How to replace Actovegin ointment. Actovegin analogue in tablets - a list of products similar in composition and mechanism of action. The main ones

During pregnancy, I injected for premature aging of the placenta, it helped well, but the baby, when he could not hold his head at three months, did not walk, they injected Cortexin - a nootropic more suitable for children.

It hurts to put it on, there is a side effect in the form of dizziness. Domestic Cortexin is more suitable for me, it is less painful and eliminates asthenic conditions and dizziness well.

very good drug I injected for severe dizziness even intramuscularly - it really helped - it was advisable to inject 10 injections - after 3 injections I was able to get up - although Malysheva said that it did not help - it helped me - I advise


Recently, I turned to a neurologist with my problem. And my problem is this: frequent dizziness, sometimes I lose consciousness for literally a few seconds and immediately come to my senses, I don’t sleep well at night, and there’s also some strange noise in my ears. In a word, a whole a bunch of unpleasant sensations. I underwent a full examination and it turned out that I had cerebral circulatory failure. I passed... Recently, I turned to a neurologist with my problem. And my problem is this: frequent dizziness, sometimes I lose consciousness for literally a few seconds and immediately come to my senses, I don’t sleep well at night, and there’s also some strange noise in my ears. In a word, a whole a bunch of unpleasant sensations. I underwent a full examination and it turned out that I had cerebral circulation insufficiency. I underwent comprehensive treatment, including taking Actovegin tablets. I'm much better now.

Hello. I was prescribed the drug Actovigin after suffering a head injury. They gave it intravenously, 2 ml. After the second time I had an allergic reaction. To be honest, I was scared because the symptoms included difficulty breathing, my hands and nails turned blue, and they became cold. After taking the anti-allergy drug Loratadine, my heart rate increased. It's time to take Validol. This... Hello. I was prescribed the drug Actovigin after suffering a head injury. They gave it intravenously, 2 ml. After the second time I had an allergic reaction. To be honest, I was scared because the symptoms included difficulty breathing, my hands and nails turned blue, and they became cold. After taking the anti-allergy drug Loratadine, my heart rate increased. It's time to take Validol. This is all that was at hand.
The doctor explained that he might be allergic to drugs that consist of animal blood extract. Perhaps this is an individual reaction of the body, because Cerebralysin was previously administered and there was the same reaction. Both drugs are made from animal blood extract.

My legs were very swollen and the skin on them was peeling and itching. I injected Actovegin and drank phlebodia, and also smeared Actovegin gel on my legs, which helped.

In general, my mother began to feel better after Actovegin, but the CVI that was treated with it did not go away: her legs remained heavy and she was bothered by cramps at night. We went on Phlebodia 600 - a French drug, just one tablet a day, and it became much better. I probably should have taken it right away... In general, my mother began to feel better after Actovegin, but the CVI that was treated with it did not go away: her legs remained heavy and the cramps bothered her at night. We went on Phlebodia 600 - a French drug, just one tablet a day, and it became much better. Probably, I should have taken it right away with Actovegin.

  • February 2, 2015

    I took Actovegin in tablets, although they say that tablets are not as digestible. It supposedly works better with injections, and again, if you inject, you need to be very careful, not quickly. But I recently read an article about this Actovegin that this drug has not undergone a full study. Actovegin allegedly contains a hemoderivative from the blood... I took Actovegin in tablets, although they say that tablets are not as digestible. It supposedly works better with injections and, again, if you inject, you need to be very careful, not quickly.
    But I recently read an article about this Actovegin that this drug has not undergone a full study. Actovegin supposedly contains a hemoderivative from the blood of calves, in short, a product of animal origin. So, drugs with this composition are prohibited in Europe. Such drugs are not sold anywhere, only here, as usual, all the nonsense comes to us. And the funny thing is that this article says that Actovegin is sold only in the CIS countries, Korea and China. In general, we draw our own conclusions.

  • Effective and affordable substitutes for tablets, Actovegin ampoules

    Actovegin is an effective pharmaceutical product that carries out an effective metabolic process and regeneration at the cellular level. The drug is quite in demand among patients, but for some categories of people it is not suitable due to its relatively high cost. Let's consider which domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies can offer affordable analogues at a more reasonable price.

    Characteristics of action

    The medication is able to activate metabolism in tissues, stimulating regeneration processes. In addition, the medicine increases oxygen consumption, helps increase tissue resistance to its low content, the process of energy metabolism and glucose consumption. The circulation and utilization of glucose improves along with increased oxygen consumption. This is exactly how Actovegin works for ailments that interfere with normal blood circulation. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the biochemical characteristics of granulation. During the action, the concentration of substances such as hydroxyproline, hemoglobin, and DNA macromolecules increases.

    The effective effect of the drug is achieved no later than 30 minutes after use. Maximum effect – after 3 hours.

    What does the drug help with?

    Indications for use:

    • Vascular and metabolic disorders of the brain - head injury, poor blood saturation, dementia;
    • Various peripheral vascular problems (arterial and venous) and prevention of their consequences (trophic ulcers and destruction of the vascular wall);
    • Diabetic polyneuropathy.

    Who does the ban on use apply to?


    Actovegin should not be used in treatment for those who cannot tolerate its constituent substances. It is not recommended for the treatment of patients with severe heart disease, pulmonary edema, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted by the renal system or its complete absence in the bladder, leading to the cessation of discharge from the urination channel. Women in pregnancy and during breastfeeding should also be careful.

    Harmful events during therapy

    In most therapeutic cases, the medicine was tolerated well. Clinical studies have shown that allergies in the form of rashes on the patient’s skin, a feeling of heat, and increased sweating are rare. Anaphylactic shock can be a severe but extremely rare phenomenon.

    How much does Actovegin cost: price at the pharmacy

    To purchase a reviewed medical product, you must obtain a prescription from a doctor. In pharmacies, the cost of Actovegin ampoules and tablets can reach 1,466 rubles (information source -, Moscow). Price may vary depending on region.

