Boil on the inner labia. Possible causes, diagnosis and types of treatment for abscesses on the labia. Clinical manifestation of pathology


A boil on the labia is a process of inflammation on the skin in the form of a large painful pimple with pus in a woman, the treatment of which must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Furunculosis or a disease that is caused by these unpleasant neoplasms is often chronic; such a problem indicates serious disorders in the body.

What is a boil

A boil is popularly called a boil. This inflammatory process can affect the armpits, groin areas, arms and legs, and face. In a word, suppuration appears in areas of thick hair. A boil in an intimate area affects the follicle from which the hair grows and the area around or near it, forming a purulent sac. The causative agent of subcutaneous suppuration is the bacterium white or aureus Staphylococcus, which in no way relates to sexually transmitted diseases and other pathologies in this area.

How does a boil appear on the labia?

The development of a boil on the labia (infection and ripening) occurs in stages. If a pimple pops up in an intimate place, under no circumstances try to squeeze it out yourself, this sometimes leads to more serious consequences. Often a boil directly near the vagina causes embarrassment for many women, but do not forget that health is more important. The stages of development of the disease are:

  • pain syndrome;
  • the formation of red swelling in the groin, in the vulva area, similar to a large pimple, accompanied by discomfort and pain when pressed;
  • the formation of a purulent head after two to three days, the abscess noticeably increases in size (the average diameter of the tubercle is 1.5-2 cm), body temperature may rise and itching may be noted at the site of the abscess;
  • the boil breaks out and pus is revealed;
  • a purulent necrotic core remains at the site of the breakthrough, which dies over time;
  • the swelling goes away, leaving behind a small scar, which also soon disappears.

Observe the development of the boil. If an abscess on the labia does not go away on its own and does not open within a week and a half, you need to seek help from a surgeon. In this case, treatment with ointments, tablets, and compresses will be required. Sometimes surgery is needed. Often the appearance of one boil entails the spread of the disease in the form of several more suppurations.


The cause of the appearance of an abscess in the genital area, which is no different from the causes of the development of furunculosis elsewhere, is staphylococcus bacteria. As soon as the right conditions arise, they begin to multiply, releasing copious amounts of pus. Sometimes women, observing a problem, associate it with venereological diseases, but this is a mistaken opinion.

Experts identify the following main factors for the occurrence of suppuration:

  • decreased immunity;
  • recent infectious disease;
  • hypothermia;
  • poor hygiene in the intimate area;
  • increased sweating;
  • depilation;
  • cuts, scratches;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the body due to poor nutrition.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy and lactation are stressful for the body. During this period, the child “pulls” from the mother a large amount of necessary substances for growth and development. A woman’s immunity suffers, signaling this with herpes, pityriasis rosea and other dermatological problems, including furunculosis. Purulent abscesses during pregnancy and lactation should be treated very carefully with a minimum amount of medications that can harm the fetus or baby.

How to treat furunculosis

The process of general treatment, on which the result depends, should be approached with the utmost seriousness. Do not rush to apply a course of ointments or take medications without an accurate diagnosis. For example, a red bump that appears in the initial stages of boil development may indicate a fungus. A boil on the labia that causes chills and does not want to break through is treated with serious medications. In this case, inflammation is easily determined by a clinical blood test, which will show an elevated level of leukocytes.

There is also a safe treatment system that is suitable for pregnant women and women during lactation. These are traditional medicine methods that also help in the first stages of furunculosis. Please note that not all products are suitable for treatment due to the proximity of the mucous membrane, so choose safe components. Here are suitable traditional medicine recipes that will help get rid of boils on the surface of the skin:

  • Lotions and rinsing with infusions of medicinal herbs. To do it this way: brew one tablespoon of chamomile, calendula and thyme with a glass of boiling water, leave it covered for half an hour, strain from the petals and blades of grass. Moisten a piece of gauze or cotton cloth in the prepared broth, apply it to the boil for half an hour, securing it with tight-fitting underwear.
  • Ointment for calendula compress against boils. Here you will need dried calendula flowers (1 tablespoon) and the same amount of butter. The flowers need to be crushed into powder and mixed with oil at room temperature. In this case, it is recommended to use feminine hygiene pads as gauze, onto which the resulting ointment should be applied. The duration of the procedure is two hours.
  • Flax seed compress against boils. Grind the flaxseeds and pour them into two cotton bags. Dip each bag in hot water one by one and apply to the source of suppuration.

