How do dentists whiten teeth? How much does teeth whitening cost in dentistry? Features of teeth whitening in modern dentistry. Causes of tooth discoloration

Every day when communicating with people, we involuntarily pay attention to the smile of the interlocutor. Beautiful, straight and white teeth- this is a clear and conspicuous sign of success, prosperity and, of course, caring about your health. Dentists claim that natural white teeth exist, but nature has not blessed everyone with this exceptional “wealth.” Modern dentistry can correct such injustice. In fact, There are many different techniques for whitening teeth.. Surely many have heard such concepts as: scaler, ultrasound, Air-Flow, mouth guard and other names.

Of course, any method is designed to solve a certain range of problems. Each technique also has corresponding contraindications.

The main and most popular procedures among patients are the following:

  1. Chemical whitening using aligners.
  2. Lightening using specialized pastes.
  3. Zoom (photo whitening)

IMPORTANT: It should be understood that all of the above methods can be safely carried out only in a completely healthy oral cavity. If the patient has caries, any defects, tartar or serious plaque, various gum diseases, erosion and other “unhealthy” manifestations, then whitening will have to be postponed until the present contraindications are eliminated.
For this reason, it is not possible to carry out the procedure without consulting a doctor. Qualified specialists will assess the need for treatment and competently draw up a treatment plan.

The following groups of people are contraindicated:

✖ Taking certain medications.
✖ Persons under 18 years of age.
✖ Pregnant women.
✖ People with cancer.
✖ Patients with diabetes.

Description of bleaching methods.

All currently used whitening techniques can be divided into 2 groups.

The first approach is often called bleaching or professional cleaning. At the same time, all existing dark layers are removed from the tooth enamel, and the teeth acquire a natural “natural” shade. In most cases, this procedure is sufficient to whiten the patient’s teeth. These techniques include: ultrasound and the Air-Flow procedure.

Chemical teeth whitening using aligners

This method is now in high demand among patients. It can be performed both at home and in the dental office.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. The doctor makes impressions of the jaws. This process is absolutely painless.
  2. In 60-90 minutes it is carried out making a mouth guard. A mouthguard is a thin plate that fits perfectly to the surface of each tooth, which is why it is produced individually.
  3. A special gel is placed inside each tray whitening action. One mouthguard is installed on one jaw. If both jaws are to be treated, then there should be two mouth guards. The effective formula of the gel has a productive effect on the tooth surface, perfectly whitening it.
  4. Visual effect The procedure is based on the oxidative effect of hydrogen peroxide, which noticeably brightens the tooth surface. But this process is not instantaneous, but requires long-term use. The prescribed course can be a minimum of 3 days, a maximum of a month.

How does chemical bleaching work?

There are several varieties of this method:

  • office and home,
  • daytime and nighttime.

The duration of office cleaning using mouth guards is 90-120 minutes. In this case, a highly concentrated composition is used. At home, the patient himself installs the aligners and applies the whitening gel. Daytime whitening lasts from 30 minutes. Night time can last up to 6 hours inclusive. Often, in-office whitening is prescribed in combination with daytime whitening for a fruitful effect.

IMPORTANT! Contraindications to this method include the presence of any composite materials, installed fillings, dentures, veneers or pins on the visible part of the teeth.
Such materials interact differently with the active substance in contrast to the surface of the teeth. In this case, it is almost impossible to achieve uniformity. Laser whitening is designed to eliminate this significant drawback. You can use purchased aligners after a couple of years to correct the current shade of your teeth. All you need to do is buy gel.

Photobleaching (ZOOM procedure)

In this method, halogen light is used as the main catalyst. The surface of the tooth is coated with a special substance. In the ongoing reaction, oxygen is released from this composition under the influence of light and begins to interact with the “stains,” removing them.

IMPORTANT! The presence of cracks or chips, hypersensitivity, loose fillings and exposed roots is not a contraindication.

Many patients cite the unnatural nature of whitening as the only drawback of this procedure, arguing that excessive glare does not suit them. But the resulting effect of “porcelain” teeth tends to last quite a long time.

