated with gel twice or thrice a day, lightly rubbing until completely absorbed. Duration of use is from two to three weeks.

May cause rashes at the site of application.

No cases of overdose have been reported; it can be used in combination with any drugs.

Store for no more than two years, observing the temperature regime of 15°-25°C

Gepatrombin gel (ointment)– differs from previous drugs in the presence of allantoin and the absence of an analgesic. This is an ointment that relieves swelling and inflammation.

Allantoin inhibits the inflammatory process, activates and normalizes tissue metabolism and stimulates the processes of cell proliferation.

The ointment is indicated for trophic ulcers, and the gel is not applied to open wound surfaces. Both forms of the drug have a resolving effect.

Use by pregnant and lactating women is not recommended. Contraindicated in cases of sensitization to components or infection of the skin surface.

Store for no more than three years, observing the temperature regime of 15°-25°C.

Trombless gel, Lyoton gel and ointment– single drugs with the active component heparin sodium, restoring venous patency, which leads to a reduction in inflammation, swelling and pain. They are used in the same way as described above.

Ointments (gels) with the active ingredient sodium heparin are universal; together with swelling, they relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, resolve hematomas, and restore blood circulation after injuries - fractures, bruises, blows. These ointments are good for swelling after surgery.

Express ointments for swelling

Swelling and hematomas, especially on the face and under the eyes, cause great inconvenience. According to reviews, the application gives a good effect Gel for express removal of bruises Biokon Bruise-OFF. It can be used on the skin of the face, under the eyes, it quickly resolves hematomas, improves blood circulation and lymph outflow, and removes post-traumatic and post-operative swelling. Consists of medicinal leech extract, pentoxifine (angioprotector, mild vasodilator), ethoxydiglycol (powerful conductor). Not recommended for use by persons with bleeding disorders.

Ointment for eye swelling is available in two versions with and without a tinting effect. Apply five times a day, apply under the eyes with light tangential movements.

Polish Arnica anti-swelling and bruising face gel eliminates swelling and bruises under the eyes. Arnica flower extract reduces vascular permeability, has vasoconstrictor properties, improves blood circulation in capillaries, heals microtraumas and resolves bruises. It has a light texture and is perfectly absorbed. The gel contains panthenol, which improves its condition. The effect of the gel becomes noticeable very quickly.

Lightly massaging, apply the product to the skin, wait until completely absorbed.

Popular ointment for swelling after a blow - Troxevasin(active component – ​​troxerutin). Increases the density of vascular walls, relieves inflammation and swelling, improves microcirculation and, therefore, resolves bruises. Helps with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, dermatosis caused by these diseases, and is prescribed to improve blood circulation in injured areas of the body. Troxevasin is used to relieve postoperative swelling, including on the face.

Can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Contraindicated in case of sensitization to troxerutin.

Twice a day, treat the affected areas with light massage movements until completely absorbed. Do not apply to the wound surface. An effective ointment that relieves swelling and inflammation is an ointment containing a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. For example, Indovazin– complex gel with active components indomethacin and troxerutin.

Indomethacin (NSAID) has an analgesic, decongestant effect, and relieves inflammation. Troxerutin - strengthens the lining of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, and activates blood circulation in the capillaries. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children 0-13 years old, persons with bleeding disorders.

Injured areas are treated three times a day. Ointments containing NSAIDs, which are quite effective in helping against bruises and swelling, quickly relieve inflammation and relieve pain, they can also be classified as express ointments. However, they have many contraindications - age restrictions, cannot be used for a long time (no more than a week), can cause allergies, and are not applied to damaged skin surfaces. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions.

These ointments relieve swelling and pain and can be used after injuries (fracture, blow, bruise, sprain) on surfaces without damage. An ointment containing NVPS is effective against joint swelling of both traumatic and inflammatory nature (for arthritis and arthrosis).
This group includes ointments based on Diclofenac (Voltaren, Ortofen, Dikloberl and many others), Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Nimesulide, Piroxicam, Indomethacin ointment. All these ointments act approximately the same, relieve swelling and pain from sprains and ruptures of ligaments, muscle and joint pain.

Diclofenac ointment, gels and ointments based on it are perhaps the most popular. This is a very active non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous properties. These qualities are determined by the ability to suppress the production of prostaglandins - pro-inflammatory mediators. The ointment reduces pain in inflamed or injured joints, eliminates bruises, and relieves swelling. When applied to the skin, the active substance penetrates through it and accumulates in the tissues (subcutaneous tissue, muscle tissue, joint capsule and joint cavity).

