My head itches after shampoo, what should I do? An itchy head is a harmless reflex or a symptom of a serious illness.

It is no secret that everything in the body is interconnected, and the disease of one organ immediately affects the condition of others. And hair is an indicator of our health: the slightest internal “problem”, and the hair ceases to please with its shine and beauty.

Likewise, the reasons why your head itches can be different. The most important thing is to understand the symptoms to understand the root of the problem.

Other signs of the presence of a mite are eyelashes falling out, eyes itching, skin becoming oily and flaking.


When the body is under nervous tension for a long time, caused by overexertion, excessive intellectual stress, and fear, this condition is often accompanied by itching of the scalp and hair loss.

The head itches in some serious mental disorders: an incessant itching sensation only aggravates the situation and worsens not only the physical condition, but also the moral one.

Dry scalp

People with dry or artificially dried hair often suffer from this problem. The latter occurs with constant styling with hot devices (hair dryer, curling irons) and long walks in the sun with an unprotected head.

Dry scalp itches immediately after washing your hair. When interacting with water, it dries out even more, peeling may begin, and a feeling of tightness will appear - not the most pleasant state.


Allergic reactions are often accompanied by itching all over the body. If the area of ​​constant scratching is exclusively the head, then most likely you are allergic to some product that comes into direct contact with it.

This is either a reaction to the dye (it’s not for nothing that on all packaging with dyes it is strongly recommended to test for an allergic reaction before dyeing), or an allergy to shampoo, or another incorrectly selected hair product.

Most often, shampoo is to blame for the itching sensation that appears after washing your hair. If you choose the wrong product for your hair type or don’t rinse off the conditioner thoroughly enough, unfortunately, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.

Scalp diseases

This reason for an itchy head is one of the most unpleasant, but on the other hand, it is the easiest to diagnose. The fact is that itching is not the only symptom.

Take a close look at your scalp, hair and shoulders. If, when combing, your scales “fall off” or greasy flakes remain on your hair, it may be seborrhea. Red or white spots and plaques all over the head, which are also very itchy, are a symptom of skin diseases - psoriasis, neurodermatitis or fungal diseases (ringworm, dermatomycosis).

Diseases of internal organs

The head itches and flakes in many diseases, when internal processes in the body are disrupted. These are diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, hormonal disorders, heart disease, stomach disease, even vitamin deficiency.

My head itches: what to do?

If you are bothered by constant itching of the scalp, the back of your head itches, or hair loss - all this is a good reason to consult a doctor to find out the cause.

The fact is that itching can be eliminated only when the irritant causing it is identified and eliminated. Therefore, if you cannot independently understand the reason why your head itches, and if you suspect the seriousness of the problem, we recommend immediately visiting a dermatologist and trichologist.

Itchy head: how to treat

Having identified the cause of the itching, it is necessary to begin treatment, which, naturally, will differ.

Dandruff needs to be treated, not eliminated temporarily! During periods of exacerbation, use medicinal products, and as a preventative measure, you can wash your hair with herbal shampoos with nettle, mint, and birch.

Does your head still itch? SOS tools

So you went to the doctor, who “brought to the surface” the cause of the itchy scalp. But the prescribed treatment, unfortunately, does not immediately relieve all the symptoms, and the head continues to itch.

Folk remedies will help alleviate the unpleasant condition. We offer you the best recipes:

  • Magic remedy – 2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of olive oil with 1 yolk, onion juice, a spoonful of honey and cognac. Add a portion of your shampoo to the mixture (tested, which definitely doesn’t make your head itch!). Mix thoroughly and apply on head for half an hour. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. It is enough to wash your hair with this “shampoo” twice a week.
  • Good helpers are burdock or castor oil. Oils help fight increased dryness, save from dandruff and hair loss. Apply a portion of the oil heated in a water bath to the scalp and hair, leave for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Rye bread is great for itching. Place the pulp of rye bread in an enamel bowl, pour boiling water over it and let it brew, add the yolk to the pulp. Rub your head with the resulting mixture and rinse thoroughly; no need to use shampoo.

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The head itches due to dirty hair if a person has dandruff, but there are also serious reasons, for example, psoriasis, itching as a consequence of a stroke, and others.

You need to figure it out, because seborrhea and psoriasis occur for different reasons. The patient needs to see a trichologist.