Drug therapy

If the boil does not want to break out on its own, then it is time for medication. To do this, use ointments and tablets prescribed by the doctor. You cannot take medications on your own; this sometimes leads to serious consequences, especially when it comes to potent drugs. The scheme is simple: apply cream to the area and leave it for a while.


The use of ointments for boils is a local treatment. Before starting such therapy, carefully read the instructions and make sure that you have no contraindications to this drug. The ointment can be applied as a cream or used as a base for a compress. The degree of development of the boil plays an important role. Popular means are:

  • ­ (see photo below) . This is an excellent antiseptic that has an antimicrobial effect. It is often prescribed for the treatment of boils on the genitals as a means of drawing out pus.
  • . It has a mild effect and does not irritate the mucous membrane, therefore it is important for the treatment of pustules on the labia. Has no side effects.
  • Ichthyol ointment. This remedy brings the fastest possible results when boils ripen. It must be used very carefully to treat ulcers on the labia; the ointment can cause irritation to the mucous membrane.
  • Levomekol. Endowed with antibacterial and restorative effects, it is prescribed to combat boils on the genitals.
  • Baneocin. Another effective antibacterial ointment against boils that pop up on the labia.
  • Clotrimazole. The ointment has contraindications and copes well with bacteria that cause abscesses on the labia.
  • . This is a remedy from the category of healing drugs, which is prescribed after opening a boil on the genitals. This ointment is approved for pregnant women and young children.
  • . This is the leader among ointments for healing boils in the intimate area. The product will help relieve pain and inflammation; it heals wounds of any depth without consequences.

Tablets for boils

There are no tablets for boils that appear on the labia. There are medications that relieve associated symptoms and destroy the bacterial infection. Inflammation and chills are relieved by analgesics and tablets containing ibuprofen. As for the bacteria that cause boils on the genitals, the most effective way to combat them is antibiotics. All medications against furunculosis on the labia minora and labia majora are prescribed by the attending physician, since taking many tablets has contraindications and side effects.

The occurrence of a boil in the intimate area is not uncommon. Often this phenomenon can be observed on the female labia.

The problem is very unpleasant, sometimes especially dangerous, and is accompanied by pronounced symptoms, which makes it necessary to urgently deal with it.

To properly treat a boil, you need to understand the peculiarities of its occurrence and development.

Main signs of the disease and treatment

The appearance of a boil on the leg, arm or back is an extremely undesirable, unpleasant phenomenon, and if it appears on the labia, the discomfort becomes several times greater. The cause of this inflammatory-purulent process is Staphylococcus aureus or white staphylococcus, but the woman washes herself to reward herself with this pathogenic organism.

To know how to treat a boil in the intimate area correctly, you need to learn to correctly recognize the problem and that is why it is worth considering the issues that relate to it more closely.

Stages of development

A boil may appear on the labia at any time. This disease occurs solely due to human fault, because the reasons due to which staphylococcus enters the body are considered to be:

You cannot become infected with a boil through sexual contact. After staphylococcus gets inside the hair follicle, it begins to actively develop and multiply, after which a boil appears on the labia.

A boil on the labia or in the vagina develops according to a certain principle, and doctors divide this process into three stages, at each of which the following changes occur:

  1. The first stage is the beginning of the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, the formation of an infiltrate, the appearance of a small red spot on the skin, which is very dense.
  2. The second stage is the compaction of the inflammatory-purulent formation, an increase in the area of ​​the problem, the formation of a purulent core, and its maturation.
  3. The third stage is when the boil reaches its maximum size, the purulent contents come out along with blood, and the wound heals.

It takes a little more than a week for all these stages to go through, but the maturation of the boil can be accelerated through proper treatment.


