Chihuahua weighs 1500 at 12 weeks. Chihuahua weight standard by month

Many dog ​​breeders or those just planning to get a Chihuahua breed are interested in its development. It is, of course, better to know in advance about the age at which a Chihuahua grows than to panic later that something is wrong with the dog and it is not developing properly, gaining weight and growing. Everything is quite simple, let’s figure out what stages the baby goes through in development and what height and weight is the norm for the breed.

Buying a puppy

Different dogs grow differently; small breeds usually grow up to a year. When purchasing a Chihuahua, it is important to know what weight and height it was born with and how much it had gained at the time of purchase. This will make it easier to navigate whether you are overfeeding her or underfeeding her. How a dog was raised in a kennel - a lot can also depend on its diet.

It’s also worth asking what category the breed belongs to. They are divided into several types according to size: mini and standard. But in the kennel club the following weight categories are written down in line - Cobby and Deer (deer type).

To distinguish who is in front of you, you should take a closer look at the appearance. Cobby has a denser body constitution, heavy bones, and a large head. They have a larger distance between their eyes, as well as between their ears, unlike Dir. The ears themselves are slightly smaller than those of thin “fawns”.

You should take a closer look and find out the breeders’ recommendations regarding the breed, since these types are rarely found in their pure form. The price of puppies also depends on whether it is a purebred Cobby or Deer or a mixed breed. Ultimately, it will be clear that low weight and height are due to genes, and such a Chihuahua will not grow much.

Weight and height standards for an adult dog

Weight norms and the breed standard have been mentioned repeatedly in our articles; let’s remember what it should be. The most ideal weight (height is not taken into account) is considered to be 1.5-3 kg. There may also be deviations from the norm, the standard is used to allow the dog to attend exhibitions.

Otherwise, the weight can reach up to 500 grams or be more than 5 kg. The average height that dogs have is 15-23 cm. This figure stops at around 1 year and does not increase after the age of 1 year.

It can be quietly overlooked, stepped on or pressed. And small ones, including light ones, are not welcome for breeding or participation in exhibitions. A table can help you choose the right weight that matches your age.

Growing up and stages of development

Until 2-3 months, the dog feeds on its mother’s milk, which gives it many benefits - vitamins and fat content of milk are the best immunostimulator for the baby. The bones, head and chest are actively growing, the coat becomes shiny, and the dog itself will be active and cheerful at the time of purchase.

True, her weight at this moment may be too low, but she will gain it later with interest. The main thing is to know the tendency of recruitment after birth - ask the breeder and what type she belongs to.

Any dog ​​of this breed, whether long-haired or smooth-haired, strong or thin-legged, grows up to 12 months. Her weight gains gradually, while bone growth lasts only 6-8 months. After which she stops growing in height and gains weight.

She gets stronger, so to speak, so after 7 months it is important to maintain a proper diet and monitor how much the dog eats. Physical activity is also very important to prevent obesity.

At this stage of development, more precisely from six months, the dog’s chest will still grow and the head will also grow, but the skeleton itself will no longer grow. In order for your dog to gain weight well, feed it with special food, carefully and hermetically packaged specifically for small decorative breeds.

Take time for walks and outdoor games. In order for your dog to grow and live to be 18-20 years old, eliminate stress for it and do not leave it alone, monitor hygiene and visit the veterinary clinic in a timely manner.

A dog is a faithful and devoted friend for a person, but in giving his loyalty he expects the same from his owner. The Chihuahua is a decorative lap dog that requires personal care.

There are many reasons why this type of dog has become so popular. Anyone can buy a pet, but not everyone knows that for this dog it is necessary to strictly take into account the weight and height table.

To properly maintain your dog, you will need: a Chihuahua weight table, which will help you learn about all the intricacies of this breed. This breed is considered the smallest in the famous Guinness Book of Records.

Standard weight

The weight standard comes from a table compiled by professional experts. After much research and observation.

Experienced experts - dog handlers can accurately determine the correct development of this species. Monitoring weight dynamics is essential to ensure your dog's normal growth and weight.

The weight table will help you effectively take care of your pet's performance. It is possible to determine the exact weight only with an error of 150 g. Healthy weight up to 3 kg. in an adult.

Features of weight categories

To use the table correctly, you need to know the initial weight of your pet. At birth, a newborn Chihuahua is incredibly small and its body weight is 5% of its mother's. This is an ambiguous statement; when several kittens are born, their weight decreases.

