A 2 year old child has itchy hands. A child’s palms itch: causes, treatment and prevention. Back of hand itches

Itching and redness can cause a lot of problems at any age, and if it’s a child, then the problem even grows to a universal scale. However, before you start to panic and run to the pharmacy in search of miracle drugs, you should calm down and remember that all the most dangerous diseases, as a rule, go away without pronounced symptoms. When redness is detected, the main thing to remember is that under no circumstances should you allow a child to scratch the inflammation - this can lead to damage to the skin, the formation of hyperemia, and even infection.

Almost all parents have encountered the problem of red palms, since redness is a relatively common reaction of the child’s body to any environmental influences. There is no need to be scared - instead, you need to calm down the redness, for example, by wiping your palms with a cotton swab dipped in cool water, and make an appointment with a doctor.

Causes of redness and itching

There can be many reasons for the appearance of such a reaction, but they are all accompanied by approximately the same symptoms: redness of the skin, the appearance of small transparent watery pimples, slight swelling, as well as moderately extensive hyperemia. The main causes of inflammation and itching are:

Allergic reactions

Allergies can appear at any age and completely unexpectedly: last week you happily devoured oranges, and today you don’t understand why your child’s palms itch. Some parents overlook the fact that allergies are sudden and do not usually consider them as a cause. But in vain, because basically it is allergies that are the source of trouble.


Allergic reactions can be caused by completely different products. So, if a child’s palms are itchy, the reasons, first of all, should be looked for in the diet. If there were no new products for him in the baby’s diet, and familiar ones certainly could not cause such a reaction, then you should pay attention to hygiene products.

Household chemicals

Incredibly, but true, hypoallergenic soaps and powders are not always hypoallergenic. Your baby's palms can seriously turn red from powder, including children's powder, and this can happen completely unexpectedly. For example, if bed linen is not rinsed well, it can cause skin irritation in the long run.

The same problem applies to soap accessories. Rarely, a familiar product can cause itching of a child’s palms and feet, however, this does happen. If soap is used too often, or the child has spent a long time in soapy water, characteristic redness and itching may appear on the palms and feet. This explains why a child’s palms itch after a bath. This problem can be solved simply by selecting other hygiene products.

Atopic dermatitis

This disease still remains the most common among allergic diseases. The main symptom is itching and it can be caused either by disorders of the body’s immune system or by being a common reaction to the manifestation of diseases that occur in a latent form. If the suspicion of atopic dermatitis is confirmed, you should undergo a full examination in order to eliminate the cause of the appearance, and not fight the effect. Treatment in this case is prescribed by the doctor taking into account the medical history.

Fungal diseases and scabies

Much less commonly, the cause of a rash on the palms is a fungal infection. This option can only be considered if the child could actually interact with the source of fungal inflammation. If not, there is no need to worry. However, you shouldn’t worry even if it’s really a fungus - such an infection can be treated quite quickly and won’t bother you in the future.

Firstly, scabies inflammation spreads throughout the body, and not just on the feet and palms.

Secondly, with the naked eye you can see the so-called “itch ducts” along which the mite moves.

Thirdly, scabies is often accompanied by loss of appetite, lethargy, and in rare cases, fever. If none of this is present, the alarm goes off.

Vitamin deficiency and urticaria

Vitamin deficiency is often not taken seriously, but few people know that a lack of essential vitamins can cause increased sensitivity, restlessness and even sweating, which sometimes cause a child’s palms and feet to itch in the morning or at night.

In this case, it is important not to self-medicate, but to select a vitamin complex under the guidance of a qualified specialist!

As for urticaria, everything is extremely simple: if in recent days the child has been in a stressful situation for him, for example, he visited kindergarten for the first time, was left without the attention of his parents for a long time, or made a long flight, then nervous tension can result in severe itching and redness that will result from it. In this case, it is worth creating the most comfortable conditions for the child, contacting a specialist to select antipruritic drugs and a mild sedative. If the situation ever happens again, there is no need to worry - this is how your child reacts to external stimuli and nervous tension.

Treatment and prevention

To prescribe treatment, you should contact a specialist - only he will be able to choose the remedy that is most suitable for eliminating the symptoms. If you are unable to get an appointment in a short time, it is recommended to use Sinaflan ointment: of all the products presented in pharmacies, only Sinaflan is a relatively harmless, relatively cheap and surprisingly effective drug.

To relieve itching, you should use chamomile baths. Preparing the solution is quite simple - you need to brew a couple of tablespoons of the herb (or bags) and let it brew for a while, after which the decoction can be used to wipe the inflamed area.

Cold water lotions or coconut oil, which has antiseptic properties, can help soothe itching. But it is not advisable to make vodka compresses and lotions from soda solution. Contrary to popular opinion, they do not relieve irritation, but only increase the focus of inflammation, up to the formation of painful hyperemia.

When a child’s palms itch, and as soon as he wakes up, he begins to be capricious, we are unlikely to remember the associated folk signs about profits or meetings.

The baby's itching is caused by irritated nerve endings on the palms of the hands. The problem can be local or with symptoms spreading throughout the body. Scratching is acute or chronic.

Doctors especially often complain that the child’s palms and feet itch. After scratching, the skin is injured, and the cracks open the way for any infection.


Symptoms of itchy palms in children can be manifestations of various diseases and everyday problems.

Enterovirus infection

Enterovirus has many faces in its manifestations; different parts of the body are affected, including the palms and feet. The skin infection is called viral exanthema. This is hyperemia (redness), manifested mainly on the head, chest and palms of the hands.

Sometimes it appears as a vesicular rash on the palms and soles. The bubbles disappear within a week, leaving behind pigment spots that go away on their own over time.

Allergic reactions

If a child is prone to allergies, first of all you need to check the list of his food products, the quality of his clothes, detergents and hygiene products, as well as medications that the baby or nursing mother is taking. There are allergies to pet fur.

Children's and mother's cosmetics are not always hypoallergenic. Allergy can also be a hereditary disease; it is also associated with an unfavorable environmental situation, poor quality of drinking water and excessive solar activity, and air pollution from industrial enterprises.

During the examination, you must undergo nutritional tests in order to adjust the baby’s diet. If a child has red and itchy palms due to allergies, there may be other symptoms - drowsiness, headache, nausea.

Fungal infection

If the skin on the palms is dry and flaky, a fungus may be the reason why your child's palms and feet itch. The nails may darken and itching may also occur between the toes. In advanced forms, cracks and sores appear on the feet.

This problem occurs more often in adults, but as an infectious disease with weakened immunity, it can spread to children. Treatment should be comprehensive and for the whole family.


If a rash appears on the palms of a child that itches, the child is lethargic, irritable, or has lost his appetite, a scraping should be done to check for scabies. If this is not enough, a trial treatment is prescribed.

At night, the baby’s palms (if necessary, the stomach, elbows, armpits, buttocks) are lubricated with 10% benzyl benzoate emulsion or ointment.

In addition to changing linen, you should not bathe the child until complete recovery. Rashes in a child associated with scabies look characteristic, and any pediatrician will immediately confirm the diagnosis. In infants in the first year of life, rashes appear on the palms and head.


With a deficiency of B vitamins, vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form of itching and peeling of the palms and feet, as well as their dryness. The tongue is red and dry. Hands and feet may be cold.

The child develops increased sensitivity, tearfulness, and sleep disturbances. With a deficiency of vitamin B 2, young children experience seizures and vision loss. In the future, it can lead to the appearance of psoriasis.

The vitamin complex and diet (most B vitamins are found in liver, pork, fish, cheeses, eggs, nuts) will be selected by the doctor individually.

Dyshidrotic eczema and dyshidrosis

If bubbles appear between the fingers, on the palms and soles, which can be seen even through the stratum corneum of the skin, then one can think about the presence of a serious disease - dyshidrosis. The appearance of blisters is accompanied by swelling, itching and burning, and progression of hyperemia.

If parents have reason to believe that their child’s feet and palms are itching due to allergies, they can consult an allergist-immunologist.

If a child’s palms itch at night, the itching does not go away for a long time, spreads to other parts of the body, and is accompanied by other signs ─ weight loss, rash, decreased activity of the baby, you cannot do without consulting a specialist.

Other reasons

Other causes of itching in a child may include:

  • Insect bites;
  • Other infectious childhood diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • Blood diseases (lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, leukemia);
  • Burns of palms and soles from plants;
  • Reaction to stress, disruptions in the nervous system;
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • Mechanical injury.

And if you also scratch the bite site, you may end up with the child in a hospital bed along with the infection. With timely treatment, the swelling goes away in 3-4 days.

If a child has itchy palms, red spots, or a fever, these may be the first symptoms of chickenpox, measles, and erysipelas. The source of childhood diseases are streptococci, which are neutralized with antibiotics. Mechanical injuries can be associated with burns, frostbite, abrasions, calluses due to uncomfortable shoes.


What should you do if your baby insists on scratching his hands and feet?

  1. To relieve itching, use baths with a decoction of chamomile, string, and oak bark. Three tablespoons of herbs are poured into a glass of water, boiled, infused, added to the bath or used for rubbing.
  2. A contrast shower or a cold compress with a wet cloth or ice for a short time can soothe. To prevent catching a cold, cover the ice pack with a soft cloth.
  3. Menthol-based lotions, calendula tincture, and aloe juice also relieve irritation.

  4. When itching is caused by stress, it is necessary to restore the normal psycho-emotional atmosphere in the house. You can give your child soothing teas with mint, valerian (works according to a cumulative scheme), a warm bath, a walk in the fresh air, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight.
  5. If this is an allergy, it is important to follow a diet, avoiding cow's milk, honey, eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, red berries, and foods with preservatives.
  6. Clear the room of pets, carpeting, and some types of plants.
  7. Do not spray air fresheners or perfumes with a strong odor.
  8. Carry out wet cleaning regularly.

Information about the causes and advice is for informational purposes only; self-medication is futile and dangerous. Why do my child's palms itch?