    List of inexpensive Russian and imported synonyms

    Analogs are cheaper than the drug Actovegin price in rub. price in rub.
    Moscow St. Petersburg Moscow St. Petersburg
    Solcoseryl (solution)923 944 798 777
    Cortexin (bottles)781 804 768 746
    Curantil (tablets)584 597 550 535
    Noben (capsules)532 548 507 493
    Dipyridamole (tablets)366 399 434 410
    Divaza (tablets)333 347 318 289
    (tab.)271 265 270 247
    Omaron (tab.)129 163 128 124

    Solcoseryl – (Switzerland)

    An imported generic in the form of an injection solution effectively copes with venous and arterial insufficiency, which is accompanied by various trophic disorders, as well as failures of stable blood saturation of the brain.

    It is prohibited for use only by those who do not assimilate the composition of Solcoseryl.

    As a side effect, the patient may suffer a mild form of allergy - rash, swelling where the solution was injected.

    Cortexin – (effective replacement of Russian production)

    It is prescribed to overcome problems with blood saturation of the brain, treatment of acute and chronic encephalitis, VSD, epileptic seizures, head injury, neuroinfections of viral and bacterial origin, asthenia, problems with memory, and thought processes. Used for the treatment of children with cerebral palsy and unstable psychomotor and speech development.

    The course of treatment does not cause severe side effects.

    Kurantil – (Germany)

    Do not take if you have a heart attack, hypotension, problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, hemorrhagic diathesis and a tendency to develop internal bleeding.

    Parallel negative manifestations may include increased heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, and skin rash.

    Noben – (domestic generic)

    Able to overcome any manifestations of psychoorganic syndrome provoked by disturbances in cerebral blood flow and changes in the brain due to old age. Noben is also competent to solve ailments associated with neurasthenia, injuries, which subsequently manifest themselves in the form of emotional disruptions, decreased intellectual ability, headaches, ringing in the ears and dizziness.

    Do not use if there is excessive sensitivity to the composition of the product or kidney pathologies. For women in the position and period of breastfeeding, Noben is recommended only after qualified medical consultation.

    As therapy progresses, in extremely rare situations, problems with falling asleep, increased emotional and mental excitability, headaches and allergies are possible.

    Dipyridamole – (a worthy analogue produced in the Russian Federation)

    The competence of this pharmacological agent is therapy and measures to prevent the development of problems with cerebral circulation. Dipyridamole also prevents the occurrence and development of diseases such as arterial and venous thrombosis with further complications. It is used during the rehabilitation stage after installation of a prosthetic heart valve. Women preparing to become mothers with difficult pregnancy may also benefit from taking this medication to prevent placental insufficiency.

    It is distinguished by the presence of a wide list of prohibitions for use. Cannot be used in cases of exacerbation of heart disease, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis of the arteries, high or low blood pressure, a tendency to bleeding due to concomitant diseases, liver or kidney pathologies. In addition, it is not recommended during breastfeeding and for children under twelve years of age.

    A large number of undesirable manifestations during the therapeutic process. First of all, the heart and central nervous system are at risk. There may be problems with the system responsible for the digestive processes - gag reflexes, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea. However, such manifestations are only possible during a long course of treatment.

    Divaza – (Russia)

    A high-quality medicine aimed at comprehensive treatment and ensuring the recovery process of brain activity against the background of disorders of the central nervous system of an organic nature, including ischemic and neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic brain injuries.

    Use is not permitted in case of a negative reaction of the patient’s body to the components of the pharmaceutical product and by minors.

    Divaza does not have many associated harmful effects. As a rule, the patient may experience only hypersensitivity reactions.

    Mexidol – (well-known Russian substitute)

    It fights well against the consequences of acute cerebral circulatory disorders, mild traumatic brain injury, encephalopathy of any origin, VSD. In addition, Mexidol overcomes feelings of excessive anxiety and neurotic conditions that arise due to stress. Can be prescribed to relieve withdrawal symptoms (when drinking alcohol).

    This medicine is not prescribed for complex kidney or liver diseases, children, women preparing for childbirth and breastfeeding.

    At the same time, in rare cases, the treatment process can lead to a deterioration in the general condition in the form of nausea, a feeling of dryness in the mouth, as well as allergic reactions.

    Omaron – (the cheapest analogue of domestic production)

    Despite its cost, it has similar indications to the substitutes discussed above. Omaron is able to collectively treat a lack of blood saturation in the brain, the period of encephalopathy after intoxication or injury. In addition, it is indicated in the presence of vestibular disorders (including motion sickness) and depressive states. Prophylactic use is allowed to prevent migraines.

    Not intended for the treatment of patients with unstable functioning of the hepatic or renal system, hemorrhagic stroke. It is also contraindicated for children under 5 years of age, women expecting a child and those in the lactation period.

    Harmful parallel reactions may occur. The nervous system may be affected - there is a feeling of excessive tension, irritability, depression, headaches, and a desire to sleep. In addition, blood pressure may decrease or increase, problems with digestive processes may begin - a craving for vomiting, frequent bowel movements with weak stools. The skin may become covered with a rash, which will mean poor tolerance to the composition of the medication.

    Conclusion on low-cost generics

    The product from an Austrian manufacturer has a significantly different price tag, in contrast to analogues available on the pharmaceutical market. Substitutes are produced by imported and domestic factories and have a lower price. However, almost each of the generics has its own peculiarity.

    Actovegin is a popular medication with a wide range of uses. The high price of the drug makes it inaccessible to many categories of citizens. There are cheaper analogues of this medicine.

    The only drug that can rightfully be called an analogue of Actovegin is Solcoseryl. This analogue is produced in the form of ointments, creams and solutions for injections. The price of the drug is from 200 rubles. Some manufacturers set a high price for Solcoseryl.

    In addition, there are drugs that have similar pharmacological effects.

    Tablet forms. Curantil and Dipyridamole improve blood circulation and can act as an analogue in the treatment of peripheral vascular diseases, the price of tablets is up to 700 rubles. Vero-Trimetazidine tablets are effective in the treatment of cerebral ischemia, the price is only 50-90 rubles.

    Products for external use. Algofin is a wound-healing ointment priced from 60 rubles per tube.

    Injectable drugs. Cerebrolysin is a nootropic drug and is used as an analogue of Actovegin for pathologies of the central nervous system (price 900-1100 rubles). Cortexin improves brain metabolism, costs from 700 rubles.

    The cheapest analogues are Memoria, Memorin, Omaron, Asaphen, Nootropil - their price is lower than Actovegin. However, their pharmacological action is aimed only at improving memory.