After small puppies are born, they very quickly gain the missing indicators. Naturally, birth weight is measured; it shows how well the puppy was fed by its mother.

The growth of puppies approximately ends at six months of age. The natural characteristics and movement patterns of Chihuahuas affect their performance.

Three month old chihuahua

During this period of a dog's life cycle, it weighs half as much as an adult. When purchasing this breed of decorative dogs, many people prefer smaller dogs.

It is impossible to know exactly how big she will grow, but it is approximately possible. If you pay attention to certain features, for example: a thin skeleton, small paws and head.

These are all signs that this puppy will be more miniature.

If the dog is more “square”, then it will grow more massive.

Its appearance and neatness depend on the weight of the bones and the structure of the skeleton. All of them are not large, but only miniature.

What is the table for?

Accordingly, it is needed for the correct adjustment of the dog’s development. So that the owner clearly knows what to feed the pet and in what quantities.

The standard exists to help and apply to all types of dogs. Health and normal development for a pet are very important, so every owner needs a weight table. The dog's growth can be rapid or, on the contrary, abruptly stop.

Table in detail

The table is very easy to use and easy to work with. It indicates the initial body weight at birth. Further indicators are calculated from it.

Body weight is measured for 26 consecutive weeks inclusive and at 18 months. Body weight at birth varies from 71 g to 156 g. By looking at the Chihuahua weight table in more detail, you can understand exactly what weight an adult dog will have.

How to use the table?

You rely on the dog's initial weight and age, look at the indicators. For example: if your pet was born with a body weight of 120 g, and he is currently 3 weeks old, then his standard should be 366 g.

And thus, once a week you weigh your pet and look at the parameters of the table. Your beloved pet will love this type of care.

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. With an elegant appearance and compact body structure, the animal has a height at the withers proportional to its weight.


These are very loyal animals, sincerely attached to their owner. They choose the caresses and hugs of the owner rather than games. Such attachment can be compared with the relationship between a baby and mother.

Very smart, not aggressive, good watchdogs, despite their mini size. Choosing this breed would be an excellent solution for those who want to get a miniature pet.

In addition to their characteristic character traits, feeding and care rules, you should know a little about their development and what influences it.

The breed standard does not indicate the exact height of the dog, but with proper development, adult Chihuahuas have 15-23 centimeters at the withers. Weight ranges from 2,500 to 3 kilograms. Animals grow up to seven months of age, and up to 12 months, they just gain weight.

general information

Puppies should develop with a certain pattern. Experts say that if the fetus develops correctly, it grows without problems. More detailed information about changes in the formation of a puppy can be found in the standard table.

Puppies have several stages of growth

icon-bell-o The first stage is intrauterine - the foundations of health and character are laid, which is an important factor when choosing a puppy. Pets should be taken with a pedigree, from healthy parents, from reputable breeders.

icon-bell-o The second is suckling, from birth to one and a half months. All responsibility for the formation of animals during this period lies with the breeder. If the future owner has experience in feeding, the baby can be adopted from four weeks of age, you just need to feed it correctly.


The third includes puppies aged 1.5 - 6 months. Often, at this time they end up with their owners. There is rapid growth and change of teeth.

Fourth - period 6 - 12 months. Quadrupeds stop growing.
At the fifth stage, the dog’s character is formed, growth stops, but active weight gain occurs.

Characteristics of growth


By the age of 6 months, the puppy should grow three times, the height at the withers doubles. At this stage of development, the formation of tubular bones slows down. At this time, the bones must be formed correctly, otherwise, if they suffer a serious illness or improper feeding, they will distort the proportions of the body, and this defect is irreparable.

  • The dog will have disproportionate shapes, and there will be no opportunity to take it to dog shows.

icon-bookmark-o Up to one and a half months, babies only grow in height. By two months it will already be clear what kind of skeleton the quadruped will eventually have.

After six months, flat bones enlarge and the sternum develops; the pet rapidly expands in width and gains weight up to a year. At this stage, development does not stop, but slows down. By the age of eight months, a Chihuahua is fully formed and ready to reproduce. Females begin to go into heat during this period.

icon-bookmark-o The first mating also affects growth, after which the dog stops growing altogether. Experts and dog handlers do not recommend mating at an early age so that the pet grows to its required size.

icon-bookmark-o It is not uncommon for babies to grow rapidly at the beginning of life and stop quite abruptly at four or five months. Therefore, you should not rely on the breed standard table.

icon-bookmark-o Chihuahua is a full member of the family. The cute creature brings true pleasure to the owners; a more cheerful, devoted four-legged one cannot be found.