Itching is not an independent disease, but only symptoms. The exact answer and adequate recommendations are available in the children's clinic, and not on thematic forums.


The sooner the baby is examined, the more effective the treatment will be. In the future, it is necessary to observe preventive measures if a child’s palms itch - hygiene rules, good nutrition, a calm emotional background, monitoring the child’s contacts with strangers, strengthening his immunity will help get rid of the symptom.


Features of allergies

When a foreign substance enters the blood, the human body produces antibodies to fight it. This process is called sensitization. Various irritations occur on the skin of the hands as a result of a protective reaction - dermatitis.

There are two types of allergic dermatitis: chronic and acute.
Chronic dermatitis is accompanied by lichenification - thickening with often accompanying peeling of the skin, cracks, increased keratinization, and sometimes skin atrophy.

Symptoms of acute dermatitis are swelling and redness of the skin of the hands, developing into watery rashes with clear or bloody contents. When exposed externally, the bubbles burst, causing discomfort to the patient. The subsiding inflammation leaves crusts and scales.

Palm allergies: symptoms

As a rule, an allergic reaction is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • rashes on the skin of the hands;
  • itching and burning;
  • rise in body temperature.

Manifestations can be either minor or very obvious and characteristic, it depends on the form of the disease and the individual characteristics of the person. A visual photo of allergies on the palms:

Allergies on the palms: causes

The causes of allergic rashes can be:

  1. Constant or one-time contact with household chemicals. Harmful, potent components included in modern detergents can cause great harm to the skin. The affected areas become covered with a rash; also with this type of allergy, the palms itch, and cracks and wounds appear on the fingers, which brings discomfort during their flexion and extension.
  2. Food products that are not of the highest quality very often cause allergic dermatitis, especially in young children whose immunity is not yet fully formed. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of urticaria. The most allergenic foods are red or orange fruits and berries, cow's milk, eggs, seafood, mushrooms, chocolate and nuts.
  3. Weather and climatic conditions are also a fairly common cause of allergic reactions on the palms. Allergy to cold is an increasingly common disease, the symptoms of which are very similar to frostbite: redness, dryness, skin vulnerability, pain. This allergy may appear on the palms of the hands and feet.
  4. Allergies on the palms of a child are most often associated with the consumption of foods and contact with substances that are allergenic in nature.

Palm allergies: treatment

The first step on the path to recovery is a medical examination, identifying the cause and eliminating any contact of the patient with the allergen. Each person is individual, therefore the disease progresses differently for everyone, and only a dermatologist can prescribe a course of treatment to eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease.

To treat food allergies in children and adults, most often it is enough to simply exclude the allergen from the diet by creating a special diet. But it is worth remembering that it must be properly thought out and represent a special program with the help of which the patient will receive all the necessary vitamins and substances.

Other types of allergic dermatitis are treated comprehensively: in addition to avoiding contact with the allergen, special creams, ointments and antihistamines are prescribed. In cases of severe or acute disease, the doctor may prescribe hormonal treatment. The main thing is proper care with comprehensive treatment.

Traditional methods

There is also the practice of treatment with folk remedies. For this purpose, decoctions are prepared (by brewing and infusing plant components in boiling water) and applied externally. The most effective recipes:

Decoction of birch buds. To prepare it, you need to pour 10 g of buds with a glass of boiling water. Boil the resulting mixture for 20 minutes, then cool and wipe your skin with it daily. This decoction also helps with eczema, itching, irritation and any inflammatory processes of the skin.

A decoction of grape leaves used in Tibet also relieves external symptoms very well. To make it, you need to put 1 tablespoon of dry grape leaves in an enamel bowl and pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes.

A decoction of oak bark is prepared in a water bath for 30 minutes. For 20 g of bark you need 200 ml of water. Strain it while hot and bring the volume to 200 ml with boiled water.

Palm allergies: prevention

There are several ways to prevent an allergic reaction:

  1. After undergoing an examination and excluding any contact with the irritant. This is done exclusively in specialized centers or allergology departments. Diagnosis of allergies is usually carried out during the period of remission of the disease (with a decrease in allergic symptoms), usually in the winter season.
  2. By replacing the usual household chemicals with more modern analogues that do not contain harmful substances, but, on the contrary, medicinal components that take care of the health of the skin of the hands.
  3. By creating an individual diet that excludes allergens, but at the same time contains all the vitamins necessary for health.

The tips given in this article will help prevent allergies in the palms of your child or you. If you still cannot avoid contact with the irritant, you must immediately seek help from a doctor at the first manifestation of symptoms of the disease.


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Causes of itchy palms

Why do my palms itch?? The answer to this question is the following reasons:


If you baby's palms itch, then ordinary tap water can cause an allergic reaction. But it is not the H2O molecule itself that causes itching and burning of the skin children and adults, and various impurities. The water that flows from the tap of every modern apartment, especially in big cities, is not clean. It may contain both mechanical elements (dirt, rust) and chemicals that are used in the chlorination or fluoridation of water.

Treatment of itchy skin

Many medications that are used to treat itchy skin can only be purchased with a prescription. In order to cure blisters on palms or inflammation of the cuticle, complex therapy is required, including not only local ointments, but also hormonal and antihistamines for oral administration. Before you start treatment. It is necessary to find out the cause of the disease, since self-medication can lead to serious complications. If cause red and itchy palms If it is not so serious, your doctor will prescribe topical medications that can be purchased without a prescription. But start treatment without a doctor’s recommendations, especially if red palms they itch baby.

Allergies are the most common cause of itching of the skin of the extremities, so the entire treatment process comes down to two steps:

  • avoiding any contact with the allergen that causes such a reaction,
  • use of antihistamines and ointments for topical use.

If treatment does not give the desired results, and red palms became covered with crusts, increased itching and inflammation of the cuticle– this is already a complication of the disease, the treatment of which can only be prescribed by a doctor. The patient must be constantly isolated from the source that causes the allergic reaction. The only exception may be additional immune therapy. It is recommended to eliminate symptoms with medications only during the acute period, but the rest of the time it is necessary to carry out maintenance therapy, you can use traditional medicine.

Antihistamines. Prescribed by a doctor if the cause of itching and redness of the palms is an allergy. These drugs are aimed at suppressing the body's production of histamine, which causes this reaction. Such drugs will eliminate in a short time inflammation of the cuticle, itchy palms and a number of other symptoms that cause discomfort.

If the question is: why do palms turn red and itching appears, the doctor made a verdict - nervousness, then various sedatives and antidepressants will be used for treatment. But such products can be purchased strictly according to a doctor’s prescription, since they have a direct effect on the activity of the central nervous system. Without a prescription, you can buy weak-acting drugs that will not have the desired effect in case of serious problems.

For allergies, eczema, dermatitis, neuroses, in almost all cases when were itching palms, it is necessary to use locally anti-inflammatory and emollient creams and ointments. Such products will allow the skin on the palms to recover faster, maintain the necessary level of moisture, and eliminate and prevent inflammatory processes. Only competent and comprehensive treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms and causes of itchy palms.


Nature of irritation

Itching is a form of skin irritation caused by an internal or external pathogen, generating a desire to eliminate it by intensive scratching. The nature of the phenomenon has not been fully studied; the prevailing opinion is that it is a type of pain. Since there are a large number of nerve endings on the feet and palms, they are most susceptible to various infections.

Etiology of irritation

When disturbing symptoms are localized in certain parts of the body, their causes are often due to local factors. Another thing is simultaneous itching of the feet with similar problems on the palms. The reasons for this coincidence may be hidden in diseases of a more complex type, where external irritation is only one of the symptoms. In this regard, the most often mentioned are:

  • cholestasis,
  • endocrine pathologies,
  • dyshidrosis,
  • stress itching.

Cholestatic irritation

This disease is the first to be suspected when both pairs of limbs are simultaneously irritated. This symptom indicates that the disease is entering a generalized stage. The occurrence is associated with an imbalance of bile acid in the blood, which is provoked by a decrease in bile flow. The latter, in turn, can be caused by:

  • liver infection;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • taking medications;
  • as a side effect of pregnancy;
  • as a manifestation of cirrhosis;
  • pathologies of the bile excretion pathways and the digestive system.

It is especially dangerous in the third stage of pregnancy. The hormonal level becomes maximum and reduces the release of bile acid from the bodies of the mother and child. As a result, the load on the fetal liver increases, which can lead to congenital pathologies or premature birth.

Endocrine pathologies

These include thyroid pathologies, diabetes mellitus and other similar problems. When metabolism is disrupted, dry skin occurs, which becomes vulnerable to fungal and viral infections. At this point, itching of the feet and similar problems on the palms occur. Maximum discomfort occurs at night, when the skin begins to itch unbearably due to blood flow to the limbs.

Dyshidrotic eczema

Most often it forms on the palms, only in a fifth of cases the leg in the foot area is affected. Small blisters filled with purulent fluid form on the skin. The skin in the affected area is very itchy, which leads to the opening of blisters. During infiltration, a yellow crust forms. There are options in which there are no blisters, and in areas affected by eczema, dry skin begins to peel off. Factors causing the disease are:

  • impaired metabolism;
  • action of allergens;
  • stressful condition.

Nervous excitement

In a stressful situation or in a state of overwork, the content of bile acids, histamines, and serotonin increases in the circulatory system. An inexplicable, at first glance, strong itching effect occurs. Accompanying symptoms may be:

  • eczema,
  • hives,
  • neurodermatitis.

During the diagnostic process, symptoms are divided into primary and systemic skin disorders, for which complex treatment is prescribed.

Allergic reactions

In rare cases, simultaneous restlessness in the limbs may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction. More often, such symptoms are characteristic of hands that are more sensitive to allergens. The latter may include:

  • washing powder;
  • detergents (gels, shampoos, soap);
  • household chemicals;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen and household dust.

The very first way to alleviate disturbing symptoms is to stop contact with the pathogen. If these measures do not produce results or the pathogen is difficult to determine, you must contact the clinic.