Not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, children 0-5 years old, persons allergic to the active ingredient, aspirin and other NSAIDs.

Damaged areas are carefully treated with ointment three to four times a day. It is necessary to avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, and wound surfaces.

Side effects - allergic rashes, itching, burning.

When applied topically, it practically does not interact with other drugs, however, in cases of long-term use, undesirable effects may be observed when combined with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, digoxin, and lithium derivatives.

Store for no more than two years, maintaining low humidity and air temperature.

Warming ointments for swelling

For swelling after a bruise or blow, it is good to use warming ointments; they also relieve pain and eliminate bruises, and also have a distracting and healing effect. These ointments, irritating the surface of application, have a warming effect. It helps accelerate metabolic and circulatory processes in damaged tissues, which causes lymph outflow and resorption of hematomas. Such ointments can be used to relieve swelling after a fracture, from joint swelling. They contain various warming agents, natural (bee, snake venom, pepper extracts) and synthetic. These ointments are not used on the skin of the face; care is strictly taken not to get on the mucous membranes or in the eyes. After handling, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Apizartron ointment– in the preparation, the combination of bee venom with methyl salicylate and allyl isothiocyanate ensures its activity against factors that cause inflammation, antibacterial, warming and analgesic properties. The ointment increases the temperature of the skin at the treatment site, which helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Contraindicated for pregnant women, persons with acute inflammation of the joints, dermatitis, renal failure, or sensitization to the components of the ointment.

It is used as follows: squeeze a strip of ointment onto the affected area and spread it in a thin layer; after a couple of minutes, when the skin at the site of application turns red and warms up, rub the ointment in a circular motion into the surface of the skin. The application area must be kept dry and warm. Carry out the treatment twice or thrice a day until the symptoms subside.

Viprosal B ointment– contains viper or viper venom, relieves inflammation, pain, swelling and bruises. Properties and contraindications are similar to the previous ointment. Treatment is carried out no more than twice a day for a month.

Espol ointment– based on the extract of capsicum fruits. Ointment for relieving swelling and pain after a fracture, bruise, sprain or rupture of ligaments, muscles, used for acute inflammatory processes in the joints. Treat damaged areas twice or thrice a day, providing heat in these areas after application. The duration of treatment is from one to ten days. Not recommended for pregnant women, may cause allergies.

Efkamon ointment– the active ingredients of the ointment provide a long-lasting warming effect, as a result of which tension and pain are reduced, nutrition and blood circulation in the tissues are improved. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, absorbable, analgesic and decongestant effects. It consists of tincture of capsicum, camphor, menthol, oils - mustard, cloves, eucalyptus, methyl salicylate and other auxiliary components.

Finalgon ointment– its active components (vanillylnonamide and butoxyethyl ester of nicotinic acid) provide, when applied, a long-lasting vasodilation, which significantly facilitates blood microcirculation and eliminates its stagnation. Eliminates inflammation, pain, swelling and hematomas.

The ointment is applied using an applicator. First, squeeze half a centimeter of ointment onto it (enough to treat an area of ​​≈5 cm²) and rub it into the affected area, cover the area with a warm (woolen) scarf. The effect is felt after about five minutes and reaches its maximum in half an hour. After several uses, addiction occurs and the dosage needs to be increased. Treatment is carried out two or three times a day, the duration of therapy is up to ten days.

Finalgon is contraindicated in case of sensitization to it.

Homeopathic ointment for swelling

Traumeel S ointment (gel) contains many ingredients of natural origin in homeopathic dilutions. Used for inflammation, conditions after injury, postoperative swelling. It is characterized by rapid action, has a hemostatic, angioprotective, analgesic and swelling effect. It has high restorative and immunomodulatory properties.

Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindicated in case of allergies to plants of the Asteraceae family.

Treat areas with swelling two or three times a day, lightly rubbing. In the acute stage it is allowed to use up to five times. Can be combined with other medications.

Ointment for swelling after an insect bite

When an insect bite causes a severe allergic reaction with swelling and rashes, this condition can be relieved with allergy ointments, for example, Fenistil gel– antihistamine. Has an anti-edematous, antipruritic effect. It helps relieve the reaction to an insect bite well and quickly. Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed by a doctor, especially in the first trimester. Contraindicated in case of sensitization to components, prostate adenoma, glaucoma, newborns. Treat the bite site and swelling two to four times a day.