Depending on his age, how many months will he take to grow and how much will he weigh when he grows up? And what should you do if, despite seemingly good care and proper feeding, your Chihuahua is not gaining weight well?

Chihuahuas are one of those breeds whose weight does not depend on gender. If with other, larger dogs, it is believed that the male should be larger than the female and this is clearly stated in the standard, then with the Chihuahua everything is different.

Based on feasibility dogs of this breed, it can be argued that the weight of the bitch should be from 2 to 3 kg, since otherwise problems may arise during pregnancy and childbirth.

A male dog can be much smaller, but its weight should not be less than 500 grams.

Many people think that a Chihuahua sitting in a teacup, bowl or handbag looks very cute. But dogs weighing less than 1.8 kg may have. Very small Chihuahuas are less able to tolerate both cold and heat, they have weaker immunity and are more fragile in build. In addition, mini and micro girls of this breed cannot give birth to puppies. The optimal weight for a girl of this breed can be considered to be between 2 and 2.7 kg. For males, much smaller sizes are also acceptable - a Chihuahua boy can weigh even 0.5-0.6 kg, although the best weight for him can be considered a weight from 1.3 to 2.7 kg.

Puppy weight by month

This table shows the weight gain of a Chihuahua puppy by week and month:

Puppy weight Dwarf Small Average Big
At birth 70-79 g 80-119 g 120-144 g 145-170 g
1 Week 106-113 g 142-184 g 198-227 g 255-269 g
2 weeks 142-156 g 184-255 g 284-312 g 354-383 g
3 weeks 170-198 g 227-312 g 369-397 g 454-496 g
1 month 200-230 g 270-370 g 455-485 g 540-650 g
2 months 315-370 g 455-610 g 680-765 g 825-1050 g
3 months 425-540 g 625-855 g 940-1050 g 1165-1400 g
4 months 570-710 g 855-1110 g 1250-1390 g 1535-1815
5 months 680-855 g 995-1305 g 1480-1645 g 1815-2150 g
6 months 745-945 g 1110-1450 g 1645-1845 2015-2410
7 months 855-1035 g 1225-1655 g 1810-2045 2215-2670 g
8 months 965-1125 g 1340-1505 g 2100-2245 g 2415-2930 g
9 months 1000-1200g 1400-1860 g 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
10 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 g 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
11 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 g 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
12 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 1700-1900 g 2500-3000 g

As can be seen from the table of weight by age, on average, representatives of this breed grow to 8-10 months.


In girls, growth may slow down sharply or even stop completely after the onset of the first heat. Even if she grows up after this, it will be very little, but a female Chihuahua can gain weight for several more months.

Some male puppies, having reached a certain height, also stop growing. As a rule, this is due to hereditary reasons.

Adult Chihuahua Dimensions

Despite the fact that the breed standard does not indicate the height at the withers, in standard dogs of this breed it is usually 18-23 cm. Moreover, unlike larger breeds, it is desirable that Chihuahua girls be larger than boys.

The body length, depending on the size of the dog and the permissible elongation index of 110, will be from 19.8 to 25.3 cm, while the minimum is taken to be 18 cm at the withers, and the maximum is 23 cm.

The chest circumference, depending on the size and weight, can range from 26 to 37 cm, considering that the dog’s weight is approximately 1-3 kg.

What affects a puppy's growth?

The height and weight of a Chihuahua puppy are influenced by both hereditary factors and health status. How active a pet’s lifestyle is can also affect what size it will reach.

The main factors that influence the development of a puppy:

  • genetics. For representatives of this breed, it is heredity that determines to what age the puppy will grow. Chihuahuas of some lines grow faster, others - slower. In addition, heredity also influences when the Chihuahua bitch begins her first heat, after which she will grow, if at all, only a little;
  • quality of cultivation. The fashion for mini dogs has created a trend towards weight loss in Chihuahua puppies. This, in turn, has led to the fact that some dishonest breeders, who would be more correctly called breeders, deliberately underfeed the babies of this breed so that they do not grow and remain miniature by the time of sale. Considering that Chihuahuas move to their new owners quite late - after three or even four months, it is not difficult to guess what consequences such rearing can lead to. As a result of underfeeding, puppies actually grow poorly and do not gain weight, but in addition to this, they can also get vitamin deficiency, allergies, severely weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, as well as chronic diseases of various systems and organs;
  • diseases. After most serious illnesses, the dog's growth slows down or even stops altogether;
  • . Chihuahuas must receive complete, high-quality food, but it must be taken into account that these dogs are prone to overeating and weight gain. Therefore, it is very important to measure your pet’s serving size exactly, down to the gram. And in order for him to be healthy and grow well, you need to feed your Chihuahua either ready-made premium food, or better yet, super-premium or holistic food. If the dog is eating, then it needs to receive a lot of protein foods, as well as foods containing calcium;
  • activity. If a Chihuahua moves enough, it trains its muscles and develops physically. At the same time, excess weight that the pet may have gained is lost. Also, puppies that willingly run and play grow faster in height.