The formation of a large boil on the labia is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms that will be very easy to notice. A woman can guess that it is a boil that has popped up in her bikini area thanks to the following symptoms:

  • severe redness of the skin, which has no clear boundaries;
  • the occurrence of painful sensations when touching the affected area;
  • increased density of inflammatory formation, which is felt even inside the deep layers of the skin;
  • the presence of a yellowish rod in the center of the boil, which has clear boundaries;
  • slight increase in body temperature and general weakness of the body;
  • slight enlargement of lymph nodes.

Soreness and fever may continue until the boil breaks and the purulent contents are eliminated. Often the boil in the groin of women or on the labia is not too large and is single, but it happens that it turns out to be huge. If the boil is at the carbuncle stage or does not exist as a single variant, the woman should consult a doctor.

You should be especially careful about this inflammatory process during pregnancy, since the risk of infection of the body during this period can have fatal consequences. If a boil appears on the labia of a pregnant woman, it must be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Treatment methods

A surgeon can tell a woman how to treat a boil in the groin and labia. The method of influencing the problem is selected taking into account the factors in the development of the problem and the level of its severity. In addition to the possibility
To influence the problem with the help of traditional medicine recipes, there are the following measures of official medicine:

  1. A course of treatment of boils with antibiotics.
  2. Radiation, painless therapy.
  3. Surgery and removal of the boil.

Traditional treatment of the problem does not always give effective results, but can be used as an additional preventive measure, and traditional methods of treatment should be considered more closely.

Antibiotics are an effective treatment method

Almost always, a boil on the labia or in another area of ​​the intimate area must be treated with antibiotics. Your doctor may prescribe them in the form of ointments, tablets, or injections.

This will help reduce the risk of infection of the entire body, relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and speed up the process of boil maturation. The only prohibition against taking antibiotics is pregnancy and lactation.

Use of radiation treatment

If a woman who has a boil in her intimate area immediately consults a doctor, she will have the opportunity to cure the problem with radiation therapy. The procedure is carried out only at the initial stages of the development of the problem; the number of courses is determined by the doctor. The technique will help stop the development and reproduction of pathogenic organisms, which will stop the development of the disease.

Elimination by operation

If the boil on the genital organ is very large, causes discomfort in everyday life, or does not mature, the only way to get rid of the problem is surgery. Surgery is not performed often; it is done under general anesthesia. After opening and removing the purulent contents, the surgeon treats the wound with an antiseptic and applies a special tourniquet to the affected area. The rehabilitation period is less than a week, no complications are observed.

If the boil is not the only one, the problem has spread to the pubis or other parts of the body, you should consult a doctor, because we are already talking about furunculosis. This problem is treated in a hospital; the cause of its manifestation could be a large worm, the infectious pus from which entered the circulatory system. A lot of cheria in the intimate area or beyond its borders is a very serious problem and you should not wait until it resolves itself. You need to go to the hospital, where experienced doctors will decide exactly how to fix the problem.

Preventive measures

To prevent a boil from developing in the intimate area, a woman must very carefully monitor her health and follow basic hygiene rules. This type of inflammatory-purulent process can be avoided through the following preventive measures:

  1. Be careful when shaving and use products specifically designed for this.
  2. Correct selection of linen and timely change.
  3. Disinfection of small wounds and cracks that appear after shaving or insect bites.
  4. Wear warm clothes during the cold season.
  5. Constant saturation of the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Compliance with basic hygiene standards will help avoid the appearance of boils on the labia, but if such a problem occurs, a woman should not try to eliminate it on her own. Proper treatment guarantees a quick recovery and eliminates the possibility of complications.

If the problem occurs while carrying a baby or when a woman is breastfeeding, it is worth treating the boil under the strict supervision of a doctor. You cannot open a boil yourself or try to pierce it. If it does not exist in a single variant, the boil should absolutely not be heated, as this can significantly complicate the situation.

A furuncle is an acute inflammatory process of hair follicles, involving the sebaceous glands and soft tissues of the skin.

The main period of the disease occurs in the autumn and spring months and is most often observed in adult men. Often the disease progresses with the onset of cold weather. The effectiveness and healing time will depend on the most correct choice of treatment.

Boil concept

Boil (furuncle) is an acute dermatological disease that is purulent-inflammatory in nature. Unlike similar diseases - osteofolliculitis, which affect the hair follicle, the internal skin becomes inflamed, which is why serious complications due to the disease are often observed. For example, very often problems of a related nature arise, for example, staphyloderma and.