    It should be emphasized that the composition of Actovegin analogues differs from the original drug. There are a number of restrictions on their use, and side effects occur more often.

    Main characteristics of Actovegin

    The drug belongs to the group of antihypoxants. The active ingredient in the composition, hemoderivat, is obtained from components of the blood of calves. The drug helps activate metabolism and stimulates regeneration processes. At the level of cellular structures, an acceleration of ATP synthesis is observed.

    Auxiliary components depend on the form of release of the drug. The drug may include:

    • cellulose;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • talc;
    • water for injections;
    • sodium chloride

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    Some injectable forms contain dextrose; for patients with diabetes, such treatment has a detrimental effect on carbohydrate metabolism. In this case, injections are given only using water-based solutions.

    Actovegin promotes the absorption of oxygen, reducing the symptoms of ischemia. The effect develops within 30 minutes after injection and lasts up to 6 hours. When using ointments, the pharmacological effect reaches a maximum of 20 minutes after application.

    Release form

    Actovegin is produced in various release forms. This allows us to select the most optimal treatment option for patients. Today they produce:

    • pills;
    • dragee;
    • gel;
    • cream;
    • ointment;
    • eye gel;
    • solution for injection in ampoules.

    All dosage forms are produced in different dosages. The concentration of the active substance in injection ampoules may vary. The volume of ointment varies from 20 to 100 mg. The price for Actovegin ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles.

    Indications and contraindications for use

    It is advisable to use Actovegin in cases where oxygen supply to tissues is impaired. Indications for use of the product are the following diseases:

    1. Brain diseases. Prescribed for the treatment of ischemic stroke, consequences of traumatic brain injury, dementia.
    2. Various injuries to the skin and mucous membranes. Ulcers, burns of any etiology, bedsores can be easily cured.
    3. Pathology of peripheral blood supply. Actovegin is included in the basic treatment program for patients with angiopathy.
    4. Consequences of radiation therapy.

    Injectable forms of the drug are used to treat patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. During treatment, paresthesia, pain and burning sensation disappear in patients with diabetes.

    Actovegin also has a number of contraindications:

    • heart failure;
    • pulmonary edema;
    • decrease in the amount of urine or cessation of urinary function of the kidneys;
    • overhydration;
    • allergy to the active substance.

    Patients with type I diabetes mellitus should use the drug with caution. The course of treatment is carried out under the control of biochemical blood parameters: increased concentrations of sodium and chlorine are a contraindication for use.

    Important! The exact dosage and form of use of the drug for various disorders is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

    Tiger's mom, 42 years old.

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    I have been suffering from vascular disorders for a long time, and at the last examination I was also diagnosed with encephalopathy. The doctor immediately prescribed a course of Actovegin injections. The drug really helped, the diagnosis of encephalopathy was removed.

    Katya, 32 years old.

    Actovegin had to be used as an ointment due to severe burns that did not heal for a long time. The wounds began to heal after two uses and finally disappeared after the full course prescribed by the doctor. I began to use the ointment for other injuries.

    Igor, 67 years old.

    I was prescribed injections with Actovegin after a stroke, but the drug turned out to be beyond my means. I bought Cerebrolysin and recovered quickly.

    (13 ratings, average: 3.85 out of 5)

    Cheap analogues and substitutes for the drug Actovegin with prices: in tablets and injections

    Actovegin is a drug that significantly improves the number of metabolic processes in the body and has the ability to restore and regenerate new cells. The active ingredient is a specially isolated extract of demireate from the blood of young calves, completely free of protein.

    The form of release of the drug is quite varied: in ampoules, in the form of a gel, ointment, cream, solution for injection and even in tablets. The average price in Russia is 1200–1600 rubles, depending on the form of release and the quantity of the medicine.

    The main property of Actovegin is its rapid ability to restore blood circulation. The main indications for use are: the presence of stroke, diabetes, various types of arthritis, lupus and diseases caused by vascular disorders.

    The pricing policy of Actovegin is not small, so you should consider in more detail the cheap analogues of the drug in Russia. You can also find a drug substitute produced in countries such as Ukraine and Belarus.

    Russian-made analogues

    Name of the drug Price in rubles Characteristic
    Cortexin 800–1200 The active substance is a water-soluble compound of the polypeptide type. Due to its ultra-high permeability, it quickly enters the cells and significantly restores the functional characteristics of the brain. It is an effective analogue of Actovegin. It has contraindications in case of individual intolerance to cortexin; it is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.
    Vero – trimetazidine 90–120 It has a high antihypoxic effect and is not inferior to Actovegin in many characteristics. Widely applicable for ischemic strokes, cardiac hypoxia. Contraindicated in allergic reactions to the active substance, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
    Noben 500–600 The active substance idebenone has the ability to increase oxygen volumes, improve blood circulation, and restore brain function. Prescribed for various types of neurasthenia, memory impairment, and attention. Use is not recommended in case of intolerance to idebenone or renal failure.
    Divaza 250–400 Performs a protective function of neurons, thereby favorably influencing the restoration of brain cells. The active ingredients of the drug are antibodies of a specific brain protein. In case of an overdose, allergic side effects are possible. Use by pregnant women and children under 18 years of age is contraindicated.
    Mexidol 250–500 A relatively inexpensive domestic analogue of Actovegin. The main substance - Mexidol - has an antioxidant effect, suppresses the development of hypoxia. It can be used in injections when administering an injection solution, dosed tablets. Contraindicated in cases of high sensitivity to the components of the drug, acute renal failure, pregnancy, lactation.
    Omaron 100–300 It has the ability to quickly dilate blood vessels, with a neotropical effect. Active ingredients are piracetam, cinnarizine. Release form: tablets. Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age, pregnant women, and during lactation.

    Ukrainian substitutes

    There are many analogues of Actovegin produced in Ukraine.