Every man and woman knows what type of hair he has and how often it needs to be washed. If this is not done in time, a feeling of itching appears on the scalp and you want to itch.

It is enough to wash it thoroughly, preferably twice, and the unpleasant sensations will go away. Unfortunately, not everyone maintains personal hygiene, which is why itching occurs.

Lice infestation

If a person feels itching and there is movement on the head, it is probably an infestation with lice, scientifically called pediculosis. Most often, they ask a family member to look in the hair to see if there are nits, or if lice are running through? A magnifying glass will be useful when viewing.

Children most often become infected with pediculosis in kindergarten or school, or pioneer camp. Adults from their children or in transport, when they used a comb, an infected person, tried on someone else's hat or slept somewhere on the train, guests.

Adult lice dig into the scalp, secreting a secretion that irritates it and the person feels discomfort. Lice need to be removed in time, before the patient scratches his head and those wounds begin to fester.

In addition to itching on the head, the patient may experience itching, scratching of the eyes, and later even eyelashes begin to fall out. Lice can lay nits on them too. Parents need to find out the causes of itching and treatment - treatment for a child or an adult is prescribed by a trichologist.

The most effective in the fight against lice are ointments or special sprays. The shampoo can be used prophylactically. If there are a lot of lice, the person is cut, nits are removed from the hair, so that some individual does not accidentally survive and infect the person with lice again.

  1. It is necessary to consult a doctor if you have head lice;
  2. They throw away the pillow and buy another one;
  3. Wash bed linen and blanket;
  4. All the patient's worn items must be thrown into the wash;
  5. Then iron them with steam.

Skin is dry

If a child, woman, or man has dry scalp, it means that little fat is secreted there. The hair is brittle, fluffy, and quickly becomes electrified.

Some middle-aged people do not understand that they have dry hair and continue to use the same shampoos as when they were teenagers: for mixed hair types, or even oily ones. This dries out the hair and skin even more.

The epidermis of the head is affected - the doctor will find out the causes of itchy skin. If the hairdresser or dermatologist gives advice, the person will buy a suitable moisturizing shampoo + balm. The person will begin to make special masks and use creams that moisturize the hair.

Dry scalp with itching occurs for another reason. For example, the body does not receive important vitamins from food, with microelements, or not all unsaturated fatty acids enter it.

Stressful situations, unbalanced diet

If during the day a person quarreled with an employee at work, at home he experienced stress - poor nutrition, and in the evening and at night he may have an itchy head. So, it occurs due to a lack of calcium and the following vitamins:

You need to eat more of:

  • fish;
  • dairy;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit.

It is important to find out why the itching occurs. To calm the nervous system, it is best to make a decoction: mint + valerian + hops + motherwort. If the nerves are very shaken, the doctor will prescribe medications and ointments. Drink it 2-3 times a day and this will help reduce itching.

Allergic reaction

A new shampoo or conditioner purchased by a family member may not be suitable. Some women have an itchy scalp due to an allergy that occurs after dyeing their hair.

If the itching has arisen for a long time and is bothersome, then the person goes to a trichologist. He will test what you are allergic to and prescribe treatment and write a prescription.

Hair dyes often contain ammonia and peroxide. Women are allergic to them. After dyeing, the hair is washed with a suitable shampoo and conditioner. This will wash away any remaining irritants and reduce the risk of discomfort.

Consumers are allergic to washing powder and rinse aid added to water when washing bed linen. This also causes itching.

Fungal infection, deprivation

If a child or adult has recently played with a dog, cat, or other pet, then he could become infected with a fungus or. This disease is transmitted from person to person. It is good if someone is sick and the other knows about it, do not touch him, otherwise infection is possible.

The affected area begins to hurt, when you scratch the area with the fungus, it turns red, wounds appear that fester, and hair falls out there.

If detected early, you can buy a special shampoo at the pharmacy and cope with the scourge. In advanced cases, shampoo will not help; you need ointment, spray, and other medications.

About dandruff

Many people think that this is not a serious disease, but if it is not treated, it develops into seborrheic eczema. Treatment is prescribed by a trichologist. It includes the use of medicated shampoo, masks, ointments, other medications and a special diet.

About seborrhea

Seborrhea is often inherited from a person's father or mother. Seborrhea is a fungal pathogenic disease and indicates a disruption in the functioning of internal organs. The scalp becomes red and itchy.