You can use Levomekol, Panthenol or Bepanten ointment, especially if an insect has bitten a child and he has managed to scratch the bite site and become infected.

Levomekol ointment– a complex product that combines two active components: the antibiotic chloramphenicol and the immunomodulator methyluracil, mixed on the basis of polyethylene oxides. Chloramphenicol is a bacteriostatic that interrupts the process of protein production in bacterial cells, an antagonist of most pathogenic microorganisms, and is also used in cases of purulent lesions. Methyluracil complements the anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the metabolism of nucleic acids and the restoration of affected tissues.

Apply to the bite site and surrounding swelling for two or three hours, then wash off.

The ointment can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for children from birth.

Panthenol And Bepanten They have a fairly safe composition and good healing properties. Panthenol, moreover, comes in the form of a spray and has a very delicate texture.

In severe cases of sting allergy, you should seek medical help. The doctor may prescribe hormonal ointments, which are not safe to self-medicate.

For minor swelling, you can try to get rid of it yourself, using herbal ointments (which is safer) or medications. Ointments are used externally, and with short-term correct use (according to the instructions included with the ointment) should not have a serious systemic effect on the body. However, if the condition does not improve quickly, you should consult a doctor.

After surgery, swelling of the legs often occurs, which is expressed in insufficient removal of excess fluid from the body tissues. Due to the violation of the integrity of blood vessels, capillaries and veins, which occurs during surgery, fluids in the body circulate at a less active pace, and stagnation often occurs in the form of edema. Swelling after leg surgery requires a quick response, since with prolonged stagnation of fluids, a secondary infection can occur, which causes longer healing and can cause inflammatory processes in the tissues.

The appearance of swelling in the leg during the rehabilitation period after surgery should be considered a normal reaction of the body, and for the fastest recovery it is necessary to support the body, stimulate the immune system and prevent the development of secondary pathology. However, many doctors recommend taking preventive measures that will minimize the manifestations of edema after surgery and quickly stabilize the patient’s condition.

Most often, this manifestation occurs during surgery to remove varicose veins on the legs, but if the affected area was large enough, then the recovery period is also lengthened. With a small area of ​​damage, the degree of damage to the integrity of the veins and blood vessels is small, which allows for a faster rehabilitation period and brings full recovery and elimination of edema closer. Swelling of the legs after surgery is accompanied by certain external changes in the tissues of the legs, which allows for timely diagnosis of this condition and speed up the recovery process.

The most characteristic manifestations of swelling after surgery should be considered:

  • swelling of tissue in the area that was affected by surgery; during surgery, swelling of the leg is accompanied by an increase in the size of the limb - this is a consequence of a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels, and the movement of fluid in the body is disrupted;
  • change in the shape of the limb due to damage to the lymphatic vessels after surgery. In this case, lymph and blood disrupt their movement, which leads to the accumulation of these fluids and the formation of edema;
  • when you press on the skin in the area of ​​edema, a shallow pit remains on it for some time - this factor also indicates swelling of this part of the body;
  • a decrease in the degree of sensitivity in the area of ​​edema - this is especially noticeable in relation to the thermoregulation of the skin.

The severity of edema depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the quality of the immune system. With a good rate of healing of injured tissues, elimination of fluid stagnation in the legs during surgery occurs quickly, and rehabilitation measures can further reduce this recovery period.

In addition to the characteristic manifestations of tissue edema that occurs after surgery, there are a number of reasons that can cause fluid retention in this area. These include:

  • the occurrence of thrombosis, which causes the accumulation of blood moving through blood vessels and veins and encountering an obstacle in the form of a thrombus (blood clot) on its way. This condition is quite dangerous for human health and life, therefore its timely diagnosis is task number one when edema occurs;
  • features of the actions of the surgeon who performed the surgery. If he has insufficient practical experience and uses low-quality medications, there is a possibility of developing a pathological tissue reaction in the form of tissue edema.

The listed manifestations and causes of tissue swelling after surgery explain the appearance of this manifestation, allowing timely identification of the initial stage of the current pathology.

Causes of edema after endoprosthetics

Carrying out endoprosthetics allows you to eliminate severe pain in the hip joint and prevent its final destruction, which can occur due to age-related changes and a significant degree of wear of the cartilage tissue. The high effectiveness of this type of joint prosthetics, many positive reviews about this option of influencing the articular system allow us to call endoprosthetics one of the most popular restoration methods today.