Stages of implementation:

  1. The soft tissues of the oral cavity (lips, gums) are coated with a substance that is optimal in fluidity, eliminating even the minimal chance of the gel getting into the mucous membrane. Therefore, burns are excluded in this case.
  2. The gel is applied to the teeth.
  3. The halogen lamp turns on, and under the influence of the light, oxygen begins to be released. Through the enamel, it enters the dentin, and there, with its participation, the tooth pigment is split into components of a colorless shade. As a rule, fluoride is applied for about 5 minutes. The amount of dentin determines the effectiveness of whitening.

The entire procedure lasts no more than 60 minutes. The effectiveness of ZOOM whitening is estimated to increase whiteness by approximately 8-12 tones.

Now many dentists recommend performing ZOOM whitening and applying amorphous calcium phosphate together. The latter has the property of filling scratches and other irregularities due to rapid crystallization. This produces a structural component of the enamel called “insoluble apatite.”

In addition to the main purpose this procedure reduces sensitivity, reduces the likelihood of caries formation and enamel permeability. And the volume of use of coloring substances affects the duration of preservation of the results. Basically, the result obtained is maintained for 2-3 years.

Whitening with toothpaste

8 tones of lightening for a toothpaste is an impossible task. Without any doubt, it can remove light plaque, pigment formations from coloring drinks and cigarettes, and deposits between teeth. But the limit for bleaching to a natural shade is 1 or 2 tones.

The principle of operation of whitening paste

The basis for removing stains using this method is the abrasive principle, i.e. interaction of solid particles and the dental surface mechanically. The paste may contain aluminum oxide, silicon oxide or dicalcium silicon phosphate. Silicon oxide is one of the most gentle abrasive components with a polishing effect. Abrasives are good at removing accumulations of plaque, tartar and dark stains.

Pastes containing hydrogen peroxide.

Due to the small concentration of one percent hydrogen peroxide, they provide excellent oral hygiene. Its oxidizing properties perfectly “remove” food debris, which has the unpleasant tendency to remain between the teeth and get under the gums, i.e. accumulate in areas difficult to reach with a regular brush.

The effect of teeth whitening in this case cannot be called instantaneous. Long-term cleansing with such pastes can lighten teeth over a period of time.

You can also often see active enzyme additives in toothpastes with a whitening effect. A proteolytic enzyme called papain is a common component that breaks down protein compounds. After all, it is protein formations that make up the overwhelming mass of plaque on teeth. Proteolytic activity at a high level is achieved due to its ability to cleave peptide bonds at amino acid residues in protein molecules. In this case, the removal of microorganisms and dental plaque is observed.

Many people attribute whitening benefits to baking soda. Its presence in the paste allows you to obtain an alkaline environment, which increases the buffer capacity of saliva. In this way, a hypertonic composition is obtained in the oral cavity, which helps to increase the intensity of fluid removal from edematous periodontal tissues. The general swelling of the gums and mucous membranes also decreases.

IMPORTANT! Most dentists are inclined to believe that the constant use of such pastes is not so safe. There are patients who are overly carried away by the desire to have a stunning smile. A more reliable, productive and proven way to lighten teeth is to carry out special procedures. This paste is generally not recommended for small children. As a child grows and develops, his teeth erupt and mineralize.

To achieve the best results in teeth whitening, you need to start with a visit to the dentist and subsequent professional cleaning of the oral cavity. The process of performing this procedure is painless, and the results will pleasantly surprise any patient. The right approach to whitening

To summarize, it is worth noting that:

  • If you first clean the oral cavity and put it in order, the installed fillings will last longer and better.
  • If the patient needs prosthetics or dental restoration, bleaching performed in advance will allow the doctor to ideally choose the appropriate color for crowns and fillings on the outside.
  • If you are planning long-term dental treatment or more complex procedures, then the pleasant whitening process will allow you to evaluate the doctor's qualifications and develop a certain level of trust in this specialist.
  • It is much easier to match the filling material to the natural color of the teeth acquired after professional cleaning.