    The main ones:

    1. Bioglobin - U. Stimulates the body's metabolic processes, the main substance is bioglobin. It is used by injection to treat various forms of arthritis. It is partly an analogue of Actovegin, but before use it requires the recommendation of the attending physician. Contraindicated for acute heart disease, late-stage cancer, pregnancy, and lactation. The average price is 300–500 rubles.
    2. Ginkgoba. A dietary supplement that helps improve brain function. The main substance is extract of the ginkgo biloba plant. Significantly improves memory, concentration, mental work. Has contraindications for high sensitivity. The average price is 120–220 rubles.
    3. Cerebrovital. Also used as a dietary supplement to renew brain cells and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The active ingredient is based on gotu kola and lecithin extract. If the drug is particularly sensitive, use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. Medicine release form: tablets. The average price is 100–200 rubles.
    4. Memorin. Release form: oral solution. Provides oxygen supply to the brain, improves metabolic processes. It is a relative analogue of Actovegin and is prescribed for circulatory disorders. The average price is 100–180 rubles.
    5. Neuromin is brain energy. A dietary supplement containing a combination of natural ingredients aimed at restoring and preventing the development of brain hypoxia. It has contraindications in case of high sensitivity to the components of the drug; it is not recommended for children under 6 years of age during pregnancy or lactation. The average price is 100–200 rubles.

    Belarusian generics

    Name of the drug Price in rubles Characteristic
    Neurotropin 1000–1400 Active ingredient Mexidol. Restores oxygen supply to cells, improves blood circulation. It is a high-quality analogue of Actovegin. Prescribed for various hypoxias, encephalopathy, complex purulent processes (peritonitis). Not recommended during pregnancy, lactation, severe disorders of the kidneys and liver.
    Pyracesin 150–300 Active ingredients: piracetam, cinnarizine. It has an antihypoxic, vasodilating effect. An inexpensive analogue of Actovegin. Used not only for disorders of the brain, but also as a development stimulant for children with retarded abilities. Contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, renal failure, hypersensitivity to components. Not recommended for professional athletes.
    Piracetam 50–100 Available prototype of Actovegin. The active ingredient piracetam has a positive effect on brain function and causes virtually no side effects. Not recommended for diabetes, children under 1 year of age, pregnancy, lactation, acute renal or liver failure.

    Other foreign analogues

    A wide range of analogues of foreign production allows you to choose the highest quality and inexpensive synonyms of Actovegin.

    1. Solcoseryl. The advantage of this drug is its almost complete identity with Actovegin. The active substance is also a dialysate purified from protein, obtained from the blood of young calves. It is produced in the form of a gel and solution for injection. Used to treat diseases caused by a lack of oxygen in cells and during the healing of wounds and burns. It is not advisable to take the medicine during pregnancy and lactation. The average price is 250–800 rubles.
    2. Curantil 25. Contains the main substance dipyridamole. Prescribed for the treatment of various types of thrombosis, applicable for recovery after myocardial infarction. Suitable as an analogue of Actovegin. Release form: injections, tablets, dragees. Strictly contraindicated in acute cases of heart disease, arterial hypotension, stomach ulcers, liver and kidney dysfunction, high sensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and lactation. The average price is 600–900 rubles.
    3. Nootropil. The main active ingredient is piracetam. A high-quality synonym for Actovegin. Available in the form of injections for injections, tablets, syrup for children. Effectively restores and improves brain function. Used to treat various pathologies of the nervous system. Main contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, liver failure, bleeding, special sensitivity to piracetam. The average price is 250–350 rubles.
    4. Tanakan. Herbal preparation based on ginkgo leaf extract. A fairly effective analogue that improves blood circulation in the brain. Suitable for various neuroses, encephalopathy, Alzheimer's disease. Not recommended for children under 18 years of age, for acute diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, during pregnancy and lactation. The average price is 500–650 rubles.
    5. Anantavati. Regulates the activity of the brain using herbal medicines. Available in tablet form. It has no serious contraindications and is not recommended during pregnancy, lactation and for children under 18 years of age. The average price is 100–250 rubles. Has positive reviews from a large number of people.

    In the final part of the article, I would like to summarize and say that choosing a cheaper analogue of Actovegin is not particularly difficult.

    But you should remember that replacing with a cheap drug should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor! After all, the health of any person is the main factor in his well-being. Be healthy! Share this post

    TOP 6 inexpensive substitutes and analogues of the drug Actovegin®

    Actovegin is a natural medicine based on extracts of peptides from the blood of young calves. The medication restores blood microcirculation, which helps replenish oxygen deficiency in the blood and fill tissue cells with it.

    The biological product Actovegin is prescribed for the following diseases:

    • cerebral disorders of vascular etiology;
    • post-traumatic period of concussion or skull injury;
    • dementia;
    • neuronal failure;
    • in case of disorders of the peripheral blood flow of venous and arterial origin;
    • angiopathy of trophic etiology;
    • polyneuropathy of atherosclerotic and diabetic origin.

    Actovegin is not prescribed for the treatment of patients with the following disorders and diseases in the body:

    • pulmonary and cerebral edema;
    • anuria and oliguria;
    • myocardial failure during the period of decompensation;
    • fluid retention in the body.

    Use Actovegin with caution when:

    • increased concentration of chlorine and sodium in the body;
    • during pregnancy and the lactation period, although there is no clinical evidence of danger in use, it is necessary to calculate all possible risks for the child.

    The dosage of Actovegin is calculated as follows:

    • disturbance of blood flow in the cerebral arteries - 5-25 ml per day using a dropper or intravenously. Subsequently, the doctor may prescribe pills;
    • ischemic stroke, polyneuropathy of sclerotic and diabetic etiology - 50 ml by drip. It is necessary to combine treatment with the use of Actovegin gel;
    • trophic eczema and ulcers with atherosclerosis and diabetes - 10 ml into a vein together with a gel for the treatment of non-threatening tissues.

    Actovegin tablets are prescribed individually, but the standard dosage is 1-2 tablets three times a day. Therapeutic course – up to 45 days.

    Analogues of Actovegin in tablets or ampoules are not always cheaper than the original drug, their price directly depends on the manufacturer and on the components included in the drug, but still more affordable drugs exist.

    Similar products in ampoules and tablets

    Among the analogues of the drug we can name products that are presented in solution and tablets.

    Cavinton is a cerebrovasodilator that restores functionality in parts of the brain and is a substitute for Actovegin in tablets. The drug restores blood microcirculation, which improves the flow of oxygen into the cerebral arteries. The active component vinpocetine stimulates the effect of norepinephrine and the hormone serotonin on metabolism in cerebral organs. The medication does not affect myocardial contraction or blood pressure.