Additional factors

The listed reasons can be supplemented with other circumstances that provoke discomfort. Like an allergic reaction, they rarely manifest themselves simultaneously in the legs and arms, more often they are selectively localized on the palms. These include:

Itching in a child

Such problems are typical not only for adults; characteristic symptoms are observed in children. However, the etiology of the problems may be different. The list of system factors may include:

  • enterovirus infection,
  • allergy,
  • fungus,
  • avitaminosis,
  • eczema.

In any of the listed cases, when itching appears on the palms and feet of a child, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital or invite a pediatrician for a home examination. Children are more difficult to tolerate such diseases; it is more difficult for them to resist the urge to scratch the area of ​​irritation, which can cause complications if parents do not pay attention.

How to relieve discomfort

It is possible to completely get rid of disturbing symptoms and eliminate their causes only with systematic treatment, the options of which are determined by the doctor after appropriate diagnostic procedures. However, you can alleviate the patient’s condition yourself using known harmless methods. These include:

  • cold compresses;
  • compresses from decoctions and tinctures of herbal preparations (chamomile, sage, celandine, plantain and others);
  • wiping with methanol and camphor lotions;
  • antihistamine ointments and spray.

In addition to traditional and medical antipruritic drugs, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations that reduce the likelihood of irritation:

  • limit sun exposure;
  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • Avoid synthetic and tight clothing.

If the described symptoms occur, especially in children, one should be guided by one basic rule: only treatment as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor can be as effective and safe as possible. Any self-medication options increase the risk of complications, which will only delay the healing process.


Skin itching as an independent symptom

Itchy skin on the body without other skin changes is quite rare. Its appearance may be associated with the following points:

  • improper hygienic care of the child’s skin;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun, especially in windy weather;
  • initial stage of diabetes mellitus.

Improper hygiene care

A baby's skin contains much more moisture than an adult's tissue. Therefore, loss of fluid leads to dryness and itching of the skin. These changes can be observed all over the body or on the skin of the hands if the little one is bathed daily using large amounts of soap or other poor quality bathing products.

In this case, it is enough to change the hygiene product for bathing to at least ordinary baby soap, and give preference to a simple hygienic shower rather than sitting for a long time in the bath and repeated soaping. After water procedures, it is advisable to soften the baby’s entire body with a special product (milk or baby cream).

A similar situation can only be observed on the hands: the palms and back surfaces itch, the child’s hands are dry and flaky, if the little person himself or the adults around him insist on washing too often, constantly using antibacterial gels and wet wipes.

Along with germs (which are simply impossible to completely get rid of), the protective fat layer of the skin of the hands is washed away.

There are quite a few sebaceous glands on the hands, and the skin simply does not have time to cope with such external “care”. It’s enough to stop washing your hands too often and start lubricating your child’s hands with cream - and everything will disappear without a trace.


Exposure to solar radiation is not always beneficial, especially if exposure to the sun has been long enough. The delicate and thin skin of a child, especially one living in the middle zone and not containing pigment (that is, the baby is not dark-skinned), can be seriously damaged by exposure to the bright southern sun in the spring and especially in the summer.

At first, a small person may feel and complain to adults about tingling and burning throughout the body, then a feeling of tightness and dryness appears. With prolonged exposure to excessive insolation, the baby's skin turns red. In the worst case, small pimples filled with transparent contents appear on damaged skin - this is a sign of a 2nd degree burn.

The treatment for sunburn is as follows.

  1. To begin with, excess exposure to the sun must be stopped until the skin is completely restored.
  2. The baby's skin should be thoroughly treated with a special anti-sunburn product, but not with improvised means like sour cream or kefir.
  3. The resulting pimples do not need to be opened, as there is a high probability of infection.
  4. In the future, you should always lubricate your child's skin with sunscreen.

Systemic disorders

Changes in the skin, including itching, may be signs of serious internal disorders. For example, diabetes mellitus and certain types of jaundice begin with fairly severe itching throughout the body. However, independent itching does not last long, and other typical signs of the disease quickly appear. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Skin itching combined with rash

In many situations, itchy skin and various types of rashes on the child’s body are inextricably linked. In this case, it is equally important to understand why the skin of a small person itches, since serious complex treatment is required.

Among the most likely reasons are:

  • measles;
  • chicken pox;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • psoriasis;
  • allergic dermatitis.

To distinguish these diseases, it is extremely important to describe to the doctor all local and systemic changes occurring in the child.


This is a viral infection, which is more typical for children of preschool and primary school age. It begins with catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, cough, lacrimation). The main symptom of this childhood infection is a rash - fairly large red spots that first appear on the face and behind the ears, then on the torso and arms, then on the legs. At the same time, the skin itches, which causes a lot of inconvenience for the little patient.

Treatment of measles is usually symptomatic - drinking plenty of fluids, antihistamines (Loratadine, Desloratadine), cough syrup. The red spots themselves do not require local treatment; they gradually turn brown, may peel off, but eventually disappear without a trace.

Chicken pox

Another childhood viral infection that only a few manage to avoid. A distinctive feature is pimples - bubbles with transparent contents that appear without any pattern over the entire surface of the body. Only the palms and soles remain clean. Red spots may appear on the skin for a short time before the blisters.

Another feature is that all elements of the rash itch intensely, and it is strictly forbidden to scratch them. When exposed externally, the blisters burst and a painful erosion or deeper ulcer forms. Bacterial infection easily penetrates into it, which leads to complications.

Treatment is usually symptomatic.

  1. Antihistamines (Fexofenadine, Ebastine).
  2. Antipyretic.
  3. Antiviral drugs (Acyclovir) are prescribed only for severe chickenpox.
  4. It is very important to treat all pimples with brilliant green or methylene blue - there will be less itching and there will be no bacterial complications.

Atopic dermatitis

The causes of this disease are not fully understood; its development is based on profound immunological disorders. With this disease, areas of excessive dryness form on the baby’s skin, accompanied by increasing itching.

Next, red spots of various sizes form, most often on the flexor surfaces, hands, knees, and face. Palms and feet usually remain clean. They have a tendency to grow peripherally. The general condition of the little person usually does not change.

Treatment is long and not always effective. Glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) and antihistamines are prescribed. Locally, the spots and surrounding areas are treated with special moisturizing ointments or medicinal creams.


The scabies mite only causes changes on the arms, less often on the stomach and legs. He moves from mattresses and linen in trains and hotels, and begins to gnaw passages in the skin of his hands. The palms remain clean, only the skin between the fingers suffers. In this case, paired passages (“entrance” and “exit” of the tick) are marked on the hands. Careful hygiene and treating your hands with sodium benzyl benzoate will help you quickly get rid of scabies mites.

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Itchy skin is an unpleasant and quite painful phenomenon. It can occur anywhere on the body. Localized, when a specific part of the body itches, is most often associated with various allergic reactions or dermatological diseases. One example of such a pathology is itchy hands. The skin consists of many nerve fibers.

Why do your palms itch?

The symptom of itchy palms occurs in many pathological conditions. Let's consider the main causes of the problem, its types, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Itchy skin is an unpleasant and quite painful phenomenon. It can occur anywhere on the body. Localized, when a specific part of the body itches, is most often associated with various allergic reactions or dermatological diseases. One example of such a pathology is itchy hands. The skin consists of many nerve endings that are located on the surface of the dermis. Since the upper extremities are most susceptible to injury, there are a lot of factors that cause discomfort.

If your palms itch, it interferes with your ability to work and live normally. An unpleasant symptom may indicate the development of a particular disease. In some cases, the pathology may be accompanied by additional symptoms: burning, redness, peeling, rashes. In any case, this problem should not be ignored. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist and determine the cause of the disorder. Based on the results of the study, treatment will be prescribed that will help get rid of unpleasant sensations and prevent their occurrence in the future.


There are certain signs that explain itchy palms. If the desire to scratch your hands is inconsistent, then this may indicate some change in life or receipt of news. A dermatological reaction is interpreted depending on its location:

Right palm:

  • Receiving monetary profit.
  • Getting rid of financial problems.
  • Nice meeting.
  • Receiving information from friends or distant relatives.

Left palm:

  • Improving your financial situation.
  • Great luck.
  • An important purchase.

In order for the popular belief to come true, you need to scratch your hand on the edge of the dining table or scratch it on any red object. To fulfill money signs, it is recommended to hold small change or existing bills in your hands, this will attract good luck.

Why is my right palm itching?

Despite their widespread use in the past, they are still believed in today. Why is the right palm itching? This reaction is explained by the intensity of the itching and even by what day of the week it appeared.

  • Monday - unexpected receipt of money, meeting with an acquaintance.
  • Tuesday – payment of wages in the coming days, meeting with an old friend.
  • Wednesday – old financial debt will be repaid, a new acquaintance will be made.
  • Thursday – financial bonus, meeting with a loved one.
  • Friday - you will have to borrow money, an unexpected meeting.
  • Saturday – money as a gift for loved ones, a romantic date.
  • Sunday - good proceeds from sales, meeting with influential people.

The same sign has several interpretations, so you need to draw an analogy with your life. Whether to believe in omens or not, everyone decides for himself. But if itching occurs on a regular basis, then you need to seek medical help.

Why is your left palm itching?

Superstitions about palms are the most common. Many people still compare the itch with upcoming financial troubles and other events that are prophesied by signs. Why is my left palm itching?

  • Making big profits.
  • An important transaction or purchase.
  • Problems due to receiving a gift or money.
  • Meeting nice people.

Oddly enough, itching of both hands is more associated with various financial troubles. The desire to scratch the right hand is explained by the deterioration of the weather on the palms. Itching may mean that you will soon have to hug someone dear to you. For single people, this may be a harbinger of new acquaintances and strong relationships.

If your palms itch, then you should consult a doctor rather than believe in various folk signs. Since, most likely, the discomfort is associated with the action of allergens or dermatological problems. Timely seeking medical help will identify the cause of the disorder and quickly eliminate it with minimal consequences for the body.