Causes of the disease

Boils appear as a result of the rapid spread of staphylococcal infection in the human body. Scientific medical research has proven that 10% of staphylococci present on human skin are pathogenic microorganisms. In patients with boils, the ratio of pathogenic microorganisms to other forms reaches over 90%.

The main reasons for the formation of a boil are a weakened immune system, frequent skin contamination and infection. A noticeable decrease in immunity, which is a common cause of the disease, can be caused by the development of chronic diseases such as bronchial disease, tuberculosis, hepatitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, as well as metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, endocrine obesity). Very often, the occurrence of boils is caused by irritation of the skin due to increased sweating, microtrauma (scratching, causing infection inside the skin), and inguinal athlete's foot.

Symptoms of boil formation

It should be borne in mind that the source of the disease occurs with frequent sweating and wearing very tight clothes (when they rub against the skin). Often boils form in the armpits, groin, thighs, buttocks and lower back.

Symptoms of boil formation imply three stages of development:

The next phase begins a few days after the onset of the disease. A necrotic rod (root) is formed, purulent in nature, which comes to the surface of the skin (pustule).

During this period, a person’s body temperature very often rises to 39 degrees Celsius, with a feeling of sharp pain in the source of inflammation, malaise of the whole body, headache, and weakness. Appetite deteriorates sharply. Subsequently, the abscess is opened, with purulent masses leaving the wound and the necrotic core coming out. Then the swelling subsides and the recovery period begins;

Boils in the ear

The process of formation of a boil in the ear is accompanied by acute pain in the concha of the ear, as well as severe headaches of a diffuse nature, which can extend to the temple and jaw. The main danger when a boil forms in the ear canal is the possible blockage of the ear canal, which subsequently significantly deteriorates hearing qualities.

Boils on the face

The process of localizing the disease in the facial part brings physical suffering and affects overall well-being. As a rule, it forms in the area of ​​the eye, lip or nose. The cause of infection on the face is a streptococcal infection, which occurs as a result of using an unclean towel when wiping the face and touching it with unwashed hands. People at risk include people with acne and large pores.

It is especially dangerous to squeeze pimples with dirty hands, due to the risk of introducing pathogens. In childhood, the formation of a boil on the face can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body.

Boil in the nose

This disease can be very dangerous, since if it is squeezed out on its own, the infection along with the bloodstream can enter the brain tissue.

The main symptoms of an infection in the nose:

  1. Touching your face and nose with dirty hands.
  2. Washing your face with dirty water.
  3. The use of unclean hygiene items - towels, napkins, which can be saturated with a variety of pathogenic bacteria.

The presence of chronic sinusitis and adenoids is especially dangerous. Also, maintaining the proper level of immunity plays an important role.

Formation of a boil on the labia

The course of the disease is characterized by the manifestation of pain symptoms. At the very beginning of the disease, compaction appears, with the formation of edema of the skin tissue. After a few days, the purulent core matures, with the appearance of a purulent core and vesicles around it. Usually the temperature rises to 38 degrees Celsius, headache and muscle pain, and the intestinal nodes become inflamed. The boil, on average, goes away within 10 - 12 days, but, nevertheless, treatment cannot be started, as this is fraught with serious consequences (blood poisoning).

When preventing and treating genital boils, special attention should be paid to genital hygiene.

Boil on the butt

The formation of this disease on the buttocks is most noticeable, as it creates certain difficulties when moving and sitting. Initially, a small red spot forms, which after 1–2 days begins to itch and severe pain appears. Then a dense core is formed due to the formation of pathogenic bacteria under the skin, especially with intensive scratching of the source of infection. The disease goes away in 7–10 days. It is necessary to use special ointments, especially when opening an abscess, to avoid the spread of infection throughout the body.

Furuncle under armpit

The cause of a boil under the armpit may be the following factors:

  • presence of weakened immunity;
  • poor quality nutrition;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • intense sweating;
  • the appearance of microtraumas;
  • frequent skin contamination.

Very often, several boils form simultaneously in the armpit - furunculosis. The cause of a boil may be frequent hypothermia and poor hygiene.