There are 2 types of it:

With oily hair, a person may not feel obsessive itching, but the hair quickly becomes oily, looks untidy and falls out. If you look at the skin, it shines from the excess sebum secreted from the wide pores.

In this form, the scaly dandruff sticks together and produces clumps of brownish-yellow color.

If seborrhea is dry, the head constantly itches and the skin peels. Dandruff is small and white. Hair is too dry, breaks easily and has split ends.

Many people suffer from scalp dermatitis . To cure it, doctors recommend making special masks and lubricating the skin with oils. You will need to follow a diet and take immunomodulators.

If you do nothing, your scalp will become very itchy. , hair continues to fall out profusely - this is alopecia. Unfortunately, hair will no longer grow in those places.

About psoriasis

Even experts, when making a diagnosis, sometimes confuse psoriasis with oily seborrhea. When the disease occurs, the upper layer of the epidermis quickly dies and the skin in those areas peels off. Skin cells grow, the affected areas begin to turn red and itch severely.

Red spots with flaky skin appear not only on the head, but throughout the body. These spots will be of different sizes, but when they all itch at the same time, the patient becomes nervous and, in addition to direct treatment, needs to take sedatives. These can be either herbs or medications that the doctor prescribes.

The cause of the itchy scalp will become clear. The patient will begin a treatment course.

The spots scattered over the body will have scales the size of dandruff, only larger and of a white, yellowish tint. The spots can be small, medium, large, and then it is especially difficult for a person. An effective medicine against psoriasis has not yet been invented. Topically applied ointments, creams, and sprays provide relief, but ongoing treatment is required.

About diabetes

This is a metabolic disorder in the body, especially fat. Toxins accumulate, immunity becomes weaker and a person, in addition to diabetes, is prone to colds that undermine health.

One of the signs of diabetes is dry scalp. It peels off, feels rough to the touch, and fungus appears on it. The patient feels that in addition to itching, the skin on his head is damaged.

Become thin and more hair falls out than usual. The patient pays attention to the nails and notices that they are brittle. Pigment spots suddenly appear on the face.

About menopause with hypothyroidism, liver disease

When the body's metabolism is disrupted due to menopause, liver disease, hypothyroidism, the patient feels discomfort and the scalp begins to itch. Comprehensive treatment is required. After washing with a shampoo suitable for the hair type, the head is rinsed with herbs.

If such an allergy occurs, in addition to herbal infusions, ointments are prescribed that kill pathogenic bacteria and at the same time have a calming effect on irritated skin.

To reduce discomfort if the scalp is itchy without dandruff, patients use special shampoos, sprays, and ointments.

Manifestations of stroke and other diseases

If a person has a stroke - a stroke, for example, due to a head injury, high blood pressure or heart problems, then itching occurs due to impaired cerebral circulation. That's why my head itches. Ordinary patients will not understand, but for doctors, it is obvious that severe itching is the consequence of a serious illness.

The doctor most often prescribes head massage. After a stroke, the patient often experiences headaches. It is uncomfortable when you feel a burning sensation.

By massaging the head, they increase blood flow to it and the damaged area of ​​the brain receives more oxygen through the blood. Patients feel better and have less headaches.

Unpleasant sensations during pregnancy

When a woman becomes pregnant, strong hormonal changes occur in her body. The lady becomes more sensitive to different smells and substances.

A pregnant woman should consult her doctor and drink soothing herbal infusions. Light, unsaturated, so as not to accidentally harm the child.

Stress has a negative impact, allergies and neuroses, which can cause an itchy head. When the nerves calm down, the woman will receive relief.

The video discusses the 8 main reasons why a person may have an itchy head:

Itching in any part of the body is not a pleasant sensation. It creates significant discomfort and a desire to get rid of it quickly.

Obsessive itching of the scalp is no exception. It gradually damages the epidermis, provokes cracks, the development of inflammatory processes and the addition of infection.

If itching occurs frequently or does not go away for a long time, it is worth finding out the cause. It can be trivial and easily corrected. But sometimes with these symptoms the body reports the emergence of a pathology in it that needs to be diagnosed and eliminated.

Why your scalp itches: possible causes

The culprits of itching can be external factors, human physiology and various pathologies.

