Black sesame is a godsend for the confectioner. Sesame flour benefits and harms how to take Black sesame flour benefits and harms

Sesame flour - sesame seeds ground into fine crumbs, contains amino acids, vitamins and minerals, has high nutritional value and is used in the prevention of many diseases, and is an important component of dietary nutrition.

Sesame is the second name for “sesame”; this plant has been known since ancient times; many legends and tales are associated with it. The seeds come in both black and snow-white colors. Sesame is widely used in cooking; its calorie content is high, about 500 kcal per 100 grams of seeds, since the oil content in it is about 50%.

What varieties of sesame are used to make flour?

Black sesame seeds, Indian and ordinary, are especially popular; they can be used to make not only flour, but also oil, which is known for its healing properties. Sesame seed flour is also rich in oils. A distinctive feature of black sesame seeds from other varieties is their high calcium content (about 60%).


  • phytoestrogen (this compound replaces female sex hormones, especially necessary after 45 years);
  • amino acids (arginine, tryptophan, threonine, valine, etc.);
  • thiamine (normalizes the nervous system and restores metabolism in the body);
  • vitamins (A, PP, T, vitamins B, E);
  • phytosterol (for the prevention of atherosclerosis);
  • riboflavin - responsible for human growth;
  • micro- and macroelements (selenium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.);
  • fiber;
  • beta-sitosterol (lowers cholesterol levels);
  • antioxidant sesamin (has a positive effect on cancer);
  • fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, etc.);
  • phytin (responsible for restoring mineral balance);
  • phytosterols (restore mineral balance).
  • women during menopause, due to the content of phytoestrogen (a substitute for female sex hormones);
  • for gynecological problems in women (hormonal imbalance, disease of the ovaries, uterus, etc.);
  • during pregnancy;
  • with prostatitis;
  • for ulcers, constipation, gastritis, etc. Sesame has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • for liver diseases (cirrhosis, liver hepatosis);
  • for heart diseases (stroke, tachycardia, etc.).
  • for vascular diseases (lowers cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • for diabetes. Normalizes insulin production;
  • with excess weight;
  • for bone diseases (arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, etc.), due to the high content of calcium and phosphorus.
  • for hemorrhoids;
  • for skin injuries;
  • with exhaustion of the body, memory loss, insomnia.


The benefits and harms of sesame are still being studied, since all the properties of the plant are not fully known. It is not advisable to take it if you have increased blood clotting, varicose veins, or individual intolerance.

What to cook with sesame flour?

There are different recipes with the addition of such flour, because now buying it is not a problem. Most often added to sauces, soups, porridges, baked goods, it gives dishes a nutty taste.

How to take?


Store in a cool place, in a closed jar, shelf life - 12 months.

It is necessary to consume sesame seed flour not only if you have any diseases, but also to obtain additional nutrients and maintain the functioning of all body systems. In addition, the use of sesame flour adds a piquant taste to dishes.

Sesame flour - sesame seeds ground into fine crumbs, contains amino acids, vitamins and minerals, has high nutritional value and is used in the prevention of many diseases, and is an important component of dietary nutrition.

Sesame is the second name for “sesame”; this plant has been known since ancient times; many legends and tales are associated with it. The seeds come in both black and snow-white colors. Sesame is widely used in cooking; its calorie content is high, about 500 kcal per 100 grams of seeds, since the oil content in it is about 50%.

What varieties of sesame are used to make flour?

Black sesame seeds, Indian and ordinary, are especially popular; they can be used to make not only flour, but also oil, which is known for its healing properties. Sesame seed flour is also rich in oils. A distinctive feature of black sesame seeds from other varieties is their high calcium content (about 60%).

  • phytoestrogen (this compound replaces female sex hormones, especially necessary after 45 years);
  • amino acids (arginine, tryptophan, threonine, valine, etc.);
  • thiamine (normalizes the nervous system and restores metabolism in the body);
  • vitamins (A, PP, T, vitamins B, E);
  • phytosterol (for the prevention of atherosclerosis);
  • riboflavin - responsible for human growth;
  • micro- and macroelements (selenium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.);
  • fiber;
  • beta-sitosterol (lowers cholesterol levels);
  • antioxidant sesamin (has a positive effect on cancer);
  • fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, etc.);
  • phytin (responsible for restoring mineral balance);
  • phytosterols (restore mineral balance).
  • women during menopause, due to the content of phytoestrogen (a substitute for female sex hormones);
  • for gynecological problems in women (hormonal imbalance, disease of the ovaries, uterus, etc.);
  • during pregnancy;
  • with prostatitis;
  • for ulcers, constipation, gastritis, etc. Sesame has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • for liver diseases (cirrhosis, liver hepatosis);
  • for heart diseases (stroke, tachycardia, etc.).
  • for vascular diseases (lowers cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • for diabetes. Normalizes insulin production;
  • with excess weight;
  • for bone diseases (arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, etc.), due to the high content of calcium and phosphorus.
  • for hemorrhoids;
  • for skin injuries;
  • with exhaustion of the body, memory loss, insomnia.