Discoloration of tooth enamel is a common reason for visiting the dentist. There are many factors that give teeth an unaesthetic color: heavy smoking, drinking drinks and foods containing dyes (coffee, pomegranate juice, etc.). Ideally white teeth are rarely found in nature.

Teeth whitening allows you to restore the whiteness of your tooth enamel and proudly give a dazzling smile. In the network of dental clinics, the procedure is carried out by qualified specialists using advanced techniques and safe materials.

Teeth whitening in dentistry is a procedure for changing the color of enamel using hardware or the use of harmless whitening pastes, gels, and enamels. Whitening can be done at home or in a clinic.

Indications and contraindications for teeth whitening

There are no medical indications for the procedure, but it does not cause harm if performed under medical supervision. If a person is not satisfied with the color of his teeth enamel and there are no contraindications to the whitening procedure, he can contact the clinic.

Contraindications include relative, which can be eliminated, and absolute.

The first group includes:

  • Increased sensitivity to hot and cold. Before bleaching, enamel strengthening therapy is carried out.

    Presence of leaky seals.

Indirect contraindications are poor oral hygiene and smoking, since these habits quickly reduce the results of the procedure to zero.

Absolute contraindications include:

    The period of pregnancy and lactation.

    Oncological diseases of the oral cavity.

    Age up to 16 years, when dental tissues are not yet formed.

    Periodontal disease and other chronic oral diseases.

    Wearing braces (whitening will be uneven).

    Allergic reactions to bleaching compounds.

Home and professional teeth whitening

There are teeth whitening systems for home use. The doctor selects them. Such systems can be used independently. The cost of such whitening is lower than when performing the procedure in a clinic. But at home, you need to wait several weeks for the effect, while in the clinic the result becomes noticeable after the first visit.

One of the options for home whitening is wearing trays. They are made in a dental laboratory using dental impressions, filled with liquid gel containing hydrogen peroxide, and worn overnight. The effect appears after 2-3 weeks. Custom-made trays, unlike standard store-bought ones, provide guaranteed uniform whitening.

In our Several technologies of professional teeth whitening are practiced:

    Air Flow method, which allows you to remove plaque in a short period of time. During the procedure, the teeth are treated with a mixture supplied under pressure, which removes plaque and improves color.

    ZOOM 3. The essence of the method is the use and activation of an oxygen-containing product using a proprietary lamp, under the influence of which teeth lighten by 8-10 tones. During photobleaching, active oxygen oxidizes dark pigments.

Sometimes a combination of whitening technologies is used to achieve results. Only a doctor can say exactly which method is better. The choice is determined by the difference between the initial and desired color of the teeth, and the characteristics of the condition of the oral cavity.

All systems and hardware used in professional whitening are certified and safe. The procedure is painless.

Teeth whitening in Moscow at clinics

Over the course of our work, we have performed hundreds of teeth whitening procedures. Our patients leave the clinic with a snow-white smile and in a great mood. Benefits of treatment:

    Equipping the clinic with advanced equipment.

    Highly qualified teeth whitening specialists.

    Affordable prices in Moscow.

    Free consultations on choosing a whitening method.

A smile is a person's calling card. Everyone wants to make a pleasant impression when meeting someone and catch admiring glances, smile without any complexes about the color of their enamel, be fashionable and beautiful.

But not everyone is given the snow-white color at birth. It would seem that it would be easier to go and whiten; now there are many offers from modern dental clinics.

But do not forget about the health of the body and its capabilities. It is worth delving into the problem and sensibly assessing the benefits and harms of the whitening procedure.

Operating principle

The bleaching process is started by a chemical reaction or mechanical cleaning. For various types of procedures, both specially created chemical compositions and natural reagents are used.

The active substances penetrate the upper or deep layers of enamel and react with coloring pigments. With the help of such reactions, the unpleasant gray or yellow tint goes away.