ICD-10 code


In the structure of dermatological diseases, such a symptom as itching occupies one of the leading places. Epidemiology indicates that the incidence of its occurrence ranges from 5 to 47%. The pattern of development of the disease state depends on climatic and geographical features, quality of life, the presence of chronic diseases and the general condition of the body.

Epidemiological studies have shown that in European countries the prevalence of itchy hands caused by one reason or another ranges from 6 to 17%. Malaise depends on the degree and nature of environmental pollution and a number of other factors.

Causes of itchy palms

Many factors can lead to the appearance of dermatological problems. The causes of itching in the palms are most often associated with pathologies such as:

Depending on the cause, the following types of itching are distinguished:

  • Proprioceptive - occurs as a response to stimulation of C-fibers by pruritogen.
  • Neuropathic – based on damage to the nervous system. Occurs with vascular thrombosis, neuralgia.
  • Psychogenic – discomfort appears with mental solutions.
  • Neurogenic - does not depend on nervous pathologies, but has a central genesis.
  • Mixed.

The disorder is also distinguished by its prevalence. Itching can be localized and generalized. In the first case, only the hands itch, and in the second, the discomfort spreads to other parts of the body.

The reasons why palms itch are very diverse and complex. Therefore, a doctor should be involved in their diagnosis and treatment. Violation can occur due to diseases of the blood system, due to contact with burning plants or chronic damage to the body. Sometimes, late pregnancy is accompanied by this symptom. Discomfort is observed with increased sweating, frostbite, age-related changes (menopause) with increased dryness of the epidermis or due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Risk factors

The possibility of developing any disease increases significantly in the presence of certain risk factors. The urge to scratch your hands may arise under circumstances such as:

  • Plant burns.
  • Insect bites.
  • Infectious lesions of the epidermis.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Thermal impact.
  • Reaction to cosmetics and synthetic products.

These risk factors also affect the severity of the pathological process. Often the disorder occurs due to the action of several factors simultaneously. The process may be complicated by the presence of chronic diseases or prolonged nervous experiences and stress.


The mechanism of development of itching of the palms is associated with the cause of its origin. Pathogenesis indicates the absence of morphological changes in the epidermis. Very often the discomfort becomes more pronounced in the morning or at night, less often during the day. Because of this, sleep is disturbed and insomnia may develop. Painful sensations may intensify due to the action of water or temperature changes. Scratching leads to increased distress and the appearance of infiltration. Against this background, neurotic disorders may develop.

Symptoms of itchy palms

According to medical statistics, most often the symptoms of itchy palms are a sign of an allergic reaction. Unpleasant sensations can cover the entire surface of the hand or appear in a specific place, for example, between the fingers. Symptoms can be acute, chronic, or slowly progress and affect other parts of the body.

Since all allergic reactions have a similar mechanism, their symptoms manifest themselves as follows:

  • When in contact with an allergen, mast cells release heparin and bradykinin, which provoke skin itching.
  • Heparin and bradykinin provoke swelling and hyperemia of tissues, and a local increase in temperature is possible.
  • Mast cell chemicals can cause rashes.

The above algorithm is typical for itchy palms. Severe scratching only makes the symptoms worse. However, washing your hands or applying moisturizer does not eliminate the discomfort. Due to swelling, flexion movements of the fingers are difficult, and the hands become hot to the touch. The epidermis takes on a red tint and rashes appear. The rash can be represented by small bubbles with liquid, which merge and burst, forming wounds. Due to the fact that the epidermis does not have time to peel off, crusts appear, causing cracks.

If there was contact with a chemical irritant, blisters similar to burns may form. If the action of the allergen was directed only to the hands, then generalized reactions do not occur. If the discomfort is accompanied by the formation of blisters with separation, this may indicate eczema or dermatitis. In any case, pathological symptoms, regardless of their intensity, are a reason to consult a dermatologist. Since without proper treatment, strong scratching will injure the skin, which contributes to infection, suppuration and a number of other complications.

First signs

Skin itching can be local and generalized. The first signs of damage are limited. Discomfort has varying degrees of intensity, that is, from mild to acute (painful). The long course of the pathological process leads to severe damage (abrasions, scratches, microtraumas) due to scratching. As a result, the symptoms become more pronounced: redness, peeling, cracks. Infectious complications, the appearance of ulcers, and more may occur.

Palms are red and itchy

In some conditions, a symptom occurs when the palms are red and itchy. The human hand, due to its physiological structure, acts as an indicator of various processes in the body. It consists of many blood vessels that are located close to the outer skin. Any changes in blood flow affect the pigmentation of the epidermis.

Let's look at the most likely causes of itching and redness:

  1. Allergies – redness can be an irritation to certain substances. Most often, such a reaction is observed upon contact with household chemicals or cosmetics. Discomfort occurs due to the effects of certain medications and foods. Without timely treatment, this condition can develop into eczema and other dermatological complications.
  2. Liver diseases – if the upper extremities itch and remain hyperemic for a long period of time, this indicates liver damage. In most cases, this symptom indicates that the organ cannot cope with the processing of toxic substances supplied with food or produced during infectious processes. Such phenomena can occur with hepatitis, hepatosis, and cirrhosis. Pathological symptoms are supplemented by attacks of nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium and abnormal stool.
  3. Psoriasis – redness can be a symptom of palmar psoriasis. Papules or round plaques with scales appear on the skin. Similar rashes can occur on other parts of the body.
  4. Hypovitaminosis - red palms combined with itching, burning and numbness of the hands indicate a deficiency of vitamin B in the body. In addition, irritability, increased fatigue, hair loss and brittle nails appear.
  5. Lane's disease - redness manifests itself in the form of large clusters of small dots with itching and increased sweating.

Redness is not always a sign of a pathological process. It is possible when exposed to external factors: chapping, chemical or thermal burns, frostbite. Pregnant women very often encounter this condition, since vascular activity increases during pregnancy. But if a change in pigmentation is accompanied by additional symptoms, which include itching, then you should consult a doctor. To establish the true cause of the pathology, a comprehensive examination of the body is necessary.

Palms become red and itchy

You can determine the state of the body by looking at your hands. They contain many capillaries that can contract and dilate, changing the color of the skin. If your palms are red and itchy, then this is a reliable indicator of negative changes in the body.

Redness and itching may indicate palmar erythema. This condition is not associated with inflammatory processes, but appears due to the close location of capillaries to the surface of the skin. Discomfort occurs when the hands become cold or chapped. As a rule, the discomfort goes away on its own within a few days. But if the above factors are excluded, and the painful sensations persist, then this may indicate the following problems:

  • Diseases of internal organs - toxic damage to the liver causes these symptoms. The disorder is accompanied by weight loss, attacks of nausea, and headaches.
  • Cardiovascular system disorders – hands become numb, cold to the touch, and a small red rash may appear. This is observed in vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by increased weakness and dizziness.
  • Avitaminosis/hypervitaminosis – unpleasant sensations occur with both a deficiency and an excess of vitamins. Most often this is due to vitamins A and B. Restorative therapy is indicated to eliminate the defect. Without timely treatment, an imbalance of microelements leads to complications.
  • Allergic reactions - contact dermatitis occurs due to various reagents, cosmetics and chemicals. Discomfort appears due to pollen, poplar fluff and a number of other allergens.

Red palms with itching and burning also occur for other reasons. These can be diseases of the endocrine system, for example, diabetes, various neurological disorders, tuberculosis, hypothyroidism and much more.

Red spots on the palms itchy

Any changes in appearance with painful sensations cause fear. If red spots on the palms itch, then very often this is a reason for panic. The appearance of red spots may indicate the following reasons:

  • Allergic dermatitis.
  • Dyshidrotic, cold eczema.
  • Lane's disease (palmar erythema).
  • Herpes.
  • Scabies.

Discomfort can be the result of chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance or prolonged exposure to stress. It is necessary to understand that rashes do not just appear. There are a number of dermatological causes of the disorder:

  • Fungal dermatitis.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Photodermatosis (develops due to exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation).
  • Hives.
  • Eczema.
  • Psoriasis.

Red spots and itching appear with lichen. Most often it develops through contact with animals. If the symptoms are supplemented by tissue swelling, this indicates scleroderma. To treat the above pathologies, an integrated approach is required.

Palms itch and peel

The symptom of itchy and flaky palms in most cases indicates the development of eczema. With this disorder, the epidermis dries out greatly, causing peeling, cracks and even blisters. In especially severe cases, the disease turns into a weeping form when the wounds begin to fester.

Another reason why your hands itch and peel is psoriasis. The painful sensations can be so severe that the rash breaks into bloody wounds. Treatment of the disease is long-term, as it is characterized by a chronic relapsing course.

Symptoms may be associated with atopic dermatitis. In this case, the pain is not very pronounced, but still requires treatment. First of all, it is necessary to ensure sufficient hydration of your hands, adhere to the drinking regime, maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room and consult a dermatologist.

Itchy palms and feet

If your palms and feet itch, this may be caused by the following reasons:

  • Fungal infections.
  • Scabies.
  • Insect bites.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Stressful experiences.
  • Burn lesions.

If symptoms are associated with allergic reactions, swelling and nausea may occur. With scabies, the skin between the fingers is more damaged, and discomfort manifests itself on the stomach, buttocks, and head. With fungal infections, the disorder is accompanied by changes in the nail plate and cracks in the skin between the fingers. The main danger of this pathology is that it is contagious and without proper treatment leads to serious complications.

Palms itch in the morning

One of the most common diseases that causes palms to itch in the morning is microbial eczema. Very often it develops with fungal infections, lymphostasis, varicose veins, pyoderma. The lesions are characterized by inflammatory changes in the skin with blistering rashes and severe itching, which worsens in the morning.

In addition to eczema, the desire to scratch your hands may be associated with allergic reactions. For example, due to the use of certain cosmetics after waking up or due to dietary habits. Discomfort also occurs due to morning water procedures. For treatment, you need to contact a dermatologist, who will diagnose the true cause of the discomfort and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Palms itch in the evening

If a symptom occurs when your palms itch in the evening or at night, this may indicate an infection with scabies mites. The disorder is accompanied by small rashes, thanks to which one can suspect the disease.