The benefits and harms of sesame are still being studied, since all the properties of the plant are not fully known. It is not advisable to take it if you have increased blood clotting, varicose veins, or individual intolerance.

What to cook with sesame flour?

There are different recipes with the addition of such flour, because now buying it is not a problem. Most often added to sauces, soups, porridges, baked goods, it gives dishes a nutty taste.

How to take?

Store in a cool place in a closed jar, shelf life - 12 months.

It is necessary to consume sesame seed flour not only if you have any diseases, but also to obtain additional nutrients and maintain the functioning of all body systems. In addition, the use of sesame flour adds a piquant taste to dishes.


Sesame is one of the oldest spices in the world. It has been used in cooking since ancient times and has not lost its relevance in modern cooking. Sesame buns, sushi, meat dishes and millions of other recipes are united by one healthy and incredibly tasty product.

And sesame flour allows you to create real masterpieces of culinary art and is recommended by nutritionists as a preventive measure for various diseases.

Calorie content of sesame flour

Sesame flour is widely used in the bakery industry. It gives products a more delicate texture, baked goods with its use rise better and have an unforgettable aroma. Calorie content of sesame flour is 462 kcal. The product contains 45 g of protein, 12 g of fat, and 32 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits and harms of sesame flour

Sesame flour is considered a very healthy product. Nutritionists and doctors recommend the product for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems;
  • dermatitis.

Despite all the benefits of the product, it also has some contraindications. For example - varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting. But with moderate consumption of sesame flour in food, it does not harm the body.


It will look like this:

Copy the text below:

Sesame flour is obtained by grinding whole sesame seeds or sesame cake left after pressing the oil. It does not contain gluten and consists of more than 40% vegetable protein, and has a delicate nutty taste and aroma. In the East, it is used in combination with almond or coconut flour for baking bread and pastries.

Sesame flour has high nutritional value:

  • amino acids: arginine, proline, meteonine, tryptophan, threonine, glucine, serine, cysteine, alanine and others;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • mono and polyunsaturated acids;
  • legnans;
  • pectin substances;
  • carbohydrates;
  • antioxidants;
  • phytosterols;
  • ash;
  • vitamins: A, PP, group B
  • minerals: manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, potassium.

Interesting! Sesame flour contains a record amount of calcium, surpassing some cheeses in this indicator.

Useful properties

Essential amino acids of sesame flour activate:

  • tissue regeneration;
  • hemoglobin synthesis;
  • sexual activity;
  • production of insulin by the pancreas.

Sesame flour promotes the formation of muscle mass, therefore it is recommended for use by athletes and teenagers.

Vitamins and minerals contained in sesame flour:

  • have an antiatherosclerotic effect;
  • improve blood composition;
  • prevent the development of hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • participate in the formation of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • influence protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • prevent the development of diabetes mellitus and urolithiasis.

Fiber and pectins found in sesame flour normalize intestinal motility and cleanse the body.

  • for chronic constipation;
  • for various diseases of the stomach;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • stroke;
  • women's diseases.

For psycho-emotional discomfort, painful symptoms during menstruation and menopause in women, prostatitis, infertility or impotence in men, regular consumption of dishes made from sesame flour is recommended.

Important! Sesame flour has a beneficial effect on the hormonal levels of older women due to the content of a plant analogue of female sex hormones - lignans.

Restrictions on use

Limitations to frequent consumption of sesame flour are hemostasis problems:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins.

How to use

In cooking, sesame flour is used for breading cutlets, zraz, meatballs, and fish. This breading will give dishes a subtle nutty taste and a pleasant aroma.

Pancakes and pancakes made from a mixture of wheat and sesame flour have a special, refined taste and are recommended for special occasions.

Sesame flour is also used as a thickener in soups, gravies and sauces.

You can use it to make amazing sesame halva with cocoa, coconut or honey.

To improve the taste, sesame flour is added to porridges, side dishes, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, salads, and pastries.

It is mixed with honey, syrup or jam to create a sweet spread for toast.

Important! The optimal amount of sesame flour used during the day is 2 tbsp.

In Israel, Greece, Cyprus, China, and Arab countries, tahini is very popular - a paste made from sesame flour, used to prepare many dishes: hummus, oriental sweets, filling for pies.

Gastronomic advice! You can make your own tahini by blending a glass of sesame flour and half a glass of olive or sesame oil in a blender until creamy. Cool in the refrigerator. The resulting tahini is used as an independent snack and as the basis for other dishes.

If you have an upset stomach, a mixture of water, honey and sesame flour, which you drink in small sips throughout the day, will help.

For hemorrhoids, a decoction is prepared from sesame flour and used for external use.