For some procedures, additional external influence is used, which stimulates a chemical reaction or has a purely mechanical effect on the enamel. Therefore, there are quite a lot of methods for bleaching and lightening (do not confuse these concepts). Dentists consider the action of each of them as applicable to a specific situation.

Whitening differs from lightening in that the work is done not only on the surface, but also in the deep layers of enamel. The color turns out much whiter than with lightening, which, in essence, is the cleansing of teeth from ingrained dirt, food dyes, wine, tea and coffee, smoking mixtures, plaque, and does not affect the properties of the enamel itself.

When choosing a doctor and dental clinic, it is useful to consider all methods of whitening, evaluate their effectiveness, benefits, harms and guarantees as they apply to your lifestyle and your current appearance.


There is a myth about the dangers of laser whitening. Most likely, he was born from a fear of laser beams.

In this technique, the laser beam only provokes a chemical reaction in the gel that coats the teeth.

During the procedure, heating of the bone organs may occur., which in itself is harmful, but the effect is compensated by the short duration of the procedure, the absence of changes in the structure of the enamel or increased sensitivity, as well as the rapid and visible whitening effect.

Another plus is the ability to carry out the procedure multiple times at certain intervals and to even out the color of each individual unit.

Zoom 3

The technique is also called photobleaching, because the process is carried out using the rays of a dental polarizing lamp.

The safety of the procedure is considered imperfect, as it may increase sensitivity, stain the enamel or darken it in some places.

The point here is not in the technique, but in the composition of the enamel, since active oxygen penetrates into microcracks in the enamel and provokes the destruction of the protective layer.

Some patients may also experience pain during the procedure itself, this is again due to a violent reaction in the release of oxygen. In this case, color changes are immediately visible and can be very noticeable.

Amazing White

The difference between this method is the use of a cold light lamp, which makes the procedure painless and protects the dental elements from heating.

The only one depleted enamel is a contraindication to using the method, it may become porous, which reduces the temporary whitening effect and also increases sensitivity.

But this one the method allows you to lighten dark areas of bone organs and avoid a spotty surface after the procedure.


The most gentle whitening method using an oxygen-releasing reaction. According to statistics, it is considered the safest and even brings some benefits, by strengthening the surface with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride.

This method is convenient because it can:

  • carried out both in the clinic and at home;
  • You can not lighten the entire dentition, but only some units (however, there is a chance of not guessing with the shade;
  • suitable for units with high sensitivity;
  • can lighten by 8-10 tones.

Also, with proper cleaning and correction of bad habits, the technique can have a very long-term temporary effect.

There is a possibility of getting a chemical burn to the oral cavity if the gels are used incorrectly or if you have an allergic reaction to the components. And yet, one should not discount a possible increase in sensitivity after undergoing one or more procedures.


The only and main disadvantage of this method is its suitability only for those dental units in which the nerve has already been removed, because the working substance is injected into the organ and whitens not only the enamel, but also the dentin.

The peculiarities of the bleaching reaction are dangerous due to possible destruction of dentin, thinning of the crown, and the formation of cracks and chips in the enamel.

Dentists allow this method to be used only a few times, because repeated repetition risks tooth loss. Besides, he completely useless in the presence of polymer fillings, just like all other methods.

Office techniques

Methods for using various varnishes, whitening strips, pencils or trays are based on hydrogen peroxide. That is, whitening is carried out due to the release of active oxygen, its penetration into the deep layers of enamel and the destruction of dark organic pigments.

When purchasing such materials, it is worth remembering that enamel is an organic substance that is easily destroyed by oxygen.

You should think about whether the quick whitening effect is worth the acquired problems with damaged enamel.

There is always a risk of improper use or excessive concentration of the working substance in the gel.

Home methods

For those who are afraid of dentists, want to save money, or do not have free time, at-home whitening methods look very tempting.

Such methods exist and work, but their usefulness or harmfulness should also be known before use.

Hydrogen peroxide

The fastest, and also the most painful way. Hydrogen peroxide is a drug that is used to cauterize wounds and disinfect them.