Another possible cause of evening discomfort is allergic pathologies. This could be eczema, dermatitis or dyshidrosis. The latter proceeds like eczema, but is accompanied by the formation of intraepidermal transparent blisters. Also, one should not exclude reactions such as contact with food allergens, various cosmetics or chemicals (household chemicals).

Palms itch at night

A fairly common phenomenon that both adults and children experience is night itching. Most often, your palms itch at night. This causes a lot of painful sensations that lead to sleep disturbances, increased nervous excitability, irritability and damage to the epidermis. This symptom is not an independent disease. It is a sign of various pathologies of the central nervous system, internal organs, or a dermatological reaction to an allergen.

According to the form of manifestation, itching can be acute or chronic. Night damage to the palms occurs in the following cases:

A dermatological reaction can occur due to malfunctions of the endocrine system, blood and liver diseases, benign and malignant neoplasms. Also, do not forget about scabies, psoriasis and streptoderma. Treatment of night disorders depends on the cause, which only a doctor can determine.

Back of hand itches

If the back of your hands itches, this may be caused by the following reasons:

In addition to the reasons described above, the backs of the hands may itch due to a weak immune system. This is observed after a cold or any other illness. Irritation is associated with low immunity. Treatment is aimed at strengthening the body.

Itchy pimples on palms

Acne is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but if it occurs on the hands, it causes severe discomfort. If pimples on the palms itch, then this is a clear sign of problems in the body. This occurs with infectious infections and a number of other reasons, let’s consider them:

  • Poor hygiene – symptoms may occur due to lack of basic hand washing. Any infections, wounds or scratches without timely neutralization are an excellent start for itching, rashes and other unpleasant sensations.
  • Allergies - rashes appear due to contact with cosmetics, household chemicals or medications. When working with aggressive substances or potential allergens, it is recommended to use gloves to prevent this pathology.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - itchy pimples appear not only on the arms, but also on the back. This occurs due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract system ceases to cope with its functions, which are redistributed to other organs. In this case, rashes are a sign of poor nutrition or damage to the digestive system.
  • Fungus - most often infection occurs due to poor personal hygiene. Particularly dangerous are places with high concentrations of people, for example, a swimming pool or public transport. Infection occurs through microtraumas of the epidermis.
  • Chicken pox - with this disease, pimples appear not only on the hands, but throughout the body. In addition to itching, severe pain, fever, attacks of nausea and vomiting are observed.
  • Stress - a negative emotional state is manifested by various symptoms, one of which is itchy rashes on the upper extremities. Treatment is aimed at eliminating nervous feelings and maintaining mental health.

To establish the true cause of the pathology, it is better to consult a doctor. Medical attention is especially needed if the rash has spread to other parts of the body or additional symptoms have appeared.

Palms itch and crack

One of the common reasons to visit a dermatologist is when your palms become itchy and cracked. This condition can occur due to infectious infections, allergic reactions, diseases of internal organs, due to poor nutrition or dermatological pathologies.

Most often, peeling and cracking occur due to the following factors:

  • Using household chemicals without protective gloves.
  • Sudden changes in temperature.
  • Chapping of the skin.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Increased dryness of indoor air.
  • Deodorizing, antimicrobial soap or cream that dries out the skin.

The risk of developing a pathological condition increases significantly in people with dry skin type. In this case, the lack of hydration is aggravated by contact with various irritants and water. The defect can occur due to long-term antibacterial therapy, fungal infections, various allergic reactions and a lack of vitamins in the body.

Treatment consists of eliminating unpleasant symptoms and the cause of their occurrence. During therapy, it is necessary to maintain hygiene, maintain an optimal level of humidity and protect your hands from exposure to aggressive environments.

Palm is swollen and itchy

Many people face this problem when their palm is swollen and itchy. This condition can last from a couple of minutes to several days. Such a reaction cannot be ignored, as it indicates pathological processes in the body.

Main causes of the disorder:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve passing through the carpal tunnel is compressed. The syndrome can occur in patients of all ages. Most often it appears from monotonous work. For treatment, massages, special gymnastics to strengthen the carpal tunnel and cooling of the affected area are used. If discomfort persists for a long period of time, then medical attention is necessary.
  • Seasonal swelling – occurs due to extreme heat and dilation of blood vessels. Swelling and itching signal the body's attempt to cool the body. The symptoms go away on their own, but if pain occurs, you should consult a doctor.
  • Excess sodium in the body - swelling and the desire to scratch your hands occurs when eating fried and salty foods. In this case, the swelling spreads to the fingers. To eliminate the defect, it is enough to exclude salty foods from the diet.
  • Lymphedema (lymphoedema) is a condition in which fluid is retained locally. The hands swell, the tissues become dense and itchy. Occurs due to a malfunction of the lymphatic system. During normal functioning, interstitial fluid goes into the lymphatic stream and then into the circulatory system. This can occur not only on the palms, but also on the feet. In particularly severe cases, surgical treatment is performed.
  • Raynaud's disease - unpleasant sensations are associated with improper functioning of the part of the brain responsible for vascular tone. As a rule, discomfort begins with swelling and itching of one finger, which gradually covers the entire hand. The painful condition develops due to a sharp decrease in temperature, stress or the action of chemical irritants.
  • An allergic reaction is the response of the immune system to a specific irritant. In addition to swelling, redness, spots on the skin or rashes may appear.

In any case, if your hand is swollen and itchy, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the disorder. If this condition is left unattended, it can become chronic or cause a number of complications.

Pimples appeared on the palms and itched

If pimples appear on the palms and itch, this may indicate a form of dermatitis. The most common diagnosis is contact dermatitis, which develops due to contact with irritating substances. An allergic reaction may be accompanied by hyperemia and the appearance of spots. Therefore, in this condition, you should consult a doctor who will help determine the cause of the disorder.

In some cases, the disorder indicates metal poisoning. This condition is typical for people working in production processing heavy metal compounds. Such poisoning can have serious consequences for the entire body. Painful symptoms are observed in infectious diseases. Violation is possible when affected by viruses, bacteria, fungi. Treatment is aimed at eliminating provoking factors and alleviating clinical manifestations.

Palms become numb and itchy

An extremely unpleasant condition, when the palms become numb and itchy, can occur for many reasons. In any case, this is a signal from the body about the development of certain diseases or a protective reaction to the action of irritants.

The main reasons for the violation:

  • Uncomfortable posture during sleep, that is, numbness of the limb.
  • Insect bites and burns from certain plants.
  • Infectious and fungal infections.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Allergic reactions (intolerance to foods, medications, household chemicals, cosmetics).
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Polyneuropathy (damage to nerve endings).
  • Raynaud's disease.

Numbness and itching of the hands can be associated with endocrine diseases, joint inflammation or injury. It is very difficult to independently determine the cause of the painful condition, so it is better to consult a doctor. A complex of studies by a dermatologist and neurologist is required. Based on the diagnostic results, optimal therapy is selected.

Itchy palms and between fingers

There are many reasons why your palms and between your fingers itch. They may differ in pathogens, severity of damage and possible consequences for the body. Let's consider the main factors in the development of the disorder:

  • Allergy or dermatitis - allergies occur upon contact with biological or chemical allergens, and dermatitis develops with weakened immunity, poor diet and other conditions negative for the body. Treatment involves drug therapy, which is aimed at reducing the activity of blood cells responsible for the release of histamine.
  • Autoimmune diseases - unpleasant symptoms arise due to the active struggle of immune cells with the cells of the body. Dryness, rashes, itching, and burning appear in the affected areas. For treatment, drugs with an inhibitory effect are used, as they reduce the activity of basophils and break down histamine.
  • Scabies – both adults and children suffer from scabies mite infestation. When infected, the skin between the toes becomes reddish, itchy, and may thicken and peel. Treatment depends on the results of tests ordered by the dermatologist.
  • Fungal infections - if itching is accompanied by redness on the surface of the palms and the skin between the fingers, this may indicate a fungus. Discomfort is accompanied by peeling and an unpleasant odor; lesions can spread to other parts of the body. The treatment is long-term and consists of a course of medications and physiotherapy.
  • Ringworm - most often in humans this fungal disease occurs due to infection from pets. Dryness, flaking, and severe itching appear. The treatment is comprehensive, aimed at strengthening the immune system and fighting the fungus.
  • Increased dryness of the skin - unpleasant sensations can occur due to too dry epidermis. To eliminate discomfort, you need to use moisturizing and nourishing creams and take a course of vitamins.

In any case, regardless of the cause, the disorder requires medical consultation and diagnosis. Because sometimes, a serious illness can be hidden behind superficial symptoms.

Palms are very itchy

If your palms are very itchy, you should consult a doctor. An unpleasant symptom occurs with various lesions of the body from many organs and systems. Itching can be acute or chronic. By degree of prevalence: local and generalized. Discomfort arises due to cascading neuro-reflex and humoral reactions. As a rule, it is associated with the following factors:

If not only your hands, but also other parts of the body itch strongly, this indicates generalized itching. It occurs with diseases of the endocrine system, stress, allergic reactions, liver damage (diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, jaundice), blood diseases, mental disorders and xeroderma.

To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can take a number of pre-medical measures. The discomfort subsides after taking a cold shower or wet cold compresses. Lotions and creams for hands and body based on camphor and menthol have anesthetic, soothing and cooling effects on the skin. If there is a suspicion that the disorder is associated with nervous experiences, then it is worth taking sedatives. It is also recommended to avoid increased physical activity, exposure to sunlight and minimize exposure to heat on the skin.

Palms become dry and itchy

Hands are most susceptible to the negative effects of various environmental factors. Most often, this leads to dry and itchy palms. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Food irritants.
  • Contact with household detergents or cosmetics.
  • Reaction to sudden temperature changes.
  • Reaction to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Taking medications.
  • Vitamin deficiency in the body.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine or hormonal system.
  • Tendency to increased dry skin.
  • Various genetic factors.