    The drug is effectively used for the treatment of such cerebral pathologies in both hypertensive and hypotensive patients:

    • transient brain attacks;
    • encephalopathy of atherosclerotic origin;
    • memory loss and development of cephalgia;
    • tinnitus and deviations in the functionality of the hearing organ.

    It is prohibited to use the drug in patients with the following pathologies:

    • heart rhythm disturbance;
    • decreased tone of the arterial membranes;
    • unstable blood pressure readings.

    Also, Cavinton is not used in the treatment of pregnant women and during lactation. For therapy, 1-2 tablets are prescribed orally three times a day. For maintenance therapeutic treatment – ​​1 tablet 3 times a day. Positive dynamics in treatment appear after 7-14 days of taking the medication.

    The solution is used only by drip - 1 ampoule per 500 ml of sodium chloride. In case of severe development of the disease, droppers are prescribed three times a day. After the symptoms of the acute phase of the disease are relieved, the patient is transferred to treatment with tablets. For children, the drug is administered by drip in a glucose solution for 14-21 days, after which tablets are prescribed with a dosage of 0.5 mg per 1 kilogram of the child’s weight.

    Cavinton can provoke the following negative actions in the body:

    • arrhythmia;
    • dizziness and headache;
    • weakness of the body;
    • dyspeptic disorders.

    Cavinton injections are prohibited from being administered intramuscularly.

    The nootropic drug Mexidol has a membrane-stabilizing effect and is available in tablets and ampoules. The medication reduces the development of hypoxia in brain cells and also has an antioxidant effect on neurons. Thanks to the effects of the medication, neurons become more resistant to oxygen deficiency, which was a consequence of impaired hemodynamics in the cerebral sections, and the following changes occur in the cerebral organs:

    • the protection of cell membranes to emotional stress and the effects of toxins increases;
    • with oxygen imbalance, the formation of foci of necrosis, which becomes the cause of ischemic stroke, decreases;
    • memory improves, as well as the patient’s intellectual abilities;
    • platelet aggregation decreases, which increases the speed of blood movement in the brain.

    A course of treatment with Mexidol is prescribed for the following diseases:

    • autonomic disorders;
    • insomnia or drowsiness;
    • decreased memory quality;
    • withdrawal syndrome;
    • dementia and epilepsy;
    • trauma to the skull and brain;
    • severe stress;
    • intoxication of the body with medications, poisons and ethanol;
    • acute phase of pancreatitis;
    • dyscirculatory encephalopathy.

    Mexidol in ampoules is not prescribed in pediatrics, allergies to components in the composition of the medicine, during pregnancy and feeding a newborn with mother's milk. It is also prohibited to use the drug in patients with kidney and liver failure.

    Treatment of severe forms of pathology begins with drip administration of a solution three times a day, 100 mg. The maximum permissible dosage per day is 800 mg. After acute symptoms are relieved, the patient is prescribed tablet therapy.

    Analogue drugs in tablets

    There are analogues of Actovegin, which are available only in tablet form.

    Curantil is a myotropic vasodilator that is able to stop the aggregation of platelet molecules, which promotes better microcirculation in the brain, as well as in the peripheral parts of the bloodstream and in the myocardium. The main component in the drug is dipyridamole with a vasodilating effect.

    The drug is prescribed for therapy, as well as as a preventive measure for the following diseases:

    • cerebral ischemia and stroke;
    • myocardial infarction and post-infarction period;
    • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
    • stable and unstable angina;
    • impaired blood flow in the cerebral organs;
    • endarteritis;
    • impaired blood circulation in the placenta and its insufficiency;
    • after surgical treatment, in order to avoid the formation of thrombosis.

    It is prohibited to use Curantil in patients with the following pathologies:

    • hypotension;
    • collapse;
    • allergy to a medication;
    • kidney and myocardial failure;
    • acute phase of myocardial infarction;
    • bleeding of unknown etiology.

    The use of medication during pregnancy requires great care in determining the dosage. Curantil is prescribed as a last resort, when there is a real threat of the development of intrauterine pathologies due to fetal hypoxia.

    Dosage per day for patients over 12 years of age is 75-225 mg. The dosage should be divided into 3-6 administration procedures. The permissible dosage per day is 600 mg. After the patient's condition has stabilized, the dose should be reduced to 50 mg. Maintenance therapy should be carried out with a daily dosage of 25-50 mg.

    When taking Curantil and anticoagulants together, the dosage should not exceed 75 mg per day. You can increase the effectiveness of the medicine if you take it correctly - no later than 60 minutes before eating.

    The drug can be used over a long course of medication.

    Negative actions do not occur often. The following reactions of the body to the medication are noted:

    • allergies - urticaria, skin rash and itching, Quincke's edema, dermatitis;
    • digestive tract - vomiting, severe diarrhea, pain in the epigastric and abdominal region;
    • CNS and heart - pain in the head, decreased blood pressure index, dizziness, bradycardia, arrhythmia.

    Cortexin is a nootropic drug based on peptide bioregulators from the substrate of the brain of young pigs. The medication has anticonvulsant and cerebroprotective effects and is an antioxidant.

    Cortexin is prescribed to treat the following diseases:

    • viral neuroinfection;
    • disturbance in cerebral blood flow;
    • brain and skull injuries;
    • encephalopathy of various etiologies;
    • encephalomyelitis;
    • asthenic syndrome;
    • encephalitis;
    • epileptic seizures;
    • autonomic disorders;
    • deviations in child development;
    • memory loss;
    • decreased intellectual abilities;
    • delayed speech development in a child.

    During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take Cortexin due to the lack of clinical safety indicators regarding the developing fetus. During lactation, a woman must transfer her child to artificial nutrition, and only after that can she begin therapy with this medication.

    The medication is administered intramuscularly once a day. The solution is diluted with procaine or sodium chloride. For adults, the daily dosage is 10 mg of cortexin for 10-14 days, as well as the same dose for children weighing more than 20 kg. For children up to 20 kg, the dose is calculated according to weight - 0.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. A repeat course can be carried out after 3-6 months.

    When treating the acute phase of a stroke, 10 mg is prescribed twice a day for 10 days. After a 10-day break, the therapeutic course must be repeated.

    Adverse reactions when using the drug occur very rarely and can manifest as allergic reactions - skin rashes, redness at the injection site, itching of the skin.