That is, they literally “burn” all bacteria, tissue and other organic matter to quickly close the wound.

Everything in the oral cavity is organic, and you can get a chemical burn, damage the enamel, gums and mucous membranes when using peroxide almost instantly.


Soda whitens in the same way as other materials, that is, there is no difference in the process of cleaning the stove from scale and teeth from plaque.

The highest abrasive index of soda and corrosive reactions on the oral mucosa and surface of the teeth provide a cleansing effect.

A rather short-lived effect, because the enamel, damaged by mechanical friction and the corrosive properties of soda, will begin to accumulate dirt, dyes and plaque with a vengeance.


In case of increased sensitivity, the presence of wedge-shaped defects, erosions, cervical defects, you should immediately exclude lemon from possible whitening methods.

Citric acid, which is a regent in this method, will quickly reach thin layers of enamel and cause pain and discomfort.

Tea tree oil

This method has many positive aspects for treating gums, disinfecting the oral cavity, freshening breath, preventing caries and removing stones.

But oil tends to thin the enamel, so the whitening course should under no circumstances be delayed longer than two weeks. Moreover, the presence of allergies, pregnancy or lactation, and age under 16 years are categorical contraindications to the use of this drug.

Special pastes

Whitening with special pastes comes down to using their abrasive properties. This is not at all suitable for sensitive teeth; constant use of such a paste will only worsen the problem of sensitivity and will quickly lead to the dentist's chair.

When deciding to use such a paste, you should pay attention to its abrasiveness index and remember that whitening pastes and brushes are not intended for daily use.

Home whitening without visiting a clinic can be an advantage, but you will have to use it carefully and carefully monitor your well-being.

Brushes and rinses

Special brushes provide a whitening effect due to a special coating and multi-directional bristles, as well as the stiffness of the bristles. In fact, everything depends solely on proper cleaning, so you shouldn’t expect a quick effect from using them.

Mouth rinses use surfactants or the same chemical reactions to cleanse the mouth.

The concentration of working preparations is very low for the safety of use and free sale of such products, so one cannot expect maximum or at least rapid lightening from them.

But mineralizing components will add strength to the enamel and help reduce the abrasive effect of using other cleaners.

Categorical prohibitions

Like any cosmetic or medical procedure, whitening has its contraindications.

  • in any trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • intolerance to hydrogen peroxide and other components from whitening gels;
  • strong sensitivity;
  • caries and wedge-shaped lesions;
  • worn tooth surfaces;
  • baby teeth;
  • diseases of the joint that helps keep the mouth open (you cannot close your mouth during the procedure, and it can be quite long);
  • hemophilia and diabetes mellitus (possibility of mechanical damage to the gums or chemical burn);
  • wearing braces (the procedure simply does not make sense);
  • children up to 16 years of age.

There are also indications for refusing the whitening procedure that are not critical:

  • age up to 20 years;
  • carrying out procedures several times in a row over a short period of time;
  • the presence of a large number of fillings, crowns and other artificial materials in the dentition (they will not whiten, and the procedure will simply be pointless with a large difference in color);
  • periodontal diseases, whitening can be carried out only after complete recovery.

Some features

  1. Yellow enamel is much easier to bleach than gray if the color is acquired during life and not given at birth.
  2. Plaques and stains from coffee, tobacco, wine or coloring products are easier to remove than age spots.
  3. It is impossible to remove chemical burns on enamel; you will have to file it down and put a filling.
  4. Fillings, crowns and other artificial elements cannot be bleached.
  5. Sometimes enamel cannot be bleached at all due to its natural properties.
  6. For some time after whitening, you will have to follow a diet and avoid getting dyes into your mouth, which can spoil the result.

Every medical, dental or cosmetic procedure has its own limitations or contraindications, as well as recommendations.

When deciding on whitening, choosing which method or in which clinic, considering and weighing its harm or benefit for your own teeth, It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body and its capabilities.

It is imperative to consult about all the nuances and available options before signing up for the procedure itself, during the decision-making process.