Treatment is based on identifying and eliminating the causes of dry skin. If an allergic disease is detected, the patient is prescribed antihistamines for internal and external use. If the violation is associated with fungal pathologies, then antimycotic agents are used. Local therapy is also indicated, that is, moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory creams, ointments, lotions, gels.

Palms itch after bath

Many people face the problem that their palms itch after a bath. This may occur due to contact with too hot or cold water. This is observed due to cosmetics used during bathing or for skin care after. Often itching occurs due to increased sensitivity of the body to the elements of water: the presence of chlorine, hardness, etc.

If a relationship between unpleasant sensations and water procedures is established, then this indicates an aquatic allergy. Its appearance is associated with the production of histamine during a cholinergic reaction. In addition to allergies to water, painful sensations can be caused by tissue reasons:

  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Lesions of the hematopoietic system and progressive blood diseases.
  • Liver pathologies.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Dermatological lesions.

The desire to scratch your palms after a bath, which occurs very often, requires medical consultation. Since it is associated with the risk of developing various pathologies. In addition, the dermatologist will prescribe treatment that will eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Palms of hands burn and itch

If your palms are burning and itching, then you should not look for sacred meaning in this, since this is a clear sign of a dermatological problem or some kind of disorder in the body.

The main causes of the pathological condition:

  • Liver diseases—burning palms—are what doctors call liver diseases. The disorder develops due to long-term use of medications, alcohol, and abuse of fatty or spicy foods. These factors affect the condition of the hands, causing severe itching and a feeling of heat.
  • Allergic reaction - the action of a strong allergen can provoke the feeling of burning hands. A similar reaction is observed after contact with cosmetics or chemicals that contain hazardous components. The cause may be food or drugs.
  • Deficiency of B vitamins - this phenomenon is most often observed during pregnancy and due to strong nervous experiences. Vitamin B is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Its deficiency worsens general well-being, weakness, various hormonal imbalances and skin reactions appear.
  • Endocrine diseases - a dermatological reaction is observed in diabetes mellitus. This occurs due to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood. The patient complains of headaches, thirst, and strong appetite.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome – your palms not only burn and itch, but also sweat a lot. Unpleasant sensations arise due to regular flexion-extension movements of the hand. There may also be numbness in the limb or slight loss of sensation.

Regardless of the cause, pathological symptoms require medical attention. Without proper treatment, the painful condition will progress and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Palms sweat and itch

A fairly common problem is when the palms sweat and itch. This causes a lot of inconvenience, leads to nervous feelings and stress. Maintaining water-salt balance and stabilizing body temperature, moisturizing and protecting the skin are the main functions of sweat.

According to medical research, even under normal conditions and without exercise, the human body can secrete up to 700 ml of fluid per day. With hyperhidrosis and various diseases of the body, including dermatological ones, the amount of sweat can reach 1.5 liters per hour. Combined with severe itching, this leads to tissue trauma due to scratching.

The main reasons for excessive sweating of the hands:

  • Allergic reaction to food, cosmetics, household chemicals and other reagents.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Various psychogenic factors.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, menopause, adolescence, old age).
  • Dermatological diseases.

If the causes of unpleasant symptoms are not identified, this may indicate idiopathic hyperhidrosis. This condition is manifested by increased sweating of the palms, feet and armpits. The patient complains of severe itching and burning, skin cracks and infected areas may appear. Treatment is complex and depends on the cause of the ailment.

Child's palms itch

If a child's palms itch, this is a cause for concern for parents. The problem can be local or spread throughout the body with additional pathological symptoms. In this case, scratching can be either sharp or constant. Due to regular tissue trauma, wounds appear that are susceptible to infection.

The main causes of itchy hands in children:

  • Enterovirus infection affects not only organs, but also the skin. When the epidermis is infected, a viral exanthema occurs, which is manifested by hyperemia of the tissues of the arms and upper half of the body. Blistering rashes may also appear, which disappear within a few days, leaving pigment spots behind.
  • Allergic reaction - occurs to food, hygiene products, medicines, pet hair and much more. Painful symptoms can be caused by poor environmental conditions or poor-quality water in which the child washes his hands, drinks and bathes.
  • Dyshidrosis - dyshidrotic eczema is manifested not only by scratching the skin, but also by a small rash in combination with hyperemia.
  • Fungus – itching combined with peeling and increased dryness of the epidermis. In this case, not only the palms suffer, but also the fingers; the nails darken and begin to peel. The disease is quite dangerous, as it leads to an increased concentration of toxins in the child’s body, which increases the risk of developing other diseases.

In addition to the reasons described above, unpleasant sensations can be associated with vitamin deficiency, insect bites, plant burns, various mechanical injuries, malfunctions of the nervous system and severe stress. If your child’s palms itch at night, the disorder does not go away for a long time or spreads to other parts of the body, then you should consult a dermatologist.

Itchy palms during pregnancy

Expectant mothers often complain about itchy hands. If your palms itch during pregnancy, this may be a symptom of bile stagnation, especially in the last stages of pregnancy. In this case, no rashes appear, but the color of the urine changes, it becomes darker. Painful sensations can be caused by reasons such as:

  • Cholestasis - itching of pregnant women occurs due to malfunctions of the liver. This is explained by the increased sensitivity of the organ to hormonal changes. Gradually, scabies spreads to other parts of the body. Women with high cholesterol and chronic diseases of the biliary tract are at risk. As a rule, the disorder goes away on its own after childbirth.
  • Dermatological diseases - these can be eczema, dermatosis, fungal infections, scabies and other pathologies that are accompanied by scratching of the skin, peeling, numbness, swelling or rashes. This is observed in allergic reactions.
  • Increased sweating – Many women complain of excessive sweating of the palms and entire body during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. To eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to wash your hands and shower more often, and wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

During pregnancy, hands may itch due to hepatitis, diabetes and other serious diseases. To maintain normal well-being while expecting a baby, it is necessary to minimize factors that can lead to health problems. At the first symptoms of the disorder, you should consult a doctor.

Complications and consequences

Possible consequences and complications from itching, as well as the likelihood of their development, completely depend on the causes of the disorder. Most often, patients encounter the following problems:

  • Scratching wounds and scars.
  • Changes in pigmentation of the epidermis.
  • Atrophic changes.
  • Dyschromia.
  • Purulent processes or bacterial infection.
  • Psychological disorders.

The most common complication is the addition of a secondary infection and atrophy of the skin. Scratching the epidermis negatively affects the protective properties of the skin, which contributes to the introduction of pathogenic microflora. This leads to the formation of purulent complications, the development of pyoderma and other conditions in which general well-being significantly worsens.

Diagnosis of itchy palms

The success of treatment of dermatological diseases largely depends on their correct and timely detection. Diagnosis of itching in the palms consists of various research methods. The first thing the doctor does is collect anamnesis:

  • How long ago did the unpleasant sensations appear?
  • Under what circumstances did itching occur, what became the provoking factor.
  • Are there any contacts with potential allergens: household chemicals, cosmetics with aggressive substances, etc.
  • Does the patient take medications?
  • Are there any changes to your usual diet?
  • The presence of chronic diseases and hereditary predispositions.

After collecting anamnesis, the doctor gives a referral for tests. Laboratory diagnostics consists of clinical and biochemical blood tests, urine and stool tests and a number of other tests. If itching is accompanied by rashes, peeling, skin cracks and other accompanying symptoms, then instrumental diagnostics are indicated. The patient undergoes various ultrasounds, a scraping may be taken from the site of the lesion and a number of other tests.

Difficulties during diagnosis arise when examining elderly patients. This is due to the fact that hands can itch due to age-related changes in internal organs that wear out, and the whole body as a whole.

Diagnostic errors are possible with psychogenic itching, when after therapy with antihistamines, the unpleasant sensations weaken, but after 2-3 days they return with renewed vigor. In this case, a comprehensive, comprehensive approach from different specialists is required, both to diagnosis and treatment.


Laboratory diagnosis of dermatological reactions is necessary to determine the cause of the pathological condition. Analyzes consist of the following procedures:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood sugar test.
  • Biochemical blood test for bilirubin, glucose and other components to determine cholestasis, renal failure or diabetes mellitus
  • Analysis of stool for the presence of worm eggs.
  • Coprocytogram.
  • Analysis for thyroid-stimulating and thyroid hormones if hypothyroidism is suspected.

The test results are taken into account in making the final diagnosis. If after laboratory tests no organic pathologies are detected, then an examination by a neurologist is necessary. This is associated with the risk of disorders of the nervous system, which may cause the urge to scratch the palms.

Instrumental diagnostics

Identifying the cause of itchy hands consists of different methods. Instrumental diagnostics are carried out when a rash, peeling, hyperemia, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms appear. To do this, scrapings are taken from the skin.

An ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs is also performed. This is necessary to identify pathologies of the pancreas and liver, which can provoke itching and burning of the hands and feet. Based on the results of instrumental studies, a final diagnosis can be made or additional examinations can be prescribed.

Differential diagnosis

Many dermatological reactions are accompanied by additional pathological symptoms. Differential diagnosis allows you to identify the true cause of the disorder and draw up a treatment plan.

Since itching most often occurs due to allergic reactions, it is necessary to identify the possible allergen. For these purposes, skin tests and provocative tests are performed. Differentiation is also made with psoriasis, fungal and bacterial infections, and scabies. Without fail, painful symptoms are compared with manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis is carried out by a dermatologist, surgeon, allergist, and neurologist.

Treatment of itchy palms

Successful treatment of itchy palms largely depends on its cause. Therapy is based on the results of diagnostics, which allows us to determine whether itching is a symptom of any serious diseases of the body or is it a temporary disorder. Both diagnosis and treatment are carried out by: therapist, dermatologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists.

  • If the desire to scratch your hands arises due to an allergy, then to reduce painful symptoms I prescribe anti-allergy drugs.
  • For various dermatological diseases, corticosteroid and hormonal ointments, biostimulants, and cytostatics are used.
  • If the discomfort is associated with disorders of the nervous system, then oral sedatives and sedatives are indicated.
  • For senile itching, lipotropic and hormonal medications are used.