    Most effective in ampoules

    Cerebrolysin is a nootropic with an active component – ​​Cerebrolysin protein concentrate. The drug effectively protects the brain from the action of free radicals. Cerebrolysin prevents the death of neurons during the development of hypoxia. The protective properties of the drug are very important in the treatment of ischemic stroke caused by transient attacks and insufficient microcirculation in the cerebral arteries.

    Cerebrolysin is prescribed for the following pathologies:

    • traumatic and age-related dementia;
    • brain and spinal cord injury;
    • ischemic stroke;
    • developmental delays in children, as well as lack of attentiveness;
    • Alzheimer's disease;
    • depression and stress;
    • memory loss;
    • cerebrovascular diseases.

    Cerebrolysin should not be prescribed for the following concomitant diseases:

    • epilepsy;
    • sensitivity to components;
    • kidney failure.

    The drug does not exhibit toxicity, but it must be used with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy and during the lactation period. Cerebrolysin is prescribed if absolutely necessary.

    Cerebrolysin injections are prescribed for injection into a vein by jet or drip, as well as for intramuscular use:

    1. The course of therapy with the drug is 10-20 days with daily administration of the medication.
    2. For brain injuries, ischemic stroke - daily dosage of 10-50 ml.
    3. For damage to the brain or spinal cord - 5-50 ml.
    4. When treating depression, the dosage per day is 5-30 ml.
    5. In pediatrics, dosages are used in accordance with the child’s weight - 0.1-0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight.

    The medicine can be prescribed in long courses until a stable therapeutic effect is achieved. Adverse reactions are rare and can manifest themselves in digestive tract disorders - diarrhea or constipation, flatulence and nausea, stomach pain and vomiting, as well as allergic reactions - skin rashes, urticaria, dermatitis, Quincke's edema, blue discoloration or excessive pallor of the skin . Also, the patient’s blood pressure may drop sharply after the administration procedure.

    Substitute in ointment form

    A medication with the same therapeutic effect as Actovegin is produced in the form of an ointment for external use. The active components in Alantan Plus are allantoin and dexapanthenol.

    Alantan Plus is a medication that accelerates wound healing. Dexapanthenol in the cell is converted into pantothenic acid and acts on the affected areas as a vitamin. Allantoin in the composition of the medication has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also stimulates the granulation of the layers of the epidermis and softens the skin.

    The ointment is used to treat the following pathologies:

    • wounds, cuts;
    • phototherapy burns, sunburn;
    • keratosis of the skin on the feet and palms;
    • prevention of diaper rash in a newborn;
    • atopic dermatitis;
    • trophic ulcers;
    • eczema.

    Women also use the ointment to care for their nipples during lactation (before feeding, thoroughly rinse the ointment from the breast). During pregnancy, Alantan Plus is prescribed only by a doctor. The drug should not be used in treatment if you are allergic to its components.

    The ointment must be applied twice a day in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. Lubricate nipples after each feeding procedure, and you should also lubricate the newborn’s skin after changing diapers or diapers. For dry skin, the ointment can be applied 3-4 times a day.

    The drug rarely causes side effects, but there is still a possibility of their occurrence. The skin reacts to the medication as follows:

    • eczema;
    • irritation and rash;
    • erythema and urticaria.

    Allergic reactions of the body to ointment:

    • Quincke's edema;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • pale skin;
    • a sharp drop in pressure;
    • cyanide in the lip area.

    The digestive tract reacts to the use of ointment:

    • nausea with vomiting;
    • diarrhea.

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    Actovegin- a medicinal product that is a deproteinized hemodialysate containing a wide range of low-molecular components of cell mass and blood serum of dairy calves with a molecular weight of up to 5000 daltons, the properties of which are currently only partially studied by chemical and pharmacological methods. Country Austria, manufacturer Nycomed.
    Release form: gel 20% 20g in tube; cream 5% 20g in tube; ointment 5% 20g in tube; solution for injection with saline solution 4 mg/ml - 250 ml in a bottle, solution for injection with saline solution 8 mg/ml - 250 ml in a bottle, solution for injection 40 mg/ml - 2 ml in ampoules No. 10 and No. 25, solution for injection 40 mg /ml - 5ml in ampoules No. 5 and No. 10; injection solution 40 mg/ml - 10 ml in ampoules No. 5, tablets 200 mg No. 10 and No. 50.

    Instructions for use of the drug Actovegin (official instructions)

    Clinical and pharmacological group: A drug that activates tissue metabolism, improves trophism and stimulates the regeneration process.

    Pharmacological action: An antihypoxant is a hemoderivative, which is obtained through dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5000 daltons penetrate). It has a positive effect on the transport and utilization of glucose, stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to the stabilization of plasma membranes of cells during ischemia and a decrease in the formation of lactates), thus providing an antihypoxic effect. Actovegin increases the concentrations of ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) and GABA. The effect of the drug Actovegin on the absorption and utilization of oxygen, as well as insulin-like activity with stimulation of glucose transport and oxidation are significant in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy. In patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy, Actovegin significantly reduces the symptoms of polyneuropathy (stabbing pain, burning sensation, paresthesia, numbness of the lower extremities). Sensitivity disorders are objectively reduced and the mental well-being of patients is improved. The effect of Actovegin begins to appear no later than 30 minutes (10-30 minutes) after parenteral administration and reaches a maximum, on average, after 3 hours (2-6 hours).

    Pharmacokinetics: Using pharmacokinetic methods, it is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, excretion) of the active components of the drug Actovegin, since it consists only of physiological components that are usually present in the body. To date, no decrease in the pharmacological effectiveness of hemoderivatives has been found in patients with altered pharmacokinetics (including liver or renal failure, metabolic changes associated with old age, due to metabolic characteristics in newborns).

    Indications for use of the drug Actovegin: metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (including ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury); peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, trophic ulcers); diabetic polyneuropathy; wound healing (ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders /bedsores/, burns, impaired wound healing processes); prevention and treatment of radiation injuries of the skin and mucous membranes during radiation therapy.