If the disease occurs, it is necessary to urgently contact a surgeon for treatment, since the proximity of the lymph nodes is fraught with complications associated with the spread of infection.

Furuncle on the leg

This disease is caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which causes necrosis of the soft tissues of the leg. The incubation period is 2–3 days, and the boil can grow to the size of a pigeon egg.

Often the disease appears as a result of the formation of damage to the skin, for example, after hair removal, as well as in diabetes, general hypothermia, and bruises of the legs. For treatment, you need to consult a doctor who will carefully open and remove the boil, which will help avoid many complications - blood poisoning, sexual dysfunction.

Treatment of boils

As a rule, treatment of a boil occurs surgically, since this disease is quite serious. If there is serious swelling of the soft tissues on the lips, cheeks or eyes, urgent hospitalization is necessary. The occurrence of boils in children is especially dangerous, due to a weak immune system.

Antibiotics for boils

Before using antibiotics, you should consult a qualified healthcare professional. Treatment begins, in most cases, with amoxicillin and ampicillin. To enhance the healing process, clavulanic acid is used in conjunction with amoxicillin. This combination is killer. The use of Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Ranklav also gives excellent results.

Removing a boil

The removal operation is simple and takes place under local anesthesia. The abscess is opened and the pus is removed along with the purulent core. After which, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide, and a bandage is applied on top using tetracycline or syntomycin ointment. The bandage changes every day.

Treatment of boils at home

The best option is to apply a warm, damp compress to the boil, which will improve blood circulation in the wound area. It is advisable to use sea or Epsom salts.

A very effective effect is obtained by using turmeric, which is taken orally (3 times a day, one teaspoon, washed down with 0.5 liters of water). Very effective pulling ointments are Ichthyol, Vishnevsky, Levomekol.

A very popular recipe for treating a boil is a baked onion, which is applied to the wound and bandaged. The dressing should be changed every four hours.

All actions are carried out only with clean hands, in compliance with hygiene rules.

Considering the high probability of complications, the boil should not be squeezed out under any circumstances, in order to avoid dangerous microorganisms entering the wound into the circulatory system. The best way out is to seek treatment from a surgeon.

Articles on the topic

A boil on the labia causes severe discomfort, itching and pain and poses a danger to its owner. It is not uncommon and if left untreated, can have serious consequences in the form of spread of infection to the genitals.

Why do boils appear in the groin area?

Causes of boils in intimate places:

  • insufficient compliance with the rules of sexual hygiene;
  • weak immune system;
  • high air humidity for a long time;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hypothermia (in rare cases, overheating) of the body;
  • diabetes;
  • damage to the mucous membrane and subsequent entry of infection inside.

A boil on the labia most often appears when the seasons change, because it is during this period that factors for the formation of boils in the intimate area arise - humidity, vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity.

Stages of manifestation of a boil

Manifestation and stages of development of an abscess on the genitals:

  1. Redness and swelling appear first which are accompanied by itching;
  2. A boil on the genitals appears as a red lump, which hurts when touched and causes discomfort when walking. If the boil is located on the labia minora, sexual intercourse also causes pain.
  3. After a few days an abscess appears in the form of a white spot, which hurts even more and stings.
  4. Then the boil opens and a purulent core remains, which resolves over time.

As with normal inflammation, during this period the temperature may rise and weakness may occur.

The formation of a boil can be confused with other diseases, the symptoms of which involve rashes, but in these cases there is no purulent core.

When should you see a doctor?

A doctor may be needed in the following cases:

  • a boil in an intimate place has become large and interferes with normal life activities;
  • the boil is accompanied by poor health and fever;
  • Cheers appear quite often.

Treatment of a boil

In the absence of irritating factors, the boil in the groin will go away on its own, but if the boil appears directly on the labia, then the doctor must decide how to treat it.

Pulling ointments

Such ointments are used against boils on the genitals at the initial stage; they draw out pus and contribute to the development and formation of an abscess. Thus, the boil matures and opens faster.