Topical treatment consists of corticosteroid ointments, creams and lotions that contain menthol and other skin-soothing substances. Various physical procedures and diet therapy can also be prescribed to speed up the healing process.


Today, the pharmaceutical market offers many drugs that quickly eliminate itching of various origins. It is better to use medications as prescribed by a doctor, as this guarantees that the pathology will be eliminated without side effects. Self-medication is unacceptable, as progressive pain can lead to serious consequences and complications.

Let's look at the most effective medications:

  1. Itching and redness
  • Levomekol

A combined product containing an antibiotic and an immunostimulant. Used to treat inflammatory processes. Helps with itching, hyperemia, purulent wounds, burn injuries, boils and other dermatological diseases. The ointment is applied externally. To eliminate discomfort, apply the product to the palms 2-3 times a day in a thin layer. When using a large amount of ointment, allergic reactions are possible. The only contraindication is intolerance to the components of the product.

  • Levosin

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent with antimicrobial properties. It is used to treat allergic and purulent skin lesions of varying severity. The ointment can be applied directly to the skin or with gauze dressings. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

  • Fenistil

An antiallergic agent that reduces capillary permeability and relieves pain. It is used to treat itching and redness in various forms of allergies, insect bites, dermatitis and other lesions of the epidermis. The product is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. In case of overdose, allergic reactions become more pronounced. Not prescribed for patients with hypersensitivity to the drug.

  1. Itching, dryness, peeling, cracked skin
  • Bepanten

Ointment for the treatment of cracks, peeling, itching and excessive dryness of the skin. Can be used to care for newborns and older patients. Accelerates the healing and regeneration process of the skin. The ointment is applied to the skin 1-2 times a day, the duration of therapy depends on the severity of painful symptoms. Side effects occur in rare cases and manifest themselves in the form of urticaria. Since the product is indicated for topical use, an overdose is impossible.

  • Fucidin

Bacteriostatic agent for local use. It is used for infection of the wound surface, that is, for severe itching with tissue injury due to scratching. Available in the form of a suspension, cream, ointment and gel. The medicine is applied to the palms and other affected areas 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. Side effects are manifested by local reactions. The main contraindication is intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • La-cree

Anti-inflammatory non-hormonal cream based on herbal ingredients. Moisturizes and softens the skin, accelerates the regeneration process. The medicine is used for skin diseases with inflammation, itching, burning. Relieves irritation after insect bites and plant burns. The cream is applied to clean skin 1-2 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Adverse reactions occur extremely rarely and manifest themselves as increased itching.

  1. Itching and rash
  • Advantan

Local anti-inflammatory agent, reduces allergy symptoms. Eliminates itching, burning, rashes, redness and other skin reactions. Available in the form of ointment, cream and emulsion. It is used for dermatitis of various etiologies and various types of eczema. The product is applied once a day, the course of treatment should not exceed 12 weeks for adults and 4 weeks for children. Side effects occur extremely rarely, but can manifest themselves in the form of skin atrophy. The possibility of overdose with long-term use of the drug is excluded.

  • Triderm

A combined drug with anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic, antibacterial and antiexudative properties. It is used for various forms of eczema and other dermatological diseases. The medication is applied to the skin 2 times a day, lightly rubbing. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. Possible adverse reactions: changes in pigmentation, irritation, increased itching. Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the product, tuberculosis and syphilis of the skin, chicken pox, skin reactions after vaccination.

  • Belosalik

A combined agent that slows down the release of inflammatory mediators, reduces the production of cytokines and prevents the accumulation of neutrophils. Stops the inflammatory process, reduces itching and rashes, and creates an unfavorable environment for the proliferation of fungal or bacterial infections. Prescribed for urticaria, ichthyosis, neurodermatitis, dyshidrosis, lichen planus, pathological dry skin, keratosis and a number of other diseases. Rub the ointment or lotion with light movements into the affected areas. If prescribed by a doctor, the product can be used under occlusive dressings. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks, the medicine is applied to the skin 1-3 times a day. Possible adverse reactions: dryness and itching, irritation, burning. Not used for pustular diseases, open wound surfaces, fungal infections, skin tuberculosis.

  1. Itching and swelling
  • Panthenol

A medicine that contains an analogue of pantothenic acid. Used to accelerate the healing of skin and mucous membranes. Helps with abrasions, burns of various origins, bullous and blistering dermatitis. Effectively relieves swelling, eliminates inflammation and itching. Available in the form of a spray in an aerosol can. The drug must be applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. Side effects develop with increased sensitivity to the drug and manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions.

  • Vitaon

Wound healing and regenerating agent with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effects. It is used for various dermatological reactions and skin diseases. The product can be applied directly to the wound area or used under a bandage. The medicine is used 2 times a day for 5-7 days. As a rule, swelling and itching disappear on the 2nd day of treatment.

  1. Itching and increased sweating
  • Zinc ointment

An antiseptic for external use with astringent and drying properties. Helps in the treatment of itching of various etiologies, relieves swelling and other painful sensations. Helps normalize sweating. The ointment is applied to the skin in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. Side effects and risk of overdose have not been established.

  • Formalin ointment

It is used for excessive sweating of the palms and itching caused by this particular factor. The drug is applied to the palms and interdigital folds once a day. In some cases, adverse reactions are observed - irritation at the site of application. Not used for inflammatory lesions of the epidermis.

  1. “Burning” palms, burning and itching
  • Boromenthol

Antiseptic with analgesic properties. It is used to treat skin with itching, severe burning, neuralgia, and inflammatory lesions. The product is applied in a thin layer to the skin 1-2 times a day. No side effects or contraindications have been identified.

  • Menovazin

Topical preparation. Used as a local anesthetic. Helps with severe itching and feeling of burning palms. Prescribed for various dermatoses, myalgia, joint pain and as an antipruritic agent. Available in the form of an alcohol solution. Painful areas are treated with medicine 2-3 times a day. Its long-term use can cause adverse reactions: dizziness, general weakness.

  • Psilo-balm

Antiallergic agent for topical use. Reduces the permeability of the capillary vascular wall, reduces swelling and hyperemia of tissues. Has a pronounced antipruritic effect. It has local anesthetic and cooling properties. Used for various dermatological reactions. The gel must be applied in a thin layer to cleansed skin 3-4 times a day. The drug is well tolerated, so side effects are extremely rare. The gel is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components. In case of overdose or application of the product to large areas of skin, systemic absorption and signs of intoxication are possible. To eliminate them, symptomatic therapy is indicated.

If the palms itch due to allergic reactions, the patient is prescribed antihistamines that alleviate his condition. Most often, the following medications are used to eliminate painful sensations: Tavegil, Loratadine, Suprastin, Cetirizine. If unpleasant symptoms are associated with stress and other neurological factors, then sedatives are used. To reduce the severity of painful symptoms and calm the nervous system, you can use: Persen, Valerian, Glycine, Tenoten, Motherwort, Magne B6 and other drugs.


Palms itch for many reasons, one of them is vitamin deficiency. Vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body. Regular intake of beneficial micro and macroelements will help avoid skin problems.

  • A – protects the epidermis, accelerates regeneration processes. It has antioxidant properties, supports tissue elasticity and health. Necessary for elderly patients, as it slows down senile degenerative changes.
  • B5 and zinc - support the immune system, stimulate the fight against infections and bacteria. Microelements regulate metabolic processes in the body and improve the condition of tissues.
  • Selenium – is involved in the process of building new cells. Accelerates the healing of wounds, scratches, acne. Relieves irritation and participates in restoration processes.
  • C, E and P are antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals that are formed in the skin due to UV radiation and toxic substances. Reduces the risk of allergic reactions, prevents dryness, cracks and wrinkles. Vitamin E is responsible for the health of the skin of the hands, so it is especially necessary for itching and other painful symptoms.
  • D – protects the body from various dermatological diseases, prevents dryness, peeling and cracks of the skin.
  • N and PP are the main microelements responsible for the health and beauty of the skin. Participate in the process of collagen formation. A deficiency of these substances leads to dermatitis, eczema and ulcerative tissue lesions.

If itchy hands are accompanied by peeling, it is recommended to take vitamins B, F, A and PP. You can get useful substances from food or consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable vitamin complex.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Another therapeutic method used for many diseases is physiotherapy. Physiotherapeutic treatment for itchy palms can eliminate pain and prevent infection of tissues due to damage.

Popular physical treatments for hands:

  • Therapeutic baths with sea salt and essential oils.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Iontophoresis with novocaine.
  • Phototherapy.
  • Darsonvalization in the area of ​​itching.

The above procedures improve the body's barrier functions and protect the epidermis from various irritants. Some procedures are carried out when discomfort worsens, that is, to reduce itching, others are necessary to prevent it. For example, for rashes on the palms, ultrasound is used or a weak electric current is applied to them (darsonvalization). Physiotherapy is carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional treatment

Alternative medicine methods are used for various diseases. Alternative treatment for itchy palms and other dermatological reactions allows you to relieve pain and restore the skin. Herbal substances are used for therapy; consider popular antipruritic recipes:

  • Take a container that will fit your hands. Fill it with warm water, preferably boiled, add a handful of sea salt, lemon juice and a couple of drops of olive or essential oil. Place your palms in the bath and soak for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hands with warm water and dry gently with a soft towel.
  • Heat the olive oil in a water bath, add a capsule of vitamin A, E and a couple of drops of essential oil. Place your palms in the container with the solution for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands with warm water.
  • Mix a glass of sour cream with the juice of a whole lemon and one egg yolk. Apply all the components to a bandage and apply to your palms, wrap with polyethylene and a towel on top. After 20-30 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.
  • Pour the curdled milk or whey into a bowl and heat. Add a teaspoon of starch, stir well. Place your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, apply nourishing cream.
  • Pour a handful of oatmeal with warm milk or water. Once the flakes have swollen, apply them to your hands using a rubbing motion. After the procedure, wash your hands with warm water.
  • Grate a couple of potato tubers on a fine grater, cover your hands with it and put on rubber gloves. After two hours, wash off the mask and treat your skin with a moisturizing lotion.