    Dosage regimen:
    Injection form: The solution for injection is administered intraarterially, intravenously (including in the form of infusion) and intramuscularly. The infusion rate is about 2 ml/min. The duration of treatment is determined individually, depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease. For ischemic stroke, 20-50 ml (800-2000 mg) of solution for injection is diluted in 200-300 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution and administered intravenously drip daily for 1 week, followed by 10-20 ml (400-800 mg) intravenously for 2 weeks and then switching to taking Actovegin in tablet form. For metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain, 5 to 20 ml of injection solution (200-800 mg/day) is administered intravenously for 2 weeks, followed by switching to Actovegin in tablet form. For peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences, administer 20-30 ml (800-1200 mg) of the drug in 200 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution intravenously or intravenously daily; Duration of treatment - 4 weeks. For diabetic polyneuropathy, administer 50 ml (2000 mg) per day intravenously for 3 weeks, followed by switching to taking the drug Actovegin in tablet form - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for at least 4-5 months. For wound healing, 10 ml (400 mg) intravenously or 5 ml (200 mg) intramuscularly is administered daily or 3-4 times a week, depending on the healing process (in addition to local therapy with Actovegin in dosage forms for external use) . For the purpose of prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes, the average dose is 5 ml (200 mg) intravenously daily in the intervals between radiation exposure. For radiation cystitis, 10 ml (400 mg) is administered transurethrally daily in combination with antibiotic therapy. The rate of administration is about 2 ml/min. The duration of treatment is determined individually, depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease. The solution for infusion is administered intravenously or intravenously as a stream. The infusion rate is about 2 ml/min. The duration of treatment is determined individually, depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease. For ischemic stroke, 250-500 ml (1000-2000 mg) per day is administered intravenously for 2 weeks, followed by switching to taking the drug Actovegin in tablet form. For metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain, at the beginning of treatment - 250-500 ml (1000-2000 mg) per day intravenously for 2 weeks, followed by switching to taking the drug Actovegin in tablet form. For peripheral vascular disorders and their consequences, administer 250 ml (1000 mg) intravenously or daily, daily or several times a week, followed by switching to taking the drug Actovegin in tablet form. For diabetic polyneuropathy, administer 250 ml (2000 mg; 8 mg/ml) or 500 ml (2000 mg; 4 mg/ml) per day intravenously for 3 weeks, followed by switching to taking the drug Actovegin in tablet form - 2-3 3 tablets for at least 4-5 months. For wound healing, 250 ml (1000 mg) is administered intravenously daily or several times a week, depending on the speed of healing. It is possible to use it together with Actovegin in dosage forms for external use. For the prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes, an average of 250 ml (1000 mg) is administered intravenously the day before and daily during radiation therapy, as well as for 2 weeks after its completion, followed by a transition to taking the drug Actovegin in tablet form - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for at least 4-5 months.
    Tablet form: Prescribe 1-2 tablets orally 3 times a day before meals. Do not chew the tablet, wash it down with a small amount of water. The duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks. For diabetic polyneuropathy, Actovegin is administered intravenously at a dose of 2000 mg/day for 3 weeks, followed by switching to taking the drug in tablet form - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for at least 4-5 months.
    External use: For ulcerative lesions, pre-treatment for the purpose of cleansing them is carried out using a gel, which is applied in a thick layer and covered with a compress with 5% Actovegin ointment or a gauze bandage soaked in ointment. The dressing is changed once a day, for very weeping ulcers - several times a day. In the future, treatment should be continued with Actovegin in the form of a 5% cream and treatment should be completed with Actovegin in the form of a 5% ointment, which is applied in a thin layer. After initial therapy with Actovegin in the form of a 20% gel, the cream is applied in a thin layer. To prevent bedsores, 5% cream or 5% ointment is rubbed into the skin in areas at increased risk of developing bedsores. To prevent radiation injuries, 5% cream or 5% ointment is applied in a thin layer immediately after radiation therapy and in the intervals between sessions.

    Side effect: Allergic reactions: skin rash, skin hyperemia, hyperthermia, up to anaphylactic shock.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug Actovegin: decompensated heart failure; pulmonary edema; oliguria; anuria; fluid retention in the body; hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; hypersensitivity to similar drugs. The drug should be prescribed with caution for hyperchloremia and hypernatremia.

    Use of the drug Actovegin during pregnancy and breastfeeding: The use of the drug during pregnancy did not have a negative effect on the mother or fetus, however, if it is necessary to use the drug during pregnancy, the potential risk to the fetus should be taken into account.

    Use for renal impairment: The drug should be prescribed with caution for oliguria and anuria.

    Special instructions: Due to the potential for anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to conduct a test (test injection of 2 ml IM) before starting the infusion. In the case of intramuscular administration, the drug should be administered slowly in an amount of no more than 5 ml. Actovegin solutions have a slightly yellowish tint. The color intensity may vary from one batch to another depending on the characteristics of the starting materials used, but this does not affect the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug. Do not use a solution that is opaque or contains particles. After opening the ampoule or bottle, the solution cannot be stored.

    Overdose: Information on overdose of the drug Actovegin is not provided.

    Drug interactions: Drug interactions with Actovegin have not been established. However, in order to avoid possible pharmaceutical incompatibility, it is not recommended to add other drugs to the Actovegin infusion solution.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: The drug is available with a prescription.

    Storage conditions and periods: The drug should be stored in a place protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 5 years.

    An analogue of the drug Actovegin is the drug Solcoseryl (Solcoseryl) - a drug that activates metabolism in tissues, improves trophism and stimulates the regeneration process.

    Active ingredient: deproteinized dialysate from the blood of healthy young calves. Release form: gel 20g in tube; ointment 20g in a tube; eye gel 5g in tube; solution for injection 42.5 mg/ml-2ml in ampoules No. 25; solution for injection 42.5 mg/ml-5 ml in ampoules No. 5; dental adhesive paste 5g.
    The drug solcoseryl improves the transport of oxygen and glucose to cells under hypoxic conditions; increases the synthesis of intracellular ATP and promotes an increase in the dose of aerobic glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation; activates reparative and regenerative processes in tissues; stimulates the proliferation of fibroblasts and the synthesis of collagen in the vascular wall.

    Actovegin is a drug that significantly improves the number of metabolic processes in the body and has the ability to restore and regenerate new cells. The active ingredient is a specially isolated extract of demireate from the blood of young calves, completely free of protein.