However, endoprosthetics entails a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and veins, as well as lymphatic vessels and nodes. After knee replacement surgery, when there is significant exposure and damage to a large number of vessels and veins, there is pain in the area where the operation was performed, as well as the appearance of severe swelling. Since any joint is a complex natural connection, which involves a large number of bones, cartilage and tendons, any intervention in its activity entails changes in the condition and functioning of the tissues of the joint and surrounding areas.

Approximately the same picture is observed after hip replacement: swelling of the leg tissue that occurs at the site of impact, an increase in the degree of pain and sensitivity of the skin and muscles, and a change in skin color is caused by a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and veins, lymph nodes and vessels. The process of tissue restoration after such an operation should include both rehabilitation procedures that prevent the possibility of a secondary infection, and stimulation of the immune system, supporting its functioning at the highest level. This is the fastest way to eliminate swelling in the area of ​​the operation and restore normal tissue sensitivity.

How to quickly relieve swelling

Elimination of puffiness and restoration of normal circulation of fluids in the area of ​​influence is carried out through complex treatment, which should include several types of treatment. Typically, the treatment process in this case is drawn up by a doctor, and is carried out under his supervision.

Removal of swelling after surgery should be accompanied by supportive therapy, which will ensure a more complete recovery of the body and eliminate the risk of developing inflammation, which will slow down the healing process. In the period after surgery, when there is severe swelling in the legs, the following manipulations and procedures will help, which ensure faster healing:

  • lymphatic drainage. This is a type of mechanical action that involves activating the process of lymph movement in tissues. Lymphatic drainage is performed by a professional massage therapist, whose actions will not harm the patient’s health and will ensure a pronounced positive result from the treatment. To carry out this procedure, soft stroking movements and kneading of the lymph nodes are usually used, which prevents the appearance of stagnation in them;
  • At the first manifestation of edema, you can make a fixing bandage, which is then replaced with supporting underwear. Knitwear with a supportive and compression effect allows you to quickly eliminate swelling, prevent the possibility of increasing the affected area, and improve the process of movement of lymph and blood in the tissues of the lower extremities.

Today, compression garments are offered in a wide range, which allows you to choose a type that will be aesthetically pleasing and will have a positive effect on the affected limbs;

  • following a diet that will quickly remove excess fluid from the body will prevent its re-accumulation;
  • Drug treatment is an essential component of successful treatment of edema of any nature. Diuretics will quickly and painlessly remove accumulated fluid from the tissues and eliminate congestion in the tissues of the lower extremities. Medication is prescribed by the attending physician based on the results of tests that are prescribed to obtain the most comprehensive picture of health.

It is possible to quickly and without negative consequences get rid of swelling after surgery provided that you strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and give up harmful and hazardous habits such as smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. If other emergency conditions arise, for example, an inflammatory reaction occurs, there is a rise in the patient’s body temperature and a deterioration in general well-being, then you should first consult a doctor and stop taking previously prescribed medications: there is a possibility of an allergic reaction to the treatment in this form .

For the final elimination of edema of various natures, which can form in the tissues of the legs after surgical intervention on them, a certain type of treatment may be required. However, the main goal of any type of therapeutic intervention should be to identify the root cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it: only in this case is it possible to completely eliminate the signs of swelling in the legs.

Treatment methods

Postoperative swelling of the leg is accompanied by external changes in the tissues, which allows timely detection of the current pathology. Treatment methods involve an effective recovery period, which will include stimulating the body’s immune system, eliminating existing secondary lesions, providing the body with the necessary substances from incoming food and medications designed to combat the manifestations of edema.

As noted above, the most effective methods for eliminating edema are the use of compression garments, nutritional correction, taking diuretics prescribed by the attending physician, and performing lymphatic drainage massage. It is these methods that have proven themselves to be effective in eliminating tissue swelling that can occur after surgery on the lower extremities.

Surgery as a treatment may be prescribed if it is necessary to open damaged tissues to locally eliminate the source of inflammation. This operation is prescribed for existing indications.


The medicinal effect involves activating the movement of fluids in the tissues, which leads to a more rapid removal of its excess. However, diuretics, which can be prescribed for swelling after surgery, also have the side effect of excessive tissue dehydration. Therefore, their use should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician, and if any side effects occur, the effect should be adjusted.