Before using traditional methods, you should consult with your doctor and determine the causes of the discomfort.

Herbal treatment

Traditional treatment methods are based on herbal treatment. Decoctions, infusions, compresses and lotions are prepared from them. Consider effective herbal recipes for itchy hands:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of dill seeds with hot water and let it brew until it cools completely. The product must be strained and taken a couple of sips throughout the day.
  • Infusions of stinging nettle, mint, violet, lemon balm and burdock root have antipruritic properties. To prepare the medicine, take 1-2 tablespoons of the raw material and pour 250-300 ml of boiling water. After cooling, strain and drink throughout the day.
  • Pour boiling water over dried chamomile flowers and wrap them up. As soon as the infusion has cooled, it must be filtered and used for baths or lotions. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves irritation, burning and other unpleasant symptoms.

Some herbs may increase itching or cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using herbal therapy, it is worth consulting a dermatologist.


Itchy skin is an unpleasant phenomenon that occurs with various diseases. Homeopathy helps eliminate painful sensations without harming the body. For this purpose, special granules, ointments and drops are used.

Consider popular homeopathic antipruritics:

  • Allium – the desire to scratch the palms is accompanied by swelling and redness. Helps with discomfort due to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Aloe – severe itching of the hands of any origin.
  • Anacardium – increased skin dryness, cracks, burning, rashes.
  • Arnica – itching with swelling and severe redness of the palms. Used for rashes with weeping wounds and crusts.
  • Calcarea carbonica – severe itching, dry and hard skin. Helps with disorders caused by psychogenic factors.
  • Hepar sulfur – scratching of the skin, redness, swelling, small rashes.

The type of drug, its dosage and duration of use are selected by a homeopath, individual for each patient, focusing on the causes of the disorder.


It is much easier to prevent any disorder than to cure it. Prevention of itchy palms is based on following these recommendations:

  • If you are prone to allergic reactions, you must follow a hypoallergenic diet. You should not use household and cosmetic products containing substances that can provoke pathological reactions.
  • When working with aggressive substances and potential allergens, use protective gloves. When cleaning your home with household chemicals, be sure to ventilate the room.
  • Before using any cosmetics, test them. Apply a small amount behind the ear or on the crook of the elbow. If no side symptoms occur during the day, the drug can be used.
  • Maintain personal hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly after using the toilet, after being in public places and before eating. Use an antiseptic if necessary. Dry yourself only with your own personal towel.
  • If the disorder is associated with dermatological diseases, then you should contact a dermatologist and undergo the course of therapy prescribed by him. If itching is associated with damage to internal organs, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease. In most cases, the disorder has a positive prognosis. But if left unattended, it can lead to a number of negative consequences, the treatment of which is long and painful.

When a child's palms and feet itch, parents should not think that everything will go away on its own - they need to ask themselves: what is the reason for this phenomenon?

Itchy skin is caused by irritation of free nerve endings - sensory receptors. Itching can spread throughout the body, or it can be localized in one place.

A dermatologist often hears complaints that a child has itching in the area of ​​the palms and feet. Similar itching in the same places occurs in adults and it causes a lot of trouble for everyone. When scratched, the skin is traumatized, causing microcracks to appear, which open the way for all kinds of infection.

Causes of itchy palms and feet in children

Itching on the palms and soles of a child can occur for several reasons:

Enterovirus infection

The first of them is enterovirus . is diverse in its manifestation and can affect various organs, including the skin. When the skin is affected, children may develop viral exanthema. Exanthema is hyperemia, that is, redness of the skin, which most often appears on the upper half of the body, that is, on the head, arms, chest. Hyperemia appears immediately and does not rise above the skin level. Sometimes an enterovirus infection is observed with skin manifestations in the form of a vesicular rash that occurs on the feet and palms. The rash in the form of blisters disappeared after five to six days without opening the blisters, and in their place areas of pigmentation formed, disappearing after a few days.

Allergic reaction

The second reason why a child may have itchy palms and feet is an allergic reaction. Such a reaction can occur to certain foods, to medications taken, as well as to chemical detergents, cosmetics and perfumes - both for children and adults.

Fungal infection

The cause of itching on the palms and soles can be a fungal infection. True, it occurs much less frequently in children than in adults.


Other possible reasons that become the basis for the development of skin diseases, which are accompanied by itching of the feet and palms, include excessive dryness of the skin, vitamin deficiency - a lack of B vitamins. Avitaminosis often leads to the development of psoriasis.

Dyshidrotic eczema and dyshidrosis

A very serious cause can be called dyshidrotic eczema and dyshidrosis. The clinical picture of these diseases is as follows: transparent blisters appear on the side of the fingers, on the skin of the soles, palms, less often on the hands and back of the hands, sitting deep in the skin and visible even through the stratum corneum. When these bubbles appear, itching and burning appear, swelling increases, and hyperemia progresses.

Parents will be helped to determine the cause of itching by taking appropriate measures to eliminate the itching. If parents are sure of the allergic origin of the itching, they should consult an allergist-immunologist. Also, consultation with a doctor is necessary in case of prolonged long-term itching, which can also bother you at night, when itching spreads throughout the body, when itching is accompanied by other symptoms - rash, weight loss, fatigue, etc.

Itching of the palms is the body's response to external irritants. Also, unpleasant symptoms may appear due to certain diseases. It is not safe to ignore this condition, as itching can cause serious complications.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the causes, associated symptoms and treatment methods for irritation on the palms of the hands.

Causes of itchy palms

Unpleasant sensations can cause discomfort to the patient. Inaction or self-medication will only worsen the condition of the skin on your hands. To eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to influence the causes of their occurrence.

Most often, itching occurs due to environmental influences on the skin. Strong winds, excessively low or high temperatures disrupt the normal state of the epidermis. In this case, the irritation is not permanent. If your palms itch for a long time, the reasons may be the following:

Often, itchy sensations in the palms occur in women in late pregnancy. A rash and redness may also appear on the epidermis. No worries. If unpleasant symptoms do not cause severe inconvenience, then it is enough to use traditional medicine as a treatment.

Dry skin in older people

Older people have itchy palms due to dry skin. In order to improve its condition, it is recommended to use natural moisturizers.

In rare cases, itching on the hands appears as a result of problems with internal organs. These include: some liver and kidney diseases (cirrhosis, inflammation, hepatitis), metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes), malfunction of the nervous or lymphatic system.

Why do my palms itch? Finding the cause on your own is difficult. In order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to contact a qualified specialist. He will prescribe a laboratory examination for you and, based on the tests, make an accurate diagnosis.

Associated symptoms

Itching that bothers a person for a long time indicates serious problems. You should also consult a doctor if you notice additional symptoms:

  • Redness of the epidermis.
  • Peeling (appears in the presence of a fungal infection).
  • Formation of bubbles filled with liquid. They appear on the skin with eczema.
  • Minor rash. This symptom is typical for scabies, dermatitis or allergies.
  • Microcracks.
  • Dry skin (mainly caused by the use of household chemicals, washing powders and cosmetics).
  • Severe burning sensation.

Children are most susceptible to unpleasant symptoms. Poor nutrition, polluted air and water have a negative impact on their skin. If your child’s palm itches and rashes appear on the skin, consult a dermatologist immediately. The sooner you start treatment, the less harm will be done to the body.

How to treat itching in the palms of the hands

Depending on the cause of unpleasant symptoms, patients are prescribed individual therapy. If itching occurs due to allergies, then it can be eliminated using folk remedies. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to limit contact with the irritant.

Traditional methods of treatment

Most traditional medicines consist of natural and safe ingredients, so they do not cause any side effects or complications. They can also be used in childhood, during lactation and pregnancy.

  1. Almond or menthol oil. Apply a small amount to a cotton pad and spread it evenly over the affected area. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day until the itching is completely eliminated.
  2. Herbal baths. This method will help get rid of burning, redness and irritation in one week. For baths, you can use any herbs that have a calming effect (chamomile, lemon balm, sage, string, etc.). Pour a tablespoon of dry plant into a glass of hot water. Cool the product to a comfortable temperature. Use the baths twice a day for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Alcohol tincture. To prepare it, you will need to mix a teaspoon of crushed celandine with 50 ml of vodka. Wipe the affected areas of the skin with an alcohol setting at least twice a day.
  4. If your right palm is very itchy, you can cope with this symptom with the help of tea tree oil. Wipe clean skin of your hands with it 3 times a day. The course of treatment is one week.
  5. Herbal tea. In this case, it is better to use lemon balm. It has a calming effect on the epidermis, relieves itching and redness. A tablespoon of the plant is poured into a glass of boiling water. The resulting herbal tea should be taken until all symptoms completely go away. Treatment usually takes no more than three weeks.

Drug treatment

In more severe cases, unpleasant symptoms can only be eliminated with the help of medications. Before this, you need to visit a dermatologist and undergo a laboratory examination to determine the causes of itching.

There is no need to run to the doctors if you notice slight itching on the epidermis. Also, you should not do this if your left palm itches. From a medical point of view, such a symptom is not the cause of serious illness. We are talking about cases where this condition is observed very rarely.

To get rid of itching due to skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, fungal infection, scabies, etc.), antihistamines are used. They can also be used for allergic reactions. After the examination, the doctor will select the appropriate drug for you.

If the cause of the itching is not identified, then enterosorbents can be used. The most effective are “Polysorb” and “Enterosgel”. The drugs are taken orally only in the form of an aqueous suspension.

Preventive measures

The main rule to prevent itching is to wash your hands. Skin pathogens are transmitted through dirty handrails on public transport or during handshakes. If you do not have the opportunity to wash your hands regularly, then carry a sanitizer with you.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the appearance and condition of the skin of your hands, especially in the cold season. Moisturize your skin twice a day and don't forget to wear gloves in the cold.

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