    The form of release of the drug is quite varied: in ampoules, in the form of a gel, ointment, cream, solution for injection and even in tablets. The average price in Russia is 1200–1600 rubles, depending on the form of release and the quantity of the medicine.

    The main property of Actovegin is its rapid ability to restore blood circulation. The main indications for use are: the presence of stroke, diabetes, various types of arthritis, lupus and diseases caused by vascular disorders.

    The pricing policy of Actovegin is not small, so you should consider in more detail the cheap analogues of the drug in Russia. You can also find a drug substitute produced in countries such as Ukraine and Belarus.

    Russian-made analogues

    Name of the drug Price in rubles Characteristic
    Cortexin 800–1200 The active substance is a water-soluble compound of the polypeptide type.

    Due to its ultra-high permeability, it quickly enters cells and significantly restores the functional characteristics of the brain.

    It is an effective analogue of Actovegin. It has contraindications in case of individual intolerance to cortexin; it is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

    Vero – trimetazidine 90–120 It has a high antihypoxic effect and is not inferior to Actovegin in many characteristics.

    Widely applicable for ischemic strokes and cardiac hypoxia.

    Contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to the active substance, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

    Noben 500–600 The active substance idebenone has the ability to increase oxygen volumes, improve blood circulation, and restore brain function.

    Prescribed for various types of neurasthenia, memory and attention disorders. Use is not recommended in case of intolerance to idebenone or renal failure.

    Divaza 250–400 Performs a protective function of neurons, thereby favorably influencing the restoration of brain cells. The active ingredients of the drug are antibodies of a specific brain protein.

    In case of overdose, allergic side effects are possible. Use by pregnant women and children under 18 years of age is contraindicated.

    Mexidol 250–500 A relatively inexpensive domestic analogue of Actovegin. The main substance, Mexidol, has an antioxidant effect and suppresses the development of hypoxia.

    It can be used in injections when administering an injection solution, dosed tablets.

    Contraindicated in case of high sensitivity to the components of the drug, acute renal failure, pregnancy, lactation.

    Omaron 100–300 It has the ability to quickly dilate blood vessels, a neotropical effect.

    Active ingredients: piracetam, cinnarizine. Release form: tablets.

    Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age, pregnant women, and during lactation.

    Ukrainian substitutes

    There are many analogues of Actovegin produced in Ukraine.

    The main ones:

    1. Bioglobin - U. Stimulates the metabolic processes of the body, the main substance is bioglobin. Used by injection to treat various forms of arthritis.

      It is partially an analogue of Actovegin, but requires the recommendation of the attending physician before use.

      Contraindicated for acute heart disease, late-stage cancer, pregnancy, and lactation. The average price is 300–500 rubles.

    2. Ginkgoba. A dietary supplement that helps improve brain function. The main substance is extract of the ginkgo biloba plant. Significantly improves memory, concentration, mental work.

      Has contraindications for high sensitivity. The average price is 120–220 rubles.

    3. Cerebrovital. Also used as a dietary supplement to renew brain cells and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The active ingredient is based on gotu kola and lecithin extract.

      If the drug is particularly sensitive, use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. Medicine release form: tablets. The average price is 100–200 rubles.

    4. Memorin. Release form: oral solution. Provides oxygen supply to the brain, improves metabolic processes.

      It is a relative analogue of Actovegin and is prescribed for circulatory disorders. The average price is 100–180 rubles.

    5. Neuromin - brain energy. A dietary supplement containing a combination of natural ingredients aimed at restoring and preventing the development of brain hypoxia.

      It has contraindications in case of high sensitivity to the components of the drug; it is not recommended for children under 6 years of age during pregnancy or lactation. The average price is 100–200 rubles.

    Belarusian generics

    Name of the drug Price in rubles Characteristic
    Neurotropin 1000–1400 Active ingredient Mexidol. Restores oxygen supply to cells, improves blood circulation. It is a high-quality analogue of Actovegin.

    Prescribed for various hypoxia, encephalopathy, complex purulent processes (peritonitis).

    Pyracesin 150–300 Active ingredients: piracetam, cinnarizine. It has an antihypoxic, vasodilating effect. Inexpensive analogue of Actovegin.

    It is used not only for disorders of the brain, but also as a development stimulator for children with lagging abilities.

    Contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, renal failure, hypersensitivity to components.

    Piracetam 50–100 Available prototype of Actovegin. The active ingredient piracetam has a positive effect on brain function and causes virtually no side effects.

    Other foreign analogues

    A wide range of analogues of foreign production allows you to choose the highest quality and inexpensive synonyms of Actovegin.

    1. Solcoseryl. The advantage of this drug is its almost complete identity with Actovegin. The active substance is also a dialysate purified from protein, obtained from the blood of young calves.

      Available in the form of a gel and solution for injection. Used to treat diseases caused by a lack of oxygen in cells and during the healing of wounds and burns. It is not advisable to take the medicine during pregnancy and lactation. The average price is 250–800 rubles.

    2. Curantil 25. Contains the main substance dipyridamole. Prescribed for the treatment of various types of thrombosis, applicable for recovery after myocardial infarction. Suitable as an analogue of Actovegin.

      Release form: injections, tablets, dragees. Strictly contraindicated in acute cases of heart disease, arterial hypotension, stomach ulcers, liver and kidney dysfunction, high sensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and lactation.

      The average price is 600–900 rubles.

    3. Nootropil. The main active ingredient is piracetam. A high-quality synonym for Actovegin. Available in the form of injections for injections, tablets, syrup for children.

      Effectively restores and improves brain function. Used to treat various pathologies of the nervous system.

      Main contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, liver failure, bleeding, special sensitivity to piracetam. The average price is 250–350 rubles.

    4. Tanakan. Herbal preparation based on ginkgo leaf extract. A fairly effective analogue that improves blood circulation in the brain. Suitable for various neuroses, encephalopathy, Alzheimer's disease.
    5. Anantavati. Regulates the activity of the brain using herbal medicines. Available in tablet form.

      It has no serious contraindications and is not recommended during pregnancy, lactation and for children under 18 years of age. The average price is 100–250 rubles. Has positive reviews from a large number of people.

    In the final part of the article, I would like to summarize and say that choosing a cheaper analogue of Actovegin is not particularly difficult.

    But you should remember that replacing with a cheap drug should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor! After all, the health of any person is the main factor in his well-being. Be healthy!