A tumor in the hip joint, in which there is stagnation of fluids in the tissues of the joint, requires the use of the following means:

The above means ensure rapid removal of excess fluid from tissues, which is especially important when installing an artificial hip and knee joint. The regimen for taking them is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition. Swelling of the leg tissues is also relieved by such drugs with a diuretic effect as Torsid, Toradiv, Sutril Neo, Trisemid.

Drugs that, when eliminating swelling in the legs, prevent inflammatory processes in them, can be prescribed if the patient’s body is prone to inflammation and allergic reactions.


When stagnation of fluid occurs in the body, a massage of the leg is prescribed, in the tissues of which there are pathological abnormalities. This massage is performed only by a specialist who understands the pattern of blood and lymph movement in the body and will not harm the patient.

Massage should be carried out in a course of several procedures; it is in this case that the most pronounced positive result is observed.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is an excellent way to speed up the movement of fluids in the body, with its help you can reduce the main manifestations of swelling in the legs.

A course of such a massage eliminates the most obvious manifestations of tissue swelling and allows you to activate blood circulation and lymph movement.

Compression jersey

Wearing special underwear with a supporting effect allows you to relieve the load from the leg when there is swelling on it that occurs as a result of surgery. The choice of such underwear today is quite large, which makes it possible to choose a type that will be aesthetically suitable and at the same time have a therapeutic effect on the affected lower limb.

Tissue restoration in cases of edema can be performed using a laser beam. This type of treatment has proven itself well due to the strong weakening of the walls of the veins, which is typical for varicose veins and swelling of the tissues of the lower extremities.

The laser produces a gentle and effective effect, which eliminates places of stagnation and activates the processes of movement of fluids in the tissues.


Physiotherapeutic treatment has also worked well for swelling. For example, electrophoresis, especially using lidase, helps prevent inflammation, which facilitates the process of healing edema. The scheme for conducting electrophoresis is drawn up by a physiotherapist, taking into account the entire picture of the patient’s health.

Along with electrophoresis, acupuncture and magnetic therapy may be recommended.

Folk recipes

The most effective means of eliminating severe swelling in the tissue of the legs using traditional methods include the following:

  • ingestion of a decoction of lingonberry leaves;
  • infusion of nettle and birch leaves is also taken orally, 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day;
  • contrast foot baths with the addition of a decoction of birch leaves mixed with thyme herb.

If swelling of the foot occurs after surgery, then traditional medicine can be used along with drug therapy.


Swelling of the extremities requires dietary adjustments. Eliminating salt and seasonings from it will reduce the amount of liquid that stagnates in the tissues.

Including products with increased biological value in the daily menu will eliminate the risk of slowing down the rehabilitation process, saturate the tissues with necessary substances and preserve the patient’s health. A diet rich in lactic acid products, fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits will make the healing process quick and will not allow fluid to accumulate in the body, which can lead to the formation of areas with swelling.

Exercise therapy for recovery

Certain exercises will activate the movement of fluids and eliminate their stagnation. Walking, jogging and breathing exercises will help relieve swelling quickly.

Rehabilitation with exercise therapy is considered an effective method of restoring the balance of fluids in the body.


Phlebologists recommend wearing compression underwear for preventive purposes: in case of increased physical activity, a hereditary tendency to vascular damage and when swelling of the legs is detected, it is precisely such underwear that allows you to stop the pathological process, and with adequate therapeutic intervention, completely eliminate the main symptoms of the disease.

Swelling of the legs that occurs after surgery can be eliminated by correcting nutrition, maintaining an active lifestyle, and giving up bad habits.

Blepharoplasty of the eyelids is a simple plastic surgery that will get rid of excess skin in the eye area. Despite the ease of implementation, during the rehabilitation period the patient may encounter minor complications, in particular bruising and swelling. Swelling after blepharoplasty is considered normal if it lasts no more than five days. The patient may also experience bruising, which provokes hematomas at the incision sites. By following your doctor's recommendations, you can easily get rid of these consequences.

How long does swelling last and why does it occur?

The skin of the eyelids is considered the thinnest part of the body, so swelling and bruising occur after blepharoplasty. The cause of swelling after surgery is the accumulation of fluid in the injured tissues. The fluid begins to be removed when the functioning of the blood vessels is restored. Any physical activity, high blood pressure or increased salt content in food can increase swelling. In any case, it is almost impossible to avoid this phenomenon.