The weight of a Chihuahua also depends on how much it weighed at birth.

A pet that weighs between 70 and 80 grams at birth will grow up to be very small - or even . A puppy weighing 80-120 grams at birth will be a small standard. And medium and large Chihuahuas weigh 120-145 and 145-170 grams at birth.


The weight of a Chihuahua also depends on the size of the litter. So, if a bitch gave birth to 1-3 babies, then among them there may be both large and medium-sized dogs. And if 4 or more puppies were born, then in this case they will be either mini or small standards.

What to do if your weight is below normal?

First of all, this issue worries the owners of Chihuahua girls, since bitches whose weight is 2 kg or more are allowed for breeding.

But the owners of boys of this breed may also be concerned that the pet does not live up to the standard, while some of them are worried that the male may be disqualified at the exhibition, while others are worried because standard and large Chihuahuas have better health than their smaller mini and, especially, micro relatives.

What to do if the Chihuahua’s weight does not reach the standard requirements?

First, you need to find out what the lack of weight or height may be associated with. If this is a hereditary problem, for example, if the puppy belongs to a line whose representatives mature late, then you just need to wait until the pet is fully grown and fully grown.

If a Chihuahua puppy does not grow well due to improper rearing or due to an illness suffered at an early age, then you need to consult a veterinarian and ask him to prescribe the most suitable vitamin and mineral supplements or other medications for your pet.

Sometimes it makes sense to reconsider your pet’s diet or living conditions.

So, for example, for a Chihuahua that eats natural food, it is recommended to increase the amount of protein products in the diet, and it would be better not meat, but fermented milk. The ideal option here is cottage cheese, because, in addition to protein, it also contains calcium, which is also necessary for the proper growth of the dog.

If the dog eats ready-made food, then you need to try to switch it to a higher quality food, for example, from premium to super-premium class.

Longer and more active walks with your Chihuahua will also be useful, although you need to make sure that the pet does not become overtired.

It should be remembered that the weight and size of puppies and adult dogs, which is given in the tables, is average, and that not all dogs, due to their individual characteristics, will have a real weight that corresponds to it.

Conclusion and conclusions

Chihuahuas are not large in size. These dogs, according to the breed standard, should weigh no more than 3 kg, and the lower permissible limit of their weight is indicated at 0.5 kg.

How quickly a puppy of this breed grows and what height and weight it reaches depends on many reasons, but feeding and caring for the pet plays an important role in this.

If a Chihuahua eats a complete and high-quality diet, if it has never had serious health problems, and if it moves a lot, then such a dog has every chance of achieving average height and weight.

Before purchasing, future owners of puppies of this breed are advised to ask the breeder how much a particular baby weighed at birth, since this will help more accurately determine the size of the dog when it is an adult.

Useful video

Useful and interesting facts about Chihuahuas:

In contact with

With obaki, Chihuahuas are true and devoted friends who sincerely become attached to their owner and prefer his hugs to a variety of games and entertainment. Wherein dogs are very smart and will never attract attention with aggression. Choosing a Chihuahua breed is an excellent solution for those who want to have a small pet or are planning to breed a puppy.

Chihuahua character

The character of dogs of this breed is formed early, as they mature quickly. By 12 months they are already fully formed both physically and psychologically.

One of the interesting features of the Chihuahua is ability to understand people, feel their mood. A Chihuahua will never approach an angry, irritated or conflicted person.

Good adaptability is characteristic of these dogs and, if necessary, they can get used to new circumstances. The Chihuahua will not suffer and get hung up on trifles if the living conditions are more than modest.

These dogs are also very proud, which significantly complicates their educational process. That's why The socialization of the dog should be at the forefront of training. Since these animals mature very early, this process should begin at 2-3 months. For socialization to be successful, the owner should devote more time to the Chihuahua– take the dog for walks more often, play with the dog, introduce it to other people and animals, especially dogs of the same breed. The main thing is that the Chihuahua does not feel aggression.