The video presents a dentist's opinion about the dangers of professional teeth whitening.

A snow-white smile always attracts the attention of others and is a person’s calling card. However, a very small percentage of people have naturally white teeth. That is why many are looking for a way to whiten tooth enamel. Modern dentistry uses a large number of methods for cleaning teeth. There are types of both home and professional in-office dental whitening. Choosing the right procedure for yourself is quite difficult. In this article we will describe the main methods of whitening tooth enamel and contraindications to them.

Types of teeth whitening

Today there are many dental techniques, each of which differs in the following parameters:

  • composition and reagents used;
  • frequency and number of procedures;
  • whitening speed;
  • degree of patient involvement.

Modern preparations are offered for the procedures, the manufacturers of which promise safe and high-quality whitening with their help. Professional lightening is performed using modern equipment and is in great demand.

Methods of in-office dental whitening

With the help of professional cleaning of tooth enamel, you can achieve excellent results and long lasting effects. At the same time, during the procedures, tooth enamel is spared.

All dental in-office whitening is divided into several methods:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • laser;
  • ultrasonic;
  • photobleaching.

Mechanical bleaching

The basis of dental mechanical cleaning is professional oral hygiene. With this procedure you can get a very pronounced visual effect, although dentists do not consider it whitening.

During the mechanical procedure, dental deposits in the form of plaque and stones are removed. As a result, the patient returns to the natural color of the tooth enamel. And if he has naturally white enamel, then a Hollywood smile is guaranteed.

Many people who drink coffee, red wine, cola and smoke have long forgotten what their natural enamel looks like. In these cases resort to chemicals, hydrogen peroxide, various pencils and strips are impractical. The first thing you need to do in the dental office is oral hygiene.

During mechanical cleansing, the impact occurs on deposits that are on the surface of the teeth. That is why this procedure is completely safe for enamel.

But there are cases when, after dental removal of plaque and stones, the cervical area of ​​the teeth becomes open. As a result, teeth begin to react to hot and cold. Previously, dental stones saved them from all these irritants. In this case, you need to contact a periodontist who will fluoridate the sensitive enamel and prescribe treatment.

Among mechanical lightening methods, the most common is dental ultrasonic teeth cleaning.

Ultrasonic whitening procedure

With the help of ultrasonic devices, both supragingival and subgingival stones are easily removed. Ultrasound can even clean the tooth enamel of a smoker, something neither professional brushes nor special toothpastes can handle.

How does ultrasound work?

At the end of a special tip, due to ultrasonic vibrations, plaque and stones are destroyed. Separating from the enamel, they do not injure the tissue. At the same time, water gets onto the teeth through the tip, which is necessary for the effectiveness and safety of the procedure. Water prevents them from overheating and, due to the movements of the tip, creates vortex flows. With their help, the detachment of plaque and stones improves.

Air-Flow technology

The method of restoring tooth enamel is carried out using the Air-Flow device, inside which there are water-air channels and sodium bicarbonate, used as an abrasive. During the procedure, a stream of water, air and baking soda is applied to the surface of the tooth enamel under high pressure, which are mixed closer to the end of the device. The working part of the device is installed in a special connector, and water mixed with soda is released under high pressure, cleaning the enamel surface from any, even the hardest, deposits in seconds.

The released jet easily penetrates into the most inaccessible places. With its help, you can clean the area above the gum and under various artificial structures, the spaces between the teeth. Literally in 30–40 minutes the enamel will acquire its natural natural color.

Air-Flow technology has one big drawback - it does not remove tartar from teeth. In addition, prolonged exposure to the jet on one area can lead to increased sensitivity after the procedure.

Chemical bleaching

The procedure for restoring the whiteness of enamel using chemicals involves the use of special gels, which contain highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Gels can be used independently or as an adjunct to photobleaching and laser cleansing.

Due to the high concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the dental chemical procedure has a good whitening effect. In one visit you can achieve pronounced whiteness of tooth enamel. You can bleach it 5–7 tones at once.