The intensity and duration of swelling and hematomas depends on a number of factors:

  1. Patient's age. The older a person is, the longer it takes to restore the eyelids, this is due to a slowdown in the process of tissue regeneration.
  2. Skin typology. If the patient has thin skin with a large number of small capillaries, then the swelling is more pronounced, but subsides faster due to good blood circulation.
  3. The level of blood circulation, which depends on many factors: age, the presence of a large number of blood vessels.
  4. The volume of the operation performed. The more tissue is covered, the stronger the swelling will be; after surgery on the upper eyelid, the swelling goes away faster than on the lower eyelid.
  5. Method of operation. Surgeries using lasers are considered the least traumatic and reduce the development of edema.
  6. Possible infection of the skin after surgery leads to swelling that does not go away for a long time.
  7. Individual characteristics of the body associated with fluid retention.
  8. Ignoring the doctor’s recommendations for postoperative procedures.

There are cases when swelling in one eye lasts longer than in the other. This is due both to the physiological characteristics of a person, associated with the relative asymmetry of the capillaries, and to the volume of surgical work on each eye. If on one eyelid the volume of skin removed is greater, then the swelling on this side will last longer.

In the absence of infection, swelling reaches its maximum size on the second or third day after surgery. Depending on the complexity of the plastic surgery, the duration of visible swelling reaches 14 days; after a light procedure, the swelling subsides after 7 days. Complete skin restoration is observed after two to three months. This applies to internal swelling, which is almost invisible on the patient’s skin.

How to remove swelling after blepharoplasty

To avoid anxiety, patients are advised to avoid mirrors in the first two weeks. At this time, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations, which will significantly reduce swelling and bruising after blepharoplasty.

In the first days after surgery, it is necessary to take care of your eyes. During sleep, your head should be kept elevated to promote the outflow of blood; it is also not recommended to sleep on your side and stomach; the only correct position is to lie on your back. Doctors recommend applying cold compresses to the eyelid area; they will help remove swelling after blepharoplasty.

You should change some habits in your lifestyle, at least while recovering from surgery:

  • Avoid drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages;
  • stop smoking;
  • limit watching TV, computer and reading books;
  • avoid visiting saunas in the first two weeks;
  • wear sunglasses in clear, windy weather;
  • limit the consumption of salt, fatty and sweet foods;
  • Avoid physical activity that may increase blood circulation or increase blood pressure.


To eliminate swelling, gels, creams or ointments are used, which have an antibacterial effect and also increase the stability of the walls of blood vessels.

In the first three days, any antiseptic ointment is used to prevent infection of the injured area; subsequently, the emphasis in treatment is on relieving swelling.

To quickly get rid of swelling after blepharoplasty, doctors prescribe hydrocortisone ointment, which has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, decongestant effect, and also eliminates itching of the skin. The main thing is that the patient does not have intolerance to the active components of the drug.

You need to smear your eyelids with a thin layer of cream, spreading it evenly over the skin and avoiding contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Apply the ointment for a week.

Traumeel and Sinyakoff creams can also relieve swelling. In some cases, they are prescribed along with tablets.

If fluid stagnation occurs in the body, the doctor may prescribe diuretics of natural and synthetic origin.

It is important to note that any medication must be prescribed by a doctor to avoid unnecessary side effects.

Eyelid exercises and massage

10 days after blepharoplasty, doctors recommend doing eye exercises. It will activate muscle function, which will normalize blood circulation, improve fluid outflow and strengthen blood vessels in postoperative tissues. Exercising for several weeks after surgery will also increase the tone of the orbicularis oculi muscles.

Before doing the main set of exercises, you need to warm up: look forward, then as far as possible to the right for 3-5 seconds, as far as possible to the left, then up and down. Repeat this sequence five times.

Effective exercises to relieve swelling after blepharoplasty:

  1. Raise your head up, direct your gaze straight to the ceiling. In this position, blink rapidly for at least 30 seconds.
  2. Close your eyes and after three seconds open them as wide as possible and look at a distant point in front of you. Then close your eyes, without straining your eyebrows. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.
  3. Tilt your head back and look at the tip of your nose. After five seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.


To restore the skin and better disguise the seam, doctors recommend undergoing a resurfacing procedure. Resurfacing is carried out with a carbon dioxide laser, which removes the top layer of skin, therefore leveling the surface of the eyelids and the suture areas.

Skin care

After blepharoplasty, comprehensive care for the eyelid area is necessary. Moisturizing procedures are required, accompanied by a light massage. Try to avoid direct sunlight or use powerful sunscreen.