Absolutely all Chihuahuas are very curious. This is evidenced not only by their desire to carefully examine every corner of the home, but also by their love for a long time to observe what the owner is doing, even if these are the most ordinary actions.

Chihuahuas are incredibly temperamental and active. They express their emotions loudly and for absolutely any reason. Experienced veterinarians believe that Chihuahuas with long hair have a softer character, while the short-haired Chihuahua is a little more active and assertive. This should not be confused with anger - Chihuahuas can be jealous of their owner, but they are always loyal to him.

Dogs of this breed, unlike other dwarf breeds, have a stable psyche and a very brave heart. They are absolutely not cowardly, and can look at some things arrogantly. But sometimes these animals do not tolerate stressful situations well and they can even make a puddle.

Chihuahuas do not like to be yelled at and will not tolerate mistreatment.. They can be seriously offended and “hide” in their house or between the pillows, but they always try to meet their owner halfway.

These dogs also have excellent memory and are very careful. They can even be taught to bring light objects to their owner and use the simplest household appliances.

Lifespan of a Chihuahua

Toy breed dogs live slightly longer than other dog breeds. Average life expectancy of a Chihuahua with proper care and proper feeding will be about 11-18 years.

Chihuahua dog sizes

The height of a Chihuahua is usually from 15 centimeters to 23 centimeters, and The ideal weight is considered to be one and a half to three kilograms. A dog's weight less than 500 grams or more than three kilograms is unacceptable.

Chihuahua dogs, depending on height and weight, can be divided into several categories:

  • standard(this category includes dogs whose weight ranges from 2, 3 to 3 kilograms);
  • small standard (includes Chihuahuas that weigh from 1.8 to 2.3 kilograms);
  • mini(belongs to animals weighing from 1.5 kilograms to 1.8 kilograms);
  • super mini(includes dogs that weigh less than one and a half kilograms).

The body itself and the appearance of the animal are also taken into account. For example, the lighter the bone structure, the larger the dog will appear, and the heavier the bone structure, the smaller it will look. Also, the dog should not appear too frail or thin with long legs, or too big and short with short legs. A stocky and moderately well-fed Chihuahua is considered ideal. If this is a male, then the height of the withers should be equal to the length from the base of the tail to the withers, and females should have a more “stretched” body.

It is worth noting that keeping a dog weighing less than 1.5 kilograms requires a special diet and better care, since these animals are less viable. They should not be allowed to jump off high furniture (sofas, armchairs, beds, etc.) on their own, since such Chihuahuas are more prone to various limb injuries. They may also catch colds more often.

Possible colors of Chihuahua

This breed is unique in its number of colors. There are both traditional colors and very rare ones. The standard does not in any way prohibit combinations of colors and their diversity.

The most popular and traditional color is considered to be red. It can be plain, or it can be distinguished by the presence of a white mark on the paws or a white mask. The spotted red color is incredibly popular. immediately with a black and white mask. Sable color is also observed - red with a black mask. It may also include white markings.

The rarest colors are blue, pure white, black, brindle, chocolate, chocolate and tan, as well as all their combinations and variants.

How old do Chihuahuas grow?

The growth of dogs of this breed ends at approximately 6-7 months.. At six months you can most likely determine the dog's height.

Usually, already at six months, the dog’s growth stops and before 9-10 months the formation, expansion and “strengthening” of the body, especially the head and chest area, begins.

Chihuahua weight chart

All data is approximate and depends on what you are feeding your Chihuahua.

Cost of a Chihuahua puppy and price range in major cities

In general, prices for Chihuahua puppies range from $250 to $5,000. Naturally, if you compare the cost of puppies in Moscow, Belarus and Ukraine, in the Russian capital they will be significantly higher. The same can be said about puppies from peripheral nurseries - they will cost much less than in large cities.

For example, in Moscow, Chihuahua puppies of mini and super mini sizes cost from $1,000 to $3,000 (females from $1,500 to $3,000, males from $1,000 to $2,000). Breed class puppies will cost $800-1200, and pet class puppies will cost $250-800. At the same time, a dog without a pedigree can be purchased for $250-700. And in Belarus you can find a Chihuahua puppy from $150 to $700.

In Ukraine, a Chihuahua puppy can be purchased for approximately 2000-45000 hryvnia.