The disadvantage of chemical lightening is the damage it causes to the enamel. It is restored by fluoridation and remineralization of teeth.

The use of chemicals requires consultation with a dentist and preliminary preparation. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the presence of various artificial restorations.


This whitening method involves the use of a special lamp, which serves as a catalyst, and gels with active ingredients. Under the influence of the lamp, oxygen is released from the gel, which breaks down the pigments in the enamel. As a result, the teeth become lighter.

Stages of the procedure:

Photo whitening copes well with yellow teeth, and Gray plaque almost does not remove. In some cases, increased tooth sensitivity is observed after the procedure. In this case, the dentist prescribes the use of remineralizing pastes.

Home teeth whitening

At home, you can use both mechanical and chemical means of lightening tooth enamel.

To dental home whitening methods include:

Contraindications to dental whitening

No matter how much you would like to, whitening tooth enamel using dental procedures is not possible for everyone. Teeth whitening contraindicated in the following cases:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • allergic reactions;
  • gum disease;
  • exposure of tooth roots;
  • caries;
  • rapid wear of the dentition;
  • wearing braces;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 14 years of age.

The obvious advantage of whitening is obtaining quick aesthetic results as a snow-white smile. The disadvantages of the procedure include the possibility of increased tooth sensitivity and thinning of the enamel. In addition, to maintain white teeth after dental whitening, it is not recommended to smoke, drink coffee, tea and red wine, or consume coloring products. Not every patient will decide on such restrictions. Therefore, those who want to have white teeth should first weigh the pros and cons, and only then choose the best dental teeth whitening for themselves.

Anyone who has ever thought about a snow-white smile has had to find out how much teeth whitening costs in dentistry. The cost of the service has a flexible price range, the formation of which takes into account many factors.

Types of teeth whitening

Aesthetic dentistry can offer its clients several. Each of them has its own characteristics, differing in the following parameters:

  • whitening speed;
  • number and frequency of procedures;
  • the degree of involvement of the client himself;
  • reagents and compositions used.

Those wishing to become the owner of a radiant smile are advised to first conduct a monitoring of establishments providing such services, which will help to identify the average prices of a dental clinic. Teeth whitening is carried out using modern equipment, so you should be wary of not only the high, but also the low cost of the service. A suspiciously low cost may indicate a violation of sanitary standards or failure to fulfill all the conditions necessary for high-quality and safe bleaching.

In-office bleaching: features of implementation

It is now most popular in dentistry. Prices, reviews and methods may vary significantly depending on the specific establishment. In general, the principle remains the same - the invariable condition for giving the teeth the required shade is the use of peroxides. The latter, when interacting with tissues, release oxygen, which, in turn, penetrates deeply into the tooth structure, brightening dark areas.

The following features of teeth whitening in modern dentistry can be distinguished:

Flexible approach (the ability to combine office and home whitening).

Stages of the procedure

It is important to know not only how much teeth whitening in dentistry costs, but also how this procedure is carried out. Each establishment has its own secrets - some are especially proud of their own gel composition, others - of the latest improved equipment.

On average, the following stages of the procedure can be distinguished:

Before starting the procedures, it is important to find out the degree of sensitivity of the oral cavity. The absence or presence of anesthesia directly affects how much teeth whitening costs.

Possible contraindications

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth and enamel;
  • a large number of cracks;
  • increased abrasion and/or the presence of wedge-shaped defects;
  • the presence of unfilled areas with caries.

How much teeth whitening costs in dentistry is also affected by the number and size of fillings, which is especially important when lightening the front pairs. Not all filling materials can be bleached, so in some cases bleaching entails the need for subsequent restoration.

Selecting the type of procedures

Most clinics are not limited to just hardware teeth whitening, providing their clients with a wide range of services in this industry. There are cases in which hardware lightening alone does not have the desired effect, for example, with uneven pigmentation of the anterior pairs. In such situations, teeth whitening at the dentist and at home can be successfully combined, and sometimes only home-based procedures are prescribed.