  1. Sesame flour was known to the inhabitants of Assyria and Babylon. It owes its name to the inhabitants of Babylon.
  2. Egyptian women obtained sesame flour by grinding the seeds using stone grain grinders.
  3. Flour made from dark-colored sesame seeds has a richer aroma than flour from light-colored sesame seeds.
  4. In the Middle East, raisins, pistachios or almonds are added to sesame halva to add a special taste.
  5. The asteroid, discovered in 1903 by the American Raymond Dugan, was named Halva, in honor of his favorite delicacy.

Calorie content 462kcal

Proteins: 45g. (180 kcal)

Fat: 12g. (108 kcal)

Carbohydrates: 32g. (128 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 38% | 23% | 27%


Sesame flour is a natural storehouse of vitamins E, A, T, B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), macro- and microelements - calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium.

Sesame flour is an invaluable source of CALCIUM and zinc.

Useful properties of sesame flour:

– improves digestion and intestinal motility
- useful for frequent and chronic constipation, gastritis and ulcers of the stomach, duodenum, colitis, diseases of the liver and pancreas
- useful for the prevention and complex treatment of helminthiases
- provides nutrition to the heart muscle,
- Helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and have a vasodilating effect

Sesame flour is a rich source of substances that promote the “burning” of excess subcutaneous fat and are involved in the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas.

Using sesame flour.

Sesame flour can be used as a breading, added to baked goods, in pancake and pancake batters, and used as a thickener for sauces and gravies.


Sesame flour – 2 cups
Coconut flakes - 0.5 cups
Cocoa or carob – 1 – 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Vanilla to taste and desire
Honey – 2 tablespoons (preferably thick)
Grind the coconut flakes and mix with sesame flour.
Add cocoa (carob) and vanilla.
Mix. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and crush the mixture with a mortar. If necessary, add another spoon and continue to knead the mixture. It should turn out dense, begin to form into lumps, but not spread out - it is important not to overdo it with honey.
Press the resulting mixture tightly into any shape.
Place the form in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
After the mixture has cooled, carefully run a knife along the sides of the mold to make it easier to remove the halva.
This dish can be stored for a long time.

You can make a simplified version of halva using only sesame flour and honey.


Tahina is a sesame paste that is often used in oriental dishes. This is a completely meatless/vegan dish.
Sesame flour - 1 cup
Vegetable oil (sesame or olive) - about 1/2 cup
Add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the sesame flour.
Turn on the blender and mix the mixture until smooth and creamy.
If the mass sticks and does not turn into a homogeneous mixture, add another 2 tbsp. spoons of butter. The tahini will warm up a bit while whisking. Pour it into a glass container, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator to cool.

How to use tahina?
This is a great snack on its own. You can dip vegetables in tahini, season salads, or put it in porridge instead of oil.

Meal (also “cake”, “flour”, sometimes “powder”) is a natural plant product obtained after extracting the oil from seeds and nuts by pressing and grinding.

Meal (cake, flour) of black seeds, the most valuable of all sesame varieties, is rich in fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, complete vegetable protein, vitamins, folic acid, antioxidants, as well as microelements necessary for health (potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc). An important component of meal - fiber - is a vital element of nutrition for humans; it ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as it improves intestinal motility and helps free it from unremoved food residues and toxic substances.

Useful properties:

  • Sesame flour is defatted and ground sesame seeds. It is remarkable for its high content of calcium, which is necessary to nourish bone and cartilage tissue.
  • Rich in the antioxidant vitamin E, which has anti-inflammatory properties, plays a critical role in the formation of immunity and the functioning of the reproductive system, and helps moisturize the skin.
  • Black sesame is considered the king of sesame; the concentration of nutrients in it is greater than in other varieties.
  • The aftertaste of black sesame seed flour has a slight bitterness.


  • Add to prepared dishes: soups, cereals, yogurt or baked goods.
  • Mix flour with honey in a ratio of three to one, you will get homemade sesame halva.
  • Add to vitamin cocktails.

Price: 198 rub.  

Description: Breadbasket of health Black sesame seed flour is an absolutely natural product made from crushed black sesame cake. The cake remains in the form of seeds after pressing the oil, while all the beneficial substances and properties remain. Sesame meal is rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains many rare and sought-after substances by vegetarians, such as potassium, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Also, it is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids.

If you take the meal regularly, you can improve your appearance and health. It is enough just to use it for preparing sauces, soups, dough and other dishes as a flavoring and nutritional additive. Energy value: 314 Kcal.

It is recommended to consume meal if you are overweight and obese, as it speeds up metabolism. Moreover, this product can help lower your blood sugar levels. The meal can be effective if there is a burning sensation during urination. Meal is also an anthelmintic. It is also recommended to use the meal for hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, anemia and internal bleeding. Breadbasket of health Black sesame seed flour (composition): Defatted and ground sesame seeds.

Application: Add to prepared dishes: soups, cereals, yogurt or baked goods.

Mix flour with honey in a ratio of three to one, you will get homemade sesame halva.