Patients who use lenses should stop wearing them for 2-3 weeks.

On the first day after surgery, the patient cannot undergo any procedures, even simple washing. Then the following steps are gradually introduced:

  • morning and evening washing with cool water;
  • light facial massage;
  • applying antiseptic cream to the surgical sites;
  • after a week, the use of cosmetic cream on the eyelid area is allowed;
  • scrubbing is allowed at least two weeks after surgery.

Restrictions and contraindications

There is a list of indications for which blepharoplasty should be avoided:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • complex stages of diabetes mellitus;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • retinal detachment;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • period of critical days;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • diseases associated with inflammation of the eyelids;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of the tear ducts;
  • conjunctivitis.

Failure to comply with contraindications can lead to irreversible consequences.

Complications after surgery

Blepharoplasty is not an operation that can lead to unexpected consequences. Early complications include the occurrence of edema and hematomas, which can be eliminated over time.

Hematomas can lead to more serious consequences, depending on the type:

  • the subcutaneous type is the easiest, since the ichor accumulates under the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • a tense hematoma occurs due to subcutaneous bleeding, which can only be stopped by restoring the damaged vessel.

Retrobulbar hematoma occurs due to damage to a large vessel. This is dangerous due to visual impairment.

Diplopia is a disorder of the motor function of the eye that occurs due to muscle damage; this condition usually recovers after 1-2 months.

It is important to be careful when cutting out a large area of ​​skin, as this may cause ectropion of the eyelid.

If this situation occurs, there are two options:

  1. carry out an additional operation that will correct the error;
  2. massage the eyelid, which will restore blood circulation and stretch the skin.

Complications can occur two months after blepharoplasty:

  • divergence of seams;
  • the appearance of rough scars;
  • asymmetry of the eyes due to improper sutures;
  • inflammation of the eyes if the procedure was performed repeatedly.

To avoid consequences, you need to be careful when choosing a clinic, as well as conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and consultation with specialists.

You should try to avoid eating anything that can cause swelling. Therefore, you need to drink as little liquid as possible, especially before going to bed; if possible, you should completely give up salt, at least for a few days. To find out how to relieve swelling after surgery, you should consult your doctor. Under no circumstances should you take a hot bath; the ideal option would be a slightly warm shower, which helps improve blood circulation, so that excess fluid does not accumulate in the body.

It is important to know how to behave after surgery, since too much physical activity during the first postoperative days can negatively affect not only the general condition of the patient’s body, but also provoke the appearance of large swelling on the face. You should also avoid prolonged exposure to the open sun, as overheating of the body can cause swelling or increase swelling that already exists.

During the recovery period, you should wear loose clothing that does not impede movement. During sleep, you should sleep on a high pillow so that the operated part of the body (face) is on a hill. Visiting a sauna and steam bath helps remove excess fluid from the body, but if there is swelling, it is best not to visit such places.

It is important to know how to recover after surgery to avoid complications and health problems. During this period, you should completely stop drinking various alcoholic beverages, since alcohol can provoke serious poisoning of the body with toxins, which can cause severe swelling not only on the face, but also on the arms and legs.

If the swelling does not go away, but only gets worse, you can start taking special diuretics. By taking these medications, excess fluid will be removed from the body. However, it is worth remembering that only the attending physician can prescribe such drugs, because he can choose the right drug.

It is important to know what to eat after surgery to help your body recover faster. We must try to completely avoid eating foods that can retain excess fluid in the body. Such products include smoked meats, canned food, and diversify your daily diet with products that help remove excess fluid - apples, lemons, carrots, watermelon, oranges, and other citrus fruits. You should try not to eat before bed; dinner should take place no later than three to four hours before bedtime.

At home, special plastic cooling masks filled with gel, which can be easily purchased at any cosmetic store, will help relieve swelling from the face. With the help of such masks, swelling from the eyelids is quickly removed; for this, the mask is applied to the eyes and left for a couple of minutes. If you don’t have such a mask, you can use simple ice cubes at home, especially if they were made from marigold or sage infusion.

Swelling after surgery is a common phenomenon that causes a lot of inconvenience, both aesthetic and physical. Swelling can lead to unpleasant consequences, so you should know how to get rid of it correctly and safely.


When the integrity of body tissues is compromised, swelling may occur, this applies to even the most minor surgical interventions. During operations of any complexity, tissues are damaged, so the body begins to react to this, which leads to the formation of swelling. Edema is accumulated fluid in the tissues of a particular organ, and can sometimes collect in the space between the tissues. All edema can be divided into local and general.