Your doctor may prescribe the following ointments:

  • Ichthyol ointment- can be used when a boil just appears on the genitals, used in the form of compresses that are applied for 2-3 hours.
  • Heparin ointment- has anti-inflammatory, vasodilating and antiseptic effects, cannot be used during pregnancy.
  • Syntomycin ointment- in addition to drawing out pus, it has a drying and healing effect; for furunculosis, it is used under a bandage.

Levomekol can be used as a remedy for acne on the genitals, due to the presence of antibiotics. It can be used both in the treatment of chiryak directly on the labia and in the groin in women. This ointment is considered one of the best for fighting boils.

The ointment is soaked in sterile gauze and applied to the skin; this bandage prevents the infection from spreading and soothes inflammation.

Surgical intervention

If the boil in an intimate area is very large, you should consult a surgeon.

Removing a boil on the genitals consists of several stages:

  1. local anesthesia;
  2. opening an abscess in an intimate place;
  3. removal of purulent-necrotic masses;
  4. treatment of the labia with hydrogen peroxide;
  5. applying a bandage with healing and disinfecting ointment.

You should not open the abscess yourself - this can introduce an infection into the wound and lead to serious complications.

Using a laser

This method is more innovative than the standard surgical removal of a boil in the vagina. It clears up in 20 minutes, and there is no scar left after treatment. To treat chiria on the genitals, you only need one procedure.

To carry out laser cleaning, you do not need to wait until the boil on the genitals matures; it can be carried out at any stage of the development of inflammation. This method has no contraindications or side effects.

To prescribe this procedure, you need to consult with a doctor who will conduct a diagnosis and, if necessary, sign the patient up for laser cleaning.

Folk remedies

When it comes to boils on the labia, you should be careful with traditional medicine. The mucous tissue and skin in the intimate area are very delicate, and when using garlic and onion compresses, they can be easily damaged.

In this case, traditional medicine should be considered solely as an adjunct to the main drug treatment.

Suitable methods:

  • Freshly squeezed nettle juice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood, you can drink it 3 times a week, 15 ml each. while eating.
  • A teaspoon of dandelion(roots and grass) leave for 3 hours in a glass of boiling water, clear the infusion and drink 1 tbsp. l. up to 6 times a day. This remedy also cleanses the blood and prevents the formation of new boils.
  • Applying honey cake helps to draw out pus, you need to mix a cake from flour and honey and apply it to the labia at night.
  • 15 burdock seeds pour into 300 ml. water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat, then cool until warm and drink.

Acne after childbirth - what to do?

A couple of weeks after giving birth, a woman may notice painful pimples or even large boils on the labia minora. This occurs due to microbes entering the sebaceous gland during labor or lack of personal hygiene afterward.

During the postpartum period, a woman’s body is weakened - the immune system is reduced and cannot resist microbes that, when entering a favorable environment, cause inflammation.

What to do:

  • at the initial stage, apply Vishnevsky ointment or honey cake to the genitals;
  • after the boil bursts - Levomikol.

All this should be done after consultation with a gynecologist, who will rule out other possible causes.


Complications can occur for three reasons:

  1. Breaking inside- occurs rarely, but requires prompt consultation with a doctor, as it causes diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature.
  2. Ignoring genital inflammation and its causes- You should find out the cause and carefully handle the affected area.
  3. Injury to the boil and infection during self-medication - chiri may itch and hurt, but it is not advisable to touch them or try to pierce them.

Attention! If the boil has broken through, then you need to remove the pus with clean hands, treat it with hydrogen peroxide, and then apply a bandage with Levomikol. After treatment, you need to treat your hands with an antibacterial agent.

What complications can there be:

  1. furunculosis of the labia - multiple chiria;
  2. phlegmon - diffuse purulent inflammation;
  3. sepsis - purulent inflammation that affects all organs;
  4. Erysipelas is an infectious disease.


If from time to time large boils appear in the groin area and on the labia, then you need to take action. preventive measures:

  1. refuse spicy, fatty and spicy foods;
  2. maintain personal hygiene - change linen daily and disinfect damage;
  3. avoid hypothermia and stress;
  4. take vitamins to maintain immunity;
  5. removal must be careful and accompanied by disinfection treatment.

If boils continue to appear on the genitals even if these rules are followed, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis of the body and identify the causative factor.