Teeth whitening at home

Having learned how much teeth whitening costs in dentistry, clients often look for alternative methods. Often, after consultation, experts themselves recommend lightening at home.

Features of the procedures:

  • For whitening, special trays are used (they are developed individually or standard ones are used, which adapt to any shape of teeth);
  • there is no need to disrupt the usual rhythm of life (mouth guards can only be worn during sleep or at any other convenient time);
  • home whitening helps in the most difficult cases (when you need to lighten one or more teeth);
  • Lightening of pigments does not cause discomfort (special gels are used to reduce sensitivity).

The result does not appear immediately, but the wait is worth it. In addition to the relatively low cost of the procedures, they do not involve long periods of sitting in a chair without the ability to change position.


There are a number of precautions, failure to comply with which can make teeth whitening in dentistry ineffective. Customer reviews help create a list of products that you should avoid eating:

  • coloring fruits and vegetables (beets, cranberries, most berries);
  • drinks containing dyes (mostly carbonated);
  • coffee and tea;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • cigarettes and alcohol.

Such restrictions are imposed only for a couple of days. After this, any of the products listed above will not prevent you from surprising your friends with a snow-white smile.

After reading reviews from clients of dental clinics, you can create a short summary for each type of procedure. In-office whitening can take significantly longer than advertised. At the same time, many note an increase in tooth sensitivity, especially noticeable when drinking hot foods. According to most patients, home treatment, although it does not give immediate results, can be called more comfortable and gentle.

Calculation of cost of services

To find out how much dental teeth whitening costs, you need to consider what factors influence pricing. Criteria influencing the cost of the service:

  • Region. If for the capital the average price for whitening ranges from 15-25 thousand rubles, then for the provinces the range is slightly lower - 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Location and popularity of the clinic. Promoted establishments located in the city center usually differ in their price list. More distant clinics, as a rule, provide the same service, but do not add a 10-30% markup.
  • Methodology. Office and home whitening differ significantly not only in the method of execution and duration, but also in their final cost. It is impossible to say for sure which of the procedures will cost less, because individual production of mouth guards can cost a pretty penny.
  • Compositions used. The substances that are applied to the tooth can vary significantly from one institution to another.
  • Anesthesia. The cost of pain medications can increase the price of whitening, especially if you visit the clinic over multiple appointments.
  • Condition of the oral cavity. A large number of fillings also affects the final cost of the service. The fact is that in the end the fillings will have to be redone so that they do not differ in shade from the rest of the teeth.

Average prices for each type of procedure

There is a simple calculation you can do for those who want to know how much it costs to bleach. Teeth review prices will be slightly different for each individual region, but on average the cost of procedures is approximately as follows:

As you can see, the cost range is quite large, so it is worth choosing exactly the type of procedure that will give the maximum effect at an acceptable cost.

Common myths about whitening

On various forums you can find various misconceptions about this procedure. For example, that the effect lasts no more than six months or that lightening can damage the structure of the teeth. As a rule, such posts are not very realistic, and the very first consultation with a specialist will help get rid of many prejudices.

Teeth Whitening: Conclusions

It is impossible to say for sure whether it is worth whitening your teeth. It is also difficult to name a specific price for this service. Not only the result, but also the choice of a possible technique largely depends on the initial condition of the teeth. Shade, the presence of damaged or filled areas can significantly limit the choice of procedures.

We can give only one recommendation - before you finally decide on the type of whitening, you need to consult with a specialist. Masters of aesthetic cosmetology will be able to choose the optimal whitening option on an individual basis. It is this kind of lightening that will show the highest results.

It is also worth starting from the timing of the procedures. Some people find it easier to sit in a chair for several hours, but then forget about all sorts of inconveniences for a long time. Others find it easier to wear mouthguards while sleeping without sacrificing their personal time. After learning how much it costs to whiten teeth at the dentist and at home, some people find it easier to choose a more economical option.

A snow-white smile is a completely doable task; you just need to choose the optimal solution to avoid all possible inconveniences.