The result of surgical interventions is usually local swelling. Very often, after surgery, serious disturbances occur in the body and it is injured. This leads to a strong flow of lymph to those areas where the tissue has been damaged. The reason for the accumulation of lymph is the enhanced functioning of the human immune system, which helps the body maintain its normal state, despite surgical interventions. Less common are swelling after surgery, which is caused by inflammatory processes. Edema of this type can be distinguished by the increased temperature of the skin in places of swelling, in addition, they acquire a reddish tint.

If swelling occurs unexpectedly, for no apparent reason, the patient should immediately consult a doctor so that he can prescribe adequate treatment as quickly as possible and relieve the swelling.

Swelling after surgery appears in almost everyone to a weaker or stronger degree. The following factors are considered to determine the degree of development of swelling:

  • characteristics of the human body and immune system;
  • the complexity of the operation being performed, its volume and duration;
  • compliance with doctor's recommendations;
  • state of human health.

It is almost impossible to prevent the occurrence of edema. When they occur, the speed of recovery directly depends on the patient’s efforts and the accuracy of following doctors’ recommendations. You should not use advertised miracle cures for swelling, as they can cause harm to the body. In addition, a gradual decrease in swelling is considered normal. If after a long time the swelling does not disappear or becomes stronger, then this indicates the presence of inflammation or other complications, that is, you need to consult a doctor.

Return to mystitis and edema

During operations on the leg, swelling almost always appears, the cause of which is impaired blood circulation. The main way to treat leg swelling should be to restore normal blood circulation.

A well-known means of combating this consequence of the operation is ointment, which eliminates swelling and promotes the resorption of hematomas. One of these remedies is called Lyoton. This ointment helps not only with bruises and contusions, but also with swelling. Bruise-off gel, consisting of medicinal leech extract, has a strong effect. This remedy helps eliminate swelling and stops inflammatory processes. Traumeel S helps with pain - a drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect, often used when swelling appears on the leg.

The first time after surgery, when the leg begins to swell, you can take vitamins and minerals. Sometimes only the foot swells and not the entire leg, but this also makes normal movement difficult. Treatments for foot or knee swelling are similar to those used for the entire leg. In any case, you need to take care of your leg and follow all the instructions of specialists.

One of the unpleasant swellings is swelling of the scrotum, but it can also be considered a normal reaction of the body to intervention. Abdominoplasty often causes such consequences. If a high temperature does not appear with swelling or does not appear, then there is no reason to worry. It is not recommended to take diuretics, as they do not give the desired effect. After some time, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy to speed up the recovery process after surgery.

After operations on the face, which can be therapeutic or aesthetic in nature, swelling of the nose very often occurs. The most common operation is rhinoplasty, which is performed to change the shape of the nasal septum. After surgery, not only swelling, but also hematomas on the skin may occur. You should not try to use medications on your own to eliminate this type of edema. If you experience other symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, you should go to the hospital immediately.

If the operation was more extensive and affected other parts of the face, the swelling may spread. Facial swelling often occurs after dental surgery. Typically, these types of swelling last quite a long time. This often brings severe psychological discomfort, so the doctor may recommend undergoing physical treatment to speed up the removal of swelling. Sometimes the drug Malavit is prescribed, which is used in the form of compresses.

Only an ophthalmologist can usually notice swelling of the cornea of ​​the eye. It is quite common for this part of the eye to swell after surgery. In most cases, this disease goes away without any unpleasant consequences. To reduce the risk of complications, you should be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist after surgery, then the doctor will notice the occurrence of swelling at a very early stage.

Return to ZmistNarodni Remedies

There are several folk recipes for edema that can be used after consultation with your doctor:

  • It is believed that mountain Arnica, which is included in some medications, helps with edema. It can be taken orally or as a local remedy, making lotions and compresses from the infusion of this herb.
  • A popular remedy for the treatment of edema is aloe, which also helps with inflammation. To relieve swelling and unpleasant pain, you can apply the cut sheet to the affected area.
  • You can use an infusion of knotweed, which is poured with boiling water and kept in a thermos for several hours. The strained solution should be drunk 150 ml several times a day.
  • Decoctions of chamomile and string are quite harmless, they help relieve inflammation, soothe the skin and speed up the recovery process. Compresses from medicinal decoctions are applied to swollen areas for about 15 minutes every day.