Furunculosis, a common disease, can have serious consequences if left untreated. It’s a pity that not everyone immediately turns to a doctor with such a problem. Treatment must be carried out to avoid complications and side effects. The disease is sometimes accompanied by severe pain and itching. It is especially unpleasant when a boil occurs on the skin of the genital organs.

To begin with, after you find a boil on your intimate organs, consult a doctor. Especially if you don’t know what exactly popped up on your labia. The surgeon can remove the purulent core if it does not open on its own, or prescribe local or general treatment.

A furuncle, in other words a boil, causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. It appears due to inflammation in tissues caused by microbes or staphylococcal bacteria. Most often, this problem can occur in areas of your body where there is hair.

If immunity is reduced or basic hygiene rules are not fully observed, under stress and hypothermia the body becomes more vulnerable and more susceptible to infections. At this time, a boil may pop out.

Those who have suffered an injury or cut in intimate places are also at risk of developing a boil on their genitals. A small crack may appear in this place, and inflammation and a boil may develop on it. The cause may also be wearing clothes that are tight or made from synthetic fabrics. It happens that you can simply rub an intimate area. All of these factors, individually or together, can lead to infection.

How it manifests itself

The disease can be recognized by a red, painful lump in the intimate area. It hurts and is inflamed, it is difficult not to notice it, but it cannot be ignored. Within a few days, a purulent spot appears in the center of the tubercle. It tingles, grows in volume, causes pain, tugs, and after a while the purulent place opens up. A hard core appears in place of the abscess. Later it will resolve, but the boil may leave a mark on this place.

Boils on the labia may even be accompanied by fever and weakness, because an inflammatory process occurs in the body. During this period, the number of leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood is increased.

How long will it take to be treated?

Alas, the boil does not go away quickly. It will take about one and a half to two weeks for it to completely dissolve. Sometimes treatment can take up to a month.

The reasons why the disease may develop also include high humidity in the place where you live, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and vitamin deficiency. Mostly, boils appear in people in the off-season, when the immune system is weakened.

With furunculosis, swelling may also appear on the labia, and then this place may be very itchy.

The boil must ripen and open. If this does not happen, prolonged inflammation or even blood poisoning may occur.

Such boils in women are mostly single. But when there are several of them, this is already a reason to sound the alarm so that furunculosis does not develop into an acute or chronic form. To do this, you definitely need to be treated by identifying the reason why boils appear.

Sometimes a boil in intimate places is confused with some kind of fungal infection. In order to identify an accurate diagnosis, you need to take a test to rule out fungal infection, for which a completely different treatment is prescribed.


Before you begin to treat a boil, you need to take into account the degree of its maturity. Before opening the boil, it is treated with salicylic alcohol or a special ointment. After opening, apply a bandage with healing ointment. If there is a risk of infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections. Applications and lotions with calendula and other decoctions of medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory effects also work well. Under no circumstances should the contents of the boil be squeezed out. This is fraught with health problems in the future, as boils will appear frequently and throughout the body. There is also a high risk of serious complications - up to multiple abscesses, erysipelas and phlegmon.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. Conservative treatment is carried out with antibacterial agents, creams and pulling ointments. Sometimes the surgeon may open the abscess. This operation is performed under local anesthesia. After this, the doctor applies a tampon with an antiseptic. Often, in order for the wound to heal faster, physical procedures may be prescribed - infrared irradiation, electrophoresis, UHF and others. All this contributes to rapid healing.

To permanently get rid of staphylococcus, which provokes the disease, antibiotics are prescribed. Warm compresses are also used to help the boil ripen faster and speed up recovery. The area where the compress is applied should be covered with a dry, clean bandage. You can also treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide; all manipulations must be performed until the wound is completely healed.

It is noteworthy that the appearance of such an infection may indicate that a person has diabetes. In order not to miss the onset of a terrible disease, it would not hurt to donate blood to determine the sugar content.


It is not difficult to follow preventive measures against furunculosis. You just need to maintain intimate hygiene, carefully shave in the bikini area and wax to avoid cuts. And also support your immune system, eat well, and don’t get too cold. Take vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs during the cold period, avoid colds, stress and other negative factors. And no boils will dare to bother you. Be healthy!