Impact of external factors and physiology

If itching has just appeared or is felt infrequently, then before contacting a specialist, you should examine your hair care supplies. It is possible that the discomfort that appears is a reaction to a new coloring agent, shampoo or other aromatic liquids used in the shower or bathtub.

Thus, one of the common causes of this unpleasant condition is:

Allergies to certain hair care products. It is necessary to monitor how the skin perceives this or that shampoo, conditioner or hair mask. If after using them unpleasant sensations appear, then the product should be thrown into the trash. Obviously, it is stuffed with sodium lauryl sulfate, which can be a strong allergen.

A common phenomenon is intolerance to hair dye. It contains chemicals and compounds such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, the epidermis can easily become irritated, which gradually develops into itching. To exclude an undesirable phenomenon, it is necessary to test the skin for allergies before staining with a new, previously unused product. It is better to do this before the procedure than to endure discomfort after.

Laundry and cleaning products can also cause irritation. But then the painful sensations will spread to the whole body, and not just to the scalp.

Frequent hair washing and exposure to hot air. The skin can suffer from prolonged exposure to high temperatures, which irritate and dry it out. This situation occurs when the hair is often washed and then styled with a hairdryer, tongs, styler - hot tools.

The skin dries out from frequent contact with water. A nasty feeling of tightness and subsequent itching appears.

A similar condition occurs when exposed to the sun for a long time without a hat. Under the influence of scorching rays, the skin quickly loses water and begins to itch.

Dry skin. This is another possible cause of unpleasant itching. It happens this way both by nature and for the reasons described above. Often the body experiences a deficiency of fatty acids, certain microelements and vitamins. Lack of sebum affects not only the skin, but also the hair. They suffer from dryness and brittleness, become highly electrified, quickly absorb moisture, and are difficult to style. As a result, the feeling of discomfort increases.

Stress and emotional overload. It is their fault that the body overproduces adrenaline. In order for hormone production to stabilize, the body must be loaded with physical exercise or work. Otherwise, excess adrenaline will cause annoying and exhausting itching of the scalp.

Undesirable sensations can be provoked by circumstances that require excessive concentration of attention and prolonged mental stress, put pressure on the psyche and encourage emotional swings.

Pathological processes

Itchy sensations on the head can be caused by various pathologies:

Dandruff– exfoliated skin particles. On average, renewal of the epidermis on the head occurs within a month. When this process goes wrong, the cells begin to die faster, flake off and turn into dandruff. Its presence is manifested not only by aesthetic inconveniences, but also by unpleasant itching of the skin.

Dandruff is a weak manifestation of a disease such as seborrhea. It is into this that she can gradually transform.

Seborrhea– the appearance of this skin disease is caused by a violation of the neuroendocrine and nervous regulation of the sebaceous glands. They begin to function too intensively, and the quality of the fatty substance they secrete changes. In addition to itching, the following symptoms are present:

  • oily shine and flaking of the skin;
  • hair loss and abundant flakes of dandruff;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Fungal diseases of the scalp– they require complex and long-term treatment. The main pathogens are yeast-like fungi Malassezia furfur. When certain conditions are created, they quickly attack the hair follicles and skin.

Fungal culture will help determine the disease. Its results will indicate drugs that help get rid of the disease and itching.

Diseases of internal organs. Itchy irritation of the scalp is possible if you have:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • heart ailments;
  • neoplasms;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

Even vitamin deficiency can cause unpleasant itching of the scalp.

The head itches on the back of the head

The itching sensation on the back of the head is explained by the reasons described above. In addition to them, a significant causative agent of this condition is muscle tension. Most often, irritation is felt when the muscles of the back and forearms are overloaded. And there are enough muscles on the head and back of the head that can easily be overstrained.

This condition impairs blood microcirculation in the vessels located under the scalp. In addition, it can cause minor injuries to muscle fibers. The result may be the development of an inflammatory process and intense skin irritation on the back of the head.

Treatment for itchy scalp

You can get rid of this unpleasant sensation on your own if its causes lie in physiology or care products. You just have to return to trusted brands and use quality products.

You can try medicated dermatological shampoos sold in pharmacies. If they contain extracts of medicinal herbs, menthol, camphor, they will not cause allergies and can eliminate itching.

To reduce dry skin, you need to use moisturizing masks, creams and shampoos.

To eliminate vitamin deficiency, which can also cause itching, you need to rebuild your diet, replenish it with herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables. It won't hurt to take vitamin complexes such as Alphabet, Vitrum, Complivit and others.

If all efforts are unsuccessful, you will have to contact a specialist.

Seborrhea is more difficult to cure. In addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, you must:

  • follow a proper diet and drinking regimen;
  • avoid nervous tension;
  • do not forget about rest and sleep for at least eight hours;
  • keep hormonal balance under control;
  • keep your hair clean.

If a fungus is detected on the skin, a course of therapy is prescribed using special shampoos, lotions and antifungal medications. Among them, drugs such as griseofulvin, clotrimazole, and miconazole are effective.

Massage and herbal medicine are effective in combating itching.

Treatment with folk remedies

At the first manifestations of itching, you can use folk remedies that are beneficial for both skin and hair. Here are some of them:

  • The husks that are removed from the bulbs do not need to be thrown away. After removing the skin from four medium-sized garden plants, place it in an enamel ladle and fill it with a liter of clean water. Boil the husks for about an hour, then strain and use for rinsing every time you wash your hair. The itching should disappear after three such procedures.
  • Apple cider vinegar is a good remedy for eliminating unpleasant sensations. Two tablespoons of it are dissolved in a liter of warm water. The liquid should be rubbed into your head about five minutes before washing your hair. The operation must be performed at least four times.
  • Juice from onions or garlic cloves contains acids and sulfur, so it can help get rid of the itching sensations that appear after applying dye to your hair, as well as eliminate dandruff.

    It is necessary to mix onion (or garlic) juice with vegetable oil and fresh lemon juice in equal quantities. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots of wet hair and do not rinse for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water and add a drop of lemon juice.

  • Prepare a special shampoo from the following ingredients: two tablespoons of olive oil, one each of honey and cognac, yolk. All ingredients should be mixed and rubbed into the head. When about half an hour has passed, rinse thoroughly. Twice a week should be enough for the situation to improve and the itching to go away.

Itching sensations should not be ignored, especially since they themselves will not allow it: the discomfort is too significant.

To identify the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to consult with specialists - a dermatologist and trichologist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe adequate therapy.

In general, itchy scalp can be successfully treated at home. When the source of the problem is neutralized, the irritation goes away without a trace.

Constant itching of the scalp creates discomfort and causes the appearance of microcracks through which various pathogenic microorganisms penetrate. Only a doctor after examination and examination can determine why your head itches and what needs to be done. The causes of itching can be different, sometimes it is enough to change hair care products to get rid of the discomfort.

What to do if your head is constantly itching?

Constant, obsessive itching may be a sign of an allergy. Irritants can be hair care products, powder used to wash towels, or synthetic material in hats. The head begins to itch in the back of the head when the muscles of the back and forearms are overstrained, which often happens during sedentary work.

With allergies and dermatological diseases, the head often itches. A trichologist will tell you what to do

How to get rid of itching:

  • eliminate the cause of the allergy - do allergy tests or eliminate possible irritants one by one;
  • use lotions that contain tar and salicylic acid;
  • when working at the computer for a long time, do a small warm-up for your neck and back every hour;
  • choose shampoos based on natural ingredients, menthol and camphor are good at eliminating itching and refreshing the skin;
  • Fresh applesauce will help reduce itching - it should be rubbed into the scalp three times a week, rinsed off after half an hour.

Itching may appear if the skin is very dry; it is necessary to regularly apply moisturizing masks and use curling irons and hair dryers less often.

If itching is accompanied by hair loss, redness, rashes, or dandruff, you should visit a doctor, since the cause of discomfort may be fungal diseases. The head is very itchy with seborrhea, lichen, hormonal disorders, psoriasis.

How to deal with dermatological problems:

  • purchase at the pharmacy special antifungal medicated shampoos for the treatment of dandruff with ketoconazole or selenium sulfide - ordinary cosmetics will not help eliminate the problem;
  • take vitamin complexes – Alphabet, Vitrum, etc.;
  • undergo a hormonal examination to restore the balance between female and male hormones.

To eliminate the symptom, you can use a folk recipe - mix 50 ml of onion or garlic juice with an equal amount of lemon juice, add 5 ml of olive, almond or flaxseed oil. Apply the mixture to damp hair and skin, wrap your head with a thick towel. The mask should be washed off after half an hour, rinse your hair with acidified water or chamomile decoction.

Itchy scalp is a very unpleasant sensation. Particularly severe discomfort is caused by burning and flaking on the back of the head. This condition can be a consequence of allergies, skin diseases, or fungal infections.

Perhaps the shampoo is to blame, or seborrhea is developing. It is important to establish the source of the problem in order to eliminate it without harm to health. Our article provides an overview of the reasons why the skin on the back of the head itches and flakes.

The back of the head itches: causes

Some insects that feed on epidermal cells can be seen with the naked eye. It is not difficult to become infected with them: through hugs, through shared household items (bed linen, clothes, combs).

Pediculosis or lice. It is mistakenly believed that lice are a problem for the poor, because sources of infection surround us everywhere. Needless to say, people without a fixed place of residence become carriers of this unpleasant disease, and even a trip on public transport can result in infection. Pediculosis epidemics occur especially often in children's institutions (kindergartens, schools, summer camps) - where children are in close direct contact. Therefore, if a child scratches the back of his head and ears, you need to carefully examine the scalp, parting the hair. There are many myths about the disease (for example, lice prefer a certain blood type, do not like dyed hair, carry HIV, and so on). These ideas are far from reality.
Until recently, the only means of control was to completely shave the head and treat it with gasoline. And now there are many effective products for any budget, and no one shave their hair.

Is the back of your head and the rest of your head itchy, and your skin becomes red, irritated and covered in greasy dandruff? These symptoms are similar to those of seborrheic eczema, a type of dermatitis. Inflamed skin produces a large amount of viscous, thick sebum, becomes shiny and flaky. Hair is falling out a lot. The sebaceous glands become clogged and pathogenic microorganisms develop in them.

The prerequisites for seborrhea are:

  • hereditary factor;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • chronic diseases;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body.

Complex treatment prescribed by a dermatologist will completely solve the problem.

Dry skin

Why does the back of my head constantly itch? One answer to this question is chronic dry scalp. Frequent washing with aggressive shampoos that remove sebum, as well as using a hot air dryer, provokes skin irritation. It becomes dry and flaky. Curling irons, stylers, and curling irons also have a negative effect. Tap water comes in different qualities. For example, hard water with salts contributes to dry scalp and reduces hair quality. Thus, excessive hygiene is harmful.

Dry skin can occur due to vitamin deficiency and lack of fat. Women who go on a strict diet and avoid fatty foods often suffer from this.

Allergic reaction

A common phenomenon today - allergies - occurs in response to many irritants. If the back of your head itches, this may be a reaction to hair dye, styling foam, hairspray, and the like. You need to observe which new remedy caused the itching and burning. In shampoos, the substance dangerous for allergy sufferers is sodium lauryl sulfate, and in hair dye - hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

Dermatomycosis (ringworm)

This is one of the reasons why the back of the head itches under the hair. The disease is nothing more than a fungal infection. You can get infected from animals - cats or dogs, as well as from humans through towels and shoes. This happens especially often at high temperatures and humidity (sauna, shower, swimming pool are ideal places for this).

The disease develops not only on the scalp, but can affect the feet, face, and body. Manifestations of dermatomycosis: uneven red spots with a clear center, grouped or located singly.
Children are most often affected by infection of the scalp. Painful nodules that look like boils grow under their hair. Hair breaks and falls out.


Stress and itching of the back of the head are directly related. Nervous stress and anxiety cause disruptions in the functioning of the immune system. It is activated and protected from the body’s own cells. The epidermis of the scalp is irritated. Gradually, damage to the follicles causes alopecia. Unfortunately, stress is a common cause in the modern world.

Other causes of itching on the back of the head

Some internal diseases and pathologies also cause itching in the back of the head. These include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  • avitaminosis;
  • spasm of the muscles of the shoulder girdle;
  • consequences of chemotherapy.

Basic methods for diagnosing itching on the back of the head

We can conclude: the skin on the head can itch for a variety of reasons. It is necessary to start treatment only when you are completely confident in the diagnosis. For example, by taking vitamin supplements, you may not notice head lice and infect others. Diagnosis and treatment of itchy skin is prescribed by a dermatologist or trichologist (hair specialist). Modern diagnostic capabilities allow you to quickly and accurately determine the source of the problem.
First, the specialist performs an examination and collects an anamnesis (that is, interviews the patient in detail). Then such diagnostic measures are carried out.